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2023-07-16 19:14:38
  写英语的邮件本就讲究技巧,写给老板的邮件更是如此,下面是我整理的给老板写英语邮件的七个技巧, 希望对大家有帮助。

  If you really want to get your message across, make sure you understand the mindset of the person youu2019re emailing.

  以下是能帮你写好邮件的七个建议,这些都是从我担任战略顾问的25年 经验 中 总结 而来。这七大诀窍有一个共同点,那就是都非常注重揣摩阅读者的心理。为什么这一点非常重要?在对方收到你发出的邮件后,他就会马上在心里将你的邮件进行分拣归类,很有可能就归入了那些糟糕的类目下,比如:“忽略并归类为垃圾邮件”、“以后再读”、“现在读,但不采取行动”等等。而显然,你所期望的是对方将你的邮件归类为“现在看并马上采取行动”。

  Below youu2019ll find seven tips to help you be a better email writer, which I have drawn from my 25 yearsu2019 experience as a strategy consultant. What these seven tips have in common is that they focus on the psychology of the reader. Why is that important? As soon as a reader receives a text, he mentally pigeonholes it into one of several, possibly damning categories: “ignore and ditch,” “read later,” “read now, but no action.” Obviously you want your reader to pigeonhole your textin the “read and act now” slot.

  如果想要你的阅读者做出积极的回应,懂一点社会心理学和行为经济学会对你有所帮助。具体来说,关于这两个领域的一些基础知识,有两本书非常值得一读。第一本是罗伯特u2022希尔蒂尼(Robert Cialdini)的《影响力:说服的心理学》(Influence:The Psychology of Persuasion),这本书对顺从行为进行了心理学分析,即什么因素能让一个人答应他人的要求;另外一本是由理查德u2022塞勒(Richard Thaler)和卡斯u2022孙斯坦因(Cass Sunstein)合著的《推动力》(Nudge),这本书对各种系统进行了分析,帮助人们提高作出对自身更为有利选择的能力。虽然这两本书本身不涉及商务写作,但是包含了一些非常实用的相关理论。在这些理论的基础上,我总结出了以下的建议,它们与你在别的地方学到的那些常见的商务写作技巧,比如“避免使用被动语态”、“避免使用行业术语和缩略语”、“变换语句的长度和结构”等,将互为补充。

  To get your reader to respond positively, it helps to understand a little about social psychology and behavioral economics. Specifically, two great books serve as a good intellectual foundation to these fields. The first is Robert Cialdiniu2019sInfluence: The Psychology of Persuasion, which addresses the psychology of compliance, i.e. the factors that cause one person to say yes to another person. The second is Richard Thaleru2019s and Cass Sunsteinu2019sNudge, which examines systems that help people improve their ability to select options that will make them better off. While these books donu2019t deal with business writing per se, they contain relevant and applicable insights. They lead to tips that you will find complementary to the often technical tips about business writing that you find elsewhere, such as “avoid the passive voice,” “avoid jargon and acronyms,” and “vary the length and structure of your sentences.”

  Take into account where and when your boss reads your text.In todayu2019s fast-paced world of instant, omnipresent and byte-size hypercommunication, it is easy and tempting to fire off a text to your targeted reader as soon as you have finished writing it. But think about when and where he will receive your text. For example, it may not be a great idea to mail a request for a two-months leave of absence to your boss on a Friday evening when he is waiting at an overcrowded airport for a delayed return flight home after three days of intense and unsuccessful negotiations with union delegates. Your request may be perfectly reasonable and eloquently worked out, but youu2019d better wait for a more auspicious time and place for it to land in your bossu2019s inbox",event)">inbox.

  Stand out in a crowded inbox",event)">inbox by using clues.Busy as businesspeople are, they cannot afford to think too long about every decision they have to make. They often make fairly automatic decisions based on past experience or just one written clue that is presented to them. It starts with simple things like the subject header of your mail: it should convey opportunity and benefit to the reader rather than effort and goodwill from him. For example, when you write an email to solicit participation in a benchmarking exercise, the heading “Study” may evoke more dreadful associations than “How to improve performance.” More profoundly, make yourself likeable to your reader, for example, by referring to shared interests or flattering him. Of course youu2019re walking a fine line: you donu2019t want to mislead, deceive or manipulate your readers; you simply want to convince, persuade and facilitate.

  Personalize your message.There are occasions when you have to send essentially the same textto several readers, such as when you need data from several colleagues to build a business case. You can either broadcast a standard request or send personalized requests separately. While the broadcast initially may appear more efficient to you, you risk running into the so-called bystander effect. First, each person reasons that others will respond, and therefore will do nothing. Second, each person waits for a response from the others to find out whether the request is really that serious or important. You will probably get a higher response rate if you take some time to personalize your messages. Of course, be a bit more sophisticated and less lazy than simply replacing “Dear Team” by “Dear Suzy”.
  注意受众中的神秘读者。任何一本优秀的商业写作指南都会告诉你,必须考虑到接收你消息的各种不同的读者群体。例如,如果你正在写一份并购目标评估 报告 ,公司的首席执行官、董事会以及投资银行家都可能阅读这份报告,你知道他们的需求各不相同。更难应对的是神秘读者——那些你一无所知的读者。比如,你的某个目标读者可能(不经意地)将消息转发给你认为不应该读取该消息的某个人。请记住网络版的墨菲定律:“有可能出错的事情总会出错。”另外一个例子就是在你和目标管理者之间充当哨兵的个人助理,这些人会浏览和过滤所有来信。遇到这种情况时,你可以先写一封邮件作掩护,专门让助理去处理。不要忘了,一份文件可能会储存很长时间,有可能在几年后才会被不知原委的人阅读,因而可能出现误解。所以要充分考虑神秘读者的存在,以及如何进行应对。

  Beware of the mystery readers in your audience.Every guide on business writing worth its salt will tell you that you have to take into account the various reader segments that your text is addressing. For example, if youu2019re writing an assessment of an acquisition target, you know that both your CEO, your companyu2019s Board and their investment banker, each with different needs, may read it. Much more tricky to deal with are the mystery readers — that is those you donu2019t know about. For example, one of your targeted readers may (inadvertently) forward your text to a person who in your mind should be the last to read it. Remember the cyberversion of Murphyu2019s infamous law that “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” Another example is the personal assistant who stands as a sentinel between you and your targeted executive, scanning and filtering all incoming mail, in which case you might write a cover email designed to make her act first. And donu2019t forget that a document can have a long shelf life and be read a few years later by people who have no clue about its original context, and thus may misinterpret it. So think through the mystery readers and how you could cope with them.

  Kill the mosquitos. Of course most of your readers are no fools.They know that content is more important than form, and that an attractive form (clear building blocks, an appealing lay-out, page numbering, etc.) is no guarantee of the quality of the content. Nevertheless they often reason unconsciously that, if the author didnu2019t even bother about formal quality, in all likelihood he didnu2019t bother about the quality of the content either. Form quality also neutralizes the so-called mosquitos. We are all familiar with them: the people who attend a presentation and immediately turn to the pages with a pie chart to check that the percentages add up to exactly one hundred. While these nitpickers are neither lethal nor value-adding, donu2019t make it easy for them to criticize your email presentation and distract your audience from your real message.
  让回应你的邮件变得简单。评价一块布丁的好坏要靠品尝,而检验写作的质量则是要根据读者的反应。切记,不回复往往是一种更方便的选择。虽然你很难迫使读者作出回应,但是至少你可以刺激一下他们。为此,从开头的第一句话就要表明来意,说明你为什么写这份邮件,以及你希望对方作出什么样的回应—— 商务信函不应该像是推理小说。到结尾时,要为读者提供默认选项,方便对方做出回应。例如,你可以在邮件中写:“如果您在周一之前没有回信,我就会当做您同意了我的建议。”(当然,如果邮件的接收者是你的顶头上司,这一点就很难做到。)默认选项的威力巨大,因为人们往往不愿意花太多精力去做别的选择。人们往往很难对默认选项说不,特别是当你指出,你提供的选项是正常的,或者甚至是被他人所推荐的。如果默认选项不太好想到,你可以明确向读者表示你期待回复,并请他们告知他们的打算,以及相关的时间和方式。仅仅是询问人们的计划就可以起到推动作用。

  Make it easy to respond to your text.If the proof of the pudding is in the eating, then the proof of your writing is in your readeru2019s response. But remember that not responding is often a more convenient alternative. While it is hard to force a response, at least you can prod. To start with, make it clear, almost from the very first sentence, why you are writing to the reader and what you expect from her u2013 business texts should not be mystery novels. And when you come to the end, make it easy for the reader to respond by providing her with a default option. For example, you might include in your email: “Unless I hear from you by Monday, I will assume that you agree with my recommendation.” (This might be difficult if your reader is your boss.) Defaults are powerful because people often are not willing to spend much effort coming up with other options. The choice for the default option is especially hard to resist if you suggest that yours is the normal or even recommended choice. If there is no easy default option, you can explicitly tell your readers that you expect a response, and you can ask them to let you know what they intend to do, by when, and how. The mere fact of asking people what they intend to do acts as a nudge.

  Work and work again on your text.There is no escape. Writing a high-quality text takes effort and consequently time. Consider Thomas Edisonu2019s most endearing maxims: “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” The opportunity relates to the return you might get from spending a bit more time on raising the quality of your text. Chances are your audience will then notice, read, understand, and act upon your message after only hitting the send button once.

  总而言之,邮件作者应当像设计师那样精心设计自己的邮件。好的商务邮件作者既不是艺术家也不是工程师;他是可以预见人们需求或想法的设计师,然后据此精雕细琢出一封恰当的邮件。利用这一 方法 ,你可能就会得到自己想要的回应。

  In summary, a writer should behave like a designer. A good business writer is neither an artist nor an engineer. He is a designer who envisions what people need or are thinking and then crafts an appropriate email. Follow that approach and, chances are, youu2019ll get the response you want.

  赫尔曼u2022万特拉彭是布鲁塞尔战略咨询公司Akordeon的董事总经理,以及《The Executive Action Writer》一书的作者。

  Herman Vantrappen is the Managing Director of Akordeon, a strategic advisory firm based in Brussels, and author of The Executive Action Writer


1. 发英文邮件的格式范文3篇

2. 写英文邮件自我介绍的范文

3. 写英文邮件的格式范文

4. 小学英文邮件范文

5. 给领导发邮件

6. 给领导写邮件的格式范文3篇



nudge读音:英 [nʌdʒ] 美 [nʌdʒ] vt.轻推;轻碰;不断烦扰;接近vi.不断抱怨n.轻推;抱怨个不停的人;纠缠别人的人
2023-07-16 15:29:061


英英释义:gently persuade or encourage someone to take a particular decision or action 例句:The language instructor tries to nudge her students into reading more. 2. 为什么选这个词? “nudge”是动词也是名词,今天我们学习它的动词形式。作为动词 nudge 的基本意思是“用肘轻推”,也常用来表示“劝说”,常常用来可以替换 persuade 动词,是个高频、实用、形象的用法。我们通过下面几个例句掌握它的用法。 nudge 表示“劝说”时,表达形式是 nudge sb. to/into/towards something。比如语言老师劝学生们多读点东西: The language instructor tries to nudge her students into reading more. 一个新项目促使家长更加关注孩子在学校的表现: The new project intends to nudge parents to engage more with their children"s school performance. “迷你习惯”的理念是鼓励大家不费力地慢慢养成好习惯: The idea of “mini habits” is to nudge, not force, people to form good habits with little efforts. 下面来看几个《经济学人》中用到 nudge 的句子: 1)If the bank can help nudge China towards cleaner growth that will benefit everyone, including China"s geopolitical rivals. 2)In July the government published a list of priorities for health-care reform in the coming decade. They include a pledge to improve support for diabetics. The plan says officials must nudge Chinese into leading healthier lives. 3)Though the iTunes Store tried to nudge charitable listeners into paying for MP3 files, it took five years for digital sales in the music industry to reach even $2bn. 3. 怎样学会使用这个词? 翻译下面的句子: 她试图慢慢说服他改变主意。 (参考翻译:She tried to nudge him into changing his mind.)
2023-07-16 15:29:121

nudge nudge wink wink 怎么翻译?

2023-07-16 15:29:273


一本不错的书,作者之一理查德泰勒,是诺贝尔经济学奖得主,另外一个是鼎鼎大名的心理学家。助推nudge,是一个新的英文单词,音同 ”那只”。 泰勒是“行为经济学” 的开山鼻祖,传统经济学有一个假定,就是“经济人”,它假定每个人都是理性的,会选择对自己最有利的。但是泰勒发现,这个不对。 很多人做的选择都是随机的,比如在收银台拿口香糖,走熟悉的路线。还有人明知道快迟到了,还要多打一个电话。 于是“行为经济学”就出现了,它假定人是“有限理性”的,也就是“社会人”,受情绪影响,不愿意计算,做决定时从众,服从quan威。总之,人不是时时刻刻都在思考。 于是泰勒主张,收回一部分选择对自由,所以Nudge 又叫做“温和专制”,他给你留了最后的选择权,但是如果你不留心,他也设立了一个默认选项。 书中的一个例子来自于瑞典的交通法规,原来的法规规定,驾驶者在交通意外死亡后是否捐献遗体,要另外再签一个协议。但是后来改成,交通意外死亡后,不捐献遗体要签另外一个协议。 这个微小改变,导致了捐献遗体的比例暴增。因为原来有一部分司机只是嫌另签协议麻烦,而非不想捐献。 就是这意思,书不厚,挺好看。核心是“人是有限理性”的动物,做决定时,常常要受环境影响,受七情六欲影响,甚至受天气影响。结尾的题外话,看完此书,你完全不用和自己老婆辩论,就能让她听你的。 而且很多网站都使用了助推的技巧,在不知不觉中操纵着你的行为,详见上一篇《盛名难副》。 nudge理论和西奥蒂尼的《影响力》很近,不知道他们有没有师承关系。
2023-07-16 15:29:331


“拍一拍”起了弱提醒的作用,引起对方注意。微信官方把“拍一拍”翻译成"nudge”是轻轻推一- -下别人的意思。这和之前QQ的"抖一抖”类似,起到确认对方是否在线,以及引起对方注意的作用。“拍一拍”这个功能,可以弥补非语言线索的缺失,是一种动作上的“情感补偿”,可以提高传播主体之间的亲密度。同时模拟了线下的身体形态,再现了真实生活中的一一些场景。在群聊天中使用”拍一拍”功能,提醒的没有“@” 那么明显,很容易被忽略。但是在私聊过程中,"拍一 拍”的动作会把聊天框置顶出来,可以在对方不回消息或者想回避对话的时候,起到一个温柔的提醒作用。扩展资料:2010年6月17日下午,微信在iOS和Android版本均上线了“拍一拍”功能,支持用户在群聊和个人对话中提醒对方,但这一提醒方式并不明显,与QQ的窗口震动和微信群聊的@功能均有所不同。当用户双击对方头像后,能看到对方头像出现震动,手机有震动反馈,群聊中则文字显示“你拍了拍xxx”。群聊中的用户都能在对话框看到文字提醒,但包括被拍对象在内的其他人,不论是否打开微信,都不会接收到“拍一拍”产生的震动反馈。这与QQ的窗口震动功能和微信群聊的@功能有所区别。而在个人对话中,用户使用“拍一拍”功能仅限于看到头像震动,被拍对象也不会收到提示。
2023-07-16 15:29:411


2023-07-16 15:29:555

以h结尾的5位字母的英文单词 越多越好

width,truth, foolish, childish, eighth,astonish
2023-07-16 15:30:114


prod的意思是戳;杵;捅。第三人称单数:prods;复数:prods;现在分词:prodding;过去式:prodded;过去分词:prodded.prod相关词组:give sb a prod with sth;under the prod of;on the prodprod.a cattle prod;An incitement;a stimulus.名词同义词:goad;goading;prodding;urging;spur;spurring.动词同义词:nudge,poke at;incite,egg on;jab,stab,poke,dig.详细解释:prod动名词词义及物动词)prod,ded,prod,ding,prods.To jab or poke,as with a pointed object.(刺:刺或戳,如用有尖端的物体刺。)To goad to action;incite.See Synonyms at urge(促使…行动;诱发参见。)n.(名词)A pointed object used to prod.(刺棒,刺针:用于戳刺的有尖端的物体。)prod例句:1.Do not use without much more testing on a prod environment.不要在没有更多的测试的恶劣的环境下使用。2.Using Joule heating,you can adjust heating method based on prod.采用焦耳加热方式,可以根据产品特性调节加热方式。3.The new determination method can improve the quantity problem of prod.解决了目前工厂采用测波美度方法控制配料液浓度产生的质量问题。4.Yet this gerontocracy seems strangely reluctant to prod the rest of the country into similarly long working lives.然而这个元老政府却不情愿让其他人同他们一样工作的那么长。5.A supermarket has a set Prod of products on sale.在一个超市里,有一系列商品出售。
2023-07-16 15:30:361


  aa既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道它们分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来poke的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   poke的英语音标   英 [pu0259u028ak]   美 [pou028ak]   poke的时态   过去分词: poked   过去式: poked   现在分词: poking   poke的意思   i. 刺,捅;戳;伸出;刺探;闲荡   vt. 刺,捅;戳;拨开   n. 戳;刺;袋子;懒汉   poke的 近义词   stick   poke的词语用法   v.(动词)   poke的基本意思是“戳,拨,捅”,主要是指人用手指、工具或器具去“戳”“刺”“拨”“碰”或“搅起”“翻起”。   poke可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。有时也可接双宾语。   poke的词语辨析   v.(动词)   poke, jog, nudge, prod   这 组词 都有“戳”的意思。其区别是   poke主要指用手指、工具或器具去“戳,刺,搅”,在 成语 中常暗示能起“搅动,干涉”作用的行为; prod常指用有尖端的东西去“刺,戳”,也可引申指有“刺激”作用的行为; nudge特指在不能说话的情况下用臂肘去“轻推”别人以促使其注意,也可仅表示给人以“暗示”; jog指“轻推”某人直到将其唤醒,也可抽象指“唤起”某人的记忆或提醒某人以某事。   poke的词汇搭配   poke fun at 取笑,嘲弄   poke into 探听;干涉   poke the fire 捅火poke a frog 拨弄青蛙poke a hole 捅了一个洞   poke brutally 凶残地捅poke cautiously〔warningly〕 小心地捅poke delicately 需要小心处理地捅poke humorously 幽默地捅poke about 在不属于自己的东西中翻弄,翻找   poke的英语例句   1. We don"t like strangers who poke their noses into our affairs.   我们不喜欢陌生人干预我们的事务。   2. John smiled at them and gave Richard a playful poke.   约翰冲着他们笑了笑,开玩笑地捅了理查德一下。   3. He saw the dog"s twitching nose poke out of the basket.   他看到那只狗一抽一抽的鼻子从篮子里冒出来。   4. We never thought she would poke her nose into this.   想不到她会插上一手.   5. Don"t poke fun at me.   别拿我凑趣儿.   6. We hadn"t been able to poke our heads out and see what was going on.   我们无法伸出头去,看看发生了什么。   7. Then he took a poke at my hair, telling me I looked like a scarecrow!   然后他开始嘲笑我的头发, 说我看起来像个稻草人!   8. I wish you would mind your own business, and not poke your nose into my affairs.   我希望你还是管管你自己的事, 别干涉我的事情.   9. He has a short fuse , and they poke and prod to see if he will explode.   他易于激动, 因此他们故意拨弄他,看看他是否会发火.   10. Ah done tole Poke ter lay two extry plates fer dem.   俺告诉了波克叫他添两份饭啦.
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2023-07-16 15:32:093


第一句是 how would u do this 第二句是 how could u do this 并且中文这句话 看上去就是句发生在过去的感觉 how could u have done this 也可以。
2023-07-16 15:32:355


A sunny day晴天
2023-07-16 15:34:0813


3.过渡态相关问题3.1 无过渡态的反应途径(barrierless reaction pathways)并非所有反应途径都需要越过势垒,这类反应在很低的温度下就能发生,盲目找它们的过渡态是徒劳的。常见的包括自由基结合,比如甲基自由基结合为乙烷;自由基向烯烃加成,比如甲基自由基向乙烯加成成为丙基自由基;气相离子向中性分子加成,比如叔碳阳离子向丙烯加成。等等。3.2 Hammond-Leffler假设过渡态在结构上一般会偏向反应物或者产物结构一边。Hammond-Leffler假设对预测过渡态结构往哪个方向偏是很有用的,意思是反应过程中,如果两个结构的能量差异不大,则它们的构型差异也不大。由此可知对于放热反应,因为过渡态能量与反应物差异小,与产物差异大,故过渡态结构更偏向反应物,相反,吸热反应的过渡态结构更偏向产物。所以初猜过渡态结构应考虑这一问题。3.2 对称性问题如果已经明确地知道过渡态是什么对称性,而且对称性高于平衡态对称性,且可以确信在这个高对称性下过渡态是能量最低点,则可以强行限制到这个对称性之后进行几何优化,几何优化算法比寻找过渡态算法方法更可靠。比如F+CH3F-->FCH3+F这个SN2反应,过渡态就是伞形翻转的一刻,恰为高对称性的D3h点群,而反应路径上的其它结构对称性都比它低,所以在D3h点群条件下优化,得到的能量最低点就是过渡态。如果过渡态对称性不确定,则找过渡态计算的时候不宜设任何对称性,否则若默认保持了平衡态下的对称性,得到的此对称下的过渡态并不是真正的过渡态,容易得到二阶或高阶鞍点。3.3 溶剂效应计算凝聚态条件下过渡态的性质,必须考虑溶剂效应,它明显改变了势能面。一般对过渡态的结构影响较小,但对能量影响很大。有时溶剂效应也会改变反应途径,或产生气相条件下没有的势垒。溶剂条件下,上述寻找过渡态的方法依然适用。应注意涉及到与溶剂产生氢键等强相互作用的情况,隐式溶剂模型是不适合的,需要用显式溶剂考察它对过渡态的影响,即在输入文件中明确表达出溶剂分子。3.4 计算过渡态的建议流程直接用高水平方法计算过渡态往往比较花时间,可以使用逐渐提高方法等级的方法加速这一过程,一般建议是:1 执行低水平的计算找过渡态,如半经验。2 将第1步得到的过渡态作为初猜,用高级别的方法找过渡态。3 在相同水平下对上一步找到的过渡态做振动分析,检验是否仅有一个虚频,以及观看其振动模式的动画来考察振动方向是否连接反应物与产物结构。有必要时可以做IRC进一步检验。4 为获得更精确的过渡态能量,可使用更高等级方法比如含电子相关的方法计算能量。4.内禀反应坐标(intrinsic reaction coordinate,IRC)MEP指的是势能面上,由一个点到达另一个点的能量最低的路径,满足最小作用原理。若质量权重坐标下的MEP连接的是反应物、过渡结构和产物,则称为IRC。所谓质权坐标在笛卡儿坐标下即r(i,x)=sqrt(m(i))*R(i,x),m(i)为i原子质量,R(i,x)为i原子原始x方向坐标,同样有r(i,y)、r(i,z)。IRC描述了原子核运动速度为无限小时,质权坐标下由过渡态沿着势能负梯度方向行进的路径(最陡下降路径),其中每一点的负梯度方向就是此处核的运动方向,在垂直于路径方向上是能量极小点。注意质量权重和非权重坐标下的路径是不一样的。IRC可看作0K时的实际在化学反应中原子核所走的路径,温度较低时IRC也是一个很好的近似。但是当温度较高,即核动能较大时,实际反应路径将明显偏离IRC,而趋于沿最短路径变化,即便经历的是势能面上能量较高的的路径,这时就需要以动力学计算的平均轨迹来表征反应路径。5.IRC算法5.1 最陡下降法(Steepest descent)最简单的获得IRC的方法就是固定步长的最陡下降法,由过渡态位置开始,每步沿着当前梯度方向行进一定距离直到反应物/产物位置,也称Euler法。由于最陡下降法及下文的IMK、GS等方法第一步需要梯度,而过渡态位置梯度为0,所以第一步移动的方向沿着虚频方向。最陡下降方法与IRC的本质相符,但是此法实际得到的路径是一条在真实IRC附近反复震荡的曲折路径,而非应有的平滑路径,对IRC描述不够精确。虽然可以通过更小的步长得以一定程度的解决,但是太花时间,对于复杂的反应机理,需要更多的点。也可以通过RK4(四阶Runga-Kutta)来走步,比上面的方法更稳定、准确,但每步要需要算四个梯度,比较费时。5.2 IMK方法(Ishida-Morokuma-Kormornicki)它是最陡下降法的改进,解决其震荡问题。首先计算起始点X(k)的梯度g(k),获得辅助点X"(k+1)=X(k)-g(k)*s,其中s为可调参数。然后计算此点梯度g"(k+1),在g(k)与-g"(k+1)方向的平分线上(红线所示)进行线搜索,所得能量最小点即为X(k+1),之后再将X(k+1)作为上述步骤的X(k)重复进行。整个过程类似先做最陡下降法,然后做校正。此方法仍然需要相对较小的步长,获得较精确IRC所需计算的点数较多。[图12]IMK方法示意图Schmidt,Gordon,Dupuis改进了IMK的三个细节,使之更有效率、更稳定。(1)将X"(k+1)的确定方式改为了X(k)-g(k)/|g(k)|*s,即每一步在负梯度方向上行进固定的s距离,与梯度大小不再有关。(2)线搜索步只需在平分线上额外计算一个点的能量即可,这个点和X"(k+1)点的能量以及g"(k+1)在此平分线上的投影三个条件作联立方程即可解出曲线方程,减少了计算量。IMK原始方法则需要在平分线上额外计算两个点的能量与X"(k+1)的能量一起拟和曲线方程。(3)第一步在过渡态位置的移动距离Δq如此确定:ΔE=k*(Δq^2)/2,k为虚频对应的力常数,ΔE为降低能量的期望值(一般为0.0005 hartree),这样可避免在虚频很大的鞍点处第一步位移使能量降低过多。5.3 Müller-Brown方法这是通过球形限制性优化找IRC的方法。首先将过渡态和能量极小点位置定义为P1和P2,由P1开始步进,当前步结构以Q(n)表示。每一步,在相距Q(n)为r距离的超球面上用simplex法优化获得能量极小点Q"(图中绿点),优化的起始点是Q(n-1)Q(n)与Q(n)P2方向的平分线b上距Q(n)为r距离的位置S(红点)。若Q(n)Q"与Q(n)P2的夹角较小,则Q"可当作是下一步位置Q(n+1)。如此反复,直到符合停止标准,比如下一步能量比当前更高(已走过头了)、与P2距离已很近(如小于1.2r)、或者与P2方向偏离太大(P1与P2点通过此法无法找到IRC)。最终所得到全部结构点依次相连即为近似的IRC,减小步长r值可使结果更贴近实际IRC。基于此方法也可以用于寻找过渡态,先将反应物和产物作为P1和P2,将二者距离的约2/3作为r,由其中一点在P1-P2连线上相距其r位置为初始位置进行球形优化得到O点,在O与P1、O与P2上也如此获得P1"与P2",根据P1、P1"、O、P2"、P2的能量及之间距离信息以一定规则确定其中哪两个点作为下一步的P1和P2,确定新的P1和P2后重复上述步骤,直至P1与P2十分接近,即是过渡态。此方法计算IRC可以步长可设得稍大,第一步不需要费时的Hessian矩阵确定移动方向,缺点是获得的路径曲率容易有问题,对于曲率较大的反应路径需要减小步长。[图13]Müller-Brown方法示意图5.4 GS(Gonzalez-Schlegel)方法这是目前很常用,也是Gaussian使用的方法,见图14。首先计算起始点X(k)的梯度,沿其负方向行进s/2距离得到X"(k+1)点作为辅助点。在距X"(k+1)点距离为s/2的超球面上做限制性能量最小化,找到下一个点X(k+1)。因为这个点的负梯度(黑色箭头)在弧方向上分量为0,故垂直于弧,即其梯度方向在X"(k+1)到X(k+1)的直线上。这必然可以得到一段用于描述IRC的圆弧(虚线),它通过X(k)与X(K+1)点,且在此二点处圆弧的切线等于它们的梯度方向,这与IRC的特点一致,这段圆弧可以较好地(实线)。之后再将X(k+1)作为上述步骤的X(k)重复进行。GS方法对IRC描述得比较精确,在研究反应过程等问题中,由于对中间体结构精度有要求,GS是很好的选择,而且用大步长可以得到与小步长相近的结果,优于IMK、Müller-Brown等方法。若只想得到与过渡态相连的反应物和产物结构,或者粗略验证预期的反应路径,对IRC精度要求不高,使用最陡下降法往往效率更高,尽管GS可以用更大步长,但每步更花时间。[图14]GS方法示意图除上述外,IRC也可以通过已提及的EF、最缓上升法、球形优化等方法得到,它们的好处是不需要事先知道过渡态的结构。赝坐标法除了简单的反应以外,只能得到近似的IRC,由于结构的较小偏差会带来能量的较大变化,容易引入滞后效应,所以这样得到的势能曲线难以说明问题。6. chain-of-states方法这类方法主要好处是只需要提供反应物和产物结构就能得到准确的反应路径和过渡态。首先在二者结构之间以类似LST的方式线性、均匀地插入一批新的结构(使用内坐标更为适宜),一般为5~40个,每个结构就是势能面上的一个点(称为image),并将相邻的点以某种势函数相连,这样它们在势能面上就如同组成了一条链子。对这些点在某些限制条件下优化后,在势能面上的分布描述的就是MEP,能量最高的结构就是近似的过渡态位置。6.1 Drag method方法这个方法最简单,并不是严格的chain-of-states方法,因为每个结构点是独立的。插入的结构所代表的点均匀分布在图8所示的短虚线上,也可以在过渡态附近位置增加点的密度。每个点都在垂直于短虚线的超平面上优化,在图中就是指平行于长虚线方向优化。这种方法一般是奏效的,但也很容易失效,图8就是一例,优化后点的分布近似于从产物和反应物用最缓上升法得到的路径(黑色粗曲线),不仅反应路径错误,而且两段不连接,与黑色小点所示的真实MEP相距甚远(黑色点是用下文的NEB方法得到的)。目前基本不使用此方法。6.2 PEB方法(plain elastic band)这是下述Chain-of-state方法的基本形式。也是在反应物到产物之间插入一系列结构,共插入P-1个,反应物编号为0,产编号物为P。不同的是优化不是对每个点孤立地优化,而是优化一个函数,每一步所有点一起运动。下文用∑[i=1,P]X(i)符号代表由X(1)开始加和直到X(P)。PEB函数是这样的:S(R(1),R(2)...R(P-1))=∑[i=1,P-1]V(R(i)) + ∑[i=1,P]( k/2*(R(i)-R(i-1))^2 )。其中R(i)代表第i个点的势能面上的坐标,V(R(i))是R(i)点的能量,k代表力常数。优化过程中反应物R(0)和产物R(P)结构保持不变,优化此函数相当于对一个N*(P-2)个原子的整体进行优化,N为体系原子数。优化过程中,式中的第一项目的是让每个点尽量向着能量极小的位置移动。第二项相当于将相邻点之间用自然长度为0、力常数为k的弹簧势连了起来,目的是保持优化中相邻点之间距离均衡,避免过大。当只有第一项的时候,函数优化后结构点都会跑到作为能量极小点的反应物和产物位置上去而无法描述MEP,这时必然会有一对儿相邻结构点距离很大。当第二项出现后,由于此种情况下弹簧势能很高,在优化中不可能出现,从而避免了这个问题。drag method法在图8中失败的例子中,也有一对儿相邻结构点距离太远,所以也不会在PEB方法中出现。简单来说,PEB方法就是保持相邻结构点的间距尽量小的情况下,优化每个结构点位置。可以近似比喻成在势能面的模型上,将一串以弹簧相连的珠子,一边挂在反应物位置,另一边挂在产物位置,拉直之后松手,这串珠子受重力作用在模型上滚动,停下来后其形状可当作MEP,最高的位置近似为过渡态。但是PEB方法的结果并不能很好描述MEP。图15描述的是常见的A、B、C三原子反应的LEPS势能面,B可与A或C成键,黑色弧线为NEB方法得到的较真实的MEP。左图中,在过渡态附近PEB的结构点没有贴近MEP,得到的过渡态能量过高,称为corner-cutting问题。这是因为每点间的弹簧势使这串珠子僵硬、不易弯曲,由图15右图可见,R(i)朝R(i-1)与R(i+1)方向都会受到弹簧拉力,其合力牵引R(i),使R(i-1)、R(i)、R(i+1)的弧度有减小趋势。如果将弹簧力常数减小以减弱其效果,就会出现图15中间的情况,虽然结构点贴近了MEP,但相邻点间距没有得到保持,过渡态附近解析度很低,错过了真实过渡态,若以能量最高点作为过渡态则能量偏低,这称为sliding-down问题。可见弹簧力常数k的设定对PEB结果有很大影响,为权衡这两个问题只能取折中的k,但结果仍不准确。[图15]LEPS势能面上不同k值的PEB结果6.3 Elber-Karplus方法与PEB函数定义相似。第一项定义为1/L*∑[i=1,P-1]( V(R(i))*d(i,i-1) ),其中L为链子由0点到P-1点的总长,d(i,i+1)为R(i)与R(i+1)的距离,此项可视为所有插入点总能量除以点数,即插入点的平均能量。第二项为γ*∑[i=1,P](d(i,i-1)-<d>)^2,其中<d>代表相邻点的平均距离,是所有d(i,j)的RMS。此项相当于将弹簧自然长度设为了当前各个弹簧长度的平均值,由γ参数控制d(i,j)在平均值上下允许的波动的范围。此方法最初被用于研究蛋白质体系的构象变化。6.4 SPW方法(Self-Penalty Walk)在Elber-Karplus方法的基础上增加了第三项互斥项,∑[i=0,P-1]∑[i=j+1,P-1]U(ij),其中U(ij)=ρ*exp(-d(i,j)/(λ*<d>)),<d>定义同上。此项相当于全部点之间的“非键作用能U(ij)”之和,不再仅仅是相邻点之间才有限制势。任何点之间靠近都会造成能量升高,可以避免Elber-Karplus方法中出现的在能量极小点处结构点聚集、路径自身交错的问题,能够使路径充分地展开,确保过渡态区域有充足的采样点。式中ρ和λ都是可调参数来设定权重。此外相对与Elber-Karplus方法还考虑了笛卡儿坐标下投影掉整体运动的问题。6.5 LUP方法(Locally Updated planes)特点是优化过程中,只允许每个结构点R(i)在垂直于R(i-1)R(i+1)向量的超平面上运动。由于每步优化后R(i-1)与R(i+1)连线方向也会变化,故每隔一定步数重新计算这些向量,重新确定每个点允许移动的超平面。但是LUP缺点是结构点之间没有以上述弹簧势函数相连来保持间隔,容易造成结构点在路径上分布不均匀,甚至不连续,还可能逐渐收敛至两端的极小点。6.6 NEB方法(Nudged Elastic Band)NEB方法集合了LUP与PEB方法的优点,其函数形式基于PEB。从PEB方法的讨论可以看出,弹簧势是必须的,它平行于路径切线(R(i)-R(i-1)与R(i+1)-R(i)矢量和的方向)的分量保证结构点均匀分布在MEP上来描述它;但其垂直于路径的分量造成的弊端也很明显,它改变了这个方向的实际的势能面,优化后得到的MEP"就与真实的MEP发生了偏差,造成corner-cutting问题。解决这个问题很简单,在NEB中称为nudge过程,即每个点在平行于路径切线上的受力只等于弹簧力在这个方向分量,每个点在垂直于路径切线方向的受力只等于势能力在此方向上分量。这样弹簧力垂直于路径的分量就被投影掉了,而有用的平行于路径的分量完全保留;势能力在路径方向上的分量也不会再对结构点分布的均匀性产生影响,被保留的它在垂直于路径上的分量将会引导结构点地正确移动。这样优化收敛后结构点就能正确描述真实的MEP,矛盾得到解决。弹簧力常数的设定也比较随意,不会再对结果产生明显影响。但是当平行于路径方向能量变化较快,垂直方向回复力较小的情况,NEB得到的路径容易出现曲折,收敛也较慢,解决这一问题可以引入开关函数,即某点与两个相邻点之间形成的夹角越小,此点就引入更多的弹簧势垂直于路径的分量,使路径不易弯曲而变得光滑,但也会带来一定corner-cutting问题。也可以通过将路径切线定义为每个点指向能量更高的相邻点的方向来解决。6.7 DNEB方法(Double Nudged Elastic Band)弹簧势垂直于路径的分量坏处是造成corner-cutting问题,好处是避免路径卷曲。更具体来说,前者是由于它平行于势能梯度方向的那个分量造成的,若只将这个分量投影掉,就可避免corner-cutting问题,而其余分量的力F(DNEB)仍可以避免路径卷曲,这便是DNEB的主要思想。故DNEB与NEB的不同点就是DNEB保留了弹簧势垂直于路径的分量其中的垂直于势能梯度的分量。DNEB的这个设定却导致结构点不能精确收敛到MEP上。正确的MEP上的点在垂直于路径方向上受势能力一定为0,但是当用了DNEB方法后,若其中某一点处路径是弯曲的,即弹簧力在垂直于路径方向上有分量F",而且此点势能梯度方向不垂直于此点处路径的切线,即F"不会被完全投影掉,F"力的分量F(DNEB)将继续带着这个点移动,也就是说结构点就不在正确的MEP上了。只有当结构点所处路径恰为直线,即F"为0则不会有此问题。为了解决此问题有人将开关函数加入到DNEB,称为swDNEB,当结果越接近收敛,即垂直于路径的势能力越小的时候,F(DNEB)也越小,以免它使结构点偏离正确MEP。一些研究表明DNEB和swDNEB相比NEB在收敛性(结构点受力最大值随步数降低速度)方面并没有明显提升,DNEB难以收敛到较高精度以内,容易一直震荡。6.8 String方法与NEB对力的投影定义一致,但点之间没有弹簧势连接,保持点的间距的方法是每步优化后使这些点在路径上平均分布。6.9 Simplified String方法String中计算每个点的切线并投影掉势能力平行于路径的分量的过程也去掉了,所有点之间用三次样条插值来表述路径,每一个点根据实际势能力运动后,在路径上重新均匀分布。优化方法最好结合RK4方法。NEB在点数较小的情况下比Simplified String方法能在更短时间内收敛到更高精度,但点数较多情况下则Simplified String更占优势。6.10 寻找过渡态的chain-of-state方法除非势能面对称且结构点数目为奇数,否则不会有结构点恰好落在过渡态。以能量最高的点作为过渡态只是近似的,为了更好地描述过渡态,可以增加结构点数,或者增加局部弹簧力常数,使过渡态附近点更密。根据已得到的点的能量,通过插值方法估算能量最高点是另一个办法。近似的过渡态也可以作为QN法的初猜寻找准确的过渡态。6.10.1 CI-NEB方法NEB与String等方法都可以结合Climbing Image方法,它专门考虑到了定位过渡态问题。CI-NEB与NEB的关键区别是能量最高的点受力的定义,在CI-NEB中这个点不会受到相邻点的弹簧力,避免位置被拉离过渡态,而且将此点平行于路径方向的势能力分量的符号反转,促使此点沿着路径往能量升高的方向上爬到过渡态。这个方法只需要很少的点,比如包含初、末态总共5个甚至3个点就能准确定位过渡态,是最有效率的寻找过渡态的方法之一。如果还需要精确描述MEP,可以在此过渡态上使用Stepwise descent方法、最陡下降法、RK4等方法沿势能面下坡走出MEP,整个过程比直接使用很多点的NEB方法能在更短时间内得到更准确的MEP。6.10.2 ANEBA方法(adaptive nudged elastic band approach)这个方法也是基于NEB,专用来快速寻找过渡态。一般想得到高精度的过渡态区域,NEB的链子上必须包含很多点,耗费计算时间。而ANEBA方法中链子两端的位置不是固定的,而是不断地将它们移动到离过渡态更近的位置,仅用很少几个点的链子就可以达到同样的精度。具体来说,设链子两端的点分别叫A点和B点(对于第一步就是反应物和产物位置),先照常做NEB,收敛至一定精度后(不需要精度太高),改变A和B的位置为链子中能量最高点相邻的两个点,然后再优化并收敛至一定精度,再如此改变A和B的位置,反复经历这一步骤,最终链子上能量最高点就是精确的过渡态。ANEBA相当于不断增加原先NEB链子的过渡态附近的点数,但实际上点数没有变。有研究表明ANEBA比CI-NEB效率更高,如果结合ANEBA与CI(称CI-ANEBA),即先用ANEBA方法经上述步骤移动几次A、B点,使之聚焦到过渡态附近,再用CI-NEB方法,效率可以进一步提高。
2023-07-16 15:34:431


ZBrush 有一百多种笔刷,每一个笔刷的用途都都有所不同,找到合适的笔刷,不仅能雕刻出好的作品,还能提高工作效率。Blob:产生随机起伏,常配合Strokes中的spray使用,制作水泥、岩石等粗糙表面。Clay:用法类似素描排线,一般沿肌肉纤维走向。Elastic:笔画得越快,起伏越大,越慢则越平。Flatten:压平表面。BrushMod>0会突出,BrushMod<0则陷下。Gouge:凿坑笔刷。Inflat:膨胀笔刷,沿物体表面法线加高,笔刷连续,遇到法线相对的表面可将表面靠拢。Layer:一笔连续画出等高的突起,笔画相交不会叠加。Magnify:鼓包笔刷,有点像Inflat笔刷,但是遇到法线相对的表面会撑开。MalletFast:类似刨刀的效果,适合做坚硬的岩石。MeshInsert Dot:模型无细分才能使用。事先要在Brush菜单下找到MeshInsert按钮,选择一个要插入的模型。Morph:首先雕刻一个造型,点Tool/Morph Target/storeMT,然后再改变造型。选择Morph笔刷在模型表面涂抹,涂抹过的区域会变成存储过的第一个造型。半人半机器的终结者可用此法制作。Move:移动笔刷。Nudge:涂抹笔刷,用此笔刷改变网格制作的细节无法体现在置换贴图中。Pinch:收紧笔刷,便于表现转折较剧烈处。注意,用此笔改变网格制作的细节无法体现在置换贴图中!Slash2:常用于衣服褶皱的制作。Smooth:平滑并放松网格。SnakeHook:扯出长条,前提是有足够的细分。按Alt键时可以使笔刷贴合背景SubTool的表面。ZProject:投射笔刷,可将一个模型的细节投射到另一个模型上,先在画布中放置一个模型作为样本,取消Edit模式,再把需要雕刻的模型加进来,激活Edit模式后,点击Move按钮,左键从要雕刻的位置拖到样本上,在点击Draw按钮,使用ZProject笔刷在要雕刻的模型表面涂抹,便可在模型上看到样本的细节。Standard:标准笔刷,在物体表面加高,笔画连续。BrushMod>0类似Pinch效果,<0leisi Inflat效果。brush>elasticity可调节弹性移动力度和范围。Brush>auto Masking>topological可以启用拓扑移动。Clip Brushes:按下Ctrl+Shift选择Stroke和Brush。圆形:Ctrl+Shift+鼠标左键拖出圆形范围,保持左键按下的时候,按下空格键可以移动位置。松开左键,圆形内的部分保留。配合Alt键,圆形以内的部分抠掉。Curve:Ctrl+Shift+鼠标左键拖出曲线,按一下Alt键可出现平滑拐点,按两下Alt键可出现尖锐拐点,松开左键,有阴影的那一侧被抠掉。配合Alt键,无阴影那一侧抠掉。
2023-07-16 15:34:501


在下午的英文翻译为:in the afternoon。 afternoon: n.下午(中午12点至下午6点左右); 复数: afternoons 扩展资料   You have to make a decision before five o"clock in the afternoon.   你必须在下午五点以前做出决定。   B: Well, we could leave there about four in the afternoon.   嗯,我们可以在下午4点左右离开那里。   Can you see to it that the fax goes this afternoon?   你保证今天下午就把传真发出去,行吗?   This afternoon"s sunshine could nudge the temperature above freezing.   今天下午的阳光可使温度达到冰点以上。
2023-07-16 15:35:052

cha eb能组成什么词?

2023-07-16 15:35:253

求英语作文 内容:英语俱乐部介绍

English Club IntroductionAre you looking for a way to improve your English language skills while having fun at the same time? If so, consider joining an English club! English clubs provide a great opportunity to practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing in a supportive and engaging environment.At our English club, we offer a variety of activities to help you improve your language skills. We have conversation groups where you can practice speaking with other learners and native English speakers, as well as reading and writing workshops to help you develop your literacy skills. We also organize cultural events, such as movie nights and game nights, to help you learn about English-speaking cultures.One of the great things about our English club is that we welcome learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced speakers. Whether you"re just starting out with the language or looking to perfect your fluency, we have something for everyone. Our experienced and friendly tutors are here to help you every step of the way, providing guidance and support as you work to achieve your language goals.Joining our English club is easy – simply visit our website or drop by our next meeting. We offer flexible schedules to accommodate a variety of lifestyles and commitments, and our fees are affordable for learners of all budgets. Plus, you"ll have the opportunity to make new friends and build connections with other learners who share your passion for English.In conclusion, joining an English club is a great way to improve your language skills and connect with other learners. At our English club, we offer a variety of activities and support to help you achieve your language goals. So why wait? Join us today and take your English skills to the next level!
2023-07-16 15:35:411


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2023-07-16 15:37:051

Nudge theory

See also: Nudge (book) Nudge theory (or Nudge) is a concept in behavioural science, political theory and economics which argues that positive reinforcement and indirect suggestions to try to achieve non-forced compliance can influence the motives, incentives and decision making of groups and individuals, at least as effectively – if not more effectively – than direct instruction, legislation, or enforcement.Nudge theory"s most celebrated influences include the formation of a British Behavioural Insights Team, often called the "Nudge Unit", at the British Cabinet Office, headed by Dr David Halpern[1] and US President Barack Obama"s appointment of Cass R. Sunstein as administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.[2][3][4] In Australia, the government of New South Wales established a Behavioural Insights community of practice.Definition of a nudge At the heart of nudge theory is the concept of nudge. The first formulation of this term and associated principles was developed in cybernetics by Dr James Wilk before 1995 and described by Brunel University academic D.J. Stewart as "the art of the nudge" (hereafter referred to as micronudges[5]). It also drew on methodological influences from clinical psychotherapy tracing back to Gregory Bateson, including contributions from Milton Erickson, Watzlawick, Weakland and Fisch, and Bill O"Hanlon (.[6] In this expression, the nudge is a microtargetted design geared towards a specific group of people, irrespective of the scale of intended intervention.However, the concept came to prominence in a variant form in the scientific work of Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein, who defined their concept as:A nudge, as we will use the term, is any aspect of the choice architecture that alters people"s behavior in a predictable way without forbidding any options or significantly changing their economic incentives. To count as a mere nudge, the intervention must be easy and cheap to avoid. Nudges are not mandates. Putting fruit at eye level counts as a nudge. Banning junk food does not.In this mode, drawing on Behavioral Economics, the nudge is a more generally applied influencer of behaviour. One of nudges" most frequently cited examples is the etching of the image of a housefly into the men"s room urinals at Amsterdam"s Schiphol Airport, which is intended to "improve the aim".[7]
2023-07-16 15:37:121

No Come Back 歌词

歌曲名:No Come Back歌手:nudge专辑:CachedThere"s no coming back (back)NoThere"s no coming back (back)NoThere"s no coming back (back)NoThere"s no coming back (back)NoMy love, my trustI gave you everythingMy heart, my soulAnd every part of meBut still, you leftAnd chose to be with himNow you wanna come back in my lifeTell my why should IBelieve a word you saidAll the tears you cryAre falling much too lateThere"s no reason whyI go through that againSo go turn aroundTurn around cuzThere"s no coming back (back)There"s no coming back (back)There"s no coming back (back)There"s no coming back (back)There"s no coming back (back)There"s no coming back (back)You"re no longer mineThere"s no coming back this timeOooo oh ohOooo oh ohOooo oh ohThere"s no coming back this timeMy dreams, my fearsMy insanityMy pride, my tearsYou took it all from meGirl you saveAll your apologiesCuz you"re not coming back this timeTell me why should IBelieve a word you saidAll the tears you cryAre falling much too lateThere"s no reason whyI go through that againSo go turn aroundTurn aroundThere"s no coing back (back)There"s no coing back (back)There"s no coing back (back)There"s no coing back (back)There"s no coing back (back)There"s no coing back (back)You"re no longer mineThere"s no coming back this timeYou thought the grass would be greenerThen what you left behind babyNow you think that you can just come backGirl you must be thinking I"m crazyTell your friends that they can stop callingCuz I had enough of it babyIf you think that you can just come backGirl you must be thinking I"m crazyThere"s no coming back (back)There"s no coming back (back)There"s no coming back (back)There"s no coming back (back)There"s no coming back (back)There"s no coming back (back)BabyYou"re no longer mineThere"s no coming back this timeOooo oh oh (0, no)Oooo oh oh (0, no)Oooo oh ohThere"s no coming back this time
2023-07-16 15:37:181


nudge some one back into the saddle推动一个人回马鞍
2023-07-16 15:37:261


句子是主谓宾结构。The girl 主语 ,next to me 做定语 ,gave 谓语 ,me 间接宾语 ,a nudge 直接宾语
2023-07-16 15:37:342


I"ve tried my best. Is this written by yourself? Very well with suitable climax. Well done! Greg (hit Beth lightly): Don"t think too much. Let"s just make it like this. Greg looked around made sure that there wasn"t anyone and ran quickly into the changing room inside a fastfood shop with the bag full of money. (Time is 12:00 she went into the changing room. When she opened her bag she found it was full of money. Beth calmly closed the bag and looked at Greg. Greg *** iled to Beth and left the fastfood store. Beth left as well after packing the things. ) (Lights were switched off suddenly at about 10 minutes later stage background was changed. This is Beth"s house.) Scene 2: Beth"s House (Beth went onto the stage laid on the bed she suddenly thought of the money inside her bag) Beth (opened the bag said softly): What shall I do? Shall I give it to the Police? Beth was counting the money and screamed loudly: There are 100 thousand dollars... (Suddenly the door bell rang...) Ding Dong Ding Dong... Beth (put down the money and screamed): Who is this? Wait! I"m ing... Beth (opened the door screamed suprisingly): Greg!! Why are you here? Greg (came in shut the door) : Shhhh... Don"t be so loud. I"ve got something to tell you Beth: What"s the matter? Greg: I think the money we found were too supiscious it"s better for us to give it back to the Police. Beth: Okay! Stage Background was changed into a Police Station. Beth and Greg went onto the Stage Scene 3: Police Station Greg: Sir we found this in a fastfood restaurant. (Police held the bag then a man went onto the stage) Man (nervously): Police I lost a bag of money. Police: Is that bag this one? This was found by the 2 ladies beside. Man: Yes! (Looked to Beth and Greg"s Side). Thank you! If I"ve lost this film prop I"ll be dead. Beth Greg (screamed suprisingly): What? This is only a film prop?! 2008-07-03 19:45:33 补充: I hope you"ll like this trlated by myself~! Greg: (lightly hit Beth) not to have to think! Like this! (Greg all around has a look to determine nobody sees takes that to pack money bag very fast runs in fast-food restaurant changing room.) (Time was 12:00 she entered changing room when she turned on own handbag inside discovered has packed money Beth firm place closed handbag looked to Greg. Greg to the Beth *** ile after then left fast-food restaurant Beth to receive thing also left opening meal shop.) (The light is suddenly dim probably crossed several minutes the stage field boundary has traded This is the Beth family) Scene 2:Beth family (Beth has stepped onto stage lies down on bed she suddenly remembers in own handbag money) Beth: (turns on handbag said in a soft voice) how manages? Or gives the police to be good! Beth: (she counts money she surprised greatly shouts) here altogether to have 10 ten thousand Yuan... (Doorbell suddenly resounded by now...) When dingdong bites.... Beth: (she lays down in hand money who greatly shouts) ~ and so on I e immediately.... Beth: (she has opened gate extremely surprised greatly shouts) Greg! ! Why can you e? Greg: (walked has e in and closes a door) breathes out! Do not be such loud I have the matter to say with you Beth: What matter? Greg: I thought today finds these money too were suspicious! I think or to give these money the police to be good! Beth: Good! (Field boundary traded police station stage which Beth and Greg stepped onto) Scene 3: Police station Greg: Sob! Police. We have found this bag of money in the fast-food restaurant After (police received bag by now some man has stepped onto stage) Man: (anxiously said) police! I disappeared bag of money Police: I thought you do not see are this bag! This is stands that o young ladies to find Man: Yes. (hastily looks Beth and the Greg that side) thank you if I lost this photography stage prop to suffer! Beth what does Greg: (surprised greatly shout)? Original this photographs the stage prop! 参考: yahoo! 聪明pen^__^ 二楼译得唔错,但有d文法问。译之前有几点要提出: 1. police 系警方,唔系警察! 图片参考:.yimg/iugc/rte/ *** iley_3 2.剧本唔系写小说,常用现在式; 3.Greg 系男仔名u359e......所以有关部份我唔会话「;两位小姐」。 以下系我o既译本: = = = = = = = = = = = = = Greg: (nudges Beth lightly) Let"s stopping pondering! That is what we will do! (注意,你冇讲点撞法,但呢个情况用手?轻轻一碰--即系 nudge,应该最o岩) (Greg looks around to make sure that no one sees them before dashing into the changing room of the fastfood restaurant with the bag full of money) (It"s 12:00 Beth es into the changing room. As she opens her bag and finds it stuffed with money she closes it nervously looking at Greg. Greg *** iles to Beth and leaves the restaurant. Beth leaves too after she puts her stuff away.) (Lights dim sharply.) (「大约过了十几分钟 舞台的场境换了.这是Beth的家」呢句,o系剧本对冇需要,只要o系下一场开始时讲明转左去边度就得。十几分钟转景,太慢啦!廿秒都好尽架啦!) Scene 2: (Beth"s home) (Beth es to the stage and lies on the bed suddenly remembering the money in her bag.) Beth: (opens her bag speaks softly) What should I do? I"d better give it to the police! Beth: (counting the money screams in astonishment) That"s $100 000... (Doorbell rings) Beth: (puts down the money and yells) Who is it? I"m ing just a second... Beth: (opens the door and yells very surprised) Greg! What brought you here? Greg: (es in and closes the door) Hush! Not so loud. I need to talk to you. Beth: What is it? Greg: I feel the money we found today really suspicious. It looks safer to hand it over to the police! Beth: Okay. Scene 3 (Police station) Greg: Excuse me officer. We found this bag of money in a fastfood restaurant. (Policeman takes the bag from them. A man es onto the stage.) man: (worriedly) Excuse me officer! I"ve lost a bag of money. 2008-07-03 21:18:06 补充: Policeman: I guess this is the bag you"ve lost! These o nice people here found it. (「站在旁边」似系描述紧幅图咁。明明就企埋一齐,唔驶再形容位置,角色做动作指一指就得啦) man: Yes this is it! (turns to Beth and Greg) Thank you so much. I would be in deep trouble if I lose these movie props! 2008-07-03 21:18:09 补充: Beth and Greg: (yells in surprise) What? These are movie props? = = = = = = = = = = = = 唔好介意,呢个结局同 scene 1 唔多夹u359e...
2023-07-16 15:37:471


“n”开头的及物动词nagv.唠叨,烦扰namedvt.名叫;指定的,被指名的说故事,说明,叙述nationalizev.国有化nauseatev.使作呕,使厌恶necessitatevt.迫使,使成为必需,需要needvt.需要v.aux.需要negatev.取消,否认neglectvt.忽视,忽略;疏忽nestlev.舒适地安顿,依偎在netvt.用网捕;用网覆盖neutralizev.使无效,中和nibblev.一点点地咬,慢慢啃nitpickv.挑剔,吹毛求疵nominatevt.提名,推荐;任命nonplusv.使窘困,狼狈不堪normalizev.使正常,使标准化noticevt.注意 n.通知;注意notifyvt.通知,告知;报告nourishvt.提供养分,养育nudgev.(用肘)轻触,轻推nullifyv.使无效,抵消numbervt.共计,达…之数numeratevt.数,计算nuzzlevt.挨擦
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2023-07-16 15:38:131

英语翻译 牵一发而动全身

直译:one hair is pulled,the whole body will be incidentally moved. 意译:The slightest nudge(poke) causes the widest chain reaction.
2023-07-16 15:38:221


  Unit 3  Text  Every teacher probably asks himself time and again: What are theeasons for choosing teaching as a career? 也许每位教师都一再问过自己:为什么选择教书作为自己的职业?  Do the rewards teaching outweigh the trying comments? Answering these questions is not a simple task. Let"s see what the author says. 教书得到的回报是否使老师的烦恼显得不值得多谈?回答这些问题并非易事。让我们看看本文的作者说了些什么。  Why I Teach 我为什么当教师  Peter G. Beidler  Why do you teach? My friend asked the question when I told him that I didn"t want to be considered for an administrative position. 你为什么要教书呢? 当我告诉一位朋友我不想谋求行政职务时,他便向我提出这一问题。  He was puzzled that I did not want what was obviously a "step up" toward what all Americans are taught to want when they grow up: money and power. 所有美国人受的教育是长大成人后应该追求金钱和权力,而我却偏偏不要明明是朝这个目标“迈进”的工作,他为之大惑不解。  Certainly I don"t teach because teaching is easy for me. 当然,我之所以教书不是因为我觉得教书轻松。  Teaching is the most difficult of the various ways I have attempted to earn my living: mechanic, carpenter, writer. 我做过各种各样的工作,籍ring than usual. 说精神沮丧,这是因为我1小时后走出教室时,确信这堂课上得比平常还要平淡无味。  Nor do I teach because I think I know answers, or because I have knowledge I feel compelled to share. 我之所以教书,也不是因为我认为自己能够解答问题,或者因为我有满腹学问,觉得非与别人分享不可。  Sometimes I am amazed that my students actually take notes on what I say in class! 有时我感到很惊异,学生竟真的把我课上讲的东西做了笔记!  Why, then, do I teach? 这样说来,我为什么还要教书呢?  I teach because I like the pace of the academic calendar. June, July, and August offer an opportunity for reflection, research and writing. 我教书,是因为我喜爱校历的步调。6月、7月和8月提供了一个供思考、研究和创作的机会。  I teach because teaching is a profession built on change. When the material is the same, I change —— and, more important, my students change. 我教书,是因为教学是建立在“变化”这一基础上的职业。教材还是原来的教材,但我自身却变化了--更重要的是,我的学生变化了。  I teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lessons, to stimulate myself and my students. 我教书,是因为我喜欢有让自己犯错误的自由,有让自己吸取教训的自由,有激励自己和激励学生的自由。  As a teacher, I"m my own boss. If I want my freshmen to learn to write by creating their own textbook, who is to say I can"t? 作为教师,我可以自行做主。如果我想要求一年级学生通过自行编写课本的办法来学习写作,谁能说我不可以那样做呢?  Such courses may be huge failures, but we can all learn from failures. 这样的课程也许会彻底失败,但我们都可以从失败的尝试中获得教益。 I teach because I like to ask questions that students must struggle to answer. 我教书,是因为我喜欢向学生提出必须绞尽脑汁才能回答的问题。  The world is full of right answers to bad questions. While teaching, I sometimes find good questions. 我们这个世界有无穷无尽的正确答案来对付拙劣的问题。何况我在教学过程中有时也会想到一些出色的问题。  I teach because I enjoy finding ways of getting myself and my students out of the ivory tower and into the real world. 我教书,是因为我喜欢想方设法使自己和我的学生从象牙塔里走出来,步入现实世界。 I once taught a course called "Self-Reliance in a Technological Society." My 15 students read Emerson, Thoreau, and Huxley. They kept diaries. They wrote term papers. 我曾经开过一门叫做“在工业技术社会里如何自力更生”的课程。我教的15位学生读了爱默生、梭洛和赫胥黎的作品,记了日记,还写了学期论文。  But we also set up a corporation, borrowed money, purchased a run-down house and practiced self-reliance by renovating it. 但除此而外,我们还办起一个公司,借钱买下一所破旧的房屋,通过对这一建筑物的整修翻新,我们就自力更生这一课题进行了一次实践活动。 At the end of the semester, we sold the house, repaid our loan, paid our taxes, and distributed the profits among the group. 在期末我们把房子卖掉,还清贷款,缴了税,余下的收益分给了参加实践的学生。 So teaching gives me pace, and variety, and challenge, and the opportunity to keep on learning. 所以说,教学使我的工作进程有了规律,使我的生活变得丰富多彩,教学向我提出了挑战,也给了我不断学习的机会。I have left out, however, the most important reasons why I teach. 不过,我要教书的最重要的几个原因还没有讲到呢。  One is Vicky. My first doctoral student, Vicky was an energetic student who labored at her dissertation on a little-known 14th century poet. 其中一个原因与维基有关。维基是我的第一个博士生。她精力充沛,孜孜不倦地撰写她那篇论述14世纪一位不知名诗人的学位论文。 She wrote articles and sent them off to learned journals. She did it all herself, with an occasional nudge from me. 她写过一些文章,寄给了学术刊物。这一切都由她独立完成,我偶尔从旁略加指点。  But I was there when she finished her dissertation, learned that her articles were accepted, got a job and won a fellowship to Harvard working on a book developing ideas she"d first had as my student. 我亲眼看到了她完成论文,看到了她得悉自己的文章被采用,亲眼目睹她找到了工作并获得了在哈佛大学当研究员的职位,著书论述她在做我学生时萌发的思想。  Another reason is George, who started as an engineering student, then switched to English because he decided he liked people better than things. 另一个原因与乔治有关。他开始学的是工程学,后来他深信自己爱人胜过爱物,所以改学英语。  There is Jeanne, who left college, but was brought back by her classmates because they wanted her to see the end of the self-reliance house project. 还有珍妮。她中途辍学,但是她的同学把她拉了回来。因为他们想让她看到自力更生整修旧房子这一项目的结果。 I was there when she came back. I was there when she told me that she later became interested in the urban poor and went on to become a civil rights lawyer. 我亲眼看到她回来了。我亲耳听到她对我说,她后来对城市贫民产生了兴趣,继而成了捍卫公民权的律师。  There is Jacqui, a cleaning woman who knows more by intuition than most of us learn by analysis. 还要提一提清洁女工杰基。她凭直觉了解的事情比我们多数人通过分析弄清的东西还要多。  Jacqui has decided to finish high school and go to college. 杰基已经决定读完中学,然后还要上大学。  These are the real reasons I teach, these people who grow and change in front of me. 这些在我眼前成长、变化的人,便是我要当教师的真正原因。  Being a teacher is being present at the creation, when the clay begins to breathe. 当一名教师意味着是创造的见证人,他目睹人体开始呼吸,开始了生命。  A "promotion" out of teaching would give me money and power. But I have money. “升职了”,不再教书了,也许会给我带来金钱和权力。 I get paid to do what I enjoy: reading, talking with people, and asking question like, "What is the point of being rich?" 可是我现在也有钱。我拿了薪金去做自己乐意做的事:读书、交谈、提问,比如问:“做个富翁有什么意思呢?”And I have power. I have the power to nudge, to fan sparks, to suggest books, to point out a pathway. What other power matters? 我现在还有权呢。我有权启迪,有权激发才智,有权开出书目,有权指点迷津。还有其他什么权力更值得考虑呢?  But teaching offers something besides money and power: it offers love. 但教书还会带来金钱和权力以外的东西:那便是爱。  Not only the love of learning and of books and ideas, but also the love that a teacher feels for that rare student who walks into a teacher"s life and begins to breathe. 不仅是爱学习、爱书本、爱思想,而且还有老师对出类拔萃的学生的爱。这样的学生走进了老师的生活,老师自己也开始成长了。  Perhaps love is the wrong word: magic might be better. “爱”这个字也许用得不恰当:用“魔力”可能更为贴切。  I teach because, being around people who are beginning to breathe, I occasionally find myself catching my breath with them. 我教书,是因为在与开始成长的学生朝夕相处时,我有时感到自己也和他们一起开始成长了。  And I have power. I have the power to nudge, to fan sparks, to suggest books, to point out a pathway. What other power matters? 我现在还有权呢。我有权启迪,有权激发才智,有权开出书目,有权指点迷津。还有其他什么权力更值得考虑呢? But teaching offers something besides money and power: it offers love. 但教书还会带来金钱和权力以外的东西:那便是爱。Not only the love of learning and of books and ideas, but also the love that a teacher feels for that rare student who walks into a teacher"s life and begins to breathe. 不仅是爱学习、爱书本、爱思想,而且还有老师对出类拔萃的学生的爱。这样的学生走进了老师的生活,老师自己也开始成长了。Perhaps love is the wrong word: magic might be better. “爱”这个字也许用得不恰当:用“魔力”可能更为贴切。I teach because, being around people who are beginning to breathe, I occasionally find myself catching my breath with them. 我教书,是因为在与开始成长的学生朝夕相处时,我有时感到自己也和他们一起开始成长了。希望对你有用!
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下午好,用英文翻译为:Good afternoon。 afternoon: n.下午(中午12点至下午6点左右); 复数: afternoons 扩展资料   Good afternoon, I"d like a room.   下午好,我想要一间房。   Good afternoon. Make yourself at home.   下午好。请随便些。   Good afternoon. I"m just looking around.   下午好。我只是随便看看。   Can you see to it that the fax goes this afternoon?   你保证今天下午就把传真发出去,行吗?   This afternoon"s sunshine could nudge the temperature above freezing.   今天下午的阳光可使温度达到冰点以上。
2023-07-16 15:40:361

nicky怎么读 英语nicky怎么读

1、Nicky英[niki],n.女子名; 男子名。 2、例句 Hi, Dad ─ can you put Nicky on?您好,爸爸。您让尼基接电话好吗? Nicky roused her with a gentle nudge. 尼基用胳膊肘轻轻地将她推醒。
2023-07-16 15:40:441

The house made of wood木头房子Why more buildings should be made of wood 为何越来越多的建筑都应该使用木材建造It is better for the planet, and safer than you think 因为这样做对地球更有益,也更安全The second little pig was unlucky. He built his house from sticks. It was blown away by a huffing, puffing wolf, which promptly gobbled him up. His brother, by contrast, built a wolfproof house from bricks. The fairy tale could have been written by a flack for the construction industry, which strongly favours brick, concrete and steel. However, in the real world it would help reduce pollution and slow global warming if more builders copied the wood-loving second pig. 第二只小猪运气不好,他用一根根木棍搭了一座木头房子。木头房子被怒气冲冲地老狼吹散了,第二只小猪迅速地被老狼一口吞下肚。相比之下,他的弟弟,盖了砖头房子防老狼。这则童话故事似乎出自建造业宣传员之手,这个行业极力鼓吹砖头,混凝土及钢材。然而,现实世界中,如果更多建筑者效仿喜欢木头房子的第二只小猪,那将有助于减少污染,减缓全球变暖。 In 2015 world leaders meeting in Paris agreed to move towards zero net greenhouse-gas emissions in the second half of this century. That is a tall order, and the building industry makes it even taller. Cement-making alone produces 6% of the world"s carbon emissions. Steel, half of which goes into buildings, accounts for another 8%. If you factor in all of the energy that goes into lighting, heating and cooling homes and offices, the world"s buildings start to look like a giant environmental problem. 2015年,世界各国领导人齐聚巴黎,一致同意争取到下半个世纪实现温室气体零排放。这绝非易事,而建筑业使其难上加难。仅仅制造水泥这一项,产生的二氧化碳气体占世界总排量的6%。制造钢材,其中一半钢材用于建筑,其排放量占8%。如果将家庭办公用的照明,取暖,空调所需能源考虑在内,全世界的建筑物似乎更像一个巨大的环境问题。 Governments in the rich world are now trying to promote greener behaviour by obliging developers to build new projects to “zero carbon”standards (see International section). From January 1st 2019 all new public-sector buildings in the European Union must be built to “nearly zero-energy” standards. All other types of buildings will follow in January 2021. Governments in eight further countries are being lobbied to introduce a similar policy. 当前,发达国家政府强制要求开发者的工程建造符合零碳标准(参考国际部门),力图以此推动更环保的行为方式。从2019年1月1日开始,欧盟所有新建的公共部门的建筑必须符合近零能耗标准。2021年1月,其他类型的建筑最迟2021年1月也要遵从这一标准。欧盟正在游说另外8个(非欧盟?)国家也实施采用类似的政策。 These standards are less green than they seem. Wind turbines and solar panels on top of buildings look good but are much less productive than wind and solar farms. And the standards only count the emissions from running a building, not those belched out when it was made. Those are thought to account for between 30% and 60% of the total over a structure"s lifetime. 这些标准在环保程度上言过其实(实际上不如看起来那样环保)。建筑物顶部安装的风力涡轮和太阳电池板看起来不错,但是能量转化效率远不如风能发电站和太阳能发电站。而且这些标准只考虑了建筑物使用过程中的碳排放,并未考虑建造时的碳排放,而据称后者的碳排放占整个建筑物生命周期中总碳排放量的30%-60%。 Buildings can become greener. They can use more recycled steel and can be prefabricated in off-site factories, greatly reducing lorry journeys. But no other building material has environmental credentials as exciting and overlooked as wood. 建筑物可以变得更环保(原译:建筑可以更环保)。可以使用更多的可循环利用的钢材,建筑材料在异地预制,可以极大地减少运输量(最终减少运输带来的碳排放)。但是,就环保特性而言,最令人兴奋,也最令人忽略的建筑材料就是木材(没有哪种建筑材料能像木头那样环保,同时也没有哪种建筑材料能像木头那样也被忽略)。 The energy required to produce a laminated wooden beam is one-sixth of that required for a steel one of comparable strength. As trees take carbon out of the atmosphere when growing, wooden buildings contribute to negative emissions by storing the stuff. When a mature tree is cut down, a new one can be planted to replace it, capturing more carbon. After buildings are demolished, old beams and panels are easy to recycle into new structures. And for retrofitting older buildings to be more energy efficient, wood is a good insulator. A softwood window frame provides nearly 400 times as much insulation as a plain steel one of the same thickness and over a thousand times as much as an aluminium equivalent. 对于强度相同的层压梁和钢材,生产层压梁所需能量是钢材的1/6。由于树木生长过程中吸收大气中的碳,木质建筑通过存储碳的形式促进碳的负排放(木制建筑所需储存的材料不但不会排放碳,而且还会吸收碳)。成年的树砍伐后,会补种上新的树苗,以此吸收更多碳。木制建筑被拆后,旧的梁和板材很容易回收再利用。翻新旧建筑更高效节能,木材还是良好的隔音材料。软木窗框隔热效果是相同厚度钢材的400倍,是铝制材料的上千倍。 A race is on to build the world"s tallest fully wooden skyscraper. But such edifices are still uncommon. Industry fragmentation, vicious competition for contracts and low profit margins mean that most building firms have little money to invest in greener construction methods beyond what regulation dictates. 一场建造世界最高的全木制摩天大楼的竞赛正在进行中。但是这种大厦仍然非同寻常。木质建筑缺少完整的产业链,面临着传统建筑业的残酷竞争和微薄利润(行业分裂,合同压力以及低利润带来的残酷竞争)这些都意味着,大多数建筑公司没钱投资更环保、执行要求更严格的建造工艺(方法)。 Governments can help nudge the industry to use more wood, particularly in the public sector— the construction industry"s biggest client. That would help wood-building specialists achieve greater scale and lower costs. Zero-carbon building regulations should be altered to take account of the emissions that are embodied in materials. This would favour wood as well as innovative ways of producing other materials. 各国政府能够帮助引导(助推)建筑行业更多地使用木材,尤其是公共部门,这一建筑业最大的客户。政府这一举措会有助于木制建筑专家在实现更低成本的同时,将建筑规模做得更大。零碳建筑规章应该稍作修改,将材料本身生产过程中的碳排放也考虑在内,,这也有助于木材的使用,鼓励生产不同其他建材的创新性研究。Construction codes could be tweaked to make building with wood easier. Here the direction of travel is wrong. Britain, for instance, is banning the use of timber on the outside of tall buildings after 72 people died in a tower fire in London in 2017. That is a nonsense. Grenfell Tower was covered in aluminium and plastic, not wood. Modern cross-laminated timber panels perform better in fire tests than steel ones do. 对建筑法规稍作调整有利于推广木制建筑。但当前的调整方向却背道而驰,例如,2017年伦敦的格伦菲尔塔火灾事故导致72人死亡,英国因此禁止在高层建筑物外部使用木材。这种做法毫无道理,格伦菲儿塔的外表面是铝和塑料,并非木材。防火测试表明,交叉层压木板比钢板的防火性能好。 Carpentry alone will not bring the environmental cost of the world"s buildings into line. But using wood can do much more than is appreciated. The second little pig was not wrong, just before his time. 单单依靠木工工艺不会使全球建筑物在环保成本上符合规定。但是,使用木材的好处远超出人们预期。第二只小猪没做错,只是它的做法过于超前。
2023-07-16 15:40:561


温柔的名词形式:gentleness:n.和(平)缓;柔和;高贵;彬彬有礼 例句:But her gentleness and her love made her as beautiful as ever. 但是她的温柔和爱意使她永远美丽。 扩展资料   gentle:adj.文静的;慈祥的`;温柔的;小心的;温和的;徐缓的;平和的;柔和的   vt.使温和;使驯服   第三人称单数: gentles现在分词: gentling过去式: gentled过去分词: gentled比较级: gentler最高级: gentlest   例句:   These poems reveal her gentle side.   这些诗显示出她温柔的一面。   She gave him a gentle push.   她轻轻地推了他一下。   Cook over a gentle heat.   要用文火煮。   We went for a gentle stroll.   我们溜达去了。   She gave me a gentle nudge in the ribs to tell me to shut up.   她用胳膊肘捅了一下我的腰,让我住口。
2023-07-16 15:41:081


Louis:法语(路易,法国历史上有过多位取这个名字的国王) Louis是男子的名,路易斯【‘lu(:)i,"lu(:)is】 涵义:战场上很有名气。 Louis ["lυ01] ["lu(09)01] ["lυ01s] ["lu(09)01s] ["lu01s] ["lu0901s] 1. 路易斯(男子名)[昵称 Lou,Louie;阴性 Louise] 2. Louis I 路易一世(778-840),法国国王及神圣罗马帝国皇帝(814-840) 3. Louis II de Bourbon 4. Louis IX 路易九世(1214-1270),法国国王(1226-1270) 5. Louis Ⅺ 路易十一(1423-1483),法国国王(1461-1483) 6. Louis Ⅻ 路易十二(1462-1515),法国国王(1498-1515) 7. Louis XIII 路易十三(1601-1643),法国国王(1610-1643) 8. Louis XIV 路易十四(1638-1715),法国国王(1643-1715) 9. Louis XV 路易十五(1710-1774),法国国王(1715-1774) 10. Louis XVI 路易十六(1751-1793),法国国王(1774-1792),法国资产阶级大革命时期作为君主专制的象征,被送上断头台 11. Louis XVII 路易十七(1785-1795),法国傀儡国王(1793-1795) 12. 路易十八(1755-1824),法国国王(1814-1824)
2023-07-16 15:41:521


Push her.
2023-07-16 15:42:523

求bigbang beautiful hangover 高清mv和歌词

2023-07-16 15:43:251

A Little Push 歌词

歌曲名:A Little Push歌手:Gloria Estefan专辑:UnwrappedFunny how you never knowWhere your heart is gonna goSuddenly you"re being pulled into a rising undertowWhat started as a little rainGrows into a hurricaneRiding on a waveDesire flowing, crashing through your veinsWhat you want, I knowWhat you need(Chorus)I think you need a little push in my direction if you"re gonna fall in loveAll you need"s a little nudge and I will catch you when you fallI think it"s only fair to bring to your attentionYou"re about to fall in loveYes, you"re gonna fall in loveYou"re opening a different doorCurious to know the scoreBut so afraid that once inside you won"tbe leaving anymoreAnd while your hesitation burnsYou"re gonna be surprised to learnHow easy it"ll be to get you tothe point of no returnWhat you want, I knowWhat you needI think you need a little push in my direction if you"re gonna fall in loveAll you need"s a little nudge and I will catch you when you fallI think it"s only fair to bring to your attentionYou"re about to fall in loveYes, you"re gonna fall in loveYou fear love that"s real loveExpecting ideal loveIt"s hard to conceal loveDeny what you feel, love, you feel loveI think you need a little push in my direction if you"re gonna fall in loveAll you need"s a little nudge and I will catch you when you fallI think it"s only fair to bring to your attentionYou"re about to fall in loveYes, you"re gonna fall in love
2023-07-16 15:43:401


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2023-07-16 15:44:102

If You Wanna Have Some Fun 歌词

歌曲名:If You Wanna Have Some Fun歌手:Spice Girls专辑:ForeverArtist: Spice GirlsAlbum: ForeverTitle: If You Wanna Have Some FunAt the party after the showI see a face I wanna get to know(Wink wink, nudge nudge - tell me do you like the rude this stuff)Show me how you gotta make your moveBoy you know you gotta let ya prove(Wink wink, nudge nudge - are you man enough?)You gotta answer to up my stareAnd now you walking from over thereI ..easy on make it hard for you - ...If you wanna have some funTrack me down, and get my number You could be the one(Something on your mind)If you wanna have some funTrack me down, and get my number You could be the one(Something on your mind)Now you stand real close to meI feel the heat you wanna get with me(Wink wink, nudge nudge - tell me do you like the rude this stuff)I love the feeling wanna make it rightBaby I"m gonna keep it up on mind(Wink wink, nudge nudge - are you man enough?)Why don"t you tell me how you unwantAnd if you"re open, I"ll ... you mindI"ll take you places you never been before - ...If you wanna have some funTrack me down, and get my number You could be the one(Something on your mind)If you wanna have some funTrack me down, and get my number You could be the one(Something on your mind)If you wanna have some funTrack me down, and get my number You could be the one(Something on your mind)If you wanna have some funTrack me down, and get my number You could be the one(Something on your mind).......Why don"t you tell me how you unwantAnd if you open I"ll ... you mindI"ll take you places you never been beforeIf you want to have some fun (Something on your mind)If you want to have some fun (Something on your mind)If you wanna have some funTrack me down, and get my number You could be the one(Something on your mind)If you wanna have some funTrack me down, and get my number You could be the one(Something on your mind)If you wanna have some funTrack me down, and get my number You could be the one(Something on your mind)If you wanna have some funTrack me down, and get my number You could be the one(Something on your mind)If you wanna have some funTrack me down, and get my number You could be the one......
2023-07-16 15:44:491


电脑关机! 重装系统 一篇关于环保的英语短文 How Much Nature Is Enough? By Andrew C.Revkin Even some ardent conservationists acknowledge that the diversity of life on Earth cannot be fully sustained as human populations expand? use more resources? nudge the climate and move weedlike pests and predators from place to place.Given that some losses are inevitable? the debate among many experts has shifted to an unfortable subject? what level of loss is acceptable. The discussion is taking place at both the local and global levels? How *** all can a fragment of an ecosystem be and still function in all its richness? and thus be considered preserved? And as global biodiversity diminishes? is it a valid fallback strategy to bank organi *** s and genes in zoos? DNA banks or the like? or does this simply justify more habitat destruction? Is nature on ice a sufficient substitute for the real thing? Some conservation groups have strenuously avoided or even attacked such calculations and strategies. They say there is no safe diminution of habitat as long as human understanding of ecology is as sketchy as it is? a fallback strategy is unthinkable. Furthermore? banking nature in a deep freeze or database of gene sequences cannot capture context. For instance? even if a vanished bird was someday reconstituted from its genes? would it warble with the same fluency as its ancestors? On the other side of the debate? those considering what the *** allest viable habitats are or how to expand archives as an insurance policy say that re......>> 青春期性器官发育成熟 所以呢
2023-07-16 15:45:061


2023-07-16 15:45:162

pads layout怎样设置推挤布线?

用PADS Router有推挤布线功能:PX、PP等选项
2023-07-16 15:45:263


2023-07-16 15:45:332


中文翻译成沙狐球,沙漠之狐也!其实它是属于掷球的一种,学名叫做桌掷球。说起来,shuffleboard沙狐球的玩法倒是很简单,来个优美的手势,然后轻轻推出每一枚精巧的沙狐球weight,最后看谁的沙狐球在scoringarea得分区域内滑得最远谁就优胜。但由于不同的桌型、不同的打法和各种手法技巧的运用,使得打沙狐球不仅仅只是推推球,这小小的沙狐精灵也是变幻无穷呢。沙狐球的开球有三种,第一种是正手推球,这是最基本的一种方法,它的方法就是手的三个手指压在球盖上,用肩带动手臂轻轻的顺着球道的方向往前推。第二种方法是在运动水平达到一定程度时常用的方法,叫边推,是要四个手指靠在球边,拇指压在球盖的上面,因为这种球推起来它的稳定性和线路比较宽广,所以比赛中常采用这种方法。第三种是你的技术和运动水平达到一定水平后使用的,叫旋转推球法。这种方法是球在运动过程中出现一条弧线,来改变在球场上的布局。沙狐球这项运动是shuffleboard,所有的球被叫做weight,球桌就叫board。  出球被称为shot,在一轮中打出的第一枚球就是开球,也就是shootfirst,而打出的最后一枚球有个专业说法,叫hammer锤球。而沙狐球中的shot也有很多种,像我们刚才说到的freehandshot, nudge, go around, stunshot都是。当然影响比赛成绩的,除了shot,就还有器材了。沙狐球最初的形式就是滚硬币shovecoins,这可就要追溯到15世纪的英国宫廷了, the royalty shoved coinsacross a polished tabletop as a pastime.不过当时人们用的硬币可不是我们现在的这种,而是groat一种较大的英国古时的四便士银币。  在沙狐球的历史中还有许多有趣的事情,比如说人们曾经痴迷于这项运动而都不去工作了,It caused the shuffleboard to be banned.1848年在美国的宾夕法尼亚州还曾经就沙狐球展开了法庭辩论来决定:"Isskill?"沙狐球到底是凭运气的游戏还是运用技巧的游戏呢?判决当然是后者agame ofskill,于是乎shuffleboard大跨步的发展起来,二次世界大战期间是沙狐球运动发展最快的阶段,当时的人们从这项运动中享受到了放松的心情。现如今,沙狐球已经在全世界范围内流行开来,为人们的生活增添了无穷乐趣。
2023-07-16 15:45:411


push 英[pu028au0283] 美[pu028au0283] vt. 推,推动; vt. 按; 推动,增加; 对…施加压力,逼迫; 说服; n. 推,决心; 大规模攻势; 矢志的追求; [例句]I pushed through the crowds and on to the escalator我挤出人群,踏上了自动扶梯。
2023-07-16 15:46:022


1. 关于荷花的诗句英文翻译 关于荷花的诗句英文翻译 1.描写荷花的英文诗 A green level of lily leaves Roofs the pond"s chamber and paves The flies" furious arena: study These, the two minds of this lady. First observe the air"s dragonfly That eats meat, that bullets by Or stands in space to take aim; Others as dangerous comb the hum Under the trees. There are battle-shouts And death-cries everywhere hereabouts But inaudible, so the eyes praise To see the colours of these flies Rainbow their arcs, spark, or settle Cooling like beads of molten metal Through the spectrum. Think what worse Is the pond-bed"s matter of course; Prehistoric bedragoned times Crawl that darkness with Latin names, Have evolved no improvements there, Jaws for heads, the set stare, Ignorant of age as of hour- Now paint the long-necked lily-flower Which, deep in both worlds, can be still As a painting, trembling hardly at all Though the dragonfly alight, Whatever horror nudge her root. 2.描写荷花的英文诗 A green level of lily leaves Roofs the pond"s chamber and paves The flies" furious arena: study These, the two minds of this lady. First observe the air"s dragonfly That eats meat, that bullets by Or stands in space to take aim; Others as dangerous comb the hum Under the trees. There are battle-shouts And death-cries everywhere hereabouts But inaudible, so the eyes praise To see the colours of these flies Rainbow their arcs, spark, or settle Cooling like beads of molten metal Through the spectrum. Think what worse Is the pond-bed"s matter of course; Prehistoric bedragoned times Crawl that darkness with Latin names, Have evolved no improvements there, Jaws for heads, the set stare, Ignorant of age as of hour- Now paint the long-necked lily-flower Which, deep in both worlds, can be still As a painting, trembling hardly at all Though the dragonfly alight, Whatever horror nudge her root。 3.佛教关于荷花的翻译英文 Because chaste lotus, symbol holy, auspicious, light, qing chun, accord with Buddhism publicity is dirty, only worldly troubles from cruel world of mortals, to forgo our western "heaven". And think lotus flower withering root immortality, the coming year retransmission, can be must not destroy propaganda people die of soul, let a person believe in reincarnation retribution, big deposition of merit, hope after death incarnate "pure land others hell", namely "lotus hidden Buddha thought the world". Is the buddhist special praise highly lotus root causes of.。 4.关于荷花的英语文章 The water lily has long, stout leaves and long flower stalks. There are usually six petals and six stamen. Water lilies are also able to reproduce by budding. The roots detach and grow into new water lilies. The root of the lily is located in the mud at the bottom of a pond. Many lilies are produced through budding.。 5.描写荷花的英语作文 Lotus, also known as lotus, water, and Seremban, Yuhuan, and so on. Branch is the water lily aquatic herbaceous perennial flowers. Rhizome long, hypertrophy, a long section of the circular shield. Flowering period from June to September, the top-born pedicel, the majority of petals, born in the receptacle containing Xuenei, red, pink, white, purple and other colors, or color text, flanger. Oval-shaped nuts, seeds oval. There are many kinds of flowers, ornamental and consumption of the two sub-categories. Asian origin tropical and temperate regions, China"s cultivated a long history, as early as the Chou dynasty there cultivation records, the number of warm-wet. YE large lotus flower, Qingxiang far overflow, but not with the sludge, is deeply loved by the people, the garden is a very important water plant. Lotus-general are, lotus seeds and lotus roots can be consumed; lotus seeds, roots, Oujie, lotus leaves, flowers, and seeds such as the germ can be medicine, many diseases can rule. 6.关于荷花加爱情的英文语句加翻译 诗、词、语录都可以 记住是英文还 莲的心事 诗/席慕容 我,是一朵盛开的夏荷, 多希望,你能看见现在的我。 风霜还不曾来侵蚀, 秋雨还未滴落。 青涩的季节又已离我远去, 我已亭亭,不忧,亦不惧。 现在,正是, 最美丽的时刻, 重门却已深锁, 在芬芳的笑靥之后, 谁人知道我莲的心事。 无缘的你啊, 不是来得太早,就是, 太迟…… The mind of a lotus A poem By Xi Murong /Tr. By Lily I, a lotus flower blooming in summer, Yearn that you can see what I"m now. Not yet am I eroded by wind and frost, And nor yet beaten by dripping autumn rain. Sentimental season has far away departed me, I"m elegant and slender, no worry nor fear. It"s right now The most beautiful moment of my lif。 重门却已深锁, Yearn that you can see what I", 秋雨还未滴落。 风霜还不曾来侵蚀. But doors are securely locked, 我已亭亭..,不忧. Not yet am I eroded by wind and frost, a lotus flower blooming in summer, 多希望, no worry nor fear。 青涩的季节又已离我远去莲的心事 诗/,就是, Who knows the mind of a lotus flower。 现在, Come to me either too early,亦不惧;Tr, doomed no chance, 不是来得太早,是一朵盛开的夏荷, you, 在芬芳的笑靥之后, 谁人知道我莲的心事. Sentimental season has far away departed me;m elegant and slender. Ah, And nor yet beaten by dripping autumn rain. Behind my sweet smile;s right now The most beautiful moment of my life, I". It"。 无缘的你啊,正是,你能看见现在的我;m now. By Lily I, 太迟…… The mind of a lotus A poem By Xi Murong /, 最美丽的时刻;席慕容 我, Or too late 7.有关莲的诗句及翻译 1、【江南】 江南可采莲, 莲叶何田田。 鱼戏莲叶间, 鱼戏莲叶东, 鱼戏莲叶西,鱼戏莲叶南,鱼戏莲叶北。 2、【采莲曲】王昌龄 荷叶罗裙一色裁, 芙蓉向脸两边开。 乱入池中看不见, 闻歌始觉有人来。 3、【晓出净慈送林子方】 杨万里 毕竟西湖六月中, 风光不与四时同。 接天莲叶无穷碧, 映日荷花别样红。 4、《爱莲说》宋·周敦颐 水陆草木之花,可爱者甚繁。晋陶渊明独爱菊,自李唐来,世人甚爱牡丹。予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,可远观而不可亵玩焉 5、《莲花》温庭筠 绿塘摇滟接星津,轧轧兰桡入白苹。应为洛神波上袜,至今莲蕊有香尘。 解释: 1、《江南》: 青年男女在江边采莲, 茂盛的莲叶在江中生长, 有些游鱼在莲叶间穿梭往还. 鱼儿一会儿游向东,一会儿游向西,一会儿游向南,一会儿游各北, 无拘无束,怡然自得. 2、《采莲曲》: 采莲少女的绿罗裙融入到田田荷叶中,仿佛一色,分不清楚,少女的脸庞掩映在盛开的荷花间,相互映照,人花难辨。混入莲池中不见了踪影,听到歌声四起才觉察到有人。 3、《晓出净慈送林子方》: 到底是六月中的西湖啊,风光景致不同于其它季节。 满湖的荷叶好象与蓝天连接在一起,看上去无边无际的青翠碧绿;出水的荷花与日光互相映照,显得特别娇艳鲜红。 4、《爱莲说》: 水上陆上草本木本的花,可爱的很多。晋朝的陶渊明单单爱菊花。从李氏的唐朝以来,社会上的人很爱牡丹。我却喜欢莲花,喜欢它从污泥里出来却不被沾染,在清水里洗过却不妖艳,它的茎中间空,外部直,不生藤蔓,也不生旁枝,它的气味越远越清香,它又端庄又洁净地挺立在水中,可以远远地欣赏它,却不能轻慢地玩弄它。 我认为,菊花是花中的隐士,牡丹是花中的“富贵人”,莲花是花中君子。唉!爱菊花的人,在陶渊明以后不大听到了;爱莲花的人,象我一样的还有谁呢?爱牡丹的人,当然是很多的了! 5、《莲花》: 碧绿荷塘摇曳的荷花激起的涟漪好像连接着银河 船桨在荷塘滑动发出扎扎的声响,船驶入水草之中 就像洛神步履轻盈地走在平静的水面上,荡起细细的涟漪 到今天莲花都有洛神的香尘残留
2023-07-16 15:46:091

shut up翻译成中文

shut up翻译成中文是:(使)住口;(使)闭嘴。shut up的英音是/u0283u028ct u028cp/,美音是/u0283u028ct u028cp/。含有shut up的双语例句1、She gave me a gentle nudge in the ribs to tell me to shut up.她用胳膊肘捅了一下我的腰,让我住口。2、For God"s sake shut up. I can"t hear myself think!看在老天爷的份上,闭嘴吧。吵死我了!3、If they had been faced with the bill they"d have shut up shop and fled the country.他们要是看到这账单,早就关门歇业逃到国外去了。4、While Fern was in school, Wilbur was shut up inside his yard.当芬上学时,威伯就被关到他的院子里。
2023-07-16 15:46:161


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