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2023-07-16 18:56:25
TAG: 家庭















简单的说就是肢体出现了不协调运动,比如:1、指鼻实验 嘱患者仰卧以食指接触距其前方0.5cm检查者的食指,再以食指指自己的鼻尖,由慢到快,先睁眼后闭眼,重复进行。小脑半球病变时同侧指鼻不准,如睁眼时指鼻准确,闭眼时出现障碍则为感觉性共济失调。2、跟-膝-胫实验 嘱患者仰卧,上抬一侧下肢,将足跟置于另一下肢膝盖下端,再沿胫骨前缘向下移动,先睁眼,再闭眼重复进行。小脑损害时动作不稳,感觉性共济失调者闭眼时足跟难以寻到膝盖。3、其他 a快速轮替动作:嘱患者伸直手掌并以前臂作快速旋前旋后动作,或一手用手掌、手背连续交替拍打对侧手掌,共济失调者动作缓慢,不协调;b闭目难立征:嘱患者足跟并拢站立,闭目,双手向前平伸,若出现身体摇晃或倾斜者为阳性,提示小脑病变。如睁眼时能站稳而闭眼时站立不稳,则为感觉性共济失调。



I was extremely close with my morher all my life..She was a brilliant eductor ,writer and wonderful woman. Sadly, shen was developed complications related to diabetes.When she lost her eyesight and most of her ability to walk,it was absolutely horrifying for me She passed away from a fall seven or eightyears ago.At her funeral,I swore that one day I"d do something about conditions like hers.


Years passed and I read about the work the South Koreans had done with stem cells.In 2004 and 2005 Hwang WooSuk fraudulently repoted that he had succeededin creating human embryoniv stem cells by cloning.Back then it wasn"t kown it was a fraud,so it was very excitinh to think that a long list of diseases could be treated.



I found the stem cell research company Stemagen with another gentleman whose father hand died of ALS.We went out for drinks one night and we started talking about our parents.We wanted to do something that would be a legacy.for them.


是福是祸?For Better or Worse?

The moment we diceded to start Stemagen,I read all there was to read about the various cloning efforts in the past.The cloned sheep Dolly in 1997was very interesting,but at that stage people were not focusing on the stemcell aspect of cloning;they were focusing on the reproductive possibilities of cloning.


Human reproductive cloning is just simply wrong ethically from a medical standpoint and a scientific standpoint,even ignoring any religious issues associated with it.The reason is that the majority of reproductive clones in other species are actually abnormal,with very high miscarriage rates,very high stillbirth rates,fetal anomalie,death soon after birth,et cetera.


It would just be absolutely wrong to take a human being and put them through what may well involve significant suffering for really no good end.Even though people could take the techniques that we"ve developed and attenp to do it(or perhaps even be successful doing it),we hope that they would not.


On the other hand,therapeutic cloning does not involve any type of risk to human life and actually provides tremendous potential for the relief of suffering inreal human beings who are going through some awful things.


I"m a pure scientist in some ways,and I know that manyvdifferent studies or findings could be used for evil.Our job as scientist is to make the most of this technology and make it available to the greatest number of other scientists who can help us do good things with it.There"s really no effective way for an individual scientist to stop someone else from using the knowledge for something they should"t.

在某种程度上,我是一个纯粹的科学家,可我知道种种研究或发现可能被用来做邪恶的事。作为科学家 我们的工作是充分利用这一技术,并且使之尽可能被多的其他科学家掌握,帮助我们做好事。对于科学家个人而言,其实没什么行之有效的方法可以阻止他人将知识用到他们不该用的地方。

We need to be honest aboutthe techniques that we used.They need to be able to be replicated by other people,and s9,we are providing a roadmap.I would hope that the legislation that"s in place and the hreat public disapproval that would result from any attempt to clone a human would dissuade anyone from going down that path.


What is it they say?There is no technology that hasn"t been used for some evil purpose at some will attempt human reproductive cloning.I do think it"s inevitable,and it"s virtually impossible to legislate that away.


出名Claim to Fame

I am spoken of as the first man to "clone himself."There are different types if cloning.At the cellular level,yes,it"s ture I am the first man to clone himself.We thought a great deal about how to deal with the issue of whose cells we should use and whether we should let the world and the scientific community know who the first cellular clone was.In the end we decieded that we wanted to put a human face on cloning.


I didn"t anticipate it would create the firstorm of controversy that it"s created,but I"m still glad we went down that path. We received thousands of e-mails and phone calls from people who need help.


I think by c9ming forward and putting a face to it we made it very real,and now people around the world know that cloning is here.I believe that very soon it will be used therapeutically,so I think our purpose was served.


纯科学Pure Science

What happens is an informed and consenting woman donates an egg and we remove her gentic material from the egg.Then we place a single skin cell inside that egg.


What we"re really interested 8n is creating disease-specific and person-specific stem cell lines.The procedure of taking cells from a person takes no more than a minute or two.You can take some skin cells from the arm,for example,and in one to two minutes,you can get the cells that you need to carry out this process


This process enables us to study the causes of specific diseases,such as Alzheimer"s Disease,ALS or Parkinson"s Disease,and then research a variety of treatments for these diseases.If the stem cell lines are created for any given individual and are later transplanted back into the individual,they will not be rejected by the individual.


甜蜜的成功Sweet Success

I always thought that when our research was successful I would just be pleased that we had accomplished this when others had not.In reality,it is transcendent-when you look through the micioscope,you see what you may have looked like a long time ago,at least in part.


When I looked down and saw that cloned blastocyst,it brought tears to my eyes.I had done this for my mother,and I realized,had she only been able to live a few years longer,maybe we could have used this technology to help her.It was emotional to see tht potential,which she never had a chance to experience.


There"s a big misconception out there that we decided to destroy these embryos for some reason.There was so much skepticism about this process because of the scientific fraud from the past that it was critical that there be no doubt that they were clones.


In the process of analysis,the embryos were destroyed by necessary.In other words, to get the genetic material from inside the cells to analyze it,you have to destroy the cell.We would have loved to have been able to avoid destroying them.


Now we"re working full-time on creating stem cell lines,and people are watching with great interest.


The Pope and the President


There are a variety of opponents to our work.


We were condemned by the Vatican and mentioned in a negative light in President Bush"s State of the Union address.In a sense it"s an honor because it shows that we"re doing something significant.It"s not every day that you get condemned by the Vatican and President Bush in the same week.


There"s usually no dialogue between the researchers in the embryonic stem cell field and those who oppose it.


It doesn"t make sense to me that it"s such an emotional and contentious topic.Logically,this is not life.I agree it"s a potential life,but the vast majority of embryos never become life.The majority generate,don"t implant and die.A fetus is a life.That argument makes sense to me,but it doesn"t make sense to me look at an embryo in a lab and give it all the rights of a human life.












2023-07-16 14:42:5715


失误的解释 [miscarriage] 出现差错 在我们计划的 细节 中有些失误 详细解释 亦作“ 失悮 ”。1.差错;过错。 《汉书·梁平王刘襄传》 :“更审考清问,著不然之效,定失误之法,而反命於 下吏 。” 宋 姜夔 《续书谱·草》 :“若泛学诸家,则字有工拙,笔多失误。” 《 水浒传 》 第八一回:“你两个就从索上盘将出来。四更为期,不可失悮。” 《红楼梦》 第八十回:“ 宝蟾 又乔装躲闪, 连忙 缩手;两下失悮,‘豁啷"一声,茶碗落地。” 郭小川 《 万里 长江 横渡》 诗:“ 革命 者宁愿在大风大浪中照见自己,改正失误。” (2).疏忽; 耽误 。 元 关汉卿 《谢 天香 》 第一折:“他则道官身休失误,启口更无词。” 《水浒传》 第三九回:“兄弟小心,不要贪酒,失误了哥哥饮食。” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑· 掌故 ·陈侍御奏折》 :“如大 学士 马尔赛 、 讷亲 ,皆以失误军机,即行 * 。” 词语分解 失的解释 失 ī 丢:遗失。坐失 良机 。收复失地。流离失所。 违背:失约。 失信 。 找不着: 迷失 方向。 没有掌握住:失言。失职。失调(俹 )。 没有达到: 失望 。失意。 错误 :失误。失策。过失。失之毫厘,谬以千里。 误的解释 误 (误) ù 错,不 正确 :错误。失误。笔误。误差(?)。 耽搁 :耽误。 因自己做错而使受损害:误国。误人子弟。 不是 故意 而有害于人:误伤。 部首 :讠。
2023-07-16 14:43:231


misadministration 管理失当 misadventure n. 运气不佳的遭遇 misallocation 不合理分配 misanthrope n. 愤世嫉俗者 misapplied adj. 误用的; 乱用的; 滥用的 misapprehend 误解;私吞侵占 misapprehension n. 误会,误解 扩展资料   miscall vt. 叫错...的名字,误称   miscarriage n. 失败,误送,流产   miscarry vi. 失败,被误送,流产   miscegenation n. 种族混合,杂婚   miscellaneous adj. 多种的,混杂的"   miscellany n. 混合物   mischance n. 不幸,灾难   mischief n. 损害,伤害,淘气,恶作剧,灾祸   mischievous adj. 淘气的,有害处的   misconceive 误解   misconception n. 误解,错误的印象   misconduct vt. 办错,使行为不端   misconstrue v. 误解,曲解
2023-07-16 14:43:301


英语前缀 "mis-" 通常表示“错误、不当或缺乏”的意思。它可以加在名词、动词和形容词前面,用于构成新的单词。以下是一些以 "mis-" 为前缀的常见单词及其意思:misunderstand: 误解,理解错误mislead: 误导,引入歧途misjudge: 判断有误,评价失当mistake: 错误,过失misbehave: 行为不当,无礼mismanage: 管理不当,处理失当mispronounce: 发音错误,念错需要注意的是,虽然 "mis-" 的含义通常是负面的,但有时也会出现一些例外,例如:miscellaneous: 杂项的,多种多样的mischievous: 淘气的,恶作剧的,有趣的此外,在某些情况下, "mis-" 前缀还可能表示 "不完全" 或 "变化" 的意思,具体意义取决于其所接的词汇。
2023-07-16 14:43:372


小产(miscarriage),病名。出《景岳全书·妇人规》亦名半生、半产、失胎、伤娠、草产、损娠。指妇人怀孕三月以上,由于气血虚弱,肾虚,血热及外伤等原因损及冲任,导致冲任不固,不能摄血养胎;或毒药伤胎,以致未足月而产。 所谓小产,是指怀孕24周前胎死腹中。但是,根据世界卫生组织的标准,小产是指死胎在500克以下。据医学记载,小产约75%发生在妊娠16周以前,其中大多数又发生在妊娠8周前。 凡妊娠在28周以前中断,胎儿体重不足1000克者称为流产。发生在妊娠12周以内的流产为早期流产;发生在妊娠12~28周流产为晚期流产。 流产分自然流产和人工流产两种。自然流产是指胚胎或胎儿因某种原因自动脱离母体而排出,发生率约占全部妊娠的10%~18%。人工流产则指用药物或机械性干预等人工方法而终止妊娠者。 自然流产主因,是胚胎的发育不正常。 如果小产后再孕,孕妇应尽早让医生检查,必要时加以治疗,便可确保胎儿健康成长。必要时加以治疗,便可确保胎儿健康成长。 “为什么我会意外小产?” 这是许多孕妇感到痛心、难受与困惑的事。好不容易怀了胎,为何无法顺利生产?小产意外,可能发生在任何孕妇的身上。临床医学研究发现,孕妇流产的几率有15%至20%。
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2023-07-16 14:44:318


小产的解释[miscarriage;abortion] 在妊娠最初12周内人胎的非 正常 娩出 详细解释 流产的通称。谓怀孕未足月而胎儿堕出。 明 张介宾 《景岳全书·妇人规下·产育类》 :“凡正产者,出於熟落之 自然 ;小产者,由於损折之 勉强 。此小产之所以不可忽也。” 《醒世恒言·卢太学诗酒傲王侯》 :“谁相 夫人 有五个月身孕, 忽然 小产起来。” 巴金 《家》 十一:“她出嫁后不到一年,就因小产死了。” 词语分解 小的解释 小 ǎ 指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量不及一般或不及所比较的 对象 ,与“大” 相对 :小雨。矮小。短小精悍。 范围窄, 程度 浅, 性质 不 重要 :小事。小节。小题大作。小打小闹。 时间 短:小坐。小住。 年幼小 产的解释 产 (产) ǎ 人或 动物 生子:产子。产卵。产妇。助产士。 制造,养种植或自然生长:工业生产。产值。 制造、养、种植或自然生长的 东西 :土产。特产。 生出,出现:产生。出产。产地。 财物:财产。遗产。产权
2023-07-16 14:44:471

we mis的翻译是:什么意思

2023-07-16 14:44:543

请假的几种不同种类 英文!

excuse, MC=Certificate of Medical Leave
2023-07-16 14:45:042


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2023-07-16 14:46:393


White snake su zhen is still a little snake without magic power had been arrested by the old snake.(白蛇素贞还是一条没有什么法力的小蛇时曾被捕蛇老人所抓。)Thanks to the rescue of a small shepherd boy.(幸得一小牧童相救。)Su zhen heart swear, must repay this help.(素贞心内发誓,一定要报答这份救命之恩。)A thousand years later, white snake became a man.(一千年以后,白蛇修成人身。)When returning kindness to the world, green snake xiaoqing met her and tamed her to match her sister.(往人间报恩时相遇青蛇小青,将其驯服,以姊妹相称。)After getting the bodhisattva, su zhen went to hangzhou west lake to find a thousand years after the small cowboy.(得到菩萨明示之后,素贞前往杭州西湖找到了千年后的小牧童。)At this time, he was an apprentice of medicine hall xu xian.(此时是一个药堂的学徒许仙。)Heaven down generous virtuous and beautiful woman, nature is a student xu xian never delusional.(天上降下大方贤惠又漂亮的女子,自然是呆学生许仙所不曾妄想的。)Element zhen let two people know soon formed a good qin jin.(素贞让二人相识不久很快就结成秦晋之好。)But xu xian was weak in ear and listened to fa hai"s false words.(只是许仙耳根软弱,误听法海和尚谗言。)Realgar tried out his wife"s real body, alive scared to death.(用雄黄试出妻子真身,活活吓死。)Bai suzhen flew to the west with her pregnant body to steal fairy grass and fought with the heavenly soldiers to save xu xian"s life.(白素贞带着有孕之身飞西天盗仙草,更与天兵交手,救回许仙一命。)But also directly lead to the consequences of miscarriage.(却也直接导致小产的后果。)Xu xian still did not know how to love her.(许仙仍未懂得娘子深情,再次听信谗言的他用钵对准白娘子的时候。)Element zhen cannot escape again, be pressed below lei feng tower.(素贞再也无法逃脱,被压在雷锋塔下。)He will have to wait for his son to finish first in high school before he can expect to make a comeback.(要等他年儿子高中状元,才可盼望从中复出。)扩展资料《新白娘子传奇》角色介绍:1,白素贞修行千年的蛇仙。白素贞在峨眉山修炼得道,法术高强。她美貌绝世,天性善良,用岐黄医术悬壶济世造福黎民百姓。白素贞为报许仙1700年前的救命之恩,对其以身相许。法海用强力拆散白素贞和许仙,把白素贞压在雷峰塔下。二十年后白蛇儿子高中状元孝感动天,白蛇终得出塔,归位仙班。2,许仙字汉文,杭州市钱塘县人,自幼父母双亡,由姐姐许娇容、姐夫李公甫抚养成人。原本一介书生,后被姐姐举荐到一家药铺做学徒。在西子湖畔,巧遇1700年前亲手搭救而前来报恩的白素贞及白素贞收服的青蛇小青。许白二人雨中邂逅,同船共渡,并相互心生爱慕之情。不久二人结为夫妻。
2023-07-16 14:46:571


2023-07-16 14:47:224


school 和 excuse 的音标是这样的:/sku:l/ /01k"skju:s/school 的 ch 和 excuse 的 c 都要变音,变成像汉语拼音的 g,不像汉语拼音的 k。这是一个英语发音的规则。请仔细看以下的说明。 严格来说,school 里面的 ch 对于英国人美国人仍然是 /k/,只是中国人觉得那个像汉语拼音里的 g,不像汉语拼音的 k。英语的 /g/ 则是另外一个音,是普通话中没有的,类似汉语拼音的 g,但是是浊音,发音时要伴随声带震动。汉语拼音的 g 国际音标是 [k](不送气清音),k 是 [k01](送气清音)。在普通话中 [k] 和 [k01] 有辩义作用,在英语中,[k] 和 [k01] 却是互补关系,规则就是,/k/ 一般都读作 [k01](送气),但是 /sk/ 的组合如果在重音上,/k/ 就读作 [k](不送气)。 从音标可以看到,excuse 是写成 /01k"skju:s/,不是写成 */01ks"kju:s/,这就是 /k/ 变音的一个提示,因为把 /sk/ 看作一个不能分割的单位了。但是有例外,像 miscarriage(流产)音标是 /05m01s"k03r01d01/,就是不把 /sk/ 看成一个单位,mis-carriage 还没有紧密结合,其中的 c 还是读 [k01](送气)。 类似情况也出现在 /sp/ /st/ 和 /str/ 这些组合,如果在重音上,/p/ /t/ 和 /tr/ 改为不送气。(不是改为“浊音”。如果真是改成浊音,音标要发生变化。) 如果有不明白的地方,欢迎追问。
2023-07-16 14:47:361

求一恐怖片名儿 有一女嫌自己太胖就她拿着刀子在洗手间一块一块的割自己的肉 不喜勿喷 知道的告诉我谢了

WTF应该是最后那颗人头说的“what the fuck"吧?
2023-07-16 14:47:443


报名参加的教育机构 Started a part time job开始了兼职工作 Graduate from college大学毕业 Started first full-time job/began career开始第一次全职工作/开始职业生涯 Started a second/new career开始了第二次/新职业 Started own business/became self-employed开始自己的业务/成为个体户 Retired退休 You or your partner lost main employment您或您的伙伴失去了主要的就业机会 Became pregnant怀孕 Became a parent成为父母 Became a grandparent成为祖父母 Child returned home to live儿童返回家园生活 Became engaged to be married订婚结婚 Married or began a live-in relationship已婚或开始了生活中的关系 Got remarried有再婚 Divorced or seperated离婚或分居 Moved away from home for the first time搬到远离家乡的首次 Bought a home买了回家 Bought a vacation home/second home买了回家休假/第二故乡 Moved to a retirement community (55+ community)转移到退休社区( 55 +社会) Moved to a retirement home or assisted living转移到养老院或协助生活 Began taking care of a grandchild开始照顾孙儿 Began taking care of a parent or another relative开始照顾父母或其他亲属 Long-term or life threating illness or injury长期或终身threating生病或受伤 Long-term illness, injury or disability of household member长期患病,受伤或残疾的家庭成员 Became disabled or incapacitated成为残疾或丧失工作能力 Became dependent on others for personal care成为依赖他人的个人护理用品 Began menopause开始更年期 Death of a spouse, lover, other family member or close friend配偶死亡,情人,其他家庭成员或亲密朋友 Death of a child (including miscarriage or stillbirth)死亡的儿童(包括流产或死胎) Been a victim of a natural disaster是受害者自然灾害 Major personal achievement主要的个人成就
2023-07-16 14:47:511

护士用的日常单词 英语

还是多看看专业的护理英语网站吧 :)
2023-07-16 14:48:024


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病假 sick leave; sickness pay; sick pay带薪休假 paid leave销假 return to work; back to work病休表 sickness absence form员工近亲过世请的假 bereavement leave; compassionate leave通常是在员工近亲属去世的时候请的假。这里说的近亲属包括父母(parents)、岳父母(father/mother-in-law)、兄弟姐妹(brother/sister)、配偶或者伴侣(husband/wife/partner)、子女(children)【可能包括意外流产(miscarriage)、死胎(stillbirth)及新生儿死亡(neonatal death)】及祖父母(grandparent)。parental leave指为了照顾小孩的假期可能带薪(paid)也可能不带薪(unpaid),属于职工福利之一。它比汉语产假(maternity leave)范围广,包括父亲在这种情况下的休假(paternity leave)和收养孩子的休假(adoption leave)。
2023-07-16 14:48:181

英文药名:premaston allylesprenol 麻烦大家帮忙译下,谢谢!

是不是allylestrenol? 又相当于allyloestrenol 或者 allyl estrenol是一种合成孕激素 (synthetic progestogen)通常用来防止先兆性流产 (threatened miscarriage)或习惯性流产(recurrent pregnancy loss )或早产(premature labor) 也有一些用在男性身上的研究 有一些比较好的结果在良性前列腺增生症(benign prostatic hyperplasia)上 希望有所帮助
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justice [U] (a) right and fair behaviour or treatment 公平; 公正; 正义: laws based on the principles of justice 以公正为原则的法律 * efforts to achieve complete social justice 为达到社会的完全公道而做的努力. (b) quality of being reasonable or fair 合理; 公道: He demanded, with some justice, that he should be given an opportunity to express his views. 他要求给他一次机会表达自己的观点, 这也不无道理. [U] the law and its administration 法律制裁; 司法; 审判: a court of justice 法庭 * a miscarriage of justice, ie a wrong legal decision 误判. Justice [C] (used as a title of a High Court Judge 用作高等法院法官的头衔): Mr Justice Smith 法官史密斯先生. [C] (US) judge of a lawcourt 法官. (idm 习语) bring sb to `justice arrest, try and sentence (a criminal) 使(犯人)归案受审. ,do oneself `justice behave in a way that is worthy of one"s abilities 发挥自己的能力: He didn"t do himself justice in the exams, ie did not perform as well as he was capable of doing. 他在考试中没有发挥出自己的能力. do justice to sb/sth (a) recognize the true value of sb/sth; treat sb/sth fairly 承认某人[某事物]的价值; 公平对待某人[某事物]: To do her justice, we must admit that she did deserve to win. 说句公道话, 我们得承认她应该获胜. * The photograph does not do full justice to (ie does not truly reproduce) the rich colours of the gardens. 这张照片没有真实地反映出花园的丰富色彩. (b) deal with sb/sth adequately 尽心处理或对待某人[某事物]: Since we"d already eaten, we couldn"t do justice to her cooking, ie could not eat all the food she had cooked. 我们已经吃过饭了, 所以吃不下她做的食物了. # ,Justice of the `Peace (abbr 缩写 JP) person who judges less serious cases in a local lawcourt; magistrate (地方法院审理一般案件的)治安官, 治安法官.
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CSI的第九季于十月十日重装上阵。虽说是CSI系列中最晚登场的一个,然而,且不提爱好者们的反映,单就已发行的宣传片来看,Gil grissom和他的小队所带来的紧张刺激也绝不会是排在倒数第一的。在Grissom(William Petersen饰)缓缓道来的画外音中拉开序幕,CSI第九季的首集注定将在本剧的辉煌历史上写下浓墨重彩的一笔。作为一名CSI,我们总在人们最低谷的时候与他们相会。‘节哀顺变",这句我们被要求对他们所说的套话,其实并没能带去多少安慰。”正如先前所报导过的,本季首集,“为了Warrick”,将会给上季的结尾,Warrick Brown(Gary Dourdan饰)中枪后流血而死,作一个总结。这个事件也被认为是“一个没有人预料到的契机,这个案件成为了所有人一生中最重要的案子,而将整个CSI紧紧团结在一起”。而这,也正是整个宣传片所着重强调的。在这个一分半钟的短片里我们需要关注的是,新角色 Riley Adams(Lauren Lee Smith)闪亮登场,同时曾在《黑客帝国》出演过的劳伦斯·菲什伯恩将饰演一级csi探员ray。与此同时,在悲剧发生之际,即将离开的Sara Sidle(Jorja Fox饰)与Grissom紧紧相拥。或许,对于据称因为私人原因而离开剧组的Dourdan,宣传片中使用了许多Warrick与CSI成员们一同工作时的回顾片段,为其致敬。CSI团队一直是在做着他们最拿手的工作,可是这一次,他们是为了团队中身处险境的一员。此外,Jim Brass(Paul Guilfoyle饰)更对一群警察宣称,他们现时只考虑解决Warrick的案子。在片尾处,Grissom冲向血流不止的Warrick,在他身边不停地提醒着:“Warrick,保持清醒”,随后画面终止在了Warrick睁大的眼睛上。画面渐渐变为空白,而我们依然能听到Grissom的呼喊:“天哪。”万众瞩目的CSI即将开播,让我们一同期待老G将会给我们带来什么样的惊奇。(当然他的离去不算在内。。。)分集简介:901 For Warrick(只为沃瑞克) - 10/09/08902 The Happy Place(欢乐地) - 10/16/08903 Art Imitates Life (艺术源于生活)- 10/23/08904 Let It Bleed(任血自流) - 10/30/08905 Leave Out All the Rest (舍弃其他)- 11/06/08906 Say Uncle(叫我叔叔) - 11/13/08907 Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda (追悔莫及)- 11/20/08908 Young Man With A Horn(吹号角的年轻人) - 12/04/08909 19 Down(杀了19人) - 12/11/08910 One To Go(王者离去) - 01/08/09911 The Grave Shift(深夜轮班) - 01/22/09912 Disarmed and Dangerous(无锋的危险) - 01/29/09913 Depp Fried and Minty Fresh(酥脆油炸和清新薄荷) - 02/12/09914 Miscarriage of Justice (审判不公)- 02/19/09915 Kill Me If You Can(挑战死刑) - 02/26/09916 Turn, Turn, Turn(诸行无常) - 03/05/09
2023-07-16 14:49:391

白蛇传(新白娘子传奇)故事概要 英文版

The Lenged of White Snake The lenged of white snake is a love story between a white snake and a man named Xv xian . Bai su zhen , the white snake, had been lived on earth for thousands of years and she had practiced herself during the years and master a lot of magic.One day she was going to be an immortal , but she still remembered a man who saved her five hunderd year ago and she wanted to repay an obligation . finally she found the man whose previous life saved her and that man is xvxian at the broken bridge of west lake . they together overcame a lot of difficulties and had a boy , but after the boy was born bainiangzi was controled in the Fall of pagoda by a monk named Fahai on behalf of subdued demons . At last the boy win the first place in the national examination and he saved her mother baisuzhen . At last baisuzhen and her husband xvxian became the immortal together .
2023-07-16 14:49:556


2.big改为high吧4.不要prise of好象是的,我们老师讲过这一题,不知道要不要加东东其他的吗不是很明白希望我能帮到你你是几年纪的呀?
2023-07-16 14:50:413


2023-07-16 14:51:103


1.[Medicine] a miscarriage; an abortion2.[Medicine] to abort; to have (or get) an abortion; to have a miscarriage3.(of plans, etc.) to abort; to miscarry; to fail; to fall through
2023-07-16 14:51:192


冤狱的解释[verdict; miscarriage of justice] 指受人 冤枉 、诬告而定的罪 详细解释 犹冤案。 《汉书·魏相传》 :“遣谏大夫 博士 巡行 天下 ,察 风俗 ,举贤良,平冤狱,冠盖交道。” 唐 骆宾王 《 萤火 赋》 :“知战场之有燐,悟冤狱之为虫。” 清 俞樾 《春在堂随笔》 卷十:“疑自 宋 相传有十五贯冤狱。” 张书绅 《正气歌》 四:“在这 血雨腥风 的日子里,冤狱遍 中国 ,冤案堆如山。” 词语分解 冤的解释 冤 ā 屈枉, 无故 受到 指责 或处分:冤枉。冤屈。冤案。冤狱。冤愤。伸冤。鸣冤叫屈。 仇恨 :冤头。冤家。冤孽。 欺骗 :不许冤人。 吃亏,上当:冤大头。花冤钱。 部首 :冖; 狱的解释 狱 (狱) ù 监禁罪犯的地方:监狱。狱吏。狱卒。 地狱 。越狱。 罪案,官司:冤狱。文字狱。断狱。狱讼。 部首:犭。
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verb 错过 miss, let slip 想念 miss, yearn, pine, long for, long to see again 想 want, think, wish, suppose, believe, miss 思念 miss 挂念 miss, worry 误 miss, harm, neglect 失 lose, fail, miss 失误 miss, lapse 失之交臂 miss, miss opportunity 记挂 miss, be concerned about 失掉 lose, miss 挂牵 miss, worry 遇到 suffer, fall down, fall through, lose out, miss, mucker 遭到 suffer, receive, sustain, mucker, fall through, miss 遭受 suffer, sustain, undergo, receive, lose out, miss 遭 suffer, encounter, befall, receive, sustain, miss noun 小姐 miss, young lady 失败 failure, fail, miss, miscarriage, flunk, no-go 过错 fault, mistake, offense, miss, donkey act 避免 miss
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冤狱的解释[verdict; miscarriage of justice] 指受人 冤枉 、诬告而定的罪 详细解释 犹冤案。 《汉书·魏相传》 :“遣谏大夫 博士 巡行 天下 ,察 风俗 ,举贤良,平冤狱,冠盖交道。” 唐 骆宾王 《 萤火 赋》 :“知战场之有燐,悟冤狱之为虫。” 清 俞樾 《春在堂随笔》 卷十:“疑自 宋 相传有十五贯冤狱。” 张书绅 《正气歌》 四:“在这 血雨腥风 的日子里,冤狱遍 中国 ,冤案堆如山。” 词语分解 冤的解释 冤 ā 屈枉, 无故 受到 指责 或处分:冤枉。冤屈。冤案。冤狱。冤愤。伸冤。鸣冤叫屈。 仇恨 :冤头。冤家。冤孽。 欺骗 :不许冤人。 吃亏,上当:冤大头。花冤钱。 部首 :冖; 狱的解释 狱 (狱) ù 监禁罪犯的地方:监狱。狱吏。狱卒。 地狱 。越狱。 罪案,官司:冤狱。文字狱。断狱。狱讼。 部首:犭。
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Leifeng Pagoda is a tower by the West Lake in Hangzhou which was originally constructed in the year AD 975. It has been a popular tourist attraction since being rebuilt in 2002.During the Yuan dynasty, Leifeng Pagoda was still well-maintained. During the Ming dynasty, Japanese pirates attacked Hangzhou. Suspecting it contained weapons, they burned its wooden elements, leaving only the brick skeleton, as can be seen from Ming paintings of the West Lake.Later, due to a superstition that bricks from the tower could repel illness or prevent miscarriage, many people stole bricks from the tower to grind into powder. On the afternoon of September 25 1924, the tower finally collapsed.Leifeng Pagoda was originally an octagonal, five-storied tower of brick and wood.As for whether there was a mausoleum below, this was debated for years until finally radar was used to investigate. On March 11 2001 the mausoleum was excavated and many treasures were found, most notably a gold and silver coated hair of the Buddha.In October 1999, the city of Hangzhou decided to rebuild Leifeng Pagoda anew to enhance the scenery of the lake. On 25 October 2002, the rebuilt Leifeng Pagoda opened, built above the ruins of the old one and with documents and exhibits on show for visitors.
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冤狱的解释[verdict; miscarriage of justice] 指受人 冤枉 、诬告而定的罪 详细解释 犹冤案。 《汉书·魏相传》 :“遣谏大夫 博士 巡行 天下 ,察 风俗 ,举贤良,平冤狱,冠盖交道。” 唐 骆宾王 《 萤火 赋》 :“知战场之有燐,悟冤狱之为虫。” 清 俞樾 《春在堂随笔》 卷十:“疑自 宋 相传有十五贯冤狱。” 张书绅 《正气歌》 四:“在这 血雨腥风 的日子里,冤狱遍 中国 ,冤案堆如山。” 词语分解 冤的解释 冤 ā 屈枉, 无故 受到 指责 或处分:冤枉。冤屈。冤案。冤狱。冤愤。伸冤。鸣冤叫屈。 仇恨 :冤头。冤家。冤孽。 欺骗 :不许冤人。 吃亏,上当:冤大头。花冤钱。 部首 :冖; 狱的解释 狱 (狱) ù 监禁罪犯的地方:监狱。狱吏。狱卒。 地狱 。越狱。 罪案,官司:冤狱。文字狱。断狱。狱讼。 部首:犭。
2023-07-16 14:53:211


1 more 前面加that2 rice前加that of3 amount-number4 body-health 5 because-that6 develop-to develop7 go-going8 learn- to learn9 are- it10 pet-pets dog-dogs cat-cats11 keep-keeping12 reveal-revealing comfortably-comfortable13 enter本身包含了into的意思,所以把into删去14 keep-keeping15 as to -that16 waste-wastes17 others-other或者把people去掉18 study-learn learn by oneself是自学的意思19 computer前加playing20 it"s -its 或者把it"s删去21 roommate"s-roommates"22 I am -It is 23 he -it left- he was left24 and-to25 rapidly-rapid26 into-
2023-07-16 14:53:573

关于mary shelley !! 急用!

雪莱 开放分类: 人物、英国、作家、诗人 雪莱,全名珀西·比西·雪莱[1](Percy Bysshe Shelley,1792年8月4日-1822年7月8日),一般译作雪莱,英国浪漫主义诗人,出生于英格兰萨塞克斯郡霍舍姆附近的沃恩汉,其祖父是受封的男爵,其父是议员。12岁那年,雪莱进入伊顿公学,在那里他受到学长及教师的虐待,在当时的学校里这种现象十分普遍,但是雪莱并不象一般新生那样忍气吞声,他公然的反抗这些,而这种反抗的个性如火燃尽了他短暂的一生。8岁时雪莱就开始尝试写作诗歌,在伊顿的几年里,雪莱与其表兄托马斯合作了诗《流浪的犹太人》并出版了讽刺小说《扎斯特罗奇》。1810年,18岁的雪莱进入牛津大学,深受英国自由思想家休谟以及葛德文等人著作的影响,雪莱习惯性的将他关于上帝、政治和社会等问题的想法写成小册子散发给一些素不相识的人,并询问他们看后的意见。1811年3月25日,由于散发《无神论的必然》,入学不足一年的雪莱被牛津大学开除。雪莱的父亲是一位墨守成规的乡绅,他要求雪莱公开声明自己与《无神论的必然》毫无关系,而雪莱拒绝了,他因此被逐出家门。被切断经济支持的雪莱在两个妹妹的帮助下过了一段独居的生活,这一时期,他认识了赫利埃特·委斯特布洛克,他妹妹的同学,一个小旅店店主的女儿。雪莱与这个十六岁的少女仅见了几次面,她是可爱的,又是可怜的,当雪莱在威尔士看到她来信称自己在家中受父亲虐待后便毅然赶回伦敦,带着这一身世可怜且恋慕他的少女踏上私奔的道路。他们在爱丁堡结婚,婚后住在约克。1812年2月12日,同情被英国强行合并的爱尔兰的雪莱携妻子前往都柏林为了支持爱尔兰天主教徒的解放事业,在那里雪莱发表了慷慨激昂的演说,并散发《告爱尔兰人民书》以及《成立博爱主义者协会倡议书》。在政治热情的驱使下,此后的一年里雪莱在英国各地旅行,散发他自由思想的小册子。同年11月完成叙事长诗《麦布女王》,这首诗富于哲理,抨击宗教的伪善、封建阶级与劳动阶级当中存在的所有的不平等。雪莱的婚姻一开始就被他的敌人当作最好的武器来攻击他,当那些富于浪漫的骑士精神经过理性的冷却,他那场仓猝的婚姻中较为真实的一面随着两个人的成长开始显现。雪莱不得不承认婚姻并没有救助他的妻子,婚姻只是将两个人绑在一起来承受另一种折磨。在精神上,感情上,两个人之间的差异越来越大。这一时期,雪莱结识了葛德文的女儿玛丽·葛德文(Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin,1797年-1851年),他们相爱了,出走至欧洲大陆同游,他们对于爱情和婚姻的理想纯洁到连最严苛的批评家也无法致词。雪莱死后,玛丽为他的诗全集编注。1815年,雪莱的祖父逝世,按照当时的长子继承法当时在经济上十分贫困的雪莱获得了一笔年金,但他拒绝独享,而将所得财产与妹妹分享。这一年除了《阿拉斯特》之外,雪莱较多创作的是一些涉及哲学以及政治的短文。次年五月,携玛丽再度同游欧洲,在日内瓦湖畔与拜伦交往密切,这两位同代伟大诗人的友谊一直保持到雪莱逝世,雪莱后来的作品《朱利安和马达洛》便是以拜伦与自己作为原型来创作的。同年11月,雪莱的妻子投河自尽,在法庭上,因为是《麦布女王》的作者,大法官将两个孩子教养权判给其岳父,为此,雪莱受到沉重的打击,就连他最亲的朋友都不敢在他的面前提及他的孩子,出于痛苦及愤怒,雪莱写就《致大法官》和《给威廉·雪莱》。雪莱与玛丽结婚,为了不致影响到他与玛丽所生孩子的教养权,雪莱携家永远离开英国。1818年至1819年,雪莱完成了两部重要的长诗《解放了的普罗米修斯》和《倩契》,以极其不朽的名作《西风颂》。《解放了的普罗米修斯》与《麦布女王》相同,无法公开出版,而雪莱最成熟、结构最完美的作品《倩契》则被英国的评论家称为“当代最恶劣的作品,似出于恶魔之手”。1821年2月23日,约翰·济慈逝世,6月,雪莱写就《阿多尼》来抒发自己对济慈的悼念之情,并控诉造成济慈早逝的英国文坛以及当时社会现状。1822年7月8日,雪莱乘坐自己建造的小船“唐璜”号从莱杭度海返回勒瑞奇途中遇风暴,舟覆,雪莱以及同船的两人无一幸免。按托斯卡纳当地法律规定,任何海上漂来的物体都必须付之一炬,雪莱的遗体由他生前的好友拜伦及特列劳尼以希腊式的仪式来安排火化,他们将乳香抹在尸体上,在火中洒盐。次年1月,雪莱的骨灰被带回罗马,葬于一处他生前认为最理想的安息场所。主要作品诗歌 爱尔兰人之歌(The Irishman`s Song,1809) 战争(War,1810) 魔鬼出行(The Devil`s Walk,1812) 麦布女王(Queen Mab,1813) 一个共和主义者有感于波拿巴的倾覆(Feelings Of A Republican On The Fall Of Bonaparte,1816) 玛丽安妮的梦(Marianne`s` Dream,1817) 致大法官(To The Lord Chancellor,1817) 奥西曼迭斯(Ozymandias,1817) 逝(The Past,1818) 一朵枯萎的紫罗兰(On A Faded Violet,1818) 召苦难(Invocation To Misery,1818) 致玛丽(To Mary,1818) 伊斯兰的反叛(The Revolt of Islam,1818) 西风颂(Ode To The West Wind,1819) 饥饿的母亲(A Starving Mother,1819) 罗萨林和海伦(Rosalind and Helen,1819) 含羞草(The Sensitive Plant,1820) 云(The Cloud,1820) 致云雀(To A Skylark,1820) 自由颂(Ode To Liberty,1820) 解放的普罗米修斯(Prometheus Unbound,1820) 阿多尼(Adonais,1821) 一盏破碎的明灯(Lines,1822) 剧本 倩契(The Cenci,1819,五幕悲剧) 暴虐的俄狄浦斯(Oedipus Tyrannus,1820,诗剧) 希腊(Greece,1821,抒情诗剧) 论文及散文 无神论的必然(1811) 自然神论之驳斥(1814) 关于把改革付诸全国投票的建议(1817) 诗的辩护(1821) 译著 柏拉图《会饮篇》 荷马《维纳斯赞》等 旦丁《地狱》篇部分 歌德《浮士德》部分 附诗一首On A Faded Violet 一朵枯萎的紫罗兰The odor from the flower is gone, 这朵花的香气已经散失,Which like thy kisses breathed on me; 如你的吻对我吐露过的气息;The color from the flower is flown, 这朵花的颜色已经退去,Which glowed of thee, and only thee! 如你曾焕发过的明亮,只有你!A shriveled, lifeless, vacant form, 一个萎缩、死的、空虚的形体,It lies on my abandoned breast, 它在我荒废的胸口,And mocks the heart, which yet is warm, 以它冷漠和无声的安息With cold and silent rest. 嘲弄我那仍炽热的心。I weep ---- my tears revive it not; 我哭泣,泪水无法复活它;I sigh ---- it breathes no more on me; 我叹息,它的气息永远不再;Its mute and uncomplaining lot 它沉默、无怨的命运,Is such as mine should be. 正是我所应得的。 西风颂 1狂野的秋风啊,你这秋的精气!没看见你出现,枯叶已被扫空,像群群鬼魂没见法师就逃避——它们或枯黄焦黑,或苍白潮红,真是遭了瘟灾的一大片;你呀,你把迅飞的种子载送去过冬,让它们僵睡在黑黢黢的地下,就像尸体在各自的墓里安躺,直到你那蔚蓝的春天妹妹呀对梦乡中的大地把号角吹响,叫羊群般的花苞把大气吸饮,又让山野充满了色彩和芳香。狂野的精灵,你正在四处巡行,既拉朽摧枯又保护。哦,你听! 2你呀,乱云是雨和闪电的使者,正是在你震荡长空的激流上闪电被冲得像树上枯叶飘落,也从天和海错综的枝头骤降:宛若有个暴烈的酒神女祭司把她银发从幽暗的地平线上直竖向中天,只见相像的发丝在你汹涌的蓝莹莹表面四起,宣告暴风雨的逼近。残年濒死,你是它挽歌,而正在合拢的夜便是它上接天穹的崇墓巨陵——笼着你聚起的全部水汽之力,而黑雨、电火和冰雹也都将从这浓云中迸发而下。哦,你听! 3你呀,在巴亚湾的浮石小岛旁②地中海躺着听它碧波的喧哗,渐渐被催入它夏日里的梦乡,睡眼只见在那强烈的波光下,微微颤动着古老的宫殿城堡——那墙上满是青春苔藓和野花,单想想那芬芳,心儿就会醉掉!你却又把它唤醒。为给你开路,平坦的大西洋豁开深沟条条,而在其深处,那些水底的花树、枝叶譃曰有树汁的泥泞密林也都能立刻就辨出你的号呼,顿时因受惊而开始瑟缩凋零,③连颜色也变得灰暗。哦,你听! 4我若是被你托起的一片枯叶;我若是随你飞驰的一团云朵;我若是浪涛在你威力下喘息,分享你有力的冲动,那自由,哦!仅次于不羁的你;我若是仍然在我的童年时代,仍然能够做你在天空邀游时的忠实伙伴——因为那时,奔得比你快也未必是梦想;那我就不会如此艰难,无须这样哀求你。请把我掀起,哦,就当我是枯叶、云朵或浪涛!我,跌倒在人生荆棘上,滴着血!我,太像你:倔强、敏捷又高傲,但岁月的重负把我拴牢、压倒。 5让我像森林一样做你的诗琴,哪伯我的叶像森林的叶凋落!这两者又美又悲的深沉秋音你那呼啸的浩荡交响会囊括。但愿你这刚烈的精神我也有!但愿一往无前的你也就是我!请把我已死的思想扫出宇宙,就像你为催新生把落叶扫除!而且凭着我这一诗歌的经咒把我的话语传遍这人间各处,像由未灭的炉中吹送出火花!愿你通过我的嘴响亮地吹出唤醒这人世的预言号声!风啊,冬天既快来,春天难道还远吗?黄杲炘译 ①本诗构思于佛罗伦萨附近阿尔诺河畔的一处树林中,并基本上在那里写成。那一天狂风骤起,它温暖又爽人,收尽了将倾泻为秋雨的氤氲水汽。不出我所料,到了日落时分,暴风雨开始了,起先夹有冰雹,还伴有阿尔卑斯山以南地区所特有的声势浩大的雷鸣电闪。——作者原注 又:本诗以五首十四行诗组成,但这些十四行诗的分节与韵式都受一种叫做tercarima的意大利诗体影响。 ②巴亚湾因古罗马时的温泉疗养胜地巴亚城而得名,即现在的波佐利湾(在那不勒斯湾西北部)。浮石是火山岩的一种,因为那不勒斯一带都是火山区。 ③据雪莱原注,“这种现象,是博物学家们熟知的。同陆上的植物一样,江河海洋底下的植物的季节变化有着同样的反应,因此宣告这种变化的风对之也有影响。名言:浅水是喧哗的,深水是沉默的。 道德中最大的秘密是爱。 饥饿和爱情统治着世界. 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 过去属于死神,未来属于你自己. 读书越多,越感到腹中空虚. 微笑,实在是仁爱的象征,快乐的源泉,亲近别人的媒介。有了笑,人类的感情就沟通了。 一个人如果不是真正有道德,就不可能真正有智慧。 吻是灵魂与灵魂相遇在爱人的嘴唇上。 (嘴唇是一对爱人两个灵魂交会的地方。) 爱情不是时光的奴隶。 爱情就象灯光,同时照两个人,光辉并不会减弱。 希望会使人年轻,因为希望和青春是一对同胞兄弟。 最为不幸的人被苦难抚育成了 诗人,他们把从苦难中学到的东西用诗歌教给别人。 一首诗则是生命的真正的形象,用永恒的真理表现了出来。 所有时代的诗人都在为一首不断发展着的“伟大诗篇”作出贡献。 一首伟大的诗篇象一座喷泉一样,总是喷出智慧和欢愉的水花。 我们愈是学习,愈觉得自己的贫乏。 恶德——不和、战争、悲惨;美德——和平、幸福、和谐。 一首伟大的诗篇象一座喷泉一样,总是喷出智慧和欢愉的水花。 精明的人是精细考虑他自己利益的人;智慧的人是精细考虑他人利益的人 一个人如果不是真正有道德,就不可能真正有智慧。精明和智慧是非常不同的两件事。精明的人是精细考虑他自己利益的人;智慧的人是精细考虑他人利益的人。 道德的最大秘密就是爱;或者说,就是逾越我们自己的本性,而溶于旁人的思想、行为或人格中存在的美。
2023-07-16 14:54:202


Perhaps, as Red said, hope is a terrible thing; especially for them. They are not death, so they must abandon any hope alive. One or more times in the life imprisonment so that they can never live in those walls within the. On the wall from the beginning to gradually adapt to the fear, and the final form of the dependence of the wall, such a process is actually a process of gradually abandon hope. No hope, they can sit back and relax in here alive until dead. So Thomas will be leaving the prison, 50 years in prison after his first parole that gave him limited freedom to feel a sense of unease and panic, and then committed suicide. He said he could not adapt to the free society, he was a child I only saw a car, and now full of cars. Freedom to his hope, and this is no doubt, but it is exactly the kind of hope it gave him just the lives of fear and trepidation. Every wake up in the middle of the night doing the nightmare still must be understood before it can think of where I was. Such a life may actually not as good as he was in prison more freedom and peace of mind. I was actually in the early Thomas has forgotten the feeling of freedom. The so-called hope, for him, has long been completely dead. Committed to give him a false hope of freedom, but I do not know why he was. In contrast, Andy shows another kind of mentality. "Get busy living; or get busy dying"; sentence Road clear Andy desire for survival and those who had never extinguished hope and pray the enthusiasm of hope. Expression of the film in a deliberately obscure that Andy will be our hope and committed suicide after losing hope that this expression is very cleverly used the Red"s point of view, and because Red is such that, so we to follow so that the. Reid thought that the use of 600 years to dig through the road of hope, Andy took only 20 years less than the time to dig through, at least let us see that he never had a strong desire to go out. No end in prison is too boring, there was always something to find something to kill time. Thomas and Reid, who chose the laissez-faire attitude of despair, and Andy chose hope and freedom. Miscarriage of justice of the miscarriage of justice gives the name of justice, he fled, his hopes should not escape blame for their escape; Instead, he is just to fight for his freedom and dreams. He had thought to use a more honest way to get out of his free frank walls Shawshank walls, but also because such a promise mad restlessness, and when this desire is Norton completely shot, he The only choice seems to be the only way this extreme.
2023-07-16 14:54:271

谁能介绍一下Mary j.Blidge和他的所有专集

the BreakthroughReflections - A Retrospective(International Versio
2023-07-16 14:54:363

被陷害入狱 怎么说?

我把它理解为冤狱an unjust change/verdict还有:a miscarriage of justice ; frame-up 平反冤狱:reverse an unjust change/verdict
2023-07-16 14:54:433


Yuan Longping, China"s Most Famous "Farmer" It says every scientist cherishes a childhood dream indicating his or her future success, but for Yuan Longping, dubbed as "father of hybrid rice," the dream is that he cultivates rice as plump as peanuts, and farmers can relax in the cool shadow of big rice plants. Yuan, 71, won a 5 million yuan State Supreme Science and Technology Award today, known as the Nobel Prize in China, for his outstanding achievements in breeding high-yield hybrid rice, which has substantially increased China"s grain output. Yuan came up with the idea of hybridizing rice for the first time in the world in 1960s. Since then, 50 percent of China"s total rice cultivation fields have grown such rice, which added some 300 billion kilograms to the country"s grain output. Furrows grown on his sunburnt face, a slim figure and coiled-up trousers legs would confuse foreign reporters who came to interview the most famous scientist in China, who would rather be called "a farmer." Indeed, like many Chinese farmers, Yuan in his 70s and has devoted most of his life growing rice in paddyfields, but unlike those farmers, he reaps the seed from experimental fields only for hybridizing rice. The urbanite-turned-farmer graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953 has his name related to the world"s most advanced agricultural technology. Four minor planets, a listed seed company "s and a science college in China were named after him, which were the first time that a Chinese scientist"s name is valued for its intellectual assets. By lending his name to the Longping High-tech, a seed company, Yuan obtained a 5 per cent stake, or 2.5 million shares worth 2 million yuan, in the firm. However, Yuan said his research requires the lifestyle of a farmer, or rather a migrating farmer, as he has conducted extensive research related to the cultivation of new strains of hybrid rice "Super Hybrid Rice" in some 10 provinces. In the year 1999, more than 300 billion kilograms of grain were increased from about 240 million hectares of hybrid rice, which signified the success of his research. And this made Yuan firmly believe that China can surely feed her 1.2 billion population with her limited cultivated land. The "Super Rice" yields are 30 percent higher than those of common rice. The record yield of 17,055 kilograms per hectare was registered in Yongsheng County in Yunnan in 1999. But even after that achievement Yuan won"t take a break. He has a dream, more realistic than that of his young age, that popularizing new strains of grain with higher yields around the world, can eliminate starvation on earth. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has vowed to get involved in the work of spreading the coverage of Yuan"s high- yield hybrid rice, which it considers the best way to increase the world"s grain output. The FAO"s 1991 statistics show that 20 percent of the world"s rice output was yielded from 10 percent of the world"s rice fields, which grow hybrid rice. "If the new strain was sown in the rest of the rice acreage, the present grain output around the world can be more than doubled. This can be a solution to the grain shortage," said the unselfish scientist. In 1980, Yuan went to the United States at the invitation of the International Rice Research Institute to share his knowledge about the cultivation technology of hybrid rice. He was also employed in 1991 as the chief consultant of FAO to bring his research methods to other countries. With the help of Chinese scientists, the acreage of hybrid rice in Viet Nam and India increased to 200,000 hectares and 150,000 hectares in 1999, respectively. The rice research costs time to prove its value. At the age of 43, Yuan cultivated the world"s first hybrid rice. At that time the country"s grain yield was about 4,500 kilogram per hectare. "The natural disaster and policy miscarriage further deteriorated starvation in China by then," Yuan recalled tearfully. This is his motivation to stimulate his research. Largely due to his scientific progress, China"s total rice output rose from 5. 69 billion tons in 1950 to 19.47 billion tons last year. The growth rate of rice output far exceeded the population growth speed. Some people estimate Yuan"s actual fortune might amount to more than 100 million yuan (12 million U.S. dollars), making him one of the richest people in China. But he doesn"t know for sure himself, for he seems not to care about his own assets than the rice harvest. Some people asked him to move the focus of his research from improving amounts of hybrid rice to the quality and taste, which would be easier to do. But, the stubborn academician insisted that the amount of hybrid rice"s per unit yield still outweighs the quality, for his foremost task is to improve the grain reserve in developing countries多了点
2023-07-16 14:55:034


冰清 译 冰清思语集文章口述:Natasha Annie Tonthola 翻译:冰清 In July the BBC wrote about a Malawian man paid to have sex with young girls from his village, as part of a sexual initiation ritual. Later a Malawian woman, Natasha Annie Tonthola, contacted the BBC to explain how her experience of the ritual helped inspire her to campaign for the protection of women and girls. This is her story. 2016年6月,BBC广播公司报道了一则消息,一位马拉维男士被出资聘请和当地村落的女孩子发生性行为,以此作为性启蒙仪式的一个重要部分。随后,一位名叫Natasha Annie Tonthola的女士联系到BBC,讲述了她亲身经历的这场仪式如何启发她参与了保护女人和女孩的运动。以下是她的故事。I"m the oldest of five children and I grew up in a village in the central district of Malawi, near the capital, Lilongwe, and I was 13 years old when the initiation ceremony happened. My father was from a village near Mulanje, in the south of the country, and I was sent there for the ceremony after my first period. You don"t have a choice - it happens to every girl in the village 我出生在马拉维首都利隆圭附近中心区的一个村落里。家中有5个孩子,我排行老大。13岁那年,我接受了性启蒙仪式。 . 我的父亲来自马拉维南方一个就近姆兰杰的村落,在我月经初潮后,我就被送到那个村落接受性启蒙仪式,我没有选择,因为每个女孩都无法幸免。 We were told that we were going to learn about womanhood, and to be honest I was excited. So was every other girl. On the last day one of the female elders told us that we had reached the final part of the process. She said a hyena was coming to visit us. "Don"t worry, I"m not talking about an animal," she said. "I"m talking about a man." But we didn"t actually know what a hyena is, or what he was going to do. They don"t tell you he"s going to have sex with you. We each had a piece of cloth and we were told to put it on the floor. We were told that it was time to show that we knew how to treat a man, that we knew what to do for our future husbands. Then we were blindfolded. 当时,我们被告知要去学习怎样成为一个女人,坦白的说,我和其他女孩子一样,都非常高兴。就在学习的最后一天,女长老们告诉我们课程已经接近尾声,接下来会有一个鬣狗来拜访我们,“不要担心,今天这个鬣狗不是动物,而是一个男人。” . 但是我们依旧无从知晓什么是“鬣狗”,或者他是来干什么的,更无人会告诉我们,他就是被派来同我们发生性行为的。 我们每人分到一块布,按照指示铺在地上,然后女长老告诉我们现在是学习怎样侍奉一个男人的时候了,也就是学习侍奉未来丈夫的时候。最后,我们被蒙上了眼睛。 You"re not supposed to show you"re scared, you"re not supposed to show you don"t know what"s happening to you. The man comes, and he tells you to lie down, you open your legs and he does what he does. We weren"t allowed to know who the man was - only the elders know. 你无法表达你的恐惧,也无法知道接下来要发生什么样的事情。 然后,那个男人来到我们面前,让我们躺下,张开双腿,没有人能看得到那个人是谁,也不允许看到,只有女长老知道。We were young girls, so we were tense, and this man would push our legs open. I found it painful. When he finished, I was relieved. The female elder came in and said, "Congratulations, you have finished the initiation ceremony, and you are a woman now." 我们都是一群黄花闺女,所以都很紧张,男人将我们的腿都分开。轮到我时,我感到了锥心的痛,直到他结束,我才被释放。然后,一位女长老来到我面前,说,“恭喜你,你已完成了性启蒙仪式,现在你正式成为一个女人了”。 Many girls think this is normal because we are in a way brainwashed, we think it is OK because it is tradition. But the hyena didn"t use protection and some of the girls got pregnant. 我们所有的女孩都被洗脑了,虽然都充满恐惧但是却认为这很正常,认为这就是在遵循传统仪式。 “鬣狗”并没有采取任何避孕措施,有些女孩后来怀孕了。 When we got back home, we weren"t allowed to chat or play with girls who hadn"t already been through the ceremony. I wasn"t allowed to tell my younger sister anything about it. Girls are entering puberty earlier, and getting their periods at a younger age, so now the ceremony is happening to girls as young as 10 or 11 years old. 完成仪式归来,我们就被限制了活动,不能和还没有进行性启蒙仪式的女孩子玩,也不能向她们透露任何有关的事情。如今,女孩子进入青春期越来越早,月经初潮也越来越早, 基本都在10岁或11岁就接受了性启蒙仪式。After the ceremony my life took a turn for the worse. My father, who was a policeman, died the following year. The tradition of "wife inheritance" says that the brother of a man who dies should marry the widow, to provide for the family, but my mother refused to follow this custom.。 在性启蒙仪式之后,我的生活变得越来越糟。以警察为职的父亲,在次年去世。 按照“夫兄弟婚”的传统,身为寡妇的母亲应该嫁给父兄,但是母亲没有遵循这一传统。 Instead, we moved to South Africa, as my mother is half South African and my uncle invited us there to make a fresh start. We both took jobs to make ends meet - I lied about my age and got jobs in a salon and a kitchen. I also worked as a housekeeper. But despite working hard, we didn"t have enough money to pay my school fees or to support our family. Then, through my relatives back in Malawi, I found out that there was a man who was willing to pay my school fees as long as I agreed to marry him. I was about to turn 16, and I didn"t want to get married so young. My mother didn"t want me to either. But I was desperate to finish my education, and worried about my siblings and my mother, who was working so hard it was affecting her health. So I said yes and we all moved back to Malawi. 相反,我们举家迁到了南非,因为母亲是半个南非人,舅舅也极力邀请我们,希望我们在南非开始新的生活。我和母亲开始做苦工,为了找工作我隐瞒了真实年龄,先后在沙龙店打杂,在后厨做洗碗工,在富人家当佣人。尽管我们非常卖力的工作,依旧难以维持生计,更无力支付上学费用。 后来,我随亲戚回到马拉维,在那里遇到一位男士,他说只要我嫁给他就供我上学。当时我还不到16岁,我不想那么早就嫁人,我母亲也极力反对,但是我怀着一颗迫切的心想完成学业,也想帮助可怜的弟弟妹妹还有积劳成疾的母亲能安稳度日,我决定拿自己的人生做交易 ,嫁给他。于是我们又举家 迁回马拉维。 We had a traditional marriage and he started paying for my secondary schooling and suppting my entire family. He was 15 years older than I was, he was educated, and was a successful businessman, but he was physically abusive. He beat me all the time. I still have scars on my body from my marriage. 我们举行了非常传统的婚礼,婚后,他开始履行诺言,支付我的学费,负责我们一家人的生活。他比我年长15岁,受过教育,是一位成功的商人,但是有暴力倾向,经常会向我施暴,直到现在,我的身上依然有这场婚姻留下的疤痕。 I got pregnant at age 17, but fortunately I was able to take my exams before I gave birth to my daughter. My husband was still abusive - I almost had a miscarriage - and he was having affairs the entire time we were together. I was broken. This was not how I wanted my life to be, and I knew my husband was doing this to me because I was young and vulnerable, and didn"t have anywhere else to go. I was trapped. 17岁那年,我有了身孕。非常庆幸的是,考试比女儿出世来得早,所以我顺利完成了考试。在整个婚姻期间,丈夫对我的暴力从来没有停止过,为此我几近流产,他的婚外情也从来没有断过,这让我感到心碎也心灰意冷,我知道这不是我想要的生活,我也知道他如此待我,就是因为我年轻懵懂,软弱好欺,又无路可走,我被这场婚姻困住了。 It was at this point that my uncle in South Africa came to the rescue again. He knew I was passionate about fashion, and arranged for me to enrol in a fashion design course. 就在这个时候,我的救星舅舅,从南非远道而来,再次拯救我于水深火热之中。他知道我酷爱时尚,就为我出资报名,安排我去学习服装设计。 My husband always told me that if I left him, he"d hunt me down and kill me. So I had to lie, and tell him, "I"ll be home in a week or two." But I did not go back. Instead I did the course, and supported myself by working in a restaurant. 我的丈夫一直恐吓我,如果我离开了他,他一定会活捉了我再将我碎尸万段,所以我向他撒谎,我要回娘家一两周。然后我去学服装设计,并通过在餐厅打工养活自己。 Eventually I went back to Malawi and started designing clothes for influential people. I also opened a restaurant - cooking is another big passion of mine, it"s my version of therapy. And I started a community organisation working on a variety of issues, from keeping girls in school by fighting early marriage, educating people about rituals and traditions - including hyenas - which put girls at risk, and teaching about HIV/Aids, unwanted pregnancies and reproductive health. 终于,我完成了学业又回到了马拉维,开始向有影响力的人设计服装。后来又开了一家餐厅,烹饪是我的又一大爱好,也成了我治愈伤口的良药。与此同时,我开始投身社群工作,参与不同的议题,支持女孩受教育,反对早婚,告诉人们那些古老又封建的传统仪式将女孩置于很危险的境地,也向人们传授艾滋,HIV,意外怀孕和生殖健康的常识。 My troubles with my husband were not over, however. When he found out I was back in Malawi he started stalking me. He would say things like: "If I can"t have you, nobody else can." One day he came to the house that I was living in. I don"t know how he got my address, but he seemed calm, so I let him inside. He said he wanted to see me, and that he also wanted to see his daughter, who was at that time three years old. He told me he loved me, that he was sorry and that he was a changed man. 在此期间,我的丈夫并没有停止过对我的骚扰,我学业归来后,他开始跟踪我,并扬言,如果我得不到你,别人也休想。 有一天,他来到我的住所,(我也不知道他是怎么知道地址的 ),看上去不同以往的平静,我便请他进了屋,他说来看看我,也想看看3岁的女儿,告诉我他是爱我的,为之前的做法向我道歉,并且说他已经洗心革面了。 "We"re still married, and I"ve done so much for you," he said. "If it wasn"t for me paying your fees and taking you and your miserable family in, you wouldn"t have become what you are today. You owe me." I told him: "Once bitten, twice shy." “你还是我的老婆,我为你做了那么多,是我当初掏钱供你上的学,是我当初把你从悲惨穷苦的家庭里解救出来,你能有今天都是我的功劳,是你欠我的。” 我告诉他,“一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳”。 I certainly didn"t want to get back together with him. He shouted and threw things and then he started choking me - even though my daughter was sitting on my lap. He would have killed me if the neighbours hadn"t heard my screams. They burst in and threw him out. I didn"t press criminal charges, I didn"t want to make my case more public than it already was. But I did get a restraining order to keep him away from me. All the while, something was bubbling up inside me, and I knew that what had happened to me in my life was happening to other girls and women. 我当然不愿跟他回去,然后他开始咆哮,摔东西,掐住我的脖子想置我于死地,尽管孩子就坐在我的腿上。我拼命的喊叫,反抗,孩子也嚎啕大哭,邻居们听到哭声破门而入,最终我才逃过一劫。我没有提出刑事指控,不想让我已经众人皆知的丑陋生活再公布天下。但我提出了对他的限制令,让他永远不要再骚扰我。至此,我的内心无法平静,我知道在我身上发生的悲剧也同样在其他女孩和女人身上正在发生。 My community organisation continued to educate people but it was hard, particularly when we were challenging traditions such as the use of hyenas and wife inheritance. 我的社群工作依旧在进行,但是步履维艰,尤其是向类似“鬣狗”,“夫兄弟婚”这种根深蒂固的传统发起挑战非常艰难。 In some communities they told us: "Just because you are educated, doesn"t mean that you should tell us what to do. These traditions and customs have existed for time immemorial, and we"ve practised them for ages without any harm." 在一些村落,有人告诉我,“不要因为你受过教育,就可以指使我们怎么做。这些传统习俗从远古时候就存在,千百年来世代延续,没有给我们带来过任何危害。”But some elders and religious leaders listened, and some have stopped the practice in their villages. 但是,还是有一些长者和教主听从了我们的呼声,在一些村落停止了这种荒唐的习俗。 In my community work I soon learned more about the barriers for girls in school. If families are going through a financial rough patch, they"re more likely to pay fees for boys rather than for girls. If girls drop out of school, the family is eager to marry them off rather than have them sit around the house all day. And many girls miss class because they can"t afford sanitary towels. 我在社群工作期间,也更多的了解到,女孩子要上学有多难,要跨越多少障碍才能踏进学校的大门,如果一个家庭经济拮据,家长更倾向于将受教育的机会给男孩。一旦女孩辍学了,父母便亟不可待的将她们嫁出去,不允许她们待在家里 “坐吃山空”。即便有机会上学的女孩子,也会经常在例假期间旷课,因为她们买不起卫生巾。 To try to solve this problem, one of the main things my organisation is doing is distributing eco-friendly reusable washable sanitary pads and pants. They come as part of a kit including pants with clips so that they stay in place and a waterproof bag, in case girls need to change them in school. They are biodegradable, but cost effective and durable - they last for five years. I"ve also expanded into nappies. I hope these will encourage much less waste to go into landfill. 为了解决这一难题,我们社群工作的主要任务之一就是向女孩们分发既环保,又可水洗,又能多次使用的卫生巾和卫生裤 ,这种装备既包括裁剪得体的卫生裤以避免卫生巾走形,和一个防水袋,以避免女孩子在学校更换卫生巾的困扰。这些卫生巾和卫生裤成本很高,因为都是可生物分解的,也持久耐用,一般可以用5年。我也推广了尿布的使用,我希望这样可以减少浪费,避免将来垃圾成山的局面。 In 2011 I realised I needed to establish a formal organisation, and that was the start of Mama Africa Foundation Trust. We have distributed so many sanitary towels that I have lost count. I call this initiative Project Dignity. Despite everything that"s happened I"m optimistic about the future. I think there is so much we can do for the women and children who are victims of hyenas, of gender-based violence, and all the other social evils and challenges that are out there. It will be tough, but I have hope. 2011年,我意识到我应该建立一个正式机构,这就是非洲妈妈信托基金会的雏形,我们机构向社会分发了不计其数的卫生巾,我将这一创新项目命名为“为尊严而战”。 虽然在我身上发生了许多不幸,但我对未来依旧充满乐观,那些妇女和女孩,他们是“鬣狗”的牺牲品,是性别暴力的牺牲品,是所有社会罪恶的牺牲品,我们要不断的和这些罪恶战斗,虽然任重而道远,但我依然饱含希望。
2023-07-16 14:55:301


innocenteg;He is innocent.
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Diet and health (饮食与健康)All foods come from the plant and the animal. The people obtain each kind of nutrient which and the energy through the diet needs, maintains own health. The reasonable diet sufficient nutrition, can raise a generation of person"s health standard, the prevention many kinds of disease"s occurrence development, the extension life, improves the national quality. Unreasonable diet, over-feeding or insufficient, can bring the varying degree to the health the harm. Diet excessively because the excess nutrient will cause the obesity, diabetes, gallstones, the hyperlipemia, hypertension and so on many kinds of diseases, will induce the lump, like breast cancer, colon cancer and so on. Not only serious influence health, will reduce the life. The diet medium and long-term raises the element to be insufficient, may cause the malnutrition, anemia, many kinds of elements, the vitamin deficiency, affect the child intelligence growth, human body disease-resistant ability and the work, the work, learning capability drop. The period of pregnancy malnutrition may cause the miscarriage, the premature delivery, to be even abnormal. The diet hygiene condition and the human body health are closely related, on food has the bacterium, the mold and the toxin and the toxicoid, enter the human body along with food, may direct, the chronic poison anxious, even may cause the malignant tumor. In brief, the diet is appropriate or not, is not only very big to own health and the life influence, moreover affects descendant"s health. Therefore, only then the reasonable diet, can from the nutrition and the hygienic two aspects good “the illness finds its way in by the mouth” the pass. 译文:所有的食物都来自植物和动物。人们通过饮食获得所需要的各种营养素和能量,维护自身健康。合理的饮食充足的营养,能提高一代人的健康水平,预防多种疾病的发生发展,延长寿命,提高民族素质。不合理的饮食,营养过度或不足,都会给健康带来不同程度的危害。饮食过度会因为营养过剩导致肥胖症、糖尿病、胆石症、高脂血症、高血压等多种疾病,甚至诱发中瘤,如乳腺癌、结肠癌症等。不仅严重影响健康,而且会缩短寿命。饮食中长期养素不足,可导致营养不良,贫血,多种元素、维生素缺乏,影响儿童智力生长发育,人体抗病能力及劳动、工作、学习能力下降。 怀孕期营养不良可引起流产、早产、甚至畸形。饮食的卫生状况与人体健康密切相关,食物上带有的细菌、霉菌及毒素和有毒化学物质,随食物进入人体,可引起急、慢性中毒,甚至可引起恶性肿瘤。总之,饮食得当与否,不仅对自身的健康和寿命影响很大,而且影响后代的健康。因此,只有合理的饮食,才能从营养和卫生两方面把好“病从口入”关。
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分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 把吸烟的危害说清楚,能有说服力的``拜托了!!! 解析: Smoking is a greater cause of death and disability than any single disease, says the World Health Organisation. According to their figures, it is responsible for approximately five million deaths worldwide every year. Tobacco *** oking is a known or probable cause of approximately 25 diseases, and even the WHO says that its impact on world health is not fully assessed. Heart attack and stroke UK studies show that *** okers in their 30s and 40s are five times more likely to have a heart attack than non- *** okers. Tobacco contributes to the hardening of the arteries, which can then bee blocked and starve the heart of bloodflow, causing the attack. Often, *** okers who develop this will require plex and risky heart bypass surgery. If you *** oke for a lifetime, there is a 50% chance that your eventual death will be *** oking-related - half of all these deaths will be in middle age. Smoking also increases the risk of having a stroke. Lung problems Another primary health risk associated with *** oking are lung cancer, which kills more than 20,000 people in the UK every year. US studies have shown that men who *** oke increase their chances of dying from the disease by more than 22 times. Women who *** oke increase this risk by nearly 12 times. Lung cancer is a difficult cancer to treat - long term survival rates are poor. Smoking also increases the risk of oral, uterine, liver, kidney, bladder, stomach, and cervical cancers, and leukaemia. Another health problem associated with tobacco is emphysema, which, when bined with chronic bronchitis, produces chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The lung damage which causes emphysema is irreversible, and makes it extremely difficult to breathe. Harm to children Smoking in pregnancy greatly increases the risk of miscarriage, is associated with lower birthweight babies, and inhibited child development. Smoking by parents following the birth is linked to sudden infant death syndrome, or cot death, and higher rates of infant respiratory illness, such as bronchitis, colds, and pneumonia. Nicotine, an ingredient of tobacco, is listed as an addictive substance by the US authorities. Although the health risks of *** oking are culmulative, giving up can yield health benefits regardless of the age of the patient, or the length of time they have been *** oking. Future impact By 2020, the WHO expects the worldwide death toll to reach 10 million, causing 17.7% of all deaths in developed countries. There are believed to be 1.1 billion *** okers in the world, 800 million of them in developing countries.
2023-07-16 14:56:151


但真正在乎你的人,一定比你更主动. 如果一个人,给你发这三种微信,说明他想你了. 有时候,我们会陷入“如果你不主动找我,就
2023-07-16 14:56:237


  保胎(prevent miscarriage)是指设法保护人、畜母体内的胚胎。保胎期间不能吃的食物有哪些?下面是我整理的保胎期间不能吃的食物,欢迎阅读。   保胎期间不能吃的食物   1. 猪肝   2. 黑木耳 不利于胚胎的稳固和生长   3. 杏子及杏仁 滑胎作用   4. 忌食滑腻之品:苡仁、马齿苋 子宫肌有兴奋作用,能促使子宫收缩   5. 山楂,山楂可加速子宫收缩,可导致早产   6. 用茴香、花椒、胡椒、桂皮、辣椒、大蒜等辛热性调味料   7. 兔肉。兔肉性凉、可凉血解毒,易损人阳气   8. 螃蟹,蟹爪中含有一种激素,会导致滑胎。   9. 烤肉。烤制的猪羊肉,外焦内嫩,表面含有致癌物质,内里可能含有弓形虫   10. 生冷海鲜。应该说,所有的生冷海鲜都含有寄生虫和细菌,对于此时免疫力弱的孕妇来说,尤为危险,因此孕妇忌食生蚝、田螺、生鱼片等生冷海鲜。   保胎期间宜吃的食物   1. 多食新鲜的瓜果蔬菜,可供给孕妇对维生素A、C以及钙和铁的需求。   2. 多吃粗粮,玉米、小米等粗粮含维生素B和蛋白质比大米和面多。   3. 多吃谷类、花生等   4. 每天可加食1—2个鸡蛋   5. 多注意补充微量元素,如锌、镁、碘、铜。 在动物类食品、豆类、谷类、蔬菜中含有铁、锌、铜等、海味食品中含碘高。   适宜的饮食原则上应多食用牛奶、肉类、鱼类、 蛋黄等富于蛋白质的食物,以及绿色或黄色的蔬菜和水果等。   孕妇在怀孕期间有些食物列为不宜,如果经常吃这些不宜的食物对妊娠会极为不利,孕妇不宜吃的食物如下:   1.巧克力,巧克力是一张高热量的食物,含糖量比较高,经常吃巧克力会使孕妇发胖,这样对胎儿很不利,另外,巧克力吃完后会使人产生饱腹感,从而影响了其他营养物质的摄取,造成营养物质摄取不足,影响胎儿的发育。   2.猪肝,因为猪肝中含有的维生素A比较多,如果长吃猪肝会使体内的维生素A蓄积,维生素A属于脂溶性维生素,不容易排出体外,蓄积过多就会引起中毒,有导致胎儿先天畸形的可能,所以建议孕妇不要常吃猪肝。   3.山楂,妊娠的早期孕妇喜吃酸食,有时就把山楂作为常用食物,这对妊娠很不利,因为山楂对子宫有兴奋的作用,过食会使子宫收缩,增加流产的可能性。   4.久存的土豆,久存的土豆中含的生物碱比较多,这种生物碱对胎儿有致畸作用,因此最好不吃,另外发芽和发青的土豆因其中有龙葵素毒素更不能吃。   5.菠菜,因为菠菜中含有的草酸比较多,可能会和孕妇吸收的钙,锌等结合形成络合物不利于人体吸收,致使孕妇体内钙、锌减少,影响胎儿的发育。   6.罐头食品:罐头食品中都含有各种各样的添加剂,如防腐剂,增色剂等,这些添加剂会影响身体的健康,尤其是孕妇食用更是不利。   7. 桂园,桂园虽有补血安神,养血益脾之效,但性温太热,孕妇食后不仅不能保胎,反而易出现漏红,腹痛等先兆流产症状,因此孕妇不宜食用桂园。   8. 黑木耳:黑木耳虽有滋阴易胃的作用,但同时又有活血化瘀之效,不利于胚胎的稳固和发展,故宜禁食。   孕妇饮食最佳食物   一、最佳酸味食品   孕妇往往对酸味食物感兴趣,而孕妇吃酸也确有好处。女性怀孕以后,胎盘分泌一种绒毛促性腺激素,可抑制胃酸的分泌,致使消化酶的活力降低,导致孕妇胃口减弱,消化功能下降,故吃酸无疑是对此种反应的一种补救。同时,胎儿的发育特别是骨骼发育需要大量矿物质钙,但钙盐要沉积下来形成骨骼,离不开酸味食物的协助。此外,酸味食物可促进肠道中铁质的吸收,对母胎双方都有益处。不过,孕妇吃酸味食物一定要严加选择,如人工腌制的酸菜、醋制品虽然可口,但养分多有破坏,且亚硝酸盐等致癌物也多。山楂中养分倒是不少,但可加速子宫收缩,有导致流产之风险,故孕期最好“敬而远之”。而番茄、杨梅、樱桃、葡萄、柑橘、苹果等才是补酸佳品,孕妇宜多食之。   二、最佳保胎蔬菜   蔬菜是孕妇的必吃食品之一,其中菠菜尤其值得推荐。因为菠菜含有丰富的叶酸,每100克菠菜的叶酸含量高达350微克,名列蔬菜之榜首。叶酸的最大功能在于保护胎儿免受脊髓分裂、脑积水、无脑等神经系统畸形之害。专家因之主张孕早期的2个月内就应多吃菠菜或服用叶酸片。同时,菠菜中的大量B族维生素还可防止孕妇盆腔感染、精神抑郁、失眠等常见的孕期并发症。唯嫌不足的是菠菜含草酸也多,而草酸可干扰人体对铁、锌等微量元素的吸收,消除此弊的办法是先将菠菜放入开水中焯一下,则大部分草酸即被破坏掉,吃起来就安全了。   三、最佳防早产食品   丹麦专家的研究表明,常吃鱼有防止早产的作用。他们调查了丹麦德乐群岛的孕妇,平均孕期比其他地区长5天以上,奥妙在于食谱中鱼类所占比重较大,因而推测鱼肉中某种特殊脂肪酸起了积极作用。由于孕妇的孕期延长,婴儿的平均出生体重也比其它地区高107克,为日后的发育打下了良好的基础,故此种饮食方法很值得借鉴。   四、最佳防呕吐食品   晨吐为孕期最难受的反应之一,给孕妇带来相当大的痛苦。有没有防治的良策呢?美国波士顿市布里格哈姆妇科医院营养学家米丽亚姆?埃里克推荐两种食物可当此任,一种是柠檬汁,另一种是油炸土豆片。米丽亚姆?埃里克认为,选择适合于孕妇口味的食物有良好的防吐作用,与姜汁啤酒、苏打饼干相比,柠檬与土豆含有更多的维生素,对孕妇更为有益。   五、最佳分娩食品   产妇分娩时需要足够的产力,而产力来源于食物,在各种食物中当以巧克力为最佳,美国产科医生称誉它为最佳分娩食品。巧克力营养丰富,热量多,如100克巧克力含糖50克,且能在短时间内被人体吸收,并迅速转化成热能(其消化吸收速度为鸡蛋的5倍),对于极需热能的产妇来说无异于“雪中送炭”。故产妇临产时吃几块巧克力,可望缩短产程,顺利分娩。   六、最佳饮料   孕妇喝什么最好?专家推荐绿茶,理由是绿茶乃微量元素的“富矿”,对胎儿发育作用突出的锌元素就是其中一种。据测定在食谱相同的情况下,常饮绿茶的孕妇比不饮者每天多摄取锌达14毫克之多。此外,绿茶含铁元素也不少,故常饮绿茶可防贫血。但传统的观点却是孕期不宜饮茶,主要原因是茶叶中的鞣酸可干扰食物中锌、铁等元素的吸收。最近,研究人员找到了一个两全其美的办法,那就是把握好饮茶的时机。一般说来,人在进餐后30分钟-60分钟,食物中的铁质已基本吸收完毕,此时再饮茶便无干扰铁质吸收之弊而尽收补锌之利了。   七、最佳零食
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生活不易,小编叹气。只能写写资讯聊以自慰了。小编整理了半天,给大家带来了这篇文章。不幸的是,所有已知怀孕中约有10-20%会因流产或胎儿遗失而告终。尽管流产很普遍,但流产仍然有很多污名化,许多妇女发现,在经历毁灭性的悲伤过程时,她们的情感和心理需求并未得到满足。2014年,专门研究女性生殖和产妇心理健康的临床心理学家杰西卡扎克博士在社交媒体上发起了一项运动,使用#ihadamiscarriage标签来解决这种文化沉默。他们的研究发现,Instagram用户发布的内容包括对流产的医学和身体经历的丰富描述,以及流产和应对这些情绪的情感谱,社交方面和家庭身份。赖利博士说:我发现,女性向陌生人开放甚至没有告诉他们的伴侣或家人的事情让我无尽地着迷。但这就是这个社区的力量。我认为惹恼您的身体是正常的,特别是当感觉自己使您失望时,甚至在感觉不断使您失望时,更是如此-文章#130。Mercier博士说:令我最惊讶的是,有多少妇女及其伴侣在流产后被确定为父母,以及流产在成功怀孕后如何延续到他们的家庭身份中。这种损失在多大程度上影响了妇女及其家庭,以及她们悲痛的寿命对临床医生来说是一个盲点。每次见到孕妇,我都会想起应该有的东西-文章104。这些个人帐户还提供了对患者通常定义的体验观点的见解。例如,在诊所中,反复流产的典型定义是三胎怀孕之后。但是,研究人员发现,许多流产两次或两次以上的患者被确定为反复流产。Mercier博士说: OB-Gyn领域正在努力重新定义反复的妊娠流产。这项研究的发现可以帮助该领域达成新的共识。赖利博士补充说:这是从公共卫生角度看待临床问题的明显例子,以及这项合作研究为何如此重要的原因。这些证明书可以告知服务提供者如何照顾有特殊需求的患者,例如复发性流产,并尽早解决。Mercier博士说:作为临床医生,我们接受过培训,可以满足妇女流产的医疗需求。我们不必总是使用工具来满足情感需求。我希望这项研究将鼓励临床医生将患者指向社交媒体,将其作为一种潜在的应对手段,并以失去亲人的方式对待这一主题,并期望父母给予更多的尊重和同情。社交媒体正成为患者推荐的常见途径。例如,社交媒体平台TikTok最近已成为一些用户制作共享个人健康斗争视频的家。该平台还成为医生与患者互动并迅速传播信息的渠道,从雾气到生殖健康。Riley博士告诫说,需要像这样的更多定量和定性研究来正确评估对患者和提供者的益处。欲要知晓更多《研究团队探索女性如何使用该平台公开谈论流产的情绪困扰》的更多资讯,请持续关注深空的科技资讯栏目,深空小编将持续为您更新更多的科技资讯。王者之心2点击试玩
2023-07-16 14:56:471

急求全新版大学英语综合教程3 unit8课文原文,看清楚啊要原文不要翻译的

哦 好的
2023-07-16 14:57:152

help out的用法及短语

help out 帮助,帮助…解决困难,帮助…对付: 一般用做help sb.out意思为帮助某人解决问题或摆脱困境 相似短语 help sb out of 搀扶某人走出... help sb out 帮助某人解决难题 扩展资料   help out的.单语例句   1. The firm manager said advanced notice would help the business prepare future rosters after being caught out previously.   2. Passengers who recognise him also help him out by buying him burgers and coffee.   3. Long Long decided to help A Hui last September, when he found out by chance about his classmate"s circumstances.   4. He was kissed by George Clooney on the lips in a scene out of The Descendants and even ate a tainted pie from The Help.   5. It is gratifying to see that Northeast China"s Liaoning Province recently carried out an employment relief act to help completely unemployed families.   6. The system will help the municipal government map out an energy plan by providing statistics for reference.   7. Woods"wife has told police she used a golf club to smash the back windows of the Cadillac Escalade to help her husband out.   8. Women are being advised to cut out caffeine during the first three months of pregnancy, to help reduce their risk of having a miscarriage.   9. A call for help has gone out for a female panda in Shaanxi Province that needs an artificial foot.   10. The soldiers heard the news and came out of their camp to help find the robbers.
2023-07-16 14:57:221