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2023-07-16 18:53:25
TAG: 英语 问题

如果是学习能力有限,又是前面固定have limitations,那么后面加on。

have limitations on……在某方面能力有限/在某方面有限制

limitations of …… 意思是……的局限性,意译是……范围内/时效内


这个要根据句意啦。不过Have的话,还是用on比较好。比如说 某方面学习能力有限 “Have a limitation on the study of XX” 不过话说回来,学习能力有限为什么要用名词呢,用limited study ability 或 (who)"s study ability is limited岂非好多了。



局限的英文有很多,如:localization、limitation、define等等相关例句1.他没把自己局限于这一门语言。He did not confine himself to the one language.2.此项工作不会局限于格拉斯哥地区。The work will not be confined to the Glasgow area.3.这种技术实用,但也有局限性。This technique is useful but it has its limitations.4.暴力犯罪并不局限于大城市。Violent crime is not limited to big cities.5.教授历史不应该局限于讲年代和人物。The teaching of history should not be limited to dates and figures.6.他现在四肢瘫痪,被局限在一个轮椅中。He is now quadriplegic and confined to a wheelchair.7.要求分裂西伯利亚的人如今只局限于一小撮极端分子。Demands for a separate Siberia are confined for now to the lunatic fringe.8.我意识到如何有可能克服自身的局限,取得自认为力不能及的成就。I realized how possible it was to overcome your limitations, to achieve well beyond what you believe yourself capable of.相关词汇局限性Limitation;local;narrow;limitation单局限时淘汰赛Sky Shoot Out局限性肌张力障碍focal dystonia局限性水肿Localized edema局限性招标limited tendering局限应力confining stress局限性投标restricted tender局限性硬皮病localized scleroderma;limited scleroderma;circumscribed scleroderma;morphoea localized
2023-07-16 14:50:001


be restricted by....e limited by...
2023-07-16 14:50:421

英文合同中常见“without limitations”是什么意思

without limitations没有限制
2023-07-16 14:50:522

statute of limitations是什么意思

诉讼时效;限定法律行动有效时限的法 令
2023-07-16 14:50:592

Jerk limitation是什么意思

  Jerk limitation的中文翻译  Jerk limitation  混蛋的局限性  --  limitation英 [u02cclu026amu026au02c8teu026au0283n] 美 [u02cclu026amu026au02c8teu0283u0259n]  n.限制; 局限; 极限; 起限制作用的规则(或事实、条件);  [网络]时效; 缺陷; 界限;  [例句]All the talk had been about the limitation of nuclear weapons.  谈话都是围绕着限制核武器进行的。  [其他]复数:limitations 形近词: digitation visitation levitation
2023-07-16 14:51:061


lim·it [límmit]noun (plural lim·its) 1. farthest point, degree, or amount: the farthest point, degree, amount, or boundary, especially one that cannot or should not be passed or exceededThe car was tested to its limits on the test track.2. maximum or minimum amount allowed: the maximum or minimum amount, or the largest or lowest quantity, that is available or allowedan upper age limit of 12 years3. boundary of area: the boundary or edge of an area, or something that marks a boundary or edge (often used in the plural) the city limits4. restriction: a feature or circumstance that restricts what can be donea time limit5. gambling maximum money allowed in betting: the maximum amount of money that can be staked at any one time in various games of chance 6. mathematics maximum of mathematical function: a numerical value approached by a mathematical function as the independent variable of the function approaches infinity or a specific value 7. mathematics value specifying integral"s range: one of the two given values specifying the range over which a definite integral is evaluated transitive verb (past and past participle lim·it·ed, present participle lim·i·ting, 3rd person present singular lim·its) 1. restrict something: to restrict something or somebody in number or quantity, or restrict something to a particular grouphad to limit the number of guests because of space problems2. be boundary to area: to be or act as a boundary to an area [14th century. < Latin limit- "boundary"]lim·it·a·ble, adjectivebe the limit to be so bad as to be almost beyond what somebody is able or prepared to toleratelim·i·tar·y [límmi tèrree]adjective (archaic) 1. restricted: on which limits are imposed 2. restrictive: imposing limits lim·i·ta·tion [lìmmi táysh"n](plural lim·i·ta·tions) noun 1. restriction: an imposed restriction that cannot be exceeded or sidesteppedlimitations on the height of vehicles2. restricting flaw: a disadvantage or weakness in somebody or something (often used in the plural) One of the limitations of the program is the amount of memory it requires.3. setting of limit: the act of limiting somethingdamage limitation4. law maximum delay allowed: a particular period of time within which a legal action must start 5. law legal restriction: a legal restriction on the powers that somebody has lim·it·ed [límmitu0259d]adjective 1. with limit imposed: on which some form of limit or restriction is imposedWe have limited space available.2. lacking full scope: existing at or below the full degree or extent, usually far belowlimited powers3. of relatively little talent: with talents or skills that fall short of what is expected or required 4. politics lacking full authority: lacking a full range of powers, especially because of constitutional or legal limitations 5. commerce with restricted stockholder liability: describes a British-registered business enterprise whose stockholders" liability for any debts or losses is restricted -lim·i·ted·ly, adverb-lim·i·ted·ness, noun
2023-07-16 14:51:141

人贵有自知之明 用英语怎么说

2023-07-16 14:51:246


应该分开写 UPLINK SMS LIMITATIONS。 SMS 是 Short Message Service(短信服务)的缩写,所以意思是 “上行链路手机短信服务限制”。
2023-07-16 14:51:391

求助!!!商务合同翻译!!!不胜感激 9.3. Limitations on Liabilit

9.3.关于赔偿责任的限制(a) 向节 9.3(b) 的规定,项目经理的责任的总金额不得超过合计人民币金额的赔偿责任的项目经理,通货膨胀,在整个期间,EPC 协议应存在的时间。这一节 9.3(a) 所述的负债总额应适用于聚合中所载的所有赔偿责任或因本协议、 工程总承包协议和材料的所有协议。(b) 节 9.3(a) 规定的赔偿责任的限制应排除付款和/或负债就项目协议的第 20.1(b) 节所提述的事项。9.4.没有任何间接损失本协议项下的赔偿金将不适用,会有没有权要求损害赔偿违反此协议,在合同、 侵权行为或任何其他理由,到任何一方索赔的损失是间接损失,不论原因引起,遭受或据称遭受的那一方。
2023-07-16 14:51:571

statute of limitations是什么意思

2023-07-16 14:52:042


Tarkovsky: Diaokeshiguang Movies - The Art of Time: This is a vague conclusion, but is already a cliché. Andrea is R26; Tarkovsky put this clich upgraded to a real theoretical issue. In his view, the "time of the art" embodied in at least three levels: Time to experience: the audience time to feel "I think a person walked into the cinema"s main motive is to trace the time." Tarkovsky consider an ordinary movie audiences are concerned about experiencing a unique time experience. "The audience at buying into cinema when he does not think it is his own life experiences to fill the gap, the recovery time gone?" Elapsed time is past and the past in the memory traces left behind (talco Malinowski read Proust"s work); the audience time to trace not only the past are being forgotten, and are being "ignored" the time, after time it seems insignificant, but after the show important sexual. In a movie of "trace" time is set up with the memories and experience of contact time - past time and time is going through. Tarkovsky further explained that the past is going through the time play a decisive role, people now experience the inevitable reference to the past can even be said that "In the past more real than it is now." This is clearly his philosophy on the awareness of the limitations of opinion by the psychologists and physiologists to refute, they think now is the memory (past the layers of sediment) and (the future) expected syncytiotrophoblast. However, it is clear that the time Tarkovsky said in no way involved in the future, which Merleau - Ponty"s different opinion: "Every now do not repeat all of the past and are expected to复返the the entire future. " So we need to understand some of Tarkovsky more profound statements, namely the time the experience is not only a fundamental scale, and even life are an important aspect of the spirit. "Time is a status, is the human soul where the salamander flame Survive." This extraordinary, because at the various definitions, time and change are linked, rather than status. Expressed here are opinion about human existence: time are the conditions for human survival and the way people should not exist out of time (even if Tarkovsky often seem to express the essence of people have immortal); In addition, the time is past the accumulation, is to determine the current memory of the past. Time is such an important element of life, we go to a movie is a time in order to obtain experience. But the experience never to learn or some situation "Experience study" point of view to express, and let u2022 Louis u2022 Schaefer (Jean Louis Schefer) but said nothing of the kind: "Film is the only time to put into a sensory experience . "Tarkovsky less concerned about the feeling, understanding the details and the screening of the film when the audience at a specific time experience, he is interested in the movie are reflected and integrated into the experience of the abstract artists of time (although it is also experiencing off) the manner in which the audience have experienced or are likely to consider the time to meet and have an impact on the latter. Within the framework of the time movies are art, because we live in time, or for a better view, time is of the elements of our survival, but this is more general description of the entire human nature and time relations rather than personal experience each time approach. Time mark: Time is of the nature of the lens If viewers feel that the time, then movies like the engraving of the printing press time. This is it superior to other art places, indeed, it has a direct face real time, life time, and other art which only indirectly. Tarkovsky film uptake, identify and reproduce the observation and presentation of case is think of Andre R26; Bazin, a well-known opinion: "video no longer be satisfied with our record was taken the moment the scene objects, like amber preserved insects long before the era intact body (... ...) things first video image is a time for renewal of things, as if a variable mummy. "
2023-07-16 14:52:222

statute of limitations是什么意思

限制法规 .
2023-07-16 14:52:303


2023-07-16 14:52:403


"Control"是一个常用的英语单词,它可以作为名词或动词使用,有多种不同的用法和意义。1.作为名词,"control"通常表示控制、管理或监督的能力或手段。例如,"The government has lost control of the situation"(政府已经失去了对局势的控制)。在这种情况下,"control"表示控制的能力或手段。2.作为动词,"control"通常表示控制、管理或监督某个事物。例如,"He tried to control his anger"(他试图控制自己的愤怒)。在这种情况下,"control"表示控制某个情感或行为。控制情绪此外,"control"还可以表示控制某个过程或系统。例如,"The computer program is used to control the manufacturing process"(计算机程序用于控制制造过程)。在这种情况下,"control"表示控制某个过程或系统。此外,"limitation"也有限制的意思。"limitation"是一个名词,表示某种限制或限制的范围。它可以用来描述各种不同的限制,例如法律、规定、条件、能力等方面的限制。例如,"There are limitations on the amount of money you can withdraw from the ATM"(从ATM机中取款的金额有限制)。
2023-07-16 14:52:491

人贵有自知之明 用英语怎么说

to have a thorough knowledge of oneself; to know one"s limitations
2023-07-16 14:53:304


2023-07-16 14:53:392

自知之明的英语翻译 自知之明用英语怎么说

自知之明Know one"s limitations自知之明Know one"s limitations
2023-07-16 14:53:471


statue of limitation字面意思就是雕塑的限制(具体要看语境)
2023-07-16 14:53:542

there is a limitation for this approach when dealing with the imbalanced problems有语病吗?

there is a limitation to this approach in dealing with the imbalanced problems.~ to 对…的限定:There should be no limitations to progress in the talks. 会谈的进展不应加以限制。
2023-07-16 14:54:022

life has no limitations except求解如何翻译,解析句子结构

life has no limitations except这句话还没有完吧。意思是生命没有局限,除非。。。
2023-07-16 14:54:092


The Lords The House of Lords unanimously overturned this decision, rejecting the arguments from agency and fraud. They held that there was nothing in the Act about whether the subscribers (i.e. the shareholders) should be independent of the majority shareholder. The company was duly constituted in law and it was not the function of judges to read into the statute limitations they themselves considered expedient. The 1862 Act created limited liability companies as legal persons separate and distinct from the shareholders. Lord Halsbury stated that the statute "enacts nothing as to the extent or degree of interest which may be held by each of the seven [shareholders] or as to the proportion of interest or influence possessed by one or the majority over the others." Lord Halsbury remarked that - even if he were to accept the proposition that judges were at liberty to insert words to manifest the intention they wished to impute to the Legislature - he was unable to discover what affirmative proposition the Court of Appeal"s logic suggested. He considered that identifying such an affirmative proposition represented an "insuperable difficulty" for anyone putting forward the argument propounded by the lord justices of appeal. Lord Herschell noted the potentially "far reaching" implications of the Court of Appeal"s logic and that in recent years many companies had been set up in which one or more of the seven shareholders were "disinterested persons" who did not wield any influence over the management of the company. Anyone dealing with such a company was aware of its nature as such, and could by consulting the register of shareholders become aware of the breakdown of share ownership among the shareholders. Lord Macnaghten asked what was wrong with Mr. Salomon taking advantage of the provisions set out in the statute, as he was perfectly legitimately entitled to do. It was not the function of judges to read limitations into a statute on the basis of their own personal view that, if the laws of the land allowed such a thing, they were "in a most lamentable state", as Malins V-C had stated in an earlier case in point, In Re Baglan Hall Colliery Co., which had likewise been overturned by the House of Lords. The House held: "Either the limited company was a legal entity or it was not. If it was, the business belonged to it and not to Mr Salomon. If it was not, there was no person and no thing to be an agent [of] at all; and it is impossible to say at the same time that there is a company and there is not."
2023-07-16 14:54:172

请问 英语学术写作中有一项是 Limitations and suggestions ,其中的suggestions是指什么呢?

2023-07-16 14:54:321


limitation英 [u02cclu026amu026au02c8teu026au0283n]美 [u02cclu026amu026au02c8teu0283u0259n]n.限制; 局限; 极限; 起限制作用的规则(或事实、条件)网 络局限性;局限;限度,局限;时效复数: limitations双语例句1. This drug has one important limitation. Its effects only last six hours. 这种药有一个严重缺陷:它的药力只能持续6个小时。来自柯林斯例句2. There is to be no limitation on the number of opposition parties. 反对党的数量没有限制。来自柯林斯例句3. The meeting was merely an exercise in damage limitation. 这次会议只是控制损失的一项举措。来自柯林斯例句4. Damage limitation measures have been introduced. 已经推出了损害控制措施。来自柯林斯例句5. They would resist any limitation of their powers. 他们会抵制对他们权力的任何限制。
2023-07-16 14:54:511


局限性的英文:limitations参考例句:We can"t transcend the limitations of the ego.我们无法超越自我的局限性。A viral infection may be localized disseminated or inapparent病毒感染可以是局限性的,扩散性的,或不显性的。请点击输入图片描述Monsoon research is provincial.季风研究工作是有局限性的。Sterilization by filtration is subject to one major theoretical limitation过滤灭菌具有一个大的理论上的局限性。Sterilization by filtration is subject to one major theoretical limitation.过滤灭菌具有一个大的理论上的局限性。
2023-07-16 14:54:581

英语毕业论文局限性(limitation)怎么写?前景展望怎么写(future direction)?讲讲写哪些方面的内容就行

Limitations可以从几方面考虑:1. 资料方面,你所阐述的观点是based on a small sample size. 因而,你阐述的观点may have limited generalizability. 同样,所用的资料可能偏重男性或老年人,所以,你的观点may be generalizable only to males or the elderly. 2.方法方面。Future Directions 就写你打算如何处理/解决前面提及的局限性。给你一个例句。The results of the study highlight the need for future research to use a more representative sample ...
2023-07-16 14:55:183

英文合同中常见“without limitations”是什么意思

limitation是限制的意思,without是没有,不受的意思所以和在一起应该是 不受限
2023-07-16 14:55:331


vt. 限制(缩减)界限,限度无限制地限定She is aware of her own limits of authority(这里带limit的短语并不好,最好用reference、mandate、competence等)In order to lose my weight, I limit my calories intaking(eat calories,摄入热量)fewer than 1000.
2023-07-16 14:55:433

高中英语课文中:given the limitations that have shaped your life until now, that 后面是什么成分?

定语从句,that后是定于 修饰限定 the limitations
2023-07-16 14:55:511

护照里的endorsements and limitations什么意思

2023-07-16 14:56:012


2023-07-16 14:56:081

there are limitations to what you can achieve based on someting.语法具体怎么样?为什...

2023-07-16 14:56:141


break geographic limits
2023-07-16 14:56:332


自知英文:know oneself。自知错误:be conscious of one"s own mistakes。自知能力有限:know the limits of one"s own ability; know one"s own limitations。自知者明:Those who know themselves have wisdom。常用短语:【自知之明】wisdom of knowing oneself; knowledge of oneself;self-knowledge。缺乏自知之明:lack self-knowledge。有自知之明:have sense enough to know oneself; know one"s limitations。人贵有自知之明:Self-knowledge is wisdom。 / It is important to know one"s own limitations。我对自己的能力如何颇有自知之明:I have no illusions about my ability。
2023-07-16 14:56:421


  1991年6月六级听力原文2   Part III Vocabulary andStructure (20 minutes)   41. Tom________ better than to ask Dick for help.   A) shall know   B) shouldnu2019t know   C) has known   D) should have known   42. Themagician picked several persons ________ from the audience and asked them tohelp him with the performance.   A) by accident   B) at random   C) on occasion   D) on average   43. Waterenters into a great variety of chemical reactions, ________ have been mentionedin previous pages.   A) a few of it   B) a few of that   C) a few of them   D) a few of which   44. Theyu2019llhave you ________ if you donu2019t pay your taxes.   A) to be arrested   B) arrest   C) arrested   D) being arrested   45. Therewas a knock at the door. It was the second time someone ________ me thatevening.   A) had interrupted   B) would have interrupted   C) to have interrupted   D) to interrupted   46. Despitetheir good service, most inns are less costly than hotels of ________standards.   A) equivalent   B) alike   C) uniform   D) likely   47. ________for your help, weu2019d never have been able to get over the difficulties.   A) Had it not   B) If it were not   C) Had it not been   D) If we had not been   48. Somepeople either ________ avoid questions of right and wrong or remain neutralabout them.   A) violently   B) enthusiastically   C) sincerely yours   D) deliberately   49. Thereis no easy solution to Japanu2019s labour ________.   A) decline   B) vacancy   C) rarity   D) shortage   50. Iu2019msure your suggestion will ________ the problem.   A) contribute to solving   B) contribute to solve   C) be contributed to solve   D) be contributed to solving   51. Ileft for the office earlier than usual this morning ________ traffic jam.   A) in line with   B) for the sake of   C) in case of   D) at the risk of   52. Someareas, ________ their severe weather conditions, are hardly populated.   A) due to   B) in spite of   C) but for   D) with regard to   53. Thenew washing machines are ________ at the rate of fifty a day.   A) turned up   B) turned down   C) turned out   D) turned in   54. Onturning the corner, we saw the road ________ steeply.   A) departing   B) descending   C) decreasing   D) depressing   55. Themanaging director took the ________ for the accident, although it was notreally his fault.   A) guilt   B) blame   C) charge   D) accusation   56. Oncethey had fame, fortune, secure futures; ________ is utter poverty.   A) now that all is left   B) now all that is left   C) now all which is left   D) now all what is left   57. Theshop-assistant was straight with his customers. If an article was of ________quality heu2019d tell them so.   A) humble   B) inferior   C) minor   D) awkward   58. Histastes and habits ________ with those of his wife.   A) combine   B) compete   C) coincide   D) compromise   59. Thebranches could hardly ________ the weight of the fruit.   A) retain   B) sustain   C) maintain   D) remain   60. Withall its advantages, the computer is by no means without its ________.   A) boundaries   B) restraints   C) confinements   D) limitations   61. Visitorsare asked to ________ with the regulations.   A) contrast   B) consult   C) comply   D) conflict   62. He________ so much work that he couldnu2019t really do it efficiently.   A) put on   B) turned on   C) brought on   D) took on   63. ________should any money be given to a small child.   A) On no account   B) From all accounts   C) Of no account   D) By all accounts   64. Withoutfacts, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factualknowledge ________ our thinking.   A) which to be based on   B) which to base upon   C) upon which to base   D) to which to be based   65. ________that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on constructionsites by 90 percent.   A) so clever are the construction robots   B) so clever the construction robots are   C) such construction robots are clever   D) such clever construction robots are   66. Allflights ________ because of the storm, they decided to take the train.   A) having canceled   B) having been canceled   C) were canceled   D) have been canceled   67. Themicroscope can ________ the object 100 times in diameter.   A) magnify   B) increase   C) develop   D) multiply   68. Languagebelongs to each one of us, to the flower-seller ________ to the professor.   A) as much as   B) as far as   C) the same as   D) as long as   69. We________ Edisonu2019s success to his intelligenceand hard work.   A) subject   B) attribute   C) owe   D) refer   70. Sheonce again went through her composition carefully to ________ all spellingmistakes from it.   A) withdraw   B) diminish   C) abandon   D) eliminate   41. D 42. B 43. D 44. C 45. A   46. A 47. C 48. D 49. D 50. A   51. C 52. A 53. C 54. B 55. B   56. B 57. B 58. C 59. B 60. D   61. C 62. D 63. A 64. C 65. A   66. B 67. A 68. A 69. B 70. D   Part IV Error Correction(15 minutes)   Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there arealtogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change aword, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put thecorrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out andwrite the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put aninsertion mark (u2227) in theright place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word,cross it and put a slash (/) in the blank.   Example:   Television is rapidlybecoming the literature of our periods╱. 1.time/times/period   Many of the arguments having╱ used for the study of literature as 2. _______\_______   a school subject are valid for u2227 study oftelevision. 3. ______the______   Traditionally, the American farmer has alwaysbeen independent and hard-working. In the eighteenth century farmers were quiteself-sufficient. The farm family grew and made almost nothing it needed. Thesurplus crop (71) would be sold to buy a few items in the local generalstore.   In 1860, because some of the farmpopulation had (72) moved to the city, yet eightypercent of the American population was still in the country. In the latenineteen century, farm work and life were not much changed from that theyhad been in the old days. The farmer aroused at (74) dawn or before and hadmuch work to do, with his own muscles like his chief source of power. Heused axes, (76) spades and other complicated tools. In his house cooking(77) was done in wood-burning stoves, and the kerosene lamp was the onlyimprovement on the candle. The familyu2019s recreation and social life chieflyconsisted a drive in the (78) wagon to the nearby small town or village totransact some business as well as to chat with neighbors who had also come totown. The children attended a small elementary school (often of just oneroom) to that they had to walk (79) every day, possibly for a few miles.The school term was short so that the children could not help on the farm.(80)   Although the whole family worked, and lifewas not easy, farmers as a class were self-reliant and independent.   71. nothingu2192 everything   72. becauseu2192 although   73. nineteenu2192 nineteenth   74. thatu2192 what   75. arousedu2192 arose   76. likeu2192 as/being   77. complicatedu2192 simple   78. (consist)u2192 (consist) of   79. thatu2192 which   80. notu2192 /   Part V Writing (30 minutes)   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a compositionwrite a composition based on the graph below.   Outline:   1. Riseand fall of the rate of car accident as indicated by the graph;   2. Possiblereason(s) for the decline of car accidents in the city;   3. Yourpredictions of what will happen this year.   加一个图表   Yourcomposition should be no less than 120 words and you should quote as fewfigures as possible.   作文范文:   The graph shows the changing rate of caraccidents in Walton city in 1990. The first two months of 1990 showed anincreasing trend. The rate rose to 32 in March but fell to 26 in June. FromJune on the rate was rising again and reached the peak point 39 in August.After August the rate began to decline, and eventually dropped to the lowestpoint 16 at the end of the year.   The highest rate in August was due tounfavorable weather conditions. Humidity and high temperature make driversimpatient, which easily leads to car accidents. The high rate in the first halfof 1990 was also caused by the bad weather condition. In Walton Citythe excessive rain comes at early spring. The rain made road slippery, whichoften resulted in car accidents.   This year the pattern is expected to change.The city government has raised fund to improve the road condition. Two newroads will be finished at the beginning of this year and are expected to opento traffic soon. Furthermore, the new road regulation provides that in summer everycar must be air-conditioned. With all these precautions, Iu2019m sure that the rateof car accidents will be much lower this year.   
2023-07-16 14:57:081

(b) Briefly explain THREE limitations of negotiated transfer prices. (3 marks)

【答案】:(b) Negotiated transfer prices suffer from the following limitations:– The transfer price which is the final outcome of negotiations may not be close to the transfer price that would be optimalfor the organisation as a whole since it can be dependent on the negotiating skills and bargaining powers of individualmanagers.– They can lead to conflict between divisions which may necessitate the intervention of top management to mediate.– The measure of divisional profitability can be dependent on the negotiating skills of managers who may have unequalbargaining power.– They can be time-consuming for the managers involved, particularly where large numbers of transactions are involved.
2023-07-16 14:57:161


摘要 While切割工具用机器制造一个制件在各种各样的切口 depth, feedrate根据最大值通常被选择 裁减depth。 即使这种选择可能避免力量饱和 or工具破损,它是非常保守主义者与比较 机床的capacity,并且可能减少生产力 significantly. 许多自适应控制技术是 可能调整feedrate维护常数的reported cutting力量。 然而,这些控制器非常不广泛是 在制造工业的used由于局限 measuring切削力信号。 在这纸,转动的力量 根据估计的切削力信号的control系统是 proposed. 一台被综合的切削力显示器被介绍 estimate切削力作为功率计一样准确地。 Three PI,能适应和模糊逻辑控制战略 controllers弧申请调查运用的可行性 the估计转动的力控制的切削力, experimental结果显示出,提议系统能 在与要求另外的一点的CNC车床容易地体会的be hardware. 1.介绍 恒定的转动的力控制的The问题在适当的 value是在现代遇到的其中一个主要问题 Computer数字控制(CNQ技术。 在变化的切口之下的切削力适应的Maintaining and制件材料由于许多原因是重要的: 更好 surface结束和尺寸准确性,更长的工具生活,和 除了别的以外,发生的更好的机器使用 在生产力的substantial改善。 例如,一能 adjust]最大化物质撤除率的哺养率(1 导致力量饱和或工具破损的without。 这 种类控制战略称与限制的自适应控制 (ACC)。 Although转动的力量的上面自适应控制器 control是买得到的,他们非常不广泛是 在制造工业的used。 被相信原因 for他们恶劣的工业采纳不是潜在问题 切口非常非线性变异处理的with,但是 在测量切削力的the局限发信号。 cutting力量信号可以直接地由传感器测量例如 传感器的dynamometers,而是设施不是可行的为 most车床由于高费用,减少的僵硬,导致聊天, engineering限制(空间、重量等等)和干涉 with切口表现。 另外,为与塔楼的一台车床, 例如在这项研究中考虑的CNC车床,分开 dynamometer为每个工具是需要的。 A感觉能消灭许多的方法的切削力 在局限之上的the是基于模型的估计方法。问题补充:例如, Spiewak [21发展了根据3轴纺锤加速度和纺锤偏折的测量的一个间接力量传感器。 Shiraish和Aoshima [3]使用状态观测器和位移变换装置,估计切削力。当上述方法要求时在纺锤导航的额外传感器驾驶或哺养驱动,没有添加物的另一个方法 sensors由哼提议,等[4]。 这个方法切削力把干扰输入视为对纺锤驱动并且估计根据固定传感器产品的切削力 and相反动态模型。在这个纸,转动的力控制系统被开发 根据估计的切削力信号,并且他们的可行性被调查。 为了准确地估计切削力在瞬间并且在稳定,介绍一台被综合的切削力显示器。
2023-07-16 14:57:245


这是什么问题,是需要翻译吗?"limatations of the study" in Chinese is "本研究也存在一定的局限性".
2023-07-16 14:57:371


您好,我只有英文版的。§174 General provisions applicable to indirect food additives.(a) Regulations prescribing conditions under which food additive substances may be safely used predicate usage under conditions of good manufacturing practice. For the purpose of this part and parts 175, 176, and 177 of this chapter, good manufacturing practice shall be defined to include the following restrictions:(1) The quantity of any food additive substance that may be added to food as a result of use in articles that contact food shall not exceed, where no limits are specified, that which results from use of the substance in an amount not more than reasonably required to accomplish the intended physical or technical effect in the food-contact article; shall not exceed any prescribed limitations; and shall not be intended to accomplish any physical or technical effect in the food itself, except as such may be permitted by regulations in parts 170 through 189 of this chapter.(2) Any substance used as a component of articles that contact food shall be of a purity suitable for its intended use.(b) The existence in the subchapter B of a regulation prescribing safe conditions for the use of a substance as an article or component of articles that contact food shall not be construed to relieve such use of the substance or article from compliance with any other provision of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. For example, if a regulated food-packaging material were found on appropriate test to impart odor or taste to a specific food product such as to render it unfit within the meaning of section 402(a)(3) of the Act, the regulation would not be construed to relieve such use from compliance with section 402(a)(3).(c) The existence in this subchapter B of a regulation prescribing safe conditions for the use of a substance as an article or component of articles that contact food shall not be construed as implying that such substance may be safely used as a direct additive in food.(d) Substances that under conditions of good manufacturing practice may be safely used as components of articles that contact food include the following, subject to any prescribed limitations:(1) Substances generally recognized as safe in or on food.(2) Substances generally recognized as safe for their intended use in food packaging.(3) Substances used in accordance with a prior sanction or approval.(4) Substances permitted for use by regulations in this part and parts 175, 176, 177, 178 and §179.45 of this chapter.(5) Food contact substances used in accordance with an effective premarket notification for a food contact substance (FCN) submitted under section 409(h) of the act.[42 FR 14534, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 67 FR 35731, May 21, 2002]§174.6 Threshold of regulation for substances used in food-contact articles.Substances used in food-contact articles (e.g., food-packaging or food-processing equipment) that migrate, or that may be expected to migrate, into food at negligible levels may be reviewed under §170.39 of this chapter. The Food and Drug Administration will exempt substances whose uses it determines meet the criteria in §170.39 of this chapter from regulation as food additives and, therefore, a food additive petition will not be required for the exempted use.[60 FR 36596, July 17, 1995]§175.105 Adhesives.(a) Adhesives may be safely used as components of articles intended for use in packaging, transporting, or holding food in accordance with the following prescribed conditions:(1) The adhesive is prepared from one or more of the optional substances named in paragraph (c) of this section, subject to any prescribed limitations.(2) The adhesive is either separated from the food by a functional barrier or used subject to the following additional limitations:(i) In dry foods. The quantity of adhesive that contacts packaged dry food shall not exceed the limits of good manufacturing practice.(ii) In fatty and aqueous foods. (a) The quantity of adhesive that contacts packaged fatty and aqueous foods shall not exceed the trace amount at seams and at the edge exposure between packaging laminates that may occur within the limits of good manufacturing practice.(b) Under normal conditions of use the packaging seams or laminates will remain firmly bonded without visible separation.(b) To assure safe usage of adhesives, the label of the finished adhesive container shall bear the statement “food-packaging adhesive”.(c) Subject to any limitation prescribed in this section and in any other regulation promulgated under section 409 of the Act which prescribes safe conditions of use for substances that may be employed as constituents of adhesives, the optional substances used in the formulation of adhesives may include the following:(1) Substances generally recognized as safe for use in food or food packaging.(2) Substances permitted for use in adhesives by prior sanction or approval and employed under the specific conditions of use prescribed by such sanction or approval.(3) Flavoring substances permitted for use in food by regulations in this part, provided that such flavoring substances are volatilized from the adhesives during the packaging fabrication process.(4) Color additives approved for use in food.(5) Substances permitted for use in adhesives by other regulations in this subchapter and substances named in this subparagraph: Provided, however, That any substance named in this paragraph and covered by a specific regulation in this subchapter, must meet any specifications in such regulation.SubstancesLimitationsAbietic acid Acetone Acetone-formaldehyde condensate (CAS Reg. No. 25619-09-4) Acetone-urea-formaldehyde resin N-Acetyl ethanolamine Acetyl tributyl citrate Acetyl triethyl citrate 2-Acrylamido-2-methyl-propanesulfonic acid, homopolymer, sodium salt (CAS Reg. No. 35641-59-9) Albumin, blood (2-Alkenyl) succinic anhydrides in which the alkenyl groups are derived from olefins which contain not less than 78 percent C30 and higher groups (CAS Reg. No. 70983-55-0) 4-[2-[2-2-(Alkoxy (C12-C15) ethoxy) ethoxy]ethyl] disodium sulfosuccinate 1-Alkyl (C6-C18) amino-3-amino-propane monoacetate Alkylated (C4 and/or C8) phenols Alkyl (C7-C12) benzene Alkyl (C10-C20) dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride n-Alkyl(C12, C14, C16, or C18) dimethyl (ethylbenzyl) ammonium cyclohexylsulfamate For use as preservative only. Alkyl ketene dimers as described in §176.120 of this chapter Alkyl (C7-C12) naphthalene alpha Olefin sulfonate [alkyl group is in the range of C10-C18 with not less than 50 percent C14-C16], ammonium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium salts 2-[(2-aminoethyl)amino]ethanol (CAS Reg. No. 111-41-1) 3-Aminopropanediol For use only in the preparation of polyurethane resins.
2023-07-16 14:57:521


ABSTRACTWhile a cutting tool is machining a workpiece at various cuttingdepth, the feedrate is usually selected based on the maximumdepth of cut. Even if this selection can avoid power saturationor tool breakage, it is very conservative compared to thecapacity of the machine tools and can reduce the productivitysignificantly. Many adaptive control techniques have beenreported that can adjust the feedrate to maintain the constantcutting force. However, these controllers are not very widelyused in manufacturing industry because of the limitations inmeasuring the cutting force signals. In this paper, turning forcecontrol systems based on the estimated cutting force signals areproposed. A synthesized cutting force monitor is introduced toestimate the cutting force as accurately as a dynamometer does.Three control strategies of PI, adaptive and fuzzy logiccontrollers arc applied to investigate the feasibility of utilizingthe estimated cutting force for turning force control, Theexperimental results demonstrate that the proposed systems canbe easily realized in CNC lathe with requiring little additionalhardware.1. INTRODUCTIONThe problem of constant turning force control at the appropriatevalue is one of the key issues encountered in the modernComputer Numerical Control (CNQ technologies.Maintaining the cutting force under varying cutting conditionsand workpiece materials is important for many reasons: bettersurface finish and dimensional accuracy, longer tool life, andamong others, better machine utilization which results insubstantial improvement in productivity. For instance, one canadjust the feed-rate (1] to maximize the material removal ratewithout causing the power saturation or tool breakage. Thiskind of control strategy is called adaptive control with constraint(ACC).Although the above adaptive controllers for the turning forcecontrol are commercially available, they are not very widelyused in manufacturing industry. It is believed that the reasonfor their poor industrial acceptance is not the potential problemwith the very nonlinear variations of the cutting processes, butthe limitations in measuring the cutting force signals. Thecutting force signal can be measured directly by sensors such asdynamometers, but installation of the sensors is not feasible formost lathe due to high cost, reduced stiffness, leading to chatter,engineering constraints (space, weight, etc.) and interferencewith cutting performance. In addition, for a lathe with a turret,such as the CNC lathe considered in this study, a separatedynamometer would be needed for each tool.A cutting force sensing method that can eliminate many ofthe above limitations is model-based estimation approach.问题补充:For example, Spiewak [21 developed an indirect force sensor based on the measurement of 3-axis spindle acceleration and spindle deflections. Shiraish and Aoshima [3] estimated the cutting force using a state observer and the displacement transducer.While the above methods require extra sensors instrumented in the spindle drive or feed drive, another method without add-onsensors is proposed by Huh, et al.不求一字一句,但求看的明白,谢谢 ....在线下面的几位的翻译真是.....这样的我也会最佳答案此文专业性很强,不是谁都能翻的,我的答复请放心采用。文章不全,如果还需要翻译,请发帖,并请把链接告诉我。ABSTRACT 摘要While a cutting tool is machining a workpiece at various cutting depth, the feed rate is usually selected based on the maximum depth of cut. 在一把切削刀具以不同的切削深度加工一个工件时,其进刀速度通常是根据最大切削深度决定的。Even if this selection can avoid power saturation or tool breakage, it is very conservative compared to the capacity of the machine tools and can reduce the productivity significantly. 即使这样的选择可以避免功率饱和或刀具断裂,但其与机床的能力来比还是很保守的,而且会降低生产率。Many adaptive control techniques have been reported that can adjust the feedrate to maintain the constant cutting force. 业已报道了多种自适应控制技术,它们可以调节进刀速度,从而保持恒定的切削力。However, these controllers are not very widely used in manufacturing industry because of the limitations in measuring the cutting force signals. 可是这些控制器在制造行业用得不很广,因为在测量切削力信号上存在一些限制。In this paper, turning force control systems based on the estimatedcutting force signals are proposed. 本文提出了基于估计切削力信号的车削力控制系统。A synthesized cutting force monitor is introduced to estimate the cutting force as accurately as a dynamometer does. 采用一个合成的切削力监控器以测功机能达到的精度来估计切削力。Three control strategies of PI, adaptive and fuzzy logic controllers arc applied to investigate the feasibility of utilizing the estimated cutting force for turning force control, 采用PI(比例积分控制)的三种策略、自适应和模糊逻辑控制器来研究利用此估计的切削力进行车削力控制的可行性。The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed systems can be easily realized in CNC lathe with requiring little additional hardware. 实验结果证实,我们提出的系统几乎不需要什么额外的硬件就可很容易地在CNC车床上实现1. INTRODUCTION1. 引言 The problem of constant turning force control at the appropriate value is one of the key issues encountered in the modern Computer Numerical Control (CNQ technologies. 以适当的值进行恒定车削力控制的问题是现代计算机数控(CNC)技术所碰到的关键问题之一。Maintaining the cutting force under varying cutting conditions and workpiece materials is important for many reasons:在切削条件和关键材料变化的条件下保持切削力非常重要,其原因是:better surface finish and dimensional accuracy, longer tool life, and among others, better machine utilization which results in substantial improvement in productivity. 较好的表面光洁度和尺寸精度,较长的刀具寿命,包括较好的机器利用率,从而导致生产率得到很大的改善。For instance, one can adjust the feed-rate (1] to maximize the material removal rate without causing the power saturation or tool breakage. 例如,你可以对进刀速度进行调节,使材料切除速度最大化而不致引起功率饱和或刀具断裂。This kind of control strategy is called adaptive control with constraint (ACC). 这种控制策略就称为有限制的自适应控制(ACC)。Although the above adaptive controllers for the turning force control are commercially available, they are not very widely used in manufacturing industry.虽然上面用于车削力的自适应控制器已能以商品获得,但它们在制造行业还没广泛采用。 It isbelieved that the reason for their poor industrial acceptance is not the potential problem with the very nonlinear variations of the cutting processes, but the limitations in measuring the cutting force signals. 据信,它们没有被产业界很好接受的原因,并不是因为切削过程完全非线性变化所带来的潜在问题,而是在测量切削力信号上存在限制。The cutting force signal can be measured directly by sensors such as dynamometers, but installation of the sensors is not feasible for most lathe due to high cost, reduced stiffness, leading to chatter, engineering constraints (space, weight, etc.) and interference with cutting performance. 切削力信号可以用传感器(例如测功机)直接测量,但是传感器的安装对大多数车床来说是不可行的,因为成本很高,刚度降低,导致颤振,工程上的限制(空间、重量等),以及干扰切削性能。In addition, for a lathe with a turret, such as the CNC lathe considered in this study, a separate dynamometer would be needed for each tool. 此外,对于带转塔的车床,如本研究所考虑的CNC车床来说,每个刀具需要一个独立的测功机。A cutting force sensing method that can eliminate many of the above limitations is model-based estimation approach. 一种能够消除上述很多限制的切削力传感方法就是基于模型的估计法。问题补充:For example, Spiewak [21 developed an indirect force sensor based on the measurement of 3-axis spindle acceleration and spindle deflections. 例如,Spiewak【21】开发了一种基于3轴(坐标)主轴加速度和主轴挠度测量的间接的力传感器。Shiraish and Aoshima [3] estim model-based estimation approach ated the cutting force using a state observer and the displacement transducer.Shiraish 和Aoshima[3]提出了基于模型的估计法,用状态观察器和位移传感器来估计切削力。While the above methods require extra sensors instrumented in the spindle drive or feed drive, another method without add-on sensors is proposed by Huh, et al. [4]. 上述方法需要额外的传感器装备在主轴传动或进刀传动处,而Huh等人则提出另一种毋需增加传感器的方法。This method considers the cutting force as a disturbance input to the spindle drive and estimates the cutting force based on the built-in sensor output and the inverse dynamic model.这种方法把切削力看成为一种输入到主轴传动的扰动,并根据内置传感器的输出和逆态模型来估计切削力In this paper, turning force control systems are developed based on the estimated cutting force signals and their feasibility is investigated. In order to accurately estimate the cutting force at the transient as well as at the steady-state, a synthesized cutting force monitor is introduced. 在本文中,根据估计的切削力信号开发了车削力控制系统,并研究了它们的可行性。为了精确的估计瞬态下和稳态下的切削力,引入了合成的切削力监控器。
2023-07-16 14:58:001

哪位高手帮忙分析一下句子结构:the limitations are childlike in the child are childish in the man.

1、the limitations are childlike in the child2、the limitations are childish in the man有局限对一个孩子来说是孩子气的,而对一个大人来说则是太过幼稚的只是第二句把主语省略了而已~O(∩_∩)O刚刚发现原来有人已经回了。。。
2023-07-16 14:58:182


Beyond the limit
2023-07-16 14:58:294


break through the restriction我是这么认为的,不知道对不对,你就参考一下吧。
2023-07-16 14:58:361

实用英语写作技巧之三 如何写好主题句

第三单元 如何写好主题句   3.1关于写主题句的建议   1)要写合乎语法的句子   Example 1: Two causes of the American Civil War.   这个句子是个不完整的句子,不合乎语法,因此不能用作主题句。   Example 2: There were two causes that led to the American Civil War.   重写后的句子合乎语法,是个较好的主题句。   2)要使用限写词限定主题   为了正确表达观点,好的主题句经常使用关键词或词组,即限制词(controllers)限制这一观点。   Example 3: Air travel is more convenient than train for at least three reasons.   从上例主题句我们得知作者将要写“air travel”( topic),他将要把 “train”( aspect)和“ air travel”作比较,并且陈述“reasons”。由此可见,作者在“aspect”(方面)和“reason”(原因)两方面限制他的主题。   3)要注意主题的可写性   所定的主题不能太笼统,也不能太具体。   Example 4: In Hemingway"s story “Soldier"s Home”,Krebs tells his mother that he wants no part of God"s Kingdom.   这个句子太具体以至于无东西可写,无法展开段落。   Example 5: In Hemingway"s story “Soldier"s Home”, Kreb is a lonely, cynical veteran.   这个句子可作为主题句,因为可以围绕“lonely,cynical”展开段落。   Example 6: Let me tell you something about overpopulation.   这个句子太笼统,作为一个段落的主题太大,难于驾驭。   Example 7: Why has the world population been increasing sorapidly in the last decades?   这个句子是个较好的主题句,作者用“the reasons for overpopulation in the last decades”,从“原因”(cause)和“时间”(time)两方面限制了主题,能在一个段落内论述。   Exercise 3-1   Directions: Identify the areas which limit the topic sentences.   3.1.1 Soccer has become increasingly popular in the U. S. in the last ten years.   Topic:_____________   Limitations:_____   3.1.2 Pollution has caused three major problems in the last decades.   Topic:______________   Limitations:_____   3.1.3There are two kinds of memory: short-term and long-term.   Topic:____________   Limitations:_____   3.1.4 Women are playing an increasingly important part in society today.   Topic:____________   Limitations:_____   3.1.5 Women are paid less for equal work than men in some companies.   Topic:____________   Limitations:_____   Exercise 3-2   Directions: Write two topic sentences for each of the topics,limiting the topic in different ways.   3. 2. 1 Topic: the study of English   Topic Sentence 1:__________________________________________   Topic Sentence 2:   3.2.2 Topic: college students today   Topic Sentence 1:__________________________________________   Topic Sentence 2:__________________________________________   3.2.3 Topic: women in China   Topic Sentence 1:__________________________________________   Topic Sentence 2:__________________________________________   3.2.4 Topic:crime   Topic Sentence 1:__________________________________________   Topic Sentence 2:__________________________________________   Exercise 3-3   Directions: Read the following paragraphs and supply the missing topic sentence.   (1)   ___________________________   Iceland"s flag, for instance, stands for features of the land.Red for the fire of Iceland"s volcanoes. White is for ice. Blue is for the mountains. On India"s flag, the blue wheel stands for peace and progress. The white stripe behind it is for truth. The black stripe on the flag of Malawi stands for the Negro people of that African land. The red stripe represents the blood they shed to free themselves from foreign rule.   (2)   ________________   The one most people are familiar with is the“desk dictionary”,sometimes refered to as general-purpose dictionary. Another kind is the pronouncing dictionary, which is concerned with a word"s pronunciation more than with its meaning. A third type is the bilingual dictionary, which lists the words in one language and attempts to give equivalent meaning in another language. Other types include technical dictionaries, special purpose dictionaries,and scholarly dictionaries
2023-07-16 14:58:421


我们的旅程 不论您身在何处,不管是谁你可能,有一件事对你和我都只是都在这个时刻,并在所有的时刻,我们的生存。我们不是在休息,我们的旅程。我们的生活是一种运动,一种趋势稳定,不断取得进展的一个看不见的目标。我们获得的东西,或失去的东西,每天。即使我们的立场和我们的性格似乎仍然正是相同的,他们正在发生变化。为提前的时间仅仅是一个变化。这是不是一回事有裸露的外地在1月和7月。使得本赛季的差异。该限制是儿童在儿童幼稚的男人。 一切,我们是朝着一个方向或另一个。甚至不做某事本身就是一种契约。它规定我们前进或后退。所采取的行动负极磁性针一样真实的行动正极。下降是接受,其他的替代办法。 你接近你的港口相比,你是昨天?是的,你必须是一个很少接近或其他一些港口;以来您的船舶首次推出后,海上的生活,你从来仍然为一个单一的时刻,海太深,你找不到锚地如果你会;就无法暂停,直到您进港。
2023-07-16 14:58:514


英文是:reference英['refru0259ns]释义:n.参考,参照;涉及,提及;参考书目;介绍信;证明书vi.引用vt.引用[复数:references;第三人称单数:references;现在分词:referencing;过去式:referenced;过去分词:referenced]短语:frame of reference参考系;参照系;参照架构近义词:indication英[u026andu026a'keu026au0283n]释义:n.指示,指出;迹象;象征[复数:indications]短语:INDICATION OF SOURCE货源标记;产地标记;产地标志;来源标示
2023-07-16 14:58:591


who 引导的是主语从句, that引导的是宾语从句,做told的宾语,what 引导的是主语从句, 最后的that 引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词something. 句子主干是There are limitations to what you can achieve.
2023-07-16 14:59:592


  在当今时代的电子游戏中,也有自由度这个概念,在高自由度的游戏中,玩家可以不必一定要按照规定的路线进行。玩家操作人物在地图中可以向各个方向前进、做事,受到的拘束很少。那么你知道吗?下面我为大家带来自由度的英语说法,供大家学习。   自由度的英语说法1:   freedom   自由度的英语说法2:   free degree   自由度相关英语表达:   多自由度系统 many degrees of freedom system   六自由度 six degrees of freedom   单自由度系统 Single Degree-Of-Freedom System   无效自由度 passive degree of freedom   自由度的英语例句:   1. With some limitations, this is true also of rotational degrees of freedom.   在某些限定条件下, 这一说法对转动自由度也成立.   2. The results converge reasonably well for the twelve degress of freedom case.   对于十二个自由度的情形来说,结果收敛得相当好.   3. In a three - body decay, the emerging particles have more freedom.   在三体衰变中, 出现的产物粒子有较大的自由度.   4. Each F distribution has a pair of degrees of freedom.   每个F分布,都有一对自由度.   5. It imposes constrains, restricting nature"s freedom.   它具有限制自然界自由度的强制性.   6. The internal degrees of freedom are almost, but not pletely, frozen out of the energy sharing.   内自由度几乎都与能量分配无关, 但并非全部无关.   7. A single - degree - of - freedom rate gyro can be made to indicate north, provided that it is sensitive enough.   如果单自由度速率陀螺具有足够的灵敏度,就可以用它来指示北向.   8. For a system prising two or more objects, degrees of freedom are additive.   具有两个或更多个物体的系统, 自由度更多.   9. Thus a 2 - freedom - degree mechanic model for dynamic tension was constructed.   基于这些结果建立了两自由度动张力模型.   10. A new 6 - DOF universal heterogeneous hand controller was proposed.   提出了一种新型的六 自由度 通用异构式手控器.   11. If tempo is 15 then CF should be 15.   如果节奏是15,那么前场自由度也应该是15.   12. The paper gives a design of four - DOF precision adjustment mechani *** .   设计了一种对镜子进行四 自由度 精密调整的机构.   13. It widens application areas of 5 - DOF parallel virtual axis machine tool.   拓宽了三杆五 自由度 并联机床的应用范围.   14. The power assembly mounting system is a six - freedom degrees vibration system.   动力总成悬置系统是一个六自由度振动系统.   15. Freedom is the most precious thing we have Amway.   在安利发展的最宝贵之处,是可享有很高的自由度.
2023-07-16 15:00:181


Everybody has their limitations, even famous people. American militarist Douglas MacArthur is a legend. He is the only general in America, who participated in World War 1, World War 2 and Korean War. Though he is our enemy judging by his political stance, we could still appreciate his personality separately. I am going to imitate general MacArthur to make a speech of a while. Now, pls listen to the original tape.
2023-07-16 15:00:264

考研英语翻译求解答:The upside is the possibilities //contained in knowing that?

The upside is the possibilities //contained in knowing that?知道这些的好处是什么?
2023-07-16 15:00:342

关于会计作业the limitations of financial statements

就是指年度财务报表的局限性。通常来说,我们可以根据财务报表分析一家企业的盈利能力,偿债能力等,但是这种分析也并不是完善的,因为有许多局限性,你可以从以下几个方面入手:1、财务报表的数据是历史数据 (historical data),没有未来的数据,那么对于企业未来的发展,其实有很大的不确定性(uncertainty)。2、annual reports and accounts,只是反映了企业当年一年的数据,而要对一个企业进行长远的分析,一年的数据是不足的,我们需要通过过去至少3-5年的数据,才能建立模型,预测未来。3、企业的财务报表(除现金流量表外)是很容易被认为操纵的(manipulate),特别是利润表,如果当年利润高了,会通过计提减值准备等方法降低利润,而如果利润少了,又会通过冲回过去的减值准备使当年的利润变得好一些。4、很多因素(factors)对企业具有重大影响,但是并没有完全表现在financial statement里(4.1)人 (human) 公司内可能有些对公司来说十分重要的人物,失去他们,公司会面临核心竞争力下降的危险。例如 乔布斯,financial statement里不会说他的身体情况怎么样了,但他一旦去世,对苹果的影响非常之大,比如股票下跌。(4.2)法律 (law) 法律也是会对公司产生重大影响的,但这也并不体现在financial statement里。比如在一个法律环境不健全的地方开了个制药厂,原来污水不经过处理也能排泄,但是这一年刚过,新颁布的法律要求,污水必须经过处理才能排泄,否则罚款金额高到会让公司倒闭,而处理污水的成本也非常的高,甚至会让公司亏损。(4.3)技术 (technique) 技术的更新对公司影响同样很大,这也不体现在financial statement里,一项新的技术出来,很可能导致旧的技术被淘汰。 再以苹果举例,过去诺基亚世界销量很好,苹果手机iphone一出来,导致诺基亚世界销量急剧下滑,甚至关闭了不少地区的营业店。其他的你可以再想想,比如人文、地理等,financial statement里都没有的,但是对企业的经营又会产生重大影响的,就是财务报表的limitation了
2023-07-16 15:01:061