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2023-07-16 18:24:42
TAG: 英语

drumstick 英[ˈdrʌmstɪk] 美[ˈdrʌmˌstɪk]

n. 鼓槌,鼓槌(形物)体(如鸡腿等);

[例句]She offered Molly tidbits: a chicken drumstick, some cheese.


[其他] 复数:drumsticks




英 ["drʌmstɪk] 美 ["drʌmstɪk]

n.鼓槌,鼓槌(形物)体(如鸡腿等)( drumstick的名词复数 )


Don"t you know that I hate drumsticks?




2023-07-16 13:33:564


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2023-07-16 13:36:345


鸡腿的英语是drumstick。外国人通常用“drumstick”来表达“鸡腿”。“drumstick”在英文词典中的解释是:“the lower part of the leg of a chicken or similar bird eaten as food”,意思是“(鸡等禽类动物的)小腿” 。比如,chicken drumstick (鸡小腿),duck drumstick(鸭小腿),goose drumstick(鹅小腿)鸡大腿是“chicken thighs。扩展资料:双语例句:1、她给了莫莉一些吃的:一根鸡腿下段和一些奶酪。She offered Molly tidbits: a chicken drumstick, some cheese. 2、He wowed judges by describing the flavor and smell of his favourite sweet, the Drumstick lolly. 他对最喜欢的鸡腿味棒棒糖的口味和香味的描述让评委们赞不绝口。以下内容仅供参考:百家号-日常英文表达,“鸡腿”可不是“chicken leg”!老外会这么说!
2023-07-16 13:36:511


Fried drumstick
2023-07-16 13:37:102


问题一:鸡腿英文叫什么 鸡腿的英文说法有些特别,在小学课本上看到是 Chicken leg, 当时就感觉。。。。不可以想当然哦。。。。。 OK,比较地道的说法应该是:chicken drum或者drum stick在英语习惯中,“chichen leg”------“ *** ”,而“drum stick”------“鸡腿”。 问题二:鸡腿用英语怎么说 chicken leg 问题三:鸡腿怎么说?(英语) chicken legs 问题四:英语鸡腿怎么说 drumstick 英 ["dr?mst?k] n. 鸡腿,家禽腿;鼓槌 复数 drumsticks 问题五:鸡腿的英文。 drumstick 鸡腿 若有疑问及时追问,如满意请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢!O(∩_∩)O 问题六:鸡腿用英语怎么说? drumstick
2023-07-16 13:37:351


  鸡腿指一种取自鸡的大腿的肉带骨头的,脂肪含量较多,是整只鸡中铁分含量最多的一部分。那么你知道吗?一起来学习一下吧!    鸡腿的英文说法 :drumstick   鸡腿的英文例句:   1. She offered Molly tidbits: a chicken drumstick, some cheese.   她给了莫莉一些吃的:一根鸡腿下段和一些乳酪。   2. A Couple of drumsticks and one coleslaw, please.   请给我两双鸡腿,一份生菜沙拉.   3. He fell asleep clutching a half - eaten drumstick in his right fist.   他右手里紧握著一只吃了一半的鸡腿睡着了.   4. Bar - B - Q drumsticks are the kid"s favorite.   烤鸡腿是小家伙们最爱吃的.   5. Bill gestured with the drumstick in one hand and the bottle of wine in the other.   比尔一手拿着鸡腿,一手拿着酒瓶,打着手势.   6. It"s not even lunch, and you rip the leg off the chicken?   还没到午餐时间, 你怎么就把鸡腿给折下来了?   7. Using fresh drumsticks as material, the processing technology of beer - drumsticks was studied.   以新鲜鸡腿为原料, 探讨了啤酒鸡腿的加工工艺.   8. We"ll take a fillet steak and roasted chicken drumstick.   我们要菲利牛排和一份烤鸡腿.   9. I liked eating the sausages and the chicken legs.   我喜欢吃香肠和鸡腿.   10. Ingredient: Chicken, slice abalone green onion , custom made superior sauce, flour.   成分: 鸡腿肉,香鲍, 青葱, 自制上等调味酱, 面粉.   11. He fall asleep clutch a half - eat drumstick in his right fist.   他右手里紧握著一根吃了一半的鸡腿睡着了.   12. Pour the lemon juice over the chicken and sprinkle with paprika.   将柠檬汁倒在鸡腿上,再撒上辣椒.   13. Wash chicken drumsticks . Drain . Marinate with turmeric powder and salt. Set aside.   鸡腿洗干净,沥干水份,用黄姜粉和盐略腌, 备用.   14. The youngster examines minutely curiously: The flavour of that drumstick how?   年青人好奇地追问道: 那鸡腿的味道怎么样?   15. For non - vege , they had grilled chicken, chick breast , and goat.   荤菜有烤鸡腿 、 鸡肉和山羊肉.   片语搭配:   焖鸡腿   1.Braised chicken legs   鸡腿饭   1.Rice with Stewed Drumstick
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chicken wing(s)鸡翅 wing[英][wu026au014b][美][wu026au014b]n.翅膀,翼; 飞翔; 派系,派别; vi.飞行; vt.为…装上翼; 使或使能飞行; 飞过; drumstick(s)鸡腿
2023-07-16 13:38:073


2023-07-16 13:38:187


街头甜筒:Drumstick (ice cream cones) 雀巢生产的,但因为好几十年了,街上卖的甜筒就叫这了。冰棒的话叫:popsicle橘子+牛奶冰棒:creamsicle巧克力+牛奶冰棒:fudgesicle
2023-07-16 13:38:451


to me for half an hour why my answer is wrong.
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2023-07-16 13:39:058


runchicken cucumber
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chinken wingschinken legs
2023-07-16 13:40:009


Tone color
2023-07-16 13:40:546


2023-07-16 13:41:101


Eat a chicken leg
2023-07-16 13:41:305


2023-07-16 13:41:461


sundae 圣代 新奥尔良烤鸡腿堡餐:New Orleams Roasted Burger Combo 劲脆/香辣鸡腿堡餐:Extra-tasty Crispy Burger Combo /Zinger Burger Combo 墨西哥/老北京鸡肉卷餐:Mexican Twister Combo/Dragon Twister Combo 深海鳕鱼堡餐:Cod Fish Burger Combo 田园脆鸡堡餐:Mini Burger Combo 新奥尔良烤翅餐:New Orieans Roasted Wing Combo 香辣鸡翅餐:Hot Wing Combo 全家桶: Family Big Box肯德基套餐 KFC Plated Meals Small /Medium/ Large French Fries 小/中/大号薯条土豆泥 mashed potato 老北京鸡肉卷 dragon twister 鸡米花 popcorn chicken 辣翅 hot wing 蛋挞 egg tart 田园脆鸡堡 mini burgerExtra-Tasty Crispy Burger Combo 辣堡套 New Orleans Burger Combo 奥堡套 Mexican Twister Combo 墨卷套 Dragon Twister Combo 老北套 Mini Burger Combo 田原套 Hot Wing Combo 辣翅套 New Orleans Roasted Wing Combo 烤翅套 Original Recipe 原味鸡 New Orleans Roasted Wing 烤翅 Popcorn Chicken 鸡米花 Nugget 上校鸡块 Corn Salad 玉米色拉 Egg & Vegetable Soup 芙蓉汤 Oinner Roll 餐包 Corn-on-the-cub 玉米棒 Mashed Pototo 土豆泥 汉堡包: Hamburger 鸡肉卷: Chicken Loaf 原味鸡: Original Recipe 烤鸡翅: Roast Chicken Wings 上校鸡块:Colonel"s Crispy Chicken Strips with Home style Sides 鸡米花: Chicken Popcorn 大鸡腿: Fresh Grade Legs 小鸡腿: Chicken Drumsticks 鸡胸肉: Fresh Grade Breast 鸡翅膀: Chicken Wings 炸薯条: French Fries 土豆泥: Mashed Potatoes 玉米沙拉:corn salad 汤: soup 面包: bread 甜点: Pastries 蛋挞: Egg Tart / Egg Cake 圣代: Sundae 甜筒: Ice-cream cone 巧克力: Chocolate 草莓: Strawberry 蓝莓: Blueberry 饮料: Beverage 红茶: Black Tea 咖啡: Coffee 果汁: syrup 橙汁: Orange Juice 百事: Pepsi-Cola 七喜: 7-Up 美年达: Mirinda Orange Milk Shake 奶昔 番茄酱: Tomato Ketchup / Tomato Sauce 辣椒粉 : cayenne powder 生菜: Lettuce 玩具: toy 优惠券: Saver ticket 纸巾: Paper tower 手套: glove 吸管: Straw 搅拌棒: muddler 勺子: scoop 奥尔良: Orleans 肯德基工作区KFC work area
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意见如下: 1. ham & egg 火腿蛋 2. spaghetti 意粉 3. rice    饭 4. toast  多士 5. corn   玉米 (粟米) 6. chicken wing  鸡翼 7. sandwich  三明治 8. hamburger  汉堡饱 9. French Fries   薯条 10. apple pie  苹果批 11. soft drinks 汽水 12. juice  果汁 参考: 我的意见 macaroni 通心粉 spaghetti 意粉 rice 饭 sandwiches 三明治 bread 面包 instant noodle 即食面 rice vermicelli 米粉 omelette 奄列 toast 多司 salad 沙律 ham 火腿 / egg 蛋 / bacon 烟肉 / sausage 肠仔 / cheese 芝士 French fried potatoes 薯条 drumstick 鸡腿 chicken wing 鸡翼 beef steak 牛排 pork chop 猪排 fish fillet 鱼柳 cereal 麦片 lemon tea 柠檬茶 tea with milk 奶茶 soft drink 汽水 coffee 咖啡 juice 果汁 图片参考:i37.photobucket/albums/e92/mycutegraphics/glitterniceday/niceday32 1. *** gna with meat sauce 肉酱宽条面 2. Caesar salad 凯撒沙律 3. honey and garlic chicken wings 蒜蓉蜜汁鸡翼 4. apple pie 5. croissant 牛角包 6. hot dog 热狗 7. pancake 薄饼 8. donuts 唐圈 9. chicken nuggets (McNuggets) 鸡块 (麦乐鸡) 10. cheeseburger 芝士汉堡 Good luck! 参考: Me 1.hamburger 汉堡包 2.coke 可乐 3.French Fries 薯条 4.chicken legs 炸鸡髀 pie 苹果派 比萨 7.egg tart 蛋挞 8.salad 沙律 9.milk tea 奶茶 juice 橙汁 11.milk shake 奶昔 雪糕 13.fillet 鱼柳 14.pancake 班戟 15.chicken wings 鸡翼 参考: 麦记官网,KFC官网,me
2023-07-16 13:42:161


问题一:鸡腿的英语单词怎么写 Chicken Leg.鸡大腿。 Drumstick.鸡小腿。 鸡腿: 1. drumstick 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. 他把鸡腿紧扎起来以便烹烤。 He trussed the chicken"s feet up. 问题二:鸡腿英语怎么说 chicken legs 鸡腿 drumstick (煮熟的鼓槌形)鸡腿 For delicious fried chicken legs the secret is to bread the legs twice. 制作诱人的炸鸡腿,秘诀就是在鸡腿上抹两次面包屑 问题三:鸡腿的英文。 drumstick 鸡腿 若有疑问及时追问,如满意请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢!O(∩_∩)O 问题四:鸡腿的英语单词 drumstick chicken leg有****那个意思。 问题五:“鸡腿”用英语怎么说 drumstick 英[?dr?mst?k] 美[?dr?m?st?k] n. 鼓槌,鼓槌(形物)体(如鸡腿等); [例句]She offered Molly tidbits: a chicken drumstick, some cheese. 她给了莫莉一些吃的:一根鸡腿下段和一些奶酪。 [其他] 复数:drumsticks
2023-07-16 13:42:411

鸡腿英语怎么读 鸡腿英语解释

1、鸡腿,drumstick。读音:美/u02c8dru028cmstu026ak/;英/u02c8dru028cmstu026ak/。 2、释义: (1)drumstick n.鸡腿,家禽腿;鼓槌。 (2)drumsticks n.鸡腿(drumstick的复数);琵琶腿;鼓槌。 3、例句:Chest meat, he asserted, is too stringy, whereas the drumstick of a young chicken is delicate and easy to chew.他认为鸡胸肉太老,而小鸡的鸡腿肉很嫩很好嚼。
2023-07-16 13:42:481


鸡腿的英语单词怎么写 Chicken Leg.鸡大腿。 Drumstick.鸡小腿。 鸡腿: 1. drumstick其它相关解释:例句与用法: 1. 他把鸡腿紧扎起来以便烹烤。 He trussed the chicken"s feet up. 鸡腿的英语单词 drumstick chicken leg有****那个意思。 鸡腿的英文怎么拼 Chicken leg 鸡腿英文叫什么 鸡腿的英文说法有些特别,在小学课本上看到是 Chicken leg, 当时就感觉。。。。不可以想当然哦。。。。。 OK,比较地道的说法应该是:chicken drum或者drum stick在英语习惯中,“chichen leg”------“ *** ”,而“drum stick”------“鸡腿”。 吃鸡腿用英语怎样写? have(eat) drumstick have(eat)Chicken Leg
2023-07-16 13:42:551


问题一:鸡腿用英语怎么说 chicken leg 问题二:鸡腿用英语怎么说? drumstick 问题三:炸鸡腿用英语怎么说? Fried drumstic贰(s) 炸鸡腿 Fried chinken wing(s) 炸鸡翅 “炸鸡腿 Fried Chicken Legs”这么说会引起歧义,是不对的。 问题四:鸡腿的英语怎么写 chicken leg(s) 鸡腿有几种表达 chi户ken quarters这个是大腿(相当于一只鸡的四分之一,因此得名) chicken drumsticks 这个是小腿 你去超市看一下就知道了 问题五:鸡腿的英文。 drumstick 鸡腿 若有疑问及时追问,如满意请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢!O(∩_∩)O 问题六:英语鸡腿怎么说 drumstick 英 ["dr?mst?k] n. 鸡腿,家禽腿;鼓槌 复数 drumsticks
2023-07-16 13:43:011


Chicken wing
2023-07-16 13:43:103


2023-07-16 13:43:1911


问题一:鸡腿的英语单词怎么写 Chicken Leg.鸡大腿。 Drumstick.鸡小腿。 鸡腿: 1. drumstick 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. 他把鸡腿紧扎起来以便烹烤。 He trussed the chicken"s feet up. 问题二:鸡腿的英语怎么写 chicken leg(s) 鸡腿有几种表达 chi户ken quarters这个是大腿(相当于一只鸡的四分之一,因此得名) chicken drumsticks 这个是小腿 你去超市看一下就知道了 问题三:鸡腿英语怎么说 chicken legs 鸡腿 drumstick (煮熟的鼓槌形)鸡腿 For delicious fried chicken legs the secret is to bread the legs twice. 制作诱人的炸鸡腿,秘诀就是在鸡腿上抹两次面包屑 问题四:鸡腿用英语怎么说? drumstick 问题五:英语鸡腿怎么说 drumstick 英 ["dr?mst?k] n. 鸡腿,家禽腿;鼓槌 复数 drumsticks 问题六:我最喜欢吃的是鸡腿。英语怎么写 my favorate food is chicken drumstick
2023-07-16 13:43:401


枹bāo fú 枹的中文解释以下结果由汉典提供词典解释枹 bāo部首笔画部首:木 部外笔画:5 总笔画:9五笔86:SQNN 五笔98:SQNN 仓颉:DPRU笔顺编号:123435515 四角号码:47912 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+67B9基本字义1. 落叶乔木,种子可提取淀粉,树皮可制栲胶。亦称“小橡树”。详细字义〈名〉1. 枹树。有的地区叫小橡树 [glandbearing oak;Japanese silkworm oak] 一种落叶乔木,叶子互生,略呈倒卵形,边缘有粗锯齿,花单性,雌雄同株。种子可用来提取淀粉,树皮可以制栲胶2. 另见 fú枹 fú基本字义1. 同“桴”。详细字义〈名〉1. (形声。从木,包声。本义:鼓槌) 同本义 [drumstick]枹止响腾,余韵徐歇。——宋· 苏轼《石钟山记》2. 又如:枹端(鼓锤的头);枹鼓(鼓锤和鼓)3. 另见 bāo
2023-07-16 13:44:093


鸡腿菇:coprinus comatus 。肉燕:meat swallow。正解,望采纳,谢谢
2023-07-16 13:44:371


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2023-07-16 13:45:222


guitar 吉他bass 贝斯drums 鼓keyboard 键盘trumpet 小号piano 钢琴triangle 三角铃violin 小提琴violoncello 大提琴flute 长笛小提琴violin,古筝:koto二胡:two-stringed Chinese fiddle琵琶:lute扬琴:cymbalo葫芦丝:cucurbit flute单簧管clarinet,双簧管oboe,长笛flute,短笛piccolo,小号trumpet,手鼓tom-tom,小军鼓snare drum,定音鼓timpani,萨克斯saxophone大提琴cello吉他guitar,口琴harmonicazither古筝dulcimer扬琴violin小提琴electric piano电子琴harmonica口琴drum鼓Violin 小提琴Viola 中提琴Cello 大提琴Double bass 低音提琴或大贝司flute 长笛piccolo 短笛clarinet 单簧管oboe 双簧管English horn 英国管bassoon或fogotto 大管double bassoon 低音大管horn或French horn 圆号或法国圆号trumpet 小号cornet 短号trombone 长号tuba 大号kettle drums或timpani 定音鼓compane 排钟glockenspiel 钟琴xylophone 木琴bass drum 大鼓side drum 小鼓cymbals 钹gong 锣triangl 三角铁tambourine 铃鼓harp 竖琴piano 钢琴guitar 吉他mandolin 曼陀林lute 鲁特琴organ 风琴grand piano 三角钢琴,大钢琴keyboard 键盘key 键pedal 踏板string 琴弦hammer 琴槌pianola 自动钢琴harpsichord 击弦古钢琴organ 管风琴register, organ stop 调音器harmonium 风琴barrel organ 手摇风琴bowed instruments 弓弦乐器violin 小提琴viola 中提琴cello, violoncello 大提琴contrabass, double bass 低音提琴harp 竖琴zither 齐特拉琴,九弦琴lyre 里拉琴,七弦琴lute 诗琴, 硫特琴Chinese lute,琵琶banjo 班卓琴guitar 吉他electric guitar 电吉他first string 第一弦bass string 低音弦sound hole 音孔sound box 音箱mute, sourdine 弱音器bow 弦弓plectrum 拨子fret 品neck 琴颈nut 回纹柱bridge 琴马,弦马woodwind (instrument) 木管乐器flute 横笛pipe, shawm 芦笛harmonica, mouth organ 口琴oboe 洋埙bagpipes 风笛accordion 手风琴English horn, tenor oboe, coranglais 英国管clarinet 单簧管bassoon 低音管,巴松管brass instruments 铜管乐器double bassoon, contrabassoon 倍低音管horn, trumpet 小号cornet 军号,短号trombone 低音号saxophone 萨克管mouthpiece 哨嘴reed 簧片key 键piston 活塞drum, kettledrum 鼓tambourine 手鼓small tambourine 小手鼓bass drum 低音鼓,大鼓drumstick 鼓槌cymbals 铙,钹xylophone 木琴vibraphone 颤声器castanets 响板
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2023-07-16 13:45:481


2023-07-16 13:45:572


辣木树是没有刺的。首先要看你家的环境是否可种,一般北方种不了。相应知识:辣木(Moringa)又称鼓槌树(Drumstick tree),原产印度北部,世界上已知有十多种品种,原产于印度,现在我国也有大量种植,又称为鼓槌树,是多年生热带落叶乔木,全世界约有14个品种,目前较常食用的品种有以下三种:印度传统辣木(Moringa oleifera Lam.)、印度改良种辣木(印度 T.N.农业大学的改良种,早生且具高豆荚产量)和非洲辣木(原只产于肯尼亚图尔卡纳湖附近及埃塞俄比亚西南部)。辣木,白花菜目辣木科,辣木属乔木,高3~12米,树皮软木质;枝有明显的皮孔及叶痕,小枝有短柔毛;根有辛辣味,原产于印度,又称为鼓槌树,是多年生热带落叶乔木。辣木树适宜在热带、亚热带地区生长,中国南方广东、福建、广西、云南、台湾及海南等省份皆可以种植。目前以云南种植最多,产量最大,占中国辣木市场的三分之二。广东、福建等经济发达地区在一些企业和科研机构的推动下,已经形成大规模的种植基地。如福建厦门市的海沧,广东中山阜沙镇、韶关新丰县、揭阳、湛江等地也相继建立起辣木基地
2023-07-16 13:46:061


guitar吉他piano钢琴violin小提琴cello大提琴sax萨克斯管小号trumpet古筝zither口琴harmonicaclarinet 竖笛,单簧管(黑管)cymbal 铜钹,土耳其镲double bass 低音提琴drum 鼓 drumstick 鼓槌 french horn 圆号,法国号flute 横笛,长笛,笛子glockenspiel 钟琴,铁琴 harp 竖琴 harpsichord 羽管钢琴(拨管古钢琴)honky-tonk piano 酒吧钢琴 horn 号,号角 guiros 瓜(一种利用刮削摩擦发声的拉丁美洲乐器)
2023-07-16 13:46:251


为您解答fried chicken wingfried drumstick
2023-07-16 13:46:352


面包 bread鸡腿 drumstick牛奶 milk面条 noodle(常pl)牛肉 beef米饭 rice蘑菇 mushroom烧烤 barbecue章鱼 octopus饼干 biscuit棒棒糖 lollipop
2023-07-16 13:46:441


Turkey leg
2023-07-16 13:46:523


2023-07-16 13:47:037


英语翻译作文 I choose to figure out some ways to solve the problem instead of running away. 用英语翻译作文 may mather My mother"s work is very mon, and also very special. Because she is a housewife!My mother is very busy every day. She get up at 6:00 Am for breakfast, then washing, cleaning. At 10:00 shopping, cooking ...... she is busy all day long,no break. This is my mother"s work, I think my mother is very great. Do you think so 英语翻译作文鸡腿饭 照烧鸡腿饭的故事 话说,昨天上补习班,正值饭点。看见坐在我后面的童鞋狼吞虎咽地吃著一份德克士脆皮照烧鸡腿饭,我虽已吃过饭,却仍馋得口水直流三千尺。自从那时起,我就日日夜夜、整日整夜、日思夜想盼著能吃上一份脆皮照烧鸡腿饭。 今天,我这个吃货“终于”和妈妈来到了思慕已久的德克士,我的心情多云转晴。妈妈不让我经常来这里,上次来德克士已想不起是什么时候。站在门口,颇有峻青见到山海关时激动无比的心情。进门,从妈妈的钱包里寻觅出了“德意卡”。抬头一看,脆皮照烧鸡腿饭的价格是17.5元,“妈妈一会儿回家再吃,德意卡可以打八折,也就是17.5×8/10=17.5×4/5=14元耶!整整省了3.5元啊,可以再买一包薯片了!”我心里不由的打起了小算盘…… 想着,便毫不犹豫地买了份脆皮照烧鸡腿饭,我热血沸腾。经过一番等待,我抱着饭飘呀飘地“飘”上了二楼,心情真是不能用语言形容的美滋滋。刚下坐,妈妈的手机接到了姐姐打来的电话,我赶紧抢过来接。 “在干什么呢?” “姐姐,我在德克士吃饭呢!” “德克士?你不是有德意卡吗?” “是啊,打八折,我省了3块5呢!” “德克士平日打八折,逢8是卡友日,今天28号,加两元再送一份啊?你们两个人,这样多实惠啊!” “纳尼?”姐姐的讯息如五雷轰顶一般瞬间把我震惊了,“刚才我买的时候没有人告诉我啊?那我先去问一下,再见再见再见。” 挂下电话,我赶忙去找服务员姐姐。“姐姐,我有德意卡,照烧鸡腿饭加两元可以再送一份吗?” “不行的,卡友日除了米饭其他都可以加两元再送。” 刹那间,我“泪流满面”。那时,我第一次觉得自己感受到了“人情冷暖”、“世态炎凉”……加两元再送一份啊有木有,早知这样我就买汉堡了,拿最便宜的汉堡12.5元来算,第二份等于说是2元钱就买到了12.5的汉堡,便宜了整整10.5元呢!如果拿这个优惠和之前米饭的3.5元的优惠来比,多优惠了整整7元啊,这7元,简直是又可以买两包我最爱吃的薯片了啊!早知今日,何必当初? 本一腔热血地想尝尝从未吃过的照烧鸡腿饭,到现在却亏了7元?问题出在哪里呢?“都是我没有问清楚,吃一堑长一智,下次来德克士,我一定要先问清楚今天有什么活动,不能直接盲目点餐!” 是啊,什么事都应该如此,学习当然也一样。经过认真思考才可以下结论,而不能盲目下结论。不清楚不知道的,就要问清楚,直到自己弄明白为止。还要把“算账”这门学问给学好,日常生活中都要用到这门学问,算数算准确了,才不会吃亏。像我这个小迷糊,上次学校小考把20-8算成了16,与100分失之交臂,这件事一直成为余音未散同学的笑点 ,让我至今难忘呢。 吃饭有“风险”,要吃需谨慎。吃照烧鸡腿饭,只有问清了优惠活动,才会知道自己究竟亏没亏。而人生道路上要做的每一件事,也都是如此。——这就是一份照烧鸡腿饭教会我的。 后记:今天衰神附体,发生了这件无语的事,写下来留个纪念,让我从此把迷糊抛到太平洋去。 还望大家多多指教!谢谢博友们的分割线和支援我的朋友们,祝大家寒假快乐、天天开心! Teriyaki Rice with Stewed Drumstick story Words, yesterday, the cram school, at the point of rice. See sitting in the back of my shoes devouring a Dicos crispy Teriyaki Rice with Stewed Drumstick, I have eaten, but still greedy DC slobber three thousand feet. Since then, I have day and night, day and night, day and night to eat a crispy Teriyaki Rice with Stewed Drumstick. Today, I am the chowhound "finally" and his mother went to the yearning for Dicos, my mood is cloudy to sunny. Mom won"t let me e here often, the last time I can"t think of Dicos. Standing in the doorway, a saw Shanhaiguan Jun Qing excited mood. The door, from my mom"s purse for a "dandy card". Looked up, crispy Teriyaki Rice with Stewed Drumstick price is 17.5 yuan, "mom for a while to go home to eat, and can play cards enty percent off, which is 17.5 * 8/10=17.5 * 4/5=14 yuan! A whole province of 3.5 yuan, ah, you can buy a packet of chips!" I don"t mind by playing a *** all abacus...... Think, they will not hesitate to buy a crispy Teriyaki Rice with Stewed Drumstick, my blood boil. After a wait, I hold the meal was drifting to "float" on the o floor, the mood is really can not describe the alacrity. Just sit down, my mother"s cell phone received a call from her sister, I hasten to pick up. "What are you doing?" "Elder sister, I eat at Dicos."!" "Dicos? Don"t you have a dandy card?" Yes ah, hit enty percent off, the province of 5 3 it!" "Dicos normally hit enty percent off, every 8 days is a card today, No. 28, a plus $2 more? You o people, so many benefits ah!" "Nani?" As wuleihongding news sister general moment I was shocked, "I bought no one told me? Then I"ll go and ask." Hung up the phone, I quickly went to the waiter sister. "Sister, I have Italian card, teriyaki Rice with Stewed Drumstick plus $2 can be a line?" "No, in addition to other Steamed Rice card can add o more." In an instant, I burst into tears ". At that time, the first time I felt a feeling of "Men"s feelings are changeable." and "the fickleness of the world"...... A plus o more wood with ah, if so I will buy a hamburger and get the cheapest burger 12.5 yuan to count, second is equivalent to 2 yuan of money to buy 12.5 hamburgers, cheap 10.5 yuan a whole! If you get the preferential and before the rice 3.5 yuan of preferential to pare, more than a full 7 yuan, this is 7 yuan, it is also can buy o bags of my favorite potato chips ah! He regret past doings? The cavity blood to taste have never eaten the Teriyaki Rice with Stewed Drumstick, was now lost 7 yuan? Where is the problem? "I did not ask clearly, so, next to Dicos, I must first ask what is today"s activity, not directly blind meal!" Yes ah, what should be the case, learning is also the same. After careful consideration before it can be concluded, and can not blindly conclusions. If you don"t know, you need to know, until you get it. But the "aount" to learn this knowledge in daily life, have used this knowledge, an aurate count, will not lose out. I like the little confused, the last school quiz 20-8 into 16, and missed 100 points, it has bee a lingering sound students bursting point, let me unfettable. Eat a "risk", to eat to be cautious. Eat Teriyaki Rice with Stewed Drumstick, only ask for promotions, will know exactly what you lose no loss. And every thing to do on the road of life, is also the case. This is a Teriyaki Rice with Stewed Drumstick taught me. Postscript: today Shuaishen attached, this has ourred Speechless thing, write down Liugejinian, let me from the confused and throw them into the Pacific ocean. Also hope that the exhibitions! Thank you friends of the dividing line and the support of my friends, I wish you happy every day, happy winter vacation! 英语翻译作业 有一句外国谚语Like mother like son译成中文就是有其母必有其子 你说的这句应该差不多也这样理解吧 有牧师就有常人 应该是要表达有平凡与不平凡之分吧 牧师在外国是个很神圣的职业 "The teacher came in with a book in his hand." 英语的翻译作文 这句中文说得很晦涩,不知道表达的是什么意思。是 “作文的英语翻译”?还是 “英语作文的翻译”? 不管是汉译英还是英译汉,你得给出文章才可以翻译。如果仅这几个字, “作文” 的英文是 position。 lifeinthefuture的英语及翻译作文 life in the future的英语及翻译作文 What our life will be like in the future?When I was a little boy,I always asked myself this question.At that time,I had no idea what Inter was.But now,we use it every day.We can"t live without it.Inter is being so popular and so convenient. What our life will be like in the future?For example,in ten years.I think that in ten years our life will be much more colorful,our puter will be much powerful,and we can do almost everything on the inter including seeing a doctor.What about your future life ?Will you share with me? 我们的未来生活会是什么样?当我还是个小男孩的时候,我总是问自己这个问题。在那个时候,我、不知道什么网际网路。但现在,我们每天使用它。我们不能没有它的生活。网际网路正变得如此受欢迎,方便。 我们的未来生活会是什么样?例如,在十年。我想,十年后我们的生活将是更加丰富多彩,我们的电脑会变得更强大,我们可以在网际网路上做一切包括看医生。你未来的生活是什么样子?你会和我分享吗? 英语翻译作文我的这一年  My room is *** all,but it is delicate and warm.There is a big bed in the center of the room. The wall against my bed is wallpapered with a poster about movie titled king kong. Beeen the bed and door,it is my desk for studying.I like my room. 我的房间虽小,但温暖,而精致。房子中间有一张大床。床所对的墙上贴了一张电影海报名叫金刚。床和门中间是我用来学习的桌子。我喜欢我的行间。 100-200字的公司简介英语翻译作文 The **** pany gained its name **** by leader. As a major trading corporation,its clients envolve a great number of powerful producers,such as hello kitty,juicy and swarovski.All the clients have achieved remarkable sales increase after they chose to cooperate with our pany. Our pany sincerely hopes to cooperate with more producers and help our clients to gain more market share. 提议公司开展健康工作日英语翻译作文 Itisveryimportantforustohaveahealthylifestyle.Soyoushouldgotobedearlyandgetupearlyeveryday.Andyoushoulddrinkplentyofwaterbecauseitisgoodforourhealth.Youhadbettertakeawalkaftersuppereveryday.Enoughexerciseisalsoimportant.Itisalsoimportanttohaveahealthydiet.Youshouldeatles *** eatandmorevegetables.Fruitisalsogoodforus.Healthisthemostimportantthingintheworld.Ihopeyouhaveahealthybody.对我们来说有一个健康的生活方式是非常重要的。所以你应该每天早睡早起。并且你应该喝足够的水因为它对我们的健康有好处。你最好每天晚饭后散步。足够的锻炼也是重要的。有一个健康的饮食也很重要。你应该少吃肉多吃菜。水果对我们也有好处。健康是世界上最重要的东西。我希望你有一个健康的身体。
2023-07-16 13:47:441


Hamburg, cola, fries, chicken, chicken wings
2023-07-16 13:47:521


2023-07-16 13:48:003


2023-07-16 13:48:071