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2023-07-16 18:17:25





























Natural Stone Coating





目前主流的环保涂料以水性涂料和粉末涂料为代表,这类涂料不易燃不易爆,以水性涂料为例,仅采用少量低毒性醇醚类有机溶剂, VOC含量低,在湿表面和潮湿环境中可以直接涂覆施工。水性涂料(Waterborne Coating)是指用水作溶剂或者分散介质的涂料。水性涂料主要包括水溶性涂料、水稀释性涂料、水分散性涂料(乳胶涂料)3种。水性涂料大致由三部分组成:乳液(树脂悬浮于水中)、助剂及颜填料,其中树脂是涂料的核心。水性涂料与溶剂型涂料的最大区别在于以水取代有机溶剂做溶剂,从根本上消除了溶剂型涂料在生产和施工过程中因溶剂挥发而产生的火灾隐患,也减少了有害有机溶剂对人体的危害。
2023-07-16 13:16:5711


问题一:各类油漆的英文 1,聚脂漆――Polyester paint。 2,油性漆――Oil paint。 3,水性漆――Waterborne paint。 4,调和漆――Harmonic paint。 5,腻子灰――Puttying。 6,硝基漆――Nitro paint。 问题二:抹油与滴胶,上色,喷油,烤漆分别用英语怎么说? 5分 抹油 v. grease, lubricate滴胶 v. size上色 paint; apply colour喷油oil spout; oil injection烤漆baking finish; stoving varnish 问题三:水性墙漆和油性墙漆用什么英文代号 水性内墙的英文代码为: CAS 。油性外墙漆英文名: YQ-0012 CAS。 问题四:聚氨酯耐油面漆英文怎么写 聚氨酯耐油面漆 [网络] polyurethane oil proof paint; polyurethane 英[?p?li?j??r?θe?n] 美[?p:li?j?r?θe?n] n. 聚亚安酯; [例句]The formulation and process of epoxy primer and polyester polyurethane top finish in this system were introduced. 介绍了该涂料体系的环氧底漆和聚酯聚氨酯面漆的配方和生产工艺。 问题五:环氧煤焦油漆英文怎么写 环氧煤焦油漆 [词典] coal tar epoxide paint; 英 [peint] 美 [pent] n. 颜料,涂料; 绘画作品; 胭脂等化妆品; 色彩,装饰; vt. 涂色于; 绘画; (用语言,文字等)描写; 擦脂粉等; vi. 描绘; 绘画; 化妆;
2023-07-16 13:17:321

水性油漆如何翻译成英文? 谢谢!

Water paint
2023-07-16 13:17:437


waterborne troops
2023-07-16 13:17:592


一楼的 你错 了 你说的饿是水中的运动 啊
2023-07-16 13:18:077


问题一:油漆。用英文怎么拼? 你好! 是paint 如在国外常常看到标牌上写着: Wet paint! 油漆未干! 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~ 问题二:油漆的英文是什么 油漆的英文:paint;lacquer;oil colour 最常用的就是paint。例如:Wet paint!; Fresh paint! 油漆未干! lacquer n. 漆,定型剂 v. 涂漆于,给(头发)喷发胶 In addition, they can be lacquered or mat.并且,它们也可以制成光泽的或无光泽的。 Any of various pounds of this used in making paint or lacquer 纤维素的衍生物(用以制造颜料或油漆). Carved Polychrome Lacquer Mirror - box of the SouthernSong Dynasty 南宋剔犀执镜盒 oil colour 油溶性染料,油漆,油画颜料 问题三:油漆用英语怎么翻译 youqi 啵。。。。 问题四:我现在是个社会考生,想考公共英语,不知道怎么报考? 到当地的教育部门去问问就可以了. 我考过3级 不难的 问题五:油漆的“鲜映性”用英语怎么说 鲜映性 [网络] doi; pgd; distinctness of image; [例句]简述桔皮鲜映性仪的基本原理,并借助桔皮鲜映性仪,对客车面漆外观进行改善。 This paper introduces the basic principle of the wave scan-dual, and how to improve the skin appearance by using this equipment. 问题六:各类油漆的英文 1,聚脂漆――Polyester paint。 2,油性漆――Oil paint。 3,水性漆――Waterborne paint。 4,调和漆――Harmonic paint。 5,腻子灰――Puttying。 6,硝基漆――Nitro paint。 问题七:刷油漆用英语怎么说? paint ... 问题八:碰未干的油漆用英语怎么说 The wet paint | Fresh paint 油漆未干 wet paint Please do not touch the wet paint. 油漆未干,请勿触摸。 Don"t touch the paint until it"s dry. 油漆未干,且勿触摸。
2023-07-16 13:18:412


The simplest water pollution definition would be any contamination of water bodies with some pollutant(s) that changes physical, biological, and chemical conditions of any body of water making this water harmful for environment and surrounding ecosystems.Water pollution occurs once too much pollutants (mostly in form of different waste) are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies. Water pollution does not only cause great environmental damage but is also the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases responsible for the deaths of more than 14,000 people each day, mostly in developing countries.Many people are not aware that water pollution is serious problem in almost all parts of the world, and not just in third world countries like some choose to believe. In fact many experts will tell you that reality is completely different than the common belief, and that actually water pollution problem is already out of control.Water pollution problem is in most cases connected with the careless handling of chemical agents, toxins introduced into our water through industrial dumping, and farm runoff. All these factors make our water unsafe to drink.For instance, the chlorine that is widely used to disinfect our water is believed by many to be carcinogenic, and therefore a major health issue that significantly contributed to worldwide rise of cancer rates.Basically chlorine is present in every glass of water we draw from our tap, and although some studies have confirmed that chlorine can indeed be one of the cancer risk factors we simply cannot do without it because by removing chlorine from our water we would open the door to many waterborne diseases that would kill millions of people around the globe.So how to protect yourself from water pollution? The best option available to us is to install a multi-layered home water filtering system in your home. The best option is multi media block system that has an activated granular carbon filter, a sub micron filter, and an ion exchange. This system is capable to prevent up to 99.99% of all of the harmful contaminants present in our water from entering your home.High quality home water filtering system is really your best ally against water pollution.网上找的这篇,符合你的基本要求了,希望能帮到你。
2023-07-16 13:18:501


  在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是我帮大家整理的跑步英语作文(通用9篇),仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。   跑步英语作文 篇1   The day before yesterday we had a PE lesson, because girls to measure standing long jump, sports teacher let us boys practice first 1000 meters, then free activities, we are running and reading. I fall in the first two laps in order not to be, just use though to run behind you, but on the third ring my physical strength is too tired, had to be dropped, after a circle, can say I have no physical strength, basically just run away. Later, just slow down, want to wait until the fifth lap and strength the sprint. Thought of here, I would run slower than just now.   After a while, very not easy to go back to the starting point, and once I grind teeth, "sou" to a blunt past, say that I was completely is 50 meters test speed. I know that, when used to running, whenever a stop and speed will slowly, slowly, I have been used to, not to slow down. Until the speed of fast over the end, began to decline. We have a PE lesson today, but also ran 1000 meters, and the day before yesterday, the test today! Remember grade! I am a boy in the second set, a physical education teacher blows the whistle, we began to run, the first lap 50 seconds, a minute, the second lap strength has significantly decreased. Everything is similar to the day before yesterday, in the end of the fourth ring, however, I insist on not to live, and not to the starting point to begin to accelerate, the result is more than half the power went out, the effect is much less than the day before yesterday.   Things don"t try so hard.   前天我们上了一节体育课,由于女生要测立定跳远,体育老师就让我们男生先练习1000米,然后自由活动,我们于是看书跑步。我在前两圈为了不被大家落下,就用尽管全力跟着大家跑,可是到了第三圈我的体力实在不支了,就只好被落下,一圈过后,可以说我基本上没有体力了,简直是边跑边走。后来干脆就慢下来了,希望等到第五圈还有体力冲刺。想到这儿,我就跑得比刚才还慢了。   过了一会儿,好不容易回到了起点,我一咬牙,“嗖”地一下冲了过去,可以说我当时用的完全是50米测验的速度。我知道,在用尽全力跑的时候,不管什么时候一停下,速度肯定会大慢特慢,我就一直用着力,不让自己放慢速度。直到快超过终点了,我的速度才开始下降。今天我们又有一节体育课,还要跑1000米,与前天不同的是,今天要考试!要记成绩了!我是男生中的第二组,体育老师一吹哨,我们便开始跑,第一圈跑50秒,第二圈跑一分钟,体力有明显下降。一切都和前天差不多,然而到了第四圈的最后一段,我坚持不住了,还没到起点就开始加速,结果还差半圈多就没力量了,效果远不如前天。   做事可千万不能着急。   跑步英语作文 篇2   "Good! Good!" No running again today, most of the students in our class cheered. But there are a few students frowned and said not happy appearance, I thought: "they"ll be interested in running."   Running is good and bad for me, how do you say? Or I"ll give you something about!!!!   The students all know I afraid of tired, because I was fat. Every time I run I feel very tired and sore leg is sore, the body panels also pretty. Running is a difficult task for me, as if always could also not to take off, is really can"t.   I returned home to his mother said. Can mother smilingly said to me: "running is a very good aerobic exercise, can reduce weight, enhance physical fitness, also can improve the speed of running, but running also cannot too much to run, run many of the body will be counterproductive."   I want to go back to my room, mum said is right. Sports game also ran the head-on, I hate myself to run too slowly can not attend.   Now I"m also a bit like running, but running can reduce weight, I was a little doubt.   “太好了!太好了!”今天又没有跑步,我们班大多数同学欢呼起来。可有少数同学却皱着眉头,表示出不高兴的样子来,我想:“他们一定很想跑步。”   跑步对于我来说又好又坏,怎么说呢?还是我给大家讲一讲吧!   同学们都知道我这个人怕累,因为我挺胖。每次跑完步我都觉得很累,腿也酸疼酸疼的,身子板也挺不起来。跑步对于我来说就是项艰巨的任务,好像总也脱不掉似的,真是没办法。   我回到家对妈妈说了这件事。可妈妈笑眯眯的`对我说:“跑步是一项很好的有氧运动,可以减肥,增强体质,还可以提高你跑步的速度,但是跑步也不能过量地跑,跑多了对身体也会起反作用。”   我回到房间里想,妈妈说的也对。体育节的迎面接赛也跑完了,我真恨我自己跑得太慢没有能参加。   现在我也有点喜欢跑步了,可跑步能不能减肥,我还是多少有点疑问。   跑步英语作文 篇3   Running is a great aerobic(有氧)exercise.It fits anyone.But remember not to run when you are too tired.Don"t run when you are too full.Don"t run too long.Wear comfortable shoes and clothes when you are running.Drink more water before running and don"t drink water immediately after running.   It"s very easy for me to run.It has become a part of my life.Let"s run now.   译文:   跑步是一项很好的有氧运动。 它适合任何人。 但是记得太累的时候不要跑步。 吃太饱了不要跑步。 不要跑太长时间。 你跑步时要穿舒适的鞋子和衣服。 跑步前多喝点水,跑步后不要立刻喝水。   跑步对我来说是一件容易的事。它已经成为我生活中的一部分。现在让我们跑步吧!   跑步英语作文 篇4   I like running,because I think it"s a funny and easy sport. I can do it by myself. I was notvery healthy when I was a little child. So my father took me running with him. Hesaid it"s good for me. At first, I didn"t like it at all. But after a fewweeks, I felt great when I was running.   Therefore, I go to running every threedays. Now, some of my classmates run with me. We always talk to each other. I likethis sport.   跑步英语作文 篇5   I like many kinds of sports, such as swimming, running, table-tennis and badminton. But I like running most. Running is a good activity for people to keep healthy and relieve pressures. Besides, it"s very easy for me to running. I can run in the morning or after class. And I can run alone. I don"t have to find a partner to run with me. After running, I always feel good and relaxed. It has become a part of my life.   我喜欢很多种运动,比如游泳,跑步,乒乓球和羽毛球。但是我最喜欢的是跑步。跑步是人们保持身体健康和释放压力的运动。此外,我觉得跑步很容易。我可以在早上或课后进行跑步。我也可以一个人跑,不需要找伴一起跑。跑步过后,我总是感觉很好很放松。跑步已经成为我生活中的一部分。   跑步英语作文 篇6   I like running, because I think it"s a funny and easy sport. I can do it by myself. I was not very healthy when I was a little child. So my father took me running with him. He said it"s good for me. At first, I didn"t like it at all. But after a few weeks, I felt great when I was running. Therefore, I go to running every three days. Now, some of my classmates run with me. We always talk to each other. I like this sport.   我喜欢跑步,因为我认为这是一个有趣而且容易的运动。我可以自己来做。我不是很健康,在我很小的时候。所以我父亲带我和他一起跑步。他说这是为我好。在最开始,我一点都不喜欢它。但几周后,在我跑步的时候我感觉很棒。因此,我每三天去跑一次步。现在,我的一些同学和我一起跑。我们总是互相交谈。我喜欢这项运动。   跑步英语作文 篇7   After the tortoise than the rabbit said, proud of all the animals do not post. Some people say it, it is proud to say: "even the legs of rabbits but I have run, what do you count?" Rabbit unconvinced everyday practice run, a decision(再跟)turtle Yijuecixiong. Training for a few days, rabbits in the "Forest Journal," to the war on the turtle. Turtle accepted. Unwittingly race that day, turtles and rabbits are standing on the starting line. With the "bang" sound of rabbits and turtles are out of the starting line, and soon, the rabbit would Shuaixia the tortoise, the lead. Rabbit Bozhaobozhao suddenly heard shouting "help" the sound of a rabbit stopped, only a small Lark fell into the sea, has been quick to die, rabbits think: not refusing. Will not hesitate to jump into the river, although the river is not deep, fast-flowing, rabbits will not waterborne, it can only small Lark difficult to travel to.   It so happened that can run from waterborne the tortoise, rabbit busy shouting: "turtle, Come Back on the Skylark." Turned a deaf ear turtle, I thought: If I go into the sea will be lost rabbits, no doors! End also want to run again. Rabbit had rescued a small Lark, which has wasted a lot of time, rabbits rush farewell small Lark, Batuijiubo. When the rabbit get to the end, the host elephant Baba is pegged to the turtle medals? Turtle see rabbits, proudly said: "Who let more nosy, deserves!" Was exactly at that time, sounded a loud voice: "medal should belong to the rabbit!" This is small Skylark. Qi asked why everyone, small Lark to the situation have said Yiwuyishi out. "Yes, the rabbit should be a first!" "Gold medal to the rabbit!"…… Elephant Baba nodded, and the gold medal to hang rabbit. Finally turtle with a high low in the first.   跑步英语作文 篇8   Running is a whole body movement,which enables the body"s muscles rhythmic contraction and relaxation,so that muscle fiber Dimension increased,protein content increased.Fit and muscular is one of the symbols.   Skeleton is the body of the stent,human activities leverage.In a period of growth and development of young people,adhere to running,Step can improve blood circulation,increase the supply of nutrients in bone cells increase bone cell growth capacity.   And to promote the normal development of the bone.The elderly,reduced metabolism,muscle gradually shrink,and bones appeared back Line of change in bone and joint disease is also increasing.Persist in running can enhance metabolism,delayed bone Degenerative changes,prevention of bone and joint disease in the elderly occur,so that you slow down aging.   跑步英语作文 篇9   今天,我和爸爸6点钟就起床跑步,屈指一算,我们已经跑了13天了。我记得第一次跑步时,虽然也跑了三圈,但跑完后感觉上气不接下气,简直要窒息了。那时跑得速度是先快后慢。   Today, my father and I got up at 6 o"clock to run. We have been running for 13 days. I remember when I ran for the first time, although I also ran for three laps, I felt out of breath after running, and I almost suffocated. At that time, the speed of running was first fast and then slow.   现在呢,我用稍快的速度持续跑了3圈,并且不感觉那么累了。我爸还说,坚持锻炼再熬夜就不感觉很累了,也能增加肺活量。我一定要坚持锻炼!   Now, I"ve been running three laps at a slightly faster speed and I don"t feel so tired. My dad also said that if you keep exercising and stay up late, you won"t feel very tired, and you can also increase your vital capacity. I must keep on exercising!
2023-07-16 13:19:291


   报告 厅是一个用来为召开各类会议、学术讨论、演讲、报告、新闻发布、多媒体教学培训、观看电影等活动的地方。那么你知道报告厅用英语怎么说吗?接下来跟着我来学习一下吧。   报告厅的英语说法   lecture hall   Auditorium   报告厅相关英语表达   学校报告厅 School Hall ; School Auditorium   国际学术报告厅 international academic report hall   学术报告厅 Academic Report Hall   多媒体报告厅 Multi-media Lecture Hall   主报告厅 main lecture hall   报告厅的英语例句   1. Scientific Report - worldwide experts and audiences will show their latest research achievements.   学术报告厅》 -- 汇集海内外著名专家读者,展示最新研究成果和学术思想的大型科教节目.   2. Please pass out these sheets to the students in the lecture hall.   请把这些纸发给坐在报告厅的学生.   3. The Danish teaching assistants visit library and Lecture Theatre of TIFERT.   丹麦助教参观我院图书馆和报告厅.   4. Her job is keeping the lecture hall as clean as possible.   她的工作是尽量使报告厅保持干净.   5. The lecture hall needs cleaning.   报告厅需要打扫.   6. The conference hall is packed with people. Maybe all the people in the school have come.   整个报告厅坐得满当当的, 大概全校人都来了.   7. The building will consist of an office, a hotel, apartment, a conference hall and business facility.   综合体将包括集团办公 、 酒店 、 公寓 、 报告厅及服务商业设施.   8. The talk will be given at the Lecture Hall on Oct .12 th, starting at 3:30 p.m.   报告将在10月12日3:30在报告厅举行.   9. Sign in and tour around School. Location: the Lecture Hall of the Experiment Building , 2 nd floor.   签到,参观校园, 地点: 五十五中理科综合楼二层报告厅.   10. The dining room of our college is also used as a lecture hall.   我们学校的餐厅也被用做报告厅.   11. Mr. Sun is making an enthusiastic lecture to the students in the waterborne hall.   孙先生正在水上报告厅激情洋溢地为学生们演讲. 猜你喜欢: 1. 报告英语怎么说 2. “政府工作报告”英语怎么说 3. 调查报告用英语怎么说 4. 英文工作报告怎么写 5. 企业报告怎么写
2023-07-16 13:19:361


The story of the Titanic and the iceberg has grown into a legend of the sea. It took her discovery in 1985 to begin to find the truth behind the myth. One of the things that makes the Titanic so fascinating is that she represented the best of technology when she set sail on her ill-fated voyage in 1912, and it took the best of technology in the form of sonar, satellite tracking, and deep-dive technology to locate her grave 73 years later. In the early 1900"s, waterborne transportation was the norm; today, satellites are taken for granted by our society. But we tend to forget the immense effort that these two technologies require to operate to their maximum potential. Until recently, the technology did not exist to locate, photograph, and explore this ship that rested two and a half miles down on the ocean floor.
2023-07-16 13:19:461


entrepot; goods collecting and distributing centers1历史上的青城是以水烟为主的货物集散地,水陆交通发达,北京、天津、太原等外地客商云集。 In history, Qingcheng is a distributing center of pipe smoke with good traffic condition, and the merchants from Beijing, Tianjin, Taiyuan all come together. 2随着国民经济的发展和世界贸易的扩大,我国现有的集装箱码头和货物集散地的硬件设施和管理水平已远远不能适应目前集装箱大型化、专业化的要求。 With the development of national economy and enlargement of world commerce, hardware facility and management level of container quay and distributing center of goods in our country can not meet the maximized and specialized request already. 3而重庆是西南地区重要的水陆交通枢纽,沿其主城区河段分布着众多的港口、码头,是长江上游重要的货物集散地和中转中心。 Chongqing is an important water and land transportation hub in the southwestern region of China. There distributes a lot of ports and terminals along river reach in Chongqing downtown. 4济南的商贸历史较为悠久,上世纪初便已成为鲁、豫、晋三省货物集散地和华北地区重要的区域贸易市场,是全省的工业中心。 At the beginning of the last century, it has become the goods distribution of Shandong, Henan, and Shanxi and the important regional trade market of North China. And it"s the industrial center of Shandong. 5岭门镇是黎人货物的集散地之一,货物数量不多,来自东部和南部地区。 The town of Ling-munis one of the chief tracts for Le goods, which come out in small quantities from the districts south and east. 6然而,各地区政府以及开发建设的部门和企业却对物流园区的发展特性和发展条件认识不足,仅将物流园区看作是货物的集散地和中转站,这必然不利于物流园区的发展。 However, local governments and department of development and construction still has characteristics conditions of lack of knowledge, only make it as a goods distribution center and transfer station, which certainly is not conducive to the development of logistics zone. 7沿海港口作为远洋运输的出发地和目的地,是水运货物的集散地,是连接公路、铁路等其他运输的重要枢纽。 As departure and destination of ocean transportation, coastal ports are waterborne cargos distribution center and important transport hub which connecting roads, railways and other transportation mean. 8沿海港口具有的区位优势和功能特点是:各种货物最大的集散地,多种运输方式交汇的枢纽,各类信息的集聚点,现代物流系统的重要平台。 The advantages or the functions of a harbor are that it is the place where goods come and go, the hinge where various transportation means converge, the point where all kinds of information gather and an important platform of the modern logistical system. 9因此,港口作为货物大进大出的集散地,可以说是整个运输链中最重要的节点。 Therefore, the port of goods in great quantities as the distribution center, it can be said of the whole transport chain, the most important nodes.
2023-07-16 13:19:552


TECO 东元电机
2023-07-16 13:20:291


Dongguan City, Guangdong Province is located in south-central east coast of the Pearl River estuary, 50 kilometers south of Guangzhou, south 90 kilometers from Shenzhen, sea 47 sea miles to Hong Kong, 48 sea miles to Macau, Guangzhou and Hong Kong is between the land and waterborne transport must pass through. The city"s land area of 2465 square kilometers. Evacuated in September 1985 the county established as a city, in January 1988, Dongguan not upgraded to county-level cities, 32 are under the jurisdiction of the township, 594 villages, there are the resident population of 1,508,200, more than 500 million non-native population. In addition, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots more than 70 million people, more than 20 million overseas Chinese people, is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese. Dongguan, mild climate and abundant wealth, the annual average temperature of 23.3 degrees Celsius, with an average annual rainfall 1614.5 millimeters. Tilt the terrain from east to west, most of mesa hills and alluvial plains, mountains with sea coastline of 115.94 kilometers. Dongguan for Lingnan ancient town, there are relics can test history dates back 5,000 years. More than 150 years ago, the opening of China"s modern history took place in Dongguan humenxiaoyan. Anti-Japanese War, this is the people"s anti-Japanese base areas Dongjiang, Dongguan million children for national independence, national prosperity and strength and heroic fighting, bloody died. A long history of culture and a glorious revolutionary tradition, so that Guangdong Dongguan become a historical and cultural city. Dongguan, a lot of historical sites, tourism is rich in resources, is a famous tourist destination. There is a well-known Chinese and foreign cigarette sales pool, Shajiao Fort Weiyuan Fort ancient battlefield sites, such as the Opium War; a patriotism education base - the Opium War Museum and the naval museum; there Dongguan Museum, Museum of the Opium War Opium War artifacts and even since the New Stone Age relics unearthed; there are village sites and Sally Lake, Jin Ao Chau tower; Guangdong, one of the four famous round can be won, and the Pearl River estuary coastal beauty, rice Hai Lam, Lai Hung Hexiang charming scenery and so on. Since reform and opening up, Dongguan the implementation of economic internationalization strategy, vigorously to attract foreign investment, the development of export-oriented economy. The last two decades, Dongguan"s economy is 20 percent average annual growth rate of vigorous development of China"s fastest-growing economy in the world. In 2000, the city"s gross domestic product of about 48.8 billion yuan, export value reached 17.159 billion U.S. dollars, the actual utilization of foreign capital (excluding external borrowing) 1.647 billion U.S. dollars. In recent years, Dongguan continuously optimizing the industrial structure, and in 2000 the ratio of the three major industrial 6.37:55.36:38.27. Investment structure was further focused on infrastructure construction, environmental protection, construction and hi-tech projects in construction, computer and information products to the high-tech industry has become a pillar industry in Dongguan City. The last two decades, Dongguan first established infrastructure development strategy. The city has been built, including road, rail, river, sea and other modes of transport traffic network and modern telecommunications, electric power network. To the end of 2000, the city"s highway density of 102.17 kilometers / 100 square kilometers, telephone penetration rate of 108 / 100 people. In the rapid development of material civilization, while the building of spiritual civilization Dongguan have also made remarkable progress. The city has universal secondary education system, libraries, museums, cinemas, television and radio stations and other cultural facilities improvement, medical and health care network increasingly sound, mass sports activities to flourish, people"s material and cultural lives have been constantly improved, good wind-US customs further carry forward. 东莞市位于广东省中南部,珠江口东岸,北距广州50公里,南离深圳90公里,水路至香港47海里,至澳门48海里,是广州与香港之间水陆交通的必经之地。全市陆地面积2465平方公里。1985年9月撤县设市,1988年1月,东莞升格为不设县的地级市,现下辖32个镇区、594个村,有常住人口 150.82万,外来人口500多万。此外,还有港澳台同胞70多万人,海外侨胞20多万人,是著名的侨乡。 东莞气候温和,物产丰富,年平均气温23.3摄氏度,年均降水量1614.5毫米。地势自东往西倾斜,大部分为丘陵台地和冲积平原,依山傍海,海岸线115.94公里。 东莞为岭南古邑,有文物可考的历史可追朔5000余年。150多年前,中国近代史开篇的虎门销烟就发生在东莞。抗日战争时期,这里是东江人民抗日根据地,万千东莞儿女为民族独立、国家富强而英勇战斗,浴血捐躯。悠久的历史文化和光荣的革命传统,使东莞成为南粤历史文化名城。 东莞名胜古迹甚多,旅游资源丰富,是著名的旅游胜地。这里有中外闻名的销烟池、沙角炮台、威远炮台等鸦片战争古战场遗址;有爱国主义教育基地――鸦片战争博物馆和海战博物馆;有东莞博物馆、鸦片战争博物馆珍藏的鸦片战争文物乃至新石器时代以来的出土文物;有村头遗址和仙鹅湖、金鳌洲塔;有广东四大名圆之一的可圆,以及珠江口滨海秀色、稻海蕉林、荔红荷香等迷人风景。 改革开放以来,东莞实施经济国际化战略,大力吸引外资,发展外向型经济。二十年来,东莞的经济以平均每年20%的增长率蓬勃发展,成为中国经济发展最快的地区之一。2000年,全市国内生产总值约488.00亿元,出口总值达171.59亿美元,实际利用外资(不含对外借款)16.47亿美元。近年来,东莞不断优化产业结构化,2000年三大产业结构比例为 6.37:55.36:38.27。投资结构进一步侧重于基础设施建设、环保建设与高科技项目建设,以电脑资讯产品为主的高新科技产业已成为东莞市的支柱产业。 二十年来,东莞确立了基础设施先行的发展战略。全市已建成了包括公路、铁路、内河、海上等多种运输方式的交通网络和现代通信、电力网络。至2000年底,全市公路密度达102.17公里/百平方公里,电话普及率达108部/百人。在物质文明建设迅速发展的同时,东莞的精神文明建设也取得了长足的进步。全市已普及高中教育体系,图书馆、博物馆、电影院、电视台、广播电台等文化设施日臻完善,医疗卫生保健网络日益健全,群众性体育活动蓬勃发展,人民物质文化生活水平不断提高,良风美俗进一步弘扬。
2023-07-16 13:20:381

对于环境工程专业的 英语 简介

2023-07-16 13:21:014


The story of the Titanic and the iceberg has grown into a legend of the sea. It took her discovery in 1985 to begin to find the truth behind the myth. One of the things that makes the Titanic so fascinating is that she represented the best of technology when she set sail on her ill-fated voyage in 1912, and it took the best of technology in the form of sonar, satellite tracking, and deep-dive technology to locate her grave 73 years later. In the early 1900"s, waterborne transportation was the norm; today, satellites are taken for granted by our society. But we tend to forget the immense effort that these two technologies require to operate to their maximum potential. Until recently, the technology did not exist to locate, photograph, and explore this ship that rested two and a half miles down on the ocean floor.
2023-07-16 13:21:225


. Rabbit Bozhaobozhao suddenly heard shouting ", which has wasted a lot of time: ", rabbits will not waterborne. Some people say it; This is small Sk...
2023-07-16 13:21:392


Titanic so fascinating is that she represented the best of technology when she set sail on her ill-fated voyage in 1912, and it took the best of technology in the form of sonar, satellite tracking, and deep-dive technology to locate her grave 73 years later. In the early 1900"s, waterborne transportation was the norm; today, satellites are taken for granted by our society. But we tend to forget the immense effort that these two technologies require to operate to their maximum potential. Until recently, the technology did not exist to locate, photograph, and explore this ship that rested two and a half miles down on the ocean floor.
2023-07-16 13:21:481


Wind Direction Indicator 风向指示器
2023-07-16 13:21:573


水性台板胶Waterborne table glue特点:1、属于A胶浓度强(特粘),水洗台后可重复多次使用,减少洗台次数,直接降低成本,使用方便、直接涂沫,干燥后即可使用,使用次数多;2、台板表面粘性保持久,不易剥离,耐水性强,泡水2-3小时不易反白,不烂台;3、可耐高温220度,不容易回粘。适用范围:1、适用于台板印花、机械印花等匹布、裁片、织带印花定位,避免其脱板移位;2、广泛用于纺织布、化纤、丝光棉、尼龙、防水牛仔及塑胶皮等的重复固定粘合使用。使用方法:1:新印花台面应先打磨新台皮表面,主要是清除表面化学成份,避免塑化剂软化水台胶造成的返粘及固定不住布的现象。打磨、清理干净后的台面直接把本台胶均匀地刮涂在表面,如有需要,待干后可重复涂刮以增强粘度,待台胶干后就可以把布片(布匹)铺至台面粘紧即可生产。2:旧印花台面如果旧台面一直是用本台胶或同体系的台胶,洗台后待台面干了,就可以直接把本台胶直接刮涂使用。包装规格:25KG/桶贮藏:在室温条件下,保质期为6个月
2023-07-16 13:22:071


货代 Freight Forwarder A freight forwarder (often just forwarder) is a third party logistics provider. As a third party (or non asset based) provider a forwarder dispatches shipments via asset based carriers and books or otherwise arranges space for those shipments. Carrier types include waterborne vessels, airplanes, trucks or railroads.Freight forwarders typically arrange cargo movement to an international destination. Also referred to as international freight forwarders, they have the expertise that allows them to prepare and process the documentation and perform related activities pertaining to international shipments. Some of the typical information reviewed by a freight forwarder is the commercial invoice, shipper"s export declaration, bill of lading and other documents required by the carrier or country of export, import, or transshipment. Much of this information is now processed in a paperless environment.In the U.S., a freight forwarder involved with international ocean shipping is licensed by the Federal Maritime Commission as an Ocean Transportation Intermediary. Similarly, freight forwarders that handle air freight will frequently be accredited with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) as a cargo agent.What is a Freight Forwarder? An international freight forwarder is an agent for the exporter in moving cargo to an overseas destination. These agents are familiar with the import rules and regulations of foreign countries, the export regulations of the U.S. government, the methods of shipping, and the documents related to foreign trade. Export freight forwarders are licensed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to handle air freight and the Federal Maritime Commission to handle ocean freight.Freight forwarders assist exporters in preparing price quotations by advising on freight costs, port charges, consular fees, costs of special documentation, insurance costs, and their handling fees. They recommend the packing methods that will protect the merchandise during transit or can arrange to have the merchandise packed at the port or containerized. If the exporter prefers, freight forwarders can reserve the necessary space on a vessel, aircraft, train, or truck. The cost for their services is a legitimate export cost that should be included in the price charged to the customer (see Chapter 11 of the Basic Guide to Exporting for pricing information.).Once the order is ready for shipment, freight forwarders should be review all documents to ensure that everything is in order. This is of particular importance with letter of credit payment terms. They may also prepare the bill of lading and any special required documentation. After shipment, they can route the documents to the seller, the buyer, or to a paying bank. Freight forwarders can also make arrangements with customs brokers overseas to ensure that the goods comply with customs export documentation regulations. A customs broker is an individual or company that is licensed to transact customs business on behalf of others. Customs business is limited to those activities involving transactions related to the entry and admissibility of merchandise; its classification and valuation; the payment of duties, taxes, or other charges assessed or collected; or the refund, rebate, or drawback thereof.
2023-07-16 13:22:281


图书: 著者编者.书名章名。其他作者。出版地。出版射。出版时间。页码 press publsher bookcompany 期刊 著者姓名。文章名。期刊名。 期数。出版年月。页次 journal transaciton proceeding letterannual acta bulletin rewiew progress communiaction 会议文献? 著者名称。文章篇名。会议名称。会议召开事项。数。页次。 conference cgapter pdf symp.osium convention workshop meeting congress assembly seminar 报告 作者。报告名。表示报告次。报告号。报告完成单位。报告完成时间 report 专利 发明人名。发明标题。国际专利号。转移申请日期。专利号:专利国代码-序号 patent"" 标准文献STANDARD 封面: 项目名称 检索单位 委托人 委托时间 完成时间 正文: 项目要点 检索情况:检索系统、选用数据库、检索年限、检索策略(这部分比较重要,体现检索的科学性,也直接影响到检索的查全率和查准率) 检索结果:结论 检索人 检索单位(盖章) 检索时间
2023-07-16 13:22:512


Tortoise and Hare Racing: The ContinuationAs the race began, the hare sprinted out to take an early lead while the tortoise kept his slow and steady pace. The hare left the tortoise far behind and decided to take a nap in the forest. The tortoise, who was focused on winning the race, kept moving steadily even without the hare in sight.Hours later, the hare woke up and realized he had slept much longer than he intended. He rushed back to the race track, hoping to catch up with the tortoise. But when he arrived, he saw the tortoise crossing the finish line. The hare was surprised and embarrassed. How could he have possibly lost to such a slow creature?The tortoise, who had won the race, approached the hare and said, "You were so confident in your speed that you thought you could take a nap during the race. But I never gave up, and I kept moving forward. In the end, it was my determination and perseverance that won the race."The hare realized that the tortoise was right. He had been too confident and underestimated his opponent. From that day on, he vowed to never let his overconfidence get in the way of success. He also learned to respect all creatures, no matter their size or speed, and to never judge them based on their appearance.The tortoise"s victory was a witness to everyone that success does not always come to those who are the fastest, but to those who are persistent and determined. The story of the tortoise and the hare continued to inspire many others to work hard and never give up on their dreams, no matter what the obstacles may be.乌龟和兔子比赛:续写比赛开始了,兔子一路狂奔领先了,而乌龟则保持着缓慢而稳定的速度。兔子远远地落后了乌龟决定在森林里小憩一会。乌龟则专注于赢得比赛,一直按照自己的速度前进。几个小时后,兔子醒来发现自己睡了比预计的更长时间。他匆忙回到赛道,希望能够追上乌龟。但是当他到达的时候,他看到了乌龟已经越过了终点线。兔子感到惊讶和尴尬。他怎么可能输给这么缓慢的生物呢?乌龟赢得比赛后走到兔子身边说:“你过于自信,认为你能在比赛期间小憩一会儿。然而我一直没有放弃,而是不断向前。最终,是我的决心和毅力赢得了比赛。”兔子意识到乌龟是正确的。他过于自信,并低估了对手。从那天起,他发誓不再让自己的自信妨碍成功。他也学会了尊重所有生物,无论大小或速度,并且不基于外表来判断他们。乌龟的胜利向大家证明了,成功并不总是属于最快的人,而是属于那些坚持不懈、具有决心的人。乌龟和兔子的故事继续激励许多人努力工作,在任何障碍出现时也绝不放弃追寻他们的梦想。
2023-07-16 13:22:592


uc778uc1c4 uc6a9uc5b4
2023-07-16 13:23:239


After the tortoise than the rabbit said, proud of all the animals do not post. Some people say it, it is proud to say: "even the legs of rabbits but I have run, what do you count?" Rabbit unconvinced everyday practice run, a decision(再跟)turtle Yijuecixiong. Training for a few days, rabbits in the "Forest Journal," to the war on the turtle. Turtle accepted. Unwittingly race that day, turtles and rabbits are standing on the starting line. With the "bang" sound of rabbits and turtles are out of the starting line, and soon, the rabbit would Shuaixia the tortoise, the lead. Rabbit Bozhaobozhao suddenly heard shouting "help" the sound of a rabbit stopped, only a small Lark fell into the sea, has been quick to die, rabbits think: not refusing. Will not hesitate to jump into the river, although the river is not deep, fast-flowing, rabbits will not waterborne, it can only small Lark difficult to travel to. It so happened that can run from waterborne the tortoise, rabbit busy shouting: "turtle, Come Back on the Skylark." Turned a deaf ear turtle, I thought: If I go into the sea will be lost rabbits, no doors! End also want to run again. Rabbit had rescued a small Lark, which has wasted a lot of time, rabbits rush farewell small Lark, Batuijiubo. When the rabbit get to the end, the host elephant Baba is pegged to the turtle medals? Turtle see rabbits, proudly said: "Who let more nosy, deserves!" Was exactly at that time, sounde d a loud voice: "medal should belong to the rabbit!" This is small Skylark. Qi asked why everyone, small Lark to the situation have said Yiwuyishi out. "Yes, the rabbit should be a first!" "Gold medal to the rabbit!"…… Elephant Baba nodded, and the gold medal to hang rabbit. Finally turtle with a high low in the first <
2023-07-16 13:23:581


WDI有很多种不同的意思,部分如下:1、WDI:World Development Indicators(World Bank)2、WDI:Walt Disney Imagineering3、WDI:William Davidson Institute4、WDI:Wood Destroying Insect(home inspections)5、WDI:Workforce Development Institute(various organizations)6、WDI:Websphere Data Interchange7、WDI:Wind Drift Indicator8、WDI:Who Did It9、WDI:Weekly Disability Income10、WDI:Waterborne Diarrheal Illness11、WDI:Wind Direction Instrument
2023-07-16 13:24:181


泰坦尼克号(RMS Titanic),又译作铁达尼号,是英国白星航运公司下辖的一艘奥林匹克级游轮,排水量46000吨,1909年3月31日在哈兰德与沃尔夫造船厂动工建造,1911年5月31日下水,1912年4月2日完工试航。泰坦尼克号是当时世界上体积最庞大、内部设施最豪华的客运轮船,有“永不沉没”的美誉。然而不幸的是,在它的处女航中,泰坦尼克号便遭厄运——它从英国南安普敦出发驶向美国纽约。1912年4月14日23时40分左右,泰坦尼克号与一座冰山相撞,造成右舷船艏至船中部破裂,五间水密舱进水。4月15日凌晨2时20分左右,泰坦尼克船体断裂成两截后沉入大西洋底3700米处。2224名船员及乘客中,1517人丧生,其中仅333具罹难者遗体被寻回。泰坦尼克号沉没事故为和平时期死伤人数最为惨重的一次海难,其残骸直至1985年才被再度发现,受到联合国教育、科学及文化组织的保护。泰坦尼克号
2023-07-16 13:24:471


河流污染 River pollutionRiver Pollution It seems that almost every day there is another story about pollution of one form or another, in the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. Very often our own actions lead to that pollution and in many cases we can do something about it. These notes explain how you can investigate pollution and advise on positive action to improve our rivers.Polluting the riversOver 97% of all the water on Earth is salty and most of the remaining 3% is frozen in the polar ice-caps. The atmosphere, rivers, lakes and underground stores hold less than 1% of all the fresh water and this tiny amount has to provide the fresh water needed to support the Earth"s population. It is estimated that, with the expected increase in population, there will be a 200% increase in world water needs by the year 2000. Fresh water is a precious resource and the increasing pollution of our rivers and lakes is a cause for alarm.Investigating river pollutionMost fresh water pollution is caused by the addition of organic material which is mainly sewage but can be food waste or farm effluent. Bacteria and other micro-organisms feed on organic matter and large populations quickly develop using up much of the oxygen dissolved in the water. Normally oxygen is present in high quantities but even a small drop in the level can have a harmful effect on the river animals. Animals can be listed according to their ability to tolerate low levels of oxygen. In the following list animals which indicate a high level of dissolved oxygen are at the beginning while animals indicating a low level of oxygen are at the end: stone-fly nymphs, mayfly nymphs, freshwater shrimps, freshwater hog lice, blood worms, tubifex worms and rat-tailed maggots. Sampling techniqueChoose a place on a river bank which is safe to work from and where there is reasonable access to the water. Push your net through the weeds at the edge of the river and collect any animals hiding there. If the water is shallow you could stand in the river and place your net on the bottom with the opening pointing upstream allowing the current to wash the animals into the net. Tip the catch into a white dish and identify the animals.If you find only blood worms, tubifex worms or rat-tailed maggots it would suggest that there is little oxygen in the water and that pollution is occurring. If this is the case write to your regional Water Authority informing them of your investigation giving details of where you sampled and what you think might be the possible source of pollution. Signs of pollutionIf you see dead fish floating on the river or notice that the water is discoloured and smelly any one of the following forms of pollution may be the cause:fertilisersindustrial wasteoilwarm water All incidents of river pollution should be reported to the Pollution Control officer at the Water Authority giving as much detail as you can: date, time, exact place and precisely what you saw. a) FertilisersIf large amounts of fertiliser or farm waste drain into a river the concentration of nitrate and phosphate in the water increases considerably. Algae use these substances to grow and multiply rapidly turning the water green. This massive growth of algae, called eutrophication, leads to pollution. When the algae die they are broken down by the action of the bacteria which quickly multiply, using up all the oxygen in the water which leads to the death of many animals.b) Industrial Waste Chemical waste products from industrial processes are sometimes accidentally discharged into rivers. Examples of such pollutants include cyanide, zinc, lead, copper, cadmin and mercury. These substances may enter the water in such high concentrations that fish and other animals are killed immediately. Sometimes the pollutants enter a food chain and accumulate until they reach toxic levels, eventually killing birds, fish and mammals.Occasionally poisonous substances are deliberately dumped into rivers and if you see this so-called "fly-tipping" going on take the registration number of the vehicle and if possible the name of the firm. Report the matter to the police who will then take it further.c) Oil PollutionIf oil enters a slow-moving river it forms a rainbow-coloured film over the entire surface preventing oxygen from entering the water. On larger stretches of water the oil contaminates the feathers of water birds and when they preen the oil enters the gut and kills them. d) Warm WaterIndustry often uses water for cooling processes, sometimes discharging large quantities of warm water back into rivers. Raising the temperature of the water lowers the level of dissolved oxygen and upsets the balance of life in the water.e) Lead poisoningIn the UK about 4000 mute swans die each year after becoming entangled in discarded fishing tackle or after swallowing lead weights thrown away by anglers. If lead shot is used it should be kept in a spill-proof container and all unwanted tackle should be picked up and taken away. Tiny hooks and fine line should be avoided since they increase the risk of losing a hooked fish and tackle as well. For the latest news on swans and lead poisoning send a stamped addressed envelope to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 2DL.WarningWhen sampling polluted water simple precautions must be taken to avoid getting infected. Packed lunches should be eaten before visiting the river or after washing carefully in a supply of clean water. Rubber gloves should be worn and all the equipment should be thoroughly washed at the end of the investigation.
2023-07-16 13:25:062

英文作文,内容: 1.海洋污染的现状 2.海洋污染的原因及危害 3.建议

The simplest water pollution definition would be any contamination of water bodies with some pollutant(s) that changes physical, biological, and chemical conditions of any body of water making this water harmful for environment and surrounding ecosystems.Water pollution occurs once too much pollutants (mostly in form of different waste) are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies. Water pollution does not only cause great environmental damage but is also the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases responsible for the deaths of more than 14,000 people each day, mostly in developing countries.Many people are not aware that water pollution is serious problem in almost all parts of the world, and not just in third world countries like some choose to believe. In fact many experts will tell you that reality is completely different than the common belief, and that actually water pollution problem is already out of control.Water pollution problem is in most cases connected with the careless handling of chemical agents, toxins introduced into our water through industrial dumping, and farm runoff. All these factors make our water unsafe to drink.For instance, the chlorine that is widely used to disinfect our water is believed by many to be carcinogenic, and therefore a major health issue that significantly contributed to worldwide rise of cancer rates.Basically chlorine is present in every glass of water we draw from our tap, and although some studies have confirmed that chlorine can indeed be one of the cancer risk factors we simply cannot do without it because by removing chlorine from our water we would open the door to many waterborne diseases that would kill millions of people around the globe.So how to protect yourself from water pollution? The best option available to us is to install a multi-layered home water filtering system in your home. The best option is multi media block system that has an activated granular carbon filter, a sub micron filter, and an ion exchange. This system is capable to prevent up to 99.99% of all of the harmful contaminants present in our water from entering your home.High quality home water filtering system is really your best ally against water pollution.网上找的这篇,符合你的基本要求了,希望能帮到你。
2023-07-16 13:25:161

泰坦尼克号 英语简介 急用 谢谢

The story of the Titanic and the iceberg has grown into a legend of the sea. It took her discovery in 1985 to begin to find the truth behind the myth. One of the things that makes the Titanic so fascinating is that she represented the best of technology when she set sail on her ill-fated voyage in 1912, and it took the best of technology in the form of sonar, satellite tracking, and deep-dive technology to locate her grave 73 years later. In the early 1900"s, waterborne transportation was the norm; today, satellites are taken for granted by our society. But we tend to forget the immense effort that these two technologies require to operate to their maximum potential. Until recently, the technology did not exist to locate, photograph, and explore this ship that rested two and a half miles down on the ocean floor.
2023-07-16 13:25:241


Several forms of legislation have been passed in recent decades to try to control water pollution. In 1970, the Clean Water Act provided 50 billion dollars to cities and states to build wastewater facilities. This has helped control surface water pollution from industrial and municipal sources throughout the United States. When congress passed the Clean Water Act in 1972, states were given primary authority to set their own standards for their water. In addition to these standards, the act required that all state beneficial uses and
2023-07-16 13:25:421


The Right to WaterApril 29, 2008Improving Access, Combating Disease and Mitigating ConflictWater is essential for life, good health and economic development. Yet more than 1.1 billion people — about one in every five — lack access to clean, safe drinking water, or are embroiled in conflicts over its availability. Diseases caused by dirty water are responsible for 4,500 deaths each day of children under five. This global public health crisis hinders the ability to reduce poverty and stimulate economic growth.The UN Millennium Development Goals call for reducing by half the number of people without access to clean water by 2015. Mercy Corps contributes to this end by offering solutions that include piping drinking water to rural communities, building wells and ensuring that people have access to drinking water in the aftermath of devastating emergencies. The agency also helps communities solve resource-based conflicts over water in our long-term programs.Mercy Corps and Ethos Partnership: Success in IndonesiaMercy Corps" Sumatra Healthy Schools Program in Indonesia is an integrated program that is assisting 230,000 elementary school children across four impoverished provinces. The program is helping ensure access to clean, drinkable water in 40 schools, as well as constructing or rehabilitating water and sanitation facilities in more than 500 schools.Through the monetization and barter of non-fat dried milk from the US Department of Agriculture, Mercy Corps supplies a protein-rich soymilk alternative to non-nutritious "snack food" and instructs children, their parents and their teachers in health, nutrition and hygiene.The substitution of soymilk for less nourishing food improves the nutritional status of children, while Mercy Corps" overall health training instruction increases access to healthier foods and reduces the prevalence of parasitic infection.Building Wells: Combating Child Mortality The growing world water crisis is especially acute in Liberia, a small West African nation struggling to recover from a 14-year civil war. Nearly 70 percent of Liberians drink dirty water from untreated wells, rivers, ponds, creeks and swamps. UNICEF names diarrhea and cholera as "two of the biggest child killers," with diarrhea responsible for nearly a quarter of all deaths of children under five.Since 2003, Mercy Corps has partnered with dozens of villages in rural Liberia to dig wells that provide clean, potable water for thousands of families. The program builds the capacity of local organizations and communities to organize and spearhead community development and infrastructure projects.Through these local partnerships, Mercy Corps helps create infrastructure such as latrines that provide better sanitation to village residents. This program helps the villages prioritize and complete vital water and sanitation projects, part of ongoing efforts to give Liberians the tools they need to build a more peaceful and prosperous future.Promoting Water Savings and EfficiencyWhile it is currently one of the most stable countries in the Middle East, Jordan is also one of the ten most water-deprived countries in the world. This extreme water scarcity and increasing cost of supply is a serious challenge, particularly for rural households. Over the next two decades, a growing population, an uncertain regional political environment, and potentially dangerous climate changes are expected to exacerbate Jordan"s existing water shortages.Mercy Corps is responding to Jordan"s water crisis by distributing grants to 120 community-based organizations. These local organizations then distribute that money as revolving loans to fund water saving and efficiency projects, such as introducing more effective irrigation techniques, installing rainwater-harvesting cisterns to store drinking water, and helping sheep and goat breeders more efficiently water their stock.Providing Clean Water Amid ConflictIn the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo, renewed fighting has driven some 1.2 million people from their homes, including more than 800,000 people from North Kivu province alone. The United Nations reports that cholera has reached epidemic proportions in the poverty-stricken country.Mercy Corps is helping displaced families and host communities in North Kivu. We have partnered with UNICEF to rehabilitate water supplies for 87,000 people and improve hygiene and sanitation to prevent further outbreaks of water-borne diseases. Mercy Corps also employs locals in rebuilding efforts, thus increasing community empowerment and helping to stimulate the Congolese economy.Water Conservation Benefiting FamiliesThe Blue Mountain National Park in Honduras, managed and protected since 1992 by Mercy Corps with local partner Proyecto Aldea Global, conserves a vital watershed that provides clean water to thousands of area families. In the small community of Los Pinos, villagers once had to rely on often-contaminated local water holes for drinking water. Mercy Corps installed a six mile pipe system to bring water from the mountains down to residents. Clean water is now plentiful and available in more than one hundred homes, and the park itself irrigates 20 acres of commercial farmland. Local residents have also greatly benefited from reduced incidences of waterborne illnesses.
2023-07-16 13:26:032


2023-07-16 13:26:132

materials and methods是什么意思

  materials and methods_翻译  materials and methods  实验材料和方法; 材料与方法; 材料和方法;  [例句]u2022 Eliminate gender bias and discrimination in educational materials and methods;  u2022消除在教育材料和方法中的性别偏见和歧视;
2023-07-16 13:26:202


2023-07-16 13:26:303

Head Body是什么意思

2023-07-16 13:26:372

water-repellent 是什么意思

water-repellent[英][u02c8wu0254:tu0259riu02ccpelu0259nt][美][u02c8wu0254tu0259ru026au02ccpu025blu0259nt, u02c8wɑtu0259-]adj.防水的,拒水的; 例句:1.Although a surface might be water-repellent, it may not be ice-or frost-repellent. 虽然表面可能是防水的,但是不能防结冰或结霜。2.They have found a novel nanopatterned silicon surface that allows almost limitless manipulation of water droplets. Droplet shapes can be tailored freely, and the nanopatterned surface can be made completely water-repellent. 他们发现硅晶体表面存在一种新的微晶布局,这种布局允许微小水滴在其表面作任意运动,水滴的形状也可以进行任意变换
2023-07-16 13:26:452

典范英语7 2或3或4的原文或梗概或有关故事情节的问题

《典范英语》(Good English),原名《牛津阅读树》(Oxford Reading Tree),是英国牛津大学出版社出版的一套家喻户晓的英语教材,闻名英国,享誉世界。英国有80%的学校用它教学生学习母语,全球有133个国家用它作为外语学习教材。其中《典范英语》(1-5)针对小学生,精选261个最有趣的、最适合我国小学生阅读的故事。《典范英语》(6-9)在此基础上,又从《牛津阅读树》中精选出64部适合我国中学生使用的作品,由权威英语教育专家精心编辑而成。 本套教材语言纯正地道,内容生动有趣,贴近儿童生活,融故事性、趣味性、知识性、科学性、权威性于一体,同时,配有原声录音CD,便于学生模仿一口地道纯正的英语。《典范英语》作为全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题——《中国基础英语素质教育的途径与方法》课题实验教材,得到了我国英语教育界众多权威专家的大力支持和强力推荐。北京大学资深教授胡壮麟先生认为:“《典范英语》引人入胜,能给孩子带来快乐,让孩子从此爱上英语,轻松学会地道的英语。”北京外国语大学教授、剑桥大学博士陈国华先生认为:“《典范英语》是一套能让孩子学而不厌的英语教材。”迄今,全国已有几百所学校和培训机构在使用本套教材,获得广大师生和家长的一致好评。
2023-07-16 13:27:042


Titanic so fascinating is that she represented the best of technology when she set sail on her ill-fated voyage in 1912, and it took the best of technology in the form of sonar, satellite tracking, and deep-dive technology to locate her grave 73 years later. In the early 1900"s, waterborne transportation was the norm; today, satellites are taken for granted by our society. But we tend to forget the immense effort that these two technologies require to operate to their maximum potential. Until recently, the technology did not exist to locate, photograph, and explore this ship that rested two and a half miles down on the ocean floor.
2023-07-16 13:27:111

梗概新版典范英语5a kipper and the Giant这个文章

博莎的秘密 Bertha and her twin sister were wrestlers. Bertha got tired of being booed when her twin sister was always cheered. Bertha managed to fight back with some secret battle. Things changed completely and Fiona started having those awful feelings that Bertha once had. Then Bertha had an idea to make everybody happy. 太尼克号的幸存者-哈罗德 布莱德的故事 Titanic so fascinating is that she represented the best of technology when she set sail on her ill-fated voyage in 1912, and it took the best of technology in the form of sonar, satellite tracking, and deep-dive technology to locate her grave 73 years later. In the early 1900"s, waterborne transportation was the norm; today, satellites are taken for granted by our society. But we tend to forget the immense effort that these two technologies require to operate to their maximum potential. Until recently, the technology did not exist to locate, photograph, and explore this ship that rested two and a half miles down on the ocean floor. 大好时机 Hilda,a frightening tea lady ,turns out to be even more frightening when she plays in a soccer match.
2023-07-16 13:27:211


very good
2023-07-16 13:27:416


我们刚上完这门课,论文才写完,上面附我们的要求题目以及答案希望对你有所帮助。作业:手工检索:1. 简述按照出版形式不同可将文献划分为哪几种?利用你所了解的图书馆找出各种类型的实例。答:11种。图书:《高分子化学和工艺的研究》期刊:《中国纺织》、《中国化纤》。报纸:《科学时报》、《科技日报》。年鉴:《中国哲学年鉴》、《中国统计年鉴》。专利文献:《中国专利索引》会议文献:《当代中国经济改革于社会发展学术研究会议论文》标准文献:《中国国家标准汇编》学位论文:《北服纺织机械精细化工研究生论文》科技报告:《中国城市报告》政府出版物:《北京人民政府公报》产品样本:《纺织品产品标准汇编》《石油化工产品大全》2. 根据自己选定的论文题目,找出检索词,将其译成英文,利用外文期刊索引、卷索引或积累索引进行检索,列出结果,给出文摘号、文章题目、文献种类、文献所在刊物名称及发表时间。答:Journal of Applied Polymer ScienceVolume 105 Issue 6, Pages 3748 - 3756Published Online: 11 Jun 2007Copyright 08 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley CompanyDevelopment of flame retardancy properties of new halogen-free phosphorous doped SiO2 thin films on fabricsAysun Cireli 1 *, Nurhan Onar 1, M. Faruk Ebeoglugil 2, Isil Kayatekin 2, Bengi Kutlu 1, Osman Culha 2, Erdal Celik 21Textile Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University, Bornova 35100, Izmir, Turkey2Material and Metallurgy Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University, Buca 35160, Izmir, Turkeyemail: Aysun Cireli (*Correspondence to Aysun Cireli, Textile Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University, Bornova 35100, Izmir, TurkeyKEYWORDSthin films 61 sol-gel 61 flame retardancy 61 nanolayers 61 thermal propertiesReceived: 18 July 2006; Accepted: 7 March 2007 3. 利用76卷以后化学物质索引查出有关“从溴苯制备苯酚的方法”的文献,列出结果,给出文摘号、文章题目、文献种类、文献所在刊物名称及发表时间。答:from bromo benzene. 86: 155299d.4. 利用分子式索引,检索有关“对苯二甲酸的精制方法”的专利文献,列出结果,给出文摘号、文章题目、文献种类、文献所在刊物名称及发表时间。答:文摘号:213180e文章题目:Production of terephthallic acid文献种类:EP专利文献所在刊物名称:Imperial chemical Industies PLC发表时间:12 Aug 19925. 利用CA的Vol.124,No.5的关键词所引查找风味化合物食品分析的综述文献,列出结果,给出文摘号、文章题目、文献所在刊物名称及发表时间。答:文摘号:53916p文章题目:New developments in methods for analysis of volatile flavor compounds and their precursors文献所在刊物名称:Charact Food发表时间:19956. 利用CA的Vol.122普通主题索引查找应用气相色谱测定多糖的结构,列出结果,给出文摘号、文章题目、文献种类、文献所在刊物名称及发表时间。答:文摘号:V138:57370t 文章题目:Morphologies control for PA6/PE matrix-fribril blend fiber by adding compatibilizer 文献种类:专利文献 文献所在刊物名称:GaoFenZi CaiLiao kexue Yu Gongcheng 发表时间:2002.18157. 利用CA的Vol.121的化学物质索引查找关于阿司匹林毒性的评论文献。答:AspirinBrain circulation carbon dioxide reactivity 2456872Pharmacol toxicity book 2462661Benefical and Toxic Exffects and Aspirin Feinman,susan E; Editor(ORC:Boca.Raton Fla).1994.Bopp.(Eug)(Vol.121.No.21.1994)计算机检索:1. 利用《中国图书馆分类法》确定服装标准与检验的中图分类号?答:TS941、792、检索纺织品中甲醛的测定国家标准:列出标准号,标准名称?答:GB/T 2912、1-1998 游离水解的甲醛GB/T 2912、2-1998 释放甲醛(蒸汽吸收法)3、请查出生态纺织品技术要求的国家标准号?答 GB/T 18885-2002 水萃取法4、了解和浏览我校网上图书馆的电子资源情况,根据选定的论文题目,利用不同资源(如中国知网,国内外专利标准等)进行实际检索,列出相应的结果各一篇(5篇以上,列出每一篇文献的检索途径,检索流程方法,包括作者、论文题目、刊物名称、发表时间等)答:(1)利用中国知识资源总库输入“水性聚氨酯合成”点跨库检索,搜索出7条结果,例如《自交联型阳离子水性聚氨酯的合成与表征》【作者中文名】易运红; 张力; 刘意;【作者英文名】Yi Yunhong1; Zhang Li2; Liu Yi1(1.Guangdong Pharmaceutical University; Guangzhou 510006; China; 2.South China Normal University; China);【文献出处】涂料工业, Paint & Coatings Industry, 编辑部邮箱 2008年 01期 期刊荣誉:中文核心期刊要目总览 ASPT来源刊 中国期刊方阵 CJFD收录刊(2)利用中国知识资源总库输入“水性聚氨酯合成”点跨库检索,搜索出7条结果,例如《不同结构的水性聚氨酯的合成及其性能研究》【英文篇名】Study of preparation and performance for waterborne polyurethane with different structure【作者中文名】袁月兰; 钟达飞;【文献出处】中国胶粘剂, China Adhesives, 编辑部邮箱 2008年 04期 期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊(3)利用中国知识资源总库输入“水性聚氨酯合成”点跨库检索,搜索出7条结果,例如《阳离子水性聚氨酯的合成与性能》【英文篇名】Preparation and Properties of Water-borne Cationic Polyurethane【作者中文名】钟倪; 袁荞龙;【文献出处】过程工程学报, The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering, 编辑部邮箱 2008年 02期 期刊荣誉:中文核心期刊要目总览 ASPT来源刊 中国期刊方阵 CJFD收录刊(4)利用中文科技期刊数据库(重庆维普)输入“水性聚氨酯合成”点跨库检索,搜索出8条结果,例如《高固含量水性聚氨酯合成进展》作者:孔丽芬 林华玉 梁晖 卢江分类号: TQ436.5[著者标引]文章编号:1001-0017(2007)06-0423-05文献出处:化学与粘合-2007年6期
2023-07-16 13:27:551


1.Zhang, X.;, Li, Q.; Li, G.; Wang, Z.; Yan C., Levels of estrogenic compounds in Xiamen Bay sediment, China, Marine Pollution Bulletin 2009, 58, 1210–1216.2.Zhang, X.; Yang, F.; Cai, Y.; Xu, Y. The oxidative damage in unfertilized eggs of Chinese rare minnow exposed to nonylphenol. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 2008, 27,213–219.3.Zhang, X.; Yang, F.; Xu, Y.; Liao, T.; Song, S.; Wang. J. Induction of hepatic enzymes and oxidative stress in Chinese rare minnow (GobiocyPris rarus) exposed to waterborne hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDDs). Aquatic Toxicology 2008, 85, 4-11.4.Zhang, X.; Zhang, H. Design, synthesis and characterization of a novel fluorescent probe for nitric oxide based on difluoroboradiaza-s-indacene fluorophore. Spectrochim. Acta. Part A 2005, 61, 1045–1049.5.Zhang, X.; Zhang, H. Development of a novel fluorescent probe for nitric oxide detection : 8-(3",4"-diaminophenyl)-difluoroboradiaza-s-indacence. Spectrechim. Acta. Part A 2004, 60, 3129–3134.6.Zhang, X.; Wang, H.; Li, J.; Zhang, H. Development of a fluorescent probe for nitric oxide detection based on difluoroboradiaza-s-indancene fluorophore, Anal. Chim. Acta 2003, 481, 101–108.7.Zhang, X.; Wang, H.; Fu, N.; Zhang, H. A fluorescence quenching method for the determination of nitrite with Rhodamine 110, Spectrochim. Acta. Part A 2003, 59, 1667–1672.8.Zhang, X.; Wang, H.; Liang, S.; Zhang, H. Spectrofluorimetric determination of nitric oxide at trace levels with 5,6-diamino-1,3-naphthalene disulfonic acid, Talanta 2002, 56, 499–504.
2023-07-16 13:28:031


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三重雾森系统 Triple fog Mori systemSPU丙烯酸弹性地板 SPU acrylic resilient floor水性硅PU运动场地 Waterborne silicon PU sports venues国际顶级幼儿家俱 Internationally Top Nursery Furniture现代时尚拓展玩具 Modern fashion expand toys欧式会所级豪华装修 European club class luxury decoration
2023-07-16 13:28:341


水性涂料与油膜是相斥的,因此水性涂料表面出现油膜会影响涂料的质量和使用效果。为了解决这个问题,可以尝试以下几种方法:1. 清洁表面:先用油漆刮刀将油膜刮除,然后使用清洁剂或酒精擦拭表面。等待表面完全干燥后再涂上适合的水性涂料。2. 使用底漆:底漆可以起到隔离油膜的作用,为表面铺设一个干净的涂层。底漆使用后要等待充分干燥才能涂上水性涂料。3. 加强表面粗糙度:涂抹工具可以使用砂纸磨拱表面形成粗糙的效果,这样可以增加物体表面与涂料之间的摩擦力,有助于涂料固定在物体表面上。4. 更换涂料种类:如果以上方法没有效果,可以尝试使用不同种类的水性涂料,比如异丙基丙稀酸质水性涂料(acrylic resin waterborne paint)和丙烯酸树脂水性涂料(acrylic resin waterborne paint)等,这些涂料相较于传统的水性涂料,更容易与表面粘结,降低了油膜对涂料的影响。
2023-07-16 13:28:411

外贸货代 翻译 中译英 紧急 谢谢

Viscose staple fiber process container sea transport program A factory delivery
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2023-07-16 13:29:182

求step up中的插曲

Step up1:  1.Show Me The Money - Petey Pablo  2.Step Up - Samantha Jade  3.Get Up - Ciara featuring Chamillionaire  4.Til The Dawn-Drew Sidora  5.Feelin" Myself - Dolla  6.Bout It -Yung Joc featuring 3LW  7.Lovely - Deep Side  8.(When You Gonna) Give It Up To Me --Sean Paul feat keyshia cole  9.Say Goodbye - Chris Brown  10.Dear Life - Anthony Hamilton  11.Made - Jamie Scott  12.For The Love - Drew Sidora featuring Mario  13.I"mma Shine - YoungBloodZ  14.U Must Be - Gina Rene  15.80"s Joint - KELIS 16.Ain"t Cha Clipse featuring Re - Up Gang and Roscoe P. Goldchain附:  第一部 电影原声:   1. "Bout It - Yung Joc/3LW (最后舞蹈展示上的音乐,影片中是混合伴奏音乐,舞蹈别出心裁)   2. Get Up - Ciara/Chamillionaire (影片结束歌曲)   3. (When You Gonna) Give It Up To Me - Sean Paul/Keyshia Cole(Nora和Tyler在俱乐部晚会上开始交谈前的歌曲)   4. Show Me The Money - Petey Pablo (影片开始部分的歌曲)   5. 80"s Joint - Kelis (Tyler and Camille 在自家门口外跳舞时歌曲)   6. Step Up - Samantha Jade (Nora和Tyler第三次合练时的歌曲)   7. Say Goodbye - Chris Brown (Nora和Lucy交谈时一段非常轻的音乐)   8. Dear Life - Anthony Hamilton (原来的男舞者伤愈回来后,男女主角发生了争执男主角到公交车上时播放的一首插曲)   9. For the Love - Drew Sidora/Mario (Miles 和Lucy /Tyler 和Nora在俱乐部晚会上交谈时的歌曲)   10. Ain"t Cha - Clipse/Re-Up Gang/Roscoe P. Goldchain (出现于影片开始不久的家庭party上)   11. I"mma Shine - YoungBloodZ (Omar举办的party上,Mac弟弟Skinny挨枪前的歌)   12. Feelin" Myself - Dolla (男主角Tyler破坏东西被逮后,回家躺在自己房间里戴上耳机时的歌曲)   13. "Til the Dawn - Drew Sidora (在俱乐部晚会上Lucy演唱的歌曲,高潮部分,舞蹈很棒)   14. Lovely - Deep Side (没出现在影片中)   15. U Must Be - Gina Rene (Nora和Tyler在外面练舞时的歌曲,很浪漫的情景!)   16. Made - Jamie Scott (在俱乐部晚会上开始时的歌曲) 影片中出现的非原声音乐:   1. Attention Please - Alias (Omar举办的party上的歌曲之三)   2. Canon In D - Nuttin but Stringz (在学校走廊上两名黑人拉小提琴手拉的乐曲)   3. Cleaning Song - Ron Feemster (Tyler在学校打扫是背景音乐)   4. Crazy Strings - Chris N Drop (Nora和Tyler第一次合练之前,Nora一个人在练舞时录音机里播放的音乐)   5. Damn - Novel (Nora 和 Tyler 跳舞作乐,拥抱,接吻时的歌曲)   6. Get It - Tip T.I. Harris (男主角Tyler在家庭party上跳舞时的音乐)   7. Maidens of the Grove - Jeanette Ortea Et. Al (在学校走廊上三名女生唱的歌曲)   8. Imma Shine - Youngbloodz (instrumental version) (Miles为Nora或团队排练制作的伴奏音乐)   9. Little Dap - Mark Ronson (Tyler和他的朋友打篮球时的音乐)   10. Love Life - Fatboy Slim / Macy Gray (女主角 Nora试练一个个男伴舞时的歌曲)   11. Philosophy - Josh Henderson (Nora男友Brett在录音棚录音时的的歌曲)   12. Pushin" - C Ride (Tyler和Mac开着偷来的车到Omar处的歌)   13. Shiloh"s Piano - Shiloh Monaco (钢琴演奏曲--学校负责人Gordon视察一名学生弹钢琴时)   14. What Up - Rhymefest (Omar举办的party上的歌曲之二)   15. The Choice is Yours - Black Sheep (Tyler的黑人朋友开车来学校,Tyler在学校停车场附近跳舞时的歌曲)   16. Toma - Armando Perez / Lil Jon (Omar举办的party上的歌曲之一)   17. Tonight - Kwame B Holland (Miles为Nora或团队排练制作的伴奏音乐)   18. Violette - Kathleen Crees (Tyler站在阳台上开始的背景音乐)   19. Showcase Song - Mario / Petey Pablo (mix) (最后舞蹈展示上的音乐,舞蹈独具一格) 男主角:钱宁·塔图姆(英文:Channing Matthew Tatum 又译作:查宁·马修·塔图姆),美国演员、制片人,曾任模特儿。他以时装模特儿开始其演艺生涯,之后并延伸至演戏事业,于电影《玩命派对》、《卡特教头》、《越野狂飙》、《足球尤物》、《舞出我人生》与《放下屠刀》演出。 国 别:美国性 别:男生 日:1980年4月26日出 生 地:美国阿拉巴马州星 座:金牛座译 名:查宁-塔图姆 / 查尼塔图 / 查宁泰坦妻 子: 珍娜·迪万官方网站:中文网站:fans/channing/index.html 女主角:珍娜·迪万,美国演员,05年担任恐怖片《塔玛拉》的主角而登上银幕,06年影片《舞出我人生》中出演了一位艺术学校舞蹈专业的高材生而被人熟知。 珍娜·迪万1980年出生在美国康涅狄格州首府哈特佛德市,后在德克萨斯州的葡萄藤市长大,曾就读于南加州大学。她的身上有一半的黎巴嫩血统,五岁时便 迷上了舞蹈,后被一位舞蹈经纪人发掘,跟随珍妮·杰克逊、瑞奇·马丁、超级男孩等著名音乐人等上过世界各地的巡演舞台,此外还出演过贾斯丁·汀波莱克、曼迪·摩尔以及Missy Elliot等人的音乐录影带。表演方面,06主演的《舞出我人生》中出演了一位艺术学校舞蹈专业的高材生,剧情的羸弱以及她同男主角查宁·塔图姆之间缺乏火花的对手戏为本片带来的批评之声却不能阻挡它在北美尽收6532万美金的票房,表现着实亮眼,可惜的是迪万却没能获得男主角查宁·塔图姆那般的关注度。此外她还在06年上映的另外三部影片《Waterborne》、《Take the Lead》以及《咒怨2》中有过角色,最新作品则是和克里斯汀·史莱特共同主演的动作惊悚片《Love Lies Bleeding》。
2023-07-16 13:29:251


  基于BA/St/AN共聚乳液的水性防锈涂料研究  张新宇 张宪康 黄兴 徐静懿  摘 要:基于自制的丙烯酸丁酯/苯乙烯/丙烯腈(BA/St/AN)共聚乳液,制备了一种性能优异的水性防锈涂料,研究了防锈颜料和润湿分散剂的种类、用量对涂料及其漆膜性能的影响.当颜基比为0.8,防锈颜料用量为填料总量的50%时,水性防锈涂料耐盐水时间最长.当铵盐分散剂与聚丙烯酸钠以1∶4变化时,水性涂料有最好的综合性能.  关键词:水性防锈涂料;苯丙乳液;防锈颜料;润湿分散剂  分类号:TQ630.7 文献标识码:A  文章编号:1001-1560(2007)01-0039-04  Waterborne Antirust Paint Based on BA/St/AN Latex Copolymer  ZHANG Xin-yu ZHANG Xian-kang HUANG Xing XU Jing-yi  作者单位:张新宇(上海大学材料科学与工程学院高分子材料系,上海,201800)  张宪康(上海大学材料科学与工程学院高分子材料系,上海,201800)  黄兴(上海大学材料科学与工程学院高分子材料系,上海,201800)  徐静懿(上海大学材料科学与工程学院高分子材料系,上海,201800)  参考文献:  [1]Zhou H H,Xu Y,Luo S L.Present Situation and Development of Anticorrosion Coagings in Our Country[J].Surface Technology,2002,31 (1):5 ~ 9.  [2]沈钟吕.防腐涂料生产与应用技术[M].北京:中国建材工业出版社,1994:1~2.  [3]Sharmin E,Imo L,Ashraf S M,et al.Acrylic-Melamine Modified DGEBA-Epoxy Coatings and Their Anticorrosive Behavior[J].Progress in Organic Coatings,2004,50 (1):47 ~ 54.  [4]Amo B D,Romagnoli R,Deya C,et al.High Performance Water-Based Paints with Non-Toxic Anticorrosive Pigments[J].Progress in Organic Coatings,2002,45 (1):389 ~397.  [5]Pokhmurs"kyi V I,Zin" I M,Lyon S B.Inhibition of Corrosion by a Mixture of Nonchromate Pigments in Organic Coatings on Galvanized Steel[J].Materials Science,2004,40 (3):383 ~ 390.  [6]张丽,牛明军,刘雪莹,等.水性防锈涂料的配方筛选及防锈性能的研究[J].高分子材料科学与工程,2005,21(1):260~263.  [7]周立新,程江,杨卓如,等.几种水性防锈漆的性能比较[J].合成材料老化及应用,2004,33(2):23~25.  [8]何新快,陈白珍,陈洪,等.水性防腐蚀涂料的研制[J].材料保护,2005,38(1):51~53.  [9]郭清泉,林淑英,陈焕钦.水性金属防腐蚀涂料所用基料现状及发展[J].现代化工,2003,23(10):25~27.  [10]危恒毅,岳庆磊,宋晓锐,等.水性防腐涂料体系[J].精细石油化工进展,2002,3(4):44~46.  [11]赵金榜.对环境友好的防锈颜料及作用机理[J].现代涂料与涂装,2002,1(1):37~39.  [12]谭竹洲.涂料工艺[M].北京:化学工业出版社,2001:11~59.  [13]骆明.三聚磷酸铝防锈颜料及其改性合成方法[J].化工技术与开发,2004,33(5):31~33.  [14]张丽,霍东霞,刘大壮,等.三聚磷酸铝在水性乳胶涂层中的防锈机理研究[J].腐蚀科学与防护技术,2004,6(5):328~330.  [15]李家权.复合铁钛粉及其系列防锈漆[J].涂料工业,2003,33(7):51~53.  [16]张天胜.表面活性剂应用技术[M].北京:化学工业出版社,2001:17~18.  [17]张熙,胡爱琼.水性铁红带锈防锈漆[J].上海涂料,2005,43(1/2):34~36.
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