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find a way 中文歌词

2023-07-16 17:53:09
you know when i was a little kid 你知道,在我还是个孩子的时候
all i want to do is make something big at my life 那时的梦想便是想做些伟大的事
and i had been forgotten at the last 但这些梦想在最后都随记忆流逝了
so, check it
there"s a light at the end of the tunnel 隧道尽头现出一点光亮
humble beginnings 从一出生就身份卑微
in a fight to the finish 一直在努力,做到最后
hangin" on with a grimace 被处以绞刑,得赐嘲笑的鬼脸
give the look of god 得见神颜
when told faith is fraud 却被告知信仰乃为欺骗
"cause you gave it all you had 因为你给予信仰你所有de一切
so why won"t they applaud 但是他们为何没有欢呼喝彩
wrong again 又错了
bitter sweet 痛苦的甜蜜
hard to stomach if you love it 即使是你爱这甜蜜也难于品尝
not friend 没有朋友
but a puppet with strings attached 像一个提线木偶
dance to the beat of a dying heart 伴随将死的心脏跳动的节奏舞蹈
change your pace 变换你的节奏
"cause if i keep on movin" i might fing a way 因为如果我一直舞动,也许我会找到一条路
i"m alive i"ll give you all my time 我还活着,我将把我所有的时间给你
i"ll put it all on the line, hey find a way to the light 我将全部奉献,hey,找到一条通往光明的路
why"s there gotta be a test 为什么有如此的考验
on every breath i"m holdin" to make it 在我呼吸的每一刻我会尽力争取
i"ll find a way for you 我终将找到一条通向你的路
there"s a long road, but no one will take it 这是一条悠长的路,没有人会承受这样的孤独
i"ll find a way 但是我会找到一条正确的路
why"s there gotta be a test 为什么有如此的考验
on every breath i"m holdin" to make it 在我呼吸的每一刻我会尽力争取
i"ll find a way for you 我终将找到一条通向你的路
there"s a long road, there"s a long road, there"s a long road, 这是一条悠长的路
why won"t you take it 你为什么不能承受
can you feel the nails digging deep inside of your skin 你能感觉到指甲深深的陷入肉体么
prove yourself until your dead 一直证明自己,直到终老
the end,but you didn"t begin 但是你呢,最后都没有开始
and if someone doesn"t reach out 如果你始终没有原谅某些人
soon,you might lose it 你将失去他们
"cause you humbled yourself just to be 因为你卑微的出身让你感觉你正是如此
proved you can do it, don"t do it 为了证明你可以做到,不要去做那些
don"t give up to get it back 不要放弃去追寻
fuck that,put it to your chest 把这话文在你的胸口
and let your heart attack come back 让你的心脏重新跳动起来,血性激发
i ain"t done tryin",you"re killin" me 我不能如此一直尝试,你正在渐渐的杀死我
softly with your words and i love dyin" 用你温柔的语言,恰如我喜欢的形式



2023-07-16 12:12:551


2023-07-16 12:13:171

puppet warp翻译成中文是什么

操控弯曲(Puppet warp), 什麽是操控弯曲呢?操控弯曲提供视觉式网纹,供您大幅扭曲特定的影像区域,但其他区域保持不变.
2023-07-16 12:13:371


2023-07-16 12:13:441

“Puppet In A Clown Show”准确翻译为中文

2023-07-16 12:13:511


Look! I have a puppet.看,我有一个木偶。
2023-07-16 12:14:012

请问这句话中文怎么写?lt’s a puppet.Do you like puppets?

这是一个木偶 你喜欢木偶么
2023-07-16 12:14:081


2023-07-16 12:14:243

求puppet show1的中文 完整攻略

  游戏开始,你进了一间屋子,一个妇人告诉你,她的小孩失踪了。  第一关  你找齐所有的东西后,得到一些齿轮。还有一个小小的宝箱,但是你没有钥匙。  接着进另一个房间,右上角的那个,你会看到一个机器人。他飞快的跑了,接着动一下墙上的画。 看到了一个小朋友的留言~接着我们继续找单词。  找完后,得到了洋娃娃的手 ,将它拼到,正在弹钢琴的洋娃娃身上。  好了钢琴响了,一张琴谱出来了~得到琴谱一张~  接着动动天花板,再看看报纸,哈哈,是钥匙,得到了钥匙。去打开小宝箱吧。  宝箱里是法码~得到了法码~~~~  第二关  继续,可以出大门了。然后进右边的门,妇人和老头都在,他们对你说了一些话。不管他们说什么了~  找单词上的东西,得到了起子。  然后到楼上,找完单词后,得到小油壶。  第三关  我们一出大门,又看到那个机器人了,跟着它,我们到了一个墓地的门口,大门是关上的,门边一个有拉小提琴的像,用我们刚刚得到的小油壶给它上上油,哈哈~它动了拉了一段曲子门开了,继续找单词,得到了一个漂亮的面具~  好了,离开墓地,回到街上,我们到左边的房间,门是上锁的,我们先将面具放上去,然后自己想办法,把面具全部转出来。  门开了,进去先把桌子上的毛巾拿了 ,  接着看看下面有一个全是灰的桌子,拿毛巾擦一下,出现了9:10的字样。  继续找单词,得到石头。  好了,回到街上,我们又看到那个指路的机器人,跟着它,到下一条街。  第四关  到了下一条街后,看到了一个门,同样是上锁了,用石头先把玻璃打烂,转动时针到九点十分。门就开开了。  进去找单词,得到了一枚钻戒  接着,最上面的大门是锁上的,在门边上有一有开关,用起子先把螺丝下下来,再将齿轮组合上去,点下红色按扭,拉下边上的闸刀,门又开了,用戒指把装有钥匙的玻璃刮烂,得到了钥匙。  第五关  回到街上,向前走,又是一个大门,还有那个指路的机器人。(我讨厌门···)门边上有个小丑,用刚刚得到的钥匙启动它,OK门开开了,进去吧。  喷水池找单词,得到木头  向前走,又看到那个机器人了,找单词,得到了钉子  接下来去左边的路,看到了一个小木屋,进去,找单词,得到锤子  然后在屋里,能找到一个梯子,把木头加上,用锤子钉上钉子。得到了梯子,然后,再到另喷水池的右边去。用梯子上去,找单词,得到小人,  好了回到,刚刚看到机器人的门,把小人和法码放上去,下面有一张小图,自己看咋放两边一样重,放好后门就开开了。  第六关  进去了就找单词吧,得到了灯 ,我们就去机房。  要通过门,自己把红蓝绳子结上,就行了。  进去后,把机器的盖子打开,把灯丢进去,机器开始动了,水没了,找单词吧,得到了一个把手 。  将把手装在机器上,拉动开关。好了,前面的门开开了,可以进去了。  先进左边的门,找沙发上的单词,得到开关。  找镜子上的单词,得到剪草刀。  离开,这个房间去上面的房间,看到地上有一个开关,把得到的开关放上去。  小灯颜色分三个挡,黄色的开关到最下面。红色的开关到最上面。绿色的开关到中间。  打开后,木偶表演了。继续找单词,得到一个把手。  进前面的房间里,找单词,得到了链条。  然后点那个娃娃,将它坏的地方拼好,得到了数字“1”  接着看窗户那里,把窗户拼好。(提议,看颜色来拼)打开窗户又看到那个机器人了。然后在窗户边上找到了一个符章。  离开房间吧。  第七关  回到大厅里,右边有一扇门上面有6——2的数字,把我们得到的“1”放上去,等一会,门就开了。找单词,得到一个金属物体。  回到喷水池,那有一个面具,把得到的链条,金属物体和把手拼上去,拉动把手。喷水池喷出了水,得到了一把钥匙。  然后去喷水池的右边,用剪草刀剪掉墙上的草,看到一个小门,用钥匙打开它。  进去后找单词,得到数字“11”。  然后,用得到的符章开门,上有图,自己转。  进去后找单词,得到一个鱼钩。  然后到书房,用鱼钩,再书房的老鼠洞里,得到了钥匙。  第八关  看看桌子,又是那个机器人,它在撕碎一本日记。看日记得到卡纸。  回到前一个房间,右边有一个钟用钥匙将它打开,等一会。得到一个小管子,记下它出来的符号。  再回到书房,书桌边有一扇门,用管子和刚刚记下的符号,打开门。  进去找单词,得到软梯。然后打开被子,在娃娃手上得到一个瓶子。  床头上有幅画,将画中的一个女孩子(边上有宝石一角的)拼回去,打开后得到一个抽屉的把手。  回到书房,装上把手打开书桌下面的抽屉,得到数字“2”。  将数字“11”和数字“2”拼到小格里,放上一张卡纸,点小格上的数字,五个数字分别是2,6,11,15,18。然后去打开书柜,地下室开了。  下去后,先去前面的房间找单词,得到阀门。回到前一个房间,用软梯放到井口边下去,装上阀门,流下了流酸,用小瓶子装好。再回到刚刚的房间,看到一个宝箱,用刚刚接到的流酸,烫开锁链,自己想法办将黑色小球移过去,打开就得到个什么鬼。  第九关  你被吓昏了,自己被关在一个地方。那个失踪的小孩也在。哈哈~~那个什么鬼把小孩 带走了,好了你现在去救他吧!  用刚刚剩下的流酸把铁烫开,出去后到一个门边有一个娃娃机,把钥匙夹出来,进门里继续找单词,得到一把刀。  回到刚刚的房间后,先用钥匙将一扇木门打开,嘿嘿~~有个老头哈~小孩还被绑着,拿出我们的琴谱,弹琴照着弹。(不是吧,不会,好我说细一点,七个键,6,3,5,2,4,1,3)  小孩被放开了~OK,你被那家伙发现了,嘿~他自己被自己的东西害了~变成鬼了~~~~  好继续,在房间里有一个井盖,转好它,下去找单词,得到个东西。  回到有铁笼笼的房间,那有一个什么鬼人,用刀刮开他的衣服(邪恶呀!!!)在用刚刚得的东西打开它,好了,自己想办法两边拼到50,门就开开了。  进去后在死人骨头那得到把撬棍,用撬棍撬开楼梯上的石门。  好了游戏结束了,小孩找妈妈去了,去刚刚井下的洞里看看吧~~~
2023-07-16 12:14:441


Every day, I go to school, through a car company, written < >, wash sends oil, they keep a dog to sleep all day at the roadside, once I passed by, it suddenly to me. = =, chief to bite appearance, true too damn, I really want to take them to sign the washing out words.translation2 Disnep "s PinocchioThis is a Disney"s fairy tales, although look very boring, but because the fairy tale is English, so want a little bit more simple better ~The story of a kind that toy potter gepetto"s made a cute little puppet, Pinocchio. He won the blue fairy gave life, but failed to become a real person. In the next Pinocchio began a long journey. He began by a lying to later slowly become honest child, made many friends, and finally, in his test of courage, loyalty, and cultivate the boys become real.Story illustrates the person should have a sincere heart to get help from others.
2023-07-16 12:14:564

Ldt’s make a green puppet.翻译成中文

谁能帮我把下列英文翻译成中文:I have a green flag. 第二句Happy 我有一面绿色的旗帜。万圣节快乐!我们一起做木偶吧! 我有一面绿
2023-07-16 12:15:054

填上合适的动词,并将词组译成中文 ( ) a puppet show( ) ( )the singing contest ( )

please 你能给我一把尺子吗?remember看着这些图片,你有5分钟时间来记住它们
2023-07-16 12:15:132


2023-07-16 12:15:311

饥荒老麦能力解析 麦斯威尔技能属性全解

饥荒 老麦能力解析,老麦是一个非常强力的人物,很多小伙伴都不知道怎么玩老麦,接下来就和我一起来看看吧。英文名称:Maxwell/William Carter 英文称号:The Puppet Master 英文名言:Freedom! 英文技能介绍:Is dapper but frail Can fragment his mind Brings his own sword 中文称呼:麦斯威尔、麦克斯韦、麦克斯韦尔、老麦、麦爷、傀儡师 解锁方法:第一次通关冒险模式并用当前角色替换王座上的老麦 血量75 饱食150 San值200 前期能力:★★★★★ 中期能力:★★☆ 后期能力:★★★☆ 综合能力:★★★★☆ 适合新手程度:★★☆ 技能全解: 皮脆 自带每分钟20点的San值回复 自带1把影刀、1个影甲、4个噩梦燃料、1个紫宝石和1本复制书 使用复制书后消耗55San值上限和2个噩梦燃料召唤1个暗影分身并跟随你。分身拥有75血量、40攻击力、2攻击间隔和6移动速度。最多可以召唤3个暗影分身。分身在2.5天后消失,分身消失后失去的San值上限恢复。 总结: 前期由于有最强近战武器影刀和最强防御装备影刀,初期的生存能力非常强,基本是所有角色中最强大的。自带的紫宝石也可以使你建造魔法二本的速度加快。San值的高回复和分身的减San值使得他可以随意地控制自己的San值高低来选择正常还是刷影怪。分身也可以起到欺负小朋友的作用。但是老麦终究逃不过自己皮脆的命运。75点的血量是所有角色中最少的一个,分身的输出不错,但是血量仍旧很少。一旦影刀和影甲的耐久用完,而当时科技还没有发展起来,就会进入一段致命的真空期。75的血量导致他在满血的时候经常被秒。但是后期装备起来了之后,高San值回复就可以使他基本免去San值的困扰,下洞穴也会很轻松,但是有时候没带护甲的时候就容易被直接击杀。总的来说优点很大,缺点也很大的角色。
2023-07-16 12:16:041

exo mama remix歌词

HI/PIN/ENG] EXO-M - MAMA Demo VersionChinese... (MAMA MAMA)你剩下眼泪 假面是魔鬼窝在你的后面脑袋是小魔鬼总有一天你 一定也会被解决这不是你这不是你 陌生傀儡Pinyin(MAMA MAMA)Ni sheng xia yan lei, jia mian shi mo guiWo zai ni de hou mian nao dai shi xiao mo guiZong you yi tian ni, yi ding ye hui bei jie jueZhe bu shi ni, zhe bu shi ni, mo sheng kui leiEnglish(MAMA MAMA)You"re left with tears, your mask is a devil Nestled behind your brain is a little devil One day you will be solvedThis isn"t you, this isn"t you, unfamiliar puppet
2023-07-16 12:16:121

Coldplay的 Viva la vida 的歌词中文意思是?

viva la vida 是西班牙语vida 即生命viva la 是万岁的意思合起来就是 生命万岁 英文可翻译为 live the life另外 有时viva la 也可以与英语混用如 Greenday 的专集 21 century breaks down里有一首歌 叫做 viva la Gloria意即 Gloria(人名)万岁
2023-07-16 12:16:204


n. 木偶; 傀儡;[例句]Pupils presented a mime and puppet show.学生们奉献了一台哑剧形式的木偶戏。[其他] 复数:puppets来自古法语popette,玩具,木偶,来自popet小词形式,来自拉丁语pupa,小女孩,词源同pupa,pupil.引申词义傀儡。
2023-07-16 12:16:581


1、英语puppet英文发音:[u02c8pu028cpu026at],中文释义:n.木偶;傀儡。 2、例句:Pupils presented a mime and puppet show.学生们奉献了一台哑剧形式的木偶戏。
2023-07-16 12:17:051


英文发音:[u02c8pu028cpu026at]中文释义:n.木偶;傀儡复数: puppets例句:Pupils presented a mime and puppet show.学生们奉献了一台哑剧形式的木偶戏。短语:1、puppet show 木偶剧,木偶表演2、hand puppet 布袋木偶3、puppet play 傀儡戏;木偶戏puppet的同根词:1、puppeteer英文发音:[pu028cpu026a"tu026au0259]中文释义:n. 操纵木偶的人;操纵傀儡例句:He is a genius. A mind games expert. A master puppeteer.他是个天才,心理战大师,超级傀儡玩家。2、puppetry英文发音:["pu028cpu026atru026a]中文释义:n. 木偶;木偶戏;傀儡例句:What is the role and value of puppetry in Waldorf education?有什么作用和价值的木偶在华尔道夫教育?
2023-07-16 12:17:191


I have a puppet 翻译为:我有一个木偶I have a puppet 翻译为:我有一个木偶I have a puppet 翻译为:我有一个木偶
2023-07-16 12:18:121

puppet warp翻译成中文是什么

puppet 傀儡·warp扭曲·
2023-07-16 12:18:323

You are just a puppet的中文

You are just a puppet的中文是您是木偶
2023-07-16 12:18:403


There was a record playing in the next room . 隔壁房间里正在放唱片。 We will play a trick on the old abbot . 我们要跟老修道院长开个玩笑。 His plays have gone down badly in america . 他的剧本在美国不受欢迎。 I could hear music playing on the radio . 我听到收音机里演奏著音乐。 All of these plays have their virtues . 所有这些剧本都有它们的优点。 The play is attributed to shakespeare . 这剧本被认为是莎士比亚写的。 If you do not play , you will get out of practice . 不练习就会荒疏。 Do not play about with my expensive tools ! 别乱摆弄我的昂贵的工具。 Do n"t look down on the role women can play .. 不要瞧不起妇女的作用。 He began playing on the lute at noon . 中午的时候,他开始弹铉琴了。 The foxes play havoc with the wildfowl . 狐貍把那里的野鸟可折腾坏了。 He was criticized, for he played his prize . 他因谋私利而受到批评。 I stood watching him play ducks and drakes . 我站著看他打水漂游戏。 Play the highest card in your longest suit . 打你手中最长套的大牌。 After a hard gallop , the horse was played out . 那马跑得精疲力竭。 "oh, play ball," growled annixter . “啊,开球吧,”安尼克斯特喝道。 She plays an active part in local poptics . 她积极参与地方政治活动。 He played with his watch-chain wearily . 他百无聊赖地玩弄著他的表链。 The play bubbled with songs and dances . 这出戏载歌载舞,非常热闹。 He was a puppet to be played by others . 他是一个由其他人摆布的木偶。 He played a good game and a generous one . 他打得不错,不计较输赢。 Will you please not play that mournful music ? 你别奏那种哀乐了吧? The orchestra played the national anthem again . 乐队又奏起了国歌。 Playing basketball is a popular movement . 打篮球是家喻户晓的运动。 She plays with seemingly effortless skill . 她演奏得似乎毫不费力。 She plays the mandopn superlatively well . 她演奏曼陀林非常出色。 We played roulette till o o"clock . 我们玩了轮盤赌,一直玩到两点钟。 The band played the performers onto the stage . 乐队奏乐欢迎演员登台。 I was covered in sweat after playing football . 踢完球后,我浑身大汗。 A boy was playing with a tame snake . 一个男孩在玩一条驯服了的蛇。 You ought to play it *** art and stop *** oking . 你应该从善如流把烟戒掉。 I"d play stooge to him in the performance . 在表演中我来给他当个配角。 Then the orchestra played a quick-step strain . 于是乐队奏起快步舞曲。 I can"t sing if you go playing the fool . 如果你拿我打趣,我就不唱了! Tell children to go and play in the courtyard . 叫孩子们到院子里耍去。 The children were playing at keeping shop . 孩子们假装开商店玩儿。 The children love playing out in the open . 孩子们喜欢在户外玩耍。 The advertising slogan was a play on word . 那条广告口号是双关语。 Stop playing around and get on with the job . 别胡闹了,接著做工作吧。 The fifth scene was the cpmax of the play .. 第五场是全剧的 *** 。 They played pke young cats in the dusk . 他们跟小猫一样在黄昏中嬉戏。 He sprained his ankle when playing football . 他踢足球时扭伤了脚脖子。 This play is adapted from a novel . 这个剧本是根据一本小说改写的。 Play that jazz tape for me , please . 请给我放那盤爵士乐录音带吧。 The child occupied himself in playing his flute . 那孩子只顾著吹笛子。 They played the searchpghts along the road . 他们用探照灯照射那条路。 There is constant reference to blood in plays . 剧本里经常提到血。 Ja was playing on the floor with her bricks . 珍妮特在地板上玩积木。 John played goal for the hockey team . 约翰在那个曲棍队当守门员。 For a moment i thought of playing truant . 我一时起了逃学的念头。
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2023-07-16 12:19:131

coldplay-viva la vida中文歌词

coldplay-viva la vida中文歌词 Viva La Vida   生命无上      I used to rule the world   Seas would rise when I gave the word   Now in the morning I sleep alone   Sweep the streets I used to own   我曾经主宰世界。   大海也愿为我咆哮。   如今我清晨独眠,   在我曾拥有的井巷中彷徨。      I used to roll the dice   Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes   Listen as the crowd would sing:   "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"   我经历过孤注一掷,   感受过敌人眼底的不可终日,   领教过愚民们高喊口号:   “先王亡矣!我王永世!”      One minute I held the key   Next the walls were closed on me   And I discovered that my castles stand   Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand   大权刚刚在手,   城墙即将我禁闭。   我这才发现我城堡的基石   竟如散沙盐粒般脆弱无力。      I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing   Roman Cavalry choirs are singing   Be my mirror my sword and shield   My missionaries in a foreign field   For some reason I can"t explain   Once you go there was never,   never an honest word   That was when I ruled the world   耶路撒冷传来一声钟响。   罗马骑兵唱诗班正在吟唱。   我异疆的传教士啊,   我的明镜,宝剑与盾牌由你们担当!   其中缘由我不能讲明,   自你走后,我从未,   从未听过之字真言。   那就是我主宰世界的年月。      It was the wicked and wild wind   Blew down the doors to let me in.   Shattered windows and the sound of drums   People couldn"t believe what I"d become   凶煞狂风袭来,   冲破重门将我押入,   狼藉一片,鼓声四起。   我的结局无人能料。      Revolutionaries wait   For my head on a silver plate   Just a puppet on a lonely string   Oh who would ever want to be king?   革命者期待看到   我的头颅被摆上银盘。   我不过一个孤家傀儡,   唉,谁愿做王?      I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing   Roman Cavalry choirs are singing   Be my mirror my sword and shield   My missionaries in a foreign field   For some reason I can"t explain   I know Saint Peter won"t call my name   Never an honest word   But that was when I ruled the world   耶路撒冷传来一声钟响。   罗马骑兵唱诗班正在吟唱。   我异疆的传教士啊,   我的明镜,宝剑与盾牌由你们担当!   其中缘由我不能讲明,   我深知圣彼得不会唤我姓名。   从未听过之字真言。   但那就是我主宰世界的年月。
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以下是为大家整理的关于小学五年级英语阅读理解训练试卷的文章,希望大家能够喜欢! 一 阅读理解,并将下列问题和回答补充完整(每空一词)   My name is Li Xiang. I live in Nanjing. I have a sister. Her name is Li Fang. We are in the same school. Look at this picture of our school. There"s a new music room on the second floor. It"s big. I like music very much. On the first floor, there are two computer rooms. There are eighty computers in them. My sister likes playing computer games.   1. A: Li Xiang have a sister? B: Yes, he a sister.   2. A: What"s the ? B: There two computer rooms.   3. A: does Li Fang like? B: She computer games   4. A: Is there a big new music room in the school? B: .   二、 完形填空   Jim _1_ in _2_ class. There are twenty boys _3_ thirty girls. One of the girls _4_ an American. _5_ name is Nancy. And two of the boys are _6_ . Their _7_ are Da Mao and Xiao Mao. All the students are _8_.    1、A. am B. is C. are    2、A. Miss Gao B. / C. Miss Gao"s    3、A. and B. or C. but    4、A. are B. is C. am    5、A. She B. Her C. Hers    6、A. twins B. twin C. twins"    7、A. name B. names C. brothers    8、A. girls B. boys C. friends   三、根据所给单词首字母填写合适的单词,完成下列短文   Tom"s father is i_1_ at home. It"s Saturday. Tom is on the way to the hospital to s_2_ his father. The hospital is very far(远), so he w_3_ to take a bus. Now he is a_4_ the bus stop, there are m_5_ people there. The bus is l_6_, so he wants to go there on f_7_ . When he gets to the hospital, his father is very h_8_.   1 ________ 2 _________ 3 _________ 4 _________   5 ________ 6 _________ 7 _________ 8 _________   四、根据短文内容选择填空   There are three trees near the twins" house. There is one big tree, and two small trees. In the big tree there is a bird. Can the bird sing? Yes, it can. What"s that near the big tree? It"s a cat.   “I want some food,” thinks the cat. “Bird, come here, it"s time for tea.” Says the cat. “Not today, thank you.” Says the bird, “You can"t catch(捉住) me today. Goodbye!”    1、There are ____ small trees near the house.   A. two B. three C. no D. many    2、There is a bird ____.   A. in a small tree B. on the small tree   C. in the big tree D. on the big tree    3、The cat wants to eat ____.   A. some tea B. the bird C. a cake D. some trees    4、At last(最后)____.   A. the bird goes away B. the cat goes away   C. the cat catches the bird D. the bird gets down from the tree.   五、 读短文回答下列问题   My name is Wang Ping. I"m ten. I"m student in No. 3 Primary School. I"m in Class 2, Grade 5. At school I have a good friend. Her name is Ann. She"s in a green coat. She"s an American girl. She and I are in the same class. We often play games together. I go to school at 7 o"clock and go home at about 4 o"clock in the afternoon. Oh, it"s 7 o"clock now. It"s time to go to school. I must go to school now.   1. Is Wang Ping eleven?   2. Who is her good friend at school?   3. What colour is Ann"s coat?   4. What time is it now?   5. Is it time to go to bed?   六、阅读短文,根据短文提供的信息判断短文后的句子是否正确   Hello, I"m Su Yang. Look, this is my house. There are two bedrooms, a bathroom, a study, a kitchen and a large sitting-room. Beside the house, there"s a garden. In the garden, there are a lot of red flowers. My parents like red flowers. You can see four big trees beside the house. A swing is between the two apple trees. My sister, Su Hai, and I like playing on the swing.   1. There is a large chicken in Su Yang"s house.   2. Su Yang"s parents like yellow flowers.   3. There"s a swing between the two apple trees.   4. Su Yang likes playing on the swing. But Su Hai doesn"t.   5. There aren"t any trees beside the house.   七、下表是对苏海和苏洋作的调查,请根据调查结果,仿照例句完成句子   Model 项目 结果 项目 结果   They like grapes and pears. grape √ banana ×   But they don"t like bananas and apples. pear √ apple ×   1. They like ______ and ______. pig × duck √   But they don"t like ______ and ______. bear × panda √   2. They like __ __ .But I don"t like __ __. flower √ tree ×   Model 项目 结果   They can play the guitar. play the guitar √   But they can"t play the violin. play the violin ×   1. They can ______ a model ______. make a puppet ×   But they can"t ______ a puppet. make a model plane √   2. They can ___ _, but they can"t _ ___. dance √   swim ×   八、阅读短文,并回答问题   Hello, I am Ben Green. I have a sister, Jane. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. They don"t work on Saturdays and Sundays. They like cooking and watching TV, but Jane and I don"t. We like reading and playing table tennis.   1. -What"s your name? -My name is .   2. -What"s your sister"s name? -Her name is .   3. -What"s your father"s job? -He is a .   4. -What"s your mother"s job? -She is a .   5. My father and mother like and .   6. My sister and I like and .   九、根据首字母和括号里单词的中文提示,将横线上的单词填写完整,使之成为一篇完整的短文(注意句首字母的大、写小和名词的单复数形式)   ( 有/存在,大的, 干净的,一些/任何, 地图,在…下面, 在…上面, 书)   Look at Li Lei"s room. It"s not b , but it is very c . T a desk and a chair in the study. O the desk, t some b , a glass and a clock. What"s u the chair? Oh, there"s a f . Are there a m on the wall? Yes, there are. One is a map of China and the other is a map of the world.   十、阅读下面的句子并重新排列,使之成为两人之间的对话   1. No, I don"t.   2. Look, it"s near(在……的旁边) the desk.   3. Great, let"s start.   4. Hi, Mike. Do you like playing football?   5. All right. But where"s the basketball?   6. Is it in the teachers" desk?   7. What do you like playing?   8. Good, I like it too. Let"s play basketball together.   9. Let me see. No, it isn"t.   10. Let"s go and find it.   11. I like playing basketball.   排列后的对话顺序是:   4   十一、阅读短文判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符,相符的用“√” 表示,不符的用“×”表示   Hi, my name is Anny. I live in a big house with my parents and my brother. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. They don"t work on Saturdays and Sundays. They like watching TV on Saturdays. And they like cooking, too. They cook nice food(食物)for my brother and me on Sundays. My brother likes playing the guitar, but I don"t. I like playing the piano. In the evening, I often(经常)play the piano for my father and mother. I love my family and they love me, too.    1. There are four people(人)in this family.    2. Anny"s parents don"t work on Saturdays but they work on Sundays.    3. Anny"s parents often cook nice food on Saturdays.    4.Anny"s brother likes playing the guitar and he often plays it for his   parents in the evening.    5. This is a happy family and they love each other.
2023-07-16 12:19:401


1 游戏模式  《傲世三国II》采用倾斜俯视视角,支持360°场景旋转,支持一定范围内的视距调整和小范围内的俯仰角调整。游戏共提供单人剧情、多人战役、自定义和武将争霸四种模式:  单人剧情模式:即单人情节关。  多人战役模式:分合作和对抗两种模式,联机游戏者可选择不同的角色按情节去合作或对抗。  自定义模式:包含暗杀、占领和夺旗、逃亡三种模式。  2 游戏内容  游戏以剧情关任务为重点,完全省略内政,突出武将和战略战术的重要性,提供多种突破传统RTS的玩点,游戏的战斗将围绕武将、阵型和环境展开,形势判断、地形判断、敌情考察、武将技使用技巧是其中的重点要素,另外再辅以丰富的战斗兵种,贴近历史有着切实作用的战斗器械和船只,重现气势恢宏的三国战场。  3 游戏具体特点  (1) 多种能够对战斗起到切实影响的环境大大加强局部战役的策略性  在游戏中将有真实丰富的环境因素模拟。火势、地形、气候将会对战斗产生重大影响,却又相互制约。随时根据火势、地形、地势、气候、时辰的情况,结合部队的特点作出战术选择,将会对战斗的胜负起到重要影响。  (2) 以战术小队在队形上和各兵种配合的运用作为战斗策略的重点  游戏中的阵型共分散阵、横阵、纵阵、方阵和圆阵五种,攻防性能各异,选择合适的兵种,配以相应的队型,在战斗中将事半功倍。  (3) 武将的RPG属性  武将有类似RPG游戏中经验和等级的设定。除却武力和智力,增设的统率值决定了武将所领战斗单元的上限及部队行军时的状况。游戏中文官偏重技能中的整体谋略而武官长于个人的物理性必杀。武将等级增高,可学会和强化武将技能。  (4) 丰富的兵种及器械  游戏中设定了数个兵种并完善了兵种的平衡性,每个兵种都在攻击、防御、耐火、频率、速度、生命力等主要性能有各自的优缺点,而最具三国特色的“藤甲兵”将作为特殊兵种出现在游戏中。器械中增添的“望楼”针对性极强,弥补了前代中无防守器械的缺陷,而保留的军械也做了改进和更新。  (5) 独具特色的攻城战和巷战  游戏里再现了三国时代广阔而真实的城市景象。城池的城墙可以容纳士兵防护作战,攻城一方则通过云梯登城、冲车撞门、火烧城门、毁墙(少数窄墙)而入等多种方法攻城。护城河、吊桥等新增设置将出现在游戏中。在一些特别的情节里,玩家将进行巷战。城市里复杂狭窄的地形决定了巷战的战斗感觉和野战、城防战截然不同。兵力不再是影响结果的主要因素,游戏者必须充分运用地形、阵型、技略等因素才能克敌制胜。  (6) 内容真实壮观的中国古代水战  在游戏中,河流会在一些重要的情节中出现,玩家需跨江击敌或据江而守,因此水上的战斗也成为游戏一大特点,大规模、甲板可载人的船只带来了真正意义上的船上作战,再现中国古代水战。战斗单元在甲板上作战,斗方式与陆战相同;当敌我双方船只相隔较远一段距离时,船上远程攻击战斗单元可相互攻击(包括武将技);当双方船只接舷时,船只间将自动搭上木板以便行走和作战。  (7) 士兵武将上/下马的设计  与前代相似,游戏中大多数兵种可自由上下马,战斗单元上马后移动速度加快,实力也会增强。而远程攻击兵种的攻击命中率将下降。一些强力必杀技及重击可将士兵击落马下。  (8) 预置指令序列功能   战略战术的灵活运用是本游戏的重大特色,为了便于实现复杂的战术计谋,游戏提供一套简单的预置指令序列功能,玩家可以预测敌方可能采取的行动,在战斗开始前把一些拟定好的战斗方案指定行动代号并下达给各个部队。一旦需要,便可以通过发出相应的行动代号以最快速度让部队执行这些预先设置的战斗方案,让复杂的战术配合变得易于实现。这些预设方案可以最大程度节约战斗中的操作时间,转而可用之于作战时战斗单元的微操作。(9) 别具一格的增援系统除了剧情安排的援军外,游戏还提供一种得分(即功勋达到一定数值)“挣”援军的设计,摒弃了传统的采矿、发展、攻城,最终以人海战术完成任务的游戏模式,在一些守孤城、拉锯战和攻坚战之类的特殊情节里增加了一种调节持续的紧迫感的手段,也减弱了联机模式中初期战斗对全局的影响,自始至终保持战斗的紧张激烈。秘籍按回车键然后输入下列代码:代码 效果!om+god! = 上帝模式(首先要选择作战单位)!om+speed! = 加速游戏!om+godblessovermax! = 增加资源!om+win! = 游戏胜利!om+fog! = 显示整张地图!obj+gold! = 得到黄金!obj+timber! = 得到木材!obj+rawmeat! = 得到肉!obj+corn! = 得到谷物!obj+food! = 得到食物!obj+iron! = 得到铁!obj+wine! = 得到酒!obj+all! = 得到所有1.03以上版本官方秘籍!obj+moolah! 增加黄金!obj+splinter! 增加木头!obj+piggy! 增加肉!obj+chips! 增加粮食!obj+cheating! 增加食物!obj+booze! 增加酒!obj+ingboard! 增加铁!obj+greed! 增加所有城市资源!om+superman! 选中部队无敌!om+gonzales! 加速!obj+outofmyway! 过关!om+icanseeagain! 打开雾!om+fps! 显示帧速率!om+godblessgreed! 超级!om+asifbymagic! 打开所有剧情关!om+smartbomb! 清除所有在视口内的敌单位!om+imapuppet! 把自己交给AI托管!om+youreapuppet! 继续自己控制!om+net! 显示网络状况
2023-07-16 12:20:311


Viva La Vida 生命万岁 I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning I sleep alone Sweep the streets I used to own 我曾经统治世界 我一开口,大海就为我升起 现在,在今天上午,我独自睡眠 打扫街道,我自己 I used to roll the dice Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes Listen as the crowd would sing: “Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!” 我从前滚动骰子 在我的敌人的眼睛中十分恐惧 听到的人群会唱: “现在老国王死了!万岁国王” ! One minute I held the key Next the walls were closed on me And I discovered that my castles stand Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand 一分钟我曾掌管关键 下一秒墙壁对我封闭 我发现我的城堡矗立在 沙子和盐粒的支柱上 I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can"t explain Once you go there was never, never an honest word That was when I ruled the world (Ohhh) 我听到耶路撒冷的钟声响起 罗马骑兵合唱团在歌唱 成为我的镜子,我的剑和盾牌 我的传教士在国外 出于某种原因我无法解释 当你在那里没有一个诚实的字 这就是我统治世界的时候了 ( ohhh ) It was the wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in. Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn"t believe what I"d become 这是邪恶的而狂野的风 吹落大门,让我进去 打破了窗户和鼓声 人们不能相信我将成为什么 Revolutionaries wait For my head on a silver plate Just a puppet on a lonely string Oh who would ever want to be king? 革命家等待 将我的头颅放在银碟上 只是一个提线木偶 哦谁任何时候都希望成为国王? I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can"t explain I know Saint Peter won"t call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world (Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh) 我听到耶路撒冷的钟声响起 罗马骑兵合唱团在歌唱 成为我的镜子,我的剑和盾牌 我的传教士在国外 出于某种原因我无法解释 我知道圣彼得不会呼唤我的名字 当你在那里没有一个诚实的字 这就是我统治世界的时候了 ( ohhhhh ohhh ohhh ) I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can"t explain I know Saint Peter won"t call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world Oooooh Oooooh Oooooh 我听到耶路撒冷的钟声响起 罗马骑兵合唱团在歌唱 成为我的镜子,我的剑和盾牌 我的传教士在国外 出于某种原因我无法解释 我知道圣彼得不会呼唤我的名字 当你在那里没有一个诚实的字 这就是我统治世界的时候了
2023-07-16 12:20:452

跪求soul 4 sale中文歌词。

等一下...人工翻译中...Soul 4 Sale歌词Simon CurtisCome baby listen there"s some things you wanna know来吧宝贝这里有些你想知道的事情But look at about this loveless I know where wasgonna go但是看看这没有了感情的一切吧我早已知道爱情去了哪里(远方~的意思)Until you let a proof now that you can try to showme直到你证明自己能够尝试著让我明白这些事Other ways to go about it I already know其实我心裏懂得结束(感情)的其他方式This is a relationship in which we make sacrifices这是我们割舍(牺牲)的一段关系Tip it, cut it, split it up and leave the body paralyzed倾覆割裂(切八段一样的用词)最後离别让自己的身体麻痹下去Unable to be clear that you listened that yourealized我没法保持清醒来确认你听进去了That"s just what you got, a deal, take the wedgeand pay a price但这就是你得到的了一个爱情交易而已拿上你的鞋子付钱走人吧Hey,嘿,What do you want me to say?你到底想要我说些什麼呢?Tell me, are you ready?告诉我你准备好了吗?Give you everything you wanna我给你你想要的一切Give me everything you need我给你你需要的一切I got a soul for sale, a soul for sale而我却得到了你标价出售的灵魂,一个出售的灵魂Oh,噢,What do you want me to be?你到底想要我怎麼样?Show me "cause I want it告诉我吧因为我想变成那样Give you everything you wanna我给你一切你想要的Give me everything you need还给你一切你需要的I Got a soul for sale, a soul for sale结果得到了你出售的灵魂,一个出售的灵魂Forty days and forty nights you worked to seduce me在四十个日夜裏诱惑我就是你的日常工作I listen to the lyrics and the song "cause itamuse me我听著音乐的歌词因为它对我来说很逗And I sing along and I last long decided to reduceme我一直唱著歌我呆到夜深我决定释放自己的脆弱To a puppet on the shelf to scream: I"m puppetlessa, choose me,我对著书架上的木偶(也有傀儡的意思):我是傀儡lessa,选择我吧,So come on baby, come and love me like a kamikaze所以来吧宝贝靠近我像神风战机一样地爱我(自杀式的爱)Well good night on flumsy glab the light and lubthe Paparazzi在美好的夜晚散发出浅薄的魅力还有那灯光夜店和狗仔队Go and melt my knees with flames, the flames willall renew the symptoms走吧在我的膝盖上点火(让我腿软...好直接,)那火焰会加重我的爱情病Sum it up to love "cause I"m ready for the game我把它归结於爱因为我已经对这游戏准备好了Hey,嘿,What do you want me to say?你到底想要我说些什麼呢?Tell me, are you ready?告诉我你准备好了吗?Give you everything you wanna我给你你想要的一切Give me everything you need我给你你需要的一切I got a soul for sale, a soul for sale而我却得到了你标价出售的灵魂,一个出售的灵魂Oh,噢,What do you want me to be?你到底想要我怎麼样?Show me "cause I want it告诉我吧因为我想变成那样Give you everything you wanna我给你一切你想要的Give me everything you need还给你一切你需要的I Got a soul for sale, a soul for sale结果得到了你出售的灵魂,一个出售的灵魂Oh,噢,Give me everything, give me everything把一切都给我吧把一切都给我吧Sign in the line在边缘线登记Make a deal with the devil与魔鬼做交易Make a deal with the devil in blood与浴血的魔鬼做交易Sign in the line在边缘线登记Make a deal with the devil与魔鬼做交易Make a deal with the devil in blood与浴血的魔鬼做交易I know your love is bad but I want it all.我知道你的爱很坏但我却全都想要Hey,嘿,What do you want me to say?你到底想要我说什麼呢?Tell me, are you ready?告诉我你准备好了吗?Give you everything you wanna我给一切你想要的Give me everything you need给我一切你需要的I got a soul for sale, a soul for sale我得到了一个出售的灵魂一个出售的灵魂Oh,噢,-------纯人工手打~请笑纳~如有其他问题,请继续销魂地联系小抽吧,英语专精u273f夕小抽丶。
2023-07-16 12:20:522

couldplay 酷玩乐队《生命万岁》的中文歌词

2023-07-16 12:21:114

I wanna be your slave的中文翻译是什么?

I wanna be your slave的中文翻译是我想做你的奴隶
2023-07-16 12:21:192

求Metallica乐队《Mast of Puppets》歌词中文翻译

傀儡的主人 基督受难剧的终了,渐渐消亡 我是你自毁的源泉 恐惧流动在静脉中,浑浊被吸干净 引导你筑成你的死亡 尝尝我,你将明白 你需要的是更多 你将献身于 我怎么干掉你 过来爬近些 服从你的主人 你的生命燃烧的更快 服从你的主人 主人 傀儡的主人,我在幕后操纵你 扭曲你的思想,粉碎你的美梦 被我蒙蔽,你什么也看不清 只需要叫我的名字,我将听取你的嘶喊 主人 针般穿行,你决不能背叛 死亡愈加明显 疼痛将你垄断,祭祀的痛苦 在镜子上把你的早餐剁碎 尝尝我,你将明白 你需要的是更多 你将献身于 我怎么干掉你 过来爬近些 服从你的主人 你的生命燃烧的更快 服从你的主人 主人 傀儡的主人,我在幕后操纵你 扭曲你的思想,粉碎你的美梦 被我蒙蔽,你什么也看不清 只需要叫我的名字,我将听取你的嘶喊 主人 主人,主人 我一直追寻的梦想究竟在哪里? 主人,主人 你许下的诺言都是骗局 笑声,笑声 我的所见所闻都是笑声 笑声,笑声 嘲笑我的哭泣 修理我 地狱是值得的,自然的栖息处 一切都是毫无理由的 永无尽头的迷宫,漂浮在日子上 现在你的存在已不合时宜 我将占据你 我将帮助你死去 我将穿透你的身体 现在我也统治了你
2023-07-16 12:21:511


Translation: Japan: Year three children festivals Japan is in the world celebrates child festival number of times most countries, a their year must celebrate three times of children festivals, moreover the celebration way was extremely interesting, has filled the thick Japanese character and style. u2022 On March 3 girl festival This holiday is specially sets up for Japan"s little girls, whenever this day, in the family has the daughter the parents to be able to establish exhibition in the home, on puts puts on the Japanese kimono attractive female baby puppet, the achievement is giving oneself daughter"s holiday gift. u2022 On May 5 boy festival In order to pray for heavenly blessing in the family the boy healthy, joyful, this daylight this each and every family can use the paper or the cloth makes the color to be bright, the shape likes carp"s colored ribbon, then these colored ribbon strings on the bamboo pole, and ties up with the golden color windmill in the same place, hangs on the roof. Therefore does this, is because the Japanese believed the carp most has the spirit and the vigor, the hope center boys all likes carp such, therefore this day is called "the carp date". At the same time, Japan"s parents this day also can lay aside the puppet in the home, but actually all is the warrior dresses up, the appearance is very fearful. u2022 On November 15 "753" child festival In the Japanese custom, three year old, five year old and seven years old are the child specially lucky three ages, therefore every year this day, can specially lively celebrate for these three ages child. This day, the child can put on the best traditional kimono, but also could carry on the back to draw design the and so on pine tree, turtle or crane small paper bag, in the paper bag has packed the candy and the toy which the parents bought. After clothing neat, the parents can lead on the child the Japanese shrine, the hope and the thanks gods bring the health to the child and are joyful. Colombia: The child festival wears the mask, plays the role of the comedian clown Central America country Colombia every year on July 4 will decide as the child festival. In this holiday, the national school all must hold each kind of spirited celebration, the children also frequently puts on all kinds of mask, plays the role of the comedian clown the appearance to play in the street corner, is extremely happy. Brazil: Sees a doctor gives an injection, health first Brazil"s child festival in August 15, this day happen to also is Brazil "the national guard date". Therefore, whenever this day, each place doctors all want to see a doctor for the children, but also must give 5 year old of below the child to inject prevents the young child lulling sickness vaccine, indicated the government extremely cares about child"s health. Moreover, Brazil "Mary manifests a spirit Japan" on October 12 also often to make the child festival, the entire Congress has some celebration. South Korea: The riotous gift handset is favored South Korea"s child festival is on May 5 before, the holiday approaches every year, South Korea"s parents all want to give own child to prepare them most to hope has the gift, each big department store also in abundance carries on each kind of promotion. Although in the parents mind best gift generally all is the quite practical thing, like books, clothing, toy and so on, but along with society"s progress, the development, some correlation investigation discoveries, the child 节礼 thing which the more and more many South Korean children most longed for is a handset, next is the mechanical games, the toy, the pet, the computer and the books and so on. Sweden: "Boy festival" VS "girl festival" European country Sweden also obtains the child festival quite thin, every year August 7 is "the boy festival", is called "the lobster festival", the meaning is encourages the nation the young boy to study lobster"s brave spirit. This day, the children want to dress up lobster"s appearance, performs some extremely lively lovable program.
2023-07-16 12:21:581

寻求Popping里的所有元素名称,要有中文意译 。

The Pop  Pop就是一种你震动身体不同部位的动作,这是要靠你震动你的肌肉来达成的。这是非常需要韵律感的,而且需要配合poppin风格的音乐,你可以靠着伸直你的手轴来做pop,你也可以将肩膀隆起来做pop.  The Lock or Locking  Locking就是身体做一些很快的动作,然后在一个动作的时候停住,一个形容Locking 动作最好的解释就是:你有玩过那种小小的齿轮玩具吗?当你上紧发条让他动作时,他真的动的很快,可是发条松了,他又一下子马上停了下来,回到原状,这样看起来是不是很像Locking 呢?  The Tick  这个动作常被用来作为机器人舞的舞蹈中,是Electric Boogie中很重要的一个部分,这个动作给人一种错觉,就好象这个人天生就像机器一般,停下来或开始动作的时候都会有一个震动,做这个动作就是要靠震动肌肉,法国的喜剧演员叫这种动作是“Clique”。  The Floats or Glides  Float或是 Glide给人种错觉,好象你的脚再走路时有一种特定的程序,这个动作给人一种感觉好象你想往东走,但实际上你的脚却是往西走一样,最著名的舞步就是Michael Jackson 跳的“Moon Walk”,这是一个老的喜剧演员的把戏,就像明明要往前走却又往后退。  The SlowMo  这个舞蹈动作做起来就像是你在电视上看到的慢动作回放一样,通常舞者会把这个动作和MOON WALK一起做。  The Wave  这是从四肢开始的波浪的动作。他给人一种错觉就像是有一股看不见的力量穿过你的整个身体,从一个地方开始,穿过手掌,手臂,整个身体最后停在你的脚。波浪的动作是一个标准的动作,包含在每一个舞蹈的例行动作中。不像其它的舞蹈动作,这个动作是流畅连贯的动作,应该是有精神的或是充满律动感的。波浪的动作的确从Pop中截取了不少的风格,但是你和Pop做一个比较,做Pop时如果有一个路径环绕全身,做起来会更加顺畅。  The Mannequin or Robot (Robotics)  这是一个已经存在很久的机械舞蹈风格,他就像是模仿一个展示用的假人在现实生活中动了起来,然后从Mannequin style中又分离出两个动作。一个动作是是舞者就像是被线牵引的傀儡一般,行动不自由,无法自主,人被其它人所牵引着,你可能曾在电视上看过喜剧演员做这样的表演,最经典的动作就是同手同脚向前移动,再表演中这笔不同手不同脚一起移动常被使用。另一个风格就是机器人,这个动作就是你的四肢做动作时被一个固定的速度所控制,然后突然停住或是用Tick停住,就像是只有机器才会做的动作。通常在一个时间里,你只移动身体的一个部分,做的就好象是你被一个计算机程序所控制住一样,动作要做的很制式化。Mannequin:这个字指的是展示用的假人模特儿。  The King Tut (埃及手)  这个动作就好象是挂在墙上埃及的壁画及宫殿般的感觉,它包含了摆手部的动作,肩膀和手轴成90度,你的前臂可能是上或下,弯曲或扭转,可能远离你或靠近你,然后你的手可能要循环的上下或是循环的扭转,这要和Tick一起做,就像机器人舞蹈的风格一样,每一个动作是分开的
2023-07-16 12:22:091


什么。例句:你刚才说sm? sp support,支持。 SS SEGA出的SATURN游戏机。 ...〖NQS〗是MM们常用的嗔怪语言,意思是你去死吧。 〖XXX〗意味着某种级别,...
2023-07-16 12:22:182


2023-07-16 12:22:252

《sit still,look pretty》的中文歌词

Could dress up, to get love盛装出席 为了寻爱But guess what?你猜到了什么I"m never gonna be that girl我从来不会成为那种女孩Who"s livin" in a barbie world在那种无忧无虑的坏境下生活Could wake up and make up and play dumb可以醒来化妆打扮自己Pretending that I need a boy假装需要一个男朋友Who"s gonna treat me like a toy他把我当作玩具对待And all the other girls wanna wear expensive things and diamond rings所有的女孩们都渴望穿金戴银But, I don"t wanna be the puppet但 我不想成为一个木偶that you"re playin" on a string被你玩弄于掌心This queen don"t need a king女王的世界不需要国王Oh I don"t know what you"ve been told喔 我不理解你所说的But this gal right here is gonna rule the world但是这个女孩将要统治这个世界Yeah that is where I"m gonna be, because I wanna be是的 我将要统治这个世界 因为我想No I don"t wanna sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子You get off on a nine to five你工作朝九晚五Dream of picket fences and trophy wives梦想着有像花瓶一样的妻子守在家But no, I"m never gonna be, cause I don"t wanna be不 我决不会这样 因为我不想No I don"t wanna sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子Mr. Right could be nice for one night和白马王子共度一晚是很美好But then he wanna take control但是之后他就想掌控你And I would rather fly solo而我更喜欢单飞Then Snow White之后白雪公主She did right in her life她做了她生命正确的事Had seven men to do the chores有七个小矮人为她做家务Cause that"s not what a lady"s for因为这并不是女士所做的The only thing that a boy"s gonna give a girl for free"s pertivity男孩只能给女孩免费的专利And I"m alone in this but I"m not that sugarsweet我是孤独的 我没有那么甜美don"t need H.V.I.C我不需要那些不可靠的专利Oh I don"t know what you"ve been told喔 我不理解你所说的But this gal right here is gonna rule the world但是这个女孩将要统治这个世界Yeah that is where I"m gonna be, because I wanna be是的 我将要统治这个世界 因为我想No I don"t wanna sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子You get off on a nine to five你工作朝九晚五Dream of picket fences and trophy wives梦想着有像花瓶一样的妻子守在家But no, I"m never gonna be, cause I don"t wanna be不 我决不会这样 因为我不想No I don"t wanna sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子Sure I"m a pretty girl up in a pretty world当然 我的美远超于这个世界But they say pretty hurts但他们说美是有毒的And I don"t wanna sit still我不想静静地坐着I"m a pretty girl up in a pretty world我的美远超于这个世界But no I won"t sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子Sure I"m a pretty girl up in a pretty world当然 我的美远超于这个世界But they say pretty hurts但他们说美是有毒的And I don"t wanna sit still我不想静静地坐着I"m a pretty girl up in a pretty world我的美远超于这个世界But no I won"t sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子Oh I don"t know what you"ve been told喔 我不理解你所说的But this gal right here is gonna rule the world但是这个女孩将要统治这个世界Yeah that is where I"m gonna be, because I wanna be是的 我将要统治这个世界 因为我想No I don"t wanna sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子You get off on a nine to five你工作朝九晚五Dream of picket fences and trophy wives梦想着有像花瓶一样的妻子守在家But no, I"m never gonna be, cause I don"t wanna be不 我决不会这样 因为我不想No I don"t wanna sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子Oh I don"t know what you"ve been told喔 我不理解你所说的But this gal right here is gonna rule the world但是这个女孩将要统治这个世界Yeah that is where I"m gonna be, because I wanna be是的 我将要统治这个世界 因为我想No I don"t wanna sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子You get off on a nine to five你工作朝九晚五Dream of picket fences and trophy wives梦想着有像花瓶一样的妻子守在家But no, I"m never gonna be, cause I don"t wanna be不 我决不会这样 因为我不想No I don"t wanna sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子......Sit still, look pretty x4我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子
2023-07-16 12:22:521

Nujabes的ordinary joy 的中英文歌词?非常感谢!

歌曲:ordinary joe所属专辑:Modal Soul 演唱者:Nujabes; Terry Callier中英互译:And for my opening line和我的开场白I might try to indicate my state of mind.我可能试图表明我的精神状态。Turn you on,打开你,and tell you that I"m laughing just to keep from crying并告诉你,我笑只是为了保持从哭泣Bringing music when you hear it,当你听到音乐的时候,Keep on trying to get near it.继续努力接近它。A little rhythm for your spirit为你的精神的一点节奏Oh but that"s what it"s for哦,但这是什么Come on in, here"s the door进来吧,这是门And I"ve seen a sparrow get high我看到一只麻雀变得很高Wasting time in the sky浪费时间在天空中He thinks it"s easy to fly他认为它很容易飞He"s just a little bit freer than I他只是有点比我更自由Down here on the ground在这里的地面上When you find folks are giving you the runaround当你找人给你借口Get your game uptight把你的游戏的紧张And if you must just take your secrets underground如果你必须把你的秘密地下Politicians try to speech you政客们试图演讲你Mad colour watchers try to teach you疯狂的颜色观察者试图教你Very few will really try to reach you很少有人会真的试图达到你If you"re lost in the stack如果你迷失在堆栈中That"s OK, come on back好的,回来吧Now I"d be the last to deny现在我将是最后一个否认That I"m just an average guy我只是一个普通的人Each little bird in the sky天空中的每只小鸟Is just a little bit freer than I只是有点比我更自由Say, ordinary Joe说,普通的乔Although they say you"re just a lazy so-and-so虽然他们说你只是一个懒惰的,所以What they think is real他们认为是真实的Is nothing but an animated puppet show什么都不是,只是一个动画木偶戏So don"t let time and space confuse you所以不要让时间和空间迷惑你And don"t let name and form abuse you不要让你的名字和形式虐待你Well let Big Joe Williams blues you好让大Joe Williams blues你In the light of the sun you can see how they run在阳光下,你可以看到他们如何运行Oh I"ve seen a sparrow get high哦,我看到一只麻雀变得很高Wasting time in the sky浪费时间在天空中He thinks it"s easy to fly他认为它很容易飞He"s just a little bit freer than I他只是有点比我更自由
2023-07-16 12:22:591


1.I can draw horses ,Yang Lin can draw pigs.2.This girl can dance but that boy can"t.3.We need some horse masks.4.How much are these flowers ?5.Can you skating?6.There aren"t any flowers in the bedroom.7.We don"t go to school on Saturdays.8.There aren"t any eggs in the fridge.9.What is near the sofa? A puppet.10.There isn"t any water in the cup.11.Look ! There are many balloons on the tree.12.How many teachers are there in your school?13.We can learn a lot of songs on music classes.14.I like swimming but my parents don"t.15.What do you like ? Ilike horse masks.16.What is behind the door ? There is a coat.望采纳
2023-07-16 12:23:092


2023-07-16 12:23:197

跪求soul 4 sale中文歌词。

等一下...人工翻译中...Soul 4 Sale歌词Simon CurtisCome baby listen there"s some things you wanna know来吧宝贝这里有些你想知道的事情But look at about this loveless I know where wasgonna go但是看看这没有了感情的一切吧我早已知道爱情去了哪里(远方~的意思)Until you let a proof now that you can try to showme直到你证明自己能够尝试著让我明白这些事Other ways to go about it I already know其实我心裏懂得结束(感情)的其他方式This is a relationship in which we make sacrifices这是我们割舍(牺牲)的一段关系Tip it, cut it, split it up and leave the body paralyzed倾覆割裂(切八段一样的用词)最後离别让自己的身体麻痹下去Unable to be clear that you listened that yourealized我没法保持清醒来确认你听进去了That"s just what you got, a deal, take the wedgeand pay a price但这就是你得到的了一个爱情交易而已拿上你的鞋子付钱走人吧Hey,嘿,What do you want me to say?你到底想要我说些什麼呢?Tell me, are you ready?告诉我你准备好了吗?Give you everything you wanna我给你你想要的一切Give me everything you need我给你你需要的一切I got a soul for sale, a soul for sale而我却得到了你标价出售的灵魂,一个出售的灵魂Oh,噢,What do you want me to be?你到底想要我怎麼样?Show me "cause I want it告诉我吧因为我想变成那样Give you everything you wanna我给你一切你想要的Give me everything you need还给你一切你需要的I Got a soul for sale, a soul for sale结果得到了你出售的灵魂,一个出售的灵魂Forty days and forty nights you worked to seduce me在四十个日夜裏诱惑我就是你的日常工作I listen to the lyrics and the song "cause itamuse me我听著音乐的歌词因为它对我来说很逗And I sing along and I last long decided to reduceme我一直唱著歌我呆到夜深我决定释放自己的脆弱To a puppet on the shelf to scream: I"m puppetlessa, choose me,我对著书架上的木偶(也有傀儡的意思):我是傀儡lessa,选择我吧,So come on baby, come and love me like a kamikaze所以来吧宝贝靠近我像神风战机一样地爱我(自杀式的爱)Well good night on flumsy glab the light and lubthe Paparazzi在美好的夜晚散发出浅薄的魅力还有那灯光夜店和狗仔队Go and melt my knees with flames, the flames willall renew the symptoms走吧在我的膝盖上点火(让我腿软...好直接,)那火焰会加重我的爱情病Sum it up to love "cause I"m ready for the game我把它归结於爱因为我已经对这游戏准备好了Hey,嘿,What do you want me to say?你到底想要我说些什麼呢?Tell me, are you ready?告诉我你准备好了吗?Give you everything you wanna我给你你想要的一切Give me everything you need我给你你需要的一切I got a soul for sale, a soul for sale而我却得到了你标价出售的灵魂,一个出售的灵魂Oh,噢,What do you want me to be?你到底想要我怎麼样?Show me "cause I want it告诉我吧因为我想变成那样Give you everything you wanna我给你一切你想要的Give me everything you need还给你一切你需要的I Got a soul for sale, a soul for sale结果得到了你出售的灵魂,一个出售的灵魂Oh,噢,Give me everything, give me everything把一切都给我吧把一切都给我吧Sign in the line在边缘线登记Make a deal with the devil与魔鬼做交易Make a deal with the devil in blood与浴血的魔鬼做交易Sign in the line在边缘线登记Make a deal with the devil与魔鬼做交易Make a deal with the devil in blood与浴血的魔鬼做交易I know your love is bad but I want it all.我知道你的爱很坏但我却全都想要Hey,嘿,What do you want me to say?你到底想要我说什麼呢?Tell me, are you ready?告诉我你准备好了吗?Give you everything you wanna我给一切你想要的Give me everything you need给我一切你需要的I got a soul for sale, a soul for sale我得到了一个出售的灵魂一个出售的灵魂Oh,噢,-------纯人工手打~请笑纳~如有其他问题,请继续销魂地联系小抽吧,英语专精u273f夕小抽丶。
2023-07-16 12:23:342


歌名:Viva La Vida ,歌手:Coldplay所属专辑:Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends作曲 : Coldplay,作词 : ColdplayI used to rule the world大千世界曾由我主宰Seas would rise when I gave the word巨浪也曾因我之命澎湃Now in the morning I sleep alone而今我却在黎明独自入眠Sweep the streets I used to own在曾属于我的大道落寞徘徊I used to roll the dice大千世界曾由我主宰Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes尽情品味惊恐在死敌瞳孔绽开Listen as the crowd would sing:欣然倾听百姓高歌喝彩"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"“先王亡矣!”“新王万代!”One minute I held the key此刻我手握权位经脉Next the walls were closed on me转瞬才知宫墙深似海And I discovered that my castles stand恍然发现我的城池Upon pillars of salt, pillars of sand基底散如盐沙乱似尘埃I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing听那耶路撒冷钟声传来Roman Cavalry choirs are singing罗马骑兵歌声震彻山海Be my mirror my sword and shield担当我的明镜,利剑和盾牌My missionaries in a foreign field我的传教士屹立边疆之外For some reason I can not explain只因一些缘由我无法释怀Once you go there was never, never an honest word一旦你离开这里便不再,不再有逆耳忠言存在That was when I ruled the world而这便是我统治的时代It was the wicked and wild wind凛冽邪风呼啸袭来Blew down the doors to let me in.吹散重门使我深陷阴霾Shattered windows and the sound of drums断壁残垣礼崩乐坏People could not believe what I"d become世人不敢相信我已当年不再Revolutionaries Wait起义大军翘首期待For my head on a silver plate有朝一日我站上断头台Just a puppet on a lonely string恰如傀儡随吊线寂寞摇摆Oh who would ever want to be king?悲哉,谁又曾渴望万人膜拜?I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing听那耶路撒冷钟声传来Roman Cavalry choirs are singing罗马骑兵歌声震彻山海Be my mirror my sword and shield担当我的明镜,利剑和盾牌My missionaries in a foreign field我的传教士屹立边疆之外For some reason I can not explain只因一些缘由我无法释怀I know Saint Peter won"t call my name我亦知天堂之门不会为我敞开Never an honest word不再有逆耳忠言存在But that was when I ruled the world而这便是我统治的时代(Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh)(哦哦哦)Hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing听那耶路撒冷钟声传来Roman Cavalry choirs are singing罗马骑兵歌声震彻山海Be my mirror my sword and shield担当我的明镜,利剑和盾牌My missionaries in a foreign field我的传教士屹立边疆之外For some reason I can not explain只因一些缘由我无法释怀I know Saint Peter won"t call my name我亦知天堂之门不会为我敞开Never an honest word不再有逆耳忠言存在But that was when I ruled the world而这便是我统治的时代扩展资料:《Viva La Vida》(西班牙语:生命万岁)是英国摇滚乐队酷玩乐队演唱的歌曲。创作背景克里斯·马汀(酷玩乐队主唱)在看了二十世纪墨西哥艺术家弗里达·卡罗的一幅画后产生了《Viva La Vida》创作灵感,他将画作的名字作为了该首歌的标题。在西班牙语中,"viva"表达着向某人或者某事喝彩的意思 。一天夜晚,克里斯·马汀坐在钢琴边,慢慢地有了这首歌的感觉。克里斯·马汀坐一边歌,一边他写的唱给强尼·巴克兰(酷玩乐队吉他手),当强尼感到满意时克里斯就会把写的部分给威尔·查平(酷玩乐队鼓手)。
2023-07-16 12:23:442


木偶是一个汉语辞汇,读音为mù ǒu,古代叫傀儡、魁儡子、窟儡子。指 木刻偶像。用木头雕刻的人像或者形似其他生物的小东西, 常用来形容痴呆的神情。用它来表演的戏剧叫木偶戏,也叫傀儡戏。 基本介绍 中文名 :木偶 外文名 :puppet 别称 :傀儡、魁儡子 戏剧 :木偶戏 注音 :mù ǒu 词语概念,简介,基本解释,引证解释,历史记载, 词语概念 简介 词语 :木偶 基本解释 英语释义:[puppet;carved figure;wooden image] 1. 木刻偶像。用木头雕刻的人像或者形似其他生物的小东西 2。 常用来形容痴呆的神情 他像个木偶。 引证解释 1. 见“ 木偶人 ”。 2. 木雕神像。 北魏郦道元《水经注·汶水》:“库中有汉时故乐器及神车木偶,皆靡密巧丽。” 明刘基《泾县柬宋二编修长歌》:“丛祠佛殿緫销歇,但见木偶眠泥苴。” 3.傀儡。喻受人操纵、摆布的人。 明冯梦龙《东周列国志》第五十四回:“荀伯木偶耳!我等宜自为计。”清侯方域《宦官论》:“﹝秦始皇﹞自以为一世之雄,海内莫为予毒也,而不知赵高弄之如木偶也。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四八回:“差不多州县官竟是木偶,全凭书吏做主的,不知可有这件事?”叶圣陶《倪焕之》四:“谁相信为什么什么而战,正是登台的木偶!” 4.木偶真正作为戏剧性的表演大约在汉以后的事情。 《通典》上说:“窟儡子作偶人以戏,善歌舞,本表家乐也,汉末始用于嘉会”。 历史记载 《列子·汤问》载:周穆王(前947—前928)西巡狩,越昆仑,下至弇山,反还,未及中国(指中原),道有献工,人名偃师,穆王荐之,问曰:“若有何能?”偃师曰:“臣唯命所试,然臣已有所造,愿王先观之。”穆王曰:“日与俱来,吾与若俱观之。”越日偃师谒见王。王荐之,曰:“若与偕来者何人邪?”对曰:“臣之所造能倡者。”穆王惊视之,趋步俯仰,俗人也,巧大颔其颐,则歌合律,捧其手,则舞应节。千变万化,唯意所适。王以为实人也,与盛姬并观之。技将终,倡者瞬其目而招王之左右侍妾。王大怒,欲诛偃师。偃师大慑,立剖解倡者以示王,皆草木胶漆白黑丹青之所为,内则肝、胆、心、肺、脾、肾、肠、胃,外则筋骨、肢节、皮毛齿发,皆假物也,而无不毕兴者,合会复如初见。足见周穆王时代木偶之流传状况,及偃师表演技巧之高超。 西汉时,木偶除广泛用于“丧家之乐”和“宾婚嘉会”外,据司马迁在《史记》中的记述,木偶还曾用于战争:汉高祖刘邦与匈奴交战,“至平城,为匈奴所围,七日不得食。”高祖用陈平奇计在城楼装配许多貌若仙女的木偶人,使心怀妒意的匈奴单于冒顿之妻阏氏恐其夫破城后贪恋女色,唆使丈夫解除对平城的包围,使高祖得以脱险,“后乐家翻为戏”。汉桓宽著《盐铁论》载:“今民间雕琢不中之物,刻画玩好无用之器。玄黄杂青,五色绣衣,戏弄蒲人杂妇,百兽马戏斗虎,唐锑追人;奇出胡妲。”唐锑追人,指用木、泥、纸做成小人,进行爬高竿的游戏。奇出胡妲,指鱼龙变化与旦角演戏之类。 汉班昭在《续汉书·五行志》中云:“时京师宾婚宴会皆傀儡。”魏明帝(227—239)时,扶风人马钧,以大木雕构使其形若轮,平地施之,潜以水发焉。设为女乐舞像,至令木人击鼓吹箫。作出岳,使木人跳丸、掷剑、缘絙倒立,出入自在。百官,行署,春磨,斗鸡,变巧百端。此为水傀儡。 史学家顾颉刚在《中国影戏史略及其现状》中说:“宋岳珂《桯史》云:‘秦始皇(前246—前210)作曼延、鱼龙、水戏"。”唐代杜宝撰《大业拾遗》载:隋炀帝以三月上巳会群臣于曲水,以观水饰。扮神龟负八卦出河援伏羲、吕望钓磻溪、刘备乘马过檀溪、周处斩蛟、秋胡妻赴水、巨灵开山等,总七十二势,皆刻木为之。或乘山,或乘平洲,或乘磐石,或乘宫殿。木人长二尺许,衣以绮罗,装以金碧,凡作杂禽鱼鸟,皆能运动如生,随曲水而行。又间以技航,航长一尺,阔六尺。木人奏音声,击磬、撞钟、弹筝、鼓瑟,皆得成曲。及为百戏跳剑、舞蹈、升竿、掷绳,皆如生无异。雕装奇妙,周旋曲江。同以水机使之。唐以后,国都东移,陕西水傀儡史载甚少。明代水傀儡戏相当发达。刘若愚《酌中志》卷十六载:“其制用轻木雕成,海内四夷蛮王及仙圣将军士卒之像,男女不一。约高二尺余,止有臀以上,无腿足,五色油漆,彩画如生。每人之下平底,安一榫卯,用三尺长竹板承之。用长丈余,宽一丈,深二尺余方木池一个,锡镶不漏,添水七分满,下用凳支起。又用沙围屏隔之。经手动机之人皆在围屏之内自屏下游移动转。水内用活鱼、虾、蟹、螺、蛙、鳅、鳝、萍藻之类浮水上。圣驾升座向南,则钟鼓司官在围屏之南,将节次人物各以竹片托浮水上,游斗玩耍。另有一人执锣在旁宣白题目,替傀儡登答赞导喝彩,或 孔明七擒七纵,或三宝太监下西洋,八仙过海,孙行者大闹龙宫之类。唯暑天白昼作之。其人物器具,御用监也。水池鱼虾,内官监也。围屏帐幔,司设监也。大锣大鼓,兵仗监也。乍观之似可喜,如频作之亦觉繁费无味。”详尽说明了水傀儡表演设施及完整过程,读之有如亲临其境。
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Dear teacher(Name), 亲爱的老师(名字),Merry Christmas!! 圣诞快乐!Hope you happy everyday~ 希望你快乐每一天!Happiness forever~ 幸福到永远~Your Name 你的名字
2023-07-16 12:24:052


傀儡(kuǐ lěi):亦作“傀垒”,原指木偶,如傀儡戏。后比喻不能自主、受人操纵的人或组织,如“傀儡皇帝”“傀儡皇太子孺子婴(被王莽操纵)”。 基本介绍 中文名 :傀儡 外文名 :Puppet 拼音 :kuǐ lěi 常用含义 :不能自主、受人操纵的人或组织 举例 :傀儡皇帝、傀儡太子 涵义,引申, 涵义 1、用土木制成的偶像 《列子·汤问》记:周穆王时巧匠偃师造假物倡者,即后来的木偶人。傀儡在汉代用于丧乐及嘉会,隋唐已用于表演故事, 宋代更加盛行。有杖头傀儡、悬线傀儡、药发傀儡、水傀儡、肉傀儡等。 傀儡 唐·吴兢 《贞观政要·慎所好》:“ 贞观七年,工部尚书段纶进巧人杨思齐至,太宗令试,纶遣造傀儡戏具。” 宋·高承 《事物纪原·博弈嬉戏·傀儡》:“世传傀儡起于汉高祖平城 之围,用 陈平 计,刻木为美人,立之城上,以诈 冒顿 阏氏,后人因此为傀儡。” 巴金《秋》二一:“ 枚少爷 穿着长袍马褂,听人指挥,举动呆板,衣服宽大,活象一个傀儡。” 2、傀儡戏 民间艺术的一种,用木偶进行表演的戏剧,今通谓木偶戏。有布袋、提线、杖头木偶等。表演时,艺人用线牵引木偶表演动作。又名“丝戏”,“嘉礼”,最早流行于闽南语系地区。据《封氏闻见记》载, 唐大历年间,有人“刻木为尉迟鄂公突厥斗将之戏,机关动作,不异于生。” 宋黄庭坚《涪翁杂说》:“傀儡戏,木偶人也。或曰当书魁礨,盖象古之魁礨之士,彷佛其言行也。” 清周亮工《与何次德》:“弟幼时见傀儡戏,二尺许,长线索,累累任人捉弄。” 明 谢肇淛《五杂俎·人部一》:“南方好傀儡,北方好秋千,然皆胡戏也。” 水傀儡 水上木偶戏 宋孟元老《东京梦华录·驾幸临水殿观争标锡宴》:“继有木偶筑毬舞旋之类,亦各念致语、唱和、乐作而已。谓之水傀儡。” 傀儡场(傀儡场) 场也写作"场"。演傀儡戏的场所。亦喻指官场。 盘铃傀儡(盘铃傀儡) 以盘铃伴奏演出的傀儡戏。 线抽傀儡 木偶戏中用线拉的木头人。 引申 1、比喻不能自主、受人操纵的人或组织 清李渔《怜香伴·欢聚》:“这等看起来,把我当做个傀儡,从那时节掣到如今,还不知觉。” 范文澜《中国近代史》第七章第五节:“光绪帝作为西太后的一个傀儡,才有他存在的意义,不愿当傀儡,就不能当皇帝。” 陈登科《赤龙与丹凤》第一部八:“ 宋蚒在村里本来是个傀儡,所作所为,都靠黎伥在背后为他出谋划策。”如:伪满洲国是傀儡政权。 2、 比喻郁 结在心中的闷气或愁苦 傀,通“ 块 ”。 清陈裴之《湘烟小录·香畹楼忆语》:“君当日以他人酒杯浇自己傀垒,兴酣落笔,概乎言之。” 廖仲恺《双清词草》:“右诗词若干首,为予幽禁中穷极无聊之作,藉以排遣胸中傀儡,工拙不计也。”
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Viva la vida
2023-07-16 12:24:392

求猫王的《I feel so bad》的中英文歌词

Feel so bad 感觉很不好Like a ball game on a rainy day 就像一场雨中的球赛Feel so bad 感觉很不好Like a ball game on a rainy day 就像一场雨中的球赛Yes" I got my rain check 是的,我得到了我的球赛延期Shake my head and walk away 摇摇头我走了Oooo-people that"s the way I feel 大家这是我的想法Oooo-people that"s the way I feel 大家这是我的想法Sometimes I think I want 有些时候我认为我想要Then again I think I don"t 之后我又不想要了Sometimes I want to stay here 有些时候我想继续留下Then again I want to leave here 之后我又想要离开Then again I want to stay 在然后我又想留下Yes, I got my train fare 是的,我拿到了我的火车票Pack my grip and ride away 收拾好行李然后离开Oooo-people that"s the way I feel 大家这是我的想法Oooo-people that"s the way I feel 大家这是我的想法Sometimes I think I want 有些时候我认为我想要Then again I think I don"t 之后我又不想要了你要的太多了 网上有没有翻译,歌词都不好找,只能先翻译一个了,总比没有的好,是吧~!
2023-07-16 12:24:471


感叹号和加号都需要。因为游戏版本不一样 秘籍也不一样 你下面几种都试一下吧 总会有用的你的是傲世三国不是三分天下吧 三分天下的就不给你了在游戏中按下回车然后就可以输入以下的密码:!obj+win! 立即取胜!obj+all! 货物最大化!obj+iron! 获得铁器!obj+wine! 获得酒水!obj+food! 获得食物!obj+corn! 获得谷类!obj+rawmeat! 获得生肉!obj+timber! 获得木材!obj+gold! 获得金钱以下秘籍多适用于英文版,对于中文版的玩家来说其中个别秘籍有可能导致异常情况出现: 在游戏中按下回车然后就可以输入以下的密码:!om+win! 直接取胜!om+fog! 地图全开!obj+gold! 获得金钱!obj+lumber! 获得木材!obj+rawmeat! 获得肉食!obj+corn! 获得玉米!obj+food! 获得粮食!obj+iron! 获得铁器!obj+wine! 获得酒!obj+all! 获得所有物品!om+god! 选中的单位无敌!om+speed! 游戏加速!om+godblessovermax! 选中的将军级别成为最高并且增加资源!obj+win! 立即取胜!obj+all! 货物最大化!obj+iron! 获得铁器!obj+wine! 获得酒水!obj+food! 获得食物!obj+corn! 获得谷类!obj+rawmeat! 获得生肉!obj+timber! 获得木材!obj+gold! 获得金钱傲世三国1.03以上版本适用秘籍!obj+moolah!增加黄金!obj+splinter!增加木头!obj+piggy!增加肉!obj+chips!增加粮食!obj+cheating!增加食物!obj+booze!增加酒!obj+ingboard!增加铁!obj+greed!增加所有城市资源!om+superman!选中部队无敌!om+gonzales!加速!obj+outofmyway!过关!om+icanseeagain!打开雾!om+fps!显示帧速率!om+godblessgreed!超级!om+asifbymagic!打开所有剧情关!om+smartbomb!清除所有在视口内的敌单位!om+imapuppet!把自己交给AI托管!om+youreapuppet!继续自己控制!om+net!显示网络状况
2023-07-16 12:25:031


陶喆的【爱很简单呢】被美国的stewart mac翻唱为【I LOVE YOU】
2023-07-16 12:25:274