barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 17:03:11


英 [fɪks]  ; 美 [fɪks]  




1、fix on:决定;确定;选定

2、fix up:安排;装饰;修饰;整理;向?提供;为?准备


1、He cannot fix the electricity 


2、Many of those changes could just be a temporary fix. 






v:修补; [英]修理



My mother used to mend my shoes when I was young.






He fixed my old computer.






She is learning how to patch clothes.






Who repaired her old furniture?






fix 英[fɪks] 美[fɪks]

v. 使固定; 安装; 决定,确定(日期、时间、数量等); 安排; 组织;

n. (尤指简单、暂时的) 解决方法; (致瘾的东西,尤指毒品的) 一次用量; 困境; 窘境;

[例句]It is fixed on the wall


[其他] 第三人称单数:fixes 复数:fixes 现在分词:fixing 过去式:fixed过去分词:fixed


fix up是什么意思

fix up是修理的意思。fix up:fix的基本意思在美式英语中是“整理”,在英国则是“修理”,指将某物安装在.….之上,使之稳固或难以改变。1、I was thinking it might be cool to fix up the yard.我觉得修整一下院子应该会很棒。2、Could you fix up my bed now?请你现在把我的床整理一下好吗?3、Some friends helped me to fix up the house.几个朋友帮我把房子修理好了。
2023-01-03 15:46:241


2023-01-03 15:46:381

fix up是什么意思

修理;解决;改进;为…作好安排;商妥的意思[口语]修理;修补;修缮:We shall have to fix the house up before we can sell it.我们得把房子修缮了后才能出售。[口语]为…作好安排;安排;为某人定约会日期:We must meet again to fix up the details of the contract.我们得再见一次面,来安排合同的细节。[口语]向(某人)提供(某物),提供(某物)给;给(某人)介绍(男友、女友),为(某人)结识异性朋友作安排:Ask your brother to fix you up with a nice girl.请你哥哥帮忙给你介绍一位可爱的姑娘。I know someone who should be able to fix you up.我知道有个人能提供你所需要的东西。[口语]给(某人)安排住宿:We were fixed up for the night in a good hotel.我们被安置在一家好旅馆里。[美国口语]盛装,打扮:Do I have to fix up to go to the Websters?我去韦伯斯特家是不是得打扮一下?治愈:The doctor fixed him up.那位医生治好了他的病。
2023-01-03 15:46:441

repair ,fix,fix up 的区别

repair ,fix,fix up 的区别是:1、repair指需要一定的技术对比较复杂的东西的“修理”,它的宾语通常是road, watch, house, car, machine等。句子示例:He repaired his car yesterday.2、fix的解释: (1). 使固定;缚紧,钉牢;牢记相关例句:Her image was fixed in his mind.她的形象深深印在他的脑海里。(2) 修理;校准;整理;收拾相关例句:We are going to have the TV fixed.我们要请人把电视修好。 (3)操纵(选举、赛马等);用贿赂取得...的支持相关例句:Can they fix the election?他们能操纵选举吗? 3、 fix up 的解释: 修理,改进例句:His parents fixed him up with a job.他父母给他安排了一个工作。4、fix与 、fix up是个非正式用语,主要用于美国英语中,可表示mend和repair的含义。可以指不用复杂的技术和工具的“修理”,也可指需要一定的技术对比较复杂的东西的“修理”。扩展资料:短语示例:(1) The tap is leaking. We must fix it.水龙头在漏水,我们得把它修一修。(2)A friend of the family came and fixed things between the girl and the angry parents.这个家庭的一位朋友来了以后,让这姑娘和她生气的父母之间感情和好了。
2023-01-03 15:46:4911

fix up和repair的区别是什么?

fix up和repair的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、fix up:修理。2、repair:维修。二、语法不同1、fix up:基本意思在美式英语中是“整理”,在英国则是“修理”“安装”,指将某物安装在…之上,使之稳固或难以改变。引申可指“安排”“决定”“确定”“凝视”等。2、repair:repair的基本意思是“修理”,指将破损的东西通过一些加工处理后使其恢复原有的功能或价值。用于抽象事物还可指“纠正,补救”。三、侧重点不同1、fix up:fix多用于美语,仅用于指带有安装,固定性质的修理。2、repair:repair可与mend换用,但一般指需要较高的职业技能和使用较复杂的工具进行修理。
2023-01-03 15:47:391

fix up和repair的区别是什么?

fix up和repair的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、fix up:修理;安排。2、repair:修缮;补救。二、语法不同1、fix up:fix的基本意思在美式英语中是“整理”,在英国则是“修理”“安装”,指将某物安装在…之上,使之稳固或难以改变。引申可指“安排”“决定”“确定”“凝视”等。2、repair:repair用作名词的意思是“修理,修补”,表示抽象的“修理行为”时是不可数名词,表示具体的“维修工作”或“维修的地方”时是可数名词。repair用作可数名词时常用复数形式,但不与数词或不定冠词a连用。三、侧重点不同1、fix up:侧重于用新的零部件修好。2、repair:侧重于修复。
2023-01-03 15:47:471

fix up, repair ,mend 有区别吗?

三个词都可以译为“修理”,但fix一词在美语中应用更为广泛。Fix和repair 一样,常用于大件或比较复杂的东西。mend多用于修补构造简单的小东西。[解题过程]1)Fix和repair 一样,常用于大件或比较复杂的东西,如“修理”或“安装”钟表、收音机、照相机、电视机、汽车和机床等大型物体。repair 还用于修筑堤坝、道路和建筑等。例如: fix/repair a watch 修理手表 fix/repair a car 修理汽车 fix/repair a radio 修理收音机 repair a road/ bridge 修理公路/桥梁2)mend 一般用于“修补”破损的东西,如衣服、鞋袜、伞和桌椅 等整体物体上的裂缝、破洞。例如: mend shoes 修鞋 mend a broken table 修补破损的桌子
2023-01-03 15:47:572

fix up是动副短语吗

fix up是动副短语。 fix up (repair)修理,修补;用法:fix up后面接名词,而不接动名词,常用于口语中,相当于动词repair。 扩展资料   I wrote back to Meudon at once to fix up a meeting.   我马上给缪顿回信安排会面。   I"ll fix you up with a place to stay.   我会给你安排住处的。   You have to fix visits up in advance with the museum.   你得预先和博物馆联系安排好参观事宜。
2023-01-03 15:48:121

fix up中文是什么意思

2023-01-03 15:48:212

repair ,fix,fix up 的区别

repair ,fix,fix up 的区别如下:repair指的是需要通过一定的技术对比较复杂的物件进行的“修理”,它得宾语一般是road, watch, house, car, machine等。例句:He repaired his car yesterday.fix与 、fix up是一个非正式用语,主要用于美利坚合众国国英语中,可表示mend和repair的意义。可以指不通过复杂的技术和工具的“修理”,也可指需要一定的技术对比较复杂的物件进行的“修理”。例句: The tap is leaking. We must fix it.水龙头正在漏水,我们得把修一下它。扩展资料:修理 repair修理的 reparative事故修理 emergency保养与修理 maintenanc修理任务 repair修理作业 reconditio修理车 maintenanc修理预测 repair安排修理 place
2023-01-03 15:48:291

fix up,fix的区别?

选A。关键语法知识:1 see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事2 fix 与fix up 的区别fix的解释: vt.1. 使固定;缚紧,钉牢;牢记Her image was fixed in his mind.她的形象深深印在他的脑海里。 2. 确定;决定[(+up)][+wh-][+to-v]Shall we fix a date for the picnic?我们定一下野餐的时间好吗? 3. 修理;校准;整理;收拾We are going to have the TV fixed.我们要请人把电视修好。 4. 准备(饭菜);安排;供给[O1]If you want to interview the Mayor, I can fix it.如果你要采访市长,我可以安排。Let me fix you a drink.让我给你弄杯饮料。 5. 操纵(选举、赛马等);用贿赂取得...的支持Can they fix the election?他们能操纵选举吗? 6. 【口】向...报仇;惩罚Tell him to behave, or I"ll fix him.告诉他规矩点,否则我要收拾他。 vi.1. 固定;变得稳定;(目光等)注视Her eyes fixed for a few minutes.好几分钟她的眼睛一动也不动。2. 【化】凝固 n.1. 【口】困境;窘境[C]Give him a hand; he is in a bad fix.帮他一把吧,他已陷入了困境。 2. 【口】贿赂;受操纵的事[S]The horse race was a fix.这场赛马有人操纵。 3. 【俚】毒品注射[C][(+of)] 4. (船只等的)方位;定位[C][(+on)]Can you get a fix on the submarine?你能给潜水艇定位吗? fix up 的解释: 【口】修理,改进His parents fixed him up with a job.他父母给他安排了一个工作。(为...)作出安排祝你开心如意!
2023-01-03 15:48:414


repair是一般用词,凡是损坏、损伤、故障,尤其是收音机、手表、汽车、炉子等这类的机械装置需要“修理”“维修”时用repair。fixup是口语用词。一、repair词汇分析音标:英[rɪˈpeə(r)] 美[rɪˈper] 释义:修理;纠正;恢复;弥补拓展资料1、Thecostofrepairingearthquakedamagecouldbemorethanseven-thousand-milliondollars 弥补地震造成的损失需要超过70亿美元。2、Awomandrovehercartothegaragetohaveitrepaired. 一位女士把车开到修理厂修理。3、Thefirstandmostimportantthingwastorepairmyrelationshipwithmyfather. 最首要和最重要的是挽救我和父亲的关系。4、Manyofthebuildingsareinneedofrepair 许多建筑需要整修。二、fixup词汇分析音标:英[fiksʌp] 美[fɪksʌp] 释义:修理;安排;安顿;为(某人)提供拓展资料1、Perhapswecanfixupameetingfornextweek. 也许我们下周可以安排一次会议。2、IttookmeawholedaytofixupthecolourTVset. 花了我一整天的时间修理这台彩电。3、AndI"llfixupthenewroom. 我会负责整理这个新房间的。4、Eg:Let"sfixupadate. 让我们安排个日期。
2023-01-03 15:49:041

repair和fix up的区别

repair是一般用词,凡是损坏、损伤、故障,尤其是收音机、手表、汽车、炉子等这类的机械装置需要“修理”“维修”时用repair。fix up是口语用词。一、repair词汇分析音标:英 [rɪˈpeə(r)]   美 [rɪˈper]  释义:修理;纠正;恢复;弥补拓展资料1、The cost of repairing earthquake damage could be more than seven-thousand-million dollars 弥补地震造成的损失需要超过70亿美元。2、A woman drove her car to the garage to have it repaired. 一位女士把车开到修理厂修理。3、The first and most important thing was to repair my relationship with my father. 最首要和最重要的是挽救我和父亲的关系。4、Many of the buildings are in need of repair 许多建筑需要整修。二、fix up词汇分析音标:英 [fiks ʌp]   美 [fɪks ʌp]  释义:修理;安排;安顿;为(某人)提供拓展资料1、Perhaps we can fix up a meeting for next week. 也许我们下周可以安排一次会议。2、It took me a whole day to fix up the colour TV set. 花了我一整天的时间修理这台彩电。3、And I"ll fix up the new room. 我会负责整理这个新房间的。4、Eg: Let"s fix up a date. 让我们安排个日期。
2023-01-03 15:49:096

fix和fix up怎么用,什么时候用

fix和fix up的用法以及用的时机:fix:1、作动词:使固定,处理。决定,确定(日期、时间、数量等),安排,组织。例句:It is fixed on the wall。翻译:它固定在墙上。2、作名词:(尤指简单、暂时的)解决方法。困境,窘境。例句:Many of those changes could just be a temporary fix.翻译:那些变革中可能有很多只是权宜之计。fix up:1、作动词词组:安排,装饰,修饰,整理。向?提供,为?准备。例句:I don"t need to change other people to fix up their lives.翻译:我不需要改变其他人来解决了自己的生命。扩展资料与fix相近的单词:handle。意思是:处理,应付(局势、人、工作或感情),(用手)触,拿,搬动;控制,操纵(车辆、动物、工具等)。例句:Wear rubber gloves when handling cat litter.翻译:清理猫粪时要带上橡胶手套。
2023-01-03 15:49:321

fix up,fix的区别?

这道题应该选A,关键的语法知识:fix和fix up 的解释:一、fix的解释vt.固定;修理;准备;使牢固vi.固着;变硬;安定n.困境;定位于;受操纵的事;应急措施1、使固定;缚紧,钉牢;牢记Her image was fixed in his mind.她的形象深深印在他的脑海里。2、确定;决定[(+up)][+wh-][+to-v]Shall we fix a date for the picnic?我们定一下野餐的时间好吗?3、修理;校准;整理;收拾We are going to have the TV fixed.我们要请人把电视修好。 4、准备(饭菜);安排;供给If you want to interview the Mayor, I can fix it.如果你要采访市长,我可以安排。Let me fix you a drink.让我给你弄杯饮料。5、操纵(选举、赛马等);用贿赂取得...的支持Can they fix the election?他们能操纵选举吗? 6、向...报仇;惩罚Tell him to behave, or I"ll fix him.告诉他规矩点,否则我要收拾他。 二、fix up 的解释:修理;安排;安顿;为(某人)提供。修理,改进His parents fixed him up with a job.他父母给他安排了一个工作。总结:两者都是动词,但意思和意义不同,fix up是修理、修缮的意思。而fix是固定、束缚的意思,一个强调对损坏的东西进行修补和改进,一个强调对损坏的东西简单的修理。扩展资料:fix up和fix的用法:fix up1、[口语]修理;修补;修缮例句: We shall have to fix the house up before we can sell it.我们得把房子修缮了后才能出售。2、[口语]为?作好安排;安排;为某人定约会日期:例句: We must meet again to fix up the details of the contract.我们得再见一次面,来安排合同的细节。3、[口语]向(某人)提供(某物),提供(某物)给;给(某人)介绍(男友、女友),为(某人)结识异性朋友作安排:例句: Ask your brother to fix you up with a nice girl.请你哥哥帮忙给你介绍一位可爱的姑娘。I know someone who should be able to fix you up.我知道有个人能提供你所需要的东西。4、 [口语]给(某人)安排住宿:例句: We were fixed up for the night in a good hotel.我们被安置在一家好旅馆里。5、[美国口语]盛装,打扮:例句: Do I have to fix up to go to the Websters?我去韦伯斯特家是不是得打扮一下?6、治愈:例句: The doctor fixed him up.那位医生治好了他的病。fix及物动词 vt.1、使固定;缚紧,钉牢;牢记Her image was fixed in his mind.她的形象深深印在他的脑海里。2、确定;决定[(+up)][+wh-][+to-v]Shall we fix a date for the picnic?我们定一下野餐的时间好吗?3、修理;校准;整理;收拾We are going to have the TV fixed.我们要请人把电视修好。4、准备(饭菜);安排;供给[O1]If you want to interview the Mayor, I can fix it.如果你要采访市长,我可以安排。Let me fix you a drink.让我给你弄杯饮料。5、操纵(选举、赛马等);用贿赂取得...的支持Can they fix the election?他们能操纵选举吗?
2023-01-03 15:49:421

fix和fix up和repair的区别是什么?

fix up1. [口语]修理;修补;修缮We shall have to fix the house up before we can sell it.我们得把房子修缮了后才能出售。2. [口语]为…作好安排;安排;为某人定约会日期:We must meet again to fix up the details of the contract.我们得再见一次面,来安排合同的细节。3. [口语]向(某人)提供(某物),提供(某物)给;给(某人)介绍(男友、女友),为(某人)结识异性朋友作安排:Ask your brother to fix you up with a nice girl.请你哥哥帮忙给你介绍一位可爱的姑娘。I know someone who should be able to fix you up.我知道有个人能提供你所需要的东西。4. [口语]给(某人)安排住宿:We were fixed up for the night in a good hotel.我们被安置在一家好旅馆里。5. [美国口语]盛装,打扮:Do I have to fix up to go to the Websters?我去韦伯斯特家是不是得打扮一下?6. 治愈:The doctor fixed him up.那位医生治好了他的病。repair1 [ri"pεə] vt.1. 修理;修补;修整:My bicycle has to be repaired.我的自行车需要修一修。2. 恢复;治愈:It will take a long time to repair a broken marriage.要使破裂的婚姻重新恢复需要很长时间。3. 纠正;补救:I"ll try to repair the error I have made.我将设法纠正我犯的错误。4. 弥补;补偿;赔偿:You have to repair the damage you have caused.你必须赔偿你所造成的损失。 vi.可以修理;可修复:The overcoat is so old,it won"t repair.这件大衣太旧了,不能修补了。n.1. 修理;修补;修复2. [常用复数]修理工程;整修工作3. 维修状况;保养状态4. [用复数]修理费,维修费近义词:mend . repair2 [ri"pεə] vi.1. 去,往:She repaired to Qingdao for the summer.她去青岛避暑去了。2. 合伙去;经常去(常与 to 连用):They used to repair to the club.过去他们常去俱乐部。3. 求助(常与to连用):He always repairs to his friends when he has trouble.他遇到麻烦事时总是求助于他的朋友们。4. [废语]回来(与from连用)n.[古语]常去之处;巢穴对比单词很难的,你可以相信的只有词典,所有老师讲的都只能是从某个角度出发,或说有特定的语境。
2023-01-03 15:49:501

fix up sth 和 fix sth up 有什么区别?

这个短语是“修理,改进” 如果是名词加到fix up之间或之后都可以,如果是代词例如“it him her……”只能加到fix up之间。考试最好写前者。
2023-01-03 15:49:572


fix英 [fɪks] 美 [fɪks] vt.固定; 修理; 准备; 使牢固vi.固着; 变硬; 安定n.困境; 定位于; 受操纵的事; 应急措施网络修复; 安装; 修正第三人称单数: fixes 复数: fixes 现在分词: fixing 过去式: fixed 过去分词: fixed
2023-01-03 15:50:052

fix up物放在哪

fix up 中up是副词,名词放在中间,或者最后,但是人称代词宾格只能放在中间。fix upd的用法如下:.arrange; make arrangements for安排;为?作好安排Let"s fix up to have a picnic together.我们一起来安排一次野餐。Let"s fix up a time that suits everybody.让我们安排一个对所有人都合适的时间吧。 or put up; install安装A screen was fixed up to protect the spectators from the wind and rain.安装了一个篷子使观众免于风吹雨淋。Jim has fixed up a workbench in his garden.吉姆在花园里安装了一个工作台。They fixed up a temporary platform on the square.他们在广场搭起了一个临时的演讲台。 sb."s needs供给;供应I think we can fix you up with what you want.我想我们能供应你所需要的东西。Can you fix me up with a new bulb for the headlight of my car?你能给我一个车前灯的新灯泡吗?4.provide lodging for为某人安排住处I think we can fix you up for the night.我想我们能安排你们今晚的住处。The hotel attendants fixed up the tired travellers for the night.旅馆的服务员为疲乏的旅客们安顿了住处。5.provide an opportunity or work for为?提供机会或工作They fixed me up with this job.他们给我安排了这个工作。Can you fix me up with a parttime job?你能给我安排一份业余工作吗?6.dress up;dress carefully打扮;注意衣着De I have to fix up to go to their house?我要衣冠整齐才能到他们家里去吗?She fixed herself up for the festival as neatly as she could.为了过节,她把自己尽量打扮得漂漂亮亮的。7.set in order;arrange properly整理;收拾Please fix your room up in the morning.请在早上把你的屋子整理好。You"d better tidy up your desk a bit and have all the drawers fixed up.你最好整理一下你的书桌,把所有的抽屉都收拾一下。8.repair修理We are having our old house fixed up.我们正请人修理旧房子。I"ll fix up my car.我要修理我的车子。9.attend to.处理;照料That dentist will fix your teeth up.牙医会把你的牙补好的。If you get into trouble,the counselor will try to fix you up.假如你有麻烦,律师会为你处理的。10.restore sb. from ill health;cure使某人恢复健康;治愈A few days"rest will fix you up.休息几天就会使你恢复健康。The doctor fixed her up fine.医生把她的病治好了。11.solve;arrange a settlement of;bring to a conclusion解决;使结束;议定They"ve fixed up their differences.他们已经解决了他们的分歧。A contract has been fixed up.一份契约已经议定好了。
2023-01-03 15:50:161

fix up 与repair 的区别

fix up主要表示“安装,固定”,“修理”只是一个意思,He can fix up the bike. repair指“修理”构造较为复杂,损伤较大的东西,如机器、汽车、建筑物等,有时需要的人更多。扩展资料fix up 英[fiks ʌp] 美[fɪks ʌp][词典] 修理; 安排; 安顿; 为(某人)提供;造句1.I could go early - and fix up the baby " s room.我可以早点去先把孩子的新居搭建好2.I have fixed up for the decorator to come on monday.我已安排好让装饰师星期一来。3.It " s gonna take me a while to fix up your car there.我得花点时间修好你们的车4.A then we can fix up where and when to meet.然后我们定在哪里在什么时候碰头。5.Poor darling . never mind , soon have you fixed up.可怜的爱人,别担心,就快修好你了。repair 英[rɪˈpeə(r)] 美[rɪˈper]vt. 修理; 纠正; 恢复; 弥补;n. 修理; 修理工作; 维修状态; 经修理的东西;词组 and maintenance 检修;修理和维护 work 修理作业 shop 修配车间4.under repair 修理中造句1.The fencing of the farm was in poor repair.该农场的围墙失修。2.The ancient pagoda is undergoing repairs.那座古塔正在修缮中。3.We will alert operating personnel to repair.我们将要通报操作人员去维修。4.He had to repair the wagon, grease the axles.他得去修理大车,给车轴涂油。5.The repair crew traced down the leak.修缮队查明漏水的地方。
2023-01-03 15:50:271

fix up,fix的区别

主要区别在于除了修理之外的其他用法。1、fix up修理;修补;修缮:例句: We shall have to fix the house up before we can sell it.我们得把房子修缮了后才能出售。为…作好安排;安排;为某人定约会日期:例句: We must meet again to fix up the details of the contract.fix。及物动词 vt.2、使固定;缚紧,钉牢;牢记Her image was fixed in his mind.她的形象深深印在他的脑海里。2.确定;决定[(+up)][+wh-][+to-v]Shall we fix a date for the picnic?扩展资料fix是一个英语单词,意思是固定; 修理; 准备; 使牢固。It"s not too late to fix the problem, although time is clearly getting short.虽然时间越来越紧迫,但现在处理这个问题还为时未晚。参考资料fix_百度百科
2023-01-03 15:50:321

fix和fix up怎么用,什么时候用

fix的意思可以是修理 但fix up除了修理 也可以是安排
2023-01-03 15:50:413

英语,比如说fix up 是fix it up 还是fix up it 那fix c

2023-01-03 15:50:574

fix up是将it放在两词中间,还是放在最后阿。还有这一类词的用法?

代词it放在动词和介词之间,fix it up
2023-01-03 15:51:114

fix up 表被动时,为什么要去掉up呢?

因为fix up是短语 短语没有被动 去掉up以后fix的被动就是他本身
2023-01-03 15:51:251


fix it up 放中间,这种类似的动介(动词和介词)结构,代词中间放,如果是普通的名词或名词短语,则放后边,如:fix up the bicycle
2023-01-03 15:51:311

求帮总结动介短语如fix up但是代词不用放中间地的短语

2023-01-03 15:51:361

fix up the bike 和fix the bike up 这两个句子都对吗?

不能说 是错了,但是在习惯上fix up 这样的 动词中间 经常插入 代词,名词一般写在后面。fix it up, fix them up 等fix up the bike
2023-01-03 15:52:031

fix up是什么意思。它的用法?

fix up英 [fɪks ʌp]美 [fɪks ʌp]意思是,安排;装饰;修饰;整理;向…提供;为…准备例句It took me a whole day to fix up the colour TV set.花了我一整天的时间修理这台彩电。
2023-01-03 15:52:293

fix和fix up怎么用,什么时候用

fix up 1. [口语]修理;修补;修缮:例句: We shall have to fix the house up before we can sell it. 我们得把房子修缮了后才能出售.2. [口语]为…作好安排;安排;为某人定约会日期:例句: We must meet again to fix up the details of the contract. 我们得再见一次面,来安排合同的细节.3. [口语]向(某人)提供(某物),提供(某物)给;给(某人)介绍(男友、女友),为(某人)结识异性朋友作安排:例句: Ask your brother to fix you up with a nice girl. 请你哥哥帮忙给你介绍一位可爱的姑娘.I know someone who should be able to fix you up. 我知道有个人能提供你所需要的东西.4. [口语]给(某人)安排住宿:例句: We were fixed up for the night in a good hotel. 我们被安置在一家好旅馆里.5. [美国口语]盛装,打扮:例句: Do I have to fix up to go to the Websters? 我去韦伯斯特家是不是得打扮一下?6. 治愈:例句: The doctor fixed him up. 那位医生治好了他的病. fix 及物动词 vt. 1.使固定;缚紧,钉牢;牢记 Her image was fixed in his mind. 她的形象深深印在他的脑海里. 2.确定;决定[(+up)][+wh-][+to-v] Shall we fix a date for the picnic? 我们定一下野餐的时间好吗? 3.修理;校准;整理;收拾 We are going to have the TV fixed. 我们要请人把电视修好. 4.准备(饭菜);安排;供给[O1] If you want to interview the Mayor, I can fix it. 如果你要采访市长,我可以安排. Let me fix you a drink. 让我给你弄杯饮料. 5.操纵(选举、赛马等);用贿赂取得...的支持 Can they fix the election? 他们能操纵选举吗? 6.【口】向...报仇;惩罚 Tell him to behave, or I"ll fix him. 告诉他规矩点,否则我要收拾他. 不及物动词 vi. 1.固定;变得稳定;(目光等)注视 Her eyes fixed for a few minutes. 好几分钟她的眼睛一动也不动. 2.【化】凝固 它俩主要区别在于除了修理之外的其他用法 希望帮到你
2023-01-03 15:52:481

词组解析 fix ,fix up ,repair ,mend 的用法及区别

fix表示修理结构复杂的东西 fix up=fix,不过由于up是介词,后面的动词要加ing repair用法广泛一些 mend表示修理衣物
2023-01-03 15:52:541


fix    英[fɪks]    美[fɪks]    vt.    固定; 修理; 准备; 使牢固;    vi.    固着; 变硬; 安定;    n.    困境; 定位于; 受操纵的事; 应急措施;    [例句]It is fixed on the wall它固定在墙上。[其他]    第三人称单数:fixes 复数:fixes 现在分词:fixing 过去式:fixed过去分词:fixed    牛津词典 柯林斯词典 双语例
2023-01-03 15:52:592

fix up,fix的区别?

这道题应该选A,关键的语法知识:fix和fix up 的解释:一、fix的解释vt.固定;修理;准备;使牢固vi.固着;变硬;安定n.困境;定位于;受操纵的事;应急措施1、使固定;缚紧,钉牢;牢记Her image was fixed in his mind.她的形象深深印在他的脑海里。2、确定;决定[(+up)][+wh-][+to-v]Shall we fix a date for the picnic?我们定一下野餐的时间好吗?3、修理;校准;整理;收拾We are going to have the TV fixed.我们要请人把电视修好。 4、准备(饭菜);安排;供给If you want to interview the Mayor, I can fix it.如果你要采访市长,我可以安排。Let me fix you a drink.让我给你弄杯饮料。5、操纵(选举、赛马等);用贿赂取得...的支持Can they fix the election?他们能操纵选举吗? 6、向...报仇;惩罚Tell him to behave, or I"ll fix him.告诉他规矩点,否则我要收拾他。 二、fix up 的解释:修理;安排;安顿;为(某人)提供。修理,改进His parents fixed him up with a job.他父母给他安排了一个工作。总结:两者都是动词,但意思和意义不同,fix up是修理、修缮的意思。而fix是固定、束缚的意思,一个强调对损坏的东西进行修补和改进,一个强调对损坏的东西简单的修理。扩展资料:fix up和fix的用法:fix up1、[口语]修理;修补;修缮例句: We shall have to fix the house up before we can sell it.我们得把房子修缮了后才能出售。2、[口语]为?作好安排;安排;为某人定约会日期:例句: We must meet again to fix up the details of the contract.我们得再见一次面,来安排合同的细节。3、[口语]向(某人)提供(某物),提供(某物)给;给(某人)介绍(男友、女友),为(某人)结识异性朋友作安排:例句: Ask your brother to fix you up with a nice girl.请你哥哥帮忙给你介绍一位可爱的姑娘。I know someone who should be able to fix you up.我知道有个人能提供你所需要的东西。4、 [口语]给(某人)安排住宿:例句: We were fixed up for the night in a good hotel.我们被安置在一家好旅馆里。5、[美国口语]盛装,打扮:例句: Do I have to fix up to go to the Websters?我去韦伯斯特家是不是得打扮一下?6、治愈:例句: The doctor fixed him up.那位医生治好了他的病。fix及物动词 vt.1、使固定;缚紧,钉牢;牢记Her image was fixed in his mind.她的形象深深印在他的脑海里。2、确定;决定[(+up)][+wh-][+to-v]Shall we fix a date for the picnic?我们定一下野餐的时间好吗?3、修理;校准;整理;收拾We are going to have the TV fixed.我们要请人把电视修好。4、准备(饭菜);安排;供给[O1]If you want to interview the Mayor, I can fix it.如果你要采访市长,我可以安排。Let me fix you a drink.让我给你弄杯饮料。5、操纵(选举、赛马等);用贿赂取得...的支持Can they fix the election?他们能操纵选举吗?
2023-01-03 15:53:101

fix up是将it放在两词中间,还是放在最后阿。还有这一类词的用法?

2023-01-03 15:53:271


fix[fiks]vt.使固定, 装置, 修理, 准备, 安装, 凝视, 整理, 牢记vi.固定, 注视, 决定, 选定, 确定n.困境, 方位, 贿赂不是省略词缩写形式。
2023-01-03 15:53:322

fix up the box

with 是肯定不用的了 fix up 是可以分开来用的 最地道的说法应该是fix the tickets up
2023-01-03 15:53:431


2023-01-03 15:54:071

pick up与fix up的区别

pick up 有捡起,接某人的意思。而fix up是修理的意思
2023-01-03 15:54:171

英文中给别人牵线搭桥介绍对象,是用set up 或者是fix up么??求解。

2023-01-03 15:54:341


  takepartin参加   takepridein以……为荣   insurprise吃惊地,惊讶地   五、of短语   beafraidof害怕   takecareof照顾;处理   makefunof嘲笑……   insteadof代替;而不是   learnof听说……   speakof谈到,提起   thinkof考虑;想出;认为   六、about短语   careabout担心;关心   thinkabout考虑   七、for短语   callfor需要,要求;提倡,号召   carefor关怀,照顾   exceptfor除了……之外   fightfor为……而战   leavefor...前往……,去……   lookfor寻找   foramoment一会儿   payforsth.为……付款   sendfor派人去请   八、away短语   giveaway分发;赠送   putaway收好,放好   takeaway拿走,带走   throwaway扔掉   九、out短语   breakout(火灾、战争等)突然发生,爆发   outofbreath上气不接下气   findout发现   giveout分发   goout出去   makeout理解,明白   pointout指出   runout用完   sellout卖完   sendout发出   setout动身,出发;开始,着手   takeout取出,拿出   turnout证明是,结果是   workout算出;解决   十、with短语   agreewithsb.同意某人   beangrywithsb.生某人的气   keepupwith赶上   catchupwith赶上,追上   comeupwith提出,想出   becoveredwith被……覆盖   dealwith处理;对待   befilledwith用……充满   makefriendswithsb.与某人交朋友   getalong/on(well)withsb.与某人相处(融洽)   helpsb.withsth.帮助某人做某事   十一、over短语   comeover顺便来访   fallover跌倒   goover复习,温习;检查   lookover检查   thinkover仔细考虑   turnover把……翻过来;移交,转交   十二、down短语   breakdown损坏;中断   cutdown砍倒;削减,压缩   getdown下来   godown下落,下降   pulldown拆毁   putdown放下;写下   setdown放下;记下   shutdown把……关上,关闭   takedown写下;记下   turndown关小,调低   writedown写下,记   十三、from短语   acrossfrom...在……的对面   breakawayfrom...脱离……   bedifferentfrom..与。。不同   hearfrom..收到……的来信   learnfrom...向……学习   tell...from...区分……辨别……   十四、up短语   bringup养育,教育   callup打电话;想起   cheerup使……振奋   fillup填满,装满   fixup修理:安装   goup上升,上涨   growup长大(成人)   hurryup赶快,赶紧   lookup查阅,查找;向上看   makeupone"smind决定,决心   pickup(sb.)拾起;搭载/接载(某人)   putup举起,挂起:张贴:搭建   saveup存钱,积蓄   setup创立,建立   showup出席,露面   situp坐起来   stayup不睡,熬夜   shutup住嘴   speakup大声说   thinkup想出   tidyup整理   turnup开大,调大(音量)   十五、off短语   falloff从……跌落   getoff下车   giveoff发出(光、热、气味等)   hurryoff匆匆离去   putoff推迟   seesb.off为某人送行   setoff出发,启程   showoff显示;夸耀   takeoff脱下   turnoff关掉(收音机、电灯、煤气等)   十六、after短语   lookafter照看,照顾   nameafter以……的名字命名   runafter追赶;追求   十七、重叠式短语   againandagain再三地,反复地   arminarm臂挽着臂   bitbybit一点一点地,逐渐地   dayafterday日复一日   fromdoortodoor挨家挨户   facetoface面对面   hereandthere到处,处处   fromhousetohouse挨家挨户   lessandless越来越少   alldayandallnight整日整夜   neckandneck并驾齐驱,不分上下   onebyone一个接一个地   sidebyside肩并肩;一个接一个   stepbystep逐步   初中常用的英语短语2   1. get a boot out of:从某事中得到乐趣   Mr. Black got a boot out of writing after he retired.   布莱克先生退休后从写作中得到很多乐趣。   2. get drunk:喝醉了   As soon as she drank up a glass of wine, she got drunk.   她喝完一杯酒,马上就醉了。   替换短语:be in liquor:喝醉   As soon as she drank up a glass of wine, she was in liquor.   她喝完一杯酒,马上就醉了。   3. get rid of:摆脱   She tried whatever she could do to get rid of her excess weight.   她试过所有她能做的,就为了摆脱她多余的体重。   替换短语:rid oneself of:摆脱   She tried whatever she could do to rid herself of her excess weight.   她试过所有她能做的,就为了摆脱她多余的体重。   4. get sore about sth.:因某事而恼怒   His fans got pretty sore about his scandal with the woman.   他的粉丝因他和那个女人的丑闻感到生气。   替换短语:get steamed up about sth.:因某事而恼怒   His fans got steamed up about his scandal with the woman.   他的粉丝因他和那个女人的丑闻感到生气。   5. get the picture:了解情况   Not until the saw the photo did he finally get the picture.   直到看到这张照片,他终于了解情况了。   混淆短语:take a picture:拍照   We took a lot of picures during our trip to Paris.   我们在巴黎旅行时,拍了很多照片。   6. get used to:习惯于   I stiil can"t get used to the life here.   我还是不习惯这里的生活。   替换短语:be accustomed to:习惯于   I"m stiil not accustoned to the life here.   我还是不习惯这里的`生活。   初中常用的英语短语3   go away 走开   fix up 修理,修补   work out 做大运动量的锻炼   get together 聚会,联欢   play the piano 弹钢琴   be strict with sb 对某人要求严格   play the violin 拉小提琴   play the guitar 弹吉它   on vacation 在休假   on the farm 在农场   be afraid of 害怕   on the weekend 在周末   lots of 许多   listen to the music 听音乐   a member of 成员之一,一分子   enjoy oneself 过得愉快,玩得愉快   get ready for… 为……做好准备,准备做……   take photos 拍照,摄影   take a course(class) 学一门课程   go shopping 去购物   on one"s own 靠自己;独自   rock climbing 攀岩   in the summer vacations   stay with 和……呆在一起   on a farm 在农场   a summer camp 夏令营   a lot of 许多   go swimming 去游泳   talk to sb. 和某人谈话   after school 放学后   do one"s homework 做家庭作业   play tennis 打网球   be free 有空   go shopping 购物   go out for a meal 出去吃饭   have a party 开宴会   go to the movies 去看电影   on time 按时,准时;于指定时间   stay up 不睡觉;熬夜   grow up 长大成人,成长   sports car 跑车   in general 通常,大体上   at the same time 同时   first of all 首先   find out 发现,查明   pocket money 零用钱   make progress 取得进步   little by little 渐渐地   in front of 在……前面   at least 至少   take advantage of 利用   worry about 担心   be responsible for 对……负责   prepare for 预备……,为……做准备   how about 怎么样(后接名词或动词-ing形式等)   be famous for 以……著名/有名   make a mistake/mistakes 做错,犯错误   save up 储蓄,贮存   keep fit 保持   the Great Sphinx 狮身人面像   at least 至少   speak in English 用交谈;讲   concentrate on 全神贯注于   get married 结婚   graduate from high school 毕业   take part in 参加   go to college 上大学   be famous for 因……著名   the Amazon River 亚马孙河   the Nile River 尼罗河   the Sahara Desert 撒哈拉沙漠   the Gobi Desert 戈壁滩   Mount Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰   Lake Baikal 贝加尔湖   the Caspian Sea 里海   the Pacific Ocean 太平洋   the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋   the Indian Ocean 印度洋   in terms of 根据,按照   a bit 一点儿   compare…with 与……相比   used to 过去经常   dust storm 沙尘暴   no longer 不再   lift up 提起来   on the other hand 另一方面   New Zealand 新西兰   the South Pacific Ocean 南太平洋   the total area 总面积   the largest city 最大的城市   both of… 两者都   the longest river 最长的河   the total population 总人口   square kilometer 平方公里   closer to the beach 濒临海滩   make a big mistake 犯一个大的错误   in turns 依次   members of the class 班级成员   at the end 在最后   put on 穿上   in English 用英语说   in the past 在过去   win the game 赢得比赛   just now 刚刚   look for 寻找   think about 考虑   look at 看   put out 扑灭,熄灭   take care of 照顾   be good at 擅长   at the age of 在……岁   look like 像   go out 出去,出门   at home 在家   at school 上学,在学校   at one"s house 在某人家   a piece of music 一支音乐   write down 写下,记下   design computer programs 设计程序   in the end 最后,终于   well-known 众所周知的   lots of 许多   at one"s house 在某人家   work out 制订出;算出;消耗完   enjoy doing sth 喜欢干某事   be born 出身于   such as 例如   written by 由……撰写   play the violin 拉小提琴   wait for 等   come back 回来   speak to 对……说   be expert in 在……出色   be good at… 擅长于   at the mall 在商场   at home 在家   at school 在学校   in a library 在图书馆   talk to 和……谈话   look after 照顾   at the moment 此刻   have a point 有道理   deal with 安排,处理   put off 推迟;拖延   tell lies 说谎   absent-minded 心不在焉的   self-centered 自我中心的   take place 发生   a number of 许多的   keep a secret 保守秘密   take notes 做笔记   be careful with 小心   tell jokes 讲笑话   save electricity 节电   make sure 确定   think about 考虑,回想,回忆   too…to… 太……以至不   on one"s own 独立地,单独地   both of… 两者都   grow up 成长,发展   a little 一点儿   have problem with 在……(方面)有问题   pick up 捡起   shout at sb. (向某人)大声喊叫   heavy metal music 重金属音乐   all the time 始终   talk about 谈论;谈及   complain about 抱怨   after school 放学后   play sports 进行体育运动   chess club 相棋俱乐部   too…to… 太……以致不能   take some medicine 吃药   Happy New Year 新年好   from top to bottom 从头至尾   be supposed to 应该   look up at 向上看   out of breath 上气不接下气   window frame 窗框   send sth. to sb. 给某人寄某物,给某人送某物   wake up 叫醒,醒来   be born 出生   get ready 做准备   get together 聚会   tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事   thousands of 成千上万的   take care of 照顾,看管,保管   on one"s birthday 在某人的生日(宴会上)   take off 脱下,摘下,起飞   in the morning 在早上,在上午   arrive(at, in) 到达   It"s time for… 是……的时间   jack-o`lantern 杰克灯,空心南瓜灯   roast turkey 烤火鸡   set off 燃放(焰火,爆竹)   cut out 切掉;割掉   arrive at/in 到达   each other 互相   good luck 好运气   play a trick on sb 捉弄某人   English-speaking countries 说英语的国家   visit friends 访友   at midnight 在半夜   call the police 报警   watch TV 看电视   just now 刚才   Happy birthday 生日快乐   birthday presents 生日礼物   play cards 玩牌   the China Central Television Station 中央电视台(CCTV)   put on 上演   stay up 守岁   make a loud noise 弄出大噪音
2023-01-03 15:54:431

fix it up是什么意思

大概为修理好的意思句型:I"ll take it to the watch maker"s and ask him to fix it up for me.
2023-01-03 15:54:531

英语词组的区别 fix up with 与cocentrate on

你应该拼错了吧 fix up with 修理 修复 concentrate on 集中(注意力) 意思差很远,不用区别吧~~
2023-01-03 15:55:021

请问Please fix up the machine according to the instructions. instruction为什么要用复数。

2023-01-03 15:55:332

求翻译 I"ll fix you Up. 中文是什么意思.

2023-01-03 15:55:426


应该是d吧。 we can fix the house up. 这句是个标准句型,新编循序渐进英语第一级里的句子。
2023-01-03 15:56:043


act up; add up; add up to; all shook up; all up; ante up; back up; ball up; bang up; bark up the wrong tree; bear up; beat up; beef up; bid up; blow up; bob up; bone up; boot up; bottle up; bound up in; brace up; break up; bring up; bring up the rear; bring up to date; brush up; buckle up; buck up; buddy up; build up; bump up; burn up; butter up; button up; buy up; call up; camp it up; card up one"s sleeve; catch up; chalk up; charge up; chat up; cheer up; choke up; choose up; clam up; clean up; clear up; clock up; close up; cloud over (up); come (up) from behind; come up; come up against; come up roses; come up with; cook up; cough up; cover up; cozy up; cracked up; crack up; crank up; crap up; creep up on; crop up; cross up; curl up; cut up; dead from the neck up; dig up; doll up; double up; do up; draw up; dream up; dress up; drum up; dry up; ease off (up); eat out (someone up); eat up; end up; face up to; fed to the gills (up); feel up; feel up to; figure up; fire up; fit out (up); fix up; fix up with; flare up; fold up; follow up; foul up; from the ground up; fuck up; game is up; gang up; gas up; get someone"s back up; get up; get up on the wrong side of bed; get up steam; give oneself up; give up; give up the ghost; go belly up; goof up; go up; go up in flames; grow up; gum up; ham up; hands up; hang up; hard up; haul up; have had it (up to here); heads up; head up; heat up; hit up; hold one"s end up; hold one"s head high (up); hold up; hole up; hook up; hopped up; hurry up and wait; hush up; jack up; jazz up; juice up; keep it up; keep one"s chin up; keep (someone) up; key up; kick up; kick up a fuss; kick up one"s heels; kiss and make up; knock up; laid up; land in (up); lap up; lark it up; laugh up one"s sleeve; lay in (up); lead down (up) the garden path; lead up to; leg up; let up; lighten up; light up; line up; live it up; live up to; lock up; look over (up and down); look up; louse up; make up; make up for lost time; make up one"s mind; make up to; mark up; measure up; meet up with; mess up; mix it up; mix up; mop up; mop up the floor with; move up; muck up; not all it"s cracked up to be; number"s up; one up; on the up-and-up; open up; own up; pair off (up); pass up; patch up; pay up; pep someone up; perk up; pick up; pick up on; pile up; pipe up; play up; play up to; pluck up; point up; pony up; pop up; prick up one"s ears; psych up; pull oneself up; pull up; pull up stakes; pump up; push up daisies; put one"s feet up; put someone up to; put up; put-up job; put up or shut up; put up with; rack up; rake up; read up; rev up; ride up; right-side up; right up one"s alley; ring up; roll up; roll up one"s sleeves; rough up; round up; rub up on; run (up) against; run up; rustle up; save up for; scare up; scrape up an acquaintance; screw up; scrounge around (up); scrub up; seal off (up); seize up; send up; serve up; settle up; set up; set up housekeeping; sew up; shack up; shake up; shape up; shine up to; shoot up; shore up; shot up; show up; shut up; sign up; sit up; sit up and take notice; size up; slip up; slow up; smell up; snap up; soak up; soften up; somebody up there loves me; speak out (up); speed up; spit up; spruce up; square up; stack up; stand up; stand up and be counted; stand up for; stand up to; stand up with; start up; steamed up; step up; stick up; stir up; stir up a hornets" nest; stop up; straighten up; straight up; string up; suck up to; suit up; sum up; take up; take up a collection; take up arms; take up for; take up on; take up ; take up with; team up with; think up; throw up; throw up one"s hands; thumbs up; tie up; time is up; tone down (up); tool up; (up) to the hilt; touch up; trade down (up); trial balloon, send up a; trip up; trump up; tune up; turn up; turn up one"s nose; turn up one"s toes; turn up the heat; turn up trumps; wait up; wake-up call; warm up; wash up; what"s cooking (up); what"s (up) with; whip up; whoop it up; wind up; wise up; worked up; work one"s way (up); work up; wrapped up; wrap up; write up
2023-01-03 15:56:157

高分求教,高手帮忙翻译,把2个术语翻译成英文:1、固定炭含量 2、挥发份

固定炭含量staid carbon content
2023-01-03 15:56:4115

bug-fix 是什么意思

BUG-FIX:漏洞修补。This is a bug-fix release:这是一个漏洞修补的版本。意思是这个版本没有增加新的功能,只是对上一版本的漏洞(BUG:虫子)做了修补。
2023-01-03 15:57:322

You should ____________ your hands if you have any problems. A.give up B.fix up C.cheer u

D 试题分析:句意:如果你有什么问题你应该举起手来。give up 放弃;fix up 修理;cheer up 振作起来;put up 抬起,举起。根据句意可知,有问题应该举手,故选D。
2023-01-03 15:57:451

fixup overflow.是什么意思

fixup overflow.固定溢出
2023-01-03 15:58:002