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2023-07-16 17:14:48


1、夏令时间为04:00 ;



stock market



1、美股千点暴挫 急查震源










值得警惕的是,以标普500指数期权价格估计市场在未来30日潜在波幅的著名 "恐慌指数"VIX,周四竟暴升32%至32.8,创上一年7月以来最高。2008年金融海啸横扫全球时,VIX还停留在80附近。







夏令时收盘时间:清晨4:00 (北京时间);




美国股市是指包含纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange) 及纳斯达克证券市场 (Nasdaq Stock Market) 上市的股票 。目前主要由道琼斯工业股票指数、纳斯达克指数和标准普尔500指数三大股指来代表着美国股市的兴衰。





夏令时收盘时间:清晨4:00 (北京时间);冬令时收盘时间:清晨5:00(北京时间)








盘前交易时间变更为北京时间17:00至22:30 (美东时间4:00至9:30 );



持续交易时段 盘前时间盘后时间冬令时









夏令时:21:30 - 04:00 (北京时间)

冬令时:22:30 - 05:00 (北京时间) (从10月31日开始)





美国道琼斯和纳斯达克股市交易的时间(北京时间) 夏令时间 21:30-04:00 冬令时间 22:30-05:00


标杆指数”;美国股市的交易时间是在中国北京时间的夜里,换算成北京时间,美股夏令是晚上9:30开盘,清晨3:30收市;冬令则晚上10:30开盘,清晨4:30结束。美国股市的一天交易时间是不间断的,也就是说“中午不休息”。另外还要记住的是,美国周五收市之时是在中国周六清晨,在中国周一的晚上美国股市才开始新的一周的交易。 港股的交易时间就很“讨巧”了,港股北京时间上午10:00开盘,中午12:30前市休盘;下午2:30才开盘,至下午4:00才收市。这样,港股的每日走势就有了三方面的“参照物”:1、参照几小时前美股的收盘;2、参照前前半小时内A股的走势;3、下午收盘前参照A股一小时前的收盘情况……



2023-07-16 10:41:191


equity market
2023-07-16 10:41:275

英语tanking the stock market怎么翻译?

2023-07-16 10:41:4212


2023-07-16 10:42:051


the stock market
2023-07-16 10:42:136

equity market与stock market有什么区别

equity market 指产权投资市场,也叫股权市场stock market 指股票市场,也称证券市场或证券交易所。
2023-07-16 10:42:291

stock market and capital market的区别,是一样的吗?

2023-07-16 10:42:372

谁帮忙用英语介绍stock market

Stock Market Investment Stock market investment gives you the unique opportunity to take a direct part in the growth and success of companies.When you buy shares in a company,it means that you actually own a portion of that company.As part owner,you benefit by receiving part of the profits or dividends and sharing in the growth of the value of the company.The company benefits by raising funds or capital when your shares and other shares are first sold.These funds are used to operate and expand the business.In general,share investments produce better returns than fixed interest investments,particularly when money is invested long term.Although there are rises and falls in the stock market,history shows that over the long term,the value of the stock market rises.In the US,which has a long history of deregulated stock market,the average real return per annum after inflation is approximately 10%.Direct investment in the stock market also gives you control over where you put your money.You decide which companies you want to invest in and when the time is right for you to see your shares.If you want to be in control,stock market investment is a good option.Another attractive feature of stock market investment is the flexibility to change your investments when your personal circumstances change.For example,if you need money for a well-earned break,an extension on our house or your children"s education,all you need to do is sell your shares.Stock market investment allows you to follow your investment.You"ll receive regular information from companies you invest in and can attend meetings.This enables you to gain a unique insight into the results and strategies of the organization and learn a lot in the process.Market investment also allows you to follow a particular interest you have.For example,you may have lived all you life in a forestry area and are interested in supporting this industry and benefiting from its success,by investing in listed forestry stocks.
2023-07-16 10:42:451

money markets ,capital markets,stock markets的区别?

基金市场 期货市场 股票市场具体定义不详
2023-07-16 10:42:542

stock market quotation是什么意思?

2023-07-16 10:43:032


  行情:市价,亦指金融市场上利率或汇兑的上涨或下跌等情况。那么,你知道行情的英语怎么说吗?   行情的英文释义:   market   行情的英文例句:   行情俏拔行情上涨。   The market has risen.   证券市场的行情不稳定。   Conditions on the stock-market were unsettled.   他们认为市场行情不会有多大变化。   They do not think there will be a big change in market condition.   熟悉市场行情和信息,了解物资供货 渠道 。   Be familiar with market information and sources of supplies. 行情用英语怎么说   股市行情下跌。   Prices fell on the stock market.   股票行情不久即将回升。   The stock market will soon rally.   你们的价格与此地现行市场行情不符合。   Your price is not in line with the prevailing market here.   在今年余下的时间内,行情可能会继续下降。   The market will likely continue to drift down for the remainder of the year.   我将随时向你 报告 市场行情。   I will keep you advised of the state of the market.   股市行情看跌。   The stock market tumbled.   股票行情不久即将回升。   The stock market will soon rally.   她急于想了解股票的行情。   He is anxious to read the share prices.   行情看涨。   Market will be strong.   因此,在美国,如果你通过以往 经验 来判断未来行情,那么有一天你不会再为自己曾在最高点买进而懊悔,不过这一天要等到2027年才会到来。   So if you expect the future to mirror the past in America, then someday you might not kick yourself for buying at the top of the market. But you just might have towait until 2027 to feel that way.   您应该知道同样产品因市场不同,定价应有不同。按照我们这里的市场行情,你们的价格也太高了。   You should know that the price of same product should be fixed differently indifferent market, but yours is definitely too high in our market.   例如,假设有两种客户正在使用股票行情服务:普通成员(不需付费)和贵宾成员。   For example, suppose you had two types of customers using your stock quotationservice: regular (non-paying) and gold.   在我的父亲几乎失明时,我承担了朗读股市行情及 其它 金融发展报告的任务。   After my father lost most of his sight, I had the task of reading him stockquotations and other reports on financial developments.   自中国政府同意人民币兑美元汇率浮动以来,无论市场行情如何,这一汇率以近乎钟表般精准的月均0.5%的速度在上升。   Since China agreed to let its currency float somewhat against the dollar, it hasrisen at a nearly clockwork pace of 0.5% a month -- no matter what the marketconditions.   然而,股市很可能会在市场情绪上扬,或者经济复苏之前反弹,或许还会出现井喷行情。   What is likely, however, is that the market will move higher, perhaps substantiallyso, well before either sentiment or the economy turns up.   这一领域的行家,比如银行家和经纪人,都很清楚市场里的行情。   Professionals in the field, such as bankers and brokers, do know about the stateof the market.   毫无疑问.布朗先生.你们的联系很广泛.我无须再三说明我们的还盘是很有根据的.它符合国际市场的行情.   I don"t think I have to stress that our counteroffer is well founded. It is in line withthe international market.   看它们站成一排,在“松鼠咖啡店”门口谈论着橡子期货市场的行情;   Watch them as they stand in line at the little squirrel coffee shop discussing theacorn futures market.   事实:虽然你的确需要知道股市行情,但最成功的投资人研究他们自己和他们投资的公司时间多于研究股市本身。   Reality: While you do need to know what the market is doing, the most successfulinvestors study themselves and the companies they buy much more than theystudy the market.   洛杉矶与密尔沃基,在某件事上是有差别的,那就是在洛杉矶,不稳定的市场行情已有一段历史了   There"s something about Los Angeles that"s different from Milwaukee and that isthat in Los Angeles there"s just a history of volatile markets.   这些人提醒说,该公司的最终估值以及IPO筹资规模从很大程度上将取决于市场行情和欧洲经济形势。   The final value of the company and how much money it seeks in an IPO will largely be determined by the market and the European economy, cautioned thesepeople.   我虽然很少就股市发表意见,但我却每天关心着股市的行情。   Although I seldom speak on the stock market, I am watching it every day.
2023-07-16 10:43:261


Stock,Capital stock.
2023-07-16 10:43:366

the stock market 和stock exchange的用法有什么区别吗?两者都有表示“证券交易所”的意思,但在具体用法

两者区别不大,stock market 可能比stock exchange范围更大,以下两个例句藉以参考:Xinhua News : the impact of the global stock market decline , the New York Stock Exchange "s main index fell 31 , across the board , energy and consumer stocks led the declines . 新华网快讯:受全球股市下跌影响,纽约股市主要股指31日全线下挫,能源股与消费类股领跌。 We have established the advance facilities for the stock exchange on the internet in our country, which has provided the new chance and challenge to the stock market . 我国已经利用信息技术构建了先进的证券交易基础设施,网上证券交易为我国证券业带来了新的机遇与挑战。 细细体会一下吧 (*^__^*)
2023-07-16 10:43:581


he biggest drop, how to translate it, and underline it.
2023-07-16 10:44:1713


尾盘拉涨停所代表的意义有所不同。有可能是主力出货没有出完,通过尾盘拉升,方便明天继续出货;也有可能是主力看好股市坚决做多所导致。尾盘拉涨停是指股票在尾盘时,股价快速拉升,出现涨停的现象。根据情况不同,尾盘拉升所代表的含义也有所不同。拓展资料:股市(Stock Market),是股票市场的简称,是已经发行的股票转让、买卖和流通的场所,包括交易所市场和场外交易市场两大类别。市场功能通过股票的发行,大量的资金流入股市,又流入了发行股票的企业,促进了资本的集中,提高了企业资本的有机构成,大大加快了商品经济的发展。另一方面,通过股票的流通,使小额的资金汇集了起来,又加快了资本的集中与积累。所以股市一方面为股票的流通转让提供了基本的场所,一方面也可以刺激人们购买股票的欲望,为一级股票市场的发行提供保证。同时由于股市的交易价格能比较客观的反映出股票市场的供求关系,股市也能为一级市场股票的发行提供价格及数量等方面的参考依据。股票市场的职能反映了股票市场的性质。在市场经济社会中,股票有如下四个方面的职能:积聚资本上市公司通过股票市场发行股票来为公司筹集资本。上市公司将股票委托给证券承销商,证券承销商再在股票市场上发行给投资者。而随着股票的发行,资本就从投资者手中流入上市公司。转让资本股市为股票的流通转让提供了场所,使股票的发行得以延续。如果没有股市,很难想象股票将如何流通,这是由股票的基本性质决定的。当一个投资者选择银行储蓄或购买债券时,他不必为这笔钱的流动性担心。因为无论怎么说,只要到了约定的期限,他都可以按照约定的利率收回利息并取回本金,特别是银行存款,即使提前去支取,除本金外也能得到少量利息,总之,将投资撤回、变为现金不存在任何问题。转化资本股市使非资本的货币资金转化为生产资本,它在股票买卖者之间架起了一座桥梁,为非资本的货币向资本的转化提供了必要的条件。股市的这一职能对资本的追加、促进企业的经济发展有着极为重要的意义。
2023-07-16 10:44:471

英语user’s stock怎么翻译?

user"s stock翻译之后,他的意思就是:用户的股票
2023-07-16 10:44:5511


2023-07-16 10:46:001

If you invest so heavily in the stock market, you’re ____ risks.

2023-07-16 10:46:352


2023-07-16 10:46:455

股市波动 英文怎么说

玩的的好话可以利用杠杆的原理,帮你实现你想要的利益。você n?o VAI ser, Como sempre, um pingente
2023-07-16 10:47:293


The Shanghai stock market total market value is 26,781,100,000,000 Yuan, the circulation market value is 6,353,904,000,000 Yuan, the average market profit is 58.83 times; The Shenzhen stock market total market value is 5,619,700,000,000 Yuan, the circulation market value is 2,801,700,000,000 Yuan. Two city total market values are 32,400,800,000,000 Yuan, circulates the market value is always 9,155,604,000,000 Yuan.
2023-07-16 10:47:361


China"s stock market from the planned economy is in transition to a market economy and the birth of special historical period to develop and pricing of new shares issued by the pricing has gradually evolved to the market pricing of the process. Starting in 2005, China issued new shares begin using a bookbuilding process Request system, initially established an initial public offering of stock market pricing mechanism. However, because China"s securities market is an emerging market, compared with the international mature markets, in terms of scale, independence, and regulate all aspects of the operation there is a clear gap, thus Request system in the implementation process and it is difficult to avoid there are some Deficiencies, these deficiencies affect the healthy development of securities markets. Paper is divided into four parts. The first part on pricing on new stock issues, explore the advantages and disadvantages of different pricing method. The second part is my new shares issued Request system outlined. The third part is to improve China"s new stock issues Request System in China. Part IV is China"s IPO pricing system reform programme and evaluation.
2023-07-16 10:47:432


hang in there 保持某种态度,坚持。 1. At first,I didn"t want to finsh the book because it was too long,but I hung in there and read it to the end. 一开始的时候,这个书我不想读完,因为它太厚了,但是后来我还是一口气把它读完了。 2. The hours of training everyday made the athlete want to quit,but he hung in there and won the competition. 每天那么多小时的训练,使得这名运动员想放弃了,但是他坚持下去,并且赢得了最终胜利。 hang by a thread 千钧一发,危在旦夕。这件事悬了。 1. Your job is hanging by a thread right now. I think your boss wants to fire you. 你的工作恐怕保不住了,我觉得你的老板要炒掉你。 2. Peace is hanging by a thread in Iraq. 伊拉克的和平局面随时都将被打破。 handle sth 应付、处理谋事,搞得定。 1. Karer is not very good at managing her time.I don"t think she can handle two jobs. 凯伦她并不擅长计划她的时间,我认为她根本没办法应付两份工作。 had it with 对某事受够了,无法再忍受了。 1. The trains are always running ate.I"ve absolutely had it with them! 火车总是晚点,我真的忍无可忍。 2. I"ve had it with all this traffic.It"s impossible to get across town these days. 如今的交通状况简直是令人无法容忍,连进城都办不到。 hot idea 非常棒的主意或想法。It is another way of saying “a very good idea"。 1. I have a hot idea- why don"t we pack a lunch and go to the beach today? Won"t that be fun! 我有个绝妙的主意,我们把午餐打包到海滩上去吃吧,一定很有意思! 2. That idea you came up with for the new campaign is really hot. I think the public will respond very well. 你那个关于竞选的主意真的非常好!我想公众的反响一定会不错。 homely feel 指某个地方让人觉得很舒服,有家的感觉。 1. His apartment is cold and bare and not very homely. 他的公寓房有三个特点,第一个是特别的冷,第二个是空荡荡的,第三个是没有家的感觉。 2. I like that restaurant because it has a homely feel. 我喜欢那家餐馆,因为那有家的感觉。 hard life 终日奔忙,艰苦努力的生活。 1. Being a farmer is a hard life. You have to work all day and all night. 农民的生活非常不容易,因为你必须夜以继日地工作。 2. She has a hard life. She supports her whole family and goes to school at night. 她的生活非常艰难,需要养活一家人,晚上还要上夜校读书。 It"s up to you. 由你来决定,你说了算。It"s your decision 1. You can study English or Spanish,it"s up to you. 你可以学英语,也可以去学西班牙语,你自己决定。 2. You can have any sweater you want. It"s up to you.The color"s up to you. 想穿什么样的毛衣自己定好了,颜色你来挑,由你自己决定。 it"ll cost … 花费很贵,代价很大。 1. It"ll cost you to have your car fixed. 你这个车修好的话要花不少钱。 I don"t know how Duran is gonna afford a vacation in"ll cost him. 我不知道为什么杜伦能花得起钱去欧洲度假,费用很高的。 itching If you are itching to do something,it means that you are eager or impatient to do it.非常急切,非常盼望,迫不急待做某事。”itching”是形容词。 1. Oh, man, I"m itching to get off work. I have a hot date tonight. 伙计,我可真是等不及要赶快下班了,因为今晚我有一个非常棒的约会。 It doesn"t count. 无关紧要,不计算在内。 1. The first two exams do not count toward your final score for the class. 最初的这两次考试与课程的最后成绩无关。 2. My opinion never counts because I"m the youngest in my family. 因为我是我们家最小的,所以我说的话从来都不被重视。 ingenious 非常有天赋的,有创造力的,有独创性的。 名词是“genius”。 1. The design of the new opera house is ingenious. 这个新的歌剧院的设计真的是很有创意。 2. She"s had some ingenious ideas for saving money. 她在存钱方面有非常多的好点子。 in vogue 时尚的、时髦的。It is fashionable 1. Long skirts are in vogue nowadays. 长裙现在很时尚. 2. Korean dramas are in vogue. 韩剧现在很流行. in good faith 做事讲信用,诚信。 1. That company didn"t act in good faith, they cheated us. 那家公司,他们做事情不讲信用, 他们骗了我们。 improvise 即兴创作,现场发挥。 1. I haven"t written a speech for tonight so I"ll just have to improvise. 今晚的讲演我没有准备讲稿,所以只有现场发挥了。 2. If you don"t know the answer just improvising. 如果你不知道这个答案是什么的话,你就即兴发挥一下吧。 impossible 形容一种人,不可理喻、无法与之讲道理。 . Your cat is simply impossible. He always runs around scratching things and does not listen to me. 你的这只猫简直是不可理喻,它在我家总是乱跑,还乱抓乱挠,根本不听我的话。 2. This science course is impossible!I will never get an A. 自然课真是不可理喻,我永远得不了A。 I.D. 是"identification"的缩写,意思是身份或身份证。 1. I couldn"t get into the club last night because I forgot my I.D.. The bouncer thought I was underage. 昨天晚上我没有进去酒吧,因为我忘记带身份证了,酒吧保安认为我还没有成年。 2. You need to show your I.D. when you borrow a book from the library. 你需要出示证件才可以从图书馆里借书。 I get it. 我明白了,我懂了。 1. Ha!Ha!I get it.That"s a funny joke. 哈哈,我明白了,那肯定是个玩笑。 2. This math problem is so hard!I don"t get it. 这道数学题真难,我怎么也搞不懂。 I didn"t catch it. 我没听清楚,我没明白,不懂。 1. A:What did the weather report? B:I didn"t catch it. 刚才天气预报是怎么报的? 我也没听到。 2. A:What was her name again? B:I didn"t catch it when she was introduced. 那个女孩叫什么名字? 别人介绍她的时候我也没注意。 I blew it. 我把某事搞砸了。 1. I really wanted to go to law school, but I blew the exams. I can"t get in right now. 我真的很想上法学院,但是我把考试搞砸了.现在没办法了。 2. I really blew the chances with Marilyn when I told her she looked fat in the dress she was wearing. 我真的把与玛罗琳的机会浪费了,刚才我告诉她她穿那条裙子显胖。 jump out of sb"s skin 紧张得心惊肉跳,如坐针毡。 1. I was jumping out of my skin worrying about my exam results. 我很担心考试结果,感觉如坐针毡。 2. That ghost movie had me jumping out of my skin. 这部恐怖片吓得我心惊肉跳。 jinx 扫把星,可以泛指一切能够带来坏运气的东西。Something that brings bad luck. 1. I think this watch is a jinx to me. Every time I wear it,something bad happens. 这个表我觉得对我好像是不太吉利,每次一带它,就会发生坏事情。 2. Some people think the Year of Goat is a jinx. 有人说羊年不吉利。 jerk 形容一个人很笨,愚蠢,古怪或粗鲁。 1. That guy is such jerks. He told me I was fat. 那个家伙非常的坏,他竟然敢说我胖. 2. My boss is a jerks,he always make us work late every night and doesn"t pay us for it. 我的老板是一个坏蛋,因为他总让我加班,还不给加班费。 knock sth together 草草完成,拼凑而成,对付,很快地完成。 1. This restaurant seems like it was just knocked together yesterday. The paint is still wet! 这个饭馆看起来从昨天刚刚完工,因为油漆还是湿的。 2. Tonight"s dinner was no trouble. I knocked it together in 30 minutes. 今天晚上这顿晚饭,一点都不麻烦,因为我只花了30分钟。 Knock it off. 住手,停下。表示对别人做的事不满。 1. Your music is too loud. I can"t hear myself think. Knock it off. 你的音乐声音太大了,我无法思考。马上停下来。 keep sth between us 天知地知,你知我知,指某件事就咱俩知道就可以了,千万别跟别人讲。保密,不要外传。 1. I"ll tell you what happened,but you have to keep it between us,ok? 我告诉你事情的经过,不过你可别跟别人讲好吗? 2. What we learn in this room must be kept only between us. 我们今天在这件屋子里谈的事情要保密。 keep someone in line 让某人老实点,不要惹事,规规矩矩的。反义词是:get out of line. 1. Don"t get out of line at dinner or you will be punished. 在吃晚饭的时候你规矩一点,否则你就会受到惩罚。 2. It"s difficult to keep a group of young children in line. 如果想要一群小朋友都很守规矩,真的是一件很困难的事情。 keep on top of sth 能驾驭某事,掌握、控制局面。 1. Studying isn"t hard if you keep on top of it. 如果你能够掌握正确的方法,学习并不是困难的事情。 2. I go to the bank twice a month to keep on top of my finances. 我每周去银行两次,从而掌握我的财务状况。 keep at it 保持住,坚持努力不懈,不放弃。 1. I know training is very hard, but you keep at it and you will be rewarded. 我知道训练是非常非常艰苦的,别放弃,一定会得到你应有的回报。 2. They were losing the game but they kept at it and came back to win in the end. 比赛刚开始他们的局面不利,但是由于坚持努力不懈,最后终于还是取得了胜利。 keep an eye on sth 关注,注视,注意。盯着某人或某物,确保不出问题。 1. I"ll keep an eye on the stove while you answer the phone. 你去接电话吧,我来帮你盯着烤炉。 2. I like to keep an eye on the stock market. 我喜欢关注股市的行情。 lose one"s head 情绪失控,失去理智,歇斯底里。 1. After hours of barking I lost my head and put the dog out of the house. 狗叫了几个小时,搞得我心烦意乱,我把它轰了出去。 lose one"s appetite 没有胃口,没有食欲。 1. I think drinking too much beer this evening has made me lose my appetite. 我想今晚喝得太多酒,我都没有胃口吃东西了。 2. Watching this horror movie on TV has made me lose my appetite. 看了这部恐怖片,让我大跌胃口,完全吃不下去饭。 loosen up 在紧张的时候放松一下。 1. Brian was really nervous at the beginning of his job interview but he loosened up when the boss started talking about basketball. 布赖恩在工作面试刚开始时非常紧张,但是当老板开始跟他讨论篮球的时候就放松下来了。 2. Loosen up!Monica really likes you so you have nothing to worry about. 放心吧,莫妮卡非常喜欢你,不要担心。 loose wire 与"screw loose"类似,意思是脑筋有问题,神经兮兮,疯癫的,不正常。 1. I think my boss has a screw loose. He called me into his office but when I got there he sent me back to my desk! 我想我老板今天不知出了什么毛病。他把我叫到他办公室,但是我过去了,他又说“你回到座位上去吧”。 2. A:Let"s call Professor Porters about this math problem. B:Do you have a screw loose?It"s after midnight! 让我们给鲍德斯教授求助这个数学问题吧。 你是不是有毛病?现在已经都后半夜了。
2023-07-16 10:47:501

Sell in May and go away

这句属坊间流传炒股智慧。 先有 Halloween Indicator,后有 Sell in May and go away。 话说有人做了研究,证明由11月至4月期间的股票升幅,平均都比其他期间可观,而且这现像惊人地放诸四海皆准。这个外国人称之为 Halloween Indicator。是故有句顺口溜是 Sell in May and go away。直到秋天才再度入市。 这个只是一个统计学上的现像,有点类似大部份股市崩围都在十月的某一个星期一;甚或是圣诞钟买汇丰。有人尝试解释,例如基金经理放暑假等等,但至今未有详细的分析出现,故此 sell in May and go away 这说法只属投资界的 jokes,未算是一种学说。投资界其实充斥着大量这类的所谓炒股智慧。 The Halloween Indicator, "Sell in May and Go Away": Another Puzzle BEN JACOBSEN Massey University - Department of Commerce SVEN BOUMAN AEGON Group - AEGON Asset Management; ING Investment Management - General July 2001 Abstract: We document the existence of a strong seasonal effect in stock returns based on the popular market saying "Sell in May and go away", also known as the "Halloween indicator". According to these words of market wisdom, stock market returns should be higher in the November-April period than those in the May-October period. Surprisingly, we find this inherited wisdom to be true in 36 of the 37 developed and emerging markets studied in our sample. The "Sell in May" effect tends to be particularly strong in European countries and is robust over time. Sample evidence, for instance, shows that in the UK the effect has been noticeable since 1694. While we have examined a number of possible explanations, none of these appears to convincingly explain the puzzle. ,参考: papers.ssrn/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=76248, 图片参考:.yimg/i/icon/16/4. "Sell in May and Go Away" shall be traditional sayings 投 资 巿 场 有 一 句 俗 语 : 「 Sell in May and go away 」 , 寓 意 每 年 5 月 及 随 后 月 份 , 股 巿 多 会 出 现 大 幅 调 整 , 因 此 最 好 沽 货 离 场 。 去 年 环 球 股 巿 的 确 在 5 月 时 曾 出 现 显 著 调 整 , 但 回 顾 过 去 17 年 的 数 据 , 5 月 至 9 月 出 现 「 季 节 性 负 回 报 」 的 机 会 率 只 是 一 半 一 半 , 我 们 认 为 , 5 月 份 跌 巿 的 说 法 并 无 根 据 。 在 不 少 投 资 者 心 目 中 , 季 节 性 因 素 或 多 或 少 会 为 他 们 带 来 心 理 包 袱 。 除 了 5 月 因 素 外 , 不 少 投 资 者 亦 会 关 注 7 至 8 月 份 基 金 经 理 放 暑 假 , 以 及 10 月 份 曾 多 次 出 现 股 灾 等 现 象 。 我 们 把 各 主 要 股 票 指 数 于 1990 年 至 今 的 数 据 作 分 析 , 计 算 出 各 大 股 市 于 过 去 17 年 的 每 月 平 均 回 报 率 , 结 果 显 示 , 一 些 被 视 为 不 利 股 市 的 月 份 , 包 括 5 月 和 10 月 , 实 际 上 并 非 如 想 像 般 可 怕 。 更 有 趣 的 是 , 环 球 股 市 于 过 去 16 年 的 5 月 份 , 平 均 录 得 1.1% 的 正 回 报 , 而 10 月 及 5 月 份 的 平 均 回 报 竟 然 分 别 排 名 第 二 ( +2.1% ) 及 第 五 ( +1.1% ) 。 季 节 因 素 不 能 作 准 此 外 , 各 巿 场 平 均 每 年 最 差 的 月 份 亦 有 不 同 , 以 亚 洲 区 为 例 , 过 去 7 年 , 港 股 表 现 最 差 的 月 份 是 7 月 , 中 国 股 巿 是 12 月 和 2 月 , 而 印 度 股 巿 则 是 2 月 份 。 数 据 反 映 , 投 资 者 对 5 月 和 10 月 可 能 存 在 过 份 悲 观 的 误 解 。 按 月 季 节 性 因 素 只 是 我 们 众 多 评 估 股 市 方 向 的 模 型 之 一 , 但 绝 不 能 单 靠 这 因 素 而 作 出 投 资 决 定 。 究 竟 市 场 为 何 对 5 月 特 别 悲 观 ? 我 们 尝 试 以 行 为 金 融 学 的 角 度 作 出 解 释 : 首 先 , 投 资 者 的 记 忆 往 往 是 较 为 短 暂 的 , 较 眼 于 刚 发 生 的 事 情 。 其 次 , 投 资 者 往 往 对 投 资 损 失 的 印 象 较 赚 钱 的 深 刻 。 亚 洲 金 融 风 暴 令 亚 洲 股 市 于 1998 上 半 年 ( 包 括 5 月 份 ) 显 著 滑 落 、 美 国 科 技 泡 沫 爆 破 令 股 市 于 2000 上 半 年 ( 同 样 包 括 5 月 份 ) 见 顶 回 落 , 加 上 去 年 5 月 因 忧 虑 新 上 任 联 储 局 主 席 政 策 可 能 出 错 , 令 股 市 一 度 出 现 恐 慌 , 若 投 资 者 在 以 上 3 年 都 录 得 亏 损 , 难 免 会 令 他 们 对 5 月 份 跌 市 有 记 忆 犹 新 的 感 觉 。 环 球 股 市 继 续 看 好 经 过 今 年 2 月 底 至 3 月 中 的 股 市 下 调 , 环 球 投 资 者 ( 除 国 内 股 市 之 外 ) 在 过 去 个 多 月 以 来 普 遍 持 审 慎 态 度 。 而 即 使 股 市 屡 创 新 高 , 我 们 发 现 , 现 时 环 球 股 市 的 亢 奋 情 绪 不 并 算 高 , 此 将 减 低 任 何 于 短 期 内 可 能 出 现 的 下 调 幅 度 。 再 者 , 基 本 因 素 包 括 股 票 估 值 及 企 业 盈 利 预 测 仍 倾 向 审 慎 , 而 即 使 日 圆 套 息 活 动 持 续 , 美 元 短 线 反 弹 已 令 其 他 主 要 外 币 近 期 的 升 势 有 所 降 温 , 现 时 市 的 风 险 取 态 并 不 十 分 积 极 。 此 外 , 企 业 并 购 活 动 持 续 活 跃 , 加 上 其 他 周 期 性 因 素 , 例 如 美 息 见 顶 、 经 济 软 陆 及 美 国 总 统 大 选 周 期 等 等 , 均 是 我 们 持 续 看 好 环 球 股 市 未 来 6 至 12 个 月 的 原 因 。 有 趣 的 是 , 根 据 富 达 投 资 的 分 析 , 从 1990 至 2005 年 , 环 球 主 要 股 市 平 均 回 报 年 率 介 乎 9.4% 至 15.2% , 要 是 投 资 者 只 错 过 该 16 年 当 中 的 10 大 升 市 日 , 所 得 回 报 便 会 减 至 4.6% 至 8.6% ; 若 是 错 过 其 中 的 40 大 升 市 日 , 那 么 所 得 回 报 更 会 进 一 步 下 降 至 -4.3% 至 1.7% 。 从 长 线 投 资 的 角 度 来 看 , 若 尝 试 准 确 捕 捉 市 场 起 跌 而 过 度 「 出 入 」 股 市 , 最 终 只 会 得 不 偿 失 。 图片参考:.yimg/i/icon/16/4. 2007-05-24 18:15:29 补充: 「估海无涯、唯勤是岸」,Sell in May and go away, NO WAY! 2007-05-15 19:50:28 补充: 《神州民企》飞毛腿:今年提升二千间零售店形象料可超额完成 5月 10日 星期四 16:40 更新 《经济通专讯》飞毛腿(新闻 - 网站 - 图片)集团(1399)董事长方金于股东会后表示,按照集团上市时所公布的计划,于今年为旗下2000间分销网点提升形象,按目前进度而言,有关目标可超额完成,并期望三年内可将形象店数目增至6000间。他指出,集团今年计划扩充产能50%,由原先年产4000万颗电池,提升至6000万颗,有关产能扩充已于本年初展开,预期可于8月前完成,以配合业务增长。,
2023-07-16 10:48:091

我国证券市场的风险防范和化解 翻译下 谢谢!

In this paper the securities market system risk and the system risk to the market participants with the investment risk analysis, and put forward the current can reduce risk prevention management methods, to improve investment benefit investors, reduce risk influence, achieve maximum investment profit and risk minimization and the target. Opening and developing the financial market, especially the stock market, the reform of the city economic system and the development of the market economy system plays an important role. In recent years, our country securities market has developed rapidly, but due to start later, in developing many problems are exposed. This article emphatically from the China securities market analysis of the present situation, analyze the main problems of stock market, and proposed in this foundation the securities market risk prevention and management. 【 key words 】 : securities market; Analyzing the present situation; Risk prevention; Risk; The measure; benefit
2023-07-16 10:48:161


stock days股票日1This shop laid in a new stock of goods just a few days ago. 这家商店前几天刚进了一批货。2Yesterday was one of those stock market days that certainly made a few investors wonder whether the global economic growth end game is actually here yet, or close.本周二股市的表现便让一些投资者怀疑全球经济增长是否已经、或者即将进入终盘阶段。
2023-07-16 10:48:252


2023-07-16 10:48:322

英语userlog’s stock怎么翻译?

英语userlog"s stock为名词短语,可翻译为:用户日志储存 其中stock可翻译为:库存,存储。
2023-07-16 10:49:3710

stock market listing是什么意思

上市With Alibaba preparing for a US stock market listing, this is a mistake. 在阿里巴巴准备赴美上市之际,这种态度是一个错误。
2023-07-16 10:50:001

float a company on the stock market 什么意思

2023-07-16 10:50:573

The results of that company are _____ stock market expectations.

【答案】:Cin line with与……一致,符合。out of line没排齐,不守秩序。in line成一直线,有秩序。in line for即将得到。
2023-07-16 10:51:051


房价上涨 [网络] prices rise; [例句]股市上扬、房价上涨。The stock market is going up and house prices are rising.
2023-07-16 10:51:261


2023-07-16 10:51:332


2023-07-16 10:51:572


2023-07-16 10:52:073

Shares on the stock market have ------as a result of a worldwide economic downturn

2023-07-16 10:52:262


Stock prices as investors, managers, academics and economic management is the focus of attention. Analysis of stock characteristics, grasp the changes in its laws, regulation and control the stock market on the stock market managers and investors to develop investment strategies, is of great significance. Wavelet (Wavelet) is a signal of the time - scale (time - frequency) analysis method, in the two time-frequency domain Signals have characterized the capacity of local features, accurate analysis of the signal, reconstruction, and to make appropriate and The forecast. On the wavelet applied the method of stock short-term forecasts, stock market prices through the wavelet analysis to find the stock price changes and found that changes in stock prices subject to self-similarity, and to meet certain cyclical. And self-similarity is Fractal"s an important feature, will be the changes in stock prices as a fractal to be studied. Use of the above findings, to identify changes in the stock prices of fractal linear interpolation function, the use of fractal linear forecasting method to predict the stock price. In numerical test, the Oriental Alcoa"s stock price was analyzed by some of the more satisfied with the results that will be applied to the stock short-term forecasts wavelet approach is feasible. Key words: wavelet transform short-term stock price forecast linear interpolation fractal
2023-07-16 10:52:361

The comments the expert made

后面用 making(伴随状语) 或者(which made) 定语从句都可以,前面的 comments 和stock market是主动关系,所以用ing形式
2023-07-16 10:52:464


投资者 investor相关解释:moneyman money man 例句:投资者为这一风险而担心.Investors were unhappy about the risk.红利将分发给投资者.The profits will be dealt out among the investors.我们根据有效法律保护投资者的利益。We protect the interests of investors by the legislation in effect.海词广告: 全棉浴巾毛巾三件99元 学外语,交外国真朋友08 Dict.CN 在线词典 更多解释句酷双语例句 投资者The investor has substantial control over the foreign subsidiary enterprise.投资者对于国外子公司具有实际的控制权。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句My nephew is a cautious investor.我侄子是个小心谨慎的投资者。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句Private investors are steering clear of nuclear power.私人投资者现在都对核电敬而远之。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句Private investors would remain hesitant.私人投资者仍持观望态度。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句The profits will be dealt out among the investors.红利将分发给投资者.-- 英汉 - 辞典例句The rumored new tax has the stock market investors running scared.谣传将有新税,股市投资者人心惶惶。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句Their objectives were compatible with the interests of North American investors.他们的目标符合北美投资者的利益。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句To investors he promised maintenance of the gold standard.他向投资者保证维持金本位制。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句There are heavy odds against investors making a profit in such an economic climate.在这样的经济气候下,投资者赚钱的机会很少。-- OralEnglishDo you think individual investors can really beat the pros?你认为个人投资者真的能胜过专业人员吗?
2023-07-16 10:52:561


2023-07-16 10:53:0711


SMI理财是一种游戏。人们通过这种模拟股票市场而进行的游戏,在游戏过程中学会理财知识。其中SMI是STOCK MARKET INVESTMENT三个单词的首字母的缩写,意思分别是:股票市场投资的意思。这种游戏由一位新加坡华籍人于2007年5月创立,游戏的精髓就是“三进三出”方程式,结合巴菲特利复利的原理、哈佛大学市场倍增学、股权分红的游戏理财系统。
2023-07-16 10:53:363


In the stock market, I got a good income, more importantly, I have a more profound understanding of the stock market.
2023-07-16 10:53:434


The stock market has the risk, entering the market must be discrete. I before has not contacted the stock, university practice period enters a negotiable securities company, started a new investor"s practice. Through a period of time study, had an understanding to the stock, has written this graduation thesis from a stock market novice"s angle. This article mainly introduced some stock elementary knowledge, for example: Stock definitions, type, value, price and so on. Also introduced simply, our country stock market history, stock and economical development relations. Finally narrated the stock income and the risk question, hoped everybody can avoid the risk as far as possible, enhances the income. The ending part, wrote some individual has fried the stock suggestion, for everybody reference.
2023-07-16 10:54:111


2023-07-16 10:54:316


bank of china
2023-07-16 10:54:465

描述股票上涨下降 英语作文

  给你 中文与英文两个版本 英文有没有翻译错的 对照你自己整理下  影响股票价格的因素  影响股票价格变动的因素很多,但基本上可分为以下三类:市场内部因素,基本面因素,政策因素。  (1)市场内部因素它主要是指市场的供给和需求,即资金面和筹码面的相对比例,如一定阶段的股市扩容节奏将成为该因素重要部分。  (2)基本面因素包括宏观经济因素和公司内部因素,宏观经济因素主要是能影响市场中股票价格的因素,包括经济增长,经济景气循环,利率,财政收支,货币供应量,物价,国际收支等,公司内部因素主要指公司的财务状况。  (3)政策因素是指足以影响股票价格变动的国内外重大活动以及政府的政策,措施,法令等重大事件,政府的社会经济发展计划,经济政策的变化,新颁布法令和管理条例等均会影响到股价的变动  Affect stock price factor Affect stock price changes by many factors, but basically can is divided into the following categories: market internal factors, fundamental factors, policy factors. (1) the market internal factors, it mainly refers to the market supply and demand, namely financing area and the relative proportion chips, such as certain stages of the stock market expansion rhythm will become the factors important parts. (2) fundamental factors include macroeconomic factors and internal factors, macroeconomic factors that can influence the market is mainly in stock prices of factors, including economic growth, economic cycle, rates, budgetary revenues and expenditures, money supply, price, international payments and so on, our company internal factors mainly refers to the financial position of the company. (3) policy factor is enough to affect stock price changes of important domestic and international activities and government policies, measures and laws to major events, the government"s social and economic development plan, economic policy changes, the newly issued decrees and regulations etc all can affect stock price changes  影响股票价格重要经济因素  股票价格是指在证券市场上买卖股票的价格。实际上股票只是一种凭证,本身并没有价格,它之所以具有价格,能够在市场上进行买卖,是因为它可以给持有者带来股息收入。股票内在的价值的大小取决于未来预期实现盈利、贴现率和未来反复的年限。企业未来盈利越多,其现值越大,股票价格也越高,而贴现越高,股票内在价值就越低,股票价格也越低。所以,在西方股票市场上,人们都密切注视着企业未来盈利的状况。但事实上,股票价格的确定十分复杂,因为人们对一个企业未来盈利状况的看法并不全相同,有估计得比较悲观,股票在他们眼里的价值就低些,就要卖出;有的认为企业有发展的希望,股票在他们眼里价值就高些,就要买进。当买者多于卖者时,股票的价格就上升;当买者少于卖者时,股票的价格就下跌。所以,股票的市场价格与内在价格更多的时候表现为一致,投资者往往寻找那些内在价值大于市场的股票。  这样以来,就使股票的市场价格处于不断变化之中。它不仅要受各种经济因素的影响而且要受政治局势、政府政策、投资者心理、报刊杂志的消息以及谣言等社会因素的影响。下面着重分析一下影响股票价格的主要经济因素。  Affect stock price important economic factor Stock price "means in the stock market of stock price. Actually the stock is a certificate, does not itself, it is the price has price in the market, can be traded, because it gives the holder bring dividend income. Stock inner value depends on the size of the realization of the expected future earnings, the discount rate and future repeated the fixed number of year. Enterprise future earnings, the more its present value, the greater the stock price is higher also, and discount, the higher the stock intrinsic value will be lower, and stock prices also lower. So, in the west, people in the stock market is closely watched enterprise future earnings situation. But in fact, the determination of stock price is quite complex, because people to an enterprise future profitability opinion is not all the same, has an estimated more pessimistic, shares in their eyes the value of some lower, will sell, Some think the enterprise have the hope for the development of stock in their eyes, value as some taller, will buy. When buyers than sellers, stock prices went up, When buyers less than sellers, stock prices will fall. So, the price of stock market and inner price more of the time performance is consistent, investors tend to seek those intrinsic value than market shares. Since such, you will make the price of stock market is constantly changing. It should not only affected by various factors that influence the economic and political situation, by government policy, investor psychological, magazine, newspaper, news and rumors of social factors influence. Below are emphatically analyzed the influence of stock prices main economic factors.  一、股息  投资者之所以购买股票,是因为它能带来不低于存款利息的股息。股份公司发行股票的数量,不是取决于它的实际资本拥有量,而是取决于股息的派发量。股息越高,购者越踊跃,股票的价格也越高。但是,股息的增加又取决于企业收益的增长。如果企业发行股票的数量增加了,而增资后的利润却为同步增长,股息将无法维持原有水平,必然要减少,股票价格也会随之下降。欧美国家的一些企业,为了不断发展业务,使企业收益日益增长,把公司的净利润大部分或全部留下,以扩大资本积累,用于生产和经营,只发放少量股息或不发放股息,并且,国家在税收制度上也积极整套这样伏。由于企业的股票以即使不发或少发股息,这种股票对投资者也仍有很大的吸引力。  A, dividends Investors had to buy shares, because it can bring not less than deposit interest of dividends. The number of shares of the company shares, not depend on its actual capital ownership, but on the dividend amount distributed. The higher the dividend, buy more enthusiastically, the price of a stock is higher also. But, dividend increase depends on enterprise earnings growth. If the number of shares issued by companies increased, and add endowment hind profits but for increased dividends will not be maintained original level, it"s necessary to reduce, stock price also is met subsequently decline. Some of the enterprise, European and American countries for continuous development business, make the business income increasing, the company"s net income all or most left, in order to enlarge capital accumulation, for the production and operation, only a few dividends or not issue stated dividend, and national taxation system also actively package of such volts. Because enterprise stock to even not hair or less dividend, stock to send the investor is still very attractive.  二、金融资本和税收  股份公司常常向银行借款,随着借款额的增多,银行对企业的控制也就逐渐加强并取得了相当的发言权。在企业收益减少的情况下,虽然他们希望能够稳定股息,但银行为了自身的安全,会支持企业少发或停发股息,因而影响了股票的价格。税收对投资者影响也很大,投资者购买股票是为了增加收益,如果国家对某些营利事业在税收给以优惠,那么就能使这些企业的税后利润相对增加,使它们的股票升值。  Second, financial capital and revenue Joint-stock company often borrow from Banks, with the loan sum increase, bank of enterprise control also gradually strengthened and made it quite claims. In the business income decrease case, although they hope to stabilize dividend, but bank for his own safety, will support enterprises or hair hair less dividend, thus affecting the stock prices. Tax on investors are significantly affected, investors buy stocks for increases the income, if the country for some profit-seeking enterprise in tax give preferential, then can make the enterprise"s after-tax profits relative increase, make their stock appreciation.  三、经济周期  在经济繁荣时期,企业盈利多,股息高,股票则猛涨;在经济危机时期,企业生产萎缩,股息下降,股价则猛跌;在经济萧条时期,股价渐有转机;在进入复苏时期后,股价又开始上涨。所以,资本主义股票价格的变动,一般是与资本主义经济周期相适应的。  Third, economic cycle In the economic boom, corporate profits, dividends, stock is soaring high, In the economic crisis periods, enterprise production decline, stock dividend atrophy, is tumbled, In the economic depression, share price gradually a swift, Before entering the recovery period, prices began to rise. So, capitalism stock price movements are generally capitalism and adapt to the economic cycle.  四、通货膨胀  社会货币供应量的增减是影响股票价格的原因之一。通常,货币供应量增加,社会一部分闲置资金就会投向证券交易,从而抬高股价;相反,货币供应量减少,社会购买力降低,股价也必然下跌。由货币供应量不断增大而导致的通货膨胀,在一定限度内对生产有刺激作用,因为它能促进企业销售收入和股票投资名义收益的增加,所以在银行利率不随物价同比例上升的条件下,人们为了保值,将不再热心于存款,而转向投资股票,使股票价格再提高。但是,如果通货膨胀上升过猛,甚至了超过两位数,那么将造成人们实际收入下降和市场需求不足,加剧生产过剩,导致经济危机,使股票价格下跌。  Four, inflation Social money supply and decrease of stock price is to influence factor. Normally, the money supply increase, and the society of idle fund will to securities trading and thus increase share, Instead, money supply decrease, social purchasing power is reduced, stocks also inevitable decline. By increasing the money supply to inflation, within limits to produce a stimulating effect, because it can promote the enterprise sales revenue and stock investment income increase, so the name in bank interest rates are with the price with ratio rose, under the condition of people to value, will no longer eager to deposit, and turned to invest in stocks and shares to raise price again. But, if inflation rising vastly, even more than two digits, so will cause people to real income decrease and market demand, aggravate overproduction, cause economic crisis, make share prices.  五、贴现率与利率  贴现是银行放款的一种形式,贴现率与存款利率有密切的联系。存款率越高,贴现率也越高。由于股票的价格与企业未来预期盈利成正比,与贴现率(利息率)成反比,所以贴现率(或利息率)的提高,会导致股票价格的下降。但西方国家往往在银行利率上升时,股票市场依然活跌,原因是投资者常常在两者之间选择:银行存款风险小,利率高,收入稳定,但不灵活,资金被固定在一段时间内不能挪作他用,并且通俗读物以抵销通货膨胀造成的损失。而股票可以买卖,较为灵活,风险虽大,但碰上好运,可获大利。所以,在银行利率提高的情况下,仍然有一些具有冒险精神的投资者热心于股票交易。  Five, the discount rate and interest rate Discount is a form of bank lending, the discount rate and deposit rates are closely linked. Deposit rate is high, the discount rate is higher also. Because the price of the stock and the enterprise the expected future earnings is proportional to the discount rate (interest) is inversely proportional to the discount rate (or interest rates, so the promotion of, will lead to stock price falls. But in western countries have often bank interest rate rises, the stock market is still alive, reason is that investors often dropped in between choice: bank deposit small risk, higher interest rates, the income is stable, but not agile, the fund was fixed in a period of time inside cannot be used for other purposes, and popular literature to offset the loss caused by inflation. Stock can be bought, more flexible, though large, but the risk can be awarded with good luck, Italy. So, in the case of higher bank interest rate, there are still some adventurous investors keen on stock trading.  六、科技发明  在产业结构调整和转移时期,新产品的开发显得越来越重要,股价也会受到它们的强烈冲击。  新产品从开发完成至股价下跌这段时间,可分成三个阶段:  1、当消息传出以后,成了热门话题,此时股价自然会上扬,尤其一旦有人用投机手段,则更容易暴涨。  2、已经成为人们争相投资的对象,而这种新发明要普及化,需要很长时间,届时还销不出去的话,股价便会下跌。  3、假如新发明能够提高公司的业绩和利润率,股价会上涨,若没有预期效果,则跌幅很大。  因此,股票交易者必然充分注意这种规律,牢牢掌握股价的主动权。  Six, technological invention In the adjustment of industrial structure and the transfer of The Times, new product development is becoming more and more important, share price is also under their strong impact. New products from development completed to share fall this period of time, can be divided into three stages: 1 and when the news spread later, became a hot topic, when share prices will naturally rise, especially when someone with speculative method, then more easily boom. 2, has become people rushed to the object, but this kind of investment to popularize new invention, takes a long time, when we pin not go out, share price will decrease. 3, if new invention can improve the company"s sales and profitability, price will rise, if do not have expected effect, then drop greatly. Therefore, stock traders must full attention to such laws, grip shares of the initiative.
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一,定义国际间接投资——是指个人或机构购买外国发行的股票,公司债券或政府债券,只谋取股息,利息或买卖该证券的差价收益,而不取得对筹资者经营活动控制权的一种投资方式,也可以把国际间接投资称为国际证券投资。国际证券投资国际信贷投资国际信托投资国际股票投资国际证券投资国际间接投资(二)国际证券投资的特点期限的可选择性,高投机性和高风险性(三)国际证券投资发展的原因商品经济发展 规模经济 资金需求(间接融资)∑闲置资金 后顾之忧 取代国际信贷融资1980—1989年国际银行净贷款额从$ 1600亿下降为0亿,而国际债券的发行净额从0亿上升到$ 2500亿。据英国《银行家》1990年的统计,在国际资本市场上,证券融资额占整个金融市场融资额的85%。变现需求虚拟资本一级市场二级市场 一,国际股票概念指国际股票市场上交易的或是在居民与非居民之间的股票,它并非是区别于国内股票的特别的股票名称(不同与国际债券)。国内股票转化为国际股票有两个途径:其一,在境内外同时上市;其二,如果一国的资本市场较为开放,该国公司股票只在境内上市,但其中一部分被非居民所购买。二,股票的种类普通股优先股其它创新工具:累积优先股(Cumulative Preferred Stock)可转换优先股( Convertible Preferred Stock )累积可转换优先股( Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock )参与优先股( Participating Preferred Stock )累积优先股(Cumulative Preferred Stock)——指公司当年的盈余达不到优先股应分的股利,其不足部分在其后年度分配盈余时给予补足的股份。参与优先股( Participating Preferred Stock )——指在按原定比例分配股利之后,如公司还有盈余,还可以同普通股一起参与剩余盈余分配的股份。可转换优先股( Convertible Preferred Stock )——指股份有限公司按规定的条件和比例将优先股转换为普通股或公司债券。优先股无论是转换为普通股或公司债券,对增加股份有限公司筹资与投资者投资的灵活性都有积极作用。可转换优先股在国外已日益流行。累积可转换优先股( Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock )——指同时具有累积优先股与可转化优先股特征的优先股。三,股票价格股票价格的种类1,面值(Par Value)——指股票的票面上所标明的每股金额。它只在股票发行时对投资者有一定的参考意义,但股票的发行价格并非以面值为准,可能溢价或折价发行,面值已经失去意义。国际股票的面值货币为公司所属国的法币。2,市值(Market value)——或股票的市价,指在交易所中买卖双方确定的某一时点的价格。3,净值(Net value)——指通过对发行股票的公司的财务报表的分析计算而得出,又称股票的帐面价值。净值=(资产总额-债务总额-优先股的总面值)÷普通股总数4,内在价值(Intrinsical Value)——它把公司现有的财务状况和将来的盈利前景结合起来,并把未来的收益折算成现值。计算公式:P0=D1/(1+i)+D2 /(1+i)2+…+ Dn/(1+i)n=P0——内在价值,D1, D2 … Dn代表第1,2…及第n年的每股股息收入,i表示资本还原率(贴现率或必要报酬率)假设股息在一定时期内将按一个固定比例g增长,若前一年每股支付的股息为D0,则第二年的股息D1= D0(1+ g ) ,则第三年的股息D2= D1(1+ g )= D0(1+ g )2则 Dn= D0(1+ g )nP0=5,面值,市值,净值和内在价值的关系股票的市值不仅与面值相脱离,而且与净值不相等,但净值可以作为长期投资判断的重要依据之一,如果是市值高于净值的股票,市价可能回落,反之,则上涨。同样,内在价值对市场判断也有十分重要的作用。6,影响股票市价变动的因素股价的变动由每股股息和银行利率决定的,即Pm=D/IPm, D, I分别代表股票市价,预期的每股股息额和银行利率。因此,凡是能影响企业分派股息和银行利率等因素的,都会对股价的变动产生影响。内部因素公司的经营状况: 好 盈利 股息总量 Pm公司的股息政策:收益积累与分配关系 Pm宏观经济因素经济周期:经济周期的高涨阶段 消费,投资和 出口高涨 Pm政府的宏观经济政策财政支出政策:扩张性的财政政策 Pm税收政策:正常情况下,税收的高低与企业的净收益成反比。如进口税提高会增加经营成本,所得税提高则企业的净收益减少,降低股息,股价下跌。金融政策:再贴现率提高(紧缩银根),商业银行成本提高,则 Pm下跌, 反之则反是;银行存款准备金比率提高(紧缩银根) ,商业银行成本提高,则 Pm下跌, 反之则反是;公开市场操作:央行出售证券(国债) (紧缩银根),减少流通中的货币流量,利率上升,则 Pm下跌, 反之则反是。产业政策:产业政策:产业差别政策会引起不同企业的价格 不同的变化。其它因素:政治因素心理因素非理性因素时间及季节变动因素四,股票交易的程序与方式收集信息投资决策委托经纪人代为买卖投资者经纪公司交易所竞价 清算所五,股票行情指数(Stock Market Index)股票行情指数——指股票市价变动指数。它是由金融服务等中介机构运用其广泛的信息来源和专门知识编制而成,对投资者了解股市行情有重要的参考价值。非系统风险(Unsystem Risk)——指由于各个上市公司的经营情况不同股票的价格上升,有的股票的价格下降,且升降的也不相同,这种变动给投资者带来的风险。预测该风险很困难。系统风险( System Risk )——宏观经济情况(如经济周期,宏观经济政策等)的变动,引起多数股票的价格都发生趋势相同的变动。预测该风险很困难。六,国际上驰名的股票指数指编制所选用的股票均属于一国范围之内,但参加交易的可以包括外国投资者。1,道·琼斯股价平均指数(Dow Jone Averages)是美国各种股票指数中历史最悠久(1889年开始编制),最著名的一种,在国际上影响也比较大,由美国《华尔街日报》的出版者道·琼斯公司的创始人查 理斯·道开始编制。现在采用的股票指数共分四组:(1)30家工业公司股价平均数;最具代表性(媒体报道)(2) 20家运输公司股价平均数;(3) 15家公用事业公司股价平均数;(4) 前三组共65种的股价平均数。道·琼斯股价平均指数(Dow Jone Averages)是以1928年10月1日为基期,将选用的各种股票价格用简单算术平均数法求得平均数(股票价格平均数=入选股票的价格之和/入选股票的数量),作为100。然后以同样的方法计算出比较期的平均数,再与基期相比较,计算出的百分数即为比较期的股价平均数。例如,1999年12月31日的股价平均数为11497。12,即表示该日的股价平均数约为1928年10月1日的115倍2,标准·普尔股票指数由美国最大的证券研究机构——标准·普尔公司编制的股票价格指数,在美国与道指齐名。3,日经指数(日经平均股价) 系由日本经济新闻社编制并公布的反映日本股票市场价格变动的股票价格平均数。该指数从1950年9月开始编制。4,金融时报股票指数全称是“伦敦《金融时报》工商业普通股股票价格指数”,由英国《金融时报》公布发表的。5,香港恒生指数 由香港生银行于1969年11月24日始发布。恒生股票价格指数包从香港500多家上市公司中挑出来的33家有代表性且经济力雄厚的大公司股票作为成份,占香港股票市值的68。8%,1964年7月31日为基期。 一,债券的特点债权与债务关系期限的有限性收益的确定性二,债券的分类1,地理范围划分国内债券(Domestic Bonds)国际债券(International Bonds):外国债券(ForeignBonds)如Yankee Bonds Samurai Bonds Bulldog Bonds ;欧洲债券(Eurobonds)续前2,按发行者的性质划分公司债券:无担保债券有担保债券政府债券:国债(National Bonds)国库券(Tresuries)地方债券(Local Bonds)市政债券(Municipal Bonds)
2023-07-16 10:55:121


MACD由Gerald Appel于1979年首先提出的。全称为Moving Average Convergence Divergence。主要著作有1.Technical Analysis: Power Tools for Active Investors2.Beating the Market, 3 Months at a Time: A Proven Investing Plan Everyone Can Use 3.Opportunity Investing: How To Profit When Stocks Advance, Stocks Decline, Inflation Runs Rampant, Prices Fall, Oil Prices Hit the Roof, ... and Every Time in Between 4.Understanding MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) 5.Winning Market Systems: 83 Ways to Beat the Market 6.Beat the Market: Win with Proven Stock Selection and Market Timing Tools 7.Stock Market Trading Systems: A Guide to Investment Strategy
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股票的理论价值是什么? A票面价值 B账面价值 C清算价值 D内在价值

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