barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-16 11:57:57


提防 提溜

提防 dī fáng

[be on guard against] 小心防备,警惕。


提溜 dī liū

[carry] 〈方〉∶垂手拿着。



提案 提拔 提包 提倡 提成 提出 提纯 提词 提单 提到 提灯 提调 提督 提法 提干 提纲 提纲挈领 提高 提供 提盒 提壶,提壶芦,提葫芦 提花 提婚 提货 提及 提级 提价 提交 提款 提篮,提篮儿 提炼 提梁 提留 提名 提起 提前 提挈 提亲 提请 提取 提神 提审 提升 提示 提手 提头儿 提味 提问 提箱 提携 提心 提心吊胆 提醒 提选 提讯 提学御史 提要 提掖 提议 提早 提制

提案 tí àn

[draft resolution;motion;proposal] 提请会议讨论、处理的建议。


提拔 tí bá

[promote] 选拔提升

提包 tí bāo

[shopping bag;handbag] 一种有提梁的包儿,用皮、布、塑料等制成。

提倡 tí chàng

[encourage;advocate;promote] 由于事物有好的因素而倡议。


提成 tí chéng

[take a percentage] 从总数中提取一定的份额。

提出 tí chū

[put forward;pose suggest;advance]∶揭示;提请考虑、讨论、接受或采纳。

提纯 tí chún

[purification] 除去物质中的杂质,使变成纯净。

提词 tí cí

[prompt] 戏剧演出时给台上的演员提示台词。

提单 tí dān

[delivery order;bill of lading(B/L)] 向货站或仓库提取货物的凭据。也叫提货单。

提到 tí dào

[touch on upon;mention;refer to]∶提及;说及,说到,尤指简短地。


提灯 tí dēng

[bull"s eye lantern] 可以提挈的灯

提调 tí diào

[appoint,assign,select and supervise troops]∶指挥调度

提督 tí dū

[provincial commander-in-chief]∶古代军队中官名,明清时多为一省之最高武官。

提法 tí fǎ

[way sth/is put;formulation;wording]∶对某种问题的说法。


提干 tí gàn

[rise as a cadre] 提升为干部。


提纲 tí gāng

[take a net by the headrope]∶提举网的总绳。

提纲挈领 tí gāng qiè lǐng


提高 tí gāo

[raise;heighten;enhance;improve;carry to a new and higher level] 使位置、程度、水平、数量、质量等方面比原来高。


提供 tí gōng

[provide;supply;furnish;offer] 供给


提盒 tí hé

[tiered lunchbox with a few round compartments one above the other and a handle] 多为数层的、可装食品的有提梁的盒子,其形状不一。


提花 tí huā

[jacquard weave] 用专门机器在织物上织出经、纬线凸出的图案。

提婚 tí hūn

[bring up proposal of marriage] 男家或女家向对方提议亲事。

提货 tí huò

[pick up goods;take delivery of goods] 提取货物。

提及 tí jí

[mention;speak of;bring to notice] 提到,谈到。


提级 tí jí

[step] 提升到下一个更高的等级或级别。

提价 tí jià

[raise price] 将原来价格提高。

提交 tí jiāo

[refer to;hand over to]∶提出征求决策。


提款 tí kuǎn

[draw money] 提取钱,提取存款。


提炼 tí liàn

[sift and refine;extract and purify]∶用化学或物理方法使化合物或混合物纯净,或从中提取所需的东西。


提梁 tí liáng

[hoop handle;handle of a basket,handbag,etc.] 篮子、水壶、提包等上面的提手。

提留 tí liú

[withdraw and retain] 在总收入中按规定提取一部分存留起来作他用或归自己使用。

提名 tí míng

[nominate] 在决定人选之前提出候选人的姓名。


提起 tí qǐ

[mention;speak of]∶谈到;说起。


提前 tí qián

[advance;shift to an earlier time]∶提早;使提早发生。


提挈 tí qiè

[carry by the hand]∶用手提着。

提亲 tí qīn

[propose a marriage] 男家或女家向对方提议结亲。也说提亲事。

提请 tí qǐng

[submit sth. to] 向上级提议并请求批准或同意。

提取 tí qǔ



提神 tí shén

[refresh oneself;give oneself a lift] 使疲怠的精神兴奋起来。


提审 tí shěn

[bring up for trial;bring sb.before the court]∶提出犯人进行审讯。

提升 tí shēng



提示 tí shì

[point out;prompt]∶给演出或背诵者提醒忘记了的台词或内容;以暗示或说出已忘记的或未学完善的下文相助。

提手 tí shǒu

[handle] 提器物的把。

提头儿 tí tou er

[give sb. a lead] 带头或提出话头。


提味 tí wèi

[render foodstuff palatable]∶由于增加佐料而使得可口、好吃。

提问 tí wèn

[ask a question] 提出问题。

提箱 tí xiāng

[travelling-bag;suitcase] 有提手的箱子。

提携 tí xié

[lead by the hand]∶牵扶;携带


提心 tí xīn

[worry] 不放心


提心吊胆 tí xīn diào dǎn


提醒 tí xǐng

[remind;warn;call attention to] 使唤起忘掉的事或很难再想起的事,有时是通过告诫的方法引起的;从旁指点,引起注意。

提选 tí xuǎn

[select;choose] 选出较好、较合适的;挑选。


提讯 tí xùn

[bring up for trial;bring (a criminal) before the court] 提出犯人,进行审讯。

提学御史 tí xué yù shǐ

[officer who superintend and direct education] 官名,在两京督察学政的御史。

提学御史房襄。-- 清. 张廷玉《明史》

提要 tí yào

[summary;abstract] 提出来的要点

提掖 tí yè

[promote and support] 提拔;扶持

提议 tí yì



提早 tí zǎo

[shift to an earlier time;move up a date]∶比通常、计划或预料的时间要早。


提制 tí zhì

[obtain through refining;extract;distill] 从原料中提炼出来。


提倡 tí chàng


提督 tí dū



提纲挈领 tí gāng qiè lǐng


提示 tí shì




提醒 tí xǐng


commander in chief



2023-07-16 08:27:452

古代打仗什么主帅 裨将是怎么回事 可以的话给完善一下

裨将  裨将 píjiàng  副将;专任一方的将领主帅   拼音:zhǔ shuaì  英文:commander in chief   基本解释:  [commander in chief;chief commander] 最高将帅;主要将领 [编辑本段]详细解释  1. 统率全军的最高将领。  《左传·桓公二年》“九月,入 杞 ” 晋 杜预 注:“不称主帅,微者也。” 前蜀 韦庄 《秦妇吟》:“ 陕州 主帅忠且贞,不动干戈惟守城。” 宋 司马光 《涑水记闻》卷十一:“今乃欲以偏裨不受节制为无过,而却加罪主帅,实见事体未顺。”《解放日报》1984.5.7:“我不信服人云亦云的定论……决定性的错误在于败方主帅和将军们失去一瞬间的战机。”
2023-07-16 08:27:551


帅 [名] commander in chief; commander in chief, the chief piece in Chinese chess; a surname; [形] smart; (英俊; 潇洒; 漂亮) beautiful; graceful; [例句]他穿着制服显得很帅。He looks quite smart in his uniform.
2023-07-16 08:28:141


帅帅[shuài]名词commander in chief; commander in chief, the chief piece in Chinese chess; a surname形容词smart; (英俊; 潇洒; 漂亮) beautiful; graceful
2023-07-16 08:28:211


handsome .
2023-07-16 08:28:302


2023-07-16 08:28:383


Long Green-dragon-halting-Moon Broadsword 青龙偃月刀made a stand 扎马步刘备 Liu Bei (family name + given name)曹操 Cao Cao 幽州 YouZhou (name+territory. Han dynasty had 13 Zhou 州) 巨鹿郡 JuLuJun (each Zhou had a few Jun 郡)涿县 ZhuoXian (each Jun had a few Xian 县)汜水关 SiShui Pass汉献帝 Emperor Xian of Han宦官 Eunuchs (they had no official titles, but when an Emperor placed his trust in them, they started to mess around with other official "royal officials".)皇亲(国戚,国舅...) Royal Relatives or Royal Pain (they may or may not have official titles, but when an Emperor placed his trust in them, they started to mess around with other official "royal officials".)大将军 Commander-in-Chief 大都督 Commander-in-Chief 大将(将军)General相国 Prime Minister丞相 Prime Minister司徒 Deputy Prime Minister太守 Governor (of a Zhou)刺史 Inspector (generally to check and report back to the royal court on the governor of a Zhou. Each Zhou had one Inspector, who grew more powerful in Eastern Han than the governor of Zhou. BTW, variations of such "check and balance" mechanism is still in place in present day of China.)督邮 Superintendent (generally to check and report back to the governor of a Zhou on governors of Xian. Each Superintendent was snooping around on a few Xian.)县尉 Police Chief (of a Xian)参军 Chief of Staff青龙偃月刀 Long Green-dragon-halting-Moon Broadsword丈八蛇矛 Long Serpent Spear方天画戟 Long Heavenly Double Lance-Ax(长)枪 Long Spear大刀 Big Long Broadsword (Big Head Chopper) :-)
2023-07-16 08:28:521

Lil Wayne的《Ym Salute》 歌词

歌曲名:Ym Salute歌手:Lil Wayne专辑:I Am Not A Human BeingLil Wayne (ft.Nicki, Millz, Gudda, Twist & Chuckee) - YM SaluteBetter strap up your bootsbeofre they start to shootthan do it for the troopsit"s young money saluteit"s young money saluteYeah, uhso sick with the flowyeah your cowboys know that Lil Twistbeen a pro way before Romo or T.Ono wetting cowboys to a pistonA.I no wallace your kids getting demolishedI"m booking on your suckers like Im just leaving collegebut smart, very smart, too smart for ya knowledgetoo smart once more, Wayne called me a geniusit"s YME nothing gets inbetween usTell Wayne I"m going in like somebody bout to bury mein this rap game nobody could ever bury methats why you see me on stage rocking with young moneyI told my team I got us man it"s all on melike volume 2 BG I got my crew with meTwist, Mack, Millz, Gudda and my baby egeeeverytime I"m on the track it"s ransomcan"t find us anymore it"s randomwhen Young Money come through you netter salute usBetter strap up your bootsbeofre they start to shootthan do it for the troopsit"s young money saluteit"s young money saluteit"s young money saluteit"s young money saluteit"s young money saluteHey I solomly swear if it ever go downyou aint never gotta call me cause I"mma be therelets get to the point like elbows, my crew harder than shelltoesstrapped like velcrow and this we running hell noand truthfully, aiming for number one oh do weyou ask why I reply cause nobody remember 2 or 3cross YM and the hem will make a moviewe all we can be, respect the army and salute weYeah, Young money army we marchingwe coming forward no warningwe got these boys running like forestsso salute me like a generalfirst place never lastalways on top and I"m a cheif like a seminolgot the game in strangle hold no letting upyou can get the top, ya can pop like 7 Upknock knock let us up, young money applaud meand we"ll take the game out your hands like a joy stickI"mma need my badges and my ribbonsmaybe it will make up for everything that I wasn"t giveneverything that I"ve given, I swear I"ll never give injust look at what I"ve been in and this is just the beginningI d-d-d-d-do it cause I did it for my ballerina girlsblowing kisses to the soldiers I am Marilyn Monroebut we shoot shoot shoot em up, camoflauge me,cuz young money is the Navy better yet the ArmyBetter strap up your bootsbeofre they start to shootthan do it for the troopsit"s young money saluteit"s young money saluteit"s young money saluteit"s young money saluteit"s young money saluteCommander in chiefOne hand on the World, one hand on the briefI stand on the World, b-tch I stand on the peakOf the game, and the girls, and the guap, now thats GDon"t ask me about sh-t but moneyF-ckin" right my money long I got that 10ft moneyI get it fast when I get to the moneyWhen I walk, it sounds like 10 foots runningI meant feet, I"m in deep like wet p-ssyI"m a purple heart proven war vet rookieYou can"t even sit next to meNow bring money or death to me.. or don"t step to meNow don"t step n-gga, march with meTo the steps of the card buildingLike ain"t we God"s childrenI know at all times God"s feel meSo I play my part until the war kill meSalute or shootBetter strap up your bootsbeofre they start to shootthan do it for the troopsit"s young money saluteit"s young money saluteit"s young money saluteit"s young money saluteit"s young money saluteOh my mother f-ck it lightsBut I still have thatMy lightsmaxrnb - 你的欧美音乐首选
2023-07-16 08:29:111

求翻译 元代官员名称 minor scholar-official

一品 丞相the Prime Minister 相国the Premier 大司马Great Minister of War 大将军Great General 大都督Commander in Chief 太尉Grand Commandant 太傅Grand Preceptor 大司空Great Minister of Public Works 大司徒the Chief Minister of the Interior 二品 骠骑将军General of the Flying Cavalry 车骑将军General of Chariots and Cavalry 镇东大将军Great General Who Guards the East 镇南大将军Great General Who Guards the South 镇西大将军Great General Who Guards the West 镇北大将军Great General Who Guards the North 征东大将军Great General Who Assails the East 征南大将军Great General Who Assails the South 征西大将军Great General Who Assails the West 征北大将军Great General Who Assails the North 光禄大夫Imperial Minister of State 卫将军General of Martial Might 中军大将军Great General of the Central Army 上军大将军Great General of the Upper Army 三品 光禄勋Chief of Palace Administration 太常Master of Ceremony 尚书令Chief of Secretariat 执金吾Chief of the Capital Guard 安东将军General Who Stabilizes the East 安南将军General Who Stabilizes the South 安西将军General Who Stabilizes the West 安北将军General Who Stabilizes the North 平北将军General Who Pacifies the North 平东将军General Who Pacifies the East 平南将军General Who Pacifies the South 平西将军General Who Pacifies the West 前将军General of the Forward Army 后将军General of the Rear 左将军General of the Left 右将军General of the Right 中领军Commandant of the Central Army 四品 御史中丞Imperial Minister 中坚将军General Who is the Core of the Army 骁骑将军General of Valiant Cavalry 游击将军General of Guerrilla Warfare 积弩将军General in Charge of the Production of Crossbows 积射将军General in Charge of the Production of Bows 城门校尉Commander Who Guards Gate 典军中郎将Chief Imperial Corps Commander 积弩都尉Commandant in Charge of the Production of Crossbows 持节都尉Commandant Who Holds Tallies 副军中郎将Deputy Imperial Corps Commander 典铠都尉Commandant in Charge of Amors 抚军中郎将 Imperial Corps Commander Who Uplifts the Army 武卫中郎将Imperial Corps Commander of the Military Guard 五品 符节令 Officer in Charge of Tallies 鹰扬将军General Who Displays Owl"s Might 折冲将军General Who Oppresses the Enemy with Ferocity 伏波将军General Who Overcomes Adversity 破虏将军General Who Eliminates Barbarians 横海将军General Who Crosses the Ocean 楼船将军General in Charge of Navy 复土将军General Who Restores Territory 牙门将军Garrison Commander 偏将军Assistant General 裨将军Deputy General
2023-07-16 08:29:181


I"m handsome
2023-07-16 08:29:276

acting in the capacity of Member of the staff of the Governor and Commander-in -chief 这句是什么意

2023-07-16 08:29:421

帮忙,谁有关于英文翻译的 英文文章

  攻略〕I 顺序相同  1)up and down:上上下下,起伏地  The boat bobbed up and down in the water  那只小船在水中颠簸。  2)more or less:或多或少,有点儿  He more or less thought it was his duty to tell me.  他或多或少认为告诉我是他的责任。  3)rock and roll:摇滚乐  4)deaf and dumb:又聋又哑  5)heart and soul:全心全意地,满腔热情地  He devoted himself heart and soul to his work.  他全心全意地致力于工作。  6)day and night:日日夜夜,夜以继日  7)husband and wife:夫妻,夫妇  They have lived together as husband and wife for years.  他们结为夫妇共同生活了很多年。  8)black and white:(指电影、电视、照片等)黑白  I changed my black and white television for a color set.  我把黑白电视机换成了一台彩色的。  9)black and blue:青一块、紫一块的  10)wax and wane:(力量或重要性)兴衰,盛衰  Throughout history em pires have waxed and waned.  历史上各个王朝均有兴衰。  11)home and abroad:国内外,海内外  Mount Tai attracts many tourists from home and abroad.  泰山吸引了许多海内外游客。  12)Ladies and gentlemen:女士们、先生们(用在发言的开始,虽然有时汉语也会说:“先生们,女士们”,但英语习惯始终是“ladies”在前面。)  13)from head to foot/toe:从头到脚,全身  The children were covered in mud from head to toe.  孩子们满身沾满了泥。  14)the First/Second World War:  第一次/第二次世界大战(也可以表示为World War I和World War II)  15)from first to last:自始至终,一贯  16)science and technology:科学技术,科技  Science and technology can reproduce productivity.  科学技术是第一生产力。  Qinghua Science and Technology Park 清华科技园  17)总书记:general secretary(不过“总领事”是“consul general”,“总司令”是“commander in chief”,另外“secretary general”为“秘书长”。)  [攻略]II 顺序不同  1)东南西北:north,south,east and west(注:这类顺序一定要注意区别,尽管汉语有时也说“东西南北”。此外东北、东南、西北、西南的英语表达为northeast, southeast,northwest和southwest。注意单词里前后方位的英汉顺序不同。)  2)左右:right and left  3)身心健康:be sound in m ind and body  4)衣食住行:food,clothing,shelter,and transportation  5)你我他:you,he and I  6)救死扶伤:heal the wounded and rescue the dying  7)back and forth:前前后后,来来回回地  He paced back and forth in his room.他在房间里来回踱步。  8)(in)black and white:白纸黑字(书写的或印刷的)  I want the contract in black and white.我要这项合同见诸文字。  9)sweet-and-sour pork chop:酸甜排骨(不过有时也说糖醋排骨);  酸辣汤:hot and sour soup  10)by/in twos and threes:三三两两地  Applications for the job are coming in slowly in twos and threes.  申请这份工作的信件三三两两来得很慢。  11)sink or swim(fail or not):成功与否  Sink or swim,I"ll try it.不管成功与否,我都要试一试。  12)foot-and-mouth(disease):(牛羊等的)口蹄疫  13)go through fire and water(for sb/sth):为……赴汤蹈火  14)(by)fire and sword:(战争中)杀人放火  15)(there is)no smoke without fire:无火不生烟(谣言也是事出有因的)  英译汉中的反译法  在英译汉过程中,我们常常遇到这样一种情况,即原词所表达的并不是其字面意义,而是其字面意义的反义,或者说是对其字面意义的否定,可这种否定又往往不出现否定词,这种情况并不很少,给翻译工作带来很大的麻烦。  下面是常见的两个词组,请注意它们的汉语意思:  ① riot police防暴警察(即anti-riot police,而不是暴乱的警察)  ②crisis law反危机法案(即anti-crisis law)  这两个词组的翻译采用的就是反译法,译文都是其字面意义的否定或反义,这样既表达了原文的真正含义,又符合汉语的表达习惯,使人一看就懂。  另外,英文报刊文章标题的翻译有时也采用反译法。如《中国日报》(China Daily)曾刊登一则新闻,题目是Inflation is target  of bank"s new policy,主要说的是银行在1995年将来取有力措施制止通货膨胀。但题目的字面意思恰恰相反。因此我们在翻译时必须把inflation看成是anti-inflation,使之文题一致。这样的标题在英文报刊中比较常见,目的是为简练及醒目,在翻译时要格外注意,切勿望文生义。  再让我们来看看下面的例子:  (1)Sidney Simon called the college grading system“archaic,prescientific,  bureaucratic invention,",and“about as accurate as police estimates of crowds  of peace marches.”  如果按字面翻译,这句话是这样的:  西德尼·西蒙称这种大学评级制度“是过时的,缺乏科学验证”,而且还是“官僚主义的产物”而且“简直同警察估计和平示威人数一样准确。”  既然前面已说了这个评级制度“过时无用,缺乏科学验证”,而且还是“官僚主义的产物”,后面又怎么能说它“准确”呢?这显然自相矛盾,西蒙所表达的真正含义绝非如此。  以上译文,忽略了说话人的语气。其实,西蒙是在抨击大学评级制度。他说话时,前面直接用了archaic,prescientific和bureaucratic几个贬义词,而后面的褒义词accurate实际上是一个反语。因为我们知道,警察在估计示威人数时只能说出大概,往往和实际人数出入很大,极不准确。所以说话人所表达的真正含义是not  accurate,或inaccurate。这样,可理解成about as inaccurate,as police estimates of  crowds of peace marches,译成汉语就是:“简直同警察估计和平示威人数一样不准确。”也就是把accurate反过来译,即反译。  以上例句是通过分析说话人的语气来采用反译法正确表达语义的。有的句子前面所表达的意思是否定的,但根据这个意思得出来的结论却是肯定的。为了使其真正含义不至于前后矛盾,我们也采取反译后面结论的方法。  (2)This sort of situation highlights a critical weakness in the ANC leadership:  accountability.  如按字面则译成:  这种情况突出了非国大领导层方面的极为严重的弱点:有责任心。  “有责任心”怎么能是“弱点”呢?这种译文显然是错误的。作者在句尾所表达的真正含义其实和前面提到的“弱点”是一致的,即可理解成unaccountability。那么全句应译成:这种情况突出了非国大领导层方面的极为严重的弱点,玩忽职守(无责任心)。
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As Commander-in-Chief of the armed force,I have directed that all measures for our defence________.

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=====朱可夫=====Georgy ZhukovMarshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, GCB (December 1, 1896 – June 18, 1974) was a Soviet military commander who, in the course of World War II, played an important role in leading the Red Army to liberate the Soviet Union from the Axis Powers" occupation, to advance through much of Eastern Europe, and to conquer Germany"s capital, Berlin. He is one of the most decorated heroes in the history of both Russia and the Soviet Union.=========艾森豪威尔=========Dwight D. EisenhowerDwight David "Ike" Eisenhower (October 14, 1890 – March 28, 1969) was a five-star general in the United States Army and President of the United States from 1953 until 1961. During the Second World War, he served as Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe, with responsibility for planning and supervising the successful invasion of France and Germany in 1944–45. In 1951, he became the first supreme commander of NATO.As President, he oversaw the cease-fire of the Korean War, kept up the pressure on the Soviet Union during the Cold War, made nuclear weapons a higher defense priority, launched the Space Race, enlarged the Social Security program, and began the Interstate Highway System.=======麦克阿瑟=======Douglas MacArthurGeneral of the Army Douglas MacArthur, GCB (January 26, 1880 – April 5, 1964) was an American general and Field Marshal of the Philippine Army. He was a Chief of Staff of the United States Army during the 1930s and later played a prominent role in the Pacific theater of World War II, receiving the Medal of Honor for his early service in the Philippines and on the Bataan Peninsula. He was designated to command the proposed invasion of Japan in November 1945. When that was no longer necessary, he officially accepted the nation"s surrender on September 2, 1945.MacArthur oversaw the Occupation of Japan from 1945 to 1951. Although criticized for protecting Emperor Hirohito and the imperial family, he is credited with implementing far-ranging democratic changes in that country. He led the United Nations Command forces defending South Korea against the North Korean invasion from 1950 to 1951. On April 11, 1951 MacArthur was removed from command by President Harry S. Truman for publicly disagreeing with Truman"s Korean War Policy.MacArthur is credited with the military dictum, "In war, there is no substitute for victory" but he also warned, "The soldier, above all other people, prays for peace, for he must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war." He fought in three major wars (World War I, World War II, Korean War) and was one of only five men ever to rise to the rank of General of the Army.===巴顿===George S. PattonGeorge Smith Patton, Jr. (also George Smith Patton III) GCB, OBE (November 11, 1885 – December 21, 1945) was a leading U.S. Army General in World War II in campaigns in North Africa, Sicily, France, and Germany, 1943–1945. In World War I, he was a senior commander of the new tank corps and saw action in France. After the war, he was an advocate of armored warfare but was reassigned to the cavalry. In World War II, he commanded both corps and armies in North Africa, Sicily, and the European Theater of Operations.=====尼米兹=====Chester W. NimitzFleet Admiral Chester William Nimitz, USN, GCB (February 24, 1885 – February 20, 1966) held the dual command of Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet ("CinCPac" pronounced "sink-pack"), for U.S. naval forces and Commander in Chief, Pacific Ocean Areas (CinCPOA), for U.S. and Allied air, land, and sea forces during World War II. He was the leading U.S. Navy authority on submarines, as well as Chief of the Navy"s Bureau of Navigation in 1939. He served as Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) from 1945 until 1947. He was the United States" last surviving Fleet Admiral.=====隆美尔=====Erwin RommelErwin Johannes Eugen Rommel (15 November 1891 – 14 October 1944) (also known as the "Desert Fox"), was perhaps the most famous German Field Marshal of World War II. He was the commander of the Deutsches Afrikakorps and became known for the skillful military campaigns he waged on behalf of the German Army in North Africa. He was later in command of the German forces opposing the Allied cross-channel invasion at Normandy. He is thought by many to have been the most skilled commander of desert warfare in World War II.Rommel"s military successes earned the respect not only of his troops and Adolf Hitler, but also that of his enemy Commonwealth troops in the North African Campaign. An enduring legacy of Rommel"s character is that he is also considered to be a chivalrous and humane military officer in contrast with many other figures of Nazi Germany. His famous Afrika Korps was not accused of any war crimes, captured Commonwealth soldiers during his Africa campaign report to have been largely treated humanely, and orders to kill captured Jewish soldiers and civilians in all theatres of his command were defiantly ignored. Following the defeat of Axis forces in North Africa, and while commanding the defence of Occupied France, his fortunes changed when he was suspected of involvement in the failed July 20 Plot of 1944 to kill Hitler and was forced to commit suicide.
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  1943年春,从海军正规军的志愿者中挑选出来的精英组成了这支部队的第一代,当时被称为“海军战斗爆破队”,这支部队的任务是负责海滩侦察并在主力部队登陆前清除障碍,逐步发展成“水中战斗侦察组”.第二次世界海豹突击队队员大战使NCDU威名远扬,无论大西洋战场还是太平洋战场,都成为他们军事表演的舞台。  1947年,海军成立了第一支水下爆破组,担负起破坏近水的桥梁和隧道的任务,以及一些海港和河流的扫雷工作。1960年代,每个军种都成立自己的特种部队,海军将水下爆破组重组为海豹突击队特种部队。1962年1月,海豹I队被分派在太平洋舰队,海豹II队被分派在大西洋舰队。这些部队承担针对蓝色水域(美国海豹突击队海洋)和褐色水域(江河湖泊)的非传统的特殊战斗、反游击战斗和秘密战斗的任务。  2004年4月16日,海军特种部队指挥部计划在佛罗尼亚海滩建立现代化的海军两栖基地,其职能是为海军特种部队的任务做战前准备,分派行动任务,以及研究特种兵作战理论和战略战术科学。  美国海豹突击队,全称为美国海军海豹突击队,隶属于美国海军,世界十大特种部队之一。“海豹”(SEAL)是美军三栖突击队的别名,SEAL取SEA(海)、AIR(空)、LAND(陆)之意。突击队正式成立于1962年,前身是美国海军水下爆破队,到1988年时已经扩大到两个战斗群,共有7个中队,人数约1600人。海豹突击队现已成为美国实施低强度战争、应付突发事件的杀手。
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CIC abbr. commander-in-chief 最高司令官; [网络] 免疫复合物; 加拿大公民及移民部; 加拿大移民局; CIC abbr. commander-in-chief 最高司令官; [网络] 免疫复合物; 加拿大公民及移民部; 加拿大移民局;
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帅(汉语汉字) 编辑帅(shuai)从垖从巾。(1) (形声)率(2) 同本义 [shawl],佩巾也。——《说文》。帅,佩巾率众者,音通率,组织、带领者。率,捕鸟(的器具)。是汉语汉字之一,军中之主曰帅。现代通常用于形容男性漂亮 [beautiful],如:这人长得真帅。(3)姓氏中文名帅外文名handsome部 首巾部外笔画2总笔画5五笔98jmhh仓 颉lllb笔顺编号23252四角号码24027郑 码kdliUnicodeCJK统一汉字U+5E05目录1 基本字义2 详细字义u25aa 名词u25aa 动词3 采用词组基本字义编辑1. 军队中最高级的指挥官:元~。统~。2. 遵循:“命乡简不~教者以告”。3. 同“率”。4. 姓。[1] 5.现代通常用于形容男性漂亮 [beautiful],如:这人长得真帅。详细字义编辑名词(1) (形声)(2) 同本义 [shawl],佩巾也。——《说文》。 张舜徽注:“然佩巾之义,经传皆用帨,无用帅者,帅乃为将帅义所专矣。 吴楚《说文染指》谓帅字当以将帅为本义。无感我帨兮。——《诗·野有死麕》毋施衿结帨。——《仪礼·士昏礼》左佩纷帨。又,女子设帨于门右。——《礼记·内则》(3) 军队中的主将、统帅 [commander-in-chief]帅刘良佐拥骑至城下,呼曰:“吾与 阎雅故,为我语 阎君,欲相见。”—— 清· 邵长蘅《阎典史传》予自度不得脱,则直前诟虏帅失信,数吕师孟叔侄为逆。—— 宋· 文天祥《指南录·后序》(4) 又如:挂帅;帅甸(甸地的统帅。即公邑的大夫)(5) 地方的长官 [local leader]三乡为县,县有县帅。——《国语·齐语》(6) 又如:帅长(首领);帅使(宋代安抚使的别称);帅司(宋代对各路安抚司或经略安抚司的通称,掌管一路的兵、民事务)(7) 中国象棋棋子中的主将 [commander in chief, the chief piece in Chinese chess](8) 指首领或起主导作用的人或事物 [leader]夫志,气之帅也。——《孟子·公孙丑上》(9) 又如:帅首(领袖;首领)(10) 表率;楷模 [model]相国萧、 曹以宽厚清净为天下帅。——《汉书·循吏传序》(11) 指总督。清代下级称总督为“大帅” [governor]那帅爷又翻出六个字,是帅查确,拟揭参。——《官场现形记》(12) 姓[2] 动词(1) 统率;率领 [command]上帅士以人之所戴。——《管子·问篇》命子封帅车二百乘以伐京。——《左传·隐公元年》命李祐、 李忠义帅突将三千为前驱。——《资治通鉴·唐纪》我文公帅诸侯及秦围 郑。——《左传·成公十三年》尝树旗鼓,砺戈矛,帅众而捣退之。——明·宋濂《看松庵记》(2) 又如:帅厉(率领激励);帅示(教导指示);帅尔(率尔);帅师;帅兵(3) 引导;带头 [lead]不立刚毅之心,勇猛之节,亡以帅先士大夫,尤失理不公。——《汉书·胡建传》自谓能以敦厉薄俗,帅之以义。——诸葛亮《黜来敏教》(4) 又如:帅示(引导指示)(5) 遵循 [follow]命乡简不帅教者以告。——《礼记·王制》不愆不忘,帅由旧章。——《风俗通义·愆礼》(6)又如:帅繇(遵循);帅职(遵守职责);帅由旧章(遵循成法。同率由旧章);帅意(循其意志);帅行(遵循实行);帅由(遵循)[2] (7)在一些人自黑时,常做反语。望采纳
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我帮你找了一篇,希望我的回答对你有帮助!^_^George Washington“First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.” General Henry Lee spoke this famous tribute when George Washington died.During the American Revolution, Washington led the American colonies in the fight for independence from Great Britain. Washington was respected so much some people wanted him to be king. He refused. But Washington agreed to serve as the first president of the United States.EARLY LIFEBorn in February 1732, George grew up on his father"s farm in Virginia. George only attended school a short while. George learned most of his lessons at home from his father. George"s older half brother, Lawrence, also taught young George. Although shy, George loved music and dancing. He hoped to become a wealthy gentleman. He even wrote a list of 110 good manners to follow!At the age of 17, George took a job measuring land as a surveyor. When Lawrence died in 1752, he left George his estate in Virginia. It was a large farm called Mount Vernon.YOUNG SOLDIERDuring the French and Indian War, Washington served as an officer in Virginia"s colonial army. His bravery won attention. But British officers looked down on American soldiers. They refused to make George an officer in the British army. In 1758, Washington resigned from the colonial army. By then, at the age of 26, he was a skilled military leader. He knew how to train his troops and run an army.LIFE AS A LANDOWNERIn 1759, Washington married a wealthy widow named Martha Custis. Soon after his marriage, Washington was elected to Virginia"s colonial legislature. Washington won reelection many times. He served in the legislature until 1774.Washington was eager to learn about farming. He studied books on growing crops and tried new farming methods. He also started other businesses, such as a fishery, a mill, and ironworks. Washington owned slaves, and they did much of the work at Mount Vernon.STEPS TOWARD REVOLUTIONDuring the 1760s, the colonists became very angry at the taxes placed on them by Britain. As a Virginia representative, Washington opposed the new British taxes. Washington believed Britain had trampled on the rights of colonists to govern themselves. He told colonists they should prepare to defend their rights. Washington impressed other members of the Virginia legislature. They elected him to attend the Second Continental Congress, which met in May 1775.By the time the Congress met, fighting against British forces had already started at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts. The leaders of all the other colonies also attended the congress. Washington looked tall and dashing wearing the blue uniform of the Virginia militia. In June 1775, the congress elected Washington as commander in chief of the American Continental Army.THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONTo fight the British, Washington had to build an army. But how? The colonial armies lacked discipline. Men served for a short time and then went home. Washington needed an army he could train and count on to stay. He also needed supplies: weapons, food, clothes, and pay for soldiers.Washington improved discipline. The Congress offered money to new recruits so they would enlist for longer terms. But supply problems continued. Washington"s army often went hungry. Some troops had no shoes and had to walk barefoot through snow!Washington led his small, tattered army with great skill. Many times he ordered a retreat to save his army for future battles. In 1778 France joined the Americans against the British. American forces and the French Navy trapped the British at Yorktown, Virginia in 1781.The victory at Yorktown convinced many in Britain that the Americans would not give up. A peace treaty was signed in September 1783.BACK ON THE FARMWashington was glad to return to Mount Vernon and his family. Visitors constantly arrived eager to chat with the famous leader.But Washington feared America"s hard-won independence might be lost. The new nation"s government under the Articles of Confederation seemed weak. States bickered constantly. Washington joined the calls for a convention to create a new government. WRITING A CONSTITUTIONThe convention met in Philadelphia in 1787. The delegates elected Washington president of the convention. Through long, sometimes angry debates, the delegates wrote the U.S. Constitution. It became the law of the land in 1788.In January 1789 electors from the states voted unanimously to make Washington the country"s first president. He seemed the only man for the job. The office needed his skills, dignity, and leadership. THE FIRST PRESIDENTWashington served two terms as President, from 1789 to 1797. Much rested on his shoulders. He knew his decisions would affect later presidents. “I walk on untrodden ground,” said Washington upon first taking office.Washington faced many important issues. The young country was in deep debt from the war. How would the debts be paid? Relations with Britain, France, and Spain were strained. On the frontier, wars with Native Americans flared.Washington also had to contend with America"s first political parties. Washington"s secretary of treasury, Alexander Hamilton, and the secretary of state, Thomas Jefferson, disagreed on many issues. Eventually, Hamilton and Jefferson headed different political parties, the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans. This concerned Washington. He believed the parties created divisions, and he tried not to favor either one.Washington supported laws that created a strong government. He believed everyone needed to work together for the good of the nation. Washington used treaties with foreign powers and Native Americans to strengthen and protect the United States.FAREWELL TO GOVERNMENTAfter two terms in office, Washington was ready to retire. He had grown weary of politics. Washington"s farewell speech to the country held several warnings. He warned against the danger of political parties. He warned against getting tangled in the troubles of foreign countries.Washington gladly went home to Mount Vernon. He died in December 1799. The country deeply mourned the man who guided the new nation through war and peace.
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Located on the alluvial plain of the Yellow River in Shandong Province of the international business unit, is the title of "Chinese Wu saint "of the home"s grandson. Since the first Chinese in 2003 (Waste Management) grandson of Culture and Tourism Festival, the Waste Management name more and more access to people"s vision. A few days ago, the third grandson of Culture and Tourism Festival is being held, "Binzhou Sina" to take you into the home of Sun, The Art of War sentiment charm --Fan Zhongyan duan gong King was born two years (989 years). Queen Mary Help of Christians died in four years (in 1052) the Greek text the word, the Northern Song Dynasty are well-known politicians and the commander in chief, but also - digital outstanding writer and educator. Qingli innovation under his leadership campaign, Xifeng Wang became a prelude to political reform; him of certain military systems and strategic measures to make the western border of the firm quite a long period of time; recommended him out by a large number of scholars, as the Song Dynasty laid the foundation for academic peak; he initiated after the first bad idea, and lofty ideals Music Festival parade, the history of Chinese civilization are colorful flash of spiritual wealth Zhuo: Zhu Xi"s call him between heaven and earth for ever first-class figures! you"re so far, around the ruins of the Fan Zhongyan . Always been the protection and Memory
2023-07-16 08:31:351


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ruler 英[ˈru:lə(r)] 美[ˈrulɚ]n. 统治者; 尺; 直尺;[例句]He was a weak-willed and indecisive ruler.他是一位意志薄弱、优柔寡断的统治者。[其他] 复数:rulers
2023-07-16 08:31:501


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2023-07-16 08:32:311

in chief of 什么意思

2023-07-16 08:33:103


The Emancipation Proclamation ?
2023-07-16 08:33:203


1. (形声.从邑,者声.从“邑”,表示与城市有关.本义:建有宗庙的城邑) 2. 同本义 [capital],周时各国把国都叫国,把有宗庙或先君神主的城叫都,没有的叫邑 都,有先君之旧宗庙曰都.——《说文》 距闰王百里为都.——《周礼》 凡邑有宗庙先君之主曰都,无曰邑.——《左传·庄公二十八年》 先王之制,大都不过参国之一.——《左传·隐公元年》 田畴秽,都邑露.——《荀子·富国》 3. 又如:都鄙(旧时天子宗亲及公卿大夫的采邑);都家(周王朝分封给子弟及公卿大夫的采邑);都亭(都邑中的传舍);都甸(都邑郊外之地) 4. 邦国的都城,国都 [capital] 国都曰都,都者,国君所居,人所都会也.——《释名》 兴复汉室,还于旧都.—— 诸葛亮《出师表》 秋九月,权迁都建业.——《三国志·吴主传》 都门帐饮无绪.——宋· 柳永《雨霖铃》 5. 又如:奠都;定都;故都;国都;京都(旧时称国都);旧都(故都);迁都;行都(旧时指临时的首都);都下(京都之下.即京城);都内(京城内的府库);都邑(首都);都辇(京师);都畿(京都及其附近的地区) 6. 引申为城市 [big city] 傅之其人,通邑大都.——王安石《报任安书》 召有司案图,指从此以往十五都予赵.——《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》 7. 又如:都道(都城的街道);都阃(都市郭门.引申为守卫城市的统帅.阃:门坎);都庄(都城的大道) 8. 周代王室子弟及三公的封地、采地 [fief;feud] 凡造都鄙.——《周礼·大司徒》.注:“都鄙,王子弟公卿大夫采地,其界曰都.鄙所居也.” 邦都之赋.——《周礼·大宰》.注:“四郊去国百里,邦甸二百里,家削三百里,邦县四百里;邦都五百里.” 都城过百雉,国之害也.——《左传·隐公元年》 9. 又如:都鄙,都家(周公卿、大夫、王子弟的采邑,封地) 10. 国家或帝国的行政区域或行政分区.明、清时基层行政区划是图,图下分十庄,图有地保;图上设都,相当于区或乡 [region;countryside] 族长严振先,乃城中十二都的乡约,平日最怕 严大老官.——《儒林外史》 11. 头目,首领 [head].如:都老(岭南少数民族的首领之称);都长(唐末帝王侍卫军的首长);都纂(总编纂);都鬼(迷信说法,阴间鬼的头领);都判官(迷信说法,阴间主管生死簿的官) 12. 唐、五代宋初军队编制单位,以百人或千人为都 [hundred persons].如:都伯(统领百人的军官);都排(百人长.都是军队编制名称,唐和五代,都为千人,宋时缩为百人);都司(绿旗兵中的营级武官,正四品);都尉(官名.系汉代辅助郡守掌管军事的官员) 13. 吏的俗称 [official].如:都护(官名);都监(官名);都府(中央所属各部、府的长官);都校(五代时武官名);都将(后魏铸钱官);都统制(官名.南宋建炎元年始置);都察院(明清时最高监察机构);都老爷(清朝对都察院的给事中,御史的口头称呼);都头(州县的捕盗头目;总头目);都知(客店或酒店的管事人员) 〈动〉 1. 建都 [found a capital] 据天下之雄图,都六合之上游.——柳宗元《封建论》 2. 聚集 [accumulate] 都,凡也.——《广雅·释训》 都部者,都统其众也.——《后汉书·齐武王演传》注 水泽所聚谓之都.——《水经注·水文注》 顷择其遗文,都为一集.——《文选·与吴质书》 3. 又如:都居(水积聚的地方);都场(聚会的地方);都泽(水流汇聚的草泽地带) 4. 率领 [command].如:都督(统率,率领);都部(统率兵众) 〈形〉 1. 美好的样子 [elegant] 身长八尺,仪貌都雅.——《三国志·孙韶传》 不见于子都.——《诗·郑风·山有扶苏》.传:“世之美好者也.” 妻子衣服丽都.——《战国策·齐策》 2. 又如:都冶(美艳的样子);都雅(优美文雅的样子);都长(指人美貌而性情温厚);都鄙(文雅与卑陋) 3. 大 [great] 军惊而怀都舍.——《吕氏春秋·察今》 中有都柱,傍行八道.——《后汉书·张衡传》 4. 又如:都匠(大匠);都酿(大的酿造作坊);都坑(公共厕所);都灶(蒸炊用的大灶) 〈副〉 1. 统统,完全 [all] 都,凡也.——《广雅·释训》 2. 又如:都齐(完全,统统);都数(总数);都领(总领,总管);都邮(古指邮驿总站);都来(统统;总共;总计);都凡(总共) 3. 另见 dōu 常用词组 1. 都察院 dūucháyuàn [the central conerol organization in Ming,Qing dynasties] 明清时的中央监察机构 2. 都城 dūchéng [capital] 古代诸侯封给卿大夫的采邑;首都;国都 3. 都德 Dūdé [Daudet,Alphonse] 法国小说家.其充满爱国主义激情的《最后一课》是世界文学中著名的短篇小说之一 4. 都督 dūdu (1) [governor of province;military governor]∶总兵.古代的军事长官.清初总兵一般都兼都督.同知、都督佥事官衔.民国初年各省也设有都督,兼管民政 马副使 鸣騄? 徐任太守 民育及诸将 刘都督 肇基等皆死.—— 清· 全祖望《梅花岭记》 (2) [command]∶统率 予除右丞相兼枢密使,都督诸路军马.——宋· 文天祥《指南录·后序》 5. 都给事中 dūgǐshìzhōng [title of officer in Ming Dynasty] 官名.六科的长官,掌管侍从、规谏、稽察、补阙、拾遗等事 都给事中舒化论 瑞迂滞不达政体.——《明史·海瑞传》 6. 都护 dūhù [title of the highest administrative commanding officer in border area] 古代官名.设在边疆地区的最高行政长官 将军角弓不得控,都护铁衣冷难着.——唐· 岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》 7. 都会 dūhuì [city;metropolis] 都市 8. 都江堰 Dūjiāng Yàn [Dujiang Weirs] 中国古代著名水利工程之一,在四川省灌县境内.该工程为公元前256年秦朝时李冰父子主持修建,以后历代又经改造,工程系将部分岷江水引到成都平原灌溉农田,过去总灌溉面积20多万公顷,目前已达46万公顷 9. 都市 dūshì (1) [metropolis]∶国家的主要城市 (2) [city]∶大的城市 10. 都试 dūshì [a military examination manner in Han Dynasty] 汉代一种讲武习兵的考试制度 如古都试之法.——宋· 苏轼《教战守》 11. 都司 dūsī [army and goverment office] 指都指挥使司,掌管一方军政的官署 以钦依都司掌徼巡.——清· 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》 12. 都统 dūtǒng [commander-in-chief of one of the “Eight Banners” (military-administrative organizations of the Man nationality in the Qing Dynasty)] 清代八旗组织中每旗的最高长官 13. 都尉 dūwèi [title of the military officer subter general] 官名,次于将军的军官 吴广为都尉.——《史记·陈涉世家》 项王使都尉 陈平召 沛公.——《史记·项羽本纪》 14. 都御使 dūyùshǐ [title of the officer] 官名,都察院的长官 公为都御史.——明· 崔铣《记王忠肃公翱三事》 15. 都柱 dūzhù [thick column] 粗大的柱子.都,大. 中有都柱,傍行八道,施关发机.——《后汉书·张衡传》
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Chief Executive office 首席执行官
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xo executive officercic commander-in-chief
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2023-07-16 08:35:355

岳姓 男孩儿 起名

2023-07-16 08:35:5314

general 与cheif 区别

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定语从句(也称关系从句、形容词性从句),是指一类由关系词引导的从句,下面是我精心整理的定语从句句子翻译例句,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 定语从句句子翻译例句如下: 1.将下列含有限制性定语从句的复合句译成汉语: 1)Everything that is around us is matter. 我们周围的一切都是物质 2)He is the only one among us that knows French. 他是我们中唯一懂法语的人。 3)I know the reason why he came late. 我知道他来迟的原因。 4)Certain ideas, principles, and laws often form the foundation on which other ideas, principles and laws of a science are constructed. 一些思想、原则和法律往往会成为其他思想、原则和法律赖以形成的基础。 5)Stainless steels must contain a minimum of 10% chromium. This is the reason why they are stainless. 不锈钢至少要含有10%的铬,这就是不锈钢不生锈的原因。 6)Electrical energy that is supplied to a lamp can be turned into light energy. 供照明的电能可以转化为光能。 7)An electric field is a space where an electric force exists. 电场就是电力存在的空间。 8)The house whose roof was damaged has now been repaired. 屋顶坏了的房子现在已经修好。 9)Shanghai is the place where he was born. 上海是他出生的地方。 10)The people who worked for him lived in mortal fear of him. 在他手下工作的人对他怕的要死。 11)The force that causes everything to fall toward the ground is called gravity. 使所有物体落向地面的力称为重力。 12)Substances which allow electricity to flow through freely are called conductors. 电流能顺利通过的物体称为导体。 13)The car whose engine broke down was bought last month. 发动机坏掉的那辆车是上个月买的。 14)A rocket engine can work in space where there is no air. 火箭发动机能在没有空气的太空中工作。 15)We could not really feel satisfied, calm or in agreement with the situation with which we are faced at the beginning of this session of the General Assembly. 我们对本界联大开始时所面临的局势难以感到满意,也难以感到心安理得。 16)They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives. 他们正在为实现一个理想而努力,这个理想是每个中国人所珍爱的`,在过去,许多中国人曾为这个理想而牺牲了自己的生命。 17)He unselfishly contributed his uncommon talents and indefatigable spirit to the struggle which today brings those aims within the reach of a majority of the human race. 他把自己非凡的才智和不倦的精力无私地献给了这种斗争,这种斗争今天以使人类中大多数人可以达到这些目标。 18)He said there was never anything happening in his family he was ashamed of. 他说他们家可从来没有出现过见不得人的事儿。 19)There is a man downstairs who wants to see you. 楼下有人要见你。 20)There are some countries in the world where there is little rain at any time.世界上有些国家终年少雨。 2.将下列含有非限制性定语从句的复合句译成汉语: 1)Silver is a conductor, which allows electric current to flow easily. 银是一种导体,它可以让电流很容易地通过。 2)Days and nights are very long on the moon, where one day is as long as two weeks on the earth. 月球上的白天和黑夜都相当长,那里的一天等于地球上的两周。 3)Metals are very strong and can be made into any required shapes, which makes it possible to be widely used in industry. 金属坚硬,又可加工成任何所需的形状,这使它能在工业上得以广泛应用。 4)Transistors, which are small in size, can make previously large and bulky radios light and small. 体积小的晶体管使先前那种大而苯的收音机变得既轻又小。(前置) 5)He liked his sister, who was warm and pleasant, but he did not like his brother, who was aloof and arrogant. 他喜欢热情愉快的妹妹,而不喜欢冷漠高傲的哥哥。(前置) 6)You can break up a beam of incoherent light with a prism, which is made of glass. 你能用玻璃制的棱镜分解一束非相干光。(前置) 7)Mr Smith, who came to see me yesterday, is a relative of my wife"s. 史密斯先生昨天来看过我,他是我妻子的亲戚。(独立句) 8)Machine tools have various uses, one of which is to make holes in metal. 机床有多种用途,其中之一是在金属上钻孔。(后置) 9)After dinner, four key negotiators resumed their talks, which continued well into the night. 饭后,四个主要谈判人物再继续进行会谈,一直谈到深夜。 10)Like charges repel, but opposite ones attract, which is one of the fundamental laws of electricity. 同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸,这是电的基本法则之一 11)She has two brothers, who are both doctors. 她有两个兄弟。他们都是医生。(独立句) 12)We will put off the party until next week, when we won"t be so busy. 我们把聚会推迟到下星期。那时我们不会这样忙。(独立句) 13)Semi–conductor is a new kind of material, which has found a wide use in electronic industry. 半导体是一种新型材料,已广泛应用于电子工业。 14)There are some new terms in the article, the meanings of which may be difficult to the students. 这篇文章中有些新的术语,它们的意思可能使学生感到困难。 15)Galileo, who made the first telescope, died in 1624. 伽利略死于1642年,他制造了第一架望远镜。 16)The most important form of energy is electric energy, which is widely used in our daily life. 电能是最重要的能量形式,它广泛用于我们的日常生活中。 17)Burgess and Richard Hoagland contacted Carl Sagan, who greeted the idea enthusiastically. 伯吉斯和理查德.霍格兰同卡尔.萨根取得了联系,卡尔满腔热情地接受了这个想法。 18)He had talked to Nixon, who assured him that everything that could be done would be done. 他和尼克松谈过话。尼克松向他保证,凡是能够做到的都会竭尽全力去做。 19)Once was a violent thunderstorm, the worst I had ever seen, which obscured my objective. 有一次是暴风骤雨,是我平生见到最猛烈的。这阵暴风雨遮住了我的目标。 20)Electronic computers, which make it possible to free man from the labour of complex measurements and computations, have found wide application in engineering. 电子计算机在工程技术上已获得广泛应用,它使人可能摆脱复杂的测量和计算工作。 3.将下列含兼有状语职能的定语从句的复合句译成汉语: 1)Congress, which had met to continue its protests to the Crown, found itself raising an army and selecting George Washington as its commander in chief. 代表大会先前已集会决定继续向英皇提抗议,而现在则发展到募集军队并推选乔治.华盛顿为总司令了。 2)Atoms, which are very, very small, can be broken down into still smaller particles. 原子虽然很小很小,但仍能分解成更小的粒子。 3)We have to oil the moving parts of the machine, the friction of which may be greatly reduced. 我们必须给机器的传动部分加油,以便使摩擦大大减少。 4)Men became desperate for work, any work, which will help them to keep alive their families. 人们极其迫切地要求工作,只要它能维持一家人的生活就行。 5)However, iceberg water could be extremely cheap for some countries when compared with desalination, a process which requires much more fuel and much more money. 不过,对某些国家来讲,用冰山化水与海水脱盐相比,冰山化水的费用可能极为便宜,因为脱盐过程需要更多燃料和更多的资金。 6)An automatic production line is excellent for the automotive industry where thousands of identical parts are produced. 自动生产线最适用于汽车工业,因为那里要生产成千上万个同样的零件。 7)Rubber is a light, elastic, durable and water-resistant material, which makes rubber industry very important. 橡胶是一种质轻、富有弹性、经久耐用和防水的材料,因此橡胶工业十分重要。 8)John, whose wife is ill, cannot come to the party. 约翰不能来参加聚会,他妻子病了。 9)The computer, which seems to play the role of a human brain, is often called an electronic brain. 由于电子计算机似乎起着类似人脑的作用,所以常被称作电脑。 10)Behaviourists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development. 行为主义者认为,如果一个儿童在有许多刺激物的环境中成长,而这些刺激物能够发展其作出适当反应的能力,那么这个儿童将会有更高的智力发展。 11)Matter has certain features or properties that enable us to recognize it easily. 物质具有一定的特征或特性,因此能使我们很容易地识别出来。 12)Potential energy that is not so obvious as kinetic energy exists in many things. 虽然势能不象动能那样明显,但它存在于许多动物之中。 13)There is a minimum size for the reactor at which the chain reaction will just work . 反应堆有一个最起码的尺寸,以使链式反应正好维持下去。 14)The remainder of the atom from which one or more electrons are removed must be positively charged. 如果从原子中移走一个或多个电子,则该原子的其余部分必定带正电。 15)A gas occupies all of any container in which it is placed. 无论将气体装在什么容器里,它都会把容器充满。 16)Mechanical energy is changed into electric energy, which in turn is changed into mechanical energy. 机械能转变为电能,而电能又转变为机械能。 17)Man can not live on the moon, where there is no air and water. 人不能在月球上住,那里没有空气和水。 18)World war II was, however, more complex than World War I, which was a collision among the imperialist powers over the spoils of markets, resources and territories. 第一次世界大战是帝国主义列强之间争夺市场、资源和领土的冲突,而第二次世界大战却比第一次复杂。(表原因) 19)They tried to stamp out the revolt, which spread all the more furiously throughout the country. 他们企图扑灭反抗,结果反抗愈加猛烈,遍及全国。(译成结果状语从句) 20)My assistant, who had carefully read through the instructions before doing his experiment, could not obtain satisfactory results, because he followed them mechanically. 虽然我的助手在实验以前从头到尾地阅读过说明书,但由于他死搬硬套还是未能得到满意的结果。(译成让步状语从句) 4.将下列句子翻译成汉语: 1)In a dispute between two states with which one is friendly, try not to get involved. 当两国发生争端时,如与两国友好,第三国则力避卷入。(译成条件状语从句) 2)Miniaturization (小型化) means making things small in size, which is of great importance for the development of the electronics industry. 小型化意味着缩小东西的尺寸,这对电子工业的发展极为重要。 3)This is a machine which is assembled of its separate components. 这是一台由一些单独的部件装配起来的机器。 4)The current is in the same direction as the motion of the positive particles (is)电流方向与带正电的粒子运动的方向相同。 5)As we have seen in an earlier unit, the greater this difference in temperature is, the faster the heat will flow. 正如我们在先前一个单元中所看到的,温差越大,热传输越快。 6)Elizabeth was determined to make no effort for conversation with a woman, who was now more than usually insolent and disagreeable. 伊丽莎白不肯再和这样一个女人说话,这个女人现在异常无礼,十分令人反感。(译成并列句,重译先行词) 7)The element is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substance by chemical means. 元素是一种物质,这种物质不能用一般的化学方法再分裂成更为简单的物质。(译成并列句,重译先行词) 8)Perhaps light is some sort of electric wave, whose nature we do not yet understand.也许,光是某种电波,其性质我们尚不清楚。 9)Iron, which is not so strong as steel, finds wide application. 尽管铁的强度不如钢,但它仍有广泛的用途。 10)They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives. 他们正在为实现一个理想而努力,这个理想是每个中国人所珍爱的,在过去,许多中国人曾为了这个理想而牺牲了自己的生命。 11)It is in line with the Charter, which recognizes the value of regional efforts to solve problems and settle disputes. 它符合**精神,因为**承认由地区进行排解纠纷的作用。(译成原状语从句) 12)He did not remember his father who died when he was three years old. 他三岁丧父,所以记不起父亲。 13)What"s the time you usually go to bed? 你通常什么时候睡觉? 14)There are many people who want to see the film. 许多人要看这部电影。 15)He insisted on buying another coat, which he had no use for. 他坚持要再买一件上衣,虽然他并不用得着。 16)Her hair is the same colour as her mother"s . 她的头发和她母亲的头发一样颜色。 17)There were men in that crowd who had stood there every day for a month. 在那群人当中,有些人每天站在那里,站了一个月。 18)Those who are in favour please hold up their hands. 如果赞成,就请举手。 19)Strength, hardness and plasticity (可塑性) of metals are the properties that make them so useful for industry. 金属具有强度、硬度和可塑性,这些性能使它们在工业上得到广泛应用。 20)They know the hours when restaurants put their leftovers (吃剩的食物) in the garbage cans where they search for food. 他们知道饭店什么时候将残羹剩饭倒进垃圾桶,他们在那里寻找食物。 21)Good clocks have pendulums (钟摆) which are automatically compensated for temperature changes. 好钟的钟摆可以自动补偿温度变化造成的影响。 22)Power is equal to work divided by the time, as has been said before. 如前所述,功率等于功除以时间。 23)The day will come when man can make full use of solar energy. 人类总有一天会充分利用太阳能。 24)There was something original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them. 这个方案富于创造性,独出心裁,很有魅力,所以他们都很喜欢。 25)The products of science are ideas which can be applied in helping to understand new experiences. 科学的结果形成概念,这些概念可用来理解新的经历。 26)A floating object displaces an amount of water whose weight equals t中英句子翻译-定语从句的翻译hat of the object. 浮体排开一定量的水,其重量相当于该浮体的重量。 27)The time when man can make use of atomic energy has come. 人类能够利用原子能的时候已经来到了。 28)Here we shall discuss only such factors as may cause distortions of the signal. 这里我们将讨论的只是可能引起信号失真的那些因素。 29)Air moves from places where the pressure is high to places where the pressure is low. 空气从压力高的地方向压力低的地方移动。 30)To make an atomic bomb we have to use uranium 235, in which all the atoms are available for fission. 制造原子弹必须用铀235,因为它的所有原子都可以裂变。
2023-07-16 08:36:371

用英文写一篇鲁迅的简介 高中的

Lu Xun (1881~1936), Chinese writers, thinker, revolutionary and educationalist. Old name Zhou Shuren, the character Henan talent, the Zhejiang Shaoxing person, on September 25, 1881 was born. The family background in declines the feudal family. Youth theory of evolution, Nietzsche superhuman philosophy and Tolstoi universal love thought influence. in 1902 went to Japan to study abroad, in the Sendai Medical school study medicine, latter was engaged in the literary and artistic work originally, hoped that used to change the national spirit. 1905-1907 years, participate in the revolutionary party member"s activity, published "Moroccan Luo Shili Saying that", "Culture to Discussed" and so on papers. Period once returned to homeland to present the mother to assign the marriage, Madame Zhu An. in 1909, gathered together with his/her younger brother Zhou Zuoren translates "Outside Territory Novel Collection", introduced the foreign literature. Returns to homeland in the same year, in Hangzhou, Shaoxing teaches successively. 1918 year in May, uses “Lu Xun” for the first time the pen name, publishes in the Chinese modern history of literature the first vernacular novel "Diary", has established the new-vernacular literature movement cornerstone. Around the May 4th Movement of 1919, participates in "New youth" the magazine work, becomes “54” New Culture Movement"s commanding general. the 1918 year to 1926, created one after another has published the novel collection "Call", "Paces back and forth", the collection "Grave", the prose poetry anthology "Weeds", the prose collection "Ascends toward Flowered Evening", the essay collection "Hot blast", "Canopy Collection" and so on special collections. And, in December, 1921 published the novelette "the Arab League Q Main story", was in the Chinese modern history of literature immortal masterpiece. in January, 1927, to revolutionary center Guangzhou then, Zhongshan University was appointed educational administration director. in 1929, son Zhou Haiying was born. in 1930, participated in the Chinese Free motion Big Union, the League of Left-Wing Writers" and the Chinese Civil rights Safeguard Union successively, revolted against the Kuomintang Government"s dictatorship rule and the witch hunt. From 1927 to 1936, has created the historical novel collection "Story Newly organized" the majority of works and the massive essays, receives edits in "Collection", "Three Idle Volumes", "Two Heart Collections", "Mixed accent Collection", "False Free Book", "Accurate Love affair Discussed that", "Lace Literature" and so on, compiles "Guiji County Old book Salmagundis", "Ancient Novel Hook Shen" and so on. because the 1936 year on October 19 pulmonary tuberculosis died of illness in Shanghai
2023-07-16 08:36:591


2023-07-16 08:37:076


·(1) 帅shuài (2) 统率;率领 [command] 上帅士以人之所戴。――《管子·问篇》命子封帅车二百乘以伐京。――《左传·隐公元年》命李佑、李忠义帅突将三千为前驱。――《资治通鉴·唐纪》我文公帅诸侯及秦围郑。――《左传·成公十三年》 (3) 又如:帅厉(率领激励);帅示(教导指示);帅尔(率尔);帅师;帅兵 (4) 引导;带头 [lead] 不立刚毅之心,勇猛之节,亡以帅先士大夫,尤失理不公。――《汉书·胡建传》自谓能以敦厉薄俗,帅之以义。――诸葛亮《黜来敏教》 (5) 又如:帅示(引导指示) (6) 遵循 [follow] 命乡简不帅教者以告。――《礼记·王制》不愆不忘,帅由旧章。――《风俗通义·愆礼》 (7) 又如:帅繇(遵循);帅职(遵守职责);帅由旧章(遵循成法。同率由旧章);帅意(循其意志);帅行(遵循实行);帅由(遵循) (8)名词:中国象棋中的一个棋子。(9)形容词:形容一个人长得英俊,特指形容男性。 队中最高级的指挥官:元帅。统帅。 遵循:“命乡简不帅教者以告”。 同“率1”⑦。 姓。
2023-07-16 08:37:413


基本解释:帅 (帅) shuài 军队中最高级的指挥官:元帅。统帅。 遵循:“命乡简不帅教者以告”。 同“率1”⑦。 姓。 笔画数:5; 部首:巾; 笔顺编号:23252 详细解释:帅 帅 shuài 【名】 (形声) 同本义〖shawl〗,佩巾也。——《说文》。张舜徽注:“然佩巾之义,经传皆用帨,无用帅者,帅乃为将帅义所专矣。吴楚《说文染指》谓帅字当以将帅为本义。 无感我帨兮。——《诗·野有死麕》 毋施衿结帨。——《仪礼·士昏礼》 左佩纷帨。又,女子设帨于门右。——《礼记·内则》 军队中的主将、统帅〖commander-in-chief〗 帅刘良佐拥骑至城下,呼曰:“吾与阎雅故,为我语阎君,欲相见。”——清·邵长蘅《阎典史传》 予自度不得脱,则直前诟虏帅失信,数吕师孟叔侄为逆。——宋·文天祥《指南录·后序》 又如:挂帅;帅甸(甸地的统帅。即公邑的大夫) 地方的长官〖localleader〗 三乡为县,县有县帅。——《国语·齐语》 又如:帅长(首领);帅使(宋代安抚使的别称);帅司(宋代对各路安抚司或经略安抚司的通称,掌管一路的兵、民事务) 中国象棋棋子中的主将〖commanderinchief,thechiefpieceinChinesechess〗 指首领或起主导作用的人或事物〖leader〗 夫志,气之帅也。——《孟子·公孙丑上》 又如:帅首(领袖;首领) 表率;楷模〖model〗 相国萧、曹以宽厚清净为天下帅。——《汉书·循吏传序》 指总督。清代下级称总督为“大帅”〖governor〗 那帅爷又翻出六个字,是帅查确,拟揭参。——《官场现形记》 姓 帅 帅 shuài 【动】 统率;率领〖command〗 上帅士以人之所戴。——《管子·问篇》 命子封帅车二百乘以伐京。——《左传·隐公元年》 命李祐、李忠义帅突将三千为前驱。——《资治通鉴·唐纪》 我文公帅诸侯及秦围郑。——《左传·成公十三年》 又如:帅厉(率领激励);帅示(教导指示);帅尔(率尔);帅师;帅兵 引导;带头〖lead〗 不立刚毅之心,勇猛之节,亡以帅先士大夫,尤失理不公。——《汉书·胡建传》 自谓能以敦厉薄俗,帅之以义。——诸葛亮《黜来敏教》 又如:帅示(引导指示) 遵循〖follow〗 命乡简不帅教者以告。——《礼记·王制》 不愆不忘,帅由旧章。——《风俗通义·愆礼》 又如:帅繇(遵循);帅职(遵守职责);帅由旧章(遵循成法。同率由旧章);帅意(循其意志);帅行(遵循实行);帅由(遵循) 帅 帅 shuài 【形】 漂亮;英俊〖beautiful;graceful〗。如:他字写得真帅;他的双杠动作可帅了;长得真帅 帅才 shuàicái 〖aborncommander〗有统帅才能的人 帅哥 shuàigē 〖handsomeyoungman〗潇洒的青年男子 帅性 shuàixìng 〖naturalandunrestrained〗潇洒的风度 回国度暑假的徐仲微,外型装扮越见帅性
2023-07-16 08:37:491


2023-07-16 08:37:582


娜塔莎·亨斯屈奇 娜塔莎·亨斯屈奇
2023-07-16 08:38:162


2023-07-16 08:38:2712


hayd,满意答案海顿·潘妮蒂尔===========hayden leslie panettiere=============姓 名:hayden leslie panettiere翻译:海顿·潘妮蒂尔 (运用的最为之多的翻译最初也有人翻译为 帕特里克·潘提尔)昵 称:mushroom(小蘑菇) ,c熊(中国影迷因heroes而取)生 日:1989年8月21日星 座:狮子座身 高:5英尺1英寸 ,约1.55米 出生地点:palisades, new york , usa职业:演员,歌手(摇滚/流行)眼睛颜色:绿头发颜色:blonde爱 好:游泳 ,骑马 ,体操,弹 钢琴 教 育:south orangetown middleschool in new york (but in 8th gradestarted home schooling)家庭成员:leslie vogel (妈妈)、skip panettiere(爸爸)、jansentpanettiere (弟弟) quotation (经典话语)when the camera comes on, i am not hayden any more, i am lizzie!当镜头对着我,我就不再是hayden,而是lizzie!(1952年就开播的超长寿剧the guiding light的一个角色i hate how people say i"m growing up fast.我讨厌人们说我如何成熟,hayden panettiere在11个月大的时候,就被也曾经是演员的妈妈抱进拍照 棚,为“playskool ”拍 平面广告 片,(“playskool” 是 个制作玩具和游戏 的企业),而 到现在为止她已经在超过50个平面广告片中出镜,hayden panettiere四岁半的时候,她迎来自己的荧屏处女作,在"one life to live" 中饰演一个 小角色,在她八岁的时候,她因为在剧集“the guiding light"中出演elizabeth "lizzie" spaulding而让大众开始注意这颗冉冉升起的新星,hayden panettiere是唯一一个同时 参演两部肥皂剧的童星,由于事业发展,hayden panettiere在普通高中 阶段的课程是在家自 学的,在hayden panettiere11岁的时候,她参演影片remember the titans(2000,denzel washington 领衔主演,运动 励志片),在片中她饰演 sheryl yoast ,而在真实生活 中 的sheryl yoast 于1996年因飞机失事过世,时年34岁,hayden panettiere在演出之外,也是个不错的歌手,她在ice princess(2005)、cinderella iii: a twist in time (2007) 、 bridge to terabithia (2007) 都曾一展歌喉,而她也第一张个人专辑 已经在2007年面 市,hayden panettiere曾经被挑中出演由jodie foster领衔主演的惊悚片“panic room” (2002),她本会扮演本片的二号女主角,房主的女儿sarah altman,但是这个角 色最后被kristen stewart夺走,hayden panettiere现在还和父母以及弟弟一起住 在其出生地纽约, 她自己养两条狗penny lane和madison,她是个狂热的动物 爱好 者,最想以后搬场 去夏威夷,新 家最好还有一个大院子,里面全是小动物,hayden panettiere喜欢飙舞 、骑 术、体操、排球,接受过钢琴、空手道、拳击和游泳的培训 ,而 据说现在她正在学习冲浪,2007年5月,“people”评选的年度世界最美100人(peoplemagazine"s annual 100 most beautifulpeople in the world)中haydenpanettiere榜上有名, 在“年轻演员大奖”young artistawards上,hayden panettiere在2001年因“remember thetitans”获影片类“最佳青年女配角”,2007年因“heroes”获电视 类“最佳青年女配角”,另外她还在该大奖上获得过5次提名,在2007年的“newport beach filmfestival”上,她因shanghai kiss(2007)获得最佳演出奖,而同年的“academy of science fiction, fantasy & horror films, usa”上,她凭在“heroes”里的演出,获得电视类“最佳女配角”,hayden panettiere参演的部分影视作品:a bug"s life (1998) 配音 dot "ally mcbeal" 11集(2002) 饰演maddie harringtonraising helen (2004) 饰演 audreydavistiger cruise (2004) 电视版 饰演maddie dolan "law & order: special victims unit" 2集abuse (2001) 饰演 ashley austinblack、hooked (2005) 饰演 angelaagnelliice princess (2005)饰演 gen harwood"malcolm in the middle" 4集 stereo store (2003)、 pearl harbor (2004)、jessicastays over (2005) 、secret boyfriend (2005) 饰演 jessica"commander in chief" 一集 windbeneath my wing (2006) 饰演 stacythe architect (2006) 饰演 christinawaters参演电影 《校花我爱你 i love you, bethcooper 》(2009)《上海市之吻 shanghai kiss 》(2007) ...adelaide《 "the book of daniel" 》(2006) ...veronica "ronnie" dewing 《建筑师 the architect 》(2006) ...christina waters《 mr. gibb 》 (2006) ...allyson "ally"palmer《园林 里的萤火虫 》 2006....young jane lawrence 主演:茱莉亚罗伯茨《美少女啦啦队3 bring it on: all ornothing 》 (2006) ...britney allen《冰雪公主/冰上公主 iceprincess 》 (2005) ...gen harwood 《冰雪公主/冰上公主 iceprincess 》 (2005) ...singer: "i fly " 《斑马竞赛/斑马快跑 racingstripes 》 (2005) ...channing walsh《 kingdom hearts ii 》 (2005) ...kairi(voice)《 lies my m。
2023-07-16 08:38:511


2023-07-16 08:38:596


翻译为,他就在当时当地任命这位震惊一般躺在榻上治伤的新总司令的空军。其中there he是主语。his cot是谓语。
2023-07-16 08:39:162


哎~~~ 那么没劲的问题呀 当然是精蛋的官高 傻瓜的位低喽~~~
2023-07-16 08:39:399


"China"s manned spaceflight project not only by the international financial crisis, and will overcome the crisis and to promote the growth of a strong role to play." National People"s Congress, China"s manned spaceflight project, deputy commander-in-chief, General Armament Department, Vice-Minister Zhang Jianqi 7 in an exclusive interview with Xinhua said. I would like to ask how translation of this sentence do? In particular, "China"s manned space project" of the word .....
2023-07-16 08:39:554


大司马大将军(general-in-chief serving as commander-in-chief),中国西汉时为尊崇战功而在大将军前冠以大司马的一种职衔。卫青为其始。成帝末,由于确立了三公制,大司马后面不再联以将军之号。 基本介绍 中文名 :大司马大将军 外文名 :general-in-chief serving as commander-in-chief 确立时间 :西汉 废除时间 :中国西汉成帝末 废除原因 :确立三公制 首位任职 :卫青 西汉有前、后、左、右将军,但不常置。汉初军帅称将军,如曹参、周勃等都用此号。武帝元朔五年(前124),卫青因大破匈奴而拜为大将军,以统率诸将军,位在三公上,卿以下皆拜。元狩四年(前119),武帝为了尊宠有功的卫青、霍去病,初置大司马为将军加官,以卫青为大司马大将军,以霍去病为大司马骠骑将军,这是西汉将军前冠以大司马的开端。 自汉武帝起,章奏的拆读与审议,转归以大将军为首的尚书,分丞相权。此时,大司马作为加官,其地位的高低要以所加将军的地位来体现。汉武帝时,内朝逐渐成为中央枢机所在,掌握中央机密决策,大司马大将军作为首辅,置官属以理事,可领衔在内朝预闻政事,参议决策,其主要任务就是“辅政”,即辅助皇帝行使君权,是地位最高的辅政大臣。武帝临终时以霍光为大司马大将军,受遗诏辅佐幼主昭帝。昭帝时,国事皆决于光,权在丞相之上。《汉官仪》载:“汉兴,置大将军,位丞相上。”《文献通考》卷五十九云:“大将军内秉国政,外则仗钺专征,其权远出丞相之右。” 宣帝时,外戚许延寿、史高以大司马车骑将军身份辅政。西汉之世,有资格冠加大司马的有四类将军,即大将军、骠骑将军、车骑将军、卫将军,“武昭以后,大将军无不加大司马者。车骑、票骑、卫将军或加或不加。它将军无加大司马者” 。 成帝(前51—前7)末,确立了三公制。大司马后面不再联以将军之号,和丞相、大司空并列为三公。三公为皇帝的三个最高辅政之臣,但仍以大司马居首位。《汉书·百官公卿表》:“成帝绥和元年初赐在司马金印紫绶,置官属,禄比丞相,去将军。哀帝建平二年复去大司马印绶、官属,冠将军如故。元寿二年复赐大司马印绶,置官属,去将军,位在司徒上(汉哀帝元寿二年改丞相为大司徒)。” 掌权重臣如董贤、王莽等,职位都为大司马。 东汉建武二十七年(公元51),改大司马为太尉,以后不再见大司马的名称。光武帝给予吴汉等有功将帅以大将军之号,但无实权。然而,从和帝时起,居大将军之位者为外戚窦宪、邓骘、梁冀等人,其权势极大。大将军官属的秩禄、人数都超过太尉府,当时人还把大将军府和三公府合称为“四府”。从外戚专权以后,大将军的权位高于三公,直至汉末。
2023-07-16 08:40:021


您好:China will launch its third manned spacecraft Shenzhou-7 from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Thursday,a spokesperson with China"s manned space program said on Wednesday.The first Chinese astronaut is likely to walk in space around 4:30 pm on Friday,a day after spacecraft Shenzhou VII lifts off,the commander-in-chief of the mission"s ground operation has said.The historic moment will be broadcast live across the world,and the space environment is expected to be fine for the mission.The Shenzhou-7,carrying three taikonauts,will be launched on a Long-March II-F carrier rocket and then moved into orbit at an altitude of 343 kilometers.希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~祝学习进步~
2023-07-16 08:40:102

请问《解放奴隶宣言》的具体内容是什么 这里有 是原稿参考资料:
2023-07-16 08:40:253


2023-07-16 08:40:347