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求大学英语第4册spring sowing的原文

2023-07-16 10:31:48

It was still dark when Martin Delaney and his wife Mary got up. Martin stood in his shirt by the window, rubbing his eyes and yawning, while Mary raked out the live coals that had lain hidden in the ashes onthe hearth all night. Outside, cocks were crowing and a white streak was rising form the ground, as it were, and beginning to scatter the darkness. It was a February morning, dry, cold and starry.

The couple sat down to their breakfast of tea. bread and butter, in silence. They had only been married the previous autumn and it was hateful leaving a warm bed at such and early hour. Martin, with his brown hair and eyes, his freckled face and his little fair moustache, ooked too young to be married, and hsi wife looked hardly more than a girl, red-cheeked and blue-eyed,her black hair piled at the rear of her head with a large comb gleaming in the middle of the pile, Spanish fashion. They were both dressed in rough homespuns, and both wore the loose white shirt that Inverara speasants use for work in the fields.

The ate in silence, sleepy and yet on fire with excitement, for it was the first day of their first spring sowing as man and wife. And each felt the glamour of that day on which they were to open up the earth together and plant seeds in it . But somehow the imminence of an event that had been long expected loved, feared and prepared for made them dejected. Mary, with her shrewd woman"s mind, thought of as many things as there are in life as a woman would in the first joy and anxiety of her mating. But Martin"s mind was fixed on one thought. Would he be able to prove himself a man worthy of being the head of a family by dong his spring sowing well?

In the barn after breakfast, when they were getting the potato seeds and the line ofor measuring the tround and the spade, Martin fell over a basket in the half-darkness of the barn, he swore and said that a man would be better off dead than.. But before he could finish whatever he was gong to say, Mary had her arms around his waist and her face to his ."Martin," she said,"let us not begin this day cross with one another." And there was a tremor in her voice. And somehow,as they embraced, all their irritation and sleepiness left them. And they stood there embracing until at last Martin pushed her from him with pretended roughness and said:"Come,come, girl, it wil be sunset before we begin at this rate."

Still, as they walked silently in their rawhide shoes through the little hamlet, there was not a soul about. Lights were glimmering in the windows of a few cabins. The sky had a big grey crack in it in the east, as if it were going to burst in order to give birth to the sun. Birdes were singing somewhere at a distance. Martin and Mary proudly:"We are first,Mary." And they both looked back at the little cluster of cabins that was the centre of their world, with throbbing hearts. For the jy of sping had now taken complete hold of them.

They reached the little field where they were to sow. It was a little triangular patch of ground under an ivy-covered limestone hill. the little field had been manured with seaweed some weeks before, and the weeds had rotted and whitened on the grass. And there was a big red heap of gresh seaweed lying in a corner by the fence to be spread under the seeds as they were laid. Martin, in spite of the cold, threw off everything above his waist except his striped woollen shirt. Then he spat on his hands, seized his spade and cried: "Now you are going to see what kind of a man you have, Mary."

"There, now," said Mary, rying a little shawl clser under her chin.

"Aren"t we boastful this early hour of the morning? Maybe I"ll wait till sunset to see what kind of a man I have got."

The work began. Martin measured the ground by the southern fence forthe first ridge, a strip of ground four feet wide, and he placed the line along the edge and pegged it at each end. Then he spread fresh seaweed over the strip. Mary filled her apron with seeds and began to lay them in rows. When she was a little distance down the ridge, Martin advanced with his spade to the head, eager to commence.

"Now in the name of God," he cried, spitting on his palms,"let us raise the first sod!"

"Oh, Martin, wait till I"m with you !" cried Mary, dropping her seeds on the ridge and running up to him .Her fingers outside her woollen mittens were numb with the cold, and she couldn"t wipe them in her apron. Her cheeks seemed to be on fire. She put an arm round Martin"s waist and stood looking at the green sod his spade was going to cut, with the excitement of a little child.

"Now for God"s sake,girl, keep back!"said Martin gruffly. "Suppose anybody saw us like this in the field of our spring sowing, what would they take us for but a pair of useless, soft, empty-headed people that would be sure to die of hunger. Huh!" He spoke very rapidely, and his eyes were fixed on the ground before hm. His eyes had a wild, eager light in them as if some primeval impulse were burning within his brain and driving out every other desire but that of asserting his manhood and of subjugating the earth.

"Oh, what do we care who is looking?" said Mary; but she drew back at the same time and gazed distantly at the ground. Then Martin cut the sod, and pressing the spade deep into the earth with his foot, he turned up the first sod with a crunching sound as the gras roots were dragged out of the earth. Mary sighed and walked back hurriedly to her seeds with furrowed brows. She picked up her seeds and began to spread them rapidly to drive out the sudden terror that had seized her at that moment whten she saw the fierce, hard look in her husband"s eyes that were unconscious of her presence. She became suddenly afraid of that pitiless, cruel earth, the peasant"s slave master, that would keep her chained to hard work and poverty all her life until she would sink again into its bosom. Her short-lived love was gone. Henceforth she was only her husband"s helper to till the earth . And Martin, absolutely without thought, worked furiously, covering the ridge with block earth, his sharp spade gleaming white as he whirled it sideways to beat the sods.

Then, as the sun rose,the little valley beneath the ivy-covered hills became dotted with white shirts, and everywhere men worked madly, without speaking, and women spread seeds. There was no heat in the light of the sun, and there was a sharpness in the still thin air that made the men jump on their spade halts ferociously and beat the sods as if they were living enemies. birds hopped silently before the spades, with their heads cocked sideways, watching for worms. Made brave by hunger, they often dashed under the spades to secure their food. Then, when the sun reached a certain point, all the women went back to the village to get dinner for their men, and the men worked on without stopping.

Then the women trturned ,almost running, each carrying a tin can with a flannel tied around it adn a little bundle tied with a white cloth, Martin threw down his spade when Mary arrived back in the field. Smiling at one another they sat under the hill for their meal .It was the same as their breakfast, tea and bread and butter.

"Ah," said Martin, when he had taken a long draught of tea form his mug, "is there anything in this world as fine as eating dinner out in the open like this after doing a good morning"s work? Ther, I have done two ridges and a half. That"s more than any man in the village could do . Ha!" And he looked at his wife proudly.

"Yes,isn"t it lovely," said Mary, looking at the back ridges wistfully. She was just munching her bread and butter .The hurried trip to the village and the trouble of getting the tea ready had robbed her of her appetite. she had to keep blowing at the turf fire with the rim of her skirt, and the smoke nearly blinded her. But now, sitting on that grassy knoll, with the valley all round glistening with fresh seaweed and a light smoke rising from the freshly truned earth, a strange joy swept over her . It overpowered that ofther felling of dread that had been with her during the morning.

Martin ate heartily, revelling in his great thirst and his great hunger, with every pore of his body open to the pure air. And he looked around at his neighbours" fields boastfully, comparing them with his own. Then he looked at his wife"s little round black head and felt very proud of having her as his own. He leaned back on his elbow and took her hand in his. Shyly and in silence, not knowing what to say and ashamed of their gentle feelings, they finished eating and still sat hand in hand looking away intothe distance. Everywhere the sowers were resting on little knolls, men,women and children sitting in silence. and the great calm of nature in spring filled the atmosphere around them. Everying seemed to sit still and wait until midday had passed. Only the gleaming sun chased westwards at a mighty pace, in and out through white clouds.

Then in a distant field an old man got up, took his spade and began to clean the earth from it with a piece of stone. Therasping noise carried a long way in the silence. That was the signal for a general rising all along the little valley. Young men stretched themselves and yawned. They walked slowly back to their ridges.

Martin"s back and his wrists were getting sore, and Mary felt that if she stooped again over her seeds her neck would break, but neither said anything and soon they had forgotten their tiredness in the mechanical movement of their bodes. The strong smell of the upturned earth acted like a drug on their nerves.

By sundown Martin had five ridges finished. He threw down his spade and stretched himself. All his bones ached and he wanted to lie down and rest. "It"s time to be gong home, Mary," he said.

Mary straightened herself, but she was too tired to reply. she looked at Martin wearily and it seemed to her that it was a great many years since they had set out that morning. Then shen thought of the journey home and the trouble of feeding the igs, putting the fowls into their coops and getting the supper ready , and a momentary flash of rebellion against the slavery of being a peasat"s wife crossed her mind. It passed in a moment. Martin was saying ,as he dressed himself:

"Ha! It has been a good day"s work.Five ridges done, and each one of them as straight as a steel rod. By God Mary, it"s no boasting to say that you might well be rpoud of bing the wife of Martin Delaney. and that"s not sayingthe whole of it ,my girl. You did your share bettrer than any woman in Inverara could do it this blessed day."

They stood for a few moments in silence, looking at the work they had done. All her dissatisfaction and weariness vanished form Mary"s mind with the delicious feeling of comfort that overcame her at having done this work with her husband. They had done it together. They had planted seeds in the earth. The next day and the next and all their lives, when spring came they would have to bend their backs and do it until their hands and bones got twisted with rheumatism. But night would always bring sleep and forgetfulness.

As they walked home slowly, Martin walked in front with another peasant talking about the sowing, and Mary walked behind, with her eyes on the ground, thinking. Cows were lowing at a distance.


Spring Sowing

It was still dark when Martin Delaney and his wife Mary got up. Martin stood inhis shirt by the window, rubbing his eyes and yawning, while Mary raked out thelive coals that had lain hidden in the ashes onthe hearth all night. Outside,cocks were crowing and a white streak was rising form the ground, as it were,and beginning to scatter the darkness. It was a February morning, dry, cold andstarry.

The couple sat down to their breakfast of tea. bread and butter, in silence.They had only been married the previous autumn and it was hateful leaving awarm bed at such and early hour. Martin, with his brown hair and eyes, hisfreckled face and his little fair moustache, ooked too young to be married, andhsi wife looked hardly more than a girl, red-cheeked and blue-eyed,her blackhair piled at the rear of her head with a large comb gleaming in the middle ofthe pile, Spanish fashion. They were both dressed in rough homespuns, and bothwore the loose white shirt that Inverara speasants use for work in the fields.

The ate in silence, sleepy and yet on fire with excitement, for it was thefirst day of their first spring sowing as man and wife. And each felt theglamour of that day on which they were to open up the earth together and plantseeds in it . But somehow the imminence of an event that had been long expectedloved, feared and prepared for made them dejected. Mary, with her shrewdwoman"s mind, thought of as many things as there are in life as a woman wouldin the first joy and anxiety of her mating. But Martin"s mind was fixed on onethought. Would he be able to prove himself a man worthy of being the head of afamily by dong his spring sowing well?

In the barn after breakfast, when they were getting the potato seeds and theline ofor measuring the tround and the spade, Martin fell over a basket in thehalf-darkness of the barn, he swore and said that a man would be better offdead than.. But before he could finish whatever he was gong to say, Mary hadher arms around his waist and her face to his ."Martin," shesaid,"let us not begin this day cross with one another." And therewas a tremor in her voice. And somehow,as they embraced, all their irritationand sleepiness left them. And they stood there embracing until at last Martinpushed her from him with pretended roughness and said:"Come,come, girl, itwil be sunset before we begin at this rate."

Still, as they walked silently in their rawhide shoes through the little hamlet,there was not a soul about. Lights were glimmering in the windows of a fewcabins. The sky had a big grey crack in it in the east, as if it were going toburst in order to give birth to the sun. Birdes were singing somewhere at adistance. Martin and Mary proudly:"We are first,Mary." And they bothlooked back at the little cluster of cabins that was the centre of their world,with throbbing hearts. For the jy of sping had now taken complete hold of them.

They reached the little field where they were to sow. It was a littletriangular patch of ground under an ivy-covered limestone hill. the littlefield had been manured with seaweed some weeks before, and the weeds had rottedand whitened on the grass. And there was a big red heap of gresh seaweed lyingin a corner by the fence to be spread under the seeds as they were laid.Martin, in spite of the cold, threw off everything above his waist except hisstriped woollen shirt. Then he spat on his hands, seized his spade and cried:"Now you are going to see what kind of a man you have, Mary."

"There, now," said Mary, rying a little shawl clser under her chin.

"Aren"t we boastful this early hour of the morning? Maybe I"ll wait tillsunset to see what kind of a man I have got."

The work began. Martin measured the ground by the southern fence for the firstridge, a strip of ground four feet wide, and he placed the line along the edgeand pegged it at each end. Then he spread fresh seaweed over the strip. Maryfilled her apron with seeds and began to lay them in rows. When she was alittle distance down the ridge, Martin advanced with his spade to the head,eager to commence.

"Now in the name of God," he cried, spitting on his palms,"letus raise the first sod!"

"Oh, Martin, wait till I"m with you !" cried Mary, dropping her seedson the ridge and running up to him .Her fingers outside her woollen mittenswere numb with the cold, and she couldn"t wipe them in her apron. Her cheeksseemed to be on fire. She put an arm round Martin"s waist and stood looking at thegreen sod his spade was going to cut, with the excitement of a little child.

"Now for God"s sake,girl, keep back!"said Martin gruffly."Suppose anybody saw us like this in the field of our spring sowing, whatwould they take us for but a pair of useless, soft, empty-headed people thatwould be sure to die of hunger. Huh!" He spoke very rapidely, and his eyeswere fixed on the ground before hm. His eyes had a wild, eager light in them asif some primeval impulse were burning within his brain and driving out everyother desire but that of asserting his manhood and of subjugating the earth.

"Oh, what do we care who is looking?" said Mary; but she drew back atthe same time and gazed distantly at the ground. Then Martin cut the sod, andpressing the spade deep into the earth with his foot, he turned up the firstsod with a crunching sound as the gras roots were dragged out of the earth.Mary sighed and walked back hurriedly to her seeds with furrowed brows. Shepicked up her seeds and began to spread them rapidly to drive out the suddenterror that had seized her at that moment whten she saw the fierce, hard lookin her husband"s eyes that were unconscious of her presence. She becamesuddenly afraid of that pitiless, cruel earth, the peasant"s slave master, thatwould keep her chained to hard work and poverty all her life until she wouldsink again into its bosom. Her short-lived love was gone. Henceforth she wasonly her husband"s helper to till the earth . And Martin, absolutely withoutthought, worked furiously, covering the ridge with block earth, his sharp spadegleaming white as he whirled it sideways to beat the sods.

Then, as the sun rose,the little valley beneath the ivy-covered hills becamedotted with white shirts, and everywhere men worked madly, without speaking,and women spread seeds. There was no heat in the light of the sun, and therewas a sharpness in the still thin air that made the men jump on their spadehalts ferociously and beat the sods as if they were living enemies. birdshopped silently before the spades, with their heads cocked sideways, watchingfor worms. Made brave by hunger, they often dashed under the spades to securetheir food.

Then, when the sun reached a certain point, all the women went back to thevillage to get dinner for their men, and the men worked on without stopping.Then the women trturned ,almost running, each carrying a tin can with a flanneltied around it adn a little bundle tied with a white cloth, Martin threw downhis spade when Mary arrived back in the field. Smiling at one another they satunder the hill for their meal .It was the same as their breakfast, tea andbread and butter.

"Ah," said Martin, when he had taken a long draught of tea form hismug, "is there anything in this world as fine as eating dinner out in theopen like this after doing a good morning"s work? Ther, I have done two ridgesand a half. That"s more than any man in the village could do . Ha!" And helooked at his wife proudly.

"Yes,isn"t it lovely," said Mary, looking at the back ridgeswistfully. She was just munching her bread and butter .The hurried trip to thevillage and the trouble of getting the tea ready had robbed her of herappetite. she had to keep blowing at the turf fire with the rim of her skirt,and the smoke nearly blinded her. But now, sitting on that grassy knoll, withthe valley all round glistening with fresh seaweed and a light smoke risingfrom the freshly truned earth, a strange joy swept over her . It overpoweredthat ofther felling of dread that had been with her during the morning.

Martin ate heartily, revelling in his great thirst and his great hunger, withevery pore of his body open to the pure air. And he looked around at hisneighbours" fields boastfully, comparing them with his own. Then he looked athis wife"s little round black head and felt very proud of having her as hisown. He leaned back on his elbow and took her hand in his. Shyly and insilence, not knowing what to say and ashamed of their gentle feelings, theyfinished eating and still sat hand in hand looking away intothe distance.Everywhere the sowers were resting on little knolls, men,women and childrensitting in silence. and the great calm of nature in spring filled theatmosphere around them. Everying seemed to sit still and wait until midday hadpassed. Only the gleaming sun chased westwards at a mighty pace, in and outthrough white clouds.

Then in a distant field an old man got up, took his spade and began to cleanthe earth from it with a piece of stone. Therasping noise carried a long way inthe silence. That was the signal for a general rising all along the littlevalley. Young men stretched themselves and yawned. They walked slowly back totheir ridges.

Martin"s back and his wrists were getting sore, and Mary felt that if shestooped again over her seeds her neck would break, but neither said anythingand soon they had forgotten their tiredness in the mechanical movement of theirbodes. The strong smell of the upturned earth acted like a drug on theirnerves.





furiouslyadv. 猛烈地;狂暴地
2023-07-16 05:00:113

英语struggling furiously怎么翻译?

2023-07-16 05:00:204


2023-07-16 05:00:271

哈利波特第一集里面:For a full minute of the three of them stood and looked at the lit

2023-07-16 05:00:381

Colorless green ideas sleep furiously这句怎么翻译

2023-07-16 05:00:493

Colorless green ideas sleep furiously这句怎么翻译

这句要理解上下文吧.翻来覆去地睡在没有色彩的新手的思想中,green = newbie青涩而懵懂的躁动.green ideas, new therefore 青涩colorless, when u r still 懵懂, ur ideas have been thought through a millions of t...
2023-07-16 05:01:321


比如can"t hold one"s angerbristle with angermake one"s blood boilOne"s hairs stand on end with anger
2023-07-16 05:01:413


We"re so furiously dangerousfuriously dangerousWe"re so furiously dangerousfuriously dangerousfur- fur -fur- furDeath by lyrical injectionI kill you rappersA lot of green with a yellow complexionWomen call me the Green Bay packerI pack the zero"sMeaning mucho deniroSo paid, rappers is waitin" on trades and they all get Knicked like MeloHello, LUDA!Tell theses other boys double up"Cause I got some work all on my waist but I call it a tummy tuckMy every records jumpin", or playin" double dutchI shit on rappers every verse just got the bubble gutsLet me tell this to the people not understandin" my moxyAnimal, watch meif you think it"s tangible, stop meBut then I hit "em with a flow, that they can"t even copySee, we don"t play thatWhere I"m from it"s like fantasy hockeySup with the dog, thugs want a warBad jean, what you want to trade slugs with "em forWhile you cuffin" em more, I"m stuffin" the jawIllegal for you to reworking Kevin Love on the board, dog?You and your skills ? on my squadI put you on a crash course in a smart carGoing speeding not relying on the brake padThe car you still drive on the race trackSo you lying bout your feelings and the Maybach?A ghost tail for the Phantoms, face facts?We ruin hip hop, slaughterhouse and paybackIn the shape of a tatt, you done faded to blackGO?We"re so furiously dangerousfuriously dangerousWe"re so furiously dangerousfuriously dangerousfur- fur -fur- furI went from eating top ramen to being top rhymerCheck full of commasNo regrets except for the dramaI remember a time when my only perfection was my mommaMy mind in the wrong directionNow it"s time ya bow down in ?Writ in my honour cause bitch I"m bonker, pluralIn a whip with my Ivanka, pompous girlShe on E, feeling on me, singing on keyWhile I"m bumping We Are The WorldGot a sniff from Britney, no he didn"t did he"We run this town"No he didn"t did heI feel like tinting the glass,You take a sip with meShe from the city of JacksonI call her Mississippi, that was pretty wittyDemand like a black man tryna get re-electedHe aint get it, did he?? to the pedalPedal to the floorJust whippin" it through the ghettoMetal in the door, case I gotta throw some lead into ya, boyReferee mind state, I"m settling the scoreI don"t know what ya"ll hating forWait, wait, know what, matter factI don"t know what you"re waiting forI aint finna say nothing, turn the bass up more til the speakers popI get a kick outta that, like a sneakers spotSee I was a little kid with his thumbs in his earsand his tongue in his ear going na-na-na-nah-naaarJust when you think it stop na-na-na-nah-naaarEverything I speak is hotBut bont be mad at least everything you speak is?I can"t think of nothing nice to say, you"re not nice okayRapper, hustler, entrepreneurMy shit fly like I"m launching manureLord of the underground, God of the sawOn Hennessy black, ? to the jawYeah I"m off the blockThis aint work, call me "I"m off the block"I"m a syllable, Hannibal, killer cannibalWith a mechanical manual to deliver the flammable ammoLyrical and I"m off the topRep that West till I walk with PacWe the 2.0 Boys, quick fricken Joe boysNew gold Rolls Royce, fall off the lotCock me, the only way you can stop meI"m top seed, I pop green at my speedSo watch me, if you haven"t seen the phenomenomI speak fast as Lamborghini"s in RamadanWe"re so furiously dangerousfuriously dangerousWe"re so furiously dangerousfuriously dangerousfur- fur -fur- furI suggest you shut it downPack your "ish and turn aroundBecause tonight, we run this townSo let your feet, still swiftly hit the groundWe too dangerous for the World
2023-07-16 05:02:081


wings 翅膀
2023-07-16 05:02:188


2023-07-16 05:03:043


2023-07-16 05:03:221


2023-07-16 05:03:294

用语言学的知识来对这句话进行注释和思考green clouds are sleeping furiously

最巧妙的贼:偷梁换柱 最精明的扒手:凿壁偷光 最高深的手艺:点石成金 最好的记忆过目成诵  最大的谎言 弥天大谎 最安静的地方——万簌俱寂 最大的影集——包罗万象 最反常的气候 晴天霹雳  最快的速度——风驰电掣 最大的手术——脱胎换骨
2023-07-16 05:03:371


2023-07-16 05:03:453

时间是一直永远在飞翔的鸟英文怎么说 是一个高级口译

Time is a bird for ever on the wing. ( T. W. Robertson )时间是一只永远在飞翔的鸟。(英国剧作家--- 罗伯逊)
2023-07-16 05:03:532


1. 他觉得他的心像是被一把钝了的锉刀残忍地割开,悲痛从伤口流出,撒落一地忧伤。he felt his heart filelike a blunt the cruel cut, grief from a wound, a Sala sad.2、平静的湖面激起了浪花,我的心情也像浪花一样欢腾。The surface of the calmlake stirred the waves, and my mood was as cheerful as a wave.3、英语测验得了100分,小明抑制不住内心的喜悦,像小鸟一样飞进了家门。the English test got 100points, Xiao Ming can not restrain the joy of heart, like a bird flying intothe family.4、大家心说不出有多高兴,脚下好像生了风,走得又快又有劲。we can not say how happyfeet like the wind, walk faster and stronger.5、晶莹的泪珠,像断了线的珍珠,滚下面颊。Crystal tears, likebroken pearls, roll down your cheeks.6、我的心绷得紧紧的。My heart is tight.7、我真是抑制不住内心的喜悦,蹦蹦跳跳地进了家门。I couldn"t restrain myjoy and jumped into the house.8、嫉妒的产生,是由于把自己的所得与他人所得进行不合理的比较。Jealousy arises fromunreasonable comparisons between one"s own gains and those of others.8、我觉得脸上热辣辣的,手心里透出一片冷汗,心头像有千百个蚂蚁爬过。I felt hot on my face,cold sweat in my hands and thousands of ants crawling through my heart.9、爸妈又吵架了,吵得我心烦意乱的,我独自在楼上,我该怎么办呢,我悲伤地哭泣着。My parents quarreledagain, which upset me. I was upstairs alone. What should I do? I cried sadly.10、牙齿咬得“格格”作响,眼里闪着一股无法遏制的怒火,好似一头被激怒的狮子。The teeth were bitten"gritty" and there was an irrepressible anger in his eyes, like alion being enraged.11、他在一昼夜里积压的怒气如火山一样爆发了。His accumulated angererupted like a volcano all day and night.12、他怒不可遏地吼叫着,这声音像沉雷一样滚动着,传得很远很远。He roared furiously. Thesound rolled like a thunderstorm and spread far and wide.13、我那颗忐忑不安的心越跳越快,我不敢往下想了My nervous heart isbeating faster and faster. I dare not think about it.14、我整天愁眉苦脸的,友谊破裂了,在心灵上留下了难以弥合的伤痕。All day long I frownedand grieved, and friendship broke down, leaving an indelible scar in my heart.15、我心疼得像刀绞一样,眼泪不住地往下流。My heart ached like aknife and my tears kept running down.16、谁也惹不起他,我们只好忍气吞声,敢怒不敢言。Nobody could provoke him,so we had to swallow our breath and dare not speak in anger.
2023-07-16 05:04:021

Life is not a trap set for us by God so that he can condemn us for failing 怎么翻译?

2023-07-16 05:04:211


但如何帮助学生真正理解复杂结构,并从整篇作文的角度来定位好的句子呢?我们很难给复杂结构下个确切的定义,但可从以下几个方面探讨对“复杂结构”的理解。 1. 简单句也可能成为好句子 (1)恰当的形容词、副词——表达意见,情感流露的载体。例如: It turned into a quarrel. → It turned into a horrible/terrible/fierce quarrel. 虽然只是添加了一个形容词,但quarrel 的程度、作者的态度和场景的再现更好地表现了出来。又如: They began to quarrel. → They began to quarrel with each other blindly/furiously. (2)同位语——精巧完善欲达之意。例如: Li Jiang, who is Su Hua"s classmate, is also to blame. → Li Jiang, Su Hua"s classmate, is also to blame. 定语从句固然带来了复杂结构,但简洁明了是行文的基本要求,该惜墨处勿泼墨。又如: The boy went back home and was full of fear. → The boy went back home, full of fear. 形容词短语full of fear作状语的表达既简洁明了,又生动形象。 (3)评注性状语——娓娓道来,突出了写作的交际性。例如: It was Su"s fault but Li was also to blame. → To be honest/To be frank, it was Su"s fault but Li was also to blame. 评注性状语是插入语的一种,它与状语很接近,但它并不修饰谓语或其他词,而是对整个句子进行解释或说明,表明说话人的看法或态度,给读者以娓娓道来之感。又如: To be short, it is everyone"s responsibility to keep the world clean. (4)非谓语结构——简洁生动之美。例如: Sandy struck the USA and caused great damage to the infrastructure. → Sandy struck the USA, causing great damage to the infrastructure. 非谓语结构是丰富句子的有效结构,书面性强,表达更为生动。又如: After I finished my homework, I often relaxed myself by playing computer games. → Having finished my homework, I often relaxed myself by playing computer games. (5)被动语态——地道之美。例如: Some people say this kind of milk contains different levels of nutrients. → This kind of milk is said to contain different levels of nutrients. → It is said that this kind of milk contains different levels of nutrients. 受母语负迁移的影响,学生在表达动作发出者不明确时常用主动语态表达,有中式英语之嫌;而使用被动结构却能给句子带来地道英语之美。又如: People believe that mutual understanding contributes to a permanent friendship. → It is generally believed that mutual understanding contributes to a permanent friendship. 2. 复杂自有其道 (1)复合句——长短之变,节奏之美。例如: Su Hua and Li Jiang played basketball on the playground. They both jumped up to catch the flying ball. → Su Hua and Li Jiang were playing basketball on the playground when they both jumped up to catch the flying ball. 复合句使用了定语从句、状语从句,明确了概念的外延,增大了概念的内涵,逻辑性强。再有,长短句结构交替使用后,语句内部抑扬顿挫的节奏感就出来了,从而使文章流畅自然,生动活泼。 (2)倒装句——强化情感,让句子结构趋于平衡。例如: Su said many mean words to Li and shouted at the top of his voice as well. → Not only did Su say many mean words to Li but also shouted at the top of his voice. 倒装句常带来承上启下、平衡结构、强化情感之效。又如: A man, who is in all black, is standing with a gun in hand in front of her. → Standing in front of her is a man, who is in all black, with a gun in hand. (3)强调句——为了突出句子中的某一部分常使用强调句,以便能引起他人的注意,更明确地表达自己的意愿和情感。例如: He didn"t come back until the clock struck twelve. → It was not until the clock struck twelve that he came back. (4)省略句——干练,无冗长之嫌。例如: While they were catching the flying ball, they bumped into each other. → While catching the flying ball, they bumped into each other. (5)虚拟语气——极尽感激、遗憾或悔恨之情。例如: No one put himself in the other"s place. They found no fun in the game. → If one of them had put himself in the other"s place, they could have found more fun in the game. 另外,虚拟语气还可以表示说话人的一种愿望、假设、怀疑、猜测、建议等含意。书面表达题中常用“假如你是……,你会如何……?”来考查考生的个人认识或解决问题的能力。 前文提到的那位高三学生是一名英语基础很好的学生,向其呈现了以上探讨后,心领神会,修改习作如下: Conflicts with others are common in everyday life. These conflicts can turn out to be serious problems if we don"t deal with them properly. Last week, Su Hua and Li Jiang were playing basketball on the playground when they both jumped up to catch the flying ball. Unfortunately, they bumped into each other. Su began to say mean words and Li shouted back in response. A terrible quarrel occurred all of a sudden. How to avoid these quarrels effectively? First, we should often stand in others" shoes when faced with conflicts. Second, stay as cool as a cucumber. Think twice and you may find that things are not so bad as you thought first. What"s more, we should be good sports. Competitive sports involve unavoidable bumps or even injuries, which should be taken into consideration when you participate in a game. 三、“复杂结构”的再思量 在高三上学期基本语法学完之后,许多老师会让学生在写作中尝试运用各种复合句或特殊结构。陈幸佩(2011)在《高三英语写作复习课的有效性——以宁波市第六届课例评析为例》一文中描述了一位授课教师在写作技能环节总结的四句口诀:①肯定不如双否好;②陈述不如倒装巧;③单句不如复句妙;④从句不如短句傲。但该作者也鲜明地指出此举容易造成学生刻意或生搬硬套地运用这些复杂句的可能。 那么,到底应该如何理解复杂语法结构? 在“要点完整,语言无误,行文连贯,表达清楚”的评分标准指导下,考生往往在书面表达中只用五种基本简单句来表达,以防出错,从而导致中学生写作的层次不高,略显乏味。“应用了较多的语法结构和词汇;语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致”的新评分标准有其深刻的背景,它虽能引领师生重视并提升写作的品质,但却没有或不便明确说明内容决定形式、简单与复杂并存等要素。由此,部分师生误以为多用结构复杂的句子就会有层次,可以得到高分。事实上,简单句本身同样可以发挥其精妙的表情达意之功。有时一个简单的介词短语也能增添情感的魅力或激发读者的共鸣。例如,一位学生习作(谈双休日的利与弊)中有这样的句子: With the two-day weekends, we can have more time to chat with our parents. → With the two-day weekends, we can have more time to chat with our parents around the table. 句中的around the table能让读者头脑中浮现出生活的场景,唤起了家庭的温馨之感。 可见,复杂结构并不仅是复杂的句子结构,它应是根据内容和行文需要,巧妙使用高中所学的词汇和各种语法知识,长短句结合,恰当、连贯地传递信息和表达自己的思想,充分体现写作的交际本质。
2023-07-16 05:04:451


您好,_eat 可以有多个选择:1)beat:名词【节拍;震动】;动词【敲击;狠揍】2)feat:名词【壮举,功绩】3)heat:名词【热】;动词【加热】4)meat:名词【肉】5)neat:形容词【整洁的;整齐的】6)peat:名词【泥炭】7)seat:名词【座位】;动词【使……坐下】
2023-07-16 05:04:521


  从前在北平读书的时候,老在城圈儿里呆着。四年中虽也游过三五回西山,却从没来过清华;说起清华,只觉得很远很远而已。那时也不认识清华人,有一回北大和清华学生在青年会举行英语辩论,我也去听。清华的英语确是流利得多,他们胜了。那回的题目和内容,已忘记干净;只记得复辩时,清华那位领袖很神气,引着孔子的什么话。北大答辩时,开头就用了furiously一个字叙述这位领袖的态度。这个字也许太过,但也道着一点儿。那天清华学生是坐大汽车进城的,车便停在青年会前头;那时大汽车还很少。那是冬末春初,天很冷。一位清华学生在屋里只穿单大褂,将出门却套上厚厚的皮大氅。这种“行”和“衣”的路数,在当时却透着一股标劲儿。   初来清华,在十四年夏天。刚从南方来北平,住在朝阳门边一个朋友家。那时教务长是张仲述先生,我们没见面。我写信给他,约定第三天上午去看他。写信时也和那位朋友商量过,十点赶得到清华么,从朝阳门哪儿?他那时已经来过一次,但似乎只记得“长林碧草”,——他写到南方给我的信这么说——说不出路上究竟要多少时候。他劝我八点动身,雇洋车直到西直门换车,免得老等电车,又换来换去的,耽误事。那时西直门到清华只有洋车直达;后来知道也可以搭香山汽车到海甸再乘洋车,但那是后来的事了。   第三天到了,不知是起得晚了些还是别的,跨出朋友家,已经九点挂零。心里不免有点儿急,车夫走的也特别慢似的。到西直门换了车。据车夫说本有条小路,雨后积水,不通了;那只得由正道了。刚出城一段儿还认识,因为也是去万生园的路;以后就茫然。到黄庄的时候,瞧着些屋子,以为一定是海甸了;心里想清华也就快到了吧,自己安慰着。快到真的海甸时,问车夫,“到了吧?”“没哪。这是海——甸。”这一下更茫然了。海甸这么难到,清华要何年何月呢?而车夫说饿了,非得买点儿吃的。吃吧,反正豁出去了。这一吃又是十来分钟。说还有三里多路呢。那时没有燕京大学,路上没什么看的,只有远处淡档的西山——那天没有太阳——略略可解闷儿。好容易过了红桥,喇嘛庙,渐渐看见两行高柳,像穹门一般。十刹海的垂杨虽好,但没有这么多这么深,那时路上只有我一辆车,大有长驱直入的神气。柳树前一面牌子,写着“入校车马缓行”;这才真到了,心里想,可是大门还够远的,不用说西院门又骗了我一次,又是六七分钟,才真真到了。坐在张先生客厅里一看钟,十二点还欠十五分。   张先生住在乙所,得走过那“长林碧草”,那浓绿真可醉人。张先生客厅里挂着一副有正书局印的"邓完白隶书长联。我有一个会写字的同学,他喜欢邓完白,他也有这一副对联;所以我这时如见故人一般。张先生出来了。他比我高得多,脸也比我长得多。一眼看出是个顶能干的人。我向他道歉来得太晚,他也向我道歉,说刚好有个约会,不能留我吃饭。谈了不大工夫,十二点过了,我告辞。到门口,原车还在,坐着回北平吃饭去。过了一两天,我就搬行李来了。这回却坐了火车,是从环城铁路朝阳门站上车的。   以后城内城外来往的多了,得着一个诀窍;就是在西直门一上洋车,且别想“到”清华,不想着不想着也就到了。——香山汽车也搭过一两次,可真够瞧的。两条腿有时候简直无放处,恨不得不是自己的。有一回,在海甸下了汽车,在现在“西园”后面那个小饭馆里,拣了临街一张四方桌,坐在长凳上,要一碟苜蓿肉,两张家常饼,二两白玫瑰,吃着喝着,也怪有意思;而且还在那桌上写了《我的南方》一首歪诗。那时海甸到清华一路常有穷女人或孩子跟着车要钱。他们除“您修好”等等常用语句外,有时会说“您将来做校长”,这是别处听不见的。
2023-07-16 05:05:011


在拳击比赛中,拳击手挥舞着拳头,虎虎生风,但是都没打着他的对手. “我该怎么办?”他在回合结束的时候问教练. “很好,如果你保持下去,”教练回答道,“他就会因为受风而感冒的.”
2023-07-16 05:05:081


  在考研中,英语考试里会出现翻译题型,这个我们是知道的所以要做好准备。下面是我给大家整理的考研英语翻译技巧,供大家参阅!   考研英语翻译技巧   从历年的考试来看,翻译题是考研英语各题型中得分率较低的,因此如何把握整个翻译过程就显得尤为重要。   一、略读全文   在翻译过程中,理解是表达的前提,不能正确理解就谈不上正确表达。因此,首先要略读全文,从整体上把握整篇文章的内容,并理解划线部分与文章其他部分之间的语法与逻辑关系。   二、分析划线部分   在整体理解全文意思的基础上,还要重点分析划线部分的结构和意义。首先,划线部分一般来说句子结构都比较复杂,如果搞不清楚它的语法结构,是很难做出正确的翻译的。在分析划线部分的句子结构时,要注意分清哪是主句,哪是从句;哪是句子的主干,哪是枝叶。其次,要理解划线部分的意义。不仅要弄清句子表面的意义,还要理解句子在特定的语言环境中的意义。还要特别注意句子中的代词和所指代的意义。另外,还要特别注意句子中包含的短语和固定结构,因为这往往是考点。   三、翻译   正确理解原文后,接下来就是翻译。翻译时,关键是综合运用各种翻译方法将英文的原意忠实地表达出来。关于翻译,有直译和意译两种方法,只是我们很多人都没有理解直译和意译的区别,从我们上面所谈的英汉区别可知,不可能存在绝对的直译,因为毕竟两种语言相差太大,任何直译都是经过一定变通之后的直译,但有的人以为这便是意译,其实这是错误的,意译一般在文学翻译中才会出现。而研究生英语翻译中,其实只有可能是直译,不可能是意译。要做好翻译,关键是要有正确的翻译意识,前面所说的翻译技巧可以是必须用的,几乎每句的翻译都要综合的运用各种翻译技巧。把握了这一点,也就具有了做好英语翻译题的前提。主要有如下翻译技巧。   1分译法。翻译部分的句子,大多为复杂从句,而汉语中没有与之一一对应的从句,因此,要翻译出来让别人能看懂,就必须将其拆开,分译成各个单句。   2转译法。很多被动语态如果机械的翻成被动语态,可能会让人觉得别扭,因此需要转为主动态。此外,还有否定转译等各种情况。   3添减词法。由于英汉两种语言的差异,在英文看上去比较正常的句子,译成汉语时,如果不或增或减一些词可能无法把英文的原意表达出来,这样就需要适当地运用添减词法。   4单复数译法。单复数要译出。如"birds in the tree"可译为"树上的鸟儿们"。   5时态的译法。英语中有专门表示时态的句子成分,而汉语则没有,因此,为准确地翻译出英语的意思,有时必须加一些表时间的副词,如"著,了,在"等。   6代词的译法。代词一般需要转译成名词,即把其所指代的意义译出。   7人名地名的译法,知道的可以译出来,不知道就保持原文。   四、校核   校核主要有三个方面:一是检查译文是否忠实于原文。通过把译文和原文对照比较往往能发现问题;二是检查译文字身是否通顺或表达清楚。把译文通读一遍,如果觉得读起来很别扭或者有歧义,那很有可能是翻译不通或表达不清楚,适当增减词或调整语序通常能解决这一问题;三是检查译文是否有笔误,是否有漏洞,是否有代词未转译,时态是否译出,数字、日期是否译错,标点符号是否用错等。   翻译本身是一个复杂的心理思维活动过程,任何做翻译的人都会感到翻译的艰钜性。大多数初学翻译的人,感觉最明显的问题是:理解英语不容易,表达成汉语不轻松。如何理解和如何表达,就成了大多数感觉自己英语基础知识比较匮乏的考生的严重问题了。下面,根据历年真题翻译呈现出的特点和规律,为2011年的广大考生寻找考研英语翻译的应对策略。   一、题型特点   从1996年题型改革至今,命题组更侧重考生综合运用语言的能力,题目难度加大,趋向稳定。考题要求考生在理解全句、全段或全文的基础上,把语法、词汇的意思和上下文结合起来理解,表面看上去画线的句子语法不很复杂,词汇似乎也不陌生,但翻译时很多考生觉得难以动笔,难度增大体现在:不能采用就词论词、就句子论句子的简单直译方法,而要求把词和句子放在篇章里去理解,还强调英语习惯用法、语感和翻译技巧的掌握。这样仅靠熟悉语法规则和孤立地背单词已远远不够了,这也是考生得分普遍不高的主要原因。近年来英译汉试题主要特点如下:   1反映自然科学、社会科学的常识性、科学类和报刊评论文章占很大比例;   2考题难度加大;   3语法现象难度有所降低;   4突出简单翻译技巧,如:词、片语的省略及补译,译出it,they,this,that等代词的真正代表的含义,词义选择、引申、词性转换,长句的拆句与逆序翻译法等。万学海文提醒考生们应针对这些特点认真做好适当的准备。   二、应对策略   考研大纲规定:翻译主要考察考生准确理解概念或结构较复杂的英语文字材料的能力。要求考生阅读一篇约400词的文章,并将其中5个划线部分约150词译成汉语,要求译文准确、完整、通顺,即主要考查考生依据上下文的帮助对于具有较大难度的语句在理解和书面表达方面的能力。   通常来讲,考生在"理解"上的难度表现在:语句形式上的复杂,理不清各部分的关系;语句内容涉及不了解或不熟悉的背景知识,或是语句涉及较深的、难以理解的思想内容。而在"表达"上的难度可能有:对于英语的语句没有看懂;自身汉语综合能力存在问题。 所以,考生在复习英语翻译的时候要掌握以下策略:   1.要有意识地进行长句,复杂句式结构分析的训练。善于在复杂的句式结构中找出主体结构,特别是主句的主语和谓语,并以此作为句子理解和翻译的起点。   2.善于积累词汇。特别要注意一词多义,常见词一般具有多义性,翻译时要根据搭配和上下文确定意义,如develop除了"发展"的意思外,还有"形成"的意思。同时要注意一词多性,特别是名词、动词、形容词三种词性的互换,平时要有意识地做一些"名词动译"、"动词名译"等方面的训练。   3.注意词语的固定搭配。特别注意动词+介词、动词+副词的搭配,因为此类搭配常常伴有词义的改变。   4.注意同义词、近义词、形近词的区分和辨析。这是提高英语应用能力的必由之路。   5.学习并掌握基本的翻译技巧。   此外,大部分考生做题时还存在一个情况:一边读句子,一边思考每一个单词分别是什么汉语意思,在没有完整理解英语句子的情况下,就直接做了"字字对等"的翻译,或者在读完之后,并没有理解句子,就马上在自己积累的词汇中找与看到的英语词对应的汉语来表达,只要碰到不认识的生词就束手无策。这样的译文,不仅扭曲了英语原文的意思,汉语句子本身也晦涩难懂。所以,万学海文辅导专家提醒考生切勿陷入这种翻译误区,要按照上面的策略来准备和复习翻译试题。   总之,在备考英语翻译的过程中,考生在不断积累知识的同时,还要不断总结思路和方法,逐渐掌握一套属于自己的答题策略。   考研英语语翻译方法   定语从句   一、前置法:把定语从句翻译到所修饰的先行词前面,可以用“的”来连线。 He who has never tasted what is bitter does not know what is sweet。 没有吃过苦的人不知道什么是甜。   Space and oceans are the new world which scientists are trying to explore。 太空和海洋是科学家们努力探索的新领域。   His laughter, which was infectious, broke the silence。   他那富有感染力的笑声打破了沉寂。   二、后置法:把定语从句翻译在所修饰的先行词后面,翻译为并列分句。   一重复先行词。   I told the story to John, who told it to his brother。   他把这件事告诉了约翰,约翰又告诉了他的弟弟。   We wish to express our satisfaction at this to the Special mittee, whose activities deserve to be encouraged。   在我们对特别委员会表示满意,特别委员会的工作应该受到鼓励。   You, whose predecessors scored initial success in astronomical research, have acquired a greater acplishment in this respect。   你们的先辈在天文学研究方面取得了初步的成功,而你们现在则在这一方面获得了更大的成就。   Although he lacks experience, he has enterprise and creativity, which are decisive in achieving success in the area。   他虽然经验不足,但很有进取心和创造力,而这正是在这一领域获得成功的关键。   二省略先行词。   ceived the letter that announced the death of your uncle。   是他接到那封信,说你的叔叔去世了。   They worked out a new method by which production has now been rapidly increased。   他们制定出一种新方案,采用之后生产已迅速得到提高。   三、融合法:把定语从句和它所修饰的先行词结合在一起翻译。   There is a man downstairs who wants to see you。   楼下有人要见你。   In our factory, there are many people who are much interested in the new invention。   在我们工厂里,许多人对这项新发明很感兴趣。   We used a plane of which almost every part carried some indication of national identity。   我们驾驶的飞机几乎每一个部件都有一些国籍标志   She had a balance at her banker"s which would have made her beloved anywhere。   她在银行里的存款足以使她到处受到欢迎   四、状译法   一译成表示“时间”的分句   A driver who is driving the bus mustn"t talk with others or be absent-minded。   司机在开车时,不许和人谈话,也不能走神。   二译成表示“原因”的分句   He showed no further wish for conversation with Mrs. Smith, who was now more than usually insolent and disagreeable。   他似乎不愿再和史密斯太太讲话,因为她现在异常无礼,令人厌烦。   三译成表示“条件”的分句   Men bee desperate for work, any work, which will help them to keep alive their families。   人们极其迫切地要求工作,不管什么工作,只要它能维持一家人的生活就行。   四译成表示“让步”的分句   He insisted on buying another house, which he had no use for   尽管他并没有这样的需要,他坚持要再买一幢房子,。   五译成表示“目的”的分句   He wishes to write an article that will attract the public attention to the matter。   为了引起公众对这一事件的注意,他想写一篇文章。   He is collecting authentic material that proves his argument。   为了证明他的论点,他正在收集确凿的材料以。   六译成表示“结果”的分句   They tried to stamp out the revolt, which spread all the more furiously throughout the country。   他们企图镇压反抗,结果反抗愈来愈烈,遍及全国。   七译成表示“转折”的分句   She was very patient towards the children, which her hu *** and seldom was。 她对孩子们很有耐心,而她丈夫却很少这样。   考研英语翻译万能解题技巧   一、简要介绍   翻译部分由一篇400字左右的文章组成,其中划出5个句子,要求考生在30分钟内译完。2002年题型更改之前,每句3分,一共15分,现在每句2分,一共10分。   二、有无必要通读全文?   完全没有必要。只有在以下两种情况下,才需要回头看看前文:1.出现it, he, they等代词时,需要回读前文以确定它们所指代的人或物;2.出现某个单词有歧义,可作多种理解时。   三、如何做好翻译?   翻译有三个步骤:正确理解原文;用地道的译入语表达原文;对译文进行修改润色。   百分之百正确地理解原文,是做好翻译的前提。考生在已有的英语理解基础上,应针对翻译部分着重注意以下几个方面:   1.句子中相对应的部分。请看例句:   The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find.   这一句很明显可以分为A,B,C三个部分,A为果,B,C为两个并列的原因。明白了这一点,可以解决两个问题:1.全句大的结构可以确立为:之所以有A,部分原因是B,部分原因是C;2. B部分中explanatory items比较难以翻译,尤其是item一词,但结合C部分,可以确定explanatory items实际上就是explanations的意思,短语other kinds of进一步验证了这一点。   2.时态。英译汉时,常需借助著、了、过等助词和时间副词来表达原句的时态。请看例句:   There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, ...   翻译本句,需新增届时一词来表达原文的将来时态。再请看:   But even more..., for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion years ago.   本句官方给出的参考译文是:因为他们看到的是150亿年前宇宙云的形状和结构。我认为,这个译文翻译的实际上是for what they saw而不是for what they were seeing,换言之,它不足以表达一般过去时和过去进行时的区别。   再请看:   ...and digital age will have arrived.   有考生将其翻译成数字时代将会来到,体现的是一般将来时而不是将来完成时。   3.词的单复数,大小写等细节问题。请看例句:   Whether the Government should...   官方给出的参考译文将the Government简单译成 *** ,不确切。定冠词the以及government首字母大写这两点明显表明此处的government是特指。本句前一句为Federal policy is necessarily involved in the technology vs. genius dispute,可以确定,the Government指的是联邦 *** 。   再请看:   Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.   此处insights能否做洞察力讲?如果能,洞察力有复数吗?如果不能,它又当做何解释?   顺便说一句,not so引导的两部分是对应的,因此可以确定,此处的through与后面的because of同义。   注意词的单复数还有一个实际用途,就是可以比较快地确定代词所指为何。请看例句:   But even more important, it was the farthest..   根据现在的评分标准,it不能简单地译为它,而应回读前文,找出它具体所指为何。在完成这一任务时,考生只应看前面的单数名词而忽视一切复数名词。   英语还有一些特殊的表达方式,如将两个同义词用and相连,强调表达一个意思,还有尽可能避免重复,这些都是考生应该注意的。限于篇幅,在此恕不赘述。   正确理解原文后,接下来就是翻译。翻译时,考生应着重注意处理好句子结构以及句序。翻译部分的句子,大多为复合句,汉语中没有从句,因此,正确处理句子结构以及句序,实际上就是正确处理从句。请看下表:   定语从句状语从句宾语从句主语从句同位语从句表语从句简单句并列   可以看出掌握好定语从句和状语从句的翻译至关重要。   修饰润色这一工作,针对考研,只需看看有无明显的漏译错译即可。   四、翻译技巧   应付考研翻译,比较常用的翻译技巧是添减词和词性转换。   五、人名地名怎么译?碰到不认识的词怎么办?   不常见的人名地名可以保留原文。   万一有不认识的词,最好忽略不译,切忌胡乱翻译,因为一个错译远比一个漏译扎眼。   看过考研英语翻译技巧的人还:
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引号部分the sights and sounds of "stock straders furiously exchanging securities"在句中做什么成分?

这不是一个整句,引号部分的内容是sights and sounds of的定语,引号部分又带了一个动宾结构的状态定语。
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这个句子本身不通顺.是不是抄错了? The couple was quarreling furiously about whose turn it was to cook the dinner. 这对夫妻正在就该轮到谁做晚饭而剧烈争吵. 主句是the couple was quarreling furiously about后面是补足语,说明争吵的具体内容 whose turn it was to cook the dinner 是宾语从句,做about的宾语,轮到谁去做晚饭. It is my turn to cook the dinner. 轮到我做晚饭了. 这个结构是:it做形式主语,后面的不定式to cook the dinner是真正的主语.
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第二十三课(2069-2162)      1. Which one do you prefer, an apple or an orange?   你想要哪个,苹果还是橘子?      2. He is preparing his speech for the meeting tomorrow.   他正准备明天集会的演说。      3. She was so quiet that her presence was hardly noticed.   她那么安静,几乎没有人注意到她在这里。      4. He advocated the withdrawal of the American presence in Lebanon.   他主张美国人应该从黎巴嫩撤走。      5. How many people were present at the meeting?   有多少人出席会议?      6. We learn from the past, experience the present and hope for success in the future.   我们从过去中学习,体验现在,展望未来的成功。      7. I think these interesting old customs should be preserved.   我认为这些有趣的旧习俗应该保存下去。      8. I tried to preserve my independence.   我试图保持自己的独立性。      9. It"s the duty of the police to preserve the public order.   维护公共秩序是警察的职责。      10. President Lincoln was born poor.   林肯总统出身贫寒。      11. He was invited to become president of the local camera club.   他被邀请担任本地摄影俱乐部的主席。      12. The power of the press is very great.   新闻界的力量非常大。      13. Can you have your report ready for the press by next week?   你的报告能在下星期赶好付印吗?      14. Press this button to start the engine.   按这个按钮开动引擎。      15. What a pretty little garden!   多么漂亮的小花园!      16. The little girl is pretty.   这个小女孩很漂亮。      17. What can we do to prevent the disease spreading?   我们能做什么来防止这种疾病蔓延呢?      18. These regulations are intended to prevent accidents.   这些规章制度旨在防止事故发生。      19. What is the price of the suit?   这套西装多少钱?      20. I think you hurt his pride by laughing at the way he speaks English.   我觉得你嘲笑他说英语的方式刺伤了他的自尊心。      21. Pride was his downfall.   骄傲是他垮台的原因。      22. My teaching is my pride and joy.   我的教学工作是我的快乐和骄傲。      23. My wages are the principal source of my income.   薪金是我收入的主要来源。      24. This printer can print 40 pages in a minute.   这台打印机一分钟能打印40页。      25. I can"t read small print without my glasses.   我不戴眼镜看不清小字体。      26. The thief had left his prints on the handle.   小偷在把手上留下了指纹。      27. The thief was put into prison for one year.   小偷被监禁一年。   28. Many people believe that prison isn"t a cure for crime.   许多人都相信监禁解决不了犯罪问题。      29. The prisoners are allowed an hour"s exercise every day.   犯人们每天有一小时放风的时间。      30. We are all prisoners of our past.   我们都摆脱不了往事的羁绊。      31. It"s illegal to read people"s private letters without permission.   未经允许看别人的私人信件是不合法的。      32. The president is paying a private visit to Europe.   总统正在对欧洲做私人访问。      33. First prize in the raffle is a holiday for two in Paris.   抽奖销售的头奖是两个人到巴黎度假旅游。      34. It"s highly probable that they will win the match.   他们很可能会赢这场比赛。      35. We"re going on holiday soon, probably next month.   我们很快就要去度假了,多半是下个月。      36. This tree produces rubber.   这些树生产橡胶。      37. She can produce delicious meal from very simple ingredients.   她能用简单配料烹调出美味的饭菜。      38. Female sheep produce one or two lambs at a time.   母羊一次生一到两只羊羔。      39. There is very little profit in selling newspapers at present.   现在卖报纸利润很少。      40. I don"t trust his promise to come for a visit.   我不相信他会如约前来访问。      41. I promise to return your bicycle on good condition.   我答应一定完好无损地还你的自行车。      42. John promises well as an actor.   约翰有希望成为演员。      43. I don"t know how to pronounce this word.   我不知道这个单词怎么发音。      44. Have you got any proof that you own this bike?   你有什么证据证明这辆自行车是你的?      45. A soldier"s courage is put to the proof in battle.   士兵的勇气在战斗中得到考验。      46. The pages aren"t in proper order.   这些页数次序不对。      47. The police found some stolen property in the thief"s house.   警察在小偷的家里发现了一些被盗的财物。      48. He raised his arm to protect his child from hurt.   他伸出手去,保护他的孩子免受伤害。      49. These rare tigers are protected by special laws.   这些珍贵的老虎受到专门法律的保护。      50. They are poor but proud; they never borrow money or ask for help.   他们虽穷但很自重,他们从不向人借钱或求助。      51. Tom is very proud of his new car.   汤姆非常满意自己的新车。      52. He has proved his courage in the battle.   他已在这场战斗中证明了自己的勇气。      53. Perhaps this book will prove to be of some use to you in your studies.   也许这本书会对你的研究有用处。      54. The hotel provides a reservation of tickets for its residents.   这家旅馆为旅客提供订票服务。      55. These books will provide us with all the information we need.   这本书将为我们提供所需要的全部信息。      56. The town has its own public library and public gardens.   那城市有自己的公用图书馆和公园。      57. The town gardens are open to the public from sunrise to the sunset daily.   市立公园每天从早到晚对公众开放。      58. Don"t pull my hair!   别扯我的头发!      59. Some advertisements have no pull at all.   有些广告毫无吸引力。      60. Their teacher punished them for their rudeness.   老师因为他们态度粗鲁而责罚他们。      61. Dangerous driving should be severely punished.   危险驾驶应受严惩。      62. How many pupils are there in your class?   你的班里有多少名小学生?      63. She is a pure girl.   她是一个纯洁的女孩。      64. He was born to the purple.   他出身皇族。      65. That girl likes to wear purple dresses.   那个女孩喜欢穿紫色的衣服。      66. Did you come to London for the purpose of seeing your family, or for business purposes?   你到伦敦来的目的是为了要看望家人还是为了公事?      67. You may stop the machine by pushing this button.   你按下这个按钮就可以关机。      68. He pushed his way to the front of the crowd.   他挤到了人群的前面。      69. He pushed her into making a decision.   他催促她做出决定。      70. He put some more wood on the fire.   他在火里加了一些柴。      71. Never put your trust to a stranger.   绝不要相信陌生人。      72. I want to know how to put this in French.   我想知道如何用法语来表达这件事。      73. The quality of service in this restaurant has improved a lot.   这个饭店的服务质量已经有了很大改善。      74. He shows quality of leadership.   他显示出领导才能。      75. A large quantity of air-conditioners has been sold since the temperature is high.   因为气温很高,有大量空调售出。      76. The couple was quarreling furiously about whose turn it was to cook the dinner.   这对夫妇对该轮到谁做晚饭而激烈争吵着。      77. I got involved in a quarrel about the price.   我被卷入了一场有关价格的争吵。      78. It"s a quarter past ten.   现在是十点一刻。      79. Queen Marie Antoinette of France was the wife of Louis the 16th.   法国玛丽安东妮皇后是路易十六的妻子。      80. May I ask a question?   我可以问一个问题吗?      81. I would never question his honesty.   我对他的诚实绝不怀疑。      82. He gave a quick answer to the teacher"s question.   他对老师的提问作出了迅速的回答。      83. He is quick to understand.   他理解能力强。      84. Ask him to keep quiet.   让汤姆保持安静。      85. When he quieted down, I began to tell him the truth.   当他平静下来时,我开始告诉他实情。      86. I"ve quit my job.   我辞职了。      87. The boy has quite recovered.   这男孩已彻底恢复健康。      88. He was quite young.   他相当年轻。      89. I"m just a rabbit at tennis.   我网球打得很差劲。      90. She came second in the race.   她在比赛中得了第二名。      91. He is against race prejudice.   他反对种族歧视。      92. Hearing the bell, we raced to the class.   听到铃声,我们赶快跑去上课。      93. We will send the goods by railroad.   我们将用铁路运输。      94. It"s raining hard.   雨下得很大。
2023-07-16 05:06:401

who are you这是什么意思

2023-07-16 05:06:489


2. told改成tell 3. its 改成their 4. they want at least double their salaries6. As he was weakened 7. doesn "t smoke , drink or idle away his time8. provide改provides 9. he can改成can he
2023-07-16 05:07:101


【 #英语资源# 导语】趁你现在还有时间,尽你自己的努力,努力做成你最想做的那件事,成为你最想成为的那种人,过着你最想过的那种生活,这个世界永远比你想的要更精彩,不要败给生活。以下“激励人生的英语美文三篇”由 无 ! 【篇一】激励人生的英语美文   Seven Secrets to a Great Life   非凡人生的七大秘诀   A great life doesn"t happen by accident. A great life is the result of allocating your time, energy, thoughts, and hard work towards what you want your life to be.? Stop setting yourself up for stress and failure, and start setting up your life to support success and ease. A great life is the result of using the 24/7 you get in a creative and thoughtful way, instead of just what comes next. Customize these " secrets" to fit your own needs and style, and start creating your own great life today!   非凡的人生不是无根之木,无源之水。它需要合理分配自己的时间、精力、心思,为实现自 己的生活目标而努力。走出忧虑和失败,全身心地迎接成功和安逸。不要得过且过,创造性 地好好利用生命中的分分秒秒吧!让我们从今天开始,根据下面的“秘诀”和自身情况,创 建属于自己的非凡人生。   1. S—Simplify. A great life is the result of simplifying your life. People often misinterpret what simplify means. It"s not a way to remove work from your life. When you focus on simplifying your life, you free up energy and time for the work that you enjoy and the purpose for which you are here. In order to create a great life, you will have to make room for it in yours first.   1、化繁为简。非凡的人生源于简单的生活。人们往往误解了简单的含义,即不参加工作。 当生活真正简化,你就会有时间和精力从事喜欢的工作,并为之奋斗。创建非凡的人生,首 先要有自己的空间。   2. E—Effort. A great life is the result of your best effort. Creating a great life requires that you make some adjustments. It may mean reevaluating how you spend your time, or choosing to spend your money in a different way. It may mean looking for new ways to spend your energy that coincide with your particular definition of a great life. Life will reward your best effort.   2、不懈努力。非凡的人生源于个人的苦心经营。这可能需要重新分配时间,或调整理财方 式:用新的方式把精力投向能引领非凡人生的地方去。有付出就会有回报。   3. C—Create Priorities. A great life is the result of creating priorities. It"s easy to spend your days just responding to the next thing that gets your attention, instead of intentionally using the time, energy and money you have in a way that"s important to you. Focus on removing the obstacles that get in the way of you making sure you are honoring your priorities.   3、分清主次。非凡的人生源于分清主次。不要被琐碎的事所吸引,而撇开重要之事,不然, 时间、精力和金钱便会浪费。要想达到目的,就要善于梳理头绪,扫清障碍,分清轻重缓急。   4. R—Reserves. A great life is the result of having reserves—reserves of things, time, space, energy, money. With reserves, you acquire far more than you need-not 6 months living expenses, but 5 years worth; not 15 minutes of free time, 1 day. Reserves are important because they reduce the fear of consequences, and that allows you to make decisions based on what you really want instead of what the fear decides for you.   4、有备无患。非凡的人生源于懂得储存--储存物品、时间、空间、精力和金钱。那样,获 得就会远远多于所期望的--就会得到五年的生活费,而不是六个月的;一整天的闲暇时间, 而不是 15 分钟。储存能减少顾虑,从而使决定不受限制,思想不会犹豫。   5. E—Eliminate distractions. A great life is the result of eliminating distractions. Up to 75% of your mental energy can be tied up in things that draining and distracting you. Eliminating distractions can be a difficult concept to many people, since they haven"t really considered that there is another way to live. Look around at someone"s life you admire. What do they do that you would like to incorporate into your own life ? Ask them how they did it. Find ways to free up mental energy for things that are more important to you.   5、专心致志。非凡的人生源于专注。做事三心二意,会耗费一个人 75%以上的精力。很多 人不知道如何清除杂念,因为他们从未想过换种方式生活。看看周围那些令你羡慕的人的生 活吧!看自己能从他们身上学到些什么?向他们请教,寻求专注的方式,把精力集中到真正 重要的事情上。   6. T—Thoughts. A great life is the result of controlling your thoughts so that you accept and allow for the possibility that it actually can happen to you! belief in the outcome will directly dictate how successful you are. Motivated people have specific goals and look for ways to achieve them. Believing there is a solution to the same old problems you encounter year after year is vitally important creating a life that you love.   6、坚定信念。非凡的人生源于信心十足。信心直接决定胜负成败。有动力的人目标明确, 并会想尽一切办法去实现。生活中会反复遇到很多问题,相信这些问题终会解决,是创造美 好生活的关键。   7. S—Start. A great life is the result of starting. There"s the old saying everyone"s familiar with “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” In order to even move from the couch to the refrigerator, you have to start. There"s no better time to start than today. Don"t wait for a raise, or until the kids get older or the weather is better. Today, right now, is the right day to start to take a step in the direction of your heart"s desires. It"s what you do TODAY that will make a difference in your life tomorrow.   7、立刻行动。非凡人生源于行动。有句大家熟悉的古谚,“千里之行始于足下”。即使再小 的事情,诸如从沙发走到冰箱前,也需要亲自行动。从今天开始行动吧,不要再找借口,说 等涨工资了,等孩子长大了,或者等天气好了再说吧。从今天开始,去努力实现心中的梦想, 这是的时机。只有这样,才能开创美好的明天。 【篇二】激励人生的英语美文   A man and his girlfriend were married. It was a large celebration.   一个男人和他的女朋友结婚,举行了一场盛大的结婚庆典。   All of their friends and family came to see the lovely ceremony and to partake of the festivities and celebrations. All had a wonderful time.   所有的朋友和家人都来到结婚典礼上参加欢宴和庆祝活动。大家都过得很开心。   The bride was gorgeous in her white wedding gown and the groom was very dashing in his blacktuxedo. Everyone could tell that the love they had for each other was true.   穿着白色婚纱的新娘漂亮迷人,穿着黑色礼服的新郎英俊潇洒。每个人都能看出他们彼此的爱是真诚的。   A few months later, the wife came to the husband with a proposal,¨I read in a magazine,a while ago, about how we can strengthen our marriage," she offered. "Each of us will write a list of the things that we find a bit annoying with the other person. Then, we can talk about how we can fix them together and make our lives happier together."   凡个月后,妻子走近丈夫提议说:“我刚才在杂志上看到一篇文章,说的是怎样巩固婚姻。”她说:“我们两个人都各自把对方的小毛病列在一张纸上,然后我们商量一下怎样解决,以便使我们的生活更幸福。”   The husband agreed. So each of them went to a separate room in the house and thought of the things that annoyed them about the other. They thought about this question for the rest of the day and wrote down what they came up with.   丈夫同意了。于是化们各自走向不同的房间去想对方的缺点。那一天余下的时间里,他们都在思考这个问题,并且把他们想到的都写下来。   The next morning, at the breakfast table, they decided that they would go over their lists.   第二天早上,吃早饭的时候,他们决定谈谈彼此的缺点。   ¨I"II start," offered the wife. She took out her list. It had many items on it,enough to fill 3 pages. In fact, as she started reading the list of the little annoyances, she noticed that tears were starting to appear in her husband"s eyes.   “我先开始吧。”妻子说。她拿出她的单子,上面列举了很多条,事实上,足足写满了三页。当她开始念的时候,她注意到丈夫眼里含着泪花。   ”What"s wrong?" she asked. "Nothing," the husband replied, "keep reading your list."   “怎么啦?”她问。“没什么,“丈夫答道,“继续念吧。”   The wife continued to read until she had read all three pages to her husband. She neatly placed her list on the table and folded her hands over the top ofit.   妻子又接着念。整整三页都念完之后她把单子整齐地放在桌上,两手交叉放在上面。   ¨Now, you read your list and then we"II talk about the things on both of our lists," she said happily.   “现在该你念了,然后我们谈谈所列举的缺点。”她高兴地说。   Quietly the husband stated,¨I don"t have anything on my list.I think that you are perfect the way that you are.I don"t want you to change anything for me. You are lovely and wonderful and l wouldn"t want to try and change anything about you."   丈夫平静地说:“我什么也没骂,我觉得像你这样就很完美了,我不想让你为我改变什么。你很可爱迷人,我不想让你改变。”   The wife, touched by his honesty and the depth of his love for her and his acceptance of her,tumed her head and wept.   妻子被丈夫的诚实和对她深深的爱和接纳感动了,她转过头去哭起来。   In life, there are enough times when we are disappointed, depressed and annoyed. We don"t reallyhave to go looking for them. We have a wonderful world that is full of beauty, light and promise.   生命中我们有很多的失望、沮丧和烦恼,我们根本不需要寻找。我们美妙的世界充满了美丽、光明、希望。   Why waste time in this world looking for the bad, disappointing or annoying when we can lookaround us, and see the wondrous things before us?   但是,当我们放眼四周时,为什么浪费时间寻找不快、失望和烦恼,而看不到我们面前的美好事物呢? 【篇三】激励人生的英语美文 Don"t work for money 不做有才华的穷人 The world is filled with smart, talented, educated and gifted people. We meet them every day.A few days ago, my car was not running well.I pulled it into a garage, and the young mechanic had it fixed in just a few minutes. He knew what was wrong by simply listening to the engine. I was amazed. The sad truth is,great talent is not enough. 地界上满坑满谷都是精明能干、才华横溢、学富五车以及极具天赋之人,我们每天都会见到他们。几天前,我的汽车运转不灵了。我把它开进维修厂,一位年轻的机械工只消几分钟就把它修好了。他仅凭倾听发动机的声音就能确定哪儿有毛病,这让我惊奇不己。然而遗憾的是,光有非凡才华是不够的。 I am constantly shocked at how little talented people earn.I heard the other day that less than 5 percent of Americans earn more than $100,000 a year.Abusiness consultant who specializes inl the medical trade was telling me how many doctors, dentists and chiropractors2 struggle financially. 找常常吃惊,为什么有才华的人却只有微薄的收入。前几天我听人说,只有不到5%的美国人年收入在10万美元以上。一位精通药品贸易的商务顾问曾经告诉我,有许多医生、牙医和按摩师生活拮据。 All this time,I thought that when they graduated, the dollars would pour in. It was this business consultant who gave me the phrase,¨They are one skill away from great wealth.”What this phrase means is that most people need only to learn and master one more skill and their income would jump exponentially3. 以前我总以为他们一毕业,财源便会滚滚而来。这位商务顾问告诉了我一句话:“离发大财,他们还差一项技能。”这句话的意思是说,大部分人还需多学习并掌握一项技能,他们的收入才能呈指数倍增长。 I have mentioned before that financial intelligence is a synergy4 0f accounting, investing, marketing and law. Combine those four technical skills and making money with money is easier. When it comes to money, the only skill most people know is to work hard. 以前我提到过,财商是会计、投资、市场营销和法律方面的能力综合。将上述四种专业技能结合起来,以钱生钱就会更容易。说到钱,大部分人所知的技能就是拼命工作。 When I graduated from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in 1969, my educated dad was happy. Standard Oil of California had hired me for its oil-tanker fleet.I had a great career ahead of me, yet I resigned5 after six months with the company and joined the Marine Corps to learn how to fly. My educated dad was devastated. Rich dad congratulated me. 1969年,我从美国海运学院毕业了。我那有学识的爸爸十分高兴,因为加州标准石油公司录用我为它的油轮队工作。尽管我的未来前程远大,但我还是在6个月后辞职离开了这家公司,加入海军陆战队去学习飞行。对此我那有学识的爸爸非常伤心,而富爸爸则祝贺我做出的决定。 Job security meant everything to my educated dad. Learning meant everything to my rich dad Educated dad thought l went to school to learn to be a ship"s officer. Rich dad knew that l went to school to study international trade. 耐于有学识的爸爸来说,稳定的工作就是一切。而对于富爸爸来说,学习才是一切。有学识的爸爸以为我上学是为了做一名船长,而富爸爸明白我上学是为了学习国际贸易。 So as a student,I made cargo runs, navigating6 large freighters7, oil tankers and passenger ships to the Far East and the South Pacific. While most of my classmates, including Mike, were partying at their fraternity8 houses,1 was studying trade, people and cultures in Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Korea and the Philippines.I also was partying, but it was not in any frat house.I grew up rapidly. 因此,在做学生时,我跑过货运、为前往远东及南太平洋的大型货轮、油轮和客轮导航。当我的大部分同班同学,包括迈克,在他们的联谊会会堂举办晚会的时候,我正在日本、泰国、新加坡、中国香港、越南、韩国和菲律宾学习贸易、人际关系和文化。我也参加晚会,但不去任何联谊会,我迅速地成熟起来了。 There is an old cliche that goes, "Job is an acronym9 for "Just Over Broke."" And unfortunately,1 would say that the saying applies to millions of people. Because school does not think financial intelligence is intelligence, most workers "live within their means l0." They work and they pay the bills. Instead I recommend to young people to seek work for what they will learn,more than what they will earn. 常言道,“工作(job)就是‘比破产强一点(Just Over Broke)"的缩写“。然而不幸的是,这句话确实适用于千百万人,因为学校没有把财商看作是一种才智,大部分工人都“量入为出”:干活挣钱,支付账单。相反,我劝告年轻人在寻找工作时要看看能从中学到什么,而不是只看能挣到多少。 Look down the road at what skills they want to acquire before choosing a specific profession and before getting trapped in the "Rat Racell". Once people are trapped in the lifelong process of bill paying, they become like those little hamsters12 running around in those little metal wheels. Their little furry legs are spinning furiously, the wheel is turning furiously, but come tomorrow morning, they"II still be in the same cage: great job. 在选择某种特定职业之前或是陷入“老鼠赛跑(激烈的竞争)”之前,要好好掂量自己到底需要获得什么技能。一旦人们为支付账单而整天疲于奔命,就和那些在小铁轮里不停奔跑转圈的小老鼠一样了。老鼠的小毛腿跑得飞快,小铁轮也转得飞快,可到了第二天早上,他们发现自己依然困在同一个老鼠笼里,那就是:重要的工作。 When I ask the classes I teach, "How many of you can cook a better hamburger than McDonald"s?"almost all the students raise their hands.I then ask, “So if most of you can cook a better hamburger, how come McDonald"s makes more money than you?" 刍我在自己教授的班级上问到“你们当中有多少人做的汉堡包能比麦当劳更好”时,几乎所有的学生都举起了手。我接着问,“如果你们当中大部分人都能做出比麦当劳更好的汉堡包,那为什么麦当劳比你们更能赚饯?” The answer is obvious: McDonald"s is excellent at business systems. The reason so many talented people are poor is because they focus on building a better hamburger and know little or nothing about business systems. 答案是显而易见的:麦当劳拥有一套出色的运营体系。许多才华横溢的人之所以贫穷的原因,就是因为他们只是专心于做更好的汉堡包,而对运营体系几乎一无所知。 The world is filled with talented poor people. All too often, they"re poor or struggle financially or earn less than they are capable of, not because of what they know but because of what they do not know. They focus on perfecting their skills at building a better hamburger rather than the skills of selling and delivering the hamburger. 世界上到处都是有才华的穷人。在很多情况下,他们之所以贫穷、生活拮据或者收入与其能力不相符,不是因为他们己知的东西而是因为他们未知的东西。他们只将注意力集中在提高和完善做汉堡包的技术上,却不注意提高有关汉堡包的销售和送货技能。   
2023-07-16 05:07:281


2023-07-16 05:07:361


1. 写事的作文用英语怎么写 Today I and mother have gone to Hanzheng Street together, there has many people. Some are eating the thing, some are buying clothes, but also some are chatting. After I and mother finished eating the lunch, then together bought clothes. There has the attractive clothes and the pants. Finally mother has bought a coat and a shoe for me, has bought a woolen sweater and pants for her. I very happy, because I might put on the new clothes! Today is my good friend"s birthday, she invites me to go to the Zhongshan Park to play. We have played the roller coaster in that big octopus and so on. Noon, we eat oneself belt"s bread and beeen-meal snack. In afternoon, we have gone to four beautiful ponds together. Our ice skating, eats the ice cream together. We are happy 2. 有意思的事 英语作文 I am a student ,I love May Day a lot,because we can have a good rest and do something I enjoy .How did spend the seven-day holiday ?I didn"t trave or visit relatives,instead , I found a job in a restaurant . That was the first time I had been a waitress. It was harder than I had thought.At first ,I was very clumsy .Once I nearly spilt the soup on a lady"s dress.Some customers were very fastidious ,they often like finding my fault .I was so discouraged and tired that I was ready to give up the first afternoon. A family with 3 children came to have dinner ,of course the children were asking for things all the time ,my legs could hardly stand .Then the father said to me ,"good work ,thank you for looking after us so well." his words were just like light in the darkness, my tiredness suddenly disappeared .The next days ,I got used to the job little by little ,and I had fun working in the restaurant. When the boss paid me at last ,he asked how I liked my work ,I said ,"Fine!"Really ,the experience let me know each job is not easy,we must respect every workpeople,They are all great .The most important thing is that I have known praise is sunlight to the human spirit ,it can give us endless strength.I think my May Day is interesting and worthful 3. 写一篇昨天经过什么事的英语作文怎么写 We had English final exam yesterday. I feel very sad now because I think I didn"t do well in the exam. Firstly, just a moment ago I realized that my position in the exam stayed from the point, because I misunderstood the meaning of Green Campus. I thought Green Campus is only the color of the campus. So I totally got away from the point. In addition, time was not enough for me. Eventually, I wrote some answers on the answer sheet without thinking. Thus I"m afraid I can"t pass the exam. I am now very anxious.。 4. 英语作文写一件有趣的事 A Funny Thing A funny thing happened to me last Friday. I"d gone to London to do some shopping. I wanted to get some Christmas presents, and I needed to find some books for my course at school (you see, I"m a student). I caught an early train to London so by early afternoon I"d bought everything that I wanted. Anyway, I"m not very fond of London, all the noise and traffic, and I"d made some arrangements for that evening. So, I took a taxi to Waterloo station. I can"t really afford taxis, but I wanted to get the 3:30 train. Unfortunately the taxi got stuck in a traffic jam, and by the time I got to Waterloo, the train had just gone. I had to w。 the train had just gone. lieved and decided to wait o or three minutes before going myself. He was staring at me furiously, I took a taxi to Waterloo station. In fact he looked like a typical city busines *** an--you know. After a couple of minutes a man sat down opposite me, all the noise and traffic, and I needed to find some books for my course at school (you see. I"d gone to London to do some shopping, so I bought a coffee and a packet of biscuits--chocolate biscuits, I didn"t look up and I didn"t make a sound, dark suit and briefcase. enjoy doing crossword puzzles. I wanted to get some Christmas presents, took one, I casually put out my hand, dipped it into his coffee and popped it into his mouth! I was too shocked to say any thing, I didn"t want to make a fuss, opened my packet of biscuits, so I decided to ignore it. There were plenty of empty tables and I found one near the window, and by the time I got to Waterloo. I had to wait an hour for the next one. I just took a biscuit myself and went back to my crossword. I nervously put the biscuit in my mouth, stood up and hurried out of the buffet, was my packet of biscuits, folded my newspaper and stood up. Anyway. I pretended to be very interested in the puzzle, I"m not very fond of London, and decided to leave. At that time of day it"s nearly empty. I finished my coffee, and I"d made some arrangements for that evening. Anyway. And there, I"m a student). There was nothing special about him. So. I caught an early train to London so by early afternoon I"d bought everything that I wanted. I was ready to get up and go when the man suddenly pushed back his chair. Suddenly he reached across the table. I sat down and began doing the crossword, where my newspaper had been:30 train. Unfortunately the taxi got stuck in a traffic jam. After a couple of minutes. I bought an evening newspaper the "Standard", took the last biscuit and glanced at the man, on the table. I can"t really afford taxis, but I wanted to get the 3. I felt very re, except that he was very tall. I didn"t say anything and I carried on with my crossword. When the man took a second biscuit, and wandered over to the station buffet. I always avoid trouble if I can, I couldn"t believe my eyes. I"m yew fond of chocolate biscuitsA Funny Thing A funny thing happened to me last Friday。 5. 求一篇100字写事的英语作文 端午节英语作文 第一篇 The Dragon Boat Festival ,also called the Duanwu Festival ,is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar.People always eat rice dumplings and watch dragon boat races to celebrate it. The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races,especially in the southern places where there are many rivers and lakes. Ití?s very popular. The rice dumpling is made of glutinous rice,meat and so on. You can eat different kinds of rice dumplings.They are very delicious. And Dragon Boat Festival is for Qu Yuan. He is an honest minister who is said to have mitted suicide by drowning himself in a river. Overall, the Dragon Boat Festival is very interesting! 端午节英语作文 第二篇 Duanwu Festival (端午节, Duānwū Jié) is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar. It is also known as the Double Fifth.[citation(引用;引证) needed] It has since been celebrated, in various ways, in other parts of East Asia as well. In the West, it"s monly known as Dragon Boat Festival. The exact origins of Duan Wu are unclear, but one traditional view holds that the festival memorializes the Chinese poet Qu Yuan (c. 340 BC-278 BC) of the Warring States Period. He mitted suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption of the Chu government. The local people, knowing him to be a good man, decided to throw food into the river to feed the fish so they would not eat Qu"s body. They also sat on long, narrow paddle boats called dragon boats, and tried to scare the fish away by the thundering sound of drums aboard the boat and the fierce looking carved dragon head on the boat"s prow(船头). In the early years of the Chinese Republic, Duan Wu was also celebrated as "Poets" Day," due to Qu Yuan"s status as China"s first poet of personal renown(名声名望). Today, people eat bamboo-wrapped steamed glutinous(粘的) rice dumplings called zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fish) and race dragon boats in memory of Qu"s dramatic death.。 6. 关于我在做什么事的英语作文 My Job My name is Betty.I"m a worker from Wolong Chichuan.My job is to take care of my baby pandas.I feed them every day.They are very *** art.But they are not looked after.They are very unique.Last year,our contry sent TuanTuan and YuanYuan to Taiwan as presents.Now they live happily there.But I miss them very well. From now on, I work for the pandas harder.I think it"s my duty to care for them well.I love my job for ever.您的问题有点笼统,不知切题否? 7. 谁有"一件有意义的事"的英语作文 A significant moral choice by myself2007-01-24 02:53The true joy of life, to me, means trying your best to help other people. Maybe some people think it is hypocritical to say these kinds of words, but I think you will find the real joy of life if you really do like this. Yesterday I did a very significant thing in my life——donating blood for the first time. When I think my blood can be used to help the ill or injured people who really need it, I feel happy from the bottom of my heart. I am just a sophomore, and actually it is not my duty to donate blood, but I want to do a meaningful thing at the age of 20. Though my roommates were against my decision, who said it would be some bad influence on my body, I finally handed in the application. After the morning classes, I went to a hall and queued for health examination. Frankly speaking, at that time, I felt nervous. However, when I found there were many freshmen in the line for donating blood, I felt we were all doing a being proud thing. After donating blood I found my both hands numb. But knew clearly I could recover quickly if I got enough nutrition. Last night, my parents called me. When my mother heard I had donated blood without their permission, she was very angry and criticized me seriously. I couldn"t understand why they opposed my choice. I did a good thing, but got severe critici *** instead of praise. I knew they cared about my health. But I am a college student and I am young and very healthy, I have the ability and responsibility to do something I can to help others. As soon as I hung up the phone angrily, I regretted. My parents loved me so much that they might be unable to fall asleep because of my rude behavior. I called back and told them patiently why my choice was correct and promised I would take care of myself as carefully as possible. Finally I heard their relaxed laugh. I felt satisfied and went to bed for a good dream. I know sometimes we must give up our benefit to help others, but it is worth. I want to be noble-minded person. Some people said morality is more important than knowledge, I think it is more important than anything. Emerson says,“a beautiful form is better than a beautiful face, a beautiful behavior is better than a beautiful form; it gives a higher pleasure than statues or pictures; it is the finest of the fine arts.” I hope I can get “the finest of the fine arts” after my four years college life.。 8. 英语作文有趣的事 An Interesting Thing Today, there is an interesting thing at my home. Today is Sunday, so my father doesn"t go to work. After lunch, my father goes to sleep and I feel a little bit bore. Suddenly, an interesting idea es to my mind. I take four color pens to my father"s room. And then, I help him put on lipstick with a red pen, paint his face with a yellow pen, draw the left eyebrow with a blue pen and draw the right with a green pen. Finally, I draw a very interesting makeup for dad. And then I go back to watch TV. About half an hour later, he shouts loudly when he is doing with his hair. I laugh loudly, because he is shocked by himself and he isn"t angry with me.
2023-07-16 05:07:431

忙帮翻译一下 谢谢

There is an old cliché that goes, “Job is an acronym for Just Over Broke." And unfortunately, I would say that the saying applies to millions of people. Because school does not think financial intelligence is intelligence, most workers live within their means. They work and they pay the bills. Instead I recommend to young people to seek work for what they will learn, more than what they will earn. Look down the road at what skills they want to acquire before choosing a specific profession and before getting trapped in the Rat Race. Once people are trapped in the lifelong process of bill paying, they become like those little hamsters running around in those little metal wheels. Their little furry legs are spinning furiously, the wheel is turning furiously, but come tomorrow morning, they"ll still be in the same cage. Great job.
2023-07-16 05:07:501

求翻译2010年江西英语高考阅读理解A篇 文章里面有 很急啊 在线等答案 速度啊

2023-07-16 05:08:004


定语从句的翻译方法可以根据具体的语境和句子结构进行调整,但以下是一些常见的翻译方法:1. 直接翻译:将定语从句直接翻译成目标语言的定语从句。例如:The book that I bought yesterday.(我昨天买的那本书。)2. 分离翻译:将定语从句分离出来,使用其他翻译方式。例如:The book I bought yesterday.(我昨天买的书。)3. 改写翻译:将定语从句改写为其他形式的修饰语。例如:The book I purchased yesterday.(我昨天购买的书。)4. 合并翻译:将定语从句与主句合并,形成一个完整的句子。例如:The book, which I bought yesterday, is very interesting.(我昨天买的那本书非常有趣。)需要注意的是,翻译定语从句时要根据语法和语义准确表达句子的意思,并且根据目标语言的语言习惯和表达习惯进行调整。
2023-07-16 05:08:072

英语There is always struggle怎么翻译?

there is always strugglethere is always struggle24/5000通用领域生物医学金融财经总是有斗争总是有斗争复制反馈重点词汇there在那里;往那里;到那里;喂;…啦;有;那儿;那边;在那一点上;在那个方面;你瞧;好啦always始终;总是;作为最后一着;无论如何;永远;老是;一直以来;一再struggle斗争;抵抗;挣扎;奋斗;努力;争斗;冲突;挣扎求生;疲于应付;艰难行进;争夺;难事;使劲
2023-07-16 05:08:167


2023-07-16 05:08:503


1、微风过处,那碧绿的随风起伏,就像一位舞女在摆动她那美丽的长裙。 Where the breeze passed, the green rose and fell with the wind, just like a dancer swinging her beautiful long skirt. 2、花园里花如害羞的姑娘都露出笑脸。 The shy girls in the garden all smile. 3、明净似的圆月,已经被远方蓝蓝的高山托上天空。 The bright and clean full moon has been lifted to the sky by the blue mountains in the distance. 4、对于敌人不要抱有任何美好的希望,否则将遭受更大的不幸。 Don"t have any good hope for the enemy, otherwise you will suffer greater misfortune. 5、无声的夜晚,没有了孩子们的吵闹声,只有月亮和星星在天上闪闪发光! Silent night, no children"s noise, only the moon and stars shining in the sky! 6、看看街道,那里是灯的海洋,光的世界。 Look at the street, where is the ocean of lights, the world of light. 7、秋天的落叶像一支支黄色蝴蝶,振动翅膀,自由飞翔。 Autumn leaves like a yellow butterfly, vibration wings, free flight. 8、一片片黄叶从高大的树上掉落下来,就像一只只翩翩起舞的蝴蝶。 Yellow leaves fell from the tall trees like a dancing butterfly. 9、夜色渐浓,城市却依旧繁华喧嚣。 Night is getting thicker, but the city is still bustling. 10、我的作业本丢了,急的我真像热锅上的蚂蚁。 I lost my homework book. I"m really like an ant on a hot pot. 11、秋天是一年四季中最美的季节,也是我最喜欢的一个季节。 Autumn is the most beautiful season in the four seasons of the year, and also one of my favorite seasons. 12、夏天的晚霞像妙手绘制的丹青,精美绝伦。 The sunset in summer is like the painting by skillful hands, which is exquisite. 13、夏天,荷花仙子身着美丽的长裙,在池塘里翩翩起舞。 In summer, the lotus fairy wears a beautiful dress and dances in the pond. 14、他怒不可遏地吼叫着,这声音像沉雷一样滚动着,传得很远很远。 He roared furiously, and the sound rolled like thunder, far and wide. 15、海棠花张开笑脸争先恐后地开了。 Begonia flowers open a smiling face, competing to open. 16、春风像太阳一般,照进我们的心里温暖我们。 The spring breeze, like the sun, shines into our hearts and warms us. 17、你悄悄的走来,默默无声,一眨眼,大地披上了金色衣裳。 You come quietly, silent, in the blink of an eye, the earth put on the golden clothes. 18、深秋时节,这树上的石榴全部裂开了嘴儿,好像是一朵朵盛开的鲜花。 In late autumn, the pomegranates on the tree all cracked, as if they were blooming flowers. 19、夏天的水乡是一个火辣奔放的世界。 The water town in summer is a hot and unrestrained world. 20、海棠花开了,像将要出席晚宴而衣着华美的贵妇。 The Begonia blooms like a lady who is going to attend a dinner party. 21、春天了,各种想念也在发芽,疯长。你感觉到它的触角了吗? Spring, all kinds of Miss also sprout, crazy growth. Do you feel its tentacles? 22、正是江南好风景,落花时节又逢卿。人间春色最美处,正如卿笑颜如花。 It is the beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River. The most beautiful place of spring in the world is as beautiful as Qing"s smile. 23、昙花到了9点才向大家展现她迷人的花朵。 Epiphyllum to 9 o"clock to show you her charming flowers. 24、彩虹七色分明,灿烂夺目,仿佛一座节目的彩色拱门。 The seven colors of the rainbow are clear and brilliant, just like the colorful arch of a program. 25、江南水乡,白墙黑瓦,小桥流水,吴侬软语,说不完道不尽的美! South of the Yangtze River, white walls and black tiles, small bridge water, Wu Nong soft language, endless beauty! 26、海边的日落,水天一色太漂亮了。 It"s a beautiful sunset by the sea. 27、雨滴好像断了线的珍珠一样,哗哗的往下落。 Raindrops like broken line of pearls, Hua Hua Hua of the fall. 28、说时迟那时快,另一个柠檬兵拿起望远镜对准了洋葱头看。 Then another lemon soldier picked up his telescope and looked at the onion. 29、我们迎走了丰收的秋姑娘,而冬妹妹伴着轻快的步伐来到了我们身边。 We welcomed the autumn girl who had a good harvest, and winter sister came to us with a brisk pace. 30、昙花却在九点左右舒展开美丽的笑脸。 Epiphyllum but at about nine o"clock Shu unfolded a beautiful smile. 31、莲花象位害羞的小姑娘,在池塘里偷偷地盛开着。 The lotus flower is like a shy little girl, blooming secretly in the pond. 32、黄昏时分,夕阳西下,那如火一般的晚霞绚丽无比,光彩夺目。 At dusk, the setting sun, the fire like sunset is gorgeous and dazzling. 33、雨茫茫,桥弯弯,白云深处是江南。歌悠悠,水涟漪,小舟撑出江南来。 The rain is boundless, the bridge is crooked, and the south of the Yangtze River is deep in the white clouds. The song is long and the water is rippling. The boat comes out of the south of the Yangtze River. 34、桂花离开了牵挂他的树,慢慢的飘落下来。 Osmanthus leaves the tree that cares about him and slowly falls down. 35、初三这一年,注定是乏味的,劳累的,甚至是痛苦的。 The third year of junior high school is doomed to be boring, tired and even painful. 36、当小草从大地里出来的时候,像一个织布机一样,织出了一片绿色。 When the grass came out of the earth, like a loom, woven out a piece of green. 37、睡起秋声无觅处,满阶梧叶日明中。 Sleep up autumn sound, no place to find, full of parasol leaves in the sun. 38、水仙花展开自己漂亮的裙摆绽放出美丽的笑容。 Narcissus unfolded her beautiful skirt and burst into a beautiful smile. 39、树缝里也漏着一两点路灯光,没精打彩的,是渴睡人的眼。 There are also one or two street lights in the cracks of the tree, which are listless and sleepy. 40、三九寒天,梅花依旧花枝招展,立在风雪之中,守望心中的白马王子。 On a cold day, plum blossom is still blooming, standing in the wind and snow, watching the prince charming in his heart. 41、春天到了,油菜花争先恐后的开放了。 Spring is coming, rape flowers are scrambling to open. 42、桃花像位翩翩起舞的少女,在春风中慢慢吐出微笑。 Peach blossom like a dancing girl, in the spring breeze slowly spit out a smile. 43、成群结队的蝴蝶在菊花丛中翩翩起舞,给花坛增添了几分生机。 Groups of butterflies in the chrysanthemum cluster dancing, to add a bit of vitality to the flower bed. 44、燕子的尾巴好像一把大剪刀。 The swallow"s tail is like a pair of scissors. 45、海棠花慢慢睁开了眼欣赏这世界的万紫千红。 Begonia flowers slowly opened their eyes to appreciate the colorful world. 46、露珠是细小的,几乎被我们忽视,但它却是无可替代的。 Dewdrop is small, almost ignored by us, but it is irreplaceable. 47、葱茏的树木从薄雾中显出羞涩的身姿,似乎在招呼天上淡淡的白云。 Verdant trees from the mist show shy posture, seems to be in the sky light white clouds. 48、鸭头春水浓如染,水面桃花弄春脸。 Duck head spring water thick as dye, water surface peach blossom make spring face. 49、露珠,是清洁工,在早晨,洗去植物身上的污渍。 Dew, is the cleaner, in the morning, wash away the stains on the plant. 50、春天来了,花园里处处鲜花,朵朵都绽开了笑脸,娇艳动人。 Spring has come, the garden is full of flowers, blossoming into a smile, charming and moving. 51、秋天好像个金黄色的地毯,铺在大地上。 Autumn is like a golden carpet, spread on the earth. 52、秋天,柿子树上的柿子像一个个小灯笼,挂在树上。 In autumn, persimmons on the persimmon tree are like small lanterns hanging on the trees. 53、你说过了夏天爱情就会更清凉,我说到了秋天我们变得太冷淡。 You said that love will be cooler in summer, I said we become too cold in autumn. 54、冬天到了,梅花亲吻着寒风。 When winter comes, plum blossom kisses the cold wind. 55、路边的野花舒展双臂,迎接来自新春的洗礼。 Roadside wild flowers stretch their arms to welcome the baptism from the Spring Festival. 56、五片鹅黄色的花瓣显得特别娇嫩,好像一碰就会断似的。 Five pieces of goose yellow petals appear particularly delicate, as if a touch will break. 57、盼望着,盼望着,春天来了,春姑娘迈着轻盈的步子向我们走来了。 Looking forward to, looking forward to, spring is coming, spring girl with a light step to come to us. 58、立春到了,愿你的生活里春意融融。 Spring is coming. May your life be full of spring. 59、从远处看,一株株桃树活像一把把张开的大花伞。 From a distance, a peach tree looks like an open umbrella. 60、湖里有十来枝荷花,苞子上清水滴滴,荷叶上水珠滚来滚去。 There are more than ten lotus branches in the lake. The water drops on the bracts and the water drops on the lotus leaves roll back and forth.
2023-07-16 05:08:591


I am constantly shocked at how little talented people earn. I heard the other day that less than 5 percent of Americans earn more than 100,000 a year. 我常常吃惊,为什么有才华的人却只有微薄的收入。前几天我听人说,只有不到5%的美国人年收入在10万美元以上。 A business consultant who specializes in the medical trade was telling me how many doctors, dentists and chiropractors struggle financially. All this time, I thought that when they graduated, the dollars would pour in. It was this business consultant who gave me the phrase, They are one skill away from great wealth. What this phrase means is that most people need only to learn and master one more skill and their income would jump exponentially. 一位精通药品贸易的商务顾问曾经告诉我,有许多医生、牙医和按摩师生活拮据。以前我总以为他们一毕业,财源便会滚滚而来。这位商务顾问告诉了我一句话:“离发大财,他们还差一项技能。”这句话的意思是说,大部分人还需多学习并掌握一项技能,他们的收入才能呈指数倍增长。 I have mentioned before that financial intelligence is a synergy of accounting, investing, marketing and law. Combine those four technical skills and making money with money is easier. When it comes to money, the only skill most people know is to work hard. 以前我提到过,财商是会计、投资、市场营销和法律方面的能力综合。将上述四种专业技能结合起来,以钱生钱就会更容易。说到钱,大部分人所知的唯一技能就是拼命工作。 When I graduated from the U.S. MerchI am constantly shocked at how little talented people earn. I heard the other day that less than 5 percent of Americans earn more than 100,000 a year.贸易。因此,在做学生时,我跑过货运、为前往远东及南太平洋的大型货轮、油轮和客轮导航。当我的大部分同班同学,包括迈克,在他们的联谊会会堂举办晚会的时候,我正在日本、泰国、新加坡、中国香港、越南、韩国和菲律宾学习贸易、人际关系和文化。我也参加晚会,但不去任何联谊会,我迅速地成熟起来了。 There is an old cliché that goes, Job is an acronym for Just Over Broke. And unfortunately, I would say that the saying applies to millions of people. Because school does not think financial intelligence is intelligence, most workers live within their means. They work and they pay the bills. 常言道,“工作(job)就是‘比破产强一点"的缩写”。然而不幸的是,这句话确实适用于千百万人,因为学校没有把财商看作是一种才智,大部分工人都“量入为出”:干活挣钱,支付账单。 Instead I recommend to young people to seek work for what they will learn, more than what they will earn. Look down the road at what skills they want to acquire before choosing a specific profession and before getting trapped in the Rat Race. Once people are trapped in the lifelong process of bill paying, they become like those little hamsters running around in those little metal wheels.Their little furry legs are spinning furiously, the wheel is turning furiously, but come tomorrow morning, theyll still be in the same cage: great job. 相反,我劝告年轻人在寻找工作时要看看能从中学到什么,而不是只看能挣到多少。在选择某种特定职业之前或是陷入 “老鼠赛跑(激烈的竞争)”之前,要好好掂量自己到底需要获得什么我常常吃惊,为什么有才华的人却只有微薄的收入。前几天我听人说,只有不到5%的美国人年收入在10万美元以上。 贸易。因此,在做学生时,我跑过货运、为前往远东及南太平洋的大型货轮、油轮和客轮导航。当我的大部分同班同学,包括迈克,在他们的联谊会会堂举办晚会的时候,我正在日本、泰国、新加坡、中国香港、越南、韩国和菲律宾学习贸易、人际关系和文化。我也参加晚会,但不去任何联谊会,我迅速地成熟起来了。 There is an old cliché that goes, Job is an acronym for Just Over Broke. And unfortunately, I would say that the saying applies to millions of people. Because school does not think financial intelligence is intelligence, most workers live within their means. They work and they pay the bills. 常言道,“工作(job)就是‘比破产强一点"的缩写”。然而不幸的是,这句话确实适用于千百万人,因为学校没有把财商看作是一种才智,大部分工人都“量入为出”:干活挣钱,支付账单。 Instead I recommend to young people to seek work for what they will learn, more than what they will earn. Look down the road at what skills they want to acquire before choosing a specific profession and before getting trapped in the Rat Race. Once people are trapped in the lifelong process of bill paying, they become like those little hamsters running around in those little metal wheels.Their little furry legs are spinning furiously, the wheel is turning furiously, but come tomorrow morning, theyll still be in the same cage: great job. 相反,我劝告年轻人在寻找工作时要看看能从中学到什么,而不是只看能挣到多少。在选择某种特定职业之前或是陷入 “老鼠赛跑(激烈的竞争)”之前,要好好掂量自己到底需要获得什么I am constantly shocked at how little talented people earn. I heard the other day that less than 5 percent of Americans earn more than 100,000 a year. 我常常吃惊,为什么有才华的人却只有微薄的收入。前几天我听人说,只有不到5%的美国人年收入在10万美元以上。 A business consultant who specializes in the medical trade was telling me how many doctors, dentists and chiropractors struggle financially. All this time, I thought that when they graduated, the dollars would pour in. It was this business consultant who gave me the phrase, They are one skill away from great wealth. What this phrase means is that most people need only to learn and master one more skill and their income would jump exponentially. 一位精通药品贸易的商务顾问曾经告诉我,有许多医生、牙医和按摩师生活拮据。以前我总以为他们一毕业,财源便会滚滚而来。这位商务顾问告诉了我一句话:“离发大财,他们还差一项技能。”这句话的意思是说,大部分人还需多学习并掌握一项技能,他们的收入才能呈指数倍增长。 I have mentioned before that financial intelligence is a synergy of accounting, investing, marketing and law. Combine those four technical skills and making money with money is easier. When it comes to money, the only skill most people know is to work hard. 以前我提到过,财商是会计、投资、市场营销和法律方面的能力综合。将上述四种专业技能结合起来,以钱生钱就会更容易。说到钱,大部分人所知的唯一技能就是拼命工作。 When I graduated from the U.S. MerchA business consultant who specializes in the medical trade was telling me how many doctors, dentists and chiropractors struggle financially. All this time, I thought that when they graduated, the dollars would pour in. It was this business consultant who gave me the phrase, "They are one skill away from great wealth." What this phrase means is that most people need only to learn and master one more skill and their income would jump exponentially.一位精通药品贸易的商务顾问曾经告诉我,有许多医生、牙医和按摩师生活拮据。以前我总以为他们一毕业,财源便会滚滚而来。这位商务顾问告诉了我一句话:“离发大财,他们还差一项技能。”这句话的意思是说,大部分人还需多学习并掌握一项技能,他们的收入才能呈指数倍增长。I am constantly shocked at how little talented people earn. I heard the other day that less than 5 percent of Americans earn more than 100,000 a year. 我常常吃惊,为什么有才华的人却只有微薄的收入。前几天我听人说,只有不到5%的美国人年收入在10万美元以上。 A business consultant who specializes in the medical trade was telling me how many doctors, dentists and chiropractors struggle financially. All this time, I thought that when they graduated, the dollars would pour in. It was this business consultant who gave me the phrase, They are one skill away from great wealth. What this phrase means is that most people need only to learn and master one more skill and their income would jump exponentially. 一位精通药品贸易的商务顾问曾经告诉我,有许多医生、牙医和按摩师生活拮据。以前我总以为他们一毕业,财源便会滚滚而来。这位商务顾问告诉了我一句话:“离发大财,他们还差一项技能。”这句话的意思是说,大部分人还需多学习并掌握一项技能,他们的收入才能呈指数倍增长。 I have mentioned before that financial intelligence is a synergy of accounting, investing, marketing and law. Combine those four technical skills and making money with money is easier. When it comes to money, the only skill most people know is to work hard. 以前我提到过,财商是会计、投资、市场营销和法律方面的能力综合。将上述四种专业技能结合起来,以钱生钱就会更容易。说到钱,大部分人所知的唯一技能就是拼命工作。 When I graduated from the U.S. MerchI am constantly shocked at how little talented people earn. I heard the other day that less than 5 percent of Americans earn more than 100,000 a year. 我常常吃惊,为什么有才华的人却只有微薄的收入。前几天我听人说,只有不到5%的美国人年收入在10万美元以上。 A business consultant who specializes in the medical trade was telling me how many doctors, dentists and chiropractors struggle financially. All this time, I thought that when they graduated, the dollars would pour in. It was this business consultant who gave me the phrase, They are one skill away from great wealth. What this phrase means is that most people need only to learn and master one more skill and their income would jump exponentially. 一位精通药品贸易的商务顾问曾经告诉我,有许多医生、牙医和按摩师生活拮据。以前我总以为他们一毕业,财源便会滚滚而来。这位商务顾问告诉了我一句话:“离发大财,他们还差一项技能。”这句话的意思是说,大部分人还需多学习并掌握一项技能,他们的收入才能呈指数倍增长。 I have mentioned before that financial intelligence is a synergy of accounting, investing, marketing and law. Combine those four technical skills and making money with money is easier. When it comes to money, the only skill most people know is to work hard. 以前我提到过,财商是会计、投资、市场营销和法律方面的能力综合。将上述四种专业技能结合起来,以钱生钱就会更容易。说到钱,大部分人所知的唯一技能就是拼命工作。 When I graduated from the U.S. MerchI have mentioned before that financial intelligence is a synergy of accounting, investing, marketing and law. Combine those four technical skills and making money with money is easier. When it comes to money, the only skill most people know is to work hard.以前我提到过,财商是会计、投资、市场营销和法律方面的能力综合。将上述四种专业技能结合起来,以钱生钱就会更容易。说到钱,大部分人所知的唯一技能就是拼命工作。I am constantly shocked at how little talented people earn. I heard the other day that less than 5 percent of Americans earn more than 100,000 a year. 我常常吃惊,为什么有才华的人却只有微薄的收入。前几天我听人说,只有不到5%的美国人年收入在10万美元以上。 A business consultant who specializes in the medical trade was telling me how many doctors, dentists and chiropractors struggle financially. All this time, I thought that when they graduated, the dollars would pour in. It was this business consultant who gave me the phrase, They are one skill away from great wealth. What this phrase means is that most people need only to learn and master one more skill and their income would jump exponentially. 一位精通药品贸易的商务顾问曾经告诉我,有许多医生、牙医和按摩师生活拮据。以前我总以为他们一毕业,财源便会滚滚而来。这位商务顾问告诉了我一句话:“离发大财,他们还差一项技能。”这句话的意思是说,大部分人还需多学习并掌握一项技能,他们的收入才能呈指数倍增长。 I have mentioned before that financial intelligence is a synergy of accounting, investing, marketing and law. Combine those four technical skills and making money with money is easier. When it comes to money, the only skill most people know is to work hard. 以前我提到过,财商是会计、投资、市场营销和法律方面的能力综合。将上述四种专业技能结合起来,以钱生钱就会更容易。说到钱,大部分人所知的唯一技能就是拼命工作。
2023-07-16 05:09:081


rush to
2023-07-16 05:09:182


Furiously Dangerous!!!是它,不解释!
2023-07-16 05:09:371


Topic 1 MemoryA: Tell me your secret. You"re suddenly getting excellent marks in every subject, and you used to be a bottom-of-the-class student just like me.B: Simple enough. I read an article in a scientific journal that linked studying with remembering, based on recent research into the brain.A: Aw, that stuff"s old hat: study at the same time every day, be sure your clothes are comfortable, make sure you have enough light, blah-blah-blah.B: Not so fast, wise guy. I"m talking about principles like “Mental Visualization”, creating a picture in your mind of what is to be remembered.A: Ok, that does sound different. Is “Association” a principle, you know, you connect what you want to remember with something you"re familiar with?B: Right on! “Consolidation ” is another. I review my notes right after class and consolidate or absorb the new material into what I"ve already learned.A: You"re moving ahead fast with those principles. I swear this weekend I"m going to study sixteen hours a day both Saturday and Sunday.B: Whoa, big guy. That"s not the way. Follow the principle of “Distributed Practice”. Shorter study sessions distributed over several days are better.A: That system is all very well for you; you"ve got a good memory. But what about me? I"ve got a memory like a sieve.B: You"re too modest. There"s nothing wrong with your memory. But memory is like a muscle; it needs exercise. And don"t forget it.Topic 2 School LifeA: We"re going to have a test, and I also have a term paper to finish. But I haven"t done a thing. I"m really worried now.B: You"re going to have to hit the books if you want to get good grades.A: But this course is so difficult that I really don"t understand it at all.B: We could study together. Maybe some of my organized study habits can help you. A: Better yet, maybe you could write a term paper for me.B: Forget it! That would be cheating.A: All right, all right. I have yet to write it myself. Maybe I can downlaod some articles from the Internet and piece them together.B: You can borrow ideas from those articles, but if you quote without giving the sources, you"re plagiarizing.A: Also, the test next week will be a headache. If you don"t help me, I"ll have to prepare a cheat-sheet and hide it in my hand during the test.B: Oh, no! If you"re caught, the professor will definitely give you an F.A: I"ll try to be careful.B: But if the professor catches you, you"ll have to repeat the year. You"re just going to have to study hard.A: Ok, I"ll take your advice. The library"s going to be my new home, and in the dorm I"ll be burning the midnight oil.Topic 3 Job HuntingA: B, can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?B: Did you go to the job fairs and meet with companies?A: Yeah, I did. But they didn"t seem to be interested in unexperienced graduates. I thought about suing them for discrimination against green graduates.B: I"m afraid it won"t be much help. Have you looked at the want ads in the newspaper?A: I"ve been checking the want ads every day for a week, but I can"t find anything interesting that I"m qualified for. And the few that I have seen are very low-paying.B: Then try the Internet. You can use a search engine to find a job site related to your field.A: Good thinking! Thanks! I think I"ll look for something in electronic engineering.B: Hey, I just saw a job opening at a company called E-Tech. It could be just the sort of thing you"re looking for.A: Great, I"ll try my luck there.B: Yeah, but if I remember, the deadline is this afternoon.A: This afternoon? Oh no! I"d better get online quickly and see if I can submit my resume by e-mail.B: Wait, have you updated your resume? You"d better include your practice experience in the IT company last summer.A: Don"t worry. It"s all set. Thanks, mate.B:Any time, A.Topic 4 Accidents in universitiesA: Good morning, Mr.B, I"m a correspondent with the magazine Health. I hear you"ve overcome your gambling problems. First of all, could you describe your problems in the past?B: Yeah, I did have serious gambling problems. You can"t understand gambling as an addiction till you"ve been hooked.A: Could you tell me your feelings at the time?B: There was a sensation like the one that comes with drugs or alcohol, and I wanted more and more.A: How do you compare it with alcoholism?B: It"s like alcoholism; it takes over your life . It"s on your mind constantly.A: Did you try to get help?B: At first I didn"t. I tried to stop on my own, but I felt restless and bad-tempered. My nerves were on edge.A: I see it"s diffecult for a compulsive gambler to overcome the problem. But how did you finally get rid of it?B: I went to a doctor for help. He made me realize that it was a question of getting hold of my life. He told me that if I thought of it as a disease, I would probably be cured. He also gave me some medicine.A: I guess it was a tough fight.B: Yes, tough but worth it. Anyway, “Bitter pills may have wholesome effects.”Topic 5 Envirovmental ProblemsA: Do you think most people around you respect nature?B: I think so. Umm….. more now than before.A: What do you think is the most serious environmental problem in the world today?B: Today……I think damage to the ozone layer is a big problem because it will make our earth become warmer and warmer; and another problem is pollution in big cities and things like that.A: How do you learn about environmental problems?B: Umm… through school. A lot of clubs promote environmental safety, and some TV programs, too. They talk about environmental safety and stuff like that.A: Do you think students should learn more about the environment at school?B: I think so. So, as they grow older, they can be more aware of all the problems that are going on. And also to prevent more problems from occurring.A: If you could create a new law to help the environment, what would it be?B: A new law for the environment? Umm…. I "d probably say that when people throw away their cigarette butts, they have to throw them into the garbage bin, not just throw them everywhere because it"s just littering and I hate that. So they should be fined if they throw them on the floor or on the ground.A: That"s a good idea. What do you personally do to help protect the environment?B: I"m so against littering. I never litter. If I see somebody litter, I get really angry. So I always throw my trash into the garbage bin.Topic 6 Premarital AgreementsA: Hey, B, did you ever hear of premarital agreements?B: Yeah, I know, it is very common in the United States.A: But premarital agreements – or “prenups” also arose around us now.B: Really?A: Yes, I found a piece of news about prenup, which says a couple fight furiously because of their prenup and they end up divorcing each other.B: So, what"s the good for a prenup? I think prenups are harmful to marriages rather than protect them.A: I don"t think so. As we all know, now that there are marriages with our human being, without a doubt, there will be divorces,too. And divorces often accompany money problems. Prenups are designed to settle these problems.B: What you said makes sense. But I still think prenups will very easily hurt those who are planning to get married.A: But if you have accumulated considerable wealth, and you want to make your own arrangements, rather than let a court decide your money, then a prenup will be suitable for you.B: You are right. But I am not a rich person. I don"t have much money, I don"t need a prenup, right?A: Maybe.
2023-07-16 05:09:473


2023-07-16 05:09:555

高手翻译 中译英

Our company is one specialized is engaged in the chemical import and the selling operation company, the main business fine chemical industry intermediate, involves the agricultural chemicals, the medicine, the rubber, the plastic, the printing ink, the adhesive, the coating, the dye and so on many kinds of chemical domains. In Tianjin, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai and so on domestic major port sets up the warehouse. this company starts from the being established to place throughout the customer request first, anxious customer anxious, thought that the customer thought that “the prestige first, the service is supreme” is this company"s consistent objective. “the quality, the price, the service” have been the goals which this company pursues for a long time. For many years, the company take the market as the leadership, take the management as a foundation, raises and the improvement service level unceasingly. Through with the development, with domestic and foreign more than 100 large-scale, the medium chemical enterprise has established the good supply and sales cooperation successively diligently unceasingly. Has won the general chemical industry colleagues" consistent praise. The company trains one group of specialized sales personnel positively, introduces the advanced control system, the marketing idea, makes positively upward, furiously the enterprising enterprise culture vigorously. we will be willing with the general customers to cooperate hand in hand, create the glorious future.
2023-07-16 05:10:112


【 #儿童故事# 导语】许多人让自己的孩子从幼儿园就开始接触英语,这个时候多阅读一些英语的寓言故事 是很不错的。下面是 整理分享的英语寓言故事大全,欢迎阅读与借鉴,希望对你们有帮助! 1.英语寓言故事:狐狸和乌鸦 One day a crow stood on a branch near his nest and felt very happy with the meat in his mouth. At that time, a fox saw the crow with the meat, so he swallowed and eagerly thought of a plan to get the meat. However, whatever the fox said to the crow, the crow just kept silent. Until the fox thought highly of the crow"s beautiful voice, the crow felt flattered and opened his mouth to sing. As soon as the meat fell down to the ground, the fox took the meat and went into his hole. 有一天,一只乌鸦站在窝旁的树枝上嘴里叼着一片肉,心里非常高兴。这时候,一只狐狸看见了乌鸦,馋得直流口水,非常想得到那片肉。但是,无论狐狸说什么,乌鸦就是不理睬狐狸。最后,狐狸赞美乌鸦的嗓音美,并要求乌鸦唱几句让他欣赏欣赏。乌鸦听了狐狸赞美的话,得意极了,就唱起歌来。没想到,肉一掉下来,狐狸就叼起肉,钻回了洞 2.英语寓言故事:画蛇添足 Long long ago, several people had a jar of wine among them and all of them wanted to drink it by himself. So they set a rule that every one would draw a snake on the ground and the man who finished first would have the wine. One man finished his snake very soon and he was about to drink the wine when he saw the others were still busy drawing, so he decided to draw the feet to the snake. However, before he could finish the feet, another man finished and grabbed the jar from him, saying, "Who has ever seen a snake with feet?” The story of "Draw a snake and add feet to It.” tells us going too far is as bad as not going far enough. 古时几个人分一壶酒。他们都想独自喝完那壶酒,所以就定了一个规矩:每人在地上画一条蛇,谁画得最快,这壶酒就归谁。有一个人很快就把蛇画好了。他正打算喝这壶酒时,看见别人都还在忙着画,就决定给蛇再画上几只脚。结果,他的蛇脚还没加完,另一个人已经把蛇画好了。那人一下把酒壶夺了过去,说:“有谁见过长脚的蛇?”。这个故事告诉我们这样的道理:做得过分和做得不够都是不对的 3.英语寓言故事:郭氏之墟 On a vacation trip, Duke Huan of the state of Qi came to the ruin of the capital of Guo Shi , which perished long ago.   Seeing the desolate and bleak prospects of broken tiles, collapsed walls, and clusters of weeds, he could not help asking the local people about the reason of the ruin of Guo Shi.   They replied,"Guo Shi was fond of doing good deeds, and averse to evildoing, which led to the perdition." When the Duke could not understand the answer, people explained ," Though he liked doing good, he had never been able to do so; though he hated evildoing, never could he help not participating. That caused the ruin of his capital." 齐桓公出游途中,来到已经灭亡许久的郭氏都城的废墟。 看到瓦砾残垣、杂草丛生的萧条景象,忍不住问当地百姓郭氏灭亡的原因。 百姓们回答说:"郭氏由于喜爱善行善事。厌恶邪 恶丑行而导致灭亡。" 齐桓公不能理解这种回答,百姓们便解释说:"郭氏虽然喜爱善行善事,但从来都不能做到;尽管厌恶邪 恶丑行,却总是忍不住参与其中。这就是他的都城变成废墟的原因。" 4.英语寓言故事:老鼠和公牛 A mouse once took a bite out of a bull"s tail as he lay dozing. The bull jumped up in a rage and, with his head low to the ground, chased the mouse right across the yard. The mouse was too quick for him, however, and slipped easily into a hole in the wall. The bull charged the wall furiously again and again, but although he bruised his head and chipped his horns, the mouse stayed safely inside his hole. After a time the bull gave up and sank down to rest again. As soon as the bull was asleep, the little mouse crept to the mouth of the hole, pattered across the yard, bit the bull again -- this time on the nose -- and rushed back to safety. As the bull roared helplessly the mouse squeaked: "It"s not always the big people who come off best. Sometimes the small ones win, you know." 有一次,公牛躺着打盹,一只老鼠咬了他的尾巴。公牛怒气冲冲地跳起来,低着头追老鼠,一直追过院子。然而,老鼠跑得比他快多了,从容地钻到墙洞里去了。 公牛一次又一次地猛撞墙壁,尽管头撞肿了,角撞裂了,老鼠却安然待在洞里。过了一会儿,公牛不撞了,倒下歇着。 公牛刚睡着,小老鼠就爬到洞口,嗒嗒地跑过院子,又咬了公牛一口,这回咬了鼻子,又跑回安全的地方去。当公牛毫无办法地吼叫时,老鼠吱吱叫道: "大人物并不总占上风。有时小人物也会取胜。" 5.英语寓言故事:男孩和荨麻 A boy was playing in the fields when he was stung by a nettle . He ran home to tell his mother what had happened. "I only touched it lightly," he said, "and the nasty thing stung me." "It stung you because you only touched it lightly," his mother told him." Next time you touch a nettle grasp it as tightly as you can. Then it won"t sting you at all."   Face danger boldly. 有个男孩子在地里玩耍,被荨麻刺痛了。他跑回家去,告诉妈妈出了什么事。 "我不过轻轻地碰了它一下,"他说,"那讨厌的东西就把我刺痛了。" "你只轻轻地碰了它一下,所以它才刺痛你,"妈妈对他说,"下一回你再碰到荨麻,就尽量紧紧地抓住它。那它就根本不会刺痛你了。" 要敢于面对危险。
2023-07-16 05:10:251


片尾曲是这个Don Omar, J-doe, Reek da Villian & Busta Rhymes - How We Roll (Fast Five Remix)所有插曲01. Don Omar, J-doe, Reek da Villian & Busta Rhymes - How We Roll (Fast Five Remix)02. Marcelo D2 & Claudia - Desabafo Deixa Eu Dizer03. Brian Tyler - Assembling the Team04. MV Bill - L. Gelada-3 da Madrugada05. Carlinhos Brown - Carlito Marron06. Hybrid - Han Drifting07. Edu K & Hybrid - Million Dollar Race08. Brian Tyler - Mad Skills09. ObandO - Batalha10. Don Omar - Danza Kuduro (feat. Lucenzo)11. Speed, Black Alien & Tejo - Follow Me Follow Me (Quem Que Caguetou) [Fast 5 Hybrid Remix]12. Brian Tyler - Fast Five Suite13. Ludacris - F5 (Furiously Dangerous) [feat. Slaughterhouse & Claret Jai]
2023-07-16 05:10:321

《A funny thing》写篇作文

你可以先写一个开头:Last sunday i meet with a funny thing.然后你在写一个好一点的故事最后最后再写一个结尾Through this thing i fund the happy is easy. (故事自己编)
2023-07-16 05:10:393


英语寓言小故事(一):   A mouse once took a bite out of a bull"s tail as he lay dozing。 The bull jumped up in a rage and, with his head low to the ground, chased the mouse right across the yard。 The mouse was too quick for him, however, and slipped easily into a hole in the wall。   The bull charged the wall furiously again and again, but although he bruised his head and chipped his horns, the mouse stayed safely inside his hole。 After a time the bull gave up and sank down to rest again。   As soon as the bull was asleep, the little mouse crept to the mouth of the hole, pattered across the yard, bit the bull again -- this time on the nose -- and rushed back to safety。 As the bull roared helplessly the mouse squeaked:   It"s not always the big people who e off best。 Sometimes the small ones win, you know。   老鼠和公牛   有一次,公牛躺着打盹,一只老鼠咬了他的尾巴。公牛怒气冲冲地跳起来,低着头追老鼠,一向追过院子。然而,老鼠跑得比他快多了,从容地钻到墙洞里去了。   公牛一次又一次地猛撞墙壁,尽管头撞肿了,角撞裂了,老鼠却安然待在洞里。过了一会儿,公牛不撞了,倒下歇着。   公牛刚睡着,小老鼠就爬到洞口,嗒嗒地跑过院子,又咬了公牛一口??这回咬了鼻子??又跑回安全的地方去。当公牛毫无办法地吼叫时,老鼠吱吱叫道:   大人物并不总占上风。有时小人物也会取胜。   英语寓言小故事(二):   On a vacation trip, Duke Huan of the state of Qi came to the ruin of the capital of Guo Shi , which perished long ago。   Seeing the desolate and bleak prospects of broken tiles, collapsed walls, and clusters of weeds, he could not help asking the local people about the reason of the ruin of Guo Shi。   They replied,Guo Shi was fond of doing good deeds, and averse to evildoing, which led to the perdition。   When the Duke could not understand the answer, people explained , Though he liked doing good, he had never been able to do so; though he hated evildoing, never could he help not participating。 That caused the ruin of his capital。   郭氏之墟   齐桓公出游途中,来到已经灭亡许久的郭氏都城的废墟。   看到瓦砾残垣、杂草丛生的萧条景象,忍不住问当地百姓郭氏灭亡的原因。   百姓们回答说:郭氏由于喜爱善行善事。厌恶邪恶丑行而导致灭亡。   齐桓公不能理解这种回答,百姓们便解释说:郭氏虽然喜爱善行善事,但从来都不能做到;尽管厌恶邪恶丑行,却总是忍不住参与其中。这就是他的都城变成废墟的原因。   英语寓言小故事(三):   Making His Mark   A man from the state of Chu was taking a boat across a river when he dropped his sword into the water carelessly。 Immediately he made a mark on the side of the boat where the sword dropped, hoping to find it later。 When the boat stopped moving, he went into the water to search for his sword at the place where he had marked the boat。 As we know, the boat had moved but the sword had not。 Isn"t this a very foolish way to look for a sword?   刻舟求剑   楚国有个人坐船渡江时,他不细心把自我的一把宝剑掉落江中。他立刻掏出一把小刀,在宝剑落水的船舷上刻上一个记号。船靠岸后,那楚人立即从船上刻记号的地方跳下水去捞取掉落的宝剑。他怎样找得到宝剑呢?船继续行驶,而宝剑却不会再移动。像他这样去找剑,真是太愚蠢可笑了。   英语寓言小故事(四):   The miser and his gold Once upon a time there was a miser。 He hid his gold under a tree。 Every week he used to dig it up。   One night a robber stole all the gold。 When the miser came again, he found nothing but an empty hole。   He was surprised, and then burst into tears。All the neighbors gathered around him。   He told them how he used to e and visit his gold。   Did you ever take any of it out? asked one of them。 No, he said, I only came to look at it。 Then e again and look at the hole, said the neighbor, it will be the same as looking at the gold。   守财奴   从前,有个守财奴将他的金块埋到一棵树下,每周他都去把他挖出来看看。   一天晚上,一个小偷挖走了所有的金块。 守财奴再来查看时,发现除了一个空洞什么都没有了。   守财奴便捶胸痛哭。哭声引来了邻居   他告诉他们那里原先有他的金块。   问明了原因后,一个邻居问:你使用过这些金块吗? 没用过, 他说,我只是时常来看看。那么,以后再来看这个洞,邻居说,就像以前有金块时一样。
2023-07-16 05:10:481


《语言本能》一直有所耳闻。之前在图书馆粗略浏览过几页,但是因为上一版的翻译译的佶屈聱牙所以只能作罢。前段时间听说换了一个译者,赶紧入手。不得不说译者似乎还年轻但是译笔还是很精准的。 想到开这个博客时书已经读到第四章了,懒得再把前面的章节都做一个总结所以就干脆从正式进入语言学“干货”的第三章开始(前两章是在证明语言的本能性,第二章有所涉及普通语言学诸如语言特征、语言能力与语言表现等普通语言学范畴的内容)。 在介绍了人类是如何利用“心语”(类似于乔姆斯基的“普遍语法”理论)的机制学习、运用新语言之后,平克顺势进入到了句法学(Syntax)领域,进一步解析心智是如何组成语言的。 章首提到了两个概念,解释了人类为什么可以在语言中组装出成千上万个句子。其一是索绪尔提出的 “符号任意性” ,即语言中声音和意义完全是任意匹配的;二是威廉·洪堡特提出的“有限域的无限应用”,指我们心智中具备一套可以将文字与思想相互转化的编译系统,称作 “生成语法” 。这里的生成语法与前文的几个形近的概念:心理语法、普遍语法的关系是,生成语法约等于于心理语法或者说就是心理语法中具有特定功能的一种,它针对的是个体。而普遍语法针对的是群体。 前面提到了 “有限域” 这个概念,对于语法这个“有限域”来说,它是一个 “离散组合系统” :语法体系包含了有限的“部件”,通过随机排列组合可以形成更大的系统, 这一种行为就是所谓的“无限应用”,而这一过程有赖于语言的“符号任意性” 。 然而不凑巧的是,我们的心智属于另一种系统—— 共混系统 。在共混系统中,各类元素被搅混了打散了拌匀了,失去了个体特征(比如一碗打散了的鸡蛋糊)。之所以心智是一个这样的系统涉及到认知语言学中 “范畴化” 的概念,我想本书后面会有提及,这里先不讲。 所以扯了半天, 平克接下来要讲的就是我们语言中存在着一种怎样的机制,能把两种系统连接起来。 当然在正式进入句法学讨论之前,平克还有一堆废话要说。他提到了一种最原始、最基础的离散组合系统——“字串机”,并模拟了字串机将单词组合成句子的过程。微博上的段子“汪峰歌词创作过程是从‘彷徨"‘生命"‘理想"‘愤怒"等词中随意挑选并排列组合。”就是一种“字串机”的工作模式。所以简单地讲字串机就是依靠自身的逻辑,从各个不同类别的词语列表中抽取单词组成句子。 平克大费口舌地又讲了这么一堆看似然并卵的东西只是为了证明一点:人类语言机制比人工语言机制要强大很多。比如依照字串机的逻辑,永远造不出像书中举例的“Colorless green ideas sleep furiously”这样完全不符合语法的句子。而且面对复杂句型,字串机也手足无措。 这一差别是由于语言的特性,也是语言特性的体现。 在这一章节中,平克对理论的解说是逐步深入的。先是由传统句法学开始。 人类在组装句子时,是以 短语 为单位的。传统句法学中,一个 句子(S) 由 名词短语(NP) 和 动词短语(VP) 组成。听起来很颠覆三观,“我书读得少别骗我啊,句子这么复杂,怎么可能只由两个东西组成。”但是细想就会发现的确是这样,再复杂的句子都可以简化到这样的形式,这也就是为什么一个句子可以没有宾语但是一定要有主语谓语的原因,比如“I overslept”,"昼ご饭を食べました",“我操”。 所以句子表达式为: S→NP VP(→表示“由……组成”) 其中名词短语由一个可有可无的限定词、数目不限的形容词以及一个名词构成,即: NP→ (det) A* N 动词短语类似,由一个动词加上一个名词短语组成: VP→V NP 这几个原则已经够用来造好几吨的简单句了。但问题在语言不可能只有简单句,所以这套短语系统规定了哪些地方可以插入哪些东西,使得句子可以不断延长。在这不断延长的过程中,就会造成了由于某个单词可以归于多个短语,或者某个短语可以归于多个句子而成形成的 歧义 。 要想讨论NP, VP先要明白什么是名词什么是动词。这里讲的名词动词不是讲的是词义类别,而不是词性。 词义类别 对应的是词语所表示的概念。就像一只鱼煮了炖了油炸了松鼠了它还是一只鱼一样,同样一个概念可以表现为不同词性,但是它的词义类别还是一样的。所以名词表示的实际可以是一个动作(His dying made her very sad.);而动词表示的也并非永远是动作(I engaged myself with this goddamn blog-writing stint. engage并不是一个由I发出的实际动作)。 这点厘清了之后,就可以开始讨论短语的构成了 短语的意义取决于 中心语 的意义。一个短语有其重心,重心就是中心语。中心语一变,短语的意义也要跟着改变。“这是一部无码GV”和“这是一部有码GV”讲的都是GV,而“你在拍有码GV”则讲的是“拍”这个动作。 有了中心语短语就可以指向某个单一概念,但这远远不够。所以“ 论元(Arguments) ”赋予了短语描述一系列对象与中心语的关系的能力。比如说“一部你拍的GV”中的论元就是“你”,而你与中心语的关系就是拍与被拍的关系。 中心语和论元抱成一团,就形成了一个短语底下的一个 次级短语,称作“X-杠(X-bar)”, X为短语名称。 论元有个长得很像它的东西叫 修饰语。 比如“身为直男的你拍的GV”这个短语中,“身为直男”就是一个修饰语,而短语的核心还是在于你和你拍的GV,你是不是直男只是一个可有可无的信息而已。区别二者除了凭感觉猜,还可以科学地猜。前面说了中心语和论元会抱团取暖,不容插足。所以如果短语的两个成分中插入了成分会造成短语意思改变的话,就说明它们是次级短语,而次级短语中不是中心语的那个成分就是论元。这个判断方法之所以科学在于中心语的关系和论元的关系就是一个是演员,一个是角色。他们构成了“是什么”,而修饰语则是在描述“怎么样”。先有一个演员演一个角色,才有这个角色怎么样。所以平克也称论元为 “扮演角色(role-players)” 短语中的最后一个成分是 指示语(SPEC,“Specifier”的缩写)。 它对应的是传统语法中的主语,而主语在句法学中也被视为一种特殊的扮演角色,因为 很多情况下 主语是短语中的行为的发出者。但是名词短语也可以拥有主语。 以上四种短语成分,1)中心语,2)论元,3)修饰语,4)主语,虽然举例都是用的名词短语,但是也适用于动词短语。正因为这种相似性,句法学家又将短语表达式进行了进一步的简化,将动、名词短语等都合并为 “X短语”: XP→(SPEC) X-bar YP* 一个短语由一个可有可无的主语,加上一个X-杠和任意数量的修饰语YP组成。 X-bar→X ZP* 一个X-杠短语由一个中心语X,加上任意数目的论元组成。 语言学的研究对象终归是所有语言。不用语言中词语的排放有可能完全相反,比如在英语中动词在其宾语之前,而日语中的动词则在宾语之后。所以语言学家又改造了这两条规则,在表达式右侧加了一对大括号{},表示括号内元素可以任意调换位置。在具体应用时只要加上具体的适用条件就行,称作 参数。 这一理论时乔姆斯基的最近研究成果,叫做 “原则-参数理论”。 写到这里我已经快断气了,剩下的部分下次再讲吧。 就酱。
2023-07-16 05:11:051


1. 英语作文 趣事 寒假趣事 happy winter holiday I have got a happy winter holiday this year. In this year, I have a 7-day winter holiday. In the first day, I went back to my hometown with my parents. When I got there, I saw my grandparents. Then we had lunch together. At that time, we not only had dilicious food,we also talk about our wonderful life. We laughed and sang, it was so happy then. After lunch, I got out and found my old friends in the field. They were all taller and stronger than before. We sat down on the ground and talk about funny things. It was so interesting and fun. We also played some funny games. I have never play such a funny game since I leave my hometown for a big city. I was so happy that day.It was the happiest time in my holiday. And it was so funny. 你也可以自己适当的改编一下 2. 英语小作文,题目《my interesting trip》 这是我前不久写的文章 稍微修改下 应该适用你的题目 This summer holiday,I went to Sanya with my parents.It was a beautiful city.Our hotel was near the sea.I can see the sea in the hotel.It was really wonderful,wasn"t it?I went to The ends of the earth(三亚天涯海角),it was a beautiful view.Also,I went to a lot of places of interest.I took some photo there.I enjoyed the beach and the sea.I felt very happy there.It was an interesting trip. 3. 以“学习英语是很有趣的”写一篇英语作文 It is funTo Learn English English is an interesting language,which can help us learn more about the western world.We can read the English books、listen to English songs and watch English films if we know about English.What is more,we have more opportunities to make friends with the foreigners if we can speak English fluently,which in turn,help us learn more about the language. Learning English can widen the horizon,It is a bridge for us to learn more about the world. 4. 英语作文有趣的一天,写一些有趣的事 (An interesting day) For some reasons, I never get up before nine o"clock on Saturdays. Sometimes I stay in bed until lunch time. Then I"ll do some exercises, read English, play puter games. In the afternoon, I go to school for writing and playing table tennis. I play table tennis well. In the evening, I go to the teacher"s home to play Chinese chess, I like it. What an interesting day!。 5. 幽默英语作文 Second language A mother mouse was out for a stroll with her babies when she spotted a cat crouched behind a bush. She watched the cat, and the cat watched the mice. Mother mouse barked fiercely, "Woof, woof, woof!" The cat was so terrified that it ran for it"s life. Mother mouse turned to her babies and said, "Now, do you understand the value of a second language?" 一只母老鼠带着孩子出来散步,突然她看见一只猫正在灌木丛中虎视耽耽。 母老鼠向着猫叫道:“汪,汪,汪”,猫听了非常害怕,拼命跑走了。 母老鼠回过头洋洋自得的对孩子说:“现在你知道外语的重要性了吧。” 6. 英语作文写一件有趣的事 A Funny Thing A funny thing happened to me last Friday. I"d gone to London to do some shopping. I wanted to get some Christmas presents, and I needed to find some books for my course at school (you see, I"m a student). I caught an early train to London so by early afternoon I"d bought everything that I wanted. Anyway, I"m not very fond of London, all the noise and traffic, and I"d made some arrangements for that evening. So, I took a taxi to Waterloo station. I can"t really afford taxis, but I wanted to get the 3:30 train. Unfortunately the taxi got stuck in a traffic jam, and by the time I got to Waterloo, the train had just gone. I had to w。 the train had just gone. lieved and decided to wait o or three minutes before going myself. He was staring at me furiously, I took a taxi to Waterloo station. In fact he looked like a typical city busines *** an--you know. After a couple of minutes a man sat down opposite me, all the noise and traffic, and I needed to find some books for my course at school (you see. I"d gone to London to do some shopping, so I bought a coffee and a packet of biscuits--chocolate biscuits, I didn"t look up and I didn"t make a sound, dark suit and briefcase. enjoy doing crossword puzzles. I wanted to get some Christmas presents, took one, I casually put out my hand, dipped it into his coffee and popped it into his mouth! I was too shocked to say any thing, I didn"t want to make a fuss, opened my packet of biscuits, so I decided to ignore it. There were plenty of empty tables and I found one near the window, and by the time I got to Waterloo. I had to wait an hour for the next one. I just took a biscuit myself and went back to my crossword. I nervously put the biscuit in my mouth, stood up and hurried out of the buffet, was my packet of biscuits, folded my newspaper and stood up. Anyway. I pretended to be very interested in the puzzle, I"m not very fond of London, and decided to leave. At that time of day it"s nearly empty. I finished my coffee, and I"d made some arrangements for that evening. Anyway. And there, I"m a student). There was nothing special about him. So. I caught an early train to London so by early afternoon I"d bought everything that I wanted. I was ready to get up and go when the man suddenly pushed back his chair. Suddenly he reached across the table. I sat down and began doing the crossword, where my newspaper had been:30 train. Unfortunately the taxi got stuck in a traffic jam. After a couple of minutes. I bought an evening newspaper the "Standard", took the last biscuit and glanced at the man, on the table. I can"t really afford taxis, but I wanted to get the 3. I felt very re, except that he was very tall. I didn"t say anything and I carried on with my crossword. When the man took a second biscuit, and wandered over to the station buffet. I always avoid trouble if I can, I couldn"t believe my eyes. I"m yew fond of chocolate biscuitsA Funny Thing A funny thing happened to me last Friday。 7. 有趣的外教课作文 [有趣的外教课作文]有趣的外教课 我感到很新奇,因为今天有外教来给我们上英语课,有趣的外教课作文.外教老师用流利的英语给我们讲他的农场,听上去让人惊奇不已,他的农场面积有长沙城这么大,里面种有250万棵各种树木!首先是这数目叫人吃惊到了极点.外教老师上课经常要做一些动作来启迪我们,十分有趣.跟着他有声有色的讲解我们仿佛被带入了英语的海洋之中.老师长着一双灰色的大眼睛,凹在他白色的皮肤上,鼻梁很高很特别,一看便知是个西方人,不同于我们东方人的样子,小学六年级作文《有趣的外教课作文》.他的头发是淡黄色的,长长的披在头上,衬得他那张有棱角的脸十分帅气!课后,我们好多人都让他给我们签名做个纪念,第一次和外教老师面对面呢!老师还会讲一些中国话,通过与他的交谈 ,我们知道了许多他的国家的事.我希望这样的讲课能更多一些,让我们有机会了解外面的世界,认识更多的朋友.有趣的外教课作文300字。 8. 【写一个有趣的或重要的发明,一篇短文英语作文】 The puter is a useful machine. It is one of the most important inventions. The oldest kind of puter is the abacus, used in China many centuries ago, but the first large and modern puter was invented in 1946. The puter could work out maths problems quite fast. Now the puters are getting *** aller and *** aller, and puting faster and faster. Many scientists agree that puters can now do many things, but they cannot do everything. Who knows what the puters tomorrow will be like? Will puters bring good things or bad things to people? The scientists today have to decide how to use the puters inventing is the most useful.。 9. 英语作文:有趣的事 Singing is an interesting thing. There"s people who are great singers that don"t have good sounding voices (think Dylan, or even Bruce) and people who have great voices but aren"t technically good singers (think Mariah Carey--her phrasing is aby *** al). Now, there are a few singers that have good voices *and* are good technical singers--and these are the people that there is general agreement on. You make a list of these people as "great singers" and you generally don"t get much argument. Marvin Gaye, Elvis, Paul McCartney, David Ruffin of the Temptations, Kate Bush, (to get out of rock a bit) Sinatra. That"s a few of them. Anyone that tries to tell you that Marvin Gaye couldn"t sing doesn"t know anything about singing.。
2023-07-16 05:11:131