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2023-07-16 10:03:11

《白色恋人》White Lover

冷空气却清晰 The chilly air is actually clear

我在南极冰山雪地里 I am standing in the snow of the South Pole iceberg

极光中雪白的肌肤 the snow- white skin is shinning under the aurora

是哀愁是美丽 is it sorrowful or beautiful

为了要遇见你In order to encounter you

,我连呼吸都反复练习 Even take a breathe, I have to keep practicing

兰伯特仁慈的冰川带领我走向你?The merciful Rambert"s glacier leads me to move towards you?

零下91度的酷寒Feeling bitter cold ,the temperature is below zero 91

滚滚红尘千年的呼喊Millennium shouting from the world ,the flesh, and the devil,

藏在沃斯托克的湖岸covered under the wass Tocker"s lake shore

沉寂轻叹 signed in relief and loneliness

撒哈拉漫天狂沙crazy sand flied among the whole sky of Sahara

金字塔谁能解答who can explain the misery of the pyramids

兵马俑谁与争锋 who can fight with and gain the winner from the Burial figures of warriors and horses

长城万里相逢 meet at the Great Wall by chance

人世间悲欢聚散 The sorrowness and the happiness, the gathering and the parting of the reality

一页页写在心上like pages in the memory ,also in the hearts

含着泪白色恋人.with tears in the eyes, my pure lover

却有灰色的年轮has the mature age







The air is clear on the tip of your snow white skin of the aurora is sorrow is beautiful in order to meet me, breathing exercises 伯特仁 merciful glacier took me to you two degrees below zero degrees of 91 cold the world thousands of years in the cry of silence wostok sigh and the public who can solve the sand of the warriors who argue with the greet wall sorrow and sadness, meet and part pages in your heart tears the white couple was a gray


Air is clear

You in the Antarctic ice snow

The aurora in the white skin

Is the sadness is beautiful

In order to meet you

I breathe

Lambert kindness glacier

Lead me to you

The cold was ninety below

The millennium surgent human society

Hidden in the lake vostok

Silence light sigh

The Sahara exorbitant crazy sha

Who can answer pyramid

Bond terracotta warriors

Great Wall

Worldly life

YiYeYe written in my heart

Tears white lover

But with gray rings



1、辨别movetozero鞋盒真假,可以看鞋盒有没有注明里面鞋的各种情况,如材质颜包尺码价格,有的还有鞋图和生产厂家。2、辨别movetozero鞋盒真假,还可以看鞋盒侧面是否有二维码,此二维码是对move to zero的介绍。MOVE TO ZERO 是耐克为促进“零碳排”和“零废弃”,以保护体育运动的未来为使命而开启的征程。
2023-07-16 03:55:382


2023-07-16 03:55:441


2023-07-16 03:55:521

move to zero这个nike打造的长期计划的宗旨是什么

2023-07-16 03:55:591


最尖端沿立铣床的边通常是平直的和可以通过研有时逐渐变细在工具,并且切削刀研磨机这样对于模子是必需的草稿和死洞可以自动地引起。 进一步,末端面孔可以与边相符正常情况或为碾碎的三维等高将使用的球端形例如死洞。 如Fig.7.10所显示,它可能也有碾碎的特别圆的渐近的口袋圆角落。 大号立铣床称圆筒形端铣刀,没有任何小腿,并且可以在一个中央孔帮助下登上。 结果这些可以用于水平的轴并且垂直的轴铣床。 如Fig.7.9所显示,这些在纺锤上的一个残余部分树荫处帮助下将登上。 Face铣刀(Fig.7.12)为用机器制造大,平面使用。 他们有在面孔和周围的先锋。 他们任意直接地在纺锤的鼻子通常登上与整个面孔的为用机器制造。 当那些在边为清洗表面时,使用在面孔的牙做大多数用机器制造。 这些通常由碳化物插入物品种制成由于大物质撤除,虽然也使用高速钢。 与铣刀指定相关的以下期限是常用的。 裁减Hand这提到切削刀被转动的方向。 当观看往纺锤,当切削刀是明智时移动的逆的时钟它称右手自转,当对面称左手自转时。 螺旋Hand在螺线铣刀的情况下,当观看从末端,如果长笛朝时钟明智的方向行动它称右手螺旋,当对面称左手螺旋时。 轴向切削力方向取决于螺旋的手。 如果不同的螺旋二把铣刀肩并肩在帮会碾碎的操作被安排,净轴向力可以减少到零根据其中每一把采取的裁减铣刀。 应该考虑选择一把铣刀的While为一种特定应用下列问题。 (i)使用标准工具若情况许可。 (ii)使用从纺锤和最大的可能的架置类型的短的突出物。 (iii)大于裁减(端铣)的宽度选择一条切削刀直径30%。 (iv)首先使用一把接近的沥青切削刀作为选择。 (v)为长期使用一把粗糙的沥青切削刀垂悬和不稳定的情况。 (vi)简称使用切削材料和裁减的小辐形深度一把额外接近的沥青切削刀。 The平板铣刀可能有切口牙,可以是平直和平行的与转动轴。 如Fig.7.13所显示,或者他们可以是有一个角度到沿螺旋的轴。
2023-07-16 03:56:093


2023-07-16 03:56:184

麻烦修改一下我这个程序的错误 错误我在补充最下面写...有关按键精灵8的

第一行For 3去掉,确定鱼上"钓"字错了.有时用"钩"有时用钓
2023-07-16 03:57:514


2023-07-16 03:58:019


眩晕5秒。。。。呵呵 LZ想象力丰富了一点。。。
2023-07-16 03:58:489


2023-07-16 03:59:0512

cobol zero,zeros,zeroes 的问题

在cobol中ZERO、ZEROS、ZEROES都是一样的。你的例子中,3中情况都是一样的:A 结果:0。 B 结果:000结果只决定于你定义变量的类型。 此外space、spaces、也是等同的。
2023-07-16 03:59:331


  我感到运动使人越来越健康。我决定每天坚持运动,加强锻炼,把身体练的棒棒的。下面是我给大家精心挑选的初一英语作文关于运动的,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!   初一运动英语作文篇1   The beautiful youth, with the attractive fragrance, the graceful body is the wings of the ideal in life, the youth and the health will enable you to soar on the journey of life. In this crisp autumn of October, we meet the autumn sunshine, with the harvest season, ushered in the joyful and wonderful school the 20th games.   Health is the symbol of human civilization and the cornerstone of the success of the enterprise. It is the basic premise for the service of the motherland and the people and the foundation for improving the quality of the Chinese nation. We need to plan your own life, the first to put the emphasis on healthy ideas into their own actions, in the playground, in the sun, in the bosom of nature, into the physical exercise consciously.   In the past, present and future, health has always been the subject of constant human pursuit.   Sport is the most active and effective means to promote health. You will experience it can alleviate the pressure of study, adjust the rhythm of tension, improve the efficiency of learning to feel it can comprehensively improve the body function of each organ system and improve the effect of motor skills, enjoy it for improving the qualities of mind and social adaptation ability to the specific value, learn to cognitive comprehension to sports practice, learn to do things, learn to get along with peers, learn to survive the strategies and methods of physical exercise is to the health, the path in the process of all-round development.   Sports are full of charm. Einstein reveled in science while he took a long walk, and Bill Gates spent a lot of his time studying computer games in a painless exercise. It"s unique charm to attract these great men, and because they entranced by movement, makes Einstein always keep a clear head, make Bill Gates young energetic, let more people are impressed by them.   初一运动英语作文篇2   Sports bring vitality to people. MAO zedong once said, "there are those who are healthy, and there is hope; those who have hope have everything." As is known to all, MAO zedong has been working hard in his studies and indomitable physical training since he was a teenager. In his hard work, MAO zedong took an active part in exercises, whether he was doing exercises, running, swimming, climbing and camping. After the liberation, MAO zedong crossed the Yangtze 13 times and wrote "the crossing of the Yangtze river, the extreme eyes of chu", and the heroic poems of "the wind and the waves". Sports, he is like a radiant emissary, smiling to the old man smile, to the young people to ignite the passion. His role is unmatched, can make human body motion is full of rhythm, make the action become graceful, the gentle has the fortitude. He taught us that the key to success is physical and mental.   Without the sprints of running, we can"t understand the meaning of persistence, we can"t understand the eager eyes and the unquenchable cry of the end.   Without the leap of high jump, it is impossible to realize the courage to cross the difficult, nor to taste the thrill of transcendence.   The school"s annual sports festival kicks off. The purpose of the sports festival is: everyone to participate in the class demonstration. During exercise, we have the motivation to go up. Highlights the class construction and grade of the construction of the cohesion, stimulate the enthusiasm of the sunshine sports, to enhance the consciousness of lifelong exercise, we make our in the harvest of friendship at the same time, also won the successful experience.   Movement, how proud, it makes the tree of life evergreen. Life, give sport to the true meaning. The combination of every cell, the continuous movement of every nerve, the existence of every skeleton, strung together all the movement, the life, how valuable, it makes the peak of the movement all rise; Life, what is worth cherishing, it makes the fire of movement beautiful. Life, creates movement; To exercise, to make life glorious.   "I exercise, I am healthy, I happy, life for us, that is more than just a beginning, a good start means a good ending, so, we cannot careless about our start, then, move, building up a healthy and happy in the sports themselves, feel everything is worth happy things in motion, let our life because of the movement and wonderful! I wish the 20th annual sports meeting will be held smoothly!   初一运动英语作文篇3   As soon as we went to school, we heard several classmates in our class Shouting, "we lost the football match a few days ago." A group of unconvinced, they bet with the two groups that a group will win. So we decided to gather in the garden after school today. I"m part of one of the groups.   In the afternoon, everyone came to the clearing after school, and surrounded the two simple football doors with several books. Prepare for the race. The game drew a lot of spectators, with one group of goalkeepers standing behind him and one group of younger brothers. He squinted and looked forward to the football match. The dog next to him lay on the ground and spit out his tongue, as if he were going to watch the football match, but it didn"t seem to interest him, lying on the ground and sleeping. It"s like the discontent with the football match. But the players didn"t care about it, they were all alive and excited.   The game began, and the referee gave the order to the ball. One of the team immediately ran over and hooked the ball with his foot. As he was about to pass the ball to the next man, the captain of the two teams took the ball with a tackle. The captain was captain, and soon he ran to the side of the goal with the ball. He shot the ball and the ball flew to the goalkeeper"s side. The goalkeeper jumped into the air without stopping the ball. Ask to fly away from him. Now the score is one to zero, we are one point behind. Then I started again, and the other person brought it to the ball and passed it on to other people, but it was deflected and it hit me at the foot. I rushed to the corner of the other side with the ball, but suddenly the other man tried to stop me, and I didn"t think I was going to kick it. Unfortunately, they were stopped by the keeper. Just then the ball came to our captain, and he ran as fast as he could, and when he was very old, he shouted and kicked the ball. The goalkeeper seems unable to block the ball with his body, and he hides away. "Yeah! The ball is in! We cheered as the referee declared the game over. We were a draw. But it"s better than it was.   We have to compete again. Though all the men were sweating, they were very happy. Because sports are indispensable to people. Persistence is the most important thing. Exercise makes you healthy and happy. Let"s exercise together! My sport! I"m healthy. I am happy!
2023-07-16 03:59:431


1、目标的实现建立在我要成功的强烈愿望上。 The realization of the goal is based on the strong desire to succeed. 2、拿的起,放得下。凡事别勉强! Take it, put it doetimes is a kind of pomunicate us, but pletely. 26、青春时代是一个短暂的美梦,当你醒来时,它早已消失得无影无踪了。 The youth is a short dream, etimes people dont care about you, but you can not do not care about their oans biggest open, to find the entrance of fish nets. 45、只有收获,才能检验耕耘的意义;只有贡献,方可衡量人生的价值。 Only the harvest, in order to test the significance of the work; only contribution to the value of life. 46、不经一翻彻骨寒,怎得梅花扑鼻香。 mon sense is not the inspiration. 51、只有第一名可以教你如何成为第一名。 Only the first one can teach you how to be the first. 52、别人怎么评价你都不重要,最重要的是自己得看的起自己。 Others how to evaluate you are not important, the most important is that you have to look at their own. 英文励志句子摘抄 1、人的大脑和肢体一样,多用则灵,不用则废。 The human brain is the same as the limbs. If you use it more, it ething you don"t plish great things, do small things first. 10、无论头上是怎样的天空,我准备承受任何风暴。 No matter es from the accumulation of quantitative change. 13、细节决定成败,态度决定一切。 Details determine success or failure, attitude decides everything. 14、人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。 As long as people do not lose their direction, they orroplain about the lack of time. 32、最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。 The most terrible enemy is the lack of strong faith. 33、失败也是我需要的,它和成功一样对我有价值。 Failure is what I need. It"s as valuable to me as success. 34、苦难是人生的老师,通过苦难,走向欢乐。 Suffering is the teacher of life, through suffering, to joy. 经典英文励志句子 1、Do not,for one repulse,forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort. 不要因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。 2、Hoe to an end,but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning. 不要害怕你的生活将要结束,应该担心你的生活永远不会真正开始。 6、Forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times,and the confused times. 真正的朋友会与你一同度过困难、伤心和烦恼的时刻。 7、If you fail,dont forget to learn your lesson. 如果你失败了,千万别忘了汲取教训。 8、Dont try so hard,the best things come e a poents of enjoyment;not only about survival. 生活是一串串的快乐时光;我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存。 英文经典励志句子 1、e naturally. 如果你想要成功,不要去追求成功;尽管做你自己热爱的事情并且相信它,成功自然到来。 8、Don"t rely on others, there must be goals to pursue, it has nothing to do with age. 不要想着依靠别人,要有目标有追求,这与年龄无关。 9、All the way out of their own, rather than relying on their own in the middle of the dream. 任何道路都是靠自己走出来的,而不是靠自己在梦中等来的。 10、What we lack is not chance, but in front of the chance to zero courage. 我们缺少的不是机会,而是在机会面前将自己重新归零的勇气。 11、Dare to struggle of the people, the heart is not afraid of difficulties. 敢于奋斗的人,心中不怕困难。 12、Dreams are like classics, never fade, but grow more precious. 梦想这东西和经典一样,永远不会因为时间而褪色,反而更显珍贵。 13、No matter orroent that"s it"s time to let go and move on。 放手不代表放弃,不代表你输了。那只代表你知道在那一刻你该放手了,然后继续生活。 17、Live a noble and honest life. Reviving past times in your old age orro, is not full, can not very happy. 傲不可长,欲不可从,志不可满,乐不能极。 27、Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life .( Thomas Edison , American inventor) 有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣。( 美国发明家 爱迪生. T. ) 28、If you are doing your best,you ething. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (J. Barrymore) 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。(巴里摩尔) 40、Don"t give up and don"t give in. 不要放弃,不要言败! 41、Fate is like the pass. 生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。 45、Diligence is the code of your life, and you can translate a magnificent epic. 勤奋是你生命的密码,能译出你一部壮丽的史诗。 46、See, your heart to others, others will not use the sincerity to you! 要明白,你用真心对别人,别人未必会用真心对你! 47、Great minds have purpose, others have wishes. 杰出的人有着目标,其他人只有愿望。 48、Do not keep anything for a special occasion, because every day that you live is a special occasion. 不要将你的东西为了某一个特别的时刻而预留着,因为你生活的每一天都是那么特别。 49、There is no garden without its weeds. 没有不长杂草的花园。 50、Their choice of road, kneeling also want to finish it. 自己选择的路、跪着也要把它走完。 51、I can because i think i can. 我行,因为我相信我行! 52、Only boarded the peak, in order to see the scenery in the distance. 只有登上山顶,才能看到远处的风光。 156、Having a calm smile to face ething. 天生我才必有用。 177、True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime. 对任何技能的掌握都需要一生的刻苦操练。 178、The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart. 世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。 179、Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday matters will fulfill them on great occasions. 只有在日常生活中尽责的人才会在重大时刻尽责。 180、Every noble work is at first impossible. 每一个伟大的工程最初看起来都是不可能做到的! 181、Never say die. 永不气馁! 182、To know themselves, yield themselves, change themselves, can change people. 认识自己,降伏自己,改变自己,才能改变别人。 53、 appearances. 人不可貌相,海不可斗量。 63、Do ent it is decided to do it, it e to those . 当你再也没有什么可以失去的时候,就是你开始得到的时候。 77、Never give up, Never lose the opportunity to succeed 不放弃就有成功的机会。 78、Give up worrying about what others think of you. What they think isn"t important. What is important is how you feel about yourself。 不要为别人怎么看你而烦恼。别人的看法并不重要,重要的是你怎么看待你自己。
2023-07-16 03:59:501


你的眼睛欺骗了你,我为杀戮而行动!这个是英文原著Your eyes deceive you / An illusion fools you all. / I move for the kill.How hilarious. / You just set off my trap card -- / Your death approaches.The true world revealed -- / Weaknesses now known to me. / Time to go to work.And I disappear; / A ghost amidst the combat, / Preparing to strike.
2023-07-16 04:00:061

ios开发怎么使用 cgcontextmovetopoint

0 CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); 设置上下文1 CGContextMoveToPoint 开始画线2 CGContextAddLineToPoint 画直线4 CGContextAddEllipseInRect 画一椭圆4 CGContextSetLineCap 设置线条终点形状4 CGContextSetLineDash 画虚线4 CGContextAddRect 画一方框4 CGContextStrokeRect 指定矩形4 CGContextStrokeRectWithWidth 指定矩形线宽度4 CGContextStrokeLineSegments 一些直线5 CGContextAddArc 画已曲线 前俩店为中心 中间俩店为起始弧度 最后一数据为0则顺时针画 1则逆时针5 CGContextAddArcToPoint(context,0,0, 2, 9, 40);//先画俩条线从point 到 弟1点, 从弟1点到弟2点的线 切割里面的圆6 CGContextSetShadowWithColor 设置阴影7 CGContextSetRGBFillColor 这只填充颜色7 CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor 画笔颜色设置7 CGContextSetFillColorSpace 颜色空间填充7 CGConextSetStrokeColorSpace 颜色空间画笔设置8 CGContextFillRect 补充当前填充颜色的rect8 CGContextSetAlaha 透明度9 CGContextTranslateCTM 改变画布位置10 CGContextSetLineWidth 设置线的宽度11 CGContextAddRects 画多个线12 CGContextAddQuadCurveToPoint 画曲线13 CGContextStrokePath 开始绘制图片13 CGContextDrawPath 设置绘制模式14 CGContextClosePath 封闭当前线路15 CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0, rect.size.height); CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1.0, -1.0);反转画布16 CGContextSetInterpolationQuality 背景内置颜色质量等级16 CGImageCreateWithImageInRect 从原图片中取小图17 字符串的写入可用 nsstring本身的画图方法 – (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withFont:(UIFont *)font lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode alignment:(UITextAlignment)alignment;来写进去即可18对图片放大缩小的功能就是慢了点UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(newSize);UIImage* newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();UIGraphicsEndImageContext();19 CGColorGetComponents() 返回颜色的各个直 以及透明度 可用只读c*****t float 来接收是个数组20 画图片 CGImageRef image=CGImageRetain(img.CGImage);CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(10.0, height –100.0, 90.0, 90.0), image);21 实现逐变颜色填充方法 CGContextClip(context);CGColorSpaceRef rgb = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();CGFloat colors[] ={204.0 / 255.0, 224.0 / 255.0, 244.0 / 255.0, 1.00,29.0 / 255.0, 156.0 / 255.0, 215.0 / 255.0, 1.00,0.0 / 255.0, 50.0 / 255.0, 126.0 / 255.0, 1.00,};CGGradientRef gradient = CGGradientCreateWithColorComponents(rgb, colors, NULL, sizeof(colors)/(sizeof(colors[0])*4));CGColorSpaceRelease(rgb);CGContextDrawLinearGradient(context, gradient,CGPointMake(0.0,0.0) ,CGPointMake(0.0,self.frame.size.height),kCGGradientDrawsBeforeStartLocation);22 注: 画完图后,必须先用CGContextStrokePath来描线,即形状后用CGContextFillPath来填充形状内的颜色.填充一个路径的时候,路径里面的子路径都是独立填充的。假如是重叠的路径,决定一个点是否被填充,有两种规则1,nonzero winding number rule:非零绕数规则,假如一个点被从左到右跨过,计数器+1,从右到左跨过,计数器-1,最后,如果结果是0,那么不填充,如果是非零,那么填充。2,even-odd rule: 奇偶规则,假如一个点被跨过,那么+1,最后是奇数,那么要被填充,偶数则不填充,和方向没有关系。
2023-07-16 04:00:321

红警怎样空投自爆卡车 要详细一点 不要复制的 看不懂

首先你要下一个XCC Mixer(百度去找,也可以去红警贴吧要)安装以后打开,用它去提取rules.ini文件(具体的提取步骤太多,直接百度就有),然后把对应国家的ParaDrop=后面的兵种改掉,盟军的是E1美国大兵的意思,苏军的是E2动员兵的意思,共和国之辉用的是中国的话就把苏军的E2改成RUIES(自爆卡车的意思)就可以了。当然,你也可以把盟军的改成COW(奶牛)这样美国空降奶牛到你家,想想也是蛮搞笑的。
2023-07-16 04:00:402


2023-07-16 04:00:482


【 #英语资源# 导语】植树以清明时节为最 佳,此时气候温暖,春雨飞洒,利于树苗成活,中国自古以来就有植树的传统,涌现出了许多崇尚植树造林的趣闻佳话。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.有关植树节的英语日记   Spring girl came with light dance steps and added a bit of vibrant spring to Yangcheng with her green brush.   Today is the annual Arbor Day. Our sixth graders came to Qujiang park to plant trees. When you come to Qujiang Park, the scenery can"t be described by the word "beauty": peach blossoms are in bud, willows are in fashion, and the long brown hair is dyed green. Coupled with the clear river water, what a beautiful picture of spring!.   After a while, the teacher led us to take the sweet scented osmanthus saplings and came to an uncultivated land. We saw that there were no trees here, only green vegetable fields and rape flowers with a small yellow head. Hey, you can"t plant trees here!   Each of us chooses a piece of land first, and then we can "start work". I dug fiercely into the painted circle. Wow, this soil is so fertile! The pit should be dug so that the whole root of the tree can be put in. Although the soil is very fertile, digging a pit is not a simple thing after all. No, as soon as I shovel down, I just listen to the sound of "Dang", and suddenly I can"t move. Even my hands are numb. When I look carefully, oh, it turned out to be a stone. At this time, the smart Tu Yue immediately said, "first use a small shovel to pull away the soil next to me and pull it out!" With that, Li Wenjing and I started to move our hands. It was not easy for us to move the soil around. Then we worked together and didn"t pull out the stone, but it seemed to take root in the ground. I had an idea. First, I put the shovel against one side of the stone, and then several other people pulled the stone out. "One, two, three!" Hoo, stone, stone, you finally come out!   A big pit was finally born. This is the big pit I dug with great effort. Li Wenjing inserted the saplings and straightened them. Tu Yue and I began to cultivate soil. The soil should not be too tight, but it should also be filled up so that the water can seep into the roots. We filled the pit into a hill.   Tu Yue brought water. I just wanted to pour water on the tree. Li Wenjing hurriedly stopped and said, "if so, the water will seep out. That doesn"t mean zero?" That"s right. If you dig a hole in the soil, the tree will not grow firmly. Tu Yue said calmly, "if you fill the hole into a bowl, the water will seep to the bottom." So the three of us dug up the extra soil and poured water at this time. There must be no problem. Finally, the emperor is worthy of those who have a heart, and we have finally achieved success!   The trees were finally planted. We planted rows of trees, holding hands as if saying goodbye to us. Planting trees is a beauty for the earth. It"s really interesting! 2.有关植树节的英语日记   "Woo woo" came a wail on one side of a road. A bird stopped on the roadside steps and chirped sadly and lonely. I looked at it with pity and approached it gently. Hold it up with both hands and put it in the palm of your hand.   Bird, what"s the matter with you? The feathers are messy and "draped" on your body. The soft wings are not so bright. The feathers in many places have fallen off. Exposed blood vessels and blood stains that have not been dried are clearly seen on your legs. Your eyes are full of fear and loneliness. You lie helplessly in the palm of my hand and your eyes are full of help. I gently stroked you, combed your feathers, and gave you warmth and care.   Poor bird, why don"t you go home? Which naughty boy bullied you and hurt you so that you can"t go home? Why doesn"t this hateful boy have a little kindness? Bird, you look at this new community by the side of the road with gentle eyes, and your eyes are full of infinite nostalgia. Was this once your warm home? Are we human beings who have made you lose your beautiful home? Human beings are really selfish. They want to enjoy themselves and live comfortably, but they destroy your home.   I looked around to find you a temporary residence. I found a safe place in the corner, so I put you there gently. So I walked away. However, when I passed here again the next day, what I saw was your cold body. You closed your eyes and lay straight on the ground, with a few wisps of feathers hovering around you   My thoughts fly with your feathers to the distant sky. I remembered what my teacher said before: people are the most advanced and intelligent animals in the world. They clearly know that animals are human friends and forests are our safe home, but they still cut down a large area of forests and don"t need to cut down a tree for half a day, but it takes years to grow a tree! Hundreds of millions of years ago, the earth"s forest coverage rate was more than 60%, but now it has dropped to more than 30%, and trees account for only more than 10% in some countries. The forest is gone, and the animals that depend on human beings are also extinct   Tall buildings pierce the sky. Where can I see birds? Human beings, wake up, afforestation from now on, return birds a warm home, and create a beautiful and harmonious future for our future generations! 3.有关植树节的英语日记   On Saturday morning, my father kindly said to me, "Qianqian, shall we plant trees together today?" I said to my father happily, "OK!" My father and I came to the roadside with saplings, buckets and hoes. Dad picked up the hoe, dug one pit after another, and then put in the saplings one by one. My father called me to the front and asked me to hold the sapling with both hands. He buried the roots with soil. I did as my father said.   After planting the saplings, I asked my father curiously, "why do you plant so many trees?" My father touched my head and replied, "don"t you know, child? If we plant one more tree, we will add a new green. If hundreds of millions of trees are connected, we will dye the beautiful territory of our motherland green." I said happily, "yes! The three concepts of our XX Beijing Olympic Games are green Olympics, high-tech Olympics and people"s Olympics. These are more than that! The mascots of China"s Olympic Games are five Fuwa: Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, yingying and Nini, of which Nini also represents the forest!" Dad said proudly; "Boy, you"re right. Didn"t you just say the Green Olympics? Isn"t that little sapling exactly green?" I suddenly realized, and then asked, "Dad, why do you plant so many plants? I"m so tired!" My father said meaningfully: yesterday, I watched the Olympic Games program and advocated our people all over the country: talk about civilization and build a new style. Start from me and now! That"s why we should be more polite and plant more trees. We should make every piece of land in our motherland more beautiful, let everyone breathe fresh air and let everyone grow healthily. " "Oh, I see. So it is!" I said happily. Dad smiled and said, "get a bucket of water and water the young trees so that they can thrive." I said excitedly, "yes, boy, yes." I picked up the bucket, patiently poured water on the little sapling, and said to myself, "little sapling, little sapling, you should grow up quickly, so as to make our motherland more beautiful and prosperous." Dad looked at my silly appearance and couldn"t help laughing. Soon, our trees were planted. We sang and danced around the young trees. My father said brightly, "children, let"s go home!" We went home reluctantly.   This morning is very beautiful! 4.有关植树节的英语日记   Today is the annual tree planting day. Unexpectedly, the school held tree planting activities. We can dig pits, plant seedlings and fill soil by ourselves. Let"s not mention that we are all happy! You can plant trees in the afternoon, and it"s said to be a longan tree! As soon as the fifth class was over, the teacher sent someone to carry the tree. When they came back, a magnificent longan tree stood in front of us.   When we arrived at the playground for a long time, we borrowed tools. Seeing that other classes had dug half of the pit, we didn"t move an inch, so we began to "jingle" towards the heaven and earth as soon as we chose a place.   In the process of digging the pit, we encountered two major difficulties. However, in terms of difficulty, it is not the second most: it is a true pile of stones. Many large and small bricks make our iron drill have no place to stand, but the stone has no place   Stubborn, despite the instructions of the girls who want to break their heads, the boys spend their brute force and sweat to smash and pick, but they still don"t move. Sometimes the stone will occasionally stir up a little. Just when we are ready to cheer, we lie down gently, and the dust seems to laugh at us. The soil loosened and slowly covered the stones again. Just as we were frowning and depressed, the PE teacher came. Some students asked him to help us, while others resolutely disagreed. I support the latter, because I think that although the teacher"s help can reduce the completion time, we can"t feel the happiness of overcoming difficulties. Sure enough, although the teacher easily picked out all the stones, the students were not as happy and happy as we were when we solved them for the first time.   After several twists and turns and overcoming several difficulties, we finally put the saplings in the middle of the pit. Looking at the small tree that will grow together with us, we couldn"t help throwing water in our hands. Little tree, although we will no longer bathe in sunshine and rain in the same school next year, I will return to my alma mater to see you on this day every year! 5.有关植树节的英语日记   Another spring came, bringing the recovery and prosperity of all things in nature. March 12 is a special day to create a green environment, look forward to green waters and mountains, and call on people to take care of the environment - arbor day. I want to praise green, because algae to towering trees make the barren earth vibrant, animals and humans.   China is a country with low green area, less than half of the world average. However, the amount of timber felling in China is the first in the world, and the forest area is decreasing. Therefore, we should cherish green life and take good care of greening. Starting from ourselves and around us, we should not only save paper and use less disposable chopsticks, but also plant more trees and greening the motherland. As a primary school student, we should not only plant a small tree on the campus, add a flower to the flower garden and pour a basin of water on the turf. We should do our best to protect the beautiful environment and urban scenery of the campus.   I look forward to one day, the clear river is roaming with fish, swimming happily in the clear river, birds are singing on the branches, and the silent spring is no longer silent. Look forward to the day when the raging flood will no longer roar and the scorching heat wave will no longer rage. I look forward to the day when every valley will be full of flowers of hope, every stream will dance with joy, all wastelands will become oases, and all lives will be loved by God and treated by mankind.   I firmly believe that if each of us actively plant trees, our city will be more beautiful! Our motherland"s" tomorrow will also be more beautiful!
2023-07-16 04:00:551


2023-07-16 04:01:042

谁能将BIGBANG的HOW GEE翻译一下 有追分

2023-07-16 04:01:404


2023-07-16 04:01:492


The sky people have sent us a message. 人类给我们带来了消息 That they can take whatever they want. 他们可以为所欲为 But we will send them a message. 但是我们也要给他们送去消息 You ride out as fast as the wind can carry you. 你们要像疾风一样出发 You tell that Turok Makto calls to them. 就说魅影骑士召唤他们If you wish to survive you need to cultivate a strong mental attitude如果你想活着,你需要培养一种坚强的精神态度It"s nothing like an old school safety brief to put your mind at ease. 没什么比个老学校安全简短,来放轻松心情了。He has no business sticking his nose in my department. 他没有商业坚持他的鼻子在我的部门。Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move.大意是人一生中出人头地的机会不多,一旦有了一定要抓住机会! You got some heart, kid, showing up in this neighborhood. 你有了一些的心,孩子,展示这个社区。Pandora will shit you out dead with zero warning. 潘多拉将便爱上你死了,零警告Sky people can not learn. You do not see. - Teach me how to see人类不能学习。你看不到。-教我如何看.It is hard to fill a cup which is already full. 很难填补,已经满杯。For reasons I cannot fathom the Omaticaya have chosen you. 我不能完全理解的原因Omaticaya选中你。Even the stone understands better then he does. 甚至那块石头比他还要地了解, If you want to hit this thing, it"s going to be complicated.Only their Deity. 如果你想打这事,这将是相当复杂的。只有他们的神。Their Goddess made up of all living things. 所有活的东西是由他们的女神创造的。You got nothing, keep running. Why don"t you bring back some friends你什么都没有得到,继续跑。你为什么不带回来一些朋友
2023-07-16 04:02:051


飞机上可以搭载乐器进行实况演播!!!You can carry on aircraft instruments for live studio! ! !可以啊,sure,国际上对于环球空中音乐会有标准:The international standard for the global air concert:乐队在飞机上不着陆,环球飞行,环绕地球不小于一周,The band is not landing on an aircraft, flight around the world, around the Earth is not less than a week,用卫星和地面雷达站监督之下飞行,With satellite and ground radar stations under supervision of the flight,其间不中断地连续演出,Without interruption during continuous performances,允许空中加油,空中加油的次数不限制,Allow air refueling, do not limit the number of aerial refueling,允许在空中飞行之中从一架飞机过渡移动到另外一架飞机上继续演出。Allowing the air to move into the transition from one aircraft to another plane to continue to perform on the plane.是你专属的私人飞机,Is your own private planes,搭载一台三角钢琴,一台力反馈钢琴,一个交响乐队,一个舞蹈队,一个伴唱队,Equipped with a grand piano, a force feedback piano, a symphony orchestra, a dance team, a team accompaniment,向全世界实况转播空中飞行过程中的钢琴协奏曲表演喔,Broadcast live to the world during the flight performance of the piano concerto Oh,采用:射频、微波、自由激光传输,Use: RF, microwave, free laser transmission,击弦机构和共鸣音板在地面的观众席中,Action mechanisms and soundboard resonance of the audience on the ground,力反馈远距离随动、发射与接收装置都是在各自双重运动之下的姿态跟踪、弓法模仿、吹奏运气效仿,Force feedback distant follower, transmitting and receiving devices are posture under their double movement tracking, bowing to imitate, play luck to follow,打击乐器力度同步,Percussion strength simultaneously,在游轮的贵宾厅里面,Lounge inside the cruise,在观光潜艇中的观众使用虚拟现实装置,和全矢量加速度仿真跟踪飞行状态的装置,Sightseeing submarine audience using virtual reality devices, and full vector acceleration tracking flight simulation device,体验空中飞行中的围观效果,Experience flight in the crowd effect,最精确的环球空中飞行新年音乐会,The most accurate global flight New Year Concert,是确保在格林威治时间的零点同步、从东经飞向西经方向,依次、轮流地到达地球所有经度的当地零时上空,在新年报晓时分,It is to ensure zero Greenwich time synchronization from flying west longitude direction, turn, turn to reach the Earth all over the local zero longitude, crowing in the New Year night,追随太阳在地面升起的拂晓时分,给地球每一个城市、乡村、乡镇带来报晓的、不间断的新年钟声。Follow the sun rises at dawn on the ground, to the Earth every city, village, township bring crowing, uninterrupted New Year bell.全球留美名,流芳千古,万代传诵耶!!!Global America name, Liufangqiangu, Bandai widely read yeah! ! !只有每个键的综合力学性能可以单独调节的键盘,Only comprehensive mechanical performance of each key can be individually adjustable keyboard,才是王道。It is benevolent.这就是力反馈键盘!!!This is the force feedback keyboard! ! !键行程深度可调,力度可调是最基本的功能。Keystroke depth adjustable, adjustable intensity is the most basic functions.击弦机构与键盘分离的二次传动系统,Secondary transmission action mechanisms and keyboard isolated,就是光纤、线缆传递的全电子、全电气、全液压传递的电控系统,Is optical fiber, cable transfer fully electronic, all-electric, hydraulic transmission electronic control system,非直接传动,Non-direct transmission,克服了传统键盘与击弦机构本质上的缺点,Overcome the shortcomings of the nature of the traditional keyboard and click on the action mechanism,从击键到琴锤敲击琴弦的延迟大为缩短,From keystrokes to the hammer strikes the strings of delay is much shorter,动力学的动态范围加大,Kinetic dynamic range increase,音板与演奏者分离,Sound board and players separated,音板在观众席中分散布置。Sound board in the audience scattered arrangement.改革开放前的历史性工作啰。Reform and opening up historic Hello.要纳斯达克(Nasdaq)股票市场(新浪,搜狐,百度都选择在纳斯达克上市) 的操盘手 、London Stock Market 伦敦股票市场的操盘手、东京股票市场、New York Stock Exchange的操盘手, NYSE 纽约证券交易所的操盘手用上下一代键盘、标准配置的力反馈键盘;送到Coordinating Committee, COCOM 巴黎统筹委员会、International Monetary Found, IMF 国际货币基金组织、Midland Bank,Ltd. 米兰银行 、United Bank of Switzerland 瑞士联合银行;装到法国香榭丽舍(香榭里舍大道 Avenue des Champs Elysees)香榭丽舍大道(Champs-Elysées)、拉德芳斯(La Défense)大街柜员机上、装到美国纽约曼哈顿区林荫大道(Park Avenue)大街柜员机上、装到日本银座大街和日本东京都新宿大街 Shinjuku Odori Shopping Street柜员机上、装到意大利米兰和佛罗伦萨大街柜员机上、装到英国伦敦牛津街Oxford Street 和剑桥大街Cambridge streer柜员机上。 To the Nasdaq (Nasdaq) stock market (Sina, Sohu, Baidu listed on NASDAQ have chosen) of Trader, London Stock Market London stock market trader, Tokyo stock market, New York Stock Exchange trader, NYSE New York Trader Stock Exchange to spend the next keyboard, the standard configuration of force feedback keyboard; to the Coordinating Committee, COCOM COCOM, International Monetary Found, IMF International Monetary Fund, Midland Bank, Ltd Midland Bank, United Bank of Switzerland. Union Bank of Switzerland; attached to the French Champs Elysees (Champs Elysees Avenue des Champs Elysees) Champs Elysees (Champs-Elysées), La Defense (La Défense) Teller Avenue, Manhattan, New York mounted to the United States Boulevard District (Park Avenue) Street teller machines, loaded onto the streets of Ginza and Tokyo, Japan Shinjuku Shinjuku Odori Shopping Street Teller Avenue, mounted on the Milan and Florence, Italy Teller Avenue, attached to Oxford Street Oxford Street in London and Cambridge Street Cambridge streer teller machines.将中国独步全球的下一代力反馈键盘安装在中国载人航天器上。China leads the world in the next generation of force feedback keyboard mounted on the Chinese manned spacecraft.应当在每年4月份广州乐器展览会;5月份北京乐器展览会;10月份上海乐器展览会上展示;应进军2010年上海国际博览会;消费电子展CES;为2009年建国60周年华诞献礼;在每年的德国汉诺威信息展览会;每年10月5日至9日(日内瓦当地时间),在瑞士日内瓦举行有“电信奥运会”之称的ITU World 2010(世界电信展);每年8月份德国柏林国际消费电子展IFA上展出,这是社会责任。It should be in the annual April Fair in Guangzhou instruments; May Beijing instruments exhibition; October on the Shanghai Instrument Exhibition show; it should enter the 2010 Shanghai International Expo; Consumer Electronics Show CES; for the 2009 60th anniversary of birthday gift; each year The information exhibition in Hanover, Germany; every year 5 to 9 October (Geneva local time), held in Geneva, Switzerland has the "Telecommunications Olympics," said the ITU World 2010 (World Telecommunications Exhibition); every year in August in Berlin, Germany International Consumer Electronics IFA exhibition on display, this is a social is social responsibility.
2023-07-16 04:02:142


I(主语) love(谓语) you(宾语).主语:一般是名词谓语:一般是动词(一个句子中只能而且只有一个谓语)宾语:一般是名词,短语,动宾(doing)...
2023-07-16 04:02:245


2023-07-16 04:02:391


2023-07-16 04:03:041


  我感到运动使人越来越健康。我决定每天坚持运动,加强锻炼,把身体练的棒棒的。下面是我给大家精心挑选的,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!   初一运动英语作文篇1   The beautiful youth, with the attractive fragrance, the graceful body is the wings of the ideal in life, the youth and the health will enable you to soar on the journey of life. In this crisp autumn of October, we meet the autumn sunshine, with the harvest season, ushered in the joyful and wonderful school the 20th games.   Health is the symbol of human civilization and the cornerstone of the success of the enterprise. It is the basic premise for the service of the motherland and the people and the foundation for improving the quality of the Chinese nation. We need to plan your own life, the first to put the emphasis on healthy ideas into their own actions, in the playground, in the sun, in the bosom of nature, into the physical exercise consciously.   In the past, present and future, health has always been the subject of constant human pursuit.   Sport is the most active and effective means to promote health. You will experience it can alleviate the pressure of study, adjust the rhythm of tension, improve the efficiency of learning to feel it can prehensively improve the body function of each organ system and improve the effect of motor skills, enjoy it for improving the qualities of mind and social adaptation ability to the specific value, learn to cognitive prehension to sports practice, learn to do things, learn to get along with peers, learn to survive the strategies and methods of physical exercise is to the health, the path in the process of all-round development.   Sports are full of charm. Einstein reveled in science while he took a long walk, and Bill Gates spent a lot of his time studying puter games in a painless exercise. It"s unique charm to attract these great men, and because they entranced by movement, makes Einstein always keep a clear head, make Bill Gates young energetic, let more people are impressed by them.   初一运动英语作文篇2   Sports bring vitality to people. MAO *** once said, "there are those who are healthy, and there is hope; those who have hope have everything." As is known to all, MAO *** has been working hard in his studies and indomitable physical training since he was a teenager. In his hard work, MAO *** took an active part in exercises, whether he was doing exercises, running, swimming, climbing and camping. After the liberation, MAO *** crossed the Yangtze 13 times and wrote "the crossing of the Yangtze river, the extreme eyes of chu", and the heroic poems of "the wind and the waves". Sports, he is like a radiant emissary, *** iling to the old man *** ile, to the young people to ignite the passion. His role is unmatched, can make human body motion is full of rhythm, make the action bee graceful, the gentle has the fortitude. He taught us that the key to success is physical and mental.   Without the sprints of running, we can"t understand the meaning of persistence, we can"t understand the eager eyes and the unquenchable cry of the end.   Without the leap of high jump, it is impossible to realize the courage to cross the difficult, nor to taste the thrill of transcendence.   The school"s annual sports festival kicks off. The purpose of the sports festival is: everyone to participate in the class demonstration. During exercise, we have the motivation to go up. Highlights the class construction and grade of the construction of the cohesion, stimulate the enthusia *** of the sunshine sports, to enhance the consciousness of lifelong exercise, we make our in the harvest of friendship at the same time, also won the successful experience.   Movement, how proud, it makes the tree of life evergreen. Life, give sport to the true meaning. The bination of every cell, the continuous movement of every nerve, the existence of every skeleton, strung together all the movement, the life, how valuable, it makes the peak of the movement all rise; Life, what is worth cherishing, it makes the fire of movement beautiful. Life, creates movement; To exercise, to make life glorious.   "I exercise, I am healthy, I happy, life for us, that is more than just a beginning, a good start means a good ending, so, we cannot careless about our start, then, move, building up a healthy and happy in the sports themselves, feel everything is worth happy things in motion, let our life because of the movement and wonderful! I wish the 20th annual sports meeting will be held *** oothly!   初一运动英语作文篇3   As soon as we went to school, we heard several clas *** ates in our class Shouting, "we lost the football match a few days ago." A group of unconvinced, they bet with the two groups that a group will win. So we decided to gather in the garden after school today. I"m part of one of the groups.   In the afternoon, everyone came to the clearing after school, and surrounded the two simple football doors with several books. Prepare for the race. The game drew a lot of spectators, with one group of goalkeepers standing behind him and one group of younger brothers. He squinted and looked forward to the football match. The dog next to him lay on the ground and spit out his tongue, as if he were going to watch the football match, but it didn"t seem to interest him, lying on the ground and sleeping. It"s like the discontent with the football match. But the players didn"t care about it, they were all alive and excited.   The game began, and the referee gave the order to the ball. One of the team immediately ran over and hooked the ball with his foot. As he was about to pass the ball to the next man, the captain of the two teams took the ball with a tackle. The captain was captain, and soon he ran to the side of the goal with the ball. He shot the ball and the ball flew to the goalkeeper"s side. The goalkeeper jumped into the air without stopping the ball. Ask to fly away from him. Now the score is one to zero, we are one point behind. Then I started again, and the other person brought it to the ball and passed it on to other people, but it was deflected and it hit me at the foot. I rushed to the corner of the other side with the ball, but suddenly the other man tried to stop me, and I didn"t think I was going to kick it. Unfortunately, they were stopped by the keeper. Just then the ball came to our captain, and he ran as fast as he could, and when he was very old, he shouted and kicked the ball. The goalkeeper seems unable to block the ball with his body, and he hides away. "Yeah! The ball is in! We cheered as the referee declared the game over. We were a draw. But it"s better than it was.   We have to pete again. Though all the men were sweating, they were very happy. Because sports are indispensable to people. Persistence is the most important thing. Exercise makes you healthy and happy. Let"s exercise together! My sport! I"m healthy. I am happy!
2023-07-16 04:03:111


2023-07-16 04:03:282


2023-07-16 04:03:5710

if you want to move forward

翻译为: 如果你想前行,那就忘了所有,从零开始吧! 希望能够帮到你!
2023-07-16 04:04:221

if you want to move forward, then forget everyth

2023-07-16 04:04:413

The temperature was below zero.It was difficult to ________ the car.

2023-07-16 04:04:471


There are three concepts here, all bunched up in a confusing way. The first concept is about survival. The second concept is about punishment. And, the third concept is about good and evil. Many people mush up these concepts together. All living things must struggle to take in as much energy as is needed to stay alive. That is the nature of Life. In the struggle to survive, there are two components. One is to consume energy. The other is to avoid having our energy be consumed. The trick in life is not about the greed of consuming more energy than is needed, but, instead, of knowing how to avoid being consumed. One of the definitions of life is having the ability of some kind to move away from noxious stimuli. Life learns and evolves and advances by discovering what is noxious, and how to avoid it. Not the big and mighty, but the critter than can hide the best, is usually the survivor in evolution"s natural selection. As humans evolved and incorporated their knowledge of objective, or, natural "laws" into their subjective cultures, the notion of punishment evolved out of our experiences with noxious stimuli. Bucky Fullerminster hypothesized, for example, that spanking evolved from the naturally occuring noxious stimuli of falling on our rumps when we are toddlers and learning to walk. We learn from our mistakes, from what hurts or costs us energy or is in some way noxious. Plain old B. F. Skinner-type operant conditioning stuff. The problem with cultural concepts of punishment, though, is that humans kinda erroneously make up along the way WHAT should be punished. So much of what we punish people for, and reward people for, is not objectively, naturally correct. And, in research in which a rat gets a zap for touching the black button and an orgasm for touching the white button, all goes well, until the black and white buttons become both gray. Then, the rat goes a little mad and jumps high and to the left. That reaction, "high and to the left", is how your question sounds, in a world that does not make sense. Which leads to the concept of good and evil, which also has objective roots, or, found in Nature. For example, research in the Netherlands learned that the human brainwave that matches the "mean" frequency or "brainwave" of the entire Universe is the brainwave we emit when we are feeling compassion. That is imperical evidence of what is truly "good". Being the primitive far-to-go beasties that we are, humans have subjectively been squabbling for eons over what their pet group thinks "goodness" is, or is not. But, with objective observations, humanity is really beginning to zero on what is truly "good", or, what is healthy, and, healthy for the long-run for the complicated web of life that we are connected to. Now, all that being said, to answer your question. Your lament is an ancient and wise one. The world does not seem fair in this matter of the "good guy" always ending last. But, it is wise to consider "society" as a cattle yard with all sorts of beasts are pushing and shoving each other in a primitive jumble of ignorance and feeding frenzy. What did Jesus say? "Forgive them Father for they know not what the are doing." Most fortunately, though, many creatures, and not just humans, rise above the pack behavior and the greed and the ignorance and the fear and they emit lovely brainwaves of compassion and other such natural, healthy expressions of true "goodness". In the bigger scheme of things, whatever the Universe and probably energy itself is up to, there is growing evidence that what is truly "good" and healthy and balanced will not necessarily be "rewarded", but certainly "aprreciated" in some cosmic ecological type of way, considering how everything everywhere is connected like a web of jewels. Our fellow humans, in their state of primitiveness and instability and ignorance, for the most part, all sense deep down what is a true good deed. So, even though subjective, cultural circumstances and individual emotional/spiritual diseases don"t quite get it, your good deeds most definately do them some "good", albeit, unappreciated. Therefore, the trick to surviving without injury is to sensibly continue doing "good" deeds, but, to do so while deftly avoiding the noxious, senseless beasts here and there in their noxious, senseless, oftentimes meaningless cultural ways.
2023-07-16 04:04:571


应该是英语吧沃尔 - motor (Wal-Mart) by sam Worton (Sam Walton) organized in1945, at first  was a family firm. In 1962, the imitation USbiggest discount retail merchant triumphant motor,  has set up ownfirst discount store at that time. In 1970 the group completed publicholding company,  and to in the same year licenses in the New YorkStock Exchange to go on the market. Enters for the 80"s, 沃尔 - themotor rapid development,  surmounted the triumphant motor and Searsto the beginning of the 90"s, becomes in the world the biggest retailmerchant. The data display, 1995 year"s end, the  沃尔 - motoraltogether had store 2,833 in the whole world, 2,176 discounts store,154 super shopping centers, the 453 sam club (stored in a storehousetype store) and 30 matches delivers the center; In 1996, the  沃尔- motor year sales volume reached as high as 10.6 billion US dollars,after the tax profit more than 300 million US dollars, was head of theglobal retail merchant,  also the ratio is in the second Searscompany sales volume to outdo 1.7 times, after the tax the profitoutdoes 1.4 times; The American magazine announcement entire Americanfirst 50 big companies received in the order list in 1996, the 沃尔 - motor was only inferior to the General Motors, the Ford MotorCompany and the Exxon corporation glory occupies fourth. At thispoint, the  沃尔 - motor development tendency still did not reduce.In 1996, 沃尔 - the motor set up the first Chinese branch store inShenzhen,  has brought a giant shock wave for China"s retail trade.  well known, the retail trade belongs enters the barrier not nothigh, the competition quite intense, the non- high speed growth,  isvery difficult to obtain the high quota profit "fragmentarinessprofession". However, is in such profession, the  沃尔 - motor hasactually obtained the so huge success, the secret what in? The  majority person believed, 沃尔 - the motor succeeds thesecret lies in: (1) has to be good at raising morale,  is good atgrasping the opportunity the leadership sam Worton; (2) formed onekind of everybody all to provide the high-quality service theenterprise culture; (3) encourages the staff to hold the stock, causesthe staff to become the company "the partner"; (4)"all is daily thelow price" competition strategy. Certainly, but also some peoplementioned 沃尔 - the motor welcomes to the customer escorts to,  aswell as 沃尔 - the motor big store and the large-scale managementbring scale benefit. However, the  further research discovered that,沃尔 - the motor succeeds the true secret, lies in it to adopt basedon the strength competition strategy.  first looks at 沃尔 - the motor management goal. The  沃尔 -motor management goal compares and the  nothing too big differencewith other retail sales enterprises, they are: First, provides thequality product to the customer,  these products the time and theplace which wants in the customer can deliver immediately to theirhand in; Second, strengthens the cost management,  guaranteed theproduct price is competitive; Third, creates and maintains thecorporate image which absolutely may trust. In order to achieve thesegoals, the  沃尔 - motor the company supplemented stores goods theway took the competition strategy the core and the competitionstrength are at,  founded 独具特色 "the cross wharf(cross-docking)" the goods in stock
2023-07-16 04:05:083


2023-07-16 04:05:342


《马达加斯加》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:c03w《马达加斯加 Madagascar》导演: 大卫·爱登堡主演: 戴维·爱丁保罗夫(解说)类型: 纪录片制片国家/地区: 英国语言: 英语上映日期: 2011-02-09集数: 4片长: 59分钟(E01 - Island of Marvels)、59分钟(E02 - Lost Worlds)、59分钟(E03 - Land of Heat and Dust)、59分钟(E04 - Attenborough and the Giant Egg)又名: 马达加斯加岛David Attenborough爵士在这个迷人的自然纪录片中讲述在马达加斯加岛上生活的各种不同物种。因为远离非洲大陆,马达加斯加多年来未被发现,它的孤立使之成为进化的温床,本纪录片研究了各种在此陆地上土生土长的动物和植物。 Sir David Attenborough narrates this fascinating nature documentary series which profiles the variety of different species that live on the island of Madagascar. Because of its distance away from the African continent, Madagascar remained undiscovered for many years and its isolation from man has allowed it to become a hot bed of evolution. This series examines the various different animals and plants that are indigenous to Madagascar and the reason which set it apart from anywhere else on the planet. Episode 1: Island of Marvels Length: 00:59:02 Madagascar, the world"s oldest island, broke off from Africa and India and has been on its own for more than 70 million years. In splendid isolation, it has evolved its very own wildlife - more than 80 per cent of it is found nowhere else. And that wildlife is quite extraordinary. In this episode, we reveal the island"s most bizarre and dramatic places, and the unique wildlife that has made its home in each, thanks to the geology and isolation of this Alice-in-Wonderland world. The stars are the lemurs, Madagascar"s own primates. A family of indris leaps like gymnasts among rainforest trees; and crowned lemurs scamper around Madagascar"s weirdest landscape, the razor-sharp limestone tsingy, which looks like something from another planet. And sifakas, ghostly white lemurs, move like ballerinas across the forest floor. Madagascar"s wildlife is famously strange. Bright red giraffe-necked weevils use their necks to build leaf nests with the complexity of origami. Chameleons stalk the forests, none more intriguing than the pygmy chameleon, the world"s smallest reptile, delicately courting a female in its giant world. The fearsome fossa, Madagascar"s only big mammal predator, looks for a mate - 15 metres up a tree. And in the southern "spiny desert", a spider hauls an empty snail shell, 30 times its own weight, up into a bush as a shelter; something never before filmed, and possibly never observed in the wild before. At the end of the episode, we go "behind the camera", to reveal the challenges of capturing the behaviour of the little-known wildlife of this island. How do you go about filming a rare, secretive lemur that lives in the middle of Madagascar"s biggest lake? Episode 2: Lost Worlds Length: 00:59:05 David Attenborough tells the story of one of the most intriguing wild places on earth: Madagascar, a huge island of dramatic landscapes, where the wildlife is strange and unique; some of it has been filmed for the very first time. In this episode, we travel deep into Madagascar"s most luxuriant landscape; the rainforests that cloak the island"s eastern mountains. Remote and mysterious, this little-known region of towering peaks and precipitous escarpments is home to over half of all Madagascar"s unique species. Narrated by David Attenborough, this second episode showcases an amazing collection of wildlife, many of which have never before been filmed. Cyanide-eating lemurs, cannibalistic frogs, meat-eating plants, cryptic leaf-tailed geckos, tadpole-eating wasps, tunnel-digging chameleons and house-proud flycatchers are just some of the weird and wonderful wildlife featured in this programme. Along this coast, every cliff and valley is like a lost world where nature has run riot. Amongst the boulders fields of the Andringitra Highlands, a few hardy troops of ringtailed lemurs make their home. More at home in the hot southern forests, these eke out a living at the top of the coldest mountain on the island. To fight the sub-zero cold they have developed thick coats and can only survive the freezing nights by huddling together in rocky crevices. In this high "desert", they must eat cacti for moisture. But descend just a few hundred metres and it"s a very different world, where dense forests are permanently shrouded in clouds. The Marojejy Massif is the last sanctuary of one of Madagascar"s rarest lemurs, the elusive, ghostly white silky sifaka. There are thought to be only two hundred of these playful and endearing creatures left on Earth. Episode 3: Land of Heat and Dust Length: 00:58:30 Madagascar is an island of extremes. While the east is cloaked in soaking rainforest, the west and south is almost a desert. This is a scorching landscape where it might not rain for nine months of the year, and some years not at all. To live here, you have to be a specialist. The animals and plants of the dry southern lands are stranger and more mysterious than on any other part of the island, and their strategies for surviving the dryness are extraordinary. Verreaux"s sifaka, a kind of lemur, lives in Madagascar"s "spiny forest" where trees have savage spikes, and some drip toxic chemicals. Amongst the bulbous trees of the baobab forests, huge-eyed mouse lemurs, the world"s smallest primates, emerge at night to feed on the sugary droppings of bizarre fluffy bugs. When at last the rains come, everything changes. Labord"s chameleon is the shortest-lived land vertebrate in the world. This striking animal lives just 12 weeks from hatching to adulthood. It spent nine months in an egg and has only three months to pack in the rest of its life. These animals are all unique to Madagascar, and exquisitely adapted to the island"s seasonal changes. But this is not their only challenge. Much of Madagascar"s extraordinary wildlife is under threat, from hunting and loss of habitat, and none more so than in the south of the island. David Attenborough says, "We are still unravelling the mysteries of Madagascar"s wildlife. How tragic it would be, to lose it before we"ve even understood it ". Episode 4: Attenborough and the Giant Egg Length: 00:58:47 David Attenborough returns to the island of Madagascar on a very personal quest. In 1960 he visited the island to film one of his first ever wildlife series, Zoo Quest. Whilst he was there, he acquired a giant egg. It was the egg of an extinct bird known as the "elephant bird" - the largest bird that ever lived. It has been one of his most treasured possessions ever since. Fifty years older, he now returns to the island to find out more about this amazing creature and to see how the island has changed. Could the elephant bird"s fate provide lessons that may help protect Madagascar"s remaining wildlife? Using Zoo Quest archive and specially shot location footage, this film follows David as he revisits scenes from his youth and meets people at the front line of wildlife protection. On his return, scientists at Oxford University are able to reveal for the first time how old David"s egg actually is - and what that might tell us about the legendary elephant bird.
2023-07-16 04:05:411


The 1954 sci-fi/vampire novel "I Am Legend" by Richard Matheson has now been filmed three times: as "The Last Man On Earth" in 1964 originally scripted by Matheson himself (which I have never seen), as "The Omega Man" in 1971 without the vampire elements (which I have viewed three times), and now with the original title and expensive sets and special effects. This time the seemingly sole survivor of the worldwide pandemic Robert Neville is played by Will Smith who is an actor with real charisma and charm and considerable box office appeal who has beefed himself up for the role.The main strength of this version is the location shots in a deserted New York City (a move from the Los Angeles of the book and earlier films) and, although the filming of these scenes apparently caused traffic chaos and much anger for local residents, they chillingly set the tone for this dystopian thriller. To see the silent streets around Times Square or South Street Seaport or the lone scientist fishing in the Metropolitan Museum of Art or playing golf on the "USS Intrepid" is to view this heaving metropolis as we have never experienced it before. The German shepherd dog who is Neville"s sole companion deserves an honourable mention for showing greater thespian skills than most of the extras and stunt men.The principal weakness of the movie, however, is the realisation of the surviving victims of the virus. The CGI characters are almost as silly as they are scary but, above all, they are presented as more animalistic than human. "The Omega Man" handled these characters much better presenting them as sad as well as scary. The other serious fault is the lack of clarity in the narrative - at times, it is simply unclear what is happening and why and a longer director"s cut would be welcome. Finally the references to Ground Zero and God may play well with American audiences but will not be so resonant to audiences elsewhere in the world.
2023-07-16 04:05:575


主语:是句子叙述的主体,可由名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词、不定式、动名词和主语从句等来承担。 谓语:谓语说明主语所发出的动作或具有的特征和状态。谓语由动词来承担。 宾语:宾语是动作的对象或承受者,常位于及物动词或介词后面。宾语可由名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词、不定式、动名词、宾语从句等来担任。 还有主语,系动词,表语(主系表是个结构),定语,状语,补语,它们分从句,但补语是补充说明让宾语或主语怎么样的
2023-07-16 04:06:343


1. 星际穿越物理常识 星际穿越物理常识 1.大神普及《星际穿越》的天文物理学知识 看《星际穿越》前必懂的18个天文物理: TOP.1:黑洞真是洞? .TOP.2:什么是虫洞?【No.1】 . TOP.3:什么是虫洞?【No.2】 . TOP.4:五维空间 . TOP.5:奇点 . TOP.6:时间膨胀 . TOP.7:与女主人公名字相同的定律:墨菲定律 . TOP.8:我们熟识的“相对论” . TOP.9:引力弹弓 . TOP.10:如果真有高维空间,为什么我看不到? . TOP.11:什么是穿越? . TOP.12:虫洞真实存在吗? . TOP.13:为什么Cooper乘坐的飞船要不停的旋转? . TOP.14:Cooper航行的目的地是哪?离地球有多远? . TOP.15:为什么Miller行星上面会有巨浪 . TOP.16:为什么Cooper从Miller行星返回后已经过去二十多年并且Romily已经老了? . TOP.17:真实的虫洞和黑洞看起来是什么样子的? . TOP.18:Murph的鬼魂是怎么回事?为什么Cooper在虫洞中可以观察到所有的历史事件?Cooper和Murph是怎样实现通讯的? 2.《星际穿越》涉及哪些科学知识 一、黑洞:黑洞一种不会向外界发射或反射任何光线的物质,一切物体接近黑洞都会被吞噬包括光,因此人们无法看见它。 二、虫洞:虫洞是在1930年由爱因斯坦和纳森·罗森假设提出的,认为虫洞是宇宙中可能存在的连接两个不同时空的狭窄隧道(白洞与黑洞),认为透过虫洞可以做瞬时的空间转移或者做时间旅行。 按照我们所接触的物理知识黑洞与虫洞都应该是无法被看见的,但是电影里的黑洞是可以被看见的。 作为《星际穿越》的科学顾问基普·索恩,在《星际穿越》上映前后便就发表了关于“黑洞可视化”与“虫洞可视化”的两篇论文。所以当我们还在怀疑电影里面的胡编乱造时,物理学家已经给出了回答。 三、时间相对论:影片中当主角一行人,因为一直能收到米勒的信号,前往米勒星球,回来时这个Romily已经过了二十多年。而在之前也计算出米勒星球上的一小时是地球上七年。 根据爱因斯坦的相对论,空间和时间的尺度随着观察者速度的改变而改变。因为极大的速度会使飞船和里面的所有物体的时间减慢。 也就是说,飞船的时钟走了一圈,地球上的时钟已经转了许多圈了。而同时除了速度之外引力的作用也会对时间产生影响,所以当主角把飞车停在米勒星球上过了几个小时候,Romily已经度过了二十多年。 四、超立方体:影片里主角在脱离飞船之后,并没有掉进黑洞,而是进入了一个把时间量化的盒子里,也就是五维空间,于是主角便通过这个盒子向三维空间自己的女儿传送数据,最后解开了方程,带领大家在土星建造了殖民空间站。 这个盒子是超级文明的创造,并且这个文明把时间作为一个维度嵌入了立方体中。 这个超立方体的一个“面”在三维空间中,我们现实生活所处的时空却是 四维空间,我们只能感知三维空间和线性的时间维度。五维时空则是 四维空间加上非线性的时间维度,而那个时间维度又可以轻松让库珀通过引力影响过去,最后通过引力操纵手表的指针,传递给女儿世界内部关于量子引力的关键信息,最终使得人类得以操纵引力离开地球。 3.《星际穿越》涉及哪些科学知识 1. A worm hole could open in space, providing a short cut from one side of the universe to the other. Verdict: Mostly true打开的虫洞可以撕裂空间,给我们提供穿越宇宙的捷径。 判定:基本正确Worm holes are a pretty well-accepted part of modern co *** ology and it"s Thorne"s theorems that have helped make them that way. The idea is that if you think of space-time less as a void than as a sortof fabric—which it is—it could, under the right circumstances fold over onitself. Punching the necessary holes in that fabric so that you could make your universe-transiting trip would be a bit more difficult. That would require what"s known as negative energy—an energetic state less than zero—to create the portal and keep it open, says Princeton co *** ologist J. Richard Gott. There havebeen attempts to create such conditions in the lab, which is a long way from areal worm hole but at least helps prove the theory。虫洞是现代宇宙学中普遍接受的概念,而它的流行主要得益于索恩定理。 虫洞的主要观点是:当时空被当作一种布料而不是空间时,只要时机合适,它就可以折叠。然而,在布料上开一个可以穿越宇宙的口子并不容易。 为此,普林斯顿的宇宙学家理查德·戈特表示,我们需要一种负能量,即一种低于零的能量状态,去打开并维持时空之门。我们可以在实验室尝试制造这种状态,可是这与真实的虫洞相差甚远,但我们可以以此来证明这种理论。 One bit of license the Interstellar story didtake concerns how the worm hole came to be. It takes a massive object to generate a gravity field sufficient to fold space-time in half, and the one inthe movie would have to be the equivalent of 100 million of our suns, says Gott. Depending on where in the universe you placed an object with that kind of mass, it could make a real mess of the surrounding worlds—but it doesn"t in the movie。《星际穿越》未曾注意到的一点是虫洞是如何产生的。 为了折叠时空,我们需要一个巨大的物体去建造一个重力场,而在电影中,这个物体要相当于100万个太阳,戈特说。我们在何处安放这样一个庞然大物会决定周边世界是否混乱,但在电影中,这种混乱显然并没有发生。 2.Getting too close to the gravity well of a massive object like a black hole causes timeto move more slowly for you than it would for people on Earth. Verdict: True像黑洞那样的庞然大物,如果离它的重力场太近,时间就会比地球上的走得更慢。判定:正确For this one, stay with space-time as a fabric—astretched one, like a trampoline. Now place a 500-lb. cannon ball on it. That"syour black hole with its massive gravity field. The vertical threads in theweave of the fabric are space, the horizontal ones are time, and the cannonball can"t distort one without distorting the other, too. That means that everything—including how soon your next birthday es—will be stretched out.Really, it"s as simple as that—unless you want to spend some time with the equations that prove the point, which, trust us, you don"t。 继续将时空当作一张像弹簧床一样展开的的布料,并在上面放上一颗五百磅的炮弹。这就像黑洞和它的重力场。 布料上竖线是空间,横线是时间,只有布料其他部分扭曲,炮弹才会扭曲。这就意味着所有的一切都会被延长,包括你下一个生日到来的时间。 这是个简单的事实,除非你想花些时间用各种公式去证明它,但相信我,你不会这样做的。3.Itwould be possible to municate to Earth from within a black hole. Verdict:Maybe在黑洞里可以和地球通信。 判定:可能The accepted truth about a black hole is that its gravitational grip is so powerful that not even light can escape—which is howit got its name. But even physics may have loopholes, and one of them is something known as Hawking radiation, discovered by, well, guess who. When aparticle falls into a black hole, the fact that it"s falling creates another form of negative energy. But nature hates when its books are unbalanced—a negative without a corresponding positive is like a debit without a credit. Sothe black hole emits a particle to keep everything revenue- neutral. Zillions of those particles create a form of outflowing energy—and energy can be encoded to carry information, which is how all forms of wireless munication work.That"s hardly the same as being able to radio down to Houston from within ablack hole"s maw, but it takes you a big step closer。关于黑洞普遍被接受的观点是黑洞的引力太强大,连光线也无法逃脱,这也黑洞名称的由来。 然而,即使物理学定律也有漏洞,其中有一个著名的就是霍金辐射(猜猜是谁发现的)。当一个物质掉入黑洞之后,它会产生另一种反物质。 但是,自然界讨厌一切不平衡,就像借钱不还债一样,自然界不喜欢只有反面而没有正面。所以黑洞释放出一种颗粒来中和所有物质。 不计其数的颗粒形。 4.如何在不懂物理学的前提下看懂《星际穿越》的几个地方 一 黑洞: 1什么是黑洞 黑洞是空间中有着强大引力的超高密度的天体,假如太阳质量不变,大小却变成乒乓球那样,这就是太阳坍缩成了黑洞。 黑洞的特点就是有进无出,即: ①任何东西都可以掉进黑洞,黑洞外围有一层“事件视界”,任何东西只要过了这个“视界”,都要掉进黑洞。 ②任何东西都不可能从黑洞里逃出来,包括光。 另外,因为没有光从黑洞逃出,故无法直接观测黑洞,但是从物体被黑洞吸入之前放出的紫外线、X射线等边缘信息可以获取黑洞的存在。 2黑洞潮汐力 一只很大的飞船飞向一个天体,飞船头部距离天体比较近,受到的引力比较大,而尾部距离天体比较远,受到的引力比较小,头部和尾部的引力大小的差距,就会在飞船中间产生撕扯的拉力,这个拉力就是潮汐力。 如果天体是黑洞,质量非常大,飞船距离黑洞距离越小时,造成的引力差就会越大,这就是黑洞潮汐力。这个力甚至可以把飞船撕成碎片。飞船里的宇航员也同样会受到潮汐力的作用, 对于一般我们接触的物体,即使我们到达它的表面所产生的潮汐力也没有多大,但是,如果是黑洞这种超大质量超大密度的天体,则有可能产生很大的潮汐力将物体撕碎。 二、虫洞 1虫洞在哪里 关于虫洞有三种说法: 一是虫洞是宇宙中相距遥远的两点间的一条捷径,就是一个苹果,虫子沿着苹果表面走远了,可是如果虫子挖洞从苹果里面走就近多了,顾明思议,虫子为了抄近路而在苹果里挖的洞。 二是虫洞是连接黑洞和白洞或黑洞与黑洞的管道,故在黑洞里能找到虫洞。(白洞:黑洞死亡会变成一个白洞,喷射出之前黑洞吸入的物质) 三是虫洞是时空隧道,能进行时空旅行。 没人见过虫洞,有人说我们周围到处都是虫洞,又有人说黑洞里有虫洞,基帕·索恩在书里又说我们可以自己构建虫洞。 2负能量物质 虫洞在某个时刻产生,短暂地打开,然后关闭、消失。从产生到消失,时间极短,短到没有事物能在这么短的时间内从一个洞口穿到它另一个洞口。所以我们能利用虫洞进行时空旅行前提是有办法使虫洞一直开着,不让它消失。 要实现负能量其实并不难,参照系不同便可实现。在飞船以接近光速的速度接近虫洞时,虫洞周围的能量自然就成了负的。 故要进入虫洞,飞船的速度必须接近光速。 五、第五维度 电影中,男主人公通过进入“第五维度”看见了原来自己的生活,并给当时的女儿以提示从而改变了未来。 1. “第五维度”是个什么样的世界? 这 个已经颠覆了中娱君的理解范围,没看过电影的同学们看看下文自行脑补吧。三维大伙儿应该更为熟悉些,我们所在的世界就是三维,而纸上平面的世界就是二维。 现在宇宙学家将时间看作第四维,而第五维指的是能量无界限,是由无数个第四维时间组成的平面。想象一下,就像你面前有一堵墙由无数的竖线组成,每一条竖线 就是一条第四维时间线,透过每一条时间线都能看到在这个时间点三维空间里发生的事情。这画面就好像上帝在看每一个人类的生活一样,很神奇,在“第五维度” 的世界里没有时间或是空间的界限。 就像这样的一个抽象的玩意儿,想的我脑袋都炸了!各位自求多福! 2.“第五维度”是否真的存在? “第 五维度”的物质组成与我们所能感知的这个世界完全不同,其化学成分和存在的力与我们的世界也全然不同。它唯一与我们共通的就是引力,只有引力产生的能量, 才可以穿梭于两个不同的“世界”。目前,欧洲原子核研究中心(CERN)正在瑞士和法国的边境地下100多米深处,兴建一台世界规模最大的大型粒子对撞 机。粒子对撞机正式投入使用后,便可观察在强大引力的作用下是不是有粒子消失,进入了人类看不到的“第五维空间”。哇,那有没有可能每一个空间里都有一个 自己在过着不一样的生活呢? 3.如何到达“第五维度” 通过黑洞,而引力是通往“第五维度”的唯一方式。 5.如何在不懂物理学的前提下看懂《星际穿越》的几个地方 一 黑洞:1什么是黑洞黑洞是空间中有着强大引力的超高密度的天体,假如太阳质量不变,大小却变成乒乓球那样,这就是太阳坍缩成了黑洞。 黑洞的特点就是有进无出,即:①任何东西都可以掉进黑洞,黑洞外围有一层“事件视界”,任何东西只要过了这个“视界”,都要掉进黑洞。②任何东西都不可能从黑洞里逃出来,包括光。 另外,因为没有光从黑洞逃出,故无法直接观测黑洞,但是从物体被黑洞吸入之前放出的紫外线、X射线等边缘信息可以获取黑洞的存在。2黑洞潮汐力一只很大的飞船飞向一个天体,飞船头部距离天体比较近,受到的引力比较大,而尾部距离天体比较远,受到的引力比较小,头部和尾部的引力大小的差距,就会在飞船中间产生撕扯的拉力,这个拉力就是潮汐力。 如果天体是黑洞,质量非常大,飞船距离黑洞距离越小时,造成的引力差就会越大,这就是黑洞潮汐力。这个力甚至可以把飞船撕成碎片。 飞船里的宇航员也同样会受到潮汐力的作用,对于一般我们接触的物体,即使我们到达它的表面所产生的潮汐力也没有多大,但是,如果是黑洞这种超大质量超大密度的天体,则有可能产生很大的潮汐力将物体撕碎。二、虫洞1虫洞在哪里关于虫洞有三种说法:一是虫洞是宇宙中相距遥远的两点间的一条捷径,就是一个苹果,虫子沿着苹果表面走远了,可是如果虫子挖洞从苹果里面走就近多了,顾明思议,虫子为了抄近路而在苹果里挖的洞。 二是虫洞是连接黑洞和白洞或黑洞与黑洞的管道,故在黑洞里能找到虫洞。(白洞:黑洞死亡会变成一个白洞,喷射出之前黑洞吸入的物质)三是虫洞是时空隧道,能进行时空旅行。 没人见过虫洞,有人说我们周围到处都是虫洞,又有人说黑洞里有虫洞,基帕·索恩在书里又说我们可以自己构建虫洞。2负能量物质虫洞在某个时刻产生,短暂地打开,然后关闭、消失。 从产生到消失,时间极短,短到没有事物能在这么短的时间内从一个洞口穿到它另一个洞口。所以我们能利用虫洞进行时空旅行前提是有办法使虫洞一直开着,不让它消失。 要实现负能量其实并不难,参照系不同便可实现。在飞船以接近光速的速度接近虫洞时,虫洞周围的能量自然就成了负的。 故要进入虫洞,飞船的速度必须接近光速。五、第五维度电影中,男主人公通过进入“第五维度”看见了原来自己的生活,并给当时的女儿以提示从而改变了未来。 1. “第五维度”是个什么样的世界?这 个已经颠覆了中娱君的理解范围,没看过电影的同学们看看下文自行脑补吧。三维大伙儿应该更为熟悉些,我们所在的世界就是三维,而纸上平面的世界就是二维。 现在宇宙学家将时间看作第四维,而第五维指的是能量无界限,是由无数个第四维时间组成的平面。想象一下,就像你面前有一堵墙由无数的竖线组成,每一条竖线 就是一条第四维时间线,透过每一条时间线都能看到在这个时间点三维空间里发生的事情。 这画面就好像上帝在看每一个人类的生活一样,很神奇,在“第五维度” 的世界里没有时间或是空间的界限。就像这样的一个抽象的玩意儿,想的我脑袋都炸了!各位自求多福!2.“第五维度”是否真的存在?“第 五维度”的物质组成与我们所能感知的这个世界完全不同,其化学成分和存在的力与我们的世界也全然不同。 它唯一与我们共通的就是引力,只有引力产生的能量, 才可以穿梭于两个不同的“世界”。目前,欧洲原子核研究中心(CERN)正在瑞士和法国的边境地下100多米深处,兴建一台世界规模最大的大型粒子对撞 机。 粒子对撞机正式投入使用后,便可观察在强大引力的作用下是不是有粒子消失,进入了人类看不到的“第五维空间”。哇,那有没有可能每一个空间里都有一个 自己在过着不一样的生活呢?3.如何到达“第五维度”通过黑洞,而引力是通往“第五维度”的唯一方式。
2023-07-16 04:06:411

matlab中kmeans算法程序如下 我要做图像分类 主程序改怎么写那?知道的写下 谢谢了

x = [1,6,9,13,2,8,7,4,11,5,3,10,12];numGroups = 4; % 组的数目xMax = max(x);xMin = min(x);boundries = xMin + (0:numGroups) * (xMax - xMin) / (numGroups - 1); % 组的边界xGroup = zeros(size(x)); % 初始化for group = 1:numGroups loc = (x >= boundries(group)) & (x <= boundries(group + 1)); %在这个组的书的坐标 xGroup(loc) = group;end结果存在xGroup里 补充:如果要按照你的那样输出,可以改成这样:x = [1,6,9,13,2,8,7,4,11,5,3,10,12];GroupName = ["A","B","C","D"];numGroups = length(GroupName); % 组的数目xMax = max(x);xMin = min(x);boundries = xMin + (0:numGroups) * (xMax - xMin) / (numGroups - 1); % 组的边界xGroup = zeros(size(x)); % 初始化for group = 1:numGroups loc = (x >= boundries(group)) & (x <= boundries(group + 1)); %在这个组的书的坐标 xGroup(loc) = group;endxGroupName = GroupName(xGroup);for ii = 1:length(x) fprintf("%d : %s ", x(ii), xGroupName(ii));end
2023-07-16 04:07:032


主语从句是以从句做主语的,主要有三种类型:(1)由that 引导That he hasn"t phoned is odd.他没来电话是很奇怪的。(2)由连接代词和连接副词引导Why he left wasn"t inportant.他为什么走并不重要。(3) 由关系代词what, whatever 引导What I want is a bag.我要的是一个书包。宾语从句修饰的是动词I know that his car is blue.我知道他的车是蓝色的。能够接宾语从句的动词有say, understang, beleve,think,know,hope,forget,mean,tell,hear,feel,guess 等。表语从句是跟在be 动词后面That"s where the battle took place.这就是那次战役发生的地方。That"s what I want to be.这就是我的志愿。由此可知,动词后面的从句是宾语从句,be动词后面的从句是表语从句。位于句首的从句是主语从句。
2023-07-16 04:07:467


句子的组成部分,包括主语、谓语、宾语、定语、补语、状语、表语七种 主语是句子叙述的主体,可由名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词、不定式、动名词和主语从句等来承担。 谓语说明主语所发出的动作或具有的特征和状态。谓语由动词来承担。 宾语是动作的对象或承受者,常位于及物动词或介词后面。宾语可由名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词、不定式、动名词、宾语从句等来担任。 主语和谓语是英语句子的两大成分,除少数句子(如祈使句和感叹句等)外,一句话必须同时具有主语和谓语所表达的意思才能完整。主语是针对谓语而言的,是一句话的主题,谓语用来说明主语的情况,为主语提供信息。例如:They are working.主语是they(他们),那麽他们在做什麽呢?看来没有谓语are working 是不行的。在正常情况下,英语的主语和谓语的位置与汉语一致,也就是说主语在前,谓语紧跟其后。那麽,哪些词语可以做主语,谓语,何时主谓倒置,主语与谓语的一致情况如何,我将一一讲述。 一、哪些词可以充当主语 1,名词 例如: A mooncake is a delicious, round cake. The first truck is carrying a few baskets. The temperature will stay above zero. The doctor looked over Mrs. Brown very carefully. China does not want to copy the USA"s example. 2,代词 例如: It"s a young forest. I don"t know if it will grow. That"s a bit expensive. You"d better buy a new pair. I"m afraid we haven"t got any black shoes. 3,数词 例如:One and two is three. One is not enough for me. I want one more. One of them is English. Suddenly one of the bags fell off the truck. Two will be enough. 4,不定式 (常以 It"s adj. to do sth. 形式出现) 例如: To give is better than to receive =Its better to give. I found it difficult to get to sleep. It"s glad to see you again. It was difficult to see. But it"s good to swim in summer. 5,IT 作主语,有如下情况: 1)指代刚刚提到的事物:What"s this ? It"s a bus. (指代what) 2)指代一个你不知道或判断不清性别的人:Who"s knocking the door? It"s me. (指代 who) Who"s the baby in the picture? It"s my sister. (指代 who) 3) 表示时间,天气,距离: What"s the time? It"s eight o"clock. (时间) What"s it going to be tomorrow? It"s going to be rainy.(天气) How far is it? It"s about one kilometre away. (距离) 6. THERE 引起的There be 句型中,be 作谓语,主语位居其后。如: There are many different kinds of mooncakes. There will be a strong wind. 二、谓语 谓语有动词构成,依据其在句中繁简程度可把谓语分为简单谓语和复合谓语两类。不论何种时态,语态,语气,凡由一个动词(或动词词组)构成的谓语都是简单谓语。例如: I like walking.(一般现在时主动语态) I made your birthday cake last night. (一般过去时主动语态) It is used by travellers and business people all over the world. (一般现在时被动语态) 复合谓语也可分为两种情况: 第一种是由情态动词,助动词+不带to的动词不定式构成的复合谓语: What does this word mean? I won"t do it again. I"ll go and move away the bag of rice with Lin Tao. You"d better catch a bus. 第二种是由连系动词+表语构成的复合谓语。例如: You look the same. We are all here. The weather gets wamer, and the days get longer. Keep quite and listen to me. He looked worried. We have to be up early in the moming. Is Bill in? School Is over. Let"s go home. My pen is in my bag. I feel terrible. I* fell tried all the time. He seemed rather tired last night. 连系动词和表语在意思上紧密联系,不宜分割;有关动词的种类这方面知识在课本中已有介绍,此处不多说了。 三、主语与谓语的一致 英语句子的主语和谓语的一致性,是英汉两种语言的区别之一。具体说来有如下特征: 1, 谓语动词在人称和数上应与主语保持一致。如: Now the teacher comes into the classroom. 本句属一般现在时,主语the teacher 为第三人称单数,因而谓语动词come 应加s. One morming she was working at her desk in the library wher a boy came in. 本句属主从复合句,主句用过去进行时,从句为一般过去时;主句中主语she为第三人称单数,所以谓语为 was working. 1) 主语含有 and 时,如表示一个单一的概念,谓语动词常用单数(特别是当and 连接的是两个不可数名词时),否则用复数。如: One and three is four. And 前后均为数字,表示同一个概念,谓语动词应用is. Tea and milk is my favourite drink. 本题中tea and milk 指一种饮料,故谓语用is。 Tom and Li Lei are my best friends. Tom 和 Li lei 是完全不同的两个人,有不同的特征,因而谓语是are。 2) 主语为动词不定式时,其谓语常用单数形式。如: To give is better than to receive. It was difficult to see. It"s best to wear cool clothes. 同样,动名词作主语,谓语动词也为单数。初中阶段只学了一句: It (playing) is much better than having classes. 3) 不可数名词作主语,谓语动词视为单数。如: The best time to come to China is autumn. The weather in England never gets too hot. 4) 在姓的复数前加the 表示一家人,谓语动词为复数。如: What time do the Reads have breakfast? 主语是the Reads, 表示里得一家人,谓语动词用do….have. 5) 表示时间的复数名词作主语,常作整体看待,其谓语动词为单数形式。如: Two months is quite a long time. 6) “几加几等于几”的算式中,谓语动词常为单数。如: Twenty and forty is sixty. 主 谓 7) 某些表示学科的名词作主语,无论其结尾是什麽,谓语动词都视为单数。如: Maths is my favourite subject. 主 谓 8) each 以及由some,any,no,every 构成的复合代词作主语,谓语动词为单数。如: There"s something wrong with my ears! 谓 主 Everyone is going into class. 主 谓 9) what,who which 等词做主语,谓语动词形式视意思而定。如: What is this?(this 为单数,用is) What are these? (these 为复数,用are ) Which is your friend? 哪一个人是你的朋友? Which are your friends? 哪些人是你的朋友? 10) None 作主语,其谓语可以是单数,也可以是复数,此项目并非初中阶段重点,故此不谈。 11) People,Chinese, Japanese 作主语,谓语动词为复数。如: There are four people in my family. 谓 主 The chinese people are very friendly. 12) population 作主语,指“人口”时,谓语为单数;其前有表示数量的修饰语时,谓语为复数;课本第三册只要求掌握作“人口”讲时谓语的情况: What"s the population of Germany? 谓 主 What was the population of the world in 1950? 谓 主 Half of the population of China are women. 修饰语 主 谓 2, 由 either …or 或neither …nor 连接的两个并列成分作主语,其谓语动词形式与后一个主语保持一致。如:Either Lily or Lucy is going to come.(Lily和Lucy 谁去都行。后一个主语Lucy 为第三人称单数,谓语用is going to come.) Either I or he does well in English. 我和他的英语都不错。 Neither I nor she likes swimming. 我和她都不喜欢游泳。 由these 和here 引出的含有不只一个主语的句子,其谓语动词形式由最靠近谓语的主语形式决定。如: These is a pen, two rulers and three books on the desk. Here are some cups,a glass and some pears on 句子的成分: 构成句子的基本成分叫做句子成分。句子成分可分为主语,谓语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,同位语。它们可以由单词来担任,也可以由词组,以及句子来担任。 主语 主语是一个句子中所要表达,描述的人或物,是句子的主体。 I work here. 我在这儿工作。 She is a new teacher. 她是一个新教师。 主语可以由名词,代词,数词,动词不定式,动名词,名词化形容词,分词,从句,短语等来担任。 The book is on the desk. 书在桌子上。 I get an idea. 我有一个主意。 Two and two are four. 二加二等于四。 When to be ginisnotknownyet. 什么时间开始还不知道。 What I know is important. 我所知道的很重要。 谓语谓语是用来说明主语做了什么动作或处在什么状态。谓语可以由动词来担任,一般放在主语的后面。 We don"t know him very well. 我们不太了解他。 She speaks English fluently. 她英语讲得很流利。 表语表语是用来说明主语的性质,身份,特征和状态。表语须和连系动词一起构成句子的复合谓语。表语一般放在系动词之后。表语可以由名词,形容词或起名词和形容词作用的词和短语担任。 These desks are yellow. 这些桌子是黄色的。 I am all right. 我没事。 We are happy now. 我们现在很幸福。 It"s over. 时间到了。 She is ten. 她十岁了。 My work is teaching English, 我的工作是教英语。 The dictionary is in the bag. 词典在书包里边。 My question is how you knew him. 我的问题是你如何认识他的。 宾语 宾语是谓语动作所涉及的对象,它是动作的承受者,宾语可以由名词或起名词作用的成分担任,宾语一般放在谓语动词后面。 I saw a cat in the tree. 我看见树上有一只猫。 I want to go shopping. 我想去买东西。 He said he could be here. 他说他会来的。 We think you are right. 我们认为你是对的。 有些及物动词可以有两个宾语,其中一个宾语多指人,另一个宾语指物,指人的宾语叫做间接宾语,指物的宾语叫做直接宾语,可以带两个宾语的动词有 bring,give,show,send,pass,tell等。间接宾语一般放在直接宾语的前面,如果强调直接宾语可把直接宾语放在间接宾语的前面, 但间接宾语前须加"to"。 My father bought me a book. 我父亲给我买了一本书。 Give the rubber to me. 把橡皮给我。 Please give the letter to XiaoLi. 请把这封信给小李。 有些及物动词除跟一个宾语外,还需要加上宾语补足语,否则意思不完整,它们一起构成复合宾语,复合宾语中宾语和后面的宾语补足语有一种逻辑上的主谓关系,这也是判断是两个宾语还是复合宾语的依据,宾语可以由名词或起名词作用的词担任。 We all call him LaoWang. 我们都叫他老王。 Please color it red. 请给它涂上红颜色。 We found the little girl in the hill. 我们在山上找到了小女孩。 定语用于描述名词,代词,短语或从句的性质,特征范围等情况的词叫做定语,定语可以由名词,形容词和起名词和形容词作用的词,短语担任。如果定语是单个词,定语放在被修饰词的前面,如果是词组,定语放在被修饰词的后面。 That is a beautiful flower. 那是一朵漂亮的花。 The TV set made in that factory is very good. 那个工厂生产的电视机很好。 This is my book,not your book. 这是我的书,不是你的书。 There are more than twenty trees in our school. 我们学校里有二十多棵树。 I have a lot of things to do. 我有好多要做的事情。 Our country is a developing country. 我们的国家是一个发展中的国家。 状语:说明事物发生的时间,地点,原因,目的,结果方式,条件或伴随情况,程度等情况的词叫状语。状语可以由副词,短语以及从句来担任。 同位语: 当两个指同一事物的句子成分放在同等位置时,一个句子成分可被用来说明或解释另一个句子成分,前者就叫做后者的同位语(appositive).这两个句子成分多由名词(代词)担任,同位语通常皆放在其说明的名词(代词)之后。
2023-07-16 04:08:001


戴明的质量管理14条原则是:(1) 建立改进产品和服务的长期目标;(2) 采用新观念;(3) 停止依靠检验来保证质量;(4) 结束仅仅依靠价格选择供应商的做法;(5) 持续地且永无止境地改进生产和服务系统;(6) 采用现代方法开展岗位培训;(7) 发挥主管的指导帮助作用;(8) 排除恐惧;(9) 消除不同部门之间的壁垒;(10)取消面一般员工的口号、标语和数字目标;(11)避免单纯用良华定额和指标来评价员工;(12)消除影响工作完美的障碍;(13)开展强有力地教育和自我提高活动;(14)使得组织的每个人都行动起来去实现转变。
2023-07-16 04:08:104

因潮汐力, 地球愈转愈慢, 当1日变成现在的一个月, 月相会变成如何?

若一日变成一个月,月球仍然会有月相变化,但最大的改变是到时地球上只有部份地区看到月球。因为月球的公转将会和地球的自转同步,从太空上看,月球就像现在的同步轨道卫星一样悬停在地球固定地方的上空。于是只有部份地区的人才可看到月球。 因潮汐力 地球愈转愈慢 当1日变成现在的一个月 月相会变成如何? Demons live inside clones. Bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin (who discovered Bubonic plague) is depicted on the Shroud of Turin. There is another shroud on which blhemer Yosef (who was crucified on a pole in 1066 AD) is depicted. WW3 happens; 7% of people will be left; after people are tired of war they will elect the antichrist as one world leader; don"t vote. ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Next false flag: Statue of Liberty. Move away from coasts as nukes will go off in the ocean (at where tectonic plates meet; result: megatsunamis 1km high). Earth is flat; stands on 3 pillars (the Most Holy Trinity); pillars stand on water at zero Kelvin. Zodiac is plaary prison of demons; don"t believe in horoscopes or you"ll exhibit the traits of the trapped demons. Most thoughts and dreams are from demons; demons never do good. Sleep fully clothed; pray the Jesus prayer. Pray to your guardian angel to have normal sleep. Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov was the last prophet before Enoch and Elijah return to preach against the antichrist. According to Ruski Orthodox Christian Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov: Hum were created about 7525 years ago. Birds participate in time creation. It"s a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them go for their nerves. Save the birds; but kill the dinosaurs. First dinosaur will e out of Volga River in Russia. Demons grow human skin (from a sample taken during abduction) and put it on so as to look like us. Demons will invite people to be healed inside their UFOs; those who go will be like zombies after. Gov"t provides demons with diamonds and allows demons to abduct people. If you"re being abducted slowly pray the Jesus prayer. Don"t panic. Demons use diamonds and souls to power their UFO craft. The bigger the diamond the more it lasts. Demons have 4 UFO bases: 1)Moon 2)Inside fake mountain Kailash in Tibet 3)In lake Baikal in Russia 4)In Atlantis which is underneath the Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean. There are no aliens. Nobody lives on other plas. Airplanes that go down are hit by demons because they need the airspace to fight Jesus. Antichrist is pale with red eyes. He"s possessed by Satan since he"s 12 years old. He flies. He wears gloves to hide long nails. He"s surrounded by demons who appear as angels of light. Don"t go into a UFO to be healed by demons. 666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive *** all plastic grey card with no name on it (World Passport). Police will microchip and isotope ray people on highways. Food stores will isotope ray people too. Antichrist will also release prisoners to mark people. Reject 666 at all cost. If you"re about to be marked pray the Jesus prayer. Hide with Orthodox Christi to escape 666; leave all electronics behind so that antichrist"s minions can"t track you. Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from hell ice a year (or brings them up a level that is to a level with less punishment; eventually people are freed). Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down people are saved from hell. Five me. *** /watch?v=8dub8PF2d8E fatheralexander/graphics/sects_e.pdf vvedenskiy/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/clip_image003 vk/wall-25720730?q=рязанская&w=wall-25720730_57029%2Fall *** /watch?v=0LUKFmZfOrs *** /channel/UCql8z99xa5QH8nSdkfnzIkw/videos
2023-07-16 04:08:171


2023-07-16 04:08:285


吸血鬼骑士中的一个吸血鬼 是模特
2023-07-16 04:08:454

英语 救济我

积累啊、看到不会的就记纸上 ,去问。慢慢消化的 要
2023-07-16 04:09:0812这首歌叫什么

rage your dreamm.o.v.e乐队的,还有很多好听的
2023-07-16 04:10:154


2023-07-16 04:10:333


楼主你好!!只选对的,不选多的,本人自己觉得最好听的歌,楼主一定要听听啊!(以下的超好听,推荐先听) 朴尚民-不要哭 受了点伤(英文).最终幻想10主题曲-素敌だね(日文版)sg wannabe-我的人金钟国-如果我爱你,劲舞团-姐姐今晚我感觉离你很近-仓木麻衣far away from home七公主-love song黄牌-高耀太飞翔-高耀太为什么这样-乌龟我爱摇滚-高耀太唱啦啦啦-乌龟花样-松隆子我在那一角患过伤风zone - despre tinetake play love甜蜜的爱-七公主飞机-乌龟男人也没办法劲舞团-question小情歌-苏打绿念奴娇-伊能静老人与海-海鸣威我们都是好孩子-王筝My all -滨崎步特别天使-高耀太英雄-高耀太起立-仓木麻衣原地踏步-劲舞团7公主-悲伤恋歌结婚-朴慧京As long as you love me-后街男孩7 Days -Craig David罪与罚-sg wanna bebe what you wanna be施展咒语-七公主hey boy-徐智英火花-高耀太坚持-Us倾我所有-(DONNA LEWIS)Swan-(劲舞团)莫失莫忘upside只恨我一个人初春踏青(音乐)(以上的超好听)纯音乐:(超级好听)紫日Kiss The Rain神秘园之歌天空之城再见警察classic river卡农夏日香气迷情仙境Tearsdream catcher被遗忘的天使我在那一角落患过伤风雨的印记罗密欧与朱丽叶寂寞之声很流行的韩日歌曲rain-sadtango李孝利 TOC TOC TOC李孝利 不要爱上他所以冰淇淋 MC梦爱情过后 劲舞歌曲30次左右question ha,yoo suni believe 劲舞歌曲坚持 usnever say goodbyeu superjunior听我说 papaya不能遗忘你tonight,i feel close to you 仓木麻衣&孙燕姿我的人 sg wannabe试着说 WaWa2年零2月 fod一个人/两个人/只有你 蔡妍花样 松隆子Come on/飞机 乌龟relove 徐智英英文歌:I"m Gonna Getcha Good!--Shania Twain <一定要听这首哦>Never Had A Dream Come True--S Club 7 最近开始听这首歌的,太好听了Any Man Of Mine--Shania Twain 还有这个My name is --Emimem阿姆的经典之作Happy Boys & Girls---Aqua 他她们的歌很活泼Barbie Girl--AquaWhen You Say Nothing At All--Alison Krauss细心品味,我很喜欢这首歌的Candy Shop--50 Cent 相信很多人听过吧Back to you--Bryan AdamsThe Power Of Love--Celine Dionyellow--coldplayI COULD BE THE ONE--Donna Lewis 声音很甜Without Me--Eminem 又一首阿姆的经典之作Don"t Turn Off the Light--Enrique IglesiasAny one Of Us--Gareth Gates 经典American Idiot--Green Day 朋克乐,我很喜欢Boulevard of Broken Dreams--Green DayMoonlight Shadow --Groove CoverageYesterday Yes A Day--Jane BirkinBecause You Live--Jesse McCartney 人又帅歌又好When You Believe--Mariah-Carey 很多地方介绍这首经典的Nothing gonna chang my love for youWe Will Rock You--Queen 摇滚中的经典better man--Robbie Williams第一首:Stand第二首:peerless第三首:floorfiller第四首:sosforlove(又名:爱情求救号)第五首:hey-oh第六首:OneForDaMoney第七首:Ein Kleines Lied第八首:la isla alizee第九首:groove coverage第十首:LET"S TALK ABOUT A MAN第十一首:Human Sacrifice第十二首:Wet Wet Wet第十三首: 冰河时代2第十四首:i saw you walkinag in the rain第十五首:You`re Not Gonna Score第十六首:Self Control Laura Bran第十七首:doo be di boy第十八首:dreams come true ``第十九首:I Saw You Walking In The Rain ``第二十首:sound of my dream ``DJ舞曲:TIME TO ROCK 舞曲大帝国大爆炸lalaloveIts Oki"m gonna getcha good ! 仙尼亚 唐恩辛巴达皇冠一刻钟AU坚持ARE YOU DJtalalawalking in the sunone for da moneydo somethinClose to You Radio Jay Delano我敢保证一定很 好听 ,只选好听的,不选多的,楼主听下吧。好听记得加分哦!谢谢 !
2023-07-16 04:10:431