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2023-07-16 10:02:40

submitted: [su0259bu02c8mitid] 中文意思为:顺从( submit的过去式和过去分词 ); 听从; 屈服; 甘受; 递交。




提交 , 也有屈服的意思
2023-07-16 03:55:202


it is submitted that据认为例句1.The prerequisite, necessity and legality to create ICTR are analyzed throughhistorical survey, and it is submitted that the disregard of history by ICTR isinconducive to the maintenance of peace and stability in Rwanda. 通过背景考察,分析卢旺达国际刑事法庭建立的前提条件和建立的必然性和合法性,认为卢旺达国际刑事法庭回避历史的做法,不利于卢旺达国际刑事法庭实现维护卢旺达的和平与稳定的目的。2.Aimed at controlling the cost of generation construction in simulated electric powermarket, it is submitted a method that comprehensive investment controlled bycompetitive price in equilibrium with logon price is acted as concrete controlled aim,which combined with the aim controlled by designed quota index. 针对模拟电力市场中发电工程造价的控制问题,提出了采用推算竞价平衡点控制总投资作为工程具体的造价控制目标,并结合限额设计指标对工程进行立项前的目标控制的方法;
2023-07-16 03:55:283

submit 什么意思

2023-07-16 03:55:375


vi. 提交;服从vt. 使服从;主张;呈递
2023-07-16 03:56:072


还没有送编辑部。 有的杂志需要用通信作者来投或需要通信作者点击同意才算投稿成功,你看看你杂志的要求。不然一直处于那种状态姿姿可爱(站内联系TA)submitted 是提交状态还没有送审,然后依次为with editor 才是under review,还没有分到具体的编辑那里wait1986(站内联系TA)没送审,编辑也没有处理你的稿件,submitted只是你的稿件已经提交,但是还没有with editor。之后才能under review。慢慢等,或者催一下吧,一个月有点长了。:tiger28:jiamaolee(站内联系TA)检查下是否哪里出问题了呢?这个好像只能证明你投稿成功了。并没有到编辑手里呢木木768(站内联系TA)谢谢大家了,我上午已经写了催稿信问了一下编辑,下午就回复了,说是稿子还在审稿人手中,说是会帮我提醒一下审稿人尽快给我回复!
2023-07-16 03:56:141

Submitted for publication是什么意思

意思是:已投稿。释义:全部 , 已投稿例句1.The patient was informed that data concerning the case would be submitted for publication, and he consented.已告知患者其各方面病例资料将被发表,并征得其同意。2.The other paper has been submitted for publication in the same journal.另一篇论文已经提交到同一份杂志,以待发表。3.He has put his answer to the test, and the results have just been submitted for publication to the Journal of Air Transport Management.最终他得到了测试的结论,并且将其投稿到了《空运管理杂志》上。
2023-07-16 03:56:211


这是提交不了作业的意思钉钉作业提交不了的原因及解决方法如下: 1、页面显示提交作业是老师在后台选择了提醒家长,学生端就会显示提交作业,如果老师没有操作提醒家长功能,学生端就不显示提交作业。 2、网络慢,上传慢,耐心等待上传即可
2023-07-16 03:56:281

文章状态submitted和under review有区别吗

亲,有区别的。submitted是投稿成功,然后经过编辑初审(with editor),进入到under review状态,也就是专家外审。
2023-07-16 03:56:381


word submitteddocument submitted用名词性的词组
2023-07-16 03:56:465


submittedv. 递交;主张;屈服(submit的过去分词)
2023-07-16 03:57:131

申请状态显示submitted 或 under review 或 pending是什么区别

submitted 寄过去的文章已经送达under review 文章正在评估pending 待定,悬而不决, 等待中。。
2023-07-16 03:57:231


2023-07-16 03:57:311

submit是什么意思 详解submit的含义和用法?

4. 推荐1. 提交二、名词submit的含义和用法I need to submit my report by Friday. 我需要在周五之前提交我的报告。We have received your submit. 我们已经收到了你的提交。The submit was well-received by the committee. 委员会对这个建议作出了好评。
2023-07-16 03:57:393

submitted to, 和 submit 的联系,以及意思和语法

submit to 意思是 顺从,服从; 甘受,忍受 submit 意思是 使服从,使顺从; 提交,呈送; 主张,建议 submitted to 是被动语态例子:Mrs. Jones submitted to an operation on her right knee to relieve the pain.琼斯夫人同意在其右膝上做手术以减轻疼痛。submit 的例子:Please submit your reports before 5 o"clock today.请在今天5点之前提交你们的报告.如果还有疑问请追问
2023-07-16 03:57:471

be submitted to什么意思

2023-07-16 03:57:564

留学申请的application status 一直是 submitted

2023-07-16 03:58:063

submitted entry 什么意思

2023-07-16 03:58:133

参考文献里面写submitted for publication是什么意思?

2023-07-16 03:58:231


等吧!good luck
2023-07-16 03:58:443

application submitted请问什么意思?

2023-07-16 03:58:523

美国研究生网申时,有个scores submitted和date submitted是指什么啊,怎么填?谢啦~如图

这是问你GMAT成绩是否已经提交(score submitted?)提交日期是什么时候(Date submitted)其实就是你让没让考试中心给这个学校送分的意思~...
2023-07-16 03:59:022

参考文献里面写submitted for publication是什么意思?

2023-07-16 03:59:102


1, to be signed by the legal representative of the application for registration of establishment of foreign-invested enterprises;2, and approval organ of approved file (reply and approved certificate copy 1); 3, and company statutes 4, and name advance approved notices 5, and investors of main qualification proved or natural identity proved 6, and directors, and prison thing and Manager served file and the ID card copies of including Chairman, and supervisors President, and workers representative prison thing of served file; 7, and statutory representative people served file and ID card copies of 8, and law established of inspection funding body issued of inspection funding proved; shareholders first funded is currency property of, Submitted has handle property transfer procedures of proved file; 9, and shareholders to equity funded of, submitted equity recognition paid funded commitment book under; 10, and shelter using proved 11, and Qian reset approval file or documents 12, and legal file served authorized attorney under and the was authorized people of main qualification proved copies of 13, and other related file, and documents above the is not annotated submitted copies of of, should submitted original. Submit copies, shall be marked "after checking, the copy with the original line", and signed by the investor or seal.Certificate of originProduction dateHealth certificateFood circulation permitsLiquor wholesale license
2023-07-16 03:59:203


是submit的过去式 submit: 1.(常与to连用)服从,顺从;使降服 2.提出,提交 I submitted my papers to the examiner. 我把试卷交给主考老师. I hope you can submit you term papers before the deadline. 我希望你们能在最后限期之前交上你们的学期论文. 3.(常与to连用)建议;主张
2023-07-16 04:00:281


你好,为你解答,正确答案为:submitted顺从( submit的过去式和过去分词 ); 听从; 屈服; 甘受例句:He has submitted himself to the will of God. 他让自己听从上帝的意志。祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
2023-07-16 04:00:371


1、vt. 使服从;主张;呈递。2、vi. 提交;服从。3、读音:英 [s?bm?t] 美 [s?bm?t] 4、变形:比较级 submitted、最高级 submitted5、例句:You still need to submit the form, but to where?您仍需要提交表单,但是提交到何处?
2023-07-16 04:00:521


问题一:提交用英语怎么说 hand in 问题二:已提交的英文单词怎么说 已提交 Has been submitted submitted 问题三:提交的英语是 hand in 问题四:英语,“向谁谁谁提交申请”怎么说? submit applications to client(客穿) to 后面跟的名称就是 某人,向某人提交申请 问题五:提交问题英文怎么翻译? submit a problem 问题六:已提交相关部门申办中,用英文怎么说 Has been submitted to the relevant departments in the bid 问题七:英文翻译:我们应该提交哪些资料? What data should we submit?问句应该用疑问句语序。 问题八:重新提交 英语怎么翻译?? To resubmit 问题九:已提交的英文单词怎么说 已提交 Has been submitted submitted 问题十:提供用英文怎么写 provide
2023-07-16 04:00:591


2023-07-16 04:01:161

it is submitted that是什么意思

it is submitted that的意思提交该例句:It is submitted that the issue requires further consideration. 有人认为需要对这一问题作进一步考虑。
2023-07-16 04:01:343


还没有送编辑部。 有的杂志需要用通信作者来投或需要通信作者点击同意才算投稿成功,你看看你杂志的要求。不然一直处于那种状态姿姿可爱(站内联系TA)submitted 是提交状态还没有送审,然后依次为with editor 才是under review,还没有分到具体的编辑那里wait1986(站内联系TA)没送审,编辑也没有处理你的稿件,submitted只是你的稿件已经提交,但是还没有with editor。之后才能under review。慢慢等,或者催一下吧,一个月有点长了。:tiger28:jiamaolee(站内联系TA)检查下是否哪里出问题了呢?这个好像只能证明你投稿成功了。并没有到编辑手里呢木木768(站内联系TA)谢谢大家了,我上午已经写了催稿信问了一下编辑,下午就回复了,说是稿子还在审稿人手中,说是会帮我提醒一下审稿人尽快给我回复!
2023-07-16 04:01:421


还没有送编辑部。 有的杂志需要用通信作者来投或需要通信作者点击同意才算投稿成功,你看看你杂志的要求。不然一直处于那种状态姿姿可爱(站内联系TA)submitted 是提交状态还没有送审,然后依次为with editor 才是under review,还没有分到具体的编辑那里wait1986(站内联系TA)没送审,编辑也没有处理你的稿件,submitted只是你的稿件已经提交,但是还没有with editor。之后才能under review。慢慢等,或者催一下吧,一个月有点长了。:tiger28:jiamaolee(站内联系TA)检查下是否哪里出问题了呢?这个好像只能证明你投稿成功了。并没有到编辑手里呢木木768(站内联系TA)谢谢大家了,我上午已经写了催稿信问了一下编辑,下午就回复了,说是稿子还在审稿人手中,说是会帮我提醒一下审稿人尽快给我回复!
2023-07-16 04:02:171


submit的用法如下:submit的用法1:submit的基本意思是“服从”,指顺从某人的意愿或使自身无法反抗或失去了反抗的念头,强调在抵抗了另一人的意志后确认反抗不会奏效而绝对的服从。submit的用法2:submit还可表示“提出”“认为”,作“认为”解时是法律术语。submit 的用法 3:submit 可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词、代词或that 从作宾语。可用于被动结构。submit的用法4:submit的过去式和过去分词均为 submitted.submit的常用短语:用作动词(v.) submit to (v.+prep.)submit的用法例句:I had asked everyone to submit questions in advance of the meeting.The students must submit themselves to the disciplines at school.学生在学校必须遵守纪律. The minority should submit to the majority!少数应服从多数。
2023-07-16 04:02:311


【 #英语资源# 导语】submit有使服从;使屈服;提交;递交等意思,那么你知道submit的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】submit的用法大全   submit的用法1:submit的基本意思是“服从”,指顺从某人的意愿或权威,使自身无法反抗或失去了反抗的念头,强调在抵抗了另一人的意志后确认反抗不会奏效而绝对的服从。   submit的用法2:submit还可表示“提出”“认为”,作“认为”解时是法律术语。   submit的用法3:submit可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词、代词或that从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。   submit的用法4:submit的过去式和过去分词均为submitted。 【篇二】submit的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   submit to (v.+prep.) 【篇三】submit的用法例句   1. I had asked everyone to submit questions in advance of the meeting.   我已请每个人在会议之前提交问题。   2. The students must submit themselves to the disciplines at school.   学生在学校必须遵守纪律.   3. He was losing the fight but he would not submit.   他战败了,但不屈服.   4. Never submit to a threat.   永远不要屈服于威胁.   5. I will not submit to such treatment.   我不甘心忍受这样的待遇.   6. The minority should submit to the majority.   少数应服从多数.   7. Joe refuses to submit.   乔决不屈服.   8. I submit that this should be allowed.   我想这是可以允许的.   9. I submit to your superior judgement.   我接受你的明智的判断.   10. Following this critique, students rewrite their papers and submit them for final evaluation.   学生们遵照这一评语修改了他们的论文,并交上去进行最后的评审。   11. Candidates in India are advised to submit their applications through the overseas student office in London.   印度的申请人被告知通过驻伦敦的海外学生办公室递交申请表。   12. Builders will then be sent the specifications and asked to submit a tender for the work.   建筑商们将会收到说明书,并被邀请参与该项目投标。   13. They are inviting talented, but unheralded film-makers to submit examples of their work.   他们邀请有才气却尚未幸遇伯乐的电影制作人提交作品样本。   14. The commission has invited interested parties to submit comments, and these are now pouring in.   委员会已邀请各当事方递交意见,现在意见书纷至沓来。   15. He estimate his income tax bill by extrapolation from figures submit in previous year.   他从前几年的报税数字推算出自己应缴的所得税数额.
2023-07-16 04:02:531


submit的名词形式是:submission。submit主要用作动词,意思是:提交,呈递(文件、建议等);顺从;屈服;投降;不得已接受。submission用作名词意思是:屈服;投降;归顺;提交;呈递;提交(或呈递)的文件、建议等。例句如下:(1)I had asked everyone to submit questions in advance of the meeting.我已请每个人在会议之前提交问题。Job applicants have to submit a specimen of handwriting.求职者必须要提交一份笔迹样本。You must submit your claim within a reasonable time.你必须在适当的时间内提出要求。(2)The company submitted a bid for the contract to clean the hospital.该公司投标承包这所医院的清洁工作。The plan will be submitted to the committee for official approval.该计划将送交委员会正式批准。He submitted his latest novel for review.他提交了自己的最新小说供评论。
2023-07-16 04:03:001

it is submitted that是什么意思

it is submitted that据认为例句1.The prerequisite, necessity and legality to create ICTR are analyzed throughhistorical survey, and it is submitted that the disregard of history by ICTR isinconducive to the maintenance of peace and stability in Rwanda. 通过背景考察,分析卢旺达国际刑事法庭建立的前提条件和建立的必然性和合法性,认为卢旺达国际刑事法庭回避历史的做法,不利于卢旺达国际刑事法庭实现维护卢旺达的和平与稳定的目的。2.Aimed at controlling the cost of generation construction in simulated electric powermarket, it is submitted a method that comprehensive investment controlled bycompetitive price in equilibrium with logon price is acted as concrete controlled aim,which combined with the aim controlled by designed quota index. 针对模拟电力市场中发电工程造价的控制问题,提出了采用推算竞价平衡点控制总投资作为工程具体的造价控制目标,并结合限额设计指标对工程进行立项前的目标控制的方法;
2023-07-16 04:03:211


submit的固定搭配如下:1、submit a plan 提供一个计划2、submit proof 提供证明3、submit report 提交报告4、submit term paper 交论文5、submit problem 提出问题submit的用法1、submit可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词、代词或that从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。2、submit的过去式和过去分词均为submitted。
2023-07-16 04:03:281

Submitted for publication是什么意思

意思是:已投稿。释义:全部 , 已投稿例句1.The patient was informed that data concerning the case would be submitted for publication, and he consented.已告知患者其各方面病例资料将被发表,并征得其同意。2.The other paper has been submitted for publication in the same journal.另一篇论文已经提交到同一份杂志,以待发表。3.He has put his answer to the test, and the results have just been submitted for publication to the Journal of Air Transport Management.最终他得到了测试的结论,并且将其投稿到了《空运管理杂志》上。
2023-07-16 04:04:102

文章状态submitted和under review有区别吗

2023-07-16 04:04:181


2023-07-16 04:04:251

英语must be met and submitted怎么翻译?

must be met and submitted必须满足并提交
2023-07-16 04:04:484

has been submit

has form been 是过去完成时 表示已经完成 form 可以翻译为表格/表单 n.形式,形状;形态,外形;方式;表格 vt.构成,组成;排列,组织;产生,塑造 vi.形成,构成;排列 submitted v.递交;主张;屈服(submit的过去分词) has form been submitted?"翻译成“表单已经提交了吗? 因为是问句 要加个“吗”
2023-07-16 04:04:551

author revision状态变为submitted,可能是什么情况

2023-07-16 04:05:031

be submitted to什么意思啊?

2023-07-16 04:05:102

submitted to journal一般多久 carbon

“通常来说,多数期刊都是一周集中处理一次新稿,所以一周以内的submitted to journal 都是正常的.”一审后要求大修或小修。将修改稿上传了,状态就会变成"Revision Submitted to Journal"这个时间长短不一定,但应该不会太长后续应该会是Revision Submitted to Journal,with editor,under review有些杂志大修或小修也要送给审稿人看的,1个月都正常
2023-07-16 04:05:291

your application has been.submitted

好像还没有 翻译是: 申请状况:已提交 恭喜!所有要求的问题都已经完成,你的申请书已经被提交.
2023-07-16 04:05:361


貌似我也遇见 最后重装就好了
2023-07-16 04:05:431

Submitted to Journal一般要多久

期刊投了文章,一审后要求大修或小修。将修改稿上传了,状态就会变成"Revision Submitted to Journal"这个时间长短不一定,但应该不会太长后续应该会是Revision Submitted to Journal,with editor,under review有些杂志大修或小修也要送给审稿人看的,1个月都正常,所以,楼主还是耐心等待吧!
2023-07-16 04:06:041

新加坡国立大学应用经济申请了为什么状态一直显示的是submitted online?

2023-07-16 04:06:141


2023-07-16 04:06:221

initial date submitted是什么意思

initial date submitted提交的初始日期
2023-07-16 04:06:291