barriers / 阅读 / 详情

but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can’t be expressed with any choice of words.

2023-07-16 09:09:42

但是 在我心里那里有一种柔柔的温暖我不能用任何语言来表达。



2023-07-16 01:39:431

kind words are not kind as they seem中文

2023-07-16 01:39:511

Kind words can be short and easy to speak.but the

2023-07-16 01:39:581

These kind words mande the crow very happy可以这样解释吗:乌鸦听了狐狸的话非常高兴

2023-07-16 01:40:054

Kind words can help 怎么改一般疑问句?

把情态动词提至句首,Can kind words help?
2023-07-16 01:40:132


2023-07-16 01:40:201


2023-07-16 01:40:554

it is never too late to leave kind words unsaid 是什么意思?

2023-07-16 01:41:195


Kind words of love。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机介绍给英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响力。自17世纪以来,现代英语在英国和美国的广泛影响下在世界各地传播。通过各类这些国家的印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为国际主导语言之一,在许多地区和专业的环境下的语言也有主导地位,例如科学、导航和法律。
2023-07-16 01:41:511

英语only a few of them bug humans怎么翻译?

only a few of them bug humans只有少数昆虫骚扰人类1.And only a few of them bug humans.其中只有少数会感染人类。
2023-07-16 01:42:321


2023-07-16 01:43:142


Friends can not always say kind words
2023-07-16 01:43:234


2023-07-16 01:43:345


2023-07-16 01:44:042


dear sir/mdmMerry Christmas!!! i wish this Christmas will be a memorable one for you. First of all, i would like to express my gratitude for your guidance and patience. You kind words have constantly motivated me to work hard to improve my English (或者别的什么科目,看你老师教什么). i would like to say a big "thank you". Without you, i will not be who i am today.i sincerely hope that you will continue to teach me, not only English, but also lessons in life. once again, i wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.Yours sincerely,xxx
2023-07-16 01:44:143

我要几个英语的美句 名言(不要常见的) 带上翻译 稍微长点

Breaking up is not horrible,what"s horrible is that we don"t have the courage to face it,,to accept it.失恋并不可怕,可怕的是我们不敢去面对它,不敢去接受它。
2023-07-16 01:44:255

all through the night中文翻译

Feel you , please you as we re making love all through the night 你敢乎我假爱试就会知 I entered the room . sat by your bed all through the night 我踏入那房间,整夜守在你床边。 I found the pghts on all through the night 我发现这些灯通宵地亮著。 Take my love all through the night … 就在今夜带走我的爱. . Take my love all through the night … 就在今夜带走我的爱. . Sat by ur bed all through the night 整夜坐在你床边。 There was another current of impression that never ceased to run , all through the night 那感觉迷离恍惚,像是叫鸦片剂镇住的疼痛一样。 All through the night , i " ll save you from the terror on the screen , i " ll make you see 整个夜晚,我会把你从荧屏上那些妖魔的手中救出,我要让你看看我的本事。 From sun up to sundown and all through the night , savour the ultimate dining experience in one of the city " s best cafe " s 无论是日出与日落,或午夜临晨时分,作为本地最佳休闲餐厅中的一家,欧咖啡令您每时每刻经历极至的美食体验! He cut some *** all trees , laid them on the ground next to the horse and all through the night , he spoke soft , kind words to it to calm its fears 他砍了一些小树,将它们放在马旁边的地上。另外,整整一夜,他都跟马说一些温柔友善的话来解除它的恐惧。 Just when he could barely keep his eyes open , he suddenly saw master standing right beside him , looking and *** ipng at him . the bpss expelled his drowsiness and he worked all through the night until morning without feepng tired 当时他困得连眼皮都快睁不开了,这时突然发现师父就站在旁边面带微笑地看他,使他高兴得睡意全消,一口气工作到天亮都还不觉得累。 But , though the bank was almost always with him , and though the coach in a confused way , pke the presence of pain under an opiate was always with him , there was another current of impression that never ceased to run , all through the night 不过,尽管银行几乎总跟他在一起,邮车却也总跟他在一起。那感觉迷离恍惚,像是叫鸦片剂镇住的疼痛一样。此外还有一连串印象也通夜没有停止过闪动-他正要去把一个死人从坟墓里挖出来。 One day , the red cross man informed a marine that his father was dying and told him to rush to a hospital in new york . when the marine reached the hospital , a nurse took him to the bedside of an old man . the serviceman knew immediately that there had been a mistake . the dying old man was not his father . but he reapzed that the old man needed his son in his last hours of pfe . so , he stayed there by the bed all through the night . the old man held tightly to the marine till he died 有一天,红十字会的人通知一位海军陆战队的战士立即前往纽约的一家医院,他的父亲病危.这位战士赶到医院,护士把他带到一个老头的床边.战士立即就明白了是搞错了,那个生命垂危的病人不是他的父亲.但是他知道老人在生命的最后时刻非常想见到自己的儿子.因此他留了下来,整夜守在床边,而老人直到咽气一直紧紧抓住他的手
2023-07-16 01:44:511


  过去常常有人认为在酒杯里放毒来谋杀敌人,为了证实酒是安全的,宾客会把杯中一部分酒倒进主人杯中已成为一种习俗,然后主宾同时喝下去以证明无毒。当宾客信认主人时,两人就只是碰一下杯子。   Origins: Many explanations have been advanced to explain our custom of clinking glasses when participating in toasts. One is that early Europeans felt the sound helped to drive off evil spirits. Another holds that by clanking the glasses into one another, wine could be sloshed from glass to glass, thereby serving as a proof the beverages had not been poisoned. Yet another claim asserts that the "clink" served as a symbolic acknowledgment of trust among imbibers who did not feel the need to sample each others" drinks to prove them unadulterated.   起源:喝酒碰杯的习俗有很多种解释。一种是早期欧洲人认为碰杯的声音可以驱逐恶灵。另一种解释坚持认为碰杯时双方各将自己的酒向对方的酒杯中倾注一些,从而证明酒中无毒。然而还有另一种则认为:碰杯是一种象征性的相信酒是干净的,不需证明有没有放毒。   Each of those explanations is false. While making a racket for the purpose of scaring off evil spirits underpins other customs that carry over to this day (e.g., the tolling of church bells at weddings, and the loud shouts and noisemaking at the stroke of twelve on New Year"s Eve), the "clink" is a relatively new aspect of toasting and, as such, came along well after folks had relinquished the notion that demons both lurked in every corner of typical day-to-day existence and could be sped on their way by a bit of noise. As for sloshing wine from one glass to another, drinking vessels would need to be filled to the brim to effect that, and if they were, such practice would waste valuable potables (because some would be sure to land on the floor) and likely douse the toasters too. And while the poisoning of enemies has long been part of the ordinary mayhem of the world, the practice of touching of one"s filled glass to those of others when participating in a toast is unrelated to suspicion of the wine"s having been tampered with; such killings were not so common at any nebulous point in the past that a signal to one"s host indicating he was clear of suspicion of attempted murder needed to be enshrined in the canon of social gestures.   以上那些观点都是错误的。虽然碰杯驱邪说法衍生出了很多习俗并沿用至今(例如婚礼上教堂的钟声、大声喊叫还有除夕夜正点的狂欢。),但碰杯是祝酒中相对较新的一环,是人们不再相信恶灵存在于我们生活中的每个角落这一观念之后才产生的。其实人们只是为了要一些热闹而已。至于碰杯使酒从一方流到另一方,那么酒器是需要盛满酒的,如果盛满了,那这样就会浪费昂贵的饮料(因为肯定会有酒洒到地上去)还有可能泼到食物上。虽然毒死敌人世界上以前的确被用过,但喝酒时把酒倒进另一个人的酒杯里,无端地猜疑无辜的人是不合理的。更何况在过去这种杀人方式并不常用,因为这意味着主人的社会地位会因涉嫌企图谋杀而发生动摇。   The custom of sealing with booze expressions of good wishes for the health of others dates back so far that its origins are now lost to us, yet in numerous cultures such acts of camaraderie often involved shared drinking vessels. The clinking of individual cups or glasses as a proof of trust wouldn"t have meant much when everyone drank from the same bowl. Indeed, in those cultures where shared drinking containers was the norm, to produce one"s own vessel in such company was to communicate an unmistakable message of hostility and distrust; it would have been regarded as akin to bringing along a food taster to sample the repast.   我们很难找到喝酒狂欢表达良好祝愿如身体健康等的起源。然而在众多文化中,朋友之间的行为会经常涉及到祝酒,每个人从同一个碗里喝酒,那么碰杯就不再是信任彼此的证明。实际上,在这样一种文化里,公用同一个酒器成为一种规则,单独用你自己的酒杯会带来敌对和不信任的误解信息,这将被认为同做餐后的食物品尝家的品尝行为来防毒相类似。   "Toasting," our term for the pronouncement of benedictions followed by a swallowing of alcohol, is believed to have taken its name from a practice involving a shared drinking vessel. Floated in the "loving cup" passed among celebrants in Britain was a piece of (spiced) cooked bread that the host would consume along with the last few drops of liquid after the cup had made one round of the company. In modern times toasting has become a matter of imbibing from individual drinking vessels rather than from one shared flagon, so to compensate for the sense of unity lost in doing away with the sharing of the same cup we have evolved the practice of simultaneously drinking each from our own glass when a toast is made, thereby maintaining a communal connection to the kind words being spoken.   “干杯”,我们喝酒后紧随祝福的一句,名字来源被认为是一个涉及公用的酒杯的行为。英国神父流传来的流动的“爱情杯”是主人当酒杯走过一轮后在一块烹制的面包滴几滴酒吃掉的。现在祝酒,不再公用一个酒杯,而是用自己的杯子。为了弥补群体脱离感,抛弃了公用酒杯,我们开始用自个的杯子,因此祝酒才产生了。因此一种靠说友好祝福维系关系的方式产生了。   The clinking of glasses has been added to the practice of offering toasts for a few reasons, none having anything to do with poison. Prior to such augmentation, toasts pleased only four of the five senses; by adding the "clink," a pleasant sound was made part of the experience, and wine glasses have come to be prized not only for their appearance but also for the tones they produce when struck. Yet beyond mere aural pleasure, the act of touching your glass to that of others is a way of emphasizing that you are part of the good wishes being expressed, that you are making a physical connection to the toast. The practice also serves another purpose, that of uniting the individuals taking part in the benediction into a cohesive group: as the wine glasses are brought together, so symbolically are the people holding them. On a deeper level, the wine is also being recommuned with itself — that which had been one (when it had been in its own bottle) but was separated (when it was poured into a variety of glasses) is brought back into contact with the whole of itself, if only for a moment.   碰杯因一些原因也被加进祝酒的行列,和毒药没有一丝关系。增加了这些,祝酒使气氛好了五分之四。通过加碰杯这一环节,一种悦耳的声音成为祝酒的一部分。并且不仅仅赞美杯的出现还赞美酒杯碰撞时发出的响声。然而除了听觉享受外,有人和你碰杯也是一种友好祝福的暗示。你通过祝酒与人发生了接触。碰杯还有另一个意图,就是通过人与人的祝酒使之参加到一个有关联的大集体。当酒杯碰在一起的时候,人们也象征性地“拥抱”了。深层次的说,人也是(当用自己的杯子喝酒时)在一起的,(当酒在一起时)人其实是分开的,从某种意义上说,酒有了人回归一个完整的联系的含义。   Etiquette mavens say one need not clink glasses with everyone present when participating in toasts among large assemblies. Rather than reach across vast expanses of wide tables (thereby risking losing your balance and ending up in the guacamole), simply raise your glass and make eye contact with the group.   礼节上在现在当一个人参加一个大聚会时不需要和每个人碰杯。相比较隔个大桌子(而冒着失去平衡的危险)碰杯而言,还不如举起酒杯眼神交流感情来得真切。   
2023-07-16 01:45:011

chart a brand new path 是什么意思

2023-07-16 01:45:092

信言不美 美言不信 翻译

2023-07-16 01:45:275

kind words are not always as king as they

应该是 kind words are not always as kind as they seem (第二个 kind 拼错了) 表面上看似客气话事实上不总是那样的 溢美之词常有弦外之意 小心笑里藏刀 kind words 好话,客气话,溢美之词,... 那个最贴切要看上下文.
2023-07-16 01:45:561


2023-07-16 01:46:041


2023-07-16 01:46:111


2023-07-16 01:46:181


别人回赠。Steam上的一个游戏KindWords写匿名信发出去,别人会回信送贴纸。《暖心之语(Kind Words)》是Popcannibal制作并发行的一款治愈向游戏,在一个温馨的小屋里,可以和陌生人交换各种信件,有倾诉也有安慰的信件。
2023-07-16 01:46:251

kind words怎么存档

2023-07-16 01:46:311

英语谚语:Kind words are worth much and cost little 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Kind words are worth much and cost little 中文意思: 口头方便不费力。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Youth is life"s seed-time 青年时代是人生的播种期。 Youth is the season of hope enterprise and energy to a nation as well as an individual 青年时期对国家和个人都是希望、创业和精力充沛的时期。 Youth looks forward and age backward 青年人向前看,老年人向后看。 Youth means limitless possibilities 年轻意味着无限希望。 英语谚语: Kind words are worth much and cost little 中文意思: 口头方便不费力。
2023-07-16 01:46:381


2023-07-16 01:46:451

use kind words

words; 意思是 记住要用礼貌用语,比如说,请,对不起, always use kind words,like please,sorry,and thank you .
2023-07-16 01:46:521


2023-07-16 01:46:591

英语谚语:Kind words butter no parsnips 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Kind words butter no parsnips 中文意思: 画饼充饥。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Put the cart before the horse 本末倒置。 Put the shoe on the right foot 责备应受责备者,表扬应受表扬者。 Quality is better than quantity 质重于量。 Quality matters more than quanity 质量比数量重要。 Quarrels of lovers but renew their love 情人争争吵吵,自会言归于好。 Quick at meal quick at work 吃得快,做得快。 Quick feet and busy hands fill the mouth 手勤脚快,嘴里吃饱。 Quietness is best 宁静最好。 Quietude is the crown of life 安静是生命的皇冠。 Rain before seven; fine before eleven 雨过天晴。 英语谚语: Kind words butter no parsnips 中文意思: 画饼充饥。
2023-07-16 01:47:171

kind words are the music of the world是什么意思

2023-07-16 01:47:231

kind words can be short and easy to speak

can be 表示推测,是一般将来时 can be + 动词原形
2023-07-16 01:47:312

kind words soften anger什么意思?(最好是谚语)

2023-07-16 01:47:382


2023-07-16 01:47:463

英语谚语:Merry meet, merry part 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Merry meet merry part 中文意思: 好聚好散。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open 要多看少说。 Kill the goose that laid the golden egg 杀鸡取蛋 Kind hearts are more than coros 善良的心灵胜于显贵的地位。 Kindness always begets kindness 善有善根。 Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together 善良是连结社会的金链。 Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the dumb understand 善良为语言,聋子能天见哑巴懂心间。 Kindness is the sunshine of social life 仁慈是社会生活中的阳光。 Kindness will creep where it may not go 仁慈可进入任何禁地。 Kind words are the music of the world 善言是世上的音乐。 Kind words are worth much and cost little 口头方便不费力。 英语谚语: Merry meet merry part 中文意思: 好聚好散。
2023-07-16 01:48:011

No Kind Words 歌词

歌曲名:No Kind Words歌手:The Maccabees专辑:Wall Of ArmsThe Maccabees - No Kind WordsDear friend of mine has,Broken his unionBroke from traditionBroken his vision of the futureAlone, Alone, Alone, Not alone at allDear friend of mine is,Testing his bodyTempting disaster,Testing Water... his daughterAlone, Alone, Alone, Not alone at allDear friend of mine my,Ear is bendingI"m not helpingI"m not tellingI"m not solvingI"m not saying you"re pretendingAlone, Alone, Alone, Not alone at allAlone, Alone, Alone, Not alone at allDear friend of mine isHelpless without helping...If you"ve got no kind words to sayYou should say nothing more at allIf you"ve got no kind words to sayYou should say nothing more at allIf you"ve got no kind words to sayYou should say nothing more at allIf you"ve got no kind words to sayYou should say nothing more at all
2023-07-16 01:48:081

That rude man seldom uses kind words, ________? A.does he B.isn’t he C.was he D.hasn’t

A 试题分析: 句意:那个粗鲁的男人很少使用友善的话语,对吗?seldom很少用,表否定;反意疑问句前否后肯;根据uses全用,可用为一般现在时,故选A.
2023-07-16 01:48:141

求joseph epstein 的 a few kind words for losing 的译文

2023-07-16 01:48:231


你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: Kind hearts are more than coronets.   善良的心灵胜于显贵的地位。  Kindness always begets kindness.  善有善根。  Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.   善良是连结社会的金链。  Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the dumb understand.   善良为语言,聋子能天见哑巴懂心间。  Kindness is the sunshine of social life.   仁慈是社会生活中的阳光。  Kindness will creep where it may not go.  仁慈可进入任何禁地。  Kind words are the music of the world.  善言是世上的音乐。希望我的回答对你有帮助。
2023-07-16 01:48:431


  一句简单的thank you我们都会,那么你还想知道表示感谢的英文短句有哪些吗?下面是我为你整理的表示感谢的英文短句,希望大家喜欢!   表示感谢的英文短句   Itu2019s very kind of you.您太好了。   Many thanks for your coming here.多谢你的光临。   Many thanks.多谢。   Much appreciated.非常感谢。   Thank you for coming.谢谢你的光临。   Thank you for contributing so much to the pleasure of our stay in ...   感谢您为使我们在u2026u2026的停留期间的愉快所作的许多努力。   Thank you for your gracious hospitality.感谢你们的亲切款待。   Thank you.谢谢你。   That was extremely good of you.你真是太好了。   You are most understanding.你真能体谅人。   Thank you so much for your generous hospitality.非常感谢您慷慨的款待。   Thank you so very much for your hospitality.非常感谢你的盛情款待。   Thank you very nuch indeed.真的非常感谢你。   Thank you very nuch.非常感谢你。   You are very helpful.你真帮了我的大忙。   表达感谢的英语短语   1. Thank you very much. / Thank you so much.   非常感谢你。   2. Thanks a lot. / Thanks a bunch.   太感谢你了。   3. Thanks a million.   感激不尽。   4. I appreciate your support.   我很感激你的支持。   5. I donu2019t know how to express my gratitude.   我不知道怎麼表达我的谢意。   6. I owe you one.   我欠你一份人情。   7. Iu2019m much obliged to you.   我对你满怀感激。   8. Iu2019m grateful for your help.   我很感谢你的帮忙。   9. Iu2019m in your eternal debt.   我欠你的一辈子都还不完。   10. Thanks anyway.   无论如何,还是谢谢你。   “感谢”英语的四种表达   1.基本表达   Thank you!   谢谢!   Thanks!   谢谢!   Thanks a lot!   非常感谢!   Thank you very much!   非常感谢你。   Thatu2019s very kind of you.   2.书面正式的表达   Many thanks for your email.   十分感谢您的邮件。   I was so pleased to hear from you.   很高兴收到您的来信。   I greatly appreciate your kind words.   十分感谢您的赞美。   I am very thankful that you are considering my problem.   万分感谢您的关照。   Thank you for your consideration.   谢谢你的关照。   3.非常礼貌的表达   Thank you for spending time with me.   太感谢你能花时间陪我。   Thank you for taking the trouble to help me. I do appreciate it.   感谢您不辞劳苦地帮助我,十分感激。   Many thanks for your assistance in our project.   十分感谢您对我们的项目的协助。   4.正式的表达   Your help is greatly appreciated.   非常感激您的帮助。 (很正式!)   I"d like to express my gratitude.   我要表达我诚挚的谢意。 (相当正式!)
2023-07-16 01:48:501


2023-07-16 01:48:571


Commencement Address Harvard University Mary Robinson, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights June 4, 1998 AS DELIVERED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is a great honor and pleasure to be invited today to share this happy occasion, not only with the members of the graduating class of 1998, but also with the families and friends who have no doubt supported you along the way with their kind words of advice and encouragement. I do remember sitting where you sat this morning, when I was part of the class of 1968. I still remember how uncertain and insecure I felt but how proud my father was on the day. I called my father recently and told him that I would be coming here today and giving this address and that it would bring back memories. And being a good west-of-Ireland man, he remembered the important part. "It was damn wet," he reminded me. "It poured all day," which was true. The class of 1998 has been much luckier with the weather--a bit of wind, a bit cool. I put on the gown this afternoon because I thought I‘d need it--a bit of frisson in the air. But also I feel reinvigorated, because now, along with eight other very distinguished honorary graduates, I‘m a member of the class of 1998, and I can come back in 30 years‘ time and feel quite young. All in all, it is a very special occasion, and I think it‘s appropriate that I would salute all of those have returned for your graduation years, particularly the threes and the eights. It was wonderful to see you file past coming in here this afternoon. But I think you can understand if I particularly want to focus on and to address my words to the class of 1998 because you are the future, you are those who take on the particular responsibility for the shaping of our society and of our world. Your families and your professors are rightfully proud of your achievements and they are delighted to see you graduate with futures so bright with promise. I too am proud. I was very impressed with the three addresses we heard this morning, one in Latin and two in English. And if that‘s indicative of the class of 1998, then it‘s good to hear. I‘m proud to see so many capable young men and women about to embark on a future career where they can put their years of learning and preparation to good use. Having passed through the rigors of a formal education, you are now ready to assume new responsibilities and tasks, becoming answerable only to yourselves with regards to your performance, your humanity and your soundness of judgement, in a world full of possibilities. But I would ask you to remember that it‘s not a world full of possibilities for all. Each of you has been the beneficiary of a rare privilege. You have received an exceptional education at an exceptional place when there are many, in both your country and mine, and in many, many other parts of our world, who are just as innately talented and just as ambitious as you are but will never have such an opportunity. I say this not to make you feel guilty. You should be proud of what you have achieved. But I do ask that you use your education to pursue only the worthiest of goals; goals that contribute to the betterment of the lives of others; and goals that give you personal satisfaction because of their contribution to the society we live in. 1998 is an important year for goals and an important year for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. It is a year when we mark the fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You will notice that I do not use the word "celebrate". I think we don‘t celebrate; we mark in a somber and reflective way the fiftieth anniversary. It is a year when we re-affirm our commitment to work for change and to demonstrate that the principles of the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration are not too theoretical, nor too abstract. We must all set ourselves the goal of giving such principles practical effect and the success of our efforts can only be measured by the improved well being of individuals around the world. The Universal Declaration was the first international agreement aimed at the improvement of all human rights for all people. It was a document shaped and generated to a large extent by the vision of a truly inspiring woman from the United States. A woman who had committed her life to worthy goals and who, although extremely shy, made herself a powerful voice on behalf of a wide range of social causes, not least the cause of improving the treatment of women. The woman was, of course, Eleanor Roosevelt who, as the US representative to the UN Commission on Human Rights and later as its Chairperson, was largely responsible for the Universal Declaration. Unlike the other members of the Commission, Mrs. Roosevelt was neither a scholar nor an expert on international law. She wasn‘t an academic and she wasn‘t a jurist, but what she did have was an incredible sense of commitment and compassion. She saw herself as an ambassador for the common man and woman, and her enthusiasm for this goal, combined with her humanitarian convictions, resulted in a Declaration that was direct and straight-forward, and a Declaration that has endured as a universally accepted standard of achievement for all people and all nations. It was adopted on the tenth of December, 1948. It is as relevant now as when it was written.. It‘s a living document--it‘s written in the present tense. It was written by people with vision. Fifty years ago was of course "no ordinary time," as quite a number of you sitting here near the front will recall. The devastation of World War II and the horrors of the Holocaust made nations more willing to commit to a universal standard of human rights protections. But in times such as these, when we‘ve become concerned about a lack of sufficient will, it is also worth remembering that throughout the war period, Eleanor Roosevelt worked tirelessly for the human rights of the ordinary men and women in America, reminding us that no matter how hard the going gets, we must not sacrifice human rights for other goals. For Mrs. Roosevelt, all human rights were universal since every man, woman, and child sought equal justice, equal opportunity, and equal dignity without discrimination. But if rights didn‘t have meaning locally, in the factory, farm, or office, Mrs. Roosevelt thought they would have little meaning elsewhere and she warned that: "Without concerned citizen action to uphold them close to home, we shall look in vain at progress in the larger world." The Declaration‘s fiftieth anniversary is an ideal time to assess whether we are upholding human rights close to home as well as further afield. As part of the follow-up to the Vienna World Conference on Human Rights of 1993, the United Nations system and its member-states are undergoing a yearlong assessment of its successes and shortcomings with respect to the protection and promotion of human rights. Human Rights organizations and concerned individuals play an important role in that assessment: encouraging discussion and debate on the continuing relevance of the international human rights standards and pointing to areas of imbalance in protection. One such area is the promotion at the international level of economic, social, and cultural rights and the right to development. Extreme poverty, illiteracy, homelessness, and the vulnerability of children to exploitation are all areas requiring much greater effort. Economic and social rights are in every sense interdependent with civil and political rights. I find it interesting that since I took up my responsibilities as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights last September, because I‘ve placed a lot of emphasis on having a better balance and having more focus and attention on economic and social rights, some people have said, "Is she not strong on civil and political rights? Is she not clear about torture and disappearances and imprisonment and prison conditions and so on?" But in fact it‘s because I‘m so strong on civil and political rights that I recognize you cannot truly advance them unless you‘re also prepared to advance strongly economic and social rights. And that‘s a big challenge for this great country, a very big challenge right now. As High Commissioner for Human Rights, I draw strength from being part of an incredible and broad human rights community, a community which encompasses both organizations and individuals, and which represents all cultures, traditions and backgrounds. And I think I particularly ask the class of 1998, and indeed other years who have come back for their graduation, to join the efforts of the human rights community by committing yourselves to the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration, the opening lines of which recognize the inherent dignity and equality of all members of the human family as the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world. I also urge you to take part in the human rights debate so that through informed and purposeful discussion we can achieve a greater understanding of how the rights enshrined in the Declaration can be implemented at both the local and international level. I‘d like to draw on the address of President Rudenstine. He was in fact precisely conveying that message--the importance of using the resources, the intellectual resources that this great University represents, and to bring them to the issues that confront all of our societies an dour global village. The motto of the fiftieth anniversary, "All human rights for all," expresses what we must commit ourselves to achieving in the years ahead. It is evident that in many parts of the world, there is little cause for celebration--far from it. At the end of January, while in Cambodia, I visited a shelter in Phnom Pen for women who had been victims of trafficking for the sex trade. I sat in a small room and listened to a 15-year-old girl who explained, through an interpreter, that friends of her family had driven her to the city as she thought to take up a job in a clothing factory. Instead, she was forced in the door of a sex brothel where she was beaten until she complied for 16 or 17 hours a day with what was required of her. She managed to escape after three months and she was trying to rebuild her sense of herself. She was ashamed, she felt humiliated. As I looked into her eyes I was aware that she wasn‘t alone in her misery; that millions of children and women, worldwide, endure a similar fate. There is a trafficking in human persons. It‘s modern slavery. The rights for far too many remain little more than words on paper. However, I do believe that we should commit ourselves to focusing on the future, reinvigorating the common will and commitment of the international community to ensuring the enjoyment of human rights by people everywhere. We are all the custodians of human rights and we must all find our own way to do what is required. I thought it fitting, somehow, coming here to Harvard, that I should remind you of some lines of Seamus Heaney‘s poem "From the Republic of Conscience." I didn‘t know when I was preparing this address who would be honored with me--Harvard kept the secret well. I didn‘t know that Seamus Heaney was going to be here or I would have found another worthy Irish poet to quote. But it‘s too late now, and somehow I think his words do enhance what I‘m trying to say, so close your ears, Seamus, and I‘ll do my best. These words are part of the poem, "From the Republic of Conscience." " carried what you had to and very soon your symptoms of creeping privilege disappeared..." "...I came back from that frugal republic with my two arms the one length, the customs woman having insisted my allowance was myself. The old man rose and gazed into my face and said that was official recognition that I was now a dual citizen. Their embassies, he said, were everywhere but operated independently and no ambassador would ever be relieved." You who graduate today, and you who are recent and not so recent graduates, who return to meet your Harvard friends again, can, I believe, do much to contribute to the betterment of society. You can become interested and involved in the world around you. By virtue of your education, you can offer society the benefit of your focused knowledge, as well as a wider vision and a great sense of purpose. You also have the skills to teach others to be more tolerant, more understanding and more caring, and I‘m confident that your recognition of this special responsibility will guide your actions and perhaps one day--and I think I saw some potential candidates--inspire a future Eleanor Roosevelt. I wish you much happiness and success in the years ahead. May your memories of Harvard, as mine are, and the friends you have made here be with you always. Congratulations, new graduates, and I am very honored to be linked with the honored graduates up here of 1998 and to be rejuvenated by joining the class of 1998. Thank you very much.
2023-07-16 01:49:051


" The fisherman and the golden fish." once upon a time there was an old man and his wife living in the blue of the sea; they lived in a dilapidated mud huts, a full thirty and three years. The old man withdrew net fishing. The old woman spinning tie line. There is an old man into the sea and fishing nets, pulled up just some algae. Then he cast his net, pulled up some seaweed. Third times he cast nets, but network into a fish, not an ordinary fish -- is the goldfish. Goldfish have pleaded! She like people say:" let me go, grandfather, put me back to sea, I"ll give you valuable reward: for ransom, what do you want I." The old man was surprised, was a little scared: he who fought for thirty-three years, never heard of the fish will talk. He put the goldfish back to the sea, also said to her:" a few kind words of goldfish, God bless! I don"t want your reward, you swam to the blue sea to take one"s ease, there to swim." The old man went back to the old woman and, tell her this pile great wonders. " Today I network into a fish, the fish is not usual, goldfish; this goldfish would like people talking. She asked me to take her back to the blue sea, is willing to use the most valuable thing to come to redeem her: for free, what I want her to. I do not want her reward, just put her back to the blue sea." The old woman pointing at the old man scolds:" you this fool, it is old and foolish! Dare not take a goldfish! Even as we bowl, that had been broken in a sample." And the old man saw the blue sea, the sea waves slightly plays. The old man yelled to goldfish, goldfish swimming towards him and asked: "what do you want it, Grandpa?" The old man asked her to bow to answer:" a heart, a fish God, my old lady scolded me severely, don"t let me this old man of peace. She wants a new basin, we can use that had been broken in." Goldfish replied:" not bad, go, God bless you. You will soon have a new basin." The old man went back to the old woman there, the old woman there really is a new area of the Tarim basin. The old woman was scolded fiercely:" you this stupid, it is old and foolish! It is an old idiot, you as long as the bowl. The tub can value a few? Back, old idiot, then to fish there, on her bow, ask her for the wooden house." And the old man and the blue sea ( the blue sea turning up ). The old man yelled to goldfish, goldfish swimming towards him and asked: "what do you want it, Grandpa?" The old man asked her to bow to answer:" a heart, fish goddess! The old woman threw me worse, she doesn"t let me old man of peace, nagging wife mother to wooden house." Goldfish replied:" not bad, go, God bless you. So be it: you will have a wooden house." The old man walked to his mud huts, mud huts have become not the least trace was found.; he is in front of a bright room wooden house, a brick chimney and white oak panels, door, the old woman sat in the window, pointing to the husband shout abuse:" you fool, twenty for old fool! Old asshole, you as long as the wooden house! Get out of here, to the goldfish bow said: I do not obscure the Po, I want to be a gentlewoman." The old man to the ocean blue ( azure sea stir ). The old man yelled to goldfish, goldfish swimming towards him and asked: "what do you want it, Grandpa?" The old man asked her to bow to answer:" a heart, fish goddess! The old woman temper more, she doesn"t let me old man of peace. She was not willing to do the mother-in-law, she wants to make a hereditary lady." Goldfish replied:" not bad, go, God bless you." The old man went back to the old woman. What he saw? A huge building. His old woman standing at the top of the stairs, wearing expensive sable jacket, wearing beautiful headdress, full of pearls around her neck, hands wearing a gold ring inlaid precious stones, foot wear a pair of red leather boots. Hardworking servants stood in front of her, she beat them, pulling their forelock. The old man told his old woman said:" Hello, noble lady! Presumably, this time your heart should meet." The old lady to him loudly scold, sending him to the barn to work. A week later, after a week, the old woman that worse, she sent the old man to fish there. " Get out, go on goldfish bow, said that I do not want to do lady, I do take one"s ease of queen." The old man was frightened jump, pleaded:" what"s up, bitch, you eat Fengyao? You walk, talk! You will make the people laugh." The old woman is mad, she blew her a slap in the face. " Hillbilly, dare you talk back to me, told me this hereditary lady? -- get to go to the sea, to tell you the truth, you don"t go, have to detain you go." The old man walks to the sea ( the blue sea becomes murky ). He also called on the goldfish, goldfish swimming towards him and asked. "What do you want it, Grandpa?" The old man asked her to bow to answer. "Come on, fish goddess, my old woman in big darang: she will not be a lady, she did take one"s ease queen." Goldfish replied:" not bad, go, God bless you. Well, the old woman would do on queen!" The old man went back to the old woman. How, before him was the Royal Palace, his old woman when the queen, is sitting at the table and eating, Chancellor of the exchequer nobles waited on her. Pour her foreign shipment of wine. She ate fancy cakes, surrounded by majestic-looking bodyguard, shoulders were carrying the sharp axe. The old man looked -- a scare! The old woman hastened to salute the kowtow, said: " Hello, majesty queen! Well, now you heart should meet." The old lady look never looked at him, sent him away. Chancellor of the exchequer aristocracy ran together, take the old man"s neck to extrapolation. At the door, the guards came, almost with the axe to cut down the old man. People laughed at him:" silly old fool, it serves you right! This is to give you some lessons: then you have to An Shouben!" A week later, after a week, the old woman more can"t speak nonsense. She sent the courtiers to her husband, they found the old man took him to. The old woman on the old man said:" go back, go to the bow. I do not take one"s ease of queen, I want to be the sea female fighter, let me living in the ocean, called goldfish to serve me, call me casually." The old man can"t talk back, afraid to defy. So he went to the blue sea, see the sea a dark storm: the waves surging, not leap, cry, roar. The old man out of goldfish, goldfish swimming towards him and asked: "what do you want it, Grandpa?" The old man asked her to bow to answer:" a heart, fish goddess! I put the damn old woman do? She is reluctant to do the queen, she will be the mistress of the sea; so, she lives in a vast expanse of water, called you personally to serve her, listening to her casually." Goldfish didn"t say a word, just a tail in the water, swim to the deep sea to. The old man on the beach waiting for answer, but not until he had to go back to the old woman, in front of him: -- a look is still the broken mud huts, her old woman sitting in front of her threshold, or the broken basin.
2023-07-16 01:49:371


2023-07-16 01:49:453

英语短文填空Mr Green was an artist.He went to a beautiful part of?

holiday went dark thank need paintings for said artist give,4,英语短文填空 Mr Green was an artist.He went to a beautiful part of the country for a long ___ and stayed with a farmer.Every day he ___ out and painted till evening.When it got ___ he went back to the farm and had a good dinner. At the end of his holiday he wanted to ___ the farmer."No,I don"t ___ your money."said the farmer."But give me one fo your ___ The artist thanked the farmer ___ saying such kind words about his pictures."It"s not that." ___ the farmer."I have a son in London.He always wants to bee an ___.When he es home next month,I"ll ___ him your picture.It should be enough to put him.
2023-07-16 01:49:511

kind of words

People living in different countries made different kinds of words.Today there are about fifteen hundred languages in the world.Each contains many thousands of words.But we do not need all these.To read short stories,you need to know only about two thousand words.Before you leave school,you will learn only one thousand more. The words you know are called your vocabulary.You should try to make your vocabulary bigger.Read as many books as you can.There are plenty of books written in easy English for you to read.You will enjoy them.When you meet a new word,find it in your dictionary.Your dictionary is your most useful book.
2023-07-16 01:50:001

A single kind word keeps one warm for three winters, words hurt June cold

2023-07-16 01:50:421


2023-07-16 01:50:515

What kind of words would have magical power and influence our life?

love , sex, money
2023-07-16 01:51:053