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2023-07-16 09:03:32
TAG: m2 文件


.MP Multiplan File

Maya Personal Learning Edition File

EARS Component File (EARS = UK Liberal Democrats Election Agents Record System) [Filename starts with E]

.MP+ MpegPlus Audio File (replaced by .MPC)

.MP1 MPEG Audio Stream, Layer I

.MP2 MPEG Audio Stream, Layer II

.MP2V MPEG Audio Stream, Layer II

.MP3 MPEG Audio Stream, Layer III [IrfanView]

SHARP MZ-series Emulator File

.MP4 iVAST MPEG-4 (hold BIFS-Binary Information For Scene representation) [MPEG-4 Industry Forum]

.MPA MPEG Audio Stream, Layer I, II or III

Palm Memo File

.MPC MS Project Calender

MP3 Collector Collection Manager File

VersaPro Compiled Motion Block

Musepack Audio File (new format replacing .MP+)

.MPD Mini Port Driver

MS Project Database File

.MPDEX MPdex MP3 Database Utility

.MPE MPEG Movie Clip

.MPE.EXE MP3 Digital Player Wrapper


.MPF MS Design Gallery

MosASCII Project Workspace File

.MPG MPEG Animation [IrfanView]

MPEG 1 System Stream

.MPGA Mpeg-1 Layer3 Audio Stream

.MPH MS Publisher

.MPJ RoboHTML Project

Mountain Video Editing File (Atari)

.MPK Augmented MS-Project File

.MPM WordPerfect MathPlan Macro

Max Payne MOD Archive [Added Info]

.MPNT MacPaint Bitmap File [XnView]

.MPO Augmented MS-Project File

.MPP MS Project File

CAD Drawing File

.MPQ Blizzard Game Data File

(also other games)

.MPR Foxpro Program

Westwood Studios Game File (e.g., Red Alert, - should be a text file)

FileMaker Spelling Dictionary

.MPS Multimedia File

MPEG-1 Audio and Video File (system stream)

Casio PDL Pocket Streets Map (Microsoft product - see just below)

MS Pocket Streets Map File

Max Payne Saved Game

Garmin Mapsource GPS Mapping Interface

MySweetNix! (change MSN Messenger Service nickname every n seconds)

.MPT MS Project Template File

Multipage TIFF Bitmap

.MPV MS Project View

MPEG-1 Video File

.MPV2 MPEG Audio Stream, Layer II

.MPW MosASCII Project Workspace File

.MPX Foxpro Compiler Menu

MS Project Export File

RCA/Lyra Handheld MP3 Player File (secure MP3 format that only plays in this player)

.MRB MS C++ Multiple Resolution Bitmap Graphic

.MRC MIRC Script File

Bibliographic Data Format

.MRF Marks Russel File [XnView]


.MRK Informative Graphics Markup File

.MRO SharpEye Music Reader File

.MRS WordPerfect Macro Resource File

.MRW Minolta Diamage RAW Graphic (use view software supplied with camera)

.MS Checksum File for Anti-Virus

.MS1 OzWin CompuServe E-mail/Forum Access Message File

.MS3D MilkShape 3D Model

.MSA Magic Shadow Archive

.MSC Microsoft Common Console Document

MS C Makefile

.MSF Multiple Sequence File (biomedical analysis)

.MSG Program Message

OzWin CompuServe E-mail/Forum Access Message File

MS Mail Message

.MSH MASH (The Microsoft Agent Scripting Helper)

.MSI Windows Installer File (associates components with features and contains installation control info)

.MSK Autodesk Mask File

PaintShop Pro Mask File [XnView]

.MSM MultiSIM Circuit Diagram

.MSN MS Network Document (possibly nicknames)

Descent Mission File

.MSO MS Word OLE Web Page Storage Stream [Buy Office XP at Shop.Microsoft]

MS FrontPage File [Buy Office XP at Shop.Microsoft]

Math Script Object File

.MSP MS Paint Graphic File [XnView]

Windows Installer Patch

Magix Music Studio File

.MSPX Related to Microsoft"s .NET (still researching)

.MSR OzWin CompuServe E-mail/Forum Access SYSOP File

.MSRCINCIDENT MS Remote Assistance Request

.MSS Manuscript Text File (various)

Game Score

.MSSYTLES Windows Visual Style File

.MST Minispecification

DATAIR Pension System Master File

Windows SDK Setup Transform Script (contains mods to apply to package during installation)

ChemFinder Chemical Structure Index

Visual Test Source File

.MSW Word Text File [Buy Office XP at Shop.Microsoft]

.MSWMM Microsoft Windows Movie Maker Project (Part of WinME & XP)

.MSV Sony Memory Stick Format

.MSW MS Word Text File

.MSX Compressed CP/M File Archive

.MTA MS Flight Simulator Maintenance File

.MTB MINITAB Exec File (a macro file)

.MTD Digital Sheet Music [Viewer]

.MTF Darkstone Archive [Dragon UnPACKer]

MicroSurfer File (Link manager/accelerator)

.MTH Derive Math File

.MTK Matrikon Software License File

.MTL MathLook File

.MTM Sound File

MultiTracker Music Module

.MTP L&H Power Translator Pro

.MTV MTV Ray-tracer [XnView]

.MTW Minitab Data File

.MTX Temporary File often used by a browser or TWAIN device

.MU Quattro Menu

.MUC Music Collector Collection Manager File

.MUF ProtoMuck Multi User Forth Program

.MUL Ultima Online Game

.MUP Music Publisher File

.MUS MusicTime Audio File

Finale Music Score

Harmony Assistant, Melody Assistant, Myriad Music plug-in, Melody Player

.MV Miva Script

.MV3 Oozic 3D MusicVideo

.MVA Matrox Video Card Driver

.MVB Database

MS Multimedia Viewer File [Viewer Download]

Note: The viewer download is old. Don"t overwrite any new files with old.

.MVC Music Collector Collection Manager File

.MVD MicroDVD DVD Movie

.MVE Interplay Video File [Descent2]

.MVF Movie Stop Frame File

.MVI AutoCAD Movie Command File

.MVW Saber LAN Log File

.MW4 MechWarrior 4 Map

.MWD Photo Soap2 File

.MWF ProMotion Animation

Autodesk MapGuide Author Map Window File

.MWM Mail Warrior File

.MWP Lotus Wordpro 97 Smartmaster File

MegaWorks Pack File [Dutch]

.MWS Maple Spreadsheet

.MWV MovieWorks File

.MX3 Bitbop Tuner Locked Sound File

.MXD GIS Project File (map information)

.MXE Macro Express

Mindex Effect Album

.MXI Proteus File (personal light and sound stimulation system)

Macromedia Extension Information

Mindex Indices file for Indexed Images

.MXM MS Project/Outlook Team Assign Task

Mindex Master Index File for a Category

.MXP Macromedia Extension Manager

ArcReader Published Map


ArcMap Map Template

.MYD MySQL Data File

.MYI MySQL Data File

.MYDOCS MyDocs Drop Target

.MYP Make Your Point Presentation

.MYS Myst Saved Game

.MYW MyWorld Education Drawing

.MZ MOZART Music Document

.MZB MegaZeux Board

.MZF SHARP MZ-series Emulator File

.MZP MOZART Percussion File

.MZQ SHARP MZ-series Emulator QuickDisk File

.MZS SHARP MZ-series Emulator File

.MZT MOZART Template File

SHARP MZ-series Emulator File

.MZX MegaZeux World




* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!



特点u2022独特的设计提供无与伦比的测量灵敏性和稳定性u2022保证在最宽流量范围内具有一致、可靠的性能u2022在气体流量测量中提供 出众的精度和量程比u2022设计 用于高温、高压和腐蚀性应用的专业仪表u20222 线制回路供电 选项可简化安装(4” 线路,更小巧)高准质量流量计在严苛应用中,依然性能卓越u2022可以作为关键过程控制领域的行业标准u2022对于批量、装料和夹气应用具有两相流测量能力u2022不受流体、过程或环境的影响,具有极高的测量可靠性u2022智能仪表自校验 ,可实现快速、完整的仪表诊断,而无需中断过程u2022拥有多种结构材料,包括非常适合氯腐蚀和压力高达 ANSI CL900 (2320 psi) 应用的超级双相不锈钢
2023-07-16 01:30:191

艾默生Micro motion 质量流量计在无流量情况下出现震动,并带有嗡鸣声。这是否是传感器发生故障呢?

2023-07-16 01:30:351


2023-07-16 01:30:441


promotion 有两个意思:推广,促进提升例句:The company is doing a promotion of their new product该公司正在为新产品做推广活动His promotion to chief engineer means a lot to his parents他升任首席工程师对他的父母有很大的意义
2023-07-16 01:30:544


2023-07-16 01:31:042

你好.请问如何在艾默生1700 流量计中设置小流量切断。请告知具体步骤,谢谢。我们流量计配有micro motion

没亲眼见到 无法把话说的绝对A09 是因为在启动过程中一开始启动显示的 A102 多半是因为实际没有一点点的液体流过造成的 A107 排除掉电源是否稳固的的问题的话这不要紧如果系统内已经没有任何的流量 还显示存在流量 就不属于小流量信号的问题了,而是这个流量计本身存在一些问题。小流量信号切除我个人原则是用在液体震荡上面。而你描述的我认为是器质性问题了。建议处理流程:[说明1:SCROLL 简称SL SELECT简称 ST] [说明2:如果开始是CODE就说明有密码保护,开始要输入密码 ]1、初始化仪表 2、设定基础参数【介质特性等】 3、设定流量范围,最大流量最小流量 4、设定信号输出对应值。5、设定其他必须参数 诸如 积分时间阻尼 小流量切除等经过以上操作以后,你需要重点看的就是流量计自身输出对应的量程范围。因为我最怀疑的就是这个 你没设定好。[SELECT+SCROLL] 按4秒---SEE ALARM---[SCROLL]---OFFLINE MAINTAIN--SELECT]--继续按SCROLL直到出---MAO1 --- [SELECT] --- SRC MAO1 --- [SELECT]MFLOW [SELECT] SRC MAO1 [SCROLL]4 MAO1 输入最小量程 [SCROLL+SELECT] 4 MAO1 [SCROLL] 20 MAO1 [SELECT] 输入最大量程 [SELECT+SCROLL] 20 MAO1 [SCROLL]EXIT 按SELECT退出.
2023-07-16 01:31:131


超声波流量计是一种非接触式流量计,具有精度高、可靠性强、使用寿命长等优点,因此在工业生产中得到了广泛应用。以下是进口超声波流量计排名:1. 德国Endress+Hauser公司的Prosonic Flow系列超声波流量计,具有高精度、高可靠性、易于安装和维护等特点,适用于各种工业流体的流量测量。2. 美国Emerson公司的Micro Motion系列超声波流量计,采用先进的数字信号处理技术和多波束测量技术,具有高精度、高稳定性和抗干扰能力强等特点。3. 瑞士ABB公司的Aquadis系列超声波流量计,采用先进的数字信号处理技术和多波束测量技术,具有高精度、高稳定性和抗干扰能力强等特点。4. 日本Yokogawa公司的US300系列超声波流量计,采用先进的数字信号处理技术和多波束测量技术,具有高精度、高稳定性和抗干扰能力强等特点。5. 美国Siemens公司的Sitrans F系列超声波流量计,采用先进的数字信号处理技术和多波束测量技术,具有高精度、高稳定性和抗干扰能力强等特点。总之,进口超声波流量计具有高精度、高可靠性、易于安装和维护等优点,是工业生产中不可或缺的重要设备。
2023-07-16 01:31:222


2023-07-16 01:32:117


2023-07-16 01:32:543

常用的画三维 软件都有什么啊?

应该是3D max吧!我们学校图书馆很多这个!我也有同学在学它!
2023-07-16 01:33:363


iPhone 11 Pro 的尺寸资料如下:
2023-07-16 01:33:512


2023-07-16 01:34:2313


2023-07-16 01:35:001


2023-07-16 01:35:072


vrayadv36003渲染参数设置:VRay5.00.04是目前最稳定的版本,设计师可通过云渲染的超级电脑进行效果图渲染!先切换到扫描线渲染器,然后切换回 vray 重置所有设置为默认值。然后就改下面几个,别的都不用改。图像采样(抗锯齿):类型 - 块跑小图可以改为渐进,配合下面的暴力计算,跑小图非常快。块图像采样器:最大细分 - 24燥波阈值 - 0.003这2个参数,4 和 0.01 或者 0.02 跑小图比较快细分 4、8、16、24,越高越慢越精细。V-Ray For 3DsMax,3DsMax的超级渲染器:用来代替Max原有的Scanline render(线性扫描渲染器),VRay还包括了其他增强性能的特性,包括真实的3d Motion Blur(三维运动模糊)。Micro Triangle Displacement(级细三角面置换)、Caustic(焦散)、通过VRay材质的调节完成Sub-suface scattering(次表面散射)的sss效果、和Network Distributed Rendering(网络分布式渲染)等等。VRay特点是渲染速度快(比FinalRender的渲染速度平均快20%)。
2023-07-16 01:35:151


2023-07-16 01:35:3114


首先我要安装Foundation for Apps并创建项目请确保您已经安装Ruby(OS X已默认安装)Node.js遵循Foundation for Apps详细文档四步骤即便前没使用命令行程十简单完该些步骤浏览器输入!/即看应用程序默认主页Foundation for Apps默认主页 让我熟悉项目文件文件夹应用程序根目录唯需要我注意文件gulpfile.js向Gulp构建程发送指令让其应用启服务Gulp构建系统与Grunt非相似稍我想添加些AngularJS模块或插件通JavaScript、CSS文件(引用些模块或插件)更新该Gulp文件Cient文件夹能找其我关注文件夹:clients/assets/js/app.js应用程序控制器、指令自定义滤器该文件;应用程序所SCSS文件都存放clients/assets/scss;clients/index.html应用程序主页模板;clients/templates/找所页面模板其数未创建构建模板主页面让我始构建吧index.html页面满足实际应用需要所首先修改该页面我针尺寸屏幕增加Off-Canvas菜单、切换按钮及漂亮淡入淡效(利用Foundation for AppsMotion UI类式实现)直接Github repositoryindex.html文件复制些代码_settings.scss文件添加些SCSS变量设置颜色、字体断点:[js] view plaincopy$primary-color: #000; $secondary-color: #ffe306; $body-background: $secondary-color; $breakpoints: ( small: rem-calc(600), medium: rem-calc(900), large: rem-calc(1200), xlarge: rem-calc(1440), xxlarge: rem-calc(1920), ); $h1-font-size: rem-calc(80); $body-font-family: "brandon-grotesque", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; $header-font-family: "flood-std", Helvetica, sans-serif; 现我要加点料美化app.scss直接参考Github repository该文件接快速重写默认home.html文件该文件clients/templates/ 目录目录列所要建页面链接菜单:[js] view plaincopy--- name: home url: / --- Star Wars Compendium Foundation for Apps using Star Wars API Films Species Planets People Starships Vehicles 我模板现看起已经相别致——再千篇律Foundation
2023-07-16 01:36:061


英文:Vote counter,general electric animation with printing presses,mechanical and electronic news,automatic pound telegraph method,double & written four heavy telegraph method,making stencil carbonaceous resistors,acoustic *** ysis resonator,the phonograph,WeiYinQi,amplifiers,air speaker,sound engine,tuning engine,micro heat meter,check flavour meter,high resistance electric incandescent lamp,base and switch,magnetic post-mortem ore method,sing cylinder the phonograph,activities,electric railways,battery motion-picture machine... 中文:投票计数器、普用印刷机、电动画机电报、自动复记电报法,二重、四重电报法、制造蜡纸炭质电阻器、声波分析谐振器、留声机、微音器、扩音器、空中扬声器、声音发动机、调音发动机、微热计、验味计、高阻力白炽灯、电灯座和开关、磁力析矿法、唱筒型留声机、活动电影机、电气铁道、蓄电池……
2023-07-16 01:36:131

求文章摘要人工翻译 谢谢

The rural economy is an important part of the national economy, the development of the rural economy in urgent need of credit funds to support. Microfinance after twenty years of development, to effectively alleviate the rural financial market of our country monetary contradiction between supply and demand of rural credit cooperatives, broaden the sources of funding, optimization of rural financial structure effect. However, in China"s market economy and the rural micro credit system is not perfect, because of the influence of the dual attributes of policy and commercial microfinance implementation, leading to disperse, organization system is not complete, affected the development of rural economy. Rural microfinance is a kind of financing way to solve the rural economic development in poverty-stricken areas, in order to solve the low income crowd financing difficulties, as well as the slow increase in low-income low utilization of funds plays an irreplaceable advantage of loan. As the Agricultural Bank of Harbin city to promote the healthy development of rural microfinance in Harbin, this paper studies the Wuchang City as the development status and Countermeasures of Agricultural Bank of China Harbin branch of Rural Micro credit. Considering the basic situation of the Agricultural Bank of Harbin City, this paper introduces characteristics of the Agricultural Bank of Harbin city of Rural Micro credit. Existing problems and causes, discusses some Agricultural Bank of Harbin city rural microfinance is facing a series of problems, such as its misunderstanding led to the rural microfinance promotion lack of motivation, mode of operation of the limitations of the rural micro credit advantage is very difficult to show the team strength is weak, credit led to social benefits, weakening external environment makes the poor rural micro credit risk is huge and lower interest rates lead to operational difficulties and rent-seeking and so on; then taking Harbin Wuchang City as an example, the actual impact on farmers microfinance Bank of Harbin for the farmers" income has carried on the empirical analysis, analysis shows that, the rural microfinance business of Bank of Harbin in development, although there are some problems for the income of farmers, but it actually played a positive role is very important. Finally, to solve the problems, from five aspects this paper then puts forward feasible countermeasures, and puts forward some countermeasures for establishing the correct understanding of the rural micro credit from two aspects the importance of Rural Micro Credit and basic properties, puts forward countermeasures for optimizing the rural microfinance operation mode of Agricultural Bank of China from the strengthening of risk control and innovation of new financing products two aspects of countermeasures to improve the quality of credit, in the part of service personnel, mainly from the perfect incentive mechanism and the establishment of the survival of the fittest employment system two points are expounded, on how to improve the external environment problems, mainly from the establishment of farmer credit system and to promote two aspects of rural micro credit legal system construction are discussed, and finally the pricing problem of Rural Micro Credit and put forward the corresponding countermeasures. Through this research, one is to grasp the Agricultural Bank of Harbin city in the development of rural economy the status of micro credit and the existing problems; two is to promote sustainable development of rural micro credit business of Harbin City Agricultural Bank, puts forward some constructive advice and suggestions.
2023-07-16 01:36:402


前缀:dis(disappointment) in(incorrect) im(impossible) il(illegal) un(unemploment) mis(misunderstand) anti(anti-social) pre(preconception) pro(programme) ex(ex-wife) post(post-war) sub(subway) re(reconstruct) co(copetare) ex(exdraordinary) auto(automatic) micro(microchip) tele(telephone) tri(triangle) poly(polygon) sex(sexangle) mill(millmeter) kilo(kilometer) 后缀:tion(promotion) er(teacher) eer(engineer) or(professor) hood(childhood) ship(friendship) ful(hopeful) ment(movement) ness(happiness) ism(racism) ify(simpify) ate(validate) less(harmless) ly(friendly) able(comfortable) al(personal) ive(consturctive) wards(eastawards)
2023-07-16 01:37:151


2023-07-16 01:36:591


mental asylum 精神病院mental disorder or mental illness 精神病
2023-07-16 01:37:002


一、MCC是什么MCC,全称Merchant Category Code,中文名称“商户类别码”,是由国际信用卡组织提供的,用于识别每笔交易商户所属的行业类别的四位数字码。每一个MCC码对应着一个具体的行业类别,比如,美容美发业的MCC码为7231,购物中心的MCC码为5311,餐饮业的MCC码为5812等等。MCC码是根据国际信用卡组织(International Card Organization)的商户分类标准制定的,国内各大银行也都会按照这个标准来进行分类,用于统计和分析商户消费状况,从而给商户提供更加精准的服务。二、MCC码的作用MCC码可以用来确定商户的行业类别,从而帮助商户更好的把握自己的消费状况,为商户提供更加精准的服务。此外,MCC码还可以用来识别消费状况,例如,如果商户类别码为5812,那么消费者在餐饮业消费的次数就会增加,因此商户也可以根据这个结果来定位消费者的消费行为,从而为消费者提供更加合理的服务。三、如何查询MCC码想要查询MCC码,可以登录国际信用卡组织的官网,在官网的“商户类别码查询”页面中输入商户的行业类别,即可查询到对应的MCC码。另外,各大银行也都有查询MCC码的功能,只要在银行官网中搜索“MCC码查询”,即可找到查询页面,然后输入商户的行业类别,就可以查询到对应的MCC码。四、MCC码的分类MCC码的分类一般分为以下几大类:(1)餐饮:包括餐馆、酒吧、餐厅、咖啡馆等。MCC码为5812;(2)购物:包括商场、超市、商店、书店等。MCC码为5311;(3)美容美发:包括美容院、美发店、美甲店等。MCC码为7231;(4)旅游:包括旅行社、机票预订、旅游景点等。MCC码为7999;(5)娱乐:包括影院、演出、游乐园等。MCC码为7832;(6)其他:包括加油站、银行、保险公司等。MCC码为6000。五、MCC码的申请想要申请MCC码,可以登录国际信用卡组织的官网,在官网的“申请MCC码”页面中,填写申请信息,即可提交申请。此外,各大银行也都有申请MCC码的功能,只要在银行官网中搜索“申请MCC码”,即可找到申请页面,然后按照要求填写申请信息,即可提交申请。六、MCC码的使用MCC码一般用于标识商户的行业类别,以便于商户更好的把握自己的消费状况,为商户提供更加精准的服务。此外,MCC码还可以用于识别消费状况,例如,如果商户类别码为5812,那么消费者在餐饮业消费的次数就会增加,因此商户也可以根据这个结果来定位消费者的消费行为,从而为消费者提供更加合理的服务。
2023-07-16 01:37:011


2023-07-16 01:37:017


2023-07-16 01:37:026


2023-07-16 01:37:061

mcc是什么 简述MCC的定义和作用?

2023-07-16 01:37:082


catti日语 上半年有口译和笔译,下半年只有笔译,但是报名窗口不一样,一个在地方人事考试网,一个在catti官网。catti英语应该也是一样的
2023-07-16 01:37:093


【 #英语资源# 导语】游泳是一项老少皆宜的体育运动项目。游泳比赛所包含的项目众多,各种泳姿风格各异,其独特的魅力使得游泳成了欢迎的健身项目之一。以下是 整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。 1.暑假游泳日记范文   Today, I went swimming with my aunt and brother in Zijingshan hotel. After buying tickets and changing swimsuits, my aunt and my brother went into the water. Two round pools glitter in the sun. They are so beautiful!   As soon as I got into the water, I felt a little cool, as if the hot summer had disappeared. Suddenly, it began to rain. It was so cool. I felt that summer was over and autumn was coming. I began to swim, sucked in enough air, closed my eyes, and threw myself into the water. My legs pushed back hard, and my hands rowed hard to both sides. Then I swam forward according to my own perception, and I heard only the buzzing sound of rowing in my ears. After swimming for a while, I really couldn"t hold back, and immediately stood up, wow! I swam so far! So I asked to compete with my aunt.   The game began. I pushed my legs back hard, and my hands rowed hard to both sides. When I ran out of breath, I took a breath, and immediately reached the finish line. I tried my best, and my hands touched the wall. I saw that my aunt didn"t arrive, and cheered, "I won!"   Today is really a happy day. 2.暑假游泳日记范文   The summer vacation finally arrived. Dad didn"t have to go to work today, so we decided to go to the swimming pool. Dad said it was too early now, so we decided to go to Hutoushan park first, and then go swimming.   After an hour, we arrived at Hutou mountain. My sister and I had a good time. Unconsciously, another hour passed. My father said, "we went to the swimming pool."   When we got to the swimming pool, we changed our clothes and went into the water to play. At first, we felt cold. After a little exercise, we didn"t feel cold. At first, I only knew freestyle. When I saw someone using breaststroke swimming, I had the idea of learning breaststroke swimming, so I asked my father to teach me breaststroke. Finally, Huangtian didn"t live up to his efforts, and finally learned breaststroke. I competed with my sister to see who swam the fastest. At first, it was me, but halfway through the swim, My sister came from behind to catch up with me, and I followed closely. It was a pity that I lost my sister by a shoulder.   After lunch, we had a rest and went back to the swimming pool to play. It was great to see my sister"s classmates. I don"t know how long it took, my sister joined us again. Today is really a happy day, and we learn swimming skills. It"s really a harvest day. I"ll come swimming again next time. 3.暑假游泳日记范文   This afternoon, the weather was very hot. My mother took me to the colorful village water park. Along the way, I was very excited. The scenery on the road was beautiful. Mountains were like green umbrellas, wild flowers on the mountains were like colorful balloons, and the trees on both sides of the road were dense and luxuriant. My heart would float at the thought of going to the water park.   Soon I arrived at the water park. The scene in front of me made me nervous, because I saw many people playing surfing. Afraid of water, I put on my swimsuit and played with those water equipment. The equipment had all kinds of mushroom umbrellas. Suddenly I saw a strange slide, which would pour the water down every ten minutes or so, like a fountain! Later, I was pleasantly surprised to find another water slide. It was bigger and more fun than this, so I summoned up the courage to climb up. I slid down out of breath and felt it was not terrible at all. Then I accompanied my mother to the wave area to play swimming. I skated skillfully with the swimming ring in my arms, and the water was extremely cool!   Time flies, and I will go home soon. I reluctantly left the pool, changed my clothes and walked with my mother. This is my first day of swimming and the happiest day. 4.暑假游泳日记范文   Yesterday afternoon, my mother wanted to take me swimming, but I didn"t want to go, because no one went into the water with me. So my mother made a phone call and asked my aunt to swim together.   We walked by car for about threeorfour minutes, and finally arrived at the swimming place!   We bought tickets, changed clothes, and I rushed to the pond. Because this is the river water, which was rebuilt later, so I can"t see the bottom of the water. I slowly groundwater. Fortunately, the water only flooded my neck. When I got into the water, I began to play everywhere instead of swimming.   After playing on the side for a long time, I saw my mother and aunt coming out and my aunt holding a swimming ring in her hand, so I took it from my aunt and pushed it to the deep water area. But my mother wouldn"t let me take my aunt"s swimming ring, so I had to give it back to my aunt, and I went there by myself. I swam to the deep water area and found that I had just reached my chin! But I suspect that this is because the water volume is less than usual. The evidence is that the water level has not crossed the steps (that is, the steps that flow down like a waterfall) I sat on it and suddenly heard my mother calling me, so I rushed there. 5.暑假游泳日记范文   Today, the hot "sun shines in the sky, and the cicadas on the trees keep shouting. This weather is best for swimming! What do you want? Dad took me to Yuntai hot spring villa for a swim in the afternoon.   After changing clothes, we came to the shallow water area, where there are warm pools and children"s pools. Let"s play with the slide in the children"s pool first. After playing for a while, I didn"t feel satisfied, so I came to the deep-water area to swim.   I plopped into the swimming pool, wow! The water is so cold! I shivered, and my father told me to swim quickly, so it won"t be cold when I swim. However, I almost forgot how to swim when I got into the water. My mother reminded me by the side, pedal three times, look up for a breath, and hook up my feet when pedaling back. I followed my mother"s words while thinking about the actions taught by the coach when I learned to swim. After a few times, I swam up.   Later, my father and I began a swimming competition. My father said that whoever swims to the other end first, even if who wins, go three two one! I swam forward quickly like a fish. Unexpectedly, I defeated my father! But my father refused to accept it and insisted on competing again. Finally, my father lost three games in a row and I won completely.   I really had a good time today. I"ll play again in the future. 6.暑假游泳日记范文   Today, the temperature reached 38 degrees, which was very hot. Swimming was the best way to escape the summer heat.   My mother and I came to Huayin park swimming pool. I quickly changed my swimming trunks, put on my swimming cap and goggles, rushed through the cold water bath, and ran to the pool like an arrow from the string. At this time, I happened to meet my classmate he huanbin. I was excited to stamp my feet in the water, and the two people pushed each other to play a water battle. After a while, I learned that he huanbin also had to wear a swimming ring or a foam swimsuit to play in the deep-water area, and I watched him in the deep-water area, itching to go, but my mother didn"t agree, for fear of my accident, I thought my mother"s caution was right, but I wanted to challenge myself to swim in the deep-water area and have a good time. I begged my mother to promise to come to the shallow water area when I was weak. My mother finally agreed. At this time, I dived into the water like he huanbin to the little fish and floated on the water for a while. It was so pleasant. It was so refreshing!   Today, I not only swam, but also met my classmate he huanbin. I"m so happy! 7.暑假游泳日记范文   My mother promised to take me to the swimming pool. I"m really happy!   When I got to the swimming pool, I felt a chill rush towards me when I went into the water. It"s so cold! I was shivering in the water. My brother splashed water on me several times in a row, and I suddenly felt much better. Then, I began to swim, swimming back and forth. When I swam to the side of the pool and wanted to go up to rest, my body only left half of the water and fell into the water again. When I tried to go up again with all my strength, suddenly, my feet hurt violently. When I lifted my feet, it turned out that my feet were cut a big hole by the metal material on the ladder. I hurriedly shouted, "Mom, mom, my feet are bleeding!"   Mom quickly pulled me up and asked, "what"s the matter with you?" I lifted my bloody foot to my mother. My mother quickly wrapped it with a paper towel and said to me, "it"s okay. Don"t touch water these two days. It"ll be fine in a few days. Look at how old you are. A small wound. Look at your screaming. You"ve grown up and will leave me one day. From now on, you can do everything you can to face it by yourself."   Yes! I can"t ask my mother for small things, and I can"t let my mother worry about me, because I"ve grown up! 8.暑假游泳日记范文   Our little tiger team had a swim. Although there are few people in our team, we are all good swimmers!   Early this morning, we came to the swimming pool. I looked at the people floating in the water, not to mention how much I wanted to jump. We jumped into the water and began a water battle. Yu Yanyao first came to a "avalanche". It made me drink half of my stomach. Xu Gaoxiang was also attacked. Xu Gaoxiang and I got angry. We both used "omnipotent concentration". I thought it would bring Yu Yanyao down. Unexpectedly, he actually used the Hercules method. Instead of being attacked by us, it bounced back the "omnipotent concentration". In this way, we are happy to fight around!   Dad suggested that we hold our breath in the competition. Whoever sticks his head out of the water at the latest will be the first. When dad finished saying "two", I took a deep breath and prepared to go under the water. The game began. My mouth was rolling, and I almost sighed. But I held on. After a while, I really couldn"t stand it. Had to sigh up. To my surprise, I got the first place. I found that Xu Gaoxiang was always last. Guess why? It turned out that Yu Yanyao was pulling his swimming trunks! ha-ha! 9.暑假游泳日记范文   On Saturday evening, my mother took me to the children"s palace to swim.   When I got there, I changed my swimsuit, warmed up and jumped into the pool with a "plop". I swam and swam, shuttling between shallow water and deep water. I swam for a while in freestyle and breaststroke, which was really free and enjoyable.   After swimming for a long time, I felt a little tired. I climbed ashore to find my mother. I said to my mother, "let"s go to the shallow pool to play."   When I arrived at the shallow pool, I met my good friend zhangzuyuan. I suggested, "let"s have a water war." "Good." He answered, I picked up the floating board and hit the water hard. The water splashed everywhere. He also picked up the floating board and hit back. I immediately covered my face with the floating board. With this opportunity to breathe, I hurriedly hit a bigger splash with the floating board. He had no time to stop it, so he had to dive into the bottom of the water. When he got up from the water, I hit the pool water with him at the same time, and as a result, we were hit by the splash. We laughed and shouted, Have a good time.   Swimming is my favorite activity in my spare time life. 10.暑假游泳日记范文   Today, I went to Wahaha primary school to learn swimming.   When I got there, I changed my clothes as quickly as yesterday, but this time I put my swimming trunks inside directly, so the speed was twice as fast as before.   Do a good warm-up exercise, and we went into the water. The teacher said that we should learn the foot movements of swimming this time, so I remembered the movements I had just done on the shore, thinking, that"s it! It shouldn"t be difficult, so I swam up. However, it is so simple to do it on the shore, but once in the water, it is so difficult for me. I did it for the first time, but I can"t swim. The second time, the action is too slow, and the third time, my body is not straight... In this way, I did it for more than ten times, and finally made a decent action. Just because of these dozens of failures, I only poured a few saliva in my stomach and made a lot of funny moves. I worked harder and practiced hard. I swam farther and farther every time. Finally, I could swim five meters this time.   Finally, it was time to go ashore. I climbed up the ladder to the bank. As soon as I got ashore, I felt how heavy my swimming pants were, and my legs were soft, and I had no strength at all. Why don"t you feel tired in the water? As soon as you come out, you have no strength. Is the buoyancy of the water really so big?   Today is to learn leg movements, and tomorrow to learn hand movements, I must work harder.
2023-07-16 01:37:131

c打印多少64位地址 csdn

int someOne = 2;int &refa=someOne;printf("%x",refa);//打印 六位16进制的数 16fa32printf("%x",&refa);//打印 六位16进制的数 16fa32cout<<&someOne<<endl;//打印 8位16进制的数 0016fa32cout<<refa<<endl;//打印 六位8进制的数 0016fa32
2023-07-16 01:37:151


汉字长度与编码有关MySql 5.0 以上的版本:1、一个汉字占多少长度与编码有关:UTF-8:一个汉字 = 3个字节,英文是一个字节GBK: 一个汉字 = 2个字节,英文是一个字节2、varchar(n) 表示n个字符,无论汉字和英文,MySql都能存入 n 个字符,仅实际字节长度有所区别。3、MySQL检查长度,可用SQL语言。
2023-07-16 01:37:162


心理学的英文名称是() A.Psychologist B.psychology(正确答案) C.psychopath D.psychiotry
2023-07-16 01:37:181


朱一龙没有代言过的小迷糊的朱一龙代言的品牌有:1、TOM FORD2019年8月2日,TOMFORDBEAUTY微博发文:TOM FORD中国区品牌香氛形象大使朱一龙,邀你携手进入奢华而馥郁的香氛世界。2、可口可乐2019年5月23日,朱一龙成为可口可乐品牌形象代言人。3、欧舒丹2019年5月,欧舒丹微博发文官宣朱一龙为欧舒丹大中华区身体护理代言人。4、Chopard萧邦2019年3月22日,Chopard萧邦微博发文:经时光淬炼而出的优雅,有着温润谦和的力量。Chopard萧邦携手品牌大使朱一龙,开启摩登绅士全新旅程。5、膳魔师THERMOS2019年3月,朱一龙升级为膳魔师THERMOS品牌代言人。2018年10月8日,朱一龙成为膳魔师YOUNG系列产品代言人。6、肯德基2019年2月13日,肯德基携手全产品代言人朱一龙为你献上情人节限定花语。7、巴黎欧莱雅2019年2月11日,朱一龙成为巴黎欧莱雅活力代言人。8、REFA黎珐2018年10月12日,朱一龙正式成为ReFa的品牌美容仪亚太区代言人。9、味全酸奶2018年9月19日,味全酸奶微博发文宣布朱一龙成为味全酸奶品牌代言人。10、妮维雅2018年8月27日,妮维雅微博发文:妮维雅携手全新身体护肤代言人朱一龙,邀你体验奢宠美肌之旅。11、施华蔻2018年9月25日,朱一龙成为施华蔻最新代言人。12、《新倩女幽魂》游戏2018年9月,朱一龙为《新倩女幽魂》游戏代言。
2023-07-16 01:37:221

mysql VARCHAR的最大长度到底是多少

mysql VARCHAR的最大长度到底是多少MySQL 数据库的varchar类型在4.1以下的版本中的最大长度限制为255,其数据范围可以是0~255或1~255(根据不同版本数据库来定)。在 MySQL5.0以上的版本中,varchar数据类型的长度支持到了65535,也就是说可以存放65532个字节的数据,起始位和结束位占去了3个字 节,也就是说,在4.1或以下版本中需要使用固定的TEXT或BLOB格式存放的数据可以使用可变长的varchar来存放,这样就能有效的减少数据库文 件的大小。
2023-07-16 01:37:251


2023-07-16 01:37:262


[编辑本段]关于30 Seconds to Mars  性质:摇滚乐队  音乐类型:另类摇滚 Alternativa Rock   国家:美国  时期:1998-现在  唱片公司:维京音乐 Virgin Records  成员:Jared Leto 主唱兼吉他  Tomo Milicevic 吉他(原吉他Solon Bixer离队,之后Kevin也于2002离队)  Tim Kelleher(代打) 贝斯(Matt Wachter于2007离队)  Shannon Leto 鼓手 [编辑本段]乐队简介  30 Seconds to Mars,Jared和Shannon两兄弟在1998年组成的乐队,成员目前共3人。 Jared并不只是乐队的主唱,在第一张专辑里,他包括了除了鼓手之外几乎所有的工作,主唱、吉它、贝斯、合成、编排……乐队的成名曲也出自Jared之手。对外联系工作及乐队采访也大多由他出面。所以,Jared绝对可以说是这个乐队的灵魂人物,他也采取了出人意料的严肃态度去对待自己的音乐。  乐队的出发点有点意外的高,第一张专辑他们就请到了摇滚界资深音乐制作人Bob Ezrin参与制作。 Jared他们是Pink Floyd的FANS,相信只有Bob Ezrin能做出他们所要的音乐。 Bob Ezrin曾参与制作过Pink Floyd、David Bowie等人的专辑。这样的大牌制作人可不是光有钱就能请到的。第二张专辑则由制作过VR专辑的Josh Abraham担纲,这是当今摇滚界最红的制作人了,也是维京的副总裁。另外,乐队发行专辑之前,就去担任Puddle of Mudd(美国当红乐队)六周巡回演唱会的开场嘉宾。接着他们担任了Incubus乐团的开场嘉宾,一上台就得面对两万名的听众,这真是件令人激动不已的事。  以上,证明Jared十年娱乐圈没白混。不过,有机会也得有表现才行。摇滚乐界是个严苟而残酷的世界,才不会管你是什么好莱坞明星级的人物。30 Seconds to Mars的表现另乐评人和摇滚FANS都刮目相看。面对30STM的出色表现,他们不得不承认并不是每个“演员乐队”都是差劲的。 [编辑本段]成员简介  Jared Leto(弟弟) 主唱 / 吉他 / 曲作者  生日:1971/12/26  出生地:Bossier City, Louisiana, USA  Shannon Leto (哥哥) 鼓手  生日:1970/03/09  出生地:Bossier City, Louisiana, USA  Tomo Milicevic 吉他  生日:1979/09/03  出生地:Sarakevo 塞拉耶佛 [编辑本段]专辑  同名专辑 30 Seconds To Mars  发行公司:EMI UK  发行日期:2002/08 /27  简介:  全球乐评★★★★以上全力推介NU-METAL乐坛全新势力BILLBOARD HEAT SEAKER排行冠军专辑  欢迎来到30 Seconds To Mars的世界,一同体验他们所营造出来的音乐氛围与旋律。  在同名的首张专辑中,集合大量工业声响、Progressive Rock、Nu-Metal等元素,簇拥Space Rock的空间音场,Jared简洁有力的声音,令人惊讶于他不同演戏上奶油小生的印象。   专辑由摇滚乐传奇的制作人Bob Ezrin及前Jane"s Addiction团员Brian Virtue担纲制作。浩瀚无盈的Space Rock标准曲Capricorn [A brand New Name]、未来感十足的Edge Of The Earth,一如团名一般给人一种犹如置身未来太空电影般的联想;Old School Progressive Rock的Fallen 、充满工业影响的Oblivion及Metal气力的93 Million Miles等,仿佛野心地召告世人一个未来世界的来临。  也许地球太危险,那么就一同来体验30 Seconds To Mars来自南加州的音乐快感!  曲目:  01. Capricorn (A Brand New Name)  02. Edge Of The Earth  03. Fallen  04. Oblivion  05. Buddha For Mary  06. Echelon  07. Welcome To The Universe  08. The Mission  09. End Of The Beginning  10. 93 Million Miles  11. Year Zero  12. Anarchy In Tokyo*  专辑 A Beautiful Lie  发行公司:Virgin Records America  发行日期:2005/08/30  简介:  如同Tool及Deftones之急促吉他声线牵引出怒式金属力道,令人惊艳之撕裂咆啸式的犀利嗓音,绝对刮目相看再度出发之激赏表现。 Limp Bizkit、Staind、Courtney Love摇滚界炙手可热制作高手Josh Abraham护航跨刀制作。  杀光全球女粉丝底片的新生代帅气小生Jared Leto,仍不忘情拿起吉他、献出爆发力十足的好歌喉。 2002年顺利签下一纸合约,发行首张同名专辑『30 Seconds To Mars』,散发出新世纪摇滚之声,融合多样实验精神,毫无掩饰表现出一份属于摇滚乐的狂放霸气!   相隔三年,在繁忙电影拍摄与巡回表演的双重劳累加身,Jared却乐此不疲的不断创作新品,早在2004年四月就进录音室与摇滚界炙手可热的制作高手Josh Abraham(Limp Bizkit、Staind 、Courtney Love),齐力商讨第二张新作『A Beautiful Lie』的方向。仍然延续前作的高度实验试探性,入选首波主打的开场曲"Attack",在阵阵急促吉他声线牵引出怒式金属力道,Jared令人惊艳的撕裂咆啸式的犀利嗓音,绝对刮目相看他们再度出发的激赏表现;有着Space Rock迷离音场交错谱入的同名单曲" A Beautiful Lie",陷入情绪营造的奇幻声感当中;如同Tool及Deftones的乐曲演出架构堆叠之"The Fantasy" ,带领乐迷体验30 Seconds To Mars最为奇幻多元的音乐蓝图;"From Yesterday"完全崩裂的演唱方式,再次为Jared的表现鼓掌叫好;空心吉他的来回播奏,并加入弦乐润饰,末曲" A Modern Myth"献上耐听度满分的动人抒情小品,听毕后,别急着按Stop,在12分25秒后,会出现延续A Modern Myth的神秘隐藏曲。  曲目:  01. Attack  02. A Beautiful Lie  03. The Kill  04. Was It A Dream?  05. The Fantasy  06. Savior  07. From Yesterday  08. The Story  09. R-Evolve  10. A Modern Myth  11. Battle of One*  12. Hunter*  *Bonus track   30STM目前正在筹备第三张专辑。在又为ABL专辑推出了不同版本的"the kill"和"a beautiful lie"单曲以及此专辑的4支音乐录影带之后,又相继推出了B-Side如"fortification","the believer","pressure"还有主唱Jared 改写的Kanye West为原唱的"stronger",可是目前都没有官方发行。我们有望在下一张专辑当中听到这些曲目。     This Is War  由散发阴郁特质的好莱坞摇滚美型男Jared Leto领军,超悍EMO乐团第三张蜕变大碟   Flood(U2、杀手乐团)、葛莱美奖Steve Lillywhite (崔维斯、杰森玛耶兹)编织崭新摇滚乐章   12座MTV音乐大奖提名、6座摇滚指标大奖Kerrang! Awards提名   以电子节拍铸融摇滚乐音,打造乐团出道以来最富野心的作品   强势话题收录Kanye West、杀手乐团主唱Brandon Flowers共同跨刀合作的〈Hurricane〉   散发阴郁特质的好莱坞摇滚美型男Jared Leto,这位多次荣获People杂志选为「全球50位最美丽人物」的新生代男星,可说是影坛当中,最勇于嚐试不同富有挑战角色的实力派小生。而Jared Leto对艺术表演的热忱,不只限于戏剧演出,更展现在音乐上面。就在1998年,由Jared担任主音、哥哥Shannon Leto担任鼓手,所成立的超悍EMO乐团30 Seconds To Mars,顺利在2002推出首张同名专辑《30 Seconds To Mars》,这张勇夺热门潜力榜冠军的作品,让大家见识到Leto兄弟的不容小觑的音乐才华。于2005年发表的第二张专辑《A Beautiful Lie》再度开出销售红盘,及满获乐评盛赞的好成绩,专辑果然不负众望勇夺白金唱片的认证。实力与偶像特质兼具的30 Seconds To Mars,出道之后,更累计荣获12座MTV音乐大奖、6座摇滚指标大奖Kerrang! Awards、3座TRL Awards、3座Fuse Awards…的大奖的提名肯定。   距离上一张专辑,已有将近两年的时间,Jared Leto (主唱、吉他、创作)、Shannon Leto (鼓手)、Tomo Mili00evi04 (吉他)三人再度集合,带来第三张专辑《This Is War》展现出全新气象。新作特地请出英国教父级音乐人Flood(Depeche Mode、U2、The Killers),以及葛莱美奖制作人Steve Lillywhite (Matchbox Twenty、Travis、Jason Mraz),两大天王级制作人,共同编织崭新的摇滚乐章。在蓄势待发的气氛中,弦乐营造出诡异气氛,童音环绕合唱,宣示着奋战决心,开场曲〈Escape〉吹响了战争号角;拨云见日溷沌渐开,首发单曲〈Kings and Queens〉在打击乐的堆叠之下,无私地贯注满满的摇滚勇气;专辑同名单曲〈This Is War〉,在来自全世界歌迷的共同合作之下,同声一呼高举杀戮旗帜,战场里有令人耳目一新的电子元素及弦乐助阵,更添壮烈激昂情绪,这首歌更被EA Game年度大作 Dragon Age选为主题曲;阳光洒落在〈100 Suns〉身上,简单的音乐配器,轻唱着的动人词句,实为感人小品;风暴来袭!摇滚音符袭卷着嘻哈电子节奏,〈Hurricane〉这首由Kanye West、杀手乐团主唱Brandon Flowers共同话题跨刀合作的单曲,散发着刚柔并济的力道;犹如TheQueens的神灵附身,〈Vox Populi〉满载着勇气与冲劲,是首新时代的摇滚军歌;琴音在Jared Leto小心翼翼的声线中回汤,〈Alibi〉的心痛还是藏不住,晕染成一片;电子颗粒如涛浪狂奔,抵挡不住的威力随着音符穿梭,在〈Closer to the Edge〉的胸口溅射出的朵朵绚丽浪花;将近七分钟的〈Stranger in a Strange Land〉气势磅礴奇异,专辑末曲〈L49〉呢喃着咒语悼文,在前往火星之际,彷佛预告着乐团下一个未知方向。  1 Escape   2 Night of the Hunter   3 Kings and Queens   4 This Is War   5 100 Suns   6 Hurricane   7 Closer to the Edge   8 Vox Populi   9 Search and Destroy   10 Alibi   11 Stranger in a Strange Land   12 L49 这是百度 第二张专辑补充,风格是emo 要看更多 看hit 轻音乐 去年的一期上的 狂热派 有介绍
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continuaily 与哪个英语单词相同

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varchar的最大长度为65535字节。实际的最大长度 = (65535 - NULL标识位 - 长度标识位)/ 单字符最大字节数。65535行最大长度可配置,NULL标识位与可空列个数有关,长度标识位与列可能的最大字节数有关,单字符最大字节数与字符集有关。具体分析可参考《varchar的最大长度是多少?》
2023-07-16 01:36:411

Monty Python的《Psychopath》 歌词

歌曲名:Psychopath歌手:Monty Python专辑:Matching Tie And HandkerchiefPsychopath作词:ゆよゆっぺ作曲:ゆよゆっぺ编曲:ゆよゆっぺ呗:巡音ルカ翻译:衍by:CHHKKE解いた他人とは违う理想/解除与其他人相异的理想结んだ崩れ去った未来図を/织起崩毁散失的未来蓝图それでいいのならば/如果这样就好了仆は消えようかな/我是否会消失呢夕闇に响く/回响在薄暮里音の中に见つけた狂気が/音律之中发现的疯狂仆のそばで优しく嗫くんだ/在我的身旁温柔地絮语君だけは违うんだと/只有你与众不同根拠のない不确かな/毫无根据的无法确信的肯定を/肯定I want to be Heterodoxy.I want to be Normal person.It must be terrible and be painful.Therefore,I might be a psychopath.はき违えたみたい/当成误会一场似的谛めがついたよ/彻底放弃了哦音の中に见つけた狂気が/音律之中发现的疯狂仆のそばで优しく嗫くんだ/在我的身旁温柔地絮语君だけは违うんだと/只有你与众不同根拠のない不确かな/毫无根据的无法确信的肯定を/肯定仆はいつから/我是从何时开始ここに居るんだろう/於此存在的呢ここに居たんだろう/於此存在过的呢仆の心は他人と违うんだろう/我的心与其他人类不一样吗-END-
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char、varchar和varchar2的区别(转)区别: 1.CHAR的长度是固定的,而VARCHAR2的长度是可以变化的, 比如,存储字符串“abc",对于CHAR (20),表示你存储的字符将占20个字节(包括17个空字符),而同样的VARCHAR2 (20)则只占用3个字节的长度,20只是最大值,当你存储的字符小于20时,按实际长度存储。 2.CHAR的效率比VARCHAR2的效率稍高。 3.目前VARCHAR是VARCHAR2的同义词。工业标准的VARCHAR类型可以存储空字符串,但是oracle不这样做,尽管它保留以后这样做的权利。Oracle自己开发了一个数据类型VARCHAR2,这个类型不是一个标准的VARCHAR,它将在数据库中varchar列可以存储空字符串的特性改为存储NULL值。如果你想有向后兼容的能力,Oracle建议使用VARCHAR2而不是VARCHAR。 何时该用CHAR,何时该用varchar2? CHAR与VARCHAR2是一对矛盾的统一体,两者是互补的关系. VARCHAR2比CHAR节省空间,在效率上比CHAR会稍微差一些,即要想获得效率,就必须牺牲一定的空间,这也就是我们在数据库设计上常说的‘以空间换效率"。 VARCHAR2虽然比CHAR节省空间,但是如果一个VARCHAR2列经常被修改,而且每次被修改的数据的长度不同,这会引起‘行迁移"(Row Migration)现象,而这造成多余的I/O,是数据库设计和调整中要尽力避免的,在这种情况下用CHAR代替VARCHAR2会更好一些。char中还会自动补齐空格,因为你insert到一个char字段自动补充了空格的,但是select 后空格没有删除
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1九阳Joyoung (中国驰名商标,专注于豆浆机领域并积极开拓厨房小家电研发生产和销售,山东济南九阳股份有限公司)2 美的Midea (始于1981年,中国驰名商标,上市公司,最具竞争力品牌之一,中国企业500强,大型家电集团,美的集团有限公司)3 苏泊尔SUPOR (中国驰名商标,高新技术企业,浙江省著名商标,全球最大的炊具研发制造商之一,浙江苏泊尔股份有限公司)4 飞利浦PHILIPS (始创于1891年荷兰,中国驰名商标,世界知名品牌,全球100个最具价值品牌,飞利浦电子(中国)投资有限公司)5 欧科OUKE (高新技术企业,广东名牌,豆浆机国家标准起草工作组成员之一,知名搅拌机品牌,佛山市顺德区欧科电器公司)6 天际TONZE (创立于1996年,广东省著名商标,广东省名牌产品,广东省高新技术企业,知名酸奶机品牌,广东天际电器有限公司)7 美斯特 (豆浆机行业国家标准制订副组长单位,专业从事生产/加工双面及多层线路板的企业,中山市美斯特实业有限公司)8 东菱Donlim (中国驰名商标,行业领导品牌,高新技术企业,广东省名牌,广东省民营科技企业,广东新宝电器股份有限公司)9 格兰仕Galanz (创于1978年,中国驰名商标,曾获中国名牌,中国家电业最具影响力的龙头企业之一,广东格兰仕集团有限公司)10 荣事达 (中国驰名商标,曾获中国名牌,中国知名家电企业集团,中国最具价值品牌之一,合肥荣事达小家电有限公司)
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continually 和continuously 的区别

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