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2023-07-16 08:57:29
TAG: 理论



第一阶段:pre -conventional

In this period, people act to aviod punishments or to gain awards.


In this period, people act in peer pressure or social expectation.


In this period,people act in higher practice like justice and equality.









conventional英 [ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl] 美 [ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l]adj.传统的; 习用的,平常的; 依照惯例的; 约定的派生词:conventionalism conventionalist conventionality conventionalize conventionally双语例句1. He hates the wheeling and dealing associated with conventional political life. 他对传统政治生活中的权术钻营深恶痛绝。2. I want to reiterate that our conventional weapons are superior. 我要再次重申,我们的常规武器是一流的。3. Alternative treatments can provide a useful back-up to conventional treatment. 替代疗法能为传统的治疗提供有效的辅助。4. He abhors the wheeling-and-dealing associated with conventional political life. 他憎恨传统政治生活中的尔虞我诈。5. This remarkable technology provides far greater clarity than conventional x-rays. 这项卓越技术的清晰度比常规的X光高得多。
2023-07-16 01:07:571


1 ADJ-GRADED (行为、观念等)传统的,符合习俗的 Someone who is conventional has behaviour or opinions that are ordinary and normal. ...a respectable married woman with conventional opinions.一位观念传统、受人尊敬的已婚女性conventionallyPeople still wore their hair short and dressed conventionally.人们还留着短发、穿着传统服饰。2 ADJ (方法或产品)通常的,传统的 A conventional method or product is one that is usually used or that has been in use for a long time. 语法信息It is simpler and quicker to use than conventional methods.这比通常的做法更简单、更快捷。These discs hold more than 400 times as much information as a conventional computer floppy disk.这些光盘能容纳的信息量是普通计算机软盘的400多倍。 【搭配模式】 : usu ADJ nconventionallyOrganically grown produce does not differ greatly in appearance from conventionally grown crops.有机农产品在外观上和以传统方法种植的作物没有很大的区别。3 ADJ (武器、战争等)常规的,非核的 Conventional weapons and wars do not involve nuclear explosives. 语法信息We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear, chemical and conventional arms.我们必须通过控制核武器、化学武器和常规武器的数量来减少战争的危险。 【搭配模式】 : usu ADJ n4 conventional wisdom →see: wisdom
2023-07-16 01:08:063


conventional 英[ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl] 美[ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l] adj. 1.依照惯例的,约定俗成的,依照传统的,遵循习俗的,墨守成规的,普通平凡的 2.尤指武器常规的,非核的 3.传统的;习惯的 4.普通的;常见的;常用的;常规的 5.(艺术等)因袭的,陈旧的 6.【法律】基于双方协议的,约定的,合同的 7.大会的,会议的 形容词 adj. 1.依照惯例的,约定俗成的,依照传统的,遵循习俗的,墨守成规的,普通平凡的 2.尤指武器常规的,非核的 3.传统的;习惯的 4.普通的;常见的;常用的;常规的 5.(艺术等)因袭的,陈旧的 6.【法律】基于双方协议的,约定的,合同的 7.大会的,会议的
2023-07-16 01:08:131


Conventional的释义:adj.符合习俗的;传统的;守旧的;常用的;公认的;普通的;(武器、战争)非核的,常规的;Conventional有以下几个常见搭配:(1)Conventional depth常规深度;(2)conventional sign惯循享甩用符号;图例;沿用图例;习用符号;(3)conventional mortgage传统按揭办法;普通按揭;传统抵押贷款;按揭贷款。Conventional例句(1)In the latter, the primipara were cared in conventional nursing.对照组按产科护理常规护理。(2)The house does not have a conventional cooling system.这房子没有一个传统的冷却系统。(3)The effect of PDC bit upon conventional geologging and its dealing method.PDC钻头对常规地质录井影响及应对方法。(4)Conventional wisdom says you have to choose between being a grind and a slacker. And that"s that.传统的思维观念告诉你你只能在刻苦族和懒人族之间任选其一,然后你就选了,那么你就变成那两种了。(5)Sonnet:A 14-line verse form usually having one of several conventional rhyme schemes.十四行诗体,一种由十四行组成的诗歌形式,通常有一种传统的押韵形式,莎士比亚用过此诗体。(6)Most of the cost saving comes at the launch stage.Unlike conventional satellites, they don"t.大部分的成本是在发射阶段省下来的。(7)Used in classical pastoral poetry as a conventional name for a shepherdess.阿玛瑞丽丝古典田园诗里被用作牧羊女的传统名字。(8)There are those pet-lovers for whom a cat is too conventional and a mutt simply too mundane.对于那些标新立异的宠物爱好者来说,养猫养狗可能已经过于平淡无奇,早过时了。(9)Emphasis is laid on presenting a conventional sneak analysis system(CSAS).重点介绍一种我国自行开发的通用潜在分析系统(CSAS)。(10)In comparison with conventional vergence methods,matrix method is much simple and accurate.与传统的聚散度计算方法相比,矩阵方法显得简便、准确。
2023-07-16 01:08:211


conventional[英][ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl][美][ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l]adj.传统的; 习用的,平常的; 依照惯例的; 约定的; 易混淆单词:Conventional例句:1.But less conventional businesses weren"t so cautious. 但不那么传统的公司就没这么谨慎了。
2023-07-16 01:08:401


你好!conventional 英[ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl] 美[ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l] adj. 传统的; 习用的,平常的; 依照惯例的; 约定的; [例句]That"s a big plus over conventional remote controls that use infrared, a technology that doesn"t work through walls.这一点大大优于传统的红外遥控,这种技术隔着墙就不能用了。
2023-07-16 01:09:171

传统的英语怎么读 传统词语的英文

1、传统的英文是:Conventional。 2、conventional的英式发音为[ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl],美式发音为[ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l]。 3、意思有:传统的,习用的,平常的,依照惯例的,约定的。 4、例句:This extremist organization has shunned conventional politics. 这个极端主义组织有意避开了传统政治。
2023-07-16 01:10:021


2023-07-16 01:10:091


以后有不懂得英文 可以去这网站 它可以帮你解决你不懂的英文
2023-07-16 01:10:445


Adjective:1.following accepted customs and proprieties; "conventional wisdom"2.conforming with accepted standards; "a conventional view of the world"3.(weapons) using energy for propulsion or destruction that is not nuclear energy; "conventional weapons"
2023-07-16 01:11:014


traditional 传统的,习俗的conventional 约定俗成的,惯例的
2023-07-16 01:11:168


Conventional的东西有可能也是traditional,traditional的东西却不一定是conventional的。 convention是“社会上大部分人都认为正确的或恰当的行为”,但不一定有很长的历史背景。所以“条约、协定”就是convention。而tradition则是“长期存在的风俗或习惯”。 因此,它们的形容词虽然都可以翻译成“传统的、惯例的”,但是由于conventional的意思比traditional广,有些句子上两个词是不可以混同的。 例如:Conventional weapons是常规武器 却没有traditional weapons
2023-07-16 01:11:371


conventional,中文意思是传统的convenient反义词是:inconvenient,在convenient前面加上否定前缀-一“in”,即为该词反义词 inconvenient。翻译为不便、不方便的,打扰人的,麻烦的。convenient 的用法1、convenient有两个意思:一是“时间适合某人”,二是“附近的”。作“适合 某人”解时,其主语是事或物而非人,表示主语具有“适合某人”的特征。作“附 近的”解时,常修饰distance等名词。2、beconvenient的意思是“是合适的”“是方便的”,在以表示事或物的名词 作主语时,其后常接介词for 或to引起的短语。在动词不定式或that从句作主 语时常采用形式主语结构,动词不定式的逻辑主体可由介词for引出。3、convenient作“附近的”解时,如用作表语,其后常接介词for;如用作定语修 饰distance, 须用介词from短语,表示“离一近”。4、convenient在句中除用作定语、表语外,偶尔也可用作宾语补足语。convenient 的用法例句1.There wasn"t even a convenient place for students to assemble between classes.在课间,学生们连一个方便凑在一起的地方都没有。2."What time were you planning lunch?"-"Half past twelve, if that"s convenient."“你打算什么时候吃午饭?”“如果方便的话,12点半。”3.We cannot make this minority a convenient excuse to turn our backs. 我们不能拿少数这几个人作为一种方便的借口而对此置之不理。4.Martin drove along until he found a convenient parking place. 马丁一直往前开,直到找到了一个方便的停车场。5.Filtered water is always on tap, making it very convenient to use. 随时打开龙头都有过滤水,用起来很方便。
2023-07-16 01:12:361


Established by the people through long social practice
2023-07-16 01:12:448


2023-07-16 01:12:581


是traditional和conventional的区别吧。 Traditional 是“传统的"表示有一定的历史渊源,如传统文化: traditional culture;Conventional 是”常规的“,”惯例的“意思,也有,”传统的“意思,表示符合一致意见、用法或惯常做法的,其表示的历史背景含义没有Traditional 深刻,如conventional industries 传统产业。
2023-07-16 01:13:051


,contemporary,是现代的同时代的意思;比如contemporary chemistry现代化学consequently是因而所以的意思,一般都在文章中单独使用,加逗号;coincidence,巧合,一致,符合的意思,其实就是名词,表示很巧;controversial就是有争议有争论的,形容词conventional传统的traditional一样的意思。习惯的,常规的意思。这几个是形容词当然在使用中作定语用了、。。
2023-07-16 01:13:131

custom,convention,institution ,tradition的区别是什么?

1) A convention is a way of behaving that isconsidered to be correct or polite by most people in a society. 社会惯例,重点在被大多数人所认同,约定俗成的东西,包括当下的社会共识;不表达传统、历史延续的意思。简单说来:convention 是惯例、常规,而tradition是传统。比如,Lady first是现代社会的惯例,却不是中国的传统。考虑到convention 也指“公约”,所以它的意思就很明显了:大家达成的一致。这个“一致”可以是非书面的,如社会共识,即惯例,也可以是“国际公约”这类的书面共识。所以,如果表达“打破惯例”这类意思,就应该用convention.a social conventionHe sets at naught every convention ofsociety.By convention, ...This is a common convention.另:A convention is a large meeting of anorganization. convention centerA convention is an official agreementbetween countries or groups of people. International Convention;Paris Convention;Geneva convention --->conventional (adj),conventionalize(v)2) A tradition is a custom or belief that hasexisted for a long time. 存在很长时间的习俗、信仰,Tradition包括custom(仅仅指风俗活动、仪式、行为等) 和文化、精神、原则等。tradition 可以被看做是很长时间的convention,或者说过去的convention。打破传统,反对因循守旧就应该用tradition。 cultural traditiondo sth by traditionoral traditionthe vampire tradition3) A custom is an activity, a way of behaving,or an event, which is usual or traditional in a particular society.风俗活动,比tradition更具象,一定是指某种传统的活动、仪式、行为方式等。不包括传统思想、传统信仰这些精神层面的意义。另:"personal custom to do something" means personalcircumstances.
2023-07-16 01:13:213


traditional更古老的,像春节类的。conventional是指一般的传统,被大众认可的,像恋人间的牵手是很传统。最好看英文解释:Traditional customs, beliefs, or methods are ones that have existed for a long time without changing. 传统的Someone who is conventional has behaviour or opinions that are ordinary and normal. (行为观念等) 传统的
2023-07-16 01:14:043

conventiional 与traditional 的区别

2023-07-16 01:14:561

conventiional 与traditional 的区别

conventional ,常规的,约定的,习惯的,常用的; conventional method 常规方法;习用方法 conventional type 常规型式 conventional industries 传统产业 conventional weapon [军]常规武器 conventional forces 常规部队 traditonal传统的;惯例的; traditional chinese 繁体中文 traditional culture 传统文化 traditional medicine 传统医学;传统医药 traditional method 传统方法;传统法 traditional chinese painting 国画;中国画 从词面上分析,traditional与conventional在表现传统方面上,词义相近,但是conventional的词义要比traditional丰富,traditional词义贴近从文化上来论述,conventional则是此种从习俗上,在交叉的领域二者意思可以互换!
2023-07-16 01:15:301

conventional implicature是什么意思

conventional implicature传统的会话含义implicature[英][u02c8u026amplu026aku0259tu0283u0259(r)]n.会话含义; 词典结果:conventional[英][ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl][美][ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l]adj.传统的; 习用的,平常的; 依照惯例的; 约定的; 易混淆单词:Conventional例句:1.This gives renewable electricity priority over conventional power. 这使得可再生能源发电比传统能源更有优势。2.China also has large conventional gas resources. 中国还拥有大量常规天然气资源
2023-07-16 01:15:391


区别比较明显orthodox 正统的(思想或做法)traditional 传统的(历史悠久,流传下来的一种习惯或习俗,有时候也表示"一般的,常规的"这层意思)conventional 表示传统的(含"守旧的"这意思,表示不愿意革新的)光从词语的情感色彩上就不难把它们区分了.
2023-07-16 01:15:471

请问conventional wisdom是什么意思?

2023-07-16 01:16:062


convention指的是是习俗,习惯。 behaviour and attitudes that most people in a society considerto be normal and right。也有会议条约的意思。比treaty专门,但是不如treaty正式。conventionality是传统性的意思比较多,conventional adj.传统的
2023-07-16 01:16:151


楼主您好conventional英 [ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl] 美 [ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l] adj.传统的; 习用的,平常的; 依照惯例的; 约定的normal英 [u02c8nu0254:ml] 美 [u02c8nu0254:rml] adj.正常的; 正规的,标准的; [数学]正交的; 精神健全的n.标准; 正常,常态; [数学]法线最大的区别是:传统的与正常的还是比较好区分的
2023-07-16 01:16:241


三音节,con/ken/ ,ven/ven/,tion/{en/ ,nal/nl/发弱音 ,不算一个音节。
2023-07-16 01:16:311


Established by the people through long social practice
2023-07-16 01:16:398


2023-07-16 01:16:576


2023-07-16 01:17:221


2023-07-16 01:17:482


2023-07-16 01:18:061


第一个 正统的 第二个 传统的 第三个 约定俗成的 用处不一样
2023-07-16 01:18:141


中国传统文化英语是traditional Chinese culture。重点词汇:traditional读音:英[tru0259u02c8du026au0283u0259nl],美[tru0259u02c8du026au0283u0259nl]。释义:adj. 传统的;习俗的;惯例的;因袭的;守旧的。例句:The traditional view was that marriage was meant to last.传统的观念是结成夫妻就要白头到老。变形:比较级more traditional,最高级most traditional。traditional的近义词conventional读音:英[ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl],美[ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl]。释义:adj. 依照惯例的;遵循习俗的;墨守成规的;普通平凡的;传统的;习惯的;非核的;常规的。例句:The state, quality, or character of being conventional.因循守旧墨守成规的状态、性质或特征。短语:conventional art传统的艺术。conventional ceremonial常礼。conventional war常规战争。
2023-07-16 01:18:232

custom,convention,institution ,tradition的区别是什么

1) A convention is a way of behaving that isconsidered to be correct or polite by most people in a society. 社会惯例,重点在被大多数人所认同,约定俗成的东西,包括当下的社会共识;不表达传统、历史延续的意思。简单说来:convention 是惯例、常规,而tradition是传统。比如,Lady first是现代社会的惯例,却不是中国的传统。考虑到convention 也指“公约”,所以它的意思就很明显了:大家达成的一致。这个“一致”可以是非书面的,如社会共识,即惯例,也可以是“国际公约”这类的书面共识。所以,如果表达“打破惯例”这类意思,就应该用convention.a social conventionHe sets at naught every convention ofsociety.By convention, ...This is a common convention.另:A convention is a large meeting of anorganization. convention centerA convention is an official agreementbetween countries or groups of people. International Convention;Paris Convention;Geneva convention --->conventional (adj),conventionalize(v)2) A tradition is a custom or belief that hasexisted for a long time. 存在很长时间的习俗、信仰,Tradition包括custom(仅仅指风俗活动、仪式、行为等) 和文化、精神、原则等。tradition 可以被看做是很长时间的convention,或者说过去的convention。打破传统,反对因循守旧就应该用tradition。 cultural traditiondo sth by traditionoral traditionthe vampire tradition3) A custom is an activity, a way of behaving,or an event, which is usual or traditional in a particular society.风俗活动,比tradition更具象,一定是指某种传统的活动、仪式、行为方式等。不包括传统思想、传统信仰这些精神层面的意义。另:"personal custom to do something" means personalcircumstances.
2023-07-16 01:18:381

traditional medicine和conventional medicine有什么区别啊?

这个要看你的理解了,中医叫traditional Chinese medicine,而“传统医学”(traditional medicine)在许多发达国家却表示常规医学(conventional medicine)或对抗医学(allopathic medicine),即中国所谓之西医学.
2023-07-16 01:18:452


2023-07-16 01:18:521

conventional energy是什么意思

2023-07-16 01:19:002

conventional or convection

1微波炉用餐具不可在传统烤箱或对流式烤箱内使用. 2Browning Element是指电热丝或石英加热管,为烤焦食物表面用.这句话是说微波炉用餐具不能在这样的加热器下面使用.
2023-07-16 01:19:071


tradition的形容词形式写是traditional。traditional 英 [tru0259"du026au0283u0259nl]     美 [tru0259"du026au0283u0259nl]    adj. 传统的。The traditional breakfast in this area includes bacon and eggs.这个地区传统的早饭包括火腿和鸡蛋。It"s a garden in the traditional victorian style.这是一个传统的维多利亚风格的花园。近义词:conventional 常用词汇 英 [ku0259n"venu0283u0259nl]     美 [ku0259n"venu0283u0259nl]    adj. 传统的;惯例的;常规的。Her book is a hilarious send-up of a conventional spy story.她写的书用的是取笑传统侦探小说的笔法,令人捧腹。According to conventional wisdom, voters usually make their choice on the basis of domestic issues.按一般人在这些问题上的看法,选民常常着眼于国内问题来选择候选人。
2023-07-16 01:19:501


  通常解释指平常,普通。例句:按照通常的想法,诗意总是指一种优美的动人的东西。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    通常英语说法1:   usually    通常英语说法2:   generally    通常英语说法3:   in general    通常的相关短语:   通常的 usual ; customary ; accustomed ; ordinary   通常方法 usage ; convention ; usual practice ; usual method   通常分裂 General Splitting ; normal splitting   通常关闭 normally closed ; NC Normally Closed   通常规范 Regelnorm   通常权利 ordinary rights   通常包装 conventional packing   通常标准 the normal quality standard for ; customary standard ;    通常的英语例句:   1. I picked first all the people who usually were left till last.   我先挑出了所有通常留到最后的人。   2. The President"s speeches are regularly reproduced verbatim in the state-run newspapers.   总统的讲话通常会被一字不差地刊登在国有报纸上。   3. We gained a rich supply of data which would normally be inaccessible.   我们得到了通常难以获取的大量资料。   4. Traditionally young Asians in Britain have gravitated towards medicine, law and engineering.   英国的亚裔年轻人通常被吸引到医学、法律及工程专业。   5. Social progress is normally a matter of struggles and conflicts.   社会进步通常是斗争和冲突的结果。   6. We usually think of a victim of mugging as being someone elderly.   我们通常以为被拦路抢劫的受害者是老年人。   7. Eczema is a mon skin plaint which often runs in families.   溼疹是一种常见的面板病,通常具遗传性。   8. Normally, such an outward display of affection is reserved for his mother.   通常,只有在母亲面前他的情感才会如此外露。   9. A patient will usually listen to the doctor"sadvice and act on it.   患者通常都会遵照医嘱行事。   10. Henry generally stayed ahead of the others in the academic subjects.   亨利的文化课成绩通常都优于其他学生。   11. This is a country where women usually take a back seat.   在这个国家通常是男尊女卑。   12. Usually a woman"s breasts produce milk spontaneously after the birth.   女性的 *** 通常在产后会自然泌乳。   13. In general, incumbents have a 94 per cent chance of being reelected.   通常现任官员有94%的机率会再次当选。   14. The default is usually the setting that most users would probably choose.   预设选项通常是大多数使用者都会选择的设定。   15. That"s not the kind of talk one usually hears from accountants.   会计们通常不会说那样的话.
2023-07-16 01:20:053

polyol conventional是什么意思

请看例句The applications of low-monol polyether polyol in low modulus PU-RIM was researched,and compared with conventional polyether polyol system on technology and performance.对低单官能度聚醚多元醇在低模量PU RIM中的应用进行了研究 ,与普通聚醚多元醇体系在加工工艺和制品性能上进行了比较。conventional polyether polyol system 普通聚醚多元醇体系============polyol conventional普通多元醇
2023-07-16 01:20:411

traditional medicine和conventional medicine有什么区别

区别是traditional medicine指的是中医,传统医学。conventional medicine指的是常规医学。例句辨析:traditional medicine1、Chinese traditional medicine fumigation; 系统性;中药熏蒸;2、I suggest you take Chinese traditional medicine. 我建议你服用中药。3、Ate Chinese traditional medicine what to inedible there is? 吃了中药有什么不能吃的?4、Chinese traditional medicine is the quintessence of China, gaining a great influence and popularity around the world. 中医是我国国粹,在国际上有着重大影响,深受中国人民和世界人民的热爱和欢迎。conventional medicine1、Silver has several uses in conventional medicine. 在常规医学中银有多种用途。2、There is no denying that the human body needs outside help by conventionalmedicine to help it heal at times. 不可否认,人类的身体有时需要外界的帮助,需要借助常规的药物来帮助康复。3、Combined treatment of RA with Chinese moxibustion and conventional medicine,have distinct immune regulating functions to CRP and IgG3. 艾灸加药物治疗类风湿性关节炎,对免疫球蛋白IgG和C-反应蛋白具有良好的调整作用。4、Methods 13 severe hepatitis patients with hepatorenal syndrome were treated withplasma exchange and hemofiltration compared to 13 with conventional medicinetherapy. 方法应用血浆置换加持续血液滤过治疗13例重型肝炎合并肝肾综合征患者并与单纯药物治疗进行比较。
2023-07-16 01:20:481

conventional cost具体指什么

你这里没有上下文可以说明,估计是会计或者经济有关内容,那么可以是指:"常规,经常性出现的成本, 费用等等,例如: 办公费用,工资,销售成本,营运开销" 等等大致这些, 具体会视乎行业而有一些不同.希望帮到你.
2023-07-16 01:20:561


  传统的英文单词我们都学过,传统的英文就是tradition,可是你知道传统的英文怎么读吗?下面是我为你整理的传统的英文的读法,希望大家喜欢!   传统的英文的读法   tradition   英 [tru0259u02c8du026au0283n] 美 [tru0259u02c8du026au0283u0259n]   tradition造句   1. In New Zealand, the Maori people maintain a strong cultural tradition.   在新西兰,毛利人保持着深厚的文化传统。   2. The story of King Arthur became part of oral tradition.   亚瑟王的故事成为口头传说的一部分。   3. Generally, the lower classes are considered to be the bearers of tradition.   总的来说,下层民众被认为是传统的保持者。   4. His basic outlook remains anchored in the liberal tradition.   他的基本观念依旧扎根于自由主义传统。   5. In 1959, Akihito broke with imperial tradition by marrying a commoner.   明仁天皇在1959年打破皇室传统,娶了一位平民女子为妻。   6. The University has a well-established tradition of welcoming postgraduate students from overseas.   这所大学有着欢迎海外研究生就读的悠久传统。   7. We must, somehow, find a way to loosen the bonds of tradition.   我们不管怎样都必须找到摆脱传统束缚的途径。   8. Tradition dictates that girls should be married off early.   传统习俗要求女孩子必须尽早结婚。   9. This tradition is also firmly rooted in the past.   这个传统同样深深地植根于过去。   10. He broke with the tradition of setting examinations in Latin.   他打破了用拉丁语出试卷的传统。   关于传统的英文短语   文化传统 cultural traditions ; traditional culture ; Culture Tradition ; Moral Values in Daily Life   传统产业 conventional industries ; traditional industries ; traditional industry ; industries   传统雕刻 tradition carving ; Carving Arts ; Traditional   优良传统 Fine tradition ; Good tradition ; Tradition ; fine traditions   传统保健 Traditional health care ; traditional health   传统建筑 Traditional Architecture ; traditional building ; Chinese Architecture ; tradition constructs   传统商店 traditional stores   传统基金 Traditional Fund ; Heritage Foundation ; Traccessional Fund
2023-07-16 01:21:041

conventional oven是什么意思

2023-07-16 01:21:121

do not use in conventional or convection ovens

不能用于传统的烤箱 不能用于有褐色材料的情况下 现在一些新型的微波炉带有一些像烤箱下面的材料(browning element),你买的保鲜盒也不能用在这种新型的微波炉里
2023-07-16 01:21:281


questions (how long We have held on to the conventional assumptions)how long是questions的同位语,就是说how long 就是questions问题本身。
2023-07-16 01:21:473

conventional cell和primitive cell两个名词的区别

(a)conventional cell是搞晶体材料的经常用的,其特点是所选的cell在视觉上有非常好的对称性,但里面会存在重复的原子.也就是说,它不是晶体最小的重复单元.(b)primitive cell是晶体最小的重复单元.(c)晶格常数是最小晶体中最小重复单元的参数(d)所以晶格常数是primitive cell的数值
2023-07-16 01:21:541

第二语言习得 翻译

1)语言是一种有机体 它的增长和变化更多的来自兴趣而非正式静态的规则。2)语言即是写作 书面记录的语言是最纯粹的形式。口语是其次的且不可靠的,因为它瞬息万变且不断退化。3)语言是约定俗成的 语言是约定俗成而不是被发明出来的,为了满足实际运用的方便的目的,它不断变化不断进步。
2023-07-16 01:22:032