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2023-07-16 08:16:50
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jerk off

2023-07-15 23:36:533

英文“Jerk off our machine" 是什么意思?

楼主,不要介意!我刚刚查了一个Jerk off our machine! 原来是外国人的一句很下流的黄色短语。跟所谓的“自慰”有关系,网址有 [Fucking Machine, Vibrator, Women Fucking Machines, Glass Dildo ... - [ 翻译此页 BETA ]Sex toys demonstration bizarre jerk off bizarre fucking machine, vaginas women fucking machines, fucking machine, ... Vibrators jerk off wanking spanking fuckingmachines mistress wanking fucking machine, women butts women jobs women ]而时间过得真快: how time flies^ / How time past
2023-07-15 23:37:012


jerk off instruction数不清的指令
2023-07-15 23:37:212


2023-07-15 23:37:405


2023-07-15 23:38:112


2023-07-15 23:38:362


把刀架在老师脖子上 :我不会,怎么办?
2023-07-15 23:38:454


damn !
2023-07-15 23:39:094


1. 精灵鼠小弟佳句 精灵鼠小弟佳句 1.《精灵鼠小弟》中的好词好句有哪些 《精灵鼠小弟》中的好词: 关心[guān xīn]∶留意,注意。 老实[lǎo shi]∶诚实的。 摇摇摆摆[yáo yáo bǎi bǎi]:①形容主意不定。②行走不稳的样子。③坦然自得的样子。 灵活[líng huó]∶快捷;不死板。 害羞[hài xiū]:感到不好意思;难为情。 勉强[miǎn qiǎng]∶强迫,使人做他不愿意做的事。 缘故[yuán gù]∶原故;原因。 自豪[zì háo]:自己感到光荣,值得骄傲。 顺溜[shùn liu]∶顺畅有次序,顺当。 恼火[nǎo huǒ]:生气发火。 刺激[cì jī]∶外界事物作用于生物体,使事物起积极变化。 长途[cháng tú]:长的距离和路途。 旅行[lǚ xíng]:远行;去外地办事或游览。 功夫[gōng fu]∶武术技能,有时也代指武术。 恢复[huī fù]∶使变成原来的样子。 《精灵鼠小弟》中的好句: 胡说八道,胡说八道!”利特尔先生咆哮说。 你自己不能在老鼠洞里舒舒服服地走来走去。 沿着第五街漫步,一路密切提放着。 不像大多数宝宝,斯图尔特生下来就会走路。一个星期,他已经能够爬着电灯绳上电灯了。 但事实上排水管弄得他浑身湿嗒嗒黏乎乎,他只好大大洗了个澡,再用妈妈的紫罗兰香水把全身喷了一遍,才觉得自己又缓过气来。 他要利特尔太太把幼儿歌曲集里的《三只瞎老鼠,看看他们怎样跑》撕掉。 我还从没见过一只不想钻老鼠洞的老鼠。 斯图尔特透过他的望远镜,一看到有狗,马上赶紧跑到最近一个看门人那里,爬上他的裤腿,躲在他的制服下摆里面。 售票员一路过来收车钱,斯图尔特掏他的钱包,拿出一个这种不比蚱蜢眼睛大的硬币。 他是一个爱冒险的小家伙,喜欢微风拂面,海鸥在头顶上叫唤和身体下面大浪起伏的那种感觉。 巨浪像座山一样在“黄蜂号”上面压下来,哗啦啦汹涌地冲过甲板,把斯图尔特卷了起来,冲出船边,冲到水里。 学生们对放掉拼写和算术同样高兴,他们热烈欢呼,你看看我,我看看你,又是哈哈大笑,又是挥舞手绢和尺,有些男生向女生扔蘸口水的纸团。 2.精灵鼠小弟的好词好句 1.It"s today! It"s today!就是今天了!就是今天了!2.It"s aIways today, George那总是今天,乔冶3.I mean, this is the day.That"s right.我是说就是今天了没错4.Can"t I come?-You have to go to schooI, George.-我不能跟你们去吗?-乔冶,你得去上学5.WiII he be here when I get home?-I think so.-我回家的时候他会不会在?-我想是会的6.I"II pIay baII with him.I"II wrestIe with him.我要跟他玩球,跟他摔跤7.I"II teach him how to spit.还要教他怎么吐口水8.-It"s gonna be so much fun.-For aII of us.-这样一定会很好玩的-我们大家都会很快乐的9.How wiII you know if youpick the right one?你们怎么知道你们没有选错人?10.I don"t know. We"II。 .我不知道我们会。11.You"II just know.你们到时就会知道的12.Bye, sweetie.再见 亲爱的13.Remember, I want a IittIe brother,not a big brother.别忘了 我要的是弟弟不是哥哥14.We"ve been through your paperwork,and it seems to be in order.纽约市市立孤儿院15.Remember, I want a IittIe brother,not a big brother.我们审核过你们的申请文件看来一切都没有问题。 3.《精灵鼠小弟》中的经典句子 精灵鼠小弟 Stuart Little (1999) 精彩对白:(百度一下嘛。 从中挑吧)Snowbell: Didn"t your mother warn you that you shouldn"t go out into Central Park at night? Smokey: My mother was the reason you shouldn"t go out into Central Park at night. George Little: Maybe we should go home. Mr. Little: Why? George Little: I"m not wearing my lucky underwear. Mr. Little: You don"t have lucky underwear. George Little: Well, maybe we should get some, and then come back for another race. Mrs. Keeper: Mr. and Mrs. Little, we try to discourage couples from adopting outside of their own。 species. It rarely works out. Snowbell: I can"t believe I"m arguing with lunch. Stuart Little: Snow, where are you going? Snowbell: Oh, I gotta yawn, stare at traffic, lick myself. And believe me, that could take hours if you do it right. Mrs. Little: Is he going to be alright? Dr. Beechwood: Well, a lad that size swallowing all that detergent. Amazingly, I think he"s gonna be fine. Also, he"s very clean. Snowbell: I lied, okay? Welcome to Manhattan! Monty, the Mouth: Aren"t you gonna" run? Stuart Little: Why? Monty, the Mouth: "cause you"re a mouse. Stuart Little: I"m not just a mouse. I"m a member of this family. Monty, the Mouth: A mouse with a pet cat? [rolls over and laughs out loud, repeating that line over again] Stuart Little: I guess that"s pretty funny! Monty, the Mouth: Pretty funny? I"m gonna wet my fur! A MOUSE WITH A PET CAT! [laughs hard more, and looks down at Snowbell, who is embarrassed] Monty, the Mouth: Your new little master? Wait "til the boys hear all about this! Snowbell: Ah, the humiliation! [to Stuart] Snowbell: I"m going to kill you! Snowbell: You think you could help me? Smokey: Consider it done. Snowbell: Thank-you Mister Smokey sir, how could I ever think you? Smokey: Don"t worry Tinkerbell, anytime. Snowbell: Tinkerbell! Ha Ha, He called me Tinkerbell! You"re a funny guy! Smokey: Yeah, whatever. HOUSE CATS, Sheesh! Race Spectator: Who is that mouse anyway? George Little: That"s no mouse, that"s my brother. Anton, the stuck-up bully: [bragging on George"s ship] Gee George, what did you do, get that out of a cereal box? I"m glad you"re here George, somebody"s got to finish last. Anton, the stuck-up bully: Gee George, you all done crying? George Little: Yeah! Are you all done being a jerk? Anton, the stuck-up bully: No! Stuart Little: So, what do I call you? Mrs. Little: Mom. Mr. Little: And Dad. Mrs. Little: We haven"t told you the best news of all. Mr. Little: You have a brother, named George. Stuart Little: What do I call him? Mrs. Little: George. Stuart Little: I"m so happy! I。 I feel 10 inches tall! Anton, the stuck-up bully: How did that stupid mouse get in my sail? George Little: He"s not a stupid mouse! Anton, the stuck-up bully: You"re right; He"s a stupid rat! [when Snowbell spots Stuart lying in bed] Snowbell: Are you cozy? Stuart Little: Yes, thanks. I"m quite comfortable. Snowbell: All I"ve got to sleep on is a rag in the corner, you little rat! Monty, the Mouth: You know, I"m not picky as long as it ain"t meat loaf. That stuff gives me gas, something awful. Snowbell: I"m sorry, it"s meat loaf. Monty, the Mouth: Oh well, beggars can"t be choosers. Load me up and light a match! Snowbell: [Monty tries to go into the kitchen, but Snowbell tries stopping him, so he won"t see Stuart and possibly humiliate him] No, Monty. Stop. You don"t wonna do that. Monty, the Mouth: Why? I eat from garbage cans, drink from public toilets. Like a little gas is gonna bother me. [he walks through the cat door to the kitchen] Snowbell: No, wait. Don"t! [while the alley cats are chasing Stuart in the roadster] Lucky: I hope he runs out of gas! Red: I hope you do! Lucky: Why don"t you run to the back? Red: I can"t help it! I have a nervous stomach! Smokey: And I have an empty stomach! Now, get that mouse! Stuart Little: Now I know that fairy tales are real. Snowbell: [From the top of the stairs] Fairy tales are real? Oy, I think I"m gonna cough up a furball. Stuart Little: You seem tense! Snowbell: Tense? Oh, I"m - I"m way, way past tense Stuart Little: Well, maybe I could help. Can I scratch your ears? I could rub your tummy. Snowbell: How"d you like to rub it from the INSIDE, mouse-boy? Stuart Little: I"m a little confused. I thought that"s what you did with a pet. Snowbell: A Pet? I am not your pet! I"m a cat, you"re a mouse. You should be livin" in a hole. This is my family. Stuart Little: Can we share them? Snowbell: Read my furry pink lips. "No!" Stuart Little: Good-bye, fake father! Good-bye, fake mother! Mrs. Stout: Good-bye, fake son! [Stuart drives off in the toy car] Mrs. Stout: I"m gonna miss that boy. Mr. Stout: I"m gonna miss that car. Mrs. Eleanor Little: George,。 4.《精灵鼠小弟》的感人的句子是什么 斯图尔特·利特尔出生在一个富裕人家,生下来就像老鼠那么小; 长大后,做事情也越来越像老鼠了,所以大家称他为精灵鼠。一天,一只漂亮的小鸟落在他家窗台上,斯图尔特收养了这只小鸟,从此他们就成了形影不离的好朋友。 虽然日子过得逍遥愉快,但是好景不长。一天夜晚,一只灰鸽子听到了两只猫密谋要吃掉玛加洛。灰鸽子就给玛加洛写了一封信,信上写到:当心一只陌生猫,它晚上要来。玛加洛心惊胆战,反复的思考后,他决定离家出走。 过了一天,斯图尔特发现玛加洛失踪了他,急得满头大汗,饭吃不下,觉睡不着。他下决心一定要找到玛加洛。一天,早晨四点半,斯图尔特开着一辆小吉普车,踏上了寻找玛加洛的坎坷之旅…… 5.《精灵鼠小弟》的感人的句子是什么 斯图尔特·利特尔出生在一个富裕人家,生下来就像老鼠那么小; 长大后,做事情也越来越像老鼠了,所以大家称他为精灵鼠。 一天,一只漂亮的小鸟落在他家窗台上,斯图尔特收养了这只小鸟,从此他们就成了形影不离的好朋友。虽然日子过得逍遥愉快,但是好景不长。 一天夜晚,一只灰鸽子听到了两只猫密谋要吃掉玛加洛。灰鸽子就给玛加洛写了一封信,信上写到:当心一只陌生猫,它晚上要来。 玛加洛心惊胆战,反复的思考后,他决定离家出走。过了一天,斯图尔特发现玛加洛失踪了他,急得满头大汗,饭吃不下,觉睡不着。 他下决心一定要找到玛加洛。一天,早晨四点半,斯图尔特开着一辆小吉普车,踏上了寻找玛加洛的坎坷之旅……。 6.《精灵鼠小弟》中的10句经典英文句子有哪些 Snowbell: Didn"t your mother warn you that you shouldn"t go out into Central Park at night? Smokey: My mother was the reason you shouldn"t go out into Central Park at night.Mrs. Keeper: Mr. and Mrs. Little, we try to discourage couples from adopting outside of their own。 species. It rarely works out.Stuart Little: I"m not just a mouse. I"m a member of this family.Monty, the Mouth: Pretty funny? I"m gonna wet my fur! A MOUSE WITH A PET CAT!Snowbell: Thank-you Mister Smokey sir, how could I ever think you?Snowbell: Tinkerbell! Ha Ha, He called me Tinkerbell! You"re a funny guy!Monty, the Mouth: Oh well, beggars can"t be choosers. Load me up and light a match!Smokey: And I have an empty stomach! Now, get that mouse!Snowbell: How"d you like to rub it from the INSIDE, mouse-boy?Mr. Stout: Taxi! What does a mouse have to do to get a cab in this city?1.【作品介绍】: 《精灵鼠小弟》是美国作家E·B·怀特(1899—1985)所著的三部被誉为“二十世纪读者最多、最受爱戴的童话”之一。好莱坞根据本书改编的电影,让倔强而可爱的鼠小弟征服了全世界。 2.【内容简介】: 利特尔家的第二个孩子斯图尔特生下来只有两英寸高,模样活脱脱就是一只小老鼠。这位老鼠小弟心地善良、聪明伶俐,一家人里头,除了那只名叫“野茉莉”的猫,没有不喜欢它的。 斯图尔特最要好的朋友是寄居在他们家的小鸟玛加洛,为了让美丽的玛加洛不受“野茉莉”的欺负,鼠小弟可真是鼓足了勇气,动足了脑筋。他发誓要把玛加洛找回来,于是开动玩具车就上了路。 一路上,险情趣事层出不穷,鼠小弟历尽千辛万苦……鼠小弟最后到底有没有找到玛加洛呢?你一定猜不着。好莱坞根据本书改编的电影,让倔强而可爱的鼠小弟征服了全世界。 3.【电影与原著的差异】: 1.由于原著发表于二战期间,故,看起来似乎更悲观,如与小女孩的邂逅、玛格罗的失踪等地方。电影中关于斯图亚特与玛格罗的相别就很有美感; 2.战争时期,政治挂帅。 原作中,斯图亚特就发表过关于“世界政府”的言论(这个世界乱糟糟,就是因为没有一个世界政府。言下之意,莫非美国……?) 3.原作描写的更像童话世界,从小女孩的身材(世界不止有一个矮小的斯图亚特!)、斯图亚特是人类的血亲等地方可以有自己的体会; 4.大世界与小世界的格局:原作中的小世界格局是:雪铃与斯图亚特对敌到底。 4.【作品评价】: 来自孤儿院的小老鼠斯图尔特来到了对他来说像天堂一般的利特一家,并成为这个大家庭中的一员。但斯图尔特的主人身份总是受到威胁,宠物大白猫对这个新来的老鼠主人充满敌意,感到自己猫的尊严受到严重挑战;而利特家的小主人乔治也对这个小兄弟没有太多好感,小老鼠的命运如何?大明星与动画小老鼠配合得天衣无缝,营造出温馨的中产阶级家庭生活气氛。 5.【作者简介】: E·B·怀特(1899-1985),美国当代著名散文家、评论家,以散文名世,“其文风冷峻清丽,辛辣幽默,自成一格”。生于纽约蒙特弗农,毕业于康奈尔大学。 作为《纽约客》主要撰稿人的怀特一手奠定了影响深远的 “《纽约客》文风”。怀特对这个世界上的一切都充满关爱,他的道德与他的文章一样山高水长。 除了他终生挚爱的随笔之外,他还为孩子们写了三本书:《斯图尔特鼠小弟》(又译《精灵鼠小弟》)、《夏洛的网》与《吹小号的天鹅》,同样成为儿童与成人共同喜爱的文学经典。 7.【精灵鼠小弟作文】 小弟属鼠,不知何时,便自封为“精灵鼠小弟”,听说这还是简称,全名曰:“天下无敌咸蛋专业威力无比气震四方无人不知无人不晓~~~~~精灵鼠小弟”。 “准是这小子干的!”望着写字台上刚买的自动铅笔被“五马分尸”,我恨的咬牙切齿。前几天,他还对我的自行车进行了一次“惨无人道”的改装,弄的车一骑起来,除了铃铛不响,其他地方都响。 老弟别的本事没有,捣乱的技巧却学了一身,只要是他感觉稀奇的东西,就在最少时间内让它们体无完肤。 吃晚饭时,我对弟弟说明天与同学约好去游泳,他用忌妒的眼神看着我,眨了眨眼说:“你看,天上一个星星都没有,明天准下雨,还想去游泳,真实痴人说梦!”我向窗外一看果然如此。 吃晚饭,弟弟边唱:“明天要下雨,哥哥不能去游泳,啦啦啦”边离开饭桌,我瞥了他一眼,来到凉台,突然发现远处天空乌云滚滚,难道明天真的要下雨?正巧弟弟走过来,我生气的数落起他:“都是你咒的,明天去不成了,你满意了吧!” 晚上,睡不着,还在想明天游泳的事。正在辗转之即,突然灵机一动,想起《多啦A梦》中讲到,只要把愿望系在竹竿上请求月亮女神,心愿就能达成,我心想,反正没什么办法,又挺有趣,不如去试试,于是,我把写好的心愿系在竹竿上来到凉台,突然意外地发现了另一只竹竿,上面歪歪扭扭的写着几个字:明天别下雨,哥哥要游泳! 再抬起头望望天,夜幕已繁星点点。 8.精灵鼠小弟的八个四字好词 1.It"s today! It"s today! 就是今天了!就是今天了! 2.It"s aIways today, George 那总是今天,乔冶 3.I mean, this is the day. That"s right. 我是说就是今天了 没错 4.Can"t I come? -You have to go to schooI, George. -我不能跟你们去吗? -乔冶,你得去上学 5.WiII he be here when I get home? -I think so. -我回家的时候他会不会在? -我想是会的 6.I"II pIay baII with him. I"II wrestIe with him. 我要跟他玩球,跟他摔跤 7.I"II teach him how to spit. 还要教他怎么吐口水 8.-It"s gonna be so much fun. -For aII of us. -这样一定会很好玩的 -我们大家都会很快乐的 9.How wiII you know if you pick the right one? 你们怎么知道你们没有选错人? 10.I don"t know. We"II。 . 我不知道 我们会。 11.You"II just know. 你们到时就会知道的 12.Bye, sweetie. 再见 亲爱的 13.Remember, I want a IittIe brother, not a big brother. 别忘了 我要的是弟弟不是哥哥 14.We"ve been through your paperwork, and it seems to be in order. 纽约市市立孤儿院 15.Remember, I want a IittIe brother, not a big brother. 我们审核过你们的申请文件看来一切都没有问题。
2023-07-15 23:39:171


英语:关于should委婉的替代 could也可以委婉。比如 Could you tell me something about the Stone Age? might可以表示猜测。比如There might be something wrong with his brain. 明白了没。 could,might,should,would等都可以表示说话人的谦虚、客气、有礼、委婉,基本可互换。这些都是情态动词,所以你可以表示以上的语气含义。效果都是一样的。 关于委婉的四字词语 碍难从命 碍:妨碍;从:听从。由于有所妨碍,难以遵从吩咐,是委婉拒绝对方要求的话。 出处:《三打祝家庄》第一幕第一场:“你回去复李大官人,本当将时迁放回,怎奈他是梁山贼党,碍难从命。” 碍难遵命 碍:妨碍;遵:遵从。由于有所妨碍,难以遵从命令或吩咐 出处:蔡东藩《民国通俗演义》第64回:“防务吃紧,兵不敷用,职守所在,碍难遵命。” 缠绵蕴藉 蕴藉:含蓄而不直露。形容风格情调委婉细腻,含蓄而有节制。 出处:清·刘熙载《艺概·词曲概》:“观彼所制,圆溜潇洒,缠绵蕴藉,于此事固若有别材也。” 讽一劝百 讽:用委婉含蓄的言语批评、指责;劝:劝告,劝戒。委婉含蓄地批评、指责一个,使大家都受到教育。 出处:《史记·司马相如列传》:“扬雄以为靡丽之赋,劝百而讽一,犹驰骋郑卫之声,曲终而奏雅,不已亏乎?” 广譬曲谕 指多方晓谕,委婉开导。 出处:明·张敬修《文忠公行实》:“每进讲经执义,广譬曲谕,词极剀切。” 旁指曲谕 从侧面委婉启发晓谕。 曲尽其妙 曲:委婉,细致;尽:全部表达。把其中微妙之处委婉细致地充分表达出来。形容表达能力很强。 出处:晋·陆机《文赋序》:“故作《文赋》以述先士之盛藻,因论作文之利害所由,他日殆可谓曲尽其妙。” 谈言微中 微中:微妙而又恰中要害。形容说话委婉而中肯。 出处:《史记·滑稽列传》:“天道恢恢,岂不大哉!谈言微中,亦可以解纷。” 未为不可 不是不可以。委婉地肯定。 主文谲谏 (英语IQ题)Which number should replave(替代)the "?"? 18+29=47。就是前面一个数加后面一个数。 关于保护小树的委婉的话语。! 我很脆弱,如果伤害我,我会流下痛苦的眼泪. 如果你爱护我,我会高兴的!我可不想哭泣哦! 你很帅用英语委婉的顺 你很帅 You are handsome 怎样用英语委婉的表白 表达自己的爱慕之情 1.I love you. 我爱你。也可以说I"m in love with you. 我爱上你了。 无数次见到这句话,最直接但是也最能表达自己的感情。 2.You"re the most beautiful woman I"ve ever seen. 你是我见到过的最美的女人。 3.I"m crazy about you. 我为你痴迷。 同样的意思可以说:I"m infatuated with you. 我为你神魂颠倒。 4.I want you to meet my parents. 我想让你见见我的父母。 5.It was love at first sight. 我对你一见钟情。 也可以说I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. 6.You"re my type. 你是我喜欢的那种类型。 可以用于男性对女性,也可以用于女性对男性。例如: ——Why do you like me? 你为什么喜欢我? ——You"re my type. 因为你是我喜欢的那种类型。 如果是男士,也可以说:You"re the right girl for me. 7.You make me happy. 你让我感到幸福。 8.There will never be another you. 在这个世界上,你是独一无二的。 9.I can"t help falling in love with you. 我无法不爱你。 还可以用:I can"t s myself from loving you. 三、关于表白的其他句子 1.Let"s walk hand in hand. 我们拉着手走吧。 (hand in hand指“手拉着手”、“手牵着手”。) 当然,如果你觉得这个句子显得过于唐突,你可以用委婉的方式说: May I hold your hand? 我可以牵你的手吗? 2.Come closer. 再靠近我些。 3.I think of you night and day. 我时时刻刻都想着你。 (night and day表示“无论是睡着还是醒着,不分昼夜”) 同样的意思可以说:I think of you constantly. 或者You have won my heart. 4.Love me, love my dog. 既然那样,那你也要爱屋及乌噢。 “Love me, love my dog”是一句有名的谚语,意思是在爱一个人的同时,也要去爱他的朋友,去接受他的缺点和毛病。 列举10种关于“死”委婉的说法 去世,逝世,仙逝,夭折,遇难,牺牲,往生,驾崩,寿终正寝,遇害,百年 关于辞职的理由。比较委婉的。 笨。先交辞职信,「理由家庭事」讲假回家去医院面试,成功就茬医院做,失败就回公司把辞职信要回来。 委婉的表白被委婉的拒绝 既然被拒绝了,那是有原因的,你再不委婉的去表白,再被拒绝的话就换人吧 用英语委婉的骂可以怎么骂 S plaining! 别发牢骚! You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! What‘s wrong with you? 你怎么回事? You shouldn‘t have done that! 你真不应该那样做! You‘re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! Don‘t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? What‘s your problem? 你怎么回事啊? I hate you! 我讨厌你! I don‘t want to see you* **ce! 我不愿再见到你! You‘re crazy! 你疯了! Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) Don‘t bother me 别烦我. Knock it off 少来这一套. Get out of my face 从我面前消失! Leave me alone 走开. Get lost 滚开! Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧. You piss me off 你气死我了. It‘s none of your business 关你屁事! What‘s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思? How dare you! 你敢! Cut it out 省省吧. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪! You have a lot of nerve 脸皮真厚. I‘m fed up 我厌倦了. I can‘t take it anymore 我受不了了! I‘ve had enough of your garbage 我听腻了你的废话. Shut up! 闭嘴! What do you want? 你想怎么样? Do you know what time it is? 你知道现在都几点吗? What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊? How can you say that? 你怎么可以这样说? Who says? 谁说的? That‘s what you think! 那才是你脑子里想的! Don‘t look at me like that 别那样看着我. What did you say? 你说什么? You are out of your mind 你脑子有毛病! You make me so mad 你气死我了啦. Drop dead 去死吧! Bug off 滚蛋. Don‘t give me your **** 别跟我胡扯. Don‘t give me your excuses/ No more excuses 别找借口. You‘re a pain in the ass 你这讨厌鬼. You‘re an asshole 你这缺德鬼. You bastard! 你这杂种! Get over yourself 别自以为是. You‘re nothing to me 你对我什么都不是. It‘s not my fault 不是我的错. You look guilty 你看上去心虚. I can‘t help it 我没办法. That‘s your problem 那是你的问题. I don‘t want to hear it 我不想听! Get off my back 少跟我罗嗦. Give me a break 饶了我吧. Who do you think you‘re talking to? 你以为你在跟谁说话? Look at this mess! 看看这烂摊子! You‘re so careless 你真粗心. Why on earth didn‘t you tell me the truth? 你到底为什么不跟我说实话? I‘m about to explode! 我肺都快要气炸了! What a stupid idiot! 真是 *** 一个! I‘m not going to put up with this! 我再也受不了啦! I never want to see you* **ce again! 我再也不要见到你! That‘s terrible 真糟糕! Just look at what you‘ve done! 看看你都做了些什么! I wish I had never met you 我真后悔这辈子遇到你! You‘re a disgrace 你真丢人! I‘ll never five you! 我永远都不会饶恕你! Don‘t nag me! 别在我面前唠叨! I‘m sick of it 我都腻了. You‘re such a *****! 你这个 *** ! S screwing/ fooling/ messing around! 别鬼混了! Mind your own business! 管好你自己的事! You‘re just a good for nothing bum! 你真是一个废物!/ 你一无是处! You‘ve gone too far! 你太过分了! I loathe you! 我讨厌你! I detest you! 我恨你! Get the hell out of here! 滚开! Don‘t be that way! 别那样! Can‘t you do anything right? 成事不足,败事有馀. You‘re impossible 你真不可救药. Don‘t touch me! 别碰我! Get away from me! 离我远一点儿! Get out of my life 我不愿再见到你./ 从我的生活中消失吧. You‘re a joke! 你真是一个小丑! Don‘t give me your attitude 别跟我摆架子. You‘ll be sorry 你会后悔的. We‘re through 我们完了! Look at the mess you‘ve made! 你搞得一团糟! You‘ve ruined everything 全都让你搞砸了. I can‘t believe you never 你好大的胆子! You‘re away too far 你太过分了. I can‘t take you any more! 我再也受不了你啦! I‘m telling you for the last time! 我最后再告诉你一次! I could kill you! 我宰了你! That‘s the stupidest thing I‘ve ever heard! 那是我听到的最愚蠢的事! (比尔.盖茨常用) I can‘t believe a word you say 我才不信你呢! You never tell the truth! 你从来就不说实话! Don‘t push me ! 别逼我! Enough is enough! 够了够了! Don‘t waste my time any more 别再浪费我的时间了! Don‘t make so much noise, I‘m working 别吵,我在干活. It‘s unfair 太不公平了. I‘m very disappointed 真让我失望. Don‘t panic! 别怕! What do you think you are doing? 你知道你在做什么吗? Don‘t you dare e back again! 你敢再回来! You asked for it 你自找的. Nonsense! 鬼话!胡说八道 Get out of my face 从我面前消失! Leave me alone 走开. Get lost 滚开! Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧. You piss me off 你气死我了. It‘s none of your business 关你屁事! What‘s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思? How dare you! 你敢! Cut it out 省省吧. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪! You have a lot of nerve 脸皮真厚. I‘m fed up 我厌倦了. I can‘t take it anymore 我受不了了! I‘ve had enough of your garbage 我听腻了你的废话. Shut up! 闭嘴! What do you want? 你想怎么样? Do you know what time it is? 你知道现在都几点吗? What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊? How can you say that? 你怎么可以这样说? Who says? 谁说的? That‘s what you think! 那才是你脑子里想的! Don‘t look at me like that 别那样看着我. What did you say? 你说什么? You are out of your mind 你脑子有毛病! You make me so mad 你气死我了啦. Drop dead 去死吧! Bug off 滚蛋. Don‘t give me your **** 别跟我胡扯. Don‘t give me your excuses/ No more excuses 别找借口. You‘re a pain in the ass 你这讨厌鬼. You‘re an asshole 你这缺德鬼. You bastard! 你这杂种! Get over yourself 别自以为是. You‘re nothing to me 你对我什么都不是. It‘s not my fault 不是我的错. You look guilty 你看上去心虚. I can‘t help it 我没办法. That‘s your problem 那是你的问题. I don‘t want to hear it 我不想听! Get off my back 少跟我罗嗦. Give me a break 饶了我吧. Who do you think you‘re talking to? 你以为你在跟谁说话? Look at this mess! 看看这烂摊子! You‘re so careless 你真粗心. Why on earth didn‘t you tell me the truth? 你到底为什么不跟我说实话? I‘m about to explode! 我肺都快要气炸了! What a stupid idiot! 真是 *** 一个! I‘m not going to put up with this! 我再也受不了啦! I never want to see you* **ce again! 我再也不要见到你! That‘s terrible 真糟糕! Just look at what you‘ve done! 看看你都做了些什么! I wish I had never met you 我真后悔这辈子遇到你! You‘re a disgrace 你真丢人! I‘ll never five you! 我永远都不会饶恕你!
2023-07-15 23:39:311


2023-07-15 23:40:0014


you are out
2023-07-15 23:40:475

2023-07-15 23:41:122

英语I can’t jerk off to you怎么翻译?

翻译我不能对你无礼,或者我不能耍你,欺骗你。jerk off还有别的意思自己去查吧
2023-07-15 23:41:301

jerk me off 是什么意思?

2023-07-15 23:41:371

这些都怎读 1. Go to hell. 去死吧。 2. You’re a jerk! 你是个废

2023-07-15 23:41:451


You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!Fuxx off! 滚蛋!What a stupid idiot! 真是白痴一个!Get the hell out of here! 滚开!What the hell are you doing? 你他X这是在干什么?Go to hell! 去死吧!You son of a bitchwhore! 你这狗X养的!其实英语中更多骂人的话是不带脏词的。这样会显得你比较有素质有教养。
2023-07-15 23:41:521


6、You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!7、Get off my back. 少跟我罗嗦。8、Don"t give me your attitude. 别跟我摆架子。9、You"re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!10、What a stupid idiot! 真是白痴一个!11、I wish I had never met you. 我真后悔这辈子遇到你!12、I could kill you! 我宰了你!13、Don"t push me ! 别逼我!14、You"re an asshole. 你这缺德鬼。15、Look at this mess! 看看这烂摊子!16、Don"t make so much noise. I"m working. 别吵,我在干活。17、You"re son of bitch! 婊子养的!18、Don"t panic! 别怕!19、Get out of my life. 我不愿再见到你。/ 从我的生活中消失吧。20、You"ve ruined everything. 全都让你搞砸了。21、You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!22、What do you think you are doing? 你知道你在做什么吗?23、You asked for it. 你自找的。24、Get away from me! 离我远一点儿!6、You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!7、Get off my back. 少跟我罗嗦。8、Don"t give me your attitude. 别跟我摆架子。9、You"re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!10、What a stupid idiot! 真是白痴一个!11、I wish I had never met you. 我真后悔这辈子遇到你!12、I could kill you! 我宰了你!13、Don"t push me ! 别逼我!14、You"re an asshole. 你这缺德鬼。15、Look at this mess! 看看这烂摊子!16、Don"t make so much noise. I"m working. 别吵,我在干活。17、You"re son of bitch! 婊子养的!18、Don"t panic! 别怕!19、Get out of my life. 我不愿再见到你。/ 从我的生活中消失吧。20、You"ve ruined everything. 全都让你搞砸了。21、You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!22、What do you think you are doing? 你知道你在做什么吗?23、You asked for it. 你自找的。24、Get away from me! 离我远一点儿!19、Get out of my life. 我不愿再见到你。/ 从我的生活中消失吧。20、You"ve ruined everything. 全都让你搞砸了。21、You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!22、What do you think you are doing? 你知道你在做什么吗?23、You asked for it. 你自找的。24、Get away from me! 离我远一点儿!
2023-07-15 23:42:001


fuck艹,shit靠,damn you该死,bastard私生子,son of a bitch狗杂种。
2023-07-15 23:42:361


2023-07-15 23:42:442


1、You"re a disgrace. 你真丢人!2、That"s terrible. 真糟糕!3、I"m very disappointed. 真让我失望。4、That"s what you think! 那才是你脑子里想的!5、Just look at what you"ve done! 看看你都做了些什么!6、You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!7、Get off my back. 少跟我罗嗦。8、Don"t give me your attitude. 别跟我摆架子。9、You"re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!10、What a stupid idiot! 真是白痴一个!11、I wish I had never met you. 我真后悔这辈子遇到你!12、I could kill you! 我宰了你!13、Don"t push me ! 别逼我!14、You"re an asshole. 你这缺德鬼。15、Look at this mess! 看看这烂摊子!16、Don"t make so much noise. I"m working. 别吵,我在干活。17、You"re son of bitch! 婊子养的!18、Don"t panic! 别怕!19、Get out of my life. 我不愿再见到你。/ 从我的生活中消失吧。20、You"ve ruined everything. 全都让你搞砸了。21、You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!22、What do you think you are doing? 你知道你在做什么吗?23、You asked for it. 你自找的。24、Get away from me! 离我远一点儿!25、It"s unfair. 太不公平了。26、You"re a pain in the ass. 你这讨厌鬼。27、You"re a joke! 你真是一个小丑!28、You bastard! 你这杂种!29、I"m about to explode! 我肺都快要气炸了!30、I"m telling you for the last time! 我最后再告诉你一次!31、Enough is enough! 够了够了!32、Nonsense! 鬼话!33、I never want to see your face again! 我再也不要见到你!34、Don"t waste my time anymore. 别再浪费我的时间了!35、What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊?36、I"ve had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话。37、I"ll never forgive you! 我永远都不会饶恕你!38、Don"t you dare come back again! 你敢再回来!39、Can"t you do anything right? 成事不足,败事有余。40、I"m not going to put up with this! 我再也受不了啦!41、We"re through. 我们完了!42、You"re away too far. 你太过分了。43、I"m sick of it. 我都腻了。44、Don"t nag me! 别在我面前唠叨!45、You"ll be sorry. 你会后悔的。46、Look at the mess you"ve made! 你搞得一团糟!47、You"re just a good for nothing bum! 你真是一个废物!/ 你一无是处!48、Don"t touch me! 别碰我!
2023-07-15 23:42:511


2023-07-15 23:43:393


怼死人的话英语如下:1、Shut up!闭嘴!2、You stupid jerk!你这蠢猪!3、You have a lot of nerve.脸皮真厚。4、You are out of your mind.你脑子有毛病!5、You make me so mad.你气死我了啦。6、Drop dead.去死吧!7、Fuck off.滚蛋。8、Who says?谁说的?9、Don"t give me your shoot.别跟我胡扯。10、No more excuses.别找借口。11、You"re a pain in the ass.你这讨厌鬼。12、You"re an asshole.你这缺德鬼。13、You bastard!你这杂种!14、Get over yourself.别自以为是。15、You"re nothing to me.你对我什么都不是。
2023-07-15 23:43:581


英文高级骂人句子简短一: 1.Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) 2.Youu2019re crazy! 你疯了! 3.Donu2019t bother me. 别烦我。 4.Knock it off. 少来这一套。 5.You piss me off. 你气死我了。 6.Itu2019s none of your business. 关你屁事! 7.Whatu2019s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思? 8.How dare you! 你敢! 9.Cut it out. 省省吧。 10.You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪! 11.You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。 12.Iu2019m fed up. 我厌倦了。 13.Donu2019t make so much noise. Iu2019m working. 别吵,我在干活。 14.Itu2019s unfair. 太不公平了。 15.Iu2019m very disappointed. 真让我失望。 16.Donu2019t panic! 别怕! 17.What do you think you are doing? 你知道你在做什么吗? 18.Donu2019t you dare come back again! 你敢再回来! 19.You asked for it. 你自找的。 20.Nonsense! 鬼话! 21.What a stupid idiot! 真是白痴一个! 22.Iu2019m not going to put up with this! 我再也受不了啦! 23.I never want to see your face again! 我再也不要见到你! 24.Thatu2019s terrible. 真糟糕! 25.I canu2019t take it anymore. 我受不了了!(李阳老师常用) 26.Iu2019ve had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话。 27.Shut up! 闭嘴! 28.What do you want? 你想怎么样? 29.Do you know what time it is? 你知道现在都几点吗? 30.What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊? 英文高级骂人句子简短二: 1、唾沫是用来数钞票的,而不是用来讲道理的! Saliva is used to count the money, instead of speaking truth! 2、长点脸,擦清眼,麻烦你看清楚什么叫脸色。 Long face, clear eyes, trouble you see clearly what is face. 3、减肥一词,说出来只是为了吓吓身上那些肉。 The term weight loss, say it out just for the sake of those scare flesh. 4、跟谁整那个表情呢,我是你妈啊你那么看我。 With whom the whole of that expression, I am your mama ah you see me. 5、请问你有什么好牛的。说出来给我乐呵乐呵。 Do you have any good cattle. Say it to me happy happy. 6、阎王每天收那么多人,怎么就没把你给收去! The yan a day so many people, how don"t give away you! 7、为什么没有公司拿你的脸皮去研究防弹衣呢? Why didn"t company with your face to research body armor? 8、瞧来瞧去漫山遍野的傻逼,原来你也在这里! To look at to ma of silly force, here you are! 9、当初的你强大到死!现在的你脆弱成屎粑粑! At the beginning of your strong to die! Now the excrement BaBa you vulnerable! 10、你忘记的太他妈干脆,我执着的太他妈心碎。 You forget too his mama just, I clinging too his mama heart.
2023-07-15 23:44:131


1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!3. What"s wrong with you? 你怎么回事?4. You shouldn"t have done that! 你真不应该那样做!5. You"re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!6. Don"t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?8. What"s your problem? 你怎么回事啊?9. I hate you! 我讨厌你!10. I don"t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你!11. You"re crazy! 你疯了!12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)13. Don"t bother me. 别烦我。14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!16. Leave me alone. 走开。17. Get lost。滚开!18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。20. It"s none of your business. 关你屁事!21. What"s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?22. How dare you! 你敢!23. Cut it out. 省省吧。24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。26. I"m fed up. 我厌倦了。27. I can"t take it anymore. 我受不了了!(李阳老师常用)28. I"ve had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话。29. Shut up! 闭嘴!30. What do you want? 你想怎么样?31. Do you know what time it is? 你知道现在都几点吗?32. What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊?33. How can you say that? 你怎么可以这样说?34. Who says? 谁说的?35. That"s what you think! 那才是你脑子里想的!36. Don"t look at me like that. 别那样看着我。37. What did you say? 你说什么?38. You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!39. You make me so mad。你气死我了啦。40. Drop dead. 去死吧!41. Fuck off. 滚蛋。42. Don"t give me your shit. 别跟我胡扯。43. Don"t give me your excuses/ No more excuses. 别找借口。44. You"re a pain in the ass. 你这讨厌鬼。45. You"re an asshole. 你这缺德鬼。46. You bastard! 你这杂种!47. Get over yourself. 别自以为是。48. You"re nothing to me. 你对我什么都不是。49. It"s not my fault. 不是我的错。50. You look guilty. 你看上去心虚。51. I can"t help it. 我没办法。52. That"s your problem. 那是你的问题。53. I don"t want to hear it. 我不想听!54. Get off my back. 少跟我罗嗦。55. Give me a break. 饶了我吧。56. Who do you think you"re talking to? 你以为你在跟谁说话?57. Look at this mess! 看看这烂摊子!58. You"re so careless. 你真粗心。59. Why on earth didn"t you tell me the truth? 你到底为什么不跟我说实话?60. I"m about to explode! 我肺都快要气炸了!61. What a stupid idiot! 真是白痴一个!62. I"m not going to put up with this! 我再也受不了啦!63. I never want to see your face again! 我再也不要见到你!64. That"s terrible. 真糟糕!65. Just look at what you"ve done! 看看你都做了些什么!66. I wish I had never met you. 我真后悔这辈子遇到你!67. You"re a disgrace. 你真丢人!68. I"ll never forgive you! 我永远都不会饶恕你!69. Don"t nag me! 别在我面前唠叨!70. I"m sick of it. 我都腻了。71. You"re son of bitch! 婊子养的!72. Stop screwing/ fooling/ messing around! 别鬼混了!73. Mind your own business! 管好你自己的事!74. You"re just a good for nothing bum! 你真是一个废物!/ 你一无是处!75. You"ve gone too far! 你太过分了!76. I loathe you! 我讨厌你!77. I detest you! 我恨你!78. Get the hell out of here! 滚开!79. Don"t be that way! 别那样!80. Can"t you do anything right? 成事不足,败事有余。81. You"re impossible. 你真不可救药。82. Don"t touch me! 别碰我!83. Get away from me! 离我远一点儿!84. Get out of my life. 我不愿再见到你。/ 从我的生活中消失吧。85. You"re a joke! 你真是一个小丑!86. Don"t give me your attitude. 别跟我摆架子。87. You"ll be sorry. 你会后悔的。88. We"re through. 我们完了!89. Look at the mess you"ve made! 你搞得一团糟!90. You"ve ruined everything. 全都让你搞砸了。91. I can"t believe your never. 你好大的胆子!92. You"re away too far. 你太过分了。93. I can"t take you any more! 我再也受不了你啦!94. I"m telling you for the last time! 我最后再告诉你一次!95. I could kill you! 我宰了你!96. That"s the stupidest thing I"ve ever heard! 那是我听到的最愚蠢的事!(比尔?盖茨常用)97. I can"t believe a word you say. 我才不信你呢!98. You never tell the truth! 你从来就不说实话!99. Don"t push me ! 别逼我!100. Enough is enough! 够了够了!101. Don"t waste my time anymore. 别再浪费我的时间了!102. Don"t make so much noise. I"m working. 别吵,我在干活。103. It"s unfair. 太不公平了。104. I"m very disappointed. 真让我失望。105. Don"t panic! 别怕!106. What do you think you are doing? 你知道你在做什么吗?107. Don"t you dare come back again! 你敢再回来!108. You asked for it. 你自找的。109. Nonsense! 鬼话!110.Can you tell me your name,is kitte? 我能知道你的名字吗。是不是叫加菲猫啊。
2023-07-15 23:45:041


2023-07-15 23:45:363

求Kanye West《Gold Digger》歌词

The p had a close call, quiet as kept i dated this"flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy girl"Yeah, and almost got vickedShe had green eyes, thunder thighs, and a def body (so what cha sayin)Top it off, she drove a black maseratiChrome kit, with a smile i couldn"t resistI tapped e on the shoulder and said, "yeah i gots to get this"(p cool, she could be a gold digger)Not with that smile and that stupid boomin figureTil one day, she spent the crazy doughTen g"s on levi"s, cold went ramboBut then she smiled, gave me a back massageGassed my head up, and said (oh p you"re so large)Like a jerk, i went for the line like a fishBut she was far from dream girl, and more like a death wishShe likes to sit back, lamp, walk on plush rugsWhip my five-sixty sip moet and bug (so did you flip?)Tried to but she cut me offAnd said, "guess what?" (what) "i"m pregnant" (pregnant? damn)Yeah and the child is yoursSo to fellas, who wanna keep they cashOr beware of the jack hammer and the helmet that glowsCause she"s a gold diggerOh what the heck, let"s get married and have a son named erickNo big deal, no sweatHmmm, i was in for a big surpriseAnd when i saw the judge hammer pass my green eyesBrainlocked, my whole damn head was malfunctionalCause i forgot to co-sign a prenuptial, agreementNow her case is hard like cementI have no files on all the money she spentShe has a car, nineteen ninety brand new jaguarFly kit, with chrome rims that"s five starThat she bought, when i was away on tourHittin" my bank account, gettin more and more moneyShe got paid, it wasn"t funnyTalkin to myself - oh you big big dummyJust my luck, that i"m stuck with a marriageAnd a baby, who lays in a gold carriageNow i can"t leave, if i do she gets half (not the cash)Oh yes, the whole damn bash of moneySo i chill, and act so sweetKiss her feet, can"t picture bein in the streetSo i give a fake smile, and a fake laughFake everything so i can keep all my cashFake talk, like i love you so muchBut wishin, she gets hit by a mack truckNext time, if there"s one i"ll knowThat most women strictly out for the doughThey"re called gold diggers[e] that"s why, men in the 90"s must watch themselves[p] cause ladies of the 80"s got hip and went for selfWith the new divorce laws, which entitles them half[e] that means the house goes[p] the car[e] you and half your cash[p] what a price to pay, but if you play you payCause women of the world they got smart todayThey flash a smile and profile[e] a pucker with a strut[p] try to move in[e] knock the boots[p] and got stuck, with alimony payments[e] time to meet judge wapner[p] you try to flip and cut, but she smiles "cause she gotchaYou get a flashback to wedding, when you vowed the vowSaid the two deadly words[e] i do[p] but look now, you lost the house[e] the car[p] eatin tv dinners in a one bedroom apartment[e] boy you picked a winner[p] but what goes around, comes around[e] that"s why she wheels the benz[p] and you ride greyhoundOh, just your luck, they on strikeTake off the wedding band, put out the thumb, time to hitch-hikeAnd the more you walk the pain from your corns get bigger(now you know)Not to mess with a gold digger3段,你自己看你要哪个
2023-07-15 23:45:433

表示“立刻”的单词和词组 比如说immediately,at once之类的,还有什么?

立刻 [ lì kè ] . . promptly prompt straightway thereupon at once forthwith immediate . 近义词或词组 without a moment"s thought | in no time | in two twos | right off | summarily | off hand | now | in half a shake | in a second | in a jerk | without delay | before the ink is dry | first off | momentarily | like | in a brace of shakes
2023-07-15 23:45:531


2023-07-15 23:46:022


1、Shut up! 闭嘴!2、You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!3、You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。4、You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!5、You make me so mad. 你气死我了啦。6、Drop dead. 去死吧!7、Fuck off. 滚蛋。8、Who says? 谁说的?9、Don"t give me your shoot. 别跟我胡扯。10、No more excuses. 别找借口。
2023-07-15 23:46:091


英文骂人脏话如下:1、Shut up! 闭嘴!2、You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!3、You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。4、You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!5、You make me so mad. 你气死我了啦。6、Drop dead. 去死吧!7、Fuck off. 滚蛋。8、Who says? 谁说的?9、Don"t give me your shoot. 别跟我胡扯。10、No more excuses. 别找借口。11、You"re a pain in the ass. 你这讨厌鬼。12、You"re an asshole. 你这缺德鬼。13、You bastard! 你这杂种!14、Get over yourself. 别自以为是。15、You"re nothing to me. 你对我什么都不是。16、It"s not my fault. 不是我的错。17、You look guilty. 你看上去心虚。
2023-07-15 23:46:591


给外婆的歌 今夜偶遇星光灿烂 望晴空漫天的星星,哪一颗才能寄托我对你的思念 虫儿在天上飞,我在星河里醉 “一颗,两颗”,伴我乖乖地睡 昨日记忆重现,我只是一个懵懂的少年 天有多高,地有多远我都不管 我只要我的梦想都实现 我多想说:“外婆呀,等我长大了,还在院子里,轮到我陪你看星星。” 转眼已过了这么多年,世事早已事过境迁 可是我还记得,我给你的诺言 我只是一个乳臭未干的少年 只不过经历了一点点沧海桑田 走在城市浮华的边缘,尘埃让我看不见期待的明天 岁月带走了你的容颜 我想你头上一定添了许多白班 人老了总该有人陪伴 我多想,多想陪在你身边 “一颗,两颗”陪你望星星的夜晚 如今啊,在异乡的土地上 无数颗星星,哪一颗能代我做你的伴 可是,我知道,你要的不是星星
2023-07-15 23:47:2316


1. Time To Say Goodbye <Sarah Brightman(莎拉.布莱曼)> 排名第一的歌曲不得不听2. I Have A Dream <Westlife(西城男孩)> 这首歌,很棒3. I m With You <Avril Lavigne> 4. Holy Virgin <Groove Coverage(舞动精灵)> 舞动精灵的非常好听5. Stop!Stop!Stop! <VIRGOS(圣女天团)> 6. We Belong Together <Mariah Carey(玛丽亚.凯莉)> 7. My Love <Westlife(西城男孩)> 从第一次听我就喜欢上了8. God Is A Girl <Groove Coverage(舞动精灵)> 相信很多人都听过9. Shut Up And Drive <Rihanna> 10. I Will Always Love You <Whitney Houston> 11. Pretty Boy <M2M(窈窕美眉)> 经典之作12. If You Had My Love <Jennifer Lopez(珍妮弗.洛佩兹)> 13. May It Be <Enya(恩雅)> 细心品味,我很喜欢这首歌的14. Baby I Love You <Jennifer Lopez(珍妮弗.洛佩兹)> 15. Rockstar <Nickelback> 16. My Heart Will Go On <Celine Dion(席琳迪翁)> 17. Yesterday Once More <Carpenters(卡朋特)> 很多地方介绍这首经典的18. Love Me Tender <Elvis Presley(猫王)> 19. Open Your Heart <Madonna(麦当娜)> 20. Flying Without Wings <Westlife(西城男孩)> 21. The Day You Went Away <M2M(窈窕美眉)> 又一首窈窕美眉的经典22. World Of Our Own <Westlife(西城男孩)> 23. To Love You More <Celine Dion(席琳迪翁)> 24. Don t Give Up <Sarah Brightman(莎拉.布莱曼)> 25. Big Big World <Emilia> 虽然有点老,但我还是非常喜欢26. You Make Me Feel <Westlife(西城男孩)> 27. Music <Madonna(麦当娜)> 28. Bye Bye Bye <N Sync(超级男孩)> 29. 2 Become 1 <spice girls(辣妹合唱团)> 30. As Long As You Love Me <Backstreet Boys> 这首也是非常不错的31. Never Say Goodbye <Bon Jovi> 相信这首歌是非常多人都喜欢的32. Take Me To Your Heart <Michael Learns To Rock> 33. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) <Mika> 歌很活泼34. Lonely <Nana> 35. Shake It Off <Mariah Carey(玛丽亚.凯莉)> 36. I Believe I Can Fly <R Kelly> 37. Because Of You <98乐队> 38. Seasons In The Sun <Westlife(西城男孩)> 39. The Power Of Love <Celine Dion(席琳迪翁)> 40. Blue Moon <Elvis Presley(猫王)>
2023-07-15 23:47:471

有什么好听的英文歌曲 能培养气质的最好

【欧美经典TOP50】 ☆流水无情强力推荐☆1. Time To Say Goodbye (莎拉.布莱曼)2. I Have A Dream (西城男孩) 3. I m With You (Avril Lavigne)4. Holy Virgin 舞动精灵) 5. Stop!Stop!Stop! (圣女天团)6. We Belong Together ((玛丽亚.凯莉) 7. My Love(西城男孩)8. God Is A Girl (舞动精灵)9. Shut Up And Drive (Rihanna)10. I Will Always Love You (Whitney Houston) 11. Pretty Boy (窈窕美眉)12. If You Had My Love (珍妮弗.洛佩兹)13. May It Be (恩雅)14. Baby I Love You (珍妮弗.洛佩兹)15. Rockstar (Nickelback) 16. My Heart Will Go On (席琳迪翁) 17. Yesterday Once More (卡朋特)18. Love Me Tender(猫王)19. Open Your Heart (麦当娜)20. Flying Without Wings(西城男孩)21. The Day You Went Away (窈窕美眉)22. World Of Our Own (西城男孩) 23. To Love You More (席琳迪翁)24. Don t Give Up (莎拉.布莱曼) 25. Big Big World (Emilia)26. You Make Me Feel (西城男孩)27. Music (麦当娜)28. Bye Bye Bye (超级男孩) 29. 2 Become 1 (辣妹合唱团)30. As Long As You Love Me (Backstreet Boys)31. Never Say Goodbye (Bon Jovi)32. Take Me To Your Heart (Michael Learns To Rock) 33. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)34. Lonely (Nana)35. Shake It Off (玛丽亚.凯莉)36. I Believe I Can Fly (R Kelly)37. Because Of You (98乐队) 38. Seasons In The Sun (西城男孩) 39. The Power Of Love (席琳迪翁)40. Blue Moon (猫王) 41. wake up call (Maroon 5)42. Just Show Me How To Love You (莎拉.布莱曼) 43. Because You Loved Me (席琳迪翁) 44. Tonight (西城男孩) 45. Too Lost In You (甜心宝贝)46. FutureSex LoveSounds (Justin Timberlake) 47. You Raise Me Up (西城男孩)48. Bleed It Out (Linkin Park)49. Fragile Heart (西城男孩) 50. All For You (珍妮.杰克逊) (流水无情个人精品珍藏5首,旁人请勿Ctrl+C)1. My heart will go on 2. Love to be loved by you 3.How did I fall in love with you 4. Innocence 5 .When You"re Gone 以上全是超好听的歌曲,希望楼主喜欢,好听记得加分哦!谢谢 ! 【“水族”流水无情版权所有,抄袭复制一律投诉,并通知管理员封禁】
2023-07-15 23:48:051


你自己看下吧.这都是实况的音乐1.Incomplete 2. Just Want You To Know 3. Crawling Back To You 4. Weird World 5. I Still... 6. Poster Girl 7. Lose It All 8. Climbing the Walls 9. My Beautiful Woman 10. Safest Place to Hide 11. Siberia 12. Never Gone 中场休息及完成比赛菜单音乐 (八首) 1 Golden Sky BY Smile 2 California BY Savage Garden 3 Better Man BY Robbie Willams 4 Life Got Cold BY Girls Aloud 5 Dar Under Esti BY O-Zone 6 These Kids BY Joel Turner&The Modern Day Poets 7,8 未知,不过也非常好听。 二 球员进场音乐 (三首) 1 FIFA ANTHEN (国际足联球员进场专用音乐) 2 Battle Without Honour or Humanity BY Tomoyasu Hotei 3 英超比赛进场音乐 三 中场精彩回放音乐 (四首) 1 Have Nice Day BY Bon Jovi 2 Don"t Push Me BY Sweetbox 3 Baby One More Time BY Britney Spears 4 Sanea Monica BY Savage Garden 四 夺冠音乐 (两首) 1 SING UP FOR TEH CHAMPIONS 曼联三冠王音乐 2 Celebrate The Day BY Herbert Groenemeyer 五 主菜单音乐 (八首) 1 Break! Go! BY MVP情人 2 Hips Don"t Lie BY Shakira feat & Wyclef Jean 3 Chop Suey BY System of A Down 4 Year BY Usher fe Lil"Jon & Ludacris 5 Cold Hands Warm Heart BY Brendan Benson 6 Fix You BY Coldplay 7 Becaus I Love You BY Shakin Stevens 8 Come Back To Me BY Vanessa Hudgens 六 大师联赛主菜单音乐 (一首) 1 One Way Or Another BY Blondie 七 联赛、杯赛主菜单音乐 (一首) 1 未知,很好听 八 编辑模式菜单音乐 (一首) 1 Das Liebeslied BY Annett Louisan 九 设置选项,浏览球场音乐 (一首) 1 En Dag Tilbage BY Nik & Jay 十 训练模式菜单音乐 (两首) 1 Pretty Boy BY M2M 2 Christmas in My Heart BY Sarah Connor 十一 阵容设置菜单音乐 (两首) 1 Without Me BY Nicholas Tse 2 UH LA LA LA 十二 博物馆进球回放音乐 (一首) 1 Beautiful Ones BY Suede 十三 联网模式音乐 (七首) 1 God is A Girl BY Groove Coverage 2 Fallingstar 3 All Rise BY Blue 4 Don"t Turn Off the Light BY Enrique Iglesias 5 Free Loop BY Daniel Powter 6,7 未知 十四 征战世界杯模式主菜单音乐 1 Jerk it Out BY Caesars Palace 十五 征战世界杯模式阵容设定音乐 1 Baishi-kle (童年英文版) 2 Nuur El Ab1.close to you2.groove coverage3.if everyone cared nickelback all the right4.leave out all the restone two three four five 的名字叫 《five day》 训练模式下的歌la la la ...的 名字叫《La La Love on My Mind》 主菜单的那个。
2023-07-15 23:48:221


问题一:有什么特别嗨的英文歌曲? Fireflies-Owl City(这首歌绝对值得一听、强烈推荐) 21 Guns-Green Day(听后给人深深震撼、推荐去看看MV,很感人的) Not Afraid-Eminem(Eminem回归后的主打歌、个人感觉不错) Apologize-Timbaland Break Your Heart-Taio Cruz(你会爱上这首歌的) In My Head-Jason Derulo(节奏感很强、) Waka Waka-Shakira(世界杯主题曲、绝对欢快) 问题二:求那种一开始节奏感很强又很嗨的英文歌 英文歌: I"m Gonna Getcha Good!--Shania Twain <一定要听这首哦> Never Had A Dream e True--S Club 7 最近开始听这首歌的,太好听了 Any Man Of Mine--Shania Twain 还有这个 My name is --Emimem阿姆的经典之作 Happy Boys & Girls---Aqua 他她们的歌很活泼 Barbie Girl--Aqua When You Say Nothing At All--Alison Krauss细心品味,我很喜欢这首歌的 Candy Shop--50 Cent 相信很多人听过吧 Back to you--Bryan Adams The Power Of Love--Celine Dion yellow--coldplay I COULD BE THE ONE--Donna Lewis 声音很甜 Without Me--Eminem 又一首阿姆的经典之作 Don"t Turn Off the Light--Enrique Iglesias Any one Of Us--Gareth Gates 经典 American Idiot--Green Day 朋克乐,我很喜欢 Boulevard of Broken Dreams--Green Day Moonlight Shadow --Groove Coverage Yesterday Yes A Day--Jane Birkin Because You Live--Jesse McCartney 人又帅歌又好 When You Believe--Mariah-Carey 很多地方介绍这首经典的 Nothing gonna chang my love for you We Will Rock You--Queen 摇滚中的经典 better man--Robbie Williams 问题三:有什么好听的英文歌?比较嗨的那种 我多啦 问题四:谁知道哪些好听很嗨的英文歌? when there were me and you 这首特别有感染力 valderfields 旋律特别好 一定要听哦 when you are gone everytime Nine Million Bicycles my prayer you can trust in me yesterday yes a day 这几首特别好听 希望你也喜欢 问题五:很嗨的英文歌 呵呵,我专听英文歌,先给你几首,觉得好的话再来要: OK (Dangerous Game)-Darin In My Head-Jason Derulo Boomerang-The Summer Set The Way We Were-The Summer Set Pay Phone-Maroom 5 Just Like That-Danny 问题六:有什么比较嗨的DJ歌曲? 劲爆DJ你找我。这几首都是我听过并且感觉特别好的推荐给楼主,希望你也能喜欢! 1.time to rock (很多人极力推荐的DJ,不得不听呀!) 2.yeah - 亚瑟小子 超级好听! 3.walking in the sun 4.Dance Now凤舞九天5开场曲 5.sound of my dream 超hi英文版 6.stand 很多人想要的非主流歌曲 now (凤舞九天第五场开场曲,很棒!) 8.耶耶耶耶 (经久不衰的老歌!) 9.换掉dj (李贞贤 - 日文歌 眉飞色舞韩国原曲) 10.never say goodbye (李俊基) 11.solotu (超酷非主流旋律,很性感的女声,不信试试!) 12.your loving girl (jessica jay 流星雨英文版) 13.baek ji young (悲伤的骚沙舞) 14.sound of my dream (2008年1月推荐最新非主流歌曲) 15.dang da da(动感有节奏的非主流歌曲) 虽然不多,但首首都是经典,希望楼主也能喜欢! 声明:尊重原创,禁止抄袭,违者举报! 问题七:有什么比较HI的英文歌曲 Creepin`up On You Darren Hayes I Am Gonna Getcha Good(Shania Twain) Far Away From Home Gone going ATC - Around The World (La La La La La) Gigi D"Agostino - The Riddle la la love on my mind Be What You wanna Be don"t phunk with my heart Raise it Up TM feat. Jiho jinbo How Do I Breathe Mario L.O.V.E. Nana Together Ne-Yo 问题八:有什么嗨点的英文歌。 推荐几首英文歌给您 都是个人珍藏 Tower -- Vienna Teng Everything But The Girl -- Darin Ocean Deep -- Cliff Richard You Love Me -- Diana Ross~ Here I Am -- Leona Lewis We Are Broken -- Paramore Love To Be Loved By You -- Marc Terenzi Losing The Love -- Joy Enriquez Never Let You Go -- 卫兰 Wolf -- Bressanon Walk Me Home -- Mandy Moore Apologize -- Timbaland I Cry -- Shayne Ward It"s Not Goodbye -- Laura Pausini One In A Million -- Bosson 雕刻 -- 美妙人生片尾曲 下面是节奏感强些的: Bet on it -- High School Musical 2 When Your Heart Stops Beating -- +44 Crushcrushcrush -- Paramore JERK IT OUT -- COCSARS Beautiful Life -- Ace Of Base believe me -- Fort Minor Bye bye beautiful -- Nightwish Last of the wilds -- Nightwish The Mass -- Era Whenever, Wherever -- Shakira The Take Over, The Breaks Over -- Fall out Boys The Hell Song - Sum 41 Over My Head -- Sum41 she is my sin -- Nightwish Still Waiting -- Sum41 Man Or Mouse -- Millencolin 抒情些的: Gotta Have You -- the weepies Dance With My Father -- Luther Vandross cry on my shoulder -- Bonnie Raitt Dying In the Sun -- the Cranberries Free Loop -- Daniel Powter I am Strong -- 诺斯小子 Good is Good -- Sheryl Crow I Can"t Win -- Usher 保证每首都是经典 希望您能喜欢 问题九:有没什么听起比较嗨,比较有动力,比较好听的英文歌? ~~ Boom Boom Pow-黑眼豆豆 Superstar-鲁佩菲亚斯科 In Da Club-50Cent Still D.R.E.-Dr Dre Why You Wanna-T.I What You Know-T.i Grillz-Nelly Hey Ya!-Outkast Dilemma-Nelly eback-Kelly Rowland Good Foot-贾斯汀 Timbaland Find A Way-J-Five Go Too Far-Jibbs Last Night-Diddy Chain Hang Low-Jibbs En Dag Tilbage-Nik&Jay Feelin" Myself - Dolla Whatever You Like-T.I Love Me Or Hate Me-Lady Sovereign Tell Me 订ho You Are-Ldy Lickem Joints & Jam_黑眼豆豆 Buttons_Pussycat Dolls Petrified-黑暗堡垒 Remember The Name-黑暗堡垒 Believe Me-黑暗堡垒 Where"d You Go-黑暗堡垒 Snitch-阿肯 Smack That-阿肯 Business-阿姆 Crack A Bottle-阿姆 Guilty Conscience-阿姆 Hands Up-Chingy
2023-07-15 23:48:411


  英语超短骂人的经典语录有点高大上的感觉。以下是我为你精心整理的英语超短骂人经典语录,希望你喜欢。  英语超短骂人经典语录精选   1) You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!   2) Donu2018t give me your attitude 别跟我摆架子。   3) Iu2018m sick of it 我都腻了。   4) Youu2018re just a good for nothing bum! 你真是一个废物!/ 你一无是处!   5) Iu2018m very disappointed 真让我失望。   6) Thatu2018s your problem 那是你的问题。   7) I canu2018t take it anymore 我受不了了!   8) What do you want? 你想怎么样?   9) I never want to see you* **ce again! 我再也不要见到你!   10) Get out of my face 从我面前消失!   英语超短骂人经典语录最新   1) Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!   2) Itu2018s none of your busine关你屁事!   3) Mind your own business! 管好你自己的事!   4) I canu2018t help it 我没办法。   5) Youu2018re a disgrace 你真丢人!   6) Whatu2018s your problem? 你怎么回事啊?   7) Donu2018t waste my time any more 别再浪费我的时间了!   8) Whatu2018s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?   9) Youu2018ve ruined everything 全都让你搞砸了。   10) Iu2018m telling you for the last time! 我最后再告诉你一次!   11) Drop dead 去死吧!   12) What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊?   13) Youu2018ll be sorry 你会后悔的。   14) Itu2018s unfair 太不公平了。   15) I donu2018t want to see you* **ce! 我不愿再见到你!   16) Youu2018re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!   17) How can you say that? 你怎么可以这样说?   18) Cut it out 省省吧。   19) Do you know what time it is? 你知道现在都几点吗?   20) Give me a break 饶了我吧。   英语超短骂人经典语录集锦   1) Enough is enough! 够了够了!   2) Thatu2018s terrible 真糟糕!   3) Youu2018re nothing to me 你对我什么都不是。   4) Look at this mess! 看看这烂摊子!   5) Weu2018re through 我们完了!   6) You make me so mad 你气死我了啦。   7) Knock it off 少来这一套。   8) Get lost 滚开!   9) Itu2018s not my fault 不是我的错。   10) What do you think you are doing? 你知道你在做什么吗?   11) Youu2018re a joke! 你真是一个小丑!   12) Look at the meyouu2018ve made! 你搞得一团糟!   13) Stop screwing/ fooling/ messing around! 别鬼混了!   14) Why on earth didnu2018t you tell me the truth? 你到底为什么不跟我说实话?   15) You never tell the truth! 你从来就不说实话!   16) Youu2018re away too far 你太过分了。   17) You are out of your mind 你脑子有毛病!   18) Youu2018re an asshole 你这缺德鬼。   19) Donu2018t nag me! 别在我面前唠叨!   20) Youu2018ve gone too far! 你太过分了!   21) Get the hell out of here! 滚开!   22) Nonsense! 鬼话!胡说八道   23) Get out of my life 我不愿再见到你。/ 从我的生活中消失吧。   24) Who says? 谁说的?   25) Canu2018t you do anything right? 成事不足,败事有馀。   26) Donu2018t give me your excuses/ No more excuses 别找借口。   27) I canu2018t take you any more! 我再也受不了你啦!   28) You pime off 你气死我了。   29) Donu2018t you dare come back again! 你敢再回来!   30) I canu2018t believe a word you say 我才不信你呢!英语超短骂人经典语录相关 文章 : 1. 最狠的英文骂人经典句子 2. 用英语骂人的经典句子 3. 英语当中骂人的句子 4. 英语粗口骂人经典句子 5. 关于骂人的英文句子大全 6. 骂人的英文句子大全 7. 最狠的英文骂人句子 8. 关于骂人的英文句子
2023-07-15 23:48:481

谁知道 实况足球8 刚进去的背景音乐叫什么名字?

你自己看下吧.这都是实况的音乐 1.Incomplete 2. Just Want You To Know 3. Crawling Back To You 4. Weird World 5. I Still... 6. Poster Girl 7. Lose It All 8. Climbing the Walls 9. My Beautiful Woman 10. Safest Place to Hide 11. Siberia 12. Never Gone 中场休息及完成比赛菜单音乐 (八首) 1 Golden Sky BY Smile 2 California BY Savage Garden 3 Better Man BY Robbie Willams 4 Life Got Cold BY Girls Aloud 5 Dar Under Esti BY O-Zone 6 These Kids BY Joel Turner&The Modern Day Poets 7,8 未知,不过也非常好听。 二 球员进场音乐 (三首) 1 FIFA ANTHEN (国际足联球员进场专用音乐) 2 Battle Without Honour or Humanity BY Tomoyasu Hotei 3 英超比赛进场音乐 三 中场精彩回放音乐 (四首) 1 Have Nice Day BY Bon Jovi 2 Don"t Push Me BY Sweetbox 3 Baby One More Time BY Britney Spears 4 Sanea Monica BY Savage Garden 四 夺冠音乐 (两首) 1 SING UP FOR TEH CHAMPIONS 曼联三冠王音乐 2 Celebrate The Day BY Herbert Groenemeyer 五 主菜单音乐 (八首) 1 Break! Go! BY MVP情人 2 Hips Don"t Lie BY Shakira feat & Wyclef Jean 3 Chop Suey BY System of A Down 4 Year BY Usher fe Lil"Jon & Ludacris 5 Cold Hands Warm Heart BY Brendan Benson 6 Fix You BY Coldplay 7 Becaus I Love You BY Shakin Stevens 8 Come Back To Me BY Vanessa Hudgens 六 大师联赛主菜单音乐 (一首) 1 One Way Or Another BY Blondie 七 联赛、杯赛主菜单音乐 (一首) 1 未知,很好听 八 编辑模式菜单音乐 (一首) 1 Das Liebeslied BY Annett Louisan 九 设置选项,浏览球场音乐 (一首) 1 En Dag Tilbage BY Nik & Jay 十 训练模式菜单音乐 (两首) 1 Pretty Boy BY M2M 2 Christmas in My Heart BY Sarah Connor 十一 阵容设置菜单音乐 (两首) 1 Without Me BY Nicholas Tse 2 UH LA LA LA 十二 博物馆进球回放音乐 (一首) 1 Beautiful Ones BY Suede 十三 联网模式音乐 (七首) 1 God is A Girl BY Groove Coverage 2 Fallingstar 3 All Rise BY Blue 4 Don"t Turn Off the Light BY Enrique Iglesias 5 Free Loop BY Daniel Powter 6,7 未知 十四 征战世界杯模式主菜单音乐 1 Jerk it Out BY Caesars Palace 十五 征战世界杯模式阵容设定音乐 1 Baishi-kle (童年英文版) 2 Nuur El Ab 1.close to you 2.groove coverage 3.if everyone cared nickelback all the right 4.leave out all the rest one two three four five 的名字叫 《five day》 训练模式下的歌 la la la ...的 名字叫《La La Love on My Mind》 主菜单的那个。
2023-07-15 23:48:571

A Linear Model 歌词

歌曲名:A Linear Model歌手:Puretone专辑:Stuck In A GrooveOK, Im going to attempt to drown myselfYou can try this at homeYou can be just like me!Mic check one two.. we recordin?Im cancerous, so when I diss you wouldnt wanna answer thisIf you responded back with a battle rap you wrote for CanibusI strangled you to death then I choked you againThen break your fuckin legs till your bones poke through your skinYou beef wit me, Ima even the score equallyTake you on Jerry Springer, and beat yer ass legallyI get you blunted off of funny home grownCause when I smoke out I hit the trees harder than Sonny Bono(Ohh no!!) So if I said I never did drugsThat would mean I lie AND get fucked more than the President doesHillary Clinton tried to slap me and call me a pervertI ripped her fuckin tonsils out and fed her sherbet (Bitch!)My nerves hurt, and lately Im on edgeGrabbed Vanilla Ice and ripped out his blonde dreads (Fuck you!)Every girl I ever went out wit is goin lezFollow me and do exactly what the song says:smoke weed, take pills, drop outta school, kill people and drinkAnd jump behind the wheel like it was still legalIm dumb enough to walk in a store and stealSo Im dumb enough to ask for a date with Lauryn HillSome people only see that Im white, ignorin skillCause I stand out like a green hat with a orange billBut I dont get pissed, yall dont even see through the mistHow the fuck can I be white, I dont even existI get a clean shave, bathe, go to a raveDie from an overdose and dig myself up out of my graveMy middle finger wont go down, how do I wave?And this is how Im supposed to teach kids how to behave?Now follow me and do exactly what you seeDont you wanna grow up to be just like me!I slap women and eat shrooms then O.D.Now dont you wanna grow up to be just like me!Me and Marcus Allen went over to see NicoleWhen we heard a knock at the door, must have been Ron GoldJumped behind the door, put the orgy on holdKilled em both and smeared blood in a white Bronco (we did it!)My mind wont work if my spine dont jerkI slapped Garth Brooks out of his Rhinestone shirtIm not a player just a ill rhyme sayerThatll spray an Aerosol can up at the ozone layer (psssssssh)My rap styles warped, Im runnin out the morguewitcha dead grandmothers corpse to throw it on your porchJumped in a Chickenhawk cartoon wit a cape onAnd beat up Foghorn Leghorn with an acornIm bout as normal as Norman Bates, with deformative traitsA premature birth that was four minutes lateMother.. are you there? I love youI never meant to hit you over the head with that shovelWill someone explain to my brain that I just severeda main vein with a chainsaw and Im in pain?I take a breather and sighed; either Im high, or Im nutsCause if you aint tiltin this room, neither am ISo when you see your mom with a thermometer shoved in her assThen it probably is obvious I got it on with herCause when I drop this solo shit its over withI bought Cages tape, opened it, and dubbed over itI came to the club drunk with a fake IDDont you wanna grow up to be just like me!Ive been with 10 women who got HIVNow dont you wanna grow up to be just like me!I got genital warts and it burns when I peeDont you wanna grow up to be just like me!I tie a rope around my penis and jump from a treeYou probably wanna grow up to be just like me!!!
2023-07-15 23:49:041


Billy Gilman《Angels We Have Heard On High》Billy Gilman《Away In A Manger》Billy Gilman《Jingle Beii Rock》Billy Gilman《O Holy Night》Billy Gilman《Rockin" Around The Christmas Tree》Billy Gilman《Silent Night》Billy Gilman《Sleigh Ride》Billy Gilman《Warm & Fuzzy》Billy Gilman《Winter Christmas》Billy Gilman《Winter Wonderland》Alan《Softly and tenderly》Anastacia 《You"ll never be alone》Bovzii men《Song for mama》Johnny《When a child is born》Louis armstrong《What a wonderful world》Westlife《You raise me up》恩雅《Only time》莎拉·布莱曼《Ave maria》天使之翼《Alr》天使之翼《Love and Mercy》席琳迪翁《The power of love》休斯顿《When you believe》Erasure《Always》美国电影《人鬼情未了》插曲《only you》eaqles《Hotel california——加州旅店》欧美《helll boy soundtrack - cant_smile_without_you》第7届奥斯卡获奖电影《快乐的离婚了的人》主题曲《The Continental》第8届奥斯卡获奖电影《1935年掘金女郎》主题曲《Lullaby of Broadway》第9届奥斯卡获奖电影《摇曳时光》主题曲《The Way You Look Tonight》第12届奥斯卡获奖电影《绿野仙踪》主题曲《Over the Rainbow》第13届奥斯卡获奖电影《木偶奇遇记》主题曲《When You Wish Upon a Star》第14届奥斯卡获奖电影《短装淑女》主题曲《The Last Time I Saw Paris》第15届奥斯卡获奖电影《假日旅店》主题曲《White Christmas》第16届奥斯卡获奖电影《喂!旧金山,喂!》主题曲《You"ll Never Know》第17届奥斯卡获奖电影《与我同行》主题曲《Swinging on a Star》第18届奥斯卡获奖电影《嘉会良缘》主题曲《It Might as Well Be Spring》第20届奥斯卡获奖电影《南方之歌》主题曲《Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah》第22届奥斯卡获奖电影《海王星女儿》主题曲《Baby,It"s Cold Outside》第23届奥斯卡获奖电影《古堡歼仇记》主题曲《Mona Lisa》第24届奥斯卡获奖电影《喜临门》主题曲《In the Cool,Cool,Cool of the Evening》第27届奥斯卡获奖电影《罗马之恋》主题曲《Three Coins in the Fountain》第28届奥斯卡获奖电影《生死恋》主题曲《Love Is a Marry Splendored Thing》第29届奥斯卡获奖电影《擒凶记》主题曲《Whatever Will Be,Will Be》第30届奥斯卡获奖电影《艺海奇人》主题曲《All the Way》第32届奥斯卡获奖电影《和家欢》主题曲.《High Hopes》第33届奥斯卡获奖电影《别再星期天》主题曲《Never on Sunday》第34届奥斯卡获奖电影《蒂法尼的早餐》主题曲《Moon River》第35届奥斯卡获奖电影《酒与玫瑰》主题曲《Days of Wine and Roses》第37届奥斯卡获奖电影《欢乐满人间》主题曲《Chim Chim Cher-ee》第38届奥斯卡获奖电影《矶鹞》主题曲《The Shadow of Your Smile》第39届奥斯卡获奖电影《生的自由》主题曲《Borm Free》第40届奥斯卡获奖电影《杜立德医生》主题曲《Talk to the Animals》第41届奥斯卡获奖电影《托马斯·克朗的事伯》主题曲《The Windmills of Your Mind》第43届奥斯卡获奖电影《情人与陌生人》主题曲《For All We Know》第44届奥斯卡获奖电影《黑街神探》主题曲《Theme from Shaft》第45届奥斯卡获奖电影《海神号》主题曲《The Morning After》第46届奥斯卡获奖电影《往日情怀》主题曲《The Way We Were》第49届奥斯卡获奖电影《星梦泪痕》主题曲《Evergreen》第50届奥斯卡获奖电影《你照亮我的生命》主题曲《You Light Up My Life》第51届奥斯卡获奖电影《星期五的狂热》主题曲《Last Dance》第52届奥斯卡获奖电影《诺玛·蕾》主题曲《It Goes Like It Goes》第53届奥斯卡获奖电影《名扬四海》主题曲《Fame》第54届奥斯卡获奖电影《二八佳人花公子》主题曲《Best That You Can Do》第55届奥斯卡获奖电影《军官与绅士》主题曲《Up Where We Belong》第57届奥斯卡获奖电影《红衣女郎》主题曲《I Juat Called to Say I Lovw You》第58届奥斯卡获奖电影《飞越苏联》主题曲《Say You Say Me》第59届奥斯卡获奖电影《凌云壮志》主题曲《Take My Breath Away》第60届奥斯卡获奖电影《热舞十七》主题曲《The Time of My Life》第63届奥斯卡获奖电影《狄克崔西》主题曲《Sooner or Later》第64届奥斯卡获奖电影《美女与野兽》主题曲《Beauty and the Beast》第65届奥斯卡获奖电影《阿拉丁》主题曲《A Whole New World》第66届奥斯卡获奖电影《费城故事》主题曲《Streets of Philadelphia》第67届奥斯卡获奖电影《狮子王》主题曲《Can You Feel the Love Tonight》第68届奥斯卡获奖电影《风中奇缘》主题曲《Colors of the Wind》第69届奥斯卡获奖电影《阿根廷,别为我哭泣》主题曲《You Must Love Me》第70届奥斯卡获奖电影《铁达尼号》主题曲《My Heart Will Go On》第71届奥斯卡获奖电影《埃及王子》主题曲《When You Believe》第72届奥斯卡获奖电影《泰山》主题曲《You"ll Be In My Heart》第73届奥斯卡获奖电影《神奇小子》主题曲《Things Have Changed》第74届奥斯卡获奖电影《怪物公司》主题曲《If Didn"t Heve You》第75届奥斯卡获奖电影《8英里》主题曲《Lose Yourself》第76届奥斯卡获奖电影《魔戒》主题曲《Into the West》第77届奥斯卡获奖电影《摩托日记》主题曲《Al Otro Lado Del Rio》第79届奥斯卡获奖电影《难以忽视的真相》主题曲《I need to wake up》第80届奥斯卡获奖电影《曾经》主题曲《Once》第81届奥斯卡获奖电影《上班女郎》主题曲《Let the Rivre Run》Eric Clapton《back home——回家》Eric Clapton《blue eyes blue——蓝色的蓝眼睛》Eric Clapton《Crossroads——十字路口》Eric Clapton《Layla——莱拉》Eric Clapton《riding with the king——骑王》Eric Clapton《Tears in heaven——如果我在天堂遇见你》Eric Clapton《Wonderful Tonight——今晚棒极了》John Winston Lennon《beautiful boy——美少年》John Winston Lennon《cold turkey——冷土耳其》John Winston Lennon《give peace a chance——给和平一个机会》John Winston Lennon《imagine——想像》John Winston Lennon《jealous guy——嫉妒的家伙》John Winston Lennon《love——爱》John Winston Lennon《mother——母亲》John Winston Lennon《oh my love——噢,我的爱》John Winston Lennon《only you——只有你》John Winston Lennon《stand by me——我的立场》John Winston Lennon《watching the wheels——看着轮》John Winston Lennon《working class hero——工人阶级英雄》The Beatles《a day in the life——每天在生活》The Beatles《a hard day"s night——在一天的夜晚》The Beatles《across the universe——整个宇宙》The Beatles《all my loving——我所有的爱》The Beatles《all you need is love——所有你需要的是爱》The Beatles《and i love her——而且我爱她》The Beatles《back in the u.s.s.r——早在U.S.S.R.》The Beatles《come together——走到一起》The Beatles《drive my car——驱动我的汽车》The Beatles《hello goodbye——你好再见》The Beatles《hey jude——嘿裘德》The Beatles《i feel fine——我感觉很好》The Beatles《i want to hold your hand——我想握住你的手》The Beatles《i will——我会》The Beatles《in my life——在我的生活》The Beatles《lady madonna——麦当娜夫人》The Beatles《let it be——顺其自然》The Beatles《love me do——不爱我》The Beatles《norwegian wood——挪威的森林》The Beatles《nowhere man——无处男子》The Beatles《ob - la - di, ob - da——鄂毕拉弟鄂毕拉达》The Beatles《penny lane——竹巷》The Beatles《revolution——革命》The Beatles《she loves you——她爱你》The Beatles《something——某事》The Beatles《strawberry fields forever——永远的草莓地》The Beatles《the fool on the hill——山上的傻瓜》The Beatles《the long and winding road——漫长而曲折的路》The Beatles《ticket to ride——票骑》The Beatles《we can work it out——我们有办法解决》The Beatles《yesterday——昨天》绿箭口香糖广告歌《rhythm of the rain》马自达汽车 MAZDA3电视广告曲《Dream Again》麦当劳广告歌《true colors》.麦当劳甜蜜夏冰纷电视广告曲.《True Color》美宝莲广告歌《I Wanna Be》潘婷广告歌《Unwritten》苹果iPod广告歌《Viva la Vida》苹果电脑的广告歌《new soul》麒麟FIRE饮料的广告歌《To Feel The Fire》麒麟啤酒电视广告曲《Feeling Fine》雀巢咖啡广告主题曲《open up》雀巢牛奶的广告歌《lasia》日本宝矿力饮料广告歌《sudden》瑞士糖广告歌《Sugar Sugar》三菱广告主题曲《bring me to life》三菱帕杰罗汽车广告歌《It"s my life》三菱汽车心房篇电视广告歌《The Lion Sleeps Tonight》三星i908e广告歌《built to last》三星锐铂广告歌《Fingers》三星手机广告歌《Anymotion》三星手机广告歌《do we rock》松下MJ59广告歌《Walking Proud》松下电器广告歌《Carols》索尼爱利信 W850i专属主题歌《As Time Goes By》探路者广告歌《over the way》特步广告曲《Bon Jovi》午后红茶广告歌《ROBINSON》午后红茶广告歌《空も飞べるはず》西门子广告歌《The Look Of Love》西洋广告歌《stars are blind》喜力广告歌曲《Quando Quando Quando》现代汽车NEW ELANTRA电视广告曲《Stand By Me》信用卡广告歌《My Girl》雪碧的广告歌《scar tissue》易利信手机广告歌《Dear Heart》玉兰油广告歌《坐在巷口的那对男女》远传电信广告曲《I.O.I.O.》芝华士广告歌《when you know》芝华士广告曲《Scarborough Fair》最经典iPod广告歌《Walkie Talkie Man》最新福斯Golf《传奇篇》电视广告歌《Bizarre Love Triangle》Audi A4 广告歌《Not looking back》Dior香水广告曲《Funky Space Reincarnation》F1赛车广告《Staring At The Sun》IpodMP3广告歌《Jerk It Out》IpodMP3广告歌《Vertigo》ipod广告歌《Bruises》Ipod广告歌《Feel Good Inc》ipod广告歌《One Two Three Four》ipod广告歌《Shut Up and Let Me Go》La coste香水广告曲《let me show you the way》Lacoste Pink香水广告歌《Save Your Kisses For Me》Lexus汽车年度形象广告曲《Lux Champs-Elysees》LG话题手机主题曲《Yesterday》LG闪耀手机广告歌《yesterday》moto v360广告曲乐园翻唱原曲《they》MOTO广告歌《Lesson No.1》nba 广告主题曲《i still believe》nba广告歌《a thousand miles》nba广告歌《the game of love》nba广告歌《why can"t i》NIKE广告曲《A Little Less Conversation》nike运动鞋广告歌《papa loves mambo》Nippon立邦漆的广告歌《Thematic All Colour》nissan terreno广告歌《movin` on without you》nokia 手机求婚篇广告歌《underneath your clothes》Puma广告曲《New Shoes》swatch广告歌《something about you》TOYOTA TERCEL汽车广告歌《Longer》TOYOTA汽车广告歌《Anticipating》安踏广告歌《we are the champions》奥林巴斯广告歌《To Be With You》奥林巴斯相机广告歌《Hey Juliet》澳大利亚旅游宣传广告歌《I can sing a rainbow》巴黎婚纱广告歌《sadness》百事可乐广告歌《we will rock you》宝矿力水特广告歌《jewel song》别克汽车的广告歌《I Believe I Can Fly》达芙妮广告歌曲《super model》大众汽车广告歌《I Will Come To You》大众汽车广告歌《You"re Beautiful》德芙巧克力的广告歌《white flag》迪士尼卡通电影“四眼天鸡”广告曲原唱版《dragostea din tei》鳄鱼T恤广告歌《it"s over now》福斯汽车GOLF广告歌《Close To You》福斯汽车全球广告曲《Strange And Beautiful》福特汽车METROSTAR成吉思汗篇电视广告曲《Stand By Your Man》福特汽车广告歌《Free Loop》福特汽车广告歌《Whole World Around》广告歌《One Night》嘉士伯广告歌《can""t take my eyes off you》凯越旅行车广告歌《alphabet》康桥半岛广告歌《Drowning》科达胶卷广告歌《Seasons In The Sun》兰蔻香水广告《everything gonna be alright》岚岸半岛广告歌《Forever Friend》立邦漆广告歌《What A Wonderful World》立顿奶茶的广告歌《Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head》五谷道场广告歌《Wir Zogen In Das Feld》《Away in the Manger》《Hark! the Herald Angels Sing》《Jingle Bell Rock》《Joy to the World!》《Rrosty The Snowman》《Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer》《Santa Claus is coming to town》《We Are the World》《We wish you a merry Christmas》《woman is the nigger of the world》Backstreet Boys《we will rock you我们将震撼你》Beyond《无声的告别》Elvis Presley《can"t help falling in love》Elvis Presley《Love Me Tender》John Denver《Country Road Takes Me Home》john denver《Take Me Home Country Roads——乡村路带我回家》Lionel Richie《Say You Say Me》Michael Jackson《We Are The World》Queen皇后乐队《I Want To Break Free我要自由》The Righteous Brothers电影《人鬼情未了》之《Unchained Melody——奔放的旋律》艾瑞莎·富兰克林Aretha Franklin《respect》艾瑞莎·富兰克林Aretha Franklin《Who"s Zooming Who》电影《英俊少年》之《夏日里最后的玫瑰》玛丽亚·凯莉《hero》vitas《我相信爱》vitas 《Opera2》vitas 《奉献》vitas 《圣徒》vitas 《微笑吧!》vitas 《星星》vitas 《永恒的吻》vitas《in the land of magnolias—在木兰花的边疆》vitas《wax figures—蜡像》vitas《敖德萨》vitas《别人的忧愁在哭泣》vitas《波金将阶梯》vitas《不要安静得如此响亮》vitas《沉船岛》vitas《the rain in tbilisi—第比利斯的雨》vitas《第七元素》vitas《多年以后》vitas《俄罗斯岸边》vitas《歌后之舞》vitas《歌剧1》vitas《歌剧院》vitas《寒冷的世界》vitas《鹤啼》vitas《黑夜一半白天一半》vitas《幻想》vitas《幻想的梦》vitas《会说话的玩偶》vitas《菊花谢了》vitas《卡尔松》vitas《拉美莫尔的露琪亚》vitas《蓝调》vitas《老唱机》vitas《灵魂》vitas《妈妈》vitas《马戏团》vitas《你去哪里我去哪里》vitas《秋天的叶子》vitas《上帝,请原谅》vitas《身体》vitas《首都街》vitas《天啊》vitas《外星朋友》vitas《万福玛利亚》vitas《我的天鹅》vitas《我的小鸟》vitas《我呢喃着你的名字》vitas《我死亡的诞生日》vitas《无翼天使》vitas《幸福之鸟》vitas《序曲》vitas《一个吉普赛人在行进》vitas《再见》vitas《在此相遇》对于以上的答案你满意吗?
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大家好,我是LZ,我是一个酷爱英文歌曲的人,因此我也收藏了许多英文歌曲,但是出于对音乐的喜欢与热衷,和我那永远都不会满足的听觉,我不断的在网上寻找,希望能找到许许多多好听的英文歌曲.. 我非常喜欢英文歌曲所以根据自己的喜好整理了100首外文歌曲供大家参考。以下歌曲主要是以英文歌曲为主,还有一些是优美的曲子,希望大家听后能喜欢。 1. nevergone 这首歌曲是后街男孩新专辑的主打歌曲,当我第一次听了她就喜欢上她了,这首歌曲与以往后街的歌有比较大的差别,你听了之后就知道了,很经典的哦! 2.climbing the walls 后街新专辑里的歌曲,很不错的! 3.more than that 也是后街的,在这首歌里你能够听到Aj那独特的嗓音,我也不知道为什么会有那么多女孩会喜欢他,大概是因为他那酷酷的样子吧,但我个人比较欣赏Brian。 4.spanish eyes 后街的,不错。 5.inclmplete love 西城再经典不过的一首歌曲了,可惜的是西城现在只剩下4人了,但我会永远支持他们! 7.walk away 8.we are one 9.uptown girl 看过cctv5天下足球节目的球迷朋友们对这首歌再熟悉不过了 raise me up 西城很经典的一首歌,这首歌原创是神秘园,但只有曲子,西城填的词,你听到这首歌会想到席林迪翁的那首my heart will go on 11.If I let you go 12.I lay my love on you 13.I swear 14.swear it again 15.seaion in the sun be with you 奥林巴斯的广告曲 17.long long way to go 这首歌我是从天下足球节目中听到的,看到节目里的那画面再听着这首歌曲很使人伤感 18.never grow old m2m的,很不错的 19.never had dream come true 20.god is a girl 当前很流行的一首歌,我也很喜欢 21.may it be 指环王的主题曲,由有“天籁之音”之称的恩雅演唱,在第76届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上她也演唱了这首歌曲 22.only time 这首歌是2002年时为纪念9.11一周年的歌曲 23.thank you 英国女歌手dido演唱 24.all rise 不错的一 首歌 25.the flame 看过2000年悉尼奥运会的朋友们对这首歌应该很熟悉了,是那届奥运会的主题曲 26.right hear watting for you 27.i believe i can fly 乔丹主演的《空中大灌蓝》里的主题曲 28.only love 听了这首歌感觉和张学友的一首歌很相似 29.there you will be 珍珠港的主题曲 30.the power of love 31.a new day has come 这首歌是网游魔兽MTV的歌曲,但我从不玩网游,呵呵 32.heal the world 看过这首歌MTV的人有什么想法?这首歌是由迈克.杰克逊和一些著名歌星们到非洲去举行的一场慈善活动上演唱的 33.anyone of us 34.yesterday 很经典,很伤感的一首歌 35.yesterday once more 卡朋特最经典的一首歌 36.hand in hand 88年奥运会主题曲,很好听的 37.santa monica matter what 39.the end 这首歌是我一位同学向我推荐link park的“the end”时发现的,但这首歌不是由他演唱,而是由一个女的唱的很好听的 40.batterfly i feel close to you 43.eyes on me 这首歌很好听,我非常喜欢 44.let music heal the world 这首歌曲在 网站上应该很难搜得到,是后街男孩与布兰妮演唱的 45.down by sally 听这首歌曲是种享受,这首歌会使你忘记所有烦恼,但愿是吧。 46.donna lewis 47.traveling light one more 49.forever young 50.fighter 喜欢NBA的朋友对这首歌很熟悉 51.lucky 强力推荐! 52.a better day black heart 54.a new day has come 55.don"t turn off the light 56.that is why you go away 57.for away from hone 58.better man 59.lonely 59.drowning 60.soledad i am 62.stronger 63.le papillon soundtrack are not alone 65.under a violet blackmore"s night 66.pretty lene lene 67.we belong to the sea 68.I saw you walking in the rain 69.short trip home 70.various artist 71.pretty young thing 72.classicriver 73.dying in the sun 74.we are the champion 75.pazza inter 76.拜仁队歌 77.意大利之夏 好经典的歌!球迷朋友们快去听啊!这首歌有两个版本,建议大家去听一男一女唱的那个版本的 78.can I feel the love tonight 79.the colour of the wind 80.卡萨布兰卡 好好听的! 81.the journey of flowers 听了这首个你就会明白…… 82.斯卡保罗集市 83.法国队歌 很好听的,我非常喜欢 84.我的名字叫伊莲 法国的一首老情歌 85.雨中的旋律 是奥斯卡影片《阿甘正传》里的歌 86.罗密欧与朱立叶 这个是曲子,可能大家在各种场合都听到过,原来我们学校每次月考考试前都放的这首曲子,我当时只觉得很好听就不知道曲名,现在终于知道了!呵呵,推荐给大家拉! 87.星空 超棒! 88.漫步神秘园 超棒!超棒!超棒!听完这首曲子你会明白风笛吹出的声音是如此之美! 89.nuctume 90.沙的迷途 91.amarartine 92.痛苦的爱 93.月光 鬼束寻光的歌 94.最终幻想X 这首歌的歌名不清楚叫什么,是最终幻想X的主题曲,推荐大家看这首歌的MTV 96.梦的点滴 97.爱的协奏曲 98.神秘园之歌 99.秋日私语 100.forever 如果你看到这我先感谢你了,我不知道你喜不喜欢一上的这些歌曲,我只是想把我喜欢的歌曲供给大家参考,希望大家能喜欢。希望能与喜欢英语歌曲的人成为朋友,最后祝大家在这些美妙的歌曲的陪伴下快乐每一天! 希望我的答案您能够喜欢! LZ 笔 ,2008年8月16日
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2023-07-15 23:39:271


2023-07-15 23:39:291

电脑启动提示ntldr is missing怎么办?

2023-07-15 23:39:312


meaning意思意思 [ yì si ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义[ yì si ]1.语言文字等的意义;思想内容:“节约”就是不浪费的~。要正确地了解这篇文章的中心~。你这句话是什么~?2.意见;愿望:大家的~是一起去。我想跟你合写一篇文章,你是不是也有这个~?3.指礼品所代表的心意:这不过是我的一点~,你就收下吧!4.指表示一点心意:大家受累了,得买些东西~一下。5.某种趋势或苗头:天有点要下雨的~。天气渐渐暖了,树木有点儿发绿的~了。6.情趣;趣味:这棵松树长得像座宝塔,真有~。那种聚会~不大,我不想去参加。
2023-07-15 23:39:321


meaning 英 [u02c8mi:nu026au014b] 美 [u02c8minu026au014b] n. 含义; 意思,意义; 意图; adj. 有意思的; 意味深长的; vt. (mean的现在分词) 意味; 意思是; 全部释义>> [例句]Unsure of the meaning of this remark, Ryle chose to remain silent.由于不确定这句话究竟是什么意思,赖尔选择了保持沉默。更多例句>> 复数:meanings
2023-07-15 23:39:241


2023-07-15 23:39:221

如何解决elementary os中文本编辑器无法输入中文

其实MAC OS系统自己带了简体输入法的。常用的是苹果版的智能ABC,用法和PC下的差不多,也可以词组和句子输入,可以全拼也可以简拼(双打)。当然,整句输入还是不如搜狗什么的好用,不过倒是觉得输入法用习惯了的话都差不多。苹果版的智能ABC翻页键是上下键,而不是减号和加好,这个需要适应一下。至于怎么调出来:在系统设定中,点击date&time,进去后,在date&time选项卡中最下面有个 open international进去后点击“input menu”向下面找,在simplified chinese项目下,有智能abc,wubi xing,wubi hua三个输入法,根据需要钩上就可以了。记得把最下面的“show input menu in menu bar”钩上,这样在系统的menu bar上就可以看见当前输入法了~~~鼠标点击就可以更改输入法了。中英文切换快捷键是苹果+空格,输入法转换是option+苹果+空格。
2023-07-15 23:39:221


我觉得WWE 的 John cena 是 NBA 的 Michael Jordan
2023-07-15 23:39:205