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cardiff的 物流专业 该选 it 还是 LOm 求指教

2023-05-19 16:58:22


lIT偏运输,对口的工作应该是forwarder,大部分工作工资低,工作累+ v5 b4 r4 Q( U5 N( d$ A2 _5 D

LOM对应的工作相对多些,制造型企业或零售业都行0 `+ f) j9 b8 D* f" F1 s) q) Y8 @

实际上专业的不同对就业影响不大,大部分工作能力还是靠工作积累,学习背景不重要,练好英语比什么都强5 A: B9 e4 [6 N

总的来说物流是低端行业,对高能力人才需求不大,如果LZ有别的方面发展的兴趣的话,可以考虑转专业1 N! I, q& p: w: D; r$ h) g. w% q

卡大物流很好,但Cranfield从录取标准、课程要求等各方面都比卡大要高,不过你没有工作经验申请有难度,学费比卡大贵,学校也不在大城市,适合认真读书的人,而且回国听说过的人不多2 S7 V) e/ p) V& n0 t+ z/ J


+ C/ o, |$ m, @一年的taught master学不了多少东西,所以专业强不强无所谓,挑一个适合自己的学校就好,你考虑自己看重的是哪方面,学校名气、学习环境还是城市、学习成本等因素!

IT的话的确比较偏向于shipping,但是在卡迪夫,IT除了Lean thinking 这门LOM的课不能够选之外,基本上LOM能选的IT都可以选,LOM是07年才开设的一个新专业,LOM是个以海运起家的以后、独立分设出来的新专业,老师基本上也和IT的老师是一伙人,但是教授经验及历史就远远赶不上IT了;. y* H* X+ B8 d5 y7 L& P+ N

从就业上看,首先LOM的确会比IT要宽,LOM的话我个人的定义为高级的企业管理与管理,意思就是说,在企业里面,由于企业物流涉及面太广泛了,所以基本上你什么都能干(生产、储存、运输、包装、采购。。。),但是缺点在于,国内现状是,很少有企业将物流当成核心来看,基本上都是把技术研发、销售看做核心,而将物流看做一个成本中心(只想着一味地怎么节约成本,却没有创造利润);对于IT而言,最好的结果是,你有后台及关系,以后去海关或者海事局、交通局等政府部门或者港口管理部门,其次也可以考虑去Cosco,China shipping等,再次就是做跟国贸相关的工作了(外贸、货代、单据处理等),就业面相对较小,但是由于这些机关企业的特殊性,以后获得高收入以及高平台的可能性会更高。

x0 ~- F) E4 C& z, d 至于LOM与IT的录取要求,两者基本一样,其实呢,你也可以先2选1申请1个,到时候,真正来到了Cardiff以后,要是发现自己喜欢另外一个专业,再申请换专业就OK了,只有在开学前2周申请,都是很easy的。至于你的个人条件来看,由于你本科是物流专业的,均分也不低,雅思也有6.5,所以基本上早点申请(12月前)+做好PS,可以说被录取的几率在90%以上,但是由于雅思单科下6,你很有可能会被要求读5周语言,但是你也可以尝试argue下,要是RP好的话,也会出现不需要读语言的情况,至于说考GMAT,个人意见是不要浪费钱了,因为不是打击,你这个条件,去cranfield多少显得有点那个了。。。(并且Cranfield的坏处在于,综合排名后,国人知道的不多,而且学费巨高,生活成本也很高,课程压力重,挂科率也高,不是常人能够完成和忍受的)1 `& _1 k" U" R4 u4 a

  至于你说的专业排名,我觉得在海运方面:卡迪夫、何瑞瓦特、普利茅斯都可以算得上Top 3,供应链的话最好当然是cranfield,当然也可以考虑卡迪夫还有曼彻斯特,利物浦的物流也不错(偏向于电子商务,E-commercial方面东西很多),兰卡的物流就专业而言并不如何,


我就是学IT的,其实有些课是一样的,大家都能选的,而比较不同的就是专业课了,比如IT有门课叫Shipping Economics,lom有门课是lean,就是侧重不同吧,lom更偏重于供应链,比如说如何更加高效啦,而IT的话更偏重于transport。我之前查下来说IT比较好吧,去了以后最重要的感觉是IT的中国人不是特别多,而lom几乎都是中国人




英国的卡迪夫大学挺好的,卡迪夫大学(英语:Cardiff University,威尔士语:Prifysgol Caerdydd),是一所位于英国威尔士卡迪夫的综合研究型大学,为GW4联盟、罗素大学集团、国际应用科技开发协作网成员。卡迪夫大学拥有全欧洲最美的校园,多次被评选为全英最美校园,卡大是多部风靡全球的英剧、美剧的指定取景拍摄地。学校前身是成立于1883年的南威尔士与蒙默思郡大学学院,1884年获皇家特许状,1893年成为威尔士大学联盟的创始成员之一,1972年更名卡迪夫大学学院,1988年与威尔士大学科技学院合并,2004年与威尔士大学医学院合并,2005年正式定名卡迪夫大学,开始颁发自己的学位。卡迪夫大学设有3个学院,24个教学系,有31000多名学生。以上内容参考:百度百科--卡迪夫大学
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卡迪夫大学位列2022QS世界大学排名第151位。卡迪夫大学(英语:Cardiff University,威尔士语:Prifysgol Caerdydd), 是一所位于英国威尔士卡迪夫的综合研究型大学,为GW4联盟、罗素大学集团、国际应用科技开发协作网成员。学校前身是成立于1883年的南威尔士与蒙默思郡大学学院,1884年获皇家特许状,1893年成为威尔士大学联盟的创始成员之一,1972年更名卡迪夫大学学院,1988年与威尔士大学科技学院合并,2004年与威尔士大学医学院合并,2005年正式定名卡迪夫大学,开始颁发自己的学位。学习设施:卡迪夫大学的计算机设施和现代化图书馆在全英国都堪称顶尖。该校有多个资源中心,各中心都位于其服务的院系附近。计算机的数量众多,日夜都对学生开放,提供免费的收发电子邮件、浏览互联网和获取各种在线资源的服务。卡迪夫大学拥有最先进的图书馆和信息技术服务,最尖端的计算机技术被广泛应用于支持研究和教学工作。大学的图书收藏也不断增长,已达近100万册图书和9千多种不同的杂志。以上内容参考:百度百科——卡迪夫大学一站式出国留学攻略
2023-01-03 14:17:551

在卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University)就读是怎样的一番体验?

在卡迪夫大学就读了一年,来说说我的感受:理科方面,土木和机械是卡迪夫比较好的专业,城市规划,城市设计,运输设计等也专业不错,其他理工科学科不太了解。商科方面, International ransport是卡迪夫的强项这个专业,比较偏重海运。还有IEBF,估计是international economy and banking finance。这两个专业中国人超级多,不过,商科强的地方基本上就是中国人最多的地方。商课还有MBA,marketing等专业都是热门。生活方面,这里也说纯正的英语,还有消费水平要比其他英格兰,苏格兰城市低很多,来这里的感受就是一天到晚走路,所以不想走路的人,可以买代步工具。我个人觉得这里在外面租房子要比学校合算,价格便宜,住着也爽。卡迪夫大学评价卡迪夫大学无论是在英国的声誉还是异国留学生中的口碑都还不错。是威尔士政府下面的学校,每年的教育经费不少,所以在研究方面特别强。卡迪夫比较强的专业应该是建筑专业,机械也是全英第一的,而电子方面也不是很弱。以上内容参考 百度百科-卡迪夫大学
2023-01-03 14:18:071


英国的加的夫,我喜欢足球,知道有个 ‘加的夫城 "足球队。加的夫英国西南部的重要港口和工业、服务业中心,威尔士首府。位于布里斯托尔湾北岸,塔夫河口。人口32.9万(1999年),临近威尔士南部煤田。二十世纪初曾是世界最大的煤炭输出港。市内现代化街道、建筑物与旧式街道、古老教堂并存。有国家博物馆、威尔士民族博物馆;城西有航空站。中文名称: 加的夫 外文名称: Cardiff 所属地区: 英国威尔士 面积: 190
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cardiff 确切的说在英国的西南。是威尔士的首府
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卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University ),是一所位于英国威尔士首府卡迪夫的顶尖大学,英国百年老牌名校。该校于1883年取得皇家许可状,成为威尔士地区唯一入选英国罗素集团(The Russell Group)的大学,该集团有英国的常春藤盟校之称,同时也是欧洲大学工会(EUA),世界大学联盟(WUN),联邦大学工会(ACU)和Universities UK的成员。它是英国罗素大学集团(Russell Group)的老牌成员及主要缔造者之一。卡迪夫大学囊括了威尔士地区49%的科研经费,并拥有两位诺贝尔奖得主。1卡迪夫大学商学院(Cardiff Business School)是卡迪夫大学最大的学院,亦是欧洲最大的商学院之一,经国际高等商学院协会(AACSB)权威认证(全世界仅有5%的商学院取得了这项精英认证)。如今,卡迪夫大学的国际声誉吸引了来自英国以及100多个海外国家的学生和工作人员。卡迪夫大学在2015QS世界大学排名上,位列英国第22位,世界第123位。22014上海交大世界大学学术排名中,位列英国第9-17名,全球第101-150名。32015年泰晤士报TIMES英国位列27名。2014USNews全球大学排名中,并列英国第19名,全球188名。2014英国官方大学科研实力排名 REF (Research Excellence Framework 原称RAE,每七年进行一次排名) by GPA全英第5名4,其中87%的科研成果达到国际先进水准。
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卡迪夫大学qs排名159名。卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University,简称卡大)成立于1883年,坐落在英国威尔士首府加的夫市中心,院校地址是Cardiff CF10 3AT。2021年QS世界大学排名第159名,是一所经由我国教育部门认证的综合研究型大学。卡迪夫大学为GW4联盟、罗素大学集团、国际应用科技开发协作网成员。卡迪夫大学拥有全欧洲最美的校园,多次被评选为全英最美校园,卡大是多部风靡全球的英剧、美剧的指定取景拍摄地。卡大共设3个学院,分别是人文艺术与社会科学院、生物医学与生命科学院和物理与工程学院,3个学院共设26个系。补充资料:QS世界大学排名(英文:QS World University Rankings;简称 QS rankings),是由教育组织Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)所发表的年度世界大学排名。排名包括主要的世界大学综合排名及学科排名。另外,QS还推出了两个独立的地区性排名,即《QS亚洲大学排名》及《QS拉丁美洲大学排名》,而这两个地区排名的准则在某些方面都与原本主要的世界大学排名有所不同。QS一开始是和泰晤士高等教育组织合作,两者在2004年起每年都联合发表泰晤士高等教育-QS世界大学排名。后来两者解散,至2010年开始推出各自的排名。QS世界大学排名继续采用固有的排名准则,并与《美国新闻与世界报道》等传媒机构合作推出世界排名。
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卡迪夫城市大学(Cardiff Metropolitan University)始建于公元1865年,即著名的威尔士大学卡迪夫学院(University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, 简称UWIC),坐落于英国威尔士首府卡迪夫市中心,与世界顶级的罗素大学集团旗下的卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University)彼此相邻。作为著名的威尔士大学联盟名校之一,卡迪夫城市大学也是少数拥有英国政府誉称“教学质量和学生满意度”的Government Charter Mark、英国政府三次授予特许卓越标志的英国公立大学,同时它也是首批获得中国教育部认可的英国公立大学。卡迪夫城市大学为威尔士大学(University of Wales)联盟名校之一。威尔士大学联盟成立于1893年,是由多所拥有英国皇家背景的威尔士院校组成的国际知名大学联盟,是仅次于伦敦大学(University of London)的英国第二所最大的大学联盟。旗下拥有世界级的卡迪夫大学、卡迪夫城市大学等知名学府。威尔士大学的学位在世界上享有极高的声誉,所有成员大学的教学和科研水平在英国高校的排名中都十分靠前。现任名誉校董为英国查尔斯王子殿下即英国现任威尔士亲王。卡迪夫城市大学其研究及学术实力雄厚,作为英国顶级的英国新派大学,目前有来自英国及全球140多个国家和地区共1万5千名学生,其中95%的学生来自英国本土。卡迪夫管理学院、卡迪夫艺术与设计学院、卡迪夫体育学院、卡迪夫健康科学学院五大学院组成卡迪夫城市大学。
2023-01-03 14:19:561


卡迪夫大学在国内还是非常不错的。卡迪夫大学(英语:Cardiff University,威尔士语:Prifysgol Caerdydd),是一所位于英国威尔士卡迪夫的综合研究型大学,为GW4联盟、罗素大学集团、国际应用科技开发协作网成员。院系设置卡迪夫大学共设3个学院,分别是:人文艺术与社会科学院(College of Arts,Humanities and Social Sciences)。生物医学与生命科学院(College of Biomedical and Life Sciences)和物理与工程学院(College of Physical Sciences and Engineering)。3个学院共设26个系。
2023-01-03 14:20:041


卡迪夫城市大学作为威尔士大学联盟名校之一,威尔士大学成立于 1893 年,一所由多所拥有英国皇家背景的威尔士院校组成的国际知名联盟大学,是仅次于伦敦大学的英国第二所最大的联盟大学。威尔士大学联盟与英国罗素大学集团,美国常青藤名校、澳洲五星名校都在世界上享有极高的声誉。卡迪夫城市大学始建于公元1865年,坐落于英国威尔士首府卡迪夫市中心,与世界顶级的罗素大学集团旗下的卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University)彼此相邻。现任名誉校董为英国查尔斯亲王殿下即英国现任威尔士亲王。卡迪夫城市大学是首批获得中国教育部认可的英国公立大学,同时也是中国教育部中国留学服务中心(CSCSE)成员大学。2005年,英国《卫报》综合排名中历史综合排名最高位居全英第45名。2008年,卡迪夫城市大学在英国大学科研排名(Research Assessment Exercise,简称RAE)中综合科研实力位列全英新兴大学第7位。2008年在最新的英国政府科研学术排名(Research Assessment Exercise,简称 RAE)中,卡迪夫城市大学综合科研实力位列全英新兴大学的第7位,拥有全英的 13 个优秀教学中心,并开设了全英被誉为"优秀"的 10个课程。在2014年12月18日的英国官方最高权威大学与机构(Research Excellence Framework - REF)排名中(即原 RAE 排名),位居全英第41名,同时也位居英国高等教育文凭(HND)项目对接英国大学排名第1名。2015 年 5 月,英国最可持续发展大学排名榜 - 卡迪夫城市大学在全英 151 所大学与学院中排名全英第19名!英国政府第三次授予卡迪夫城市大学为期三年的特许卓越标志,英国少数拥有“教学质量和学生满意度”的Government Charter Mark的公立大学之一。国际学生(含中国学生)对所在城市安全指数(即犯罪指数)统计:(数据来源:英国政府年度评估之《英国城市安全指数数据UK Peace Index 2013》)
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卡迪夫大学(英语:Cardiff University,威尔士语:Prifysgol Caerdydd)是一所位于英国威尔士卡迪夫凯西公园(Cathays Park)的顶尖大学。是英国主要的大学之一,其历史和贡献可追溯到1883年。该校于1883年取得皇家许可状,并为罗素大学集团的一员。该校一年收入有3亿1500万英镑。该校于2003年获选为泰晤士报年度大学(Sunday Times University of the Year)的决选名单。如今,其国际声誉吸引了来自英国以及100多个海外国家的学生和工作人员,现在14,000多名学生中,有3,000多是研究生;来自100多个国家的3,000多海外留学生为这里带来了浓厚的多文化氛围。 该校马丁斯·埃文斯教授获得2007年诺贝尔医学奖,标志着该校在医学领域的领先成就。另外,卡迪夫大学的建筑,新闻专业在全英大学专业排行版内也长期处于前五名。2007年底,在最新一期的英国泰晤士报高等教育增刊中,卡迪夫大学跻身世界百大名校,排名第99位。
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我觉得学校最起码还是蛮好的,主要看你是什么专业,和你学的怎么样!卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University )是一所享誉世界的百强名校,国际知名学府, 简称卡大。[1] 卡迪夫大学于1883年成立[2-3] ,1884年取得皇家许可状[2] ,位于威尔士首府加的夫(Cardiff),是威尔士地区唯一的罗素集团(The Russell Group)成员,该集团被称为英国的常春藤联盟,同时也是欧洲大学工会(EUA),世界大学联盟(WUN)和联邦大学工会(ACU)的成员,并且还拥有两名诺贝尔奖获得者。其中卡大商学院和新闻与传播学院尤为突出,卡迪夫大学商学院(Cardiff Business School)为经国际高等商学院协会(AACSB)权威认证的英国排名第六,世界百强的顶尖商学院,亦是欧洲最大的商学院之一;其金融类专业在世界范围内享有盛名,每年为顶尖金融机构输送大量人才。卡迪夫大学的新闻与传播学院(Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies),亦在全英排名中名列前茅,有着“传媒界牛津”称号,也是欧洲首个新闻学院,更被评选为全球十大新闻学府之一。在各类权威排名中,卡大长期处于精英大学行列。在英国官方发布的2014年英国大学REF科研水平综合排名中,卡迪夫大学ResearchGPA排名全英第6位[4] ;在2016年QS世界大学排名中位列第122位[5] ;在2017年世界学术排名第99位,英国第9位[6] 。卡迪夫大学拥有9位英国皇家学会的成员,10名皇家工程院成员,5名英国国家学术院成员,20名英国医学科学院成员。由于卓越的科研与教育水平,卡迪夫大学曾6次荣获英国女王周年奖(Queen"s Anniversary Prizes)。
2023-01-03 14:21:011


  Cardiff (pronounced /ˈkɑrdɪf/ ( listen), Welsh: Caerdydd (info)) is the capital, largest city and most populous county of Wales. The city is Wales" chief commercial centre, the base for many national cultural and sporting institutions, the Welsh national media, and the seat of the National Assembly for Wales. According to recent estimates, the population of the unitary authority area is 324,800.[2] Cardiff is a significant tourism centre and the most popular visitor destination in Wales with 11.7 million visitors in 2006.[3]  The city of Cardiff is the county town of the historic county of Glamorgan (and later South Glamorgan). Cardiff is part of the Eurocities network of the largest European cities.[4] Cardiff Urban Area covers a slightly larger area, including Dinas Powys, Penarth and Radyr. A small town until the early 19th century, its prominence as a major port for the transport of coal following the arrival of industry in the region contributed to its rise as a major city.  Cardiff was made a city in 1905, and proclaimed capital of Wales in 1955. Since the 1990s Cardiff has seen significant development with a new waterfront area at Cardiff Bay which contains the new Welsh Assembly Building and the Wales Millennium Centre arts complex. The city centre is undergoing a major redevelopment. International sporting venues in the city include the Millennium Stadium (rugby union and football) and SWALEC Stadium (cricket). The city was awarded with the European City Of Sport in 2009 due to its role in hosting major international sporting events.  "Inner Cardiff" consists of the following wards: Penylan, Plasnewydd, Gabalfa, Roath, Cathays, Adamsdown and Splott ward on the north and east of the city centre, and Butetown, Grangetown, Riverside and Canton to the south and west.[56] The inner-city areas to the south of the A4161 road (known as the "Southern Arc") are, with the exception of Cardiff Bay, some of the poorest districts of Wales with low levels of economic activity.[57] On the other hand Gabalfa, Plasnewydd and Cathays north of the "arc" have very large student populations,[58] and Pontcanna (situated north of Riverside and alongside Canton) is a favourite for students and young professionals. Penylan, which lies to the north east side of Roath Park, is an affluent area popular with those with older children and the retired.  Stadium House and South Gate House"Suburban Cardiff" can be broken down into three distinct areas.[original research?] To the west lie Ely, Caerau and Fairwater which contain some of the largest housing estates in the United Kingdom. With the exception of some of the outlying privately built estates at Michaelston Super Ely and 1930s developments near Waun-Gron Road, this is an economically disadvantaged area with high numbers of unemployed households. Culverhouse Cross is a more affluent western area of the city. Radyr, Llandaff, Llandaff North, Whitchurch & Tongwynlais, Rhiwbina, Heath, Llanishen, Thornhill, Lisvane and Cyncoed which lie in an arc from the north west to the north east of the centre can be considered the main middle class suburbs of the city. In particular, Cyncoed, Radyr and Lisvane contain some of the most expensive housing in Wales. Further to the east lie the wards of Pontprennau & Old St Mellons, Rumney, Pentwyn, Llanrumney and Trowbridge. The latter three are again largely of public housing stock, although new private housing is being built in Trowbridge in considerable number. Pontprennau is the newest "suburb" of Cardiff, whilst Old St Mellons has a history going back to the Norman Conquest in the 11th century.[59]  To the north west of the city lies a region that may be called "Rural Cardiff" containing the villages of St. Fagans, Creigiau, Pentyrch, Tongwynlais and Gwaelod-y-garth.[60] St. Fagans, home to the Museum of Welsh Life, is protected from further development.[61]  Since 2000, there has been a significant change of scale and building height in Cardiff, with the development of the city centre"s first purpose-built high-rise apartments.[62] Tall buildings have been built in the city centre and Cardiff Bay, and more are planned.[63] A luxury hotel, Bayscape, has been granted planning permission at the Cardiff International Sports Village and it will be the tallest building in Wales upon completion.[64]  [edit] Climate  See also: Climate of the United Kingdom#Wales  Cardiff  Climate chart  J F M A M J J A S O N D  119 82 91 82 89 114 65 135 65 178 66 1911 61 2213 90 2113 104 1810 117 158 117 114 128 93  average max. and min. temperatures in °C  precipitation totals in mm  source: Met Office  Imperial conversion[show]  J F M A M J J A S O N D  4.7 4636 3.6 4636 3.5 5239 2.6 5541 2.6 6346 2.6 6652 2.4 7255 3.5 7055 4.1 6450 4.6 5946 4.6 5239 5 4837  average max. and min. temperatures in °F  precipitation totals in inches  Cardiff lies within the north temperate zone and has an essentially maritime climate, characterised by mild weather that is often cloudy, wet and windy.[65] Summers tend to be warm and sunny, with average maximum temperatures between 19 °C (66 °F) and 22 °C (72 °F). Winters tend to be fairly wet, but rainfall is rarely excessive and the temperature usually stays above freezing. Spring and autumn feel quite similar and the temperatures tend to stay above 14 °C (57 °F)—also the average annual daytime temperature. Rain is unpredictable at any time of year, although the showers tend to be shorter in summer.[66]  As the capital city of Wales, Cardiff is the main engine of growth in the Welsh economy. The economy of Cardiff and adjacent areas makes up nearly 20% of Welsh GDP and 40% of the city"s workforce are daily in-commuters from the surrounding south Wales area.[97][98]  The new Cardiff John Lewis, the 2nd biggest John Lewis in the U.K. and the 2nd largest department store in the UK outside London.  Cardiff Skyline in 2008.Industry has played a major part in Cardiff"s development for many centuries. The main catalyst for its transformation from a small town into a big city was the demand for coal required in making iron and later steel, brought to the sea by packhorse from Merthyr Tydfil. This was first achieved by the construction of a 25-mile (40 km) long canal from Merthyr (510 feet above sea-level) to the Taff Estuary at Cardiff.[99] Eventually the Taff Vale Railway replaced the canal barges and massive marshalling yards sprang up as new docks were developed in Cardiff - all prompted by the soaring worldwide demand for coal from the South Wales valleys.  At its peak, Cardiff"s port area, known as Tiger Bay, became the busiest port in the world and—for some time—the world"s most important coal port. In the years leading up to the First World War, more than 10 million tonnes of coal was exported annually from Cardiff Docks.[100] In 1907, Cardiff"s Coal Exchange was the first host to a business deal for a million pounds Sterling.[101] After a period of decline, Cardiff"s port has started to grow again – over 3 million tonnes of cargo passed through the docks in 2007.[102]  The Coal ExchangeToday, Cardiff is the principal finance and business services centre in Wales, and as such there is a strong representation of finance and business services in the local economy. This sector, combined with the Public Administration, Education and Health sectors, have accounted for around 75% of Cardiff"s economic growth since 1991.[103] The city was recently placed seventh overall in the top 50 European cities in the fDI 2008 Cities of the Future list published by the fDi magazine, and also ranked seventh in terms of attracting foreign investment.[104] Notable companies such as Legal & General, Admiral Insurance, HBOS, Zurich, ING Direct, The AA, Principality Building Society, 118118, British Gas, Brains, SWALEC Energy and BT, all operate large national or regional headquarters and contact centres in the city, some of them based in Cardiff"s office towers such as Capital Tower and Brunel House. Other major employers include NHS Wales and the National Assembly for Wales. On 1 March 2004, Cardiff was granted Fairtrade City status.  Cardiff is the one of the most popular tourist destination cities in the United Kingdom, with one survey recording just under 12 million visitors in 2006.[105] One result of this is that one in five employees in Cardiff are based in the distribution, hotels and restaurants sector, highlighting the growing retail and tourism industries in the city.[103] There are a large number of hotels of varying sizes and standards in the city, providing almost 9,000 available bed spaces.[105]  The majority of Cardiff"s shopping portfolio is in the city centre around Queen Street and St. Mary"s Street, with large suburban retail parks located in Cardiff Bay, Culverhouse Cross, Leckwith, Newport Road and Pontprennau, together with markets in the city centre and Splott. A major £675 million regeneration programme for Cardiff"s St. David"s Centre is underway which, when completed in 2009, will provide a total of 1,400,000 square feet (130,000 m2) of shopping space, making it one of the largest shopping centres in the United Kingdom.[106]  Cardiff Central MarketCardiff is home to the Welsh media and the UK"s largest film, TV and multimedia sector outside London with BBC Wales, S4C and ITV Wales all having studios in the city.[107] In particular, there is a large independent TV production industry sector of over 600 companies, employing around 6000 employees and with a turnover estimated at £350 m.[107] Just to the north west of the city, in Rhondda Cynon Taff, the first completely new film studios in the UK for 30 years are being built, named Valleywood. The studios are set to be the biggest in the UK.  Cardiff has several regeneration projects such the St David"s 2 Centre and surrounding areas of the city centre, and the $1.4 billion International Sports Village in Cardiff Bay which will play a part in London 2012 Olympics. It features the only Olympic-standard swimming pool in Wales, the Cardiff International Pool, which opened on 12 January 2008.  According to the Welsh Rugby Union, the Millennium Stadium has contributed GBP1 bn to the Welsh economy in the ten years since it opened (1999), with around 85% of that amount staying in the Cardiff area.[108]  [edit] Landmarks and attractions  Millennium StadiumCardiff has many landmark buildings such as the Millennium Stadium, Pierhead Building and the National Assembly for Wales. However Cardiff is also famous for Cardiff Castle, St David"s Hall, Llandaff Cathedral, the Wales Millennium Centre.  Cardiff Castle is a major tourist attraction in the city and is situated in the heart of the city centre, near the main shopping area of Queen Street and St. Mary"s Street. The National History Museum at St Fagans in Cardiff is a large open air museum housing dozens of buildings from throughout Welsh history that have been moved to the site in Cardiff.  The Civic Centre in Cathays Park comprises a collection of Edwardian buildings such as the City Hall, National Museum and Gallery of Wales, Cardiff Crown Court, and buildings forming part of Cardiff University, together with more modern civic buildings. These buildings surround a small green space containing the Welsh National War Memorial and a number of other smaller memorials.  Modern-day Cardiff BayOther major tourist attractions are the Cardiff Bay regeneration sites which include the recently opened Wales Millennium Centre and the Senedd, and many other cultural and sites of interest including the Cardiff Bay Barrage and the famous Coal Exchange. The New Theatre was founded in 1906 and completely refurbished in the 1980s. Until the opening of the Wales Millennium Centre in 2004, it was the premier venue in Wales for touring theatre and dance companies. Other venues which are popular for concerts and sporting events include Cardiff International Arena, St David"s Hall and the Millennium Stadium.  Cardiff has over 1,000 listed buildings, ranging from the more prominent buildings such as the castles, to smaller buildings, houses and structures.[109]  Cardiff has walks of special interest for tourists and ramblers alike, such as the Centenary Walk, which runs for 2.3 miles (3.7 km) within Cardiff city centre. This route passes through many of Cardiff"s landmarks and historic buildings.  [edit] Castles  In addition to Cardiff Castle, Castell Coch (English: Red Castle) is located in Tongwynlais, in the north of the city. The current castle is an elaborately decorated Victorian folly designed by William Burges for the Marquess and built in the 1870s, as an occasional retreat. However, the Victorian castle stands on the footings of a much older medieval castle possibly built by Ifor Bach, a regional baron with links to Cardiff Castle also. The exterior has become a popular location for film and television productions. It rarely fulfilled its intended role as a retreat for the Butes, who seldom stayed there. For the Marquess, the pleasure had been in its creation, a pleasure lost following Burges"s death in 1881.  Cardiff Castle  North Gate  Cardiff Castle Keep  Castell Coch  St Fagans Castle  Situated on the narrowest part of the south Wales coastal plain, Cardiff had a crucial strategic importance in the wars between the Normans (who had occupied lowland Wales) and the Welsh who maintained their hold on the uplands. As a result Cardiff claims to have the largest concentration of castles of any city in the wor
2023-01-03 14:21:111


有本科211的学生去英国卡迪夫大学读硕士,有这样的案例。一般来讲,百分制中的90分以上可视为4分,80分以上为3分,70分以上为2分,60分以上为1分所有课程成绩转化好之后加和求平均数就是你的GPA,你可以算算够不够3.0如果有2.8以上你可以和学校谈(成功几率蛮大的),用我给你的截图里的邮箱,211的话分数低一些也不是问题,如果有其他经历补足完全不是问题(比如你做的CASE或者实习经验之类的,或者某项特别突出的成绩)。如果换算完只有2.5左右你就只能考虑换学校了。卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University )是一所享誉世界的百强名校,国际知名学府, 简称卡大。卡迪夫大学于1883年成立 ,1884年取得皇家许可状[2]  ,位于威尔士首府加的夫(Cardiff),是威尔士地区唯一的罗素集团(The Russell Group)成员,该集团被称为英国的常春藤联盟,同时也是欧洲大学工会(EUA),世界大学联盟(WUN)和联邦大学工会(ACU)的成员,并且还拥有两名诺贝尔奖获得者。其中卡大商学院和新闻与传播学院尤为突出,卡迪夫大学商学院(Cardiff Business School)为经国际高等商学院协会(AACSB)权威认证的英国排名第六,世界百强的顶尖商学院,亦是欧洲最大的商学院之一;其金融类专业在世界范围内享有盛名,每年为顶尖金融机构输送大量人才。卡迪夫大学的新闻与传播学院(Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies),亦在全英排名中名列前茅,有着“传媒界牛津”称号,也是欧洲首个新闻学院,更被评选为全球十大新闻学府之一。在各类权威排名中,卡大长期处于精英大学行列。在英国官方发布的2014年英国大学REF科研水平综合排名中,卡迪夫大学ResearchGPA排名全英第6位 ;在2016年QS世界大学排名中位列第122位;在2017年世界学术排名第99位,英国第9位。卡迪夫大学拥有9位英国皇家学会的成员,10名皇家工程院成员,5名英国国家学术院成员,20名英国医学科学院成员。由于卓越的科研与教育水平,卡迪夫大学曾7次荣获英国女王周年奖(Queen"s Anniversary Prizes)。
2023-01-03 14:21:171


Cardiff is the capital and largest city in Wales and the 10th largest city in the United Kingdom. The city is Wales" chief commercial centre, the base for most national cultural and sporting institutions, the Welsh national media, and the seat of the National Assembly for Wales. It occupies about 54.2 sq miles or 140.3 square kilometers. It has a population of about 341,054.
2023-01-03 14:21:221


2023-01-03 14:21:271

2023-01-03 14:21:404

cardiff,the capital of wales,is a large city?

2023-01-03 14:22:041

Cardiff卡迪夫大学的国际运输硕士(International Transport)怎么样?国内就业前景还好吗?

2023-01-03 14:22:103


2023-01-03 14:22:224


2023-01-03 14:22:401


卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University )是一所享誉世界的一流高等学府,世界百强学术机构,英国著名的研究型大学, 简称卡大。卡迪夫大学于1883年成立,1884年取得皇家许可状,位于英国威尔士首府卡迪夫(Cardiff),是威尔士地区唯一的罗素大学集团(The Russell Group)成员。卡迪夫大学的计算机设施和现代化图书馆在全英国都堪称一流。该校有多个资源中心,各中心都位于其服务的院系附近。计算机的数量众多,日夜都对学生开放,卡迪夫大学坚定不移地支持研究生的学习,所有研究生都有权使用刚投入使用的研究生中心。 卡迪夫大学化学学院作为卡迪夫大学的一部分,化学学院拥有非常雄厚的实力致力于在其文化和实践中融入平等和多样性。研究和教学由一支专业的学术团队领导,得到了80多名博士后和其他工作人员的支持。留学生们的员工还参与一系列社区计划,包括学校外展,公众意识和鼓励年轻学习者。
2023-01-03 14:22:461

英国留学生学历认证Cardiff University (卡迪夫大学)未完成学业怎么办?

2023-01-03 14:22:512


1. Severn Point:附近学校有Cardiff University (CU), University of Glamorgan, Cardiff Metropolitan University 和 the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (RWCM&D)。基础的公共设施像医院、公交车站和火车站,都是完备的;房间:228个;价钱:43周119英镑,/周51周115英镑/周。2. Cardiff Victoria Hall:附近学校有Cardiff University ,步行到商学院和图书馆很方便。旁边就是卡迪夫购物中心,荷包鼓的同学可以住这边;价钱:SR:101.5英镑/周,DR:108.5英镑/周,SDR:105英镑/周。3. Alwyn Court:到Cardiff Union很近步行5分钟左右,到市中心也就不到20分钟的路程;单人Studio房型和共享厨房的ensuite(共51间)皆有;价钱:114英镑起/周。4. Summit House:位于市中心的一条安静的街道上,离学校和大型的购物中心都不远;价钱:167英镑起/周。5. Northgate House:离皇后街很近,位置好的房间可以看到城堡,距离学校皆可步行抵达,周围的餐馆酒吧也非常多。房间分为Premier studio;Premier studio豪华间;studio;2人、3人或4人套间几个类型;价钱:125英镑起/周。
2023-01-03 14:23:002


2023-01-03 14:23:093

用英文详细介绍下 Cardiff Glasgow Edinburgh Belfast Swansea 这五个城市一定要准确 还有详细啊 谢谢啦

多少字算详细?这样行吗?Cardiff is the capital, largest city and most populous county of Wales. The city is Wales" chief commercial centre, the base for most national cultural and sporting institutions, the Welsh national media, and the seat of the National Assembly for Wales. According to recent estimates, the population of the unitary authority area is 324,800,[2] while the wider metropolitan area has a population of nearly 1.1 million, more than a third of the total Welsh population.[3] Cardiff is a significant tourism centre and the most popular visitor destination in Wales with 14.6 million visitors in 2009.[4]The city of Cardiff is the county town of the historic county of Glamorgan (and later South Glamorgan). Cardiff is part of the Eurocities network of the largest European cities.[5] Cardiff Urban Area covers a slightly larger area, including Dinas Powys, Penarth and Radyr. A small town until the early 19th century, its prominence as a major port for the transport of coal following the arrival of industry in the region contributed to its rise as a major city.Cardiff was made a city in 1905, and proclaimed capital of Wales in 1955. Since the 1990s Cardiff has seen significant development with a new waterfront area at Cardiff Bay which contains the new Welsh Assembly Building and the Wales Millennium Centre arts complex. The city centre is undergoing a major redevelopment. International sporting venues in the city include the Millennium Stadium (rugby union and football), SWALEC Stadium (cricket) and the newly opened Cardiff City Stadium. The city was awarded with the European City Of Sport in 2009 due to its role in hosting major international sporting events.Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland and third most populous in the United Kingdom. The city is situated on the River Clyde in the country"s west central lowlands. A person from Glasgow is known as a Glaswegian, which is also a common name for the local dialect.Glasgow grew from the medieval Bishopric of Glasgow and the later establishment of the University of Glasgow in the 15th century, which subsequently became a major centre of the Scottish Enlightenment in the 18th century. From the 18th century the city also grew as one of Britain"s main hubs of transatlantic trade with British North America and the British West Indies. With the Industrial Revolution, the city and surrounding region shifted to become one of the world"s pre-eminent centres of Heavy Engineering,[3] most notably in the Shipbuilding and Marine engineering industry, which produced many innovative and famous vessels. Glasgow was known as the "Second City of the British Empire" for much of the Victorian era and Edwardian period.[4][5][6][7] Today it is one of Europe"s top twenty financial centres and is home to many of Scotland"s leading businesses.[8] Glasgow is also ranked as the 57th most liveable city in the world.[9]In the late 19th and early 20th centuries Glasgow grew to a population of over one million,[10] and was the fourth-largest city in Europe, after London, Paris and Berlin.[11] In the 1960s, large-scale relocation to new towns and peripheral suburbs, followed by successive boundary changes, have reduced the current population of the City of Glasgow unitary authority area to 580,690,[2] with 1,199,629[12] people living in the Greater Glasgow urban area. The entire region surrounding the conurbation covers approximately 2.3 million people, 41% of Scotland"s populationEdinburgh is the capital city of Scotland, the second largest city in Scotland after Glasgow and the seventh-most populous in the United Kingdom. The City of Edinburgh Council is one of Scotland"s 32 local government council areas. The council area includes urban Edinburgh and a 30-square-mile (78 km2) rural area.Located in the south-east of Scotland, Edinburgh lies on the east coast of the Central Belt, along the Firth of Forth, near the North Sea. Owing to its spectacular, rugged setting and vast collection of Medieval and Georgian architecture, including numerous stone tenements, it is often considered one of the most picturesque cities in Europe.Edinburgh is the seat of the Scottish Parliament. The city was one of the major centres of the Enlightenment, led by the University of Edinburgh, earning it the nickname Athens of the North. The Old Town and New Town districts of Edinburgh were listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995. There are over 4,500 listed buildings within the city.[1] In May 2010, it had a total of 40 conservation areas covering 23% of the building stock and 23% of the population, the highest such ratios of any major city in the UK.[2] In the 2009 mid year population estimates, Edinburgh had a total resident population of 477,660.[3] Edinburgh is well-known for the annual Edinburgh Festival, a collection of official and independent festivals held annually over about four weeks from early August. The number of visitors attracted to Edinburgh for the Festival is roughly equal to the settled population of the city. The most famous of these events are the Edinburgh Fringe (the largest performing arts festival in the world), the Edinburgh International Festival, the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, and the Edinburgh International Book Festival. Other events include the Hogmanay street party (31 December), Burns Night (25 January) and the Beltane Fire Festival (30 April).The city attracts 1 million overseas visitors a year, making it the second most visited tourist destination in the United Kingdom, after London.[4] In a 2009 YouGov poll, Edinburgh was voted the "most desirable city in which to live in the UK".[5] Edinburgh was also rated The Best Place to Live in Channel 4"s 2007 4Homes survey.[6] It is ranked as a gamma- world city by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network.[7]Belfast is the capital of and the largest city in Northern Ireland and the fifteenth largest city in the United Kingdom. It is the seat of devolved government and legislative Northern Ireland Assembly.[10] The city forms part of the largest urban area in Northern Ireland, and the main settlement in the province of Ulster. The city of Belfast has a population of 267,500[1] and lies at the heart of the Belfast urban area, which has a population of 483,418. The Larger Urban Zone, as defined by the European Union, has a total population 641,638. Belfast was granted city status in 1888.Historically, Belfast has been a centre for the Irish linen industry (earning the nickname "Linenopolis"), tobacco production, rope-making and shipbuilding: the city"s main shipbuilders, Harland and Wolff, which built the ill-fated RMS Titanic, propelled Belfast on to the global stage in the early 20th century as the largest and most productive shipyard in the world. Belfast played a key role in the Industrial Revolution, establishing its place as a global industrial centre until the latter half of the 20th century.Industrialisation and the inward migration it brought made Belfast, if briefly, the largest city in Ireland at the turn of the 20th century and the city"s industrial and economic success was cited by Ulster unionist opponents of Home Rule as a reason why Ireland should shun devolution and later why Ulster in particular would fight to resist it.Today, Belfast remains a centre for industry, as well as the arts, higher education and business, a legal centre, and is the economic engine of Northern Ireland. The city suffered greatly during the period of disruption, conflict, and destruction called the Troubles, but latterly has undergone a sustained period of calm, free from the intense political violence of former years, and substantial economic and commercial growth. Belfast city centre has undergone considerable expansion and regeneration in recent years, notably around Victoria Square.Belfast is served by two airports: George Best Belfast City Airport in the city, and Belfast International Airport 15 miles (24 km) west of the city.Belfast is also a major seaport, with commercial and industrial docks dominating the Belfast Lough shoreline, including the famous Harland and Wolff shipyard.Belfast is a constituent city of the Dublin-Belfast corridor, which has a population of 3 million, or half the total population of the island of Ireland.Swansea is a coastal city and county in Wales, United Kingdom. Swansea is in the historic county boundaries of Glamorgan. Situated on the sandy South West Wales coast, the county area includes the Gower Peninsula and the Lliw uplands. Swansea is the second most populous city in Wales after Cardiff and the third most populous county in Wales after Cardiff and Rhondda Cynon Taf. During its 19th century industrial heyday, Swansea was one of the key centres of the world copper industry,[1] earning the nickname "Copperopolis".[2]我只是把他们的概述截过来了,如果你还想要更详细的请在补充问题中说明
2023-01-03 14:23:231


首先,international management 要求雅思6.5在你的电子版通知书有cas no,拿着cas no,去申请英国签证,存款超过28天,金额30万拿到签证后,再申请宿舍,和买机票,,机票是中国飞伦敦再转Cardiff,联系学校的国际部,负责接机大学本科签证3年,研究生1年半
2023-01-03 14:23:292


西安 到 北京/上海 飞 加迪夫 再坐火车吧 不过 这么一来 至少要转 3次吧。。。够累的
2023-01-03 14:23:383


伦敦 London 伯明翰 Birmingham布里斯托 Bristol利兹 Leeds利物浦 Liverpool曼彻斯特 Manchester 纽卡斯尔 Newcastle诺丁汉 Nottingham谢菲尔德 Sheffield爱丁堡 Edinburgh格拉斯哥 Glasgow卡迪夫Cardiff贝尔法斯特Belfast剑桥 Cambridge 牛津Oxford朴茨茅斯 Portsmouth布莱顿 Brighton巴斯 Bath埃克塞特 Exeter,或许有点乱,望采纳。
2023-01-03 14:23:509


第151名。QS世界大学排名组织公布了2021-2022年QS世界大学排名,其中卡迪夫大学世界排名第151名。卡迪夫大学位列2021泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名191位;2021QS世界大学排名159位;2020U.S. News世界大学排名168位;2020软科世界大学学术排名151-200位;2021CWUR世界大学排名153位。卡迪夫大学的地理位置:卡迪夫大学拥有全欧洲最美的校园,多次被评选为全英最美校园,卡大是多部风靡全球的英剧、美剧的指定取景拍摄地。(如神探夏洛克、神秘博士等)其所在地的威尔士地区位于英国西南部,是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的一个组成部分,人口约300万。威尔士三面环海,群山环绕,拥有独特的自然景致和原汁原味的风土民情。历史最早可追溯到公元1000年,2000多年前的罗马帝国时代就曾在此修筑城池,1536年,威尔士与英格兰正式合并,成为联合王国的一部分。相对于英格兰的繁华与都市化,威尔士在自然景致、风土民情及语言文化就显得更加原汁原味。以上内容参考 百度百科-卡迪夫大学一站式出国留学攻略
2023-01-03 14:24:302


卡的夫地处英国西南海岸,风景秀丽,气候宜人,距英国首都伦敦仅两小时车程;Cardiff有完善先进的公路、铁路、机场设施,交通异常便利;中国学生抵达伦敦Heathrow机场后步行5分钟即可找到Central Bus Station,然后乘坐Flight Link Coach 直达卡的夫,早班车为:7:20am,晚班车为:23:20pm。 5.卡的夫商学院:Cardiff商学院在全英109所商学院中排名第4位,是欧洲最大的商学院之一。
2023-01-03 14:24:532


2023-01-03 14:25:026


是卡的夫都市大学吧。这个排名很后面的。在英国都拍八九十名。如果要出国留学的话 不建议去。而且你可以看一下国家教育局对国外大学认证的网 查一下里面有没有这个学校
2023-01-03 14:25:273


2023-01-03 14:25:393


该校于1883年取得皇家许可状,并为英国威尔士地区唯一入选英国罗素大学集团(The Russell Group)的大学,该集团有英国的常春藤盟校之称。卡迪夫大学囊括了威尔士地区49%的科研经费,在最新的英国政府科研学术排名中,卡迪夫大学综合科研实力位列全英106个大学的前十名。如今,其国际声誉吸引了来自英国以及100多个海外国家的学生和工作人员。卡迪夫大学是一所位于英国威尔士卡迪夫凯西公园(Cathays Park)的顶尖大学,是英国主要的城市大学之一,其历史和贡献可追溯到1883,它是英国罗素大学集团(Russell Group),欧洲大学公会(EUA)和Universities UK的核心成员。卡迪夫大学有着英国一流,世界顶尖的科研队伍。该校马丁·埃文斯教授获得2007年诺贝尔医学奖,标志着卡迪夫大学在医学领域的领先成就。同时,1988年的诺贝尔化学奖得主罗伯特·哈博加入卡迪夫大学进行structural biology研究,更增强了卡迪夫大学的科研实力。在英国学术领域,卡迪夫大学多名教授是英国皇家学会(Royal Society)的成员,其中包括Graham Hutchings FRS, professor of Physical Chemistry and Director of the Cardiff Catalysis Institute, School of Chemistry and Professor Ole Holger Petersen CBE FRS, MRC Professor and Director of Cardiff School of Biosciences。
2023-01-03 14:25:511


2023-01-03 14:25:571


2023-01-03 14:26:032


我觉得还是利兹更好。卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University )是一所享誉世界的百强名校,国际知名学府, 简称卡大。[1] 卡迪夫大学于1883年成立[2-3] ,1884年取得皇家许可状[2] ,位于威尔士首府加的夫(Cardiff),是威尔士地区唯一的罗素集团(The Russell Group)成员,该集团被称为英国的常春藤联盟,同时也是欧洲大学工会(EUA),世界大学联盟(WUN)和联邦大学工会(ACU)的成员,并且还拥有两名诺贝尔奖获得者。其中卡大商学院和新闻与传播学院尤为突出,卡迪夫大学商学院(Cardiff Business School)为经国际高等商学院协会(AACSB)权威认证的英国排名第六,世界百强的顶尖商学院,亦是欧洲最大的商学院之一;其金融类专业在世界范围内享有盛名,每年为顶尖金融机构输送大量人才。卡迪夫大学的新闻与传播学院(Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies),亦在全英排名中名列前茅,有着“传媒界牛津”称号,也是欧洲首个新闻学院,更被评选为全球十大新闻学府之一。在各类权威排名中,卡大长期处于精英大学行列。在英国官方发布的2014年英国大学REF科研水平综合排名中,卡迪夫大学ResearchGPA排名全英第6位[4] ;在2016年QS世界大学排名中位列第122位[5] ;在2017年世界学术排名第99位,英国第9位[6] 。卡迪夫大学拥有9位英国皇家学会的成员,10名皇家工程院成员,5名英国国家学术院成员,20名英国医学科学院成员。由于卓越的科研与教育水平,卡迪夫大学曾6次荣获英国女王周年奖(Queen"s Anniversary Prizes)。利兹大学(The University of Leeds),世界百强名校,英国前十的顶尖学府。英国名校联盟罗素大学集团的创始成员,英国著名的六所“红砖大学”之一,世界大学联盟成员,白玫瑰大学联盟成员,N8大学联盟成员,英国12所精英大学之一[1] 。学校位于英国第三大城市利兹,其校史可追溯至建立于1831年的利兹医学院,在1904年获国王爱德华七世正式授予利兹大学的名号。经过一个多世纪的发展,已成为英国最负盛名的十所顶尖研究型大学之一。[2] 拥有六名诺贝尔奖得主、两名总统和香港中文大学前校长马临、日本佳子公主、托尔金、张国荣在内的众多著名校友。利兹大学在教学与科研方面享有崇高声誉。2014年在英国官方每七年发布一次的大学排名REF中,利兹大学居英国第10位;在2017/2018年Times排名中居英国第10位;在2015/2016年QS世界大学排名中居世界第87位[3] ;在2016年QS就业能力排名中居英国第3位、世界第20位;[4] 在2017年Times评选中获得“年度最佳大学”称号[5] ;在2017年被评为英国政府TEF金奖大学。利兹大学商学院是同时获得AACSB、EQUIS、AMBA三大认证的世界顶级商学院之一,培养出了道琼斯指数公司首席财务官、联合利华主席、德勤会计师事务所前主席等众多商界精英。其会计与金融、国际商务专业均排名英国第1位;管理学专业排名英国第8位、世界第36位;商科综合实力位居英国第4位。利兹大学传媒学院的传媒专业Times排名英国第3位、QS世界第46位 ,LinkedIn的调查表明其是成为"媒体人"的最好学术途径。
2023-01-03 14:26:131


2023-01-03 14:26:206


卡迪夫管理学院(Cardiff School of Management)卡迪夫艺术与设计学院(Cardiff School of Art and Design)卡迪夫体育学院(Cardiff School of Sport)卡迪夫健康科学学院(Cardiff School of Health Sciences)卡迪夫教育学院(Cardiff School of Education)
2023-01-03 14:26:521

cardiff bay的简介(中英文皆可,最好中文)

Cardiff Docks as it was then called was the world"s largest coal exporting portit is also Europe"s largest waterfront development and it has a wealth of leisure activities available both on and off the water. Cardiff bay has been turned into a vast freshwater lake with the introduction of a barrage. A number of boat tours operate from Mermaid Quay, which allow you to gain an understanding of the history and fauna of this exciting area. A new water taxi service which operates throughout the year from the Bay to the city centre and Penarth. Cardiff Bay is home to a number of attractions such as Techniquest Science Discovery Centre - ideal for all the family, Craft in the Bay, The Welsh Assembly at the Pierhead, Butetown History and Arts Centre, Goleulong 2000 Lightship, the Norwegian Church Arts Centre and the brand new Wales Millennium Centre, a stunning and international arts centre. The Atlantic Wharf Leisure Village provides further options for family entertainment. The harbour at Cardiff Bay experiences one of the worlds greatest tidal ranges up to 14m. This has meant that at low tide, it has been inaccessible for up to 14 hours a day. The new barrage will eliminate the effect of the tide, which has acted as an inhibitor to development, releasing the potential of the capital city"s greatest asset - its waterfront.The construction of the barrage is one of the largest engineering projects in Europe. Completed in 1999, it has created a 500 acre freshwater lake with 8 miles of waterfront and it is hoped it will stimulate the future development of the Bay as a tourist and leisure destination.The Cardiff Bay Development Corporation was set up in April 1987 to regenerate the 1,100 hectares of old derelict docklands of Cardiff and Penarth. It was part of the British Governments Urban Development Programme to regenerate particularly deprived and run-down areas of British inner cities.The mission statement for the regeneration project, set by the then Welsh Secretary of State, Nicholas Edwards was: - To put Cardiff on the International map as a superlative maritime city which will stand comparison with any such city in the world, thereby enhancing the image and economic well-being of Cardiff and Wales as a wholeThe five main aims and objectives identified for the regeneration project were: - To promote development and provide a superb environment in which people will want to live, work and play. To re-unite the City of Cardiff with its waterfront. To bring forward a mix of development which would create a wide range of job opportunities and would reflect the hopes and aspirations of the communities of the area. To achieve the highest standard of design and quality in all types of development and investment. To establish the area as a recognized centre of excellence and innovation in the field of urban regeneration
2023-01-03 14:27:011


2023-01-03 14:27:072