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2023-07-16 01:28:14
TAG: 美国

Passports and Visas: What You Need to Know to Travel to the United States

Are you planning a trip to the United States? Whether you"re visiting for business, pleasure, or to study abroad, there are several important documents you"ll need to prepare before you leave. Here"s what you need to know about passports and visas:


A passport is a travel document issued by your home country"s government that certifies your identity and citizenship. It"s the most important document you"ll need to bring when you travel overseas. Without it, you won"t be able to enter the United States.

If you don"t already have a passport, you"ll need to apply for one well in advance of your travel dates. The exact process and requirements for obtaining a passport will vary based on where you live and which country you"re from, so be sure to check with your local embassy or consulate for specific instructions.

Most countries require that your passport is valid for at least 6 months beyond your planned travel dates, so make sure to check the expiration date and renew your passport if necessary before you leave.


Unlike passports, visas are issued by the country you"re visiting (in this case, the United States) and grant you permission to enter and stay in the country for a specific period of time. Most visitors to the United States will need a visa, although there are a few exceptions.

The type of visa you need will depend on your reason for traveling to the United States. Some common types of visas include:

Tourist visas for visiting the United States for leisure or tourism purposes

Student visas for studying at a U.S. university or college

Business visas for conducting commercial activities or attending conferences

To apply for a visa, you"ll need to fill out an application form and pay a fee. You"ll also need to provide supporting documents, such as your passport, proof of financial support, and evidence of your ties to your home country. The exact requirements will vary based on the type of visa you"re applying for.

Other Documents to Bring

In addition to your passport and visa, there are several other documents you should bring with you when traveling to the United States. These may include:

A copy of your travel itinerary

Proof of hotel reservations or a letter of invitation from a U.S. host

Medical or vaccine records, if required

Your driver"s license or state ID card, if you plan to drive while in the United States

Remember, it"s always better to be overprepared than underprepared when it comes to travel documents. Make sure you have everything you need well in advance of your trip to avoid any last-minute complications at the airport or immigration.


Traveling to the United States requires several key documents, including a valid passport and often a visa. The application process for these documents can be time-consuming and complex, so make sure to start early and follow all instructions carefully. With proper preparation, you"ll be on your way to a safe and smooth journey to the U.S.


Business Travel是什么意思

2023-07-15 21:02:583


商务旅游〔business travel)是指商务旅游者以商务为主要目的,离开自己的常住地到外地或外国所进行的商务活动及其他活动。商务旅游活动通常包括谈判、会议、展览、科技文化交流活动以及随之带来的住宿、餐饮、交通、游览、休闲、通讯等活动。总之,几乎与商务旅游者发生的所有活动相关的活动都可称之为商务旅游活动。 商务旅游有以下几个特征:第一,从出行的主要动机界定。商务旅游是从旅游者的主要出发动机是商务活动来界定的,旅游者以商务为主要目的就是商务旅游者,虽然在商务活动之外,部分商务客人会安排一些观光旅游活动,但我们仍将这种旅游视为商务旅游而非观光旅游和度假旅游。第二,商务活动的复合性。展览、会议、谈判、考察和科技文化交流、政治访问等,均可列入商务活动或商务旅游范畴。随着区域间的合作增加,政治访问活动在商务旅游中比重有不断上升的趋势。第三,商务客人的附带性。通常,商务客人会带着家人朋友及贴身工作人员(如司机、秘书、保镖等)结伴出行,商务客人进行商务活动的同时,随行人员一般会进行观光、度假旅游活动。第四,出行目的的多重性。目前,国际上非常流行奖励旅游这种集团性的休闲、度假活动方式。虽然奖励旅游是以观光为主要目的,但同时也有加强公司凝聚力、展示公司形象的目的,所以国际上把奖励旅游也归为商务旅游范畴。第五,旅游服务的综合性。随着社会经济的发展,现代商务旅游服务不仅仅是代买机票、预订酒店,更重要的是为商务游客提供一揽子全套旅游管理项目的解决方案,包括提供各种咨询服务、最大程度地降低旅行成本、提供最便捷合理的旅行方案和打理一切旅行接待服务等等。如美国运通(AMARICAN EXPREE)是一家主要从事商务旅行服务的公司,为全球最大的商务旅行服务公司。其业务已伸展到全球各地,全球企业500强中有400家以上的企业委托它做出差业务和公司人员私人出行业务,公务人员只要手持一张运通卡就能在全世界畅通无阻,每年的营业额在200多亿美元。
2023-07-15 21:03:111


商务旅行 〔business travel)又称 公干、出差 等。 是旅游行业中细分出来的一个概念。 主要涉及到交通,迁移,住宿,体育赛事,文化或者饮食活动和饭店行业的宴会。工作期间的程序是很明确的和会议室、商务中心的安排联系在一起的,比如一些必备设施:纸张,投影仪,屏幕,互联网接口等。商务旅行是一个接待城市很重要的一个指标。相对于平均165个游客一天的话,它的预算是260个一天〔欧洲数据〕。食宿消费通常是由企业或者别的单位公费支付,那么,个人游客则可以在购物和消遣上花费更多的钱。近年来,商务旅游是发展最快的旅游项目之一,从其规模和发展看,已成为世界旅游市场的重要组成部分,而且仍有巨大的发展潜力。据统计,全球每年旅游业收入的35000亿美元中,有4200亿美元属于企业的商旅支出,占全部旅游收入的12%,并且随着世界经济的发展和全球化进程的推进,这一比例仍会提高。目前全球商务旅游人数约占旅游者总数的1/3,国际上许多著名的连锁饭店通过调查发现,商务客人已占全球住房游客的53%,占连锁饭店的60%。近年来由于许多新兴的旅游项目也推动了商务旅游的发展,例如增长最快的奖励旅游,目前全球每年约有11亿人~18亿人次进行奖励旅游。同样发展很快的还有国际会议市场。国际会议自70年代中期以来就以其广泛的影响、高额的利润和巨大的市场潜力引起了越来越多的国家和地区的注意。据专家估计,随着世界经济的复苏,全世界每年的会议收入将达到2200亿美元之上,且每年以8%~10%的速度增长。 全世界商务旅游的发展都呈现出良好态势。在欧洲,由于统一大市场已经形成,企业国际化加快,商务旅游市场的发展前景良好。在亚太地区,商务旅游发展也非常迅速并具有持续发展之势,尤其是日本、新加坡、韩国、香港等国家或地区。此外,泰国、马来西亚、印尼和中国大陆均已崛起,使亚太地区商务旅游市场又注入了新的血液。因此,可以用“东西方共发展”来形容世界商务旅游的格局。(二)、中国商务旅游的发展概况中国宏观经济和政局的稳定发展为商务活动的活跃提供了良好的外部环境。当中国的旅游业正在以前所未有的速度进行着日新月异的变化时,商务旅游作为旅游高端市场的主力军日趋显现出优势和潜力,商务旅游正成为一块利润丰厚的蛋糕,且极具成长性。美国运通公司的一份调查报告显示,中国商务旅游市场的发展潜力惊人,规模已经达到法国、德国等欧洲主要国家的水平,如果保持目前的增长幅度,将在今后5年内翻一番,成为世界第三大商务旅游市场。总的来看中国商务旅游市场呈现出以下一些特点:1、 市场规模逐年增大专家预测,如果全国4000万商务人士按每人每年平均出行三次计算,全年商务旅游总量可达1.2亿人次左右。国家旅游局2003年的一份资料显示,中国每年国际商务旅游支出超过357亿元,占亚洲商务旅游市场的17%,目前我国因公出境包括公务和商务考察的人数已占出国人数的53.3%;中国国内商务旅游支出则高达1700亿美元,约占国内整个旅游市场的30.5%,并以每年20%的速度增长。国家旅游局发布的消息,从我国入境旅游市场的结构中分析,商务及会议旅游共占39.9%,已接近或超过一些发达国家的水平。近年来,中国在旅游基础设施建设方面成绩显著,与中国通航的国家越来越多,航线越来越长。中国相对齐备的涉外旅游服务系统也为商务旅游提供了便利。中国经济的发展以及在中国境内的各项展览、会议等都成为吸引商务旅游人士的重要磁石。据国际会议协会预测:“中国有可能成为二十一世纪国际会奖旅游(会展旅游和奖励旅游的合称)首要目的地”,而中国加入 WTO、2008 年奥运会及 2010 年世博会的申办成功更为中国商务旅游的发展提供了良好的契机。2、收入稳定由于商务旅游是以商务或者其他特定的活动目的为导向,因此通常商务旅游的时间随意性低,事前计划性强,而且活动具有重复性(尤其是年会、大型活动都有固定的时间或者预先设定的时间,经过一定固定的时间间隔就会再次举行)。这就形成了商务旅游的稳定性的特点:一方面由于时间固定,一般来讲它不会受到气候条件或者一些不利条件(如交通不畅等因素)的影响,是旅游市场中最稳定的一个细分市场。另一方面,商务活动的重复性使商务旅游能够产生稳定的旅游客流和收入,而没有其他旅游项目的明显的季节性和淡旺季的差异。3、 利润丰厚商务旅游的消费者构成的特点决定了其中自费的比重不大,并且通常商务旅游者所产生的费用是依照所在组织的内部规定或者商务活动的级别标准而确定,价格因素并不是决定性因素,因此相对于休闲旅游而言,商务旅游者的消费能力更高。从两种类型旅游的目的上来看,商务旅行者更看中的是服务质量、效率和便利性。据统计,商务客人的人均日消费额比观光客人要高出23%。此外,商务旅游者在目的地的停留时间也相对较长。所以,一般来说商务旅游的利润率高达20%~30%,远远高于一般休闲旅游的利润。3、 市场形成期,专业性匮乏从市场周期角度对于国内商务旅游市场分析,可以发现这一市场正处于市场发育期。①、首先这一市场被分割成为无数个小的区域市场,已进入者和潜在的进入者数量很多,并且没有具有绝对竞争优势的企业,该市场暂时处于完全竞争的状态。②、其次,作为旅游市场中的独立细分市场,商务旅游市场发展速度很快,还没有形成一个稳定状态的市场规模。③、最后,这一市场的相应规则还没有成型,还远没有达到成熟的阶段。(三)、中国商务旅游市场细分及特点与世界其他国家商务旅游的消费者结构相类似,中国国内商务旅游市场主要是由以下四个子细分市场构成:1、一般商务旅游市场 在这一细分市场中主要是由从事商业活动的消费者所构成。一般商务旅游活动包括会展(如世博会、服装节、糖酒会等)、商业谈判、营销、管理(如培训、奖励旅游)等商务旅游活动。其中会展旅游是商务旅游中最有特点的一个重要内容。2、政务旅游市场 政府公务人员是商务旅游中的另外一个市场。中国拥有世界上最多的公务员,达五百多万人。每年中各种会议、视察、调研活动所产生的商务旅行形成了一个不容忽视的市场。3、学术旅游市场 学术旅游市场是近几年来发展十分迅速的一个市场。在中国政府大力发展教育和科技的背景下,地区性和全国性的学术交流活动与日俱增。据中国万方数据公司统计,每年全国性学术会议在一千个以上。区域性学术会议更是不计其数,随着中国加入WTO还有大量的国际性学术会议转移到中国来举行,这一系列会议蕴藏着巨大的商机,并且其稳定的周期性特点的确让人浮想联翩。4、其它商务旅游市场 这个市场主要包括各种大型体育活动如世界杯、奥运会等以及其他类型的庆典、纪念活动。  会展旅游是借助举办国际会议、研讨会、论坛等会务活动以及各种展览会而开展的旅游形式,是北京市旅游产品开发的一个重点。目前,国际会议旅游具有组团规模大、客人档次和消费额高、停留时间长、涉及相关服务行业多、成本低、利润丰等特点,在欧洲、北美、亚洲的香港和新加坡,会议已经成为一门产业。具有展览性质的会议也在迅速增加,1998年至1999年度国际上登记的展览会达21950个。北京每年举办的各类会务和展览占全国的80%~85%,会展旅游者在北京市游客中的数量和消费比例逐年上升,发展会展旅游大有可为。 会展商务旅游就是以上两者的结合。
2023-07-15 21:03:331


在翻译过程中,翻译人员不能仅仅停留在文本的表层含义上,而是应该去探求文本1.Fully understanding the meaning of expressions. In the process of
2023-07-15 21:03:423

Give some helpful tips for overseas business travel.

Traveling abroad for business on a tight schedule and only for a short period of time can be hectic. However, if you can follow my helpful tips for oversears business travel, you would not be feeling so tired nervous.First, bring with you enough clothes. It is better to check the weather in advance and wear appropriate clothes. You may also want to consider to take one to two business suits and shoes with you since you are on a business trip. Second, get enough business cards and other business essentials. Since you are going to meet a lot of people on your trip, you need to hand out your cards and maybe even a booklet about your company and business. Third, always have a suit, underwear, and your personal hygiene products with you. Don"t check these things with your luggage on an airplane. If you lost your luggage, you don"t have to fumble over buying a lot of things that may not even fit, and these things would come in handy.Fourth, Get all you travel documents and IDs together, put them in a waterproof document folder.
2023-07-15 21:03:501


Are you in Shanghai for business? 比较好一些,但是你的也对,别人肯定可以明白的
2023-07-15 21:03:583


2023-07-15 21:04:061

travel on business 这个短语什么意思?有什么用法?

2023-07-15 21:04:144


旅游可以开阔我们的思维(Travel broaden our mind) People who like traveling have their reasons.They maintain that traveling can help them expand their scope of knowlege,especialy in the geographical and historial sense.They also think that touring willgive them more chances toenjoy different kinds of food and experience new things that would otherwise never have access to.But those who dislike traveling also have some reasons. Traveling,in my opinion,does more good than harm.Most impotant,it broaden our mind.we can get in touch with other civilizations,cultures,customs economic methods and ideas. Throught history,most travel was undertaken because of necessity--not for pleasure.People traveled to satisfy basic needs for survival.They searched for food and shelter or fled from enemies.Many people traveled in search of a better life.Perhaps they were searching for gold,silver,and other treasures that would make them rich.This is not to say that no one ever traveled just for the fun of it.In ancient times,for example,wealthy romans made excursions to Greece to take part in the Olympic Games,theatrical productions,and festivals.Of course,some people were motivated travel just out of curiosity.They wanted to find out what lay beyond the horizon or around the band in the road.Also travel for the purpose of conducting trade--in other words,business travel--has been going on for centuries.Traders could not only make money but also learn to speake several languages and be introduced to China"s culture. So,traveling is a matter both exciting and abundant.It do broden our mind,and draw new ideas to us guided by others.
2023-07-15 21:04:251

travel on business 有什么用法

Travel on business 商务旅行; 出差[例句]How often do you travel on business?你多久出差一次?
2023-07-15 21:04:471


1、外国人可以在中国申请APEC商务旅行卡吗?中国不受理外国人的申请,只能向其所属经济体主管部门提出申请。2、如何申办APEC商务旅行卡?国企、央企的申请流程跟应公护照的申请流程差不多,将其材料送有外事审批权的上级主管部门进行审核,或者向他们咨询即可;民营企业人员、中外合资、外商独资和台港澳资企业中的中方(大陆)人员 由所属企业向企业注册地政府外事办公室申请。一层一层审核批准后为申请人颁卡。3、中介、旅行社能否受理APEC商务旅行卡申请?不能,只有企业注册地人民政府外事办公室才能受理。4、如何使用APEC商务旅行卡?机场等主要口岸均设有旅行卡专用通道,标识通常为“APEC Business Travel Card”。5、使用APEC商务旅行卡可用于哪些活动?APEC商务旅行卡原则上只适用于以商务活动为目的的国际旅行,不能用于旅游、探亲、访友、看病等非商务目的的活动。目前澳大利亚、泰国、韩国、巴布亚新几内亚允许非商务目的旅行。6、APEC商务旅行卡背面的三个字母代表什么意思?上面的三个字母代表的是21个经济体的国家(地区)的三字代码,分别代表的意思:JPN(日本),KOR(韩国),MYS(马来西亚),IDN(印度尼西亚),BRN(文莱),PHL(菲律宾),SGP(新加坡),MEX(墨西哥),THA(泰国),VNM(越南),AUS(澳大利亚),NZL(新西兰),PNG(巴布亚新几内亚),CHL(智利),PER(秘鲁),RUS(俄罗斯),CHN(中国),HKG(中国香港),TWN(中国台北),USA(美国),CAN(加拿大)。背面有写哪个国家(地区)的代码即表示能到这个国家或者地区。7、护照到期或丢失后怎么办?卡上面显示有护照号码的,持卡人换发新护照后,需要将旧卡退回换新卡。8、是不是我去21个成员经济体就不需要其他证件了?不是的,香港、台湾仍需要港澳通行证、入台证,即相当于使用这个证件去不了香港、另外和台湾。美国、加拿大为过渡成员也是不能使用此证件的,其他国家在此证件有效期内都可以使用的。9、APEC商务旅行卡相对其他出国证件有什么优势。APEC商务旅行卡相当于一个短期商务签证,申请人一次申办,五年有效,多次入境,每次入境可停留60天。此外,各经济体普遍为持卡人提供入出境通关便利。经济体内的国家不需要再办出国签证了。
2023-07-15 21:05:331

on holiday on the trip travel的区别

on holiday就是度假中啊,没什么好纠结的,平时的周末叫weekend,不能叫holiday。美语经常用vacation代替。 on the trip是短途,短程,短期的旅行,或者出差的话也可以叫on the business trip。 travel是旅游,路途长,时间长,可能途径较多的地方,而且娱乐味道较浓,所以从来不会说business travel的。希望采纳
2023-07-15 21:05:451

帮我翻译一下这段话呗 我急用 谢谢 汉译英

2023-07-15 21:05:562


When he first took on the job, he worked late everyday alongside assembly line workers to put together electric control cabinets in order to familiarize himself with the designs of the electronic drawings. In addition, the works of our department requires frequent business travel for which he always volunteered himself in the hopes of gaining more practical field experience.
2023-07-15 21:06:042


APEC商务旅行卡亚太经合组织(APEC)成立后,为加强区域内经济合作,促进商务人员自由流动,菲律宾、韩国、澳大利亚于1996年11月在菲律宾APEC领导人非正式会议上发起APEC商务旅行卡计划(APEC Business Travel Card Scheme, ABTC),倡议加入计划的经济体相互为其商务人员提供多边长期签证和快速通关礼遇(各经济体在其主要边防口岸均设有APEC旅行卡专用通关通道)。1997年该计划开始实施,APEC商务旅行卡由此诞生。享有特权(一)持卡人凭有效护照和旅行卡在五年内无须办理入境签证,自由往来于被批准入境的各APEC经济体之间从事商务活动。(二)持卡人在各经济体主要出入境口岸享有使用APEC商务旅行卡专用通道快速通关的便利。(三)持卡人不能免除进出各经济体时填写各类出入境表格的要求,也不享有其他特权与豁免。
2023-07-15 21:06:162


2023-07-15 21:06:305


2023-07-15 21:06:541


客服人员英文简称为:Customer service staff。双语例句:1、请点击即时帮助来联系我们的客服人员。To reach customer service, please click on Live Help.2、补货下单前请与我们的客服人员咨询恰谈。Replenishment orders before consulting with our customer service staff just discuss.3、如有不明白请联系店主,也可以联系银行当值的客服人员。Unidentified and white please contact shopkeeper, can contact the customer service personnel on duty of the bank.4、协助客服人员日常办公室助理工作,会议与出差的安排,SAP 基本信息的维护。Office Admin for supporting CSR daily work, meeting and business travel arrangement, basic SAP data maintaining.5、看他们如何对待前台、服务员、客服人员以及任何服务业者,这能充分说明他们的性格以及他们是否能理性地解决问题。How they treat receptionists, waiters, call-center employees and anyone in a service profession. It speaks volumes about their character and their ability to deal with problems in a rational way.
2023-07-15 21:07:041


Supplementary Commercial Insurance:补充商业保险;Life/Accidental Insurance:意外死亡和伤残保险Medical Insurance Annual Medical Check Medical Insurance for Dependent :医疗保险年度医疗检查Oversees Business Travel Insurance:监管商业旅行保险。
2023-07-15 21:07:551


2023-07-15 21:08:073


二.填空题1.Nowadays,electronic (pay) _payment_____in a more convenment way to pay for purchase than cash and checks.2.Most of the high school students who (interview)_were _interviewed____yesterday believed that they should continue with then education.3.It is important that he__was____ (be)called back ……4.According to the survey (conduct)_conducted______recently ,52% of American business people booked then business travel online last year .5.If I (be)_were____ you ,I will study hard.6.It is the (responsible)_responsibility__of the human resources department to employ new staff members.7.It was reported that the (injure)_injured____people were taken to the hospital immediately after the accident.8.The bank refused (accept)__to accept______my application for the loan because they weren"t convinced by my business plan .10.It is important to realize how(quick)_quickly_____this disease can spread over the globe.
2023-07-15 21:08:182


2023-07-15 21:08:304


2023-07-15 21:08:417


Too muchWe have too much time. We always think of time, so we will come again, we allow for lack of shake. The unexpected disasters in us forever when you don"t hit, pledge, parry. The only thing we can do, just in time, could also be care of treasure, don"t relax. The momentThe old man over before bed calling: "wife, you wake up! Wake up, we will travel the world together, you"ve always wanted to go to?" The wife is god"s eyes, at no consciousness, no response. The old couple married four years. Initially, the wife wanted to go abroad to study, to love him and keep down. In order to make up for the elderly in solipsist promised said: "one day, I will accompany you around the world!" But, as a child born, economic pressure forced them to travel around the world and became a SuYiJieShi unreachable dream. He always comforted the wife say: "the older child again, such as a large house again..." The child has grown, each have their own family. They also have enough money to realize the dream, but a man of business travel abroad alone, are peak, even two time are limited. Faced with her silent, he always sighing: sorry to say: "I retire, I all the time you are, how do you want to play to play!" But when he retired, his but wait. A stroke, depth, leaving only old guard unconscious in the bedside, repeated: "wife, you must hurry up! I brought you to go to Paris to London tower, look to see Big Ben, roma..."Too late, the expression of love, too late, the realization promise to send blessing...We have too much time. The only thing we can do, but not in time, and to your dearest relatives, friends, brothers, love you love expression of...
2023-07-15 21:09:024


2023-07-15 21:09:132


  随着我国旅游事业的大规模发展,旅游英语在促进中西方旅游发展、文化交流方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。我整理了出国旅游英语单词,欢迎阅读!   出国旅游英语单词一   乘火车 Take the train   铁路 railway (美作:railroad)   轨道 track   火车 train   铁路系统 railway system, railway network   特快车 express train   快车 fast train   直达快车 through train   慢车 stopping train, slow train   游览列车 excursion train   市郊列车 commuter train, suburban train   车厢 coach, carriage   卧铺 sleeper   餐车 dining car, restaurant car, luncheon car   双层卧铺车 sleeper with couchettes   铺位 berth, bunk   上行车 up train   下行车 down train   行李车厢 luggage van, baggage car   车站大厅 station hall   收票员 ticket-collector, gateman   月台,站台 platform   站台票 platform ticket   小卖部 buffet   候车室 waiting room   行李暂存处 left-luggage office   列车员 car attendant, train attendant   列车长 guard, conductor   行李架 rack, baggage rack   在(某地)换车 to change trains atu2026u2026   在(某时)到达 the train is due atu2026u2026   出国旅游英语单词二   旅行 journey, trip   旅游 tour   旅行推销员 commercial traveller (美作:traveling salesman)   旅游者 tourist   旅行指南 itinerary   旅行路线 route   游览pleasure trip   商务旅行business trip   出境游 outbound tourism; outbound travel   出境游客 outbound tourist   背包旅行者 backpacker   自由行 free walker   环程旅行 circular tour   往返旅行 return journey; round trip   单程旅行 outward journey   套餐游;包办游 package tour; inclusive tour   远足 excursion; outing   探险 expedition   旅行支票 traveller"s cheque   旅游散客 independent traveler   旅游团 tour group   度假区 holiday resort   票 ticket   票价 fare   单程票 single ticket   往返票 round-trip ticket; return ticket   半票 half-price ticket   出国旅游英语单词三   乘飞机 Take the flight   护照 passport   签证 visa   证件 papers   安全通行证 safe-conduct, pass   起飞 take off   落地 touch down   登记牌 boarding pass   办理登机手续 check in   候机室 departure lounge   航班号 flight number   国际抵达处 international arrival   国内抵达处 domestic arrival   航站楼 terminal   行李 Luggage   推行李车 luggage barrow   私人用品 personal effects   团体行李 group baggage   行李票 claim tag   行李牌 handbag tag   行李标签 label   行李房 luggage office   行李搬运车 baggage train   航运收据 airway bill   手提行李 hand luggage
2023-07-15 21:09:581


1.journey可以指经常走过的或长或短的距离复数)指时间稍长的各处旅行,尤其指出国旅游,常常与所有格的形容词连用3.travel指行走、驾驶或者旅行的不可数名词travel broadens the mind旅行能够使人开阔眼界 4.tour是指为游玩而到几个地方观光的(长途或短途)旅行 5.trip指短期的旅程和观光6.on vacation ,旅游,度假
2023-07-15 21:10:082


我想你指的是APEC business travel card, 基本要求是:1.APEC成员国公民,2.常年往返与成员国之间3.无犯罪记录具体事宜联系Ms Sun NingDivision of Foreigh Visa ApplicationConsular Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs of P.R.C. Email:
2023-07-15 21:11:071


1.I"m surprised to meet him on the crowded bus this morning.2. Even though I failed this time, I will try it again3. The bell rang as I was leaving the classroom.4. Did Shakespare act his own plays? If he did, what character did he act?5. They asked to express the cost of this business.
2023-07-15 21:11:172

加班工资/加班费 的英语怎么说

2023-07-15 21:11:341


  个人简历也是留学申请文书重重要的组成部分,不能在个人陈述里详细提到的事,在简历中都可以详细列出来。那么留学申请简历该怎么写呢?请看为大家整理的留学申请简历模板。   CV里面应该包含的大体内容如下:   ·个人的一些基本信息(姓名,出身年月,邮箱等);   ·Objective:申请XX学院的PhD   ·Research Interests:…………   ·Education:   时间   专业 学院 学校   GPA   Rank   Awards / Scholarships and etc.   ·Research Experiences:   时间 地点 参与身份(主要完成人还是跟人合作……)   项目名称以及自己的主要工作介绍   ·Activities Experiences:   时间 地点   参与了什么工作   ·Academic Skills:…………   ·Self Evaluation:…………   然后根据个人情况的不同可以删减东西调整先后顺序,象GRE和Toefl成绩这种我就觉得没有必要写在上面。另外需要注意的是,在展开以上每项的时候,切忌整块整块的内容堆在一起,而是用比较简洁清晰的框架就好。总体感觉CV相对来说要比PS要好写一些。   Note:CV一般都是打印在有自己学校校徽标志作为抬头的信纸上面,如果没有这种专用信纸的话也可以自己下载一个图标做一个在页眉上。   -Nonimmigrant Visa Resume Template   Name:liuxue86   Date and country of birth:   Gender:   Name and date of birth of spouse: (if applicable)   Names and dates of birth of children: (if applicable)   Address and Contact information:   Education   List here all universities and higher education institutions you have attended, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information:   Name of university   Dates of study   Degree level   Degree major and minors   Area of research   Title of thesis   Work experience   List here all paid and voluntary work you have performed and positions held, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information:   Name of company, organization or institutions   Job titles   Dates of jobs   Detailed area of responsibility, research interests, project descriptions and applications of research   Expertise in special software, machinery op equipment   Awards and patents   Have you received/won any awards related to your research or work at university or at work- Please list these.   Do you hold any patents- List name, patent number and year registered.   List of publications   List here all your publications you have published in China and overseas.   Include the title of the published article, the date it was published and the name of the magazine, newspaper, book, etc it was published in.   Other outside interests/experience List here any clubs you belong to, any memberships you hold, your interests and hobbies   Other skills   For example computer skills, languages you speak, driver""s license or other permits, etc   Travel   Have you ever traveled overseas- List countries, purpose and dates of travel   Statement of Intent   For students and exchange scholars:   Proposed Study   Give a brief but detailed description of proposed area of study, including research methods and applications of the research   State supervisor""s/professor""s name and his/her area of expertise   State institution and department where this research is to be done   For business-related travel:   Proposed schedule
2023-07-15 21:11:431


We can get reimbursement for car fares and accommodation costs, and also can enjoy a daily allowance. 我们可以报销交通费和住宿费,你还可以享有每日津贴。 You don"t need to consider traveling, lodging, and meal costs. We can reimburse all those for you. 你不必考虑交通费,住宿费和餐饮费,我们全部都为你报销。 I was told that this job requires frequent business travel. 我被告知这份工作需要经常出差。 My work involves occasional business trips. 我的工作偶尔需要出差。 I can take business trips as needed. 我能够根据需要出差。 Would this job need me to go abroad for business? 这份工作需要出国出差吗? Meal costs are extra. 伙食费另加。 Although the job needs you to often have business trips, we will pay you all the expenses. 尽管这份工作需要经常出差,但是我们会支付切费用的。 This job requires extensive business travel. 这项工作需要大量的出差。 We will reimburse the travel expenses. 我们会报销差旅费的。
2023-07-15 21:12:011


旅行用英文怎么说旅行分别用英语怎么说,以及其区别 英语里常用来表达旅行、旅游的有下面这些词 Travel 动词的话就是从某地去某地的这个动作,主要强调到哪里去 名词就泛指旅行、旅途,不包括目的资讯(比如商务或者度假,是否要游览什么) Trip 也是旅途,但是一般是短途或者短期。并且,通常会带上目的,比如business trip Journey 长途旅行,并且通常是多目的地的 Tour 一般指观光行程、观光旅行 Voyage 走水路的长途旅行,多用于出海 徒步旅行用英语怎么说 短语 travel on foot 和单词 trek 都可以用来表示“徒步旅行” 例:I like travel on foot. 例:He is trekking through the woods 希望能帮到您! 乘汽车旅行用英语怎么说 travel by car 的短途旅行用英语怎么说 excursions 短途旅行 我们举行舞会和短途旅行。 We hold dances and excursions. 她开始怕作这些短途旅行了。 She had begun to dread these excursions. 乘船旅行用英语怎么说啊 坐船旅行 Cruise 去北京旅行用英语怎么说 Travel to Beijing 公交车旅行用英语怎么说? travel by bus take a bus to travel 去颐和园旅行用英语怎么说 have a travel in the the Summer Palace 大明在四周旅行用英语怎么说 有前后文的情景以及时态要求吗?如果是一般现在时的话: Da Ming travels around. 希望能够帮助到您 跟着舌尖去旅行用英语怎么说 跟着舌尖去旅行 Travel with the tip of the tongue 跟着舌尖去旅行 Travel with the tip of the tongue
2023-07-15 21:12:311

出差怎么说 商务英语

您好,领学网为您解答:出差[chū chāi] 动 be away on official business; be travel on official business; be on a business trip例句:我因为工作出差了一段时间。I was away for awhile on a business trip. 望采纳!
2023-07-15 21:12:383

业务 一般用哪个单词

2023-07-15 21:12:482

tour, journey, travel, trip四个词的区别?

tour是类似周游、观光旅游的旅行,比如tour of London, tour of World,一般短语就是on the tour of some placejourney是着重于行程时间比较长的旅行,较正式,比如我们在飞机上常常看到"Wish you have a good journey.";另一点我认为journey还强调抽象的“旅程”的意思,比如"Life is a journey."trip是有目的性的旅行,强调“短期旅行”,但实际上口语上trip和journey是可以互换的。travel的意思就很广泛了,算是一个总称,着重于“离开居住地去其他地方作短途旅行”。
2023-07-15 21:12:561

英语,完型填空。。。。 I travel overseas a lot for business.

2023-07-15 21:13:161

申请美国B1签证 关于DS160 Travel Companions Information 的问题,好纠结!

你好,保险点你可以选择YES, 然后再关系里选择Other,如果填写后紧跟着弹出解释的,你可以填写上workmate.如果没有弹出要解释,继续进行就行了。
2023-07-15 21:13:311

急需一篇有关Travel的三一口语五级话题,名字叫My trip of hongkong,希望水平高点,急需,急需,急需!!

给你这篇Hong Kong Disneyland 参考一下吧Why Hong Kong Disneyland was built There are several reasons for Walt Disney Company to build HK Disneyland: they wanted to expand their business to Asia so that they can earn more money; they wanted to bring more fun to people in Asian countries; one more reason is that they wanted to introduce their culture to people in different countries. I guess the first reason is most precise. Do you think so?The location of Hong Kong DisneylandHong Kong Disneyland is located in Lantau Island in Hong Kong New Territories. Having been built near the sea, it takes up an area of 126 hectares. There is a special shuttle bus for tourists from Hong Kong International Airport to Disneyland. There even is a dedicated rail line between Disneyland Resort Station and Sunny Bay Station. This railway is the second railway line just for Disney in the world. It extends in all directions. The distance from Hong Kong Disneyland to Department of Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel and Hollywood Hotel is only a few minutes ride. Four Theme Parks of Hong Kong DisneylandHong Kong Disneyland has some of the unique attractions. It consists of four theme parks: they are Main Street USA, Adventure land, Fantasyland and Tomorrow land. Within the park you also can find Disney cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, Mulan, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, etc.My favorite Disney itemsThere are many items we can enjoy in HK Disneyland. But the following are my favorite. At the entrance of the Disneyland there is a huge fountain, a big fish squirts a lot of water from its mouth continuously. Above the water is the Mickey playing skateboard, it is wonderful. Walking into the park, we can ride Thomas train around the park and then we get off at my favorite Hundred Acre Wood, where I usually take Winnie"s honey pot to do traveling. On the way we can see the Pooh eating honey; we can see a variety of ghosts and goblins making trouble, also we can see Tiger jumping up and down, it"s really great fun! The next item I enjoy is the Adventureland where we can feel the African jungle and experience the exciting Tarzan drift. Why I love to visit Hong Kong Disneyland Since the first time I traveled there in winter holidays in 2009, I have been attracted by the unique atmosphere here. Whenever the holidays come, I"d like to travel to Hong Kong Disneyland, because I want to see my favorite cartoon characters, especially Winnie the Pooh that has brought me endless joy. So far, I have been there three times. I"d like to travel there also because visitors are all well behaved. They help to keep the park clean and tidy, people queue for turns orderly. 相关问题:1. When was HK Disneyland built?2. How far is it from Hong Kong International Airport to Disneyland ?3. How much is the ticket for one item? Do they charge one item by one item or do they charge wholly?4. Have you ever been to other Disneyland in other countries?5. How many countries have Disneyland?6. Where is the biggest Disneyland?7. Have you seen any special cartoon characters in Disneyland?8. How did you feel when you visited the HK Disneyland for the first time?9. ……
2023-07-15 21:13:392


你好,很高兴为你解答:雅思写作,你可以看看希望能对你有用:International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages?Tourism is a very big industry in the modern time and is growing quite rapidly. Thousands of people travel everywhere to various destinations every year. Arguments have come up regarding the benefits and negative impacts of tourism in places and on its local inhabitants and environment; however, I believe there are more advantages than disadvantages of international tourism.People travel for various reasons; we travel for business purposes, holidays, visit friends and relatives etc. Travelling is mostly seen as a recreational activity. Tourism has many advantages. Tourism can play a tremendous part in a countrys economy, the more tourists visit a country and spend money there, the better it is for the country; that way more money is circulated within the country and even the stability of their currencys rate of exchange persists if not improve. Vendors and shops get to sell more goods and make an income. Tourism also has its non-monetary advantages; it brings cultures and people closer. People from all around the world get to share their culture with each other and even learn more. This is a good opportunity in education.Tourism seems to have some disadvantages too; However, I believe the problems caused by tourism are not something that cannot be solved or prevented. A lot of people believe that tourism can destroy or deviate culture and causes quite an impact on visited locations, such as pollution and littering. People can adhere to their own beliefs and way of life if they want to; no one can really forcefully influence someone to change from their morals and ethics. Pollution can be avoided by increasing usage of environmental friendly vehicles used for tours and rents, warnings and visual education on littering and smoking, specific times can be allocated for tours to certain areas, such as peak times where local inhabitants feel uncomfortable due to too many foreigners.Where there are problems there can always be solutions. Tourism brings great amount of advantages for any place in many ways and is a “win-win” exchange process. The very few problems caused can always be avoided or taken care of. I believe tourism should be highly promoted, specially in traditional and poor countries with natural beauty such as Thailand.(雅思7分作文)祝你好运,取得理想雅思成绩!!!如果你需要雅思学习资料和雅思备考资料可以在百度HI里和我沟通,我传给你~~
2023-07-15 21:13:491


酒店英文求职信精选范文   酒店其基本定义是提供安全、舒适,令利用者得到短期的"休息或睡眠的空间的商业机构。以下我为你收集了酒店英文求职信,希望给你带来一些借鉴的作用。   酒店求职信英语范文【一】   distinguished leadership   hello! when you open this page when you have opened the gateway to opportunity for me and the success of the first gate. thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter, and glad that they can participate in your hotel"s current candidates.   first, allow me to do a self-introduction, my name is xx, 18-year-old, known as the frontier from the south of ningxia. my   interest and expertise include: favorite sports activities, love of natural science; like to read about science and social practice, class books, from books to continue to improve their scientific and cultural knowledge to improve the content of their training, to fight for the future work good foundation. either to individuals or the   hotel will create proper value, i not only learned things on your own to the great work, but also down to earth every detail from the start, i use the hard-working hands achievements dream tomorrow .   work experience in school: in school military training, served as deputy commander with four positions, and obtained the title of outstanding students, and several other class cadre positions as squad leader. had participated in secondary vocational schools in xi"an in XX skills competition, and achieved excellent results. in the spare time to work in a variety of small private restaurants, learned to communicate with people, an increase of life experience! self-evaluation   (my motto in life: smiling face every day)   i am optimistic enthusiasm, love of travel, energetic, earnest self-confidence is my biggest character, i am willing to start from the grassroots, the accumulation of experience, improve professional skills, become a real hotel people!   the cover letter in which you will read on the occasion, a few words to tell you: i am a guy from the northwest, yellow earth gave me a strong body of the soul, cast out of my hard-working and   persistence pull of the spirit. over the years their education and   training also enabled me to adapt to the rapid development of society, bad for the heart hope after graduation effectiveness of your hotel, the hotel business for your contribution to the development of my talents. do not care about what i have made, please pay attention to my future!   sincerely,   salute   self-nominations were: xxx   酒店求职信英文范文【二】   Hello!   Thank you for your sincere in his busy schedule, I read this material, and wish your organization the cause of prosperity and bright future!   I studied public enterprise management, but the comparison is more like hotel management. Into the community, I have just come into contact with the hotel management was deeply attracted to after work in the hotel industry, continue to draw the relevant work experience, has accumulated a certain amount of hotel management experience, I found that this is what I want to do The. Although Lu Buping more rugged, but after all, to find love and is therefore suitable for their work is not easy. So I was very lucky.   Hotel is to bring people comfort and pleasure, the kind of environment and atmosphere that I long for, and engaged in the provision of all the hotel management will be proud and satisfied. The hotel industry is a dynamic and promising sector, especially in the domestic hotel high-speed growth of foreign investment into China one after another hotel, the hotel industry to make more full of opportunities and challenges. I am determined to put its own hotel management as a career to do, so your corporate job candidates, in the hope that the industry has a very good development.   Since the hotel has chosen me to endure hardship to do a good job of preparation, you want to start from the grass-roots level, the hotel itself with the continuous development may be raised step by step.   Thank you for reading this letter and consider my request candidates, and hope to have the honor to interview you, look forward to your response!   with many thsnks   酒店求职信英文范文【三】   Dear Sir/Madam:   Hello!   Thank you very much for taking the time to read my letter of application.   I am a graduate of the XX Hotel University management professional students. During the period of school, I seriously study the professional knowledge, and many times to get a scholarship. In the school and class activities in a variety of accumulated some experience, so that they have a good physical and psychological quality, and have a good com#munication and adaptability. Strive to master basic skills, in the study on the basis of professional knowledge, obtained through examination of Putonghua Level 2, com#puter level, hotel management division certificate.   In school, I seize every opportunity to exercise their various aspects of the ability, so that they are needed in the modern society with the innovative spirit of com#pound talent development. Strive to learn professional knowledge at the same time, I like reading some books about science and social practice to continuously enhance their scientific and cultural knowledge from books, to improve their training content, pay attention to the cultivation of their solid knowledge and skills, etiquette training ability, for future work to lay a good foundation. No matter is to the individual or the hotel will create a proper value, I not only rely on their own things to do a career, and also down to earth from every detail to start, use industrious hands achievement tomorrow I dream.   Besides learning theoretical knowledge system, the application of theoretical knowledge to practice, my personality is outgoing, like thinking, insight is strong, not afraid of hardship, during the period of University, I participated in many social practice activities, through the arrangement of the school, in the hotel internship for seven months, hotel leaders affirmed. During the winter vacation in the restaurant do a part-time job, through training also worked as a salesman, in the actual operation, not only strengthened the knowledge, but also learned a school can not learn the ways of the world. Because of this, I have accumulated a wealth of practical experience, but also pay more attention to team spirit and collective concept, but also more clearly my goal in life. I am willing to start from the grassroots, and constantly accumulate experience, improve the professional skills, becom#e a real hotel people in their spare time to do part-time, learn to com#municate with people, increase the life experience!   Give me a chance and you a sincere! Not just to the stability of the work; not just the pursuit of happiness in life; more important is to realize their life value, meaning of life! I hope your organization for giving me a chance to play.   yours, ;
2023-07-15 21:13:581


  我坐了木船   I Took a Wooden Boat   叶圣陶   Ye Shengtao   从重庆到汉口,我坐了木船。   木船危险,当然知道。一路上数不清的滩,礁石随处都是,要出事,随时可以出。还有盗匪——实在是最可怜的同胞,他们种地没得吃,有力气没处出卖,当了兵经常饿肚皮,无可奈何只好出此下策。——假如遇见了,把铺盖或者身上衣服带下去,也是异常难处的事儿。   I took a wooden boat from Chongqing to Hankou.   Of course I know it is risky to travel by wooden boat. With countless shoals and reefs to negotiate, accidents may happen any time. To complicate matters, there are bandits lurking around-those pitiful fellow countrymen who, unable to ward off starvation by farming or soldiering or whatnot, have been reduced to the disreputable business as a last resort. I"ll be in a real fix if they should rob me of, say, my bedding or clothes.   要点:   1,“一路上数不清的滩,礁石随处都是,要出事,随时可以出。”此句乍看没有主语,隐藏主语为“意外事件”,因此译为With countless shoals and reefs to negotiate, accidents may happen any time. with句交代背景~   2,“种地没得吃,有力气没处出卖,当了兵经常饿肚皮”是指这些人不管干什么都免不了挨饿,译为unable to ward off(避开,防止) starvation by farming or soldiering or whatnot(等等)   3,“无可奈何只好出此下策”译为have been reduced to the disreputable business as a last resort.其中,disreputable business(不体面的行为)指“下策”,reduced to意为“被逼从事u2026”(之前我们在《背影》中也见到过be in reduced circumstances这个表述,意为“光景惨淡”),as a last resort 意为“作为最后一招”。   4,be in a real fix 意为“陷入困境”或“尴尬”~多读大师的翻译我们可以发现,高境界的译文很大程度上是靠这些不常见的小词撑起来的~   但是,回转来想,从前没有轮船,没有飞机,历来走川江的人都坐木船。就是如今,上上下下的还有许多人在那里坐木船,如果统计起来,人数该比坐轮船坐飞机的多。   Now, on reflection, I realize that in the days before steamers and aircraft came into use, people used to travel by wooden boat up and down the Sichuan section of the Yangtze River. Even today, many continue to do so, and statistic will invariably show a higher percentage of people travelling by wooden boat than by steamer or aircraft.   要点:   1,“回转来想”译为on reflection(反思,回想)   2,看到up and down许多童鞋会下意识地反应为“上上下下”,其实它也有“来来往往”之意   3,“在那里坐木船”译为中的“那里”一定要讲明是川江,即the Sichuan section(地区地段) of the Yangtze River,之前《背影》中的“那年冬天”也译为“In the winter of more than two years ago”,随时都要有身为一个译者的自觉~   4,statistic will invariably show=“据统计”,新说法~换掉你的according!   5,“(数量)比u2026多”=“(比率)比u2026高”,译为a higher percentage (of)u2026thanu2026,又是一个新表述,如According to the table above , compared with volleyball, basketball has a higher percentage.   (与排球相比,篮球的比例更大)   人家可以坐,我就不能坐吗?我又不比人家高贵。至于危险,不考虑也罢。轮船飞机就不危险吗?安步当车似乎最稳妥了,可是人家屋檐边也可以掉下一张瓦片来。要绝对避免危险就莫要做人。   Why shouldn"t I do the same? Why should I think it beneath myself to travel by wooden boat? As for safety, is it less dangerous to travel by steamer or aircraft? Going on foot seems to be the best choice, but a tile falling off the eaves of somebody"s house might prove equally disastrous to foot passengers. Enjoying absolute safety is humanly impossible.   1,“人家可以坐,我就不能坐吗?”是一个反问句,根据意思译为Why shouldn"t I do the same?   2,“轮船飞机就不危险吗?”是另一个反问句,译为is it less dangerous to travel by steamer or aircraft?它的意思等同于Isnu2019 it dangerous to travel by streamer or aircraft?   3,“要绝对避免危险就莫要做人”译为Enjoying absolute safety is humanly impossible. humanly意为“从做人的角度看”,我等平民一定会将这句话当做一个条件句来处理,然而译者转换说法,让这句话译得很妙,婶婶地感受到了自己和大师的差距~   要坐轮船坐飞机,自然也有办法。只要往各方去请托,找关系,或者干脆买张黑票。先说黑票,且不谈付出超过定额的钱,力有不及,心有不甘,单单一个“黑”字,就叫你不愿领教。   It stands to reason that I can go by steamer or aircraft if I care to. I can simply go around fishing for help or personal connections, or just buy a "black" ticket. But I"ll have to pay more than the regular price for a "black" ticket, which I can ill afford and which I disdain to do. And the very word "black" generates in me a feeling of repulsion.   要点:   1,“自然也有办法”译为it stands to reason thatu2026(自然)   2,“请托,找关系”译为fish for help or personal connection,本文关于“请托”的表述很多,童鞋们注意积累   3,“且不谈付出超过定额的钱,力有不及,心有不甘。”根据意思翻为But I"ll have to pay more than the regular price for a "black" ticket, which I can ill afford and which I disdain to do.意为“我不得不付超过定额的钱,这些钱我付不起也不愿意付”。这种将三个分句融进一个句子的手法值得学习。   4,Can ill afford 意为“难以提供”,如:I can ill afford it.   这我办不到。(又是一个canu2019t 的进阶版~   5,四字短语,一般是根据意思翻译的,文中“心有不甘”意即“不屑一顾”,译为disdain to do。Disdain意为“蔑视,( ̄_, ̄ )不屑”常和for搭配,如:I have nothing but disdain for such a person.   对这种人我只是蔑视。   6,“the very word "black" generates in me a feeling of repulsion”中generate in sb a feeling of有木有很熟悉,之前在《艰难的国运与雄健的国民》中这个表述也有出境哦~   7,very word 中的very 无实际意义,这哥们儿就是来加强加强语气的,有时可以译为“正是,恰恰”,如:Soft, is the very word for her eye.(柔媚正是描写她眼神的字眼。)   “黑”字表示作弊,表示越出常轨。你买黑票,无异同作弊,赞助越出常轨。一个人既不能独立转移风气,也该在消极方面有所自守,邦同作弊,赞助越出常轨的事儿,总可以免了吧,——这自然是书生之见,不免通达的人一笑。   "Black" signified fraud or illegal practice. Buying a "black" ticket is as good as getting involved in a fraud or an illegal practice. If it is beyond one"s capacity to single-handedly stem the prevailing social evils, one should at least be self-disciplined so as not to make matters worse. All this is undoubtedly the pedantic view of bookish person—a view which must sound ridiculous to all sensible gentlemen.   要点:   1, signify=表明,说明;预示,表达~他的小伙伴还有: mean indicate show imply suggest denote(表示,偏重字面上) connote(意味着,暗示,偏重隐含义)   2, “无异同”=“无异于”译为as good as   3, “不能够做某事”=beyond oneu2019s capacity to do, 此外还有“be in no position to do”等表述也可以表示“不能”,不要给我说canu2019t不要跟我说canu2019t~(还记得之前有个类似的can ill afford吗,把它叫出来我们谈谈 (~ o ~)~   4, single-handedly意为“单独地,单枪匹马地”   5, “风气”这个词在翻译时也很常见,可以根据语境译为ethos,fashion, climate等词,此处译者将其译为social evils,(社会弊病)   6, “书生之见”译为the pedantic view of bookish person,其中pedantic=impractical,作“不现实的”解   7, “通达”即“明事理的”,译作sensible   再说请托找关系,听人家说他们的经验,简直与谋差使一样的麻烦。在传达室恭候,在会客室恭候,幸而见了那要见的人,他听说你要设法买船票,或是飞机票,爱理不理的答复你说,“困难呢u2026u2026下个星期再来打听吧u2026u2026”于是你觉得好像有一线希望,又好像毫无把握,只得挨到下星期再去。   Some people have told me from their own experience that soliciting help or speaking personal connections is something as difficult as hunting for a job. You may be kept cooling your heels in a janitor"s office or a reception room before an interview is granted. Hearing that you are trying to get a steamer or air ticket, the much sought-after interview may reply in a cold and indifferent manner, "Ah, that"s difficult...Come see me next week..." Thereupon you seem to see a ray of hope, and you may also feel totally uncertain of success. All you can do is wait until then.   要点:   1,注意“请托关系”又粗现啦,这次译者用了soliciting help or speaking personal connections,其中solicit意为“征求,索求,请求u2026给与”如:We solicit a continuance of your confidence and support.   我们寻求你的持续信任和支持   2,“在传达室恭候,在会客室恭候”译为You may be kept cooling your heels in a janitor"s office or a reception room before an interview is granted.其中cool your heels意为“长等,空等”。   3, sought-after意为“吃香的,紧俏的,广受欢迎的”如:There is no doubt that the Ford Mustang is one of the most highly sought after vehicles in automotive history.   毫无疑问,福特野马是其中最高度追捧的车辆在汽车的历史。   4,“爱理不理的”译为in a cold and different manner   跑了不知多少趟,总算有眉目了,又得往这一处签字,那一处盖章,看种种的脸色,候种种的传唤,为的是得一份充分的证据,可以去换张票子。   After making you don"t know how many visits, there eventually appear signs of positive outcome. Then you have to go here and there to get a signature or a seal, meet with all sorts of cold reception and wait for all sorts of summonses—all for the purpose of obtaining a useful certificate to buy a ticket with.   要点:   1,“跑了不知多少趟,总算有眉目了”译为After making you don"t know how many visits, there eventually appear signs of positive outcome.   注意其中的you donu2019t know how是插入语,修饰many。   2,“眉目”即“积极的结果”=sign of positive outcome   2,“这一处签字,那一处盖章”=“跑东跑西地到处签字盖章”,译为go here and there to get a signature or a seal~   3,“为的是”译为all for the purpose of,其中for the purpose of意为“为了”,同义的还有with a view to, with the purpose of,关于目的的表述在翻译中十分常见,童鞋们要注意积累不同表述,避免翻译时千篇一律。   票子到手,身分可以改变了,什么机关的部属,什么长的秘书,什么人的本人或是父亲,或者姓名仍旧,或者必须改名换姓,总之要与你自己暂时脱离关系。   Once with a ticket in hand, your status automatically changes. You can now call yourself the employee of certain government office or certain official"s secretary. You can call yourself so-and-so or so-and-so"s father. You can either keep your original name or have it changed. In short, you must temporarily break off relations with your old self.
2023-07-15 21:14:221

All the traveling( )are paid by the company if you travel on business

2023-07-15 21:14:292

Package Travel和Package Tour之间有什么区别?

这个就在tour 和 travel 上的区别“tour”,一般是有观光、享受、娱乐、旅游等目的,也有可能是“漫无目的”的,到了第一站才计划安排当地的节目,玩了一回才计划下一站到哪里去......。另外,“tour”通常是旅游业界用来形容它们提供和售卖的服务。英文的原意是指一比较长时间、而又有好几个中途停留站的享乐旅程。现在这个字也有用于“非享乐”旅程的,比如某知名乐队的巡欧演唱会“Concert Tour of Europe”,或是某买家要到美国多地采购,“a business buying tour in the US”。 “travel”,不一定是长途,不一定跟旅游有关。但旅行社、旅行代理都是用“travel agent”来形容。 “travel”有时候有“去”的意思,跟“go”互相替换。如“I am working in Beijing today. I will travel to Tianjin tomorrow for business.”。 “travel”通常是用于形容从一点到另外一点的旅程,如“he travels from Beijing to Tianjin”,或“横跨”的旅程,有很多的经历,如“he travels across the entire width of Tibet”。附带一个 trip“trip”,不一定是短途旅行,可以是长途,也可以是短途。关键是“trip”通常是一来、一回、一目的地(或少数目的地),另外最重要的,是有一个明确的独特目标,如“a business trip to London”,“taking a trip to Guangzhou to see my uncle”,也可以是享乐的,“a leisure trip to Guilin”。
2023-07-15 21:14:371

美国签证上purpose of travel 是business /personal 是 指留学签

2023-07-15 21:14:452


2023-07-15 21:15:004

Mr. Robinson had to travel somewhere on business and as he was in a hurry, he decided to go by ...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:A小题4:D 试题分析:文章大意:通过Mr.Robinson一次乘坐飞机所经历的一件事,讲述一位士兵成功的与美女坐在一起的故事。小题1:C 细节理解题:根据He liked to sit beside a window when he was flying. So, when he got on to the plane, he looked for a window seat. He found all of them had already been taken except one. 当他乘坐飞机时他喜欢坐在窗户边。因此,当他上了飞机,他就找靠窗的座位。他发现只有一个靠窗的座位了,其他的都已经有人坐了。所以,选C。有个他想要的座位。小题2:B 推理判断题:根据When he reached it, however, he saw there was a notice on it. 但是当他到哪儿的时候,看见座位上有个通知。(没料到)和Mr. Robinson had never seen such a notice in a plane before,他以前在飞机上从来没见过这样的通知。小题3:A 推理判断题:根据when the plane was quite full, a very beautiful girl stepped into the plane. The soldier quickly took the notice off the seat beside him and in this way succeeded in having the girl beside him during the whole trip. 飞机快满员了,一位非常漂亮的姑娘走了进来。那位士兵迅速把旁边座位上的通知取了下来,这样他就成功的一路有这位美女坐在身旁。没有提到他跟美女是情侣关系,所以排除B. 小题4:D 推理判断题:这是一个小故事,所以既不是长篇小说 novel, 也不是新闻报道news report,更不是科幻小说 science fiction.
2023-07-15 21:15:081

All the traveling( )are paid by the company if you travel on business

2023-07-15 21:15:285


出差英文短语如下:出差on business出差go on a business trip出差Business Trip出差补贴Travel subsidies计划出差Planning a trip老公出差The Out-of-Towners出差费traveling allowance准备出差Preparing for the Trip适应出差Willing to travel出差频率Level of Travel Required关于出差的相关例句:1、Mark, however, needs to travel extensively with his varied business interests.然而,马克因为各种生意需要频繁出差。2、Staff who have to travel farther can claim excess travel expenses.需要到更远的地方出差的职员可以领取额外差旅费。3、Mark was sent to the Far East on a business trip.马克被派往远东出差。4、Jason was away on a business trip.贾森出差在外。5、Government officials who travel on business are given traveling allowances.因公出差的政府官员享有出差补贴.6、He received reimbursement for his travel expenses.由于出差的花费,他可以得到公司的补偿.
2023-07-15 21:15:491

travel to all corners of the world gets easier这篇短文

2023-07-15 21:16:382