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2023-07-15 22:34:51



















2023-07-15 16:49:371


Talent (读作:团 恩)
2023-07-15 16:49:474


talent,名词,译为“才能、天才、天资”。复数: talents。n. 天资,才能。指人在某一方面所具有的可发展和培养的突出天赋。talent for天才、有…的天赋。talent development人才开发、才能发展。talent show才艺表演会、业余演出比赛。talent education才能教育。artistic talent艺术才能。talent pool人才库。literary talent文才、文学天赋。natural talent天赋、自然禀赋。talent scoutn.人才发掘者、伯乐。inter-disciplinary talent复合型人才。talent agency人才机构。talent句子:The father found that his son had a musical talent.父亲发现儿子有音乐天赋。Do you have a talent for painting?你有绘画天分吗?He is a writer of exceptional literary talent.他是位文采出众的作家。The nature gives us some talent, so we should develop it.大自然给了我们一些天赋,所以我们应该将它发展。
2023-07-15 16:50:441

Parents love to watch their children show their talents on stage中为什么talent要加s

2023-07-15 16:51:131

Talent是可数名词吗? Show their talents

2023-07-15 16:51:202


talent指某方面的天赋时不可数,在短语have/show talent中美国英语多为have/show a talent形式。如果指各方面的才能就用复数形式。His latest book reveals hidden talents.他最新的书展现他深藏不露的天赋。Your brother is a man of many talents.你的兄弟是一个多才多艺的人。There"s a wealth of talent in English football.英格兰足球界人才济济。Sadly, she inherited none of her father"s musical talent.可惜,她一点都没有继承她父亲的音乐天赋。talent for有…的天赋She showed atalent for acting at an early age.她很小的时候就显示了表演天赋。a persuasive speaker with a natural talent for leadership有领导天赋、颇有辩才的演说者He has a lot of talent, and his work is freshand interesting.他很有天赋,他的作品清新有趣。
2023-07-15 16:51:303


2023-07-15 16:51:372


talent指某方面的天赋时不可数,在短语have/show talent中美国英语多为have/show a talent形式。如果指各方面的才能就用复数形式。His latest book reveals hidden talents.他最新的书展现他深藏不露的天赋。Your brother is a man of many talents.你的兄弟是一个多才多艺的人。There"s a wealth of talent in English football.英格兰足球界人才济济。Sadly, she inherited none of her father"s musical talent.可惜,她一点都没有继承她父亲的音乐天赋。talent for有…的天赋She showed atalent for acting at an early age.她很小的时候就显示了表演天赋。a persuasive speaker with a natural talent for leadership有领导天赋、颇有辩才的演说者He has a lot of talent, and his work is freshand interesting.他很有天赋,他的作品清新有趣。
2023-07-15 16:51:462


talent是可数的。talent的意思是:才能;人才;天赋;天才;天资;有才能的人;(统称)性感的人。talent它也可用做集合词,表示人材,有才干的人。复数形式是talents。talent是名词,只能与介词(for)或者连接形容词使用。短语搭配:talent for:天才;有…的天赋。talent development:人才开发;才能发展。talent show:才艺表演会;业余演出比赛。literary talent:文才;文学天赋。natural talent:天赋,自然禀赋。talent scoutn:人才发掘者;伯乐。例句:1、All of this with only natural talent.所有这一切只在于他的自然天赋。2、If you have talent , you can do anything .只要你有人才,你可以做任何事情。3、The nature gives us some talent, so we should develop it.大自然给了我们一些天赋,所以我们应该将它发展。4、 I can"t pretend to any great musical talent.我不能妄称自己多有音乐天赋。
2023-07-15 16:52:051


“talent”的意思是:才能; 人才; 天赋; 天才; 天资; 有才能的人; (统称)性感的人。以下是“talent”的造句:1、The campaign has helped us unlock rich reserves of talent among our employees.竞赛帮我们打开了员工丰富的智慧储备。2、How do they manage to mine such a rich vein of talent?他们是怎样成功开发如此丰富人才资源的?3、The owners have to ante up if they want to attract the best talent.企业主如果要吸引最优秀的人才就得付钱。4、He wouldn"t notice talent if it hit him right between the eyes.再出众的才能他都视而不见。5、Success came quickly,thanks to a mixture of talent,enterprise,and luck.成功之所以来得这么快,靠的是才能、足智多谋和运气。6、He"s got a bit of talent and a lot of front.他有点儿才能,而且胆子很大。7、Most Saturday nights I have this urge to go on the hunt for new talent.绝大多数周六晚上我都有这种想要猎取新的性伙伴的冲动。8、There is enough talent in the team to stop the rot.队员们有足够的才智来阻止情况继续恶化。9、Scotland has always had a fine reservoir of comic talent.苏格兰一直是喜剧天才的宝库。10、Such a fate is unlikely to befall him to begin with,his is a genuine talent.这种命运不可能落到他身上首先,他是个真正的人才。11、She Is An Accomplished Singer.她是位有才华的歌唱家。12、His Talents Had Slumbered Until This Time.他的才华一直伏到此时。13、He Is Almost Too Talented For His Own Good.他才华横溢,几乎到了难尽其才的地步。14、The Author Scintillates With Wit.该作者才智横溢。15、Brilliance,As Of Intellect Or Artistic Performance.才智才华,如智力或艺术表演。短语搭配:talent for天才;有…的天赋。talent development人才开发;才能发展。talent show才艺表演会;业余演出比赛。talent education才能教育。artistic talent艺术才能。talent pool人才库。literary talent文才;文学天赋。natural talent天赋,自然禀赋。talent scoutn. 人才发掘者;伯乐。inter-disciplinary talent复合型人才。
2023-07-15 16:52:241

有关talent 的词组

alent ["tlnt] n. 1. 天才;天资,天赋 2. 才能,才干 3. 有才能的人,人才;[总称]有才能的人们 4. 演艺界明星(如演员、模特、表演家等) 5. [俚语、总称]本地美人;当地尤物 6. [俚语、总称](赛马等的)老赌客 7. 【商业】内行 8. [古语]性情,脾气 9. 塔兰特(古代巴勒斯坦和叙利亚的重量单位) 10. 塔兰特(古代希伯来或阿蒂卡的货币单位) 11. [美国俚语](大学预科生的)男朋友,女朋友 12. [废语]倾向,意向;爱好 近义词: aptitude . faculty . genius . gift . knack . 短语 1. All the Talents【英国历史】(1806~1807年 William W. 格伦维尔首相领导的)才子政府[亦作 Administration of All the Talents] 2. hide one"s talents in a napkin埋没自己的才能
2023-07-15 16:52:591


very good talentsvery good talented people.
2023-07-15 16:53:097

talent 可数还是不可数名词

talent作“天才、人才”讲时,是可数名词,复数形式是 talents ,例如,他真是一个天才可以表述为 “He is a great talent. ”作“天赋、才能”讲时,是不可数名词,例如,想要成功需要一定的天赋可以表述为 “ To survive and succeed will require lots of talent. ”
2023-07-15 16:53:261

talent 可数吗? 我觉得作“天赋,才能”讲应该是不可数的,但人教七下英语教材中给的是: It

可数的 原意为才能 但你可以理解为才艺 这样就可数了
2023-07-15 16:53:374


2023-07-15 16:54:026


觉得skilled people比较接近人才这个意思~
2023-07-15 16:54:335

a galaxy of talents 后面的be动词用什么?

2023-07-15 16:54:482

Ten Talents 歌词

歌曲名:Ten Talents歌手:Emery专辑:While Broken Hearts PrevailEmery - Ten TalentsLast night I had a dream that you decided to leave meand no matter what I said,my persuasion fell upon your deaf ears.Don"t leave me here alone.I"m not so good on my own.I"m not so good. I"m not so good on my own.Is it too late? Am I too gone?Is there something I should know?Am I working for nothing?Will there ever be anything to show?Is it true? I don"t know what the storybooks have told.Though I wouldn"t be so bold to say so.Will I do what I"m told?Will I play my hand or fold?Will I stand my ground and hold?I would like to think so.But if I just walked away, would you still save me?Or would you take back all that you gave me?But if I just walked away, would you still save me?Or would you take back all that you gave me?Is it too late? Am I too gone?Is there something I should know?Are we working for nothing?Is there anything to show for the service?Is it worthless? All the waiting is the hardest part.Come home my dear because I love you. I love you still.It"s a slap in the face when I feel my complacency grow.It"s the thrill of the chase, when you catch it you just let it go.I take for granted the grace that is given me daily I know, oh.How can you say that you love me when all that I want.All that I want is your blessing and then I am gone.Nothing I do can make up for the things I have done, oh.Your love is all we need. We"re gonna make it.So let"s close our eyes tonight and just believe.Your love is all we need. We"re gonna make it.So let"s close our eyes tonight and just believe.
2023-07-15 16:54:551

创造性能力是用creative talents还是create talents来表达,为什么?

创造性能力比较规范的表达肯定是creative talents 。用一个形容词修饰名词,这是一种限定关系,如果是create talents,则变成了动宾关系,显然不符合实际情况。
2023-07-15 16:55:031

英语be valued for your talents怎么翻译?

2023-07-15 16:55:139


Our musical club needs some more excellent persons.
2023-07-15 16:55:302

2023-07-15 16:55:386

人才交流 英语怎么说

talents intercommunion
2023-07-15 16:55:534

小学英语作文:年轻有才的人 The Young Talents

  【篇一】年轻有才的人 The Young TalentsEverytime I see the news about the young people make great achievement and win the world"s attention, I feel so envious and wonder about how they make it. I think about myself. I am so naive and know nothing about the world. I feel so small. But most kids like me grow up slowly and enjoy our time. 每次我看到有关年轻人取得伟大成就,赢得全世界的关注时,我都很羡慕,也想知道他们是怎么做到的。我想到了自己。我很幼稚,对世界一无所知。我感觉自己是那么的渺小。但大多数孩子都像我这样慢慢成长,享受属于我们的时光。  【篇二】吸血鬼电影 Vampire Movies I like to see horror movies. But when I see vampire movies, I don"t think they are scared and I like this type a lot. The vampires are so beautiful. They have eternal life, which makes me so envious, because I want to keep young and beautiful. The most important thing is that vampire is so cool, and they are so loyal to the one they love. 我喜欢看恐怖电影。但是在我看到吸血鬼电影时我竟不觉得吓人,我还很喜欢这种类型的电影。吸血鬼那么的漂亮,还能永生,我好羡慕,因为我也想保持年轻、漂亮。最重要的是,吸血鬼真的太酷了,而且他们还非常的忠于所爱的人。  【篇三】完美的父母 The Perfect Parents Almost in every child"s eyes, their parents are not perfect, because they won"t give them whatever they want, or sometimes they will have argument. They want the perfect parents who can satisfy them with everything. The fact is that nobody is perfect, but the relationship between parents and children can"t be replaced. Let"s cherish what we have now. 几乎在每个孩子的眼中,他们的父母都不完美,因为他们不会给自己想要的所有东西,有时候还吵架。他们想要可以满足他们所有需求的完美父母。事实是,没有人是完美的,但是父母和孩子之间的关系是无法取代的。让我们珍惜我们所拥有的吧。                                                                                                   
2023-07-15 16:56:001


素质的跨世纪人才这是令人振奋的,以及具有挑战性,成为跨世纪的talents.it在我看来,跨世纪人才是为了有至少两个qualities.firstly ,他们应该已经收到所有的全人教育与范围广泛的能力。其次,跨世纪的人才应该有锲而不舍的精神。 有两个因素作出了贡献这两个qualities.first , nowdays ,各个领域密切相关的对方,所以广泛的知识是required.besides ,竞争已变得如此紧张,所有种挑战,将有可能,所以只有与人民的坚强意志,才能生存和成功,在年底。 在考虑所有这些,我们可以采取两个措施,以成为合格的,作为跨世纪的talents.on一方面,我们应该得到更多的教育,作为possible.on另一方面,我们应该尽量以体验不同的挑战life.in结论,只要我们做出努力,我们可以更加有用,向社会和我们的国家。不好意思,有些我实在译不出来
2023-07-15 16:56:071


talent是可数的。talent可作名词,中文意思是“天才;天资;天赋;有才能的人;人才;(统称)性感的人”。当talent表示某方面的天赋时是不可数名词;当talent表示各方面的才能时是可数名词,其复数形式为talents。 扩展资料   talent   一、单词释义   n. 天才;天资;天赋;有才能的.人;人才;(统称)性感的人;明星们;艺人们;才干;本事   二、词汇搭配   show talent 显示才能   average talent 普通人才   of talent 有才能   talent for music 音乐才能   talent for 天才;有…的天赋   talent development 人才开发;才能发展   talent show 才艺表演会;业余演出比赛   talent education 才能教育   artistic talent 艺术才能   talent pool 人才库   literary talent 文才;文学天赋   natural talent 天赋,自然禀赋   talent scoutn. 人才发掘者;伯乐   inter-disciplinary talent 复合型人才   talent agency 人才机构   三、双语例句   1. She is a new ping talent.   她是一个新的跳水天才。   2.He had a talent for music.   他有音乐天才。   3.What they need most is managerial talent.   他们最需要的是管理人才。   4.A man of talent is one thing, and a pedant another.   有才能的人和卖弄学问的人是不一样的。   5.Real talent often goes unrewarded.   真正的人才常被埋没。
2023-07-15 16:57:571

talent可数吗 可以说 a talent?

talent指某方面的天赋时不可数,在短语have/show talent中美国英语多为have/show a talent形式。如果指各方面的才能就用复数形式。His latest book reveals hidden talents.他最新的书展现他深藏不露的天赋。Your brother is a man of many talents.你的兄弟是一个多才多艺的人。There"s a wealth of talent in English football.英格兰足球界人才济济。Sadly, she inherited none of her father"s musical talent.可惜,她一点都没有继承她父亲的音乐天赋。talent for有…的天赋She showed a talent for acting at an early age.她很小的时候就显示了表演天赋。a persuasive speaker with a natural talent for leadership有领导天赋、颇有辩才的演说者He has a lot of talent, and his work is fresh and interesting.他很有天赋,他的作品清新有趣。
2023-07-15 16:58:084


当talent译为某方面天资、天赋时,为可数名词。例如: ①.She is proud that both her children have a talent for music. 她为自己的两个孩子都有音乐天赋而自豪。 ②.The player was given hardly any opportunities to show off his talents. 那位选手几乎没有得到什么机会展示自己的天赋。 当talent表示泛天资时,为不可数名词。例如:He"s got lots of talent. 他天赋很高。
2023-07-15 16:58:231

Talent是可数名词吗? Show their talents

2023-07-15 16:58:492


问题一:只有……才能……用英语怎么说 只有。。。才能(以下的例句都以 只有努力工作才能收获丰富 为例) Only by...can...(倒装句):Only by working hard can we harvest a lot. Only if ...can...(倒装句): Only if we work hard can we harvest a lot. 倒装句重点在 前。 only if/only by:We can harvest only if we work hard/only by working hard. but:We cannot harvest a lot but to work hard. 还有好多好多种说法。 问题二:能不能用英语怎么说 Could you please……? 这样的说法要委婉一些,翻译过来就是你能不能……? 问题三:可能 用英语怎么说 maybe(adv.):可能, 大概, 或许, 也许 Maybe he won"t e.他可能不来了. may be(这里的be可换成is、are等): May he is at home now.他现在可能在家. perhaps(adv.): 大概, 可能, 多半, 大半; 或许 Perhaps it was Tom. 可能是汤姆。 might(v., aux.):[表示现在或将来不太确实的可能性]也许, 或许; 可能 I"m afraid it might rain tonight. 我看今晚可能要下雨。 roughly(adv.):大约地,可能地 I have roughly four kilometers to go. 我还要走大约4公里。 possible(adj.):可能的; 可能有的, 潜在的; 可能发生的; 可能是真的 He is the only possible candidate. 他是唯一合适的候选人。 possibly(adv.):可能地 I"ll do all I possibly can. 我会做我可能做到的事。 probably(adv.):大概, 或许 It will probably rain. 天很可能要下雨了。 可能, 也许(aux.): It may rain today. 今天可能下雨。 by any possibility :有可能;也许 She cannot by any possibility do such a thing.她决不会做这种事。 possibility[C]: 可能的事,可能发生的事 There is a good possibilit of rain tonight.今晚很可能要下雨。 potential(adj.): 可能的 Every seed is a potential plant. 每粒种子都可能长成植物。 因为楼主没有点名词性的原因,所以能想到的都写出来了 问题四:只有。。。才。。。用英语怎么表达 (Only)有些中文的字很多,其实英语翻译过来只有几个字母!要给好评哦!亲!希望对你有帮助! 问题五:可以用英语怎么说 can / be able to 问题六:不可以用英文怎么说 不可以can"t/cannot 这是不可以轻视的。It is not to be sneezed at. 人不可以貌相。Never judge a person by his appearance. 你不可以把他的诗歌和他的剧本相提并论。You cannot equate his poems with his plays. 有人说可以,有人说不可以。Some say yes; some say no. 问题七:我可以吗?用英语怎么说 1,Can I? 2,May I? 3,Could I? 1,2,3可以单互使用也可以使用在反义疑问句中 例如 Can"t I go to the cinema,can I?异曲同工 问题八:什么比什么更能怎么样 用英语怎么说 30分 什么比什么更能怎么样 What more than anything else how to A is more ~~ than B 问题九:你可以的 用英语怎么说 you can do it. 问题十:当老师为什么这么累? 你的学生和你的年纪有差距 交流互觉得有代沟 你认为自己是老师 只会用长辈的语气去勉励他们 希望他们达到你预期的目标 但是学生的发展有层次 让你觉得自己的努力没有得到相信的回报 其实只要你把你的标准取消 就会得到满足了
2023-07-15 16:59:221

紧缺人才, 这个怎么翻译?不要机翻!!!!

Urgently lacking of talents
2023-07-15 16:59:303

a student with many talents对么?

2023-07-15 16:59:482

its a show abuot people with great talents什么意思

2023-07-15 17:00:083


To show their talent
2023-07-15 17:00:166


2023-07-15 17:00:325


This was an exciting story.sorry.
2023-07-15 17:00:5010

i like watching others showing their talents.正确吗

2023-07-15 17:01:183

绿杨烟外晓寒轻,红杏枝头春意闹。声声燕语明如剪,呖呖莺歌溜的圆。一首好的诗词中,视觉、听觉、触觉等感觉信息经常被糅合在一起来表情达意。 “红杏”是如何“闹”在枝头?“燕语”如“剪”,“莺歌”似圆。我们把这种现象称之为联觉,系指在描述事物的时候用不同感知觉间的相互整合。在日常经验里,视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉、味觉往往可以彼此打通或交通,眼、耳、舌、鼻、身各个官能的领域可以不分界限。颜色似乎会有温度,声音似乎会有形象,冷暖似乎会有重量,气味似乎会有锋芒…越来越多的研究发现大量不同的信息加工之间都可能存在联觉,比如听觉-触觉,嗅觉-颜色,数字认知-空间认知,空间认知-时间认知等等。为什么这些看似截然不同的感知觉信息间存在着如此密切的关系呢?回答这个问题的关键就是解释这些不同通道的信息在大脑中是如何被加工处理的。比如视觉信息的加工主要依赖于初级视皮层(primary visual cortex)以及相关高级脑区;听觉信息主要集中在颞叶(temporal lobe);体感信息的处理则依赖于位于中央沟后的顶叶(parietal lobe)(如下图)。与单一感知觉信息加工相比,不同信息之间的整合在大脑中也存在一些特定的区域。研究发现字母和颜色间的联觉效应主要激活了视觉加工相关的V4区以及下颞叶(inferior temporal lobe)的一部分,而数字和空间的信息整合则主要发生在顶叶,以及角回(angular gyrus)。正是由于这些负责整合信息的脑区存在,不同的大脑感觉中枢能相互交流(cross-talk),不同类型的信息才能被关联起来。 大脑中这种加工方式很可能是源于大脑对物体的整体加工,例如看到熟悉的朋友或亲人的照片,我们耳边会“响起”这个人的声音,“看到”他的生活片段,甚至“感觉”到对方的碰触。而联觉可能只是这种整体加工机制的副产品,就像睡前闭上眼睛后闪过白天生活的残像,品完一杯好茶后舌尖留有的余香。尽管对跨通道信息整合的研究仍在继续,但并不妨碍联觉在我们生活中的大量运用。 本来是一种通道的刺激能引起该通道的感觉,现在还是这种刺激却同时引起了另一种通道的感觉,这种现象叫联觉。例如,色觉又兼有温度感觉,例如,红、橙、黄色会使人感到温暖,所以这些颜色被称作暖色;蓝、青、绿色会使人感到寒冷,因此这些颜色被称作冷色。还有一种色觉称“光幻觉”,可伴有味、触、痛,嗅或温度觉。“语—色联觉”是指某些词汇引起的色觉。日常生活中,人们常说“甜蜜的声音”、“冰冷的脸色”等等,都是一种联觉现象。人们在绘画、建筑、环境布置、图案设计等活动中经常利用联觉现象以增强相应的效果;有些画家进行过联觉实验,比如用鲜明的色调对比引起一种非视觉的反应;联觉还被许多诗人用做一种创作手段。不妨想像一下,如果声音能用视觉感知,而味道能用听觉感知,那将是什么样的情景;可能会看到带颜色的音符,品尝到甜的或咸的歌曲,触摸到粗糙的乐曲。
2023-07-15 17:01:251

中译英 天生我才必有用

2023-07-15 17:01:336


2023-07-15 17:01:482


个体用英语表示为individual,读音为英[u02ccu026andu026a"vu026adu0292uu0259l],美[u02ccu026andu026a"vu026adu0292uu0259l]。individual解析如下:一、读音英式发音:[u02ccu026andu026au02c8vu026adju028au0259l]美式发音:[u02ccu026andu0259u02c8vu026adu0292uu0259l]二、释义n. 个人,个体adj. 个人的,个别的三、词形变化复数:individuals四、常用短语individual rights 个人权利individual differences 个体差异individual sport 个人运动五、用法individual用作形容词表示“单个的”,含有专门为某人准备的,有别于其他的含意,使之在群体之中很容易被区别开来。 individual是相对于集体、家庭、社会而言的个人。 individual指得是“个体”,这里强调它是与“家庭”、“团体”、“社会”等整体相对的一个概念,要注意不可将其广泛用作“人”的意思。 六、例句Each individual has his own unique personality.(每个人都有自己独特的个性。)The company values the individual contributions of its employees.(公司重视员工的个人贡献。)The school encourages students to develop their individual interests.(学校鼓励学生发展个人兴趣。)It"s important to respect the individual rights of every citizen.(尊重每个公民的个人权利很重要。)The coach focuses on developing the individual skills of each player.(教练注重发展每个球员的个人技能。)
2023-07-15 17:02:202

It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or m

雅思的task2大概在320字左右就OK了,我记得这篇作文我写过。。。你可以参考一下。“You are a talent!” most of us have eversaid that, because some people around us are really special, they could alwaysfinish something easily which are impossible for us to do. So, if we don"t wantto admit ourselves as idiots, we always agree that they are genius. They might goodat some special activities, or even good at anything. These would always shockus, because we don"t have any ideas on how they finish it. So, many peoplebelieve that they are gifted, they are special from born.But is there genius in the world?Many people reveal their talents when theyare still toddlers, except of those most common characters of genius like highIQ: memorize things in a incredible speed or rarely forget, some of thechildren show more strange characters, sometimes they have special feelings on music,sounds or arts, or they act excellent in sports, do much better than othersame-age friends, even if they have never learned it. Most of these childrenbehave very well when they officially go to classes to learn it. This phenomenonis very common around us, and no one can say that these are not natureadvantages.So, I do think there are genius in thisworld, maybe is because of the heredity, because new baby get"s their parentsgene at the same time, and during this combining process, some amazing changesmight taken place, and the baby will become the luck dog. It"s seems unfairsometimes, but actually god will open a window for you before he close thedoor. Many successful men are not genius at the beginning. Some time they caneven be stupid, like Edison, he was forced to leave the school as he couldn"tfinish the school work properly as other students. But finally he became one ofthe most famous people in the human history and made a big contribution to thehuman civilization and the society.Nothing is destined, the future is in ourown hands and genius can be created by hardworking. The most important thing isto insist, and believe ourselves.祝进步~~~~~
2023-07-15 17:02:512

There are very few but admire his talents. 如何分析?汉

but到句末是一定语从句,but是关系代词,修饰先行词few。but=who don"t 很少有人不赞赏(羡慕)他的才能的。
2023-07-15 17:03:011


2023-07-15 17:03:094


2023-07-15 17:03:251


ss已经是够痛苦的了 你还加痛苦? ss费了....
2023-07-15 17:03:322


2023-07-15 17:03:405

what talents do you have?这句话怎么翻译,怎么用英语回答啊。l can

你有什么样的才能,回答就如实啊,比如数学很好,good at math 等等的
2023-07-15 17:03:541


2023-07-15 17:04:123


2023-07-15 17:04:4410