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2023-07-15 21:47:37

Dialectical see classic

China is a unified nation consisting of many different ethnic groups. Because the Han people accounts for more than ninety percent of China"s population, the remaining fifty-five groups are generally referred to as "ethnic minorities. " Although China"s ethnic minorities do not account for a large portion of the population, they are distributed over a vast area, residing in every corner of China.

With the development of the society, some of which will become the classic for us human beings. With the rise of Western economic and military power beginning in the mid-19th century, Western systems of social and political organization gained adherents in China. Some of these would-be reformers rejected China"s cultural legacy, while others sought to combine the strengths of Chinese and Western cultures. For the classic, a lot of people have a different point of view.

On the one hand, some people think the classical is the wisdom of the past, the wisdom of the past can not adapt to modern society. The rapid development of modern society, the continuous improvement of people"s life, makes the previous classic can"t adapt to the contemporary society.

So we should forget the classic.

The reason is that it will not be able to adapt to modern society.

Although entertainments are in abundance nowadays, traditional cultures continue to dominate. Many classic books touch a string from generation to generation in spite of time and space.

On the other hand, many people think that the ancient classics can become a classic, because it has irreplaceable value. At the same time, it can stand the test of time, long, and can meet the needs of most people.

If a culture wants to gain an eternal life, it should change itself to cater to the people in its age. For example, we make CDs for classic music so that it can not only meet modern needs but also spread further and more successfully in the modern world.

In my opinion, people"s different views towards classic, reflecting the different point of view. So, in my opinion, we are supposed to adopt a reasonable way.





the classic是什么意思

the classic假如爱有天意;经典;不可不信缘;经典的例句:a pastiche of the classic detective story经典侦探故事的仿作。
2023-07-15 14:59:173

the classic 翻译什么意思

2023-07-15 14:59:242


2023-07-15 14:59:324

classicriver 这个英文歌曲的名字是什么意思~?

其实就是灰色空间。Classic river源自瑞典,原唱George Benson,是一位黑人爵士乐手。歌曲有很多版本,是伤感的代表作。 classicriver 是George Benson乔治班逊原创作品,英文名《The Classic》,该曲律旋优美,歌声中总流淌着那么一丝凄凉,其中仿佛藏了太多的沧桑与无奈。旋律响起的那一瞬间,犹如紫陌清风,刹那间,时间与空气在此凝结。
2023-07-15 14:59:401


2023-07-15 14:59:533


2023-07-15 15:00:035

杰作 用英语怎么说?

classic; masterpiece chefdoeuvre classic master piece master work masterpiece masterwork
2023-07-15 15:00:214


2023-07-15 15:00:419

one of the classic 还是one of the most classic

one of the most classic。 one of the most 加形容词最高级。one of the most 意为其中最著名的之一,one of + 最高级形容词+ 名词复数+单数谓语动词 之一。
2023-07-15 15:01:031


  与经典为友,伴幸福同行,经典是我成长的道路上最好的朋友。下面是我收集整理的经典伴我成长英文演讲稿,希望对您有所帮助!   Article 1: classical Chinese speech   Dear teachers, dear classmates: Hello, everybody!   The topic of my speech today is "I grow up - the classics of national science"   I never knew in my babbling, the essence of the first poem is the mother church of the Chinese language; I don"t know, when playing alone, treasure mother playing disc is the national culture, I do not know easy to remember the original surnames from Chinese traditional culture. Later, in the teachers, extracurricular books and TV, I was able to understand why my mother sowed the seeds of civilization in my ignorant world. Why do teachers read and practice in my learning way? These rich meanings, words less profound words influenced me deeply.   I like to read classics since I was a child, and I have some differences with other children of the same age. Teachers have praised me as the most polite and kind-hearted good child. When the students enjoy playing in the school, I will be holding a sporadic ink book quietly when they read; because of a trivial flushed, I will smile to comfort them; when they play because I do not blame and scold me, I will smile set; "I three times daily: working for people and when they have difficulty and need help, I will not hesitate to stand up. Because I won"t forget: loyalty? Do you not believe it with your friends? Do not pass it on? " The punchline. When the children of the village to keep on the screen before, I will wander in the story of the wonderful world, when it was late, the moonlight dim moonlight, I also did not forget to holding a "kind" augmented gradually sink into dreamland. Because I like reading, I have accumulated more in my mind. The wonderful class of Chinese class is always a good place for me to show my talent. The other students had to be staggering. The teacher asked "flower reopening day" in the next sentence, I will blurt out "Youth", they know where, in my spare time, I have already put the "disciple gauge" "Three Character Classic" "augmented" kind "family names" etc. as my best friend!"   Yes, with classic friends, with happiness, the classic is my best friend on the path of growing up. Let"s recite classical poetry, classical poetry to diffuse two experimental school, to the elegant elegant campus!   Article two: the classic companion I grew up in a personal speech   Leaders, teachers:   Hello everyone! Today, I"m glad to have a chance to stand here and share some of my feelings about the classics in a few short minutes. The topic of my speech is "the classic companion I grow up". The interpretation of the classic, a story of the heritage of the touch one deeply in the heart, the Chinese traditional virtue, carry forward the national spirit. In the classic reading and learning process, I deeply feel the charm of the classic chastity, from which I benefited, let me grow in the classic under the influence of.   A person, a nation, if a country to be in an invincible position, must have the spirit of Zhijianhangku and strive for progress with determination, spirit and determines a person, a nation, along the way in the direction of a country. When individuals, nations and countries are in adversity, they should be more ambitious. Zhang Haidi, it is because there is Zhijianhangku spirit, strive for progress with determination, can shine on the stage of life. Zhang Haidi, at the age of 5, suffered from myelopathy and all of them were paralyzed below the chest. But in the cruel fate of the challenges, Zhang Haidi never lost, by virtue of her spirit and make efforts shiyuki hard struggle against disease, withstood a severe test, she also study hard, through its own efforts after a full course of primary school, middle school, also learning university English, Japanese, German and Esperanto and, the University and graduate students studying courses. Finally, she translated hundreds of thousands of words of the English novel, published his anthology, won the national "five project" Book Award, while learning a dozen medical monographs, consult an experienced doctor learned acupuncture medicine, treatment for the masses free of charge up to more than 10 thousand people, the state and the society and make a great contribution to others, but also to realize the value of life. Diego by anxiety of the Chinese nation has always strong enough to stand in the forest of the world, so many comrades like Zhang Haidi always adhere to the "make efforts, Zhijianhangku" spirit of the results. This "make efforts, Zhijianhangku" spirit in my work and life is what keeps me going, let me continue to difficulties, let me continue to face the difficulties and solve problems. As a teacher, we must also continue to teach the students to make efforts, Zhijianhangku national spirit handed down from generation to generation.   Only the classic is the source of our human wisdom and strength. How many Chinese traditional virtues and ethos are contained in classics? We should constantly absorb spiritual food from classics and turn them into progressive and transcendent forces. Let the classic accompany us grow, let the classics guide our life! Thank you all, my speech is over!
2023-07-15 15:01:101


韩国新人歌手翻唱的很老的中文歌《雪山飞狐》片尾曲<追梦人> 很好听哦!《月亮代表我的心》翻唱人不知道 《老鼠爱大米》翻唱人不知道 kangta 新专集翻唱过梁静茹的 <勇气> 也不错哦 奎灿翻唱过陶喆《黑色柳丁》中的《Melody》 此外,曹奎灿还翻唱过陶喆另一张专辑中的《飞机场的10:30》这首歌 他本人曾表示自己非常欣赏陶喆的歌曲 阿妹妹/失恋秘笈--------------------hot/candy   阿妹妹/ 如果我是你的电脑--------------------ses/i"m your ;girl   阿桑/受了点伤--------------------wax/想爱   阿雅/如果你爱上我--------------------dj.doc/***   c:   陈冠希/一个人的舞台--------------------高耀太/纯情   陈冠希/sorry……sorry--------------------何琳/ sorry……sorry   陈冠希/回头路--------------------h.o.t/illusion   陈冠希/曾亦信--------------------n.rg/热望   陈冠希/超速游戏--------------------dj doc/run to you   陈冠希/有机会(重新编曲--------------------shinhwa /change   陈冠希/打破沉寂--------------------shinhwa /break the&nbs p;silence   陈冠希/make it last --------------------1tym&nbs p;/make it last   陈冠希/夏日神话--------------------辉星/ 恶梦   陈冠希,容祖儿/放任--------------------shinhwa /break the&n bsp;silence   陈慧琳/lover"s queen-------------------郑日英/祈祷   陈慧琳/我要的只是爱--------------------star/12月32日   陈慧琳温柔眼泪--------------------李绍恩/金达莱   陈慧琳/飞吧--------------------李允正/诱惑   陈慧琳/数到三秒就不哭--------------------徐真英/情书   陈慧珊/只知我难避开--------------------林昌正/我恋   陈洁仪/麻醉--------------------the classic/ magic castle   陈琳/抱紧我别走--------------------李秀英/la la la   草蜢/bababa--------------------clon/ gungtari shabar a   陈文媛/野种子--------------------kiss/因为是女人   陈奕迅/活跃症--------------------朴正炫/wake up     陈志朋/舍不得---------------------朴相民/向日葵
2023-07-15 15:01:401


2023-07-15 15:01:493


Pick the morning-growed flower in evening。?好像有点问题~~
2023-07-15 15:01:593


我觉得楼上翻译的挺好~~1.我的心快要跳出来了——My heart will overflow. 这个可能稍稍没有那么激烈。 My heart"s about to beat out of my chest. 外国人有时候也这么说。2.我就像一个泄了气的皮球——I"m like a deflated balloon.这个我赞同~3. 关于英文的明喻和暗语,明喻就是比喻句中用“like”或者“as”来连接本体和喻体,反之暗喻就是句子中用“is”或者“are”来比较两个不同的东西,没有明显的“好像”,“好似”一类的词。I"m LIKE a deflated ballon——这个是明喻(simile)My heart will overflow ——这个好像不属于比喻,没什么喻体。说是夸张(exaggeration)可能更合适。例句:明喻 1. She swims LIKE a dolphin. (她游泳的时候像只海豚。) 2. He was AS brave as a lion.(他勇敢的像只狮子)暗喻 Her eyes ARE glistening jewels.(她的眼睛漂亮的如同璀璨的宝石。)4. 英文谚语的话,我大概看了一下,觉得这个还挺全的,里面有不少的句子都带有修辞手法,你可以下来看看,不需要积分: 至于经典的小句子或者段落,我觉得因人而异吧。要是你偏爱比较温情优美的,我觉得《心灵鸡汤》里有挺多不错的故事,结尾一般都会有那么一小段比较有哲理的话。其实我觉得有挺多英文歌的歌词也不错~~希望对你有所帮助 o(∩_∩)o
2023-07-15 15:02:155

classic &classical

classic 典型的,传统的classical 古典的,经典的古典小说:Classical novels
2023-07-15 15:02:322


大概就是这些:This is one of the four major Kings of Hong Kong has benefited from Asia, Andy lau, shooting star investment plan supports budding filmmakers project guide is rare, small investment gains great works. As a general audience, such as wang said, we watch movies for education, but not by for entertainment. For us, the film only two: good, and not good-looking. The more detailed or points: funny, and funny. Perhaps this film cannot be like "farewell my concubine" and "alive" as the classic, but it looks, let I laugh a lot. For film, no more than the audience after coming out of the cinema said "this nice movie" high praise.
2023-07-15 15:02:392


I like <<Little Women>>, because there are so many colourful figures.And I can learn from them many things.These people are so different ,they all have their own personalities.Every people has his own strengths and weakness,and through the figures in the book we can see ourselves clearly,and then we can improve ourselves .A famous man ever says that"Reading makes a full man".I hope I can learn more from the books.
2023-07-15 15:03:072


Pass through your whole world
2023-07-15 15:03:153


Julie & Julia is a 2009 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Nora Ephron starring Meryl Streep, Stanley Tucci, Amy Adams, and Chris Messina. The film contrasts the life of chef Julia Child in the early years of her culinary career with the life of young New Yorker Julie Powell, who aspires to cook all 524 recipes in Child"s cookbook in 365 days, a challenge she described on her popular blog that would make her a published author.Ephron"s screenplay is adapted from two books: My Life in France, Child"s autobiography written with Alex Prud"homme, and a memoir by Julie Powell documenting online her daily experiences cooking each of the 524 recipes in Child"s Mastering the Art of French Cooking, and she later began reworking that blog, The Julie/Julia Project。 Both of these books were written and published in the same time frame (2004–06). The film is the first major motion picture based on a blog。这是我最喜欢的一部电影之一,我在维基百科上找的资料,你根据那里的资料改一改,至于观点,你可以写坚持自己的兴趣和爱好这一方面,写兴趣是最好的老师什么的,给你个链接
2023-07-15 15:03:222


2023-07-15 15:03:301


2023-07-15 15:03:396


但是两个人紧挨着入睡,要睡得安稳可不容易。因为手臂经常会被对方压住,所以相拥而睡总得辗转反侧。情况乐观就只是限制手臂活动,最糟糕的情况是阻碍了手臂血液流通,以至于手臂失去知觉。当恢复知觉的时候,你会觉得还不如不恢复,因为你会突然感受到如密密麻麻的针刺般的痛,我们将给男人们想出办法,让你们睡个好觉。Step 1: The Classic Spoon第一招:经典勺式睡姿Falling asleep in the "spoons" position is likely to result in a trapped arm for "Mr. Spoon"- (i.e., the one doing the cuddling), as he will have less space to position the lower arm comfortably. It is his arm that will go dead, while his partner drifts off into a beautifully secure and comfortable reverie. The only merit of this position is that "Ms. Spoon" is likely to fall asleep quickly, giving you the chance to take evasive action.以经典勺子姿势入睡,男勺子的手臂是很容易被女勺子压住的。当发现手臂已经发麻,他的爱人早已进入甜美的梦想,这个姿势的好处是,勺子小姐会很快睡着。你就可以趁机小无聊小猥琐一下。To remove your arm without waking her, hold her close and gently roll her away from you, moving with her rather than pushing her away. Once she is re-positioned comfortably, roll yourself back to your original position and you should find you have the freedom to remove your arm easily.Step 2: The Shoulder Roll第二招:肩膀扭曲式If the Classic Spoon isn"t working, turn your body towards your partner and rest your upper arm round your partner"s waist and your lower arm behind you. Your arm position means you are leaning on your partner for support.如果经典勺式不管用,将身体转向你的爱人,将你上方的手臂轻轻环抱住她的腰,贴着床的手臂放在身后,这样就可以靠她的身体来支撑自己。One potential issue is that if you are much larger than her, you might crush her, but at least you"ll sleep well.潜在的问题是,如果你体型比她大了好几号,她会被你压扁的,不过至少你睡的很香。Step 3: The Superman第三招:超人式If the Shoulder Roll isn"t comfortable, try a technique that takes a little forethought and planning. You need to position the pillows lower down the bed than usual. Now assume The Classic Spoon position, but move the problematic lower arm above you, under the pillow and out the other side so it is stretched over your head. You are now in the Superman flying position.如果肩膀扭曲式不舒服,试试这种方式,不过要提前做一些小小的准备。你需要将枕头放下来一些。基本睡姿保持经典勺式,只不过把那个烦人的手臂往上伸,从枕头下方伸到头顶上方。这样,你就采用了超人式睡姿。This has advantages- if you can"t sleep you can pretend to be Superman. Or if this doesn"t appeal, you can use the outstretched arm for texting, playing computer games or reading French poetry all while she is sleeping.这种睡姿还有很多好处,譬如说你如果睡不着可以假装超人,如果这个不好玩,你还可以用那只手发个手机短信,玩玩电子游戏或者读几页法国诗,而你的爱人睡的正香。Step 4: The star gazer第四招:四脚朝天睡Legend tells of a really comfortable fleshy bit to the side of a man"s chest. How fleshy and how comfortable depends on the size of the man.传说男人胸前有一小块柔软的区域,当然能有多柔软多舒适,这样看男人的块头。So take advantage of this by forgetting the spoons positions above, and lie on your back. Now encourage her to find your fleshy bit with her head, and use it as a pillow. Intimacy? Check! Comfort? Check! This position could be a winner.所以,忘掉勺子式试试这个吧。先仰面躺下,然后让你的爱人用脸寻找你胸前那块柔软的区域然后当枕头。亲密?舒服?这个姿势可是最棒的。Please note that to increase the size of your fleshy bit, you may need to eat a lot of junk food and cut down on exercise. All for her sake, what a perfect boyfriend you are.不过请铭记,为了保持你那块肉感区域的柔软,你需要多吃些垃圾食品少做些运动。这全部是为了她着想,这么好的男朋友哪里去找。Step 5: The pragmatic approach第五招:一劳永逸式如果以上所有方式都失败了,那就在睡觉之前挑起争吵,这样你的爱人就会不让你和她一起睡。准备好明早的鲜花和羊角面包,你就可以准备8小时深度睡眠了,不过,是在沙发上。
2023-07-15 15:04:071


It"s time for me to review!
2023-07-15 15:04:176

the classic是什么意思

2023-07-15 15:04:441

the classics is classic.翻译

2023-07-15 15:04:512

The classic fashion collection 是什么意思

2023-07-15 15:04:582


安装了Classic Menu for Office 2007插件,试着删除掉看看.
2023-07-15 15:05:093


2023-07-15 15:05:331


The Parent Trap《天生一对》精彩对白: Hallie: Ah, oh man. Annie: Oh, here"s your... Hallie: Cuppy. Annie: Any of your pictures ruined? Hallie: Only the beautiful Leo DiCaprio. Annie: Who? Hallie: You"ve never heard of Leonardo DiCaprio? How far away is London anyway? Annie: Well, from here it"s 3,OOO miles. But sometimes it seems much further. How far away is your home? Hallie: Oh, California is way at the other end of the country. Actually, here"s a picture of my house. Annie: Wow! lt"s beautiful. Hallie: Yeah. We built it when l was little. We"ve got this incredible porch that looks over the entire vineyard. And then--- Who- Annie: Who"s that? Hallie: Oh, that"s my dad. He didn"t know l was taking the picture then, or else he would have turned around. He"s kinda like my best friend. We do everything together What"s the matter? Annie: Oh, it"s chilly in here, that"s all. Hallie: Want one? Annie: Oh, sure, l love Oreos. At home l eat them with--l eat them with peanut butter. Hallie: You do? That is so weird. So do l. Annie: You"re kidding. Most people find that totally disgusting. Hallie: l know. l don"t get it. Annie: Me either. Hallie: What"s your dad like? l mean, is he the kind of father you can talk to or is he one of those workaholic types who says, l"ll talk to ya later, honey, but, you know, never really does? l hate that. Annie: l don"t have a father, actually. l mean, l had one once, l suppose. But my parents divorced years ago. My mother never even mentions him. lt"s like he evaporated into thin air or something. Hallie: lt"s scary the way nobody stays together anymore. Annie: Tell me about it. Hallie: How old are you? Annie: l"ll be 12 on October 11. Hallie: So will l. Annie: Your birthday"s on October 11? Hallie: Yeah. Annie: How weird is that? Hallie: Extremely. Oh, hey. lt stopped raining. You wanna go get a Popsicle or something? What"s the matter? Annie: Hallie, what"s your mother like? Hallie: l never met her. She and my dad split up when l was a baby, maybe even before. l"m not sure. He doesn"t like to talk about her. But l know she was really, really beautiful. Annie: How do you know that? Hallie: Well, because my dad had this old picture of her hidden in his sock drawer, and he caught me looking at it, like, all the time, so he gave it to me to keep. Look, l"m-l"m really thirsty. Sure you don"t want to go to the mess hall and get a lemonade? Annie: Will you stop thinking about your stomach at a time like this? Hallie: At a time like what? Annie: Don"t you realize what"s happening? l mean, think about it. l only have a mother and you only have a father. You"ve never seen your mom, and l"ve never seen my dad. You have one old picture of your mom, and l have one old picture of my dad. But at least yours is probably a whole picture. Mine is a pathetic little thing, all crinkled and ripped right down the middle and-- What are you rummaging in your trunk for? Hallie: This. lt"s a picture of my mom, and it"s ripped too. Annie: Right down the middle?
2023-07-15 15:05:471

The Classic Crime的《The Test》 歌词

歌曲名:The Test歌手:The Classic Crime专辑:Acoustic Ep: Seattle SessionsThe Academy Is... - The TestLook like a lush. Talk like a tease.The way you like it.In front of your house, alone on the street,you ask me to come inside.Asleep through all our classes,you hang me out to dry.If this is a testI"m losing my shitWould it kill you to careas much as I did?If this is a test,I"m wasting my breathYou"re a stranger I know well,and not at all.Heart on a hook thrown out to the sea,your basement busy.Sitting in the dark, I turn the radio off for aphone call you"ll likely miss.Wake me when it"s over.The last sound of goodbye.If this is a testI"m losing my shitWould it kill you to careas much as I did?If this is a test,I"m wasting my breathYou"re a stranger I know well,and not at all.“Let"s imagine the end before we even begin,”you said.“Let"s imagine the end before we even begin,”you said, you said, you said.If this is a testI"m losing my shitWould it kill you to careas much as I did?If this is a test,I"m wasting my breathYou"re a stranger I know well,If this is a testI"m losing my shitWould it kill you to careas much as I did?If this is a test,I"m wasting my breathYou"re a stranger I know well,and not at all.and not at all.You"re a stranger I know well,and not at all.and not at all.You"re a stranger I know well
2023-07-15 15:05:591


2023-07-15 15:06:221

Closer Than We Think 歌词

歌曲名:Closer Than We Think歌手:The Classic Crime专辑:The Silver CordThe Classic Crime - Closer Than We ThinkWhat"s it gonna take for meOn my hands and kneesWhere are the poet"s filled pages of the threeI feel cheap and I feel empty (I feel empty)We were babies in a sea of disbeliefBut we will not go quicklyNo we will not rest so easilyAnd I knew that this would happenIt always doesAnd I couldn"t stop my reactionSo I let it comeI let it comeI still hope you believe that we are freeThat we don"t need the rules to seeThat despite what we"ve done,We"re not aloneWe"re closer than we think to homeIt didn"t take me long to believe that I could do anythingTurn the songs up loud so we could singI am true and I am living (I am living)And we will walk through the valley of the shadow of the boringand burn it allNo, we will not go quietlyAnd I knew that this would happenIt always doesAnd I couldn"t stop my reactionSo I let it comeI let it comeI still hope you believe that we are freeThat we don"t need the rules to seeThat despite what we"ve done,We"re not aloneWe"re closer than we think to homeTo home, To home,To home, To home,To home, To home,To homeAcross the waterYou call me, but I"m not listeningAs I sink down (sink down)Water fills my lungs as I begin to drownI knew that this wouldI still hope you believe that we are freeThat we don"t need the rules to seeThat despite what we"ve done,We"re not aloneWe"re closer than we think to home
2023-07-15 15:06:371


2023-07-15 15:06:451


It is Jackie Chan! Nobody doesn"t know him! let me tell you about him again!Jackie Chan was born Chan Kong-sang, which literally means “Born in Hong Kong” Chan. His mother nicknamed him Pao Pao (Chinese= cannonball) due to the way he would roll around as an infant.Chan"s parents worked for the French ambassador to Hong Kong and were poor. They gave him a chance at a better life by enrolling him in the Chinese Opera Research Institute at the age of seven, where he spent a decade training for the Peking Opera. He learned martial arts and acrobatics with an entertainment focus while there.Chan joined the Seven Little Fortunes, a performance group of his school"s best students, where he was given the stage name Yuen Lo. He also became friends with Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao in the group, a trio that would become collectively known in Hong Kong as "Three Brothers" or "Three Dragons". Eventually, Chan appeared in the film Big and Little Wong Tin Bar with others from the Seven Little Fortunes. He subsequently went on to appear in several more films as a child.At the age of 17, Chan served as a stuntman in two Bruce Lee films: Fist of Fury and Enter the Dragon. Then he got his first adult starring role in Little Tiger of Canton. In 1976, a film producer named Willie Chan in Hong Kong offered him a role in his film, Lo Weiwhich got the ball rolling toward his 1978 appearance in the film, Snake in the Eagle"s Shadow. This was where Chan began to establish himself as a comedic kung fu actor. Eventually, he got his major break in the classic, Drunken Master.Jackie Chan the Stunt Man and Singer! Chan is known as one of the greatest stuntmen of all-time. The sheer danger of the moves he employs are evidenced by the amount of injuries he has incurred. Chan broke his skull on the set of Armour of God, and has broken the majority of fingers in his hand. Further, he has also broken his nose, both cheekbones, jaw, hips, sternum, neck, toes, and ankle. He holds the Guinness World Record for “Most Stunts By A Living Actor”Chan is also a successful singer in Hong Kong and Asia with numerous albums to his credit.
2023-07-15 15:06:521


《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 《本草纲目》 Compendium of Materia Medica 《聊斋志异》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio 《论语》 Analects of Confucius 《山海经》the Classic of Mountains and Rivers 《围城》 A Surrounded City 《西厢记》 The Romance of West Chamber 《资治通鉴》 History as a Mirror 《史记》 Shi Ji/ Historical Records 四书(《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》) The Four Books (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, The Mencius) 《阿Q正传》 The True Story of Ah Q <春秋》 Spring and Autumn Annals <论语> THE ANALCETS OF CONFUCIUS <诗经> the book of odes <世说新语> essays and criticism (shi shuo hsin yu) <封神演义> the legend of deification <金瓶梅> The golden lotus <西厢记> The west chamber
2023-07-15 15:07:072


This modern retelling of the classic fairytale follows a beautiful college freshman as she pledges her late mother"s once dignified sorority. But after discovering that today"s sisterhood is not what it used to be, Sydney finds her new home away from home with seven outcasts. With the help of her socially challenged new friends, Sydney will take on the reigning campus queen to attempt to transform the school"s misguided social hierarchy
2023-07-15 15:07:231


The debate in the press has been a classic example of hypocrisy. 新闻界的这场争论是虚伪的典型例子。
2023-07-15 15:07:432


◇◆_27代060513期歌曲_◆◇ 01、Tide Is High - Atomic Kitten:27(中)片头介绍上集时用的歌曲 我只听过Atomic Kitten原唱版的,情书里用的是男声版的, 02、魔法之城 - The Classic:Brian和刘仁莹蹦极时用的歌曲 03、爱总是干渴 - 刘美:赵桂炯蹦极时用的歌曲 04、Super Star - Jewelry:朴晶雅和赵敏雅一起蹦极时用的歌曲 05、I Believe I Can Fly - R. Kelly:Fany和秀贤在蹦极前一起唱的歌蹦极时用的也是这首 06、Sea Of Love - Fly To The Sky:Fany和Brian蹦极前唱的和蹦极时用的都是这首歌曲 07、大韩健儿万岁 - N.R.G:千明勋蹦极时用的歌曲 08、Oh, My Love - S E S:水上牛郎织女游戏中BADA和赵桂炯用的歌曲 09、A. U ready - Kil Gun:情书结束后播放的MV歌曲
2023-07-15 15:07:501


BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is a contemporary retelling of the classic French fairy tale. Once upon a time, there was a handsome but heartless prince, whose selfishness caused an enchantress to turn... BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is a contemporary retelling of the classic French fairy tale. Once upon a time, there was a handsome but heartless prince, whose selfishness caused an enchantress to turn him into a hideous beast. He had only one hope for freedom: winning a woman"s love despite his ugliness. The years passed; the Beast remained alone. Then one day, Maurice, a poor inventor, accidentally stumbled upon the Beast"s lair. The angry Beast instantly swore to kill him -- until he saw Belle, Maurice"s lovely daughter, who had come to to the palace to fight for her father"s life. The Beast promised not to harm Maurice on one condition: Belle must stay with him. And so began Belle"s lesson in the true meaning of beauty... a lesson that would bring her love and happiness ever after.
2023-07-15 15:07:571

初中英语作文:真正的英雄 The True Hero

【 #英语资源# 导语】学习英语,阅读真的很重要,多阅读一些短篇英语文章也是提高英语阅读能力的一种。下面是 考 网!  【篇一】真正的英雄 The True HeroWhen talking about the hero, people will think about the person who saves the world, such as superman and batman, they care about the public"s lives and interest all the time. In the real life, people believe that a hero at least can make great influence to the society, like the scientist. But in my opinion, some true heroes are easy ignored, they are doing the ordinary jobs while making great contribution to the society. The city cleaners are the classic ones, they beautify the city and bring comfort to the public. Though they are nobody, they are doing the great job. They are heroes and should be praised. 在谈到英雄的时候,人们会想到那些拯救世界的人,如超人和蝙蝠侠,他们关心公众的生活和利益。在现实生活中,人们认为英雄至少能带来深刻的社会影响,如科学家。但在我看来,一些真正的英雄是很容易被忽视,他们做着普通的工作但是对社会作出巨大贡献。城市清洁工是最典型的,他们美化城市,给公众带来莫大的舒适。虽然他们是无名之辈,但是他们正在做着伟大的工作。他们是英雄,应该受到表扬。  【篇二】培养兴趣爱好 Develop InterestAs a middle school student, I learn many subjects, I study so hard every day. When I get home, I will do my homework and then go over the book. But when holiday comes, I feel a little confused, because I don"t want to study and do something new. Then I don"t know what to do, my mind get blank. I decide to develop my interest. Some day, I happened to see a tennis match and I couldn"t stop watching, then I fell in love with tennis. So I started to learn playing tennis, I felt so happy. Now tennis is my favorite sport, I find a way to relax myself. 作为一个中学生,我学许多科目,我每天那么努力学习。当我回家时,我会做作业,然后复习书本。但当假期来临的时候,我感到有点困惑,因为我不想学习,想做一些新的事情。我就不知道要做什么,我的头脑一片空白。我决定培养我的兴趣。有一天,我碰巧看到一场网球比赛,我无法停止下来看,然后我爱上了网球。因此我开始学习打网球,我感到很高兴。现在网球是我最喜欢的运动,我找到一个方法来放松自己。  【篇三】生活中的美 Beauty in LifePeople always say that we are lacking of the eyes of realizing the beauty in life. I can"t agree with it anymore. Last week, I woke up very early in the morning, so I decided to take a walk. The street was very quiet and there were many old people dancing in the square. Without many cars, I realized the city looked so clean and beautiful. Some coffee shops decorates so well, which attrated my eyes. The city was coverd by the green trees, which made it a green city. I liked this feeling so much. At this moment, I found the city was so lovely, I just ingored its beauty usually. 人们总是说我们缺乏发现实现生活中的美丽的眼睛。我十分同意。上周,我早上很早就醒了,所以我决定出去散步。街上很安静,有很多老人在广场上跳舞。街上没有了很多小车,我意识到这个城市看起来那么干净和漂亮。一些咖啡店装修很好,吸引了我的眼球。这座城市被绿色的树木覆盖着,这是一个绿化放的城市。我很喜欢这种感觉。这时,我发现这个城市是如此的可爱,平常我忽略了它的美。   
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2023-07-15 15:08:201


在互联网快速发展的今天,网络视频广告越来越成为网络营销的一个重要手段,发展呈现多样性,广告行业和学术界开始关注和重视网络视频广告。 In the rapid development of Internet, network video ads today become an important means of network marketing, development present diversity, advertising industry and academia started attention of network video ads. 网络视频广告凭借其独特的超越传统网络广告方式的优势推动着网络营销新时代的到来。 Network video ads with its unique way beyond traditional Internet advertising the advantage of network marketing pushes the arrival of the new era. 本文通过对网络视频广告的内涵、特点及传播优势进行分析,并尝试论述总结目前网络视频广告存在的问题和局限性,同时指出关于网络视频广告未来发展的进一步拓展机遇和前景。 This article through to the network video ads spread the connotation, characteristics and advantages, and try to analysis concludes video advertising network discussed the existing problems and limitations on the network, and points out the future development of video ads further expand opportunity and prospects. 再结合实践中经典的正反面案例着重进行分析和思考。 Combining practice classic guangzhou2005 case analysis and thinking on. 最后畅想了网络视频广告未来的发展趋势和前景。 Final fantasy video advertising network of future development trends and prospects. 虽然我国网络视频广告发展历程中遇到众多如技术、内容、形式等方面的挑战,但是,通过互联网手中的不断快速增长,媒介技术不断进步和完善,政府政策的不断支持,从业人员设计营销水平的不断提高,相信网络视频广告将会拥有更加灿烂美好的明天。 Although China"s online video advertising development process encountered numerous such as technology, content, form, etc, but the challenge of the hand, through the Internet, the growing increasingly fast, media technology progress and perfect, government policy, workers continued support design marketing level unceasing enhancement, believe that network video ads will have more bright tomorrow.
2023-07-15 15:08:272


2023-07-15 15:08:372

classic fashion 是什么牌子的衣服

Classic Fashion 经典时尚澳大利亚产品的名字
2023-07-15 15:08:582


2012年12月,地球各地突然出现极其反常的气候变化,由于这一切与已经消失的玛雅文明里关于世界末日的预言不谋而合,根据玛雅文明中的预言,2012年的12月21日,末日将会到来,世界将会陷入永无止境的黑暗,而滔天的洪水会湮没整个地球。全球人类的恐慌、骚乱在各地时有发生,一个名为诺亚方舟的计划开始浮出水面December 2012, the Earth suddenly appeared around the climate change is extremely unusual, since all these have disappeared with the Mayan civilization on the doomsday prophecies coincide, according to the prophecies in the Mayan civilization, 2012 December 21, end will come, the world will be plunged into endless darkness, and the monstrous floods buried the entire planet. Global human panic, riots have occurred in various places, a program called Noah"s Ark began to emerge本故事叙述一位小女孩 Alice 做梦到一处神奇的王国,经历一堆千奇百怪的遭遇,包括赶时间的白兔、会隐身的妙妙猫、奇怪的非生日宴会、扑克牌红心女王…等等。华特迪士尼一直很喜欢 Lewis Carroll 的这部作品,早在1920年代,迪士尼开始拍片的处女作即是一系列真人、卡通合演的【爱丽丝游历卡通国】,当时只是无声、黑白的短片而已。后来迪士尼拍出有声卡通、彩色卡通、长篇动画之后,原本在大战前就已有筹拍本片的计画,后来因战争爆发而计画停摆,到战后才终於将这部小说以长篇剧情动画片呈现。不过本片推出时正值战后经济困顿的时局,当时文化主流盛行写实主义,故本片超现实的手法在当时并未引起太大的回响,也不被影评所青睐,到了60、70年代以后,随着心理学的流行,本片才受到重视。不论如何,华特迪士尼多方尝试、The story describes a little girl Alice dream to a magical kingdom, through a bunch of strange encounters, including a hurry rabbit, cat, Miu Miu will be invisible, strange non-birthday party, poker and so the Red Queen ... . Walt Disney has always been very fond of this work Lewis Carroll, as early as the 1920s, Disney began filming the reality series debut Jishi Yi, cartoon cartoon starred traveled the country】 【Alice, was just silent, black and white video only. Later, Disney sold sound cartoon, color cartoons, animation long after the original has been Choupai before the war film plan, the project was shut down due to the outbreak of war, to the post-war novel was finally full-length animated film showing the story. But the film released at a time when post-war economic hardship of the current situation, when the mainstream of popular culture, realism, surreal film the way it is at that time did not attract much response, not favored by critics, to the 60,70 years later, with the pop psychology, the film was taken seriously. In any case, Walt Disney multi-try, do not draw the courage to set limits really impressive.温柔的伊莉莎白是班尼家最有才气的五千金之一,却因第一印象对英俊多金的达西先生执有偏见。然而习惯将自己的情感包裹在傲慢外表之下的达西,直到遇见伊莉莎白才不再冷陌,一对相互吸引但身世迥异的男女,为追寻真爱而逐渐厘清彼此间的差异点Elizabeth is home sweet Benny one of the most talented of the five thousand gold, but because the first impression on the handsome Mr. Darcy more than gold biased enforcement. But the habit of wrapping their emotions beneath the surface of the arrogant Darcy, Elizabeth was not until she met the cold street, a pair of mutual attraction between men and women, but very different life experience, and a quest for true love and gradually clarify the differences bet当经典的迪斯尼童话世界遭遇现代的纽约市……对于美丽可爱的吉塞尔公主来说,出生在动画国度--安大拉西亚的她,过着有如童话故事般美好的生活。吉塞尔拥有一个完美公主应该具备的一切:美丽的容貌、纯洁无瑕的心灵、动听的嗓音、能够与小动物交流的奇特本领。她和所有的公主一样,期待着有朝一日能和真爱分享最甜蜜的初吻。 幸运的是,拥有一切的吉塞尔还具备了无人能及的好运气,她的愿望在遇见爱德华王子之后,变成了美好的现实,这位帅气洒脱的勇士,是通过吉塞尔快乐的歌声,在森林里寻觅到了她的倩影……四目相接之时,他们知道真爱就站在眼前,虽然只相识了一天的时间,吉塞尔已经和爱德华定下终身的誓约,相邀第二天举行婚礼。 然而,在去婚礼的路上,吉塞尔却遇到了阻碍,她碰到了邪恶的娜丽莎女王,一个嫉妒心极强的女巫,她不能容忍威胁到了她的王位的吉塞尔,化身为一个老乞婆,将吉塞尔推进了无底的泉眼……那是一个逆转时空的漩涡,穿越了漩涡的吉塞尔竟然来到了一个远离童话的地方,那里不再是丰富多彩的音乐之乡,更没有动画人物。吉塞尔自己也变成了一个真正的女人,出现在一个永远都不可能相信魔法的存在的世界--曼哈顿。 在这个全然陌生的环境中,一个严肃实际的离婚律师罗伯特和他的小女儿摩根,向这个天真无邪、穿着公主裙的女孩伸出了援手,为她提供了一个暂时的住所。与此同时,吉塞尔的白马王子也不顾一切地冲过魔法漩涡,来到现实世界中拯救自己的爱人,与爱德华一起的,还有他的仆人纳撒尼尔和吉塞尔最好的朋友,一只名叫皮普的花栗鼠。虽然现实是冷漠且残酷的,吉塞尔却用她无边的热情和快乐感染着身边的每一个人,经历了两个完全不同的世界的冲击与碰撞之后,吉塞尔最想知道的,仍然是童话故事中“王子和公主永远幸福地生活在一起”,在现实世界里是不是依然可以存在?When the classic Disney fairy tale world of modern New York City experience ... ... for the beautiful princess Giselle is lovely, was born in the animated kingdom - On a large Australasian, she lived a fairy tale like a good life. Giselle has a perfect princess should have everything: a beautiful face, immaculate heart, beautiful voice, can communicate with the peculiar ability of small animals. She and all of the princess, looking forward to one day and love to share the sweetest kiss. Fortunately, Giselle has everything and no one can also have the good fortune to meet her Prince Edward after the desires, into a beautiful reality, this handsome warrior free and easy, happy by Giselle The song, in the forest to find the shadows of her eyes met ... ... the time, they know true love to stand in front, though only known each other for one day, Giselle and Edward have been set for life vows phase invited to the wedding the next day.However, the way to the wedding, Giselle has encountered obstacles, she ran into the Nali Sha evil queen, a highly jealous witch, she can not tolerate a threat to her throne of Giselle, the embodiment of a Lao Qipo, Giselle pushed to the end of spring ... no ... It was a reversal of time and space vortex, through the swirl of Giselle even come to a place far from the fairy tale, where a variety of music is no longer Township, and no animated characters. Giselle himself into a real woman, there will never believe in a magic world of the existence of - Manhattan. In this totally strange environment, a serious practical divorce lawyer, Robert and his daughter Morgan, to the innocent, the girl wearing a princess dress lent a helping hand, to provide her with a temporary residence. Meanwhile, Giselle"s prince charming has recklessly crossed the magical vortex, to the real world to save his wife, together with Edward, and his servant, Nathaniel and Giselle best friend, a Mingjiaopipu chipmunk. Although the reality is cold and cruel, Giselle was with her boundless enthusiasm and joy with everyone around the infection, with two completely different world after the impact and collision, Giselle most want to know, is still is a fairy tale, "the prince and the princess lived happily together", in the real world is not still exist?
2023-07-15 15:09:141

数据结构的问题 请解释一下下面这段程序的大致意思,另外T[1..S1[0]]是什么意思?
2023-07-15 15:09:252


第三章 英译汉的基础知识   第二节 英译汉句法对比(上)   词汇是语言的一个基本单位,对英汉两种语言的词汇对比分析是进行句法对比分析的基础。鉴于句法现象的复杂性,我们在这里只讨论两种语言在句子结构方面的一些异同,特别是长句的翻译,这也是英译汉考试中的重点和难点。   一、英汉长句的对比翻译   英语多长句,这是因为英语可有后置定语。扩展的后置定语可以是带从句或长修饰语的复杂句。英语句子可并列、包孕、环扣,长达一二百字。汉语一般不用后置定语,历来忌冗长拖沓,重清晰舒缓。一般文章中多不用长句,以四字到七八字以及十五字至十七八字左右的短、中句居多。汉语修辞上主张长短句相替、单复句相间。   长句在科技性的文体中的出现频率很高,因此也就成为研究生英语入学统一考试的重点。通过对近年来试题的分析,我们可以看出,所考查的绝大多数画线部分都是长句,这些句子结构复杂,逻辑性强,翻译起来困难重重。但是,无论多长的句子,多么复杂的结构,他们都是由一些基本的成分组成的。只要弄清英语原文的句法结构,找出整个句子的中心内容及其各层意思,然后分析各层意思之间的逻辑关系,再按汉语的特点和表达方式就可以译出原文了。在长句的英译汉实践中,我们始终应记住英汉在句法结构上的差异,不必拘泥于形式。我们先对英语长句作一简单分析。   1.英语长句的界定英语长句一般指的是各种复杂句,复杂句里可能有多个从句,从句与从句之间的关系可能包孕、嵌套,也可能并列、并行。所以翻译长句,实际上我们的重点主要放在对各种从句的翻译上。从功能来说,英语有三大复句,即:①名词性从句,包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句;②形容词性从句,即我们平常所说的定语从句;③状语从句。   2.英语长句分析一般来说,英语长句有如下几个特点:(1)结构复杂,逻辑层次多;(2)常须根据上下文作词义的引申;(3)经常须根据上下文对指代词的指代关系做出判断;(4)并列成分多;(5)修饰语多,特别是后置定语很长;(6)习惯搭配和成语经常出现。   3.英语长句的分析方法(1)找出全句的主语、谓语和宾语,即句子的主干结构;(2)找出句中所有的谓语结构、非谓语动词、介词短语和从句的引导词;(3)分析从句和短语的功能,例如,是否为主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句或状语从句等;(4)分析词、短语和从句之间的关系;(5)注意插入语等其他成分;(6)注意分析句子中是否有固定词组或固定搭配。   二、英译汉的句式结构转换   在翻译中,英汉句子结构有时可以不转换,有时则需要转换。这种转换通常有以下四种形式:(1)英语简单句结构转换成汉语复杂句结构;(2)英语复句结构转换成汉语简单句结构;(3)英语复句结构转换成汉语复句结构(包括倒装结构的转换等);(4)英语被动句结构转换成汉语主动句或被动句结构。   英译汉的句子结构转换问题,实际上就是翻译方法的问题。对于一个英语长句,如何把它翻译成通顺流畅并符合汉语表达习惯的句子,是值得我们经常注意的。在转换的过程中,我们通常使用的方法有:顺序法、逆序法、分译法、合译法、综合法等。下面我们分别就这四种转换方式以及在转换过程中所使用的翻译方法作进一步的说明。   1.英语简单句的汉译   这里所说谓的"简单句",主要指考研"英译汉"中结构较复杂、字数较多的句子。有时,英语简单句中主语与修饰词的关系并不十分密切,翻译时可以按照汉语多用短句的习惯,把长句"化整为零",分开来叙述;但为了使语意连贯,通常需要适当地增加词语,这就是我们通常所说的"分译法".在考研英译汉试题中,考生经常可以碰到简单句的翻译。这些简单句貌似简单,但有很多修饰的成分在里面,如词组或从句等。如:「例1」Decisions of the Security Council on procedural matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members.分析:该句在结构上是一个相对简单的句子,但如果我们按照原文的句子结构死译,就可能被译成:"安全理事会有关程序事项的决议应该由九个理事会成员的可决票进行表决".这样的译文表面看起来无伤大雅,但读起来给人一种上气不接下气的感觉,显得有点凝滞。使用"分译法",我们把它译为:译文:安全理事会关于程序事项之决议,应以九个理事国之可决票表决之。   「例2」(The same is true in the information revolution),and unavailability of communication links will impede progress.分析:该句的后半部分为一简单句,其中最难译的地方是unavailability一词,它的意义随文而生,依赖上下文有"不存在,缺乏,不能得到"等意思。如果不分译,就会出现这样的译文,"……高度发达和完美的通信的缺乏将阻碍进步".这一译文基本意义已译出,但不符合汉语的表达习惯。如用"分译法",可以译成一个汉语复句:译文:(信息革命也面临同样的情形),没有高度发达和完善的通讯,信息革命是不可能取得成功的。   下面再举两个"分译法"的例子:「例3」She labored over a microscope,handue011wielding tiny electronic computers.分析:英文原句中的handue011wielding tiny electronic computers作状语,译成汉语则成为一个并列复句。   译文:她吃力地伏在显微镜上干活,用手焊制小型电子计算机。   「例4」The development of an economical artificial heart is only a few transient failures away.译文:只需再经过几次失败,就能造出价格低廉的人工心脏了。   「例5」We are fortified in our hope that the effort of achieving those ends will be greatly strengthened by the arrival of the Chinese delegation.译文:中国代表团的到来增添了我们的希望,使我们确信实现上述目标的努力将会得到极大的加强。   2.英语复句转换成汉语简单句(合译法)   这一转换过程可称为"合译法".有时很长的英语复句可以译成一个连贯性和紧凑性很强的汉语简单句。如:「例1」This is no class war,but a war in which the whole British Empire and Commonwealth of Nations is engaged,without distinction of race,creed,or party.分析:该句的主体是no……but这一结构,里面含有一个定语从句,如果采用"分译法",可能的译文是,"这不是一场阶级之间的战争,而是这样的一场战争:在这场战争中,不分种族、不分信仰、不分党派,整个大英帝国及英联邦全体成员国无不参加".这个译文意思准确无误,但行文松散,思维逻辑的连贯性很差,给人一种拖泥带水的感觉。所以我们采用"合译法"把从句译成汉语中的某一成分。   译文:这不是一场阶级之间的战争,而是一场不分种族、不分信仰、不分党派,整个大英帝国及英联邦全体成员国无不参加的战争。   再举两个"合译法"的例子:「例2」While we were operating the machine tools,we were very careful.译文:我们在操作机床时非常小心。   「例3」There are some metals which possess the power to conduct electricity and ability to be magnetized.译文:某些金属具有导电的能力和被磁化的能力。   3.英语复句转换成汉语复句鉴于考研英语的英译汉试题中大多数句子都是复杂句或复合句,即所谓的长句,所以我们对英语长句的翻译作较详细的论述。前面我们对英语长句已进行过概括说明,知道了长句的特点以及具体的分析方法。下面我们就长句的英汉转换以及在此过程中所运用的方法进行分析。   对付长句,有两个行之有效的方法。首先是"拆",就是把原句一个句子拆成几个分句、意群或小的句子;其次是"排",就是按照汉语的逻辑顺序等习惯,重新安排所拆开的分句、意群或小的句子。为方便记忆,我们把这两种方法简称为"一拆二分".一般来说,翻译英语长句非一种方法所能及,它需要各种方法的综合,既有分译,又有合译;既有顺序译法,又有逆序译法;既有单独使用一种方法,又有各种方法综合使用。现在我们就上述各种方法的运用举例说明。   (1)顺序法:当英语长句的内容的叙述层次与汉语基本一致时,可以按照英语原文的顺序翻译成汉语。例如:「例1」A granted patent is the result of a bargain struck between an inventor and the state,by means of which the inventor gets a limited period of monopoly and publishes full details of his invention to the public after that period terminates.分析:按意群的关系,该句可以拆分为三部分。第一部分为:a granted patent is the result of a bargain struck between an inventor and the state;第二部分为:by means of which the inventor gets……monopoly;第三部分为:and publishes……terminates.上述三层意思的逻辑关系以及表达顺序基本上与汉语一致,只是第三部分里的时间状语根据汉语的表达习惯需要前置。所以对该句的翻译我们总体上采用顺序译法,第三部分采用逆序译法。   译文:一项批准了的专利是发明者与国家协议成交的结果。通过这种协议发明者获得一段时期的垄断权。这段时间一过,就得把发明的细节公诸于众。   再举数例有关"顺序法"的长句:「例2」It begins as a childlike interest in the grand spectacle and exciting event;it grows as a mature interest in the variety and complexity of the drama,the splendid achievements and terrible failures;it ends as deep sense of the mystery of manue10bs life of all the dead,great and obscure,who once walked the earth,and of wonderful and awful possibilities of being a human being.译文:我们对历史的爱好起源于我们最初仅对一些历的宏伟场面和激动人心的事件感到孩童般的兴趣;其后,这种爱好变得成熟起来,我们开始对历史这出"戏剧"的多样性和复杂性,对历的辉煌成就和悲壮失败也感兴趣;对历史的爱好,最终以我们对人类生命的一种深沉的神秘感而告结束。对死去的,无论是伟大与平凡,所有在这个地球上走过而已逝的人,都有能取得伟大奇迹或制造可怕事件的潜力。   「例3」If parents were prepared for this adolescent reaction,and realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuable powers of observation and independent judgment,they would not be so hurt,and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting and resisting it.译文:如果父母对这种青少年的反应有所准备,而且认为这是一个显示出孩子正在成长、正在发展珍贵的观察力和独立的判断能力的标志,他们就不会感到如此伤心,所以也就不会因对此有愤恨和反对的情绪而把孩子推到对立面去。   (2)逆序法:又称"倒置法",主要指句子的前后倒置问题。有些英语长句的表达次序与汉语表达习惯不同,甚至完全相反,这时就必须从原文后面译起,逆着原文的顺序翻译。考研英语中这样的例子很多,许多句子都需要做这样的调整。逆序法在长句的翻译中,我们可根据不同的情况按意群进行全部逆序或部分逆序。   「例1」With a view to successfully maintaining a balanced system implemented by a basically even distribution of Federal resources,Federal financial aid is given only if a state has acceptable standards of administration.分析:该句可以分为三个部分。第一部分为:with a view to……of Federal resources,表示目的,其中的with a view to……意为"为了……";第二部分为:Federal financial aid is given是该句的主句;第三部分为:only if……of administration,表示条件。因此从总体来看,该句的前半部分表示结论,后半部分表示条件。就汉语的一般规范而言,表示条件的状语经常放在前面。所以该句采取"逆序法".译文:各州先要制定符合规章的管理标准,然后联邦政府才会拨给财政援助,这是为了使联邦政府的财源基本上得到平均的分配,确保实施一种平衡的财政制度。   「例2」So it was that the farm poor were caught in their own past,the double victims of technology:exile from their home by advances in agricultural machinery;unfitted for life in the city because of the consequences of industrial mechanization.分析:该句可以分为两个层次。第一层次为:so it was that……technology;第二层次为:exile from their home……industrial mechanization.第一层次的内容表示结果,第二层次的内容表示原因。按照汉语的习惯表达法,我们经常把原因放在一句话的前面。   译文:农民由于农业机器日益用于生产而被赶出了自己的家园;而由于工业机械化的结果又使他们在城市里无以为生。(美国)农村中的穷人就这样变成了技术发展的双重牺牲品,又陷入了往昔遭受的困境。   「例3」A great number of graduate students were driven into the intellectual slum when in the United States the intellectual poor became the classic poor,the poor under the rather romantic guise of the Beat Generation,a real phenomenon in the late fifties.分析:该句的前半部分为内容的前景知识或称之为"议题",后半部分为内容的背景知识,根据汉语的习惯我们可以把它译为:译文:50年代后期的美国出现了一个任何人都不可能视而不见的现象,穷知识分子以"垮掉的一代"这种颇为浪漫的姿态出现而成为美国典型的穷人;正是在这个时候,大批大学毕业生被赶进了知识分子贫民窟。   再看几个例子:「例4」It therefore becomes more and more important that,if students are not to waste their opportunities,there will have to be much more detailed information about courses and more advice.译文:因此,如果要使学生充分利用他们的机会,就得为他们提供大量关于课程的更为详尽的信息,作更多的指导。这个总问题显得越来越重要了。   「例5」Such is a human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.译文:许多人宁愿牺牲比较高的工资以换取成为白领工人的社会地位,这在西方倒是人之常情。   (3)分译法:又叫"拆译法",是指将长句中的某些成分(句子、词组或词)从句子主干中拆开,另行处理,以利于句子的总体安排。在考研英译汉试题中,有些长句里的某些成分是很难用"顺序法"或"逆序法"翻译。此时,采用"分译法",将它们放到句子主干之首或句尾,分开来叙述。有时,为了拆分的需要,还要适当增加词语。考生必须注意的是:分译的目的是化长为短、化整为零,消除译文的阻塞;分译的条件是当句中主语或主句与修饰词的关系并不十分密切时。分译后的译文必须连贯,有整体感。例如:「例1」The average loss during a winter month may be astounding up to 20P greater than average during a summer month.分析:该句是英语中一个相对简单的句子,但是如果我们按照原文的结构去译的话,就可能把它译成:"冬季每月损耗比夏季每月平均多达令人吃惊的20磅".这样的译文读起来就很不顺畅。实际上,句中的astounding一词与该句的主语关系不很紧密,所以完全可以把它单独拿出来另译,同时也不影响句子的整体意思。   译文:冬季每月损耗比夏季每月平均多20磅,这是很令人吃惊的。   例1只是一个简单的"单词分译"实例。   「例2」This land,which once barred the way of weary travelers,now has become a land for winter and summer vacations,a land of magic and wonder.分析:该句中有一个非限制性定语从句,它修饰land一词,从逻辑关系上来讲,它和其被修饰词之间的关系不是很紧密。如果按顺序译法或其他方法,land的修饰成分就显得有点长,不符合汉语的表达习惯。所以我们可以把它单独拿出来作为分译成分。   译文:这个地方现在已经成了冬夏两季的休假胜地,风光景物,蔚为奇观;而从前精疲力竭的旅游者却只能到此止步。   再举数例"分译法"的例子:「例3」The very important oil industry,which has done much to rejuvenate the economy of the South since the end of World War II,made considerable headway especially in the five states of Arkansas,Louisiana,Mississippi,Oklahoma and Texas.译文:第二次世界大战以后石油工业对振兴南部经济起了很大的作用。这个十分重要的工业部门特别是在以下五个州中取得了很大的进展,即阿肯色、路易斯安那、密西西比、俄克拉荷马和得克萨斯。   「例4」As the century developed,the increasing magnitude and complexity of the problems to be solved and the growing interconnection of different disciplines made it possible,in many cases,for the individual scientist to deal with the huge mass of new data,techniques and equipment that were required for carrying out research accurately and efficiently.(画线部分为该句的两个主语,这两个主语都很长,所以我们在翻译时把它们译成三个汉语单句。)   译文:随着本世纪时间的流逝,亟待解决的问题与日俱增,其复杂程度日趋深化,而且不同学科之间的相互联系日益密切。这一切在许多情况下使单个的科学家无法处理用以进行精确而高效的研究工作的大量新数据、新技术和新设备。   (4)综合法:有些长句单独使用以上三种方法中的任何一个都有不妥之处,那么可按时空顺序、有顺有逆、主次分明的方式进行处理。下面举例说明:「例1」This phenomenon describes the way in which light physically scatters when it passes through particles in the earthue10bs atmosphere that are 1/10th in diameter of the color of the light.分析:该句可以分解为四个部分:第一部分为:this phenomenon describes the way;第二部分为一个定语从句:in which light physically scatters;第三部分为一个状语从句:when it passes through particles in the earthue10bs atmosphere;第四部分为一个定语从句:that are 1/10th in diameter of the color of the light.其中,第一、二和三两部分之间是修饰与被修饰的关系。总体考虑之后,我们可以使用综合法来处理这个句子,即第一、二和第三部分用"合译法",第四部分用"分译法",这样译出来的句子就非常符合汉语的表达习惯。   译文:这种现象说明了光线通过地球大气微粒时的物理散射方式。大气微粒的直径为有色光直径的十分之一。   「例2」Taking his cue from Ibsenue10bs A Dollue10bs House,in which the heroine,Nora,leaves home because she resents her husbandue10bs treating her like a child,the writer Lu Xun warned that Nora would need money to support herself;she must have economic rights to survive.分析:该句共有三层含义:①鲁迅从书中得到启示;②女主人公离家出走,因为丈夫对她的态度;③鲁迅以此告诫人们应该做什么。在这三层含义中,②在意义上显然属于原因,按照汉语的表达习惯,通常应该前置;其他的句子则应根据实际情况分别进行逆译和顺译。   译文:易卜生的剧作《玩偶之家》中的女主人公娜拉离家出走,因为她憎恶她的丈夫像对孩子一样对待她。作家鲁迅从中得到启示,从而告诫人们娜拉得需要钱来养活自己,她要生存就必须有经济上的权利。   再举几个"综合法"的翻译实例:「例3」People were afraid to leave their houses,for although the police had been ordered to stand by in case of emergency,they were just as confused and helpless as anybody.译文:尽管警察已接到命令,要做好准备以应付紧急情况,但人们不敢出门,因为警察也和其他人一样不知所措和无能为力。   「例4」Up to the present time,throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries,this new tendency placed the home in the immediate suburbs,but concentrated manufacturing activity,business relations,government,and pleasure in the centers of the cities.译文:到目前为止,经历了18和19两个世纪,这种新的倾向是把住宅安排在城市的近郊,而把生产活动、商业往来、政府部门以及娱乐场所都集中在城市的中心地区。   「例5」Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place.(2001年考研试题)   译文:皮尔森已汇集世界各地数百位研究人员的成果,编制了一个独特的新技术千年历,它列出人们有望看到数百项重大突破和发现的最晚日期。   英语长句、难句的汉译是研究生英语考试中的难点,这就是为什么我们把它放在"英汉句子结构转换"中来讲的原因。应强调指出的是,以上介绍的几种长句翻译法,在翻译实际中往往需要加以综合运用,其中最基本是"顺序法"、"逆序法"、"合译法"和"分译法"等各种技法。考生在平时的训练中必须灵活地运用它们。
2023-07-15 15:09:321


First Robot Mop DebutsIf iRobot has its way, millions of people around the world will soon be retiring their mops and buckets. The Cambridge, Massachusetts–based company is finally announcing the follow-up to its remarkably popular Roomba robot rug and floor vacuum: the Scooba robot floor-cleaning system. It"s the first household robot designed to sweep, scrub, mop, and dry tile, linoleum, and wood floors. The company is also touting a major partnership coup: The Scooba"s cleaning fluid will come from Clorox Co., which makes household cleaning products.iRobot CEO Colin Angle explained to us at a recent conference why his company chose to target mopping as the next robotic household-chore challenge. "These are the low-hanging fruit," he said, "the things that can make an immediate, understandable difference."iRobot executives hope that the Scooba makes a difference for those who hate mopping and almost never scrub their floors. "People hate vacuuming," says iRobot cofounder and chairman Helen Grenier, "but they really loathe mopping. The Scooba actually scrubs the floor."The decision to build a mopping robot was both an obvious and a difficult one for iRobot. "We knew that on the axis of targets, this was a big one. We also knew that water was scary [and] that something that picks up fluid was going to be substantially more complex than spinning brushes and picking up dirt," recalled Angle.HistoryThe idea of artificial people dates at least as far back as the ancient legend of Cadmus, who sowed dragon teeth that turned into soldiers; and the myth of Pygmalion, whose statue of Galatea came to life. In classical mythology, the deformed god of metalwork (Vulcan or Hephaestus) created mechanical servants, ranging from intelligent, golden handmaidens to more utilitarian three-legged tables that could move about under their own power. Jewish legend tells of the Golem, an clay statue animated by Kabbalistic magic. Similarily, in the Younger Edda, Norse mythology tells of a clay giant, M?rku1b26i or Mistcalf, constructed to aid the troll Hrungnir in a duel with Thor, the God of Thunder. The first recorded design of a humanoid robot was made by Leonardo da Vinci around the 1495. Da Vinci"s notebooks, rediscovered in the 1950s, contained detailed drawings for a mechanical knight that was apparently able to sit up, wave its arms, and move its head and jaw. The design was likely based on his anatomical research recorded in the Vitruvian Man. It is not known whether or not he attempted to build the robot (see: Leonardo"s robot). The first known functioning robot was created in the 1738 by Jacques de Vaucanson, who made an android that played the flute, as well as a mechanical duck that reportedly ate and defecated. E.T.A. Hoffmann"s 1817 short story "The Sandman" features a doll-like mechanical woman, and Edward S. Ellis" 1865 "Steam Man of the Prairies" expresses the American fascination with industrialization. A wave of stories about humanoid automatons culminated with the "Electric Man" by Luis Senarens in 1885. Once technology advanced to the point where people foresaw mechanical creatures as more than toys, literary responses to the concept of robots reflected fears that humans would be replaced by their own creations. Frankenstein (1818), sometimes called the first science fiction novel, has become synonymous with this theme. When Capek"s play RUR introduced the concept of an assembly line run by robots who try to build still more robots, the theme took on economic and philosophical overtones, further disseminated by the classic movie Metropolis (1927), and the popular Blade Runner (1982) and The Terminator (1984). With robots a reality and intelligent robots a likely prospect, a better understanding of interactions between robots and human is embodied in such modern films as Spielberg"s A.I. (movie) (2001) and Proyas" I, Robot (2004). Many consider the first robot in the modern sense to be a teleoperated boat, similar to a modern ROV, devised by Nikola Tesla and demonstrated at an 1898 exhibition in Madison Square Garden. Based on his patent 613,809 for "teleautomation", Tesla hoped to develop the "wireless torpedo" into an automated weapon system for the US Navy. The first electronic autonomous robots were created by Grey Walter at Bristol University, England in 1948
2023-07-15 15:09:391

《The Nutcracker》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Nutcracker》(E. T. A. Hoffmann)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: ga59书名:The Nutcracker作者:E. T. A. Hoffmann译者:Joachim Neugroschel出版社:Penguin Classics Hardcover出版年份:2014-10页数:128内容简介:Written in 1816 by one of the leaders of German Romanticism for his children, nephews, and nieces, The Nutcracker captures better than any other story a child"s wonder at Christmas. The gift of a handsomely decorated nutcracker from a mysterious uncle sets the stage for a Christmas Eve like no other for the little girl Marie. That night, Marie"s extraordinary present comes to life, defends her from the taunting Mouse King, and whisks her off to the Kingdom of Dolls. The inspiration for the classic ballet, E. T. A. Hoffmann"s irresistible tale of magic and childhood adventure continues to captivate readers of all ages. Today, many of the most enchanting symbols of Christmas, from nutcrackers to sugar plums to mistletoe, are still imbued with the power of this story.作者简介:E. T. A. Hoffmann (1776-1822) was one of the best known and most influential authors of his time. Phantasiestücke, his earliest collection of tales, appeared in 1814. This was followed three years later by Nachstücke and then in 1819-21 by Die Serapoins brüder. Among his longer works is his second and final novel, Die Lebensansichten des Katers Murr (The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr), which represents the highpoint of his art. He exploited the grotesque and the bizarre in a manner unmatched by any other Romantic writer.Joachim Neugroschel (translator, 1938-2011) won three PEN translation awards and the French-American Foundation Translation Prize. He translated Thomas Mann"s Death in Venice and Sacher-Masoch"s Venus in Furs, among other works, for Penguin Classics.
2023-07-15 15:10:401