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《双生薄荷》 Double mints

2023-07-15 21:27:46





一直我都在问自己这样的一个问题,到底为什么片名的英文翻译要叫作Double mints 呢?


这部英文片名叫作The double life of veronique 也有译为《维罗尼卡的双重生命》或《双面薇若妮卡》的影片。两个女主角,一个是生活在波兰克拉科夫的weronika;一个是生活在法国巴黎的veronique 。



一个导演从第三世界国家去向一个第一世界国家以后,在作品叙述上会呈现出一种双重视角的可能。基耶斯洛夫斯基就是这样的一位导演,在他这部作品中,法国巴黎的veronique 和波兰克拉科夫的weronika 有着某种超越空间和时间上的在世牵连关系,晚年基氏的这些作品中往往表现出很深的宿命论和神秘主义色彩。







最开始,我本以为《Double mints》中的薄荷,可能是像《两生花》中的花一样,是代指两位男性主角的意向,直到我翻阅到日本薄荷由于樟脑含量达到70%到90%,以至于是不可以食用的时候,以为看到了作者真正的意图,或许是想要传递出,这样的带有虐恋色彩的情感并不能象普罗大众一样被世人所接受。

刚要欣喜,却发现DVD海报中的一段英文,Road to double mints 才恍然大悟,原来双生薄荷不是指一种植物,不是不可食用,甚至不是代指两位男主角的意向,而是一种关联态或者共时态,也就是以上所述的量子纠缠态。

如果一定要翻译成中文,Road to double mints 或许应该是去向量子纠缠态的方式或者方法,也就是本片开头那一段海水中的影像。



double life是什么意思

2023-07-15 14:12:104

Double Life 歌词

歌曲名:Double Life歌手:Weak专辑:WeakI don"t wanna live a life, but i gotta be with youHadiseDouble LifeGive me a moment, to realize it.Laying beside you, seem so unreal.Still can"t believe it, i"ve try to find it.Iwas afraid to, feel what i fear.In this cold, called life.I need a torch, a guide in lineAnd you"re that guy, you are the one.Could you be mine, mine for all timesWould you be mine? mine for all times.I would live a double life, just to be with you.Earing, fearing, earing right, it"s what i have gotta do.I would live a double life, secret and taboo.I don"t wanna live a life, but i gotta be with youI would live a double life, just to be with you.Earing, fearing, earing right, it"s what i have gotta do.I would live a double life, secret and taboo.I don"t wanna live a life, but i gotta be with youIn this cold, called life.I need a torch, a guide in lineAnd you"re that guy, you are the one.Could you be mine, mine for all timesI would live a double life, just to be with you.Earing, fearing, earing right, it"s what i have gotta do.I would live a double life, secret and taboo.I don"t wanna live a life, but i gotta be with youI would live a double life, just to be with you.Earing, fearing, earing right, it"s what i have gotta do.I would live a double life, secret and taboo.I don"t wanna live a life, but i gotta be with youI would live a double life, just to be with you.Earing, fearing, earing right, it"s what i have gotta do.I would live a double life, secret and taboo.I don"t wanna live a life, but i gotta be with youI would live a double life, just to be with you.Earing, fearing, earing right, it"s what i have gotta do.I would live a double life, secret and taboo.I don"t wanna live a life, but i gotta be with you
2023-07-15 14:12:171


Doublelift是LOL界有名的失落的小孩,因为要执意追逐职业玩家的梦想,他被双亲赶出了家门,于是他只得暂时寄宿在Travis Gafford的公寓里。之后经过迅速的辗转了几支职业战队以后,Doublelift在第二赛季初作为新的ADC签约到了CLG。他跟Chauster的下路配合比起之前有了很大的进步,截至2013年,他们两个已经被公认为是世界级的下路组合了。Doublelift的成名英雄是他的机器人。当他还在Crs战队的时候就转型到了ADC,从那之后就再也没有变过。刚开始的时候他用薇恩或女警很顺手,而且2013年的Doublelift已经拓宽了他的英雄选择,截至2013年6月,已经可以使用全部的AD英雄了。在S2赛季末期,在其他人都用三大ADC的情况下,Doublelift却经常选择轮子妈这样的英雄而与众不同。他也偶尔会使用一下薇恩,当然这个英雄的使用完全靠的是他对VN的娴熟功底。因为DL在一次采访的时候说过一句很像断水流的台词的话:我认为ADC除了VN,都应该被删除..断水流(我认为武术除了空手道,都应该从地球上消失)长毛喜欢把对面发挥好的选手叫做断水流大师兄,详细请看 电影《破坏之王》。
2023-07-15 14:12:241


2023-07-15 14:12:3410

英语I hope you live a life怎么翻译?

2023-07-15 14:13:079


2023-07-15 14:13:292

为什么 "Life is short",而不是 int 或 double

生命是短暂的。为什么要用int or double
2023-07-15 14:13:372


life 用法详解 1. 表示“生活”时,若指某种方式的生活,为可数名词。如:What a life they had! 他们过着什么样的生活啊!He leads a happy life in the country. 他在乡村过着幸福的生活。若泛指一般意义的生活,则为不可数名词。如:They lacked the basic necessities of life. 他们缺乏生活的基本必需品。Do you like life in the country better than town life? 你对农村生活比对城市生活还喜欢吗?2. 表示“生命”时,若表示泛指意义或抽象意义,为不可数名词。如:Stones don"t have life. 石头没有生命。How did life begin? 生命是怎样开始的?At last he knew the meaning of life. 他最后了解了生命的意义。若表示具体的“性命”,则为可数名词。如:One careless step may cost a life. 一步不小心可能会丧命。Several lives were lost in the accident. 这次事故中有好几个人丧生。3. 表示“一生”“一辈子”时,通常为可数名词。如:She led a long and happy life. 她度过了长寿幸福的一生。4. 泛指“人生”时为不可数名词。如:What was his aim in life? 他人生的目的是什么?Life is a continual struggle. 人生就是不断的斗争。但表示具体的“生平”“传记”时,为可数名词。如:He has written a new life of Newton. 他写了一本新的牛顿传。5. 表示“生气”“活力”等,通常为不可数名词。如:Children were full of life this morning. 孩子们今天早晨充满活力。There were signs of life in the forest as the sun rose. 太阳升起时,森林里有了人类活动的迹象。 摘自《中学英语高频词详解词典》金盾出版社
2023-07-15 14:13:472


2023-07-15 14:14:154

求Nesian Mystik唱的Prospect歌词中文翻译

Prospect 前途Small town boy got big city dreams He feels the chill of the night through his jeans It bites the skin like the knife he carries Shadows his face underneath his hoody Walks to a home that the government owns Holes fill the walls where the photos should go Last night"s takeaways is still in the stove He takes a... Seat at the table and go over his notes He"s trying make it While trying to hide Two edges To his double life School of Thought to his left And hard knocks To his right He"s just trying survive Streetwise way beyond his years Can launch his fists like he handles Shakespeare Nobody knows and he doesn"t care All that matters are the colours he wears Hungry for something that he can"t eat Calms his nerves with every word that he sees Lights his cigarette, has a cup of tea He takes a seat at the table and continues to read He"s trying make it While trying to hide Two edges To his double life School of Thought to his left And hard knocks To his right He"s just trying survive Rise and shine but nothing looks bright Books camouflaged by cans He jumps on his bike Dad gave it as a gift last night Wonder if he"s changed for good this time Shrugs and hopes for the best, got his headphones on Prepares for the test mouthing words to the song Miss gave him props on a job well done “An A parents must be proud of you son” Smiling back with a nod little does she know Enrolled himself with no help from home Hides the bike in the bushes Scared it might be hot so he doesn"t want to push it Game face hard Raise hoodie full mast Set sail through the yard Play jester of the class He"s trying make it While trying to hide Two edges To his double life School of Thought to his left And hard knocks To his right He"s just trying survive小镇男孩曾经向往大城市。夜晚的冷风,穿过牛仔裤,他感觉到了。像他手中的刀那样,刺痛他的皮肤。遮住脸的他,乔装成小混混。走向属于政府的家。昨晚的外卖,还在火炉里。坐在桌旁,重温他的笔记。想要继续,但还要逃避。双重生活的两条边缘。左边的学校生活,与现实激烈碰撞。他只是想从夹缝中,逃生!在社会底层好多年,挥舞拳头像他对待莎士比亚那样。没人知道,他不在意。生活只是他身上的色彩。对他不能吃得东西感到饥饿。他看到的每一个单词,平息了他的紧张。点一支烟,喝一口茶。他坐到桌旁,继续阅读。想要继续,但还要逃避。双重生活的两条边缘。左边的学校生活,与现实激烈碰撞。他只是想从夹缝中,逃生!太阳生了起来,闪耀着,但一切仍旧漆黑一片。打开他预定好的伪装。跳上自行车。那是父亲昨晚作为礼物送给他的,想他是否可以转变。他耸耸肩,但愿吧。戴上耳机。也许是为了听到那哀伤的歌老师表扬他做得不错说“父母必须为为有这样的儿子而骄傲”点头微笑过后却有太多的她不知道。他努力寻找它但它却试图隐藏他的生活游走在两个边缘校园的生活穿过他思想的左边残酷的现实穿过他思想的右边他只是想生存。
2023-07-15 14:14:231

汉娜蒙塔娜的剧本!! 艺术节用加急!!

哇塞 悬赏分太高了~~ 直接送我吧 我帮了你这么多1!
2023-07-15 14:14:493


只看过花样男子搜了一下电影1998年「新宿少年侦探团」饰演:神崎谦太郎(主演)2002年「ピカンチLIFE IS HARDだけどHAPPY」(生活很艰难但是快乐)饰演:二叶廉太郎 岚(五人主演)2004年「ピカンチ LIFE IS HARDだからHAPPY」(生活很艰难但是快乐)饰演:二叶廉太郎 松本润杂志封面(5张)岚(五人主演)2005年「东京タワー」(东京铁塔)饰演:大原耕二(主演)2007年「黄色い涙」(黄色的眼泪)饰演:胜间田佑二 岚(五人主演)2007年「仆は妹に恋をする」(妹妹恋人)饰演:结城赖(主演)2008年「隠し砦の三悪人」(暗堡里的三恶人)饰演:武藏(主演)2008-06-28「花より男子FINAL」(花样男子最终章)饰演:道明寺 (主演)2013年10「阳だまりの彼女」(向阳处的她)饰演:奥田浩介 (主演)
2023-07-15 14:14:572


Miley Stewart might seem like an average girl but she isn"t. She moved from Tennessee to Malibu and is adapting to a new lifestyle. Miley has a huge secret only known by her dad/manager Robbie Ray Stewart, her weird brother Jackson Stewart, and her two best friends Lilly Truscott and Oliver Oken. Miley Stewart"s huge secret is she leads a double as the famous pop singer Hannah Montana along with her friend Lilly who also has a double life as Lola, Hannah"s friend. Miley Stewart leads a completely normal life, except for one factor. She"s teen pop sensation Hannah Montana! She lives with her fun dad Robbie Ray and dorky brother Jackson and has fun with her two best friends Lilly Truscott and Oliver Oken. She goes through average teen problems including pimples, bullies, and the occasional wicked cousin trying to reveal your secret. 以上相当于是剧情简介。下面是这部电视剧的情况介绍。Hannah Montana is an Emmy Award-nominated American television series, which debuted on March 24, 2006 on Disney Channel. The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart (played by Miley Cyrus) by day and a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than her close friends and family.Season three of the series premiered on November 2, 2008 and is still airing as of July 2009. Hannah Montana: The Movie was released in theaters on April 10, 2009. The show has been renewed for the fourth and final season and new episodes have been ordered by Disney.
2023-07-15 14:15:451


基本经典曲目都有 *张学友*演唱会可以查看----ticketbuynow
2023-07-15 14:16:035

张学友1/2演唱 成都10月那场,唱了首粤语快歌,中间有段英文的,大神帮忙啊

life is like a dream
2023-07-15 14:16:302


2023-07-15 14:16:431

give the gift of double minutes for life什么意思

give the gift of double minutes for life给生命两分钟的礼物重点词汇the gift灵异大逆转double双的; 两倍的; 两面派的; 双人用的; 使加倍; 把…对折; 重复; 加倍,加倍努力; 快步走; 两倍地; 双重地; 两倍; 双精度型minutes分钟; 备忘录,会议记录,审判记录; 分( minute的名词复数 ); 瞬间; 片刻for life终生,终身
2023-07-15 14:16:511


1.不知道你的骑士什么时候来,但你永远是我的公主。I don"t know when your knight will come, but you will always be my princess.2.缓慢又笨拙的路上,谢谢你们陪我长大。Slow and clumsy way, thank you for growing up with me.3.好朋友是一场势均力敌的遇见。A good friend is a close encounter.4.请你一定要对号入座,我所有的美好都是为了形容你。Please be sure to take your seat according to your orders. All my goodness is to describe you.5.如果不能和你经历一切,那就一起分享一切。笑声双倍,生活有味。If I can"t go through everything with you, share everything. Double the laughter, life is interesting.6.是待在一起一句话不说也不会尴尬的关系。It"s a relationship where you can"t be embarrassed without saying a word.7.好朋友越来越少,好朋友越来越好。Fewer and fewer good friends, better and better good friends.8.你们说我是美女我认了,但是你们说我闺蜜我实在忍不了,这件事根本和她没关系。You say I am a beauty, I recognize it, but you say my girlfriend, I can"t bear it. It has nothing to do with her at all.9.有什么想分享的直接一股脑都发给你,不用担心发太多条你不喜欢,没及时回也不会很在意,因为大家都有忙的时候,知道对方会一点点认真看。What I want to share will be sent to you directly. Don"t worry about sending too many items that you don"t like, and don"t care if you don"t reply in time, because everyone will be busy, and I know you will take it seriously.10.我更喜欢我那几个不着调的老朋友,不常见面,有空就联系,没空就人间蒸发,这种感情不需要维系但足够铁。I prefer my old friends who are out of tune. We don"t often meet each other. When we are free, we contact each other. When we are not free, we evaporate. This kind of feeling doesn"t need to be maintained but is strong enough.
2023-07-15 14:16:581

No Music No Life -Double K 求中文歌词翻译

2023-07-15 14:17:451


2023-07-15 14:17:511


2023-07-15 14:17:581


2023-07-15 14:18:051


好句英文如下:New Year New Year gift, clockwork SMS send to you. Healthy and happy longer with you。 新年拜年不送礼,发条短信送给你。健康快乐长伴你。Congratulation red envelopes, don"t take a red envelope into the panda。恭喜发财红包拿来,不拿红包打成熊猫。To wish you joy at this holy season. Wishing every happiness will always be with you。祝你新年快乐。愿幸福永远!would like to wish you a joyous new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future。在这特殊的日子,向你致以新年的祝福,希望不久我们能相聚在一起。Thoughts of you like curling smoke endless, blessings to you like babbling water with a lifetime, I wish you a happy New Year!对你的思念像袅袅的轻烟不绝如缕,对你的祝福如潺潺的流水伴随一生一世,祝您新年大吉!The Spring Festival comes, SMS reports; New Year greetings, wish you smile; life is happy, good luck over; double wages, have both fame and wealth,pportunities around; health need; a text message, all is well。春节来到,短信报道;新年问好,愿你微笑;生活幸福,好运笼罩;工资翻番,机遇围绕;福禄双全,健康必要;短信一条,一切安好。
2023-07-15 14:18:131


double 英["du028cbl]美[u02c8du028cbu0259l]adj. 双的;两倍的;两面派的;双人用的vt. 使加倍;把…对折;重复vi. 加倍,加倍努力;快步走[例句]This woman leads a double life.这个女人过着双重生活。
2023-07-15 14:18:521

Always On Time 歌词

歌曲名:Always On Time歌手:Ja Rule专辑:WonderfulAlways there when you call , always on timeGave you be mineAlways there when you call, always on timeGave you my....babyBaby, I"m not always there when you call, but I"m always on timeAnd I gave you my all, now baby be mineI"m not always there when you call, but I"m always on timeAnd I gave you my all, now baby be mineC"mon and get a piece of this late-night loverYou know, the one that swing dick like no other (shit)I know, I got a lot of things I need to explainBut baby you know the name and love is about painSo, stop the complaints and drop the order restraintsOur sex life"s a game so bat me down in the paint"Cause I can"t wait no more"Cause it"s about a quarter-past three and shorty"s eyein meI got the Bentley valetedAnd I"m just outside of Jersey, past the PalisadesAnd I love to see that ass in boots and shadesHold down on the bed while I"m yankin your braidsThug style, you never thought I"d make you smileWhile I"m smackin your ass and fuckin you all wild But we share somethin so rare, but who cares, you careBaby, I"m not always there when you call, but I"m always on timeAnd I gave you my all, now baby be mineI"m not always there when you call, but I"m always on timeAnd I gave you my all, now baby be mineGirl, get a grip, c"mon, pull it togetherIt"s only a sunshower, we been through worse weatherLike the stormy nights you wrote a "Dear Ja" letterAnd took my Benz and keyed and cut the leatherBitch, you know better, we live M-O-BMoney Over Bitches, Murder, I-N-C I got two or three hoes for every VAnd I keep "em drugged up off that ecstasyI"m a playground legend like Kirk with Pee-weeName a nigga in the league got more game than meI play hard, there"s so many women I fatheredMeet "em with scars and send "em home hot and botheredTruth or dare, this life ain"t apparantly fairAnd a love with no glare is a crystal stareBut we share somethin so rare, but who cares, you careBaby, I"m not always there when you call, but I"m always on timeAnd I gave you my all, now baby be mineI"m not always there when you call, but I"m always on timeAnd I gave you my all, now baby be mine Oh I"m, feelin like ya livin a, double life"Cause you don"t be comin home, sometimesBaby, but you"re always, on time, checkin for one timeYou and I, got a special bond togetherWe go back like bombers boo, in the coldest weatherAnd when I play you play the same way you freak me baby I fuck you crazyThen I"m goneBaby don"t really want me to get up and leave off that easyShe"ll be wakin up wet for sheezyRemind these bitches to mind they businessBelieve me, this pimp game is very religiousAnd I"m built like the Don BishopGon" keep this money-green Benz and my hoes as my witnessThe life we share is a thug affair But who cares, you careBaby, I"m not always there when you call, but I"m always on timeAnd I gave you my all, now baby be mineI"m not always there when you call, but I"m always on timeAnd I gave you my all, now baby be mineAlways there when you call, always on timeGave you be mineAlways there when you call, always on timeGave you be mineHere at W-I-Z we play nothing but the hits, nothing but the hitsNothing but the muthafuckin hits
2023-07-15 14:19:001

live和life 的用法区分

life n.(pl.lives[laivz])生命, 性命寿命, 一生, 一辈子[总称]生物人生, 世事, 处世传记生活, 生存; 生计, 生涯精神, 生气, 活力; [喻]支柱, 灵魂无生命物所具有的特性, 弹性(死里逃生后的)新生命, 新机会活体模型; 实物被保险者活(动)的状态无期徒刑devote one"s whole life to the study of science 一辈子献身于科学研究The L-of Shakespeare 《莎士比亚传记》He was fighting for his political life. 他正为他的政治生涯奋斗。The murderer received a life sentence. 该凶犯被判无期徒刑。习惯用语a bad life 不道德的生活 估计活不到平均寿命的人a future life 【宗】来生a good life 好的生活 有道德的生活 可能超过(人寿保险所统计出的)平均寿命的人a matter of life and death 生死攸关的事情all one"s life一生anything for a quiet life 只求生活安宁其他怎么都行as large as life 与原物一样大 [口, 谑]体态容貌完整无缺, 千真万确, 不容置疑as big as life 与原物一样大 [口, 谑]体态容貌完整无缺, 千真万确, 不容置疑as much as one"s life is worth [口]性命攸关be given a life (棒球等游戏中)被迫退场前还有一次机会bear a charmed life 有护身符, 冥冥中有神保佑have a charmed life 有护身符, 冥冥中有神保佑lead a charmed life 有护身符, 冥冥中有神保佑bet one"s life [俚]拿一切打赌; 确信; 管保没错Bless my life! 哎呀!好家伙! 我的天哪!bother the life out of sb. 跟某人纠缠不已; 不给某人安生; 纠缠某人没完harass the life out of sb. 跟某人纠缠不已; 不给某人安生; 纠缠某人没完nag the life out of sb. 跟某人纠缠不已; 不给某人安生; 纠缠某人没完plague the life out of sb. 跟某人纠缠不已; 不给某人安生; 纠缠某人没完pester the life out of sb. 跟某人纠缠不已; 不给某人安生; 纠缠某人没完worry the life out of sb. 跟某人纠缠不已; 不给某人安生; 纠缠某人没完breathe new life into 给予生气, 给予活力, 赋与生机give new life into 给予生气, 给予活力, 赋与生机infuse new life into 给予生气, 给予活力, 赋与生机bring to life 使苏醒[复活]carry one5s life in one"s hands 冒险从事某项活动; 冒生命危险take one5s life in one"s hands 冒险从事某项活动; 冒生命危险cat -and-dog life 经常争吵的生活; 鸡犬不宁的日子choke the life out of sb. 把某人闷[掐]死come to life 苏醒过来depart (from) this life 离开人间, 逝世escape with bare life 仅以身免, 死里逃生escape with life and limb 未受重伤而逃脱eternal life 【宗】永生expectation of life (=life expectancy) (根据概率统计求得的)估计寿命for dear life 为了逃命, 拼命地, 不顾死活地for life 终身 为着保全生命for one"s life (=for the life of me)[用于否定句]无论如何也不..., 死也不肯... 为了逃命; 拼命地, 全力以赴地galvanize into [to] life (=galvanize life into) 使(某人)受到刺激而振奋活跃起来; 使(市场)再度活跃; 使(问题)重新提起gasp one"s life away 断气, 死去gasp one"s life out 断气, 死去get on in life 发迹give one"s life 献出自己的生命, 为...捐躯lay down one"s life 献出自己的生命, 为...捐躯guy the life out of sb. 无情嘲笑某人have as many lives as a cat 死不了; 不容易死; 富于生命力high life 上流社会的生活, 上流社会 一种渊源于西非具有强烈节奏的舞蹈How"s life? 你生活得好吗?I"ll bet my life. 我敢用生命担保; 当然, 管保没错。in life[口][用以加强语气]世界上; 根本; 极其 一生中, 在世之时lead a dog"s life (使某人)过着受折磨的日子lead sb. a dog"s life (使某人)过着受折磨的日子lead fast life 过着放荡的生活live a double life 过着双重人格的生活, 搞两面派lead a double life 过着双重人格的生活, 搞两面派lose one"s life 丧命; 死make sb."s life a hell 使某人终日苦恼, 过着地狱般的生活mark for life 给(某人)留下终身的创伤my life 我的心肝(称呼最心爱的人)on your life [口]在任何情况下; 无论如何pawn one"s life 以生命保证put life into sth. 用全部精力做某事; 使某事充满活力或生机put some life into sth. [口]鼓起劲来做某事put more life into sth. [口]鼓起劲来做某事raise to life 使复活recall to life 使苏醒retire into private life 退休risk one"s life 拼着性命, 冒生命危险safe in life and limb 安然无恙sound in life and limb 安然无恙save one"s life [口]死也..., 怎么也...He could not help laughing to save his life 他怎么也忍不住笑。sb."s life is not worth a day"s purchase 某人很难再活一天[一小时]sb."s life is not worth a hour"s purchase 某人很难再活一天[一小时]see life 见见世面; 享受享受; 交游广阔seek sb."s life 图谋杀害某人sell one"s life dearly 死得够本; 给敌人巨大损失后而阵亡settled in life 成家; 生活得到安顿small life 比真人略小的尺寸(指肖像)still life 静物写生take life 杀生take one"s own life 自杀take sb."s life 把某人杀死; 夺去某人生命That"s life. 这就是人生。the life and the soul 灵魂; 首要人物; 活跃分子the life of Riley [俚]无忧无虑的生活, 安逸[奢侈]的生活the other life 【宗】来世eternal life 【宗】来世everlasting life 【宗】来世future life 【宗】来世That is the life. 这才够劲; 这才够意思。this life 【宗】今生to the life 逼真的, 栩栩如生的upon my life [口]以我的生命担保; 我敢断言; 说句良心话What a life! 人生太苦了!While there is life there is hope. [谚]留得青山在, 不怕没柴烧。life for life 以命偿命Life is but a span. 人生几何; 人生如朝露。Life is made up of little things. [谚]人生是由琐碎的事物构成的。Life is not all beer and skittles. [谚]人生非只吃喝玩乐而已; 人生非尽乐事。life of the mind 精神生活; 想象的境界
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这是蜘蛛侠1:Based on Marvel Comics" superhero character, this is a story of Peter Parker who is a nerdy high-schooler. He was orphaned as a child, bullied by jocks, and can"t confess his crush for his stunning neighbourhood girl Mary Jane Watson. To say his life is "miserable" is an understatement. But one day while on an excursion to a laboratory a runaway radioactive spider bites him... and his life changes in a way no one could have imagined. Peter acquires a muscle-bound physique, clear vision, ability to cling to surfaces and crawl over walls, shooting webs from his wrist ... but the fun isn"t going to last. An eccentric millionaire Norman Osborn (William Dafoe) administers a performance enhancing drug on himself and his maniacal alter ego Green Goblin emerges. Now Peter Parker has to become Spider-Man and take Green Goblin to the task... or else Goblin will kill him. They come face to face and the war begins in which only one of them will survive at the end. Written by Soumitra A rather odd thing has just occurred in the life of nerdy high school student Peter Parker: after being bitten by a genetically modified spider, his body chemistry is altered mutagenically. He can now scale walls and ceilings, he has superhuman strength and super-fast reflexes, and he develops a precognitive sense that warns him of approaching danger. Adopting the name Spider-Man, Peter first uses his newfound powers to make money, but after his uncle is murdered at the hands of a criminal Peter failed to stop, he swears to use his powers to fight the evil that killed his uncle. At the same time, scientist and businessman Norman Osborn, after exposure to an experimental nerve gas, develops an alternate personality himself: the super-strong, psychotic Green Goblin! Peter Parker must now juggle three things in his life: his new job at a local newspaper under a perpetually on-edge employer, his battle against the evil Green Goblin, and his fight to win the affections of beautiful classmate Mary Jane Watson, against none other than his best friend Harry Osborn, son of Norman Osborn! Is this challenge too much for even the Amazing Spider-Man to handle? Written by Hammer2Fall这是蜘蛛侠2:Peter Parker"s having a rough time. His double life as the superhero Spider-Man is having a devastating impact on his civilian life. Things are so bad he declares that he"s quitting, and never putting on the suit again. However, his sense of duty forces him to become a hero again when the brilliant scientist Dr. Otto Octavius is deformed in an accident and becomes Dr. Octopus. With four metal tentacles sticking out of his back, he"ll prove to be a more than worthy opponent for Spider-Man. Written by rmlohner Peter Parker (Tobey McGuire) can"t seem to catch any kind of break. Being Spiderman has brought him nothing but problems as far as his personal life is concerned. Not only that, Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst) is engaged to astronaut John Jameson, and Peter may lose her forever. Things are so bad for him that he is pushed past his breaking point, so he decides that he doesn"t want to be Spiderman anymore, until a freak accident transforms Dr. Otto Octavius into Dr. Octopus, a super-villian with four metal tentacles coming out of him. Peter realizes that only Spiderman can stop him, but of course, problems arise. Mary Jane gets caught in the middle, and Harry Osborn, who still blames Spiderman for the death of his father, Norman Osborn, also the Green Goblin, wants him dead. Spiderman will have to push himself past his limits if he"s going to survive. Written by Roguemaster83 Peter Parker appears to be your average ordinary college student - struggling to make ends meet, living hand-to-mouth, and attempting to capture the heart of the girl of his dreams. All is not as it seems, as Peter also possess amazing super-powers which he uses to serve to protect his fellow man as the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man. Peter is now faced with the titanic choice of living his life out as he wants, or shoulding the burden of his unwanted responsibility. Written by Joe50000 Two years have passed for Peter Parker, established in his role as college student...and as a crimefighter. He can"t keep up at school, pay his rent or make amends with his estranged best friend Harry, who wants Spider-Man dead. Mary Jane is more skeptical than ever of the man in her life. Peter"s idol, a renowned scientist named Otto Octavius, resurfaces following a failed fusion experiment. Peter, at times noticing he"s losing some of his powers, and is feeling the effects of the stress in his personal life, realizes he must decide between being who he once was or retaining his secret identity to stop "Doc Ock" and save New York City. Written by balboa82 这是蜘蛛侠3的:Peter Parker has finally found the balance he"s longed for between his love for Mary Jane Watson and his responsibilities as Spider-Man. The city of New York and it"s citizens are at last coming around and appreciating everything he has done as his crime-fighting alter ego, and Peter is in the running for a staff job at the Daily Bugle. However, everything Peter has worked for is about to unravel. Flint Marko, while fleeing prison, is caught in an accident that displaces molecules and is transformed into the Sandman, a new super villain who is able to change his body into any shape of sand he sees fit. When Peter learns of a connection between The Sandman and the murder of his Uncle Ben, he will stop at nothing as Spider-Man to capture him. But before Peter can do so he discovers a mysterious black substance has turned his suit black, and has brought forth a darker side of Parker and Spidey nobody has seen before. Peter begins to give into this new dark personality, starts to abandon the ones he loves the most and in turn his best friend Harry Osborn takes up his late father"s mantle as The New Goblin. Quickly Parker begins a new romance with his lab partner, the beautiful Gwen Stacy but in doing so Peter sets off a rival Bugle photographer, a troubled young man by the name of Eddie Brock who is obsessed with Stacy. Little does Peter know the black substance has its sights set on Eddie else as well. Turning Brock into Venom, a foe that mirrors everything Spider-Man can do. Forcing Peter to become the strong-willed hero he has forgotten about if he hopes to defeat his greatest threat yet. Written by Phatmaster Peter Parker has finally managed to piece together the once-broken parts of his life, maintaining a balance between his relationship with Mary-Jane and his responsibility as Spider-Man. But more challenges arise for our young hero. Peter"s old friend Harry Obsourne has set out for revenge against Peter; taking up the mantle of his late father"s persona as The New Goblin, and Peter must also capture Uncle Ben"s real killer, Flint Marko, who has been transformed into his toughest foe yet, the Sandman. All hope seems lost when suddenly Peter"s suit turns jet-black and greatly amplifies his powers. But it also begins to greatly amplify the much darker qualities of Peter"s personality that he begins to lose himself to. Peter has to reach deep inside himself to free the compassionate hero he used to be if he is to ever conquer the darkness within and face not only his greatest enemies, but also...himself. Written by Dark-Spidey The highly anticipated final chapter of the popular Spider-Man trilogy sees Peter and Mary Jane finally together, but three new enemies, the Sandman, Venom and Spidey"s old enemy, the New Goblin, his best friend, Harry Osborn, threatens the lives of people close to Peter. The greatest battle lies within May 4th, 2007... Written by Michael Anderson 我去这个网站看的.太多开不懂.只略知一二.你也可到这个网站去看里面有好多英文剧情.
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1.Liu T., Chen H., Kim H., Huen M.S., Chen J. #, and Huang J(2012). RAD18-BRCTx interaction is required for efficient repair of UV-induced DNA damage.DNA Repair11, 131-138.  2.Liu T., Wan L., Wu Y., Chen J. #, and Huang J(2011). hSWS1-SWSAP1 is an evolutionarily conserved complex required for efficient homologous recombination repair.J Biol Chem286, 41758-41766.3.Su X., and Huang J(2011). The Fanconi anemia pathway and DNA interstrand cross-link repair.Protein Cell2,704-711.4.Sy S.M., Jiang J., Dong S.S., Lok G.T., Wu J., Cai H., Yeung E.S., Huang J,Chen J., Deng Y., and Huen MS. (2011). Critical roles of ring finger protein RNF8 in replication stress responses.J Biol Chem286, 22355-22361.  5.Wang, W.,Huang J,and Chen, J. # (2011). Angiomotin-like Proteins Associate with and Negatively Regulate YAP1.J Biol Chem286, 4364-4370.6.Liu, T.,Huang J,and Chen, J. # (2010). RAD18 lives a double life: Its implication in DNA double-strand break repair.DNA Repair9, 1241-1248.7.Liu, T., Ghosal, G., Yuan, J., Chen, J. #, andHuang J(2010), FAN1 acts with FANCI-FANCD2 to promote DNA interstrand cross-links repair.Science .329(6):693 - 696  8. Huen, M.S.,Huang, J., Leung, J.W., Sy, S.M., Leung, K.M., Ching, Y.P., Tsao, S.W., and Chen, J. (2010) , Regulation of chromatin architecture by a PWWP domain-containing DNA damage responsive factor EXPAND1.Mol Cell. 37(6):854-64  9. HuangJ., Gong, Z., Ghosal, G., and Chen, J. (2009). SOSS complexes participate in the maintenance of genomic stability.Mol Cell. 35(3):384-93.10. Feng, L.,Huang, J., and Chen, J. (2009). MERIT40 facilitates BRCA1 localization and DNA damage repair.Genes Dev. 23(6):719-2811. Huang, J.,Huen, M.S., Kim, H., Leung, C.C., Glover, J.N., Yu, X., and Chen, J. (2009).RAD18 transmits DNA damage signaling to elicit homologous recombination repair.Nat Cell Biol. 2009 May;11(5):592-60312.Zhang, B.*,Huang, J.*,Li, H.L.*, Liu, T., Wang, Y.Y., Waterman, P., Mao, A.P., Xu, L.G., Zhai, Z., Liu, D., Marrack, P., and Shu, H.B. (2008). GIDE is a mitochondrial E3 ubiquitin ligase that induces apoptosis and slows growth.Cell Res18, 900-910. (*共同第一作者)  13. Huen, M.S.,Huang, J., Yuan, J., Yamamoto, M., Akira, S., Ashley, C., Xiao, W., and Chen, J. (2008). Noncanonical E2 Variant-Independent Function of UBC13 in Promoting Checkpoint Protein Assembly.Mol Cell Biol. 2008 19:6104-12  14. Fu, Z., Malureanu, L.,Huang, J., Wang, W., Li, H., van Deursen, J.M., Tindall, D.J., and Chen, J. (2008). Plk1-dependent phosphorylation of FoxM1 regulates a transcriptional programme required for mitotic progression.Nat Cell Biol. 2008, 9:1076-82  15. HuangJand Chen J, (2008). VprBP targets Merlin to the Roc1-Cul4A-DDB1 E3 ligase complex for degradation.Oncogene. 27:4056-64  16. Kim, H.*,Huang, J.*,and Chen, J. (2007). CCDC98 is a BRCA1-BRCT domain–binding protein involved in the DNA damage response.Nature Structural &Molecular Biology. 14: 710 -15(*co-first authors)17.Huang, J., Xu, L.G., Liu, T., Zhai, Z., and Shu, H.B. (2006). The p53-inducible E3 ubiquitin ligase p53RFP induces p53-dependent apoptosis.FEBS Lett580, 940-947.   18. Huang, J.,Liu, T., Xu, L.G., Chen, D., Zhai, Z., and Shu, H.B. (2005). SIKE is an IKK-relative kinases-associated suppressor of TLR3- and virus-triggered IRF-3 activaton pathways.EMBO J. 24: 4018-28(*co-first authors)  19. Huang, J.,Teng, L., Li, L., Liu, T., Chen, D., Xu, L.G., Zhai, Z., and Shu, H.B. (2004).ZNF216 Is an A20-like and IkappB Kinase gamma-Interacting Inhibitor of NF-kappaB Activation.J. Bio. Chem. 2004, 279: 16847-5320.Huang, J., Teng, L., Liu, T., Li, L., Chen, D., Li, F., Xu, L.G., Zhai, Z., and Shu, H.B. (2003). Identification of a novel serine/threonine kinase that inhibits TNF-induced NF-kappaB activation and p53-induced transcription.Biochem Biophys Res Commun309, 774-778.
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bigbang 一见钟情中文音译歌词

(GD) 波gigai哟 波gigai 哈几波gigai哟 波 波(TOP)哈几波gigai哟 哈几波-波-波-波-波gigai哟 兔都木vin那爹莫呢 波gigai哟 安你所gigai哟 wuli gai哟 弄波gigai哟(GD) This is double double, double double, Combo, double double,double combo They say bubble bubble,bubble bubble(gum) 诺能姐根姐根 努力bingo bingo(TOP)ki可理路格了大理难嫁个西度 nam家nio所出够未出都为出dae能那也1 dem(T.O.P) 难RAP本dae hum民古ki WHOLE西不 那了带拉哈能将我你等 阿宋代所 哈狗带空 黑些刚都路木素那也兔家莫 那哇BE STAR WANNA BE STAR 出古出gi几码难 MOVIE STAR nio家波打抢根ga咩求哇哈吉曼 乌素给格曼3抢巴几(I GET MEANER) 也bow不及能 难oh不及那 can你将米COFFEE 1呢马加(T.O.P!) 呢ga马尼同家 呢YEAR和得nio哟扣 那BABY所未所 YO GIRLS莫ki花将个大能它高那也YOU 哈几波gigai哟 哈几波-波-波-波-波gigai哟 兔都木vin那爹莫呢 波gigai哟 安你所gigai哟 wuli gai哟 弄波gigai哟(GD) This is double double, double double, Combo, double double,double combo They say bubble bubble,bubble bubble(gum) 诺能姐根姐根 努力bingo bingo 哭么哥ga里个大个哦 G-DRAGON 难阿拉SUPER BOARD比图wi也所那公 MIC可那几帮么的wi也那度来噢(HOMMIE WHEN YOU SEE MY SWAG,YOU SAID YOU WANNA BE姐一也恐鸡涌) BLING BLING BLING 大穷比也呀麻GONNA也几曼华波咩呢1能得艾就 (BRAVO MY LIFE)所兔哦TOKYO几个大喜都 THEY CALL ME onggi同 娃娃所莫根所谓 难思给就了西大鸟(oh oh) 头哇米了I"M SO LONELY 难思干得大1大鸟 (噢巴) 酒吧ga就谈你养嘎户嘎阿所 几都木里姐 嘎户嘎阿所 你姐西求能前呢 (HOW YOU WALKIN" SMILE) 那么所里一几么 SWEET MEDUSA(TOP)哈几波gigai哟 哈几波-波-波-波-波gigai哟 兔都木vin那爹莫呢 波gigai哟 安你所gigai哟 wuli gai哟 弄波gigai哟(GD) This is double double, double double, Combo, double double,double combo They say bubble bubble,bubble bubble 诺能姐根姐根 努力bingo bingo(TOP)特给那得不得它哭那么所里 TOP&GD呢那梦杜瓦CHOCOLATE D-D-D-DIPLO哇(哇) 呢比个求哇(哇) 弄西所玩呢呢姐帮地哭咩东花 特给那得不得它哭那么所里 TOP&GD呢那梦杜瓦CHOCOLATE D-D-D-DIPLO哇(哇) 呢比个求哇(哇) 弄西所玩呢呢姐帮地哭咩东花(GD) 波gigai哟 波gigai 哈几波gigai哟 波 波(TOP)哈几波gigai哟 哈几波-波-波-波-波gigai哟 兔都木vin那爹莫呢 波gigai哟 安你所gigai哟 wuli gai哟 弄波gigai哟(GD) This is double double, double double, Combo, double double,double combo They say bubble bubble,bubble bubble 诺能姐根姐根 努力bingo bingo
2023-07-15 14:20:412


GD) ubed1uc774 uac00uc694 ubed1uc774 uac00uc694 uc544uc8fc ubed1uc774 uac00uc694 ubed1 ubed1(TOP)uc544uc8fc ubed1uc774 uac00uc694 uc544uc8fc ubed1ubed1ubed1ubed1 ubed1uc774uac00uc694TO THE MOVIN ANOTHE ubab0ub798 ubed1uc774 uac00uc694 ubc1cuc774 uc190uc774uac00uc694 ub208uc774uac00uc694 ub10c ubed1uc774uac00uc694(GD)THIS IS DOUBLE DOUBLE, DOUBLE DOUBLE, COMBODOUBLE DOUBLE, DOUBLE COMBOTHEY SAY BUBBLE BUBBLE, BUBBLE BUBBLEuadf8ub7fc ub108ub294 uc9c8uac85uc9c8uac85 uc6b0ub9b0 ube59uae00ube59uae00(TOP) uae38uac70ub9acub97c uac78uc5b4ub2e4ub2c8ub294 uc800 uc544uac00uc528ub4e4ub0a8uc790ub140uc11dub4e4uc774 uc678uccd0ub300ub294 ub098uc758 uc774ub984 (GD)TOP!ub0b4 ub7a9uc740 ub300ud55cubbfcuad6d uae30ud638uc2ddud488ub098ub97c ub530ub77cud558ub294 uc80auc740uc774ub4e4ub098uc640 ube44uc2b7ud55c, WANNA BE STARucad3uace0 ucad3uae30uc9c0ub9cc ub09c MOVIE STARuc5ecuc790ubcf4ub2e4 uc7a5ub09cuac10uc744 uc88buc544ud558uc9c0ub9cc, uc6b0uc2b5uac8c ubcf4uba74 uc0c1ucc98ubc1buc9c0ucee4ud53c ud55cuc794 uc774ub984 TOPuae4cub9ccub208ub3d9uc790YO GIRLS, uc2a4ubaa8ud0a4ud654uc7a5uc5d0 ub2e4ub978 ud0c0uace0ub09c uc5ecuc720(TOP)uc544uc8fc ubed1uc774 uac00uc694 uc544uc8fc ubed1ubed1ubed1ubed1 ubed1uc774 uac00uc694TO THE MOVIN ANOTHER ubab0ub798 ubed1uc774uac00uc694 uc544ub2c8 uc190uc774uac00uc694ub208uc774uac00uc694 WHAT? ub09c ubed1uc774uac00uc694(GD)THIS IS DOUBLE DOUBLE, DOUBLE DOUBLE, COMBODOUBLE DOUBLE, DOUBLE COMBOTHEY SAY BUBBLE BUBBLE, BUBBLE BUBBLEuadf8ub7fc ub108ub294 uc9c8uac85uc9c8uac85 uc6b0ub9b0 ube59uae00ube59uae00(GD)uad6cub984uc744 uac00ub974uace0 ub2e4uac00uc628 G-DRAGON!ub09c uc54cuc544 uc218ud37cubcf4uc774 ube44ud2b8 uc704uc5d0 uc11cub294 ubc95 (?)ubb34ub300 uc704uc758 ub098ud3f4ub808uc639I"LL BE WATING SEE MY SPACE(?)ube14ub9c1ube14ub9c1ube14ub9c1 ub300ucda9 uadf8ub0e5 uc544ubb34uac70ub098 uac78uce5c ub09c~ub0b4 uc774ub984 ub2e4 uc54cuc8e0 !~ub2e4ub2c8uba74 uac00uc624uac00 uc548uc11c ~uac00ud638uac00 uc55euc11cub0b4 uc81cuc2a4uccd0ub294 uc720ud639ud558ub294 uc2a4ub9c8uc77c ub0b4 ubaa9uc18cub9acuac00 uc880 SWEET(TOP)uc544uc8fc ubed1uc774 uac00uc694 uc544uc8fc ubed1ubed1ubed1ubed1 ubed1uc774 uac00uc694TO THE MOVIN ANOTHER ubab0ub798 ubed1uc774uac00uc694 uc544ub2c8 uc190uc774uac00uc694ub208uc774uac00uc694 WHAT? ub09c ubed1uc774uac00uc694(GD)THIS IS DOUBLE DOUBLE, DOUBLE DOUBLE, COMBODOUBLE DOUBLE, DOUBLE COMBOTHEY SAY BUBBLE BUBBLE, BUBBLE BUBBLEuadf8ub7fc ub108ub294 uc9c8uac85uc9c8uac85 uc6b0ub9b0 ube59uae00ube59uae00
2023-07-15 14:20:592


2023-07-15 14:21:083


2023-07-15 14:22:001

活结no life 翻译

no life 没有生命第一滴血 first blood 佛死的波了双杀 double kill 大波Q三杀 triple kill 垂波Q四杀 quatary kill 娃戳Q五杀 penta kill 篇特Q
2023-07-15 14:22:071

求一首英文歌开头就唱的高昂女声,听到的歌词this is life the life

2023-07-15 14:22:168

GD TOP 《一见倾心》的音译歌词

(GD) 波gigai哟 波gigai 哈几波gigai哟 波 波(TOP)哈几波gigai哟 哈几波-波-波-波-波gigai哟 兔都木vin那爹莫呢 波gigai哟 安你所gigai哟 wuli gai哟 弄波gigai哟(GD) This is double double, double double, Combo, double double,double combo They say bubble bubble,bubble bubble(gum) 诺能姐根姐根 努力bingo bingo(TOP)ki可理路格了大理难嫁个西度 nam家nio所出够未出都为出dae能那也1 dem(T.O.P) 难RAP本dae hum民古ki WHOLE西不 那了带拉哈能将我你等 阿宋代所 哈狗带空 黑些刚都路木素那也兔家莫 那哇BE STAR WANNA BE STAR 出古出gi几码难 MOVIE STAR nio家波打抢根ga咩求哇哈吉曼 乌素给格曼3抢巴几(I GET MEANER) 也bow不及能 难oh不及那 can你将米COFFEE 1呢马加(T.O.P!) 呢ga马尼同家 呢YEAR和得nio哟扣 那BABY所未所 YO GIRLS莫ki花将个大能它高那也YOU 哈几波gigai哟 哈几波-波-波-波-波gigai哟 兔都木vin那爹莫呢 波gigai哟 安你所gigai哟 wuli gai哟 弄波gigai哟(GD) This is double double, double double, Combo, double double,double combo They say bubble bubble,bubble bubble(gum) 诺能姐根姐根 努力bingo bingo 哭么哥ga里个大个哦 G-DRAGON 难阿拉SUPER BOARD比图wi也所那公 MIC可那几帮么的wi也那度来噢(HOMMIE WHEN YOU SEE MY SWAG,YOU SAID YOU WANNA BE姐一也恐鸡涌) BLING BLING BLING 大穷比也呀麻GONNA也几曼华波咩呢1能得艾就 (BRAVO MY LIFE)所兔哦TOKYO几个大喜都 THEY CALL ME onggi同 娃娃所莫根所谓 难思给就了西大鸟(oh oh) 头哇米了I"M SO LONELY 难思干得大1大鸟 (噢巴) 酒吧ga就谈你养嘎户嘎阿所 几都木里姐 嘎户嘎阿所 你姐西求能前呢 (HOW YOU WALKIN" SMILE) 那么所里一几么 SWEET MEDUSA(TOP)哈几波gigai哟 哈几波-波-波-波-波gigai哟 兔都木vin那爹莫呢 波gigai哟 安你所gigai哟 wuli gai哟 弄波gigai哟(GD) This is double double, double double, Combo, double double,double combo They say bubble bubble,bubble bubble 诺能姐根姐根 努力bingo bingo(TOP)特给那得不得它哭那么所里 TOP&GD呢那梦杜瓦CHOCOLATE D-D-D-DIPLO哇(哇) 呢比个求哇(哇) 弄西所玩呢呢姐帮地哭咩东花 特给那得不得它哭那么所里 TOP&GD呢那梦杜瓦CHOCOLATE D-D-D-DIPLO哇(哇) 呢比个求哇(哇) 弄西所玩呢呢姐帮地哭咩东花(GD) 波gigai哟 波gigai 哈几波gigai哟 波 波(TOP)哈几波gigai哟 哈几波-波-波-波-波gigai哟 兔都木vin那爹莫呢 波gigai哟 安你所gigai哟 wuli gai哟 弄波gigai哟(GD) This is double double, double double, Combo, double double,double combo They say bubble bubble,bubble bubble 诺能姐根姐根 努力bingo bingo
2023-07-15 14:22:301


mr private eye
2023-07-15 14:22:492


(风继续吹...天...绝无仅有的一次哦!深海也极其罕有啊!)2012年4月1日 合肥站加场世界巡演第78站 第127场中国内地第67站 第81场1.花花公子 2.小姐贵姓 3.初吻 4.你是我今生唯一传奇 5.你的名字我的姓氏 6.情愿 7.一滴泪 8.人在雨中 9.三分拍 10.如果爱 11.天气这么热 12.吻别(ROCK版) 13.当爱变成习惯 14.我应该 15.月巴女且 16.风继续吹(原唱 张国荣)17.离开以后18.情人的眼泪 19.我真的受伤了 20.LIFE IS LIKE A DREAM 21.DOUBLE TROUBLE22.李香兰 23.每天爱你多一些24.她来听我的演唱会25.心碎了无痕26.心如刀割27.饿狼传说 28.头发乱了 29.这个冬天不太冷(粤语)30.我等到花儿也谢了(国语)31.忘记你我做不到32.深海33.只想一生跟你走34.想和你去吹吹风35.一路上有你36.祝福(jazz)摘自张学友贴吧。
2023-07-15 14:22:561

求张学友2011 5月29号合肥演唱会,歌曲目表

1、huahua公子 2、xiao jie贵姓 3、初吻 4、你是我今生唯一传奇 5、你的名字我的姓氏 6、情愿 7、一滴泪 8、人在雨中 9、三分拍 10、如果爱 11、天气这么热 12、吻别(ROCK版) 13、LET ME GO 14、我应该 15、月巴女且 16、迷你 17、情网(JAZZ版) 18、情人的眼泪 19、我真的受伤了 20、LIFE IS LIKE A DREAM 21、DOUBLE TROUBLE 22、李香兰 23、月半弯(国语版) 24、她来听我的演唱会 25、回头太难 26、一路上有你 27、饿狼传说 28、头发乱了 29、这个冬天不太冷(粤语版) 30、爱是永恒(国语版) 31、心如刀割 32、心碎了无痕33、一千个伤心的理由 34、想和你去吹吹风 35、祝福(JAZZ )
2023-07-15 14:23:031


下面是图表写作类的英语四级作文模板,供考生借鉴学习。模版1According to the chart / graph / diagram / table, we clearly learn that _________. As early as _________,___________. Then,_________. Last,__________. In contrast, by _________,__________.There are many reasons accounting for _________. Firstly, _________.Secondly,__________. Finally,_________. As a result,_________.As far as I am concerned,_________. For one thing,__________. For another,________. In brief, I hold that__________.模版2What is shown in the chart / graph / diagram / table above indicates that in recent years, more and more people pay attention to _________. The number of those who _________ has increased ________, and furthermore,____________.There are two factors responsible for the changes. In the first place,_________. Moreover,__________. Yet, it is noticeable that __________.From the analysis, we can safely draw the conclusion that__________. It is possible that in the future, the tendency will__________.模版3As is shown in the chart / graph / diagram / table above, __________ has charged drastically in the past _________. While ___________,now the percentage of__________ is __________. Meanwhile, the number of _________ has soared up to ________.There are mainly two possible reasons contributing to the rapid changes. The first is that _________. Secondly,__________.In my point of view, the changes have a great influence on _________. At the same time,_______. To sum up ,_________.
2023-07-15 14:23:271

急需一篇英文小作文!题目:Rules are important in our life,我是六年级学生,水平不要太高...50个单词

2023-07-15 14:23:475

急!!!英语作文 Which do you prefer life in the countryside or city拜托各位大神

City is a double-edged sword. The modern urban commercial culture attribute, on the one hand, make it dilutes the family, the family of the constraints, people have more freedom, equality and democracy, But on the other hand, the city people, especially big man, the values of the people have a tendency to rationalization and ShiJiHua. Commercial principle is driven principle, commercial city relationships are basically interests, interpersonal relationships and transfer line is interests and money. The kind of country smile face, in the city became distant and fuzzy. So, it is clear that the cruelty and BoQing city. The modern city conveniences and globalization, both to provide the creation of man to many people, and also to the big social bound in rotating machinery, rapid gear, tired out, callous. Now is the urbanization development, many people are flocking to the city, the country people are rushing round their dreams, a city of city. The country became shattered, even some ShiShiJiuKong. But, I was a bit of time, so if the rebellious, I also flourishing city to persuade his rebellious heart. A bird "s-eye view of the Manhattan at according to drawings, the human greatness, just make reminds me of the ant nest on the gobi. I don"t like the city, the main reason is the city -- a group of carbon dioxide in the air, with the development of civilized heat, dust and gas molecular mixture. It is my first impression of the city, is the most impressive. Men and women, old and children, born and died, total dozens of millions of this little lung breathing in the land of oxygen to the air. Projectile But the virtues of oxygen through the nostrils, the filter machine automobile ass baptism. I cannot endure Lou base, the XianQi civilization. I prefer the air in the wild, to purify my lungs. The city is the hot air, is much the dust. Hot because people, enthusiasm, urban, it contains all kinds of people, various kinds of ideology, the attitude of plentiful dust, so... cities, people are not see each other, and many cities, mixed multiplying complex. The air in the village and the city, it is just the opposite of the cold, and the people are pure, is clear. I am fond of solitude and afraid of loneliness. So, I can always stay city or always stay in countryside. However, I still stay in their time difference between dorm. Like I used half hours pace, Yin path. Just three minutes to cross market. But in the bustling city, all too often not lonely people gathering place is lonely. I always felt a banished dethroned. As an abandoned dogs that does not return to baal looking like the master, or drunk down poet lie in their boat receded sigh of Taiwan. A bosom friend of XingYou redemption, life is on a harbor. To see the bustling city ZhongShengXiang, in the quiet countryside 翻译 城市是一把双刃剑。现代城市的商业文化属性,一方面使它冲淡了门第、家族的制约,人们获得了更多的自由、平等和民主;但是另一方面,城市人、尤其是大城市人,人们的价值观念更趋向于理性化和实际化。商业化原则是利益驱动原则,商业化城市的人际关系基本上是利益关系,人际关系的变化和转移的准绳是利益和金钱。乡村的亲切微笑的面庞,在城市开始变得遥远而模糊。于是,人们也便分明地感到城市的残酷和薄情。城市里的诸多现代化便利条件和全球化联系,既给人提供了发挥人的创造才能的诸多机会,也把人捆绑在了社会大机器飞速转动的齿轮上,无法自拔,而身心疲惫,麻木不仁。 现在正是城市化发展,许多人都涌向城市,乡村人都赶着圆他们的城市梦,做个城市人。乡村变得零落起来了,甚至有些十室九空。 可,我就是有点对时代的叛逆,即使城市如此繁荣,我也难以说服自己叛逆的心。看着纽约曼哈顿的鸟瞰之照,这让人赞叹的人类的伟大之林,仅仅使我联想起戈壁上的蚁窝。 我不喜欢城市,其主要原因是城市的空气——一团富含二氧化碳,带着文明发展的热量、尘埃和汽油分子的混合物。它是我对城市的第一印象,也是最深刻的印象。男人和女人,老人与小孩,刚出生的和将去世的,总总几十几百万个肺在呼吸着本不多氧气的弹丸之地上的空气。而这恩泽的氧气还要经过机床的鼻孔的过滤,汽车的屁股的洗礼。鄙人陋贱,无福消受这文明的仙气。我更喜欢野里的空气,用以净化我的肺。 城市的空气是热的,是多尘埃的。热是因为城市多人、热情、沸沸扬扬,里面包含着各种各样的人,各种各样的意识形态,各种各样的态度……多尘埃,所以城市里头,人与人是看不清对方的,这也与城市多人,混繁复杂有关。乡村的空气与城市的刚刚相反,它是冷的、清的、纯的,人们的面目是清晰的。 我是个喜欢孤独又害怕孤独的人。所以,我不能总留在城市或总呆在乡村。不过,我在它们逗留的时间还是有差别的。就像我用上大半个小时踱步林阴小道,而只消三分钟来穿越市场一样。 可在繁华的城市也不见得不寂寞,凡人群集聚的地方就有寂寞。我总感到一种被放逐的落魄。就像一只被遗弃的狗巴着眼期待那不回头的主人,或像烂醉的潦倒诗人躺在破船叹息远去的两岸。幸有一群知音良友的救赎,人生路上算是有了一个港湾。 到繁华的城市看众生相,在宁静的乡村思考
2023-07-15 14:24:341


2023-07-15 14:24:445

求相约2010罗伯特威尔斯all your life英文歌词

自己听的 可能不准 希望对你有帮助looking back, it hurts inside sometimesin my dreams ive never let u hidelook back on our time i can see u smiledo u know how u love has touched my eyeswonder how i ever let u gocould u feel the love i tried to showand i still can"t c the laughter in ur warm brown eyesit will never change how ur life has touched my lifeit doesn"t matter where u goi just want you to knowour love never change itz all i ever wantedit doesnt matter what you do i hope you dream come truewishing u the best of my love all ur lifetime goes by our hearts still feel the painin the sky the stars belight ur namesalthough world may turn around not a milliion times tough i try my heart will never changewonder how i let u slip away in the sand i still can write ur namealthough the world will spin around without the love i foundand u never know how ur love has touched my liveit doesn"t matter where u go i just want u to know my love will never change iz all i ever wantedit doesn"t matter what u do i hope u dreams come true wishing u the best of my love all ur life
2023-07-15 14:25:004

以The life in the future 写一篇作文

分类: 文化/艺术 >> 文学 解析: The ue5f1ue5f1 life has no future, understanding my person, you at? The ue5f1ue5f1ue5f1ue5f1 a mon evening, having no can go of I carry an only double shoulders to wrap aimless 漂 at this city wear, wear shuttle in the cars of the continuous flow with vanish quickly of in the crowd, looking at a car to get on the car those unfamiliar faces appear constantly to disappear constantly, sometimes leaving them to be so near, but feel soul be separated a long distance ten thousand in. The ue5f1ue5f1ue5f1ue5f1 know when, have already arrived at the most prosperous business district in this city, although isn"t an evening of weekend, the person who es shopping is still a lot of, their interest es in and go out general merchandise market full of lifely and multiplies by elevator multifariously to rush about up and down. the high and big office building the body is deeply bright, keeping put under the dazzling light cloudy regions, the neon sell HUA TONG2 and mendicant a child to have already can"ted see a trace and shadow by lamplight, selling to be 劳 spread the huge advertisement voice in the television continuously with be willing to in virtuous chicken store, dark of there is often lovers in the corner over there the intense emotion kiss, Mr. hands over a first-class bus of website of the person is more and more, on the square,store the ex- rest area sit of very full is all person, in this rock forest, each nature and mans are writing freely an own youth,own life extravagantly in same way. The ue5f1ue5f1ue5f1ue5f1 looks forward to the life of the 漂 , 35 good friends carry the north bound bag on 35 good friends back, the footprint of the convenient youth walks through the four seasons and walks in the singing everyplace, permissive the soul is aimless to drift on water. however reality life but use an invisible of the fetter lock the oneself to get up, paying price but DOing not get repay.It there is a railroad that stretch toward far-away place in the novel of the ue5f1ue5f1ue5f1ue5f1 Annie"s treasure, does it have an end? Annie say that have no, is Anne regardless,blue,Joe,don"t the 央 or Anne living and all have never walked to an end, all having never had already let the soul anchor of opportunity, so their can along the direction of the railroad stopped of stand down to go to, keep till the last life to be like flower petal similar fade, they will not walk to the end of the railroad, can never. The ue5f1ue5f1ue5f1ue5f1 I say, that railroad has an end. 《make appointment finally 》medium drift on water where everywhere after, die in after the expensive state a strange country primary school taught half year book difficult produce, she has already walked to the end of the railroad by half year, mooring at the strange country to the soul in, then peaceful of leave.《seven years 》in blue finished own life nearby in the lover, she say, I destine and don"t belong to this world, this world nots agree with to match my dream. she used life to does an oneself to like to do in time of the last years of matter, walk too long,too far, feel tired, the courier station that wants to seek insulations in and this worlds let an own soul take a rest. The ue5f1ue5f1ue5f1ue5f1 Annie writes to the love to have no future in 《 seven years 》 of the postscript, I The life in the future mean to say a life to have no future. The ue5f1ue5f1ue5f1ue5f1 wants me to choose a kind of life style, I return to choice blue treat the first half segment of[with] living manner, is the affair that the oneself likes to do as far as possible and possibly.the life have no future, the life lies in a feeling, walk of long,tired, seek a place to let the soul grind to a stop once, then continue to walk faster, don"t let the oneself disappear in have no voice.
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