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求歌词:hey hey looking came around again

2023-07-15 21:14:16

Hey hey, look it

You came around again

Didn"t think we"d see you without things ended back then

Hey hey old friend

I think it"s been too long

Grab the guitar, lets sit around

And play our favorite song...

Our bodies breath off the city streetlights

That set our watches because tonight"s the night

Everyone get out your cameras

Tonight"s a night to remember

My heart"s in sync with these constant memories

When I look back I wish I had more of these

Never land is just around the corner

I"m done with this "getting older"

Hey hey, look it

You came around again

Didn"t" think we"d see you with out things ended back then

Hey hey, old friend

I think it"s been too long

Grab the guitar lets sit around

And play our favorite song...

Here we are in my car

Driving under the same lucky stars

That we wished on when we were kids

Let me hear you say "hey kid, I miss this"

Hey hey, look it

You came around again

Didn"t" think we"d see you

With out things ended back then

Hey hey, old friend

I think it"s been too long

Grab the guitar lets sit around

And play our favorite song...



从维克里看 Never Land也可以说是Neverland,或者Never-Never-Land或者其他的名字。 是小飞侠彼得潘里那个虚幻的梦境世界,在这里人们永远长不大。 所以Never Land的隐喻意思就永远的童年,不朽以及避世。 NEVER LAND除了翻译成梦幻岛,还有人翻译为虚无岛。各有侧重点,但梦幻岛让人有梦想。 以下英文还维克里的: Neverland (also called Never-Never-Land, Never Land and other variations) is the fictional island and dream world featured in the play Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn"t Grow Up by Scottish writer J. M. Barrie, his subsequent novel Peter and Wendy,[1] and later works by others. While sojourning in Neverland, people may cease to age; therefore, Neverland is often seen as a metaphor for eternal childhood (and childishness), immortality, and escapism. In the earliest drafts of Barrie"s play, the island was called Peter"s Never Never Never Land, a name possibly influenced by the contemporary term for outback Australia[2]. When the play was first performed in 1904, the island was referred to as the Never Never Land. In the 1923 published version, it was shortened to the Never Land. In the 1911 novel, it was spelled as one word: the Neverland. Peter led Wendy Darling and her brothers to Neverland by flying "second to the right, and straight on till morning," though it is stated in the novel that Peter made up these directions on the spot to impress Wendy. In the 1953 Disney film, Peter Pan, the word "star" is added to the directions Peter speaks, "second star to the right, and straight on till morning." The novel explains that Neverlands are found in the minds of children, and although they are "always more or less an island", and they have a family resemblance, they are not the same from one child to the next. For example, John Darling"s "had a lagoon with flamingos flying over it" while his little brother Michael"s "had a flamingo with lagoons flying over it".还有一个是 never land也可以说成迈克尔杰克逊的梦幻庄园 这也是我的Q名哦
2023-07-15 13:31:091


2023-07-15 13:31:262

never land 意思

2023-07-15 13:31:345


neverland是无人岛的意思。歌词想表达的就是希望可以和心爱的人一起逃离尘世,去一个只属于二人的快乐又永葆青春的无人岛。 (望采纳,谢谢~~)
2023-07-15 13:31:491


歌曲名:NEVERLAND歌手:U-Kiss专辑:2辑 - NEVERLAND【U-KISS - NEVERLAND】约定好了 就跟我走 会知道的跟我来告诉你 如梦境一般的童话 (Come here girl)每天每天 都会像今天一样Money Love Fashion Fame(Fame) and all that"s in between在这不眠的夜晚 彻夜的动起来Tell the DJ turn it up up up and da, da, dance a little more即便过了再多的夜晚 无数个夜晚我们都不够成熟 但是 boy and we stay forever young(Oh 你) 只愿和你在一起 (并不遥远的 fantasy)在那个世界里 充满了想象永远也不会结束 Never end 就在这 NeverlandCome on, come on, 别再犹豫了 抓紧我的手让我带你飞越都市丛林向那广阔天空 Fly (Fly)相信所有看见的 那全都是现实的在你脚下散发出的那数以亿计的 Stars在这不眠的夜晚 彻夜的动起来Tell the DJ turn it up up up and da, da, dance a little more即便过了再多的夜晚 无数个夜晚少女们 不论何时你都是 girl and we stay forever young(Oh 你) 只愿和你在一起 (并不遥远的 fantasy)在那个世界里 充满了想象永远也不会结束 Never end 这里是 Neverland当你睁开眼时可能无法置信 没关系我就在你身边在这里没有人担心会唠叨著无聊, yeah 只要随自己的心意走You, me, and the DJ dancing till the break of dawnNo, no never gonna stop now Turn it up, let"s party onlet"s party onlet"s party onlet"s party onlet"s party on跟我一起来吧 (就在不远处的 fantasy)在那个世界里 充满了想像永远也不会结束 Never end 这里是 Neverland永远也不会结束 Never end 这里是 NeverLand
2023-07-15 13:31:561

Avantasia的《Neverland》 歌词

歌曲名:Neverland歌手:Avantasia专辑:The Metal Opera, Vol. 2 [AFM]6. NeverlandCought in neverland, no purpose to be seenThere"s no point of destinationNeverending wastelands, such a wicked odysseyDon"t know what we have done wrongLead us back to Rome to follow you againBring you the power, get salvationI know less than all but morethan many who know lessI know it"s keeping us strongAnd while they are pulling stringsWhile they are in commandThey"re hanging on stringsAnd fate they do commend into another handCought in neverland, heat and fire, snow and iceThey call nether world what we call a paradiseCought in neverland and their spirits cannot riseFrom the nether world, they can"t see a paradiseAnd the Roman whore, the masters and the slavesRaging on without they don"t knowGood intentions on their mindsCan"t ask for why they bow outLead us to Eden,judge those who bite off morethan they can chew to serve,without they askOr call in doubt the askCought in neverland, heat and fire, snow and iceThey call nether world what we call a paradiseCought in neverland and their spirits cannot riseFrom the nether world, they can"t see a paradiseSolo: Henjo Richter]Cought in neverland in the place of many eyesMake it be what they are allowed to realizeCought in neverland, heat and fire, snow and ice...They call nether world what we call a paradiseCought in neverland and their spirits cannot riseFrom the nether world, they can"t see a paradiseCought in neverland, heat and fire, snow and iceThey call nether world what we call a paradiseCought in neverland and their spirits cannot riseFrom the nether world, they can"t see a paradiseCought in neverland, heat and fire, snow and ice...
2023-07-15 13:32:031

f.i.r 的neverland 歌词

歌曲:neverland歌手:飞儿乐队 专辑:无限 ·LRC歌词 HOTdo my best 把梦里实现走到海的最遥远就把时间化成永远找寻新的体验do my best 当成信念航向天的那一边拼着地图我能找到心中那座美丽乐园far away 不会累 find the way开始有一种冒险的感觉知道我不能够后退翻开了地图最远那一边找寻着梦里的neverland用食指朝着深蓝的海面那力量在心底出现阵阵的微风吹得那么美我看到梦里的neverland我站在船头的边缘太阳让我睁不开眼我坚持不退跟海风并肩i will never be afraiddo my best 把梦里实现走到海的最遥远就把时间化成永远找寻新的体验do my best 当成信念航向天的那一边拼着地图我能找到心中那座美丽乐园用食指朝着深蓝的海面那力量在心底出现阵阵的微风吹得那么美我看到梦里的neverland我站在船头的边缘太阳让我睁不开眼我坚持不退跟海风并肩i will never be afraiddo my best 当成信念航向天的那一边拼着地图我能找到心中那座美丽乐园far away 不会累 find the way
2023-07-15 13:32:114


柳基(u - kiss)- neverland根据,如果跟着称,“承诺宝宝展现给我们看同样幻想童话(come here girl)每天都像今天这样的明天money love fashion fame(fame)and all that " s in between入睡的夜晚”不让新夜里tell the dj高喊“turn it up up up and da《da“dance a little more更多的夜晚》无数晚上也至今为止,我们不懂事boy and we stay forever young(oh你一起去你)》(不远的fantasy)这世上的充满想象没有结束neverland金贞姬end never《come on《come on别犹豫,手大厦丛林中脱颖而出,天空飞过fly(fly)所有件,因此应该相信现实吧尼脚下,分散数亿个stars入睡的夜晚”不让新夜里tell the dj高喊“turn it up up up and da《da“dance a little more更多的夜晚》无数晚上也那个少女到何时丹girl and we stay forever young(oh你一起去你)》(不远的fantasy)这世上的充满想象没有结束neverland金贞姬end never如果首次睁开眼睛无法相信大学‘没关系,我旁边他唠叨,谁也没有做的事情,我只是“yeah,随心所欲地you and the me》《dancing dj till the break of dawngonna never“no no stop now高喊“turn it up“let " s party on你一起去吗(不远的fantasy)这世上的充满想象没有结束neverland金贞姬end never翻译后
2023-07-15 13:32:313


2023-07-15 13:32:415


找到另一个版本,比你那个要通顺,还有罗马歌词,看这个链接永无止境的谎言 不断重复的每天我无法走出孩童的国度你那凝视着没有影子的我的双眼仿佛放弃了一切一般 环抱著黑暗不管怎么做也无法实现的愿望 我无法再去爱你因为我心中的梦境 是被你打破的光芒四散的妖精悄悄对我说「如果这么不愿意的话 全都舍弃就好了嘛」我明明好想飞到这以外的其他地方在船上 没有脸的大人们欢笑着 仿佛嘲笑般的从我身边经过恶作剧般的践踏我的心灵好痛 好痛 我边哭边喊 like a baby(像个孩子)forever and ever(永远永远)为什么你要离开这的鸟笼你要抛下我变成大人了么-别走-独自占有什么的 是理所当然的每一天我从这大人无法触摸的孩童的国度眺望著你 听着你欢快的声音「这么不愿意的话 不要看就好了啊」在这完全没有悲伤 没有痛苦的世界里nobody can"t stop my emotion (没有人能停止我的激情)nobody can"t stop my "NEVER LAND" (没有人能毁灭“永无岛”)nobody can"t stop my desire (没有人能阻止我的渴望)nobody can"t stop my "NEVER END DREAM" (没有人能摧毁我“永不停止的梦”)你看著空无一人的船上 独自笑着的我「真滑稽」你一边嘲笑的说 一边继续飞翔狭窄又黑暗 因为你不在 like a jail(它就像个监狱)forever and ever (永远永远)forever and ever…
2023-07-15 13:32:551


2023-07-15 13:33:022


在03年那件案子之后 他就不常住那了主要住在欧洲的别墅
2023-07-15 13:33:114

英语习语never-never land是什么意思?

理想国其实也就是小飞侠住的地方~例句Do you want to go to never-never land?
2023-07-15 13:33:193

新概念 王为径那篇 写兰波的 速求这篇文章

  Anolr Ebiane Irouge Uvert Obleu;uogelles Je dirai quelque jour vos nuissanles latentes.  ____Vogelles  照片上的他很秀气。鹅蛋脸,犀利,冷峻的眼神似乎能看透世间的一切黑暗。高鼻,嘴唇微厚,显示着他的稚气。我喜欢他的头发,发色该是粟色的,蓬乱,野性。而照片上则是点着浅浅的灰。我认为,灰色是极适合他的,他是个感性的人,但他应该属于冷色调 。  法国象征主义诗人兰波,人们这么称呼他。  我近乎疯狂地崇拜他,因为我近乎疯狂地崇拜着他所追求的自由。  我曾经见过一张兰波的素描,画上是一个高傲的少年,他叼着烟斗,着风衣,如有所思地低着头。画的作者是魏尔伦,那是魏尔伦心中的兰波。  兰博第一次恋爱的年纪是十六岁,只是很不巧地,他爱上了一个男人。切不去考虑断袖之癖的伟大或渺小,值得肯定的是,他爱的那个男人,难看。照片上是一个眼里透着哀怨的中年男子,他孤独的坐在喧闹的酒吧,品味着绿色的苦艾酒。那是一种毒品,最终,他备这种就酒夺去了清醒的意识,脑海中一片混沌,寂寞,依赖,肉体,诸如此类。他总是用那种哀怨的令人憎恶的眼神乞求着兰波,爱着兰波,恨着兰波。  据说在法国,苦艾酒已经成为了一种禁酒。19世纪的法国诗人们溺爱着这个绿色的魔鬼,他们让这苦涩在自己空腔中慢慢滑动,然后保持着半梦半醒的朦胧的状态,将痛苦蒸发,欣赏着脑际中升腾的美丽景色,然后用自己的生命与魔鬼定下契约,以此来寻找他们逝去的灵感。  我喝过一种绿色的薄荷酒。我牵强地模仿着他们将小勺架在杯子口处,在勺中放上冰块,然后让调酒师为我倒上浓郁的薄荷浓缩品,静静地看着被一点一点冲淡的绿色。我是讨厌薄荷的,可我喜欢这酒。我会煞有其事地将酒杯架在食之与拇指之间,将其在空气中慢慢摇动,并品味着它给我的喉咙带来的清凉感觉。很贵。那是我唯一一次喝那种酒,我和我的两个朋友,肆意地在小饭馆喊着“干杯”,然后皱着眉头咽下这苦涩的酒。  我没有在爱着某个人的同时亦曾恨他,那是在兰波那样脆弱歇斯底里而具有强大爆发了的人身上可以感受到的。他爱着那个男人,亦曾恨他,恨到心痛,因为爱到心死。  我找到了。  什么?  永恒。  那是太阳与海。  交相辉映。  这个片段摘录于《地狱一季》中一首为《永恒》的诗。当然,这也许不是最好的一首,但却是最不隐晦的一首。一直幼稚地认为,他是对他爱的那个男人说的,他想告诉他,他找到了永远爱他的方式,那就是从此忘却。无路可退,亦不可望归。最终,爱亦无,恨亦无,只留下刻骨铭心的痛,以及思念。  我是一个善变的人,我并不相信永恒。我相信时间可以改变一切,我不相信距离产生美。我做不到兰波那般洒脱,他流浪,他没有家。我是一个大陆在海南的“新移民”,唯一记得的,是我踏上离开家乡的列车时,亲人的泪水,火车的长鸣声,以及初到异地熙熙攘攘的人群。由于飞机的普及,我再也没有坐过火车。自从那一次的离家,小时候对火车的喜爱一扫而空,火车在我看来把离家的痛苦发挥得淋漓尽致以及把旅行的快感消磨得一干二净的失败的交通工具。再次回到故乡时,我感觉到我成了一个客人,无论是在哪里,我都没有了家。只可惜,兰波是抛弃了他的家,而我,则是被我的家抛弃了。  我所有的轻蔑都有原因,因为我逃离,  我逃离,  我自我辩解。  ————《不可能》  兰波被称为“诗歌史上的普罗米修斯”,马拉美称其为“一颗横突出的流星”。魏尔伦则称他为“履风之人".履风,极嚣张。他的敢爱敢恨,令我折服。决绝,他竟是如此决绝。他还来不及后悔,在他面前,就已经失去了后悔的权利。  我所处的城市是热带季风气候,干燥、炎热。每日中午起床,我的喉舌极干,心情烦躁,想尝试追求风的脚步,却无风可追。履风之人,我喜欢这个称呼。兰波是个极适合风的人,他的脚步,却是风都不一定可以追及的、正义的殉者,.勇敢的普罗米修斯,在修辞班懵懂还未涉世便在学校的门上写下“杀死上帝”的兰波。我们学校的公物,保存的并不完整,可却没有这样撼人的语句,迫于现实,我终究没有勇气在上面涂鸦。我不信仰天主教,不害怕上帝的处罚,怕的,是校规的处分。  我会是一个弃儿,被抛弃在茫茫沧海的堤岸;或是一位赶车的小马夫,额头碰到苍天。  ————《童年》  我恨苦难。这是兰波在濒死的时刻反复萦绕于口中的一句话。可他最终摆脱不了苦难,他被命运无情的斩去了他狂奔的腿。他终于不能再飞奔了。他去了非洲,那个他向往的地方,他得到了大海,得到了太阳,却永远失去了他的自由。至死,他没有信奉任何教派,一位为他做洗礼的牧师说:“我真诚的相信,他一直有着他所信仰的教派,那是属于他自己的教派,他始终坚持着这个信仰。”  我知道,那是梦想。我希望有那么一天,我和我所爱的人们一起生活在一座壮丽的打瀑布旁,不需要太奢侈,也许只是一间很小的房子,我需要一些纸笔,使我记录下眼前美好的一切。只要倾听瀑布拍击岩石的巨响,看着太阳下溅起的点点飞沫,然后纵身从崖上跳入其中,肆意地驰骋,包括我的心和身体。  我曾有一群惺惺相惜的朋友,那时我们有着简单的梦想,我们快乐的追逐、嬉戏、大笑、大闹,一个朋友告诉我,在天边的某一个方向,有一颗很大很亮的星星,只要每天向它虔诚的许愿,就会美梦成真,很长一段时间,我们虔诚地,祈祷着我们的幸福。后来朋友去了美国,我便理所当然的忘了那个传说。猛然有一天我再次想起了她,再往那个方向望去,却再也找不到那样一颗星星。默然干笑一声,离开,终究有一个感觉在我心中滋生了,我知道那是空虚。  有人说,《地狱一季》是兰波对自己年少时的放荡生活的忏悔。他的脚被截断,他病入膏盲,他痛苦,他可能真的后悔他的放纵了。对他来说,前半生就像梦幻一样,而他最终遁入了可怖的现实。但我希望并非如此。他曾在诗中为流浪讴歌,后半生的十多年,他没有再写过诗,我以为,他是在实现对自己的承诺。《阿飞正传》中曾提到过,有那么一种鸟,它没有脚,它不停的飞,一旦停下来,他便会死去。兰波亦是如此,他不属于任何地方,他只是流浪。  我研究者幸福的神奇形状,至今没有人能将它猜透。  —————《噢,季节,噢,城楼》  生活在别处。他高喊,然后身无分文地从家里逃出,踏上列车,驶往那个等待着他的大城市————巴黎。他自称“被缪斯点化过的孩子”,他欲创造诗歌新的时代,他欲改变整个世界。  要么一切,要么全无。他的心比天高。他是一个极端主义者,他自私地独占一切,又洒脱的丢弃一切。王尔德说过:“人的一生有两种悲剧。一种是得不到自己想要的东西,一种是得到。”如果王尔德的悲剧是第一种,那么兰波的悲剧是第二种。当你得到了他的一切,那么意味着你已经完全失去。  我亦是一个偏激极端的人。我随意的为自己带上嬉笑的面具,然后湮没于人群,我时而昂头疾走,藐视一切;时而佝偻身躯,低声啜泣。我自负,亦自卑;我坚持,亦脆弱;我希望,但亦绝望。我是个矛盾的,极端的,自我毁灭的微妙意识。我慵懒、无神,因为我每时每刻都在思考,每时每刻都在摧残着自己仅有的人的意识。  兰波是一个野心家,因为他曾经臆想改变整个世界,但他亦是极纯粹的人。如果每个生命都是独特的,那么让我们独特的活着。他说。我只是疯狂的爱上这句话。这样的“独特”可以为我们的“平庸”寻找一个很好的借口。我在一个残酷的现实世界里,冷笑着与同流合污,然后又总是在不经意间渴望着那些单纯美好的小幸福。很脏的世界,很干净的我的眼睛,以及铺满灰尘的我的心,我听不到心脏跳动的声音,只是听到无助的悲鸣、啜泣,以及茫然若失的叹息。  啊!生命的时钟刚刚停下,我已不再人世。————神学庄严的肃穆,地狱在下————苍天在上。————恍惚,噩梦,睡在火焰上的巢  穴之中。  ————《地狱之夜》  “如果要死,让我死于火吧。”《生活在别处》中亚罗米尔带着对母亲疯狂而专制的爱的痛恨绝望的说。有了感情有了爱并因其而死的人是不能死于火的,于是他死于水。与兰波、尼采、叔本华、金斯堡一样,他们最终都是为自己的未能实现的梦想而悲恸,他们都是一群疯子。  天才亦是疯子,而他们都将为自己的疯狂而死。  我看不到火,亦看不到水,我还是苟延残喘于世,我仍没有死的觉悟。如果要死,让我死于火吧,世间太多死于水的人,我亦不想在死后亦听到魔鬼的嚎哭,所以,让我寂寞的在火中死去并且长眠吧。带走我的快乐以及痛苦,下次重生的时候,我愿记住抑或忘掉这一切。  花香已不再使你的鼻翼颤动,  他安睡在阳光里,一只手搁在前胸。  在他胸膛右侧,有两个红色的弹孔。  ————《山谷中的沉睡者》  在半梦半醒中,兰波总是看到一个这样的情景:一个普鲁士士兵,安静的躺在山谷之中,他以为他只是睡着,原来他死了。  我看着街上来来往往的陌生人,他们正以各种心态生活在这世上,对我来说,他们并没有什么不同,但我亦找不到他们的相同之处。唯一值得肯定的是,他们每个人都有属于自己的思想,情感,快乐以及痛苦的领域,那将是他人,永远也无法到达的地方。  有时我看见一片无垠的沙滩,上面有欢快洁白的民族。一艘大金船从我头上驶过,晨风轻拂缤纷的彩旗。  ————《永别》  最终,兰波爱着的那个人当上了巴黎的诗人之王。“魏尔伦”,当时有名的人道主义文学倡导者弗朗士道:“我曾侮辱过你们的诗,现在再次郑重的收回。”  魏尔伦的素描,他心中的兰波,那个叼着烟斗昂首阔步漠视一切的少年,那个爱着他,亦恨着他的少年。那个属于他的兰波。  当钟声鸣响,  一切窒息,  回忆悠远的岁月我哭泣。  ————魏尔伦《秋歌》  我知道,是为那阳光与阴霾同时滋长的日子。  我终究没有找到属于兰波的自由,我亦仍然子啊寻找着属于我的自由。  在朋友的一本书上,我看到了兰波和魏尔伦在酩酊小屋合作的数首诗,他们的名字,总是被历史无情的摆放在一起。和任何人一样,他们本应是个孤独的个体,他们的灵魂,该属于他们所热爱的土地,所热爱的人。  人们也终究会带着他们一生的爱恨,以及所有的追求,长眠于他们心中的圣地。我相信,有那么一个地方,那是别人永远也无法达到的、属于自己的天堂。
2023-07-15 13:33:591


2023-07-15 13:34:072

never island是什么意思?

2023-07-15 13:34:154

求 G-friend的《neverland》mp3百度云,谢谢啦!

密码:sq7x 求采纳,谢谢
2023-07-15 13:34:291


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2023-07-15 13:34:371


2023-07-15 13:34:444

exo 3.6.5 音译歌词

【伯贤】塞本噶锦 不li求bua呀搜本就 呜急拉都【灿烈】大色喷逗 一够勒mion个起boy ki西加尅【D.O】求根他给 太勒苏咯求弄玩girl 蒙求不拟呀【俊绵】内给穷逗 西刚能就苏木库鲁苏一给嘿【伯贤还有谁。。听不粗】neng卡疼够赛搜 都 喔嫩泰央求隆【ALL】three six five 囊 美伊拿进抢根弄 给呜mion 哈鲁西加尅three six five 一本宁求野疼都奥丝蛮肯 航给嗨够呀窝哦哦哦哦 窝哦哦哦~three six five 【kai】尼首嫩恰够窝哦哦哦哦 窝哦哦哦~three six five 【伯贤】no起安嫩给【伯贤】搜林内哟 塞本你够要搜够给 no冷te咯【俊绵】她搜西刚 掐攻拿mion她不够阿宁给腿够呀【灿烈伯贤】男no冷气ki嫩 求gi切ki撒求咯【all】three six five no也阿呸搜喔进难理游咯 扣莫为度咯three six five 马进弄为黑特哟难够噶疼 美伊日赛给窝哦哦哦哦 窝哦哦哦~three six five 【世勋】喔都拿盆都窝哦哦哦哦 窝哦哦哦~three six five no比kio噶给嫩西喔麦 喔mion德利 弄木日不录得【灿烈】on接那等男 he求求隆【伯贤】腻阿呸那他难给【all】three six five no也皮诶搜【do】jio跌弄日为韩 美伊日赛给【all】three six five 马起no为黑泰哟难 够噶疼 哈鲁切呜mion窝哦哦哦哦 窝哦哦哦~three six five 【kai】哦都拿盆都窝哦哦哦哦 窝哦哦哦~three six five no比kio噶给three six five no日急ki给亲,望采纳哦!
2023-07-15 13:34:532


“nx的”即《Nxde》,其歌词中文谐音(含部分英文)为:Why you think that"bout nude,"Cause your view"s so rude。Think outside the box,Then you"ll like it。hello my name is 呀比呀比哟,买图mong穷安dei梦美sexy sexy哟。可龙打呀八kin题啊ra合那诶,内噶破gi那乌给破gi那乌给。对齐有波里落lae拉一don"t need no man,瞧拉给米七多嗦瓜self-made woman。萨嘎几要(收音)嫩ae story耶莫几黄但安,压有花能旷gaek多you tricked me you"re a liar。啊~bar噶波kio jo 柏林movie star,啊~表(er)比起给就柏林bam。古里不(er)bun哦待多 吗噶金大嘿多,他新撒浪怕几莫谈dae多。yes I"m a nude,Nude 哒哒啦哒啦。yes I"m a nude,nude I don"t give a love。baby how do I look,how do I look,阿里打问那里ggo哒哒啦哒啦。baby how do I look,how do I look,阿里打问那里ggo哒哒啦哒啦。(ouch!)西lae米大哟ki kio新莫读,呀寒恰扑们ki得寒sho得myeon oh。I"m sorry 可当够哦不搜哟,完不理xio jo呆主嫩哼米哦能囧波。可怕阔能东jio度当m当m,haeng 波噶版比嘞piong囧。but my炯炯莫得噜内piong gio 能拖哈过噶几,啊~bar噶波kio jo 柏林movie star。啊 拖不ggeu落给哦(b)能棒,古里不(er)bun哦待多。哦就喵内给多他心,撒浪巴进莫谈dae都。yes I"m a nude,Nude 哒哒啦哒啦。yes I"m a nude,nude I don"t give a love。baby how do I look,how do I look,阿里打问那里ggo哒哒啦哒啦。baby how do I look,how do I look,阿里打问那里ggo哒哒啦哒啦。Um ha um ha um ha um,Yes I"m a nude,Yes I"m a nude。Now I draw a luxury nude,Why you think that"bout nude。"Cause your view"s so rude,Think outside the box。噶够吗(儿)嘿,阿里大哦那耶nude,阿愣大哦那耶nude。I"m born nude,biong tae能诺呀。Rude,Nude。歌曲介绍:《Nxde》是韩国女子演唱组合(G)I-DLE演唱的歌曲,发行于2022年10月17日。(G)I-DLE是由Cube Entertainment于2018年5月2日推出的韩国女子演唱组合,由曺薇娟、Minnie、田小娟、宋雨琦、叶舒华5名成员组成。团名(G)I-DLE意为“Girl”加上I-DLE(韩文意为孩子们),即“不同个性的女孩子聚集在一起”;粉丝名称为NEVERLAND。
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跪求metallica 的enter sandman 的歌词和中文大意

  Enter Sandman 《Metallica》  Say your prayers, little one  Don"t forget, my son,  To include everyone  Tuck you in, warm within  Keep you free from sin  Till the sandman he comes  Sleep with one eye open  Gripping your pillow tight  Exit: light  Enter: night  Take my hand  We"re off to never-never land  Something"s wrong, shut the light  Heavy thoughts tonight  And they aren"t of Snow White  Dreams of war, dreams of liars  Dreams of dragon"s fire  And of things that will bite  Sleep with one eye open  Gripping your pillow tight  Exit: light  Enter: night  Take my hand  We"re off to never-never land  Now I lay me down to sleep  Pray the Lord my soul to keep  If I die before I wake  Pray the Lord my soul to take  Hush little baby, don"t say a word  And never mind that noise you heard  It"s just the beasts under your bed  In your closet, in your head  Exit: light  Enter: night  Grain of sand  Exit: light  Enter: night  Take my hand  We"re off to never-never land  ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————  睡魔入侵《金属》  作作祈祷吧,孩子  不要忘记,我的孩子  别忘了为每个人作祈祷  裹紧被子,在温暖的被窝里  使你脱离罪恶  直到睡魔入侵  睡时睁开一只眼  紧紧抓住你的枕头  退避:日光  降临:夜晚  牵着我的手  我们将离开这里,前往幻想境界  有什么事不对劲,关掉灯  今晚思绪深沉  和白雪公主毫不相干  是关于战争,关于谎言  关于龙之火的梦  梦中还有咬人的怪兽  睡时睁开一只眼  紧紧抓住你的枕头  退避:日光  降临:夜晚  牵着我的手  我们将离开这里,前往幻想境界  此刻我躺下入眠  主啊,请保管我的灵魂  倘若我在醒前死去  那么主啊,请带走我的灵魂  嘘,孩子,别出声  不要去理会你听到的声音  那是野兽发出的,在床下  在衣橱,在你的幻想中  退避:日光  降临:夜晚  沙粒  退避:日光  降临:夜晚  牵着我的手  我们将离开这里,前往幻想境界
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Enter Sandman 歌词

歌曲名:Enter Sandman歌手:Rise To Remain专辑:Enter Sandman (Metallica Cover)Say your prayers little onedon"t forget, my sonto include everyonetuck you in, warm withinkeep you free from sintill the sandman he comessleep with one eye opengripping your pillow tightexit lightenter nighttake my handoff to never never landsomething"s wrong, shut the lightheavy thoughts tonightand they aren"t of snow whitedreams of war, dreams of liarsdreams of dragon"s fireand of things that will bitesleep with one eye opengripping your pillow tightexit lightenter nighttake my handoff to never never landnow I lay me down to sleeppray the lord my soul to keepif I die before I wakepray the lord my soul to takehush little baby, don"t say a wordand never mind that noise you heardit"s just the beast under your bed,in your closet, in your headexit lightenter nightgrain of sandexit lightenter nighttake my handwe"re off to never never land
2023-07-15 13:37:111

谁有迪迦奥特曼主演长野博所在V6乐队的资料拜托了各位 谢谢

阪本昌行 SAKAMOTO MASAYUKI 生日:1971-07-24 出生地:东京都 血型:O 星座:狮子座 身高:175CM 体重:58KG 兴趣:绘画,运动 专长:排球,棒球 入社时间:1986 连续剧 1993-10-20 同窗会 = 同学会 1994-10-19 夜に抱かれて = 星期五牛郎 其它 `92年舞台剧<阿国> 演出舞台剧 演出舞台剧<魔女宅急便> 长野博 Nagano Hiroshi 出生日期:1972.10.9 出生地:神奈川 血型:A型 身高:173.5CM 体重:58KG 家庭成员:父母、一兄、一姐 兴趣:滑雪、旅行、足球 喜欢的颜色:黑色 喜欢的食物:拉面 喜欢的季节:冬天和春天 入社时间:1986 井之原快彦 YOSHIHIKO INOHARA 生日:1976-05-17 出生地:东京都 血型:A 星座:金牛座 身高:174CM 体重:61KG 兴趣:棒球、保龄球 喜欢的食物:意大利面 喜欢的颜色:蓝色 喜欢的季节:夏天 经历 91演出连续剧<湘南暴走族> 连续剧 1993-04-12 ツインズ教师 = 双胞胎教师 1994-07-06 お金がない = 发达之路 1994-10-19 若者のすべて = 青春无悔 1995-01-14 STATIONステイション = 车站的故事 (客串) 1996-01-13 银狼怪奇ファイル = 银狼怪奇 1996-07-04 コーチCOACH 1997-01-11 サイコメトラ-EIJI映见 = 超能少年1 /田宫章吾 1998-01-15 SWEET SEASON = 甜蜜的季节 1998-04-16 お仕事です!Women"s Company = 认真的女人最美丽 1999-10-16 サイコメトラーEIJI2 = 超能少年2 /田宫章吾 2003-10-11 あした天气になあれ。 = 明天好天气 森田刚 Morita go 出生日期:1979.2.20 出生地:琦玉县春日部市 星座:双鱼座 血型:A 身高:163CM 体重:48KG 家庭成员:父母、妹 兴趣:跳舞、足球、保龄球 收藏品:香水、太阳镜、有骷髅头图案的东西 崇敬的艺人:木村拓哉 喜欢的颜色:红色 喜欢的食物:鸡蛋、纳豆、烤肉、 喜欢的季节:夏天 入社时间:1992 三宅健 KEN MIYAKE 生日:1979-07-02 出生地:神奈川县 血型:O 星座:巨蟹座 身高:164CM 体重:45KG 兴趣:游泳,少林寺拳法 连续剧 1994-07-08 人间失格 1995-10-21 ザ-シェフ = 梦幻料理人 1996-01-13 银狼怪奇ファイル = 银狼怪奇 1996-07-13 金田一少年の事件簿(2) = 金田一少年事件簿(2) 1997-01-06 名探侦保健室のオバさん = 保健室阿姨 1998-10-09 PU-PU-PU = 打工疯神榜 1999-07-03 新.俺たちの旅Ver.1999 = 我们的旅行 2000-01-15 バーチャルガール = 虚拟美少女 /英雄 2001-07-06 ネバーランドNEVER LAND = NEVER LAND (主演)/依田光浩 2001-08-27 明るいほうへ明るいほうへ=迈向光明的方向/上山正佑 2002-04-01 私の青空2002 = 我的青空2002 /佐藤猛 2003-04-08 マルサ!!东京国税局查察部 = 查税女王 /富永满(24) CM: 明治制果<巧克力球> 明治制果<章鱼烧> 冈田准一 [OKADA JUNICHI] 生日:1980..11.18 出生地:大阪府枚方市 星座:天蝎座 血型:B型 身高:171CM 体重:53KG 家庭成员:母、姐 兴趣:榄球、听音乐、摄影 收藏品:手机拍摄照片 宠物:一只猫 尊敬的艺人:香取慎吾 喜欢的颜色:绿色、白色 喜欢的季节:秋天 入社时间:1995 在V6的角色:宠物
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前段时间 国外出现了一款名叫 《The legend of neverland》的 游戏 玩家们将其翻译为“梦幻岛传说” 这款 游戏 和米哈游推出的《原神》 有着几分神似 《The legend of neverland》的发行公司GameArk,在Youtube上进行了高调宣传,吸引了大批外国玩家关注。 由于《原神》的高知名度,不少玩家都发现了两款 游戏 之间的相似度,甚至连《The legend of neverland》的 宣传图 ,都能看到《原神》的影子。 二者之间除了画风相似外 , 游戏 场景内的地貌构造 也存在较高的重合度。 而另一张宣传图里面展示的教堂场景,以及 角色的造型、整体布局 ,依然可以在《原神》中找到高度相似的内容。 而且,《The legend of neverland》也是一款抽卡 游戏 ,其 抽卡界面的UI布局、道具设定 ,和《原神》的相似度同样肉眼可见。 细心的玩家发现,《The legend of neverland》与《原神》 游戏 名字的艺术风格、设计 ,都保持了高相似度,一眼望去颇为容易混淆。 和《原神》的高相似度,的确为《The legend of neverland》带来了不少流量。 事实上,国外不少玩家,都被《The legend of neverland》的宣传片骗了,以为是《原神》出了新的宣传内容。 同时,也有激进的玩家表示, 《The legend of neverland》涉嫌抄袭《原神》 ,舆论不断发酵。《The legend of neverland》发行商GameArk则一直保持着沉默,从未正面回应此事。 企业如何进行海外维权? 越来越多的国货出海走向世界,那么对于企业出海如何保护好品牌,预先的工作, 及被侵权后的工作 ,可以怎样做呢? 第一,市场未动,商标先行。企业应事先对潜在的海外市场 进行商标注册布局 ,将品牌布局作为自己海外市场战略的排头兵,为产品推广开山铺路。 第二,眼观六路耳听八方, 建立品牌侵权预警机制。 与创因 科技 这样的专业知识产权维权公司合作, 通过商标与品牌侵权监测预警系统 ,及时发现国外侵权风险并采取措施制止,将维权成本降至最低。 第三,刚柔并济,软硬兼施: 法律维权当仁不让,多种策略可以考量 。针对维权问题,创因 科技 可以通过法律手段解决。 (1)获知对方侵权后, 收集、固定侵权证据 ,给对方发律师函,同时启动诉讼程序,坚决维权。 (2)通过谈判协商手段解决纠纷,这样能够最大程度上节省效率和成本。 此外,在国内竞争激烈的新零售环境下,国内品牌在线上销售、社交媒体营销和电商渠道交付方面,已经积累了丰富的经验,完全可以复制到海外市场,所以,品牌在拓展开外市场时,一定要注意知识产权保护,让品牌在国外航行的更远。 创因业务 01 电商知识产权保护 1、侵权监控:全网7*24小时监控侵权行为; 2、模型研判:精准定位侵权线索,快速研判侵权链接; 3、在线投诉:线上投诉侵权链接、终止侵权行为; 4、线上存取证:保存线上侵权证据,对接公证处,赋予电子数据法律效力; 5、诉讼索赔:联合各地律所,进行立案诉讼,协助被侵权方进行侵权索赔、不正当竞争索赔等; 02 假货治理 1、假货线索挖掘:通过商品样本库和数据库,对假货进行智能识别和追踪; 2、神秘采购鉴定:遍布全国买手采购疑似假货商品,协助打假; 3、线上存取证:保存线上侵权证据,对接公证处,赋予电子数据法律效力; 4、案件打击:针对重点售假目标,进行线下调查取证,发起行政、刑事打击; 5、诉讼索赔:联合各地律所,进行立案诉讼,协助被侵权方进行侵权索赔、不正当竞争索赔等; 03 版权保护 1、 游戏 类保护(私服、外挂):协助品牌监测网络 游戏 私服、外挂等侵权盗版行为,打造 游戏 优质的绿色环境; 2、影视作品类保护:协助影视从业者保护其著作权,防止盗播、盗用等行为,及时阻断侵权链接; 3、文字作品保护:监测并发现网店销售盗版图书、音像制品、电子出版物、数据库及盗版网络链接; 4、短视频保护:用过AI技术,7*24 小时扫描识别盗版、抄袭,搬运视频行为; 04 渠道保护 1、店铺监测:“千巡”7*24小时各平台网店巡店,监测店铺数据; 2、违规识别与处置:及时发现低价、未授权、窜货等非约定行为,下架、删除、关店等方式处理链接; 3、自助通知:违规行为,及时通知品牌方,并且通知店铺修改; 4、招商收编:全网在线巡店,招募优质经销商,协助品牌网络完善经销商体系; 05 舆情&商业诋毁 1、数据监控:全网10万+网页监控,实时发现舆论信息,自动化清洗,正负面研判; 2、热点事件溯源:还原事件发展路径,发现关键节点,数据可视化展示; 3、事件深度挖掘:负面信息深度挖掘,掌握幕后黑手,固定证据; 4、负面舆情处置:经合法途径,开展负面信息处理;线上取证投诉,线下PR,助律所办案; 06 企业数据定制 1、定制化数据监测:定向监控经销商的定价、销售等情况,为商家提供有2、效的渠道情报; 3、商业数据调研:调研网络商业数据,如平台、销量、评论等,用数据量化现状行业; 4、竞对分析:全网、全行业竞对分析,为品牌发展提供可行性分析;
2023-07-15 13:38:111

日文歌 应该是动漫插曲,只记得一句念出来的词“哈吉马路呦!”一个很萌的声音有点像小埋,挺带感的一首

fairy stage?
2023-07-15 13:38:203


Neverland是《Peter Pan》里面的地方,叫做永无乡
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需要首字母大写。_everland是英国作家詹姆斯·巴里(J.M.Barrle)的小说《彼得·潘》(Peter Pan)里的主人公彼得·潘长住的一个远离英国本土的海岛。
2023-07-15 13:39:041

Never the land是什么意思

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Long ago 很久之前When mercury descended high on the moon 月亮也处在水星祖辈的时候Far below 遥远的下方When little hands are making shapes in the room 小手在屋内制造形状的时候The shadows they dance 影子在跳舞And they cheer up this place 当这个地方喧闹起来的时候The face 谁的脸That"s staring through the tiny crack in the door 透过门上的裂缝凝视Eyes so wide 狂野的眼神He"s never seen a women fall on the floor 他从没见过女人落到地面I swear daddy"s killed her this time 我发誓爸爸这时候会杀了她Shoulda made a rocket 应该制造火箭Shoulda tried to fly away 应该试着逃离Shoulda made a hammer 应该制造锤子Shoulda tried to smash his face 应该毁掉他的脸Shoulda make a bullet 应该制造子弹Shoulda tried to shoot the gun 应该开枪I"m sure the judge will let me off real soon 我知道裁判会让我立即离开Long ago 很久之前When saturn tried to find a way past the sun 当土星还在寻找穿过月亮的时候Deep inside 深层下面A little boy is turning pain into fun 一个男孩正把痛苦变成乐趣The pencils, the crayons, the paint colors run 彩笔 蜡笔 油彩都失去的了颜色The plans 计划Are forming slowly made with scissors and glue 通过剪刀和胶水缓慢成型Eyes so wide 狂野的眼神He"s telling mommy all the things he can do 他在讲述所有他能做到的事情He"ll sketch a contraption to save them for sure 他将会拯救他们He can draw an alien 他可以画出外星人He can come and take them home 他可以来讲他们带走He can draw a cartoon 他可以导演卡通剧He can draw a safety hatch 他可以画出安全舱He can draw a hot bath 他可以画出浴缸He can plug a toaster in 还可以拥有烤面包机And wait till daddy"s nice and warm 等待爸爸的美好和温暖Toss it in And then when he"s gone 然后他就离去了There"s a neverland of fun 去了永不岛寻乐Take a loaded gun 将枪上堂Take a shot of rum 射击Take the poison rat 抓住毒药老鼠There"s a lesson in that 之前就有的教训No more closing fists 不再有拳头No more face to hit 不在有打击No more bloody nose 没有留鼻血的鼻子Or apologetic roses 或者道歉用的玫瑰花
2023-07-15 13:39:391


61 搜索"neverland"LRC歌词61 搜索"neverland"mp3 [ar:love psychedelico][al:this is love]love psychedelico - neverland作词:love psychedelico作曲:love psychedelicoso long my memoriesall beneath my lovesiren then silencefar, i hear the voiceso calm. i"m going downgently insidedaydream of the neverlandfar, i close my eyesso slow. i"m going downdeep insidewish of the darknesssilently fallinginto the lightthe way from the darknessto neverlandso long my memoriesall behind my wordsshadows of the silencehide my time awayslow down, calling my heartmoving insidewish of the darknesssilently fallinginto the lightthe way from the darknessto neverlandhold on ....daydream of shadow and light long all my memories gonedaydream of shadow and lightso long my memoriesall beneach my lovesiren then silencefar, i heared the voiceso calm, i"m going downgently insidewish of the darknesssilently fallingwish of the darknessinto the lightthe way from the darknessto neverland[al:无限]do my best 把梦里实现走到海的最遥远就把时间化成永远找寻新的体验do my best 当成信念航向天的那一边拼着地图我能找到心中那座美丽乐园far away 不会累find the way f.i.rneverlandmade by 鱼ぁ鱼开始有一种冒险的感觉知道我不能够后退翻开了地图最远那一边找寻着梦里的neverland 用食指朝着深蓝的海面那力量在心底出现阵阵的微风吹得那么美我看到梦里的neverland 我站在船头的边缘太阳让我睁不开眼我坚持不退跟海风并肩i will never be afraid do my best 把梦里实现走到海的最遥远就把时间化成永远找寻新的体验do my best 当成信念航向天的那一边拼着地图我能找到心中那座美丽乐园用食指朝着深蓝的海面那力量在心底出现阵阵的微风吹得那么美我看到梦里的neverland 我站在船头的边缘太阳让我睁不开眼我坚持不退跟海风并肩i will never be afraid do my best 当成信念航向天的那一边拼着地图我能找到心中那座美丽乐园
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Santa Barbara County, California,USA
2023-07-15 13:40:172

u-kiss neverland 中韩歌词

ub530ub530ub530 ub530ub77cuc624uba74 uc54cuac8c ub3fc, uc57duc18d你跟我来,就知道了,约好了!ubcf4ubcf4ubcf4 ubcf4uc5ecuc904uac8c ud658uc0c1uac19uc740 ub3d9ud654 uc18d (Come here girl)告诉你梦幻般的童话 (Come here girl)ub9e4uc77cub9e4uc77c ubaa8ub450 uc624ub298uac19uc740 ub0b4uc77c Money Love Fashion Fame(Fame) and all that"s in between每日每日一切都像今天一样,明日Money Love Fashion Fame(Fame) and all that"s in betweenuc7a0ub4e4uc9c0 uc54aub294 ubc24, uc774 ubc24uc774 uc0c8ub3c4ub85d Tell the DJ turn it up up up and da, da, dance a little more在不眠之夜,彻夜Tell the DJ turn it up up up and da, da, dance a little moreub354 ub9ceuc740 ubc24, uc218ub9ceuc740 ubc24uc774 uc9c0ub098ub3c4更多的夜晚,即使过了无数个夜晚uc6b0ub9b0 uc544uc9c1uae4cuc9c0 ucca0ubd80uc9c0 boy and we stay forever young我们还是那么不懂事boy and we stay forever young(Oh ub108) ub108ub9ccuc774 ud568uaed8 uac00uc904ub798 (uba40uc9c0 uc54auc740 fantasy)(Oh 你) 只愿意和你在一起(不远处 fantasy)uc0c1uc0c1uc774 uac00ub4ddud55c uc774 uc138uc0c1uc5d0世上充满了想象ub05duc740 uc5c6uc5b4 Never end uc5ecuae34 Neverland不会结束Never end 这里 NeverlandCome on, come on, uc8fcuc800ub9d0uace0 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc544ubd10Come on, come on, 不要犹豫 ,试着抓住我的手ube4cub529uc232uc744 ub6abuace0 ud558ub298 uc0acuc774ub85c ub09c ub0a0uc544 Fly (Fly)穿过大厦树丛与我飞翔于天际之间Fly (Fly)ubaa8ub4e0 uac74 ubbffub294 ub9ccud07c ud604uc2e4uc774uc57c ubd10我相信一切所见到的,因为它是真实的ub2c8 ubc1c ubc11uc73cub85c ud769uc5b4uc9c0ub294 uc218uc5b5 uac1cuc758 Stars嘉年华下散去的数以亿计的Starsuc7a0ub4e4uc9c0 uc54aub294 ubc24, uc774 ubc24uc774 uc0c8ub3c4ub85dTell the DJ turn it up up up and da, da, dance a little more在不眠之夜,彻夜Tell the DJ turn it up up up and da, da, dance a little moreub354 ub9ceuc740 ubc24, uc218ub9ceuc740 ubc24uc774 uc9c0ub098ub3c4更多的夜晚,即使过了无数个夜晚uadf8ub304 uc5b8uc81cuae4cuc9c0 uc18cub140uc77c girl and we stay forever young你无论何时,女孩, girl and we stay forever young(Oh ub108) ub108ub9ccuc774 ud568uaed8 uac00uc904ub798 (uba40uc9c0 uc54auc740 fantasy)(Oh 你) 只愿意和你在一起(不远处 fantasy)uc0c1uc0c1uc774 uac00ub4ddud55c uc774 uc138uc0c1uc5d0世上充满了想象ub05duc740 uc5c6uc5b4 Never end uc5ecuae34 Neverland不会结束Never end 这里 NeverlandRapucc98uc74c ub208ub728uba74 ubbffuc744 uc218 uc5c6ub300, uad1cucc2euc544 ub098 uc606uc5d0 uc788uc744uac8c第一次睁开眼无法相信,没关系我就在你身边uadf8 ub204uad6cub3c4 uc794uc18cub9ac ud560 uc77cuc774 uc5c6ub300, yeah uadf8ub0e5 ub2e4 ub0b4 uba4bub300ub85c ud574没有任何人唠叨无事可做,yeah 就那样都随我心所欲You, me, and the DJ dancing till the break of dawnNo, no never gonna stop now Turn it up, let"s party on X4ub108ub9ccuc774 ud568uaed8 uac00uc904ub798 (uba40uc9c0 uc54auc740 fantasy)只愿意和你在一起(不远处 fantasy)uc0c1uc0c1uc774 uac00ub4ddud55c uc774 uc138uc0c1uc5d0世上充满了想象ub05duc740 uc5c6uc5b4 Never end uc5ecuae34 Neverland不会结束Never end 这里 Neverlandub05duc740 uc5c6uc5b4 Never end uc5ecuae34 Neverland不会结束Never end 这里 Neverland
2023-07-15 13:41:181

Neverland 究竟代表的是什么 有什么含义

片名:彼得·潘 (又名:小飞侠)/ 英文:Peter Pan 导演:P.J. Hogan (PJ·霍根) 主演:Jeremy Sumpter(杰里米·森普特)Jason Isaacs(贾森·艾萨克斯) 类型:动作(Action) 国家地区:USA 语言:English 发行公司:环球(Universal) 首映日期:2003年12月25日 官方网站: 剧情: 某一天的夜晚,温蒂被狗叫声吵醒了。突然看见有个小男孩,原来是小飞侠的影子被小狗咬碎了,连妖精珍嘉也不知要怎么办,惊动到在旁深睡的温蒂,温蒂醒来见状只好就用针线把它缝好。小飞侠很高兴,送给她一个漂亮的钮扣,并请她到梦幻岛当六个小孩的保姆。温蒂于是带着弟弟约翰和麦克一同前去。 不久,在大海上看到一座美丽的小岛。小飞侠指着它说:“那就是梦幻岛!”当大家快要抵达时,突然被一颗炮弹轰散了。温蒂失踪了。小飞侠就责怪珍嘉说:“都是你一闪一亮,才被人发现!”珍嘉气得哭着回去,对六个小孩扯谎说:“吃人的温蒂鸟来了!”等温蒂回到岛上时,神箭手陶斯,急忙向温蒂射了一箭。这时小飞侠刚好赶到:“哎哟!她是保姆温蒂呀!”六个小孩听了,放声大哭。突然,温蒂睁开眼睛,又活了起来。原来箭只是射中钮扣而已。大家很高兴的围绕在温蒂身旁,而珍嘉也因此被赶出家门。 就在这时,霍克船长正埋伏在外,准备袭击。突然“滴答滴答”钟声响起,那只吃过霍克船长右臂的大鳄鱼又跑来吃他,霍克船长吓得逃走了。 一天,温蒂和小飞侠到人鱼岛去玩。突然听到一阵救命声,原来印第安公主莉莉要被鲨鱼吃掉了。小飞侠勇敢的把鲨鱼杀死了。在庆祝会上。小飞侠一直和公主跳舞。温蒂觉得无聊就先回家。这时,海盗们正来偷袭梦幻岛,大伙儿于是被抓,连蛋糕也被下毒了。回家后的小飞侠,想吃蛋糕,珍嘉突然飞进来说:“有毒!”接着把蛋糕吃了。小飞侠伤心的哭了,而泪水竟然救活了珍嘉。这时,温蒂一伙人正被送去喂鳄鱼!小飞侠急忙赶去,解救大家。他们和霍克船长展开一场激战,终于把海盗们打败了。霍克船长掉落海中被鳄鱼吃了。他们最后乘着海盗船,由小飞侠护送温蒂回家。“再见了!小飞侠。”船儿在月光中渐渐远去。 看点: 一.永不长大的彼得·潘 詹姆斯·巴里(1860-1937),英国小说家、剧作家。他的小说属于“菜园派”,擅长以幽默和温情的笔调描述苏格兰农村的风土人情。他一生为孩子们写了许多童话故事和童话剧,其影响最大最著名的就是他的代表作《彼得·潘》(1904),巴里迁居伦敦后,住在肯辛顿公园附近,每天上下班都从那儿路过。一天,他看见有几个小孩子在草地上玩耍,他们用树枝盖小屋,用泥土做点心,还扮作童话中的仙女和海盗。这游戏吸引了那位黑胡子的作家。他站在一旁笑嘻嘻地看着。后来,一个胆大点的孩子问他愿不愿意跟他们一起玩,于是黑胡子作家高高兴兴地加入孩子们的游戏,一直玩到天黑。在回家的路上,巴里才发现原来这些孩子都是他的邻居,其中最活跃的那个男孩叫彼得。后来,孩子们从家长那里听说巴里是个作家,他正在写一个剧本,叫《彼得·潘》,便把他围住,要他讲《彼得·潘》的故事。《彼得·潘》在伦敦公演后,在观众中引起很大轰动。后来,又把它改为童话故事,并被译成多种文学传到国外。以彼得·潘故事为内容的连环画、纪念册、版画、邮票等风行欧美各国。自从《彼得·潘》被搬上银幕,每年圣诞节,西方各国都在电视上播放这个节目,作为献给孩子们的礼物。 二.童话经典,真人首度演绎 最新版的《彼得·潘》中主要人物小飞侠彼得·潘、温蒂和约翰等全部启用儿童演员。著名童星杰里米·森普特出演小飞侠,而大魔头霍克船长则由《哈利波特与密室》中的大反派贾森·艾萨克斯扮演。此前,无论是戏剧表演还是大导演斯皮尔伯格的《霍克船长》中,都是由成年演员扮演彼得·潘。因而最新版的《彼得·潘》让观众从视觉感受上更容易接受来自“无忧岛”永远长不大的“小飞侠”。彼得·潘的经典形象早已是家喻户晓、深入人心。可以说每一个影迷的心中都有一个属于自己的小飞侠,此次导演PJ·霍根大胆地采用真人加电脑合成的形式演绎这部经典童话,不曾存在的梦幻岛也将首次亮相于银幕。昔日的想象化为今天电影中的现实,尽管原著的故事情节将给尽可能地依次上映,但是电影《彼得·潘》肯定不是一次终结,而是一系列梦幻想象的开始。 三.视觉大餐令人垂涎 试映日第一夫人捧场 据悉这一版本的《彼得·潘》节奏紧密,导演PJ·霍根使用了大量特技,令整部影片魔幻色彩更加突出。难怪有评论将它与《哈利·波特》相比,说《彼得·潘》将是爱好魔幻题材的影迷们,除《哈利·波特》以外又一顿美味大餐。如此美味,实在令人动心,就连美国前第一夫人南西里根都携带家眷于12月13日出席了《彼得·潘》洛杉机好莱坞的试映。由此而来可见小飞侠的迷人魅力,好莱坞对待美国人民可谓体贴入微,各个年龄段的朋友都会在圣诞节这一天收到色彩缤纷的圣诞礼物。祝愿所有那些永远也长不大的朋友们,圣诞节快乐。
2023-07-15 13:41:251

乌托邦 永无乡 是什么意思

2023-07-15 13:41:333

Never-Neverland 歌词

歌曲名:Never-Neverland歌手:PUR专辑:AbenteuerlandRico Love - Never NeverlandFeels like they ripped out my heartThe day they broke us apartBut it just keep on beatin"And it"s like I"m heavily medicatedNow that we"re seperatedTell me the reasonSo each night I wish on a starBegging that all mighty lordTo come restore my breathin"Cos since you"ve been goneIt"s like I"m lifeless, can"t go on like this babyI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret faraway place that would be better thanLiving without youI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret place beyond the moonPrepared for me and youOff to Never Never Land ....I look at pictures of usAnd remember how it wasBut my soul keeps on bleedingAnd babe I"m still dedicatedI believe we can make itJust keep believen ohhAnd we can"t physically touchBut still I love you so muchCos your key holds my freedom ohhAnd one day I"ll be set free from these cuffsI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret faraway place that would be better thanLiving without youI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret place beyond the moonPrepared for me and youOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandI know you"re reaching babyReaching for my handand even though your speechless babyi understand.. i understand..i understandI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret faraway place that would be better thanLiving without youI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret place beyond the moonPrepared for me and youOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandShaGuar & Moyile
2023-07-15 13:41:401

Never Neverland 歌词

歌名:Never Neverland专辑:With A Twist歌手: Todd Rundgren发行时间:2008-03-25流派:流行发行公司:EMI语种: 欧美流派: 爵士地区: 欧美歌词:You know my momma said there"s only two things in life thatare constant:That"s change and changeIt feels like something"s missing but I just dont know,It"s like Im not the same man that I was, no moreand all these crazy places that I usually know,are just not as exciting as they were before.I think about u constantly, It suprises me,how I"ve changed,my friends are coming down on me,saying a playa never changes the game.Those fellas live in Never Never Landright next to peter pan cuz nobody wants to grow old,Those fellas live in Never Never Landthey"ll never understand what it"s like to be in love.Never Never Land right next to peter pan cuz nobodywants to grow old, Those fellas live in Never Never Landthey"ll never understand what its like to be in love.It feels like something"s moving inside of me,my heart is doing backflips inspite of me,and there"s no place that I would rather bethan with you and my kids, my familyI think about u constantly,u gonna be my wife eventuallyIt dont matter what my friends say to me,there"s no changing my mind, so ya"ll just pray for me.Never Never Landright next to peter pan cuz nobody wants to grow old,Those fellas live in Never Never Landthey"ll never understand what its like to be in love.Never Never Land right next to peter pan cuz nobodywants to grow old, Those fellas live in Never Never Landthey"ll never understand what its like to be in love.Hold up wait a minute, I"m a husladont be putting my woman in it,She ain"t got nothing to do with this fault,She is a deaken and she chills in the pulpit(AH UR WRONG DAWG)I don"t even need to say no more,You ain"t got the disease but u expect the cure,Down on your knees praying for that new porschewhile she"s walking out that door,(SHE"S WALKING OUT THAT DOOR)Those fellas live in Never Never Landright next to peter pan cuz nobody wants to grow old,Those fellas live in Never Never Landthey"ll never understand what it"s like to be in love.Never Never Land right next to peter pan cuz nobodywants to grow old, Those fellas live in Never Never Landthey"ll never understand what its like to be in love.And I dont care what they told you30 is not the new 20 its the same old 30dont be mad at me jay im just the messenger baby,Im just the messenger!Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul歌词大意:你知道我妈妈说的只有两样东西那是常数:这是变化和变化感觉好像有点不见了,但我只是不知道,这就像我不一样的人,我是,没有更多我通常知道的所有这些疯狂的地方,只是不像他们以前那样令人兴奋。我认为你不断,这使我感到很吃惊,我如何改变,我的朋友们都来了,说一个海滩不会改变游戏。那些家伙生活在永远地在皮特的旁边,因为没有人愿意老去,那些家伙生活在永远地他们永远不会明白什么是爱。永远不要在皮特潘旁边的土地上,因为没有人想变老,那些家伙生活在永远地他们永远不会明白什么是爱。感觉好像有东西在我的内心,我的心是做后空翻尽管我,没有地方,我宁愿比与你和我的孩子,我的家人我经常想起你,你最终会成为我的妻子我的朋友们对我说什么,没有改变我的想法,所以你只会为我祈祷。从不从不登陆在皮特的旁边,因为没有人愿意老去,那些家伙生活在永远地他们永远不会明白什么是爱。永远不要在皮特潘旁边的土地上,因为没有人想变老,那些家伙生活在永远地他们永远不会明白什么是爱。等一分钟,我是一个husla不要让我的女人在它,她和这个错误没有任何事,她是一个狄根她发冷的讲坛(啊你错了我)我甚至不需要再多说什么,你没有得到这种疾病,但你希望治愈,在你的膝盖祈祷,新的保时捷当她走出那扇门的时候,(她走出了那扇门)那些家伙生活在永远地在皮特的旁边,因为没有人愿意老去,那些家伙生活在永远地他们永远不会明白什么是爱。永远不要在皮特潘旁边的土地上,因为没有人想变老,那些家伙生活在永远地他们永远不会明白什么是爱。我不在乎他们告诉你什么30是不是新的20个相同的旧的30别生我的气,我只是信使婴儿,我只是信使!
2023-07-15 13:41:472


2023-07-15 13:41:562

Never Never Land 歌词

歌曲名:Never Never Land歌手:Art Blakey&The Jazz Messengers专辑:KyotoRico Love - Never NeverlandFeels like they ripped out my heartThe day they broke us apartBut it just keep on beatin"And it"s like I"m heavily medicatedNow that we"re seperatedTell me the reasonSo each night I wish on a starBegging that all mighty lordTo come restore my breathin"Cos since you"ve been goneIt"s like I"m lifeless, can"t go on like this babyI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret faraway place that would be better thanLiving without youI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret place beyond the moonPrepared for me and youOff to Never Never Land ....I look at pictures of usAnd remember how it wasBut my soul keeps on bleedingAnd babe I"m still dedicatedI believe we can make itJust keep believen ohhAnd we can"t physically touchBut still I love you so muchCos your key holds my freedom ohhAnd one day I"ll be set free from these cuffsI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret faraway place that would be better thanLiving without youI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret place beyond the moonPrepared for me and youOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandI know you"re reaching babyReaching for my handand even though your speechless babyi understand.. i understand..i understandI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret faraway place that would be better thanLiving without youI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret place beyond the moonPrepared for me and youOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandShaGuar & Moyile
2023-07-15 13:42:031

求偶像大师 Go My Way 罗马歌词~~~

GO WAY!!Kimi ga kureta yume woIma demo oitsudzukete yukouSou omottaSO FLY!!Habataite yukou yoKimi ga kureta yuukiShinjite doko made mo yukeru hazuGO MY WAY!!Onaji sora koushite minagaraChigau basho ni iru dareka no koto wo sotto kangaeruTabun kimi to onaji kimochi na noniSetsunasugiru kono kimochi dakedo ii no{mezameta asa wa mou koi no naka de}Kimi no kotoba de mirai hirogaruGO WAY!!Kimi ga kureta yume woIma demo oitsudzukete yukouSou omottaSO FLY!!Habataite yukou yoKimi ga kureta yuukiShinjite doko made mo yukeru hazuGO MY WAY!!Itsu kara ka konna kimochi niKidzuite ita watashi datta kedo kawaranai kyorikanChikasugite wakaranai koto darake deJibun no hane hirogete miushinatteta{me no mae ita noni hane ga jama wo shite}Mukou ni aru taisetsu na monoGO WAY!!Kidzukenakatta kedoKimi wa oshiete kuretaRyoute wo tsunaida mamaSO FLY!!Sono mama no futari deKimi ga iu mirai eOtagai omou basho e yukouGO MY WAY!!GO WAY!!Kimi ga kureta yume woIma demo oitsudzukete yukouSou omottaSO FLY!!Habataite yukou yoKimi ga kureta yuukiShinjite doko made mo yukeru hazuGO MY WAY!!
2023-07-15 13:42:112


Walk Away - Dia FramptonLooking back on younger days" the time has passed"And nothing stays the same. Hey hey hey!She was such a pretty girl"With glowing eyes and yellow curls. Hey hey hey!Stars are in a summer night"She"s wishing that they"d fall down through the atmosphere"For a souvenir.She"s waiting for her Superman" her Never land"Cause he can show the way. Hey hey hey!Where"s her missing piece her mind"s been chasing" chasing?A bullet with your name" a ticking time grenade"You better run away" run away" run awayEither way you"re screwed" there"s nothing you can do"You better run away" run away" run away.She"s tellin" tales through telephoneThat make you cry" chill to the bone. Hey hey hey!It"s lock and key" electrified"Hide and seek from dirty eyes. Hey hey hey!Driving in the rain to somewhere far"But they"ve got tattoos stamped upon their arms" of her name in heartsShe doesn"t understand that love is what you give" not given up.Hey hey hey!Where"s her missing piece her mind"s been chasing" chasing?A bullet with your name" a ticking time grenade"You better run away" run away" run awayEither way you"re screwed" there"s nothing you can do"No matter what you say" what you say" what you say.Yeah you better not sleep" because she"s waiting" waiting.She knows all about you; you"re in her aim.A bullet with your name" a ticking time grenade"You better run away" run away" run awayEither way you"re screwed" there"s nothing you can do"You better run away" run away" run awayA bullet with your name" a ticking time grenade"You better run away" run away" run awayEither way you"re screwed" there"s nothing you can do"No matter what you say" what you say" what you say.
2023-07-15 13:42:361


《polar star》《five treasure box》《top secret 》《20[twenty]》《neverland》《GROWN-UP》(迷你四辑)《Distance》(日本六单)《MEMORY IN FTISLAND》(Remake Album)《Let it go》(日本五单)《RETURN》(迷你三辑)日本正规一辑《FIVE TREASURE ISLAND》《SATISFACTION》《So today》《Beautiful Journey》(迷你二辑)《Brand-New Days》《Flower Rock》《Beautiful hits for ASIA》《So Long,Au Revoir》《Repaclage Album:DOUBLE DATE》《Cross&Change》(正规三辑)《I Believe Myself》《Jump Up》专辑名称: Jump Up(迷你一辑)《THE ONE》《Colorful Sensibility (Part 2)》(二辑 part2《Colorful Sensibility》(正规二辑) 《Prologue of FTIsland -soyogi-》 《The Refreshment(Special Album)》(一辑特别版)《Cheerful Sensibility》(正规一辑)
2023-07-15 13:42:431

有没有《小飞侠彼得 潘》的经典语录

Peter: Second star to the right and straight on to morning. Peter: Come away to Neverland where you"ll never, never have to deal with grown up things again. Wendy: Never is an awfully long time. Peter: Promise me one thing... leave Hook to me. Peter: [whispering] Forget them... forget them all. Come away to Never Land. Peter: Hold on to this... both hands Captain Hook: If I were you, I"d give up. Peter: If you were me, I"d be ugly. Peter: I do, I do, I do believe in fairies, I do, I do. Peter: If you wi** **. Slightly: If you wi** **? Peter: IF YOU WI** **. Wendy: This belongs to you, and always will Peter: I want always to be a boy, and to have fun. Wendy: You say so, but I think it is your biggest pretend. Captain Hook: Peter... you"re pink. Captain Hook: She was leaving you. Your Wendy was leaving you. Why should she stay? What have you to offer? You are incomplete. Let"s take a look into the future, shall we? You fly to Wendy"s nursery and... what"s this? The window"s closed. Peter: I"ll open it. Captain Hook: I"m afraid the windows barred. Peter: I"ll call out her name. Captain Hook: She can"t hear you. Peter: No. Captain Hook: She can"t see you. Peter: Wendy. Captain Hook: She"s forgotten all about you. Peter: Stop it. Please. Stop it. Peter: To live, would be an awfully big adventure. Hook: Old... Alone... Done for. Wendy: Peter... I should like to give you a kiss. [Peter holds his hand out] Wendy: Don"t you know what a kiss is? Peter: Well I shall know when you give me one. Slightly: I remember kisses, let me see. Aye, that is a kiss. A powerful thing. Wendy: Will you forget me Peter? Peter: Me? Forget? Never. Wendy: the secret kiss belongs to you jeremy and it always will. 1.Peter: Forget them, Wendy. Forget them all. Come with me where you"ll never, never have to worry about grown up things again. Wendy: Never is an awfully long time. 2.Smee: Captain, the ice is melting, the sun is out, and the flowers are all in bloom... Captain Hook: He"s back. 3.Wendy: Why do you hate him so? 4.Pirate: Beg for your lives. John: My brother and I are English gentlemen. English gentlemen do not beg. [Michael gets on his knees] Michael: ...Please. Please. 5.Peter: Ready to lose the other one? Captain Hook: Not this time. 6.Captain Hook: [to Wendy] Didst thou ever want to be a pirate? 7.Wendy: We must leave at once... before we, in turn, are forgotten. 8.Wendy: Might I have time to consider your generous offer? Captain Hook: Absolutely. Captain Hook: My new obsession is you. Captain Hook: None of my crew will follow you... I swear it. Wendy: What would mother think of my becoming a pirate? 9.Smee: Pan did you a favor, did he, Captain? Captain Hook: A favor? He threw my hand to a crocodile, the beast liked it so much, it"s followed me ever since, licking its lips for the rest of me... YOU CALL THAT A FAVOR? 10.[Wendy sews Peter"s shadow to his feet] Peter: Oh, the cleverness of me. Wendy: Of course, I did nothing... Peter: You did a little. Wendy: Oh, the cleverness of you. 11.Peter: If you wi** **. Slightly: If you wi** **? 12.Captain Hook: If I were you, I"d give up. Peter: If you were me, I"d be ugly. 13.Peter: I do believe in fairies, I do, I do. 14.[Wendy has just become the Lost Boys" mother] Peter: Discipline. That"s what fathers believe in. We must spank all of the children now before they try to kill you again. Better yet, we should kill them. Wendy: Father. I agree that they are... perfectly horrid, but... kill them and they should think themselves... important. The Lost Boys: So important, Peter. Curly: And unique. Wendy: I, however, propose a much more vile punishment. Medicine. The dreadful, sticky, sweet kind. The Lost Boys: Please kill us, Peter. 15.Wendy: This belongs to you, and always will Peter: I want always to be a boy, and have fun. Wendy: You say so, Peter, but I think it is your biggest pretend. 16.Wendy: Where do you live? Peter: Second to the right, and then straight on till morning. Wendy: They put that on the letters? Peter: Don"t get any letters. Wendy: But your mother gets letters. Peter: Don"t have a mother. Wendy: No wonder you were crying. Peter: I wasn"t crying about mothers. I was crying because I can"t get this shadow to stick. And I wasn"t crying. 17.Mr. Darling: [Shouting] No. I must become a man that children fear and adults respect, or we shall all end up in the street. Mrs. Darling: George, not so loud. Aunt Millicent: George, the neighbors will hear. Mr. Darling: Let them hear. Let the whole world know. This [indicating Nanna] Mr. Darling: is not a nurse. This... is a dog. [to Wendy] Mr. Darling: Tomorrow, you will begin your instruction with Aunt Millicent. It"s time for you to grow up. 18.Peter: There"s mermaids. Wendy: Mermaids? Peter: Indians. John and Michael: Indians? Peter: Pirates. John and Michael: Pirates? Wahoo. 19.[Wendy kisses Peter Pan and he starts to glow] 20.Captain Hook: Pan... you"re pink. 21.Wendy: Surely you must have felt love once for something... or someone. Peter: Never. Even the sound of it offends me. [Wendy tries to touch his face, and he jumps away] Peter: Why do you have to spoil everything? We have fun, don"t we? I taught you to fly and to fight. What more could there be? Wendy: There is so much more. 22.Peter: [after bumping his head on waking up] I was not asleep. 23.[Peter and Wendy land to talk to mermaids to find John and Michael] Wendy: Oh, How sweet. [Peter looks disgusted] Wendy: What? Are mermaids not sweet? Peter: They"ll sweetly drown you if you get too close 24.Slightly: Well... we have our orders. Shoot the Wendy bird. Ready... Aim... FIRE. 25.[Peter sees a boy flying next to him, forgetting he has just met him minutes before] Peter: Who are you? John: I"m John. Peter: John. 26.[Mr. and Mrs. Darling are rushing up the stairs, right before Peter takes the children to Neverland] Narrator: It would be delightful to report that they reached the nursery in time... but then, there would be no story. 27.Captain Hook: She was leaving you. Your Wendy was leaving you. Why should she stay? What have you to offer? You are incomplete. Let"s take a look into the future, shall we? You fly to Wendy"s nursery and... what"s this? The window"s closed. Peter: I"ll open it. Captain Hook: I"m afraid the windows barred. Peter: I"ll call out her name. Captain Hook: She can"t hear you. Peter: No. Captain Hook: She can"t see you. Peter: Wendy. Captain Hook: She"s forgotten all about you. Peter: Stop it. Please. Stop it. 28.[During a swordfight between Peter and Wendy] Tootles: Mother and father are fighting again... 19.Peter: You be quiet or I"ll banish you just like Tink. Wendy: I WILL NOT BE BANISHED. Peter: Then leave. And take your feelings with you.
2023-07-15 13:42:511