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2023-07-15 14:06:25
TAG: 英语

早操的英语:morning exercises [ˈmɔ:nɪŋ][ˈeksəsaɪz]。



do morning exercises 做早操

running morning exercise 跑早操

useful to do morning exercises 做早操有益

morning exercises 早操活动


morning (setting-up) exercises




Morning exercises




We do morning exercises in the morning.



Can we do morning exercises tomorrow?



His advice set me off doing morning exercises every day.



exercise[英]["eksu0259sau026az] [美][u02c8u025bksu025au02ccsau026az] 生词本简明释义n.练习;运动训练;运用;典礼vi.锻炼训练练习vt.锻炼(身体某部位);使焦虑使忧虑;实行发挥(作用);运用复数:exercises第三人称单数:exercises过去式:exercised过去分词:exercised现分词:exercising
2023-07-15 11:16:342


发音:英音:["eksu0259sau026azu026az];美音:["eksu0259sau026azu026az]。意思介绍如下:练习( exercise的名词复数 );(弹钢琴指法等的)训练;使用;演习。锻炼,训练,练习( exercise的第三人称单数 );锻炼(身体某部位);使焦虑;发挥(作用)。双语例句1、Experimental psychologists use such exercises to demonstrate cognitive illusions .实验心理学家利用这种练习来证明认知错觉。2、The exercises in both countries point to escalating tensions .叙以两国进行演习表明紧张关系升级。3、Step one to being better looking : eating right and exercises .变漂亮之第一步:正确饮食、多做锻炼。4、She incorporates these exercises in her program .她在他的训练中融合了这篇文章里的方法。5、Its coverage of the subject is impressive and provides a good selection of standard exercises .他对课题的覆盖度是惊人的,而且他提供了一些精选的经典的习题。
2023-07-15 11:17:381


2023-07-15 11:18:025


exercise怎么读:英["eksu0259sau026az],美["eksu0259rsau026az]。一、基本释义exercise:n.运动;练习;作业;vt.运用;vi.锻炼。形容词:exercisable;过去式:exercised;过去分词:exercised;现在分词:exercising;第三人称单数:exercises。二、exercise的用法1、exercise的基本含义是反复地进行某一动作或一系列动作,以发展和加强某种能力,尤指为了身体健康或精力充沛而进行的活动。引申可表示“运用”“行使”或“实行”“执行”等。2、exercise可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。3、exercise作“练习”解时,其后常接“反身代词+in+n./v-ing”,其主语既是动作的执行者,又是动作的承受者。4、exercise作名词统指“运动”时,前面加冠词特指“某项运动”。三、例句1、Exercise is good for your heart and lungs.对您的心脏和肺,运动也是有益的。2、I suggest you go on a diet and take more exercise.我建议你节食,多做运动。3、Next I"d like you to do the exercises on page 10.下面我让你做第10页上的练习。4、You should learn how to exercise self-control.你要学会运用自制力。5、However, we will only have one plug-in for this exercise, primarily to limit the scope of this article.然而,我们将只能拥有这一运用的唯一插件,从根本上限制了这篇文章的作用域。6、The value of this exercise is that it challenges the students to express themselves freely.这项练习的价值在于它能促使学生自由地表达自己的思想。
2023-07-15 11:18:161


exercise[英]["eksu0259sau026az][美][u02c8u025bksu025au02ccsau026az]n.练习; 运动,训练; 运用; 典礼; vi.锻炼,训练,练习; vt.锻炼(身体某部位); 使焦虑,使忧虑; 实行,发挥(作用); 运用; 第三人称单数:exercises过去分词:exercised复数:exercises现在进行时:exercising过去式:exercised
2023-07-15 11:19:052


2023-07-15 11:19:135


2023-07-15 11:19:271

morningexercises怎么读 morningexercises的意思

1、morning exercises的读音:英[u02c8mu0254u02d0nu026au014b u02c8eksu0259sau026azu026az]美[u02c8mu0254u02d0rnu026au014b u02c8eksu0259rsau026azu026az] 2、释义:早操 3、例句:You should do morning exercises.你应该做早操。
2023-07-15 11:19:451

do morning exercises怎么读

2023-07-15 11:19:5310

做练习题 用英语怎么说

在车上长头发刚刚好吧v就 vVB还好吧VBvvGV还尴尬仙女个古古怪怪有何贵干翻滚吧个%#bvbchgdghbcfccccgcvbvcbvxgfdvgddd方法吃饭吃吃吃恭喜恭喜吃
2023-07-15 11:20:346


To make a proldem
2023-07-15 11:21:105

do morning exercises怎么读

2023-07-15 11:21:322

do mornining exercises怎么读

do morning exercises首先意思是做早操do 汉字标注 度morning 汉字标音为 猫凝exercises 汉字标音为 艾克瑟赛they z (后面实在不好标音,zeiz )
2023-07-15 11:22:291

do morning exercises怎么读

2023-07-15 11:22:372


morning exercise
2023-07-15 11:22:474


2023-07-15 11:23:205


2023-07-15 11:23:432


2023-07-15 11:24:133

早操的英语怎么读 早操的英语解释

1、morning exercises,读音:美/mu0254rnu026au014b u025bksu025au02ccsau026azu026az/;英/u02c8mu0254:nu026au014b u02c8eksu0259sau026azu026az/。 2、释义:morning exercises 早操。 3、例句:我们明天可以做早操吗?Can we do morning exercises tomorrow?
2023-07-15 11:24:211


Exercise in the morning
2023-07-15 11:24:334

do morning exercises 的音标是什么?

[du:] ["mu0254:niu014b] ["eksu0259saizis]
2023-07-15 11:25:206


do exercises[词典]作操;[例句]Let"s go and do exercises.大家去做操吧。
2023-07-15 11:25:411


doing morning exercises (正在)做早操
2023-07-15 11:25:526


exercises的音标为:英[u02c8eksu0259sau026azu026az],美[u02c8eksu0259rsau026azu026az]。exercises是exercise的第三人称单数和复数;exercise:n. 运动;练习;运用;操练;礼拜;典礼vt. 锻炼;练习;使用;使忙碌;使惊恐vi. 运动;练习。短语:take exercise 做运动;做体操;physical exercise 体育运动;身体操练;regular exercise 常规性的锻炼;经常操练,按时训练;aerobic exercise 有氧运动。例句:1、Experimental psychologists use such exercises to demonstrate cognitive illusions .实验心理学家利用这种练习来证明认知错觉。2、The exercises in both countries point to escalating tensions .叙以两国进行演习表明紧张关系升级。3、Step one to being better looking : eating right and exercises .变漂亮之第一步:正确饮食、多做锻炼。4、She incorporates these exercises in her program .她在他的训练中融合了这篇文章里的方法。5、Its coverage of the subject is impressive and provides a good selection of standard exercises .他对课题的覆盖度是惊人的,而且他提供了一些精选的经典的习题。
2023-07-15 11:26:591

exercises怎么读 英语exercises怎么读

1、英式读法[eksu0259sau026az]。美式读法[eksu0259rsau026az]。 2、exercise用作名词的基本意思是“运动,锻炼”。指适用于正常人的一般性的以健身为目的的“体质锻炼”,也可指脑力方面的锻炼,还可指适用于运动员的“专业训练”。 3、exercise作“练习,习题”解有时可用作定语;作“使用,应用”解时,其结果常常是有效的;作“演习,操练”解时常用复数。 4、exercise的基本含义是反复地进行某一动作或一系列动作,以发展和加强某种能力,尤指为了身体健康或精力充沛而进行的活动。引申可表示“运用”“行使”或“实行”“执行”等。
2023-07-15 11:27:241

exercise怎么读 exercise读法

1、exercise 英[u02c8eksu0259sau026az]. 2、美[u02c8eksu0259rsau026az]. 3、n. (身体或脑力的) 活动,锻炼,运动; (保持健康或培养技能的) 一套动作,训练活动; 习题; 练习; 4、v. 行使; 使用; 运用; 锻炼; 训练; 操练; 锻炼(身体某部位); 5、[例句]She exercises two or three times a week. 6、她每周锻炼两三次。 7、[其他] 第三人称单数:exercises 复数:exercises 现在分词:exercising 过去式:exercised 过去分词:exercised。
2023-07-15 11:27:311


exercise[英][u02c8eksu0259sau026az][美][u02c8eksu0259rsau026az]n.练习; 运动,训练; 运用; 典礼; vi.锻炼,训练,练习; vt.锻炼(身体某部位); 使焦虑,使忧虑; 实行,发挥(作用); 运用; 第三人称单数:exercises复数:exercises现在分词:exercising过去式:exercised过去分词:exercised
2023-07-15 11:27:411


exercises的英式发音为['eksu0259sau026azu026az]。exercises的美式发音为['eksu0259sau026azu026az]。如果这个单词的最后一个音为清音(voiceless sound),其后所加<s>读作/s/。比如:caps, hats, likes等。如果这个单词的最后一个音为浊音(voiced sound),其后所加<s>读作/z/。比如:gloves, shows, cars等。如果这个单词的最后一个音为/s/, /z/, /u0283/,/u0292/,/tu0283/,/du0292/等时,其后所加<es>或<s>读作/iz/。比如:dresses, brushes, pages等。exercise用法作名词意思有运动;练习;作业。作及物动词意思是运用。作不及物动词意思是锻炼。如:Exercise is good for your heart and lungs.对您的心脏和肺,运动也是有益的。而exercising是exercise的现在分词形式,是个动名词,做主语。如:A court exercising jurisdiction over all maritime cases.海事法庭处理所有海事案件裁决权的法庭。
2023-07-15 11:29:241


2023-07-15 11:29:419


exercise:诶 颗 色 塞 日exercises:诶 颗 色 塞 rei 日
2023-07-15 11:30:131


2023-07-15 11:30:271


锻炼身体exercise the body;body building注:exercise英 [u02c8eksu0259sau026az] 美 [u02c8eksu0259rsau026az] n. 练习; 运动,训练; 运用; 典礼; vi. 锻炼,训练,练习; vt. 锻炼(身体某部位); 使焦虑,使忧虑; 实行,发挥(作用); 运用; [例句]She exercises two or three times a week.她每周锻炼两三次。[其他] 第三人称单数:exercises 复数:exercises 现在分词:exercising 过去式:exercised 过去分词:exercised
2023-07-15 11:30:341

e is e r c is e什么意思怎么读?

是exercise吧exercise[英][u02c8eksu0259sau026az][美][u02c8eksu0259rsau026az]n.练习; 运动,训练; 运用; 典礼; vi.锻炼,训练,练习; vt.锻炼(身体某部位); 使焦虑,使忧虑; 实行,发挥(作用); 运用; 第三人称单数:exercises过去分词:exercised复数:exercises现在进行时:exercising过去式:exercised
2023-07-15 11:30:411


早操的 morning exercises,读作 ["m:n "ekssazz],可谐音为 “莫奥宁 艾克色 ‘萨艾" 仔兹
2023-07-15 11:31:102

早操的英语怎么读 早操的英语解释

1、morning exercises,读音:美/m?rn?? ?ks??sa?z?z/;英/?m?:n?? ?eks?sa?z?z/。2、释义:morning exercises 早操。3、例句:我们明天可以做早操吗?Can we do morning exercises tomorrow?
2023-07-15 11:31:241

do morning exercises的读音

嘟 猫宁 艾克色塞子
2023-07-15 11:31:352


做眼保健操do eye exercises更多释义>>[网络短语]做眼保健操 do eye exercises坚持做眼保健操 insist on doing eye-exercise;Adhere to do eye exercises;We must conduct eye care认真做眼保健操 Seriously do eye exercises
2023-07-15 11:31:421

早操英语怎么读 早操英语如何读

  1. 早操,morning exercises,美/ mu0254rnu026au014bu025bksu025au02ccsau026azu026az /;英语/u0254u02c8m: nu026au014bu02c8的u0259sau026azu026az /。   2. 例句:#   我们明天可以做早操吗?Can we do morning exercises tomorrow?   我们在上课前做早操。We do morning exercises before classes begin.
2023-07-15 11:31:511


doing engilsh practice
2023-07-15 11:32:003

早操英语怎么读 早操英语如何读

1、早操,morning exercises,读音:美/mu0254rnu026au014b u025bksu025au02ccsau026azu026az/;英/u02c8mu0254:nu026au014b u02c8eksu0259sau026azu026az/。 2、例句: (1)Can we do morning exercises tomorrow?我们明天可以做早操吗? (2)We do morning exercises before classes begin.上课前我们做早操。
2023-07-15 11:32:091


语法练习用英语怎么说   1. he is doing an exercise in english grammar.   他在做英语语法练习.   2. you should finish your grammar drills in the class.   你应该在课堂上完成语法练习.   3. after reading the text, we went on to do some grammar exercises.   读完课文后, 我们接着做了一些语法练习.   4. what do you do on friday? we do grammar exercises.   你们星期五 干什么 ?我们做语法练习.   5. which do you like better, grammar or translation exercises?   你更喜欢什么---语法练习呢,还是翻译练.   6. we do grammar exercises.   我们做语法练习.   7. i prefer doing practical exercise to working at grammar.   相比学习语法,我更倾向于做实际的练习.   8. the teacher was drilling the student in english grammar.   该教师在让学生练习英文语法.   9. study english ii : activating your grammar.   热身练习二:激活你的语法.   10. i did exercises in english grammar. ;
2023-07-15 11:32:161


  轻音乐又名“情调音乐”,指流行音乐中的器乐作品,不包括摇滚乐、迪斯科等节奏强烈的音乐。那么,你知道轻音乐的英语怎么说吗?   轻音乐的英文释义:   light music   轻音乐的英文例句:   客人们说他们不反对听听轻音乐。   The guests said that they wouldn"t mind having a little light music.   他们许多人喜欢听轻音乐。他们许多人喜欢听轻音乐。   Many of them enjoy listening to light music. 轻音乐 英语怎么说   我喜欢听轻音乐。   I enjoy listening to light music.   这首轻音乐使我们想起在一起度过的辛福时光。   The light music reminds us of the happy time we spent together.   我特别喜欢轻音乐。   I have a special liking for light music.   你喜欢听轻音乐吗?   Do you like listening to light music?   轻音乐可以减轻我的忧虑。   Soft music can ease my anxiety.   我爱听轻音乐。   I like to listen to light music.   轻音乐能带给我平静的欢乐。   Light music fills my heart with serene joyfulness.   你对轻音乐感觉如何?。   How did you like the light music?   我这个年龄,更需要的是轻音乐和彼此的语言沟通。   At my age, I need some soft music and *** all talk.   最好的选择是读读书或者听听轻音乐。   Better choices are reading or listening to soft music.   我建议能够放一些轻音乐来帮助学生放松心情。   I suggest that there be some soft music to help us relax.   静静地坐着,听着抚慰心灵的轻音乐,或者从后院、阳台或窗户看出去,欣赏大自然的奥妙奇景,这些都会让你变年轻。   Rejuvenate by sitting quietly listen to soft soothing music or watch the wonders ofnature from your own backyard, balcony or window.   听听轻音乐,拿15分钟读一些暖人心的文章,喝一杯不含咖啡因的茶,做一些放松训练等等。   Listen to relaxing music, read something soothing for 15 minutes, have a cup ofcaffeine free tea, do relaxation exercises.   轻音乐又一次使他入眠而收音机在继续播放。   The soft music sent him back to rest again while the radio went on.   我的哥哥和我喜欢流行歌曲,而我的父母喜欢听轻音乐。   My brother and I like pop songs, and my parents like to listen to soft music.   将灯光调暗,放些轻音乐,也可以点上几根蜡烛。   Dim the lights, play some soft music, maybe light some candles.   轻音乐可以让你放松点,而有节奏的打击乐可以让你在冲凉时舞动起来,并且派对的节奏能产生一种欢快的气氛。   Soothing music can help relax, while rhythmic beats might get you dancing in theshower, and party beats can provide a sense of fun.   听一些轻音乐。   Listen to soft music.   为了唤起积极的情感和记忆,他们演奏了追溯到她们出生时期的轻音乐。   And in order to stir up positive emotions and memories, they played calming music dating back to when the women were born.   可以是泡热水浴或洗个热水澡,读本书,或者听些轻音乐——最好让灯光暗一下。   This might include taking a warm bath or shower, reading a book, or listening tosoothing music — preferably with the lights dimmed.   你也可以喝一杯甘菊茶,或者听点轻音乐。   Alternatively, drink a cup of camomile tea or listen to some soothing music.   它有很多种类:轻音乐很优雅,摇滚乐很快,古典乐很伟大,儿童音乐很有趣。   It has many sorts: soft music is graceful, rock music is fast, classical music isgreat, and children"s music is interesting.   在一周的紧张工作和学习之余,坐在舞厅,在柔和的灯光下,听听轻音乐,感觉真好。   After a week"s tense work and study, it feels good to sit in the ball room, listening to light music in the soft lamplight. The colorful lamps twinkle and glisten.   我喜欢在睡觉前听轻音乐。   I like to listen to soft music before I go to sleep.   人们彼此交谈时,周围弥漫著作为背景的轻音乐。   The atmosphere will be filled with light music that would only serve as backgroundas people converse with each other.   说一些礼貌用语,放几段轻音乐……任何她能想到的她都试了,但是鹦鹉就是不改。   Words and playing soft music...anything she could think of. Nothing worked.   烛光、晚餐、轻音乐、跳舞。   A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing, she goes Tuesdays; I go Fridays.   甩掉脚上的鞋子,调暗室内灯光,开启缓缓的音乐,或许是那种缠绵温柔的爵士轻音乐。   You"ve kicked off your shoes, turned the lights down low and put on some slowmusic, perhaps a little soft soul or gentle jazz.
2023-07-15 11:33:321

Do you ofen exercise?我想回答并不是经常锻炼,怎么用英语翻译了

No, I don"t.Not often.
2023-07-15 11:33:437


Many There are many birds over zhe sky.
2023-07-15 11:34:124


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2023-07-15 11:35:245


follow me
2023-07-15 11:36:004

有没有完整的baby dont cry韩文的歌词分配?

[ubc31ud604] ub354ub294 ub9dduc124uc774uc9c0 ub9c8 uc81cubc1cub0b4 uc2ecuc7a5uc744 uac70ub450uc5b4 uac00uadf8ub798 ub0a0uce74ub85cuc6b8uc218ub85d uc88buc544ub2ecube5b uc870ucc28ub3c4 ub208uc744 uac10uc740 ubc24[ub514uc624] ub098 uc544ub2cc ub2e4ub978 ub0a8uc790uc600ub2e4uba74ud76cuadf9 uc548uc758 ud55c uad6cuc808uc774uc5c8ub354ub77cuba74ub108uc758 uadf8 uc0acub791uacfc ubc14uafbc uc0c1ucc98 ubaa8ub450 ud0dcuc6ccubc84ub824[ubaa8ub450] Baby don"t cry tonight uc5b4ub460uc774 uac77ud788uace0 ub098uba74Baby don"t cry tonight uc5c6uc5c8ub358 uc77cuc774 ub420 uac70uc57cubb3cuac70ud488uc774 ub418ub294 uac83uc740 ub124uac00 uc544ub2c8uc57c ub05dub0b4 ubab0ub77cuc57c ud588ub358So baby don"t cry cry ub0b4 uc0acub791uc774 ub110 uc9c0ud0ac ud14cub2c8[uc218ud638] uc624uc9c1 uc11cub85cub97c ud5a5ud574uc788ub294 uc6b4uba85uc744 uc8fcuace0 ubc1buc544uc5c7uac08ub9b4 uc218 ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6ub294 uadf8 ub9ccud07c ub354 uc0acub791ud588uc74cuc744 ub09c uc54cuc544[ub514uc624] When you smile, sun shines[ubc31ud604] uc5b8uc5b4ub780 ud2c0uc5d4 ucc44 ubabb ub2f4uc744 ucc2cub780[ub514uc624] uc628 ub9d8uc5d0 ud30cub3c4 uccd0[uc218ud638] ubd80uc11cuc838 ub0b4ub9acuc796uc544 oh[ubaa8ub450] Baby don"t cry tonight ud3edud48duc774 ubab0uc544uce58ub294 ubc24 ([ubc31ud604] uc6b0 ud558ub298uc774 ubb34ub108uc9c8 ub4ef)[ubaa8ub450] Baby don"t cry tonight uc870uae08uc740 uc5b4uc6b8ub9acuc796uc544ub208ubb3cubcf4ub2e4 ucc2cub780ud788 ube5bub098ub294 uc774 uc21cuac04 ub108ub97c ubcf4ub0b4uc57c ud588ub358So baby don"t cry cry ub0b4 uc0acub791uc774 uae30uc5b5ub420 ud14cub2c8[ucc2cuc5f4] uc5b4ub450ucef4ucef4ud55c uace0ud1b5uc758 uadf8ub298 uc704 uc774ubcc4uc758 ubb38ud131uc5d0 ub0b4uac00 ubb34ucc38ud788ub118uc5b4uc838ub3c4 uadf8ub9c8uc800ub3c4 ub110 uc704ud574uc11cub77cuba74 uac10ub2f9ud560 ud14cub2c8Uh ub300uc2e0 ub098ub97c uc904uac8c ube44ub85d ub0a0 ubaa8ub974ub294 ub108uc5d0uac8cDon"t cry ub728uac70uc6b4 ub208ubb3cubcf4ub2e8 ucc28ub514ucc2c uc6c3uc74cuc744 ubcf4uc5ecuc918 baby[ub514uc624] Say no more ([ucc2cuc5f4] Baby) [ub514uc624] No more ([ucc2cuc5f4] Don"t cry)[ucc2cuc5f4] uc81cubc1c ub9dduc124uc774uc9c0ub294 ub9d0uc544uc918 ubb3cuac70ud488uc774 ub420 uadf8 ucc30ub098[ub514uc624] Say no more ([ucc2cuc5f4] Baby) [ub514uc624] No more ([ucc2cuc5f4] Don"t cry)[ucc2cuc5f4] ub208ubd80uc2e0 uc0acub78cuc73cub85c ub0a8uc744 uc218 uc788uac8c ucc28ub77cub9ac uadf8 uce7cub85c ub0a0 ud0dcuc6ccuc918[ub514uc624] ub124 ub208 uc18duc5d0 uac00ub4dd ucc28 uc624ub974ub294 ub2ecube5b woo[ubc31ud604] uc18cub9ac uc5c6uc774 uace0ud1b5 uc18duc5d0 ud758ub7ec ub118uce58ub294 uc774 ubc24[ubaa8ub450] Baby don"t cry tonight uc5b4ub460uc774 uac77ud788uace0 ub098uba74Baby don"t cry tonight uc5c6uc5c8ub358 uc77cuc774 ub420 uac70uc57cubb3cuac70ud488uc774 ub418ub294 uac83uc740 ub124uac00 uc544ub2c8uc57c ub05dub0b4 ubab0ub77cuc57c ud588ub358So baby don"t cry cry ub0b4 uc0acub791uc774 ub110 uc9c0ud0ac ud14cub2c8[ubc31ud604] uc774ub978 ud587uc0b4uc774 ub179uc544 ub0b4ub9b0ub2e4ub108ub97c ub2eeuc740 ub208ubd80uc2ecuc774 ub0b4ub9b0ub2e4[uc218ud638] uae38uc744 uc783uc740 ub0b4 ub208uc740 uc774uc81cuc57c cry cry cry
2023-07-15 11:30:522

哪里有测试一个人成熟度的网站?心 理 年 龄 鉴 定
2023-07-15 11:30:492