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2023-05-19 16:54:50
TAG: bo box

Host: Device->Install Guest Additions... Guest: # sudo mkdir /media/virtualbox-guest-additions/ # sudo mount /dev/hdc /media/virtualbox-guest-additions/ # sudo sh /media/virtualbox-guest-additions/





摘要移除机载甲苯通过叶围在增强的杜鹃花籼atoluene-degrading浓缩的文化TVA8 Pseudomonasputida进行了研究。消失的时间的95%(DT95%;时间一个初始甲苯concentrationof 90 ppmv(339毫克m3)被移除了,一个batchexperiment]是75 h为杜鹃花植物。sameexperimental条件下,DT95%接种Azaleaplants的显著下降。Subsequentadditions约27小时的甲苯进一步增加了再保险
2023-01-03 13:08:243

如何为virtualbox安装 guest additions/增强工具包/功能增强包/增强功能包

百分之一百 好答案 网页链接
2023-01-03 13:08:342

Xposed Additions这个模块 怎么激活不了

Xposed 框架安装器和其他安卓软件一样,将安装包安装到手机。2打开该软件。点击管理框架模块。进入后如下图2所示,点击安装/更新,授权,点击确定即可。手机会重新启动。(不同的手机或系统版本会有少许不同)3重启后进入管理框架模块。激活下面出现数字。说明Xposed 框架安装器已经安装成功。4目前手机上用到的模块是绿色守护和重力工具箱。(模块建议在百度上搜索下载,安装方法和普通软件一样)这两个模块安装后,打开激活应用模块,两个模块后面有一个小方框,点击后会出现一个对号,然后重启手机。5重启后点击模块重力工具箱,说明已经安装成功。
2023-01-03 13:08:421

in addition to think you can do是什么意思

in addition to think you can do除了想你能做的例句:1.Think you can do it in two hours? 那你想可不可以用两个钟头帮我搞定呢?2.Do you think introversion can be caused by anything? 你是否认为内向是由于特定原因引起的?
2023-01-03 13:08:472


  方法/步骤  开启任意虚拟机的系统,点设备中的“安装Guest Additions”  如果系统开启自动播放,会弹出下图,直接点击运行。如果没有弹出,在计算机中点击光驱位置安装  在上面的点击运行或双击运行后,出现如下界面  Guest Additions安装中......  安装系统设备  Guest Additions安装完成后需要重启系统,重启后VBox GuestAdditions就安装成功了。  Guest Additions安装成功后我们就可以使用相关功能了。最基础的是鼠标在虚拟机系统与主机之间自由切换。
2023-01-03 13:08:571


作为一种猜测,可能是你放置文件的位置不太合适,因为/mnt一般是用于挂载文件系统的目录。 建议将此文件移动到/home目录下,用root账户赋予其运行权限(对系统进行改动肯定要root权限),然后用“./file-name”这样的模式从命令行运行尝试。
2023-01-03 13:09:071


2023-01-03 13:09:131


//" target="_blank">http。最后你可以查阅这
2023-01-03 13:09:202


解题步骤:1.通读全文,理解大意。重视首句信息,跳过空格,浏览全文,从整体上感知全文,理解文章大意,这是解题的基础。2.瞻前顾后,避难就易。在理解文章大意的情况下,结合各选项的意义和用法,遵循先易后难的原则,先解决那些自己有把握的问题。对少数难题,暂时跳过,或许在上文中难以判断的题在下文中就有暗示或者明显的提示,或许一个在前面不能解答的题在填出了另一空后会令你豁然开朗。3.复读全文,解决残敌。借助已经补全的空格,我们对全文有了更清楚的理解,可以集中解决所遗留的少数疑难问题。4.再次复读,弥补疏漏,全部做好后,考生务必要结合自己选择的答案重新阅读短文内容,确保全文文意连贯。2完形填空的特点和技巧:1.完形填空的特点:(1)只考以下四类词——名词、动词(包括短语动词)、形容词和副词。(2)首句不设空:有助于考生了解或推测全文的大意。(3)同一小题的四个选项都是同一词类,且为同一语法形式。2.完形填空的技巧:(1)词语之间的习惯搭配,或固定搭配。观察1:Amajor French newspaper (21) his brother for him…(2009广东)21. A.found B.misunderstood C.mistookD.judged解析:mistake A for B(意思是:把……错认为)是固定搭配,故答案为C.观察2:Nobelarranged in his will to give the largest part of his money to (28) the Nobelprize,which would be awarded to people who made great(29) to the causes of peace,literature,andthe sciences.(2009广东)28.A.establish B.form C.developD.promote29.A.additions B.sacrifices C.changesD.contributions解析:根据与名词theNobel prizes的搭配,又结合常识,应当是(建立;形成)诺贝尔奖金。makecontributions to意思是(对……作出贡献)是固定搭配,故28题答案为A,29题答案为D.(2)背景知识或生活常识:观察1:“Dr.AlfredNobel,who became rich by finding ways to kill morepeople faster than ever before,died yesterday.”Nobelwas (24) to find out not that he had died,but that,whenhis time was up,…(2009广东)A.upset B.anxiousC.excited D.pleased解析:根据常识,看到报道自己死这样的消息,特别是说自己通过killmore people faster来发财的评论,应当是(心烦意乱的),不可能是“兴奋的(excited)”、“高兴的(pleased)”、“渴望的(anxious)”。所以答案是:(A).观察2:Butwe ran so much that,afterwards,we had trouble ()北京高考题A.speaking B.movingC.sleeping D.breathing解析:根据常识,跑步太快时,人们会(呼吸很困难),所以答案是(D).观察3:Amajor French newspaper mistook his brother for him and carried an article (22)the death of Alfred Nobel.22.A.introducing B.announcing C.implyingD.advertising.解析:由常识可知,报社应该是(透露;宣布)消息,故用announce(give information about),所以答案为B.(3)根据上下文提示,也就是我们所说的上下文语境。这是做完形填空非常重要的一种方法。观察1:Tomake sure that he was (26) with love and respect.Nobel arranged in his will togive the largest part of his money to establish the Nobel prizes,…(2009广东).26.A.repaid B.describedC.supported D.remembered解析:由下文中设立诺贝尔奖金可知,他改变自我形象是为了被别人充满爱与尊敬地(记住),故答案为D.观察2:Everycountry has its own culture.Even though each country uses doors.Doors many havedifferent functions and purposes which lead to (22) differences. (2010广东).22A.national国家的 B.embarrassing尴尬的 C.cultural文化的 D.amazing惊奇的解析:从开头总括句“Everycountry has its own culture.”我们可以知道门的使用也有自己的(文化差异),故答案为C.观察3:WhenI first came to America,I noticed that apublic building had two different (23) and they had distinct functions.You haveto push the door with the word“PUSH”to goout of the building and to pull the door with the word“PULL”toenter the building.(2010广东).23.A.exits B.entrancesC.signs D.doors.解析:从下文(push the doorwith the word“PUSH”)和(pullthe door with the word“PULL”)可知,每一幢公共建筑都有两种不同的“标志”,即“push”和“pull”,故答案为C.观察4:In southKorea,we do not need to wait for people to get off.Onemorning,I hurried to the bus,andwhen the bus doors opened,I (29) tried toget on the school bus through the front door. (2010广东).29.A.politely B.patientlyC.unconsciously D.slowly.解析:由上文“In south Korea,we donot need to wait for people to get off”可知作者在生活中已经养成了习惯,由生活常识知道,到美国后,就(无意识地)遵循以往的习惯,故答案为C.(4)词语或词义复现。词汇复现往往会使语篇中的句子相互衔接得更紧密。利用词语的复现,对解题很有帮助。观察1:Allthe students around looked at me,I was totally(30),and my face went red.(2010广东).30.A.embarrassed B.annoyedC.unsatisfied D.excited.解析:由上下文“my face went red.”及“All the students aroundlooked at me.”可知答案应该是A,意思是(尴尬的)。观察2:Beforesetting out,I told Barrett this trip would be tiringand rough…This (35) achieved all I"d expected. (天津).35.A.interview B.flightC.article D.trip.解析:短文前面有trip提示,故35空指的是“旅行”,故选(D).
2023-01-03 13:09:301


Pleased be informed that your company needs to make some additions or changes to some of the articles in this order confirmation and send back to my company the aforesaid additions or changes.Articles that need additions or changes are as follows:
2023-01-03 13:09:403


1.editionThe form in which a publication is issued:版本形式:出版物被发行的方式:a paperback edition of a novel; an annotated edition of Shakespeare.平装本小说;莎士比亚作品的注释版A version of an earlier publication having substantial changes or additions:修订版:对以前的出版物进行重大修改或添加的版本:versionAn adaptation of a work of art or literature into another medium or style:版本:一件文学或艺术作品向另一种媒介或形式的改编:因此,基本差不多。2.couple是“一对”,二者之间有内在联系;double是“两个”。3.Dog leg 或者狗腿子 henchman4.主要用于一般现在时,用于现在时则表示强调某人总是做某事,带有感情色彩。
2023-01-03 13:10:001


2023-01-03 13:10:071


跪求简单会计知识和会计用语(中英文), 简单会计知识和会计用语有什么? 流动资产: CURRENT ASSETS: 货币资金 Cash 结算备付金 Provision of settlement fund 拆出资金 Funds lent 交易性金融资产 Financial assets held for trading 应收票据 Notes receivable 应收账款 Aounts receivable 预付款项 Advances to suppliers 应收保费 Insurance premiums receivable 应收分保账款 Cession premiums receivable 应收分保合同准备金 Provision of cession receivable 应收利息 Interests receivable 其他应收款 Other receivable 买入返售金融资产 Recoursable financial assets acquired 存货 Inventories 其中:原材料 Raw material 库存商品 Stock goods 一年内到期的非流动资产 Non-current assets maturing within one year 其他流动资产 Other current assets 流动资产合计 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 非流动资产:NON-CURRENT ASSETS 发放贷款及垫款 Loans and payments on behalf 可供出售金融资产 Available-for-sale financial assets 持有至到期投资 Held-to-maturity investments 长期应收款 Long-term receivables 长期股权投资 Long-term equity investments 投资性房地产 Investment real estates 固定资产原价 Fixed assets original cost 减:累计折旧 Less:Aumulated depreciation 固定资产净值 Fixed assets-- value 减:固定资产减值准备 Less:Fixed assets impairment provision 固定资产净额 Fixed assets-- book value 在建工程 Construction in progress 工程物资 Construction supplies 固定资产清理 Fixed assets pending disposal 生产性生物资产 Bearer biological assets 油气资产 Oil and natural gas assets 无形资产 Intangibel assets 开发支出 Research and development costs 商誉 Goodwill 长期待摊费用 Long-term deferred expenses 递延所得税资产 Deferred tax assets 其他非流动资产 Other non-current assets 其中:特准储备物资 Physical assets reserve specifically authorized 非流动资产合计 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 流动负债:CURRENT LIABILITIES: 短期借款 Short-term borrowings 向中央银行借款 Borrowings from central bank 吸收存款及同业存放 Deposits from customers and interbank 拆入资金 Deposit funds 交易性金融负债 Financial assets held for liabilities 应付票据 Notes payable 应付账款 Aounts payable 预收款项 Advances from customers 卖出回购金融资产款 Funds from sales of financial assets with repurchasement agreement 应付手续费及佣金 Handling charges and missions payable 应付职工薪酬 Employee benefits payable 其中:应付工资 Including:Arued payroll 应付福利费 Welfare benefits payable 其中:职工奖励及福利基金 Including:Staff and workers" bonus and selfare 应交税费 Taxes and surcharges payable 其中:应交税金 Including:Taxes payable 应付利息 Interests payable 其他应付款 Other payables 应付分保账款 Cession insurance premiums payable 保险合同准备金 Provision for insurance contracts 代理买卖证券款 Funds received as agent of stock exchange 代理承销证券款 Funds received as stock underwrite 一年内到期的非流动负债 Non-current liabilities maturing within one year 其他流动负债 Other current liablities 流动负债合计 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES: 非流动负债:NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES: 长期借款 Long-term loans 应付债券 Debentures payable 长期应付款 Long-term payables 专项应付款 Specific payable 预计负债 Arued liabilities 递延所得税负债 Deferred tax liabilities 其他非流动负债 Other non-current liablities 其中:特准储备基金 Authorized reserve fund 非流动负债合计 TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES: 负 债 合 计 TOTAL LIABILITIES 所有者权益(或股东权益): OWNERS"(OWNER"S)/SHAREHOLDERS" EQUITY 实收资本(股本) Registered capital 国家资本 National capital 集体资本 Collective capital 法人资本 Legal person"s capital 其中:国有法人资本 Including:State-owned legal person"s capital 集体法人资本 Collective legal person"s capital 个人资本 Personal capital 外商资本 Foreign busines *** en"s capital 减:已归还投资 Less:Returned investment 实收资本(或股本)净额 Registered capital-- book value 资本公积 Capital surplus 减:库存股 Treasury stock 专项储备 Special reserve 盈余公积 Surplus reserve 其中:法定公积金 Including:Statutory aumulation reserve 任意公积金 Discretionary aumulation 储备基金 Reserved funds 企业发展基金 Enterprise expension funds 利润归还投资 Profits capitalised on retum of investments 一般风险准备 Provision for normal risks 未分配利润 Undistributed profits 外币报表折算差额 Exchange differences on translating foreign operations 归属于母公司所有者权益合计 Total owners" equity belongs to parent pany 少数股东权益 Minority interest 所有者权益合计 TOTAL OWNERS" EQUITY 负债及所有者权益总计 TOTAL LIABILITIES & OWNERS" EQUITY 一、营业总收入 OVERALL SALES 其中:营业收入 Including:Sales from operations 其中:主营业务收入 Including:sales of main operations 其他业务收入 Ine from other operations 利息收入 Interest ine 已赚保费 Insurance premiums earned 手续费及佣金收入 Handling charges and missions ine 二、营业总成本 OVERALL COSTS 其中:营业成本 Including: Cost of operations 其中:主营业务成本 Including:Cost of main operations 其他业务成本 cost of other operations 利息支出 Interest expenses 手续费及佣金支出 Handling charges and missions expenses 退保金 Refund of insurance premiums 赔付支出净额 Net payments for insurance claims 提取保险合同准备金净额 Net provision for insurance contracts 保单红利支出 Commissions on insurance policies 分保费用 Cession charges 营业税金及附加 Sales tax and additions 销售费用 Selling and distribution expenses 管理费用 General and administrative expenses 其中:业务招待费 business entertainment 研究与开发费 research and development 财务费用 Financial expenses 其中:利息支出 Interest expense 利息收入 Interest ine 汇兑净损失(净收益以“-”号填列) Gain or loss on foreign exchange transactions (less exchange gain) 资产减值损失 Impairment loss on assets 其他other 加:公允价值变动收益(损失以“-”号填列) Plus: Gain or loss from changes in fair values(loss expressed with "-") 投资收益(损失以“-”号填列)Investment ine(loss expressed with "-") 其中:对联营企业和合营企业的投资收益 Including: Investment ine from joint ventures and affiliates(loss expressed with "-") 汇兑收益(损失以“-”号填列) Gain or loss on foreign exchange transactions s(loss expressed with "-") 三、营业利润(亏损以“-”号填列) PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS 加:营业外收入 Plus: Non-operating profit 其中:非流动资产处置利得 Gains from disposal of non-current assets 非货币性资产交换利得 Gains from exchange of non-moary assets *** 补助 Government grant ine 债务重组利得 Gains from debt restructuring 减:营业外支出 Less:Non-operating expenses 其中:非流动资产处置损失 Including:Losses from disposal of non-current assets 非货币性资产交换损失 Losses from exchange of non-moary assets 债务重组损失 Losses from debt restructuring 四、利润总额(亏损总额以“-”号填列) PROFIT BEFORE TAX (LOSS EXPRESSED WITH "-") 减:所得税费用 Less: Ine tax expenses 五、净利润(净亏损以“-”号填列) NET PROFIT (LOSS EXPRESSED WITH "-") 归属于母公司所有者的净利润 Net profit belonging to parent pany 少数股东损益 Minority interest 六、每股收益: EARNINGS PER SHARE (EPS) 基本每股收益 Basic EPS 稀释每股收益 Diluted EPS 七、其他综合收益 OTHER CONSOLIDATED INCOME 八、综合收益总额 TOTAL CONSOLIDATED INCOME 归属于母公司所有者的综合收益总额 Consolidated ine belonging to parent pany 归属于少数股东的综合收益总额 Consolidated ine belonging to Minority shareholders 九、补充资料 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 营业总收入中:出口产品销售收入 Including overall sales:sales ine of export products 营业总成本中:出口产品销售成本 Including overall costs:sales cost of export products 1)在会计基础知识部分,对会计要素的含义、账户的运用以及怎样记账、对账与查账等会计需掌握的最根本的问题一一进行了分析说明,以为入门会计的工作打好基础。 (2)在很行结算基础知识部分,详细介绍了银行账户管理办法和几种银行结算方式,帮助入门会计更好地管理和运用企业的银行账户,为企业看好“宝库”。 (3)在税务基础知识部分,对营业税、企业所得税和消费税等的运用进行了详细说明,读者可兼有税务会计的身份,在普通会计的基础上更上一层楼,成为会计多面手。 (4)在工商管理基础知识部分,介绍了集中企业方式的特点和企业的成立、合并、解散和清算等方面的知识,让新上手的会计对企业工商管理方面的知识不再陌生,扩大的知识面,使其成为全面全能的优秀会计成为可能。 求简单会计知识,谢谢 1、如果从会计角度看,可以把17670元看作是实收资本,也就是俗称资本金 借:现金17670贷:实收资本17670 2、 第一次花了12000里其实包含了货物和转让费等,在会计里好处费是商誉。 借:库存商品(按进货价计) 借:商誉(12000减库存商品)(会计上商誉按5-10年摊销,你可按一年摊销) 贷:现金12000 3、铺干货花了5670元 借:库存商品(按进货价计)5670 贷:现金5670 4、从10月22日开始经营到11月1日除去进货费还余1060元,这一点你没说清楚,没法回答你 5、做账基本就是这样,不过我要告诉怎么计算利润 当你进一种货物花了100元,你就做 借:库存商品---**货物100 贷:现金100 当你出售这件商品,卖了300元,就做 借:现金300 贷:营业收入300 同时结转成本 借:营业成本100 贷:库存商品---**货物100 这样,这件货物的营业利润就是200元 发生的房租、水电费等可以记到营业费用 借:营业费用--水电费、房租等30 贷:现金30 发生的税金可以记到营业税金 借:营业税金20 贷:现金20 这样,你的净利润就是300-100-30-20=150 6、如果你要正规记账的话,个人和水果店的钱一定要分开,如果个人从店里拿钱,或者店里资金不足需要运用个人的钱,你可以设一个账户专门记录个人和店里的往来 (1)个人从店里拿钱 借:其他应收款--老板名字 贷:现金 (2)店里资金不足需要运用个人的钱 借:现金贷、 贷:其他应收款--老板名字 求问一些简单的会计知识~ 呵呵,其实都不难,不过打字总要点时间,还得打得让你一个外行或者菜鸟明白,你以为很简单?万一有点疏漏什么的,还丢人。。。 1.不可以,制造费用是只能转入制造业的产品成本,非制造业,或者非制造出产品无此科目。 2.受益期超过一年的费用,但是又不是固定资产,那就放到长期待摊费用 3.(资产原值-残值)/折旧年限 4.年折旧额/原值 5.资产类账户 6.损益类,备抵类 7.资产类 8.资产类,损益类 9.资产类,成本类和损益类 10.应收账款的备抵科目 个人意见,仅供参考 求会计基础知识及会计目录中英文对照! 英文解释,会计知识 也注意债权人的要求:要求能是进入寻求赔偿,和股东可用的回返所有权要求之内的分类.自从债权人以后剩余的期限。 *** 采购中心会计用到的会计知识是 *** 财政会计知识还是行政单位会计的知识! *** 采购中心执行《事业单位会计制度》。 悬分!英语会计知识。 1/5
2023-01-03 13:10:141

请问咋让ubuntu 终端显示英文提示,而桌面环境显示中文

1. 安装增强功能包(Guest Additions)安装好Ubuntu 9.10后,运行Ubuntu并登录。然后在VirtualBox的菜单里选择”设备(Devices)” -> “安装增强功能包(Install Guest Additions)”。你会发现在Ubuntu桌面上多出一个光盘图标,这张光盘默认被自动加载到了文件夹/media/cdom。进入命令行终端,输入:cd /media/(Vm…)sudo ./VboxLinuxAdditions.run开始安装工具包。安装完毕后会提示要重启Ubuntu。2. 设置共享文件夹重启完成后点击”设备(Devices)” -> 分配数据空间,添加一个共享文件夹,选项固定和临时是指该文件夹是否是持久的。共享名可以任取一个自己喜欢的,比如”gongxiang”,尽量使用英文名称。3. 挂载共享文件夹重新进入虚拟Ubuntu,在命令行终端下输入:sudo mkdir /mnt/sharedsudo mount -t vboxsf gongxiang /mnt/shared注意:”gongxiang”是之前创建的共享文件夹的名字。OK,现在Ubuntu和主机可以互传文件了。
2023-01-03 13:10:201

怎么安装Virtual PC虚拟机的“安装及升级附加模块”该怎么操作?...谢谢!

一般来说安装完Virtual PC(精简版或者是免安装版本有可能没有)后,你会在安装目录下找到X:Program FilesMicrosoft Virtual PCVirtual Machine AdditionsVMAdditions.iso。 其中红色字体代表的文件VMAdditions.iso就是大家常说的虚拟机附加安装模块(Virtual Machine Additions),虚拟机附加安装模块是 Virtual PC 中提供的一个需要额外在虚拟机中安装的组件,它用于为虚拟机提供更高的性能和更好的使用特性。 虚拟机附加安装模块的作用: 1.支持在虚拟机和宿主机之间拖放来复制文件; 2.允许虚拟机通过文件共享来访问宿主机上的文件; 3.支持指针集成,允许在虚拟机窗口和宿主机之间自由切换鼠标; 4.支持在DOS操作系统中使用CD-ROM驱动器; 5.优化显示适配器驱动; 6.虚拟机和宿主机之间的时间同步; 7.剪贴板共享; 8.提高客户操作系统性能; 9.支持动态调整虚拟机显示窗口; 虚拟机附加安装模块的安装步骤: 1.启动虚拟系统后,选择菜单栏的“操作” (Action) 选项 2.在弹出的下拉菜单中选择 “安装或升级附加模块”(Install or Update Virtual Machine Additions )
2023-01-03 13:10:271


edition造句子如下:1、The first edition had to be pulped because it contained inaccuracies.(第一版不得不化为纸浆,因为里面有差错。)2、He uses those as discussion materials and then he"s carefully indexed those againstthings like the Oxford English edition.(他用那些作为讨论材料,然后他仔细地索引了这些东西,比如牛津英语版。)3、They issued a new edition of Lu Xun"s works.(他们发行了鲁迅著作的一个新版本。)4、Excuse me,I"d like to place an advertisement for a used car in this Sunday edition ofyour paper.(打扰了,我想在你们报纸的这个星期天版上登一个二手车广告。)5、Overhead may be high and circulation lower,but rushing to eliminate its print editionwould be a mistake,says BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti.(BuzzFeed首席执行官乔纳·佩雷蒂表示,公司的运营费用可能很高,发行量可能较低,但急于砍掉印刷版的产品会是个错误。)6、The new edition of the dictionary carries 7,000 additions to the language,whichpurists say is under threat.(新版词典为该语种增加了7000个词条,纯粹派说该语种正受到威胁。)7、This book is no good to me: I need the new edition.(这本书对我没用,我需要新版本的。)8、The last edition of this newspaper goes to press at 6 p.m.(该报的最后一版下午六点钟付印。)9、The last edition has been exhausted.(最新版已销售一空。)10、The limited edition of 300 copies was edited by Rebekah Scott.(那300册的限量版本是由丽贝卡·斯科特编辑的。)11、They released special themed versions of the game at Halloween and Christmas last year,and are publishing a Valentine"s edition.(他们在去年的万圣节和圣诞节发布了这款游戏的特别主题版本,并征在发布情人节版本。)12、Many new words and phrases have been included in the revised edition.(修订版收入许多新词语。)13、 A previous owner had pencilled "First edition" inside the book"s cover.(以前的书主在书的封二上用铅笔写了“第一版”。)14、 In 1855, Whitman published, at his own expense, the first edition of his collection of welve poems.(1855年,惠特曼自费出版了他12首诗的第一版。)15、The French edition came out in early 2006.(法文版在2006年初面市。)
2023-01-03 13:10:331

为什么Windows VIRTUAL PC安装时说此更新不适用于我的计算机?

这里需要你协助确定问题所在:首先:你在虚拟机windows xp中 “我的电脑”里是否可以看到一个光驱盘符(一般卷标的名称是VPCADDITIONS),如果没有发现这个盘符说明你的“附加模块”镜像文件丢失。(这里做个解释,其实附加模块是保存在本地硬盘的一个ISO镜像文件,你单击“安装附加模块”的时候虚拟机会自动加载这个镜像文件,如果镜像文件丢失当然安装不能继续),如果存在这个盘符你直接双击setup即可,如果没有这个盘符请继续判断下一步其次:如果第一步确定没有加载镜像文件,那你可以到你的安装目录,比如C:Program FilesConnectixConnectix Virtual PCAdditions,看看是否有Additions这个文件夹,这个文件夹中是否存在VPCAdditions010021.iso这个文件,如果不存在则说明你下载的安装包不全或者遭到破坏,如果存在这个安装包,则说明你的虚拟机软件没有正常工作。
2023-01-03 13:10:571

virtualbox 安装完centos后,虚拟光盘中有一个VboxGuestAdditions.iso,是什么 可以释放吗

2023-01-03 13:11:041

virtualbox guest additions 支持win10吗

VirtualBox在Windows10中是可以使用的。如果不能使用可以尝试下载新版本,关闭系统自带的Hyper-V。软件工具:Windows10 1511专业版、VirtualBox 版本 5.0.20 r10693(其他版本自行尝试)。1、如果有开启自带的Hyper-V先关掉。按WIN+r打开运行窗口输入OptionalFeatures点击确定打开。2、点击取消选中Hyper-V,然后点击确定。3、然后系统卸载掉Hyper-V,完成后重启电脑。再打开VirtualBox,看是否可用。4、如果不可用到官网或者其他网站下载VirtualBox 版本 5.0.20的安装。该版本支持Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10等系统。
2023-01-03 13:11:101


2023-01-03 13:11:161


安装Windows驱动在你安装的目录pathSunxVM VirtualBox中有VBoxGuestAdditions.iso文件,打开这个光盘文件里面有一个VBoxWindowsAdditions-x86.exe,执行它就可以安装Guest Additions了.安装Linux驱动模块当在主界面运行你的虚拟机后会有一个新窗口运行虚拟机,在这个窗口的 Devices菜单下有一个 Intall Guest Additions选项,单击它. 它的作用是把VBoxGuestAdditions.iso文件作为一张光盘插入你的虚拟机,如果没有自动mount你就手动mount一下/dev /cdrom就可以了,在mount的目录中(就是VBoxGuestAdditions.iso文件中的内容)执行 VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run就可以了当你执行完上面两步的内容就可以使用share floder这个功能了,可以方面的HOST交换文件了web stats
2023-01-03 13:11:271


2023-01-03 13:11:332

ubuntu 16.04virtualbox怎么安装增强功能

1. 点击菜单栏 设备 –> 分配光驱 –> 选择一个虚拟光盘,找到VirtualBox安装目录下的VBoxGuestAdditions.iso,加载此镜像。2. 启动Linux系统并用root身份登入系统3. 执行挂载命令,将虚拟光盘挂在到 /mnt/cdrom,如果没有cdrom目录,则先创建之。复制代码代码如下:mkdir /mnt/cdrommount -t auto -r ro /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom4. 复制脚本到/tmp目录下复制代码代码如下:cd /mnt/cdromcp /tmpcd /tmpchmod a+x VBoxLinuxAdditions.run5. 上述脚本需要安装 gcc,make,kernel-devel等工具和开发包,可执行(此处请根据实际系统选择安装工具,CentOS用yum,其它请另行选择)复制代码代码如下:yum install -y gcc gcc-devel gcc-c++ gcc-c++-devel make kernel-devel6. 执行安装(此处未安装桌面支持)复制代码代码如下:sh ./ --noexec --nox117. 重启系统复制代码代码如下:shutdown -r now8. 添加共享目录菜单 设置 –> 共享文件夹 –> 添加文件夹,并设置相关路径和权限9. 挂载共享文件夹如果选择了自动挂载的话,不需要执行一下步骤。共享文件夹会自动挂在到 /media/sf_share通过复制代码代码如下:mount可以查看挂载列表你会看到如下样式:复制代码代码如下:share on /media/sf_share type vboxsf (gid=500,rw)说明自动挂载成功了复制代码代码如下:mkdir /mnt/sharemount -t vboxsf share /mnt/share《linux就该这么学》里边有详细的介绍
2023-01-03 13:11:431


be addicted to对……上瘾;沉溺于网络 使吸毒成瘾;对某事物上瘾be addicted to sth“沉溺于;对”be addicted to doing“沉迷于;嗜好;沉溺于”be absorbed in全神贯注于某事物 be addicted to对某事物上瘾 be attached to对某事物有感情
2023-01-03 13:11:502

virtualbox 增强包安装问题 安装时出现这些内容 我该怎么解决 谢谢啊

出现这个,说明你已经更新安装成功了。因为你之前应该安装VirtualBox Guest Additions。重启一下客户机应该就能够正常使用了。
2023-01-03 13:11:591

VirtualBox Centos8安装增强功能失败 未能加载虚拟光盘到虚拟电脑

安装增强功能报错 Could not mount the media/drive"D:vboxVBoxGuestAdditions.iso"(VERR_PDM_MEDIA_LOCKED). 这个时候需要手动安装增强功能包,首先需要将光盘上传到虚拟机安装虚拟光盘 mkdir /media/GuestAdditionsISO mount -o loop /root/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso /media/GuestAdditionsISO如果出现报错则运行 yum install cifs-utils然后再次运行 mount -o loop /root/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso /media/GuestAdditionsISO 挂载成功之后就可以运行进入目录进行安装 ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run这个时候如果出现报错 yum update kernel -y yum install kernel-headers kernel-devel gcc make -y 安装完毕之后再次运行 ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run设置共享文件夹新建aa.txt文件 ,虚拟机查看原文:
2023-01-03 13:12:051


2023-01-03 13:12:144

巴克莱银行网银中显示有一项是 everyday saver什么意思?有什么用?算是定期的意思吗?

2023-01-03 13:12:302

我用virtual pc2007装了个windows xp 的操作系统 但是当安装附加模板时不能安装

2023-01-03 13:12:401

求翻译 个别单词有错误

The 11 PI-networks are connected in series as shown inFigure 2 to form the transmission line model. Note that theShunt elements of adjacent PI-networks are combined inParallel. The capacitor voltages and inductor currents areDesignated as the state variables. Examination of Figure 2Indicates that the state equations for the transmission lineHave a special structure. The state for each of The shuntCapacitors is affected only by the two inductors connected to itAnd the capacitor itself. This will be demonstrated moreClearly with an example system in a later section.SOLUTION PROCEDUREThe model of The transmission line presented in ThePrevious section is combined with other component models.State equations are formulated for the system and can beWritten in the form of (1). This set of linear ordinaryDifferential equations is transformed into a set of linearDifference equations using trapezoidal integration [8]. If T isThe time step, equation (1) becomesAll matrices in (5) are constant for a fixed time step;They are evaluated before simulation begins. An LUFactorization is also performed on A "before simulation begins.The vector y [k] must be evaluated at each discrete point inTime.Because of the transmission line model employed here, AIs a tridiagonal matrix. Therefore, a "and a "are alsoTridiagonal. Only the nonzero elements of A "and B "areStored to decrease memory requirements and execution time.In order to retain the sparsity of A, Crout reduction [9] isUtilized to obtain an LU factorization of A "considering itsTridiagonal nature. Crout reduction may be applied to aSystem of linear equations if the diagonal entries of L areNonzero [9]. For a set of n equations in n unknowns, CroutReduction requires only (5 n-4) multiplications/divisions and(3 n-3) additions/subtractions to solve the set of equations.This can result in considerable savings in execution time forLarge n.The simulation procedure will now be summarized:1. Calculate
2023-01-03 13:12:502

如何制作一个vagrant的base box 及安装 additions

  自己装虚拟机,做一个base box出来,以便使用。本文主要针对ubuntu的base box的制作。步骤如下:(环境 OS:ubuntu12.04_Desktop virtualbox:4.1.12)1.在物理机安装好ubuntu系统,在此系统上安装virtualbox2.下载一个需要的ubuntu版本的iso镜像3.创建一个新的虚拟机给虚拟机起个名字为”vagrant-precise32″确保您分配足够的磁盘空间,40GB足够了。确保默认的内存分配也不用太高,建议360M。如果不需要,禁用音频,USB控制器等。大多数应用程序都不需要播放音乐!因此,节约资源,禁用这些功能。确保网络控制器设置为NAT,为了端口转发正常工作。4.启动虚拟机,安装ubuntu,确保配置如下(非强制,如打算分发此box,建议遵循如下约定)Hostname:vagrant-[os-name],例:vagrant-ubuntu-SteveDomain: vagrantup.comRoot Password: vagrantMain account login: vagrantMain account password: vagrant5.安装完毕后,进入虚拟机6.根据自己需要,安装一些常用软件sudo apt-get -y install vim7.创建admin组sudo groupadd admin8.添加vagrant用户到admin组sudo usermod -G admin vagrant9.修改sudoers文件sudo vim /etc/sudoers #添加或修改如下行(有些发行版还需Disable requiretty):Defaults env_keep=”SSH_AUTH_SOCK”%admin ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL10.安装puppet(chef没有计划装进去,如需要可安装ruby,rubygems,chef)sudo apt-get install puppet puppetmaster11.安装sshsudo apt-get install openssh-server12.安装vagrant的public keysmkdir ~/.ssh/cd ~/.sshwget authorized_keys13.Install virtual box guest additions(为了共享文件夹,端口转发等)(1) First, build the necessary packages. You may have to look these up for your system, but they should be fairly similar. On Ubuntu and Debian based systems they are as follows:$ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential(2) Next, make sure to insert the guest additions image by using the GUI and clicking on “Devices” followed by “Install Guest Additions.”. Then run the following to mount the CD Rom:$ sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom(3) And finally, run the shell script which matches your system. For linux on x86, it is the following:$ sudo sh /media/cdrom/VBoxLinuxAdditions.runIf you didn"t install a Desktop environment when you installed the operating system, as recommended to reduce size, the install of the VirtualBox additions should warn you about the lack of OpenGL or Window System Drivers, but you can safely ignore this.14.清除缓存sudo apt-get clean15.关闭虚拟机,进入virtual box directory(~/VirtualBox VM/vagrant-precise32)vagrant package –output –base vagrant-precise32总结:以上步骤完成后生成的ubuntu_32.box就可以拿来用了,用vagrant box add ,vagrant init等自己测试看看吧。
2023-01-03 13:12:591

如何制作一个vagrant的base box 及安装 additions

自己装虚拟机,做一个base box出来,以便使用。本文主要针对ubuntu的base box的制作。步骤如下:(环境 OS:ubuntu12.04_Desktop virtualbox:4.1.12)1.在物理机安装好ubuntu系统,在此系统上安装virtualbox2.下载一个需要的ubuntu版本的iso镜像3.创建一个新的虚拟机给虚拟机起个名字为”vagrant-precise32″确保您分配足够的磁盘空间,40GB足够了。确保默认的内存分配也不用太高,建议360M。如果不需要,禁用音频,USB控制器等。大多数应用程序都不需要播放音乐!因此,节约资源,禁用这些功能。确保网络控制器设置为NAT,为了端口转发正常工作。4.启动虚拟机,安装ubuntu,确保配置如下(非强制,如打算分发此box,建议遵循如下约定)Hostname:vagrant-[os-name],例:vagrant-ubuntu-SteveDomain: vagrantup.comRoot Password: vagrantMain account login: vagrantMain account password: vagrant5.安装完毕后,进入虚拟机6.根据自己需要,安装一些常用软件sudo apt-get -y install vim7.创建admin组sudo groupadd admin8.添加vagrant用户到admin组sudo usermod -G admin vagrant9.修改sudoers文件sudo vim /etc/sudoers #添加或修改如下行(有些发行版还需Disable requiretty):Defaults env_keep=”SSH_AUTH_SOCK”%admin ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL10.安装puppet(chef没有计划装进去,如需要可安装ruby,rubygems,chef)sudo apt-get install puppet puppetmaster11.安装sshsudo apt-get install openssh-server12.安装vagrant的public keysmkdir ~/.ssh/cd ~/.sshwget authorized_keys13.Install virtual box guest additions(为了共享文件夹,端口转发等)(1) First, build the necessary packages. You may have to look these up for your system, but they should be fairly similar. On Ubuntu and Debian based systems they are as follows:$ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential(2) Next, make sure to insert the guest additions image by using the GUI and clicking on “Devices” followed by “Install Guest Additions.”. Then run the following to mount the CD Rom:$ sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom(3) And finally, run the shell script which matches your system. For linux on x86, it is the following:$ sudo sh /media/cdrom/VBoxLinuxAdditions.runIf you didn"t install a Desktop environment when you installed the operating system, as recommended to reduce size, the install of the VirtualBox additions should warn you about the lack of OpenGL or Window System Drivers, but you can safely ignore this.14.清除缓存sudo apt-get clean15.关闭虚拟机,进入virtual box directory(~/VirtualBox VM/vagrant-precise32)vagrant package –output –base vagrant-precise32总结:以上步骤完成后生成的ubuntu_32.box就可以拿来用了,用vagrant box add ,vagrant init等自己测试看看吧。
2023-01-03 13:13:051

capital additions是什么意思

2023-01-03 13:13:101

in addition 与in additions这两个词组哪个正确?还是都正确?

in addition这个正确没有in additions
2023-01-03 13:13:152

additions and deletions是什么意思

2023-01-03 13:13:231

英语New additions to什么意思?

意为“更新,新增”addition 增加,附赠 ,名词
2023-01-03 13:13:281

如何制作一个vagrant的base box 及安装 additions

自己装虚拟机,做一个base box出来,以便使用。本文主要针对ubuntu的base box的制作。 步骤如下:(环境 OS:ubuntu12.04_Desktop virtualbox:4.1.12) 1.在物理机安装好ubuntu系统,在此系统上安装virtualbox 2
2023-01-03 13:13:341

如何为virtualbox安装 guest additions/增强工具包/功能增强包/增强功能包

1.从你问的问题,可以看出,你对于虚拟机这个概念就不太熟悉,所以自己去看: 【整理】什么是虚拟机 2.知道了VirtualBox虚拟机软件,所以不存在显卡驱动; 3.而virtualBox中安装的虚拟机,也是没有显卡驱动的。 因为其是通过增强包去加速3D方面的处理的。 具体解释可参考: 【整理】VirtualBox中的Guest Additions(客户端增强包)和Extension Pack(扩展增强包)的含义和区别 和 【教程】如何为VirtualBox安装 Guest Additions/增强工具包/功能增强包/增强功能包 4.安装完增强包,记得选上对应的3D加速。 具体配置可参考: 【教程】如何在Virtualbox中设置XP虚拟机 (此处不给贴地址,请自己用google搜标题,就可以找到地址了)
2023-01-03 13:13:392

xposed additions 怎么屏蔽home键

Xposed 框架安装器和其他安卓软件一样,将安装包安装到手机。2打开该软件。点击管理框架模块。进入后如下图2所示,点击安装/更新,授权,点击确定即可。手机会重新启动。(不同的手机或系统版本会有少许不同)3重启后进入管理框架模块。激活下面出现数字。说明Xposed 框架安装器已经安装成功。4目前手机上用到的模块是绿色守护和重力工具箱。(模块建议在百度上搜索下载,安装方法和普通软件一样)这两个模块安装后,打开激活应用模块,两个模块后面有一个小方框,点击后会出现一个对号,然后重启手机。5重启后点击模块重力工具箱,说明已经安装成功。
2023-01-03 13:13:501


你好。你可以打开终端,cd到目前的这个目录,用 #./VBoxlinuxAdditions.run命令执行。
2023-01-03 13:13:551


你好。 你可以打开终端,cd到目前的这个目录,用 #./VBoxlinuxAdditions.run命令执行。
2023-01-03 13:14:001

Xposed Additions这个模块 怎么激活不了

2023-01-03 13:14:051

英语这里New additions to文中意思?

2023-01-03 13:14:102

virtualbox中安装puppy4后如何安装guest additions

是不是只要把linux-解压到 /usr/src下 就可以了?
2023-01-03 13:14:191

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big - 草稿

Do you sometimes regret that you didn"t take your parents" advice and become a doctor or a lawyer or a banker? Are you tired of moving from job to job and never finding the right fit? Or maybe you"re filled with great ideas, but none of them have really come to anything?Well, then you"ve got a thing or two to learn from Scott Adams, famous cartoonist and chronic failure. Before creating Dilbert, his hugely successful comic strip, Adams failed way more often than he succeeded: he got fired countless times, started a business that quickly went under and created a bunch of unsuccessful patents.But he used all this unsuccess as material for his comics and, in the end, came out on top. If you take a page from his book, you may find that your failures are merely the cobblestones on the path to success.In these blinks, you"ll also learnwhy you shouldn"t be a specialist; what the author named his failed burrito chain; and about the benefits of delusions. Walk into a bookstore, find the self-help section and flip open a book. Nine times out of ten, you"ll encounter page upon page of upbeat prose extolling the life-changing benefits of setting clear goals.But this praise is slightly misplaced, because goals, no matter how clear, have two problems: they"re future-oriented, and they"re overly specific .Let"s start with the temporal trouble. All goals are situated in the future, but in order to achieve them, you must do work in the present. And when you begin working toward a goal, you usually won"t see immediate results. This can be frustrating and discouraging.That"s why the author prefers systems, which are firmly grounded in the present. Unlike goals, systems are focused on the here and now and can be worked into your daily life, meaning that you can get daily pleasure from successfully operating them. Adams learned about systems by chance. On a flight, he was once seated next to a man who explained how systems had transformed him from an employee to a CEO. His system was simple: keep moving from job to job, always looking for something better. Even though he didn"t have a clear end-goal in mind, this system allowed him to accumulate so much know-how that he ended up in the CEO"s chair.Systems also trump goals because they"re nonspecific. The specificity of goals often creates an illusion of failure. People tend to feel that, if they don"t accomplish exactly what they set out to do, they haven"t accomplished anything.For instance, say you want to lose 20 pounds before Valentine"s Day. This is a laudable goal, but it"s got some inherent issues. First, you"ll only get to celebrate when you achieve it; and second, if you fall one pound short, you"ve failed.It"d be wiser to set up a system –say, to commit to exercising every day, whether for five minutes or half an hour. This way, you"ll establish a habit and have an easier time staying motivated.This is what the author did as a young man. Whether writing or drawing or whatever it might have been, he"d create a system to produce and replicate material that people were receptive to, without a clear end-goal in mind.And this was a clever move. Considering the number of jobs and projects he abandoned before creating his hit comic strip Dilbert, he probably would have felt like a total failure had he set his sights on one particular goal. In the business world of the past, specialization was crucial. Today, however, possessing general knowledge about a variety of fields is often better than knowing everything about one.Far from making you mediocre, having many skills actually increases your market value.Adams is a generalist if ever there was one. When he started Dilbert, he couldn"t write, draw or conduct business at a truly top-notch level. Rather, he was relatively good at each skill, a general competence that, he believes, led to his comic"s success.Possessing a broad range of skills will help you adapt to the world"s constant changes, and it also comes with the added benefit of making you stand out from the competition.Of course, some skills will be more useful than others, so it"s wise to take your location into account.For instance, if you live in California, you"ll have an easier time landing a job if you can speak both Spanish and English.But there are some skills that"ll come in handy no matter where you are, such as grammar, vocal techniques, technological fluency and the ability to maintain a lively conversation.And here"s another great thing about trying to gain a range of skills: you"ll experience failure.Failing is often the last thing people want to do, but each failure offers an opportunity to learn. Let"s say you"re an aspiring author, and you"ve just published your debut novel. You"re eagerly awaiting notice from the critics, but when the reviews start to appear, they"re all horrible. Well, rather than despairing, keep the criticism in mind when writing your next novel. Let the failure help you.The author failed countless times before creating Dilbert: he got fired from Pacific Bell phone company; his ideas for computer games and patents came to nothing; he created a burrito chain called Dilberito, and it tanked.But he didn"t sink into a slump of dejection. He took this experience – and the knowledge it provided him about business and marketing – and used it to shape his hit comic. Most of us have experienced parental pressure to pursue a certain career. You should be a doctor! Or a lawyer! Or one of those super successful Silicon Valley tech people!But here"s the thing: you"re the only one who should decide what you want to do. And if that seems like a tall order, you should engage in a little old-fashioned introspection and identify your special skills.How will you know what these are?Well, what are you interested in? The things we like to do are usually the things we"re good at. For instance, if you"re comfortable around kids and like spending time with them, then your special skill might be working with children.Or were you obsessed with a certain subject or hobby as a child? Such childhood infatuations often end up being one"s special skill.If you"re still uncertain, then consider the areas in life where you"ve always been comfortable taking risks.Maybe you"ve never had a problem speaking or performing in front of crowds; this might indicate that your special skill is entertainment.As a child, Scott Adams loved to draw comics. He was obsessed with it and was always taking risks – for instance, drawing humorous comics in class which, if discovered by a teacher, would have gotten him in trouble.But even if your special skill is as apparent as the author"s, you may not have an easy time selecting a career. Finding the right job requires sampling – that is, trying out different things until you find work that is both enjoyable and makes use of your special skills.And who knows – for you, that might mean starting a business of your own and shunning the nine-to-five life.If that"s the case, and you do try to monetize your own product or idea, you should try to find its x-factor. This quality is hard to define exactly but it"s the part of your idea or product that generates consumer excitement, causing them to share it on social media or by word of mouth – and it"s the thing you should concentrate most on developing. For instance, despite being bulky and a bit confusing, the first iPhone clearly hit upon an x-factor: people couldn"t stop talking about it! Have you ever tried to go for a run even though you felt drained and unmotivated? Or forced yourself to eat some food even though you weren"t hungry? If you"ve done something like this, it"s probably because, instead of following your personal bodily rhythms, you were adhering to a schedule established by someone else.And this is never a good idea; it"s always best to heed your natural rhythms and energy levels.When do you feel most creative? When do you feel most energetic? Whether it"s at 8 a.m. or 8 p.m., figure out when you feel most able to engage in specific activities, be they mental, physical or utterly mundane. This will keep you energized and help you make the best of your time.It"s also a good idea to pay attention to location. For instance, if you like to relax on the couch, you might want to avoid working there. Same goes for your bed, which should be reserved for sleeping. Don"t make peaceful locations into places of work.Another good way to optimize your energy is to identify which tasks drain you and which you find energizing.The author likes to think of himself as a “soft robot,” with particular programming, as opposed to a spontaneous, mysterious being. If you think this way, you can take advantage of your own special programming, and hack the energy levels that are “softwired” into you.For instance, you might derive energy and focus from straightening up the living room. Or, if tidying up is a draining activity for you, try different things to figure out what activities do give you energy.The author"s energizing activity turned out to be blogging, which adds an extra jolt of stimulation to his day. In contrast, shopping is something that totally drains him, and he avoids it as much as possible.Location and energy are crucial – but without good health, you"ll have trouble focusing, no matter what you do or where you do it. And that"s what we"ll discuss next. If you"ve ever embarked on a new diet or a rigorous exercise regimen, then you know how hard it can be to stick to a virtuous routine. So how do you stay consistent and maintain healthy habits?Let"s start with some dietary tips.Remember, your mood is ruled by food, so you should stay smart about what you put on your plate.Certain foods, like certain activities, are energizing, while others are draining. The author calls this the food-is-mood hypothesis, and he advises paying attention to which foods give you an extra boost and which simply make you feel slow. Processed carbs, for instance, make lots of people feel lethargic and tired.But if you"re struggling to replace trashy-but-delicious junk food with healthy-but-bland forms of nourishment, such as vegetables and grains, then take a tip from Adams and spice things up with nutritious additions.For instance, put butter and pepper on otherwise unexciting steamed broccoli. Other flavorful add-ons include honey, lemon, soy sauce, cheese, various dressings and, of course, salt.Exercise is as healthy and natural a mood booster as food, so be sure to make it part of your daily routine.Sure, we"re all busy, and fitness can often seem like a low priority. But the benefits to your mood and energy are well worth the scheduling headache.If you"re having trouble sticking to a particular regimen, try joining a group that meets consistently every week. This will hold you accountable and make it harder for you to simply give up.For instance, the author"s wife plays tennis every Thursday, and since people expect her to show up, she can"t just bail. Meanwhile, Adams works out at 12:40 on Tuesdays, which, for him, is the perfect time.Now, in the author"s view, people are a bit like dogs – they strive for rewards and try to avoid punishment. So, whenever you complete a successful workout, give yourself a reward, be it a healthy snack or a tiny indulgence.The author"s reward of choice is a nice cup of coffee. Moods are infectious. Maybe you"ve had your day thrown off by the grumpiness of a coworker. Or perhaps the opposite has happened, and you"ve found yourself grinning after being smiled at by a stranger.This infectiousness is known as associate energy, so named because it refers to the energy you get – or are drained of – by associating with others.So how can you use this energy?Well, it"s really quite straightforward: you should associate with the people you want to be like.One of the author"s friends took this injunction very seriously. He once told the author that he wanted to live in an affluent neighborhood so that he himself would become affluent. Naturally, Adams thought this was ridiculous – but then, later, he read an article about how spending time with overweight friends can lead to you gaining weight as well.He then began noticing this effect in his own life; whenever he was in great physical condition, he noticed that his friends usually were, too.Prior to his writing Dilbert, he worked with three aspiring writers, and he now wonders whether he was influenced by the associate energy and if that"s why he got inspired to write his comic.Maybe he"s being delusional, but that hardly matters, since delusions can be extremely useful.If they"re not doing any harm, there"s no reason not to entertain certain delusions. Plenty of performers and athletes engage in harmless delusional behavior: they keep lucky coins in their pockets, for instance, or wear special socks.Even the author indulges a delusion: he uses affirmations. It"s of little importance that there"s no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of affirmations; they work for the author and keep him concentrated on his priorities.Don"t believe it? Before he created Dilbert, he used to recite a specific affirmation every day: “I, Scott Adams, will be a famous cartoonist.” The key mes
2023-01-03 13:14:241


2023-01-03 13:14:303

如何在VirtualBox redhat 5.4虚拟机中安装增强包

由于工作需要,经常需要在linux下进行环境搭建,选择的方式是在win7下安装VirtualBox,然后在VirtualBox安装RedHat 5.4。为了能让虚拟机自动调整显示尺寸以及使用数据空间与宿主系统进行文件共享,必须在RedHat中安装增强包,也就是VBOX Additions。下面开始安装。启动虚拟机,以root登录,然后选择 “设备”-“安装增强功能”加载增强功能镜像。打开终端,切换到刚加载的镜像所在的目录,开始安装:由于RedHat是默认安装,缺少内核头文件,安装失败根据提示安装缺少的包[root@biee11g ~]# yum install kernel-devel如果有系统DVD光盘可以将光盘配置为yum的源,详细方法可以查看我的另一篇文章VirtualBox下RedHat 5.4 使用DVD光盘作为yum源 安装完kernel-devel之后,再次运行安装程序[root@biee11g VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.6_74713]# sh VBoxLinuxAdditions.runVerifying archive integrity... All good.Uncompressing VirtualBox 4.1.6 Guest Additions for Linux.........VirtualBox Guest Additions installerRemoving installed version 4.1.6 of VirtualBox Guest Additions...Removing existing VirtualBox DKMS kernel modules           [确定]Removing existing VirtualBox non-DKMS kernel modules       [确定]Building the VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel modulesThe gcc utility was not found. If the following module compilation fails thenthis could be the reason and you should try installing it.Not building the VirtualBox advanced graphics driver as this Linux version istoo old to use it.Building the main Guest Additions module                   [失败](Look at /var/log/vboxadd-install.log to find out what went wrong)Doing non-kernel setup of the Guest Additions              [确定]Installing the Window System driversInstalling X.Org 7.1 modules                               [确定]Setting up the Window System to use the Guest Additions    [确定]You may need to restart the hal service and the Window System (or just restartthe guest system) to enable the Guest Additions.Installing graphics libraries and desktop services componen[确定][root@biee11g VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.6_74713]#再次失败,根据提示查看/var/log/vboxadd-install.log发现如下内容:GCM -DRT_ARCH_AMD64 -DVBOX_WITH_64_BITS_GUESTS    -DMODULE -D"KBUILD_STR(s)=#s" -D"KBUILD_BASENAME=KBUILD_STR(VBoxGuest_linux)"  -D"KBUILD_MODNAME=KBUILD_STR(vboxguest)" -c -o /tmp/vbox.0/.tmp_VBoxGuest-linux.o /tmp/vbox.0/VBoxGuest-linux.c/bin/sh: gcc: command not foundmake[2]: *** [/tmp/vbox.0/VBoxGuest-linux.o] 错误 127make[1]: *** [_module_/tmp/vbox.0] 错误 2make: *** [vboxguest] 错误 2Creating user for the Guest Additions.原来是没有安装gcc[root@biee11g ~]# yum install gcc安装好gcc之后,再次运行安装程序[root@biee11g VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.6_74713]# sh VBoxLinuxAdditions.runVerifying archive integrity... All good.Uncompressing VirtualBox 4.1.6 Guest Additions for Linux.........VirtualBox Guest Additions installerRemoving installed version 4.1.6 of VirtualBox Guest Additions...Removing existing VirtualBox DKMS kernel modules           [确定]Removing existing VirtualBox non-DKMS kernel modules       [确定]Building the VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel modulesNot building the VirtualBox advanced graphics driver as this Linux version istoo old to use it.Building the main Guest Additions module                   [确定]Building the shared folder support module                  [确定]Doing non-kernel setup of the Guest Additions              [确定]Starting the VirtualBox Guest Additions                    [确定]Installing the Window System driversInstalling X.Org 7.1 modules                               [确定]Setting up the Window System to use the Guest Additions    [确定]You may need to restart the hal service and the Window System (or just restartthe guest system) to enable the Guest Additions.Installing graphics libraries and desktop services componen[确定]5. 安装成功,重启。 现在view下的“自动调整显示尺寸”就可用了,至此增强包安装成功。
2023-01-03 13:14:461


mount -t vboxsf [-o OPTIONS] sharename mountpoint研究Vbox手册,安装之后都有
2023-01-03 13:14:521


不知你为何选用此种方式安装?本人rhel 6.2,已成功安装virtualBox,可以给你个参考资料,但这里不能发链接,需要的HI我!
2023-01-03 13:15:002


一、 环境:主机操作系统 是Windows 7 ,虚拟机 是Ubuntu 10.10,虚拟机是VirtualBox 3.2.10。 1. 安装增强功能包(Guest Additions) 安装好Ubuntu 10.10后,运行Ubuntu并登录。然后在VirtualBox的菜单里选择"设备(Devices)" -> "安装增强功能(Install Guest Additions)"。 你会发现在Ubuntu桌面上多出一个光盘图标,这张光盘默认被自动加载到了文件夹/media/cdom0。进入命令行终端,输入: cd /media/cdom0 sudo ./ 或者直接运行 开始安装工具包。安装完毕后会提示要重启Ubuntu。 2. 设置共享文件夹 重启完成后点击"设备(Devices)" -> 分配数据空间(Shared Folders)菜单,添加一个共享文件夹,选项固定和临时是指该文件夹是否是持久的。共享名可以任取一个自己喜欢的,比如"share",尽量使用英文名称。 3. 挂载共享文件夹 重新进入虚拟Ubuntu,在命令行终端下输入: sudo mkdir /mnt/shared sudo mount -t vboxsf share /mnt/shared 其中"share"是之前创建的共享文件夹的名字。OK,现在Ubuntu和主机可以互传文件了。 假如您不想每一次都手动挂载,可以在/etc/fstab中添加一项 share /mnt/shared vboxsf rw,gid=100,uid=1000,auto 0 0 (注意:因为fstab是只读文件,所以可以采用 cd /etc sudo vi fstab 来编辑添加这命令 ) 这样就能够自动挂载了。 4. 卸载的话使用下面的命令: sudo umount -f /mnt/shared 注意: 共享文件夹的名称千万不要和挂载点的名称相同。比如,上面的挂载点是/mnt/shared,如果共享文件夹的名字也是shared的话,在挂载的时候就会出现如下的错误信息(看 /sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: Protocol error二、主机为Linux时:1.在VirtualBox中设备--分配数据空间--添加2.然后起个名字(share),选择linux上的路径3. 设置刚才设置好的共享文件夹,即,在虚拟机中的网络上右键,选择映射网络驱动器 注意,文件夹位置不要选择-浏览,手动写好路径重要重要!\vboxsvr共享目录名 例如:\vboxsvrshare
2023-01-03 13:15:081