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Livewire的《Addict》 歌词

2023-07-15 13:34:34
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Nick Carter - Addicted
From the first hit,
I saw my world come crashing down,
I"ll never forget how you just blew my mind
My head is spinning,
feel my heart "bout to explode
I"m overload from head to toe
Around and round and round we go.
So what I"m addicted
And now I can"t live without your love
Maybe it"s crazy,
but I just can"t get enough
I can"t fight the feeling
I"d rather let you take me away
I don"t wanna break these chains
I"d rather feel the pain.
You"re such a good bad drug
The one I can"t give up.
You give me such a rush,
The one I"m thinking of
You"re such a good bad drug!
Yeah, I"m struck out
No I can"t see straight
All you get I"ll take
You got me now,
just coming back for more!
I"m not coming down
Too much, too late
An overload, from head to toe
Around, around we go.
So what I"m addicted
And now I can"t live without your love
Maybe it"s crazy,
but I just can"t get enough
I can"t fight the feeling
I"d rather let you take me away
I don"t wanna break these chains
I"d rather feel the pain.
You"re such a good bad drug
The one I can"t give up.
You give me such a rush,
The one I"m thinking of
You"re such a good bad drug!
I"m so hooked,
I took your pill,
I get stuck,
I get my fill
There"s no hope praying you will get home, love!
I need no therapy,
unless you"re not around
Hooked up your chemistry,
I"m never coming down
You gotta hold me
I want more, gimme more,
I need my fix!
So what I"m addicted
And now I can"t live without your love
Maybe it"s crazy,
but I just can"t get enough
I can"t fight the feeling
I"d rather let you take me away
I don"t wanna break these chains
I"d rather feel the pain.
You"re such a good bad drug
The one I can"t give up.
You give me such a rush,
The one I"m thinking of




吸毒者a narcotic addict;a drugster吸毒者drugger;druggy;junky吸毒者junker;dope-fiend;dope-addict经常吸毒者active addict长期滥用药物者;长期吸毒者chronic drug abuser有毒瘾者;滥用药物者;吸毒者drug addict有重癖的吸毒者hard-core drug addict吸毒者,麻醉药成瘾者hop-head
2023-07-15 10:04:045

drug addict有什么语法知识

语法点如下:1、名词修饰名词。drug 药物,此处指“毒品”,addict 对某物上瘾的人,或痴迷于某物的人。2、词组意思是指“瘾君子”即吸食毒品的人,或严重依赖毒品或药品的人。
2023-07-15 10:04:191


一、详细释义: , n. , 药,药物 [C] , 例句: ,The drug will lose its potency when exposed to moisture.,这药一受潮就会失效。, 例句: ,There"s also a bank across from the drug store.,药店的对面还有家银行。, 毒品, *** [C] , 例句: ,The o nations made a pact to control drug traffic.,两国达成协议控制毒品走私。, 例句: ,The policeman was known as a drug buster.,这位警察被称作毒贩克星。, v. , 使服用 *** ,用药麻醉,使服用兴奋剂 [T] , 例句: ,They drug the watchman and rob the bank.,他们用药麻醉看守人,然后抢劫银行。, 例句: ,She was drugged against the pain.,她服 *** 止痛。, (在食物或饮料中)投放 *** [T] , 例句: ,His wine has been drugged.,他的酒里被人掺了 *** 。, 例句: ,You shouldn"t have drunk the wine, it may have been drugged.,你不应喝这酒,这里面可能放了毒品。, 二、词义辨析: , drug,medicine,medication,remedy,cure,chemical ,这些名词都有“药”之意。drug普通用词,含义广泛,可指任何用于预防或治疗肉体上或精神上疾病的药品。用复数形式,多指毒品。medicine普通用词,可指药物的总称,也指一切有利于健康的东西。medication指医生开给病人用的一切药物,从最简单的阿斯匹林到最复杂的药物。remedy普通用词,侧重指对恢复健康有效的药品或治疗方法。cure比remedy更强调使身体恢复健康的疗法或良药。chemical多指工业或化学中的药品,有时也指医药中的药品。, 三、相关短语: ,hard drug,毒品,soft drug,(被认为不会使人上瘾的)"软"毒品(如大麻、墨斯卡灵、安非他明等),sulfa drug,磺胺类药,antineoplastic drug,抗肿瘤药,cytotoxic drug,细胞毒类药物,drug abuse,药物滥用,滥用药物,drug addiction,药瘾,fertility drug,生育药,psychoactive drug,精神药物,antiviral drug,抗病毒药,drug addict,n. 吸毒成瘾者,药瘾者,prescription drug,n. 须医师处方才可买的药品, 四、参考例句: ,Drug addicts often hallucinate.,吸毒成瘾的人常常产生幻觉。,How are prescription drug and blame prescription drug divisional?,处方药与非处方药怎么区分的?,The drug buffered her pain.,这药物减轻了她的痛苦。,Say no to drug abuse.,对滥用药物说不。,The drug relieved my toothache,,那药使我的牙痛减轻了。,He is a drug peddler.,他是个毒品贩子。,The drug blurs my vision.,这种药模糊了我的视力。,Police *** ashed the drug ring.,警方粉碎了贩毒团伙。,They were arrested for drug offences.,他们因贩卖毒品罪而被逮捕。,This drug will sharpen your vision.,这药会提高你的视力。
2023-07-15 10:04:401


Beautiful Times - Owl CityA spark soaring down through the pouring rainAnd restoring life to the lighthouseA slow motion wave on the ocean stirsMy emotion up like a raincloudWhen did the sky turn black?And when will the light come back?A cab driver turned to skydiverThen to survivor, die into breakdownA blood brother and surrogate motherHugging each other, crying their eyes outWhen did the sky turn black?And when will the light come back?Un-ecstatic like a drug addict locked in the atticStrung out and spellboundI fought all through the nightOh, oh, but I made it aliveThe sun stormed arrivesOh, oh, these are BEAUTIFUL TIMESThis fight of my life is so hard, so hard, so hardBut I"m gonna surviveOh, oh, these are BEAUTIFUL TIMESA bad feeling burned through the ceilingLeaving my healing hard with a new scarA dead fire rose and rose higherLike a vampire up from the graveyardWhen did the sky turn black?And when will the light come back?We all suffer but we recoverJust to discover life where we all areI fought all through the nightOh, oh, but I made it aliveThe sun stormed arrivesOh, oh, these are BEAUTIFUL TIMESThis fight of my life is so hard, so hard, so hardBut I"m gonna surviveOh, oh, these are BEAUTIFUL TIMESThis fight of my life is so hard, so hard, so hardBut I"m gonna surviveOh, oh, these are BEAUTIFUL TIMESMy heart"s burning bad and it"s turning blackBut I"m learning how to be strongerAnd sincerely I love you dearlyOh, but I"m clearly destined to wander
2023-07-15 10:04:481


The Weekend That Changed My LifeAt least once in your life, you"ve probably been invited to attend some sort of personal-growth seminar. But can such a course really help you? Yes, says one 16-year-old girl, whose life was changed by a weekend self-help seminar.I"d always resented my mom because she worked a lot when I was little, and I didn"t see much of her. Once we got in such a big fight that I ran away from home. But I only made it to the local train station before my parents came looking for me and took me home.None of this was on my mind, however, on the Friday morning my parents drove me 30 miles to New York City for the three-day self-help seminar for teens called The Landmark Forum. I just kept telling myself, “This is gonna suck.” Little did I know that my life - and my attitude - were going to change forever.We got there, and I checked in and said good-bye to my parents. I put on a nametag and took a seat in an auditorium filled with about 100 other teens.After we were all settled in our seats, The Forum leader asked if any of us wanted to leave. “Anyone can walk out of here right now and get a refund,” he said. Two kids did walk out, I would have left, too, but I didn"t want to upset my parents.u2026 During the breaks and at lunch, I met a lot of great people. When the first day ended, I was actually looking forward to going back the next day, mostly because of my new friends.On Saturday, the leader asked us, “What is your racket?” He explained that everyone has a “racket” - a bad way of behaving that on one hand you don"t like, but on the other hand is somehow working for you. He explained that you can"t be happy until you give up your racket.I confessed that my racket was lying. I didn"t just lie to my parents about drugs, I lied about a lot of things to entertain myself and make life interesting. I even felt proud because people told me I was such a convincing liar. However, admitting that I was a liar to 100 people didn"t make me feel proud; I felt embarrassed. I felt even worse when, during the break, I overheard a girl saying, “I hate liars.” It was obviously time for me to rethink my lying habit.By the end of the second day, people were starting to change. One of my new friends, who was a drug user went into the bathroom after the day"s session and flushed a bag of weed down the toilet.On Sunday, the leader did an interesting exercise called “chocolate/vanilla.” He asked one of us to sit in a chair on the stage, and then he asked her if she liked chocolate or vanilla better. She chose chocolate. Then he asked another person to sit up on the stage and choose between vanilla and vanilla. Obviously, the second person didn"t have a choice.This exercise was used to illustrate that sometimes you don"t have a choice in life, and you have to accept the situation you"ve been handed instead of complaining or acting like a victim. A girl got up from the audience and started talking about how her mom was a drug addict and how much she hated her mother.“I want a new mom,” she cried.“Unfortunately, you can"t choose a new mom,” the leader replied. “You have to deal with and accept the one you have.”This hit me hard. It made me realize that, for better or for worse, my mom was my mom. I couldn"t choose another one, but I could try to make the best of the situation.One of the most powerful moments for me came on Sunday. The leader asked, “What is life?” People said things like, “Life sucks”, or they joked, “Life is like a box of chocolates.” Then the leader said, “Life is none of those things. Life is what you make it. You have the power to take action and change things in your life. Life has no meaning except for what you give to it.”Up till then, I thought that my life was pretty bad and would always be bad. It never occurred to me that I could do something about it.When I got home from The Forum, my head was spinning with all the new ideas I"d been exposed to. It"s hard to explain all the things I learned, but so much of what they taught me changed the way I think - about school, about my mom, about lying, about drugs, about my entire life. I realized that if my attitude about school could change, I could change my relationship with my mom.We sat down and had a totally great conversation. We also devised some ground rules that both of us can live with. Now we get along 100 times better. Our relationship isn"t perfect, but we"re friends - something I never thought would be possible.I also decided to make other changes. I quit doing drugs and have tried to stop lying. Instead, I put my energy into other things. I"m involved in soccer, volleyball, and track and field. I"ve acted in my school"s productions of Taming of the Shrew and Animal Farm. I"m also an editor of the school paper. I don"t hate life anymore - I love it! I never knew I could be so happy. And a lot of it I owe to The Forum. I know it sounds hard to believe, but that weekend totally changed my life.
2023-07-15 10:04:591


Acknowledge is to accept responsibility for something one makes known: Acknowledge 表示承担使某事公开的责任Admit usually implies marked reluctance in acknowledging one"s acts or accepting a different point of view: Admit 常常暗含不情愿承认某人的行为或接受不同的观点
2023-07-15 10:05:191


2023-07-15 10:05:302

Jesse McCartney的《in my veins》歌词翻译

2023-07-15 10:05:442


问题一:上瘾用英语怎么说 addiction 问题二:“上瘾”用英语怎么写? *** . be addicted to sth. 某人对某事上瘾 sth. be addictive to *** . 某事对某人上瘾 addict有动词和名词的词性分别意思为使上瘾瘾君子 addictive是形容词,意思是使人上瘾的 addiction是名次是上瘾的状态 问题三:上瘾的英文是什么 addict,是动词。对什么上瘾是addict to什么 表示上瘾的状态是addicted 。比如 I am addicted 问题四:上瘾的用英语怎么说副词 addictive 英 [??d?kt?v] 美 [??d?kt?v] adj.上瘾的;使成瘾的;易令人沉溺的 词汇难度:TOEFL / TEM8 例句 Cigarettes are highly addictive 2 Video movie-making can quickly bee addictive. 3 I have an eating disorder and an addictive personality. 4 Crack is the most addictive drug on the market. 问题五:上瘾的英语 怎么写??? overdose 问题六:习惯容易上瘾用英语怎么说 习惯容易上瘾 Habits tend to be addictive. 问题七:上瘾的毒药用英语怎么翻译 上瘾的毒药 Addictive poison 双语对照 双语例句 1 真的,忧伤也是会上瘾的毒药,正如我爱你也是无法忘却的事实。 Really, sadness is also addictive poison, as I love you also can not forget the facts. ? 2 与涉足科学上的处女地相比,没有比那更美好的感觉,也没有比那更令人上瘾的毒药了。 There is no feeling more pleasant, no drug more addictive, than setting foot on virgin soil.
2023-07-15 10:06:121


只有的英文叫做only。只有英语例句:1、Only when agriculture is fully developed can industry have sufficient materials and markets.只有农业发展了,工业才有足够的原料和市场。2、I have only a bowing [ nodding] acquaintance with him.我和他只有点头之交。3、I can console myself with the fact that I"m not alone.不是只有我一个人才这样,我可以用这一事实来安慰自己。4、I almost lasted the two weeks. I only had a couple of days to do.我几乎撑过了这两个星期。我只有几天时间去做。5、All I had was money, which I pressed on her reluctant mother.我就只有钱了,她母亲虽然不愿接受,我还是硬塞给了她。6、All I could say was, "I"m sorry".我所能说的只有“对不起”。7、He has the physique and energy of a man half his age.他的体格和精力比得上年龄只有他一半大的人。8、His smile, for once, was genuine.只有这一次,他真诚地笑了。9、I had been in my new job only a few days.我到新的工作岗位只有几天的时间。10、He"s only years old and a drug addict.他只有24岁,却是个瘾君子。11、I"m here all by myself and I know I"m going to get lost.这里只有我一个人,我知道我会迷路的。12、There is only one answer to that.那只有一个答案。13、We live in a world in which only the strongest can make it to the top.我们生活在这样一个世界里——只有强的人才能爬得高。14、He only sees her at Christmas and Easter.他只有在圣诞节和复活节时才能见到她。15、Although I was only six, I can remember seeing it on TV.虽然那时我只有6岁,我依然记得在电视上见过它。
2023-07-15 10:06:491

就改变你生活的人或事 写一篇英语作文3

My ParentsWe may miss the numbers of people.some one we should say thanks to them that are my parents.My parents brought me up when I was a child and took me to a hospital when I had a fever. They took care of me and worry about me in any time.In their eyes,we are a child who never to be an adult.I love my parents,they taught me how to talk with others and theories in life.So I always keep studying hard and never give up to make my dream come true.
2023-07-15 10:07:102

the plot of "The Fall of the House of Usher"

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: The Narrator had received a letter from a boyhood acquaintance, Roderick Usher, begging that he e to him "posthaste." Usher had written to explain that he was suffering from a terrible mental and bodily illness, and longed for the panionship of "his only personal friend." The plea seemed so heartfelt that the Narrator immediately set out for the Usher ancestral home. Approaching the ivy-covered, decaying old house, the Narrator was struck b y an overwhelming sense of gloom which seemed to envelop the estate. The very sight of the manor caused within him "an illness, a sickening of the heart, an unredeemed dreariness." But even though the"eye-like" windows of the mansion seemed to be staring at him, he managed to swallow his fear and continue in his carriage up the path to the door. As he rode, he tried to recall Roderick Usher as he had once known him; years had passed since they had last met. He remembered his old friend as an extremely reserved fellow, quite handsome but possessing an eerie, morbid demeanor. Roderick"s family was noted for its particular musical genius - and for the fact that no new branch of the family had ever been generated. For centuries, the title of the estate had passed directly from father to son, so that the term "House of Usher" had e to refer both to the family and to the mansion. Sadly, though, Roderick was the last surviving male issue of the Usher clan. Finally, the carriage crossed over the creaking moat bridge to the door, and a servant admitted the Narrator. He was led through intricate passageways and past hung armored trophies to Roderick Usher"s inner chamber, a sorrowful room where sunlight had never entered. Usher himself looked equally shut in, almost terrifying: pallid skin like that of a corpse, lustrous eyes, and long hair that seemed to float about his head. Moreover, he was plagued by a kind of sullen, intense, nervous agitation, similar to that of a drug-addict experiencing withdrawal. The list of his plaints was di *** aying: He suffered much from a morbid acuteness of the senses; the most insipid food was alone endurable; he could wear only garments of a certain texture; the odors of all flowers were oppressive; his eyes were tortured even by faint light; and there were but peculiar sounds, and these from stringed instruments, which did not inspire him with horror. But Usher wasn"t alone in the house the Narrator caught a fleeting glimpse of his friend"s in sister, Madeline, who bore an astonishing resemblance to Roderick. Additionally, it became evident that the brother and sister shared an eerie, almost supernatural, sympathetic bond. Roderick could sense just what Madeline was feeling, and she in turn could read his every thought. Pathetically, though, beloved Madeline was grievously ill, a "gradual wasting away of the person" that was beyond the powers of physicians to cure. On the very night of the Narrator"s arrival, Madeline was confined to bed; he never again saw her alive. For weeks the Narrator tried to distract his depressed friend. They talked, painted, and read together. Usher himself even played the guitar. Once he improvised a wildly horrible ballad about a noble castle invaded by demons - a song which finally convinced the Narrator that Usher had gone mad. During this time, the o former schoolmates discussed their opinions on various matters. One discussion was especially intense: Usher believed that all matter, even inanimate objects, possessed some measure of intelligence; therefore the very stones of his house, he contended, were in essence alive. Indeed, he had long felt that the entire estate, with its dark atmosphere and personality, had,"moulded the destinies of his family" and made him what he was. Then one day Usher announced to his friend that Madeline was "no more," and that he intended to entomb her body in the house"s dungeon rather than bury it. The o carried Madeline"s encoffined corpse to the grim and moss-covered underground catabs and laid it in a vault. There they unscrewed the coffin and lifted the lid. Again startled by the dead sister"s resemblance to her brother, the Narrator was even more shocked to note a blush on her cheek. Nevertheless, they resealed the coffin and locked the vault"s heavy iron door. During the week that followed his beloved sister"s death, a marked change came over Roderick Usher; he acted more agitated than ever and grew more and more pale. Often he would stare blankly into space, giving the appearance of "laboring with some oppressive secret, which, to divulge, he struggled for the necessary courage." It happened late one night, when the Narrator found himself unable to slcep. An inexplicable terror took hold of him a fright which was not at all soothed by the violent storm that raged outside. As he paced nervously about, suddenly Usher dashed into the room. "There was a species of mad hilarity in his eyes ... hysteria in his whole demeanor." In an attempt to calm Usher, his friend pulled from the bookcase a second rate medieval romance and began to read aloud. But in the midst of a passage describing a knight who tears apart a wooden door, the Narrator thought he heard, somewhere in the house, the same cracking and ripping sound so vividly portrayed in the book. Undaunted, he read on - this time, a passage that described the knight"s fatal blow to a dragon, which then cried out with a long piercing wail. Again there immediately emanated from the dark recesses of the house a similar shriek. Although shaken, the Narrator kept reading. Now the book told of "the clangorous sound of a knight"s shield falling to the ground" - and once again, just as the words left his lips, the Narrator heard a distinct metallic ringing noise. At this, he became totally unnerved and turned to Usher, who made a chilling announcement: he had buried his sister alive! All week he had listened to her stirring in her coffin; heard her struggles; felt the beating of her heart. "I heard them - many, many days ago," he admitted. "Yet I dared not - I dared not speak!" And now - tonight ... the rending of her coffin, and the grating of the iron hinges of her prison, and her struggles within the copper archway of the vault! The heavy and horrible beating of her heart .... Madman! I tell you that she stands without the door! At that, the antique doors flung open, and there stood the hideous, bloodstained apparition of Lady Madeline. With her last burst of energy, and with a bloodcurdling scream, she fell on her brother, and "in her violent and now final death-agonies, bore him to the floor, a corpse, a victim to the terrors he had anticipated." Aghast, the Narrator fled down the shadowy balls and from the house. At some distance, he glanced back. There, in the light of the "full, setting and blood red moon," he saw the massive House of Usher being rent into pieces by a whirlwind, and then swallowed up into the dark lake that surrounded it.
2023-07-15 10:07:171


2023-07-15 10:07:253

摇头丸, 英语怎么说? high drug?

摇头丸 yáo tóu wán 1. [Drug] dancing outreach; Ecstasy; MDMA (a popular name of an addictive stimulant drug containing ice as its major ingredient, which makes the addict feel very active and can cause him/her to hallucinate) 以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供
2023-07-15 10:07:331

If a drug addict wants to keep clean and sober, what should he do?

【答案】:D If th ctxt has chagd, th rcall suffrd mst.
2023-07-15 10:07:521


2023-07-15 10:08:031


2023-07-15 10:08:311

Max Boublil的《Addict》 歌词

歌曲名:Addict歌手:Max Boublil专辑:Le 2ème albumNick Carter - AddictedFrom the first hit,I saw my world come crashing down,I"ll never forget how you just blew my mindMy head is spinning,feel my heart "bout to explodeI"m overload from head to toeAround and round and round we go.So what I"m addictedAnd now I can"t live without your loveMaybe it"s crazy,but I just can"t get enoughI can"t fight the feelingI"d rather let you take me awayI don"t wanna break these chainsI"d rather feel the pain.You"re such a good bad drugThe one I can"t give up.You give me such a rush,The one I"m thinking ofYou"re such a good bad drug!Yeah, I"m struck outNo I can"t see straightAll you get I"ll takeYou got me now,just coming back for more!I"m not coming downToo much, too lateAn overload, from head to toeAround, around we go.So what I"m addictedAnd now I can"t live without your loveMaybe it"s crazy,but I just can"t get enoughI can"t fight the feelingI"d rather let you take me awayI don"t wanna break these chainsI"d rather feel the pain.You"re such a good bad drugThe one I can"t give up.You give me such a rush,The one I"m thinking ofYou"re such a good bad drug!I"m so hooked,I took your pill,I get stuck,I get my fillThere"s no hope praying you will get home, love!I need no therapy,unless you"re not aroundHooked up your chemistry,I"m never coming downYou gotta hold meI want more, gimme more,I need my fix!So what I"m addictedAnd now I can"t live without your loveMaybe it"s crazy,but I just can"t get enoughI can"t fight the feelingI"d rather let you take me awayI don"t wanna break these chainsI"d rather feel the pain.You"re such a good bad drugThe one I can"t give up.You give me such a rush,The one I"m thinking of
2023-07-15 10:08:461

B.Howard的《Addict》 歌词

歌曲名:Addict歌手:B.Howard专辑:GenesisNick Carter - AddictedFrom the first hit,I saw my world come crashing down,I"ll never forget how you just blew my mindMy head is spinning,feel my heart "bout to explodeI"m overload from head to toeAround and round and round we go.So what I"m addictedAnd now I can"t live without your loveMaybe it"s crazy,but I just can"t get enoughI can"t fight the feelingI"d rather let you take me awayI don"t wanna break these chainsI"d rather feel the pain.You"re such a good bad drugThe one I can"t give up.You give me such a rush,The one I"m thinking ofYou"re such a good bad drug!Yeah, I"m struck outNo I can"t see straightAll you get I"ll takeYou got me now,just coming back for more!I"m not coming downToo much, too lateAn overload, from head to toeAround, around we go.So what I"m addictedAnd now I can"t live without your loveMaybe it"s crazy,but I just can"t get enoughI can"t fight the feelingI"d rather let you take me awayI don"t wanna break these chainsI"d rather feel the pain.You"re such a good bad drugThe one I can"t give up.You give me such a rush,The one I"m thinking ofYou"re such a good bad drug!I"m so hooked,I took your pill,I get stuck,I get my fillThere"s no hope praying you will get home, love!I need no therapy,unless you"re not aroundHooked up your chemistry,I"m never coming downYou gotta hold meI want more, gimme more,I need my fix!So what I"m addictedAnd now I can"t live without your loveMaybe it"s crazy,but I just can"t get enoughI can"t fight the feelingI"d rather let you take me awayI don"t wanna break these chainsI"d rather feel the pain.You"re such a good bad drugThe one I can"t give up.You give me such a rush,The one I"m thinking of
2023-07-15 10:08:531

求一篇关于咖啡因的英语论文 1000字左右的

Caffeine (from Caffeine) tea, coffee fruits extracted a alkaloids, properly using a dispel fatigue, excited nerve function, used to treat neurasthenia and coma recovery. However, large doses or long-term use will also harmful to human, especially it is addictie, once appear spirit discontinued Labour weak, its pedestal various withdrawal symptoms, although its addiction is weak, the withdrawal symptoms will not very serious. But because tolerability there to increase, caffeine will not affect the brain cortex and medulla oblongata, still can directly cause excitement and bone, paroxysmal convulsions damage liver and stomach, kidney and other important organs, induce airway inflammatory breast tumors, women and even cause disease such as intelligence, smokers next-generation physical deformities. Therefore also was listed in the national regulation of psychotropic drugs.Caffeine also have snorting abuse and injection of two forms, the excitement and adverse reaction, symptoms, drug dependence and styrene-acrylic amine similar.China has many crimes and other drug traffickers the caffeine smuggling exit to collude "golden triangle" area. At present the caffeine than legal requirements, the production of legal person of illegal channels.Too much caffeine can lead to caffeine poisoning. Its symptoms are agitated, tension and excitement, insomnia, red face, urine and digestive discomfort. Some people in daily use under 250 mg will have these symptoms. Every day more than 1 gram can cause sudden spasms, thought and language transformation, heartbeat and tachycardia and spiritual exercise-induced vigor. Caffeine poisoning symptoms similar to panic and comprehensive anxiety. 192 mg/weight kilograms [source of common request] or adults may cause 72 coffee half deaths.The caffeine is safe, but the caffeine and other similar substance such as it may be, caffeine theophylline to other animals, such as toxic to dogs and horses, the reason is that these animals and metabolism of the liver. Now physicians say caffeine and bone loss and osteoporosis are advised to adequate intake, coffee, tea, etc. Long-term excessive intake of caffeine can cause a series of mental disorders. Two of the American psychiatric association validation is caffeine anxiety and caffeine sleep disorders.Caffeine sleep disorders refers to an individual by regular intake of high doses of caffeine in his or her sleep disorders, and can be found in clinical diagnosis.For some indiiduals, large doses of coffee drinks caused by clinical diagnosis of anxiety enough. Caffeine in different forms of anxiety, general anxiety disorders, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder and even phobia. Because these symptoms easily confused with basic nerve disorders, such as panic disorder, anxiety disorders, anxiety or even schizophrenia, so some medical workers say part of caffeine intake by misdiagnosis and unnecessary treatment, they think that caffeine induced by cutting off the mental illness can source of caffeine and easy control. A British addictive Journal (British) : an Addiction survey, though rarely diagnosed with chronic poisoning, caffeine, at least one tenth of the population had been troubling.
2023-07-15 10:09:041

Temptation Waits 歌词

歌曲名:Temptation Waits歌手:Garbage专辑:Version 2.0Temptation WaitsGarbageI"ll tell you somethingI am a wolf butI like to wear sheep"s clothingI am a bonfireI am a vampireI"m waiting for my momentYou come on like a drug (Temptation waits)I just can"t get enough (Here"s to your fate)I"m like an addict coming at you for a little more (Don"t say it"s over)And there"s so much at stake (Temptation waits)I can"t afford to waste (I heard you say)I never needed anybody like this before (Don"t say it"s over)I"ll tell you somethingI am a demonSome say my biggest weaknessI have my reasonsCall it my defenseBe careful what you"re wishingYou come on like a drug (Temptation waits)I just can"t get enough (Here"s to your fate)I"m like an addict coming at you for a little more (Don"t say it"s over)And there"s so much at stake (Temptation waits)I can"t afford to waste (I heard you say)I never needed anybody like this before (Don"t say it"s over)You are a secretA new possessionI like to keep you guessingYou come on like a drug (Temptation waits)I just can"t get enough (Here"s to your fate)I"m like an addict coming at you for a little more (Don"t say it"s over)And there"s so much at stake (Temptation waits)I can"t afford to waste (I heard you say)I never needed anybody like this before (Don"t say it"s over)Well I"m not sure what I"m living forWell I"m not sure what I"m looking forWell I"m not sure what I"m living forWell I"m not sure what I"m looking forWell I"m not sure what I"m living forWell I"m not sure what I"m looking forWell I"m not sure what I"m living for
2023-07-15 10:09:121

Addict Of Love 歌词

歌曲名:Addict Of Love歌手:Electro Spectre专辑: Watch It All Turn Nick Carter - AddictedFrom the first hit,I saw my world come crashing down,I"ll never forget how you just blew my mindMy head is spinning,feel my heart "bout to explodeI"m overload from head to toeAround and round and round we go.So what I"m addictedAnd now I can"t live without your loveMaybe it"s crazy,but I just can"t get enoughI can"t fight the feelingI"d rather let you take me awayI don"t wanna break these chainsI"d rather feel the pain.You"re such a good bad drugThe one I can"t give up.You give me such a rush,The one I"m thinking ofYou"re such a good bad drug!Yeah, I"m struck outNo I can"t see straightAll you get I"ll takeYou got me now,just coming back for more!I"m not coming downToo much, too lateAn overload, from head to toeAround, around we go.So what I"m addictedAnd now I can"t live without your loveMaybe it"s crazy,but I just can"t get enoughI can"t fight the feelingI"d rather let you take me awayI don"t wanna break these chainsI"d rather feel the pain.You"re such a good bad drugThe one I can"t give up.You give me such a rush,The one I"m thinking ofYou"re such a good bad drug!I"m so hooked,I took your pill,I get stuck,I get my fillThere"s no hope praying you will get home, love!I need no therapy,unless you"re not aroundHooked up your chemistry,I"m never coming downYou gotta hold meI want more, gimme more,I need my fix!So what I"m addictedAnd now I can"t live without your loveMaybe it"s crazy,but I just can"t get enoughI can"t fight the feelingI"d rather let you take me awayI don"t wanna break these chainsI"d rather feel the pain.You"re such a good bad drugThe one I can"t give up.You give me such a rush,The one I"m thinking of
2023-07-15 10:09:341

英语作文 money ismy drug of anxiety for anxiety

An addictive personality refers to a particular set of personality traits that make an individual predisposed to developing addictions.[1] This hypothesis states that there are common elements among people with varying addictions that relates to personality traits.[2] People who are substance dependent are characterized by: a physical or psychological dependency that negatively affects their quality of life.[1] They are frequently connected with substance abuse; however, people with addictive personalities are also highly at risk of becoming addicted togambling, food, pornography, exercise, work, and codependency.[1] Scientists have been better able to understand addictive personalities as researchers delve further into understanding the chemistry of addiction.[1] Alan R. Lang of Florida State University, author of an addiction study prepared for the United States National Academy of Sciences, said, "If we can better identify the personality factors, they can help us devise better treatment and can open up new strategies to intervene and break the patterns of addictio
2023-07-15 10:09:421


2023-07-15 10:08:411

rock and roll

2023-07-15 10:08:452


2023-07-15 10:08:464


2023-07-15 10:08:4911


The incident took place on Sunday, the 25 of June On that particular day. A south wind had been blowing on and off all morning. It was not strong enough to cause us any concern, so we carried on with our daily work. Not suspecting what was about to happen.The storm gave us very little warming. Black clouds loomed over the distant horizon to suddenly that we were taken by surprise. Even then, we were not really worried. asthc clouds seemed to be moving over out house and towards the distant mountains. Then, just as the clouds had moved inland, the wind Instantly, we were busily preparing for the worst. The whole family had experienced such a storm before and everyone remember the damage it had caused to stock and crops. There was very little we could do about the crops. But we needed to prevent the animals in case the river flooded again. My older brother called his sheep-dog and began driving our small flock of sheep to higher ground above the river. If the river flooded, they should be safe there. In the meantime, my father was mending a roof that had partly fallen down after many years of fine service. If the tin flew off, it could damage the house. My younger brother began hurriedly carrying firewood under the shelter. My job was to help Mum board up the windows. If the storm developed into a cyclone, the boards would protect the glass.The storm raget for four hour ,pouring more ruin on as than are had in the last five years .As expected, the river broke ite banks and came alowly up towands the house and the alock.Then just is we were beginning to lose hope .the storm stopped as suddenly as it had benun . The animals were safn , and the roof was atill aniled on.“All"s well that endn well.”said my mother.
2023-07-15 10:08:491


2023-07-15 10:08:511

princess有复数吗? 他是可数名词吧

2023-07-15 10:08:554


连词是一种虚词,用于连接单词、短语、从句或句子,在句子中不单独用作句子成分。 并列连词的用法 1. 表示转折关系的并列连词。 这类连词主要有 but, yet 等。如:Someone borrowed my pen, but I don"t remember who. 有人借了我的钢笔,但我不记得是谁了。 2. 表示因果关系的并列连词。 这类连词主要有 for, so 等。如: The child had a bad cough, so his mother took him to the doctor. 这孩子咳得很利害,所以他 妈妈带他去看医生。 注意:for表示结果通常不能放句首,也不能单独使用。 3. 表示并列关系的并列连词。 这类连词主要有 and , or , either…or , neither…nor , not only…but (also) , both…and , as well as 等。如:He didn"t go and she didn"t go either. 他没去,她也没去。 从属连词的用法 1. 引导时间状语从句的从属连词: (1) 表示“当…时候”或“每当”的时间连词。主要的 when, while, as, whenever。如: Don"t talk while you"re eating. 吃饭时不要说话。 (2) 表示“在…之前(或之后)”的时间连词。主要的有before, after。如: Try to finish your work before you leave. 离开前设法把工作做完。 (3) 表示“自从”或“直到”的时间连词。主要的有since, until, till。如: She"s been playing tennis since she was eight. 她从八岁起就打网球了。 (4) 表示“一…就”的时间连词。主要的有as soon as, the moment, the minute, the second, the instant, immediately, directly, instantly, once, no sooner…than, hardly…when等。如: I"ll let you know as soon as I hear from her. 我一接她的信就通知你。 (5) 表示“上次”、“下次”、“每次”等的时间连词。主要的有every time(每次),each time(每次),(the) next time(下次),any time(随时),(the) last time(上次),the first time(第一次)。如: I"ll tell him about it (the) next time I see him. 我下一次见到他时,我就把这个情况告诉他。 注意:every time, each time, any time前不用冠词,(the) next time, (the) last time中的冠词可以省略,而the first time中的冠词通常不能省略。 2. 引导条件状语从句的从属连词。 这类连词主要有if, unless, as [so] long as, in case 等。如: Do you mind if I open the window?我开窗你不介意吧? 注意:在条件状语从句中,通常要用一般现在时表示将来意义,而不能直接使用将来时态。不过,有时表示条件的 if之后可能用 will,但那不是将来时态, 而是表示意愿或委婉的请求(will为情态动词)。如:If you will sit down for a few moments, I"ll tell the manager you"re here. 请稍坐, 我这就通知经理说您来了。 3. 引导目的状语从句的从属连词。 主要的有 in order that, so that, in case, for fear等。如: He raised his voice so that everyone could hear. 他提高了嗓音,以便每个人都能听见。 4. 引导结果状语从句的从属连词。 主要的有so that, so…that, such…that等。如: I went to the lecture early so that I got a good seat. 我去听演讲去得很早, 所以找个好座位。 5. 引导原因状语从句的从属连词。 主要的有because, as, since, seeing (that), now (that), considering (that) 等。如: He distrusted me because I was new. 他不信任我,因为我是新来的。 6. 引导让步状语从句的从属连词。 主要的有although, though, even though, even if, while, however, whatever, whoever, whenever, wherever等。如: Although they are twins, they look entirely different. 他们虽是孪生, 但是相貌却完全不同。 7. 引导方式状语从句的从属连词。 主要的有as, as if, as though, the way等。如:Why didn"t you catch the last bus as I told you to? 你怎么不听我的话赶乘末班公共汽车呢? 8. 引导地点状语从句的从属连词。 主要的有where, wherever, everywhere, anywhere等。如: The church was built where there had once been a Roman temple. 这座教堂盖在一座罗马寺庙的旧址。 9. 引导比较状语从句的从属连词。 主要的有than和as…as。如:She was now happier than she had ever been. 现在她比过去任何时候都快活。 10. 引起名词从句的从属连词。 主要有that, whether, if 等,它们用于引导主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句。其中that 不仅没不充当句子成分,而且没有词义,在句子中只起连接作用;而 if, whether 虽不充当句子成分,但有词义,即表示“是否”。如: He replied that he was going by train. 他回答说他将坐火车去。 高中英语作文连接词 1. in/ by contrast 对比之下 2. unfortunately 不幸地 3. though/ although 尽管 4. even though 即使 5. anyway 无论如何 6. after all 毕竟 7. all the same 依然; 照样 8. in fact/ as a matter of fact 事实上 9. fortunately 幸运地 10. however 然而 11. in spite of 尽管; 虽然 12. at the same time 同时; 然而 13. otherwise 否则 14. on the contrary 相反 15. especially 尤其 16. There are two sides to everything. 有关“承” 的连接词语, 用来承接上下文 this time 此时 2. at the same time 同时 3. after a while 过了一会儿 4. after a few days 几天以后 5. second/ secondly 第二; 第二点 6. in addition 另外 7. besides/ what"s more 另外 8. by the way 顺便提一句 9. in other words 换句话说 10. in particular/ particularly 特别地 the same way 同样地 12.obviously 明显地 13. no doubt 无疑地 14. for example/ for instance 例如 15. therefore 因此 16. indeed 的确 17. unlike 不象… 18. certainly 当然 19. for another 其次 20. still 仍然 21.similarly 同样地 英语作文中表因果的连接词 therefore;consequently;because of ;for the reason;thus;hence;due to;owing to;so accordingly thanks to;on this account;since;as;on that account ;in this way;for as a result;as a consequence
2023-07-15 10:08:551


2023-07-15 10:08:5614


milk的音标是[mu026alk]。milk的意思是牛奶;乳汁;乳液;挤奶。关于milk的双语例句1、I hope you haven"t used all the milk.希望你没有把牛奶都用掉了。2、Would you like milk or cream in your coffee?你的咖啡里要牛奶还是奶油?3、A skin had formed on the top of the milk.奶上结了一层奶皮。4、We took the milk run back home.我们回家途中多次停留。5、If you have any spare milk, could you give me a little?你要是有多余的牛奶,给我一些好吗?6、Some children develop a sensitivity to cow"s milk.有的孩子对牛奶过敏。7、Do you take milk in your tea?你茶里加奶吗?
2023-07-15 10:08:571


I am a member of the reading club of our school.We often get together to discuss what we have read at the regular meeting on Saturdays.Last week,we broke the rules and had another one on Sunday morning,because we had not finished what we were discussing at the Saturday"s meeting.
2023-07-15 10:08:581


由于使用异维A酸后有明显的不良反应,故应该在其他常规治疗(包括系统性抗生素治疗)无效时才能考虑。那么,经常吃异维a酸软胶囊会损害肝脏么? 服用异维a酸软胶囊会出现的不良反应如下: 1、 全身性损害:过敏反应(包括脉管炎、全身过敏反应)、水肿、疲乏、淋巴结病、体重下降。 2、 心血管系统:心悸、心动过速、血栓形成、中风。 3、 内分泌/代谢系统:高甘油三脂血症、血糖波动。 4、 消化系统:炎症性肠病、肝炎、胰腺炎、牙龈出血、牙龈炎、结肠炎、食管炎/食管溃疡、回肠炎、恶心及其他非特异性胃肠道症状。 5、 血液系统:贫血、血小板减少、中性粒细胞减少症、罕见有粒细胞缺乏症的报告。 6、 肌肉骨骼系统:骨质增生、肌腱及韧带的钙化、骨骺闭合过早、骨密度降低、肌肉骨骼症状(部分为重度)包括背痛、肌痛、关节痛、一过性胸痛、关节炎、肌腱炎及其他骨异常,肌酸磷酸激酶升高/罕见横纹肌溶解的报道等。 在此就不一一列举了,但由上可知,经常吃异维a酸软胶囊仍会对肝脏造成一定的伤害。因此建议:异维a酸软胶囊应在医生指导下使用,口服治疗痤疮的剂量应因人而异,从0.1-1mg/kg/d不等,一般开始剂量为0.5mg/kg/d,分两次口服。
2023-07-15 10:09:001

the worldwide system that enables us to communicate instantl?

the worldwide system that enables us to municate instantly with anyone in any part of the world by using puters linked to telephone networks 这不是一个完整的句子,因为它只有中心词the worldwide system 和中心词的同位语从句,你没有引用完整吧?该句中that是system的同位语,that不仅仅是连接词,也是同位语从句的主语,that与 enables之间没有省略什么.,5, Amanehh 举报 that可以又做连接词又做同位语主语? Of course, Leon Bagrit could not possibly have foreseen the development of the Internet, the worldwide system that enables us to municate instantly with anyone in any part of the world by using puters linked to telephone networks. the worldwide system是the Internet的同位语,that引导定语从句,又在定语从句中做主语!,同学你好,这句话是错的。that不能要,否则这句话没有谓语动词。去掉that后不是同位语从句,也没有定语从句。 如果满意,请采纳,如果有疑问,可追问,谢谢^^这是新概念第三册课文,没错你这句话到底打完了没?Of course, Leon Bagrit could not possibly have foreseen the development of the Internet, the ...,2,是同位语从句,不是定语从句吗?同位语,表解释,定语是形容词性的,翻译为:....的这里明明是定语从句吧,从句很明显就是要前面的system做主语的,怎么不是定语从句呢? 这句话如果只是一个名词的话,就是the worldwide system ,后面的是定语从句修饰 如果是一个句子的话,肯定是要去掉that的同位语从句可以有that连接词...,1,the worldwide system that enables us to municate instantly with anyone in any part of the that enables us to municate instantly with anyone in any part of the world by using puters linked to telephone networks.这个同位语从句,that与 enables之间是不是省略了什么
2023-07-15 10:09:031


princess英[u02ccpru026anu02c8ses]美[u02c8pru026ansu026as, -u02ccsu025bs, pru026anu02c8su025bs]n. 公主;王妃(王族女性成员);女巨头,女名家;<古>女王名词复数:princesses[例句]The princess bride is sarcastic , instead of sentimental.公主新娘是讽刺剧而不是感情剧。1. The little girl presented the princess with a large bouquet of flowers . 小女孩向公主献上了一大束鲜花。来自《权威词典》2. the Princess of Wales 威尔士王妃来自《权威词典》3. I worked as a companion to an old princess. 我当过一位老公爵夫人的陪伴人。来自《简明英汉词典》4. The wicked old woman charmed the princess with magic words. 那个老巫婆用咒语控制了公主。来自《简明英汉词典》5. The princess was ostracised for marrying a rich bourgeois. 公主因与一位富有的商人结婚而被逐出皇族。
2023-07-15 10:09:042

princess什么意思 princess的定义和用法?

2023-07-15 10:08:372


英语词根如下:act、ceive、cept、cess、ceed、clud、cre、creas、cret、dic、duc、duct、fact、fer、form、ject、lect。英语词缀如下:a:表强调。co:表示“共同一起”。ent:(a、e替换),表示形容词后缀。al:形容词后缀或者名词后缀(例:arrival)。er:表示人或者物。e:表示“往外”。it:表示“走”。in:表示“往里”;表示否定。pre:表示“在...之前”,等同于fore-。post:post- 表示“在...之后”。vac:vac- 表示“空的”。ful:形容词后缀,表示“充满了”;名词后缀,表示“一把”“少数”。de:表示强调;表示“下”;表示“负面的”。ify:动词后缀,表示“使……”。英语词缀分类如下:1、前缀+词根:re-(前缀,表示:回)+ port(词根,表示:拿)——>报告,汇报(把消息、情况等“带回来”——>报告)。2、词根+后缀:ori(词根,表示:升起)+ -ent(在这个单词中是名词后缀)——>orient东方(太阳“升起”的地方——>东方)。3、前缀+词根+后缀:pre-(前缀,表示:前)+ sid(词根,表示:坐)-ent(后缀,表示人)——>president总统,大学校长(开会时“坐在前面的人”——>主事者,指挥者——>总统,大学校长)。4、前缀+词根+后缀:im-(前缀,表示:无)+ medi(词根,表示:中间)+ -ate(后缀,形容词后缀表示)——>immediate立刻的,直接的(“没有中间空隙时间的”,“当中没有间隔的”——>立刻的)。
2023-07-15 10:08:371

求犬夜叉双语字幕或日语字幕 1到167 有完结版更好啦

犬夜叉双语字幕 我有
2023-07-15 10:08:374

邓丽君有一首歌是tango rock& roll?

这首歌是韩宝仪演唱的,不是邓丽君。Tango Cha Cha,Rumba Rock and Roll,指的是舞种名:探戈(Tango)、恰恰(Cha Cha)、伦巴(Rumba)、摇摆舞(Rock and Roll)。探戈(tango)是一种双人舞蹈,源于非洲,流行于阿根廷。拉丁舞-恰恰恰(Cha-Cha-Cha),是曼波舞最原始的衍生舞蹈,在20世纪五十年代拉丁舞蹈-恰恰是风靡全美国,最流行的拉丁社会舞蹈。恰恰舞是所有拉丁舞中最受欢迎的舞蹈。伦巴(Rumba)也被称为爱情之舞,拉丁舞项目之一。源自十六世纪非洲的黑人歌舞的民间舞蹈,流行于拉丁美洲,后在古巴得到发展,所以又叫古巴伦巴。摇摆舞(rock and roll)是欧美各国普遍流行的一种快节奏交谊舞,又叫两步摇滚,摇摆舞动作欢快洒脱,变化多样,与其它交谊舞相比,摇摆舞更活泼、欢快。《舞女泪》演唱者韩宝仪是台湾一位柔情派歌手,在台湾与邓丽君、高胜美、蔡琴齐名。上个世纪八十年代末一曲《粉红色的回忆》曾响彻中国大街小巷,那个时候几乎所有的地方都放着韩宝仪的歌。歌名:舞女泪作词:林俊民作曲:林俊民演唱:韩宝仪所属专辑:《一个小微笑》发行时间:2005-12-01发行公司:皇星全音歌词:一步踏错终身错下海伴舞为了生活舞女也是人心中的痛苦向谁说为了生活的逼迫颗颗泪水往肚吞落难道这是命注定一生在那风尘过伴舞摇呀摇搂搂又抱抱人格早已酒中泡夜夜Tango Cha ChaRumba Rock and Roll谁叫我是一个舞女一步踏错终身错下海伴舞为了生活舞女也是人心中的痛苦向谁说为了生活的逼迫颗颗泪水往肚吞落难道这是命注定一生在那风尘过伴舞摇呀摇搂搂又抱抱人格早已酒中泡夜夜Tango Cha ChaRumba Rock and Roll谁叫我是一个舞女为了生活的逼迫颗颗泪水往肚吞落难道这是命注定一生在那风尘过伴舞摇呀摇搂搂又抱抱人格早已酒中泡夜夜Tango Cha ChaRumba Rock and Roll谁叫我是一个舞女
2023-07-15 10:08:361


摇滚(Rock and Roll)是一种音乐类型,起源于1940年代末期的美国,1950年代早期开始流行,迅速风靡全球。摇滚乐以其灵活大胆的表现形式和富有激情的音乐节奏表达情感,受到了全世界大多数人的喜爱,并在1960年代和1970年代形成一股热潮。
2023-07-15 10:08:293

瞬息全宇宙 英文

瞬息全宇宙的英文:Instantly throughout the universe瞬息全宇宙的介绍:《瞬息全宇宙》是由丹·关、丹尼尔·施因内特执导,杨紫琼、杰米·李·柯蒂斯、关继威等主演的喜剧奇幻片,于2022年3月25日在北美上映,7月29日在北美重映。该片讲述一名被生活折腾得筋疲力尽的母亲经历多个平行宇宙试图战胜邪恶、解救女儿并保住家庭的故事。剧情简介:伊芙琳(杨紫琼饰)是美国亚裔社区里再普通不过的中年大妈,和丈夫威蒙德(关继威饰)苦心经营着一家小洗衣店,上有行动不便的老爹(吴汉章饰),下有叛逆独立的女儿乔伊(许玮伦饰),他们平凡得有些枯燥的生活轨迹里,最大的挑战就是去税务局报税。在某个糟糕的报税日,伊芙琳那外表怯懦的丈夫突然“成龙化”,只有这个宇宙的伊芙琳可以打败邪恶势力,拯救所有的“多元宇宙”。此前人生中几乎一事无成的伊芙琳就这样成了救世主,可以通过连接其他宇宙,感知无数个不同版本的自己,功夫巨星、大厨、甚至是石头。通过这种方式,伊芙琳不仅能够迅速获得“另一个自己”的技能,还发现邪恶势力的源头就是自己的女儿乔伊,而想要挽救整个混乱的“宇宙网络”,不只要靠拳脚,还需要家人的包容和理解之爱。
2023-07-15 10:08:271


2023-07-15 10:08:221

no sooner...than… hardly….when… the moment /minute,as soon as。。directly,immediately

as soon as, hardly…when…no sooner…than… than…这三个短语都有“一……就”、“刚刚……就”的意思,它们的意思非常相近,因此有时可以互换。例如:“我刚到公共汽车站,汽车就开了。”一句,就可以有如下几句译法:As soon as I got to the bus stop, the bus started.Hardly had I got to the bus stop when the bus started.No sooner had I got to the bus stop than the bus started. hen the bus started.No sooner had I got to the bus stop than the bus started.但他们之间也有一些差异,例如,如果从两件事情的间隔时间来说,as soon as 较长,no sooner...than 居中,hardly...when 间隔时间最短。其它的一些区别见下面,请大家在运用的时候要留意。 1、as soon as as soon as它的意思相当于“A事情发生以后,就做B这件事”。这个短语用的比较常用,口语和书面语都可以。它的特点是,在句子中的位置比较灵活,而且可以用于各种时态。例如:I”ll write you as soon as I get there.我一到那儿就给你来信。(一般现在时)As soon as I went in, Katherine cried out with pleasure.我一进门,Katherine 就高兴的叫起来。(一般过去时)I”ll return the book as soon as I have read it.我一读完就把书还回去。(现在完成时)Andrew left as soon as he had drunk his coffee.Andrew一喝完咖啡就走了。(过去完成时) 2、no sooner…than than它的意思相当于“刚做完A这件事,就做B这件事”。例如:He had no sooner returned than he bought a house.他一回来就买了一套房子。如果no sooner 位于句首,主句要用倒装结构。例如:No sooner had he arrived than he went away again.他刚到就又走了。No sooner had the game started No sooner had the game started  than it began to rain heavily运动会刚开始,天就下起了大雨。有一点要注意,no sooner…than 一般用来描述做过的事情,它不能用于表示将来的事。 3、hardly…when... when...它的意思是“几乎未来得及做完A这件事,紧接着就开始B这件事。”使用这个短语时,一般用于过去完成时;并且when有时可改用before。例如:He had hardly finished the article when the light went out.他刚写完文,灯就熄了。He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house.他还未安顿下来,就卖掉了那所房子。另外,如果把hardly放于句首,主句要用倒装结构即谓语动词要提前。如:Hardly had I finished eating when he came in.我刚吃完他就进来了。Hardly had she gone out when a student came to visit her.她还没走出家门,就有一个学生来看望她。 注意 as soon as / no sooner … than / hardly … when 的区别: as soon as 引导时间状语从句时,表示主句和从句的动作紧接着发生,可与 the moment / the minute / the instant / immediately / directly / instantly 互换。 no sooner … than 与 hardly … when 用法一样, no sooner 和 hardly 之后一般要用过去完成时, than 和 when 之后用过去时;若 no sooner, hardly 放在句首时,则主谓要倒装。例如: As soon as /The moment / The minute / The instant / Directly / Immediately /Instantly he comes, please let me know. He had hardly finished his homework when he went to bed. = He had no sooner finished his homework than he went to bed. = No sooner had he finished his homework than he went to bed. = Hardly had he finished his homework when he went to bed.
2023-07-15 10:08:201


2023-07-15 10:08:195

princess是什么意思 解释princess一词的含义?

2023-07-15 10:08:182


语料库的用途如下:语料库指经科学取样和加工的大规模电子文本库,其中存放的是在语言的实际使用中真实出现过的语言材料。语料库有多种类型,确定类型的主要依据是它的研究目的和用途,这一点往往能够在语料采集的原则和方式上有所体现。有人曾经把语料库分成四种类型:⑴异质的(Heterogeneous):没有特定的语料收集原则,广泛收集并原样存储各种语料;⑵同质的(Homogeneous):只收集同一类内容的语料;⑶系统的(Systematic):根据预先确定的原则和比例收集语料,使语料具有平衡性和系统性,能够代表某一范围内的语言事实;⑷专用的(Specialized):只收集用于某一特定用途的语料。除此之外,按照语料的语种,语料库也可以分成单语的(Monolingual)、双语的(Bilingual)和多语的(Multilingual)。按照语料的采集单位,语料库又可以分为语篇的、语句的、短语的。双语和多语语料库按照语料的组织形式,还可以分为平行(对齐)语料库和比较语料库,前者的语料构成译文关系,多用于机器翻译、双语词典编撰等应用领域,后者将表述同样内容的不同语言文本收集到一起,多用于语言对比研究。已经累积了大量各种类型的语料库,如:葡萄牙语料库、面向文本分类研究的中英文新闻分类语料库、路透社文本分类训练语料库、中文文本分类语料库、大开放字幕库OpenSubtitles的多语言平行语料数据(OpenSubtitles Corpus)、Short messages service(SMS) corpus(短消息服务(SMS)语料)等。
2023-07-15 10:08:171


軽 けい ke i (常用) キン ki n かるい ka ru i かろや ka ro ya
2023-07-15 10:08:167

怎么读Rock and Roll

2023-07-15 10:08:136