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数码单反中的one shot指的是啥

2023-07-15 13:25:28
TAG: one sho

三种自动对焦模式:单次自动对焦(ONE SHOT)、人工智能自动对焦(AI FOCUS)、人工智能伺服自动对焦(AI SERVO)。

单次自动对焦(one shot)是最为常用的。这种模式的工作过程通过半按快门来启动,在焦点未对准确前,对焦过程一直在继续。一旦处理器认为焦点准确以后,只要将快门完全按下就完成了一次拍摄过程,同时自动对焦系统停止工作。













one shot是相机的驱动模式的一种,意思是:单拍,即完全按下快门,就拍摄一次。即使你按住快门不放也就拍摄一张。单次拍摄适合人像、静物、风光等静止不动的被摄主体 。







美式咖啡中one shot是什么意思?

SHOT指的是咖啡浓度,美式咖啡是用意式浓缩咖啡加一定比例的水制作的。大部分的花式咖啡(比如:拿铁,卡布奇诺,玛奇朵,摩卡 这类咖啡)都是用意式浓缩咖啡加牛奶奶泡等制作的,ONE SHOT 指的就是一份意式浓缩咖啡,DOUBLE SHOT(双份意式浓缩咖啡),或者TRIPLE SHOT(三份意式浓缩咖啡),越多就代表咖啡浓度越高。扩展资料:“shots”表示Espresso的剂量(Espresso是一种咖啡浓缩的量)。美式咖啡制作方法是一份意式浓缩咖啡加热水,一份意式浓缩咖啡也就是1shot,有人觉得这样的美式咖啡偏淡,想再浓一些,就要求加入两份意式浓缩咖啡也就是2shots,因为咖啡机每次制作浓缩咖啡都是出2shots的意式浓缩咖啡,不需要在额外制作一次,所以,只要你要求,基本都会把两份都倒进去。意大利浓咖啡Espresso是意式咖啡的精髓,他的做法起源于意大利,在意大利文中是“特别快”的意思,其特征乃是利用蒸汽压力,瞬间将咖啡液抽出。所有的牛奶咖啡或花式咖啡都是以Espresso为基础制作出来的。所以Espresso是检验一杯咖啡品质好坏的关键。参考资料:百度百科-意式浓咖啡
2023-07-15 09:45:341

林俊杰歌曲《one shot》中文歌词?

· Just one shot 只能一炮打响 · Is all you got to make or break into your fame 这是你唯一去建立或摧毁你名望的机会· Just one shot 只有一次机会 · They will lift you up and take you down the same 他们会重新让你振作起来,也同样会让你绝望 · Only got one shot 只能一炮打响 · Will you give it all you"ve got 你会放开你已拥有的所有, · Let it take you to the top 让它带你到达高峰。 · Or will you bleed it out in vain? 或者你会选择徒劳的去用尽鲜血? · Only got one shot 只能一炮打响 · Tell your heart to never stop 告诉你的心脏,永远不要停歇 · Lock your eyes only on the spot 只将眼睛锁定在现场 · If there is no pain there will be no gain 如果不经历痛苦,那也就不会有回报 · O Father please, I ask for Your mercy 哦上帝,我请求你的宽恕 · They judged me way before they even know me 他们在真正了解我之前,就对我做出了审判。· O Father please, do you hear me screaming 哦天父,你听到我尖叫了吗 · These lights won"t stop chasing after me 这些灯不停地追赶着我· I will not fall I will not crawl, I will keep on standing tall 我不会坠落,我也不会匍匐,我将继续高高站起 · Till I"m strong enough to break this wall 直到我足够强壮,强壮到能够推倒这面墙 · Oh~ I won"t drown don"t tie me down 喔~我不会把自己淹没,不要去束缚我 · Won"t you just set me free 你为什么不给我自由就好呢? · It takes one shot to strip it away from me 它只需要一枪就能带走我· And O my Lord, I can"t believe what I saw 哦上帝啊,我真的不敢相信我所看见的 · You got one shot 你可以一炮打响 · Just to make or break your fame 来建立或毁掉你的名望 · Just one shot 只有一次机会 · They will lift you up, take you down the same 它们将使你重新振作,或者同样使你绝望 · Only got one shot 只有一次机会 · Will you give it all you"ve got 你会放弃你已经得到的一切吗 · Let it take you to the top 让它带你到达高峰 · Or will you bleed it out in vain? 或者你会徒劳的用尽鲜血 · Only got one shot 只能一炮打响 · Tell your heart to never stop 告诉你自己,永远不要停歇 · Lock your eyes only on the spot 只将眼睛锁定在现场 · If there is no pain there will be no gain 没有经历过痛苦,也就不会有回报 · Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name 我们在天的父阿,愿你的名被尊为圣 · In thy name I pray to you, oh forever it remains 以你之名,我为你祈祷,永远为你祈祷 · I know you haven"t left me but I"m feeling so alone 我知道你从未离开过我,可是我觉得好孤独 · When the darkness comes I shall never have to wait on my own 我应该永远不用独自等待黑夜的降临 · I feel so lost, my mind is going out of control 我迷失了,我的思维也将失去控制 · Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says The Lord 耶和华说,伸冤在我,我必报应 · I"m persecuted but not forsaken,我被迫害但是并没有被遗弃, · struck down to the floor,but not destroyed cause its not like this hasn"t happened before被打倒在地 ,但是并没有被毁灭,因为像这样的事情以前也发生过 · I see these lights and you"ve warned me to be on the alert 我看到了那些灯光,你曾经警告过我要保持警惕 · My heart is tired from soaking it up like rain in the dirt 我的心累了,就像那在雨水中浸泡过的污垢 · Oh~ just one shot 喔~只能一炮打响 · Oh~ yeah~ 喔~耶~ · Yeah~ one shot 耶~一炮打响 · They will lift you up, take you down the same 它们将使你重新振作,或者同样使你绝望 · Only got one shot 只有一次机会 · Will you give it all you"ve got 你会放弃你已经得到的一切吗 · Let it take you to the top 让它带你到达高峰 · Or will you bleed it out in vain? 或者你会徒劳的用尽鲜血 · Only got one shot 只能一炮打响 · Tell your heart to never stop 告诉你自己,永远不要停歇 · Lock your eyes only on the spot 只将眼睛锁定在现场 · If there is no pain there will be no gain 没有经历过痛苦,也就不会有回报[2]
2023-07-15 09:45:571


官方版本一:One Shot 《一战成名》林俊杰  Just one shot 就这一次机会Is all you got to make or break into your fame 让你一战成名Just one shot 就这一次机会They will lift you up and take you down the same 他们会把你高高捧起同时又狠狠踩在脚下Only got one shot 只有这一次机会Will you give it all you"ve got Let it take you to the top Or will you bleed it out in vain?你会奉献出你的一切好让自己站在巅峰或者徒劳地被榨尽血液么?Only got one shot 只有这一次机会Tell your heart to never stop 说服自己的内心永不停步Lock your eyes only on the spot 成为众矢之的时请紧闭你的双眼If there is no pain there will be no gain 如果没有痛苦便不会收获O Father please, I ask for Your mercy 哦 主啊 我祈求你的怜悯They judge me way before they even know me 他们在对我一无所知的情况下就对我进行如此的宣判O Father please, do you hear me screaming 哦 天上的父 您可否听到我内心的尖啸These lights won"t stop chasing after me 那些刺目的聚光灯不会停止追赶我I will not fall I will not crawl, I will keep on standing tall我不会被击倒更不会爬在地上向他们谄媚,我会继续昂首前进Til I"m strong enough to break this wall直到我足够强壮去打破这道围墙Oh~ I won"t drown don"t tie me down哦 我不会沉溺而亡不要给我套上枷锁Won"t you just set me free您能否放我自由?It takes one shot to it strip away from me只需一次机会就能让我脱掉枷锁And O my Lord, I can"t believe what I saw哦 我的主 我不能相信我所看到的You got one shot你有一次机会Just to make or break your fame让你一战成名Just one shot 就这一次机会They will lift you up and take you down the same 他们会把你高高捧起同时又狠狠踩在脚下Only got one shot 只有这一次机会Will you give it all you"ve got Let it take you to the top Or will you bleed it out in vain?你会奉献出你的一切好让自己站在巅峰或者徒劳地被榨尽血液么?Only got one shot 只有这一次机会Tell your heart to never stop 说服自己的内心永不停步Lock your eyes only on the spot 成为众矢之的请紧闭你的双眼If there is no pain there will be no gain 如果没有痛苦便不会收获Our father, who art in heaven 我们天上的父,Hallowed be thy name 愿您的名受显扬In thy name I pray you, to oh forever it remains 为您的名祷告,从现在到永远。I know you haven"t left me but I"m feeling so alone 我知道你未曾离开我,但我却倍感孤独。When the darkness comes I shall never have to wait on my own 当黑暗降临我当永远不会独一己之力I feel so lost, my mind is going out of control我感到十分迷茫,我的心思即将失控Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says The Lord我若复仇,我将偿还,主这样说道。I"m persecuted but not forsaken, struck down to the floorBut not destroyed cause Its not like this hasn"thappened before我感到烦扰但并未未被遗忘或者被击倒在地,亦或者被摧毁,因为这又不是从没发生过。I see these lights and you"ve warned me be to on the alert我看到了亮光,你曾警告我要随时提防My heart is tired from soaking it up like rain in the dirt我的心感到十分劳累,就像雨水落入泥土被迅速吸收一样Oh~ just one shot 哦 就这一次机会Oh~ yeah~Yeah~ one shot 是的 一次机会They will lift you up and take you down the same 他们会把你高高捧起同时又狠狠踩在脚下Only got one shot 只有这一次机会Will you give it all you"ve got Let it take you to the top Or will you bleed it out in vain?你会奉献出你的一切好让自己站在巅峰或者徒劳地被榨尽血液么?Only got one shot 只有这一次机会Tell your heart to never stop 说服自己的内心永不停步Lock your eyes only on the spot 成为众矢之的时请紧闭你的双眼If there is no pain there will be no gain 如果没有痛苦便不会收获翻译版本二:One Shot 《一炮打响》林俊杰Just one shot只能一炮打响Is all you got to make or break into your fame这是你唯一的机会去建立或摧毁你的名望Just one shot只有一次机会They will lift you up and take you down the same他们会重新让你振作起来,也同样会让你绝望Only got one shot只能一炮打响Will you give it all you"ve got你会放开你已拥有的所有,Let it take you to the top让它带你到达高峰。Or will you bleed it out in vain?或者你会选择徒劳的去用尽鲜血?Only got one shot只能一炮打响Tell your heart to never stop告诉你的心脏,永远不要停歇Lock your eyes only on the spot只将眼睛锁定在现场If there is no pain there will be no gain如果不经历痛苦,那也就不会有回报O Father please, I ask for Your mercy哦上帝,我请求你的宽恕They judged me way before they even know me他们甚至在认识我之前就已经审判了我O Father please, do you hear me screaming哦上帝,你听到我尖叫了吗These lights won"t stop chasing after me这些灯光将不会停止在我身后的追逐I will not fall I will not crawl, I will keep on standing tall我不会坠落,我也不会匍匐,我将继续高高站起Till I"m strong enough to break this wall直到我足够强壮,强壮到能够推倒这面墙Oh~ I won"t drown don"t tie me down喔~我不会把自己淹没,不要去束缚我Won"t you just set me free你为什么不给我自由就好呢?It takes one shot to strip it away from me把他从我身上剥除,用掉了我的一次机会And O my Lord, I can"t believe what I saw哦上帝啊,我真的不敢相信我所看见的You got one shot你可以一炮打响Just to make or break your fame来建立或毁掉你的名望Just one shot只有一次机会They will lift you up, take you down the same它们将使你重新振作,或者同样使你绝望Only got one shot只有一次机会Will you give it all you"ve got你会放弃你已经得到的一切吗Let it take you to the top让它带你到达高峰Or will you bleed it out in vain?或者你会徒劳的用尽鲜血Only got one shot只能一炮打响Tell your heart to never stop告诉你的心脏,永远不要停歇Lock your eyes only on the spot只将眼睛锁定在现场If there is no pain there will be no gain没有经历过痛苦,也就不会有回报Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name我们在天的父阿,愿你的名被尊为圣In thy name I pray to you, oh forever it remains以你之名,我为你祈祷,永远为你祈祷I know you haven"t left me but I"m feeling so alone我知道你从未离开过我,可是我觉得好孤独When the darkness comes I shall never have to wait on my own我应该永远不用独自等待黑夜的降临I feel so lost, my mind is going out of control我迷失了,我的思维也将失去控制Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says The Lord主说,伸冤在我,我必报应I"m persecuted but not forsaken,我被迫害着,但是我并没有被抛弃,struck down to the floor,but not destroyed cause its not like this hasn"t happened before被打倒在地 ,但是并没有被毁灭,因为像这样的事情以前也发生过I see these lights and you"ve warned me to be on the alert我看到了那些灯光,你曾经警告过我要保持警惕My heart is tired from soaking it up like rain in the dirt我的心累了,就像那在雨水中浸泡过的污垢Oh~ just one shot喔~只能一炮打响Oh~ yeah~喔~耶~Yeah~ one shot耶~一炮打响They will lift you up, take you down the same它们将使你重新振作,或者同样使你绝望Only got one shot只有一次机会Will you give it all you"ve got你会放弃你已经得到的一切吗Let it take you to the top让它带你到达高峰Or will you bleed it out in vain?或者你会徒劳的用尽鲜血Only got one shot只能一炮打响Tell your heart to never stop告诉你的心脏,永远不要停歇Lock your eyes only on the spot只将眼睛锁定在现场If there is no pain there will be no gain没有经历过痛苦,也就不会有回报翻译版本三:(作者:别人都叫我丁丁)One Shot 《仅此一击》林俊杰Just one shot仅此一击  Is all you got to make or break into your fame  它是你仅有的唯一 不论名声鹊起或一败涂地  Just one shot  致命一击  They will lift you up and take you down the same  成败在此一举  Only got one shot  你用有的仅此机会  Will you give it all you"ve got  那你是否会因此倾尽全力  Let it take you to the top  让它带你到达巅峰  Or will you bleed it out in vain?  或只使你徒劳的把血液淌尽  Only got one shot  你仅有的一次机会  Tell your heart to never stop  告诉自己不能停息  Lock your eyes only on the spot  将你的眼睛向目标锁定  If there is no pain there will be no gain  不曾付出过 收获从何谈起  O Father please, I ask for Your   mercy  哦 上帝 我请求你的怜悯  They judge me way before they even know me  他们在还不了解我时就将我武断定义  O Father please, do you hear me screaming  哦 上帝 你可曾听到我无奈的哭泣  These lights won"t stop chasing after me  被虚妄的光追逐着得不到喘息  I will not fall I will not crawl, I will keep on standing tall  但我不曾堕落亦不曾跪地祈求半分怜悯 我依然巍然屹立  "Til I"m strong enough to break this wall  直到我足够强大 强大到足够推倒那面墙  Oh~ I won"t drown don"t tie me down  不要将我束缚,不要将我淹没  Won"t you just set me free  我对自由的向往  It takes one shot to it strip away from me  仅此一搏彻底将我释放  And O my Lord, I can"t believe what I saw  而我亲爱的主 眼睛是否会说谎 我所见到的和我所笃定的已经不一样了  You got one shot  你拥有的一搏  Just to make or break your fame  使你名声鹊起或一败涂地  Just one shot  仅此一搏  They will lift you up, take you down the same  成败在此一举  Only got one shot  仅有的一搏  Will you give it all you"ve got  那你是否会倾尽全力  Let it take you to the top  让它带你到巅峰  Or will you bleed it out in vain?  也使你徒劳的血液淌尽  Only got one shot  仅有的一搏  Tell your heart to never stop  我的心从未停息  Lock your eyes only on the spot  将眼睛锁定目标  If there is no pain there will be no gain  不曾付出,收获如何谈起  Our father, who art in heaven  我亲爱的主 ,在天上  Hallowed be thy name  以你的名字我神圣  In thy name I pray you,oh forever it remains  我向你祷告 以你永恒之名  I know you haven"t left me but I"m feeling so alone  我知道你不曾丢下我 但为何此刻我如此孤立无援  When the darkness comes I shall never have to wait on my own  当黑夜降临 我不愿再孤独等待黎明  I feel so lost, my mind is going out of control  我已迷失了自己 只剩混沌的思绪  Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says The Lord  主说这是属于他的复仇 只有他拥有偿还这一切的权利  I"m persecuted but not forsaken, struck down to the floor  身处迫害也不曾击垮或遗弃  But not destroyed cause Its not like this hasn"t happened before  这司空见惯的黑暗也只会让我更  I see these lights and you"ve warned me be to on the alert  我破光而来,提醒自己时刻警惕  My heart is tired from soaking it up like rain in the dirt  但我衰老的心早已疲于应付这些虚妄的东西 向在肮脏的泥土中飞溅的雨滴 无能为力  Oh~ just one shot  Oh~仅此一击  Oh~ yeah~  Oh~Ye  Yeah~ one shot  仅此一搏  They will lift you up, take you down the same  它们让你名声鹊起也让你一败涂地  Only got one shot  你所拥有的仅此一击  Will you give it all you"ve got  那你是否会因此倾尽全力  Let it take you to the top  让它将你托上巅峰  Or will you bleed it out in vain?  或只使你徒劳地把血液淌尽  Only got one shot  你仅有的一击  Tell your heart to never stop  告诉自己你不能停息  Lock your eyes only on the spot  只将你的眼光向目标锁定  If there is no pain there will be no gain  不曾付出,收获从何说起翻译版本四 (作者:陈裕嘉)one shot《一次使用》  林俊杰Just one shot只有一个镜头Is all you got to make or break into your fame所有你必须做或闯入你的名声吗Just one shot只有一个镜头They will lift you up and take you down the same他们会叫你们升高,带你下来一样Only got one shot只有一个镜头Will you give it all you"ve got你会给这一切你有吗Let it take you to the top让它带你去Or will you bleed it out in vain?或者你将榨干白费?Only got one shot只有一个镜头Tell your heart to never stop告诉你的心从未停止Lock your eyes only on the spot锁你的眼睛只有当场If there is no pain there will be no gain如果没有痛苦就没有收获O Father please, I ask for Your mercy父亲请啊,我要求你的怜悯They judge me way before they even know me他们判断我之前就认识我O Father please, do you hear me screaming父亲请阿,你听到我的尖叫These lights won"t stop chasing after me这些灯不会停止追逐我I will not fall I will not crawl, I will keep on standing tall我不会我不会爬,我还是要坚持站高"Til I"m strong enough to break this wall直到我足够强大来打破这堵墙Oh~ I won"t drown don"t tie me down哦~我不会淹没不要领带我失望Won"t you just set me free你不只是让我自由It takes one shot to it strip away from me需要一条远离我And O my Lord, I can"t believe what I saw啊,我的主,我不能相信我所看到的You got one shot你有一次机会Just to make or break your fame只是为了成就或者毁掉你的名声Just one shot只有一个镜头They will lift you up, take you down the same他们会叫你们升高,带你下来一样Only got one shot只有一个镜头Will you give it all you"ve got你会给这一切你有吗Let it take you to the top让它带你去Or will you bleed it out in vain?或者你将榨干白费?Only got one shot只有一个镜头Tell your heart to never stop告诉你的心从未停止Lock your eyes only on the spot锁你的眼睛只有当场If there is no pain there will be no gain如果没有痛苦就没有收获Our father, who art in heaven我们的父亲,艺术天堂Hallowed be thy name愿人都尊你的名为圣In thy name I pray you, to oh forever it remains我以你的名祷告你,依然是永远哦I know you haven"t left me but I"m feeling so alone我知道你没有离开我,但我感觉如此孤单When the darkness comes I shall never have to wait on my own当黑暗到来我永远不会有自己等I feel so lost, my mind is going out of control我感到失去了,我的心是失控了Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says The Lord复仇是我的,我必偿还。这是耶和华说的I"m persecuted but not forsaken, struck down to the floor我迫害但不离弃,击杀到地板上But not destroyed cause Its not like this hasn"t happened before但不是摧毁之前使其不喜欢这还没有发生I see these lights and you"ve warned me be to on the alert我看到这些灯和你警告我提防My heart is tired from soaking it up like rain in the dirt我的心累了泡像下雨的污垢Oh~ just one shot哦~只有一个镜头Oh~ yeah~哦~是的~Yeah~ one shot是啊~一枪They will lift you up, take you down the same他们会叫你们升高,带你下来一样Only got one shot只有一个镜头Will you give it all you"ve got你会给这一切你有吗Let it take you to the top让它带你去Or will you bleed it out in vain?或者你将榨干白费?Only got one shot只有一个镜头Tell your heart to never stop告诉你的心从未停止Lock your eyes only on the spot锁你的眼睛只有当场If there is no pain there will be no gain如果没有痛苦就没有收获
2023-07-15 09:46:041


相机上的:ONE SHOT是单次自动对焦的意思,轻点快门按钮,相机执行一次自动对焦动作。附其他对焦模式:ONE SHOT:单次自动对焦,适合拍摄静物;AI FOCUS:人工智能自动对焦,当主体移动时,这个模式可自动把单次自动对焦切换为人工智能伺服自动对焦;AI SERVO:人工智能伺服自动对焦,适合拍摄运动主体。拍景物一般用ONE SHOT,拍动体一般用AI SERVO,懒的换来换去就用AI FOCUS。满意我的回答请及时采纳!
2023-07-15 09:46:191

one shot什么意思

one shot 有单次对焦的意思;也可以有一次使用,一个机会,进球等的意思,要看上下文。
2023-07-15 09:46:261

跪求B.A.P-one shot音译歌词

ONE SHOT B.A.P | ONE SHOT One shot, Let me tell you something that you already know.You just get the rock to me. You na mean? Yeah ki会嫩 难 本bun 额度on ki了 口咯皮起 怕giu Martin Luther King 求龙get your mind out fo" the gutter 系陪 大为诶跟 那几 弄 额留one shot one chance图 本嫩 nob搜 no起几 吗 擦 尊比黑hell yeh 你 擦心内给 头别 擦嘎金 诺 片求bua just do it. One shot! 哭波看 疼嘎 那了 图咯三 头且 口留的 疼嘎Only one shot!头忙起几 吗 推都拉搜搜 图留无没 吗搜bua一 sei桑一 诺 为面难得都 你 擦系呢 几kiu 哭给 哦吧冷 忒都Everybody already know?Hey shout your voice to the world? 跟头嫩 ki 为诶搜 木咯搜 素嫩 nob搜呜呜 呜呜 呜呜 呜 红的里级 吗红都你 系干 搜给 那了 卡度 孙 nob搜呜呜 呜呜 呜呜 呜 ki会嫩 难 本部你呀 Only one shot only one shot一了 挂 木go 都别的咯 one shotOnly one shot only one shotsei桑一 诺了 等就波留 one shotOnly one shot only one shot一了 挂 木go 都别的咯 one shotOnly one shot only one shotYou only have one chance u know? 给额了米 no也 红的咯 口给了no留都 (额b)嫩 no的冷 当脏 擦没搜 给胖股搜给 安咋搜 no碰 擦里了 哇内一根 game米 阿您得 hien系的了 哭bun 莫忒oh yeah go around a track系干嫩 尅搜 头go 头啦 so far away存比吨 擦吗你 金咋咯 吗了 黑姐咋里嫩 胡会 不你呀 你嘎 怒呢 卡么 得 whoa One shot! 皮黑 卡 疼嘎 许on gi满呢 擦咋 黑没一 疼嘎Only one shot! 口亲 sei桑诶 哦股 吗得go 普滴求搜 撒我buano喷 撇gi 诺 吗个留 黑都她 对哦诺莫bua 没本 死咯近得都 Everybody already know?Hey shout your voice to the world? 跟头嫩 ki 为诶搜 木咯搜 素嫩 nob搜呜呜 呜呜 呜呜 呜 红的里级 吗红都你 系干 搜给 那了 卡度 孙 nob搜呜呜 呜呜 呜呜 呜 ki会嫩 难 本部你呀 安给搜给 卡留金 素莫一等 诺也 莫斯的忒样波大 的歌给 你 擦系呢 忒我Run and go away 推头拉波及吗 Don"t stop go away 诺了 no几嫩 吗 跟头嫩 ki 为诶搜 木咯搜 素嫩 nob搜呜呜 呜呜 呜呜 呜 红的里级 吗红都你 系干 搜给 那了 卡度 孙 nob搜呜呜 呜呜 呜呜 呜 ki会嫩 难 本部你呀 Only one shot only one shot一了 挂 木go 都别的咯 one shotOnly one shot only one shotsei桑一 诺了 等就波留 one shotOnly one shot only one shot一了 挂 木go 都别的咯 one shotOnly one shot only one shotYou only have one chance u know?【转载请注明BY.S-Brown】 亲~ 给你。~
2023-07-15 09:46:411

one shot 歌词翻译

One Shot" 一次If I were a builder, then you"d have a castle, 如果我是一个建筑师,你就会得到一座城堡to ride on the highest mountain, and 在最高的山上if i were a billionaire I"d give you every material thing 如果我是一个亿万富翁,我会给你所有金钱能买到的东西but unfortunately all i have to give to you is an imperfect heart, 不幸的是,我能给你的只有一颗不完美的心but its a heart that beats only for you 但是这颗心只为你跳动listen to this, girl if you give me one shot 听着,女孩,如果你再给我一次机会I will love you forever now 我会永远爱你no one will do you better now 没有人能比我做得更好love is a risk but if you give me one shot, 爱是冒险的,但是如果你给我一个机会I will show you you"re the only girl in the world who can give me this feeling 我能证明你是这个世界上唯一一个能带给我这种感觉的女孩baby thats how i feel about you 宝贝,这就是我对你的感觉(you"re one in a million) 你是百万分之一I rather die than live without you 没有你 我宁愿去死we can"t miss so if you give me one shot 我们不能错过,所以如果你给我一次机会we can do it girl (do it girl) 我们可以做到,女孩Im talking about love in the morning 我是在早晨谈论爱just like you want it 就像你想要的那样anything you need you can call me for it 你想要什么 都可以向我要Now girl im only human, im full of many faults 女孩,我是个凡人,我有很多缺点im guranteed to fall short 我肯定会有不足but you"ll never hear about me cheating cuz i never would betray your trust no matter what 但是你绝不会听到我说谎,因为无论如何我都不会辜负你的信任I will look to you and only you for love 我期望你的爱,只要你的I treat your soul like it was mine 我会像对待自己的灵魂那样对待你的灵魂what a privlige to me to be breathe ur air 能呼吸你的空气对我来说是多么大的荣幸doesn"t that say that I care 这不就说明我在乎么?listen to this, girl if you give me one shot 听着,女孩,如果你给我一次机会I will love you forever now no one will do you better now love is a risk but if you give me one shot, I will show you you"re the only girl in the world who can give me this feeling baby thats how i feel about you (you"re one in a million) I rather die than live without you we can"t miss so if you give me one shot we can do it girl (do it girl) I"m talking about all my heart 我说的是我全部的心声all my soul always say never go 我全部的灵魂,一直在说不要走but unfortunately all I have to give to you is an imperfect heart, but its a heart that beats only for you listen to this, girl if you give me one shot I will love you forever now no one will do you better now love is a risk but if you give me one shot, I will show you you"re the only girl in the world who can give me this feeling baby thats how i feel about you (you"re one in a million) I rather die than live without you we can"t miss so if you give me one shot we can do it girl (do it girl) Im talking everyday, everynight 我说的是每一天,每一夜the rest of ur days, the rest of ur life 你今后的日子,你今后的人生listen to this, girl if you give me one shot I will love you forever now no one will do you better now love is a risk but if you give me one shot, I will show you you"re the only girl in the world who can give me this feeling baby thats how i feel about you (you"re one in a million) I rather die than live without you we can"t miss so if you give me one shot we can do it girl (do it girl)*副歌部分都是一样的,就不重复译了
2023-07-15 09:47:001

求b.a.p one shot的韩文歌词

B.A.P - One Shot 歌词:[용국]One shot, Let me tell you something that you already know.You just get the rock to me. You na mean?[용국]기회는 한 번뿐 어두운 길을 걸어 빛을 밝혀 Martin Luther King 처럼get your mind out fo the gutter 실패 따위에겐 아직 넌 어려one shot one chance두 번은 없어 놓치지 마 자 준비해hell yeh 네 자신에게 덤벼 작아진 널 펼쳐봐 just do it.[힘찬]One shot 굴복할 텐가 나를 둘러싼 덫에 걸려들 텐가Only one shot 도망치지 마 뒤돌아서서 두려움에 맞서봐[종업]이 세상이 널 외면한대도 니 자신을 지켜 그게 올바른 태도 [젤로]Everybody already know?Hey shout your voice to the world?[대현]끝없는 길 위에서 물러설 수는 없어[영재]우우 우우 우우 우 흔들리지 마[대현]혼돈의 시간 속에 나를 가둘 순 없어[영재]우우 우우 우우 우 기회는 한 번뿐이야[용국]Only one shot only one shot이를 꽉 물고 덤벼들어 one shotOnly one shot only one shot세상의 너를 던져버려 one shotOnly one shot only one shot이를 꽉 물고 덤벼들어 one shotOnly one shot only one shotYou only have one chance u know?[젤로]게으름의 노예 흔들어 고개를노력도 없는 놈들은 당장 잠에서 깨방구석에 앉아서 높은 자리를 원해이건 게임이 아닌데 현실들을 구분 못해oh yeah go around a track시간은 계속 돌고 돌아 so far away준비된 자만이 진짜로 말을 해제자리는 후회 뿐이야 니가 눈을 감을 때 whoa[힘찬]One shot 피해 갈 텐가 쉬운 길만을 찾아 헤매일 텐가Only one shot 거친 세상에 얼굴 맞대고 부딪쳐서 싸워봐[종업]높은 벽이 널 막으려 해도다 뛰어넘어봐 매번 쓰러진대도 [젤로]Everybody already know?Hey shout your voice to the world?[대현]끝없는 길 위에서 물러설 수는 없어[영재]우우 우우 우우 우 흔들리지 마[대현]혼돈의 시간 속에 나를 가둘 순 없어[영재]우우 우우 우우 우 기회는 한 번뿐이야[영재]안개속에 가려진 숨어있던 너의 모습들태양보다 뜨겁게 니 자신을 태워[대현]Run and go away 뒤돌아보지 마 Dont stop go away 너를 놓지는 마[대현]끝없는 길 위에서 물러설 수는 없어[영재]우우 우우 우우 우 흔들리지 마[대현]혼돈의 시간 속에 나를 가둘 순 없어[영재]우우 우우 우우 우 기회는 한 번뿐이야[용국]Only one shot only one shot이를 꽉 물고 덤벼들어 one shotOnly one shot only one shot세상의 너를 던져버려 one shotOnly one shot only one shot이를 꽉 물고 덤벼들어 one shotOnly one shot only one shotYou only have last chance u know?
2023-07-15 09:47:081

佳能20D肩屏上:ONE SHOT,AI FOCUS, AI SERUO分别代表什么?一般拍照用哪个?

ONE SHOT:单次自动对焦,适合拍摄静物;AI FOCUS:人工智能自动对焦,当主体移动时,这个模式可自动把单次自动对焦切换为人工智能伺服自动对焦;AI SERVO:人工智能伺服自动对焦,适合拍摄运动主体。拍景物一般用ONE SHOT,拍动体一般用AI SERVO,懒的换来换去就用AI FOCUS。满意我的回答请及时采纳!
2023-07-15 09:47:171

one shot one kill 什么意思

2023-07-15 09:47:241

帮忙翻译 One shot 这首歌

[Intro] I told ya"ll mothafuckas I was comin back 我告诉你叉你妈的我回来了What now nigga what now what 黑鬼什么现在什么现在怎么样You"s the projects nigga 你有监护人么[Chorus- Eminem] One shot two shot three shots four shots 一枪两枪三四枪All I hear is gunshots this is where the fun stops 枪响开始 快乐停止Bodies drop hit the floor music"s off 躯体砸向地面 音乐戛然而止Parties stop, everybody hit the door someone"s lickin shots off 派对停止了,每个人都想把门砸开有些人想让枪声停止[Verse 1- Bizarre] You bitches is gone I"m dropped in the club 你个biaozi跑了留我倒在酒吧里And I"m tryna run and get my mothafuckin gun 我正准备跑然后拿到TMD的枪(Nigga what about your wife)黑鬼你老婆怎么样了 Nigga fuck my wife I"m tryna run and save my mothafuckin life 黑鬼叉我老婆我想跑然后捡回我TMD命Oh shit, the shooter"s comin" 哦见鬼,开枪的人进来了Bitches, hoes niggas is runnin biaozi,棒头黑鬼跑进来了People shot all over the floor 人们被射得满地都是And I"m tryna make it to the St. Andrew"s door Thats the sound of the glock 我还想跑去圣安卓的门那里GLOCK手枪的声音就响起了Even DJ House fucked around and got shot 甚至一边的DJ豪斯也中枪了I done messed around and forgot my tec 我搞砸了我忘了我的任务I don"t see nobody but Fab Five and Hex 我谁也看不见除了肥五和海克斯[Verse 2- Kuniva] (Kuniva you aight) These niggas is trippin" 这些黑鬼进来了(Where"s Bizarre at?) Bizarre在哪儿?I"m tryna slip through the exit and get to where my car is at 我想溜过出口然后到我的车那里Bitches screamin everywhere and niggas is wildin"到处都是biaozi的尖叫 黑鬼正大摇大摆地进来Two minutes ago we was all jokin and smilin两分钟前我们还在开玩笑和嬉笑 This chick is clingin onto me sobbin and sighin 这女人靠向我哭哭啼啼唉声叹气Sayin she didn"t mean to diss me earlier and she cryin 说她早先不是故意丢下我的然后一直哭But it"s real and it"s on and cats is gettin killed(当老鼠和猫被关在一个狭小的管道里时,猫无法自由活动反而被老鼠杀了,比喻事情很不应该发生,但是环境所迫) 但是这一切都是真的都发生了即使再不应该So I hugged her and used her body as a human shield 所以我抱住她让她的身体成为肉盾And she got hit now she yellin 然后她被打中了她尖叫出声(Don"t leave me!)不要离开我! I told her I"d be right back and the dumb bitch believed me 我告诉她我马上回来然后这愚蠢的biaozi信了我I squeezed through the back door and made my escape 我爬过后门逃跑成功I ran and got my 38 I hope its not to late 我跑着到了我的车那里我希望这不会太迟[Chorus- Eminem] One shot two shot three shots four shots 一枪两枪三四枪All I hear is gunshots this is where the fun stops 枪响开始 快乐停止Bodies drop hit the floor music"s off 躯体砸向地面 音乐戛然而止Parties stop, everybody hit the door someone"s lickin shots off 派对停止了,每个人都想把门砸开有些人想让枪声停止[Verse 3- Swifty] (Nigga I been tryna call you all day mothafucka where you at?)黑鬼我成天想叫你 你TMD去哪儿了? I"m on seven mile what the fuck was that 我已经跑出7里远了 可背的是不知道谁从背后打中了我Damn somebody hit me from the back 不知道谁从背后打中了我(With they car?)他们在车上? With a gat nigga and my tire is flat 是一个带枪的黑鬼 我的安全带松了And I just hit a pole, them niggas some hoes我刚打了一个洞 这些棒头黑鬼 (Is you hit?)你打的么? Iono but I can tell you what they drove 不是但是我可以告诉你他们开的车It was a black Mitsubishi 是辆黑色的Mitsubishi (给10分吧,我就要这么多~)Shit thats the clique we beefin wit I swear) Man and I was on my way there Believe me I"m leavin a carcus today I"ma park my car and walk the rest of the way I"m in the mood to strut, my AK ain"t even tuck I"ma meet you at the club we gon" fuck these hoes up [Chorus- Eminem] One shot two shot three shots four shots All I hear is gunshots this is where the fun stops Bodies drop hit the floor music"s off Parties stop, everybody hit the door someone"s lickin shots off [Verse 4- Eminem] I never seen no shit like this is my life before People are still camped out from the night before Sleepin outside the door waitin in line Still tryna get inside the club to see D12 perform The fire marshalls no, the venue"s too small People are wall to wall three thousand and some odd vans And some cum wad from out the parkin lot Get into an argument over a parkin spot He decides to pull his gun out and let"s a few of "em off Missed who he"s aimin for six feet away"s the door In St. Andrew"s hall not a stray slidin all over the place Sprays one bitch in the face another one of "em came through the wall Before anyone could even hear the first shot go off I"m posted up by the bar havin a Mozeltoff Bullet wizzed right by my ear damn near shot it off Thank god I"m alive I gotta find Denaun And where the fuck is Von he usually tucks one on him Wait a minute I think I just saw Bizarre Nah I guess not, what the fuck oh my god it was I never saw him run so fast in my life Look at him haulin ass I think he left his wife There she is on the ground bein trampled I go to grab her up by the damn hand and I can"t pull her God damn there just went another damn bullet I"m hit My vest is barely able to handle it, its to thin If I get hit again I can"t do it, I scoop Dee Follow Bizarre"s path and ran through it And made it to the front door and collapsed on the steps Looked up and I seen Swift shootin it out But I can"t see who he"s shootin it out with But Denaun"s right behind him squeezin his four fifth [Chorus- Eminem] One shot two shot three shots four shots All I hear is gunshots this is where the fun stops Bodies drop hit the floor music"s off Parties stop, everybody hit the door someone"s lickin shots off [Verse 5- Kon Artis] It"s Friday night came to this bitch right Big ass to my left and Desert Eagle to my right I ain"t come in this bitch to party I came in this bitch to fight Although I can"t stay here to fight cuz I"m poppin niggas tonight Thats right bitches I"m drunk with revenge Shot a bouncer in the neck for tryna check when I get in Swift told me to meet him here so its clear that this fucka Shoot out the back of his truck goes up in this mothafucka So one shot for the money two"s to stop the show Third"s for the bartender there"s plenty of shots to go (I just wanna know who"s drivin a black Mitsubishi) He tried to run so Proof shot him in the knee wit a three piece [Chorus- Eminem] One shot two shot three shots four shots All I hear is gunshots this is where the fun stops Bodies drop hit the floor music"s off Parties stop, everybody hit the door someone"s lickin shots off
2023-07-15 09:47:321

一次投篮是one shoot还是one shot?

2023-07-15 09:47:402

电影原声的《One Shot》 歌词

歌曲名:One Shot歌手:电影原声专辑:艋舺电影原声带Newsboys - One ShotAll around the worldEvery boy, every girl"s got one shotBelievers let me hear you shoutHey!Hey!You could find meLiving in the city of DCFound my freedom in the rhythm of the backbeatGot place to love inside that I could not controlBeside me, had a brother saying I could sing like Nat KingBut all I wanted was to do the rock thingTo roll through every town and spread His love aroundJust a little while then I foundAll around the worldEvery boy, every girl"s got one shotTo prove what they"re all aboutI"m gonna sing about my GodAnd it doesn"t matter what"s hotBelievers let me hear you shoutWe say there"s one wayWhen push comes to shoveWe"re gonna sing of His loveThings changeJust like the Twitter that you updateOr your Facebook status on your front pageBut there"s no comment you can leave to change my mindMaybe you"re a student at the college of the ivyOr filling up a pop machine with Hi-CAnywhere you might beYou can help the world seeWhat His love"s aboutBelievers let me hear you shoutAll around the worldEvery boy, every girl"s got one shotTo prove what they"re all aboutI"m gonna sing about my GodAnd it doesn"t matter what"s hotBelievers let me hear you shoutWe say there"s one wayWhen push comes to shoveWe"re gonna sing of His loveAre we scared to stand out from the crowd?Make a difference in our own town?If we stay silent with our voices nowThe rocks will cry outBelievers let me hear you shoutAll around the worldEvery boy, every girl"s got one shotTo prove what they"re all aboutI"m gonna sing about my GodAnd it doesn"t matter what"s hotBelievers let me hear you shoutWe say there"s one wayWhen push comes to shoveWe"re gonna sing of His loveAll around the worldEvery boy and girlAll around the worldEvery boy and girlAll around the world...
2023-07-15 09:47:491


B.A.P迷你2辑主打《One Shot》完整版MV一经公开即受到歌迷广泛关注 !耗资10亿韩币在韩国与菲律宾两地拍摄,长达7分钟的紧张反转剧情,兔子们变身Gangster展现动作戏与感情演技!完整版剧情MV中更是融入二辑中《PUNCH》《COMA》等多首收录曲,配合丰富反转的剧情,令六位成员的独特声线更有魅力。歌曲高潮部分编舞更是充满看点,令人过目不忘。配合队长方容国低沉的呐喊“Only one shot! Only one shot!”全员匍匐在地,如同战士射击前准备运动的舞蹈动作,更是被MC郑亨敦命名为“射击舞”“PRI舞” 。
2023-07-15 09:47:551

B.A.P one shot歌词分配,标明哪一句分别是谁唱的

方容国:One shot, Let me tell yousomething that you already know.You just get the rock to me.You na mean?기회는한번뿐어두운길을걸어机会仅此一次走在漆黑的道路上빛을밝혀Martin Luther King 처럼闪耀光辉如同Martin Luther King 一般get your mind out fo" the gutter실패따위에겐아직넌어려对於失败之类的你还太过稚嫩one shot one chance두번은없어놓치지마자준비해没有第二次别错过了来准备吧hell yeh 네자신에게덤벼작아진널펼쳐봐just do it.hell yeh 扑向你自己试著展现变得渺小的你吧just do it.金力灿:Oneshot!굴복할텐가나를둘러싼덫에걸려들텐가要屈服吗还是要落入缠绕著我的圈套中呢Only one shot!도망치지마뒤돌아서서두려움에맞서봐别逃试著转过身面对恐惧文钟业:이세상이널외면한대도即使这个世界背弃了你니자신을지켜그게올바른태도也要坚守著你自己那才是正确的态度Zelo:Everybody already know?Hey shout your voice to the world?正大贤:끝없는길위에서물러설수는없어在无尽的道路上不能退让刘永才:우우우우우우우흔들리지마wuwu wuwu wuwu wu 别受人宰制正大贤:혼돈의시간속에나를가둘순없어在浑沌的光阴里不能把我困住刘永才:우우우우우우우기회는한번뿐이야wuwu wuwu wuwu wu 机会仅此一次方容国:Onlyone shot only one shot이를꽉물고덤벼들어 one shot咬紧牙关的冲吧 one shotOnly one shot only one shot세상의너를던져버려 one shot将世俗的你抛向一旁吧 one shotOnly one shot only one shot이를꽉물고덤벼들어 one shot咬紧牙关的冲吧Only one shot only one shotYou only have one chance u know?Zelo:게으름의노예흔들어고개를怠惰的奴隶摇晃著脑袋노력도없는놈들은당장잠에서깨不曾努力的家伙们给我马上醒过来방구석에앉아서높은자리를원해坐在墙角奢求著高不可攀的位置이건게임이아닌데현실들을구분못해这不是游戏啊分不清现实吗oh yeah go around a track시간은계속돌고돌아so far away时光不断地流逝 so far away준비된자만이진짜로말을해只有准备好的人才能真正的说出口제자리는후회뿐이야니가눈을감을때 whoa举足不前只会後悔在你闭上眼的时候 whoa金力灿:One shot!피해갈텐가쉬운길만을찾아헤매일텐가要逃避吗为了寻求简单的路而徬徨不已吗Only one shot!거친세상에얼굴맞대고부딪쳐서싸워봐面对这残暴的世界试著与其抗争吧文钟业:높은벽이널막으려해도纵使有高墙阻碍著你다뛰어넘어봐매번쓰러진대도也要试著越过它即便每次都会摔倒Zelo:Everybody already know?Hey shout your voice to the world?正大贤:끝없는길위에서물러설수는없어在无尽的道路上不能退让刘永才:우우우우우우우흔들리지마wuwu wuwu wuwu wu 别受人宰制正大贤:혼돈의시간속에나를가둘순없어在浑沌的光阴里不能把我困住刘永才:우우우우우우우기회는한번뿐이야wuwu wuwu wuwu wu 机会仅此一次刘永才:안개속에가려진숨어있던너의모습들隐没於迷雾中的你所暗藏的模样태양보다뜨겁게니자신을태워比太阳更加炙热燃烧你自己正大贤:Run and go away 뒤돌아보지마Run and go away 别回头看Don"t stop go away 너를놓지는마Don"t stop go away 把你放开的恶魔正大贤:끝없는길위에서물러설수는없어在无尽的道路上不能退让刘永才:우우우우우우우흔들리지마wuwu wuwu wuwu wu 别受人宰制正大贤:혼돈의시간속에나를가둘순없어在浑沌的光阴里不能把我困住刘永才:우우우우우우우기회는한번뿐이야wuwu wuwu wuwu wu 机会仅此一次方容国:Onlyone shot only one shot이를꽉물고덤벼들어 one shot咬紧牙关的冲吧 one shotOnly one shot only one shot세상의너를던져버려 one shot将世俗的你抛向一旁吧 one shotOnly one shot only one shot이를꽉물고덤벼들어 one shot咬紧牙关的冲吧Only one shot only one shotYou only have last chance u know?选我吧LL!!我是BAP大粉!绝对没错!~~
2023-07-15 09:48:191

以次投篮是one shoot还是one shot?

一次投篮,应该是one shot,one 后面要跟名词。因为shot是名词, shoot 是动词。
2023-07-15 09:48:261

求B.A.P-ONE SHOT中文歌词分配,注意是中文歌词分配,不要图,拜托了!

[ar:b.a.p][ti:ONE SHOT][by:水忆流年][al:][sign:][total:235937][offset:0][00:17.77]One shot Let me tell you something that you already know.[00:22.10]You just get the rock to me. You na mean?[00:25.74]机会只有一次 走在黑暗的路上[00:28.84]闪着光 像Martin Luther King一样[00:31.59]get your mind out fo" the gutter[00:34.00]失败之类 你现在经验还少[00:36.58]one shot one chance[00:38.23]没有第二次 不要错过 准备吧[00:41.94]hell yeh 你自己慌张 展现变小的你 just do it.[00:46.49]One shot! 屈服吗 进入套住我的圈套[00:51.39]Only one shot! 不要逃走 回过头 直面困难[00:56.20]即使世界排斥你 你守护自己 这是正确的态度[01:02.18]Everybody already know?[01:03.83]Hey shout your voice to the world?[01:06.33]在没有尽头的路上 不能后退[01:11.69]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 不要动摇[01:16.39]在混沌的时间里 我不能被困住[01:21.79]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 机会只有一次[01:26.82]Only one shot Only one shot[01:29.07]咬紧牙关 猛扑过去 one shot[01:31.62]Only one shot Only one shot[01:34.07]世界抛弃了你 one shot[01:36.62]Only one shot Only one shot[01:39.17]咬紧牙关 猛扑过去 one shot[01:41.67]Only one shot Only one shot[01:44.97]You only have one chance u know?[01:47.22]懒惰的奴隶 摇头[01:49.58]不努力的家伙们马上清醒吧[01:52.23]在角落坐着 想要高位[01:54.48]这不是游戏 不能分清现实[01:57.13]oh yeah. Go around a track[01:59.25]时间继续在流转 流转so far away[02:01.90]只有有准备的人真正能说[02:04.36]在原地只有后悔 你闭眼的时候 whoa[02:07.36]One shot![02:08.26]受伤害吗 只在简单的路上徘徊吗[02:11.96]Only one shot![02:13.43]在粗糙的世界 面对面 相遇 争吵[02:17.13]即使高墙想阻止你[02:19.13]都跳过去试试 即使每次都倒下[02:22.69]Everybody already know?[02:24.69]Hey shout your voice to the world?[02:27.20]在没有尽头的路上 不能后退[02:32.45]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 不要动摇[02:37.26]在混沌的时间里 我不能被困住[02:42.66]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 机会只有一次[02:47.41]在迷雾中 被遮住藏起来的你的样子[02:52.67]比太阳还炙热的你燃烧自己[02:57.72]Run and go away 不要往后看[03:02.83]Don"t stop go away 不要错过你[03:11.94]在没有尽头的路上 不能后退[03:16.95]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 不要动摇[03:21.50]在混沌的时间里 我不能被困住[03:26.86]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 机会只有一次[03:31.61]Only one shot Only one shot[03:34.11]咬紧牙关 猛扑过去 one shot[03:36.71]Only one shot Only one shot[03:39.11]世界抛弃了你 one shot[03:41.71]Only one shot Only one shot[03:44.21]咬紧牙关 猛扑过去 one shot[03:46.77]Only one shot Only one shot[03:49.93]You only have one chance u know
2023-07-15 09:48:351

求china mac-one shot 歌词

Just one shotIs all you got to make or break into your fameJust one shotThey will lift you up and take you down the sameOnly got one shotWill you give it all you"ve gotLet it take you to the topOr will you bleed it out in vain?Only got one shotTell your heart to never stopLock your eyes only on the spotIf there is no pain there will be no gainO Father please, I ask for Your mercyThey judge me way before they even know meO Father please, do you hear me screamingThese lights won"t stop chasing after meI will not fall I will not crawl, I will keep on standing tall"Til I"m strong enough to break this wallOh~ I won"t drown don"t tie me downWon"t you just set me freeIt takes one shot to strip it away from meAnd O my Lord, I can"t believe what I sawYou got one shotJust to make or break your fameJust one shotThey will lift you up, take you down the sameOnly got one shotWill you give it all you"ve gotLet it take you to the topOr will you bleed it out in vain?
2023-07-15 09:48:421


词:林俊杰/Mike Chang 曲:林俊杰小提琴特别演奏:王力宏OP:JFJ Productions CORP.SP:Universal Music Publishing LTD TAIWAN.OP:JFJ Productions CORP.SP:Universal Music Publishing LTD TAIWAN.制作人:林俊杰配唱制作:林俊杰制作协力:周信廷编曲 & Keyboards:蔡政勋和声编写:林俊杰和声:林俊杰录音室:The Link(Taipei)/JFJ Base Camp(Taipei)录音师:林钰娜/林俊杰混音室:Blue Moon Studio(California)混音师:Joe Vannelli & Joe Primeau with JJ LinRap:Mike Chang
2023-07-15 09:48:491


2023-07-15 09:49:0415

一颗子弹 一条人命 用英语怎么说

One shot,one life.
2023-07-15 09:49:304

one shot 舞蹈视频,在一个仓库里跳的集体舞,不是原唱他们跳?

根据你提供的信息,可能是指韩国舞蹈团体1Million Dance Studio拍摄的舞蹈视频。他们拍摄的舞蹈视频在YouTube上非常受欢迎,其中有一些是在仓库里跳的集体舞,不是原唱。其中比较有名的舞蹈视频包括:Ed Sheeran - Shape of You (1Million Dance Studio)Justin Bieber - Sorry (1Million Dance Studio)Dua Lipa - New Rules (1Million Dance Studio)这些舞蹈视频都是1Million Dance Studio团队拍摄的,他们在韩国非常有名,以现代舞风格为主,经常在舞蹈视频中使用非原唱音乐。如果你感兴趣,可以在YouTube上搜索1Million Dance Studio,找到更多类似的舞蹈视频。
2023-07-15 09:49:381

一次投篮可以翻译为one shoot,one shot,a shot,a shoot吗?

一次投篮One shot结合语句的时候也可以用........a shoot
2023-07-15 09:49:561

佳能拍城市夜景应该用什么对焦模式 one shot,ai focus和ai servo应该选哪一种?

one shot就可以了。基本上拍摄夜景焦距都在无限远的位置,用手动对焦也没问题。对焦点在无限远,光圈用f/16,快门估计在30秒左右,看你的城市明亮度而定。最好使用包围曝光拍摄,以求万无一失。
2023-07-15 09:50:031


one shot -- die
2023-07-15 09:50:317

上海酒吧经常放的一首歌 很high 歌词大概是one shot two shot

你听一下是不是two shots of happy ,one shots sad
2023-07-15 09:50:573

英语they tend not to be one-shot deals怎么翻译?

2023-07-15 09:51:054

DSP 2808的 CAP Continuous 和One-Shot Control 区别?

ONE-shot与continuous 是指在捕获是否连续,Ecap有捕获的4个事件,当捕获事件等于中断事件时,ONE-SHOT模式会停止捕获,也就是其事件计数器不在计数,除非REARM;而continuous模式则会自动循环事件计数器;
2023-07-15 09:51:191

用a hundred to one shot造句

2023-07-15 09:51:285

Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted,什么意思?

2023-07-15 09:51:464

one shot 是什么意思

单次自动对焦 单次自动对焦(ONE SHOT) ;人工智能对焦(AL FOCUS) ;人工智能伺服对焦(AL SERVO) ;手动对焦(MF)
2023-07-15 09:52:351


2023-07-15 09:52:453

相机上的ONE SHOT什么意思

单次自动对焦 单次自动对焦(ONE SHOT) ;人工智能对焦(AL FOCUS) ;人工智能伺服对焦(AL SERVO) ;手动对焦(MF)
2023-07-15 09:52:532

王力宏和林俊杰的 《One shot》 歌词。

One Shot演唱:林俊杰Just one shotIs all you got to make or break into your fameJust one shotThey will lift you up and take you down the sameOnly got one shotWill you give it all you"ve gotLet it take you to the topOr will you bleed it out in vain?Only got one shotTell your heart to never stopLock your eyes only on the spotIf there is no pain there will be no gainO Father please, I ask for Your mercyThey judge me way before they even know meO Father please, do you hear me screamingThese lights won"t stop chasing after meI will not fall I will not crawl,I will keep on standing tall"Til I"m strong enough to break this wallOh~ I won"t drown don"t tie me downWon"t you just set me freeIt takes one shot to strip it away from meAnd O my Lord, I can"t believe what I sawYou got one shotJust to make or break your fameJust one shotThey will lift you up, take you down the sameOnly got one shotWill you give it all you"ve gotLet it take you to the topOr will you bleed it out in vain?Only got one shotTell your heart to never stopLock your eyes only on the spotIf there is no pain there will be no gainOur father, who art in heavenHallowed be thy nameIn thy name I pray to you, oh forever it remainsI know you haven"t left me but I"m feeling so aloneWhen the darkness comes I shall never have to wait on my ownI feel so lost, my mind is going out of controlVengeance is mine, I will repay, says The LordI"m persecuted but not forsaken, struck down to the floorBut not destroyed cause Its not like this hasn"t happened beforeI see these lights and you"ve warned me to be on the alertMy heart is tired from soaking it up like rain in the dirtOh~ just one shotOh~ yeah~Yeah~ one shotThey will lift you up, take you down the sameOnly got one shotWill you give it all you"ve gotLet it take you to the topOr will you bleed it out in vain?Only got one shotTell your heart to never stopLock your eyes only on the spotIf there is no pain there will be no gain只是一次Is all you got to make or break into your fame是你要让你的名声Just one shot只是一次They will lift you up and take you down the same他们会抬起你和你同下Only got one shot只有一把枪Will you give it all you"ve got你会让这一切你了Let it take you to the top让它带你到顶部Or will you bleed it out in vain?或者你会榨干徒劳?Only got one shot只有一把枪Tell your heart to never stop告诉你的心永远不会停止Lock your eyes only on the spot锁只有在现场你的眼睛If there is no pain there will be no gain如果没有痛苦,就没有收获O Father please, I ask for Your mercy父啊,请,我请求你的宽恕They judge me way before they even know me他们判断我才能知道我O Father please, do you hear me screaming父啊,请,你听到我的尖叫声These lights won"t stop chasing after me这些灯不停地追着我I will not fall I will not crawl,我将不属于我不会爬行,I will keep on standing tall我会一直站在高高的"Til I"m strong enough to break this wall直到我强大到足以打破这堵墙Oh~ I won"t drown don"t tie me down哦~我不会淹死别束缚我Won"t you just set me free你就是不让我自由It takes one shot to strip it away from me它需要一个镜头带它远离我And O my Lord, I can"t believe what I saw哦我的上帝,我不能相信我所看到的You got one shot你有一次机会Just to make or break your fame只是为了让你的名声Just one shot只是一次They will lift you up, take you down the same他们会鼓舞你,带你到相同的Only got one shot只有一把枪Will you give it all you"ve got你会让这一切你了Let it take you to the top让它带你到顶部Or will you bleed it out in vain?或者你会榨干徒劳?Only got one shot只有一把枪Tell your heart to never stop告诉你的心永远不会停止Lock your eyes only on the spot锁只有在现场你的眼睛If there is no pain there will be no gain如果没有痛苦,就没有收获Our father, who art in heaven我们的父亲,谁的艺术天堂Hallowed be thy name愿人都尊你的名In thy name I pray to you, oh forever it remains你的名字我祈求你,啊,永远是I know you haven"t left me but I"m feeling so alone我知道你没有离开我,但我感到孤单When the darkness comes I shall never have to wait on my own当黑暗降临,我将永远不必等待我自己I feel so lost, my mind is going out of control我感到失落,我的心会失控Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says The Lord复仇是我的,我必偿还,这是耶和华说的I"m persecuted but not forsaken, struck down to the floor我逼迫却不被丢弃,撞到地板But not destroyed cause Its not like this hasn"t happened before而不破坏其原因不是像这没有发生之前I see these lights and you"ve warned me to be on the alert我看这些灯,你警告我要小心My heart is tired from soaking it up like rain in the dirt我的心是沾了泥土中的雨累Oh~ just one shot哦~仅一枪Oh~ yeah~哦,是的~ ~Yeah~ one shot是的~一枪They will lift you up, take you down the same他们会鼓舞你,带你到相同的Only got one shot只有一把枪Will you give it all you"ve got你会让这一切你了Let it take you to the top让它带你到顶部Or will you bleed it out in vain?或者你会榨干徒劳?Only got one shot只有一把枪Tell your heart to never stop告诉你的心永远不会停止Lock your eyes only on the spot锁只有在现场你的眼睛If there is no pain there will be no gain如果没有痛苦,就没有收获
2023-07-15 09:53:001

One Shot的歌词是什么?

One shot Let me tell you something that you already know.[00:22.10]You just get the rock to me. You na mean?[00:25.74]机会只有一次 走在黑暗的路上[00:28.84]闪着光 像Martin Luther King一样[00:31.59]get your mind out fo" the gutter[00:34.00]失败之类 你现在经验还少[00:36.58]one shot one chance[00:38.23]没有第二次 不要错过 准备吧[00:41.94]hell yeh 你自己慌张 展现变小的你 just do it.[00:46.49]One shot! 屈服吗 进入套住我的圈套[00:51.39]Only one shot! 不要逃走 回过头 直面困难[00:56.20]即使世界排斥你 你守护自己 这是正确的态度[01:02.18]Everybody already know?[01:03.83]Hey shout your voice to the world?[01:06.33]在没有尽头的路上 不能后退[01:11.69]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 不要动摇[01:16.39]在混沌的时间里 我不能被困住[01:21.79]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 机会只有一次[01:26.82]Only one shot Only one shot[01:29.07]咬紧牙关 猛扑过去 one shot[01:31.62]Only one shot Only one shot[01:34.07]世界抛弃了你 one shot[01:36.62]Only one shot Only one shot[01:39.17]咬紧牙关 猛扑过去 one shot[01:41.67]Only one shot Only one shot[01:44.97]You only have one chance u know?[01:47.22]懒惰的奴隶 摇头[01:49.58]不努力的家伙们马上清醒吧[01:52.23]在角落坐着 想要高位[01:54.48]这不是游戏 不能分清现实[01:57.13]oh yeah. Go around a track[01:59.25]时间继续在流转 流转so far away[02:01.90]只有有准备的人真正能说[02:04.36]在原地只有后悔 你闭眼的时候 whoa[02:07.36]One shot![02:08.26]受伤害吗 只在简单的路上徘徊吗[02:11.96]Only one shot![02:13.43]在粗糙的世界 面对面 相遇 争吵[02:17.13]即使高墙想阻止你[02:19.13]都跳过去试试 即使每次都倒下[02:22.69]Everybody already know?[02:24.69]Hey shout your voice to the world?[02:27.20]在没有尽头的路上 不能后退[02:32.45]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 不要动摇[02:37.26]在混沌的时间里 我不能被困住[02:42.66]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 机会只有一次[02:47.41]在迷雾中 被遮住藏起来的你的样子[02:52.67]比太阳还炙热的你燃烧自己[02:57.72]Run and go away 不要往后看[03:02.83]Don"t stop go away 不要错过你[03:11.94]在没有尽头的路上 不能后退[03:16.95]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 不要动摇[03:21.50]在混沌的时间里 我不能被困住[03:26.86]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 机会只有一次[03:31.61]Only one shot Only one shot[03:34.11]咬紧牙关 猛扑过去 one shot[03:36.71]Only one shot Only one shot[03:39.11]世界抛弃了你 one shot[03:41.71]Only one shot Only one shot[03:44.21]咬紧牙关 猛扑过去 one shot[03:46.77]Only one shot Only one shot[03:49.93]You only have one chance u know
2023-07-15 09:53:071

喝酒的时候one shot是多少

One shot约等于**30毫升**烈酒的量。
2023-07-15 09:53:173

Newsboys的《One Shot》 歌词

歌曲名:One Shot歌手:Newsboys专辑:Born AgainNewsboys - One ShotAll around the worldEvery boy, every girl"s got one shotBelievers let me hear you shoutHey!Hey!You could find meLiving in the city of DCFound my freedom in the rhythm of the backbeatGot place to love inside that I could not controlBeside me, had a brother saying I could sing like Nat KingBut all I wanted was to do the rock thingTo roll through every town and spread His love aroundJust a little while then I foundAll around the worldEvery boy, every girl"s got one shotTo prove what they"re all aboutI"m gonna sing about my GodAnd it doesn"t matter what"s hotBelievers let me hear you shoutWe say there"s one wayWhen push comes to shoveWe"re gonna sing of His loveThings changeJust like the Twitter that you updateOr your Facebook status on your front pageBut there"s no comment you can leave to change my mindMaybe you"re a student at the college of the ivyOr filling up a pop machine with Hi-CAnywhere you might beYou can help the world seeWhat His love"s aboutBelievers let me hear you shoutAll around the worldEvery boy, every girl"s got one shotTo prove what they"re all aboutI"m gonna sing about my GodAnd it doesn"t matter what"s hotBelievers let me hear you shoutWe say there"s one wayWhen push comes to shoveWe"re gonna sing of His loveAre we scared to stand out from the crowd?Make a difference in our own town?If we stay silent with our voices nowThe rocks will cry outBelievers let me hear you shoutAll around the worldEvery boy, every girl"s got one shotTo prove what they"re all aboutI"m gonna sing about my GodAnd it doesn"t matter what"s hotBelievers let me hear you shoutWe say there"s one wayWhen push comes to shoveWe"re gonna sing of His loveAll around the worldEvery boy and girlAll around the worldEvery boy and girlAll around the world...
2023-07-15 09:53:351

one shot bap中文歌词

One shot Let me tell you something that you already know.[00:22.10]You just get the rock to me. You na mean?[00:25.74]机会只有一次 走在黑暗的路上[00:28.84]闪着光 像Martin Luther King一样[00:31.59]get your mind out fo" the gutter[00:34.00]失败之类 你现在经验还少[00:36.58]one shot one chance[00:38.23]没有第二次 不要错过 准备吧[00:41.94]hell yeh 你自己慌张 展现变小的你 just do it.[00:46.49]One shot! 屈服吗 进入套住我的圈套[00:51.39]Only one shot! 不要逃走 回过头 直面困难[00:56.20]即使世界排斥你 你守护自己 这是正确的态度[01:02.18]Everybody already know?[01:03.83]Hey shout your voice to the world?[01:06.33]在没有尽头的路上 不能后退[01:11.69]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 不要动摇[01:16.39]在混沌的时间里 我不能被困住[01:21.79]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 机会只有一次[01:26.82]Only one shot Only one shot[01:29.07]咬紧牙关 猛扑过去 one shot[01:31.62]Only one shot Only one shot[01:34.07]世界抛弃了你 one shot[01:36.62]Only one shot Only one shot[01:39.17]咬紧牙关 猛扑过去 one shot[01:41.67]Only one shot Only one shot[01:44.97]You only have one chance u know?[01:47.22]懒惰的奴隶 摇头[01:49.58]不努力的家伙们马上清醒吧[01:52.23]在角落坐着 想要高位[01:54.48]这不是游戏 不能分清现实[01:57.13]oh yeah. Go around a track[01:59.25]时间继续在流转 流转so far away[02:01.90]只有有准备的人真正能说[02:04.36]在原地只有后悔 你闭眼的时候 whoa[02:07.36]One shot![02:08.26]受伤害吗 只在简单的路上徘徊吗[02:11.96]Only one shot![02:13.43]在粗糙的世界 面对面 相遇 争吵[02:17.13]即使高墙想阻止你[02:19.13]都跳过去试试 即使每次都倒下[02:22.69]Everybody already know?[02:24.69]Hey shout your voice to the world?[02:27.20]在没有尽头的路上 不能后退[02:32.45]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 不要动摇[02:37.26]在混沌的时间里 我不能被困住[02:42.66]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 机会只有一次[02:47.41]在迷雾中 被遮住藏起来的你的样子[02:52.67]比太阳还炙热的你燃烧自己[02:57.72]Run and go away 不要往后看[03:02.83]Don"t stop go away 不要错过你[03:11.94]在没有尽头的路上 不能后退[03:16.95]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 不要动摇[03:21.50]在混沌的时间里 我不能被困住[03:26.86]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 机会只有一次[03:31.61]Only one shot Only one shot[03:34.11]咬紧牙关 猛扑过去 one shot[03:36.71]Only one shot Only one shot[03:39.11]世界抛弃了你 one shot[03:41.71]Only one shot Only one shot[03:44.21]咬紧牙关 猛扑过去 one shot[03:46.77]Only one shot Only one shot[03:49.93]You only have one chance u know
2023-07-15 09:53:421

one shot one kill 什么意思

您好~字面意思是开一枪就打死一个,引申义为:一击必杀,百发百中,弹无虚发,等~如果是:shot to kill,表示:一枪毙命
2023-07-15 09:53:515

林俊杰《因你而在》专辑里的《one shot》,谁有这个的曲谱?

因你而在 钢琴谱
2023-07-15 09:54:101

one shot 2shot的歌词

"One Shot 2 Shot"(feat. D12)[Intro]I told ya"ll mothafuckas I was comin backWhat now nigga what now whatYou"s the projects nigga[Chorus- Eminem]One shot two shot three shots four shotsAll I hear is gunshots this is where the fun stopsBodies drop hit the floor music"s offParties stop, everybody hit the door someone"s lickin shots off[Verse 1- Bizarre]You bitches is gone I"m dropped in the clubAnd I"m tryna run and get my mothafuckin gun(Nigga what about your wife)Nigga fuck my wife I"m tryna run and save my mothafuckin lifeOh shit, the shooter"s comin"Bitches, hoes niggas is runninPeople shot all over the floorAnd I"m tryna make it to the St. Andrew"s doorThats the sound of the glockEven DJ House fucked around and got shotI done messed around and forgot my tecI don"t see nobody but Fab Five and Hex[Verse 2- Kuniva](Kuniva you aight)These niggas is trippin"(Where"s Bizarre at?)I"m tryna slip through the exit and get to where my car is atBitches screamin everywhere and niggas is wildin"Two minutes ago we was all jokin and smilinThis chick is clingin onto me sobbin and sighinSayin she didn"t mean to diss me earlier and she cryinBut it"s real and it"s on and cats is gettin killedSo I hugged her and used her body as a human shieldAnd she got hit now she yellin(Don"t leave me!)I told her I"d be right back and the dumb bitch believed meI squeezed through the back door and made my escapeI ran and got my 38 I hope its not to late[Chorus- Eminem]One shot two shot three shots four shotsAll I hear is gunshots this is where the fun stopsBodies drop hit the floor music"s offParties stop, everybody hit the door someone"s lickin shots off[Verse 3- Swifty](Nigga I been tryna call you all day mothafucka where you at?)I"m on seven mile what the fuck was thatDamn somebody hit me from the back(With they car?)With a gat nigga and my tire is flatAnd I just hit a pole, them niggas some hoes(Is you hit?)Iono but I can tell you what they droveIt was a black Mitsubishi(Shit thats the clique we beefin wit I swear)Man and I was on my way thereBelieve me I"m leavin a carcus today I"ma park my car and walk the rest of the wayI"m in the mood to strut, my AK ain"t even tuckI"ma meet you at the club we gon" fuck these hoes up[Chorus- Eminem]One shot two shot three shots four shotsAll I hear is gunshots this is where the fun stopsBodies drop hit the floor music"s offParties stop, everybody hit the door someone"s lickin shots off[Verse 4- Eminem]I never seen no shit like this is my life beforePeople are still camped out from the night beforeSleepin outside the door waitin in lineStill tryna get inside the club to see D12 performThe fire marshalls no, the venue"s too smallPeople are wall to wall three thousand and some odd vansAnd some cum wad from out the parkin lotGet into an argument over a parkin spotHe decides to pull his gun out and let"s a few of "em offMissed who he"s aimin for six feet away"s the doorIn St. Andrew"s hall not a stray slidin all over the placeSprays one bitch in the face another one of "em came through the wallBefore anyone could even hear the first shot go offI"m posted up by the bar havin a Mozeltoff Bullet wizzed right by my ear damn near shot it offThank god I"m alive I gotta find DenaunAnd where the fuck is Von he usually tucks one on himWait a minute I think I just saw BizarreNah I guess not, what the fuck oh my god it wasI never saw him run so fast in my lifeLook at him haulin ass I think he left his wifeThere she is on the ground bein trampledI go to grab her up by the damn hand and I can"t pull herGod damn there just went another damn bullet I"m hitMy vest is barely able to handle it, its to thinIf I get hit again I can"t do it, I scoop DeeFollow Bizarre"s path and ran through itAnd made it to the front door and collapsed on the stepsLooked up and I seen Swift shootin it outBut I can"t see who he"s shootin it out withBut Denaun"s right behind him squeezin his four fifth[Chorus- Eminem]One shot two shot three shots four shotsAll I hear is gunshots this is where the fun stopsBodies drop hit the floor music"s offParties stop, everybody hit the door someone"s lickin shots off[Verse 5- Kon Artis]It"s Friday night came to this bitch rightBig ass to my left and Desert Eagle to my rightI ain"t come in this bitch to party I came in this bitch to fightAlthough I can"t stay here to fight cuz I"m poppin niggas tonightThats right bitches I"m drunk with revengeShot a bouncer in the neck for tryna check when I get inSwift told me to meet him here so its clear that this fuckaShoot out the back of his truck goes up in this mothafuckaSo one shot for the money two"s to stop the showThird"s for the bartender there"s plenty of shots to go(I just wanna know who"s drivin a black Mitsubishi)He tried to run so Proof shot him in the knee wit a three piece[Chorus- Eminem]One shot two shot three shots four shotsAll I hear is gunshots this is where the fun stopsBodies drop hit the floor music"s offParties stop, everybody hit the door someone"s lickin shots off
2023-07-15 09:54:421

b.a.p ones hot的音译歌词

[ar:b.a.p][ti:ONE SHOT][by:水忆流年][al:][sign:][total:235937][offset:0][00:17.77]One shot Let me tell you something that you already know.[00:22.10]You just get the rock to me. You na mean?[00:25.74]机会只有一次 走在黑暗的路上[00:28.84]闪着光 像Martin Luther King一样[00:31.59]get your mind out fo" the gutter[00:34.00]失败之类 你现在经验还少[00:36.58]one shot one chance[00:38.23]没有第二次 不要错过 准备吧[00:41.94]hell yeh 你自己慌张 展现变小的你 just do it.[00:46.49]One shot! 屈服吗 进入套住我的圈套[00:51.39]Only one shot! 不要逃走 回过头 直面困难[00:56.20]即使世界排斥你 你守护自己 这是正确的态度[01:02.18]Everybody already know?[01:03.83]Hey shout your voice to the world?[01:06.33]在没有尽头的路上 不能后退[01:11.69]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 不要动摇[01:16.39]在混沌的时间里 我不能被困住[01:21.79]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 机会只有一次[01:26.82]Only one shot Only one shot[01:29.07]咬紧牙关 猛扑过去 one shot[01:31.62]Only one shot Only one shot[01:34.07]世界抛弃了你 one shot[01:36.62]Only one shot Only one shot[01:39.17]咬紧牙关 猛扑过去 one shot[01:41.67]Only one shot Only one shot[01:44.97]You only have one chance u know?[01:47.22]懒惰的奴隶 摇头[01:49.58]不努力的家伙们马上清醒吧[01:52.23]在角落坐着 想要高位[01:54.48]这不是游戏 不能分清现实[01:57.13]oh yeah. Go around a track[01:59.25]时间继续在流转 流转so far away[02:01.90]只有有准备的人真正能说[02:04.36]在原地只有后悔 你闭眼的时候 whoa[02:07.36]One shot![02:08.26]受伤害吗 只在简单的路上徘徊吗[02:11.96]Only one shot![02:13.43]在粗糙的世界 面对面 相遇 争吵[02:17.13]即使高墙想阻止你[02:19.13]都跳过去试试 即使每次都倒下[02:22.69]Everybody already know?[02:24.69]Hey shout your voice to the world?[02:27.20]在没有尽头的路上 不能后退[02:32.45]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 不要动摇[02:37.26]在混沌的时间里 我不能被困住[02:42.66]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 机会只有一次[02:47.41]在迷雾中 被遮住藏起来的你的样子[02:52.67]比太阳还炙热的你燃烧自己[02:57.72]Run and go away 不要往后看[03:02.83]Don"t stop go away 不要错过你[03:11.94]在没有尽头的路上 不能后退[03:16.95]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 不要动摇[03:21.50]在混沌的时间里 我不能被困住[03:26.86]wow wo wo wo wo wo wo 机会只有一次[03:31.61]Only one shot Only one shot[03:34.11]咬紧牙关 猛扑过去 one shot[03:36.71]Only one shot Only one shot[03:39.11]世界抛弃了你 one shot[03:41.71]Only one shot Only one shot[03:44.21]咬紧牙关 猛扑过去 one shot[03:46.77]Only one shot Only one shot[03:49.93]You only have one chance u know望采纳!!
2023-07-15 09:55:011

One Shot 2 Shot (Fea. D-12) 歌词

歌曲名:One Shot 2 Shot (Fea. D-12)歌手:Eminem专辑:EncoreEminem - One Shot 2 Shot (Feat. D-12)Guy Talking: I told ya"ll mother fuckers I was comin back(shit) What now nigga what nowWhat! (?) the projects niggaOne Shot, Two Shots, Three Shots, Four ShotsAll I hear is gun shot"sThis is where the fun stopsBodies drop hit the floorMusic"s off party stopsEverybody hit the door somebodys makin shots offSecurities Gone, I"m dropped in the clubAnd im tryna run and get my mutha fuckin gun(nigga what about your wife)Nigga fuck my wifeIm tryna run, and save my mutha fuckin lifeOh shit, the shooters cominBitches hollerin niggas runninPeople shot all over the floorAnd im tryna make it to the Saint Andrews door(Gun shot) Thats the sound of the glockEven Dj ? fucked around and got shotI dun messed around and forget my techI don"t see nobody, but the fab five and ?Kuniva you ariight?These niggas is trippinWhere"s Bizzare at?Im tryna flip thru the accident and get to where my car is atBitches screamin everywhereAnd niggas is whilinTwo minutes ago, we was all jokin and smilinThis chick is clingin on to meSobbing and sighingSayin she didnt mean to diss me earlier,and she cryinBut its real and its on, and caps is gettin peeledSo I hugged her and used her body as a human sheildan (oweah) she got hitnow shes yellin "dont leave me!"I told her and the dumb bitch belived meI squeezed through the back door,and made my escapeI ran and got my 38 I hope its not to lateOne Shot, Two Shots, Three Shots, Four ShotsAll I hear is gun shot"sThis is where the fun stopsBodies drop hit the floorMusic"s off party stopsEverybody hit the door somebodys makin shots offI been tryna call you all day mutha fucker where you at?I"m on seven mile, what the fuck was that?Damn, somebody hit me from the backWit they car?Wit a gat nigga and my tie flatAn I just hit a poleThem niggas some hoe"sIs you hit?I dont know, but I can tell you what they droveIt was a black MitsubishiShit thats the clique we beef witMaynI swearAnd I was on my way thereBelive me im leavin a carcass todayNow ima park my car and walk the rest of the wayIm in the mood to strutMy Ak aint even tuckedIma meet you at the club we gon fuck these hoes upOne Shot, Two Shots, Three Shots, Four ShotsAll I hear is gun shot"sThis is where the fun stopsBodies drop hit the floorMusic"s off party stopsEverybody hit the door somebodys makin shots offI never seen no shit like this in my life beforePeople are still camped out from the night beforeSleepin outside the door, waitin in linesStill tryna get in the club, to see D12 performThe fire marshalls know the vinuews to smallPeople are wall to wallThree thousand and some odd fansAnd some come wide from out the parking lotGet to an arguement over a parking spotDecides to pull his gun out and let a few go offmissed you hes aimin for six feet aways the doorinto Saint Andrews HallLotta strays flyin all over the placeGrazed one bitch in the faceAnother one of em came thru the wallBefore anyone could even hear the first shot go offI"m posted up at the bar havin a mozeltoffBullet wizzed right by my earDamn near shot it offThank god im alive I gotta find DenauonAnd where the fuck is von he usually tucks one on emWait a minute I think I just saw BizarreNaww I guess notWhat the fuck? Oh my god it wasI never saw him run so fast in my lifeLook at him haulin assI think he left his wifeThere she is on the ground pen trampledI go to grab her up by the damn but I cant pull herGod damn there just went a nother bullet Im hitMy vest is barly able to handle itIts to thinIf I get hit again, I cant do it I scooped DFollowed Bizzares path, and ran through with itMade it to the front door and collapsed on the stepsLooked up and I seen SwiftShootin it out, but I cant see who hes shootin it out withBut Denuans Right behind him squeezing his four fifOne Shot, Two Shots, Three Shots, Four ShotsAll I hear is gun shot"sThis is where the fun stopsBodies drop hit the floorMusic"s off party stopsEverybody hit the door somebodys makin shots offIts a friday night came to this bitch rightBig gats to my left Desert eagle in my rightI aint come in this bitch to party I came in this bitch to fightAlthough I cant say im here to fightCuz im popin niggas tonightThats right bitches im drunk with revengeShot a ? in the neck for tryna check when I got inSwift told me to meet him hereSo its clear that this mug had shot out the back of a truckis up in this mother fuckerSo one shots for the moneyTwo"s to stop the showThirds for the bartender (bitch bring me a shot cold)I just wanna know whos drivin a black mitsubishiHe tryed to run so proof shot him in the knee wita three pieceOne Shot, Two Shots, Three Shots, Four ShotsAll I hear is gun shot"sThis is where the fun stopsBodies drop hit the floorMusic"s off party stopsEverybody hit the door somebodys makin shots off
2023-07-15 09:55:081

阿姆的歌 one shot 2 shot 是什么意思啊

2023-07-15 09:55:172

at one shot 是什么意思

2023-07-15 09:55:252


2023-07-15 09:55:346

佳能5d2怎么让one shot切换至ai server,我按了af drive,然后转动拨轮但是

你拨的是哪个拨轮啊?应该是靠近快门的那个,而不是拇指的那个。正确方法是:按下AF·DRIVE,然后拨动快门旁的拨轮,至显示AI SERVO
2023-07-15 09:56:041

好听的韩文歌。类似于:exo的《MAMA》、《history》。B.A.P.的《one shot》等,有没有类似的?谢谢

big bang的最后的问候
2023-07-15 09:56:125

他是忙内zelo/崔凖烘以下资料出自百科本名:崔凖烘(ucd5cuc900ud64d)【曾译名:崔俊洪 / 最凖烘】艺名:Zelo(uc824ub85c)外号:小番茄(在综艺节目里提到过很多次喜欢吃小番茄的!) 、巨婴宝宝 曾译名:崔俊洪 / 最凖烘所属组合:B.A.P生日:1996年10月15日星座:天秤座特长:反转RAP、 Beat-Box家族关系:爸爸,妈妈,哥哥性格:淘气 可爱身高:184cm体重:63千克 偶像:Kanye west,Will i am最喜欢的音乐:kanye west-Good Morning(电子音乐)(Hiphop,R&B)理想型:笑容美丽 英语说得好的女生 心地善良 经常的习惯:眨眼睛 平时的fashion style:街拍时尚也喜欢但是像slimfit(偏瘦)模特穿的也喜欢。亲近艺人:secret前辈喜欢的食物:泡菜、小番茄喜欢的颜色:灰色,草绿色,红色喜欢的数字:7经常去的场所:练习室、宿舍
2023-07-15 09:56:361


2023-07-15 09:56:456