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2023-07-15 12:13:56
The Imperial Era
Contemporary social control is rooted in the Confucian past. The teachings of Confucius have had an enduring effect on Chinese life and have provided the basis for the social order through much of the country"s history. Confucians believed in the fundamental goodness of man and advocated rule by moral persuasion in accordance with the concept of li (propriety), a set of generally accepted social values or norms of behavior. Li was enforced by society rather than by courts. Education was considered the key ingredient for maintaining order, and codes of law were intended only to supplement li, not to replace it (see The Hundred Schools of Thought , ch. 1; Traditional Society and Culture , ch. 3).

Confucians held that codified law was inadequate to provide meaningful guidance for the entire panorama of human activity, but they were not against using laws to control the most unruly elements in the society. The first criminal code was promulgated sometime between 455 and 395 B.C. There were also civil statutes, mostly concerned with land transactions.

Legalism, a competing school of thought during the Warring States period (475-221 B.C.), maintained that man was by nature evil and had to be controlled by strict rules of law and uniform justice. Legalist philosophy had its greatest impact during the first imperial dynasty, the Qin (221-207 B.C.; see The Imperial Era , ch. 1).

The Han dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D. 220) retained the basic legal system established under the Qin but modified some of the harsher aspects in line with the Confucian philosophy of social control based on ethical and moral persuasion. Most legal professionals were not lawyers but generalists trained in philosophy and literature. The local, classically trained, Confucian gentry played a crucial role as arbiters and handled all but the most serious local disputes.

This basic legal philosophy remained in effect for most of the imperial era. The criminal code was not comprehensive and often not written down, which left magistrates great flexibility during trials. The accused had no rights and relied on the mercy of the court; defendants were tortured to obtain confessions and often served long jail terms while awaiting trial. A court appearance, at minimum, resulted in loss of face, and the people were reluctant and afraid to use the courts. Rulers did little to make the courts more appealing, for if they stressed rule by law, they weakened their own moral influence.

In the final years of the Qing dynasty (1644-1911), reform advocates in the government implemented certain aspects of the modernized Japanese legal system, itself originally based on German judicial precedents (see The Hundred Days" Reform and the Aftermath , ch. 1). These efforts were short-lived and largely ineffective.












Chinese government
2023-07-15 06:37:422


正确的是后者是Chinese government表示中国政府因为Chinese的意思是中国的所以要用Chinese
2023-07-15 06:37:491


2023-07-15 06:37:564


China government emphasized the quality of economic development and sustainable development
2023-07-15 06:38:042


2023-07-15 06:38:155


In order to protect the giant panda, Chinese government established a nature reserve.
2023-07-15 06:38:333

中央人民政府 英文翻译

Central People"s Government
2023-07-15 06:38:426

初一 英语 急急急。。。。翻译 请详细解答,谢谢! (12 21:3:50)

爱国的故事 一个外国博物馆 一个中国政府建筑 很多桥与隧道
2023-07-15 06:39:074


The Central People"s Government of the People"s Republic of China was founded today
2023-07-15 06:39:141


"If foreign investment in China, the Chinese government will give China a lot of people do not have access to the facilities."
2023-07-15 06:39:235


上世纪中国最后一个大雅木心先生说,创作是父性的,翻译是母性的。我说,翻译是儿性的,因为一半是还原,一半是创造,就如同儿子同时是继承了父母,但又和父母不全都相似。下面我翻译了三篇包含中国特色社会主流核心价值观,以及涵盖当今社会文化热点,传达爱国正能量的小短文,中译英,看似较难翻译,但也都翻译得有模有样,麻雀虽小五脏俱全。我个人认为我的英文译文比中文原文好,好在更有逻辑性,更简明扼要,让信息更精确及突出重点,同时又不失文采。由于只要保证基本语法规范,翻译便没有标准答案,但如是为了做到如林语堂先生所说的“清顺自然”那一派别,那么我姑且可以娓娓道来,那些对外语翻译感兴趣的朋友,就算是我翰木给你做个示范入门吧。 中国环保 新中国成立以来,特别是改革开放以来,中国政府在生态环境保护方面作出了大量努力,取得了有效进展。政府采取了一系列保护和改善生态环境的重大举措,例如积极推进重点生态工程,加强生态系统建设及生物多样性保护,建立了一批自然保护区、生态示范区、风景名胜区和森林公园。加强生态环境的保护和建设,实现人与自然和谐相处,是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要目标之一。环境保护和生态文明建设为中国经济、社会的可持续发展提供了坚实的基础。 the China Environmental Protection Since China has been founded in 1949; especially the reform and opening-up policy being launched, the government has already made much progress in protecting environment. It takes a set of measures for developing key ecological projects and building the ecosystem including natural reserve, ecological demonstration zone, scenic area, and forest park. In addition, it"s one of the most important goals involving protecting the ecosystem and realizing the harmony between nature and human being. In brief, protecting the environment and building ecological civilization have offered firm foundation to the China"s economy and sustainable social development. 中医 中医是中华民族传统文化的重要组成部分,是我国传统医学的瑰宝。中医历经几千年的发展,形成了一套独特的治疗方法和理论体系。中医认为人体有阴阳元素组成。如果人体阴阳平衡,人就不会生病。如果平衡失调,人就会生病。同时,中医把人看做一个整体,因而从不孤立地看待某一生理或病理现象。中医强调对整个身体的治疗,目的是调节整个身体的平衡。中医采用的“四诊”、针灸等治疗方法是中医的重要组成部分,至今依然被普遍使用。最近几十年来,中医得到西方人的认可,并日益受到西方人的关注。 the Traditional Chinese Medicine The traditional Chinese medicine honored as a gem is an important part of Chinese culture, which are the result over millennia having formed the unique therapeutic method and the theoretical system. It holds that the human body is made up of Yin and Yang. If you keep your balance, you will not fall ill, and vice versa. At the same time, traditional Chinese medicine took body as a whole, thus it never viewed any physiological or pathological phenomenon in isolation, which emphasizes take into account the whole body to keep balance. The four diagnosis methods and acupuncture applied widely are the most essential parts of traditional Chinese medicine. In recent decades, TCM having approved by westerners is gradually becoming an issue of increasing concern by western countries. 中国教育事业 中国的教育事业自改革开放以来得到了快速发展,取得了举世瞩目的成就。中国政府把教育摆在优先发展的地位,坚持科教兴国,全面提倡素质教育,同时积极推进教育公平,保障人人都有接受教育的机会。中国的教育成绩反映在两个不同的层面:一个是全面普及了九年义务教育;另一个是实现了高等教育大众化。近年来,为满足社会、经济发展的需要,中国政府不断加快培养各领域的急需人才。教育的发展为中国的经济发展和社会进步作出了重大贡献。 the China Educational Cause Since reform and opening-up policy being implemented, China educational cause developed quickly has made remarkable achievements. China government places priority on the educational development. And in order to actively promote educational equity and make sure each person has the right to be educated, China government insist on developing the country through both science and education, advocating comprehensive quality-oriented education. Educational outcomes of China are reflected in two different levels: one is the popularization of nine-year compulsory education, and another one is the popularization of higher education. In recent years, so as to meet the demands of social and economical development, government speeds up to cultivate talents needed in various fields. All in all, educational development has made a great contribution to both the economic development and social progress for China.
2023-07-15 06:39:381


because the china government and banks are on holiday during october 1st to 7th
2023-07-15 06:39:494

老师经常告诉我们有关拯救濒危动物的重要性 英语翻译

2023-07-15 06:40:023

求以英语演讲稿,内容为介绍中国特色的,大致介绍一些就行 急需

其实我也不知道 也是来找答案的...
2023-07-15 06:40:111


2023-07-15 06:40:322


to be china today
2023-07-15 06:40:406


金融专业名词单词   导语:金融的`专业名词单词有哪些?下面是我整理的金融专业名词单词,希望对你有用!   大宗交易 block trade   大股东 substantial share holder; major share holder   大型股 large cap stock   大量户口转移指示 Mass Account Transfer Instruction (MassATI)   大量开盘 mass quote   大额未平仓合约 large open position   大额股票(中央结算系统)jumbo certificate(CCASS)   大额持仓汇报协议 Large Exposure Report Agreement   大额买卖盘 block order   小型恒生指数期货合约 Mini-HSI Futures   小型恒生指数期权合约 Mini-HSI Options   已交收数额报告(中央结算系统)Settled Position Report(CCASS)   已停业公司 dormant company   已终止经营之业务 discontinued operations   已发行股份/股本/股票 issued shares;outstanding stock   “已划分的买卖”制度(中央结算系统) isolated trades system(CCASS)   “不公平损害”补救 "unfair prejudice" remedy   不公平竞争 uneven playing field   不可抗力 force majeure   不定额供款 variable contribution   不活跃公司 dormant company   不派息欧式认沽期权 non-dividend paying European put option   不派息欧式认购期权 non-dividend paying European call option   不限量发行 tap issue   不记名式国库券(中国内地) Bearer Treasury (Mainland China)   不记名证券 bearer securities   不停电电源装置;不间断电源装置 uninterrupted power supply (ups)   不动盘 inactive order   不当行为 misconduct   中小企业板块(深圳证券交易所) SME Board (Shenzhen Stock Exchange)   中介人财务规管制度工作小组 Working Group on Review of Financial Regulatory Framework forIntermediaries   中介控股公司 intermediate holding company   中介现象 intermediation   中介机构/团体 intermediary   中午资料传送服务 Mid-day Data File Transfer Service   中文资讯系统 Chinese News System   中外合资企业 Sino-foreign equity joint venture   中央代理人 central nominee   中央交易纪录 central transaction log   中央存管处 central depository   中央股份借贷系统 centralised borrowing and lending system   中央国债登记结算有限责任公司 (中央国债登记结算公司)China Government Securities Depository Trust& Clearing Co.Ltd.(CDC)   中央控制工作站 controller workstation   中央结算及交收系统 (中央结算系统)Central Clearing and Settlement System(CCASS)   《中央结算系统一般规则》General Rules of CCASS   中央结算系统互联网系统 CCASS Internet System   中央结算系统保证基金 CCASS Guarantee Fund   中央结算系统强制证券借贷服务 Compulsory Stock Borrowing and Lending Service in CCASS   中央结算系统参与者及指定银行名录 CCASS Participant & Designated Bank List   中央结算系统参与者保荐户口 CCASS Participant Sponsored Account   中央结算系统登记册 CCASS Register ;
2023-07-15 06:40:541


2021年11月最新外国人入境中国政策Due to the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 in the beginning of last year, the Chinese government had issued a series of restrictive temporary policies aimed to effectively prevent imported cases. With increasing population vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines and the effective control of the pandemic in some countries and regions, these restrictive policies have been adjusted and liberalized recently. In this issue we are gathering some of your core concern and provide our interpretation (take shanghai as an example)从去年初开始,随着全球新冠疫情的爆发,为有效防范境外疫情输入性风险,中国政府有关部门陆续出台了一系列的限制性临时政策。随着新冠疫苗接种人群的增加和一些国家地区对疫情的有效控制,近期这些限制性政策也有所调整和放开,结合目前大家比较关心的几个问题,我们为您做一个解答(以上海地区为例):Q1Started from last March, if foreign expats" visa or residence permit was expired when he/she was in China, the visa or residence permit could be granted a 60-day automatic extension without submitting the extension application to the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau. Is this policy still valid now?去年3月出台的“在华外籍人所持签证或停居留许可到期后可自动顺延60天,无需办理延期手续”的政策现在是否还有效?A1:Recently we have learnt from the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Shanghai Municipal that this policy will not be applicable any more. The applicants should submit his/her visa extension application to the local Exit-Entry Administration Bureau before its expiry.我们日前从上海市出入境管理局了解到,目前这个政策已经不再适用。所以已在华的外籍人签证到期前务必要提前去出入境办理延期手续。Q2Does an Invitation Letter required when an applicant apply for a Chinese visa for business or work now?现在外国人来华进行商务访问或是来华工作还需要先在境内申请邀请函吗?A2:Yes, based on the current immigration policy, foreign expats who want to come to China for economy and trade or technology activities will need to obtain a PU Invitation Letter (issued by the Foreign Affairs Offices or the relevant competent authorities)to support their visa application. For those who want to come to China for work, besides the PU letter, they also need to provide valid Work Permit or the Notification Letter of Work Permit for their visa application.是的,根据去年的政策要求,从事经贸、科技等活动的外国人需要凭中国境内政府机关(一般为各省市外办)签发的邀请函(PU邀请函)到境外的中国使、领馆申请新的商务签证后才能来华; 而首次来华工作的外国人需要凭《工作许可通知》或居留许可已过期的外国人凭有效的《工作许可证》和PU邀请函到境外的中国使、领馆申请新的工作签证后才能来华。Remark1.From March 15, several Chinese Embassies/Consulates announced an notice on Visa Facilitation for Applicants Inoculated with COVID-19 Vaccines Produced in China, stated that foreign nationals and their family members visiting the mainland of China for resuming work and production in various fields need only to provide the documents required before the COVID-19 pandemic when applying for a visa if they have vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccines and can provide the vaccination certificates. Therefore if you have inoculated with Chinese vaccines, you can check with the local Chinese Embassy/Consulate for information whether you need a PU Letter or not.2. And for some countries, if the applicant is holding a valid Work Permit, but the residence permit had expired after 28 March, 2020, he/she can also apply for a visa without PU invitation letter. The applicant can confirm with the local Chinese Embassy/consulate for detail information.备注:自3月15日起,多个中国驻外使领馆宣布对已接种中国生产新冠疫苗的外籍人员,可凭借相关的疫苗接种证明材料,按照疫情前的要求申请相关来华签证(包括工作人员随行家属,来华探亲、家庭团聚等),详见 “对接种中国生产新冠肺炎疫苗人员赴华提供签证便利的通知”。所以如果外国人在境外已经接种了中国产疫苗,可提前与当地中国使馆确认,可能会免办PU邀请函。另外,如果外国人持有效的《工作许可证》,个别使馆针对2020年3月28日以后过期的工作居留许可,也可以不用提交邀请函,请提前与当地使领馆确认。Q3The applicants have received a Chinese Residence Permit and left China, can they come back to China with current valid Residence Permit?外国人在中国境内已经拿到了有效的居留许可,如果现在出境,还能返回中国吗?A3:Up to date, people holding valid Chinese Residence Permit for work, personal matters and Family reunion can enter China from most countries except coming from Belgium, Italy, Philippines, Bangladesh, India, Russia, Ukraine, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Canada. Please avoid return to China from those countries.截至目前,如果外国人持三类在中国境内签发的有效工作居留许可(工作、私人事务和团聚类)都可以从大部分国家直接返回中国,除以下这些国家:比利时、意大利、菲律宾、孟加拉、印度、俄罗斯、乌克兰、埃塞俄比亚、尼日利亚、加拿大。请持居留许可的外国人避免从以上国家入境中国。RemarkSince the Chinese embassies/consulates in different countries have their own practices, we suggest you check with the local Chinese Embassy/Consulate for confirmation in ahead.备注:因为中国驻外国使领馆在具体实操中有所不同,请务必在出境前与中国驻当地使领馆就返回条件进行电话或邮件确认,以确保能够顺利返回中国。
2023-07-15 06:41:031


The Chinese Communist Party is the ruling party of the People"s Republic of China. China possesses a multi-party, consultative system of government that operates under the leadership of the Communist Party.According to the Chinese Constitution, all citizens eighteen years of age and older have the right to vote and to run for office.The National People"s Congress is China"s highest state political organ, with the authority to propose and approve legislation. The State Council, also known as the Central People"s Government, is the highest state administrative organ.State affairs are carried out according to administrative divisions. People"s Congresses and People"s Governments exist at the provincial level (including autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), county level (including cities), and village level (including townships).
2023-07-15 06:41:471


The People"s Republic of China and the (chinese) People"s Central Government are founded today!!
2023-07-15 06:41:541

湖广铁路债券案 怎么翻译

Huguang railways bonds caseA case In1979, November, bythe American citizens Jackson nine holder toAmerican Alabama District Court of the people"s Republic ofChina filed a lawsuit demanding repayment of their holdings, Chinesethe Qing governmentin 1911 issued "the railway bond principal and interest".USA District Court accepted the case, that isto the people"sRepublic of Chinaas the defendant, the court willserve a copy ofthe summons and complaintsent to the Minister of foreign affairs of China, the people"s Republic of China government requirements to reply to thecomplaintwithin 20 daysafter the serviceof the summons, or the "trialby default". In this regard, Chinesegovernment according to theprinciples of international law hasto American government declared Chineseposition, but the district court American Alabamaon September 1, 1982made "in absentia" unreasonable requirements, Chinesegovernment morethan 4130 yuan tothe plaintiff to pay.
2023-07-15 06:42:031

求用英语写一篇作文 两三百字 英语高手进啊!中国当前的经济形势 来的快可以加分!

《吴越春秋》中说:“民富国强,众安道泰。”“民富”在“国强”之前,古人早在千年前就提出了“以民为本”思想。始于30多年前的改革,将中国经济带入了世界前列,也使“发展第一”成为了30多年持续不变的首要目标。但GDP的高速增长并没有带来国民的同步富裕,收入差距过大成了发展起来后的问题,科学发展的目标渐行渐远。在10月召开的中共中央十七届五中全会上,“城乡居民收入普遍较快增加”被定为今后五年的主要发展目标之一,创建“幸福中国”,还富于民,需要真正从物本位向人本位转换,而民富才是国强之源,是需要我们持续关注的话题——  今天中国存在什么问题,大家几乎没有分歧。应该怎么做也提出了不少:比如扩大内需、调整结构、合理分配、关注民生、社会保障、持续发展,并且已被当局认可写入报告、文件,但大都没有有效实行。几年前,我们曾讨论过转变政府职能,从主导经济转为公共服务。那时我说:“服务型政府好不好,好?对不对?对!但做不做得到?做不到!行不行得通?行不通!”为什么?发展第一是中国的国策,主导经济是政府的职责,GDP是考核目标,官员靠这个升官,怎么会成为服务型呢?  “科学发展”抗不过“发展第一”  “十一五”规划的发展目标将超额实现,所要求的科学发展的目标基本落空。“十一五”规划要求生产总值年均增长7.5%,从2006年至2009年四年年均增长10.1%。如果今年增长维持去年的水平8.7%,五年年均增长将达到9.4%。实现发展目标已成定局。可是,与此相反,“十一五”规划要求的科学发展,不仅没有做到,甚至更趋恶化,已达到临界点。  比如“十一五”规划要求,调整投资和消费的关系,结果我国投资率世界最高、消费率世界最低;“十一五”规划要求,加快转变经济增长方式,结果我国经济对外依存度、产值能耗水平都是世界最高;“十一五”规划要求,使全体人民共享改革发展成果,结果是我国财政收入占GDP的比重世界最高,财政用于民生的支出世界最低,行政开支却是世界最高;“十一五”规划要求,保持社会安定,结果是群体事件不断,从1995年的6000起,到2007的6万起,2009年已经达到23万起。  “科学发展”作为这一届中央的一面旗帜,为什么就抗不过“发展第一”?  “发展第一”就是经济发展最重要,其他都是次要的。也就是说,把饼做大再说,至于怎么做大,增长方式是否合理,如何分配,分配方式的公平与否都不重要。所以,讲“科学发展”,就不能“发展第一”;“发展第一”就不是“科学发展”。可是“发展第一”是邓小平定下的国策,所以解释“科学发展”必须与“发展第一”保持一致。十七大报告解释什么是“科学发展观”时说:“科学发展观,第一要义是发展,核心是以人为本。”“发展第一”是物本位价值观,把物的增长放在首位,而忽略物的增长方式与物的成果分配。“以人为本”是人本位价值观,不是不要物,而是物的发展方式与物的成果分配都要符合人本位的理念。以人为本就是科学发展。这里把“发展第一”与“以人为本”相提并论,让各级政府去选择,GDP考核是硬的,“以人为本”是虚的。结果就是发展的目标实现,科学发展的目标落空
2023-07-15 06:42:145

Evidence is mounting that China’s government is sponsoring the cybertheft of Western 。。

此句的句子成分分析是:Evidence 主语is mounting 谓语that China"s government is sponsoring the cybertheft of Western corporate secrets.宾语从句mounting是现在分词,与is一起构成【现在进行时】the cybertheft 宾语从句中的表语。of Western corporate secrets介词短语作定语,修饰the cybertheft 如果我的回答对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!
2023-07-15 06:43:061


中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法(中英文版) 中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法 THE BASIC LAW OF THE HONG KONG SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION OF THE PEOPLE"S REPUBLIC OF CHINA 序 言 Preamble 香港自古以来就是中国的领土,一八四零年鸦片战争以后被英国占领。 Hong Kong has been part of the territory of China since ancient times; it was occupied by Britain after the Opium War in 1840. 一九八四年十二月十九日,中英两国政府签署了关于香港问题的联合声明,确认中华人民共和国政府于一九九七年七月一日恢复对香港行使主权,从而实现了长期以来中国人民收回香港的共同愿望。 On 19 December 1984, the Chinese and British Governments signed the Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong, affirming that the Government of the People"s Republic of China will resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong with effect from 1 July 1997, thus fulfilling the long-cherished common aspiration of the Chinese people for the recovery of Hong Kong. 为了维护国家的统一和领土完整,保持香港的繁荣和稳定,并考虑到香港的历史和现实情况,国家决定,在对香港恢复行使主权时,根据中华人民共和国宪法第三十一条的规定,设立香港特别行政区,并按照“一个国家,两种制度”的方针,不在香港实行社会主义的制度和政策。国家对香港的基本方针政策,已由中国政府在中英联合声明中予以阐明。 Upholding national unity and territorial integrity, maintaining the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong, and taking account of its history and realities, the People"s Republic of China has decided that upon China"s resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong, a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will be established in accordance with the provisions of Article 31 of the Constitution of the People"s Republic of China, and that under the principle of "one country, two systems," the socialist system and policies will not be practised in Hong Kong. The basic policies of the People"s Republic of China regarding Hong Kong have been elaborated by the Chinese Government in the Sino-British Joint Declaration. 根据中华人民共和国宪法,全国人民代表大会特制定中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法,规定香港特别行政区实行的制度,以保障国家对香港的基本方针政策的实施。 In accordance with the Constitution of the People"s Republic of China, the National People"s Congress hereby enacts the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People"s Republic of China, prescribing the systems to be practised in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in order to ensure the implementation of the basic policies of the People"s Republic of China regarding Hong Kong. 第一章 总 则 Chapter I General Principles 第一条 香港特别行政区是中华人民共和国不可分离的部分。 Article 1 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is an inalienable part of the people"s Republic of China. 第二条 全国人民代表大会授权香港特别行政区依照本法的规定实行高度自治,享有行政管理权、立法权、独立的司法权和终审权。 Article 2 The National People"s Congress authorizes the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to exercise a high degree of autonomy and enjoy executive, legislative and independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication, in accordance with the provisions of this Law. 第三条 香港特别行政区的行政机关和立法机关由香港永久性居民依照本法有关规定组成。 Article 3 The executive authorities and legislature of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be composed of permanent residents of Hong Kong in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Law. 第四条 香港特别行政区依法保障香港特别行政区居民和其他人的权利和自由。 Article 4 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall safeguard the rights and freedoms of the residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and of other persons in the Region in accordance with law. 第五条 香港特别行政区不实行社会主义制度和政策,保持原有的资本主义制度和生活方式,五十年不变。 Article 5 The socialist system and policies shall not be practised in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and the previous capitalist system and way of life shall remain unchanged for 50 years. 第六条 香港特别行政区依法保护私有财产权。 Article 6 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall protect the right of private ownership of property in accordance with law. 第七条 香港特别行政区境内的土地和自然资源属于国家所有,由香港特别行政区政府负责管理、使用、开发、出租或批给个人、法人或团体使用或开发,其收入全归香港特别行政区政府支配。 Article 7 The land and natural resources within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be State property. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be responsible for their management, use and development and for their lease or grant to individuals, legal persons or organizations for use or development. The revenues derived therefrom shall be exclusively at the disposal of the government of the Region. 第八条 香港原有法律,即普通法、衡平法、条例、附属立法和习惯法,除同本法相抵触或经香港特别行政区的立法机关作出修改者外,予以保留。 Article 8 The laws previously in force in Hong Kong, that is, the common law, rules of equity, ordinances, subordinate legislation and customary law shall be maintained, except for any that contravene this Law, and subject to any amendment by the legislature of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 第九条 香港特别行政区的行政机关、立法机关和司法机关,除使用中文外,还可使用英文,英文也是正式语文。 Article 9 In addition to the Chinese language, English may also be used as an official language by the executive authorities, legislature and judiciary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 第十条 香港特别行政区除悬挂中华人民共和国国旗和国徽外,还可使用香港特别行政区区旗和区徽。 Article 10 Apart from displaying the national flag and national emblem of the People"s Republic of China, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may also use a regional flag and regional emblem. 香港特别行政区的区旗是五星花蕊的紫荆花红旗。 The regional flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is a red flag with a bauhinia highlighted by five star-tipped stamens. 香港特别行政区的区徽,中间是五星花蕊的紫荆花,周围写有“中华人民共和国香港特别行政区”和英文“香港”。 The regional emblem of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is a bauhinia in the centre highlighted by five star-tipped stamens and encircled by the words "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People"s Republic of China" in Chinese and "HONG KONG" in English. 第十一条 根据中华人民共和国宪法第三十一条,香港特别行政区的制度和政策,包括社会、经济制度,有关保障居民的基本权利和自由的制度,行政管理、立法和司法方面的制度,以及有关政策,均以本法的规定为依据。 Article 11 In accordance with Article 31 of the Constitution of the People"s Republic of China, the systems and policies practised in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, including the social and economic systems, the system for safeguarding the fundamental rights and freedoms of its residents, the executive, legislative and judicial systems, and the relevant policies, shall be based on the provisions of this Law. 香港特别行政区立法机关制定的任何法律,均不得同本法相抵触。 No law enacted by the legislature of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall contravene this Law.第二章 中央和香港特别行政区的关系 Chapter II Relationship Between the Central Authorities and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 第十二条 香港特别行政区是中华人民共和国的一个享有高度自治权的地方行政区域,直辖于中央人民政府。 Article 12 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be a local administrative region of the People"s Republic of China, which shall enjoy a high degree of autonomy and come directly under the Central People"s Government. 第十三条 中央人民政府负责管理与香港特别行政区有关的外交事务。 Article 13 The Central People"s Government shall be responsible for the foreign affairs relating to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 中华人民共和国外交部在香港设立机构处理外交事务。 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People"s Republic of China shall establish an office in Hong Kong to deal with foreign affairs. 中央人民政府授权香港特别行政区依照本法自行处理有关的对外事务。 The Central People"s Government authorizes the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to conduct relevant external affairs on its own in accordance with this Law. 第十四条 中央人民政府负责管理香港特别行政区的防务。 Article 14 The Central People"s Government shall be responsible for the defence of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 香港特别行政区政府负责维持香港特别行政区的社会治安。 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be responsible for the maintenance of public order in the Region. 中央人民政府派驻香港特别行政区负责防务的军队不干预香港特别行政区的地方事务。香港特别行政区政府在必要时,可向中央人民政府请求驻军协助维持社会治安和救助灾害。 Military forces stationed by the Central People"s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for defence shall not interfere in the local affairs of the Region. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may, when necessary, ask the Central People"s Government for assistance from the garrison in the maintenance of public order and in disaster relief. 驻军人员除须遵守全国性的法律外,还须遵守香港特别行政区的法律。 In addition to abiding by national laws, members of the garrison shall abide by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 驻军费用由中央人民政府负担。 Expenditure for the garrison shall be borne by the Central People"s Government. 第十五条 中央人民政府依照本法第四章的规定任命香港特别行政区行政长官和行政机关的主要官员。 Article 15 The Central People"s Government shall appoint the Chief Executive and the principal officials of the executive authorities of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in accordance with the provisions of Chapter IV of this Law.
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中华人民共和国外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国国防部 Ministry of National Defense of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国国家发展计划委员会 State Development Planning Commission of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国国家经济贸易委员会 State Economic and Trade Commission of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国教育部 Ministry of Education of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国科学技术部 Ministry of Science and Technology of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国国防科学技术工业委员会 Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国国家民族事务委员会 State Ethnic Affairs Commission of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国公安部 Ministry of Public Security of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国国家安全部 Ministry of State Security of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国监察部 Ministry of Supervision of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国民政部 Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国司法部 Ministry of Justice of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国财政部 Ministry of Finance of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国人事部 Ministry of Personnel of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国劳动和社会保障部 Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国国土资源部 Ministry of Land and Resources of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国建设部 Ministry of Construction of the People"s Republic of China 中华人民共和国铁道部 Ministry of Railways of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国交通部 Ministry of Communications of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国信息产业部 Ministry of Information Industry of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国水利部 Ministry of Water Resources of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国农业部 Ministry of Agriculture of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部 Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国文化部 Ministry of Culture of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国卫生部 Ministry of Health of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国国家计划生育委员会 State Family Planning Commission of the People"s Republic of China中国人民银行 People"s Bank of China中华人民共和国审计署 National Audit Office of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国海关总署 General Administration of Customs of the People"s Republic of China国家税务总局 State Administration of Taxation中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理总局 State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局 General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine o of the People"s Republic of China国家环境保护总局 State Environmental Protection Administration中国民用航空总局 General Administration of Civil Aviation of China国家广播电影电视总局 State Administration of Radio, Film and Television中华人民共和国新闻出版总署(中华人民共和国国家版权局) General Administration of Press and Publication of the People"s Republic of China(National Copyright Administration of the People"s Republic of China)国家体育总局 General Administration of Sport中华人民共和国国家统计局 National Bureau of Statistics of the People"s Republic of China国家林业局 State Forestry Administration国家药品监督管理局 State Drug Administration中华人民共和国国家知识产权局 State Intellectual Property Office of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国国家旅游局 National Tourism Administration of the People"s Republic of China国家宗教事务局 State Administration for Religious Affairs国务院参事室 Counselors" Office of the State Council国务院机关事务管理局 Government Offices Administration of the State Council国务院侨务办公室 Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council国务院港澳事务办公室 Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council国务院法制办公室 Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council国务院经济体制改革办公室 Economic Restructuring Office of the State Council国务院研究室 Research Office of the State Council国务院台湾事务办公室 Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council国务院新闻办公室 Information Office of the State Council新华通讯社 Xinhua News Agency中国科学院 Chinese Academy of Sciences中国社会科学院 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences中国工程院 Chinese Academy of Engineering国务院发展研究中心 Development Research Center of the State Council国家行政学院 National School of Administration中国地震局 China Seismological Bureau中国气象局 China Meteorological Administration中国证券监督管理委员会 China Securities Regulatory Commission中国保险监督管理委员会 China Insurance Regulatory Commission全国社会保障基金理事会 National Council for Social Security Fund国家自然科学基金委员会 National Natural Science Foundation国家信访局 State Bureau for Letters and Calls国家粮食局 State Administration of Grain国家安全生产监督管理局State Administration of Work Safety国家烟草专卖局 State Tobacco Monopoly Administration国家外国专家局 State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs国家海洋局 State Oceanic Administration国家测绘局 State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping国家邮政局 State Post Bureau国家文物局 State Administration of Cultural Heritage国家中医药管理局 State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine国家外汇管理局 State Administration of Foreign Exchange国家档案局 State Archives Administration国家保密局 National Administration for the Protection of State Secrets
2023-07-15 06:44:081


提纲:1.稍带介绍中国历史 2.中国的发展 3.中国在世界中的角色英文如下:Ladies&Gentalmen, here is my lecture of promoting china to the world:China,a glory name to all chinese people,has more that 5000 years history,thus make her has the rich cultural deposits and affacts many the other countries.Not only the long history,in the modern world,china plays a very important role.In the economics,the data of GDP grows year by year and chinese people live better and better.In the agriculture field,chinese people can not only feed up themselves by the little farmland,but also export many farm products,such as fruits,rice,etc.In the enviromental protection field,China government takes many measures,for example ,encouraging people to grow more trees,thus make China has the largest area of artificial afforestation in the world.These are the achievements belonging to China.Also,China plays pivotal role and China has more and more stong discursive power when dealing with many problems and disputes happens in the world.Many the other countries say that without China,the world will be not so good.What China does is just to make a peacefull world.She just wishes less poor,less war ,nothing more.This is our great nation,China,we are proud of being a chinese people,we will make efforts to make it beatiful and powerful.That`s all ,thank you!
2023-07-15 06:44:231


BBC 的China"s Serious Pollution Problem Are you going to China? Then I will tell you pollution in China is very serious. The Chinese and government official"s environmental protection consciousness is very low. The Chinese industry economy increases quickly; pollution grows more serious more; and the great majority of Chinese are insensitive to the pollution. This is a Chinese, as well as, global disaster in the making. I request you help China. Car and motorcycle traffic is increasing greatly. The population in China is multitudinous"1300000000".is five times as the population of the US. China is short of cultivated land. in spite of this case,The Chinese government is developing the private car industry greatly, new highway construction will take up large areas of land. Traffic accidents increased greatly. In 2003 200,000 people died in traffic accidents in China. Building development is in mass confusion. Building technique is primitive and building in consuming large amounts of materials. In 2003 China poured 44% of the world"s cement. Building a house will consume more amounts of cement brick and decorative colorful brick in China than The Western Nation. But these houses make little use of insulation letting heat flow out in the winter and letting the heat in during the hot summer months. House repairs are more difficult, too.chinese concerns beauty of own house very much,but chinese don"t concern about environment round the house.they spend large money on their own house,but they are stingy in cost of the environment around their house. Garbage removal is primitive.chinese don"t know Garbage classification.waste plastic bags is visible everywhere. The Chinese people like to use plastic bags and batteries just once and then throw them away.china government pay great attention to beauty of city.they afford large money in images structure of city.but they pay little attention to garbage classification.large amounts of garbage is made by large consumption. River is polluted by chemical fertilizer,pesticide,herbicides,chemical synthetic detergent(washing powders),industry waste water,human excrement and urine,garbage.waste water excrement and urine flow directly into river without any sanitation practices.the most river in china is unsuitable for drinking.many china people is harmed by drinking water in polluted river.Education in protecting environment is blank. People"s understanding and concept of protecting the environment is quite low. China"s people are poor, but they are not frugal.Chinese are concerned the beauty of house but don"t concerned the beauty of environment,Chinese are concerned about their own health but don"t care about environmental health. They like to inject and swallow more medicines,eat more wild animals, but they don"t realize that the polluted food, water and air is threatening their health greatly. China is imitating the West"s high pattern of consumerism. Chinese hope per a people owning private car and Motorcycle,living big and big house. Consuming large power source as Western nations do. The Chinese government is making effort to realize this aim. China is producing large cars and motorcycles, large cement and brick.Exploiting large coal mines and oil field, large ore mines. Building large multi-story buildings and huge highway construction patterns. Enlarging blindly more and more area of cities and towns land. Large areas of land are damaged by the exploitation of natural resources. The population in China is multitudinous, 1.3 billion(perhaps 1.4or1.5 billion)people, five times the population of the US. China is short of cultivated land. The actual situation demands that China doesn"t imitate the West"s high consumption. China should develop electronic information consumption. Should develop economizing energy industries. If not, the Chinese would ruin their own environment,in further more, affect the global environment. The Chinese don"t realize that pollution is their most dangerous enemy.
2023-07-15 06:44:301


莱曼英语作文:中美之文化差异(大学)Talking about the difference between China and America,one of the typical western countries,we have to admit that the gaps between the two countries are so vivid and great that some of the professors like to take them as their researching subject.Let"s say education,China emphasize on the competitive ability of learning knowlege in its educational system while America put stress on the creative power of the students.That"s because China is a highly concentrated country in which individual characteristics are not welcome.But,in America,democracy and freedom are the main social trend and the ideal pursued by most of the American people who are cultivated to be independent.The two different educational systems will certainly educate different talents. Based on this,the two countries will present much differences in all aspects. One generation after another,the culture, economy, diplomacy and so on have been passing on with great difference.The most vivid characteristic for a country or a nation,perhaps,is its culture. In China,with its tradition, people have formed some certain customs which influence the whole society,such as,respect to the old,assisting to the young and protecting the female.All these are regarded as the parts of the China"s culture.Meanwhile,in American culture,individual personality and self-independence are taken as the center of the its human concept which is going through the American history,although its history is much shorter than China"s.Talking about the cultural difference between China and America,we cannot avoid talking about the movies and music.For most of the Chinese people,they believe in the mass and collective power which are usually presented in the movies while in American movies,you always see some individual heroes who have saved the whole human being and the earth as well.The reason is that Chinese people have been educated to depend on each other and respect each other.But,American people seems to be much more independent in their lives.Perhaps,everybody has heard about the conflict in the human rights between China and America.Let"s say,the attitude towards the abortion.China government thinks that the one-child family planning policy si a great cintribution the the whole human being.But on the contrary,American government regards the abortion as a kind of insult to the female sex and the insult to the human nature.Such kind of conflict has been between the two countries for a long time.Because of the different value,neither sides can convince each other on this subject.Based on the great population,China"s industry depends much more on the massive and collective labour force which makes China the biggest manufacturer of the world.The situation is originates the backward education in China,although China has been carrying out the educational reform.But America is pursuing the top high-tech of the world in the modern science.Therefore,America is becoming the leader in the development of the modern technology.This different point has made a great difference in economy between the two countries.China now is still a developing country while America is a developed country,only because their attitudes towards science and education differ a lot.During the Great Cultural Revolution in China,education was looked down upon while a complete generation was seriously influenced.Therefore,the education and the science development have been delayed for a decade.At the same time,America was hurrying to develop its education and science.And they launched the rocket to the moon,sending its people there while China was doing the domestic revolution.Up till now,America has been taking education as a kind of industry without smoke,just like traveling which is called the golden industry.It is believed that transportation has a very close relation with the development of economy.With the open-door policy in China,China and its people began to build up the highways in the middle of 80s last century.Surely enough,building highways is a great stimulation to the economic construction in China.But,in the United States,highways construction was regarded as the supporting force to the national economy early in 60s last century.Clearly we can see that there is a great difference in the early stage of the development of the national economy in the two countries.Different educations make different cultures, and create defferent ways of thinking and the styles of living.In China,it was in recent years that people realized the importance of investment.More and more people put their money into the stock market and lottery.And some of them draw the private money out of the bank,purchasing houses and family cars.And they began to try the loan of the banks for emergent use of the fund.But,depending on such kind of financial system,American people took it for granted that families used the loan for private affairs,named as the private investment.We have to acknowledge that agriculture plays an important part in the national economy and our daily life as well.In order to have a rapid development in industry,China ignored the agriculture.The farming land were largely occupied by the industry developing zones while the agriculture was shrinking.But in America,its agriculture was strictly protected by the government so that it developed steadily last two decades.Therfore,the agriculture export in China is decreasing while American agriculture export is increasing.The contrast in agriculture between the two countries presents two different ideas and concepts on economic development.Up till now,we have been talking about the difference between China and America,perhaps,you are not interested in or you have been tired of talking about the big issues,such as economy,education and so on.Well,let"s see the small details in our daily lives which everybody is experiencing.Just now,we mentioned that the differences are based on different educatins,different concepts and different points of values.It certainly influence our every day life which is the origination of the differences.In China,most of the parents are strict with their kids,expecting them to go to colleges or go abroad to have a profound learning.With this expectation,they want to show that their families are clever and strong enough and superior to the others.Usually,they neglect the children"s own needs.You can judge this form the children in the early morning,going to attend different learning groups out of their schools.Young kids in China have to face the competition at their early ages.But in the United States,teenagers" demands have been respected by their teachers and parents.Not everybody must go to college after the graduation from high schools.Decided by their interests and hobbies, some of the American teenagers would go to professional schools to learn a special technology.That is why America is never lack of technicians who are much more important than scientists.No doubt,holidays can make us relaxed and joyful.But holidays have different meanings to the people living in China and America.Most Chinese people wpuld like to stay home,cooking,chatting and watching TV,and some of them would go to visit their friends or relatives.It seems that most of the Chinese people are consertive in their holidays.But actually,they think that it is wasting money and time playing or having out-door activities.Meanwhile,American people would spend their holidays traveling or having sports,even some of them would take some adventures in great mountain or in the sea.It seems that most of American people would not stop moving all the time.It is well known that there are many differences about the table manners, the food and beverage between China and America.Chinese people would like to show off their richness at table,ordering too much food.Perhaps they are afraid of being looked upon bu the other people.Also they would ahve many special occasions to attend,such as weddings,birthday and funerals,spending much money.Actually,they are afraid of losing face in public.For most of the American people,they are very practical,not wasting a single dollar.Finally,we have to say,making such kind of comparisions is so interesting that we can learn something in it.Only because of the differences,have we had a colourful world and colourful life .We have to learn and accept the differences so that we can enjoy different lives which are brought by the different cultures.
2023-07-15 06:44:411


2023-07-15 06:44:482

以Traffic Problem in China为题写一篇300字的英语作文

Every day, we can found tens of news about car crashes and traffic issues in Chinese regions. With the rapid growing number of car owner in China, walking can be faster than driving to the destination, even if it takes a few hours to walk. When we look closely inside each car, there is usually one person in the car - the driver. This is a waste of gasoline, a waste of time, and more pollution to China"s air. Chinese government should set rules that force white collars and workers to "carpool". That is, to have two or more people, going to the same destination, ride in one car. This may reduce the number of cars on the road at the same time. There should be fast public transportation such as subway in the main cities. Others should advice their citizens to use more public transportation such as bus to free up the road.
2023-07-15 06:44:551


The Return of Macau In December 20, 1999, Macau returned to China,with the witness of thousands of people. People waited for this moment for almost 50 years, at the effort of the government, the Portuguese moved away from Macau, leaving Macau go to her mother—China. It is known thatMacauis part ofChina, even we lost it for about half a century, the government wouldnu2019t give up taking it back. Finally we did it, the return ofMacaureminds us ofTaiwan, which also is part of our country, today we still havenu2019t taken it back. Though the process is long to make it return, we are confident that somedayTaiwanwill return to our country.
2023-07-15 06:45:031


As we can see from the chart, China"s higher education is developing quickly. There were only about on million college students when New China was born in 1949, while the number reached 4.5 million in 2002. Several factors have contributed to the development of China"s higher education. First, China"s rapid economic development, especially during the twenty years of reform and opening up, has laid a sound foundation. Second, the Chinese government has been trying hard to encourage the development of higher education. One of the measures taken was to increase college enrollment starting from 1999. Third, most people have begun to realize the importance of higher education.
2023-07-15 06:45:121


你好,zhutao112 为你提供的下文,是在世界经济衰退背景下,中国经济的表现和何去何从,包括中国经济复苏的迹象等。希望能帮得上你。The Outlook For China"s EconomyChina, the world"s second largest economy by purchasing power parity, contributed over 10% to global economic output in 2007 and 2008 and is thus a key part of any recovery of the global economy. China faced a severe deceleration of growth in the second half of 2008 based on a number of indicators: GDP, production of electricity, the Purchasing Managers" Index (PMI), weakness of auto sales, a fall in residential home sales, manufacturing data and falling imports and exports. In fact, calculated on a quarter-by-quarter basis like most other countries, Chinese growth (which is reported only on a year-on-year basis) was practically zero and even negative by some private sector estimates. However, there are greater signs of economic recovery in March from the depths of the fourth quarter of 2008, and most forward-looking indicators suggest that from the second to the fourth quarter of 2009, growth will accelerate relative to the dismal fourth quarter of 2008 and weak first quarter of 2009. The more optimistic outlook for Chinese growth would require a recovery in the global economy, especially the U.S., in the second half of 2009, a development that seems more likely to come in 2010. It seems too soon to point to an economic recovery, particularly in the absence of a rebound in demand from the G-3 economies (the U.S., European Union and Japan) that absorb most of Chinese exports.There are other risks to this scenario. First, the Chinese policy stimulus could turn out to be insufficient, and further stimulus could be delayed. Second, if a "drugged" recovery--via easy money, loose fiscal policy and easy credit--leads to further over-capacity (of which there is some evidence), it could result in rising non-performing loans, falling profits or rising losses.Furthermore, although indicators of private consumption like retail sales have remained relatively robust, they are growing at a slower pace compared to the second half of 2008. The extent of job losses and falling incomes as well as negative consumer confidence may slow consumption further going forward, particularly in urban areas, despite government incentives.Despite the fact that China"s aggressive policy response included monetary easing, a scaling up of bank lending and a particularly aggressive scaling up of government investment to offset the contraction in private demand, there is an increased risk that China will grow only in the 5% to 6% range year-on-year in 2009, about half its average growth of the previous five years, and well below potential. Such a growth rate would increase pressures on China"s government, as the hard landing has been accompanied by job losses and factory closures as well as implying that Chinese commodity demand could continue to be lower than recent trends.
2023-07-15 06:45:331


你好,为你提供的下文,是在世界经济衰退背景下,中国经济的表现和何去何从,包括中国经济复苏的迹象等。希望能帮得上你。The Outlook For China"s EconomyChina, the world"s second largest economy by purchasing power parity, contributed over 10% to global economic output in 2007 and 2008 and is thus a key part of any recovery of the global economy. China faced a severe deceleration of growth in the second half of 2008 based on a number of indicators: GDP, production of electricity, the Purchasing Managers" Index (PMI), weakness of auto sales, a fall in residential home sales, manufacturing data and falling imports and exports. In fact, calculated on a quarter-by-quarter basis like most other countries, Chinese growth (which is reported only on a year-on-year basis) was practically zero and even negative by some private sector estimates. However, there are greater signs of economic recovery in March from the depths of the fourth quarter of 2008, and most forward-looking indicators suggest that from the second to the fourth quarter of 2009, growth will accelerate relative to the dismal fourth quarter of 2008 and weak first quarter of 2009. The more optimistic outlook for Chinese growth would require a recovery in the global economy, especially the U.S., in the second half of 2009, a development that seems more likely to come in 2010. It seems too soon to point to an economic recovery, particularly in the absence of a rebound in demand from the G-3 economies (the U.S., European Union and Japan) that absorb most of Chinese exports.There are other risks to this scenario. First, the Chinese policy stimulus could turn out to be insufficient, and further stimulus could be delayed. Second, if a "drugged" recovery--via easy money, loose fiscal policy and easy credit--leads to further over-capacity (of which there is some evidence), it could result in rising non-performing loans, falling profits or rising losses.Furthermore, although indicators of private consumption like retail sales have remained relatively robust, they are growing at a slower pace compared to the second half of 2008. The extent of job losses and falling incomes as well as negative consumer confidence may slow consumption further going forward, particularly in urban areas, despite government incentives.Despite the fact that China"s aggressive policy response included monetary easing, a scaling up of bank lending and a particularly aggressive scaling up of government investment to offset the contraction in private demand, there is an increased risk that China will grow only in the 5% to 6% range year-on-year in 2009, about half its average growth of the previous five years, and well below potential. Such a growth rate would increase pressures on China"s government, as the hard landing has been accompanied by job losses and factory closures as well as implying that Chinese commodity demand could continue to be lower than recent trends.
2023-07-15 06:45:431


[美国记者对中国撤侨现场的观后感] By Martin Fletcher, NBC News CorrespondentVALLETTA, Malta – How things have changed. When the 2004 tsunamihit the Indian Ocean, America sent the Seventh Fleet of the U.S.Navy to help evacuees. China sent a cargo ship.Now to evacuate American workers from the crisis in Libya, Americasent a chartered ferry too small to ride the rough seas of theMediterranean.China chartered a giant ocean cruise ship, 20 civilian aircraft,four military aircraft and moved 35,860 of its citizens out ofdanger in Libya as of Wednesday, within a week of starting theprocess, according to the Chinese foreign minister.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------瓦莱塔,马耳他,美国记者对中国撤侨现场的观后感。 三十年河东,三十年河西。2004年印度洋海啸的时候,我们MD把海军第七舰队派去协助撤侨,而中国就派了一艘货船。眼下为了撤出当前利比亚危机中的美国工人,美国政府就派了条小得跟舢板似的船去风高浪急的地中海。中国出动了一艘大型巡洋舰,20架民航客机,4架军用客机,在一周之内,周三之前,就从利比亚撤出了全部的35860公民,以上消息由中国外交部长证实。I"m thinking of the comparison as I wait for my plane in Malta, oneof the evacuation hubs. Lined up in complete silence and totalorder are hundreds of Chinese workers wearing red caps, obeyingladies holding up red and yellow Chinese flags like any tour groupat the Vatican. They follow instructions, wait in long lines, andshuffle forward when told. On command, a long single file stridesthrough the concourse like an unstoppable column of ants. I amreminded of the 1927 German movie Metropolis.What a difference. Not one is wearing headphones or playing with atelephone or digital device. They are all slim and fit, no sign ofimpending obesity. Their bags are bound with cellophane. Some arestill in their orange work suits and carrying orange hardhats. Theywere working in Libya"s oil, rail, construction andtelecommunications industries.China"s government chartered a fleet of planes to carry them toShanghai. Quietly, effectively, without fuss, China is evacuatingall its workers to safety. It is the silent contract between stateand worker: You work abroad, we"ll look after you.-----------------------------我在马耳他的一个撤侨集散中心一边等我的飞机,一边思考这个对比。几百名中国工人带着红帽子排成长队,安静而有序,领队的mm举着红黄色的中国国旗,看起来就像是假期中的旅行团。他们都非常听从指挥,排成长长的队,当被叫到的时候就慢慢往前挪,命令一下就像一列不可阻挡的蚂蚁一样大步穿过集散中心。真是跟米国不一样呀,没有人带着耳机听筒或者在玩手机等数码设备,他们身材都很纤细匀称,没有一个肥头大耳的。他们的包包都用玻璃纸捆起来,有些人还穿着橘黄色的工作服带着橘黄色的建筑帽。他们都是工作在利比亚油田,铁路,建筑,通讯行业的工人。中国政府包了一队的飞机把他们悄悄地,高效地带回上海,没有一丝的凌乱,观后感《美国记者对中国撤侨现场的观后感》。似乎在政府和工人之间有一个不成文的协议:你在外面工作,我在后面罩你。China"s People"s Daily boasted that it was the “largest and mostcomplicated overseas evacuation ever conducted by the Chinesegovernment.” And China"s foreign minister gave credit for thespeedy and efficient evacuation to “Chinas peaceful foreignpolicy, which makes China a popular country in the community ofnations.”There are an estimated 50,000 Chinese workers in Nigeria, 35,000 inSudan, 40,000 in Zambia, 30,000 in Angola, 20,000 in Algeria andthousands more dotted around the African continent. They are theface of Chinese industry, investment, diplomacy and eventually,power.But what strikes me is the efficiency and order and calm. Nobodywas arguing with the airline staff, objecting to orders, strugglingwith too many bags and bulky packages. Rather just a line of calm,single men with small cases, waiting patiently to be told what todo and where to go.It occurred to me, is this the future?-------------------中国的人民日报将这次行动自夸成是“中国政府所领导的规模最大,难度最高,情况最复杂的撤侨行动”中国的外交部部长把撤侨行动的高效归结于“中国的和平外交政策,使得中国在国际社会成为一个受欢迎的国家。”据估计,中国在尼日尼亚有5万工人,在苏丹有3.5万,在赞比亚有4万,在安哥拉有3万,在阿尔及利亚有2万,还有数以千计的工人星罗盘布在整个非洲大陆,他们是中国工业,投资业,外交的代表,最重要的是,他们代表着中国的国家力量。真正让我震撼的是撤侨的效率,秩序,以及安静。没有人在讨论航班,反对顺序,把很多包和大袋子折腾的呯呯嗙磅,仅仅就是一条沉默的人流,耐心的等待被告知要做什么,要去哪里。看到这样我不禁想到,这是不是就是未来?China has invested heavily in Africa while the West turnedelsewhere, and Chinese companies are spreading rapidly and silentlythrough Latin America, too. Their insatiable appetite for coal,copper, bauxite, oil, iron ore and almost every other mineral isleading them on an economic conquest like no other. Their workerslead the rush, and their government spreads its wings to protectthem, wherever they are.As 200 men lined up in a silent single file that snaked throughduty-free, with nobody eyeing all the luxuries on display, waitingfor a man with a Chinese flag to raise his arm and tell them tomove, I didn"t know whether to be filled with admiration ortrepidation.I did think, we better keep them on our side.--------------------当西方把注意力放到别的地方的时候,中国在非洲投了重注,同时中国公司在拉丁美洲的扩张也是非常的安静和迅速。他们对煤矿,铜,矾石,石油,铁矿以及几乎所有其他矿物无止尽的需求已经把他们引上了无人能及的经济征服道路。他们的工人冲在最前面,他们的政府张开羽翼保护着他们,无论在哪里。将近有200人排成的单列饶着圈排到了机场免税店里面,没有人瞧一眼陈列的奢侈品,他们只是在等待举中国国旗的人举起手臂告诉他们该往前挪挪鸟,我不知道我内心充满的是敬佩还是颤抖。我觉得,我们最好把他们拉到我们这边。链接:美国记者的博客   〔美国记者对中国撤侨现场的观后感〕随文赠言:【人生舞台的大幕随时都可能拉开,关键是你愿意表演,还是选择躲避。】
2023-07-15 06:45:501


The Olynpic Games The Olympic Games, first held in 776BC, has a history of more than one thousand yiars. The Games is held every four years. Many countries try their best to bid forhosting the Olympic Games. And every country does its best to get more medals in the Games. In 2000, the city of Sidney held the 27th Olympic Games. Over one hundred countries all over the world took part in it. We won 28gold medals that year. China, a major sport country, will hold the 29th Olympic Games in 2008. People from all walks of life are participating in various activities and making good preparations for it. There are five rings on the Olympic flag, which are considered to symbolize, the five continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. The Olympic motto is: "Swifter, higher, stronger." The Games can promote the understanding and friendship among different peoples and different nations. 奥林匹克运动会 公元前776年首次举办的奥运会,已经有一千多年的历史了。奥运会每四年举办一次。 许多国家尽他们最大的努力争办奥运会。每个国家在运动会中都争取拿更多的奖牌。2000年,悉尼举办了第27届奥运会,全世界100多个国家参加了这次盛会。那年我国获得了28枚金牌。中国作为一个体育大国,将于2008年举办第29届奥运会。各条战线的人们正在为奥运会做着各项准备。 奥运会的会旗上有五个环。五环被认为象征着五大洲:欧洲、亚洲、非洲、澳洲和美洲。奥运会的口号是:“更高,更快,更强。”奥运会能够促进各民族以及各个国家之间的理解和友谊
2023-07-15 06:46:223


The Summer Palace The Summer Palace is the most beautiful and the largest imperial garden in China. It was built at the beginning of the 12th century and has a history of over 800 years. It is now a world cultural heritage site. 颐和园主要由万寿山和昆明湖组成,水面占全园的四分之三。它既有湖光山色,又有庭园景色。 In the Summer Palace, the Long Corridor and the bridges are both very famous. 颐和园的长廊 The Long Corridor is 728 meters long and it is the longest corridor in the world. It is also one of the most famous garden landscapes in China. 廊上的每根枋梁上都有彩绘,共有图画14000余幅呢。That"s great! 内容包括山水风景、花鸟鱼虫、人物典故等。画中的人物画均取材于中国古典名著。So in that case, we could learn a lot from viewing the long corridor, right? 玉带桥 玉带桥是西堤六桥中最美的一座高拱石桥。玉带桥通体洁白,有着流畅、柔和、匀称的造型,恰似一条玉带,格外秀美。Wow,how beautiful it is! 谐趣园 It"s a small garden with a pond in it. There is a nice teahouse by the water.
2023-07-15 06:46:323


The difference between Chinese and foreigners to the difference between Chinese and foreigners:1,the Chinese people care about others doing,but often don"t know what you are doing,whether foreigners around doing,but what you"re doing;2,Chinese wedding is the leading praise promoted promotion,foreign wedding is thatacquired fame and fortune;3,the Chinese regarded money as "sugar Fried chestnut" (hot) and "stinky tofu" (eating a sweet,smelling the smelly),foreigners as a ruler,the money can be used to measure people;4,Chinese speaking,foreigners speak utilitarian,foreigners good wealth,the Chinese xi gong;5,the money spent on "for" of Chinese and foreign money to spend on the campaign trail,6 Chinese will tighten see are not save money,foreigners life waste but something to his old waste;7,Chinese people quarrel on the street,a foreigner bickering in congress;8,the Chinese into the store as kannika nimtragol,foreigners into the store as the big ye;9,the Chinese people love boast fathers,foreigners love praise myself;10,Chinese education children to content,foreigners education child or meet;11,Chinese people advocate the long-awaited difficult for choosing talents,foreigners with limit law,talents,wizards,geek,there are also;12,love the people,the Chinese government foreign governments fear the people,China"s books and newspapers,presumably is education,the people of the foreign books and newspapers,presumably always education administration;13,the Chinese people rely on government support (government spent money to give us a wage increase),in foreign government by the people"s support,every sum of money to the taxpayers to render an account;14,China"s paper achievement,more foreigners in the paper the disaster;Nattering 15,Chinese democracy more than eight hours,whining,foreigners more than eight hours of patents,to see the boss is like a mouse saw the cat;16,the Chinese university get out easily,foreigners university yi into the hard.
2023-07-15 06:46:391

用一段英语对话向外国人介绍中国文化,please help me !!

The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. All people living away from home go back, becoming the busiest time for transportation systems of about half a month from the Spring Festival. Airports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees. The Spring Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month, often one month later than the Gregorian calendar. It originated in the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600 BC-c. 1100 BC) from the people"s sacrifice to gods and ancestors at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one. Strictly speaking, the Spring Festival starts every year in the early days of the 12th lunar month and will last till the mid 1st lunar month of the next year. Of them, the most important days are Spring Festival Eve and the first three days. The Chinese government now stipulates people have seven days off for the Chinese Lunar New Year. Many customs accompany the Spring Festival. Some are still followed today, but others have weakened. Store owners are busy then as everybody goes out to purchase necessities for the New Year. Materials not only include edible oil, rice, flour, chicken, duck, fish and meat, but also fruit, candies and kinds of nuts. What"s more, various decorations, new clothes and shoes for the children as well as gifts for the elderly, friends and relatives, are all on the list of purchasing. Before the New Year comes, the people completely clean the indoors and outdoors of their homes as well as their clothes, bedclothes and all their utensils. Then people begin decorating their clean rooms featuring an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity. All the door panels will be pasted with Spring Festival couplets, highlighting Chinese calligraphy with black characters on red paper. The content varies from house owners" wishes for a bright future to good luck for the New Year. Also, pictures of the god of doors and wealth will be posted on front doors to ward off evil spirits and welcome peace and abundance.People attach great importance to Spring Festival Eve. At that time, all family members eat dinner together. The meal is more luxurious than usual. Dishes such as chicken, fish and bean curd cannot be excluded, for in Chinese, their pronunciations, respectively "ji", "yu" and "doufu," mean auspiciousness, abundance and richness. After the dinner, the whole family will sit together, chatting and watching TV. In recent years, the Spring Festival party broadcast on China Central Television Station (CCTV) is essential entertainment for the Chinese both at home and abroad. According to custom, each family will stay up to see the New Year in.Waking up on New Year, everybody dresses up. First they extend greetings to their parents. Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, wrapped up in red paper. People in northern China will eat jiaozi, or dumplings, for breakfast, as they think "jiaozi" in sound means "bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new". Also, the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot from ancient China. So people eat them and wish for money and treasure. Southern Chinese eat niangao (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour) on this occasion, because as a homophone, niangao means "higher and higher, one year after another." The first five days after the Spring Festival are a good time for relatives, friends, and classmates as well as colleagues to exchange greetings, gifts and chat leisurely.Burning fireworks was once the most typical custom on the Spring Festival. People thought the spluttering sound could help drive away evil spirits. However, such an activity was completely or partially forbidden in big cities once the government took security, noise and pollution factors into consideration. As a replacement, some buy tapes with firecracker sounds to listen to, some break little balloons to get the sound too, while others buy firecracker handicrafts to hang in the living room. The lively atmosphere not only fills every household, but permeates to streets and lanes. A series of activities such as lion dancing, dragon lantern dancing, lantern festivals and temple fairs will be held for days. The Spring Festival then comes to an end when the Lantern Festival is finished. China has 56 ethnic groups. Minorities celebrate their Spring Festival almost the same day as the Han people, and they have different customs.
2023-07-15 06:46:481


2023-07-15 06:46:582


This paper is the one i need, lots of thanks. Another question please: we know A is the Director of B, if there is any board resolution for the appointment of A? Scanning copy of the board resolution may also be my need if the answer is yes. The work of changing legal person of the investive side which is being A intead of C is going on, there are plenty of demands from china government. Sorry to trouble you.
2023-07-15 06:47:163


The China IssueWords By GOOD magazineIn just a few months, the Olympic flame will arrive in Beijing, signaling the start of the 29th Olympiad. Beyond medal counts and race results, we will be engulfed in news about China—from government-sponsored agitprop about rapid modernization to alarmist drumbeats about a growing military and potential economic disaster. Somewhere in between the propaganda and the hysteria will lie the truth.If the United States is the last remaining superpower of the imperialist era, then China is rapidly becoming the first of the information age. When the world last found itself with two superpowers things didn"t go so well; we"re hoping these stories will contribute to a more rational dialogue this time around. China"s deplorable record on human rights, political freedom, and the environment cannot lightly be cast aside, but it is sometimes necessary to look beyond it. Our two countries are inexorably linked, so let"s find out who our Eastern neighbor really is.The China Issue FeaturesWe"ll be adding new features to this list regularly through May.Welcome to the O.C.DANIEL BROOK visits the suburban anomaly of Orange County, China.Strangers in a Strange LandForget Paris. This generation"s expats are hightailing it to Beijing and Shanghai. GOOD gets acquainted with some of China"s newest residents.Moving PicturesChinese director JIA ZHANG KE ponders cinema"s impact on modern China.Ten Reasons Why China Matters To YouTHOMAS P.M. BARNETT offers 10 reasons why our communist neighbor to the east could be our most valuable global ally. BONUS: What"s Up With China? Everything you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask.Remember Tibet?Samdhong Rinpoche, the Tibetan prime minister, discusses freedom, resistance, and China. Interview by MATT SCHWARTZ.The New ChinaADAM MATTHEWS explores the metropolis of Shenzhen to see how China"s experiments in capitalism are playing out.What"s Up With China? plus China FAQThey"re just like us! They go to Vegas, win Olympic medals, and like hip hop. Plus: A China FAQ featuring the nine men who control China and more.Like this article? Tell the world It"s Good!Speak UpLeave a commentMake it GOOD! This will be posted to your personal blog too.Title * You must enter a titleMessage * You can"t leave the message field blankyou can include links in your post using this code:[url=]GOOD Magazine[/url]* Fields marked in red must be completedUser comments (2)not yet ratedAsk the IOCThe Olympic Committee should be consistent with how they implement and execute their decisions on who gets the Olympics. If China is okay – should Zimbabwe get it next? It will be consistent with what they call “the Olympic” values. Or maybe we should have a closer look at their values – if we can find it. More on this in my blog at on April 5, 2008 — by angryafrican0 commentsnot yet ratedPuzzledThe pictures really makes me quite puzzled.I"m now in China reading this article,and I"m a student in MianYang,China.The pictures shown above are all taken in 1980s when my father was not married.Great changes have taken place in China in the recent 20 years.Maybe you should come here if you want to have a better understanding of this nation.The Olympics are coming,and I will soon go to Beijing to watch the Games.I really hope you can come here,and we will give you a warm wellcome!北京欢迎你!^…^
2023-07-15 06:47:231


2023-07-15 06:47:329

急求一篇英语作文:关于develop central and western China的文章,100词左右

您好,很高兴为您解答!!! < develop central and western China > The Chinese government has recently decided to develop central and western China.This part of China includes nine provinces and autonomous regions, and one municipality. It covers an area of S. 4 million square kilometers with a population of 2.85 hundred million. The government will pay special attention to its transportation. Some highways and railways will be built. In order to protect the nature, farmers will let farmland revert to forest. Also, measures should be taken to prevent pollution. Western China is rich in natural resources, which can be exploited and made full use of. To meet the need of development, all kinds of experts and skilled workers are to be brought in. As the result of the great project, we believe that central and western regions of China will surely achieve better and faster development in the new century.写的不好,望多多指教!!!谢谢。。。
2023-07-15 06:47:471


China Traffic Transportation and Management
2023-07-15 06:47:553


(1979.1.1)中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国商定自一九七九年一月一日起互相承认并建立外交关系。美利坚合众国承认中华人民共和国政府是中国的唯一合法政府。在此范围内,美国人民将同台湾人民保持文化、商务和其他非官方关系。中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国重申上海公报中双方一致同意的各项原则,并再次强调:──双方都希望减少国际军事冲突的危险。──任何一方都不应该在亚洲-太平洋地区以及世界上任何地区谋求霸权,每一方都反对任何国家或国家集团建立这种霸权的努力。──任何一方都不准备代表任何第三方进行谈判,也不准备同对方达成针对其他国家的协议或谅解。──美利坚合众国政府承认中国的立场,即只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。──双方认为,中美关系正常化不仅符合中国人民和美国人民的利益,而且有助于亚洲和世界的和平事业。中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国将于一九七九年三月一日互派大使并建立大使馆。 Joint Communique of the United States of America and the People"s Republic of China--------------------------------------------------------------------------------January 1, 1979(The communique was released on December 15, 1978, in Washington and Beijing.)1.The United States of America and the People"s Republic of China have agreed to recognize each other and to establish diplomatic relations as of January 1, 1979.2.The United States of America recognizes the Government of the People"s Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China. Within this context, the people of the United States will maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan.3.The United States of America and the People"s Republic of China reaffirm the principles agreed on by the two sides in the Shanghai Communique and emphasize once again that:4.Both wish to reduce the danger of international military conflict.5.Neither should seek hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region or in any other region of the world and each is opposed to efforts by any other country or group of countries to establish such hegemony.6.Neither is prepared to negotiate on behalf of any third party or to enter into agreements or understandings with the other directed at other states.7.The Government of the United States of America acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China.8.Both believe that normalization of Sino-American relations is not only in the interest of the Chinese and American peoples but also contributes to the cause of peace in Asia and the world.9.The United States of America and the People"s Republic of China will exchange Ambassadors and establish Embassies on March 1, 1979.
2023-07-15 06:48:021

求以Can you say sth about the symbol of china?为题的英语作文 100词左右

Chinese people always appreciate the purposes and principles of Olympic ideal, support the efforts of Olympic Games to promote world peace. The Chinese Government and people are doing our the utmost/best to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, and shooting at the pageant with advocating Olympic ideal, sparkpluging world peace and enhancing the relationships among the world. Olympic spirit are gonna spread again in orient cultural ancient China. The government and people of China have always admired the purposes and principles of the Olympic spirit and supported the efforts made by the Olympics in promoting world peace. The Chinese government and people are doing our utmost in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. It is our hope to make it a grand gathering that will carry forward the Olympic spirit, promote world peace and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the Olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization.
2023-07-15 06:48:182

请帮我翻译下论文摘要 谢谢 题目 关于我国政府职能转变的几点思考

About our government function change points of thinkingPick to: with China"s accession to the WTO and the development of economic globalization, the transformation government function not only promoting China"s economic development mode change the need, but also achieve economic economy-construction-type government by to service-oriented government transformation, but also the need of overall planning for urban-rural development, so as to facilitate the important guarantee of effectively solve various social conflicts. At present, our country has in the transformation of government functions has made a historic progress, initially established a social and economic development to adapt to a new socialist government, has accumulated rich experience . Meanwhile, in practice, such as exposed micro management drawbacks too poor, macroeconomic regulation, administrative decentralization in malignant circulation, etc. Right now, our government function change must construct service-oriented government to launch construction.Keywords: government function, service-oriented government, economic economy-construction-type government
2023-07-15 06:48:252