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英语情景剧剧本 急用!!Topic:We are a happy family 围绕这个主题的就可以!!

2023-05-19 16:53:00
TAG: 英语

你可以找找看 《人人都爱雷蒙德》 这部电视剧看下,就是家庭剧,里面应该能找到你想要的场景,然后网上搜剧本就OK了。


Bart the General

Bart the General Written by John Swartzwelder

Directed by David

Interior of the oven, cupcakes baking. Homer opens the door, and Marge

explains that Lisa"s baking them for her teacher. Door closes. Bart

opens the door and reaches in, but Marge yanks him away. Lisa

ices the most recent batch of chocolate cupcakes...

Bart: You know, there are names for people like you.

Lisa: No there aren"t.

Bart: Teacher"s pet! Apple polisher! Butt-kisser!

Homer: Bart, you"re saying butt-kisser like it"s a bad thing!

-- ``Bart the General""

Homer tells Bart it never hurts to grease the wheel, but Lisa denies that

she"s doing it for the grades. She gets good grades because she pays

attention and studies hard. Homer grabs a cupcake, and the kids dash off

when the school bus horn honks. Lisa nips back in time to grab the

cupcake before Homer can eat it. (``D"oh!"")

Bart complains to Otto that Lisa baked a batch of cupcakes for her teacher

and isn"t letting him have even a single crumb. Lisa hands over a cupcake.

``Here, Otto. I made an extra one for you.""

Bart takes the seat next to Lisa, and when the bus sets into motion, the

box jostles, and Bart helps catch it. Lisa grabs the box back.

Bart: You sniveling toad! You little egg-sucker!

Lisa: [holding secure her box of cupcakes] Tell me more!

Bart; Back-scratcher! Boot-licker! Honor student!

Lisa: [smirking] You"ll never get one now, name-caller.

Bart: All right, all right. Look, I"m sorry. I, I got upset.

In the heat of the moment, I said some things I didn"t mean.

Lisa: [milking it] You weren"t thinking, were you.

Bart: No.

Lisa: I"m <not> a sniveling toad, am I?

Bart: Not really.

Lisa: I"m <not> a little egg-sucker, am I?

Bart: Of course not.

Lisa: Then what am I?

Bart: A beautiful human being.

Lisa: [coyly] What do you like best about me?

Bart: [staring at the cupcakes] Well, I"d have to say...

Your generous nature, your spirit of giving.

Lisa: Well... [thinks] Open your mouth and close your eyes, and you will

get a big surprise.

Bart: [does so]

Lisa: [gets up. The bus stops, and a cupcake falls out of the box.

Lisa picks it up and shoves it into Bart"s mouth, then leaves]

Bart: [munching] Thanks, Lis. You"re the best!

-- ``Bart the General""

Once off the bus, a bully grabs the cupcakes and goes through the box,

taking one bite out of each before discarding it. Bart threatens the

boy, but Lisa warns Bart that the kid is a friend of Nelson Muntz.

The boy pretends to hand over the box, but drops it and stomps on it.

This proves too much for Bart, who leaps to attack the kid. A scuffle

ensues (with the other kids cheering), and a hand reaches in and grabs

Bart. It"s Nelson, who holds Bart harmlessly at arm"s length, then

tosses him aside. Nelson is bleeding. He explains that he always

gets other people"s blood on his face. But this time, it really <is>

his blood.

It was an accident, man. A terrible, ghastly mistake.

-- Bart tries to talk his way out of another jam, ``Bart the General""

A cold wind blows. Skinner stops by. ``Play friendly, children.""

The bell rings.

Nelson: [threateningly] I"ll get you after school, man.

Bart: But...

Princ. Skinner: Oh no no no, he"ll get you after school, son.

Now hurry up, it"s time for class.

Bart: But...

Princ. Skinner: [shooing] Scoot, young Simpson! There"s learning to be done!

-- ``Bart the General""

During class, Bart daydreams... Nelson is now a giant, who chases Bart

down the hallway. Bart throws knives at him, which he merely pushes

away after they embed in his chest. Bullets from a machine gun merely

bounce off him. Bart is trapped, and giant-Nelson grabs Bart and says,

``Lunchtime!"" Bart falls down Nelson"s throat...

``Lunchtime, Bart,"" says Milhouse. Milhouse tells Bart he has to

tell Skinner, but Bart refuses to violate the code of the schoolyard.

They reach the lunchroom, where Lisa introduces ``Bart the bully-killer!""

Look, everybody. I would just as soon not make a big deal out of this.

I"m not saying that I"m not a hero.

I"m just saying that... I fear for my safety.

-- Bart, ``Bart the General""

Nelson and his two cronies push through the crowd. The other kids scoot.

Nelson tells Bart to be at the flagpole at 3:15. And not to be late.

He has four other meetings that afternoon.

Bart daydreams in class again... It"s his funeral. Open casket. (Bart

has his lunchbox tucked under his arm.)

Otto: [at Bart"s wake] Good-bye, little dude.

[to Principal Skinner] He looks so lifelike, man!

Principal Skinner: Yes, the nurse did a wonderful job reconstructing his

little face after the fight. Good-bye, son. I guess you were right.

All that homework <was> a waste of your time.

-- Wake me when it"s over, ``Bart the General""

Thanks, Bart! We got the day off from school for this!

-- Milhouse attends Bart"s wake, ``Bart the General""

Homer gleefully says he got the day off from work for this. Marge jabs

him in the ribs, and Homer acts in a manner more befitting the situation.

Marge and Maggie bid Bart farewell. Lisa holds a cupcake. ``I can"t

help but think if I had just given it to you in the first place,

this whole horrible tragedy could have been avoided."" She leaves it

on his forehead. Nelson comes up and takes the cupcake. ``Hey, look!

They"ve got food at this thing!"" He then gives Bart a parting punch.

The 3:15 bell rings. Bart tries to sneak out (hiding behind ridiculous

things), but Nelson blocks his way.

Nelson: Put "em up! [circles his fists]

Bart: [raises his hands in surrender]

-- ``Bart the General""

Nelson pummels a helpless Bart. Bart eventually collapses. ``Boy, you

sure taught <me> a lesson."" Bart is dragged off and dumped into a trash

can. ``I"m going to get you again tomorrow, Simpson."" Bart takes a

free ride in the garbage can down the street. Bart mutters, ``Man, that

guy"s tough to love...""

[End of Act One. Time: 7:24ish]

Bart climbs out of the garbage can onto the Simpsons front lawn. He falls

and crawls inside. Marge seems concerned, but Homer just laughs it off.

Bart goes into the bathroom, takes a quick look in the mirror (``I"m gonna

miss ya, big guy"") and sits in the tub, moaning in pain. Homer pops in,

at Marge"s insistence. Bart tearfully asks Homer"s help. The first step

is to dry Bart"s tears, which Homer does with a high-power hair blower.

Bart: Well, I had a run-in with a... bully.

Marge: [bursts in] A bully!?

Homer: [annoyed] Come on, Marge! I don"t bug you when you"re helping Lisa!

Marge: Well, Bart, I hope you"re going straight to the principal about this.

Bart: I... guess I could do that.

Homer: What!? And violate the code of the schoolyard!?

I"d rather Bart die!

Marge: What on earth are you talking about, Homer!?

Homer: The code of the schoolyard, Marge! The rules that teach a boy to be

a man. Let"s see. [enumerates them on his fingers] Don"t tattle.

Always make fun of those different from you. Never say anything,

unless you"re sure everyone feels exactly the same way you do.

What else...

-- Rule number four: Girls have cooties, ``Bart the General""

Marge will hear nothing of this.

Marge: This bully friend of yours. Is he a little on the chunky side?

Bart: Yeah, he"s pretty chunkified, all right.

Marge: Mmm. And I"ll bet he doesn"t do well in his studies, either.

Bart: No, he"s pretty dumb. He"s in all the same special classes I am.

-- ``Bart the General""

Marge suggests he try talking it out, but Homer drags Bart away. ``Thank

you very much, Mrs. Maharishi Gandhi.""

Down in the rumpus room, Homer draws a face on a punching bag and invites

Bart to do his worst. Bart feebly punches it. ``No, no, not like that.

Like this!"" Homer leaps onto the bag, clawing and chewing. He spits

out a mouthful of cloth.

Homer: You didn"t expect that, did you. And neither will he.

Bart: You mean that I should fight dirty, Dad?

Homer: Unfortunately, son, we Simpsons sometimes have to bend the rules

a little in order to hold our own.

Bart: Amen!

Homer: So the next time this bully thinks you"re going to throw a punch,

you throw a glob of mud in his eye!

And then you sock him [pounds fist into hand] when he staggers

around blinded!

Bart: [getting into it] Yeah!

Homer: And there"s nothing wrong with hitting someone when his back is turned.

Bart: Gotcha.

Homer: [quietly] And if you get the chance, get him right in the family jewels.

That little doozy"s been a Simpson trademark for generations.

[punches the punching bag down low]

Bart: [cringes] Thanks, Pop.

-- The rules of the schoolyard, Simpson style, ``Bart the General""






cootie shot是什么意思

  在幼时,儿童由于“恋父(/母)情绪”受到阻碍或挫折,性欲得不到满足,于是寻找新的对象释放情绪,通常是同龄、同性别朋友。他们对自己是男性或女性有强烈的自觉,认为和异性在一起是可耻的事,甚至对异性双亲也有厌恶之感。于是我们恐怕都听说、并且相信过这样的传说:“男女接吻要怀孕。”  美国小孩也有同样的烦恼,于是他们流行这样一个词,cooties。英文中cooties最早也是有实指的。一战时,因卫生条件不佳,战壕中虱蚤鼠虫横行,美军士兵不仅爱讲cooties(那时还没有“口水病”的引申含义),更将其戏称作“算数虫”("arithmetic bugs"),泛指一切害虫,说因为“它们增‘加"我们的麻烦,‘减"少我们的快乐,消‘除"我们的注意力,因利‘乘"便、疯狂繁殖。”("they added to our troubles, subtracted from our pleasures, divided our attention, and multiplied like hell.")得了“口水病”(cooties)怎么办呢?美国小孩有“预防针”。你只能从别的小孩那里获得“预防针”,从社会学角度讲,是社会形象得到认可的象征。相对的,如果你与某个小伙伴很要好,你可以“赐”他预防针:一边念“圈、圈,点、点,口水病,预防针”(circle, circle / dot, dot / now you"ve got the cootie shot),一边用食指在对方手臂上画圈画点即可。 “口水病”(cooties)一词早已彻底融入了美国文化,在各种文学、音乐、漫画、动画、影视作品中均可见其踪影。例如《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)第二季第10集《瓦塔太太难题》(The Vartabedian Conundrum)中,就有史蒂芬妮(Stephanie)给谢耳朵(Sheldon)打预防针的情节,这里正是念了上段口诀。
2023-01-03 12:37:082


1:巨蛋拆除公司(注意:[1]为了方便查看,“我”→这个“人称代词”主格一律用大写。[2]里面是纯正的美式口语,可能不一定符合我们的阅读习惯。)①、叮咚。呆伯特:“狗伯特,去开门看是谁?”(1)、Ding Dong.Daibote:“Dogbert, see who"s at the door.”②、工人:“嘿,我是‘巨蛋拆除公司"的,我奉命派来拆除这栋房子。”(2)、Worker:“Hi. I"m from the ‘Big Ball Wrecking Company." I have a work order to de-stroy this house.”③、狗伯特:“你好像走错了,这儿是核桃大街,核桃街是在另一头。”(3)、Dogbert:“Looks like you have the wrong address, this is Walnut Avenue, Walnut Street is clear across town.”④、工人:“真不巧!我没工夫老远开到那头去。”(4)、Worker:“oh phlegm! Idon"t have time to drive way over there.”⑤、工人:“那我就把这房子铲平,你看不会太打扰吧?”(5)、Worker:“Wouid it be a bother if I just leveled this house instead?”⑥、狗伯特:“有点不太方便,试试隔壁强生家吧。”(6)、Dogbert:“That would be a tad inconvenient. Yry the Johnsons, next door.”⑦、呆伯特:“什么声音这么吵?”狗伯特:“强生家好像没人在。”(7)、Daibote:“What was that loud noise?”Dogbert:“Apparently the Johnsons aren"t home.”2:教学录像带①、狗伯特:“这盘录像带你已经反复看了好几天了。”(1)、Dogbert:“You"ve been watching this video tape over and over for days.”②、呆伯特:“这网球教学录像带真棒,看着看着我已感到球技精进不少。”(2)、Daibote:“These tennis instruction tapes are great, I can just feel my game improving as I watch.”③、呆伯特:“其实,我觉得自己根本没必要上场打球了。”(3)、Daibote:“in fact, Isee no need to actually physically play the game ever again.”3:大布丁①、狗伯特:“也许我该著书立传。”(1)、Dogbert:“Maybe I should write a book.”②、狗伯特:“不……或许我只是该读书。”(2)、Dogbert:“Nah……maybe I should just read a book.”③、狗伯特:“或许看看电视周刊就得了……”狗伯特:“还是看看电视,有什么就看什么,然后变成又蠢又肥的大布丁。”(3)、Dogbert:“maybe I"ll just read the TV guide……”Dogbert:“Maybe I"ll just watch whatever"s on and turn into pudding……”4:伪装大人①、呆伯特:“有时候觉得自己外表虽然是大人,内心其实是个小孩,希望没人会发觉。”(1)、Daibote:“Sometimes I feel like a kid in an adult"s body, hoping no-body notices.”②、呆伯特:“好像一过十四岁就停止发育,开始伪装大人。”(2)、Daibote:“It"s as if I stopped maturing and just started faking it after age fourteen.”③、呆伯特:“女人一定不这么感觉,我打赌。”妻子:“讨厌鬼。”(3)、Daibote:“I"ll bet women never feel that way.”Wife:“Cooties.”(注:cooties原意是虱子,在此是孩童间的口语,当某孩子不喜欢和另一个孩子一块玩或坐在一起时,就可以说cooties或He has cooties.)5:给我站住①、男售货员:“小子,给我站住!”(1)、Salesman:“Hold it right there, fella!”②、呆伯特:“噢!……你一定是看到我吃了‘B"走道的葡萄。”男售货员:“我只是提醒你付钱。”(2)、Daibote:“Uh-oh…… You must have seen me eat that grape in aisle ‘B".”Salesman:“I just want to make sure you pay for it.”③、男售货员:“好像192磅,来之前呢?”呆伯特:“真舒服。”(3)、Salesman:“Looks like 192pounds. What were you before you came in?”Daibote:“Happy~~~~~~~~.”6:人鱼之斗①、呆伯特:“好友,钓鱼不过是人鱼之斗。”(1)、Daibote:“It"s just man against fish out here, my friend.”②、呆伯特:“只不过以我超高的智慧、设备及体力,实在有点胜之不武。”(2)、Daibote:“Although it"s a bit of a mismatch、 with my su-perior brain, equip-ment and strength.”③、狗伯特:“哇,他还会滑水哩!”(3)、Dogbert:“Boy, all that and he can water-ski, too.”7:高尔夫基因①、狗伯特:“科学家已发现使人爱上高尔夫的基因了。”(1)、Dogbert:“Scientists have discov-ered the gene that makes some people love golf.”②、呆伯特:“如何辨认是高尔夫基因呢?”(2)、Daibote:“How can they tell it"s the golf gene?”③、狗伯特:“有方格图案且非常不老实。”呆伯特:“吸取科学新知,靠你,我就完了。”(3)、Dogbert:“It"s plaid and it lies.”Daibote:“I probably shouldn"t rely on you for my science updates.”
2023-01-03 12:37:166

我是山姆 (地道表达~)

2023-01-03 12:37:391

get cooties什么意思

get cooties有虱子What, you"re worried that your sweaty shirt"s| gonna get cooties from my sweaty shirt? 咋啦你怕从我这臭汗衫上沾到虱子?
2023-01-03 12:37:441


tiny wings.休闲。别的……都说过了。
2023-01-03 12:37:506

求 发胶 中 那几首歌的名字 还有演员的资料?

1. "GOOD MORNING BALTIMORE" - Nikki Blonsky 2. "THE NICEST KIDS IN TOWN" - James Marsden 3. "IT TAKES TWO" - Zac Efron 4. "(THE LEGEND OF) MISS BALTIMORE CRABS" - Michelle Pfeiffer 5. "I CAN HEAR THE BELLS" - Nikki Blonsky 6. "LADIES" CHOICE" - Zac Efron 7. "THE NEW GIRL IN TOWN" - Brittany Snow 8. "WELCOME TO THE 60"s" - Nikki Blonsky & John Travolta 9. "RUN AND TELL THAT" - Elijah Kelley 10. "BIG, BLONDE & BEAUTIFUL" - Queen Latifah 11. "BIG, BLONDE & BEAUTIFUL reprise" - John Travolta & Michelle Pfeiffer 12. "(YOU"RE) TIMELESS TO ME" - John Travolta & Christopher Walken 13. "I KNOW WHERE I"VE BEEN" - Queen Latifah 14. "WITHOUT LOVE" - Zac Efron, Nikki Blonsky, Elijah Kelley & Amanda Bynes 15. "(IT"S) HAIRSPRAY" - James Marsden 16. "YOU CAN"T STOP THE BEAT" - Nikki Blonsky, Zac Efron, Amanda Bynes, 17. "COME SO FAR (GOT SO FAR TO GO)" - Queen Latifah, Nikki Blonsky, Zac 18. "COOTIES" - Aimee Allen 19. "MAMA, I"M A BIG GIRL NOW" - Nikki Blonsky, Marissa Jaret Winokur & Rikki Lake
2023-01-03 12:38:132


2023-01-03 12:38:212

play with me————extreme歌词,谢谢!

"Play With Me"Ring around the rosieHopscotch, MonopolyRed light, green lightG. I. Joes and BarbiesHide and seek, kick the canCowboys and IndiansWiffle ball, paper dollsHacky sack and hangmanDo you wanna play with meTag you"re IT, cops and robbersJungle gym, chutes and laddersTic tac toe, Mister RogersMarco Polo, London bridgesSimon sez, steal the baconTime out, trick or treatElectric companyOlly olly oxen freeDo you wanna play with me[CHORUS:]Do you, do youWanna, wannaPlay, play with mePlay with meDo you, do youWanna, wannaPlay, play with mePlay with meSpin the bottle, post officeKiss and tell, dressin" upPlayin" doctor, peek-a-booTwo hand touch, cootiesLittle League, Looney TunesScissors rock paper, ZoomKick ball, stick ballKill the guy with the ballDo you wanna play with meBuckin" up, recessJump rope, relieveoSee saw, sand boxMatchbox, CheeriosABC"s, spelling beesSesame Street, hockeyDuck duck duck duckDuck duck goose[CHORUS]Jack and SuziSittin" in a treeK-I-S-S-I-N-GFirst comes loveThen comes marriageThen comes AdamIn a baby carriage
2023-01-03 12:38:301


2023-01-03 12:38:354

小男孩恶作剧扯下前面女孩的头发,马上变异成丧尸 什么电影

僵尸小屁孩 Cooties (2014)剧情简介:一名女童不小心吃到感染的鸡块,变成严重暴力倾向,随意攻击他人,并透过咬伤别人传播该病毒,但此病毒只会影响到青春期前的孩童。学校里的老师被感染病毒的学生包围,他们必须赶快想出对策来保住生命…
2023-01-03 12:38:581


Good Morning Baltimore ——Tracy Turnblad I Can Hear The Bell ——Tracy Turnblad The Nicest Kid In The Town——Corny Collins It Takes Two ——Link Larkin Ladies" Choice ——Link Larkin (The Legend Of)Miss Baltimore——Velma Von Tussle Welcome To The 60"s ——Tracy Turnblad Big,Blonde And Beautiful ——Motormouth Maybelle Big,Blonde And Beautiful(Repri)——Edna Turnblad 、Velma Von Tussle The New Girl In Town——Brittany Snow Mama, I"m A Big Girl now——Tracy Turnblad Run And Tell That——Seaweed J. Stubbs (You"re)Timeless To Me——Edna Turnblad、Wilbur Turnblad I Know Where I"ve Been——Motormouth Maybelle Without Love——Penny Pingleton、Link Larkin、Tracy Turnblad、Seaweed J. Stubbs (It"s)Hairspray——Corny Collins You can"t stop the beat Come So Far
2023-01-03 12:39:032

马达加斯加的企鹅2 第二季有多少集?

Instinct 第2季我有一个,里面的都是的,感兴趣的话你可以看我的点我,,…主页了解下试试
2023-01-03 12:39:124


01. “GOOD MORNING BALTIMORE” – Nikki Blonsky02. “THE NICEST KIDS IN TOWN” – James Marsden03. “IT TAKES TWO” – Zac Efron04. “(THE LEGEND OF) MISS BALTIMORE CRABS” – Michelle Pfeiffer05. “I CAN HEAR THE BELLS” – Nikki Blonsky06. “LADIES" CHOICE” – Zac Efron07. “THE NEW GIRL IN TOWN” – Brittany Snow08. “WELCOME TO THE 60′s” – Nikki Blonsky & John Travolta09. “RUN AND TELL THAT” – Elijah Kelley10. “BIG, BLONDE & BEAUTIFUL” – Queen Latifah11. “BIG, BLONDE & BEAUTIFUL reprise” – John Travolta & Michelle Pfeiffer12. “(YOU"RE) TIMELESS TO ME” – John Travolta & Christopher Walken13. “I KNOW WHERE I"VE BEEN” – Queen Latifah14. “WITHOUT LOVE” – Zac Efron, Nikki Blonsky, Elijah Kelley & Amanda Bynes15. “(IT"S) HAIRSPRAY” – James Marsden16. “YOU CAN"T STOP THE BEAT” – Nikki Blonsky, Zac Efron, Amanda Bynes,17. “COME SO FAR (GOT SO FAR TO GO)” – Queen Latifah, Nikki Blonsky, Zac18. “COOTIES” – Aimee Allen19. “MAMA, I"M A BIG GIRL NOW” – Nikki Blonsky, Marissa Jaret Winokur & Rikki Lake 望采纳
2023-01-03 12:39:261

意淋 play whit me 歌词

我知道你要找的是这个,是不是?中文到百度翻译就OK的You"ve got me thinkingMy head"s ringingAnd I don"t know anymoreWhen I"m singing , and you"re losing yourfeelingsAnd you don"t know anymore than meSo look at meI am tremblingYour teasing meDoes it mean a thingYour arms around meThey unfold unfold me just unfold meWon"t you play play with meRelease your inhibitionsWe don"t need a careWondering who is rightWe"ll have funWe"ll be highWe don"t need simulationsWe won"t give a damnThose foolish minds
2023-01-03 12:39:312

Then one day, this kid named Darren Walsh touched the Cheese with his finger, and that"s what st

然后有一天,这个叫Darren Walsh的孩子用手指摸了摸奶酪,这就是“一碰即臭”第一次出现。它基本上是像虱子。如果你获得了“一碰即臭”,你会一直保有它直到你把它传给别人。--------------“一碰即臭”是一种游戏,就是想中国的抓人游戏,你捉到别人,那个人就去捉别人,而你就不用捉了。
2023-01-03 12:39:402


2023-01-03 12:39:592


probably的形容词形式是 probable 很可能的;可信的 probably adv. 大概;或许;很可能 扩展资料   It was probably infested with cooties.   它可能是染上虱子了。   You"re probably right.   你很可能是对的。   Tavare was probably ruing his decision.   塔瓦雷可能正对为他的决定感到后悔。   It"ll probably be OK.   这大概没有问题。   We shall most probably never meet again.   我们极有可能再也见不到面了。
2023-01-03 12:40:081

willing to risk

如果你是我愿意冒这个险病. be willing to加动词原形,愿意做某事……
2023-01-03 12:40:141

小屁孩日记 英语简介

Diary of a Wimpy Kid (also known as Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Greg Heffley"s Journal or Diary of a Wimpy Kid: A Novel in Cartoons) is a realistic fiction novel written by American author Jeff Kinney. It is the first book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, being released on April 1, 2007.However, a slightly different version of the book was originally published online at in 2004. It is also known as a comic book. A movie of the same name was released on March 19, 2010. It stars Zachary Gordon as Greg Heffley and Robert Capron as Rowley Jefferson. The books focuses on Greg"s life as he enters middle school and his life with his dysfunctional family.PlotGregory Heffley receives a diary from his mother, which he refers to as a journal and in it records his first year of middle school. The book begins with an introduction where Greg explains "the cheese touch". It is very similar to cooties. Greg writes that a student named Darren Walsh touched "the cheese" an old, moldy piece of cheese on the schoolyard with his finger thus becoming an outcast. The cheese touch is then passed around the school. They end up being chased by some teenagers they taunted all the way to Greg"s house. They then get soaked by a trashcan full of water by Greg"s dad who mistakes them for teenagers. Christmas does not get much better for Greg and he becomes jealous when he sees his younger brother Manny becomes wanted. Meanwhile Greg ends up with a weight set his dad got him along with socks and books. His uncle got Greg a picture for Christmas. Rowley gets the video game that Greg wanted.Greg also created the comic Zoo-Wee Mama which he gets bored of and abandons to allow Rowley to start drawing. Near the end of the school year "zoo wee mama " is published in the school"s newspaper.the comic was made by Rowley.The two prepare to fight each other on the school grounds when they are happily interrupted by the teens who ambushed them on halloween night. They make Rowley eat the Cheese. Greg says "I would, but I"m allergic to dairy. He isn"t. In the play, "The Wizard of Oz", he signs up to be a Tree. Mrs. Norton cuts arm holes in the costumes. Manny yells "Bubby" when the curtains open, but Greg quickly passes it on to Archie Kelly. Greg says "I think you dropped an apple Bubby" to Archie. The play ends when Greg, Rodney James and Archie Kelley throw apples at Patty Farrel. Mom throws away some flowers after the play.
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Diary of a Wimpy Kid (also known as Diary of a Wimpy Kid:Greg Heffley"s Journal or Diary of a Wimpy Kid:A Novel in Cartoons) is a realistic fiction novel written by American author Jeff Kinney.It is the first book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series,being released on April 1,2007.However,a slightly different version of the book was originally published online at in 2004.It is also known as a comic book.A movie of the same name was released on March 19,2010.It stars Zachary Gordon as Greg Heffley and Robert Capron as Rowley Jefferson.The books focuses on Greg"s life as he enters middle school and his life with his dysfunctional family.PlotGregory Heffley receives a diary from his mother,which he refers to as a journal and in it records his first year of middle school.The book begins with an introduction where Greg explains "the cheese touch".It is very similar to cooties.Greg writes that a student named Darren Walsh touched "the cheese" an old,moldy piece of cheese on the schoolyard with his finger thus becoming an outcast.The cheese touch is then passed around the school.They end up being chased by some teenagers they taunted all the way to Greg"s house.They then get soaked by a trashcan full of water by Greg"s dad who mistakes them for teenagers.Christmas does not get much better for Greg and he becomes jealous when he sees his younger brother Manny becomes wanted.Meanwhile Greg ends up with a weight set his dad got him along with socks and books.His uncle got Greg a picture for Christmas.Rowley gets the video game that Greg wanted.Greg also created the comic Zoo-Wee Mama which he gets bored of and abandons to allow Rowley to start drawing.Near the end of the school year "zoo wee mama " is published in the school"s newspaper.the comic was made by Rowley.The two prepare to fight each other on the school grounds when they are happily interrupted by the teens who ambushed them on halloween night.They make Rowley eat the Cheese.Greg says "I would,but I"m allergic to dairy.He isn"t.In the play,"The Wizard of Oz",he signs up to be a Tree.Mrs.Norton cuts arm holes in the costumes.Manny yells "Bubby" when the curtains open,but Greg quickly passes it on to Archie Kelly.Greg says "I think you dropped an apple Bubby" to Archie.The play ends when Greg,Rodney James and Archie Kelley throw apples at Patty Farrel.Mom throws away some flowers after the play.
2023-01-03 12:40:281

小屁孩日记 英文介绍,差不多一页A4纸左右的字

老师布置的作业 要自己完成
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01. “GOOD MORNING BALTIMORE” – Nikki Blonsky02. “THE NICEST KIDS IN TOWN” – James Marsden03. “IT TAKES TWO” – Zac Efron04. “(THE LEGEND OF) MISS BALTIMORE CRABS” – Michelle Pfeiffer05. “I CAN HEAR THE BELLS” – Nikki Blonsky06. “LADIES" CHOICE” – Zac Efron07. “THE NEW GIRL IN TOWN” – Brittany Snow08. “WELCOME TO THE 60′s” – Nikki Blonsky & John Travolta09. “RUN AND TELL THAT” – Elijah Kelley10. “BIG, BLONDE & BEAUTIFUL” – Queen Latifah11. “BIG, BLONDE & BEAUTIFUL reprise” – John Travolta & Michelle Pfeiffer12. “(YOU"RE) TIMELESS TO ME” – John Travolta & Christopher Walken13. “I KNOW WHERE I"VE BEEN” – Queen Latifah14. “WITHOUT LOVE” – Zac Efron, Nikki Blonsky, Elijah Kelley & Amanda Bynes15. “(IT"S) HAIRSPRAY” – James Marsden16. “YOU CAN"T STOP THE BEAT” – Nikki Blonsky, Zac Efron, Amanda Bynes,17. “COME SO FAR (GOT SO FAR TO GO)” – Queen Latifah, Nikki Blonsky, Zac18. “COOTIES” – Aimee Allen19. “MAMA, I"M A BIG GIRL NOW” – Nikki Blonsky, Marissa Jaret Winokur & Rikki Lake
2023-01-03 12:40:432

高空缆车小孩突然窒息变丧尸 什么电影

《僵尸小屁孩》 Cooties (2014)导演: 乔纳森·米洛特 / 加里·穆利昂编剧: 伊安·布瑞南 / 雷·沃纳尔 / 乔希·C·沃勒主演: 伊利亚·伍德 / 艾丽森·皮尔 / 雷恩·威尔森 / 桑尼·梅·艾利森 / 雷·沃纳尔 / 摩根·莉莉 / 纳西姆·帕杜雷德 / 杰克·麦克布瑞尔 / 乔治·加西亚 / 凯特·弗兰纳里 / 瑞贝卡·马绍尔 / 伊丽莎白·博古什类型: 喜剧 / 动作 / 科幻 / 恐怖制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2014-01-18(圣丹斯电影节) / 2015-09-18(美国)片长: 88分钟又名: 虱子
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B站的那个是不是?BATMAN JAMMIES by—Dan&Aja Dan:A-B-C-D-E-F-GCome on over here play with me,My momma,She even bought me a Wii.H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-POnly in the toiletJust like meDon"t sprinkleWhen you tinkle.Aja:All the boys and the girls all playing tagAnd patty cake jump rope, capture the flag.Dan:I don"t want any part of that,I wanna fry some ants with my magnifying glass.Together:Aja:A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-KAja:L-M-N-O-PDan:Hi my name is Danny,And it rhymes with words like whammy,And my teachers they can"t stand me.But I sleep in batman jammies.Yes I do.Aja: I"ll always love you,I will protect you.And I"ll tuck you in at night.----------Dan:Q-R-S-T-UAnd me, no girls allowed they all got cootiesCircle dot dot,That"s the cootie shot.V-W-X-Y and ZWhy"s the lunch lady always winking at me,She"s got a moustache,That grows like a tree.Aja:All the boys and the girls let"s come on over,Play kickball hopscotch and red rover.Dan:I don"t want any part of that I"m a Hit betty sue with my baseball bat.Together:Dan:Hi my name is DannyAnd it rhymes with words like whammy,And my teachers they can"t stand me.But I sleep in batman jammies.Yes I do.Aja: I"ll always love you,I will protect you.And I"ll tuck you in at night.Hi my name is DannyAnd it rhymes with words like whammy,And my teachers they can"t stand me.But I sleep in batman jammies.Yes I do.Aja:Don"t be afraid of me,I"m just a sweet cootie.And I will love you till the end of time.----------Dan:1-2-3-4-5-6-7Daddy told me there"s no girls in heaven,Hallelujah.There"s only G.I Joes.8-9-10-11-12-13,Mrs. Jacobson"s got a head like a bean,I wonder,If it rains will it grow.Aja:In class pass notes on Valentine"s.All the girl"s and the boy"s all makin" eyes.Together:Aja:A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-KDan:I don"t know what you"re talkin" ‘bout.If I catch your eye I"m a poke it out.Aja: L-M-N-O-PDan:Hi my name is DannyAnd it rhymes with words like whammy,And my teachers they can"t stand me.But I sleep in batman jammies.Aja: I"ll always love you,I will protect you.And I"ll tuck you in at night.Dan:Hi my name is DannyAnd it rhymes with words like whammy,And my teachers they can"t stand me.But I sleep in batman jammies.Yes I do.Aja:Don"t be afraid of me,I"m just a sweet cootie.And I will love you till the end of time.
2023-01-03 12:40:571


我最喜欢看了。第一季动漫分集名称  1Gone in a FlashNov 29/082LaunchtimeMar 28/093Haunted HabitatMar 28/094Operation: Plush & CoverMar 30/095Happy King Julien Day!Mar 31/096Paternal Egg-StinctApr 01/097Assault & BatteriesApr 02/098Penguiner Takes AllApr 06/099Two Feet High and RisingApr 07/0910Tangled in the WebApr 08/0911Crown FoolsApr 09/0912The HiddenApr 18/0913Kingdom ComeApr 18/0914Little Zoo CoupeApr 24/0915All Choked UpApr 24/0916Popcorn PanicMay 09/0917Go FishMay 30/0918Miracle on IceMay 30/0919Needle PointJun 06/0920EclipsedJun 06/0921Mort UnboundJun 26/0922RoomiesJun 26/0923Misfortune CookieAug 01/0924Lemur See, Lemur DoAug 01/0925Roger DodgerAug 17/0926Skorca!Aug 17/0927Otter Gone WildAug 18/0928Cat"s CradleAug 19/0929Monkey LoveAug 20/0930TaggedAug 21/0931What Goes AroundSep 19/0932Mask of the RaccoonSep 19/09 33Out of the GrooveOct 12/0934Jungle LawOct 12/0935I Was a Penguin ZombieOct 24/0936Sting OperationOct 24/0937All King, No KingdomNov 14/0938UntouchableNov 14/0939Miss UnderstandingNov 27/0940Over PhilNov 27/0941An Elephant Never ForgetsDec 05/0942Otter Things Have Happened Dec 05/0943Zoo TubeJan 02/1044Snakehead!Jan 02/1045JigglesJan 16/1046The Falcon and the Snow JobFeb 06/1047The Penguin Stays In the PictureFeb 06/1048Dr. Blowhole"s RevengeFeb 15/10 第二季动漫分集名称  1The Red SquirrelMar 13/102It"s About TimeMar 13/103Gator WatchMay 15/104In The Line of DoodyMay 15/105Can"t Touch ThisJune 19/106Hard Boiled EggyJune 19/107The Lost Treasure of the Golden SquirrelJuly 19/108Fit to PrintJuly 19/109Operation: CootiesJuly 19/1010Mr. TuxJuly 19/1011Concrete Jungle SurvivalJuly 19/1012Stop Bugging MeSept 4/1013Field TrippedSept 4/1014Badger PrideSept 4/1015Kaboom and KabustSept 11/1016The HelmetSept 11/1017Night and DazedSept 18/1018The Big SqueezeSept 18/1019Wishful ThinkingOct 2/1020April FoolsOct 2/1021Hello, DollfaceOct 9/1033Huffin and PuffinOct 9/1023Invention InterventionOct 16/1024Cradle and AllOct 16/1025Driven to the BrinkOct 23/1026Friend-in-a-BoxOct 23/1027Work OrderNov 6/1028Hot IceNov 6/1029Command CrisisNovember 27/1030Truth AcheNovember 27/1031The All Nighter Before ChristmasDec 12/1032Whispers and CoupsJan 15/1133Brush with DangerJan 15/1134Love HurtsFeb 12/1135The Officer X FactorFeb 12/1136Brain DrainFeb 26/1137Right Hand ManFeb 26/1138Danger Wears A CapeMar 19/1139Operation: Break-SpeareMar 19/1140Rat FinkMar 19/1141Kanga ManagementMar 19/1142King Julien for a DayMar 26/1143Maurice at PeaceMar 26/1144Cute-AstropheApr 2/1145Operation: Neighbor SwapJune 13/1146All Tied Up with a BoaJune 14/1147Rock-a-Bye BirdieJune 15/1148Herring ImpairedJune 16/1149A Visit from Uncle NigelJune 17/1150Operation: VacationAugust 20/11
2023-01-03 12:41:021


僵尸小屁孩 Cooties (2014)导演: 乔纳森·米洛特 / 加里·穆利昂编剧: 伊安·布瑞南 / 雷·沃纳尔 / 乔希·C·沃勒主演: 伊利亚·伍德 / 艾丽森·皮尔 / 雷恩·威尔森 /桑尼·梅·艾利森 / 雷·沃纳尔类型: 喜剧 / 动作 / 科幻 / 恐怖制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2014-01-18(圣丹斯电影节) / 2015-09-18(美国)片长: 96分钟
2023-01-03 12:41:081

carb 认证要求甲醛释放少于多少

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2023-01-03 12:39:531

“in addition”怎么造句?

1.You need money and time ; in addition , you need diligence .你需要钱和时间,此外还需要努力。2.You need money and time , in addition , you need diligence .你需要钱和时间,除此之外,你还需要努力。3.In addition to your good right arm you have your subtle brain .除了一个好的助手,你还有一副机灵的头脑。4.In addition to my studies, i got involved in lots of extracurricular activities .除了学习以外,我参加许多课外活动。5.In addition to his salary , he has a bonus of 25 yuan per month .除工资外,他每月还有二十五元钱奖金。参考资料汉英词典:
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基数词1、1-10的基数词:one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight. nine. ten.2、11-19的基数词: eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.3、21-29的基数词:twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine.4、20-90的基数词:twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety.5、100 基数词 :hundred.6、1-10的序数词:first. second. third. fourth. fifth. sixth. seventh. eighth. ninth. tenth.7、11-19的序数词:eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth.8、21-29的序数词:twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth.9、20-90的序数词:twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth.10、100序数词:hundredth.基数词变序数词的规则:直接在后面加th 。 但是第一first,第二second,第三third不一样。还要注意第五是把five后面的ve变成f再加th,第八因为尾部已经有一个t, 所以直接加上h 。第九把nine后面的e去掉再加th。基数词11-19变序数词,在此基础上加上th, 但是要注意的是第十二,是把十二twelve的ve变成f,再加th。基数词二十几、十位上和个位数的数都是基数词。三十几,四十几...九十几亦是如此;基数词几十都是-ty结尾的,变序数词时把y 变ie ,再加-th。
2023-01-03 12:39:596


五颜六色 五光十色 五彩缤纷 金碧辉煌 色彩斑斓 万紫千红 黄道吉日 论黄数黑 黄茅白苇 黄麻紫泥 论黄数白 姹紫嫣红 灰头土脸 金壁辉煌 白日做梦、红男绿女、红光满面、红红火火、看破红尘、红口白璧微瑕、苍白无力、白发苍苍、白鹤亮翅、白马王子 花红柳绿、青黄不接白衣胜雪、黑白分明、碧海蓝天、面黄肌瘦、青山绿水、飞黄腾达、黄金万两 五颜六色 红口白牙、五光十色 白手起家 白里透红、平白无故
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2023-01-03 12:40:002

in addition 与 in addition to 的意思分别是什么?

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木本木源 木本之谊
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2023-01-03 12:40:031

in addition的用法和however一样么??

2023-01-03 12:40:052

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2023-01-03 12:39:484


斑斓 鲜红,翠绿,黑色 大红 淡黄 湖绿 老蓝 桃红 深棕 桔红 淡绿 墨绿 墨蓝 玫红 棕色 橙色 草绿 米灰 血青 米红 紫红 金黄 深绿 天蓝 紫色 碧绿 乌黑 粉红 金黄 橘红 淡青 火红 灰白 湛蓝 橙红 红色:火红、深红、浅红、暗红、橘红、桃红、紫红、朱红、胭脂红、牡丹红、粉红、亮红、艳红、酒红、殷红、苏丹红、绯红、绛红、赤红、枣红、花红、大红、灯红、嫣红、血红、黑红、砖红、玫瑰红黄色:金黄 姜黄 桔黄 金色 深黄 淡黄 浅黄 明黄 土黄 嫩黄 鹅黄 焦黄 娇黄 奶黄 柠檬黄 橙黄 褐黄黑色:黛黑 深黑 炭黑 乌黑 漆黑绿色:浅绿 深绿 墨绿 翠绿 碧绿 油绿 蓝色:玄青 深蓝 浅蓝 藏蓝 海蓝 天蓝白色:灰白 雪白 苍白 惨白 银白 花白
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2023-01-03 12:39:444


2023-01-03 12:39:424


1.描写颜色的词有哪些 万紫千红 黄道吉日 论黄数黑 黄茅白苇 黄麻紫泥 论黄数白 姹紫嫣红 灰头土脸 金壁辉煌白日做梦、红男绿女、红光满面、红红火火、看破红尘、红口白璧微瑕、苍白无力、白发苍苍、白鹤亮翅、白马王子 花红柳绿、青黄不接白衣胜雪、黑白分明、碧海蓝天、面黄肌瘦、青山绿水、飞黄腾达、黄金万两 五颜六色 红口白牙、五光十色 白手起家、白里透红、平白无故 白花花 绿油油 黑黝黝 蓝幽幽 蓝湛湛 黑漆漆 红彤彤 绿油油 黄澄澄 红彤彤 红艳艳 黑乎乎 黑洞洞 白皑皑 白花花 绿莹莹金灿灿 红艳艳 白蒙蒙 黑糊糊 黑油油 灰溜溜 灰蒙蒙 绿森森 青幽幽 绿森森 红殷殷 红艳艳 黄灿灿 绿茸茸 绿茵茵 *** 嫩 白生生 碧澄澄蓝晶晶 蓝盈盈 紫盈盈 白茫茫 红通通 金亮亮 绿茵茵 黑压压 粉扑扑 黑生生 2.形容颜色的词有什么 五彩斑斓 【解释】:五彩:指青、黄、赤、白、黑五色。斑斓:色彩错杂灿烂的样子。形容颜色非常好看,色彩相当丰富。五彩斑斓:形容多种颜色错杂繁多耀眼。 【出自】:路遥·《平凡的世界》第一卷第七章:“黑色的枝杈,红色的枣子,黄绿相间的树叶,五彩斑斓,迷人极了。” 五颜六色 【解释】:形容色彩复杂或花样繁多。引申为各色各样。 【出自】:清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第十四回:“惟各人所登之云,五颜六色,其形不一。” 花红柳绿 【解释】:形容明媚的春天景象。也形容颜色鲜艳纷繁。 【出自】:五代·蜀·魏承班《生查子》词:“花红柳绿间晴空。” 花花绿绿 【解释】:原指花草树木鲜艳多彩;形容颜色鲜明多彩。 【出自】:金·元好问《又解嘲二首》:“雁后花前日日闲,颇思尊酒慰愁颜。凭君细数东州客,谁在花花绿绿间?” 五光十色 【解释】:形容色彩鲜艳,花样繁多。 【出自】:南朝梁·江淹《丽色赋》:“五光徘徊,十色陆离。” 万紫千红 【解释】:形容百花齐放,色彩艳丽。也比喻事物丰富多彩。 【出自】:宋·朱熹《春日》诗:“等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春。” 姹紫嫣红 【解释】:姹、嫣:娇艳。形容各种花朵娇艳美丽。 【出自】:明·汤显祖《牡丹亭·惊梦》:“原来姹紫嫣红开遍,似这般都付与断井颓垣。” 绚丽多彩 【解释】:形容色彩华丽。 【示例】:春节的文化庙会,各色传统手工艺品摆满店铺的柜台,~,令人眼花缭乱。 斑驳陆离 【解释】:斑驳:色彩杂乱;陆离:参差不一。形容色彩纷杂。 【出自】:战国·楚·屈原《离骚》:“纷总总其离合兮,斑陆离其上下。” 知识扩展:表示颜色的ABB式词语 绿油油 形容浓绿而润泽: 绿油油的麦苗。 绿莹莹 形容晶莹碧绿:绿莹莹的宝石。 绿生生 形容碧绿而鲜嫩:绿生生的菠菜。 绿茸茸 形容碧绿而稠密:绿茸茸的稻田。 白皑皑 形容霜、雪等洁白:白皑皑的雪铺满田野。 白花花 白得耀眼:白花花的银子。 白茫茫 形容一望无边的白(用于云、雾、雪、大水等):雾很大,四下里白茫茫的。 白蒙蒙 形容(烟、雾、蒸气等)白茫茫一片,模糊不请:海面雾气腾腾,白蒙蒙的什么也看不见。 红扑扑 形容脸色红:喝了几杯酒,脸上红扑扑的。 红彤彤(红通通) 形容很红:红彤彤的晚霞。 红艳艳 形容红得鲜艳夺目:红艳艳的杜鹃花。 灰沉沉 形容灰暗(多指天色):天空灰沉沉的,像是要下雨的样子。 灰溜溜 形容颜色暗淡(含厌恶意):屋子多年没粉刷,灰溜溜的。形容神情懊丧或消沉:他挨了一顿训斥,灰溜溜地走出来。 灰蒙蒙 形容暗淡模糊(多指景色)灰蒙蒙的夜色。 亮光光 形容物体光亮:一把亮光光的镰刀。 亮晶晶 形容物体明亮闪烁发光:亮晶晶的露珠。 亮闪闪 形容闪亮发光:亮闪闪的眼睛。 亮铮铮 形容闪亮耀眼:一把亮铮铮的利剑。 亮堂堂 形容很亮:灯火通明,照得礼堂亮堂堂的。 黑沉沉 形容黑暗(多指天色)。 黑洞洞 形容黑暗:隧道里头黑洞洞的,伸手不见五指。 黑糊糊 也作黑乎乎 形容颜色发黑:两手油泥,黑糊糊的;光线昏暗:天黑糊糊的;形容人或东西多,从远处看模糊不清:路旁站着黑糊糊的一片人。 黑茫茫 形容一望无边的黑(多用于夜色):黑茫茫的夜色。 黑蒙蒙 形容光线昏暗,看不清楚:部队趁着黑蒙蒙的夜色急速前进。 黑黢黢 形容很黑:深夜,屋外黑黢黢的,什么也看不见。 黑魆魆 形容黑暗:洞里黑魆魆的,什么也看不见。 3.描写颜色的成语都有哪些 描写颜色的成语都有哪些 : 五颜六色、 姹紫嫣红、 万紫千红、 五彩缤纷、 五光十色、 花红柳绿、 五彩斑斓、 青红皂白、 绿草如茵、 黑白分明、 绚丽多彩、 灯红酒绿、 花花绿绿、 红装素裹、 绿肥红瘦、 阳春白雪、 青黄不接、 白山黑水、 漆黑一团、 黄旗紫盖、 浮翠流丹、 姚黄魏紫、 红飞翠舞、 花里胡哨 4.描写颜色的词成语有哪些 朱楼碧瓦 五光十色 灰心丧气 筚路蓝缕 黄粱美梦 华丽如兰 一枕黄粱 五颜六色 绚烂缤纷 紫冠黄旗 翠 *** 流 蓝田生玉 平步青云 黄卷青灯 绚丽多彩 杳如黄鹤 一清二白 流光溢彩 山青水碧 青红皂白 碧波万顷 黄旗紫盖 黄道吉日 翠 *** 流 碧落黄泉 一碧千里 万古长青 姚黄魏紫 花红柳绿 黄袍加身 红红绿绿 黄钟大吕 红紫夺朱 论黄数白 一团漆黑 金枝玉叶 苍翠如濯 绿水青山 漆黑一团 起早摸黑 黄童白叟 黑里透红 紫冠黄旗 花红柳绿 绿叶成阴 黑白分明 万紫千红 翠 *** 流 平白无故 一身清白 信口雌黄 黄口孺子 绿暗红稀 五彩斑斓 红紫夺朱 黄麻紫泥 光彩夺目 柳绿花红 花红柳绿 红颜薄命 黄旗紫盖 白璧无瑕 桃红柳绿 碧波万顷 姹紫嫣红 紫气东来 杳如黄鹤 黄花晚节 郁郁葱葱 一抔黄土 五彩缤纷 灿若云霞 大红大绿 论黄数白 五彩缤纷 山青水绿 炉火纯青 红花绿叶 黄茅白苇 白驹过隙 绿草如茵 纡朱拖紫 灰头土脸 花红柳绿 姹紫嫣红 槁木死灰 红男绿女 面黄肌瘦 灯红酒绿 翠 *** 滴 5.形容颜色多的词语有哪些 五彩缤纷、五颜六色,花红柳绿,五彩斑斓,红飞翠舞,形形 *** 各式各样 不可胜举 五花八门 应有尽有 不可枚举 流光异(溢)彩、五颜六色、五光十色、万紫千红、姹紫嫣红、色彩斑斓 、绚丽多彩、五彩缤纷、眼花缭乱、五光十色、绚丽、缤纷、碧绿碧绿雪白雪白瓦蓝瓦蓝 乌黑乌黑湛蓝湛蓝金黄金黄 通红通红葱绿葱绿蜡黄蜡漆黑漆黑 蔚蓝蔚蓝草绿草绿华丽、多彩 、五光十色,五颜六色,五彩斑斓,花红柳绿,花花绿绿,浓墨重彩,目迷五色,五彩缤纷,逞娇呈美,红飞翠舞,浮翠流丹 花红柳绿 :形容明媚的春天景象.也形容颜色鲜艳纷繁. 五彩缤纷:指颜色繁多,非常好看. 五光十色:形容色彩鲜艳,花样繁多. 万紫千红:形容百花齐放,色彩艳丽.也比喻事物丰富多彩. 五颜六色:形容色彩复杂或花样繁多.引伸为各色各样. 斑驳陆离:斑驳:色彩杂乱;陆离:参差不一.形容色彩纷杂 光怪陆离:光怪:光彩奇异;陆离:开卷参差.形容奇形怪状,五颜六色. 6.表示颜色的词语有哪些 黄 :杏黄、土黄、梨黄、橘黄、橙黄、柠檬黄、金黄、米黄、嫩黄、淡黄。 红 :品红、紫红、桃红、朱红、赤红、银红,殷红,绯红,深红,火红,暗红,鲜红, 艳红,亮红,粉红,米红,棕红,浅红,血红,淡红。 蓝 :天蓝、淡蓝、青蓝、亮蓝、湛蓝、海蓝。 绿 :新绿,翠绿,嫩绿,浅绿,深绿,青绿,葱绿,黄绿,暗绿,明绿,亮绿,鲜绿,草绿,墨绿,水绿,油绿。 黑 :墨黑、油黑。 葡萄紫 枣红 苹果绿 橘黄 柠檬黄 柚黄 桃红 橄榄绿 苹果青 海蓝色 草绿色 花红色 柳绿色 油黑色 墨黑色 杏黄色 桃红色 湛蓝色 藏青色 灰白色 朱红色 赤红色 黄白色(如人的皮肤) 白花花 绿油油 黑黝黝 蓝幽幽 蓝湛湛 黑漆漆 红彤彤 绿油油 黄澄澄 红彤彤 红艳艳 黑乎乎 黑洞洞 白皑皑 白花花 绿莹莹 金灿灿 红艳艳 白蒙蒙 黑糊糊 黑油油 灰溜溜 灰蒙蒙 绿森森 青幽幽 绿森森 红殷殷 红艳艳 黄灿灿 绿茸茸 绿茵茵 *** 嫩 白生生 碧澄澄 蓝晶晶 蓝盈盈 紫盈盈 白茫茫 红通通 金亮亮 绿茵茵 黑压压 粉扑扑 黑生生 翠绿 鹅黄 天蓝 血红 米白 丹紫 火红 桔红 湖绿 草绿 红:绛、朱、赤、丹、赫 、绯、彤 白:素 黑:淄、黯 、黛 、褐 (黄黑色) 青:绀青、苍、碧、绿 “青、苍、碧、绿、”五个词在现代汉语中都是形容词,表示颜色。但在古代汉语中是有区别的。“青”古代和现代都表示“蓝色”,“苍”的本义是“草色”,表示“深蓝色”或“深绿色”,程度最深,“碧”的本义是“青绿色的玉石”,表示“浅蓝色”或“浅绿色”,这三个词本来是有区别的,有时也可以混用。如青天又叫苍天,青草也叫做碧草,青苔也叫做苍苔。“绿色”和“青色”意义相差较远,混用的较少。“蓝”在上古汉语中只作为“蓼蓝”的意思,是名词 7.关于颜色的成语有哪些 红装素裹 红颜薄命 红花绿叶 红不棱登 红男绿女 红情绿意 红红绿绿 红豆相思 红紫夺朱 赤子之心 赤口白舌 赤口毒舌 赤贫如洗 赤日炎炎 赤舌烧城 赤绳系足 赤体上阵 赤地千里 赤胆忠心 朱紫相夺 朱唇玉面 朱唇皓齿 朱楼碧瓦 朱楼绮户 面红耳赤 唇红齿白 灯红酒绿 大红大绿 纷红骇绿 嫩红娇绿 青红皂白 红红绿绿 桃红柳绿 愁红惨绿 近朱者赤 纡朱拖紫 纡朱怀金 传波红叶 白眉赤眼 姹紫嫣红 白里透红 万紫千红 黑里透红 柳绿花红 齿白唇红 金无足赤 近朱者赤 红紫夺朱 青红皂白 红飞翠舞 花红柳绿 黑里透红 黑白分明 黑不溜秋 黑灯瞎火 黑咕隆咚 黑白颠倒 黑云压城 指黑道白 月黑风高 漆黑一团 白手起家 白云苍狗 白日升天 白日衣绣 白衣卿相 白头如新 白驹过隙 白璧无瑕 数白论黄 黑白分明 白里透红 白眉赤眼 白面书生 白衣秀士 白发苍髯 白发皤然 白山黑水 白天黑夜 粉白黛黑 平白无故 白璧微瑕 白日做梦 白头偕老 白不呲咧 白头齐眉 苍白无力 月白风清 齿白唇红 不白之冤 洁白无瑕 阳春白雪 恶叉白赖 赤口白舌 黄童白叟 颠倒黑白 混淆黑白 襟怀坦白 唇红齿白 真相大白 沉冤莫白 一清二白 一穷二白 指黑道白 一身清白 青红皂白 半文半白 不分皂白 颠倒黑白 混淆黑白 白山黑水 白天黑夜 昏天黑地 粉白黛黑 天昏地黑 起早摸黑 一团漆黑 花红柳绿 红红的花,绿绿的柳条。形容颜色鲜艳纷繁 花花绿绿 原指花草树木鲜艳多彩;形容颜色鲜明多彩 花里胡哨 形容颜色过分鲜艳繁杂。也比喻浮华而不实在。 浓墨重彩 用浓重的墨汁和颜色来描绘。形容着力描写。 轻描淡写 原指描绘时用浅淡的颜色轻轻地着笔。现多指说话写文章把重要问题轻轻带过。 五彩缤纷 五彩:各种颜色;缤纷:繁多交错的样子。指颜色繁多,非常好看。 五色缤纷 指颜色繁多,非常好看。 大红大绿 谓颜色浓艳。 浮翠流丹 翠:青绿色。丹:朱红色。青绿、朱红的颜色在流动和浮现。形容色彩鲜明艳丽。 红飞翠舞 红、翠:指服装的色彩,泛指各种各样的颜色。形容妇女们穿着各种颜色的漂亮衣服,尽兴嬉戏,热闹非凡的情景。 五彩斑斓 五彩:指青、黄、赤、白、黑五色。指多种颜色错杂而繁多耀眼
2023-01-03 12:39:411

addition reaction是什么意思

2023-01-03 12:39:414


1. 木字开头的四字成语有没有 1,木人石心 [mù rén shí xīn] 木人石心是一个汉语成语,拼音是mù rén shí xīn,意思是充等各散曰:“此吴儿是木人石心也。”后遂以“木人石心”等形容意志坚定,任何诱惑都不动心。 2,木已成舟 [mù yǐ chéng zhōu] 木已成舟是一个汉语成语,拼音是mù yǐ chéng zhōu,其本意指树木已经做成小舟,比喻事情已成为不可改变的定局。做定语、谓语用。 3,木本水源 [mù běn shuǐ yuán] 木本水源,mù běn shuǐ yuán,puresim,来源于pureness(纯净)和simple(单纯)两个英文词的组合。中文名称是一个成语,意指树木的根本和流水的源头,引申为寻根溯源的意思。万物初始的形态是单纯而简朴的,正如最高境界的美是自然而不事雕琢一样。所以,无论是生活观念,还是保养原则,木本水源都崇尚摈弃人为的繁琐,返回事物最初的简单状态。 4,木石心肠 [mù shí xīn cháng] 解释:形容人心肠硬,不为情感所动。 充等各散曰:“此吴儿是木人石心也。”后遂以“木石心肠”等形容人心肠硬,不为情感所动。 2. 木字开头的四字成语有没有 【成语】:木本水源 【拼音】:mù běn shuǐ yuán 【简拼】:mbsy 【解释】:木:树的根;源:水的源头。树的根本,水的源头。比喻事物的根本或事情的原因。 木头木脑 [mù tóu mù nǎo] [解释] 形容呆板、迟钝。 木人石心 [mù rén shí xīn] [解释] 形容意志坚定,任何诱惑都不动心。 木讷寡言 [mù nè guǎ yán] [解释] 木讷:质朴而不善辞令。质朴而不善于说话。 3. 求以“木”字开头的四字词语,要四个呀,有意境的,谢了 木已成舟——树木已经做成了船。比喻事情已成定局,无法改变。 木头木脑——形容呆板、迟钝 木石心肠——形容人心肠硬,不为情感所动 木雕泥塑——用木头雕刻或泥土塑造的偶像。形容人呆板不灵活或神情呆滞。 木本水源——树的根本,水的源头。比喻事物的根本或事情的原因。 木人石心—— 形容意志坚定,任何诱惑都不动心。 木鸡养到—— 木鸡:善斗的鸡,看上去象木头一样呆板。形容功夫到家。 木干鸟栖—— 谓鸟栖树上,至树干枯也不离去。喻行事坚定不移。 木梗之患—— 喻客死他乡,不得复归故里。 木公金母—— 即仙人东王公和西王母。后用于祝寿,比喻庆寿之主人夫妇。 木坏山颓——梁木折坏,泰山崩倒。比喻德高望重的人死去。亦作“泰山梁木”。 木落归本—— 犹言叶落归根。 木讷寡言——形容人不爱说话。 木心石腹—— 犹木人石心。 木朽蛀生—— 朽:腐烂。木朽腐烂就会生虫子。比喻失去检点就会犯错误。 参考:成语词典 希望我的回答对您有帮助,有问题可以追问。满意请及时采纳,谢谢! 4. 木字开头的成语有什么 木头木脑 形容呆板、迟钝 木雕泥塑 用木头雕刻或泥土塑造的偶像。形容人呆板不灵活或神情呆滞。 木已成舟 树木已经做成了船。比喻事情已成定局,无法改变。 木本水源 树的根本,水的源头。比喻事物的根本或事情的原因。 木人石心 形容意志坚定,任何诱惑都不动心。 木鸡养到 木鸡:善斗的鸡,看上去象木头一样呆板。形容功夫到家。 木干鸟栖 谓鸟栖树上,至树干枯也不离去。喻行事坚定不移。 木梗之患 喻客死他乡,不得复归故里。 木公金母 即仙人东王公和西王母。后用于祝寿,比喻庆寿之主人夫妇。 木坏山颓 木:梁木。山:指泰山。颓:倒下。梁木折坏,泰山崩倒。比喻德高望重的人死去。亦作“泰山梁木”。 木落归本 犹言叶落归根。 木讷寡言 讷:说话迟钝。形容人不爱说话。 木心石腹 犹木人石心。 木朽蛀生 朽:腐烂。木朽腐烂就会生虫子。比喻失去检点就会犯错误。 5. 有哪些含有木字的四字词语 目瞪口呆 呆若木鸡 草木皆兵 依草附木 风声鹤唳,草木皆兵 入木三分 绳锯木断 只见树木,不见森林 八公山上,草木皆兵 麻木不仁 移花接木 行将就木 水木清华 死灰槁木 一草一木 独木不成林 木人石心 登木求鱼 古木参天 十年树木,百年树人 无根之木,无源之水 无源之水,无本之木 缘木希鱼 蟠木朽株 故家乔木 刚毅木讷 教猱升木 枯木逢春 木干鸟栖 大兴土木 身非木石 下乔木入幽谷 朽木粪土 一木难支 圆木警枕 直木先伐 依艹附木 土牛木马 投木报琼 青黄沟木 草木萧疏 槁木死灰 鸣雁直木 枯木朽株 墓木已拱 草木皆兵 麻木不仁 木牛流马 择木而栖 木已成舟 朽木不雕 人非木石 木秀于林 麻木不仁 移花接木 木牛流马 择木而栖 木已成舟 十年树木,百年树人 朽木不雕 人非木石 木秀于林。 6. 关于木字的四字成语有哪些 枯木逢春、 草木皆兵、 缘木求鱼、 行将就木、 移花接木、 麻木不仁、 入木三分、 一草一木、 大兴土木、 木已成舟、 木朽不雕、 草木俱朽、 木头木脑、 宰木已拱、 草木知威、 火齐木难、 盈把之木、 圆木警枕、 纪渻木鸡、 择木而处、 草木萧疏、 泥塑木雕、 墓木已拱、 枯木再生、 鸣于乔木、 刚毅木讷、 亡猿祸木、 人非木石、 一木难扶、 质木无文 7. 伐木开头四字成语有什么急需 A、没有以“伐木”二字开头的成语! B、以“伐”字开头的成语,如下: 1. 伐罪吊人: 讨伐有罪,拯救百姓。用以作为发动战争的口号。同“伐罪吊民”。 2. 伐罪吊民: 讨伐有罪,拯救百姓。常用以作为发动战争的口号。 3. 伐异党同: 指结帮分派,偏向同伙,打击不同意见的人。 4. 伐毛换髓: 削去旧的毛发,换去旧的骨髓。比喻彻底改变原来的面貌。 5. 伐冰之家: 古代唯有卿大夫以上的贵族丧祭得以用冰,用以称达官贵族。 6. 伐性之斧: 砍毁人性的斧头。比喻危害身心的事物。 7. 伐毛洗髓: 刮去毛发,洗清骨髓。比喻彻底清除自身的污秽。 8. 伐功矜能: 指吹嘘自己的功劳和才能。形容居高自大,恃才傲物。 8. 带木四个字的词语有哪些 带木四个字的词语有哪些 : 枯木逢春、 草木皆兵、 缘木求鱼、 行将就木、 麻木不仁、 入木三分、 移花接木、 木已成舟、 一草一木、 大兴土木、 诽谤之木、 良禽择木、 木石鹿豕、 木直中绳、 盘木朽株、 水源木本、 刻木为鹄、 泰山梁木、 朽木死灰、 蠢若木鸡、 乔木世家、 木本水源、 池鱼林木、 木人石心、 草木同腐、 纪渻木鸡、 青黄沟木、 土牛木马、 一木难扶、 木本之谊
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2023-01-03 12:39:341


1. 木字开头的四字成语有没有 【成语】:木本水源 【拼音】:mù běn shuǐ yuán 【简拼】:mbsy 【解释】:木:树的根;源:水的源头。树的根本,水的源头。比喻事物的根本或事情的原因。 木头木脑 [mù tóu mù nǎo] [解释] 形容呆板、迟钝。 木人石心 [mù rén shí xīn] [解释] 形容意志坚定,任何诱惑都不动心。 木讷寡言 [mù nè guǎ yán] [解释] 木讷:质朴而不善辞令。质朴而不善于说话。 2. 求以“木”字开头的四字词语,要四个呀,有意境的,谢了 木已成舟——树木已经做成了船。比喻事情已成定局,无法改变。 木头木脑——形容呆板、迟钝 木石心肠——形容人心肠硬,不为情感所动 木雕泥塑——用木头雕刻或泥土塑造的偶像。形容人呆板不灵活或神情呆滞。 木本水源——树的根本,水的源头。比喻事物的根本或事情的原因。 木人石心—— 形容意志坚定,任何诱惑都不动心。 木鸡养到—— 木鸡:善斗的鸡,看上去象木头一样呆板。形容功夫到家。 木干鸟栖—— 谓鸟栖树上,至树干枯也不离去。喻行事坚定不移。 木梗之患—— 喻客死他乡,不得复归故里。 木公金母—— 即仙人东王公和西王母。后用于祝寿,比喻庆寿之主人夫妇。 木坏山颓——梁木折坏,泰山崩倒。比喻德高望重的人死去。亦作“泰山梁木”。 木落归本—— 犹言叶落归根。 木讷寡言——形容人不爱说话。 木心石腹—— 犹木人石心。 木朽蛀生—— 朽:腐烂。木朽腐烂就会生虫子。比喻失去检点就会犯错误。 参考:成语词典 希望我的回答对您有帮助,有问题可以追问。满意请及时采纳,谢谢! 3. 求以“木”字开头的四字词语,要四个呀,有 木开头的成语: 木石心肠 木石前缘 木头木脑 木本水源 木本之谊 木雕泥塑 木干鸟栖 木梗之患 木公金母 木猴而冠 木坏山颓 木鸡养到 木居海处 木强敦厚 木强少文 木落归本 木魅山鬼 木木樗樗 木讷寡言 木牛流马 木偶衣冠 木偶衣绣 木强则折 木人石心 木石鹿豕 木石为徒 木石心肠 木头木脑 木心石腹 木形灰心 木朽不雕 木朽形秽 木朽蛀生 木秀于林 木秀于林,风必摧之 木雁之间 木已成舟 木犹如此,人何以堪 木直中绳 4. 木开头四字成语 木已成舟、 木石鹿豕、 木直中绳、 木本之谊、 木干鸟栖、 木头木脑、 木人石心、 木强则折、 木本水源、 木偶衣冠、 木朽蛀生、 木落归本、 木居海处、 木讷寡言、 木坏山颓、 木心石腹、 木朽不雕、 木公金母、 木鸡养到、 木偶衣绣、 木梗之患、 木强敦厚、 木形灰心、 木石为徒、 木强少文、 木魅山鬼
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1.描写颜色的四字成语有哪些 1、万紫千红 [ wàn zǐ qiān hóng ] 详细释义:形容百花竞艳的春景。宋朱熹《春日》诗:“等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春。” 出 处:宋·朱熹《春日》:“等闲识得东风面;万紫千红总是春。” 2、五光十色 [ wǔ guāng shí sè ] 详细释义:形容色泽鲜艳,花样繁多。南朝梁江淹《丽色赋》:“五光徘徊,十色陆离。” 出 处:清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》:“全部穿着细狐、洋灰鼠之类;那面子更是五光十色。” 3、五颜六色 [ wǔ yán liù sè ] 详细释义 :指各种颜色:五颜六色的花布。五颜六色的彩旗。 出 处:清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第14回:“惟各人所登之云,五颜六色,其形不一。” 4、花红柳绿 [ huā hóng liǔ lǜ ] 详细释义: ①形容春天花木繁茂艳丽的景色。 ②形容颜色鲜艳多彩:姑娘们一个个打扮得花红柳绿。 出 处:五代·蜀·魏承班《生查子》词:“花红柳绿间晴空。” 5、五彩缤纷 [ wǔ cǎi bīn fēn ] 详细释义:指颜色繁多,非常好看。 出 处:清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》:“铺设得五彩缤纷;当中摆了姊姊画的那一堂寿屏;两旁点着五六对青烛。” 2.描写颜色的四字词语有哪些 五彩斑斓; 花红柳绿; 绚丽多彩; 姹紫嫣红; 漆黑一团。 1. 五彩斑斓 斑斓:颜色驳杂,灿烂多彩。表示颜色非常好看,色彩相当丰富。 2. 花红柳绿 形容明媚的春天景象。也形容颜色鲜艳纷繁。五代·蜀·魏承班《生查子》词:“花红柳绿间晴空。” 3. 绚丽多彩 形容色彩华丽。 4. 姹紫嫣红 姹、嫣:娇艳。形容各种花朵娇艳美丽。明·汤显祖《牡丹亭·惊梦》:“原来姹紫嫣红开遍;似这般都付与断井颓垣。” 5. 漆黑一团 形容一片黑暗,没有一点光明。也形容对事情一无所知。《鲁迅书信集·五八四·致姚克》:“青年又少有精通外国文者;有话难开口;弄得漆黑一团。” 3.表示颜色的四字成语有哪些 花花绿绿、万紫千红、五光十色、五彩缤纷、五颜六色 一、花花绿绿 白话释义:状态词。形容颜色鲜艳多彩 朝代:金 作者:元好问 出处:《又解嘲二首》:“凭君细数东州客,谁在花花绿绿间?” 翻译:凭你细数东州客,又有谁在花花绿绿之间? 二、万紫千红 白话释义:形容百花竞艳的春景。 朝代:宋 作者:朱熹 出处:《春日》:“等闲识得东风面;万紫千红总是春。” 翻译:谁都可以看出春天的面貌,春风吹得百花开放、万紫千红,到处都是春天的景致。 三、五光十色 白话释义:形容色泽鲜艳,花样繁多。 朝代:清 作者:吴趼人 出处:《二十年目睹之怪现状》:“全部穿着细狐、洋灰鼠之类;那面子更是五光十色。” 四、五彩缤纷 白话释义:指颜色繁多,非常好看。 朝代:清 作者:吴趼人 出处:《二十年目睹之怪现状》:“铺设得五彩缤纷;当中摆了姊姊画的那一堂寿屏;两旁点着五六对青烛。” 五、五颜六色 白话释义:指各种颜色 朝代:清 作者:李汝珍 出处:《镜花缘》第14回:“惟各人身所登之形,五颜六色,其形不一。” 翻译:只有每个人身上的图形,各种颜色,形状不一样 4.描写颜色的四字成语都有什么 红装素裹 红颜薄命 红花绿叶 红不棱登 红男绿女 红情绿意 红红绿绿 红豆相思 红紫夺朱 赤子之心 赤口白舌 赤口毒舌 赤贫如洗 赤日炎炎 赤舌烧城 赤绳系足 赤体上阵 赤地千里 赤胆忠心 朱紫相夺 朱唇玉面 朱唇皓齿 朱楼碧瓦 朱楼绮户 面红耳赤 唇红齿白 灯红酒绿 大红大绿 纷红骇绿 嫩红娇绿 青红皂白 红红绿绿 桃红柳绿 愁红惨绿 近朱者赤 纡朱拖紫 纡朱怀金 传波红叶 白眉赤眼 姹紫嫣红 白里透红 万紫千红 黑里透红 柳绿花红 齿白唇红 金无足赤 近朱者赤 红紫夺朱青红皂白 红飞翠舞 花红柳绿 黑里透红 黑白分明 黑不溜秋 黑灯瞎火 黑咕隆咚 黑白颠倒 黑云压城 指黑道白 月黑风高 漆黑一团 白手起家 白云苍狗 白日升天 白日衣绣 白衣卿相 白头如新 白驹过隙 白璧无瑕 数白论黄 黑白分明 白里透红 白眉赤眼 白面书生 白衣秀士 白发苍髯 白发皤然 白山黑水 白天黑夜 粉白黛黑 平白无故 白璧微瑕 白日做梦 白头偕老 白不呲咧 白头齐眉 苍白无力 月白风清 齿白唇红 不白之冤 洁白无瑕 阳春白雪 恶叉白赖 赤口白舌 黄童白叟 颠倒黑白 混淆黑白 襟怀坦白 唇红齿白 真相大白 沉冤莫白 一清二白 一穷二白 指黑道白 一身清白 青红皂白 半文半白 不分皂白颠倒黑白 混淆黑白 白山黑水 白天黑夜 昏天黑地 粉白黛黑 天昏地黑 起早摸黑 一团漆黑花红柳绿 红红的花,绿绿的柳条。 形容颜色鲜艳纷繁花花绿绿 原指花草树木鲜艳多彩;形容颜色鲜明多彩花里胡哨 形容颜色过分鲜艳繁杂。也比喻浮华而不实在。 浓墨重彩 用浓重的墨汁和颜色来描绘。形容着力描写。 轻描淡写 原指描绘时用浅淡的颜色轻轻地着笔。现多指说话写文章把重要问题轻轻带过。 五彩缤纷 五彩:各种颜色;缤纷:繁多交错的样子。指颜色繁多,非常好看。 五色缤纷 指颜色繁多,非常好看。大红大绿 谓颜色浓艳。 浮翠流丹 翠:青绿色。丹:朱红色。 青绿、朱红的颜色在流动和浮现。形容色彩鲜明艳丽。 红飞翠舞 红、翠:指服装的色彩,泛指各种各样的颜色。形容妇女们穿着各种颜色的62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333365666264漂亮衣服,尽兴嬉戏,热闹非凡的情景。 五彩斑斓 五彩:指青、黄、赤、白、黑五色。指多种颜色错杂而繁多耀眼参考资料:百度。 5.关于颜色的四字词语有哪些 关于颜色的四字词语有哪些: 【黑】字成语 黑里透红 黑白分明 黑不溜秋 黑灯瞎火 黑咕隆咚 黑白颠倒 黑云压城 指黑道白 月黑风高 漆黑一团 颠倒黑白 混淆黑白 白山黑水 白天黑夜 昏天黑地 粉白黛黑 天昏地黑 起早摸黑 一团漆黑 【白】字成语 白手起家 白云苍狗 白日升天 白日衣绣 白衣卿相 白头如新 白驹过隙 白璧无瑕 数白论黄 黑白分明 白里透红 白眉赤眼 白面书生 白衣秀士 白发苍髯 白发皤然 白山黑水 白天黑夜 粉白黛黑 平白无故 白璧微瑕 白日做梦 白头偕老 白不呲咧 白头齐眉 苍白无力 月白风清 齿白唇红 不白之冤 洁白无瑕 阳春白雪 恶叉白赖 赤口白舌 黄童白叟 颠倒黑白 混淆黑白 襟怀坦白 唇红齿白 真相大白 沉冤莫白 一清二白 一穷二白 指黑道白 一身清白 青红皂白 半文半白 不分皂白 【红】字成语 红装素裹 红颜薄命 红花绿叶 红不棱登 红男绿女 红情绿意 红红绿绿 红豆相思 红紫夺朱 赤子之心 赤口白舌 赤口毒舌 赤贫如洗 赤日炎炎 赤舌烧城 赤绳系足 赤体上阵 赤地千里 赤胆忠心 朱紫相夺 朱唇玉面 朱唇皓齿 朱楼碧瓦 朱楼绮户 面红耳赤 唇红齿白 灯红酒绿 大红大绿 纷红骇绿 嫩红娇绿 青红皂白 红红绿绿 桃红柳绿 愁红惨绿 近朱者赤 纡朱拖紫 纡朱怀金 传波红叶 白眉赤眼 姹紫嫣红 白里透红 万紫千红 黑里透红 柳绿花红 齿白唇红 金无足赤 近朱者赤 红紫夺朱 【绿】字成语 绿肥红瘦 绿叶成荫 绿衣使者 绿林好汉 绿草如茵 绿水青山 绿荫如盖 柳绿花红 红花绿叶 红男绿女 红情绿意 红红绿绿 视丹如绿 橙黄桔绿 大红大绿 灯红酒绿 纷红骇绿 红红绿绿 花红柳绿 嫩红娇绿 山青水绿 油光碧绿 桃红柳绿 愁红惨绿 【青】字成语 青梅竹马 青黄不接 青云直上 青出于蓝 青州从事 青蝇吊客 青红皂白 青面獠牙 山青水绿 山青水碧 青山绿水 青史留名 青灯黄卷 青梅煮酒 平步青云 绿水青山 功标青史 黄卷青灯 名垂青史 炉火纯青 冬夏长青 四季长青 万古长青 【黄】字成语 黄袍加身 黄粱一梦 黄钟大吕 黄卷青灯 黄花晚节 黄粱美梦 黄道吉日 黄童白叟 黄口孺子 黄雀伺蝉 黄旗紫盖 青黄不接 姚黄魏紫 面黄肌瘦 橙黄桔绿 飞黄腾达 杳如黄鹤 一抔黄土 一枕黄粱 碧落黄泉 紫冠黄旗 信口雌黄 数白论黄 人老珠黄 【蓝】字成语 蓝田生玉 筚路蓝缕 青出于蓝 【紫】字成语 紫气东来 紫冠黄旗 姹紫嫣红 万紫千红 红紫夺朱 朱紫上夺 黄旗紫盖 姚黄魏紫 纡朱拖紫 【灰】字成语 灰心丧气 灰不溜丢 灰飞烟灭 灰头土脸 心灰意冷 槁木死灰 万念俱灰 心如死灰 颜色(综合)成语 碧波万顷 碧血丹心 碧落黄泉 朱楼碧瓦 山青水碧 苍翠如濯 苍松翠柏 橙黄桔绿
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