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What is the rain forest?

2023-07-15 10:56:31

什么是热带雨林 (tropical rain forest)? 一般认为热带雨林是指耐阴、喜雨、喜高温、结构层次不明显、层外植物丰富的乔木植物群落。

热带雨林主要分布于赤道南北纬 5 ~ 10度以内的热带气候地区。这里全年高温多雨,无明显的季节区别,年平均温度 25 ~ 30 ℃,最冷月的平均温度也在 18 ℃ 以上,极端最高温度多数在 36 ℃ 以下。年降水量通常超过 2 000mm ,有的竟达 6 000mm ,全年雨量分配均匀,常年湿润,空气相对湿度 90 %以上。

What is a tropical rain forest (tropical rain forest)? Generally refers to the tropical rain forest shade-tolerant, Rain, high-temperature-hi, no structural level, the layer of rich plant trees outside the plant.

Tropical rain forests are mainly located in the equatorial north-south 5 to 10 degrees latitude within the tropical climate of the region. High temperature and rainy the whole year here, no significant difference between the seasons, the average annual temperature of 25 ~ 30 ℃, the coldest month, the average temperature is above 18 ℃, extreme maximum temperature below 36 ℃ in the majority. Annual rainfall usually last more than 2 000mm, some as high as 6 000mm, uniform distribution of rainfall throughout the year, humid all year round, air relative humidity 90%.


Rain forest即雨林。

Rainforests are forests characterized by high rainfall, with definitions setting minimum normal annual rainfall between 1750–2000 mm (68-78 inches).

Rainforests are home to two-thirds of all the living animal and plant species on Earth. It has been estimated that many millions of species of plants, insects and microorganisms are still undiscovered. Tropical rainforests have been called[who?] the "jewels of the earth", and the "world"s largest pharmacy", because of the large number of natural medicines discovered there. Rainforests also supply 28% of the worlds oxygen, processing it through photosynthesis from carbon dioxide.

The undergrowth in a rainforest is restricted in many areas by the lack of sunlight at ground level. This makes it possible to walk through the forest. If the leaf canopy is destroyed or thinned, the ground beneath is soon colonized by a dense, tangled growth of vines, shrubs and small trees called a jungle. The two types of rainforest are:

Tropical rainforests are rainforests in the tropics, found near the Equator (between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn) and present in southeast Asia (Myanmar to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, northern and eastern Australia), sub-Saharan Africa from Cameroon to the Congo, (Congo Rainforest), South America (the Amazon Rainforest) Central America (Bosawás, southern Yucatán Peninsula-El Peten-Belize-Calakmul), and on many of the Pacific Islands(such as Hawaii). Tropical rainforests have been called the "Earth"s lungs," although it is now known that rainforests contribute little net oxygen additions to the atmosphere through photosynthesis.[1][2]

Temperate rainforests are rainforest in temperate regions. They can be found in North America (in the Pacific Northwest, the British Columbia Coast, and in the inland rainforest of the Rocky Mountain Trench east of Prince George), in Europe (parts of the British isles such as the coastal areas of Ireland, and Scotland, southern Norway, parts of the western Balkans along the Adriatic coast, as well as in the North West of Spain and coastal areas of the eastern Black Sea, including Georgia and coastal Turkey), and in East Asia (in southern China, Taiwan, much of Japan and Korea, and on Sakhalin Island and the adjacent Russian Far East coast), and also Australia and New Zealand.







问题一:热带雨林用英语怎么说? Tropical rain forest 问题二:热带雨林的英文。 Tropical?rainforests?are?usually?found?around?the?equator.?They?are?mon?in?Asia,?Australia,?Africa,?South?America,?Central?America,?Southern?Mexico?and?on?many?of?the?Pacific?Islands.?Within?the?World?Wildlife?Fund"s?biome?classification,?tropical?rainforests?are?considered?a?type?of?tropical?wet?forest?(or?tropical?moist?broadleaf?forest)?and?may?also?be?referred?to?as?lowland?equatorial?evergreen?rainforest.?Minimum?normal?annual?rainfall?between?1,750?millimetres?(69?in)?and?2,000?millimetres?(79?in)?occurs?in?this?climate?region.?Mean?monthly?temperatures?exceed?18?°C?(64?°F)?during?all?months?of?the?year. Rainforests?are?home?to?half?of?all?the?living?animal?and?plant?species?on?the?planet. Tropical?rain?forests?are?called?the?world"s?largest?pharmacy?because?over?one-quarter?of?modern?medicines?originate?from?i......>> 问题三:热带雨林英语要怎么说 tropic jungle 问题四:热带雨林的英文 参考:Tropical rainforests 送你个热带雨林的简介: Tropical rainforests are usually found around the equator. They are mon in Asia, Australia偿 Africa, South America, Central America, Southern Mexico and on many of the Pacific Islands. Within the World Wildlife Fund"s biome classification, tropical rainforests are considered a type of tropical wet forest (or tropical moist broadleaf forest) and may also be referred to as lowland equatorial evergreen rainforest. Minimum normal annual rainfall between 1,750 millimetres (69 in) and 2,000 millimetres (79 in) occurs in this climate region. Mean monthly temperatures exceed 18 °C (64 °F) during all months of the year. Rainforests are home to half of all the living animal and plant species on the planet. Tropical rain forests are called the world"s largest pharmacy because over one-quarter of modern medicines originate from its plants. The undergrowth in a rainforest is restricted in many areas by the lack of sunlight at ground level.This makes it possible for people and other animals to walk through the forest. If the leaf canopy is destroyed or thinned for any reason, the ground beneath is soon colonized by a dense tangled growth of vines, shrubs and *** all trees called a jungle. 问题五:处于热带,有许多的热带雨林用英语怎么翻译 In the tropics, there are a lot of tropical rain forests 问题六:原始森林和热带雨林英语单词怎么读 Virgin forests and tropical rain forests 原始森林和热带雨林 问题七:热带雨林介绍(英文) A tropical rainforest is an ecosystem type that occurs roughly within the latitudes 28 degrees north or south of the equator (in the equatorial zone between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn). This ecosystem experiences high average temperatures and a significant amount of rainfall. Rainforests can be found in Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico and on many of the Pacific, Caribbean, and Indian Ocean islands. Within the World Wildlife Fund"s biome classification, tropical rainforests are thought to be a type of tropical wet forest (or tropical moist broadleaf forest) and may also be referred to as lowland equatorial evergreen rainforest. History Tropical rainforests: Tropical rainforests have existed on Earth for hundreds of millions of years. Most tropical rainforests today are on fragments of the Mesozoic era supercontinent of Gondwana. The separation of the landmass resulted in a great loss of amphibian diversity while at the same time the drier climate spurred the diversification of reptiles. The division left tropical rainforests located in five major regions of the world: tropical America, Africa, Southeast Asia, Madagascar, and New Guinea, with *** aller outliers in Australia. However, the specifics of the origin of rainforests remain uncertain due to an inplete fossil record. Types of tropical rainforest Several types of forest prise the general tropical rainforest biome: Lowland equatorial evergreen rain fore......>> 问题八:请问如何知道自己的肝出了问题? 1、有没有乏力、厌油腻? 2、有没有黄疸? 3、有没有顶区(右上腹)疼痛? 4、B超+肝功检查。
2023-07-15 03:01:581


2023-07-15 03:02:062


Tropical Jungle~~应该素这样说。沙发~。
2023-07-15 03:02:345


热带雨林是地球上一种常见于赤道附近热带地区的森林生态系统,主要分布于东南亚、澳大利亚北部、南美洲亚马逊河流域、非洲刚果河流域、中美洲和众多太平洋岛屿。热带雨林是地球上抵抗力稳定性最高的生态系统,常年气候炎热,雨量充沛,季节差异极不明显,生物群落演替速度极快,是世界上大于一半的动植物物种的栖息地。热带雨林无疑是地球赐予地球上所有生物最为宝贵的资源之一。由于现时有超过25%的现代药物是由热带雨林植物所提炼,所以热带雨林被称为“世界上最大的药房”。同时由于众多雨林植物的光合作用净化地球空气的能力尤为强大,其中仅亚马逊热带雨林产生的氧气就占全球氧气总量的1/3,故有“地球之肺”的美誉。热带雨林主要的作用是调节气候,防止水土流失,净化空气,保证地球生物圈的物质循环有序进行。中文名热带雨林外文名Tropical Rainforest分布区域赤道附近气候特征全年高温多雨,无明显的季节区别年平均气温25℃以上
2023-07-15 03:02:512


A tropical rainforest
2023-07-15 03:02:593


tropic rain forest
2023-07-15 03:03:087

热带雨林 英文介绍

A tropical rainforest is an ecosystem type that occurs roughly within the latitudes 28 degrees north or south of the equator (in the equatorial zone between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn). This ecosystem experiences high average temperatures and a significant amount of rainfall. Rainforests can be found in Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico and on many of the Pacific, Caribbean, and Indian Ocean islands. Within the World Wildlife Fund"s biome classification, tropical rainforests are thought to be a type of tropical wet forest (or tropical moist broadleaf forest) and may also be referred to as lowland equatorial evergreen rainforest.History Tropical rainforests:Tropical rainforests have existed on Earth for hundreds of millions of years. Most tropical rainforests today are on fragments of the Mesozoic era supercontinent of Gondwana. The separation of the landmass resulted in a great loss of amphibian diversity while at the same time the drier climate spurred the diversification of reptiles. The division left tropical rainforests located in five major regions of the world: tropical America, Africa, Southeast Asia, Madagascar, and New Guinea, with smaller outliers in Australia. However, the specifics of the origin of rainforests remain uncertain due to an incomplete fossil record.Types of tropical rainforestSeveral types of forest comprise the general tropical rainforest biome:Lowland equatorial evergreen rain forests are forests which receive high rainfall (more than 2000 mm, or 80 inches, annually) throughout the year. These forests occur in a belt around the equator, with the largest areas in the Amazon Basin of South America, the Congo Basin of Central Africa, Indonesia, and New Guinea.Moist deciduous and semi-evergreen seasonal forests, receive high overall rainfall with a warm summer wet season and a cooler winter dry season. Some trees in these forests drop some or all of their leaves during the winter dry season. These forests are found in parts of South America, in Central America and around the Caribbean, in coastal West Africa, parts of the Indian subcontinent, and across much of Indochina.Montane rain forests, some of which are known as cloud forests, are found in cooler-climate mountain areas. Depending on latitude, the lower limit of montane rainforests on large mountains is generally between 1500 and 2500 m while the upper limit is usually from 2400 to 3300 m. Flooded forests, seven types of flooded forest are recognized for Tambopata Reserve in Amazonian Peru: Permanently waterlogged swamp forest--Former oxbow lakes still flooded but covered in forest.Seasonally waterlogged swamp forest--Oxbow lakes in the process of filling in.Lower floodplain forest--Lowest floodplain locations with a recognizable forest.Middle floodplain forest--Tall forest, flooded occasionally.Upper floodplain forest--Tall forest, rarely flooded.Old floodplain forest--Subjected to flooding within the last two hundred years.Previous floodplain--Now terra firme, but historically ancient floodplain of Tambopata River.Due the human"s excessive exploitation, tropical forests are now facing a great danger of disappear from the surface of the Earth. Urgent steps and actions required from all countries of the tropical area to protect them from further damages.
2023-07-15 03:03:222


问题一:热带, 温带, 寒带 ,用英语怎么说? 热带 [rè dài] 基本翻译 tropic tropical 温带 [wēn dài] 基本翻译 temperate zone 寒带 [hán dài] 基本翻译 frigid zone 呵呵 希望能帮上你哦~~ 问题二:请教各位大侠:“电拌热带”英语怎么说? Electric mixing tropical 问题三:热带的英文怎么说? 热带的 intertropical tropical 问题四:热带雨林用英语怎么说 有很多表达 tropical rain forest selva euhylacion rain forest hylaeion hylaea tropical rain forestry equatorial forest tropical rainforest [Portugal] selva 第一种属于最好背但显得很中式的感觉 例句 1.那个林务员已经勘测了那些热带雨林。 The forester has explored those tropical rain forests. 回答完毕 望采纳 预祝英语学习进步 O(∩_∩)O 问题五:热带雨林用英语怎么说? Tropical rain forest 问题六:处于热带,有许多的热带雨林用英语怎么翻译 In the tropics, there are a lot of tropical rain forests 问题七:热带水果用英文怎么说 热带水果 [词典] tropical fruit (tree); [例句]我原以为这种甘美的热带水果长在树上,后来才知道,它实际是长在地里的。 I used to think that this sweet tropical fruit grew on a bush, but later learned that in fact it grows upon the ground.
2023-07-15 03:03:291


2023-07-15 03:03:507


有中文和英文对照,你可以照着中文适当改一下,应该没什么问题吧。呵呵中文:   保护雨林  热带雨林生长在温暖,潮湿的地方----南美洲,美国,阿里卡,及东南亚地区。因为下雨了很多在那里,有了这么大的雨,在雨林的土壤是非常黑暗和丰富的植物生长。超过世界上的热带植物一半生长在热带雨林。成千上万的动物生活在其中了。  热带雨林有丰富的食品,药品和其他有用的东西。可悲的是,雨林被诸如工厂排放的黑烟和来自农场的有害物形成的酸雨给破坏。许多雨林被烧毁或砍伐每年,用于建筑的工厂养殖。因为雨林的损失,引起温度变化,1000多种植物和动物灭绝。  很多人都明白拯救雨林的重要性。许多国家正在雨林到国家公园。农民们正在学习如何种植作物没有伤害的热带雨林。它需要大量的人一起工作,使热带雨林和热带雨林野生动物可以被保存,是你的孩子看到和享受。  也许你可以做一些事情来帮助保护雨林的地球。比如:  告诉周围的环境和人们如何帮助保护雨林的重要性。  在种植修复受损生态系统的毁林地区。  为鼓励各地环境无害的生活方式的人。  建立公园,以保护雨林和野生动物。  支持的作品相对较小的公司对环境的破坏.  不使用一次性筷子  纸张双面打印  不吃砍伐雨林种植大豆喂养的鸡作原料的汉堡  不喝毁林种植的咖啡  使用再生纸  用毛巾和手帕替代纸巾  发送电子贺卡代替代传统贺卡  .......英文:Rainforest Rainforest grows in warm, moist places ---- South America, United States, Arica , and Southeast Asia. Because it rains a lot there , with so much rain , the soil in the rainforest is very dark and rich plant growth. More than half of the world"s tropical plants grow in tropical rainforests . Thousands of animals which live in it. Tropical rainforests are rich in food, medicine , and other useful things. Sadly, such as acid rain forest plant was smoke and harmful emissions from the farm to the formation damage. Many forests are burned or cut down each year for construction of factory farming . Because the loss of rainforest , causing temperature changes, more than 1000 kinds of plants and animals become extinct. Many people understand the importance of saving the rainforest . Many countries are rain forests and national parks . Farmers are learning how to grow crops do not harm the rainforest . It requires a lot of people working together to make the tropical rainforest and rainforest wildlife can be saved , your children see and enjoy. Maybe you can do something to help protect the Earth"s rainforests . For example: How to tell the surrounding environment and the importance of people to help protect the rainforest . Planting repair damaged ecosystems deforested areas . To encourage environmentally sound lifestyle around people . Established parks to protect rainforests and wildlife. Support works relatively small company damage to the environment . Do not use disposable chopsticks Duplex printing paper Rainforest deforestation eat soybeans as raw material fed chicken burger Do not drink coffee plantation deforestation Using recycled paper Replace paper towels with towels and handkerchiefs Send e-cards instead of the traditional greeting on behalf of .......
2023-07-15 03:04:051


1. 写一个关于热带雨林的作文 热带雨林 或许是我没有想象中的那么坚强,或许是年岁的增长让每一个脚步都多了些沉重,才会让我常常沦陷于现实的沼泽中难以自拔,却仍是不安的挣扎。每一次的敷衍和借口,只不过是些无所谓的掩饰。但它却常常幻化成漫天迷蒙的大雾,让我总是看不清自己,看不清远方。 这里常常会下起雨,虽然你总是努力维持一副热情的姿态,但你有时也会欺骗不了自己.当伤心决堤时,也只好听任无情的雨水冲刷还温热着的心田,于是你经常寒心。当你拼命想力挽狂澜时,那些"晴天霹雳"和"如雷贯耳",却在耳边响彻到天明。那场大雨像得了什么号令似得,伴随着这些刺耳,愈演愈烈,于是你有一肚子苦水。但你的心很狭窄,很闭塞,你极少打开一扇门或敞开一扇窗,于是这里很闷,于是很少有人会涉足这里,于是你也保存了些未曾受污染的珍贵。于是,你的一肚子苦水无法倾吐。人们看到的是你光鲜亮丽的外边,只是不知道,你在心里的那片沼泽里越陷越深。也许只有一动不动才是最好的办法,于是你以不变应万变.后来你才懂了,太像别人就会失去自己,你怎么可以一味的与别人看齐。人们的心中都有一片独特的森林,而你的叫热带雨林。 大雨过后,总会带走些什么,也会留下些什么。有些事情过去也就过去了,有些痕迹再怎么反复冲刷也没有用,却留下一些坑坑洼洼与凹凸不平,于是你的心路更崎岖,更难走了。因为这些不平与障碍,你常常会在那里跌的头破血流,仅仅是因为你还完全不了解这片雨林的深沉。人,要想了解自己其实很难,在某个瞬间,在某件事情上你就会明白自己,但却需要用掉一辈子的时间来领悟。所以,你拥有了这片雨林,却不理解这片雨林。 你只知道,这片雨林阴云密布,心中的雨下个不停,有时还会不争气的漫上眼眶。你不知道,这片雨林里也有最灿烂的阳光,它会照耀着你的微笑,不经意间从你明眸的双眼中闪现。如果,你能自信一点,勇敢的抬起头,眼里便不会噙满泪光,那时你也会看到天空依旧爽朗的漫无边际。 每个人的心都有一片独一无二的森林,愿你我的心灵永远充满着夏天的气息,欣欣向荣。 2. 一篇关于热带雨林的作文70字左右 Rain forests belong to the tropical wet climate group. The temperature in a rain forest rarely gets higher than 93 °F (34 °C) or drops below 68 °F (20 °C); average humidity is beeen 77 and 88%; rainfall is often more than 100 inches a year. There is usually a brief season of less rain. In monsoonal areas, there is a real dry season. Almost all rain forests lie near the equator.。 3. 关于热带雨林的70字英语作文 Tropical rain forests grow in warm, wet areas ---- Central America South Amereica, Arica, and Southeast Asia . Because it rains a lot there . With so much rain , the soil in rain forests is very dark and rich for plants to grow. More than half of the tropical plants in the world grow in rain forest. Thousands of animals live in them, too. Rain forests make up less than 8% of the earth, but more than 50% of the plants and animals on the earth live in them. Thick plants makeit difficult to go very far into the forest. Most exploring must be done on foot, or by boat. Therefore, there are large areas that haven"t been discovered yet. Tropical rain forests are rich for food, medicine and other useful things . Today , sadly, rain forests are threatened (威胁) by such things as acid rainfrom factory *** oke emissions (散发) around the world and from farm expansion(扩张) . A lot of rain forests are burned or cut down each year. The land is used for farming of for building factories. Because of the loss of rain forests , 1000 kinds of plants and animals bee extinct(灭绝). Many people understand the importance of saving the rain forests. Many countries are making rain forests into national parks. Farmers are being taught how to grow crops without hurting the rain forests. Perhaps you can do something to help protect the rain forests of the earth. 希望采纳,谢谢。 4. 关于热带雨林的英语文章 Rainforests are very dense, warm, wet forests. They are havens for millions of plants and animals. Rainforests are extremely important in the ecology of the Earth. The plants of the rainforest generate much of the Earth"s oxygen. These plants are also very important to people in other ways; many are used in new drugs that fight disease and illness. 5. 求热带雨林的英文文章 参考:tropical rainforests 送你个热带雨林的简介: tropical rainforests are usually found around the equator. they are mon in asia, australia, africa, south america, central america, southern mexico and on many of the pacific islands. within the world wildlife fund"s biome classification, tropical rainforests are considered a type of tropical wet forest (or tropical moist broadleaf forest) and may also be referred to as lowland equatorial evergreen rainforest. minimum normal annual rainfall beeen 1,750 millimetres (69 in) and 2,000 millimetres (79 in) occurs in this climate region. mean monthly temperatures exceed 18 °c (64 °f) during all months of the year. rainforests are home to half of all the living animal and plant species on the pla. tropical rain forests are called the "world"s largest pharmacy" because over one-quarter of modern medicines originate from its plants. the undergrowth in a rainforest is restricted in many areas by the lack of sunlight at ground level.this makes it possible for people and other animals to walk through the forest. if the leaf canopy is destroyed or thinned for any reason, the ground beneath is soon colonized by a dense tangled growth of vines, shrubs and *** all trees called a jungle. 6. 热带雨林探险记作文450字以上六年级 我到亚马逊河去探险 渐渐地,我感觉有人在推我,定睛一看,原来是同班的几个好伙伴。她们对我说:“今天学校组织去亚马逊河探险,我们一起去吧!”“太棒了!”我高兴得一蹦三尺高。在地理课上, 我们曾经学过:亚马逊河是世界水量最大,流域面积最广的大河,它的周围还覆盖着地球上 面积最大的热带雨林,这片原始的热带雨林至少已存在了一亿年之久。这次学校真是为我们 创造了好机会,去揭开那原始森林的神秘面纱。 我们乘坐“神毯”来到了这片森林的边缘。一路上的飞行使大家都疲倦了,但谁也顾不上休 息,整整背包一起走进了这神秘的森林。这片森林遮天蔽日,十分寂静,但有时也会听到些 不知名的动物“哇哇”地叫,那叫声在我听来十分悲凉、怕人,就像是在哭。脚底下铺了厚 厚一层的落叶,象软软的地毯,但是树叶已经失去了通常的绿色,变成了深蓝、暗红、深紫 色 ,或者干脆就是黑的了,远远看去如同整片整片的乌云落到了地上。 森林有时浓密,但有时又相对的比较稀疏,在稀的地方就可幸运地看见巴掌大的蓝天,一圈如同白天打着手电似的 阳光。这里到处可见几千年树龄的大树,树干上缠满粗大藤蔓,它们不分你我挤在一起 ,像在争抢着什么东西。路已走了很远,不知谁像发现新大陆似的喊起来:“快看,瀑布 !”我们也都奔过去,看到那高挂的水帘,虽然只有那么一窄条,但给人的感觉却像仙女织 出的丝帛,扯不断,卷不完,一直与长满绿绒绒植物的石头相触,而后汇成涓涓细流注入水潭。 转眼间,已近黄昏时分,我们加快脚步,渴望找到一个有人家的地方住下。我们又走了 几里路,终于发现一个池塘,在池塘上有几座当地人搭建的小木屋,我们走了进去,里面的 物件大都是用木头,树皮制做的,非常别致。这好像是一个小的部落,那儿的人看见我们都 非 常惊奇,其中一个首领似的中年男人对其他人说了些什么,他们就各自忙开了。中年男人笑 着走过来叽哩咕噜说了一阵,虽然我们听不懂,但我们知道他们是友好的。接着他带我们参 观了其它的木屋,我们还跟他学会了一些手势礼节。当晚,我们就住在那里,有些同学还拿 着小本借着手电的亮光记录这一天的事情,还有些同学在整理白天采到的植物标本。回到城 市后,我们向有关部门汇报了那里的地质环境及风土人情,这为他们研究原始森林提供了很 大帮助。 7. 关于保护热带雨林的英语作文 The tropical rain forest can provide humans with oxygen, is the home of wild animal. Tropical rainforest in damage, area reduction, coexistence of *** oke heavy threaten wild animal. Calls for the government to make law, protecting the tropical rain forest, middle school students participate in action, which.。
2023-07-15 03:04:471


热带雨林的好处和重要性: (1)调节气候功能: 热带雨林会吸收二氧化碳、产生氧气,地球上氧气总量的40%,都是经由亚马逊河区的热带雨林产生。热带雨林虽仅占地球表面的一小部份,然而它对我们呼吸的空气和世界上的气候影响极大。植物和树木在制造食物的时候会吸取二氧化碳并释放氧气,而人类和其他动植物都靠这些氧气进行呼吸。因此,热带雨林在维持大气中氧及二氧化碳的平衡上,扮演极重要的角色。 而今日人类大量使石化燃料、大量伐木,造成大气中的二氧化碳浓度提高,使得太阳辐射热传入地球表面后,不易再反射出去,累积的热量已经使全球平均气温上升,造成严重的「温室效应」。 (2)调节区域性雨量: 雨林又好像一块巨大的海绵,下雨的时候﹐树木吸收了大部份的水份,通过根把水份吸收传到叶面,让水份以水蒸气的形式释放到空气中。之后,水蒸气形成了云﹐云又形成雨,雨为干旱的地方带来生机。假如雨林被砍伐的话﹐云不会形成﹐降雨也减少,那么很多地方就会出现旱灾和农作物失收的情况。 (3)生物基因库: 热带雨林虽然占全球不及7%土地面积,因为是高温多湿的气候,全球至少有一半以上的生物物种在这里生长,可以说热带雨林是地球上最丰富、最古老、最有生产力、也是最复杂的生态系统,许多生物也可以拿来当做「基因资源」用,这是农作物的品种改良以及医学开发上所不可或缺的来源。 (4)食物来源: 热带雨林与我们的日常生活息息相关。它们是重要的食物来源。我们常吃的香蕉和菠萝都是雨林常见的植物,而咖啡豆和香草都源自热带雨林的植物。 (5)医学研究功能: 热带雨林对医学研究极为重要。全球有四分之一药品原料,是来自热带雨林中的植物;而被医学界确定对治疗癌症有效的一些植物,有70%是生长在雨林中。科学家发现热带雨林中的一些植物有治病功能,其中包括治疗疟疾﹑某些癌症和心脏病的药。 (6)其他资源 热带雨林还提供了许多资源。许多蜡﹑酒﹑调味品﹑染料和甜味剂都源自热带雨林。雨林内的植物纤维可用来制作救生衣﹑草帽和许多橡胶制品。科学家认为一些雨林内的植物能产生一些可以用做汽车和家庭取暖的燃料的物质,因此,热带雨林可能成为提供燃料的重要资源。 (7)孕育文化功能 由于热带林地区本身就具有丰富的多样性,所以生存在这儿的人类和森林,也就随之发展出各种变化,并依地区、民族的不同,而分别孕育出特殊的森林文化。 所以保护雨林是重要。 参考: ihouseedcity/~hm1203/biosphere/trf 雨林是雨量甚多的生物区系。它有「绿色地狱」之称。雨林依位置的不同分热带雨林和温带雨林。雨林大多数靠近赤道,在赤道经过的非洲、亚洲和南美洲,都有大片的雨林。湿润的气候保证了树和植物的快速生产。同时,树和植物也为雨林中的成千上万种生物提供了食物和庇护所。 雨林曾经覆盖了14%地球土地表面,但现在只剩下6-8%土地表面,即整体表面的2%。虽然雨林只覆盖地球的6%的土地,但却有一半以上的动物和植物的品种在雨林中出现。 雨林有时被称为「地球肺部」和「世界最大药厂」,因为大量自然药物或药物的原材料都在那儿找到。全球所用的药物中,几乎一半来自雨林。科学家相信更多疾病的解药将来可以在雨林中找到。 雨林地区往往有大河流过,如南美洲的亚马逊河。许多雨林在一年中有几个月会暴发洪水。 __________________________________ 热带雨林,顾名思义是指在热带地区的森林,这些地区长年气候炎热,雨水充足,季相极不明显,生物群落演替速度极快。 目录[隐藏] 1 特征 1.1 生物特征 1.1.1 结构 1.2 土壤特征 1.3 气候特征 2 分布 3 参考 [编辑] 特征 [编辑] 生物特征 乔木多板状根,多气生根植物或藤本植物等绞杀植物,系统分层明显,乔木高大,植物品种丰富;因为天气长期温热,雨量高,所以植物能持续生长,造成树木生长密集且长绿。 [编辑] 结构 层 高度 主要植物 其他 露生层 30-50米以上 乔木 单独生长,较为分散,有板根支撑,须面对蒸腾作用 树冠层 30-20米 树冠横向生长,形成连续的一层,吸收了雨林中7成阳光和8成雨水 幼树层/低树冠层 20-10米 年幼树木 树干较幼,树冠呈椭圆形;依靠林中少量的阳光生长 矮树层/灌木层 10-5米 蕨、丛木、灌木 地面层/树林底层 5-0米 小植物如苔藓和地衣 几乎黑暗一片;不连续和茂盛;只在河边和林地的边缘,才会较茂盛 [编辑] 土壤特征 极富铝化,呈酸性土壤,颜色呈红黄,泥层深度亦比其他森林为厚。 [编辑] 气候特征 主要气候类型(周淑贞气候分类法)为赤道多雨气候和热带海洋性气候。 因为位于赤道附近,热带雨林受着猛烈的日照,无四季变化,降水年内分配较均匀,气温日较差和年较差均较小。气候炎热,降雨量高,经常于中午下对流雨。 [编辑] 分布 在南、北回归线之间大片的陆地中,有近1/3面积覆盖着原始森林。由于地处热带,称之为赤道热带雨林。根据分布的地方不同,又有亚热带雨林之分。 热带雨林都在南北纬23.5度间,主要位于南北纬10度。全球近三分之一的热带雨林在巴西境内,而刚果和印度尼西亚各占约一成。 世界最大的热带雨林是亚马逊热带雨林。 中国的热带雨林主要分布在海南岛南部和云南的西双版纳地区。 地质史上的暖期,热带雨林除两极附近地区外所有的陆地基本都有分布。 [编辑] 参考 热带雨林 Eye on Rainforest,绿色力量 热带季雨林 _____________________________________ 温带雨林是地球上中纬度的高雨量地区的针叶树或阔叶树森林。它们大多数位于海洋性湿润气候区,例如北美洲西北部(自加州西北部至阿拉斯加东南部)、欧洲西北部(英国、爱尔兰、挪威)、智利南部、澳洲东南部(塔斯曼尼亚省、维多利亚省)、纽西兰南岛西岸,也有一些位于亚热带湿润气候区,例如黑海东岸地区、纽西兰北岛、南非、日本和台湾。 [编辑] 温带雨林和其它温带森林的不同 雨量﹕高雨量(年降雨量至少为2000至3000毫米,视乎纬度),通常由海洋吹来的潮湿的风带来雨水。 接近海洋﹕跟大陆性气候地区比较,温带雨林有较暖的冬季和较凉的夏季,很多温带雨林在夏天会有雾气,令它们在最热的月份仍保持清凉和潮湿。 海岸山脉﹕海岸山脉向着海洋的一边有较多雨水,因此温带雨林常在那些地区形成。 [编辑] 温带雨林区 太平洋温带雨林(北美洲西北部) 它是地球上最大的温带雨林,位于北美洲西岸沿海山区,从加州伸展至阿拉斯加。那里的温带雨林可再分为数个生态区,它们俱以针叶林为主。世上最高的树位于加州北部。 Valdivian and Magellanic温带雨林(智利、阿根廷) 自智利南部的太平洋海岸起,至南美洲南端。 南非的Knysna-Amatole山区/沿海雨林 纽西兰温带雨林 澳大利亚温带雨林 Colchian雨林(格鲁吉亚、土耳其) 位于黑海东南端。 太平洋常绿雨林(日本) 台湾山区针叶雨林 西北欧洲温带雨林 位于苏格兰、爱尔兰、挪威、冰岛。 取自"zh. *** /w/index?title=%E7%83%AD%E5%B8%A6%E9%9B%A8%E6%9E%97&variant=zh-" Rainforests are characterized by high rainfall with definitions setting minimum normal annual rainfall beeen 2 000 mm (about 78 inches or 2 meters) and 1700 mm (about 67 inches). The soil can be poor because high rainfall tends to leach out soluble nutrients. Rain forests are home to o-thirds of all the living animal and plant species on the pla. It has been estimated that many hundreds of millions of new species of plants insects and microani *** s are still undiscovered and as yet unnamed by science. Tropical rain forests are called the "jewel of the earth" and the "world"s largest pharmacy" because of the large amount of natural medicines discovered there. Tropical rain forests are also often called the "Earth"s lungs" however there is no scientific basis for such a claim as tropical rainforests are known to be essentially oxygen neutral with little or no oxygen production. [1] Despite the growth of flora in a rainforest the actual quality of the soil is usually quite poor. Oxisols infertile and deeply weathered have developed on the ancient Gondwanan shields. Rapid bacterial decay prevents the accumulation of humus. The concentration of iron and aluminium oxides by the laterization process gives the oxisols a bright red color and sometimes produces minable deposits (e.g. bauxite). On younger substrates especially of volcanic origin tropical soils may be quite fertile. The undergrowth in a rainforest is restricted in many areas by the lack of sunlight at ground level. This makes it possible for people and other animals to walk through the forest. If the leaf canopy is destroyed or thinned for any reason the ground beneath is soon colonised by a dense tangled growth of vines shrubs and *** all trees called jungle. There are several mon characteristics of tropical rainforest trees. Tropical rainforest species frequently possess one or more of the following attributes not monly seen in trees of higher latitudes or trees in drier condirions on the same latitude. Many tree species have broad woody flanges (buttresses) at the base of the trunk. Originally believed to help support the tree now it is believed that the buttresses channel stem flow and its dissolved nutrients to the roots. Large leaves are mon among trees and shrubs of the undertory and forest floor layers. Young individuals of trees destined for the canopy and emergent layers may also have large leaves. When they reach the canopy new leaves will be *** aller. The large leaf surface helps intercept light in the sun-dappled lower strata of the forest and are made possible because the lower layers are largely protected from winds which damage large leaves in the canopy. Canopy leaves are usually *** aller than found in understory plants or are divided to reduce wind damage. The leaves of rainforest understorey trees also often have drip tips which facilitate drainage of precipitation off the leaf to promote trpiration and inhibit the growth of microbes and bryphytes which would damage or *** other the leaf . Trees are often well connected in the canopy layer especially by the growth of woody climbers known as lianas or by plants with epiphytic adaptations allowing them to grow on top of existing trees in the petition for sunlight. Other characteristics that are more frequent in tropical rainforest tree species than in temperate forests or drier tropical regions include: Exceptionally thin bark often only 1-2 mm thick. It is usually very *** ooth although sometimes covered with spines or thorns. Cauliflory the development of flowers (and hence fruits) directly from the trunk rather than at the tips of branches. Large fleshy fruits attract birds mammals and even fish as dispersal agents. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Tropical_and_subtropical_moist_broadleaf_forests
2023-07-15 03:04:561

丛林(forest),雨林(rainforest),热带雨林(tropical rain forest)

Appreciate the Mangroves on the boat; in the mysterious rain forestations .Cognition different types of tropical trees, Cacao Trees, Strangler Fig, Teak Trees ...Maybe you can see some animals there. You might want to take a photo of them.So we should protect the rainforest don"t let them gone!
2023-07-15 03:05:031

亚马逊热带雨林位于南美洲,占地600多万平方公里,是世界上最大的雨林 的英译

Amazon tropical rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world,and it is located in South America,covering 6 millions of square kilometers.
2023-07-15 03:05:112


2023-07-15 03:05:218

what is a rainforest

2023-07-15 03:05:585

热带雨林有什么动物 哪些最常见

热带雨林是地球上一种常见于赤道附近热带地区的森林生态系统,主要分布于东南亚、澳大利亚北部、南美洲亚马逊河流域、非洲刚果河流域、中美洲和众多太平洋岛屿。 热带雨林动植物分布 西双版纳的热带雨林 它是我国最大的热带雨林区。 植物主要有:望天树,野芭蕉和竹林、千里榄仁、番龙眼;大药树、龙果、自颜树;缅漆、山白兰。四薮木、龙血树。攀枝花、楹树林、高榕、酸枣林和水杨柳林。 壳斗科、樟科、山茶科和木兰科 动物主要有:版纳鱼螈、平胸龟和凹甲陆龟;盲蛇和大盲蛇;蟒蛇和闪鳞蛇;树鼩;蜂猴。大灵猫、鬣羚、华南虎、象。珍稀鱼:大鳍鱼、双孔鱼等。两栖类、爬行类、鸟类、兽类动物:懒猴、白颊长臂猿、云豹、金钱豹、虎、野象、野牛、鬣羚、赤颈鹤、白喉犀鸟、棕颈犀鸟、冠斑犀鸟、熊猴、猕猴、豚尾猴、菲氏叶猴、穿山甲、马来熊、小熊猫、水獭、金猫、鼷鹿、水鹿、原鸡、白鹇、绿孔雀、孔雀雉、巨蜥、蟒等,均为国家保护动物。 热带雨林位置境域 气候特征 热带雨林分布的地区,年降雨量很高,通常高于1800毫米,有些地方达3500毫米。全年雨量分配均匀,常年湿润,空气相对湿度95%以上。平均降水量每年2032毫米以上,超过每年的蒸发量。这里无明显的季节变化,白天温度一般在30℃左右,夜间约20℃。 地理位置 热带雨林主要分布在南美、亚洲和非洲的丛林地区,大多数热带雨林(Tropical zone rainforest)都位于北纬23.5度和南纬23.5度之间(即南回归线和北回归线之间的地区)。在热带雨林中,通常有三到五层的植被,上面还有高达150-180英尺的树木像帐篷一样支盖着。下面几层植被的密度取决于阳光穿透上层树木的程度,照进来的阳光越多,密度就越大。 地形地貌 雨林地区的地形复杂多样,从散布岩石小山的低地平原,到溪流纵横的高原峡谷。地貌造就了形态万千的雨林景观。在森林中,静静的池水、奔腾的小溪、飞泻的瀑布到处都是;参天的大树、缠绕的藤萝、繁茂的花草交织成一座座绿色迷宫。 土壤类型 热带常绿雨林下发育的典型土壤是砖红壤和具有灰化现象的红壤,前者分布在地势较高、排水良好,并且有比较少雨季节的地区,后者主要分布在各季节降水丰沛、森林郁闭、草本植被缺乏的地区。
2023-07-15 03:06:531


从泰国的概况开始全称: Thailand ( meaning "land of the free")首都: Bangkok (Krung Thep, meaning "city of angels") 地理: The kingdom of Thailand lies in the heart of Southeast Asia, making it a natural gateway to Indochina, Myanmar and Southern China. Its shape and geography divide into four natural regions : the mountains and forests of the North; the vast rice fields of the Central Plains; the semi-arid farm lands of the Northeast plateau; and the tropical islands and long coastline of the peninsula South. The country comprises 76 provinces that are further divided into districts, sub-districts and villages. Bangkok is the capital city and centre of political, commercial, industrial and cultural activities. It is also the seat of Thailand"s revered Royal Family, with His Majesty the King recognised as Head of State, Head of the Armed Forces, Upholder of the Buddhist religion and Upholder of all religions.邻国: 1) Myanmar - west and north, 2) Lao P.D.R. - north and northeast, 3) Cambodia - southeast and 4) Malaysia - south. 人口:Thais are well-known for their friendliness and hospitality. A large majority of over 62 million citizens of Thailand are ethic Thai, along with strong communities whose ethnic origins lie in China, India and elsewhere. About 7 million people reside in the capital city of Bangkok. 民族:Thai (80%), Chinese (10%), Malay (3%), and the rest are minorities (Mons, Khmers, hill tribes) Ethnic Thais form the majority, though the area has historically been a migratory crossroads, and has thus produced a degree of ethnic diversity. Integration is such, however, that culturally and socially there is enormous unity. 语言:Spoken and written Thai is largely incomprehensible to the casual visitor. However, English is widely understood, particularly in Bangkok where it is almost the major commercial language. English and some European Languages are spoken in most hotels, shops and restaurants in major tourist destinations, and Thai-English road and street signs are found nationwide. 宗教:Buddhism (95%), Muslim (4%), others (1%) 政府: Thailand has had a constitutional monarchy since 1932. Parliament is composed of 2 houses, The House of Representatives and the Senate. Both representatives and senators are elected by the people. A prime minister elected from among the representatives leads the government. The country is divided into 76 provinces. The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration comes under an elected governor. Appointed provincial governors administer the other 75 provinces (Changwat), which are divided into districts (Amphoe), sub-districts (Tambon) and villages (Mu Ban). 时间: The time in Thailand is seven hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (+7 hours GMT). 气候: Thailand enjoys a tropical climate with three distinct seasons-hot and dry from February to May (average temperature 34 degrees Celsius and 75% humidity); rainy with plenty of sunshine from June to October (average day temperature 29 degrees Celsius and 87% humidity); and cool from November to January (temperatures range from 32 degrees Celsius to below 20 degrees Celsius with a drop in humidity). Much lower temperatures are experienced in the North and Northeast during nighttime. The South has a tropical rainforest climate with temperatures averaging 28 degrees Celsius almost all year round. 经济: The electric current is 220 volt AC (50 cycles) throughout the country. Many different types of plugs and sockets are in use. Travellers with electric shavers, hair dryers, tape recorders and other appliances should carry a plug adapter kit. The better hotels will make available 110-volt transformers.邮政服务:Thailand"s mail service is reliable and efficient. Major hotels provide basic postal services on their premises. Provincial post offices are usually open from 8.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. International Roaming Mobile Phone : A Subscriber Identity Module Card (SIM Card) is now available for Thai and foreign customers who are travelling around for work. The SIM Card must be used in conjunction with a Digital GSM mobile phone within the 900-MHz range or a Digital PCN mobile phone within the 1800-MHz range.电话服务:At present, all telephone numbers (for local calls and long distance calls within the country) have nine digits.For Bangkok calls, 02 is added to the existing numbers i.e. 0 2694 1222. For provincial calls, an area code is added to the existing numbers. For example, area code for Chiang Mai is 053 = 0 5324 8604; area code for Phuket is 076 = 0 7621 1036. For mobile phones, After september 1,2006, all Thai mobile phone numbers will be extended to 10 digits. Simply add an 8 in the middle of the existing two-digit prefix, followed by the existing seven-digit number.For example, numbers starting with (66) 01 will become (66) 081 XXX XXXXThe new system has no effect on international phone calls. The international dialing code for Thailand is 66. When making international calls to Thailand, add 66 and omit the leading 0. When making international calls from Thailand, first dial 001+country code+area code+telephone number 应急电话:Central Emergency (Police, Ambulance, Fire) : 191 Highway Patrol : 1193 Crime Suppression : 195 or (662) 513 3844 Tourist Police (English, French and German spoken) : 1155 Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Call Centre : 1672 Immigration Bureau : (662) 287 3101-10 另外,你想要的景点介绍太多了, 不同的城市有不同景点.给你一个泰国旅游的官方网站,你可以在上边找到所有你想要的!
2023-07-15 03:07:011


2023-07-15 03:07:122


I also went to the yalong bay area, there are beautiful tropical orchid valley, 800 years old turtles, and stretches of endless tropical rainforest. I slept with ostriches are photophed! Sanya is the most famous are tianyahaijiao. There was very beautiful, snow-white waves slapped on the rock, remains the same in the world. I have a harvest, there is lots of small seashells! Go to sanya must drink coconut. I drank a lot of coconut in sanya, it"s delicious! Sanya ,how nice
2023-07-15 03:07:321


1. 关于袋鼠的英语短文带翻译 One day the staff members of a zoo called a meeting to discuss the problem--how to deal with the kangaroos that were found out of the cage. They came to the conclusion that the cage was placed too low and decided to raise it from one to o meters high. But the next day the kangaroos were still at large and they again raised the cage to three meters. Quite beyond their expectation the next morning they saw the kangaroos still free to go about. They were alarmed and determined to go to all the length by raising the cage to the height of ten meters. Later a giraffe, while chatting with some kangaroos, asked them, “Do you think they will go on raising your cage?” “Hard to say,” said a kangaroo, “if they continue fetting to fasten the cage door.” 有一天,动物园的管理员们发现袋鼠从笼子里跑出来了,于是开会讨论,一致认为是笼子的高度过低,所以他们决定将笼子的高度由原来的1米加高到2米。结果第二天他们发现,袋鼠还是跑到外面来,所以他们又决定再将高度加高到3米。 没想到隔天居然又看到袋鼠全跑到外面,于是管理员们大为紧张,决定一不做二不休,将笼子的高度加高到10米。 长颈鹿和几只袋鼠在闲聊,“你们看,这些人会不会再继续加高你们的笼子?”长颈鹿问。 “很难说。”袋鼠说,“如果他们再继续忘记关门的话!” 2. 袋鼠的英文介绍还要翻译 Kangaroos originated in the Australian continent and parts of Papua New Guinea. Among them, some species unique to Australia. All Australian kangaroo, zoo and wild, except in zoos, are living in the wild. Different types of kangaroos in Australia in a variety of natural life, from the cool climate of the rainforest and the desert plains to tropical areas. Kangaroo is a herbivore, eating a variety of plants, fungi and some food. Most of their activities at night, but also some activities in the early morning or evening. Different types of kangaroos in a variety of natural life. For example, Lloyd Kangaroo Podolski will make their own nest and the tree kangaroos live in the bush. Large species like the tree kangaroo, the rock cracks and holes as shelter. All kangaroos, no matter how much volume, there is one thing in mon: with long hind legs strong and powerful bond. Kangaroo on the ground most of life, from their strong hind legs jumping way can easily be distinguished from other animals to. Used in the process of jumping kangaroo tail for balance when they move slowly, the tail may act as a fifth leg. All female kangaroos have long ago opened bag of childcare and child rearing, there are four nipples pocket. "Young" or *** all kangaroo pockets in the dependent child up until they can survive in the outside world. Kangaroo is Australia"s unique mammals, mainly located in the Australian continent on the forest and grassland. Kangaroo is a plant-eating animals, hiding in the woods during the day and at night to eat grass and leaves outside. The image of the kangaroo is unique: forelimb short toe fingers Elephant Man, strong hind legs, long thick tail, kangaroo tail is a powerful tool, and they who are able to provide support for the kangaroo, kangaroo running can also change the direction of running. Kangaroo tail tapered at the end, the muscles are very strong, up to 1 meter in length. Kangaroo is the most famous living in the grasslands of the Red Kangaroo is the largest category of Kangaroo, the strongest person. Gray kangaroo is jumping experts can jump great distances. Australian gold, about 47 kinds of kangaroo, the kangaroo in the body length 23-250 cm. Kangaroo is not due to fear, so zoologists kangaroo animals in the study encounter trouble when the relatively much *** aller. Although kangaroos are not light weight, and sometimes up to 70 kilograms, but their run at an alarming rate, up to 48 kilometers per hour, and they jump up to the first 13 meters away.Kangaroos originated in the Australian continent and parts of Papua New Guinea. Among them, some species unique to Australia. All Australian kangaroo, zoo and wild, except in zoos, are living in the wild. Different types of kangaroos in Australia in a variety of natural life, from the cool climate of the rainforest and the desert plains to tropical areas. Kangaroo is a herbivore, eating a variety of plants, fungi and some food. Most of their activities at night, but also some activities in the early morning or evening. Different types of kangaroos in a variety of natural life. For example, Lloyd Kangaroo Podolski will make their own nest and the tree kangaroos live in the bush. Large species like the tree kangaroo, the rock cracks and holes as shelter. All kangaroos, no matter how much volume, there is one thing in mon: with long hind legs strong and powerful bond. Kangaroo on the ground most of life, from their strong hind legs jumping way can easily be distinguished from other animals to. Used in the process of jumping kangaroo tail for balance when they move slowly, the tail may act as a fifth leg. All female kangaroos have long ago opened bag of childcare and child rearing, there are four nipples pocket. "Young" or *** all kangaroo pockets in the dependent child up until they can survive in the outside world. Kangaroo plans often as Australia"s national identity, such as green kangaroo used to represent the Australian-made. Often appears kangaroo map the road in Australia, it is often near the Kangaroo said, especially pay attention to traffic at night. Kangaroo is usually the main social, and sometimes up to hundreds. But there are also some lesser quality, such as kangaroos wallabies will be living alone. Kangaroo will not walk, will jump, or in the front and back help before jumping off. Kangaroo is the night life of animals, usually in a few hours after the sun sets only to find out z food out in the sun back to the nest soon after.Kangaroo reproductive one or o each year, *** all kangaroo in both fertilized about 30-40 days of birth, very *** all, no vision, less hair, immediately after giving birth kept in the kangaroo mother care bags。 3. 这个哲理小故事的原文是在一个动物园里养着袋鼠袋鼠一次逃出去了, 动物园新来了一只袋鼠,游客们很喜欢这个蹦蹦跳跳的小家伙.一天早晨,管理员上班的时候,发现袋鼠从围栏中跑出来了.管理员嘀咕:“看来,袋鼠能够跳出5米的围栏,那么我们就把围栏增高到10米吧.”围栏增高了,可没过多久,管理员早上上班,又看到袋鼠悠闲地在围栏外闲逛.“看来围栏还是不够高.”管理员将围栏增高到了20米.高高的围栏在动物园里显得有些突兀,可这仍然没能挡住袋鼠的出逃,管理员第三次看到袋鼠跑出了围栏,于是决定:“一不做二不休,我们将围栏增高到50米!”搭建围栏的时候,长颈鹿凑过来与袋鼠闲聊.长颈鹿问:“你说,这些人会不会继续加高你的围栏?”“这很难说,”袋鼠回答:“如果他们总是忘记关那扇门的话!”。
2023-07-15 03:07:381

tropical paradise是什么意思

tropical paradise热带天堂双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 热带乐园例句:1.Turn your office into a tropical paradise with the sounds of the rainforest. 多在办公室里听听雨林的声音,把办公室变成“热带雨林的天堂”。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-15 03:07:452


Rainforest grows in warm, moist places ---- South America, United States, Arica , and Southeast Asia. Because it rains a lot there , with so much rain , the soil in the rainforest is very dark and rich plant growth. More than half of the world"s tropical plants grow in tropical rainforests . Thousands of animals which live in it. Tropical rainforests are rich in food, medicine , and other useful things. Sadly, such as acid rain forest plant was smoke and harmful emissions from the farm to the formation damage. Many forests are burned or cut down each year for construction of factory farming . Because the loss of rainforest , causing temperature changes, more than 1000 kinds of plants and animals become extinct. Many people understand the importance of saving the rainforest . Many countries are rain forests and national parks . Farmers are learning how to grow crops do not harm the rainforest . It requires a lot of people working together to make the tropical rainforest and rainforest wildlife can be saved , your children see and enjoy. Maybe you can do something to help protect the Earth"s rainforests . For example: How to tell the surrounding environment and the importance of people to help protect the rainforest . Planting repair damaged ecosystems deforested areas . To encourage environmentally sound lifestyle around people . Established parks to protect rainforests and wildlife. Support works relatively small company damage to the environment . Do not use disposable chopsticks Duplex printing paper Rainforest deforestation eat soybeans as raw material fed chicken burger Do not drink coffee plantation deforestation Using recycled paper Replace paper towels with towels and handkerchiefs Send e-cards instead of the traditional greeting on behalf of
2023-07-15 03:07:541

三亚 呀诺达雨林文化旅游区的英语导游词

Dear friends, along the way, love long, meaning long, we come to an end this journey, willing to travel to the tropical rainforests of the best memories you left behind! I hope we meet again in this magical "Yanoda" Good friends, healthy life, happy life! "Ah - Connaught - up" Some people in Sichuan Jiuzhaigou, known as a colorful, beautiful jade Jade Pool Wonderful basin, an original ancient, magical fairyland dream, a not see Qian Chen, naturally pure "fairy tales"; it was also the Hunan Zhangjiajie set of the show called Guilin, Huangshan Branch, Huashan risk, Tarzan of the male in one of the "expansion of the bonsai and narrow the mountains"; more people to Lijiang, Diqing, called the eyes of the "Shangri-La" ... Yes, when we water in Jiuzhaigou appreciate the beauty of the plateau, mountains in Zhangjiajie, Hunan odd taste in Lijiang, Diqing understanding of the people of the sun, these are known as "paradise" of the place, really excited about us, away. Similarly, today, give us another one of the most profound feelings, into the rain forest in the "Yanoda", this is under construction in the tropical Hainan Island Shambhala, her beautiful and mysterious, deep and mysterious, solemn and sacred are really longing for your life, do not feel very sorry to rain forest kingdom, joy heaven, spiritual sanctuary ... if the distribution in the Americas, Asia, Africa, the tropical rain forest on three large, the comparison is emerald around the Earth around the equator necklace, then the tropical rain forest in Hainan, it is this emerald necklace of the most sparkling gems. "Yanoda" Rainforest Cultural Tourism Zone, is this a bright shining gem, which is Hainan, the concentration of five major tropical rainforest boutique, is the Hainan protection, development and utilization of tropical rain forest, tropical rain forest the most ornamental value Expo . Tropical rain forest, in humans, is a not yet read the "Double Dutch" is a colorful, off the beaten track "green kingdom", the tropical rain forests, the rain is dripping of her, the name of the Green faint, as if a primitive Mysterious dark green wizard, enough to attract people to explore the vision and heart for himself. All existing organisms on Earth, nearly half of the species living in the mainland accounted for only 3% of the surface of the warm, humid tropical rain forest. At present in China, the only remaining tropical rain forest in Xishuangbanna in Yunnan and Hainan Island, rain forest formations of India to Malaysia as part of the world distribution of the northern margin of tropical rain forests, which in the latitude distribution has a unique representation. Hainan province"s forest coverage reached 54.5%, including tropical rain forest area of the province accounted for 17.3%, from Fingers forests, dam Wang Lingsen forest, forest areas Jianfengling, Diaoluoshan Limu Mountain forest area and forest area composed of five major tropical rainforest, seasonal forest primeval forest zone, contains a very rich biological resources in tropical forests. At present, Hainan province has identified 73 nature reserves, including five national-level, provincial level 19. The existing 561 species of terrestrial vertebrates, including 102 species of amphibians, 15 species of which a class, second class 87. 259 kinds of woody plants have been found families, 1347 genera, 4200 species, accounting for about one-seventh of the country. Hainan where more than 630 kinds of unique, 20 kinds of rare trees in the world. Island resources, more than 2900 kinds of plants, accounting for more than 2500 kinds of medicinal plants, 500 kinds into the Pharmacopoeia, of which 13 kinds of anti-cancer plant, so that Hainan has a "natural medical supply store," said the drug is important in South China origin. In particular, is located in the heart of central mountainous area of Hainan Li and Miao ethnic minorities, long generations in a closed, almost isolated life environment, habitat, work, form a unique living habits and customs, they not only retained the ethnic-specific the culture, to create and tropical rain forests, valleys and mountain culture to adapt fully reflect the human and nature, the kind of harmony between man and forests and mysterious relationship. Over the years, Hainan tourism development, the emphasis on the coastal "blue" development, and are concentrated in the east. Varieties developed from the Hainan Tourism, when we appreciate the many coastal landscape, after the blue, not green tropical rain forest with it echoes of the landscape, to say that this is a defect. In Hainan, not only has beautiful blue coastal landscape, but also has the world"s most beautiful landscape bears the green rainforest wonders. In addition, we circle from the Sanya Tourism Development Trend of view, along the East China Sea, Bay, Bay Begonia line, is the waterfront tourist and leisure resort; along the Sanya Bay, Xiaoyue Bay line, is the waterfront tourist attractions display area, which formed the Sanya Tourism Circle wings. If something great wings wings wings of Phoenix, extends north from the center line of Sanya, the fly"s head and neck of Phoenix. This is just a piece of the development of Tourism
2023-07-15 03:08:132


1.女性要讨回公道. 他们不会单独除非他们知道你能听到他们:2.女性特别爱便宜.3.女性爱购物. 它是世界上唯一值得喜欢他们实际上控制4.妇女总将问没有中心答复的问题, 在努力设陷井您sintos 感到有罪。5.女爱讲. 沉默恐吓他们,而是觉得它填补发火,即使他们无话可说.是从这个网翻译的`你去看看吧`
2023-07-15 03:08:2215


找到一篇没有翻译的作文,供您参考。Auckland(新西兰)Auckland has been a hot spot for an awfully long time, but the reasons have quite fortunately changed. New Zealand"s largest city and prime international gateway resides on some 48 volcanoes, but it"s been 600 years since lava flowed from any of them. Those volcanic hills have created great park space, fabulous (惊人的;难以置信的)panoramic views and twin harbors filled with watercraft. In fact, Auckland"s nickname is The City of Sails. It"s a sprawling metropolitan area (actually four cities) of more than one million souls, including the largest concentration of Polynesians on the planet. And it"s known for its multicultural flair. The big attraction is all that waterfront property and the leisure pursuits that go with it. On land, there"s a variety of museums (including a highly regarded Maritime Museum) and the famed Kelly Tarlton"s Aquarium, with its sharks and penguins and masses of sea life. Attractions :NZ National Maritime Museum New Zealand"s leading maritime museum in the heart of Auckland"s vibrant waterfront. Discover New Zealand"s seafaring history in over 14 world class galleries. Sail the harbour aboard a heritage vessel. Waiwera Thermal Resort From the roaring, whirling twister and dual speed slide, to the sheer luxury of soaking in the Hibiscus pool watching movies on the large screen, to the relaxation of a soothing massage, to the intimate seclusion of rising steam, soft music and cascading waterfalls of the private spas, sauna and Jacuzzi (‘极可意"浴缸,周边可喷水按摩的小浴池,源自商标名)- Waiwera Thermal Resort"s naturally heated water provides something for everybody - only 25 mins north of Auckland on State Highway 1. Kelly Tarlton"s Antarctic Encounter and Underwater World See colonies of King and Gentoo Penguins, watch them swim and plunge beneath the ice cap, then travel deep beneath the ocean and come face to face with the awesome predators of the deep - SHARKS - only centimetres away. Auckland Zoo Home to New Zealand"s largest collection of native and exotic animals. Explore the Tropical Rainforest, Hippo River, Pridelands (African savannah) & Primate Trail. Discover Wilderness New Zealand. Experience Sealion and Penguin Shores where Sealions can be seen through an amazing underwater viewing window.
2023-07-15 03:08:506


The disappearance of rainforests, means that humans will never lose a large number of species. Species will be extinct. Many species are endangered. Orange fur orangutan (because of the face like the face, is known as the "forest") in the past can see anywhere in Asia. Owing to great destruction of their habitat, the life in the tree a gorilla less and less, the only can only be found in Indonesia"s Sumatra and Borneo. How many other animals have become extinct or endangered? No one knows, also don"t know. People haven"t found life on the earth there is 95%, how about them? So far discovered 1.5 million different species of organisms, half of them insects. 10 million species and one hundred million species of insects, however, and most live in the rainforest. Let tropical rainforest disappear means that human beings will lose many: a quarter of the drug from tropical rain forest animals and plants. The U.S. national cancer institute has identified 3000 kinds of plants have anti-cancer function, 70% of them grow in the tropical rainforest. Rosy periwinkle can be used to produce several kinds of medicine to cure childhood leukaemia and Hodgkin"s disease. Made from tropical cinchona bark quinine is magic medicine to cure malaria. Si KuiBuShi medicine is to use the Brazil pit viper poison preparing medicament for treating high blood pressure. At least 2500 potential new kinds of fruits and vegetables grow in tropical rain forests around the world. From the rainforest after domestication of animals and plant naturalized in gene can be used to improve native cattle, all chickens are the offspring of the four Asian jungle birds. More than 80% of our food include: coffee, cocoa comes from the tropical rainforest. Rainforest also provide human with rubber tires, chewing gum, gum and olive oil paints and cosmetics. Rain forests have a special book provides a hard rubber used in the golf ball. From Brazil in the bitter with the tree can be directly exported diesel, Brazil 20% of diesel oil supplied with this kind of tree. This kind of phenomenon is the discoverer of MEL. Calvin and therefore won the Nobel Prize. Why to destroy this precious resource? For certain reasons. Logging companies cut down lots of trees, will be a hard wood to sell around the world. Japan, by the way, is the world"s largest importer of lumber, use wood production of disposable chopsticks every year, can build 11000 homes. In the rain forest, cut down trees, to build pasture practices were also common. However, the efficiency is very low. According to statistics, to destroy 6 square metre of rain forests in Brazil in 100 grams of Hamburg. People will not think of, rainforest and decent let had the thin and fragile, a few heavy rain washed away all the top soil. In a few years time ranchers have to give up the original ranch, in search of new pastures. Deforestation and the burning of tropical forests far more than just destroy millions of species of plants and animals. The diversity of life on earth destruction means that people live in the atmosphere. This is a chain reaction. Green plants and algae is a special kind of creature. They inhale carbon dioxide from the air, and soil mixed learned or sea water, form a kind of simple sugars, glucose and oxygen. These wonderful changes through the green pigment in plants (chlorophyll absorbs sunlight for chemical reaction, the photosynthesis). Trees to absorb carbon dioxide from the air and save in the form of glucose, can effectively reduce the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Rainforest trees grow very fast, play an important role to promote the photosynthesis. These trees to absorb millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide from the air. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, as a result of industrial and automobile tail gas to produce large amounts of carbon dioxide, and thus reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is very important. Greenhouse gases absorb the earth"s surface, the amount of reflected heat, don"t let the heat loss, the result caused a global temperature rise. Using the "process" deforestation to build farms with dual consequences. First, cut trees reduced photosynthesis, resulting in increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it will also reduce life indispensable oxygen content in the atmosphere (photosynthesis oxygen cycle is very important to make sure is not lack of oxygen in the atmosphere). Second, destroying the carbon dioxide fire prevention, environmental worsening. So, finally can only be catastrophic climate change, glaciers dissolved, flooding. This is not a general disaster, it will cause more animals die.
2023-07-15 03:09:063

在热带丛林里 用英语怎么说

in the jungle
2023-07-15 03:09:187


Daisy turned around and saw an elephant looking at her.Daisy smiled in relief.The farmers will allow the tourists to hunt animals in certain amount if they get paid.You should appreciate the rain forests I live in and realize how the animals get along.The actor has always protected his son from bad effects of inappropriate books.Many animals are dying out because of human activities.Some wild animals are in danger of extingction due to the increasing damage of rain forests.We should pay more attention to wild-life protection from now on.According to a UN report, in the past 500 years, about 844 kinds of wild animals and plants disappeared from this planet for ever.
2023-07-15 03:09:367

初二英语作文:How to protect rainforests?

有中文和英文对照,你可以照着中文适当改一下,应该没什么问题吧。呵呵中文:   保护雨林  热带雨林生长在温暖,潮湿的地方----南美洲,美国,阿里卡,及东南亚地区。因为下雨了很多在那里,有了这么大的雨,在雨林的土壤是非常黑暗和丰富的植物生长。超过世界上的热带植物一半生长在热带雨林。成千上万的动物生活在其中了。  热带雨林有丰富的食品,药品和其他有用的东西。可悲的是,雨林被诸如工厂排放的黑烟和来自农场的有害物形成的酸雨给破坏。许多雨林被烧毁或砍伐每年,用于建筑的工厂养殖。因为雨林的损失,引起温度变化,1000多种植物和动物灭绝。  很多人都明白拯救雨林的重要性。许多国家正在雨林到国家公园。农民们正在学习如何种植作物没有伤害的热带雨林。它需要大量的人一起工作,使热带雨林和热带雨林野生动物可以被保存,是你的孩子看到和享受。  也许你可以做一些事情来帮助保护雨林的地球。比如:  告诉周围的环境和人们如何帮助保护雨林的重要性。  在种植修复受损生态系统的毁林地区。  为鼓励各地环境无害的生活方式的人。  建立公园,以保护雨林和野生动物。  支持的作品相对较小的公司对环境的破坏.  不使用一次性筷子  纸张双面打印  不吃砍伐雨林种植大豆喂养的鸡作原料的汉堡  不喝毁林种植的咖啡  使用再生纸  用毛巾和手帕替代纸巾  发送电子贺卡代替代传统贺卡  .......英文:Rainforest Rainforest grows in warm, moist places ---- South America, United States, Arica , and Southeast Asia. Because it rains a lot there , with so much rain , the soil in the rainforest is very dark and rich plant growth. More than half of the world"s tropical plants grow in tropical rainforests . Thousands of animals which live in it. Tropical rainforests are rich in food, medicine , and other useful things. Sadly, such as acid rain forest plant was smoke and harmful emissions from the farm to the formation damage. Many forests are burned or cut down each year for construction of factory farming . Because the loss of rainforest , causing temperature changes, more than 1000 kinds of plants and animals become extinct. Many people understand the importance of saving the rainforest . Many countries are rain forests and national parks . Farmers are learning how to grow crops do not harm the rainforest . It requires a lot of people working together to make the tropical rainforest and rainforest wildlife can be saved , your children see and enjoy. Maybe you can do something to help protect the Earth"s rainforests . For example: How to tell the surrounding environment and the importance of people to help protect the rainforest . Planting repair damaged ecosystems deforested areas . To encourage environmentally sound lifestyle around people . Established parks to protect rainforests and wildlife. Support works relatively small company damage to the environment . Do not use disposable chopsticks Duplex printing paper Rainforest deforestation eat soybeans as raw material fed chicken burger Do not drink coffee plantation deforestation Using recycled paper Replace paper towels with towels and handkerchiefs Send e-cards instead of the traditional greeting on behalf of .......
2023-07-15 03:09:553


如何保护热带雨林英语范文:To strengthen environmental education and to enhance citizens" awareness of environmental protection; Establishment of an International Fund,the local benefit from the management and protection; rain forest management and protection,establishment of nature reserves; forest selective logging and reforestation; to encourage the development of protective; reduce the opportunities of immigrants and farming into the rain forest加强环境教育,提高公民的环境保护意识;设立国际基金,对当地利益进行管理和保护;管理和保护雨林,建立自然保护区;森林选择性采伐和重新造林;鼓励发展保护性产业;减少移民和种植雨林的机会
2023-07-15 03:10:2415


A tropical rainforest is an ecosystem type that occurs roughly within the latitudes 28 degrees north or south of the equator (in the equatorial zone between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn). This ecosystem experiences high average temperatures and a significant amount of rainfall. Rainforests can be found in Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico and on many of the Pacific, Caribbean, and Indian Ocean islands. Within the World Wildlife Fund"s biome classification, tropical rainforests are thought to be a type of tropical wet forest (or tropical moist broadleaf forest) and may also be referred to as lowland equatorial evergreen rainforest.History Tropical rainforests:Tropical rainforests have existed on Earth for hundreds of millions of years. Most tropical rainforests today are on fragments of the Mesozoic era supercontinent of Gondwana. The separation of the landmass resulted in a great loss of amphibian diversity while at the same time the drier climate spurred the diversification of reptiles. The division left tropical rainforests located in five major regions of the world: tropical America, Africa, Southeast Asia, Madagascar, and New Guinea, with smaller outliers in Australia. However, the specifics of the origin of rainforests remain uncertain due to an incomplete fossil record.Types of tropical rainforestSeveral types of forest comprise the general tropical rainforest biome:Lowland equatorial evergreen rain forests are forests which receive high rainfall (more than 2000 mm, or 80 inches, annually) throughout the year. These forests occur in a belt around the equator, with the largest areas in the Amazon Basin of South America, the Congo Basin of Central Africa, Indonesia, and New Guinea.Moist deciduous and semi-evergreen seasonal forests, receive high overall rainfall with a warm summer wet season and a cooler winter dry season. Some trees in these forests drop some or all of their leaves during the winter dry season. These forests are found in parts of South America, in Central America and around the Caribbean, in coastal West Africa, parts of the Indian subcontinent, and across much of Indochina.Montane rain forests, some of which are known as cloud forests, are found in cooler-climate mountain areas. Depending on latitude, the lower limit of montane rainforests on large mountains is generally between 1500 and 2500 m while the upper limit is usually from 2400 to 3300 m. Flooded forests, seven types of flooded forest are recognized for Tambopata Reserve in Amazonian Peru: Permanently waterlogged swamp forest--Former oxbow lakes still flooded but covered in forest.Seasonally waterlogged swamp forest--Oxbow lakes in the process of filling in.Lower floodplain forest--Lowest floodplain locations with a recognizable forest.Middle floodplain forest--Tall forest, flooded occasionally.Upper floodplain forest--Tall forest, rarely flooded.Old floodplain forest--Subjected to flooding within the last two hundred years.Previous floodplain--Now terra firme, but historically ancient floodplain of Tambopata River.Due the human"s excessive exploitation, tropical forests are now facing a great danger of disappear from the surface of the Earth. Urgent steps and actions required from all countries of the tropical area to protect them from further damages.
2023-07-15 03:11:271


有中文和英文对照,你可以照着中文适当改一下,应该没什么问题吧。呵呵中文:   保护雨林  热带雨林生长在温暖,潮湿的地方----南美洲,美国,阿里卡,及东南亚地区。因为下雨了很多在那里,有了这么大的雨,在雨林的土壤是非常黑暗和丰富的植物生长。超过世界上的热带植物一半生长在热带雨林。成千上万的动物生活在其中了。  热带雨林有丰富的食品,药品和其他有用的东西。可悲的是,雨林被诸如工厂排放的黑烟和来自农场的有害物形成的酸雨给破坏。许多雨林被烧毁或砍伐每年,用于建筑的工厂养殖。因为雨林的损失,引起温度变化,1000多种植物和动物灭绝。  很多人都明白拯救雨林的重要性。许多国家正在雨林到国家公园。农民们正在学习如何种植作物没有伤害的热带雨林。它需要大量的人一起工作,使热带雨林和热带雨林野生动物可以被保存,是你的孩子看到和享受。  也许你可以做一些事情来帮助保护雨林的地球。比如:  告诉周围的环境和人们如何帮助保护雨林的重要性。  在种植修复受损生态系统的毁林地区。  为鼓励各地环境无害的生活方式的人。  建立公园,以保护雨林和野生动物。  支持的作品相对较小的公司对环境的破坏.  不使用一次性筷子  纸张双面打印  不吃砍伐雨林种植大豆喂养的鸡作原料的汉堡  不喝毁林种植的咖啡  使用再生纸  用毛巾和手帕替代纸巾  发送电子贺卡代替代传统贺卡  .......英文:Rainforest Rainforest grows in warm, moist places ---- South America, United States, Arica , and Southeast Asia. Because it rains a lot there , with so much rain , the soil in the rainforest is very dark and rich plant growth. More than half of the world"s tropical plants grow in tropical rainforests . Thousands of animals which live in it. Tropical rainforests are rich in food, medicine , and other useful things. Sadly, such as acid rain forest plant was smoke and harmful emissions from the farm to the formation damage. Many forests are burned or cut down each year for construction of factory farming . Because the loss of rainforest , causing temperature changes, more than 1000 kinds of plants and animals become extinct. Many people understand the importance of saving the rainforest . Many countries are rain forests and national parks . Farmers are learning how to grow crops do not harm the rainforest . It requires a lot of people working together to make the tropical rainforest and rainforest wildlife can be saved , your children see and enjoy. Maybe you can do something to help protect the Earth"s rainforests . For example: How to tell the surrounding environment and the importance of people to help protect the rainforest . Planting repair damaged ecosystems deforested areas . To encourage environmentally sound lifestyle around people . Established parks to protect rainforests and wildlife. Support works relatively small company damage to the environment . Do not use disposable chopsticks Duplex printing paper Rainforest deforestation eat soybeans as raw material fed chicken burger Do not drink coffee plantation deforestation Using recycled paper Replace paper towels with towels and handkerchiefs Send e-cards instead of the traditional greeting on behalf of .......
2023-07-15 03:11:341


有中文和英文对照,你可以照着中文适当改一下,应该没什么问题吧。呵呵中文:   保护雨林  热带雨林生长在温暖,潮湿的地方----南美洲,美国,阿里卡,及东南亚地区。因为下雨了很多在那里,有了这么大的雨,在雨林的土壤是非常黑暗和丰富的植物生长。超过世界上的热带植物一半生长在热带雨林。成千上万的动物生活在其中了。  热带雨林有丰富的食品,药品和其他有用的东西。可悲的是,雨林被诸如工厂排放的黑烟和来自农场的有害物形成的酸雨给破坏。许多雨林被烧毁或砍伐每年,用于建筑的工厂养殖。因为雨林的损失,引起温度变化,1000多种植物和动物灭绝。  很多人都明白拯救雨林的重要性。许多国家正在雨林到国家公园。农民们正在学习如何种植作物没有伤害的热带雨林。它需要大量的人一起工作,使热带雨林和热带雨林野生动物可以被保存,是你的孩子看到和享受。  也许你可以做一些事情来帮助保护雨林的地球。比如:  告诉周围的环境和人们如何帮助保护雨林的重要性。  在种植修复受损生态系统的毁林地区。  为鼓励各地环境无害的生活方式的人。  建立公园,以保护雨林和野生动物。  支持的作品相对较小的公司对环境的破坏.  不使用一次性筷子  纸张双面打印  不吃砍伐雨林种植大豆喂养的鸡作原料的汉堡  不喝毁林种植的咖啡  使用再生纸  用毛巾和手帕替代纸巾  发送电子贺卡代替代传统贺卡  .......英文:Rainforest Rainforest grows in warm, moist places ---- South America, United States, Arica , and Southeast Asia. Because it rains a lot there , with so much rain , the soil in the rainforest is very dark and rich plant growth. More than half of the world"s tropical plants grow in tropical rainforests . Thousands of animals which live in it. Tropical rainforests are rich in food, medicine , and other useful things. Sadly, such as acid rain forest plant was smoke and harmful emissions from the farm to the formation damage. Many forests are burned or cut down each year for construction of factory farming . Because the loss of rainforest , causing temperature changes, more than 1000 kinds of plants and animals become extinct. Many people understand the importance of saving the rainforest . Many countries are rain forests and national parks . Farmers are learning how to grow crops do not harm the rainforest . It requires a lot of people working together to make the tropical rainforest and rainforest wildlife can be saved , your children see and enjoy. Maybe you can do something to help protect the Earth"s rainforests . For example: How to tell the surrounding environment and the importance of people to help protect the rainforest . Planting repair damaged ecosystems deforested areas . To encourage environmentally sound lifestyle around people . Established parks to protect rainforests and wildlife. Support works relatively small company damage to the environment . Do not use disposable chopsticks Duplex printing paper Rainforest deforestation eat soybeans as raw material fed chicken burger Do not drink coffee plantation deforestation Using recycled paper Replace paper towels with towels and handkerchiefs Send e-cards instead of the traditional greeting on behalf of .......
2023-07-15 03:11:401


有中文和英文对照,你可以照着中文适当改一下,应该没什么问题吧。呵呵中文:   保护雨林  热带雨林生长在温暖,潮湿的地方----南美洲,美国,阿里卡,及东南亚地区。因为下雨了很多在那里,有了这么大的雨,在雨林的土壤是非常黑暗和丰富的植物生长。超过世界上的热带植物一半生长在热带雨林。成千上万的动物生活在其中了。  热带雨林有丰富的食品,药品和其他有用的东西。可悲的是,雨林被诸如工厂排放的黑烟和来自农场的有害物形成的酸雨给破坏。许多雨林被烧毁或砍伐每年,用于建筑的工厂养殖。因为雨林的损失,引起温度变化,1000多种植物和动物灭绝。  很多人都明白拯救雨林的重要性。许多国家正在雨林到国家公园。农民们正在学习如何种植作物没有伤害的热带雨林。它需要大量的人一起工作,使热带雨林和热带雨林野生动物可以被保存,是你的孩子看到和享受。  也许你可以做一些事情来帮助保护雨林的地球。比如:  告诉周围的环境和人们如何帮助保护雨林的重要性。  在种植修复受损生态系统的毁林地区。  为鼓励各地环境无害的生活方式的人。  建立公园,以保护雨林和野生动物。  支持的作品相对较小的公司对环境的破坏.  不使用一次性筷子  纸张双面打印  不吃砍伐雨林种植大豆喂养的鸡作原料的汉堡  不喝毁林种植的咖啡  使用再生纸  用毛巾和手帕替代纸巾  发送电子贺卡代替代传统贺卡  .......英文:Rainforest Rainforest grows in warm, moist places ---- South America, United States, Arica , and Southeast Asia. Because it rains a lot there , with so much rain , the soil in the rainforest is very dark and rich plant growth. More than half of the world"s tropical plants grow in tropical rainforests . Thousands of animals which live in it. Tropical rainforests are rich in food, medicine , and other useful things. Sadly, such as acid rain forest plant was smoke and harmful emissions from the farm to the formation damage. Many forests are burned or cut down each year for construction of factory farming . Because the loss of rainforest , causing temperature changes, more than 1000 kinds of plants and animals become extinct. Many people understand the importance of saving the rainforest . Many countries are rain forests and national parks . Farmers are learning how to grow crops do not harm the rainforest . It requires a lot of people working together to make the tropical rainforest and rainforest wildlife can be saved , your children see and enjoy. Maybe you can do something to help protect the Earth"s rainforests . For example: How to tell the surrounding environment and the importance of people to help protect the rainforest . Planting repair damaged ecosystems deforested areas . To encourage environmentally sound lifestyle around people . Established parks to protect rainforests and wildlife. Support works relatively small company damage to the environment . Do not use disposable chopsticks Duplex printing paper Rainforest deforestation eat soybeans as raw material fed chicken burger Do not drink coffee plantation deforestation Using recycled paper Replace paper towels with towels and handkerchiefs Send e-cards instead of the traditional greeting on behalf of .......
2023-07-15 03:11:471


有中文和英文对照,你可以照着中文适当改一下,应该没什么问题吧。呵呵中文:   保护雨林  热带雨林生长在温暖,潮湿的地方----南美洲,美国,阿里卡,及东南亚地区。因为下雨了很多在那里,有了这么大的雨,在雨林的土壤是非常黑暗和丰富的植物生长。超过世界上的热带植物一半生长在热带雨林。成千上万的动物生活在其中了。  热带雨林有丰富的食品,药品和其他有用的东西。可悲的是,雨林被诸如工厂排放的黑烟和来自农场的有害物形成的酸雨给破坏。许多雨林被烧毁或砍伐每年,用于建筑的工厂养殖。因为雨林的损失,引起温度变化,1000多种植物和动物灭绝。  很多人都明白拯救雨林的重要性。许多国家正在雨林到国家公园。农民们正在学习如何种植作物没有伤害的热带雨林。它需要大量的人一起工作,使热带雨林和热带雨林野生动物可以被保存,是你的孩子看到和享受。  也许你可以做一些事情来帮助保护雨林的地球。比如:  告诉周围的环境和人们如何帮助保护雨林的重要性。  在种植修复受损生态系统的毁林地区。  为鼓励各地环境无害的生活方式的人。  建立公园,以保护雨林和野生动物。  支持的作品相对较小的公司对环境的破坏.  不使用一次性筷子  纸张双面打印  不吃砍伐雨林种植大豆喂养的鸡作原料的汉堡  不喝毁林种植的咖啡  使用再生纸  用毛巾和手帕替代纸巾  发送电子贺卡代替代传统贺卡  .......英文:Rainforest Rainforest grows in warm, moist places ---- South America, United States, Arica , and Southeast Asia. Because it rains a lot there , with so much rain , the soil in the rainforest is very dark and rich plant growth. More than half of the world"s tropical plants grow in tropical rainforests . Thousands of animals which live in it. Tropical rainforests are rich in food, medicine , and other useful things. Sadly, such as acid rain forest plant was smoke and harmful emissions from the farm to the formation damage. Many forests are burned or cut down each year for construction of factory farming . Because the loss of rainforest , causing temperature changes, more than 1000 kinds of plants and animals become extinct. Many people understand the importance of saving the rainforest . Many countries are rain forests and national parks . Farmers are learning how to grow crops do not harm the rainforest . It requires a lot of people working together to make the tropical rainforest and rainforest wildlife can be saved , your children see and enjoy. Maybe you can do something to help protect the Earth"s rainforests . For example: How to tell the surrounding environment and the importance of people to help protect the rainforest . Planting repair damaged ecosystems deforested areas . To encourage environmentally sound lifestyle around people . Established parks to protect rainforests and wildlife. Support works relatively small company damage to the environment . Do not use disposable chopsticks Duplex printing paper Rainforest deforestation eat soybeans as raw material fed chicken burger Do not drink coffee plantation deforestation Using recycled paper Replace paper towels with towels and handkerchiefs Send e-cards instead of the traditional greeting on behalf of .......
2023-07-15 03:13:112

初中英语作文120词 How to Protect Rainforest

有中文和英文对照,你可以照着中文适当改一下,应该没什么问题吧。呵呵中文:   保护雨林  热带雨林生长在温暖,潮湿的地方----南美洲,美国,阿里卡,及东南亚地区。因为下雨了很多在那里,有了这么大的雨,在雨林的土壤是非常黑暗和丰富的植物生长。超过世界上的热带植物一半生长在热带雨林。成千上万的动物生活在其中了。  热带雨林有丰富的食品,药品和其他有用的东西。可悲的是,雨林被诸如工厂排放的黑烟和来自农场的有害物形成的酸雨给破坏。许多雨林被烧毁或砍伐每年,用于建筑的工厂养殖。因为雨林的损失,引起温度变化,1000多种植物和动物灭绝。  很多人都明白拯救雨林的重要性。许多国家正在雨林到国家公园。农民们正在学习如何种植作物没有伤害的热带雨林。它需要大量的人一起工作,使热带雨林和热带雨林野生动物可以被保存,是你的孩子看到和享受。  也许你可以做一些事情来帮助保护雨林的地球。比如:  告诉周围的环境和人们如何帮助保护雨林的重要性。  在种植修复受损生态系统的毁林地区。  为鼓励各地环境无害的生活方式的人。  建立公园,以保护雨林和野生动物。  支持的作品相对较小的公司对环境的破坏.  不使用一次性筷子  纸张双面打印  不吃砍伐雨林种植大豆喂养的鸡作原料的汉堡  不喝毁林种植的咖啡  使用再生纸  用毛巾和手帕替代纸巾  发送电子贺卡代替代传统贺卡  .......英文:Rainforest Rainforest grows in warm, moist places ---- South America, United States, Arica , and Southeast Asia. Because it rains a lot there , with so much rain , the soil in the rainforest is very dark and rich plant growth. More than half of the world"s tropical plants grow in tropical rainforests . Thousands of animals which live in it. Tropical rainforests are rich in food, medicine , and other useful things. Sadly, such as acid rain forest plant was smoke and harmful emissions from the farm to the formation damage. Many forests are burned or cut down each year for construction of factory farming . Because the loss of rainforest , causing temperature changes, more than 1000 kinds of plants and animals become extinct. Many people understand the importance of saving the rainforest . Many countries are rain forests and national parks . Farmers are learning how to grow crops do not harm the rainforest . It requires a lot of people working together to make the tropical rainforest and rainforest wildlife can be saved , your children see and enjoy. Maybe you can do something to help protect the Earth"s rainforests . For example: How to tell the surrounding environment and the impor
2023-07-15 03:13:561

澳大利亚的地理 要纯英文的!!!!!!!!!!

Climatic zones in Australia, based on the K ppen climate classification. Australia"s landmass of 7,617,930 square kilometres (2,941,300 sq mi) is on the Indo-Australian Plate. Surrounded by the Indian[N 4] and Pacific oceans, it is separated from Asia by the Arafura and Timor seas. The world"s smallest continent and sixth largest country by total area, Australia—owing to its size and isolation—is often dubbed the "island continent" and variably considered the world"s largest island. Australia has 34,218 kilometres (21,262 mi) of coastline (excluding all offshore islands) and claims an extensive Exclusive Economic Zone of 8,148,250 square kilometres (3,146,060 sq mi). This exclusive economic zone does not include the Australian Antarctic Territory. Excluding Macquarie Island, Australia lies between latitudes 9° and 44°S, and longitudes 112° and 154°E. The Great Barrier Reef, the world"s largest coral reef, lies a short distance off the north-east coast and extends for over 2,000 kilometres (1,240 mi). Mount Augustus, claimed to be the world"s largest monolith,is located in Western Australia. At 2,228 metres (7,310 ft), Mount Kosciuszko on the Great Dividing Range is the highest mountain on the Australian mainland, although Mawson Peak on the remote Australian territory of Heard Island is taller at 2,745 metres (9,006 ft). Australia is the flattest continent, with the oldest and least fertile soils; desert or semi-arid land commonly known as the outback makes up by far the largest portion of land. The driest inhabited continent, only its south-east and south-west corners have a temperate climate. The population density, 2.8 inhabitants per square kilometre, is among the lowest in the world, although a large proportion of the population lives along the temperate south-eastern coastline. Eastern Australia is marked by the Great Dividing Range that runs parallel to the coast of Queensland, New South Wales and much of Victoria although the name is not strictly accurate, as in parts the range consists of low hills and the highlands are typically no more than 1,600 metres (5,249 ft) in height. The coastal uplands and a belt of Brigalow grasslands lie between the coast and the mountains while inland of the dividing range are large areas of grassland. These include the western plains of New South Wales and the Einasleigh Uplands, Barkly Tableland and the Mulga Lands of inland Queensland. The northern point of the east coast is the tropical rainforested Cape York Peninsula. Topographic map of Australia The landscapes of the northern part of the country, the Top End and the Gulf Country behind the Gulf of Carpentaria, with their tropical climate, consist of woodland, grassland and desert. At the northwest corner of the continent is the sandstone cliffs and gorges of The Kimberley and below that the Pilbara while south and inland of these lie more areas of grassland, the Ord Victoria Plain and the Western Australian Mulga shrublands.The heart of the country is the uplands of central Australia while prominent features of the centre and south include the inland Simpson, Tirari and Sturt Stony, Gibson, Great Sandy, Tanami and Great Victoria Deserts with the famous Nullarbor Plain on the southern coast.
2023-07-15 03:14:142

英语作文How to protect rainforests?

中文: 保护雨林 热带雨林生长在温暖,潮湿的地方----南美洲,美国,阿里卡,及东南亚地区。因为下雨了很多在那里,有了这么大的雨,在雨林的土壤是非常黑暗和丰富的植物生长。超过世界上的热带植物一半生长在热带雨林。成千上万的动物生活在其中了。 热带雨林有丰富的食品,药品和其他有用的东西。可悲的是,雨林被诸如工厂排放的黑烟和来自农场的有害物形成的酸雨给破坏。许多雨林被烧毁或砍伐每年,用于建筑的工厂养殖。因为雨林的损失,引起温度变化,1000多种植物和动物灭绝。 很多人都明白拯救雨林的重要性。许多国家正在雨林到国家公园。农民们正在学习如何种植作物没有伤害的热带雨林。它需要大量的人一起工作,使热带雨林和热带雨林野生动物可以被保存,是你的孩子看到和享受。 也许你可以做一些事情来帮助保护雨林的地球。比如: 告诉周围的环境和人们如何帮助保护雨林的重要性。 在种植修复受损生态系统的毁林地区。 为鼓励各地环境无害的生活方式的人。 建立公园,以保护雨林和野生动物。 支持的作品相对较小的公司对环境的破坏. 不使用一次性筷子 纸张双面打印 不吃砍伐雨林种植大豆喂养的鸡作原料的汉堡 不喝毁林种植的咖啡 使用再生纸 用毛巾和手帕替代纸巾 发送电子贺卡代替代传统贺卡 .......英文:Rainforest Rainforest grows in warm, moist places ---- South America, United States, Arica , and Southeast Asia. Because it rains a lot there , with so much rain , the soil in the rainforest is very dark and rich plant growth. More than half of the world"s tropical plants grow in tropical rainforests . Thousands of animals which live in it. Tropical rainforests are rich in food, medicine , and other useful things. Sadly, such as acid rain forest plant was smoke and harmful emissions from the farm to the formation damage. Many forests are burned or cut down each year for construction of factory farming . Because the loss of rainforest , causing temperature changes, more than 1000 kinds of plants and animals become extinct. Many people understand the importance of saving the rainforest . Many countries are rain forests and national parks . Farmers are learning how to grow crops do not harm the rainforest . It requires a lot of people working together to make the tropical rainforest and rainforest wildlife can be saved , your children see and enjoy. Maybe you can do something to help protect the Earth"s rainforests . For example: How to tell the surrounding environment and the importance of people to help protect the rainforest . Planting repair damaged ecosystems deforested areas . To encourage environmentally sound lifestyle around people . Established parks to protect rainforests and wildlife. Support works relatively small company damage to the environment . Do not use disposable chopsticks Duplex printing paper Rainforest deforestation eat soybeans as raw material fed chicken burger Do not drink coffee plantation deforestation Using recycled paper Replace paper towels with towels and handkerchiefs Send e-cards instead of the traditional greeting on behalf of
2023-07-15 03:14:231

英语作文 rain forests

Rainforest Rainforest grows in warm, moist places ---- South America, United States, Arica , and Southeast Asia. Because it rains a lot there , with so much rain , the soil in the rainforest is very dark and rich plant growth. More than half of the world"s tropical plants grow in tropical rainforests . Thousands of animals which live in it. Tropical rainforests are rich in food, medicine , and other useful things. Sadly, such as acid rain forest plant was smoke and harmful emissions from the farm to the formation damage. Many forests are burned or cut down each year for construction of factory farming . Because the loss of rainforest , causing temperature changes, more than 1000 kinds of plants and animals become extinct. Many people understand the importance of saving the rainforest . Many countries are rain forests and national parks . Farmers are learning how to grow crops do not harm the rainforest . It requires a lot of people working together to make the tropical rainforest and rainforest wildlife can be saved , your children see and enjoy. Maybe you can do something to help protect the Earth"s rainforests . For example: How to tell the surrounding environment and the importance of people to help protect the rainforest . Planting repair damaged ecosystems deforested areas . To encourage environmentally sound lifestyle around people . Established parks to protect rainforests and wildlife. Support works relatively small company damage to the environment . Do not use disposable chopsticks Duplex printing paper Rainforest deforestation eat soybeans as raw material fed chicken burger Do not drink coffee plantation deforestation Using recycled paper Replace paper towels with towels and handkerchiefs Send e-cards instead of the traditional greeting on behalf of中文:   保护雨林  热带雨林生长在温暖,潮湿的地方----南美洲,美国,阿里卡,及东南亚地区。因为下雨了很多在那里,有了这么大的雨,在雨林的土壤是非常黑暗和丰富的植物生长。超过世界上的热带植物一半生长在热带雨林。成千上万的动物生活在其中了。  热带雨林有丰富的食品,药品和其他有用的东西。可悲的是,雨林被诸如工厂排放的黑烟和来自农场的有害物形成的酸雨给破坏。许多雨林被烧毁或砍伐每年,用于建筑的工厂养殖。因为雨林的损失,引起温度变化,1000多种植物和动物灭绝。  很多人都明白拯救雨林的重要性。许多国家正在雨林到国家公园。农民们正在学习如何种植作物没有伤害的热带雨林。它需要大量的人一起工作,使热带雨林和热带雨林野生动物可以被保存,是你的孩子看到和享受。  也许你可以做一些事情来帮助保护雨林的地球。比如:  告诉周围的环境和人们如何帮助保护雨林的重要性。  在种植修复受损生态系统的毁林地区。  为鼓励各地环境无害的生活方式的人。  建立公园,以保护雨林和野生动物。  支持的作品相对较小的公司对环境的破坏.  不使用一次性筷子  纸张双面打印  不吃砍伐雨林种植大豆喂养的鸡作原料的汉堡  不喝毁林种植的咖啡  使用再生纸  用毛巾和手帕替代纸巾  发送电子贺卡代替代传统贺卡  .......
2023-07-15 03:14:331

我最想去的三个城市 英语作文

I want to go to the city is the most in Shenzhen,Shanghai and Beijing . Shenzhen is a fishing village modernization evolved from an internationalized city. Where will host 2011 the 26th the world university games. University campus is our dream, and I will attend the university entrance exam, bosom expectation and longings, expectation can serve as a college student to the athletes who zhu cheer and looking forward to a college student volunteers can attend the identity of zhu stage. Where the beautiful window of the world and mouthwatering happy valley, can glide true ice world is I want to go to the place. I yearn for the campus, shenzhen"s taking a site, shenzhen every place landscape. Shanghai Museum of well-known ancient Chinese Museum of Art, which was built in 1952. The museum houses tens of thousands of pieces of bronzes, ceramics, calligraphy, paintings, coins. Here you can learn the history of the development of ancient China.You want to experience the power of volcanoes and earthquakes, and want to go to the tropical rainforest, and then to the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum! Shanghai Science and Technology Museum is very fond of children, where you can learn a lot of scientific and technological knowledge.Do you want to see a panoramic view of Shanghai, quickly boarded the Oriental Pearl TV Tower! Take the elevator speed of 7 meters per second, quickly take you to the main sightseeing layer of 263 m sphere. Bow looked billowing Huangpu River, a section of the ship in the swimming the distant skyscrapers aspect Avenue, busy with one of the downtown scene.Every time when after nightfall, Shanghai has become a sea of lights. Neon colorful, dazzling. The streets on both sides of the street lamps like those many glowing Pearl Shanghai dress was gorgeous. Beijing is the capital city in China. It has many places of interests. For example: the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace, the Great wall and so on.Many people all over the world likes to teavel in Beijing.I have been to Beijing when I was young and I want to go there again. Beijing is a very beautiful city.I like it very much!
2023-07-15 03:14:421

英语作文How to protect rainforests?

how to protect ourselves No matter who you are , what you do , safe is the most important , for students , their parents care their safety most , when we across the road , we need to watch out of the traffic light , and also watch our of the cars around . do not go to remote place alone . and , do not go out at night by oneself . do not talk to strangers .don"t accept things from strangers .
2023-07-15 03:15:182

How to protect the rainforest

1, without the use of disposable chopsticks2, on both sides of the paper print3, not solid wood flooring, especially endangered species4, buy green wood has FSC certification5, do not eat to cut down rainforest to grow soybeans to feed the chickens for raw materials Hamburg6, do not drink coffee deforestation planting7, the use of recycled paper8, with a towel and handkerchief instead of tissue paper9.Send e-cards instead of on behalf of traditional greeting cards10, reducing calendars, desk calendar printed and presented.
2023-07-15 03:15:264


Lush Green Canopy —— 茂密的绿色树冠Exotic Wildlife —— 异国情调的野生动物Dense Vegetation —— 浓密的植被Serene Waterfalls —— 宁静的瀑布Vibrant Foliage —— 充满活力的树叶Tropical Biodiversity —— 热带生物多样性Humid Atmosphere —— 潮湿的氛围Canopy Walkways —— 树冠步道Ancient Tree Giants —— 古老的巨树Orchid Paradise —— 兰花乐园Tropical Aviary —— 热带鸟类园Enchanting Jungle Sounds —— 迷人的丛林声音Mossy Forest Floor —— 生满苔藓的森林地面Striking Flowering Plants —— 异彩纷呈的开花植物Sun-dappled Clearings —— 阳光斑驳的空地Tropical Rainfall —— 热带降雨Breathtaking Canopy Views —— 令人叹为观止的树冠景观Hidden Waterways —— 隐秘的水道Jungle Trekking —— 丛林徒步旅行Tropical Paradise —— 热带天堂Orchid Blooms —— 兰花盛开Exotic Insects —— 异国情调的昆虫Dense Undergrowth —— 浓密的地被植被Colorful Birdlife —— 多彩的鸟类生活Misty Morning Haze —— 雾霭朦胧的早晨Tropical Fragrance —— 热带芬芳Ancient Ruins —— 古老的废墟Pristine Rivers —— 原始的河流Dense Canopy Layers —— 浓密的树冠层Tropical Adventure —— 热带探险Biodiverse Ecosystem —— 生物多样性的生态系统Tropical Wildlife Sanctuary —— 热带野生动物保护区Enchanted Waterfalls —— 迷人的瀑布Tropical Flora and Fauna —— 热带植物和动物Sunlit Rainforest —— 阳光照耀的热带雨林Serene Treetop Retreat —— 宁静的树顶避难所Breathtaking Nature Trails —— 令人惊叹的自然小径Tropical Orchid Garden —— 热带兰花园Canopy Wildlife Spotting —— 树冠野生动物观察Tropical Paradise Getaway —— 热带天堂度假Cascading Waterfalls —— 瀑布倾泻Exotic Jungle Fruits —— 异国情调的丛林水果Sun-kissed Leaves —— 被阳光亲吻的树叶Rare Endangered Species —— 稀有濒危物种
2023-07-15 03:15:411

tropical paradise是什么意思

tropical paradise 热带天堂
2023-07-15 03:16:302


Fell trees with control
2023-07-15 03:16:402


问题一:热带雨林用英语怎么说? Tropical rain forest 问题二:热带雨林英语要怎么说 tropic jungle 问题三:请问如何知道自己的肝出了问题? 1、有没有乏力、厌油腻? 2、有没有黄疸? 3、有没有顶区(右上腹)疼痛? 4、B超+肝功检查。 问题四:原始森林和热带雨林英语单词怎么读 Virgin forests and tropical rain forests 原始森林和热带雨林 问题五:处于热带,有许多的热带雨林用英语怎么翻译 In the tropics, there are a lot of tropical rain forests 问题六:穿梭在热带雨林用英语怎么说 Shuttle in the tropical rainforest 问题七:热带雨林的英文 参考:Tropical rainforests 送你个热带雨林的简介: Tropical rainforests are usually found around the equator. They are mon in Asia, Australia偿 Africa, South America, Central America, Southern Mexico and on many of the Pacific Islands. Within the World Wildlife Fund"s biome classification, tropical rainforests are considered a type of tropical wet forest (or tropical moist broadleaf forest) and may also be referred to as lowland equatorial evergreen rainforest. Minimum normal annual rainfall between 1,750 millimetres (69 in) and 2,000 millimetres (79 in) occurs in this climate region. Mean monthly temperatures exceed 18 °C (64 °F) during all months of the year. Rainforests are home to half of all the living animal and plant species on the planet. Tropical rain forests are called the world"s largest pharmacy because over one-quarter of modern medicines originate from its plants. The undergrowth in a rainforest is restricted in many areas by the lack of sunlight at ground level.This makes it possible for people and other animals to walk through the forest. If the leaf canopy is destroyed or thinned for any reason, the ground beneath is soon colonized by a dense tangled growth of vines, shrubs and *** all trees called a jungle.
2023-07-15 03:16:461


jungle强调热带植被(tropical vegetation)及植被的繁茂杂乱。jungle通常是指热带雨林(tropical jungle)rainforest就是指 雨林
2023-07-15 03:16:541

英语作文How to protect rainforests?

Rainforest Rainforest grows in warm, moist places ---- South America, United States, Arica , and Southeast Asia. Because it rains a lot there , with so much rain , the soil in the rainforest is very dark and rich plant growth. More than half of the world"s tropical plants grow in tropical rainforests . Thousands of animals which live in it. Tropical rainforests are rich in food, medicine , and other useful things. Sadly, such as acid rain forest plant was smoke and harmful emissions from the farm to the formation damage. Many forests are burned or cut down each year for construction of factory farming . Because the loss of rainforest , causing temperature changes, more than 1000 kinds of plants and animals become extinct. Many people understand the importance of saving the rainforest . Many countries are rain forests and national parks . Farmers are learning how to grow crops do not harm the rainforest . It requires a lot of people working together to make the tropical rainforest and rainforest wildlife can be saved , your children see and enjoy. Maybe you can do something to help protect the Earth"s rainforests . For example: How to tell the surrounding environment and the importance of people to help protect the rainforest . Planting repair damaged ecosystems deforested areas . To encourage environmentally sound lifestyle around people . Established parks to protect rainforests and wildlife. Support works relatively small company damage to the environment . Do not use disposable chopsticks Duplex printing paper Rainforest deforestation eat soybeans as raw material fed chicken burger Do not drink coffee plantation deforestation Using recycled paper Replace paper towels with towels and handkerchiefs Send e-cards instead of the traditional greeting on behalf of .......
2023-07-15 03:17:031

animal in the rainforest

Life in the Rainforest It is believed that over 50% of the world"s species of plants and animals are found in the rainforest. Amazingly only cover 6 - 7% of the total land surface on Earth is covered by rainforest. On average there are beeen 20 to 80 different species of trees per acre. There is also a wide variety of animal life found in the rainforest. Many of the animals have special adaptations that allow them to live in the tropical conditions but they would not survive outside of this ecosystem. These animals include but are not limited to Touc Parrots Resplendant Quetzals Sloths Orangut Gorillas Queen Alexandra Birdwing Butterflies and Lemurs. There are also indigenous cultures of people that live in and depend on the rainforest. Some of the tribes that can be found here include the Yanomami and Kayapo tribes of the Amazon the Huli of Papau New Guinea and the Pygmies of Central Africa. Some tribes have had little if any contact with outside civilizations while others seek to legally protect the lands on which they live. These cultures have adapted to the conditions of the rainforest and have a deep understanding of the ecosystem. They often have knowledge of medicinal herbs and plants and understand how to cultivate rainforest land without upsetting the balance of nutrients in the soils. Deforestation Much of the world"s rainforest has been severely impacted by human activities. These activities usually include deforestation for the purposes of logging growing crops urban settlement or raising farm animals such as cattle. As the population of the world continues to increase the amount of deforestation of the rainforest may also continue to rise. Unfortunately we are losing many species of plants and animals found in the rainforest due to these activities. Potential medicines that have not even been discovered yet may be at risk of never being found due to deforestation. Many rainforest animals are endangered due to these activities. Cultures of indigenous peoples are also at risk of losing their way of life. There are currently many anizations working to protect the rainforest. Some of them include the Rainforest Alliance The Nature Conservancy and the Rainforest Action Neork. These sites provide information on ways we can all help to conserve one of the world"s most valuable and endangered ecosystems. Summary The rainforest is a vital lifeline of Earth as well as one of the most unique ecosystems of our pla. It contains a wide variety of plants animals and people and all are important to the balance of nature. While it is not too late to save the rainforest ecosystems of the world there is still much work to be done if we will succeed in protecting this valuable resource. 参考: rainforestanimals/rainforest
2023-07-15 03:17:101