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2023-07-15 10:25:10









“它们分别是” 用英语怎么说,

2023-07-15 01:54:173


单词individually的意思为:分别地;单独地;各别地,作为副词使用。双语例句:1 、You can apply various Schematron rule sets individually as required by processes and byorganizations.您可以根据处理和组织的需要来分别地应用不同的Schematroni规则集。2、The students work individually,then pool their ideas in groups of six.学生先分头工作,然后六人一组交流心得。3 、We have had a successful year,both collectively and individually.我们这一年干得不错,无论是整体还是个人都取得了成功。4、The manager spoke to them all individually.经理逐一和他们各人谈话。5、The hotel has 100 individually designed bedrooms.这家旅馆有100个设计各不相同的房间。6、The chocolates are individually wrapped in gold foil.巧克力用金箔纸一颗颗独立包装。7、Ted hated parties,even gatherings of people he liked individually特德讨厌各种派对,即便是他自己喜欢的人的聚会也不例外。8、 All newbies are offered an individually tailored training and developmentprogramme.每位新人都有量身定制的培训和发展计划。9、Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor各家经营各自的农场,收获各自的劳动成果。10 、There are 76 individually furnished bedrooms,all with private bathrooms.这里有76间陈设各异的卧室,都配有独立卫生间。
2023-07-15 01:54:331


2023-07-15 01:54:573


问题一:“它们分别是” 用英语怎么说, 可以用individually来表示分别的 问题二:它们分别是,用英语怎么说 They are 问题三:(他们分别是)用英语怎么说 就说they are 谁,谁and谁就行了 问题四:(分别)这个词用英语怎么说 respectively 我给你举个例子吧 如那两个人分别是John和Brown,这句话可以翻译成That two persons are John and Brown respectively. respectively要用在修饰的词的后面 分别是谁?可以翻译成who are they respectively? 问题五:分别是 英语怎么说 There are three people in y family, my father, my mother and I. 问题六:什么什么分别是什么什么,英语怎么说? separately, 事实上不用也没事吖,词义就包含分别了吖。put哗r and printer are DELL and HP. 问题七:他们的名字分别是...用英语怎么说? Their names are ...... . 问题八:十二个月分别用英文怎么说? January――一1月 在罗马传说中,有一名叫雅卢斯的守护神,生有前后两副脸,一副回顾过去,一副眺望未来。象徵着结束过去与开始未来,人们认为选择他的名字作为除旧迎新的第一个月的月名很有意义。英语1月January,便是由这位守护神的拉丁文名字Januarius演变而来的。 February――2月 每年2月初,罗马人民都要杀牲饮酒,欢庆菲勃卢姆节。这一天,人们常用一种牛草制浮的名叫Februa的鞭子抽打不孕的妇女,以求怀孕生子(这也太不公平了,这样野蛮)。这一天人们还要忏悔自己过去一年的罪过,洗刷自己的灵魂,求得神明的饶恕,使自己成为一个贞洁的人。英语2月February,便是由拉丁文Februarius(即菲勃卢姆节)演变而来。 March――3月 3月,原始罗马旧历法的1月,新年的开始。凯撒大帝改革历法后,原来的1月变成3月,但罗! 马人仍然把3月看成是一年的开始。另外,按照传统习惯,3月是每年出征远战的季节。为了纪念战神马尔斯,人们便把这位战神的拉丁名字作为三月的月名。英语3月March,便是这位战神的名字演变而来的。把战神之月放在岁首,开门就打仗,可见其侵略的野心。 April――4月 罗马的四月,正是大地回春,鲜花初绽的美好季节,正好是一切生命好像被打开一样。英文4月April便是由拉丁文Aprilis(即开花的日子)演变而来的。 May――5月 罗马神话中的女神玛雅,专门司管春天和生命。为了纪念这位女神,罗马人便用她的名字――拉丁文Maius命名5月,英文5月便是由这位女神的名字演变而来。 June――6月 罗马神话中的裘诺,是众神之王,又是司管生育和保护妇女的神。古罗马人对她十分崇敬,便把六月奉献给她,以她的名字来命名6月。 July――7月 罗马统治者朱里斯u30fb凯撒大帝被刺身死后,著名的罗马将军马克u30fb安东尼建议将凯撒大帝诞生的7月,用凯撒的名字――拉丁文Julius(即朱里斯)命名。这一建议得到了元老院的通过。英语7月July由此而来。 August! ――8月 朱里斯u30fb凯撒死后,由他得甥孙屋大维续任罗马荒地。为了和凯撒齐名,他也想用自己的名字来命名一个月份。他的生日在9月,但他选定8月,因为他登基后,罗马元老院在8月授予他augustus(奥古斯都)的尊号。于是,他决定用这个尊号来命名8月。原来8月比7月少一天,为了和凯撒平起平坐,他又决定从2?谐槌鲆惶旒釉?月。从此,2月便少了一天。英语8月August便由这位皇帝的拉丁语尊号演变而来。 September――9月 老历法的7月,正是凯撒大帝改革历法后的9月,拉丁文septem是“7”的意思。虽然历法改革了,但人们仍沿用旧名称来称呼9月。英语9月September,便由此演变而来。 October――10月 英语10月,来自拉丁文Octo,即“8”的意思,他和上面讲的9月一样,历法改了,称呼仍然沿用未变。 November――11月 罗马皇帝奥古斯都和凯撒都有了自己名字命名的月份,罗马市民和元老院要求当时的罗马皇帝梯比里乌斯用其名命名11月,但梯比里乌斯没有同意,他明智的对大家讲,如果罗马的每个皇帝都用自己的名字来命名月份,那么出现了第13个皇帝怎么办?于是,11月仍然保留着旧称Novm,即拉丁文“9”的意思。英语11月November便由此演变而来。 December――12月 罗马皇帝琉西乌斯要把一年中最后一个月用他情妇Amagonius的名字来命名,但遭到元老院的反对。于是,12月仍然......>> 问题九:“它们分别是” 用英语怎么说, 可以用individually来表示分别的 问题十:它们分别是,用英语怎么说 They are
2023-07-15 01:55:161

英语问题 ,

(thoroughly 认真地,彻底地 是副词 自然修饰 went through 了 认真地审查下面全是啊 副词修饰相对应的动词
2023-07-15 01:55:273

individually wrapped是什么意思

individually wrapped单独包装;独立包装;单独包装的例句1.Each apple was individually wrapped in paper.每个苹果都用纸单独包着。2.Like those. . . individually wrapped slices of cheese that.像是那种…独立包装的芝士片。3.Packed in cell-type separators or individually wrapped小型分隔包装或独立包装。4.One day a girl brought a bag full of heart shaped chocolates, individually wrapped with a poem for each one of us.一天,一个女孩儿带来了一大包装满了心型巧克力的袋子,分别为我们每个人一一地绑扎了一首诗在上面。5.They"ve been individually wrapped until now to avoid the possibility of psychic contamination.为了避免受到心理影响可能性,直到现在,他们一直都是被单独隐藏着。
2023-07-15 01:55:342


Can you please provide the original text that needs to be translated? I am happy to help.
2023-07-15 01:55:442

individually a party

2023-07-15 01:55:581


2023-07-15 01:56:051

individually和by edge angle什么意思abaqus

比如有两段线有一个交点,你利用by angle选择时,点击一条线就能把两条都选中如果你不用By angle选择,那么你只能一条一条线去选
2023-07-15 01:56:131


问题一:单独的用英语怎么说 lonely 问题二:单独,一个,用英语怎么说.? alone 问题三:单独的的英语翻译 单独的用英语怎么说 单独的的英语翻译 单独的 英文翻译 Separate English translation alone 问题四:单独所有 英语怎么说 All alone all 英[?:l] 美[?l] adj. 全部的; 一切的; 各种的; 极度的,尽量的; pron. 龚 全部; 一切; 每个人,每件东西; 全部情况; adv. 全部地; 完全地; 每个; 非常; [例句]All this is good news. 所有这些都是好消息。 alone 英[??l??n] 美[??lo?n] adj. 单独的; 独一无二的; 独自的; adv. 单独地; 独自地; 孤独地; 只,只有; [例句]How can you leave alone? 你怎么能一个人离开? 问题五:你们单独付钱 还是分开付钱 这句话英文怎么说 你们单独付钱 还是分开付钱? (单独付钱 和分开付钱似乎是相同意思,你的意思或许是: 你们一起付钱 还是分开付钱?) Would you like to pay your础bill in one or pay separately? 若有不明白,请继续追问。 问题六:单独讨论 英语怎么说 xxx has never been discussed individually. xxx has never been discussed independently. 问题七:单独地用英语怎么说 单独alone 问题八:“单独开班” 用英文怎么说 open the class separately. 问题九:单独相处用英文怎么说 stay alone with ^^^ 问题十:独自,单独3种英文翻译 alone by oneself on one"s own
2023-07-15 01:56:301


问题一:独立(名词)英语怎么说? independence 问题二:独立用英语怎么说 形容词independent 名称independence 问题三:独立的 英语是什么 independence n. 独立, 自主, 自立(of; on) 能自立的收入 独立心, 自恃心 independence in judgement 独立判断(能力) 问题四:“独立思想”用英语怎么说 independent idea 问题五:自立用英语怎么说? 自立 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [词性]:vt. [拼音]:zì lì [解释]: self-help; stand on one""s own bottom; independence; selfhelp; do for oneself; maintain oneself ; stand on one"s own feet ; 1.independent; self-supporting; self-sustaining; self-reliant stand on one""""s own legs; to be one""""s own feet; to support oneself; to earn on场""""s own living; to fend for oneself ; self-government; self-support; self-supporting n.; stand on one""s own legs [参考词典]:汉英综合大词典 汉英综合科技大辞典 汉英综合大词典 汉英经贸大词典 汉英航海大词典 汉英综合大词典 自立的 self-sustaining; free-standing; self- supporting;&nbs.... 自立地 independentl; independently 自立更生 self-reliance 能自立 freestanding 人贵自立 every tub must stand on its own bottom 子女的自立 emancipation of children 问题六:“独立生活的能力”用英语怎么说? the ability of dependent living /the ability to live depend浮ntly为正确表达 问题七:独立工作 用英语怎么说 work individually 问题八:那怎么说每个人都有独立的思想。英语 你好! 那怎么说每个人都有独立的思想 How do you say that everyone has the independent thinking 问题九:英文怎么翻译:完全独立的个体 Totally/pletely independent (there) (separate) ind憨viduals
2023-07-15 01:56:371


你两句句子最重要的不同就是第一句在“instead of”之前有个逗号,第二句“instead of”是在句子中间的. 第一句,由于有了逗号,“instead of”引导的是一个从句,谓语“work“就只有两种情况,一个是”working“,另一个是”worked“,主要取决于和主语的主被动关系.这里的主语”countries“和”work“的关系明显是主动的,所以就是”working“. 第二句,句子中间没有任何标点,”instead of“就是简单的一个词组用法,那么后面的”hate“就必须和前面的”respect”保持语态和时态上的一致.
2023-07-15 01:56:461

以working individually or working in a team为题写一篇英语作文

Working Individually or Working in a TeamThere are basically two ways to get work done. One is to work individually. In this way, people can decide for themselves when to start work and how to do it. What"s more, they will be able to learn how to solve problems on their own.People may also choose to work in a team, where they can learn from each other and help each other. Besides, they may work out better ways to get work done by discussion.Personally, I prefer to work in a team, which offers me a chance to learn how to get along with others and to share my experiences with them. As the work can be divided among several people, it can be done efficiently. Teamwork is always important.
2023-07-15 01:56:551


finish sth by myself. by oneself就是单独地的意思。
2023-07-15 01:57:022


集成的问题,这是讨论在埃弗雷特和博尔加蒂集团核心问题(1999),是指选择一组K个节点,作为一个整体,优化解决了KPP POS或的否定,是相当不同的从选择K节点单独是最佳的。首先,考虑的否定。图3显示了图中的节点H和我,个别的,删除以片段的网络的最佳节点。然而,删除我除了H没有产生更多的碎片,以任何标准来衡量,比单独删除我。在对比,节点不单独有效结我分离对节点,但是删除M与H产生更多的碎片比M或H。我和H的原因不如一起H和M是我和H是多余的与他们联络他们的作用是等效的,他们将同第三方彼此。另一个这样看,一个中心部分是由于其他的中心(即,其中心是不独立的),其结果是,该团的中心组合是有点小于每个中心的总和。
2023-07-15 01:57:102


我认为separate package比较合适。请斟酌。
2023-07-15 01:57:182


个体经营:self-employment 个体经营者:self-employed individual 个体经营企业:self-employment business
2023-07-15 01:57:251


2023-07-15 01:57:566


你电脑的硬件的驱动光盘~~ 下面是google的翻译 联想驱动包1.6对于Vista 不得转售和使用individually.Lenovo许可是联想的商标。 在这个包中包含的驱动程序是合法授权的只有在出售或使用与联想PC.Cannot被捆绑在其他计算机上使用。
2023-07-15 01:58:121


1. Individually owned2. Type of housing: Sold at cost3. Complete residential housing
2023-07-15 01:58:211


develop your own dressing style.
2023-07-15 01:58:3211


2023-07-15 01:59:016

以working individually or working in a team为题,写一篇作文,求大神帮忙,不要复制粘贴,需要自己写

Working Individually or Working in a TeamThere are basically two ways to get work done. One is to work individually. In this way, people can decide for themselves when to start work and how to do it. What"s more, they will be able to learn how to solve problems on their own.People may also choose to work in a team, where they can learn from each other and help each other. Besides, they may work out better ways to get work done by discussion.Personally, I prefer to work in a team, which offers me a chance to learn how to get along with others and to share my experiences with them. As the work can be divided among several people, it can be done efficiently. Teamwork is always important.
2023-07-15 01:59:262

sold individually怎么翻译

单独出售 不支持混批 看你用在那种语境中了
2023-07-15 02:00:173


姐姐刚刚已经大概给你翻译了哦hereinafter referred to as"supplier", on the other hand,individually referred to as a "Party" or collectively as the "Parties".now and therefore, the parties agree as follows:whereas the parties agreed on a rebate program for the following subjects:All engineering servicesAll moldsin general all the work between supplier and valeo/ICHIKOHrebate agreement:Considered are all VALEO and ICHIKOH Plants.Sums to be taken into account are those cashed and recovered for the subjects indicated above by supplier in the period.Values are in Euros.Cashed and recovered amounts小于等于5 million CNY, a rebate of 2% will be granted.Cashed and recovered amounts大于5 million CNY, a rebate of 4% will be granted.以下简称为“供应商”,另一方面,单独称为“一方”或统称为“双方”。因此现在,双方达成如下协议:而双方商定了以下专业的回扣方案:所有工程服务所有的模具通常在供应商和valeo/ICHIKOH之间的所有工作期间回扣协议:认定所有的valeo/ICHIKOH车间资金需要考虑供应商的兑现和回收期间。价值是欧元。兑现,回收金额小于等于500万人民币,2%的回扣将被授予。兑现,回收金额大于500万人民币,4%的回扣将被授予。
2023-07-15 02:00:261


Being alone in outer space can be frightening.That is one reason why astronauts on solo(单独的) space flights were given plenty of work to keep them 45 .They were also in constant communication with people on the earth._ 46 ,being with people from whom you cannot get away might be even harder than being alone.This is what happens on long submarine(潜水艇) voyages.It will also happen on 47 space flights in the future.Will there be special problems of adjustment under such conditions?Scientists have studied the reactions of men to one another during long submarine voyages.They have found that the longer the voyage lasts the more serious the problem of___ 48___ is.When men are 49 together for a long period,they begin to feel uneasy.Everyone has little habits of speaking and behaving that are ordinarily acceptable.In the limited space over a long period of time,however,these little habits may become very 50 .Apparently,although no one wants to be 51 all the time,everyone needs some degree of privacy.When people are enclosed together,they are in what is called a stress situation.That means that they are under an unusual amount of 52 or stress.People who are well-adjusted are able to 53 stress situations better than others.That is one reason why so much care is taken in 54 our astronauts.These men undergo a long period of testing and training.One of the things tested is their behaviour under stress.45.A.tired B.asleep C.conscious D.busy46.A.So far B.After all C.However D.Therefore47.A.long C.dangerous D.direct48.A.fuel B.entertainment C.adjustment D.health49.A.shut up B.held up C.brought up D.picked up50.A.pleasing B.annoying C.common D.valuable51.A.noisy B.alone C.personal D.sociable52.A.emphasis B.conflict C.power D.pressure53.A.handle B.create C.affect D.investigate54.A.becoming B.choosingC.ordering D.promotingBOne topic is rarely mentioned in all the talk of improving standards in our schools:the almost complete failure of foreign-language teaching.As a French graduate who has taught for more than twenty-five years.I believe I have some idea of why the failure is so total. 55 the faults already found out in the education system as a whole—such as child-centred learning,the “discovery” method,and the low expectations by teachers of pupils—there have been several serious 56 which have a direct effect on language teaching.The first is the removal from the curriculum(课程) of the thorough teaching of English 57 .Pupils now do not know a verb from a noun,the subject of a sentence from its object,or the difference between the past,present,or future.Another important error is mixed-ability teaching,or teaching in ability groups so 58 that the most able pupils are 59 and are bored while the least able are lost and 60 bored.Strangely enough,few head teachers seem to be in favour of mixed-ability school football teams.Progress depends on memory,and pupils start to forget immediately they stop having 61 lessons.This is why many people who attended French lessons at school,even those who got good grades,have forgotten it a few years later. 62 they never need it,they do not practise it.Most American schools have accepted what is inevitable and 63 modern languages,even Spanish,from the curriculum.Perhaps it is time for Britain to do the same,and stop 64 resources on a subject which few pupils want or need.55.A.Due to B.In addition toC.Instead of D.In spite of56.A.errors B.situations D.methods57.A.vocabulary B.culture C.grammar D.literature58.A.wide B.similar C.separate D.unique59.A.kept out B.turned downC.held back D.left behind60.A.surprisingly B.individuallyC.equally D.hardly61.A.extra B.traditional C.basic D.regular62.A.Although B.Because C.Until D.Unless63.A.restored B.absorbed C.prohibited D.withdrawn64.A.wasting B.focusing C.exploiting D.sharing45.答案:D解析:busy意为“忙碌的”。根据上文中的“...were given plenty of work”可判断出给他们足够的工作使他们保持忙碌的状态。tired意为“疲劳的,累的,疲倦的”。asleep意为“睡着的,睡熟的”。conscious意为“有意识的,有知觉的”。46.答案:C解析:however意为“然而,可是”。根据“They were also in constant communication with people on the earth”和“being with people from whom you cannot get away might be even harder than being alone”是转折关系,所以要用however。so far意为“迄今为止”;after all意为“毕竟”;therefore意为“因此,所以”。47.答案:A解析:long意为“长的,长期的”。根据上文中的“This is what happens on long submarine voyages.”可判断出要用long,表示“对于将来长时间的太空飞行也是这样。”also意为“也”,fast意为“快速的”;dangerous意为“危险的”;direct意为“直接的”。48.答案:C解析:adjustment意为“调整,调节”。根据上文中的“Will there be special problems of adjustment under such conditions”可判断出表示航行的时间越长,调节的问题越严重。fuel意为“燃料”;entertainment意为“款待,娱乐,娱乐表演”;health意为“健康”。49.答案:A解析:shut up意为“关闭,关上”。表示“当把一些人长时间关在一起,他们就开始感觉不舒服”。故选A项。hold up意为“举起,支撑,继续下去,阻挡,拦截”;bring up意为“教育,培养”;pick up意为“捡起,获得”。50.答案:B解析:annoying意为“恼人的,讨厌的”。根据上文中的“Everyone has little habits of speaking and behaving that are ordinarily acceptable.”可判断出“当人长时间待在有限的空间内,这些小的习惯就变得令人恼火”。acceptable和annoying含有相反的意味;pleasing意为“令人高兴的,愉快的,合意的”;common意为“共同的,公共的,公有的,普通的”;valuable意为“贵重的,有价值的,颇有价值的”。51.答案:B解析:alone意为“孤独的,独自的”。根据上面两段的内容可判断出任何人都不愿意孤独。noisy意为“嘈杂的,聒噪的”;personal意为“私人的,个人的,亲自的”;sociable意为“好交际的,友善的,增进友谊的,喜欢群居的”。52.答案:D解析:pressure意为“压,压力”;表示“这意味着他们处于不正常的压力和紧张中”。emphasis意为“强调,重点”;conflict意为“斗争,冲突”;power意为“能力,力量,动力,权力”。53.答案:A解析:handle 意为“处理,操作”。表示“自我调节好的人比其他人能够更好地处理紧张局面”。create意为“创造,创作,引起,造成”;affect意为“影响,感动”;investigate意为“调查,研究”。54.答案:B解析:choose意为“选择,选定”。根据上文中的“People who are well-adjusted are able to handle stress situations better than others”可判断出要挑选那些自我调节好的人当宇航员。become意为“变成,成为,变得”;order意为“命令,订购,定制”;promote意为“促进,发扬,提升,提拔,晋升为”。55.答案:B解析:in addition to意为“除……之外”,指“除……外还有”,根据句意选B项。due to意为“由于,应归于”;instead of意为“代替,而不是”;in spite of意为“不管”。56.答案:A解析:error意为“错误,过失,误差”。根据第三段“Another important error is mixed-ability teaching”可判断出有几个对语言教学产生影响的严重错误。故选A项。situation意为“情形,境遇”;system意为“系统,体系,制度,体制,秩序,规律,方法”;method意为“方法”。57.答案:C解析:grammar意为“语法”。根据下文中的“Pupils now do not know a verb from a noun,the subject of a sentence from its object,or the difference between the past,present,or future.”可判断出这里指的是语法,因为区分动词和名词、主语和宾语、过去时、现在时和将来时都属于语法问题。vocabulary意为“词汇,词汇量,词表”;culture意为“文化,文明”;literature意为“文学(作品),文艺,著作,文献”。58.答案:A解析:wide意为“宽的,广阔的”。根据下文中的“the most able pupils are held back and are bored while the least able are lost and equally bored.”可判断出所教的学生的能力差别太大。similar意为“相似的,类似的”;separate意为“分开的,分离的,个别的,单独的”;unique意为“唯一的,独特的”。59.答案:C解析:hold back意为“阻止,抑制”。根据上文的内容可判断出“由于所教学生的能力差别太大,能力最强的学生受到了抑制”。keep out意为“使……在外”;turn down意为“(被)向下折转,拒绝”;leave behind意为“留下,遗留”。60.答案:C解析:equally意为“相等地,平等地,公平地”。根据上文中的“while the least able are lost”可判断出因为能力最差的学生听不懂所讲的课程,所以他们和能力最强的学生一样感到无聊。surprisingly意为“令人惊讶地”;individually意为“个别地”;hardly意为“几乎不”。61.答案:D解析:regular意为“规则的,有秩序的,经常的”。表示“进步依赖于记忆,学生们上完常规的课程很快开始遗忘。regular lessons指“学生在学校学习的课程”;extra意为“额外的”;traditional意为“传统的,惯例的”;basic意为“基本的”。62.答案:B解析:because意为“因为”。they do not practice it与they never need it是因果关系,表示“因为他们需要它,所以也不练习它”。although意为“虽然”;until意为“到……为止,在……以前”;unless意为“如果不,除非”。63.答案:D解析:withdraw意为“收回,撤销,缩回,退出”。表示“大多数美国学校认为这是不可避免的,并从课程表中取消了现代语言,甚至西班牙语”。restore意为“恢复,使回复,归还,交还,修复,重建”;absorb意为“吸收,吸引”;prohibit意为“禁止,阻止”。64.答案:A解析:waste意为“浪费,消耗”。根据上文中的inevitable可判断出由于学生不学这门语言就会遗忘是一件不可避免的事,所以应该停止浪费学习一门学生们不想学习或不需要学习课程方面所花费的资源。focus意为“调焦,集中”;explore意为“探险,探测,探究”;share意为“分享,均分,共有,分配”。
2023-07-15 02:00:331


问题一:包装是什么 用英语怎么说 包装是什么 What is package? Package is kind of papaer or plastic bag or other material which is used to hold things. 问题二:包装是什么 用英语怎么说? package,可作名词或动词。现在进行时是packaging。 packing是打包行李,不是包装商品…… 问题三:包装方案用英语怎么说 包装方案 packaging project;packaging scheme;packaging plan更多释义>> [网络短语] 包装方案 packaging project;packaging scheme 新包装方案 New Packaging Solutions有时被称为包装方案 packaging scheme 问题四:“独立包装”用英语怎么说 individually packed;independent packing例句:The chocolates are individually wrapped in gold foil. 巧克力用金箔纸一颗颗独立包装。 Valves are thoroughly cleaned and degreased and individually packed in sealed polyethylene bags. 阀门经过全面彻底地清洗和脱脂,并且独立包装在密封聚乙烯袋中. 问题五:"要不要包装起来?"用英语怎么说? 看情形,有不同说法。 1 用包装纸纸包裹起来: Do you want it be wrapped up? 2 用包装袋包装起来: Do you want a bag for it? 3 用包装箱包装起来: Do you want it be packed up? 问题六:的内包装和外包装用英文怎么说 the inner package of 。。。。的内包装 the outer package of 。。。。的外包装 问题七:每10G一个包装 用英语怎么说 each package with 10g 问题八:包装设计 用英语怎么说? package design 包装设计 Package Designer 包装设计师 问题九:“包装明星“的“包装”用英文怎么说? hype 问题十:品牌形象包装英文怎么说 当然不对,实绩明显的中国式英语 brand design就可以了 这里的包装又不是那个包装怎么能用package呢?用design是最合适的,至于那个形象不表达出来显得更简洁。
2023-07-15 02:00:411


2023-07-15 02:00:481


问题一:包装是什么 用英语怎么说 包装是什么 What is package? Package is kind of papaer or plastic bag or other material which is used to hold things. 问题二:包装方案用英语怎么说 包装方案 packaging project;packaging scheme;packaging plan更多释义>> [网络短语] 包装方案 packaging project;packaging scheme 新包装方案 New Packaging Solutions有时被称为包装方案 packaging scheme 问题三:包装是什么 用英语怎么说? package,可作名词或动词。现在进行时是packaging。 packing是打包行李,不是包装商品…… 问题四:品牌形象包装英文怎么说 当然不对,实绩明显的中国式英语 brand design就可以了 这里的包装又不是那个包装怎么能用package呢?用design是最合适的,至于那个形象不表达出来显得更简洁。 问题五:完整包装的英文怎么说 plete package 问题六:“独立包装”用英语怎么说 individually packed;independent packing例句:The chocolates are individually wrapped in gold foil. 巧克力用金箔纸一颗颗独立包装。 Valves are thoroughly cleaned and degreased and individually packed in sealed polyethylene bags. 阀门经过全面彻底地清洗和脱脂,并且独立包装在密封聚乙烯袋中. 问题七:的内包装和外包装用英文怎么说 the inner package of 。。。。的内包装 the outer package of 。。。。的外包装 问题八:“产品包装”的英文怎么讲? 产品包装(设计) 【modity Package Design】 希望帮助到你!
2023-07-15 02:01:061

寻篇英语作文。题目为“Working Individually or Woking in a Team”

There are basically two ways to get work done.Working Individually: You can manage everything on your working. However, you have to independently solve some problems when you work.Working in a team: you can discuss problems with the other workers and learn each other.As far as I know, I perfect Working Individally to Working in a team, because working in a team can make us discover that we didn"t pay attention to some important problems on our working. If we work in a team, we will finish working in the fastest way, thus we can get more time to do other things.Working in a team is a very good choice to finish our working.2Some of the advantages of team work are:a combination of strengths -especially if the team has been chosen carefully, you can get a good range of abilities, fields of expertise and personality types, so for every situation there should be at least one person who can deal with it.a range of opinions - if "two heads are better than one," six can be better still - a group meeting is often very useful for ironing out flaws in a plan, testing it out, spotting pitfalls etc. (though if your team is too big, it can be difficult to reach decisions.)divided responsibility - while ultimate responsibilty rests with the team leader, not much can be achieved without an effective team. The team structure allows those who have strengths in a particular area to take more responsibility for that spirit - a good team, well led, creates loyalty in its members. Not wanting to let your team-mates down can be a powerful motivating force, as can the sense of pride in being part of a successful group. A little rivalry between the team members is also quite healthy as long as it doesn"t et out of hand. 3I think working in a team has some advantages:advantages1.sharing of ideas2.motivational - not wanting to let the team down. Shared targets and aims for the team to meet.3.Employees needs - employees have social needs, go to work not just for the money but for human contact with workmates etc. Employees can therefore be happier in a team.4. support eg more experienced members can help, mentor and develop the less experienced members.working individually also has many benefits:1. not all work is suited to working in a team - there are some one man tasks.2. Teams can cause conflicts eg personality clashes between members.3. The contribution of quieter members of the team can get crowded out by members with larger personalities. Some good ideas can get lost this way.4. Team mentality. Workers start to identify just with their own team and this harms relationships between different teams and departments and harms communication in the organisation.
2023-07-15 02:01:161


1.Individually owned 2.Type of housing:Sold at cost 3.Complete residential housing
2023-07-15 02:01:221


2023-07-15 02:01:303

下面这个句子中为什么用with which引导定语从句?

with wich 中 which 指前面的故事 the stories那从句意思就是: American grandparents of her day brought up children with the stories 她那个时代的美国 奶奶用这些 故事来抚养/教育 孩子长大...
2023-07-15 02:01:474


2023-07-15 02:01:552


2023-07-15 02:02:173


民营企业: 1. individually-run enterprises2. private enterprise3. vate enterprise 经营企业: operation of business我独自一人经营企业已力不从心;我必须找帮手。 I"ve gone past running the business on my own now; I must get help.国营企业: 1. nationalized industry2. public undertaking3. stateown enterprise4. state-owned industrial enterprises 现时去国营企业就职的想法对年青人没有多大吸引力。 The idea of working for state-owned enterprises has little attraction to young people nowadays.联营企业: 1. associated enterprise2. jointly-run business3. chains 自然人: 1. natural person2. natural man 社会人与自然人social man and natural man自然人行为能力的准据法applicable law for disposing capacity of natural persons自然人权利能力的准据法applicable law for capacity for rights of natural persons自然人;法人具有法律权利和义务的自然人和组织A human being or an organization with legal rights and duties.
2023-07-15 02:02:262


最简单、最基本的商业组织形式。An individually-own
2023-07-15 02:02:452


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2023-07-15 02:03:034


here are a few
2023-07-15 02:03:137

以working individually or working in a team为题写一篇英语作文

There are basically two ways to get work done.On one hand,working alone is the way which makes you do anything except bad things.You can be a kind of person who plans and deals with your own things,and you surely are pleased to be proud of your skills.Importantly,maybe you can be a talent man in your company,and even you own company in future.On the other hand,working together is also necessary because nobody is not perfect and it can make you get a lot of experience in order that you can get along well with your fellows.As we all know,two people working together achieve more than one person working alone ordinarily.Actually,what I need more is working together not working alone.
2023-07-15 02:03:441

单独去市区旅游 翻译英语

take a city/urban tour alone
2023-07-15 02:03:512


2023-07-15 02:03:593


I am a student in a middle school now.Everyone in my class has a dream,including me. My dream is to be a nurse because I think nurse is a great job . People call nuses "angles wearing white" and nurses may help doctors rescure people. What"s more being a nurse can be respected by many people. As a nurse, I can help the ill person and make them healthy. I think nurses are kind and helpful so I will be a good nurse in the future. From now on I must study hard. I do believe my dream will come true.
2023-07-15 02:04:262


You may be eligible for an employment-based, First-preference visa if you have an extraordinary ability, are an outstanding professor or researcher, or are a multinational executive or manager. Each occupational category has certain requirements that must be met。 如果您具有杰出才能/如果您是杰出的教授或者研究者/如果您是跨国高管或者经理,您可以申请美国职业一名第一优先.美国职业移民第一优先的各个类别分别对申请者有各自的要求:简单来说美国EB1移民分为3个类别:3Categories1.Extraordinary Ability :杰出才能Description:描述You must be able to demonstrate extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics through sustained national or international acclaim. Your achievements must be recognized in your field through extensive documentation. No offer of employment is required. 您必须能够显示您在科学/艺术/教育/商业或者/体育上面的特殊才能,主要通过国内或者国际的奖项.您在您领域所取得的成就必须通过大量的文件证明,不需要雇主函.Evidence:证据You must meet 3 of 10 criteria* below, or provide evidence of a one-time achievement (i.e., Pulitzer, Oscar, Olympic Medal)您必须满足如下条件的三个以上条件.或者提供一次奖励的证据(比如普利策/奥斯卡/奥林匹克奖,当然这些太高级了,其他知名的奖项也是可以的)移民范例:屠呦呦,姚明……等,如果刚刚获得奥斯卡的专业陪跑帝—小李子(莱昂纳多*迪卡普里奥)不是美国人,现在也可以凭借奥斯卡小金人的奖项移民美帝国。2.Outstanding professors and researchers:杰出教授和研究者Description:描述You must demonstrate international recognition for your outstanding achievements in a particular academic field. You must have at least 3 years experience in teaching or research in that academic area. You must be entering the United States in order to pursue tenure or tenure track teaching or comparable research position at a university or other institution of higher education.您必须出示您在某学术领域所取得的杰出成就被国际认可,您必须在该学术领域有三年以上的教学或者研究经验.您进入美国是为了在大学或者其他高等教育机构任职或者教育或者研究职位.Evidence:证据You must include documentation of at least two listed below** and an offer of employment from the prospective U.S. Employer.您必须满足如下条件中的两个以上以及潜在美国雇主的雇佣函。移民范例:如果有美国的企业愿意雇佣屠呦呦或者袁隆平之类的研究者科学家,也可以通过EB1-B实现移民美国。3.Multinational manager or executive:跨国经理或者高管Description:描述You must have been employed outside the United States in the 3 years preceding the petition for at least 1 year by a firm or corporation and you must be seeking to enter the United States to continue service to that firm or organization. Your employment must have been outside the United States in a managerial or executive capacity and with the same employer, an affiliate, or a subsidiary of the employer.在递交申请的前三年中必须在该公司任职一年以上,您进入美国后依然在该公司任职,您在海外公司/其分公司或者其子公司担任经理或者管理者.Evidence:证据Your petitioning employer must be a U.S. employer. Your employer must have been doing business for at least 1 year, as an affiliate, a subsidiary, or as the same corporation or other legal entity that employed you abroad.为您递交申请的雇主必须是美国雇主.您的雇主如子公司/分公司/母公司或者雇佣您的其他合法机构必须营业一年以上。移民范例:国内数得上名字的巨富或者企业家都可以以此种方式移民美国,只需要在美国成立一个新公司,雇佣自己就可以,当然此类移民项目也适合一些创业成功的人士。* Criteria for Demonstrating Extraordinary AbilityYou must meet 3 out of the 10 listed criteria below to prove extraordinary ability in your field:您必须满足如下10项标准中的3项及以上,才能证明您在您所在领域的杰出成就。&Evidence of receipt of lesser nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence因为杰出成就获得国内或者国际认可的奖励&Evidence of your membership in associations in the field which demand outstanding achievement of their members有杰出成就才能入会的协会员资格&Evidence of published material about you in professional or major trade publications or other major media专业或者主要出版物或者其他媒体关于你的报道&Evidence that you have been asked to judge the work of others, either individually or on a panel您被邀请以个人或者团队的身份评判他人的工作&Evidence of your original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or business-related contributions of major significance to the field您在科学/学术/艺术/体育或者商业的贡献对该领域产生了很大影响&Evidence of your authorship of scholarly articles in professional or major trade publications or other major media您所著的学术文章在专业或者主要的出版或者其他主要媒体中发布&Evidence that your work has been displayed at artistic exhibitions or showcases您的工作在艺术展览中展出&Evidence of your performance of a leading or critical role in distinguished organizations您在著名的组织中扮演者领导或者只管至关重要的角色&Evidence that you command a high salary or other significantly high remuneration in relation to others in the field比同领域的他人的工资或者酬劳高&Evidence of your commercial successes in the performing arts在表演艺术上取得的商业成就.** Examples of Documentary Evidence That A Person is an Outstanding Professor Or Researcher杰出教授或者研究者&Evidence of receipt of major prizes or awards for outstanding achievement因为杰出成就所获得的重大奖励或者嘉奖&Evidence of membership in associations that require their members to demonstrate outstanding achievement要求其成员展示杰出成就才能入会的会员资格&Evidence of published material in professional publications written by others about the alien"s work in the academic field他人在专业出版物上所写的关于申请人在学术领域成就的文章&Evidence of participation, either on a panel or individually, as a judge of the work of others in the same or allied academic field以个人或者团体参与评判本本学术领域或者相关学术领域其他人的工作&Evidence of original scientific or scholarly research contributions in the field原始的科学或者学术研究对业内的贡献&Evidence of authorship of scholarly books or articles (in scholarly journals with international circulation) in the field本领域学术书籍或者文章(在全世界范围发行)的作者身份。Application Process申请程序:Extraordinary Ability: You may petition for yourself by filing a Form I-140, Petition for Alien Worker。杰出才能:您可以自行递交I-140表格.Outstanding Professors and Researchers: Your employer must file a Form I-140, Petition for Alien Worker.杰出教授和研究者:您的雇主必须为您递交I-140表格。Multinational Manager or Executive: Your employer must file USCIS Form I-140, Petition for Alien Worker跨国经理或者高管:您的雇主必须向uscis递交I-140表格你可以多去看看一些文章跟帖子,例如财瑛出国,或美国eb3移民
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An officer responsible for anti-poverty project says, by the end of 2006, though most population below the poverty line will solve the adequate food and clothing, also there are some people with extremely poor life, they need government"s subsidy. In addition, to those people who have just shaken off poverty, they must be improving in present life state. And live because of their production the state is not changed fundamentally , if suffer attack of natural calamity , may get back to the original state . In addition, the present poverty line standard is very low, make all Chinese live a better life, long-term painstaking efforts will be essential . Give full play to the important function in promoting the economic growth , expanding employment and enlivening the market etc. of 1.individually-owned, private and other non-public economy. Relax the market access field of the domestic folk capital, take measures in such aspects as investment and financing , tax revenue , land utilization and foreign trade, realize fair play. Strengthen supervision and management in accordance with the law, promote non-public economy to develop in a healthy way. Improve the legal system of protecting the personal property .2.Give full play to the important function in promoting the economic growth , expanding employment and enlivening the market etc. of individually-owned, private and other non-public economy. Relax the market access field of the domestic folk capital, take measures in such aspects as investment and financing , tax revenue , land utilization and foreign trade, realize fair play. Strengthen supervision and management in accordance with the law, promote non-public economy to develop in a healthy way. Improve the legal system of protecting the personal property .
2023-07-15 02:05:091


:One possible version: Working Individually or Working in a Team There are basically two ways to get work done. One is to work individually. In this way, people can decide for themselves when to start work and how to do it. What"s more, they will be able to learn how to solve problems on their own.People may also choose to work in a team, where they can learn from each other and help each other. Besides, they may work out better ways to get work done by discussion.Personally, I prefer to work in a team, which offers me a chance to learn how to get along with others and to share my experiences with them. As the work can be divided among several people, it can be done efficiently. Teamwork is always important. 这篇作文是讨论不同的观点,主要讨论独立完成工作和合作完成工作各自的优点,并给出自己的观点,所以文章要分成三段,给出的要点很充分,所以跟翻译句子差不多。但千万不能只是翻译,需要用恰当的连词连接句子。还有自己的观点要有理有据,要有说服力。写作时,要有意识的写一些复杂句型:如范文中的:People may also choose to work in a team, where they can learn from each other and help each。这里有一个定语从句。还要注意文章的连贯。
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求批改托福作文 It is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts than it is for ...

第一段:qualify不常用,significance用法错误,或of more significance、more significant,absorbance用法ok 但老外不会用太大的词,看着比较奇怪。a。。。methods 语法错误,objectively 语法错误,which用法错误小结:需要重写,意思表达不明确,像是从中文直翻的。建议用最简单的句式清晰的表达出主题意思第二段:ankle是angle吧?第一句简化,例如可改为 learning facts could provide a better understanding to obsure concepts。Compare to abstract concepts whichtend to generalise a lot,facts are expressed in terms of explicit numbers and figures making them easier for us to comprenhendmode of thinking 是从中文的思考模式直翻的吧?从来没有外国人这么用过,offers the advantages of visualized pieces for brain to link complex concepts to ubiquitous daily facts这句话我看了三遍才懂,修改吧例子不错authentically understood 用法太诡异了,直接说never really understand会让人看着舒服多了第三段 surface of a real issue-中文”事物的表面“吧,真的别用中文的mode of thinking,这太metaphorical了,当一段的开头句会把人弄糊涂的。第三段需大改因为跟第二段太像,都是说idea 和concept需要facts来联系。总结:整篇文章没有特别令人深刻的观点,与你破题的方法有关。直接it is more important for us to know the concepts than to do a massive amount of practice立题应该更好。用一些哲学性的论点以托福的英文作文要求来说没必要,因为土生土长的老外在大学写的哲学论文都很难看懂更别提你的语法错误太多。建议直接写填鸭式教育(练习)对比国外散发式教育假设第一段:题型固定,如果换题型就有可能不会做,而直到concept就能想出来之类的二段:缺乏想象力之类的论点三段:论只知道concept的坏处,如要花大量的时间做联想总结:知道concept是必须的但一定的训练是必要的
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