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nobody is perfect歌词翻译

2023-07-15 10:17:38

nobody is perfect


Sometimes I"m in a jam


I"ve gotta make a plan


It might be crazy


I do it anyway


No way to know for sure


I"ll figure out a cure


I"m patchin" up the holes


But then it overflows


If I"m not doin" to well


Why be so hard on my self?


Nobody"s Perfect!


I gotta work it!


Again and again till I get it right


Nobody"s Perfect!


You live and you learn it!


And if I mess it up sometimes.


Nobody"s perfect.......


Sometimes I work a scheme


But then it flips on me


Dosen"t turn out how I planned


gets stuck in quick sand


No problem, can be solved


Once I get involved


I try to be delicate


Then crash right into it


But my intentions are good


{yeah yeah yeah}

Sometimes just mis-understood


Nobody"s Perfect!


I gotta work it!


Again and again till I get it right


Nobody"s Perfect!


You live and you learn it!


And if I mess it up sometimes.


Nobody"s perfect.......


Sometimes I fix things up


And they fall apart again.


Nobody"s perfect

I know I mix things up


But I always get it right in the end.


{you know I do}


Next time you feel like


its just one of those days


when you just can"t seem to win


If things don"t turn out the way you planned,




Don"t stay down! Try again!{yeah}


Everybody makes mistakes...


Everybody has those days...



Everybody makes mistakes...


Everybody has those days...


Everybody knows what what I"m talkin" "bout


Everybody get"s that way..




2023-07-15 01:35:114

广西旅游景点介绍英文 广西概况英文导游词

求一篇介绍广西景点和美食的英语作文Dongguan is one of the Guangdong Province Dongguan City,which known as"theworkshop of the world".Dongguan is the famous historical and cultural city in Guangdong povince,with many places of historic interest and scenic beauty.For example, one of the four famous gardens in Guangdong is KeYuan park.Dongguan has 1700 years of history and culture,is an important birthplace of South of the Five Ridges culture.Then Dongguan road traffic is very developed.We can visit everywhere by car.Dongguan Hong Kong and Macao compatriots overseas about 100 million people, about 30 million Overseas Chinese,is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese.Dongguan has beautiful scenery.There are a variety of animal and many good customs.Such as dragon boat racing .itchi Festival and so on.Dongguan is also very suitable for living.I"d like to welcome you to visit Dongguan.你广东改成广西广西旅游景点介绍[用5~6句英语]广西壮族自治区的峰林是发育完美的热带岩溶地貌的典型代表。它们平地拔起,气势超群,造形奇特。形态最典型、风景最秀美的是桂林、阳朔一带的石灰岩峰林,曾被明代旅行家徐霞客誉为“碧莲玉笋世界”。此外,在桂东北、桂中、桂东南、桂西等地也随处可见石灰岩峰林。 广西河流众多,清澈娟秀,在地域上多与奇峰相配,形成一派山环水绕,山水相依的秀丽景色。除举世闻名的漓江外,景色优美的还有融水的贝江、资源的资江、宜山的下枧河、大新的黑水河、崇左的左江、宁明的明江等。湖泊风景多以较大的湖泊或水面为主景,湖岸的山丘、原野和农家村舍、田园风光或城市风貌等为衬景而组成。如桂林的榕湖、杉湖,南宁的南湖,柳州的龙潭,贵港的东湖,陆川的龙珠湖等。此外,广西还有不少水质优良、水面宽阔、群山环抱、湖光山色十分秀美的水库,如灵川青狮潭、百色澄碧河、富川龟石、邕宁大王滩、合浦洪湖江、玉林寒山等水库。 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the peak forest development is the perfect tropical karst landforms typical. They flat out, Maria"s momentum, the peculiar form. The most typical form, the scenery is beautiful Guilin, Yangshuo in the vicinity of the limestone peaks, was traveling home Xu Ming Dynasty as "Yu-Sun Bilian world." In addition, in the north-eastern Guangxi, Guangxi, southeastern Guangxi, Guangxi and other places of the West also can be seen everywhere limestone peaks.Many rivers in Guangxi, clear Juanxiu in the region with more than match Qi, Hill formed one ring around the water, beautiful scenic landscape of dependency. In addition to world-famous Lijiang River, there are beautiful water into the bay Jiang, Jiang"s capital resources, Yishan of soap under the river, the Heishui He Daxin, Jiang left the Chongzuo, Ningming Ming Jiang, and so on. Scenic lake to make more use of the larger lakes or water-based King, Lake hills, fields and farm cottage, urban or rural scenery, and other features for the King and the composition of the liner. Guilin, such as the Ronghu, Sequoia Lake, Lake of Nanning, Liuzhou, the Longtan, Guigang of East Lake, Pearl Lake, and so on the Luchuan. In addition, there are a lot of good water quality in Guangxi, the broad surface of the water, mountains, Huguangshanse very beautiful reservoir, such as Lingchuan Qingshitan, Bose Chengbi River, Bucheon stone turtle, King yongning Beach, Lake Hepu Jiang, Yulin, such as Han Shan Reservoir.求桂林象鼻山和七星公园的英文介绍一、桂林七星公园景区In January 1998, Guilin Seven Star Park was under the management of Guilin Tourism Development Corporation. In 2004, "Guilin Seven Star Park" was renamed "Guilin Seven Star scenic spot".The management organization of the scenic spot is Guilin Seven Star scenic spot management office.Guilin seven star (rock) scenic spot is located on the East Bank of Lijiang River in the center of Guilin, covering an area of 137.4 hectares. It is named because the seven peaks are just like the Big Dipper seven stars hanging in the sky.It brings together Guilin"s "leisure (green mountains, beautiful waters, strange caves and beautiful rocks), romance and passion".It is the coordinate of Guilin"s cultural landscape, the scenic spot recommended by the world tourism organization, and the national key scenic spot The first batch of 4A scenic spots in China.翻译:1998年1月,桂林七星公园划归桂林旅游发展总公司管理,2004年“桂林七星公园”更名为“桂林七星景区”。景区的管理机构为桂林市七星景区管理处。桂林七星(岩)景区位于桂林市中心漓江东岸,占地137.4公顷,因七座山峰的分列恰如苍穹高悬的北斗七星而得名,汇聚了桂林的“休闲(山青、水秀、洞奇、石美)、浪漫、激情”,是桂林文化山水的坐标、世界旅游组织推荐景区、国家重点名胜风景区、中国首批4A级景区。二、象鼻山公园Xiangbi mountain park is located at the confluence of Lijiang River and Taohua River in the center of Guilin, Guangxi, covering an area of 11.88 hectares.The natural landscape and cultural landscape in the park complement each other, and mountains, water, caves, islands, pavilions, platforms, paths, cultural relics and historic sites complement each other into paintings, which are beautiful and fascinating.翻译象鼻山公园地处广西桂林市中心的漓江与桃花江汇流处,占地面积11.88公顷,园内自然山水与人文景观交相辉映,山、水、洞、岛、亭、台、坪、径、文物、古迹相映成画,美不胜收,令人心驰神往。中国广西著名旅游景点 famous tourist attractions in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China壮乡神宫伊岭岩凭祥友谊关南湖公园名树博览园广西博物馆靖西通灵大峡谷德天跨国大瀑布大兴明仕田园景区龙虎山景区巴马长寿村桂林的景点象鼻山,伏波山、叠彩山用英语怎么说?象鼻山英文简介Ludi Yan _噬接⑽募蚪_iecai Park _ㄉ接⑽募蚪_ubo Shan(Reed Flute Cave)Described as "Art Palace of Nature", the stalagmite and stone flowers of grotesque shapes in the caves create breathtaking spectacles which are really a feast for the eyes. Half way up the Brightness Hill, Reed Flute Cave is seven kilometers northwest of the center of Guilin. There used to be a special kind of reed growing outside of the cave which was an ideal material for making flute.叠彩山英文简介Diecai Park( Hill of Folded Brocade)It earned its name due to the fact that its fault layers look like pieces of piled brocades. Standing on the top of the hill, you will get a panoramic view of the city.伏波山英文简介Fubo Shan(Whirlpool Hill)桂林是世界著名的旅游城市、中国首批国家历史文化名城、中国优秀旅游城市,其境内的山水风光举世闻名,千百年来享有"桂林山水甲天下"的美誉。桂林地处广西壮族自治区东北部,是广西最大空港,桂东北地区的政治、经济、文化、交通中心,桂林北接湖南、贵州,西面、南面与柳州市相连,东面与贺州市毗邻,属山地丘陵地区,为典型的"喀斯特"岩溶地貌,遍布全市的石灰岩经亿万年的风化浸蚀,形成了千峰环立,一水抱城,洞奇石美的独特景观。桂林属亚热带气候,气候温和,雨量充沛,年平均降雨量为1900毫米,全年无霜期300天左右,年平均日照1550小时以上,平均温度19°C,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑。
2023-07-15 01:35:471


1、他们不能打倒我。唯一的方法就是干掉我!所有不能干掉我的就只会令我更加坚强。 They can"t beat me. The only way is to kill me! All can not kill me will only make me stronger. 2、我仍然热爱比赛,而且我也渴望出场。我强烈地感觉到自己仍然可以在高水平的比赛中竞争。 I still love the game, and I also want to play. I feel strongly that I can still compete at a high level of competition. 3、用心打球。你做到了每个人要求你做到的事。不管你是输赢,你应该为自己感到骄傲。 Play with heart. You did what everyone was asking you to do. Whether you are winning or losing, you should be proud of yourself. 4、只有我才是自己的终结者。 I"m the terminator. 5、假如没有他们的帮助,也就没有今天的艾弗森,他们是我最信任的人。 Without their help, there would be no today"s Iverson, they are my most trusted people. 6、我根本不是一个会憎恨妒忌的人。你有才能,那我就喜爱你。 I am not a man who would hate to be jealous. You got talent, I love you. 7、他们不可能打倒我,除非杀了我,而任何不能杀了我的就只会令我更坚强! They can"t beat me, unless I kill me, and anything that doesn"t kill me makes me stronger! 8、你可以不爱我,但你至少要怕我。 You can not love me, but you have to be afraid of me at least. 9、一切,和生命一样重要。我也说不清楚,只要在场上,我就会进入一种战斗状态。我希望每一场球都能获胜,我想做的只有赢球。 Everything is as important as life. I can"t say it clearly, as long as I"m on the pitch, I"ll be in a state of combat. I want to win every game and all I want to do is win. 10、我不知道一个真正的组织后卫的定义是什么,我只是想做一切能给我们带来胜利的事,哪怕别人说我自私。 I don"t know what a real point guard is, I just want to do everything we can to win, even if people say I"m selfish. 11、如果要我打替补,我宁愿选择退役。 If you want me to come on the bench, I"d rather choose to retire. 12、我想告诉大家的是,我的妈妈及我的朋友,他们都是很朴实的人,他们不会做伤害到别人的事。 I would like to tell you, my mother and my friends, they are very simple people, they will not do harm to other people"s things. 13、我的身高让教练只考虑让我打组织后卫,但我相信我的天分,我能得分,我能在任何人面前得分。 My height lets the coach only consider me to play the guard, but I believe my talent, I can score, I can score in front of anyone. 14、只有我才能让自己停下来。 Only I can stop myself. 15、我不知道成功的人是怎样的,但我知道要想成功就必须,自私。 I don"t know how successful people are, but I know that if you want to succeed, you have to be selfish. 16、我才他妈不管全明星是否就是一个搔首弄姿的秀场,但踏上任何比赛的地板之前,我,艾弗森只有一个目的,那就是取胜,这世界上没有什么比在失败中度过一个夜晚更糟糕的了。 I"m fucking All-Star regardless of whether it was a giggle and flirt show, before, but on any game I floor, Iverson only one purpose, that is to win, this world is not what is in the failure to spend a night in the worse. 17、生活就是生活,你会遇到很多事情。曾经我总是紧皱着眉头想改变一切,不过现在我更愿意微笑,或许多一点调侃。你也许会清楚生活的味道。 Life is a life, you"ll meet a lot of things. Once I always frown to change everything, but now I Pfer to smile, perhaps a little more fun. You may know the taste of life. 18、我们总是在谈论训练、训练、训练,而却从不谈及任何有关比赛的事情,我的意思是:这是个多么愚蠢的做法啊! We always talk about training, training, and training, but never talk about anything about the game. I mean, what a stupid thing to do! 19、我将每一场比赛都视为自己职业生涯的最后一场比赛。 I see every game as the last game of my career. 20、这就是我的人生,谁也不要期望我怎么活。 This is my life, no one would expect me to live. 21、我不清楚一名真正的控球后卫到底是什么样的,我只知道要尽自己的一切可能帮助球队获得胜利,哪怕这意味着我被别人贴上自私的标签。 I don"t know exactly what a real point guard is, I just know I want to do everything possible to help the team win, even if it means that I was labeled as selfish. 22、我并不是一个纯粹的嫉恨者,如果你是一名天才,那么我也会非常喜欢你的。 I am not a pure jealousy, if you are a genius, then I will love you very much. 23、假如没有他们的帮助,也就没有今天的阿伦。艾弗森。他们是我最信任的人。我坚信,即使哪一天我死去了,他们也会照顾好我的家人,因为他们永远是我最坚强的后盾。 Without their help, there would be no Allen today. Iverson. They are the people I trust the most. I firmly believe that, even if one day I die, they will take good care of my family, because they will always be my strongest backing. 24、无论如何都不要放弃,总要相信你的梦想可以实现,并且努力的为它奋斗。 Do not give up, always believe that your dream can be realized, and strive for it. 25、昨夜如果你不小心路过,你也许能看到离别的宴会正在举行。那里正在演奏华丽的挽歌。如果可以,在我的葬礼上,请用你们在赛场上的欢呼声来做安魂曲。 这是世界上最动听最美丽的音乐。 Last night if you were not careful, you might see the departure of the party is being held. There are playing beautiful elegy. If you can, in my funeral, please use your cheers on the court to do requiem. This is the most beautiful music in the world. 26、成为全明星是重中之重。 Being the all star is the most important. 27、我不用尊重和害怕任何人。 I do not have to respect and fear anyone. 28、我一直梦想着这样的场景,而现实似乎比我想象的还要好。一切都是那么的完美,只是有一件事情不尽如人意,那就是我们队没能赢下比赛。不过在远离家乡后,我终于经历了一次完美的旅行,并重新回到了家中。 I have always dreamed of such a scene, and the reality seems better than I imagined. Everything is so perfect, but there is one thing is not satisfactory, and that is our team did not win the game. But away from home, I finally experienced a perfect trip, and returned to the home. 29、他们都是我最好的朋友,当我坐牢时,只有他们来探望我,而那些装作和我很熟的人呢?就会写那些狗屁文章,我根本就不熟悉他们! They are my best friend, when I was in jail, they only come to visit me, and those who Ptend and I"m familiar person? Will write those shit article, I don"t know them! 30、有多少人爱艾弗森,就有多少人恨艾弗森,但重要的是那些关心你的人。 How many people Ai Everson, there are many people hate Iverson, but the important thing is that those who care about you. 31、你可以是世界级别的全才,但是如果你不用心,那么我就不需要你来篮球场。 You can be the talent in the world, but if you do not mind, so I don"t need you to basketball. 32、别像个孬种似的愁眉苦脸,甭管你被打倒了多少次,拍拍身上的尘土,再笑着站起来吧,再笑着投入战斗。在球场上我不需要尊敬任何人。我发誓我从未疲倦过。也许有天我会停下脚步休息,那一天就是生命终结的那一刻。 Don"t be such a coward like sad, no matter how many times you get knocked down, patted the dust, then smiled and stood up, and then smiled into battle. I don"t need to respect anyone on the pitch. I swear I"ve never been tired. Maybe one day I will stop and rest, that day is the end of the life of the moment. 33、生活就是生活,你会遇到很多事情。曾经我总是紧皱着眉头想改变一切,不过现在我更愿意微笑,或者多一点调侃。 Life is a life, you"ll meet a lot of things. Once I always frown to change everything, but now I Pfer to smile, or a little more fun. 34、他们都不能战胜我,他们唯一战胜我的方法就是把我杀了,一旦没能把我干掉,那么这件事情将能够使我变得更强。 They can"t beat me, their only way to beat me is to kill me, and if they don"t kill me, it will make me stronger. 35、一件事,那就是永远的支持。 One thing, and that"s forever. 36、你总是表现出比别人更强烈的对胜利的渴望,胜利对于你来讲意味着什么? You always show a strong desire to win, and what does it mean to you? 37、我也把每一场比赛当作是自己的第一场此赛,那会给我很多新鲜的感觉。他们不可能打倒我,除非杀了我,而任何不能杀了我的,只会令我更坚强! I also take every game as their first match, it will give me a lot of fresh feeling. They can"t beat me unless I kill me, and anything that can"t kill me makes me stronger! 38、任何时候我说一些事情总会引起反驳的声音,这不正是你们媒体所愿意看到的事情吗?你们从来不会说有关我的积极的事情,比如你们不会说艾弗森做了一件和慈善有关的事情。你们只会将我置于风口浪尖之上。 Any time I said something caused refute voice, this is not what the media you want to see things? You never say positive things about me, if you don"t say Iverson did a charity and related things. You will be placed in the teeth of the storm I. 39、只有勇者才能在这个联盟里生存下去。 Only the brave can survive in this league. 40、没有水电,没有事物,这些我都能忍受,但我不能接受莫须有的罪名,我不会就此罢休的。我看到了生活的阴暗面,我不以为耻,这告诉我要抓住机会,很多东西稍纵即逝。我开始懂得任何时候都要相信自己,要和命运抗争。 No water, no food, I can endure, but I can"t accept unwarranted charges, I won"t give up. I see the dark side of life, it told me to I not to think it as shameful, seize the opportunity, a lot of things transient. I began to know at any time to believe in myself, to fight against the fate. 41、我以为我是球场上跑得最快的人,但是我却跑不过时间。 I thought I was the fastest man on the pitch, but I couldn"t run time. 42、我爱他们,因为他们爱我。 I love them because they love me. 43、也许有天我会停下脚步休息,在一曲华丽的挽歌声中,躺在我的墓碑下,那将会成为全世界篮球迷心中的一座丰碑。 Maybe one day I will stop and rest, in a gorgeous elegy sound, lying on my tombstone, it will become a monument to the hearts of the basketball fans around the world.
2023-07-15 01:35:571


Eminem-《Stan》 副歌:Dido Mytea"sgonecoldI"mwonderingwhyI.. 我的茶凉了,为什么…… gotoutofbedatall 我的心情总是不好。 Themorningraincloudsupmywindow.. 清晨的雨遮住了我的窗 andIcan"tseeatall 看见的都是灰色。 AndevenifIcouldit"llallbegrey, 但在墙上却有你的照片, putyourpictureonmywall 但在墙上却有你的照片, Itremindsme,thatit"snotsobad, 它提醒我,还不算坏, it"snotsobad.. 还不算坏…… Stan: DearSlim,Iwrotebutyoustillain"tcallin 亲爱的Slim,我写信给你,但你仍未答复。 Ileftmycell,mypager,andmyhomephoneatthebottom 我把我的地址、姓名和电话都留在了信末, Isenttwolettersbackinautumn,youmustnot-agot"em 秋天里发了两封信,你肯定是没有受到。 Thereprobablywasaproblematthepostofficeorsomething 可能是邮局或是什么地方搞错了。 SometimesIscribbleaddressestoosloppywhenIjot"em 有时我总是把地址写得很潦草。 butanyways;fuckit,what"sbeenup?Manhow"syourdaughter? 但又能怎样呢?去它的吧!你的女儿好吗? Mygirlfriend"spregnanttoo,I"mbouttobeafather 我的女朋友也怀孕了,我就要作爸爸了。 IfIhaveadaughter,guesswhatI"macallher? 如果是女孩,你猜我会叫她什么? I"manameherBonnieIreadaboutyourUncleRonnietooI"msorry 我会给她起名叫Bonnie我也读到了你的Ronnie叔叔的事儿,很难过。 Ihadafriendkillhimselfoversomebitchwhodidn"twanthim 我有个朋友为了甩了他的*子而轻生, Iknowyouprobablyhearthiseveryday,butI"myourbiggestfan 我知道你也许每天都听到这个,可我是你的超级歌迷 evengottheundergroundshitthatyoudidwithSkam 我甚至有你和Scam一起做的地下音乐。 Igotaroomfullofyourpostersandyourpicturesman 我的房间里贴满了你的海报和照片。 IliketheshityoudidwithRawkustoo,thatshitwasfat 我也喜欢你和Ruckus的歌,那很棒。 Anyways,Ihopeyougetthisman,hitmeback, justtochat,trulyyours,yourbiggestfan ThisisStan stan: DearSlim,youstillain"tcalledorwrote, 亲爱的Slim,你仍旧没有回信,希望你能抓住计划 IhopeyouhaveachanceIain"tmad 我还没疯, Ijustthinkit"sFUCKEDUPyoudon"tanswerfans 我只是认为你TMD不屑于回信给歌迷。 Ifyoudidn"twannatalktomeoutsideyourconcert 如果你不想在剧场外理我, youdidn"thaveto,butyoucouldasignedanautographforMatthew 你就可以不理,但至少应该为Matthew签个名。 That"smylittlebrotherman,he"sonlysixyearsold 那是我的小弟弟,只有六岁 Wewaitedintheblisteringcoldforyou, 我们在该死的寒风中里等你, fourhoursandyoujustsaid,"No."That"sprettyshittyman 等了四个小时,可你只是说了个“不” you"relikehisfuckinidolHewantstobejustlikeyouman, 那个小家伙可是把你当成了他的偶像 helikesyoumorethanIdoIain"tthatmadthough, 他要成为像你那样的人,他比我更喜欢你 Ijustdon"tlikebeinliedtoRememberwhenwemetinDenver 我还没疯,只是不喜欢被欺骗。 yousaidifI"dwriteyou,youwouldwriteback 记得我们在丹佛的相遇吗?你说如果我写信,你会回信的 seeI"mjustlikeyouinawayIneverknewmyfatherneither 看在我们有相同的境遇的份儿上。我也不知道谁是我爸, heusedtoalwayscheatonmymomandbeather 他总是欺骗妈妈还打她 Icanrelatetowhatyou"resayinginyoursongssowhenIhaveashittyday, 我能在你的歌里看到自己。所以在那些心情沮丧的日子里, Idriftawayandput"emon 就好听你的歌。 causeIdon"treallygotshitelsesothatshithelpswhenI"mdepressed 只有你的歌能帮我。 Ievengotatattooofyournameacrossthechest 我甚至咋胸前纹上你的名字 SometimesIevencutmyselftoseehowmuchitbleeds 有时我也会割开手腕看它能流多少血。 It"slikeadrenaline,thepainissuchasuddenrushforme 如同肾上腺素一般,那些痛楚向我袭来。 Seeeverythingyousayisreal,andIrespectyoucauseyoutellit 我尊敬你,因为你说的一切都是事实。 Mygirlfriend"sjealouscauseItalkaboutyou24/7 我女友开始嫉妒,因为我每天谈论的只有你 Butshedon"tknowyoulikeIknowyouSlim,noonedoes 但她并不像我如此的了解你,没人能 [03:02.50]Shedon"tknowwhatitwaslikeforpeoplelikeusgrowinup 她不会了解有着我们这样经历的人的。 Yougottacallmeman,I"llbethebiggestfanyou"lleverlose 记得回信,你将会永远失去我这样的超级歌迷的。 Sincerelyyours,Stan 你真诚的,Stan P.S.Weshouldbetogethertoo 此外我们也将会在一起的 stan: DearMister-I"m-Too-Good-To-Call-Or-Write-My-Fans, 亲爱的从不回信的先生。 this"llbethelastpackageIeversendyourass 这将是我寄给你最后的邮件了。 it"sbeensixmonthsandstillnoword-Idon"tdeserveit? 六个月了,从没有回信——这不是我应得的。 Iknowyougotmylasttwoletters; 我知道你受到了最近的两封信; Iwrotetheaddresseson"emperfect 我在上面清清楚楚的写上了地址。 SothisismycassetteI"msendingyou,Ihopeyouhearit 这回是我要寄给你的磁带,我希望你能听到 I"minthecarrightnow,I"mdoing90onthefreeway 我在车上,在高速路上开90 HeySlim,Idrankafifthofvodka,youdaremetodrive? 嘿,slim,我喝了第15个伏特加,你说我还能开吗? YouknowthesongbyPhilCollins,"IntheAiroftheNight" 你知道PhilCollins那首关于救一个落 aboutthatguywhocouldasavedthatotherguyfromdrowning 水者的歌“IntheAiroftheNight”吗 butdidn"t,thenPhilsawitall,thenataashowhefoundhim? 但他没有得救 That"skindahowthisis,youcouldarescuedmefromdrowning 那情形就和现在一样,你本可以阻止我溺水的。 Nowit"stoolate-I"mona1000downersnow,I"mdrowsy 但现在一切都晚了,我吃了1000片镇定药 andallIwantedwasalousyletteroracall 眼睛睁不开了,我想要的只不过是个该死的回信。 IhopeyouknowIripped+ALL+ofyourpicturesoffthewall 我希望您能知道我把你的照片从墙上都撕了下来。 IloveyouSlim,wecouldabeentogether,thinkaboutit 我爱你slim。我们本应该在一起的,想想吧 Youruineditnow,Ihopeyoucan"tsleepandyoudreamaboutit 现在你把一切都毁了,我想你不会睡着的,一定会梦到这一切。 AndwhenyoudreamIhopeyoucan"tsleepandyouSCREAMaboutit 当你梦到时,定会惊叫的 IhopeyourconscienceEATSATYOUandyoucan"tBREATHEwithoutmeSeeSlim 我希望你会受到良心的谴责,没有我,你不能呼吸 Shutupbitch!I"mtryintotalk! 看看吧,slim[尖叫声]*子,闭嘴!我正在说话 HeySlim,that"smygirlfriendscreamininthetrunk 嘿,slim,那是我的女友在后备箱中尖叫。 butIdidn"tslitherthroat,Ijusttiedherup, 但我不会割开她的喉咙,我只是绑住她。 seeIain"tlikeyoucauseifshesuffocatesshe"llsuffermore,andthenshe"lldietoo 我不像你。因为窒息而死会让她更痛苦。 Well,gottago,I"malmostatthebridgenow 好了,该走了,我已经到桥上了, Ohshit,Iforgot,how"mIsupposedtosendthisshitout? 噢,见鬼,我怎么才能把磁带寄出去呢? {*cartiressqueal*}{*CRASH*}..{*briefsilence*}..{*LOUDsplash*} [车轮摩擦的声音][碰撞声][短暂的安静][溅起巨大的水花声] stan: DearStan,ImeanttowriteyousoonerbutIjustbeenbusy 亲爱的Stan,我本打算尽快回信给你,但最近太忙了。 Yousaidyourgirlfriend"spregnantnow,howfaralongisshe? 你说你的女朋友怀孕了,多长时间了。 Look,I"mreallyflatteredyouwouldcallyourdaughterthat 你能给你女儿起那个名字,我真的感到十分高兴。 andhere"sanautographforyourbrother, 这里有给你弟弟的签名, IwroteitontheStartercap 我写在了信的一开始 I"msorryIdidn"tseeyouattheshow,Imustamissedyou 很抱歉在演唱会上没能见到你,我肯定时错过了 Don"tthinkIdidthatshitintentionallyjusttodissyou 不要认为我写那些歌是故意让你难过的 Butwhat"sthisshityousaidaboutyouliketocutyourwriststoo? 可你却说你也喜欢割腕 Isaythatshitjustclownindogg, 我唱那些只是说着玩的。 c"mon-howfuckedupisyou? 嘿,你还好吗? YougotsomeissuesStan,Ithinkyouneedsomecounseling 你有些小麻烦Stan, tohelpyourassfrombouncingoffthewallswhenyougetdownsome 我想你需要些建议来帮帮你了。 Andwhat"sthisshitaboutusmeanttobetogether? 你说我们将会在一起是什么意思? Thattypeofshit"llmakemenotwantustomeeteachother 这种话让我不想和你见面 Ireallythinkyouandyourgirlfriendneedeachother 我想你和你的女友确实是相互需要的 ormaybeyoujustneedtotreatherbetter 也许你应该对她好一些 Ihopeyougettoreadthisletter,Ijusthopeitreachesyouintimebeforeyouhurtyourself, 希望你能读到这封信,但愿它能赶在你伤害自己前寄到。
2023-07-15 01:36:051

赵大格 我在人民广场吃炸鸡 英文部分是什么歌

all about that bassAll About That Bass-Meghan Trainor - QQ音乐 - 听我想听的歌!
2023-07-15 01:36:155


Listen To Your Heart , 歌手:Dht Feat Edimee
2023-07-15 01:36:512

国外网友怎么评价lol edg

2023-07-15 01:36:582

忧伤说唱歌词.如题 谢谢了

歌词加翻译 Yo Ang how you doing ?damn its been a minute/ Hey. 我的小天使你怎么样了?天呐,都有好长时间了。。 Its been years since you left but I still dont get it/ 你离开已经几年了,但我还是搞不懂发生了什么。。 sometimes I wonder, how things would be like/ 有时候我忍不住猜想,如果当时怎样怎样现在该是什么样子呢??? if you were still in my presence, yo feeling my essence/ 如果你仍然在我的身边,那么感受真实的我吧。。。 Wish I coulda persuade you stay that day you went away/ 你离开丢下我的那天,真的希望我能把你留下。。。 and left your kiddo, cause when the dude from the news/ 因为报馆的一个朋友 brought clues of you, my tears found its way to soak/ 带来了你的一点消息,我的眼泪顿时绝了堤。 and upset my pillow/ 并且整夜辗转反侧。。 shit your boy is grown now, I found out what love is/ 靠。你眼中的小男孩已经成熟,我已经彻底的理解了爱的含义!! met bitches on the way you wouldnt want me to with/ 当我在路上遇到婊子的时候,我知道你绝不会让我去的。。 T-T I did graffitti to B-Boys to tip top events/ 我涂鸦,我街舞,不去管人们在流行什么。 Open mics to concerts to hip hop events/ 打开我的麦克风,开我的hiphop演唱会。 anyways how you doing could you shed some light Ang/ 话说回来你到底怎么样了?能给我透露一点点吗我的天使,求你了。 Is heaven lace with gold roads and God a white man/ 天堂周围是不是金黄色的大道,上帝是白人吗? Hows your hair girl? How them clothes fit cha?/ 你现在是什么发型,丫头?那边的衣服合身吗? and if you got MSN, could you send me a picture/ 如果你用MSN,可以寄我一张照片吗? Spoke with your sis the other day she probably told you about it/ 那天和你的姐妹说说话,她也可能告诉你了 she said yall was close so i wouldnt even doubt it/ 他说我差点就成功了,于是我都没想过怀疑这点 got a few questions but it might not end here/ 另外还有一些,本不该到现在才结束的疑问。。 do you still have my back like when you was my friend here/ 你还保留着比如我们成为恋人之前的那些回忆吗? I heard that where you stay imperfection is perfected/ 我听说你待的地方现在越来越好了 and that he had the power to cure the infected/ 那么这个男人总算有了余力舔舐他的伤口 I heard it through the body but my mind don"t respect it/ 她说的那些我听了,但是当时心里已经不觉得那多重要了 so when you get a chance could you double check it/ 所以如果有机会,你能向我确认下她说的是事实吗? and if it"s true then have him make me taller 如果那是真的,那么拥有这种成就我也会活的勇气一点 and /take the scars off my face, I wouldn"t want him to neglect it/ 并且除去脸上的伤疤,我不再让自己忽略这个疑问 I"m asking too much, I should leave it where it ought to be/ 我问的太多了,我本该把这些疑问压在它该待的地方 but my mind"s infected, i"m curse with curiosity/ 只是我的脑袋秀逗了,不停的追问自己,这让我痛苦不已 never studies for life, crammed it at the last minute/ 从没学着如何去生活,最近才囫囵吞枣的紧张这个问题 but i hope to pass the course and leave the past vivid/ 不过我希望能通过现在的课程,并且把过去清清楚楚的一幕幕忘掉 but I don"t my share of bads I don"t know if I can make it/ 不过我不能完全保证我能做到因为我身上的种种缺点 Apologies if i don"t and I hope that you would take it/ 如果我没做到,我向你道歉,希望你能接受我的道歉。。。。求采纳
2023-07-15 01:37:051

一首挺火的英文歌,经常是街舞爵士舞的背景音,女的经常唱baby im perfect,节奏挺快的。

worth it,fifth harmony的歌
2023-07-15 01:37:132

I got a F and a C ,and I got a K,too.And the only thing thats missing is a bitch like U

SAME HERE.HAPPY WEEKEND.======================================出自Saint(s),Marilyn Manson的歌曲。其实就是个单词F U C K原句里语法上F前应该是an。-------------------------------------I don"t care if your world is ending todaybecause I wasn"t invited to it anyway.You said I tasted famous so I drew you a heart,but now I"m not an artist; I"m a fucking work of art.I got an F and a Cand I got a K too.And the only thing that"s missingis a bitch like you.You wanted perfect; you got your perfect.Now I"m too perfect for someone like you.I was a dandy in your gutter with a snow white smile.But you"ll never be as perfect whatever you do.What"s my name? What"s my name?Ah-ah. Ah-ah.Hold the S becauseI am an saint.What"s my name? What"s my name?Ah-ah. Ah-ah.Hold the S becauseI am an saint.Ah-ah. Ah-ah.Ah-ah. Ah-ah.I am bone top a deathset on a mop stick.You infected me to die as I took all your shit.You"ll sell by date ex-puzzle; you had to be sold.I"m a suffer-genius have-ever sex ember.You wanted perfect; you got your perfect.Now I"m too perfect for someone like you.I was a dandy in your gutter with a snow white smile.But you"ll never be as perfect whatever you do.What"s my name? What"s my name?Ah-ah. Ah-ah.Hold the S becauseI am an saint.What"s my name? What"s my name?Ah-ah. Ah-ah.Hold the S becauseI am an saint.Ah-ah. Ah-ah.Ah-ah. Ah-ah.I got an F and a Cand I got a K too.And the only thing that"s missing is you.I got an F and a Cand I got a K too.And the only thing that"s missingis a bitch like you.I got an F and a Cand I got a K too.And the only thing that"s missingis a bitch like you.I am a the penny in the gutterwith the snow white smile.Super ego-bitch I"ve been here for a while.I am a dandy in the gutterwith the snow white smile.Super ego-bitch I"ve been here for a while.What"s my name? What"s my name?Ah-ah. Ah-ah.Hold the S becauseI am an saint.What"s my name? What"s my name?Ah-ah. Ah-ah.Hold the S becauseI am an saint.What"s my name? What"s my name?Ah-ah. Ah-ah.Hold the S becauseI am an saint.What"s my name? What"s my name?Ah-ah. Ah-ah.Hold the S becauseI am an saint.
2023-07-15 01:37:211

一首英文歌一段又no trouble,no trouble的,很有夏威夷风范的一首歌,一男一女的唱

No More Trouble是么
2023-07-15 01:37:313

急求一首英文舞曲 女生唱的 歌曲前半段都是女生rap 高潮是女生开始唱的 高潮旋律是622124

Hot Spot - modana & Carlpritclub This is like a hot spotCome on DJ drop thatWe party on an airplane high in the skySo everybody come to CaliforniaWe"re gonna have the perfect time of our livesNa na na na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na na naYeah I"m goind all around the worldWith the girl so fly like them do this takeDid I just say that JoeCause the way that I mix some magicEvery time I rap this shit is amazingI got a girl everywhere in the world tonight...enough cause I"ve got the party blazin"I"m the club crasher, master blasterParty starter, ain"t no party fasterSee ain"t nobody... when I do my shitParty people y"all call me prickI"m the love doctor, club rockerHot spotter, hot spot ...I"m your man, party like, yes we canThis club is like a hot spotCome on DJ drop thatWe party on an airplane high in the skySo everybody come to CaliforniaWe"re gonna have the perfect time of our livesNa na na na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na na nayour body Get to the floor and hold your drinks upEverybody take a shot, so the party don"t stopDid you hear me, did you hear what I sayWe only got one night, let"s do it this way3 a.m. and the people goin" crazynow I"m feeling kinda dizzyLet me know if you"re herePut your motherfucking drinks in the airThis club is like a hot spotCome on DJ drop thatWe party on an airplane high in the skySo everybody come to CaliforniaWe"re gonna have the perfect time of our livesNa na na na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na na na
2023-07-15 01:37:441


广西壮族自治区的峰林是发育完美的热带岩溶地貌的典型代表。它们平地拔起,气势超群,造形奇特。形态最典型、风景最秀美的是桂林、阳朔一带的石灰岩峰林,曾被明代旅行家徐霞客誉为“碧莲玉笋世界”。此外,在桂东北、桂中、桂东南、桂西等地也随处可见石灰岩峰林。 广西河流众多,清澈娟秀,在地域上多与奇峰相配,形成一派山环水绕,山水相依的秀丽景色。除举世闻名的漓江外,景色优美的还有融水的贝江、资源的资江、宜山的下枧河、大新的黑水河、崇左的左江、宁明的明江等。湖泊风景多以较大的湖泊或水面为主景,湖岸的山丘、原野和农家村舍、田园风光或城市风貌等为衬景而组成。如桂林的榕湖、杉湖,南宁的南湖,柳州的龙潭,贵港的东湖,陆川的龙珠湖等。此外,广西还有不少水质优良、水面宽阔、群山环抱、湖光山色十分秀美的水库,如灵川青狮潭、百色澄碧河、富川龟石、邕宁大王滩、合浦洪湖江、玉林寒山等水库。 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the peak forest development is the perfect tropical karst landforms typical. They flat out, Maria"s momentum, the peculiar form. The most typical form, the scenery is beautiful Guilin, Yangshuo in the vicinity of the limestone peaks, was traveling home Xu Ming Dynasty as "Yu-Sun Bilian world." In addition, in the north-eastern Guangxi, Guangxi, southeastern Guangxi, Guangxi and other places of the West also can be seen everywhere limestone peaks.Many rivers in Guangxi, clear Juanxiu in the region with more than match Qi, Hill formed one ring around the water, beautiful scenic landscape of dependency. In addition to world-famous Lijiang River, there are beautiful water into the bay Jiang, Jiang"s capital resources, Yishan of soap under the river, the Heishui He Daxin, Jiang left the Chongzuo, Ningming Ming Jiang, and so on. Scenic lake to make more use of the larger lakes or water-based King, Lake hills, fields and farm cottage, urban or rural scenery, and other features for the King and the composition of the liner. Guilin, such as the Ronghu, Sequoia Lake, Lake of Nanning, Liuzhou, the Longtan, Guigang of East Lake, Pearl Lake, and so on the Luchuan. In addition, there are a lot of good water quality in Guangxi, the broad surface of the water, mountains, Huguangshanse very beautiful reservoir, such as Lingchuan Qingshitan, Bose Chengbi River, Bucheon stone turtle, King yongning Beach, Lake Hepu Jiang, Yulin, such as Han Shan Reservoir.
2023-07-15 01:37:521

2023-07-15 01:38:533

列举些类似My Goodness! 我的天啊!的句子

这样句子好多简单列举几个My! 啊呀!Oh, My!My God!My Lord!My Goodness! 我的天啊!Boy! 好家伙!Oh, boy! Oh, dear. 啊呀!Oh, No! 啊,糟糕!Shoot! 该死!Oh,damn! 哦,该死!Damn it! Gee! 咦!Incredible! 不可思议!Terrific! 太棒了!Unbelievable! 令人难以相信!Impossible! 不可思议!Ouch! 哎呀!
2023-07-15 01:39:045

韩歌中有一句歌词 just you my like的歌名叫什么

My Life - 50 Cent&Eminem&Adam Levine (That"s what I think he said...) (这是我觉得他说的...) My yeah~ My life, my life 我的耶~我的宿命 我的宿命 Makes me wanna run away 让我不断的想逃脱这里 There"s no place to go, no place to go 但却无处可逃无处藏身 All the confusion, it"s an illusion 所有的困惑是一场错觉 Like a movie, got nowhere to go 编制的电影毫无藏身之处 Nowhere to run and hide, 让我无处可躲 No matter how hard I try 不管我怎样努力的尝试 Yeah, "03 I went from quite filthy to filthy rich 没错 从03年 我清理肮脏的历史 开始向成功靠近 Man their emotions change 人心总是在不断的改变 so I can never trust a bitch 这也是我为什么从不信任所有人 I tried to help niggas get on, 我曾试着帮助哥们儿在游戏中站住脚 they turned around and spit 他们却转过头恶言中伤 Right in my face, so Game and Buck, 就在我的面前,所以Game和Buck both can suck a dick 现在都可以给我闭嘴 Now when you hear "em it may 或许早已不是当时的感觉 sound like it"s some other shit 再去听听他们的歌吧 Cause I"m not writing anymore, 因为我已经不再帮他们操刀 they not making hits 他们再也无法推出金曲 I"m far from perfect, 我离完美还差的太远 there"s so many lessons I done learned 但是却一直没有停歇学习的脚步 If money"s evil look at all the evil I done earned 如果金钱是恶魔 看看我到底赚了多少的"鬼魅" I"m doing what I"m supposed to 我现在只是去完成我本该做的事 I"m a writer, I"m a fighter, entrepreneur 扮演好 作词人和 勇士的身份一个刚刚从贫民窟 Fresh out the sewer, watch me maneuver, 出来的企业家 看看我是怎么运筹帷幄 what"s it to you? 但对于你们来说 The track I lace it, it"s better than basic 我谱写的音乐又是什么 至少比大多数的歌手要强太多 This is my recovery, my comeback kid 这是我的复苏 我回来了 My life, my life 我的宿命 我的宿命 Makes me wanna run away 让我不断的想逃脱这里 There"s no place to go, no place to go 但却无处可逃无处藏身 All the confusion, 所有的困惑 It"s an illusion 是一场错觉 Like a movie, got nowhere to go 编制的电影毫无藏身之处 Nowhere to run and hide, 让我无处可躲 No matter how hard I try 不管我怎样努力的尝试 While you were sipping your own 当你还在喝着你的Kool-Aid kool-aid getting your buzz heavy 醉态迷离的时候 I was in the fucking shed sharpening my machete 我却仍在录音室打磨这着我的"嘻哈弯刀" Sipping on some of that revenge juice, 间歇的时候抿一口"复仇"的果汁 getting my taste buds ready 让我的味蕾得到充分的刺激 To whoop down this spaghetti, 接下来我要好好"收拾"这些意面 or should I say this spa-get-even? 或者我该叫它"复仇拉面"更加贴切 I think you fucking meatballs keep on just forgetting 看来你们这些蠢蛋和肉丸特别擅长遗忘事实 Thought he was finished, motherfucker, 觉得我已经江郎才尽 傻瓜们给我听好 it"s only the beginning 这只是刚刚开始 He"s buggin" again, he"s straight thuggin", 我将再次重振江湖, fuck who he"s offending 最直接的凶残 肆虐所有前来挑衅的人 He"ll rip your vocal chords out 从喉咙扯出你的声带 and have them bitches plugged in the 然后把他们塞进 Motherfucking wall with 3000 volts of electricity 高压3000瓦特的电流墙 Now take the other end of "em then plug them, 然后把另一头声带也扯下来 motherfuckers in each 然后塞进 One of your eye sockets cause 你每个人的的眼窝里 I thought you might finally fucking see 或许你才能看清楚真相 That"ll teach you to go voicing 这将教会你们这些混蛋 your cocksuckin" opinion to me 如何管好你们的嘴巴 以免妄加评断 I done put my blood, my sweat and my tears in this shit 我已经投入了太多的鲜血 汗水和泪水 渗透进这个音乐 Fuck letting up, you"re gonna end up 我永远不会的松懈自己 那些曾经打赌说我将会失败的人 regretting you ever betted against me 最终将会后悔莫及 Feels like I"mma snap any minute, 现在的我好像又干劲十足 yeah, it"s happening again yeah, 这种感觉的又的回来了 I"m thinking about the same 我成天总想着一件事 Motherfuck everybody that"s up in this bitch, but 50! 如何的肆虐这场游戏中的每个人 除了50cent! Cause this is all I know, this is why so hard I go 因为这就是我现在清楚的 也是我为什么韵脚变得这么强烈 I swear to God I put my heart 我向上天发誓 我对音乐的投入 and soul into this more than anybody knows 超过你们熟知的其他任何人 I"m trapped, so all I do is rap, 我又陷入了深深的迷障 我所做的只有音乐 but every time I rap I"m more trapped 但是每次音乐却又让我越陷越深 And I rap myself right into this bubble, 自己仿佛是所在泡沫中的困兽 oh oh, I guess it"s bubble wrap oh oh, 或许我是被裹在泡沫包装里 It"s like a vicious cycle, my life"s in a crisis 我的生命就这样恶性循环着 在恐慌中度日 Christ, how was I supposed to know shit 上帝 请教授我如何预测身边随时 would turn out like it did? 将要发生的凶险与不测 Feels like I"m going psycho again 感觉现在的我又重新变得丧失理智 And I might just blow my lid 或许即将冲破瓶颈 将给这个游戏带来更多的刺激 Shit, I almost wish 我有时候甚至希望 that I would have never made Recovery, kid 我从来没有发不过"Recovery"这张专辑 孩子们 Cause I"m running in circles with 我感觉 我又陷入了新的一轮宿命的漩涡 My life, my life 我的宿命 我的宿命 Makes me wanna run away 让我不断的想逃脱这里 There"s no place to go, no place to go 但却无处可逃无处藏身 All the confusion, 所有的困惑 It"s an illusion 是一场错觉 Like a movie, got nowhere to go 编制的电影毫无藏身之处 Nowhere to run and hide, 让我无处可躲 No matter how hard I try 不管我怎样努力的尝试 I haven"t been this fucking confused since I was a kid 自从我是个孩子到现在 从来没有这样的困惑过 Sold like 40 million records, people forgot what I did 4000万的唱片销量 也不能让歌迷回忆起从前的我 Maybe this is for me, maybe 或许这是由于我个人的原因 Maybe I"m supposed to go crazy 或许我又应该对说唱燃起重新的疯狂 Maybe I"ll do it 3 AM in the morning like Shady (hah) 或许我会在早上3点像shady一样成为杀人狂魔 Psycho killer, Michael Myers, I"m on fire like a lighter 复活节夜晚丧失理智的Michael Myers,烈火燃烧的像个打火机 Tryna say this ain"t classic, get your ass kicked 想说一些如同以前一样经典的唱词 让歌迷重新振奋 Mad quick, wrap your head up in plastic 十恶不赦的恶魔 用塑料缠住你的头部 Pussy, now pick the casket, dirt nap with the maggots Pussy快来自己选一款喜欢的棺材 幻想一下死亡的场景 It"s tragic, it"s sad it"s 这场悲剧多么的凄凉 Never gonna end, now we number one again 屠杀永远不会停止 现在我们又重新夺回了宝座 With that frown on your face, and your heart full of hate 现在你眉头紧锁 心里又充满了对我不满的怒火 Accept it, respect it 接受这个现实 并学会尊重真相 This a gift God given like the air in the lungs 这是上帝赐予我的天赋 就像生命需要氧气 Of every fucking thing livin" 是我生命不可缺少的一部分 My life, my life 我的宿命 我的宿命 Makes me wanna run away 让我不断的想逃脱这里 There"s no place to go, no place to go 但却无处可逃无处藏身 All the confusion, 所有的困惑 It"s an illusion 是一场错觉 Like a movie, got nowhere to go 编制的电影 毫无藏身之处 Nowhere to run and hide, 让我无处可躲 No matter how hard I try 不管我怎样努力的尝试
2023-07-15 01:39:201


中文的还是英文的?Chorus: Dido My tea"s gone cold I"m wondering why I.. got out of bed at all The morning rain clouds up my window.. and I can"t see at all And even if I could it"ll all be gray, but your picture on my wall It reminds me, that it"s not so bad, it"s not so bad.. 1st Chorus: volume gradually grows over raindrop background 2nd Chorus: full volume with beat right after "thunder" noise [Eminem as "Stan"] Dear Slim, I wrote but you still ain"t callin I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not-a got "em There probably was a problem at the post office or somethin Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot "em but anyways; fuck it, what"s been up? Man how"s your daughter? My girlfriend"s pregnant too, I"m bout to be a father If I have a daughter, guess what I"ma call her? I"ma name her Bonnie I read about your Uncle Ronnie too I"m sorry I had a friend kill himself over some bitch who didn"t want him I know you probably hear this everyday, but I"m your biggest fan I even got the underground shit that you did with Skam I got a room full of your posters and your pictures man I like the shit you did with Rawkus too, that shit was fat Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back, just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan This is Stan {Chorus: Dido} [Eminem as "Stan"] Dear Slim, you still ain"t called or wrote, I hope you have a chance I ain"t mad - I just think it"s FUCKED UP you don"t answer fans If you didn"t wanna talk to me outside your concert you didn"t have to, but you coulda signed an autograph for Matthew That"s my little brother man, he"s only six years old We waited in the blistering cold for you, four hours and you just said, "No." That"s pretty shitty man - you"re like his fuckin idol He wants to be just like you man, he likes you more than I do I ain"t that mad though, I just don"t like bein lied to Remember when we met in Denver - you said if I"d write you you would write back - see I"m just like you in a way I never knew my father neither; he used to always cheat on my mom and beat her I can relate to what you"re saying in your songs so when I have a shitty day, I drift away and put "em on cause I don"t really got shit else so that shit helps when I"m depressed I even got a tattoo of your name across the chest Sometimes I even cut myself to see how much it bleeds It"s like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for me See everything you say is real, and I respect you cause you tell it My girlfriend"s jealous cause I talk about you 24/7 But she don"t know you like I know you Slim, no one does She don"t know what it was like for people like us growin up You gotta call me man, I"ll be the biggest fan you"ll ever lose Sincerely yours, Stan -- P.S. We should be together too {Chorus: Dido} [Eminem as "Stan"] Dear Mister-I"m-Too-Good-To-Call-Or-Write-My-Fans, this"ll be the last package I ever send your ass It"s been six months and still no word - I don"t deserve it? I know you got my last two letters; I wrote the addresses on "em perfect So this is my cassette I"m sending you, I hope you hear it I"m in the car right now, I"m doing 90 on the freeway Hey Slim, I drank a fifth of vodka, you dare me to drive? You know the song by Phil Collins, "In the Air of the Night" about that guy who coulda saved that other guy from drowning but didn"t, then Phil saw it all, then at a a show he found him? That"s kinda how this is, you coulda rescued me from drowning Now it"s too late - I"m on a 1000 downers now, I"m drowsy and all I wanted was a lousy letter or a call I hope you know I ripped +ALL+ of your pictures off the wall I love you Slim, we coulda been together, think about it You ruined it now, I hope you can"t sleep and you dream about it And when you dream I hope you can"t sleep and you SCREAM about it I hope your conscience EATS AT YOU and you can"t BREATHE without me See Slim; {*screaming*} Shut up bitch! I"m tryin to talk! Hey Slim, that"s my girlfriend screamin in the trunk but I didn"t slit her throat, I just tied her up, see I ain"t like you cause if she suffocates she"ll suffer more, and then she"ll die too Well, gotta go, I"m almost at the bridge now Oh shit, I forgot, how"m I supposed to send this shit out? {*car tires squeal*} {*CRASH*} .. {*brief silence*} .. {*LOUD splash*} {Chorus: Dido} [Eminem] Dear Stan, I meant to write you sooner but I just been busy You said your girlfriend"s pregnant now, how far along is she? Look, I"m really flattered you would call your daughter that and here"s an autograph for your brother, I wrote it on the Starter cap I"m sorry I didn"t see you at the show, I musta missed you Don"t think I did that shit intentionally just to diss you But what"s this shit you said about you like to cut your wrists too? I say that shit just clownin dogg, c"mon - how fucked up is you? You got some issues Stan, I think you need some counseling to help your ass from bouncing off the walls when you get down some And what"s this shit about us meant to be together? That type of shit"ll make me not want us to meet each other I really think you and your girlfriend need each other or maybe you just need to treat her better I hope you get to read this letter, I just hope it reaches you in time before you hurt yourself, I think that you"ll be doin just fine if you relax a little, I"m glad I inspire you but Stan why are you so mad? Try to understand, that I do want you as a fan I just don"t want you to do some crazy shit I seen this one shit on the news a couple weeks ago that made me sick Some dude was drunk and drove his car over a bridge and had his girlfriend in the trunk, and she was pregnant with his kid and in the car they found a tape, but they didn"t say who it was to Come to think about, his name was.. it was you Damn!
2023-07-15 01:39:291

碧莲湖旅游景点介绍 碧莲池景区

带女朋友去桂林的那个景点好啊?漓江,是中国锦绣河山的一颗明珠,是桂林风光的精华,早已闻名遐迩,著称于世。漓江位于华南广西壮族自治区东部,属珠江水系。漓江发源于"华南第一峰"桂北越城岭猫儿山,那是个林丰木秀,空气清新,生态环境极佳的地方。漓江上游主流称六峒河;南流至兴安县司门前附近,东纳黄柏江,西受川江,合流称溶江;由溶江镇汇灵渠水,流经灵川、桂林、阳朔,至平乐,汇入西江,全长 43 乐满地度假世界[5A] 查看点评(综合评分:4.0)桂林乐满地度假世界位于著名的兴安灵湖风景区内,包括度假酒店、主题乐园、高尔夫俱乐部三大事业体。占地六千余亩,总投资达十多亿元人民币,是广西乃至华南最大的外商投资旅游项目,是桂林旅游中新诞生的一颗最耀眼的明珠。 世外桃源[4A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.7)作为国家AAAA景区、全国首批农业旅游示范点和世界旅游组织的推荐旅游地,世外桃源景区向我们展示了一幅古桥、流水、田园、老村与水上民族村寨融为一体的绝妙画图。2003年增建的渊明山庄,从陶渊明的隐逸文化起笔,再造了中国传统文化艺术中的精华片断,中外游客到此均可参与其中,亲身体验古代农耕、造纸印刷、织布制陶、书画雕刻等多种传统文化精髓的无穷魅力。 独秀峰_王城景区[4A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.7)独秀峰_王城景区位于桂林市漓江之畔,是以山形秀美的独秀峰为代表和整个明代靖江王城为地域范围的旅游景区。景区内自然山水风光与历史人文景观交相辉映。 银子岩景区[4A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.9)银子岩风景旅游度假区位于桂林市荔浦县马岭镇,占地面积1500亩,距桂林市中心85公里,距阳朔县20公里,距321国道700米,1999年初对外开放,是桂林旅游股份有限公司控股的有限责任制子公司(公司股票代码:桂林旅游 0978),属国家“AAAA”级景区,是“桂林市文明旅游风景区示范点”。公司现有员工140人,2002年营业总收入1200万元,是大桂林旅游圈一颗新升的璀璨明珠。 象山景区[4A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.8)桂林市象山景区位于城市中心,它包括象鼻山、伏波山、叠彩山。三座山相距不过二三千米,濒临漓江,半枕陆地,半沉江流,山水相依,是桂林山水的精华。山得水而活,水得山而秀,加之千年的开发游览,早已成为一方旅游胜地,远近文明。 穿山公园[4A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.1)穿山景区位于漓江东岸,总面积53.8公顷,景区内有穿山、塔山、月岩、穿山岩、寿佛塔等,小东江自北而南,曲贯穿山与塔山之间。 荔浦丰鱼岩旅游度假区[4A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.5)荔浦丰鱼岩景区是首批国家AAA级景区,景区距桂林城南120公里,享有“暗河漂十里,一洞穿九山,妙景绝天下”之美称,整个景区分为三大观赏区. 龙胜温泉[4A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.4)龙胜矮岭温泉位于距龙胜县城32公里的森林区里,景区内峰峦叠翠、林木葱郁。温泉水由地下1200米深处岩层涌出,水质清澈,共有大小16眼泉口,水温平均54—58℃,总流量528.7吨/天。水中偏硅酸含量较高,属偏硅酸医疗饮用矿泉水,符合矿泉水和饮用水国家指标,泉水还含有锂、锶、铁、锌、铜等十几种对人体有益的微量元素。 七星景区[4A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.5)七星(岩)景区位于桂林漓江东岸,漓江支流小东江畔,距市区1.5公里,因七星山七星岩而得名,是桂林市最大的综合性的生态景区,占地面积约134.7公顷,集山青、水秀、洞奇、石美于斯,俨然成为桂林山水的缩影,自隋唐时期起就已成为游览胜地,如今更成为世界旅游组织推荐景区、中国首批AAAA级景区、国家重点名胜风景区、桂林的核心景区,并通过了ISO14001国际环境管理体系和ISO9冠岩景区[4A] 查看点评(综合评分:4.2)冠岩,在草坪下游半公里,其外貌像古时的紫金冠,故名冠岩。岩内常年流出甘洌清泉,故又叫甘岩。还因在漆黑洞里,顶上透出微光,所以又叫光岩,民国二十六年李宗仁曾题“光岩”二字刻于洞口。冠岩堪称曲径通幽,洞口有四五重,水贯其中,风景优美,冬暖夏凉。它还与安吉岩相通,可以水入陆出,它有七星岩之深邃,芦笛岩之壮丽,堪称诸岩之冠。 芦笛景区[4A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.0)芦笛景区位于桂林市西北的桃花江畔,距市中心6公里,是一个以游览岩洞为主、观赏山水田园风光为辅的风景名胜区,是整个漓江风景名胜区的重要组成部分,也是1982年11月国务院颁布的第一批国家重点风景名胜区。整个岩洞犹如一座用宝石、珊瑚、翡翠雕砌而成的宏伟、壮丽的地下宫殿。这些千姿百态的钟乳石是由于地下水的作用,溶解岩石中的碳酸钙,经过上百万年的沉淀结晶堆积而成的 灵渠[4A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.5)灵渠又名秦凿渠、或称陡河,位于桂林市兴安县,322国道可直达,距离桂林市中心60公里。建成于秦始皇33年(公元前214年),与四川都江堰、陕西郑国渠并称为秦代三大水利工程,是世界上最古老的运河之一。至今已有2200年的历史,对中原与岭南地区的经济文化交流起到了极为重要的作用,对维护国家的统一、巩固边防有着不可磨灭的功绩。 愚自乐园[4A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.9)愚自乐园 位于中国南部风景如画的桂林雁山区大埠乡,由台湾企业家曹日章先生于1998年创立,坐拥八千亩山水奇景,集艺术创作、展览、交流、会议、培训、休闲于一体,以其绝美的自然风光和浓郁独特的艺术氛围成为世界顶级的创作基地与度假胜地。2003年,愚自乐园被评为国家级AAAA景区;2004年,被中央文化部授予“全国文化产业示范基地”称号。 漓江_古东景区[4A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.5)往东,沿漓江蜿蜒而下,出桂林城26公里,就到漓江_古东景区了。它西傍漓江,北靠桂林,南望阳朔,东接海洋山脉,地利极佳,气候宜人。 在那里,一片神秘的自然山水在等着你 两江四湖景区[4A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.4)两江四湖工程,是桂林市的大型的环保工程、大型的城市基础设施建设工程、大型的旅游景区建设工程。两江四湖一期工程,从根本上改善了桂林市的生态环境,完善了城市功能,开拓了市中心旅游的新格局,传承、弘扬了桂林悠久的历史文化,提升了城市的档次与品位。 会仙岩景区[3A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.0)峰林地貌的特点决定了桂林市中心的山少连绵,多孤峰突兀,而会仙岩就是一个代表,它集山、水、洞、文物、奇石于一身,是具有很大的观赏价值的园林式山水公园。公园绿涛湾景区以会仙岩景区为中心,分为西园、东园和旅游综合服务区三个组团。外连七星公园、内含会仙岩景区。 图腾古道[3A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.0)图腾古道位于著名的“十里画廊”中的位置。景区展出的有石器、陶器、自然图腾柱、古老的弓弩、让人听不懂念念有词充满野性诱惑的肢体语言等原始生活场景,再现了12000---7000年前桂林先民居住、生活、宗教、狩猎和甑皮文化的历史风貌,为世人开启了一道远古之门! 在烟雨峰岳中,皮里黝黑的甑皮人与漓江为伍,与青山为伴,或渔猎或采集,使用的依然是古朴的石器、骨器‘原始的陶 碧 莲 峰[3A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.8)碧莲峰——阳朔县城标志之一,此山因形似一朵含苞欲放的碧莲而得名。在其东面大约半公里的阳朔大桥南桥头有一“观莲处”,从这里看碧莲峰,最像浴水而出、亭亭玉立、含苞欲放的莲花。山间亭阁、摩崖、碑刻颇多,与青山绿树融为一体,耐人寻味。因其集山水秀色、文化古迹、珍奇赏玩于一身而堪称“阳朔第一峰”。古往今来,从唐代佛门大师鉴真、大诗人曹邺、大旅游家徐霞客等上百 尧山景区[3A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.3)尧山位于桂林市东郊,距市中心约8公里,主峰海拔909.3米,是桂林市内最高的山,因周唐时在山上建有尧帝庙而得名,是游客欣赏桂林山水的最佳去处和风水宝地 桂林经典刘三姐大观园[3A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.0)桂林经典刘三姐大观园有限公司,座落在风景怡人的桃花江畔,占地一百多亩,总投资伍仟余万元人民。她是以刘三姐文化,广西壮族文化及民俗民风为主题的休闲游乐场所。 资江景区[3A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.3)素有“资江漂流,华夏第一”的资江发源于华南第一高峰猫儿山,属长江水系,自南而北注入洞庭湖,河床平均宽度100米。资江两岸植被保护良好,流量、流速相对稳定,似一条玉带穿梭于奇山峻岭之间。资江漂流全程22.5公里,下45条滩,拐31道弯,不管是乘坐木船、竹筏,还是橡皮艇,都是有惊无险。漂流其间,景点迭出,犹如步入一条长长的山水画廊,船在江面行、人在画中飘。特别在春 聚龙潭景区[3A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.0)聚龙潭景区位于阳朔县城南六公里处,介于著名风景点“穿岩古榕”、“明月奇峰”之间。聚龙潭原系两个天然溶洞,黑岩和水岩组成,兼水陆之胜,因岩外奇峰竞秀,宛如神龙腾云,岩内乳石多姿,巧似游龙戏水,故取名“聚龙潭”。 蝴蝶泉[3A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.0)位于桂林阳朔月亮山风景区“十里画廊”的精华旅游地段,321国道旁,距县城仅3公里,是大桂林旅游圈新出现的一颗璀璨明珠,她因蝴蝶泉得名,占地36000平方米,内有蝶洞、蝶山瀑布、蝶桥、蝶山、蝶缘、蝶厅等景点,其中3800平方米的“蝶缘”(目前中国最大的蝴蝶观赏园)里上千种数万只蝴蝶与人和谐相处、亲切、自然。 十二滩漂流景区[3A] 查看点评(综合评分:3.5)十二滩漂流景区位于桂林至龙胜黄金旅游线上,漂流河段位于桂林市临桂县义江上游,首尾与321国道相接。漂流终点距桂林市仅有50公里,北至龙胜约30公里,交通十分便利。十二滩漂流全程9.5公里,途径66道河滩,12道急滩,急滩中最高落差达3米,全程落差80多米。十二滩九曲十八弯,急流冲击着山石溅起层层水花,橡皮艇在波峰浪谷中颠簸、跳荡、起伏、摇晃,让您体验到超乎想象的刺激桂林的旅游景点?阳朔欢迎您! 山青水秀洞奇石美冬暖夏凉的桂林山水---- 自驾车、骑自行车、坐轮船、坐竹筏、徒步、攀岩游玩阳朔,都是很不错的选择。景观奇特的岩洞具有冬暖夏凉的特点,遇龙河、漓江、龙颈河等都是绿树如茵,翠竹夹岸,凉风阵阵,河水清澈,消暑降温、、、、阳朔是最适于人居与一年四季都可以休闲度假的的好去处。 “桂林山水甲天下,阳朔堪称甲桂林”高度概括阳朔山水在世界所占有的重要位置。 阳朔百里山川,处处奇山秀水,时时秀色可餐。自然景观与人文景观交相辉映,整个阳朔恰似一座魂丽多彩的大公园,吸引着众多的中外游人。丰富的文化遗产、古建筑、古桥梁、名人纪念地、摩崖石刻等,点缀于山水之间,为山光水色又添神奇色彩。 1. 【漓江】乘竹筏游览国家AAAAA景区 (游览约120分钟)上的“黄金钻石”风景段,精华景点络绎不绝,不同的气候,有着它不同的神韵,沿途可欣赏杨堤风光、文笔峰、童子拜观音、浪石风光、苹果山、下龙风光、九马画山 2. 【世外桃源】国家AAAA景区 (游览约80分钟)全国首批农业旅游示范点和世界旅游组织推荐的旅游胜地,世外桃源景区向我们展示了一幅古桥、流水、田园、老村与水上民族村寨融为一体的绝妙画图“世外桃源”主要有荷花池、燕子湖、燕子洞、侗乡风情和原始部落组成“这是一个被遗忘的故乡,这是一个放松身心快乐人生的乐土 3.【遇龙河竹筏漂流】穿梭于迷人的山水之间,独特的田园山水,定让你惊喜不已。在清澈见底的遇龙河上打水仗、嬉水,或躺在竹筏的躺椅上悠哉游哉,好不惬意。 4.【十里画廊景区】(阳朔县的王牌景区)游古榕公园、月亮山公园、聚龙潭---图腾古道(国家AAAA景区)、蝴蝶泉(国家AAA景区)、鉴山寺(国家AAA景区)、金水岩等。 5. 【《印象_刘三姐》】晚上欣赏张艺谋导演的大型山水实景演出。常言“桂林山水甲天下,阳朔堪称甲桂林;看了《印象_刘三姐》,真心想做桂林人。” 6 .【龙颈河景区】它到桂林市区只需90分钟车程,距阳朔县城仅35公里,距桂梧高速路阳朔出口不足30分钟车程,柏油路、水泥路直通景区,在各主要路口均设有醒目的路标。开通了柳州市、桂林市、阳朔县接送游客的专线车,交通十分便捷。龙颈河漂流是桂林乃至全国非常有特色的水上探险型漂流,其漂流类型分为两类。 勇士漂:漂流河道全长6公里,整体落差达180米,河谷两边山峦叠嶂、森林苍莽、清溪潺潺、聚泉成流,水质极为清澈。河谷两岸还有古树、奇石、果林,有10多个3-6米的落差刺激处,108个旋转弯,沿途精彩连连,充满惊险与刺激,让您秒秒钟嚎吼尖叫。 猛士漂:全长8公里,落差268米、、、、、 7.【桂林九马画山】(国家AAA景区)是桂林漓江著名的景观之一,是大自然的笔墨奇观。位于兴坪镇西北4公里,山高400余米,宽200米。宋代诗人邹浩比作天公醉时的杰作:“应时天公醉时笔,重重粉墨尚横”。 九马画山峡谷漂流全程3.5公里,从高空俯瞰,宛如一条玉带深阙峡中,整体落差80米。峡谷中水流鲜活澄静,空气清新,两岸尽是葱郁植物。一漂一景的独到设计,漂流途中每一个休憩处都有观景区。纵情飞舟,投身自然,摇曳之中邂逅九马画山一隅,让游客们漂在峡谷中观望漓江山水,可以欣赏到多角度、多层次的秀丽风光。8.【刘三姐水上公园漂流】阳朔县城经福利镇至普益乡长约20公里的漓江下流水道,被一些旅游专家誉为“钻石水道”,谓其比上游段“黄金水道”更具特色。这一河段曲折、江面宽阔,水流平缓,有别于上游江段的高峻奇崛。从县城码头出发,一路上可饱览诸多名胜景点,由白鹤饮江、碧莲出水到龙脊耸翠、桥影双虹;过大桥后可观卓笺挺立、书童独秀;雪岭双狮、秀才看榜;过狮龙后有飞凤腾霄,麒麟送子;到福利则可领略古镇遗风和渡头流韵;由此而下可欣赏白面明碑和留公三潭。9.【银子岩】(国家AAAA)-------俗话说:“游了银子岩,一世不缺钱。”溶洞是典型的喀斯特地貌,贯穿十二座山峰,属层楼式溶洞,洞内汇集了不同地质年代发育生长的钟乳石,晶莹剔透,洁白无瑕,宛如夜空的银河倾斜而下,闪烁出像银子、似钻石的光芒。、、、、、、 第一天:阳朔十里画廊套票:大榕树+ 月亮山 +聚龙潭(4A) +图腾古道(4A)+ 蝴蝶泉(3A) +遇龙河漂流精华段(朝阳码头-工农桥漂流) 晚上 演出《印象刘三姐》 第二天:世外桃源(4A) + 漓江精华游(5A) 晚上 西街(免费) 第三天:兴坪龙颈河漂流+ 银子岩(4A) 第四天:桂林经典一日游 三山两洞一公园 夜游 两江四湖 阳朔妹小莫广西旅游景点介绍[用5~6句英语]广西壮族自治区的峰林是发育完美的热带岩溶地貌的典型代表。它们平地拔起,气势超群,造形奇特。形态最典型、风景最秀美的是桂林、阳朔一带的石灰岩峰林,曾被明代旅行家徐霞客誉为“碧莲玉笋世界”。此外,在桂东北、桂中、桂东南、桂西等地也随处可见石灰岩峰林。 广西河流众多,清澈娟秀,在地域上多与奇峰相配,形成一派山环水绕,山水相依的秀丽景色。除举世闻名的漓江外,景色优美的还有融水的贝江、资源的资江、宜山的下枧河、大新的黑水河、崇左的左江、宁明的明江等。湖泊风景多以较大的湖泊或水面为主景,湖岸的山丘、原野和农家村舍、田园风光或城市风貌等为衬景而组成。如桂林的榕湖、杉湖,南宁的南湖,柳州的龙潭,贵港的东湖,陆川的龙珠湖等。此外,广西还有不少水质优良、水面宽阔、群山环抱、湖光山色十分秀美的水库,如灵川青狮潭、百色澄碧河、富川龟石、邕宁大王滩、合浦洪湖江、玉林寒山等水库。 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the peak forest development is the perfect tropical karst landforms typical. They flat out, Maria"s momentum, the peculiar form. The most typical form, the scenery is beautiful Guilin, Yangshuo in the vicinity of the limestone peaks, was traveling home Xu Ming Dynasty as "Yu-Sun Bilian world." In addition, in the north-eastern Guangxi, Guangxi, southeastern Guangxi, Guangxi and other places of the West also can be seen everywhere limestone peaks.Many rivers in Guangxi, clear Juanxiu in the region with more than match Qi, Hill formed one ring around the water, beautiful scenic landscape of dependency. In addition to world-famous Lijiang River, there are beautiful water into the bay Jiang, Jiang"s capital resources, Yishan of soap under the river, the Heishui He Daxin, Jiang left the Chongzuo, Ningming Ming Jiang, and so on. Scenic lake to make more use of the larger lakes or water-based King, Lake hills, fields and farm cottage, urban or rural scenery, and other features for the King and the composition of the liner. Guilin, such as the Ronghu, Sequoia Lake, Lake of Nanning, Liuzhou, the Longtan, Guigang of East Lake, Pearl Lake, and so on the Luchuan. In addition, there are a lot of good water quality in Guangxi, the broad surface of the water, mountains, Huguangshanse very beautiful reservoir, such as Lingchuan Qingshitan, Bose Chengbi River, Bucheon stone turtle, King yongning Beach, Lake Hepu Jiang, Yulin, such as Han Shan Reservoir.广西旅游十大景点排名1、广西旅游必去十大景点有北海银滩旅游区、乐满地度假世界、两江四湖象山景区、独秀峰王城景区、青秀山景区、阳朔西街、北海涠洲岛、桂林漓江风景区、崇左德天跨国大瀑布、黄姚古镇。2、北海银滩旅游区是中国南方最理想的滨海浴场和海上运动场所,这里的沙滩细腻洁白,水质温和干净,浪花柔软异常,有着“中国第一滩”的美誉,是人们休闲放松的好场所。3、乐满地度假世界包括了森林度假村、高尔夫俱乐部、度假酒店、主题乐园等等,它是依着有小西湖之称的灵湖建造的,此处也是集尊贵、自然、浪漫、休闲与欢乐为一体的度假胜地。4、两江四湖指的是榕湖、杉湖、桂湖和木龙湖、漓江、桃花江所构成的桂林环城水系,这条水系构建了桂林城市中心最优美的环城风景带,其与声名远播的威尼斯水城都可相媲美,而乘船夜游两江四湖是游客们游览新桂林城的最佳方式。5、登上峰顶可环望四处城区景色,从上而下观四周群峰和之下的靖江王府,鸟瞰桂林城。山上建有玄武阁、观音堂、三客庙、三神祠,山下有月牙池等景观。6、一些古今名人石刻也是看点,千古名句“桂林山水甲天下”的真迹就题刻于峰脚处。7、山的东麓还有南朝刘宋时文学家颜延元读书岩,为桂林最古老的名人胜迹,他曾写下“未若独秀者,峨峨郛吧间”的佳句,独秀峰也因此得名。8、崇左德天跨国大瀑布位于广西崇左地区边陲大新县,其在中越边境的交界处,是中国最美的六大瀑布之一。这条瀑布宽120米,分为三级,垂直高度达60多米,泉水倾泻下来十分的壮观。9、黄姚古镇位于广西东部的贺州市昭平县,该镇建于宋朝时期,距今已有近千年的历史。黄姚古镇上的建筑古色古香,走进这里会有一种穿越时空之感,浮躁的心情似乎也在一瞬间就平缓了。
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2023-07-15 01:40:158


My homework in the summer holidayOn the one hand, it is very happy to have such a long holiday. But on the other hand, it is really depressed to do so much homework: Chinese, Maths, English and other social activities.Then, I have to spend all day long doing my homework instead of going out to have fun. In the morning, I must practise reading because I need to prepare for next term. After that, I use some paper to improve my handwriting. Next, it is time for me to do some maths exercise. Soon, I am so hungry that I would like to have my lunch. Following a short rest, I wil get up to go on with my homework since there are some books left for me to read...A day seems to go faster as I am lost in my homework. Finally, I have to face the new term.As far as I am concerned, it is important to do some homewrok in the summer holiday. However, too much is unnecessary. Students should have their own time!
2023-07-15 01:40:592


Because you know I"m all about that bass, 因为你知道我拥有一副天赋般的低沉嗓音"Bout that bass, no treble能够唱出美轮美奂的低音,而不是刺耳欲聋的高音I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble我热爱自然的低音,讨厌矫揉造作而唱出的高音I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble就像我喜爱与生俱来的丰满身材,不会盲目追求苗条I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass...我就是胖胖的、拥有一副低沉嗓音的女孩子...Yeah it"s pretty clear, I ain"t no size 2Yeah 显而易见的,我绝对没有纤细身材But I can shake it, shake it like I"m supposed to do但我依然可以摇摆,就像其他人一样尽情摇摆身躯的每一部分"Cause I got that boom boom that all the boys chase因为我拥有所有男孩都梦寐以求的火辣节奏All the right junk in all the right places每一下舞动都恰到好处I see the magazines working that Photoshop眼见所有杂志封面上刊登的美女,都有用Photoshop修饰过照片We know that shit ain"t real我们彼此心知肚明,这些全都是假的Come on now, make it stop够了!让这一切都停止If you got beauty beauty just raise "em up倘若你从心深处觉得自己美丽,那就展现出来啊!"Cause every inch of you is perfect因为你身上的每一寸均是完美无瑕From the bottom to the top从头到脚都是如此Yeah, my momma she told me don"t worry about your sizeYeah 妈咪她告诉我 不用担心自己的身材She says, boys they like a little more booty to hold at night她说, "男孩子更喜欢在晚上抱著拥有翘臀的女孩"You know I won"t be no stick-figure, silicone Barbie doll你深知我永远都不会变成火柴人身形的女孩,就像那种矽胶做的芭比娃娃So, if that"s what"s you"re into 所以,假使这就是你所迷恋的身材Then go ahead and move along!那你现在就可以滚开啦!Because you know I"m all about that bass, 因为你知道我拥有一副天赋般的低沉嗓音"Bout that bass, no treble能够唱出美轮美奂的低音,而不是刺耳欲聋的高音I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble我热爱自然的低音,讨厌矫揉造作而唱出的高音I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble就像我喜爱与生俱来的丰满身材,不会盲目追求苗条I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass我就是胖胖的、拥有一副低沉嗓音的女孩子I"m bringing booty back我会令翘臀再次流行起来~Go ahead and tell them skinny bitches that快点告诉那些瘦得像皮包骨般的婊子, 姐我回来了!!!(翻译得好像不是我的风格...)No, I"m just playing I know you think you"re fat,不,我只是玩玩而已!我知道你认为自己很胖But I"m here to tell you that,但今天我在这里,就是要告诉你:Every inch of you is perfect你身上的每一寸均是完美无瑕From the bottom to the top从头到脚都是如此Yeah, my momma she told me don"t worry about your sizeYeah 妈咪她告诉我 不用担心自己的身材She says, boys they like a little more booty to hold at night她说, "男孩子更喜欢在晚上抱著拥有翘臀的女孩"You know I won"t be no stick-figure, silicone Barbie doll你深知我永远都不会变成火柴人身形的女孩,就像那种矽胶做的芭比娃娃So, if that"s what"s you"re into 所以,假使这就是你所迷恋的身材Then go ahead and move along!那你现在就可以滚开啦!Because you know I"m all about that bass, 因为你知道我拥有一副天赋般的低沉嗓音"Bout that bass, no treble能够唱出美轮美奂的低音,而不是刺耳欲聋的高音I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble我热爱自然的低音,讨厌矫揉造作而唱出的高音I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble就像我喜爱与生俱来的丰满身材,不会盲目追求苗条I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass我就是胖胖的、拥有一副低沉嗓音的女孩子
2023-07-15 01:41:051


All About That BassBecause you know I"m all about that bass,因为你知道我就像那重低音贝司"Bout that bass, no treble超重低音 拒绝高音I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble我就像那重低音贝司 超重低音 拒绝苗条I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble我就像那重低音贝司 超重低音 拒绝瘦身I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass我就像那重低音贝司 超重低音Yeah it"s pretty clear, I ain"t no size two没错这非常明显 我一点也不苗条But I can shake it, shake it like I"m supposed to do但我依然能够摇摆 随着节奏上下左右"Cause I got that boom boom that all the boys chase因为我拥有所有男孩梦寐以求的巨臀All the right junk in all the right places摆起肥臀 一切都恰到好处I see the magazines working that Photoshop杂志上的美女模特 都是PS出来的We know that shit ain"t real那不是真正的美Come on now, make it stop够了 快停下吧If you got beauty beauty just raise "em up若你觉得自己美丽 就要展现出来"Cause every inch of you is perfect因为你的一切都如此完美From the bottom to the top从头到脚Yeah, my momma she told me don"t worry about your size老妈常对我说 别担心你的体型She says, boys they like a little more booty to hold at night她说 男孩们到了晚上都喜欢肥硕的屁屁You know I won"t be no stick-figure, silicone Barbie doll,我才不要做个骨瘦如柴 硅胶假胸的芭比娃娃So, if that"s what"s you"re into如果你喜欢那样的女孩Then go ahead and move along那就请你走好不送咯Because you know I"m all about that bass,因为你知道我就像那重低音贝司"Bout that bass, no treble超重低音 拒绝高音I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble我就像那重低音贝司 超重低音 拒绝苗条I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble我就像那重低音贝司 超重低音 拒绝瘦身I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass我就像那重低音贝司 超重低音I"m bringing booty back我重新掀起肥臀热潮Go ahead and tell them skinny bitches Hey快去告诉那些苗条的娘们 嘿No, I"m just playing I know you think you"re fat,我逗你玩的 我知道你觉得自己很胖But I"m here to tell you that,但我要告诉你Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top你的一切都如此完美 从头到脚Yeah, my momma she told me don"t worry about your size老妈常对我说 别担心你的体型She says, boys they like a little more booty to hold at night她说 男孩们到了晚上都喜欢肥硕的屁屁You know I won"t be no stick-figure, silicone Barbie doll,我才不要做个骨瘦如柴 硅胶假胸的芭比娃娃So, if that"s what"s you"re into如果你喜欢那样的女孩Then go ahead and move along那就请你走好不送咯Because you know I"m all about that bass,因为你知道我就像那重低音贝司"Bout that bass, no treble超重低音 拒绝高音I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble我就像那重低音贝司 超重低音 拒绝苗条I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble我就像那重低音贝司 超重低音 拒绝瘦身I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass我就像那重低音贝司 超重低音Because you know I"m all about that bass,因为你知道我就像那重低音贝司"Bout that bass "bout that bass, no treble超重低音 拒绝高音I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble我就像那重低音贝司 超重低音 拒绝苗条I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble我就像那重低音贝司 超重低音 拒绝瘦身I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass我就像那重低音贝司 超重低音Because you know I"m all about that bass,因为你知道我就像那重低音贝司"Bout that bass, no treble超重低音 拒绝高音I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble我就像那重低音贝司 超重低音 拒绝苗条I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble我就像那重低音贝司 超重低音 拒绝瘦身I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass我就像那重低音贝司 超重低音You know you"re not that bass你知道你不是那块料
2023-07-15 01:41:201


"I love the way I am and can"t nobody out here change me" -> KRS-One(repeat 2X, then 2X with "Common" at the end of each line)Check it outGood Morning Viet-Com, I"m backHUH! It"s me againIs it me you"re looking for? (Yup)For the perfect beat, sweetly obliqueI"m fresh, I come clean, but I can"t whistle*attempt at whistling* Psss, I"m only bugginWhile No dug in the crates, I dug in my noseand picked a rhyme any rhyme I don"t have any timeto waste, I"m hip. don"t even tripto an easy travel agent now we fly for freeI can be fly for free, you want some flyer to readthen buy from meI got the flame like U-I-C but I be, U-A-CSome of the realest illest chillest cats you may seein your life if you get oneRappers are like jobs to me (why?) because they get doneHere it comes I"m as Able as Cain to get rawThat"s why the DJ"s mix me, I"m gonna bust dicksThis is not da bomb so save all your threatsI"m good to go and also I"m RetsRhymes I wrecks affects the roughnecksdown to the preps in the Polos, the studs with froshoes with weaves, the bald-headed to the dreadedTo folks with butters, high rollers in rollersPlayers with plats studs with stockin caps I be rockin rapstil I collapseNiggaz play my tape about as much as they do crapsI"m on point, I celo, I see highHi C, I"m free at lastI"ma free man, free as the world beand like an early bird, I"m specialBut you ain"t that special, as that investorSo to myself I say congratulationsI"m glad you had the patience, you better have the patienceCause thisisme"I love the way I am and can"t nobody out here change me" -> KRS-OneCommon!(repeat 3X)Whassup Scony Rony I"m that boney homeyfrom Stoney (Common) you know me!Off the GP niggaz see me on the TVTalkin Take It EZ, and they was like "He ain"t hardcore!"But hardcore is far more than bats and gatsIt stems back to the roots of being trueIt"s gonna get me Me, you just get you YouWhat I look like, talkin about some shit I ain"t do?I ain"t shoot nobody I ain"t shank nobodyI ain"t kill nobody, it wasn"t us it was THEM!The Warriors, I"m a warrior and still don"t have to sho-gunIt takes one to know one, and no one can tell mehow to be, cause I"ma be me, aight?Cause I"m a man, now check it"I love the way I am and can"t nobody out here change me" -> KRS-OneCommon!(repeat 3X)*singing* Sometimes, sometimes, I get a good feeling!When I"m chillin at the flat, lookin at the wallWondering can I come off of it, I"m off a biton the mic I be talkin shitBut some say my talk don"t make no SenseI"m tryin to make the Dollars, my momma told meto go to school and be a scholar, but school ain"t for meSo don"t even go there, I"m comin out of nowhere, to go whereprobably in about seven years, I won"t have no hairBut not only am I the Hair Club President, I"m also a clientI come off like a toupee, I still have to pay 2Pc DarkA Raider that never Lost the Ark/arc, on the shotbut now when I shoot rock, I be all out of breathMy boy Adefo wanted to be a chefBut he went down South, and fell in love call me lovecause love is gonna getcha I"ma getchaI"m like B.J. my Arm is Strong and I Stretch yaStyles from East to West, all across the countryI"m like that big fat woman cause cats wanna bump meI probably would get bumped more if I was a gangsterBut I am a gangsta, call me the gangsta of love!!!I love my music, I love my mommaI love myself, I love you, and you love meAnd thisis - I"m out(KRS sample plays in background)Yo I wanna say peace to my moms, my grandmommaLil Chandra, and John, yo rest in peace to my Aunt StellaMy sides moms, Ron"s moms, Dawn"s moms, Corey"s momsWho are you? These people be themselves y"all, peace em outCommon! (4X)(KRS sample is cut and scratched to end)
2023-07-15 01:41:272

求the lonely island的motherlover的英文歌词(有追加奖励)

Oh dang!What is it dawg?I forgot it"s Mother"s Day.Didn"t get a gift for her?Other plans got in the way,She"ll be so disappointed,Damn, I forgot it too!This could"ve been avoided,What the hell are we gonna do?My mom"s been so alone, ever since my daddy left (cold),No one to hold her tight, life has put her to the test,I know just what you mean, my mom"s been so sad and grey (word),My dad can"t satisfy her in the bedroom ever since he passed away.Hold up!You thinkin" what I"m thinkin"?I"m thinkin, I"m thinkin too.Slow up!What time is it dawg?It"s time for a switcharoo.We both love our moms, women with grown women needs,I say we break "em off, show "em how much they really mean."Cause I"m a motherlover,You"re a motherloverWe should f*ck each others mothers,F*ck each others moms!I"ll push in that lady, where you came out as a baby,Ain"t no doubt that sh*t is crazy,F*cking each others moms!"Cause every Mother"s Day needs a Mother"s Night,If doing it is wrong, I don"t wanna be right,I"m calling on you, "cause I can"t do it myself,To me you"re like a brother,So be my motherlover.I"m layin" in the cut waiting for your mom,clutchin" on this lube and roses,I got my digital camera,Imma make your momma do a million poses,They will be so surprised,We are so cool and thoughtful,Can"t wait to pork your mom,Imma be the syrup she can be my waffle.Show love, my momma loves bubble bath with chamomile,Straight up, give it to my mom d-d-d-d-d-d-doggy style,This a perfect plan for a perfect Mother"s Day,They"ll have to rename this one,All up under the covers day."Cause I"m a motherlover,You"re a motherlover,We should f*ck each others mothers,F*ck each others moms!I"ll push in that lady, where you came out as a baby,Ain"t no doubt that sh*t is crazy,F*cking each others moms!Break it down.It would be my honor,To be your new step-father,It would be my honor,To be your new step-father.And while you"re in my mother,make me another brother,And while I"m in your mother,I"ll never use a rubber,Oh!"Cause every Mother"s Day needs a Mother"s Night,If doing it is wrong I don"t wanna be right,I"m calling on you "cause I can"t do it myself,To me you"re like a brother,So be my motherlover,They blessed us both with the gift of life,She brought you in this world,So Imma sex her right,This is the second best idea that we"ve ever had,The choice can be no other,Be my motherlover.Happy Mothers Day!
2023-07-15 01:41:352


2023-07-15 01:41:432


Yo, I never fucked Wayne,哟 我从没骗过韦恩I never fucked Drake从没骗过德雷克All my life, man, fuck"s sake天啊 我这辈子也不会骗他们If I did I did a menage with em如果我和他们住一起And let em eat my ass like a cupcake我就主动让他们咬我My man full, he just ate,我的兄弟全都只知道吃I don"t duck nobody but tape我不会逃避什么除了那卷录音带Yeah, that was a set up是啊 那是个陷阱for a punchline on duct tape只是为了有个头条笑料罢了Worried bout if my butt"s fake担心我的屁股是不是假的Worried about John"s singing us Drake担心约翰把我们唱成了德雷克These girls are my sons,这些女孩差不多是我孩子的年纪John and Kate plus eight约翰和凯特再加上8就是了When I walk in, sit up straight,当我走进 直挺挺的坐下I don"t give a fuck if I was late我一点也不在意我是否迟到了Dealing with my man on a G5跟我的兄弟坐在G5上is my idea of an update这是我的新主意Hut one, hut two,一个小屋 两个小屋big bitties, big butt too丰乳肥臀fuck with them real niggas搭上那些真正的爷们who don"t tell niggas what they up to不会告诉那些人他们主要目的Had to show bitches where the top is,必须要告诉那些女人高潮在哪里ring finger where the rock is无名指指向那里These hoes couldn"t test me even这些女人都不试试我if the name was pop quiz如果是突击测试Bad bitches who I fuck with,跟我上床的坏女人就会很惨mad niggas we don"t fuck with我们才不理会疯狂的哥们I don"t fuck with them chickens unless我才不跟他们上床除非they last name was cutlet他们的姓是cutletLet it soak in like seasoning让他像佐料般品尝我And tell em blow me,告诉他们让爷舒坦blow me, Lance Stephenson让爷舒坦 史蒂芬森Raise your bottle and cup in the sky高举你的酒瓶和酒杯Sparks in the air like the fourth of july空中的焰火像是国庆节Nothing but bad bitches in here tonight没什么特别的 除了这个女人在这里Oh, if you lame and you know it be quiet如果你不行就知道闭嘴Nothing but real niggas only,只有真正的男人会这样bad bitches only只有特别坏的女人Richest niggas only有钱佬independent bitches only自食其力的女人Boss niggas only,老大地位的男人thick bitches only丰满的女人I got my real niggas here by my side, only我身边有群真正的男人I never fucked Nicki我没上过Nickicause she got a man因为她有男朋友But when that"s over但他们玩完的时候then I"m the first in line我第一时间出现And the other day in her Maybach是在她豪华轿车的某一天I thought god damn,我想这该死的this is the perfect time这是最佳时机We had just come from that video我们刚刚录完视频You know LA traffic,你知道洛杉矶的交通how the city slow这城市有多慢She was sitting down on that big butt她的翘臀安坐着But I was still staring但我仍盯着at the titties though她的胸看Yeah, lowkey it may be high key低调也可能会变成高调I been peeped that you like me you know你一直偷偷看我 你知道你喜欢我Who the fuck you really你究竟想让wanna be with besides me?谁在我身边I mean it doesn"t take much我的意思是我们for us to do this shit quietly, I mean不需要太过低调的做些She say I"m obsessed她说我迷上with thick women and I agree丰满的女人 这我同意That"s right I like my girls BBW, yeah没错 我喜欢女孩胖胖的Type to wanna suck you dry想吸干你的那种类型and then eat some lunch with you和你吃午餐So thick that everyone else餐厅里的每一个人in the room is so uncomfortable都胖的很不舒服Ass on Houston Texas,在德州的休斯顿but the face look just like Claire Huxtable那脸看起来就像得病了一样Oh, yeah, you the man in the city是的 你是城市人when the mayor fuck with you市长对你瞎炫耀The NBA players fuck with youNBA球员和你上床The bad ass bitches doing makeup那些女人化着妆and hair fuck with you头发打在你身上Oh, that"s cause I believe in something ,哦 因为我相信not staying for it不必在此逗留And Nicki if you ever tryna fuckNicki如果你想撒谎Just give me the heads up就给我抬起头so I can plan for it这样我可以计划一番Raise your bottle高举你的酒瓶and cup in the sky和酒杯Sparks in the air like the fourth of july空中的焰火像是国庆节Nothing but bad bitches in here tonight没什么特别的 除了这个女人在这里Oh, if you lame and you know it be quiet如果你不行就知道闭嘴Nothing but real niggas only,只有真正的男人会这样bad bitches only只有特别坏的女人Richest niggas only,有钱佬independent bitches only自食其力的女人Boss niggas only,老大地位的男人thick bitches only丰满的女人I got my real niggas here by my side, only我身边有群真正的男人I never fucked Nicki我没上过Nickiand that"s fucked up这很混乱If I did fuck she"d be fucked up如果我上了她这就不会那么简单Whoever is hitting ain"t hitting it right谁搭上她也不会玩真的Cause she acting like因为她就像she need dick in her life她这辈子都没有过男人That"s another story,这是另外个故事I"m no story teller我也不是说故事的I piss greatness like gold and jello我鄙视那些所谓的伟大All my goons so overzealous我所有的傻兄弟都过度热心I"m from Holly Groove,我来自圣地麦加the holy Mecca冬青之地I got money for days我有了些钱I squirm and I shake,就开始局促不安摇摆不定but I"m stuck in my ways但我已经停滞My girl from we beed if she wave我的女孩如果她有所动摇Baby and I fucked宝贝 我诅咒她with her surfboard, surfboard还有她的冲浪板 冲浪板My eyes are so bright,我的眼睛很明亮I take cover for shade我能在黑暗中躲藏Don"t have my money?我没钱吗I take mothers instead我拿我妈的You got the hickups,你打嗝you swallowed the truth你隐瞒了真相Then I make you burp boy,然后我让打嗝的男孩beef eat like sirloin吃西冷牛排I"m talking bout running in houses我说带着武器和枪with arm and guns在房间里跑So think about your son所以想想你儿子and daughter rooms和你女儿的房间Got too much they got smaller guns他们有太多较小的枪Ain"t thinking bout your son不要想你儿子and daughter rooms和你女儿的房间This is just crazy my nigga,哥们 这很疯狂I mean brazy my nigga我的意思是勇敢点 哥们That money talk,我说的是钱I just rephrase it my nigga我只是重复一遍Blood gang take the B,帮派血拼似的I"ll behave ya我会做的I"m for reals我玩真的If you mouth off,如果你顶嘴I blow your face off我打爆你的脸I mean pop-pop-pop,我说砰砰砰take your face off打爆你的脸Now you see me,现在你看我now you don"t现在你不像Like Jamie Foxx,杰米·福克斯acting like Ray Charles表现得像是像雷·查尔斯16 in a clip, one in the chamber16发子弹 一枪一命17 with 17 bullets17发子弹My story is how I went from poor me我的故事是从比较惨的我To police pour me a drink混到警察给我倒喝的and celebrate with me和我一起庆祝Raise your bottle and cup in the sky高举你的酒瓶 和酒杯Sparks in the air like the fourth of july空中的焰火像是国庆节Nothing but bad bitches in here tonight没什么特别的 除了这个女人在这里Oh, if you lame哦 如果你不行and you know it be quiet就知道闭嘴Nothing but real niggas only,只有真正的男人会这样bad bitches only只有特别坏的女人Richest niggas only,有钱佬independent bitches only自食其力的女人Boss niggas only, thick bitches only老大地位的男人 丰满的女人I got my real niggas here by my side, only我身边有群真正的男人
2023-07-15 01:41:511

花都区新华爱我五小 歌词

2023-07-15 01:42:092

All The Things She Said 歌词

歌曲名:All The Things She Said歌手:TaTu专辑:200 km/h In the Wrong Lane: 10th Anniversary EditionAll the things she saidAll the things she saidRunning through my headRunning through my headRunning through my headAll the things she saidAll the things she saidRunning through my headRunning through my headAll the things she saidThis is not enoughI"m in serious shitI feel totally lostIf Im asking for helpits only becauseBeing with youhas opened my eyesWho could ever believesuch a perfect surpriseI keep asking myselfwondering howI keep closing my eyesbut I cant block you outI want to fly to a placewhere its just you and meNobody elseso we can be freeNobody elseso we can be freeAll the things she saidAll the things she saidRunning through my headRunning through my headRunning through my headAll the things she saidAll the things she saidRunning through my headRunning through my headAll the things she saidThis is not enoughYa soshla s umaThis is not enoughAll the things she saidAll the things she saidAnd I"m all mixed upfeeling cornered and rushedThey say it"s my faultbut I want her so muchI wanna fly her awaywith the sun and the rainCovered over my facewash away all the shameWhen they stop and staredon"t worry meCause Im feeling for herwhat shes feeling for meI can try to pretendI can try to forgetBut its driving me madgoing out of my headAll the things she saidAll the things she saidRunning through my headRunning through my headRunning through my headAll the things she saidAll the things she saidRunning through my headRunning through my headAll the things she saidThis is not enoughYa soshla s umaThis is not enoughAll the things she saidAll the things she saidAll the things she saidAll the things she saidAll the things she saidAll the things she saidAll the things she saidAll the things she saidAll the things she saidAll the things she saidMotherlooking at meTell mewhat do you seeYesI"ve lost my mindDaddylooking at meWill I ever be freeHave I crossed the lineAll the things she saidAll the things she saidRunning through my headRunning through my headRunning through my headAll the things she saidAll the things she saidRunning through my headRunning through my headAll the things she saidThis is not enoughYa soshla s umaThis is not enoughAll the things she saidAll the things she saidAll the things she saidAll the things she saidAll the things she said
2023-07-15 01:42:161

Never Be Peace 歌词

歌曲 - Never Be Peace (Feat Kastro)歌手 - TupacNow of course I want peace on the streetsBut realisticallyPainting perfect pictures ain"t never workMy misery was so deepCouldn"t sleep through all my pressuresIn my quest for cashI learned fastUsing violent measuresMemories of adolescent yearsTheir was unityBut after puberty we brought warTo our communitySo many bodies droppingIts gotta stopI want to helpBut still I"m steppingKeeping my weaponMust protect myselfThe promise of a better tomorrowain"t never reach mePlus my teachers were to petrified in class to teach meSipping thunderbirdAnd grape kool-aidCalling Earl since my stomach was emptyIt seduced me to fuck the worldWatch my "lil homiesLose there childhood to gunsNobody cries no moreCause we all die for funSo why you ask me if I want peaceIf you cant grant itNiggas fighting across the whole planetSo we can never be peaceWill there ever be peace?Or all we all just headed for doom,Still consumed by the beefs,And I know there never be peace,That"s why I keep my pistol when I walk the streetsCause there can never be peaceSomebody owes meWill they control me?, nahI ain"t a hater playaBut I want all you gotYour babies have babiesNow we fighting each otherMy dogs got rabiesThey biting each other"n" it ain"t hard to find a friend like mineBig fully is a bullyAnd he don"t mind dyingAnd I gotta be brightMiss sign after signTime after timeAfter time after timeAnd I don"t like nobodyThey don"t like me moreAnd I"m cool with that finallyBut they heard it beforeDogWe living in a prisonLosing our religion on emThanks given when thankful just for living in hellDamn homey I don"t mean to be harshBut it"s the devil in the ghetto trying to tear it apartAnd if we make it up outWe still stuck in the darkWill there ever be peace?Just the peace in my heartNeverThe only peace we gotIs the peace in our heartOr the peace in our mindRight there in piece that we hold in our waste lineFeel me dog?Cm"onWill there ever be peace?Or all we all just headed for doom,Still consumed by the beefs,And I know there never be peace, (never)Thats why I keep my pistol when I walk the streets"Coz there can never be peaceThings are changingNigga you better fantasizeI"m only concerned about me and mine in these timesThe world is a ghetto where peace is not a part of itWe all goin" need God if we plan to get out of thisNiggas spending too much time hating on each otherNiggas buyin" gunsLoad em upAim at each otherAnd the victim is you and meThe secret is true indeedThe good dieMostly over bullshitRepeatedlyDeep in me there"s a part that wants nothing but loveBut the rest of me knows war is what"s waiting for usSo I stays readyKeep my pay heavy and boss upStack my funds and my gunsNever rely on luckAsking God to point out the impostersNever let no weapon formed against me prosperCause they"ll never be peaceSo don"t rely on itSoldiers die forAnd in the ghetto, they trying for itFUCK PEACEWill there ever be peace?Or all we all just headed for doom,Still consumed by the beefs,And I know there never be peace,That"s why I keep my pistol when I walks the streets"Cause there can never be peaceShit, fuck peaceOn the strength till my niggas get a pieceWe cant have peaceHow the fuck we gonna live happy if we ain"t got none?You motherfuckers is smiling, but I"m mean muggingWhy? Cause gotta be thuggingI"ve seen drugs done turned this motherfucking hood outAll us niggas acting upWild ass motherfucking adolescentsThese niggas ain"t even got no childhoods no moreHow the fuck can you have a childhood and you have a funeral every motherfucking weekendAnd you motherfuckers talking about peace?Nigga, it ain"t no motherfucking peaceYou ain"t seen the news motherfucker?You ain"t heard?Little babies getting smokedMotherfuckers killing there whole family"Lil kids getting thrown off buildingsMotherfuckers gettin abusedPeace? Niggas you out your motherfucking mind?Fuck peaceWe can"t never have peace, till you motherfuckers clean up this mess you made"Till u fucking clean up the dirt u dropped"Till we get a pieceFuck peaceWestside
2023-07-15 01:42:231


Start in my life-仓木麻衣Start in my life专辑名称:Perfect Crime出版年代:2001年发行公司:GIZA语言类别:日语歌手名称:仓木麻衣(Mai Kuraki)歌手类别:日本女歌手词曲:作词:仓木麻衣 作曲:大野爱果歌词内容:いいことばかりの 未来じゃないけれど确かに今は 明日に向かい谁よりも辉き ここに立っている壊れかけそうな现実(いま)に涙し それでもWe can start in my life 一绪にあきらめず梦とねぇ もう一人の 自分に逢えるから気持ち一つで 変われるんだほら ここから始めようJust start in my lifeMemories in my heart このかばん放り投げて桜色した风がそっと駆け抜けてく消せない セピア色の教室には机に雕った文字(イニシャル)残してWe can start in my life 一绪に旅立つよ梦とねぇ 忘れないよね 缲り返したメロディー不安な时は思い出してほら 一人じゃないんだよJust start in my lifeSo once again梦と希望抱いて 今高なる胸おさえてこのステージを登るStart in my life 一绪にあきらめず梦とねぇ もう一人の 自分に逢えるから気持ち一つで 変われるんだほら ここから始めようJust start in my life==[罗马拼音]Ii koto bakari no mirai janai keredoTashika ni ima wa ashita ni mukaiDare yorimo kagayaki koko ni tatteiruKowarekakesou na ima ni namidashi soredemoWe can start in my life issho niAkiramezu yume toNee mou hitori no jibun ni aeru karaKimochi hitotsu de kawarerundaHora koko kara hajimeyouJust start in my lifeMemories in my heartKono kaban hourinageteSakurairo shita kaze ga sotto kakenuketekuKesenai sepiairo no kyoushitsu ni waTsukue ni hotta inisharu nokoshiteWe can start in my life issho niTabidatsu yo yume toNee wasurenai yo neKurikaeshita merodiiFuan na toki wa omoidashiteHora hitori janainda yoJust start in my lifeSo once againYume to kibou daite imaTakanaru mune osaeteKono suteeji wo noboruStart in my life issho niAkiramezu yume toNee mou hitori no jibun ni aeru karaKimochi hitotsu de kawarerundaHora koko kara hajimeyouJust start in my life-----------------------------THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING~下载地址:若是下不了,就让我发你邮箱~----------------------Thank You For Everything[名探侦コナン ED23]歌:岩田さゆり作词:岩田さゆり作曲:小林正范编曲:镰田真吾明けない夜など ないなんてウソで一人で生きて 行けると思った君の笑颜は 痛いほどしみこむすてたはずの 信じる心に知らないフリを してくれた君の优しさ全部 受けとめたいso Thank You For Everything今动きだした届けてほしいよ 忘られぬこの思いso I Can"t Forget Everytime重ねあわせて始まるありがとう My Best Friend侧にいてくれる 勇気君と出会った 夕焼け帰り道ひとりじゃないって 思い始めたありがとうをくれた 君の笑颜がまぶしすぎて 目をとじてこぼれた信じることは 弱さなんかじゃない今このトキメキ はなしたくないso Thank You For Everythingここから変わり始める真っすぐな道などないと 気づいた 强さ见つけたso I Can"t Forget Everytimeつないだらはなさないでありがとう My Best Friend一绪に歩いて行けるso Thank You For Everything梦の终わりはいつも同じ场所で消えるとしてもso I Can"t Forget Everytimeいつもひとりじゃないありがとう My Best Friendいつも君がいたねいつも君がいたね------------------------------------------------------------感谢透~~~提供翻译人们总说”黑夜会过去”但那只是善意的谎言我想就算一个人应该也能生存下去因为你的笑容已经永远铭刻在我心中还有那应该已经被我舍弃的信任别人的心我只是假装对万物一无所知好借此获得你所有的温柔so Thank you For Everything现在一切又将重新开始我只有将这份无法忘怀的思念送给你SO Thank you For Everything一切又将开始重合谢谢你 My Best Friend谢谢你一直勇敢地陪伴我那铺满晚霞的回家的路是我与你初相遇的地方自那时开始我知道我并不是孤单一人那都要感谢你和你耀眼无比的笑容信任他人并不意味着软弱我只是还不想将这份心动付诸言语so Thank You For Everything从现在开始改变自己我已经找到了那种让我意识到前路的坚强so I can"t Forget Everything既然决定就要勇往直前谢谢你 My Best Friend让我们一起往前迈进so Thank You For Everything梦的终结之处还是那一个老地方so I can"t Forget Everything我始终不是孤单一人谢谢你 My Best Friend你总是陪伴在我身边你总是陪伴在我身边akenaiyorunado nainanteusodehitorideikite ikerutoomottakiminoegaowa itaihodoshimikomusutetahazuno shinjirukokoronishiranaifuriwo shitekuretakiminoyasashisazenbu uketometaiso Thank You For Everythingimaugokidashitatodoketehoshiiyo wasurarenukonoomoiso I Can"t Forget Everytimekasaneawasetehajimaruarigatou My Best Friendgawaniitekureru yuukikimitodeatta yuuyakekaerimichihitorijanaitte omoihajimetaarigatouwokureta kiminoegaogamabushisugite mewotojitekoboretashinjirukotowa yowanankajanaiimakonotokitoki hanashitakunaiso Thank You For Everythingkokokarakawarihajimerumassugunamichinadonaito kizuita tsuyosamitsuketaso I Can"t Forget Everytimetsunaidarawanasanaidearigatou My Best Friendisshoniaruiteikeruso Thank You For Everythingyumenoowariwaitsumoonajibashodekierutoshitemoso I Can"t Forget Everytimeitsumohitorijanaiarigatou My Best Frienditsumokimigaitaneitsumokimigaitane
2023-07-15 01:42:291

歌词里有句类似in your life on my fily 后面是喔哦哦哦哦哦哦,一首dj

Thomas BuckIn your life
2023-07-15 01:42:372 你能不能把这个视频的英语对白给我发过来。

人物:Panda——P, Dad——D ,Master shifu——MP:Slim ,slim ,also slim.Why? I"m a fat guy.D:What are you doing upstare?P:Keep fit. Ah da da da da da One day I will be as slim as all you areDo exercise,do exercise.Shit.Ah~Oh my God.D:You‘re too bad,son.P:It"s not my fault .Stair is too narrow.D:You"re the only fat one in our family.P:What?The only one?D:See a black eye.P:Oh ,handsome.D:fat fat fat son.P:Very fresh ,very cheap.Wait wait wait,my noodles.D:Use the way or lose the way,you can be a champion of Mr GuangZhou 2010.It"s a traditionin our family,ha ha ha haP:Mr GuangZhou ?D:Story time.18 years ago I had a chance to be a champion,however I"m still a owner in a resteraunt,but you ,may have this this opportunity.Your greatfather,your greatgreatfather,your greatgreatgreatfather were all championers .P:But I know nothing,can"t I?D:You"re the king of the world,if you"ve won the game.You"ll have money, house, cars, dollars, and women.P:Oh ,really?that"s very great,do you think so?D:The most important fact is that you"ll be much more famous than your"ve been.P:I love that.D:Remember Remember Remember,first you should lose weight,second,pay attention to your manner,you konw as… P:I know I know D:Twice ,fifth,hat,smileM:Er …Er…P:(Eating)M:What the hell are you doing here? Oh my God! my Jesus! my Godness!P:So what ? No food no muscle.M:You are at home,have you make your mind ,I"ll be back later.P:Oh hoh~,Byebye.M:Ohow~,Get down ,fat guy,get down,stop.P:Hello.M:Do you know how to control yourself?P:Of course not.M:Keep on like this,you"re doomed to be a loser.P:This is a Mr Guangzhou.M:You can taste one,the only one.P:Every time,grow time.Ah~(sliding down)M:Do you want this?Come with meP:Oh,my favor my favor my favor!M:It"s more delicious than the biscuit.Do you want ?Help yourself,please.Tasty,try again.Perfect,show your patantion.Come on.P:Ah~M:Faster,higher,stronger.Faster,higher,stronger.Faster,higher,stronger.Guess.Which one ,guess,which one?P:(successed at last)See you in GuangZhou.
2023-07-15 01:42:441

mind your manners歌词及翻译

Splendidyang Bababababa there is no one like me th-th-there is no one like me, (Chiddy Bang) like meee ma-ma-manners take a second look and youll see(we pretty much amazing there is no one like me x2 (mind your manners) And all the peoples should be raising they glasses flow crazy celebrating the madness I never thought I would deliver no classics but now hooked up with them and then deliver mo classics yeah I be keeping it true motel good as long as I could peep on the view like, like damn how high are we they gotta gamble in this life Charles Barkley im over protected, through the dopest of methods now like over perfected these is audio breakfast yes so tell a hater heres a slammer I know they hatin on us but mind your manners manners take a second look and youll see there is no one like me th-th-there is no one like me (mind your manners) manners you better reconsider cause you will never do better there is no one like me, like me( theres no one like one) (shouts) (see this is etiquette right here) badabababab theres no one like me i arrived alah, black god I am I surprise WALA and I cant rely on another guy I was caterpillared into a butterfly! I"m livin in the moment why wont you go and own it and we don"t got the spirits at least we could coron it order sake homie I be sippin TY KU and you get the wrong number if I dont like you say im the man tell me why I gotta lie too? Anybody im the best ,girl let me advise you why because im feeling invisible jr. high school I had a crush on the principle I guess I was turned on by the leadership now we got the gang wrapped up on some pita shit so tell a hater here is a slammer I know they hatin on us but mind your manners! manners take a second look and youll see there is no one like me th-th-there is no one like me (mind your manners) manners you better reconsider(consider) cause you will never do better(do better) there is no one like me, like me (shouts) Bababababa there is no one like me mind your manners ughh xaphoon sam pretty much till they kick me out the booth and we pretty much amazin manners take a second look and you"ll see there is no one like me (mind your manners) th-th-there is no one like me (yeah this is etiquette bitches) manners you better reconsider cause you will never do better there is no one like me, like me manners take a second look and youll see there is no one like me I"ll wait只能这样了
2023-07-15 01:43:001

为什么要叫bass girl?

Because you know I"m all about that bass, 因为你知道我拥有一副天赋般的低沉嗓音"Bout that bass, no treble能够唱出美轮美奂的低音,而不是刺耳欲聋的高音I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble我热爱自然的低音,讨厌矫揉造作而唱出的高音I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble就像我喜爱与生俱来的丰满身材,不会盲目追求苗条I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass...我就是胖胖的、拥有一副低沉嗓音的女孩子...Yeah it"s pretty clear, I ain"t no size 2Yeah 显而易见的,我绝对没有纤细身材But I can shake it, shake it like I"m supposed to do但我依然可以摇摆,就像其他人一样尽情摇摆身躯的每一部分"Cause I got that boom boom that all the boys chase因为我拥有所有男孩都梦寐以求的火辣节奏All the right junk in all the right places每一下舞动都恰到好处I see the magazines working that Photoshop眼见所有杂志封面上刊登的美女,都有用Photoshop修饰过照片We know that shit ain"t real我们彼此心知肚明,这些全都是假的Come on now, make it stop够了!让这一切都停止If you got beauty beauty just raise "em up倘若你从心深处觉得自己美丽,那就展现出来啊!"Cause every inch of you is perfect因为你身上的每一寸均是完美无瑕From the bottom to the top从头到脚都是如此Yeah, my momma she told me don"t worry about your sizeYeah 妈咪她告诉我 不用担心自己的身材She says, boys they like a little more booty to hold at night她说, "男孩子更喜欢在晚上抱著拥有翘臀的女孩"You know I won"t be no stick-figure, silicone Barbie doll你深知我永远都不会变成火柴人身形的女孩,就像那种矽胶做的芭比娃娃So, if that"s what"s you"re into 所以,假使这就是你所迷恋的身材Then go ahead and move along!那你现在就可以滚开啦!Because you know I"m all about that bass, 因为你知道我拥有一副天赋般的低沉嗓音"Bout that bass, no treble能够唱出美轮美奂的低音,而不是刺耳欲聋的高音I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble我热爱自然的低音,讨厌矫揉造作而唱出的高音I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble就像我喜爱与生俱来的丰满身材,不会盲目追求苗条I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass我就是胖胖的、拥有一副低沉嗓音的女孩子I"m bringing booty back我会令翘臀再次流行起来~Go ahead and tell them skinny bitches that快点告诉那些瘦得像皮包骨般的婊子, 姐我回来了!!!(翻译得好像不是我的风格...)No, I"m just playing I know you think you"re fat,不,我只是玩玩而已!我知道你认为自己很胖But I"m here to tell you that,但今天我在这里,就是要告诉你:Every inch of you is perfect你身上的每一寸均是完美无瑕From the bottom to the top从头到脚都是如此Yeah, my momma she told me don"t worry about your sizeYeah 妈咪她告诉我 不用担心自己的身材She says, boys they like a little more booty to hold at night她说, "男孩子更喜欢在晚上抱著拥有翘臀的女孩"You know I won"t be no stick-figure, silicone Barbie doll你深知我永远都不会变成火柴人身形的女孩,就像那种矽胶做的芭比娃娃So, if that"s what"s you"re into 所以,假使这就是你所迷恋的身材Then go ahead and move along!那你现在就可以滚开啦!Because you know I"m all about that bass, 因为你知道我拥有一副天赋般的低沉嗓音"Bout that bass, no treble能够唱出美轮美奂的低音,而不是刺耳欲聋的高音I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble我热爱自然的低音,讨厌矫揉造作而唱出的高音I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass, no treble就像我喜爱与生俱来的丰满身材,不会盲目追求苗条I"m all "bout that bass, "bout that bass我就是胖胖的、拥有一副低沉嗓音的女孩子
2023-07-15 01:43:071

Places To Go 歌词

歌曲名:Places To Go歌手:50 Cent专辑:8英里50 cent-places to goyeahShady (echo)aftermath (echo)see you met you (Echo)I got places to go, I got people to see,The penitentiary, ain"t the place for me,I"m warnin you do, not tempt me,I"ll run up and squeezeAnd put a hole in you, hole in youI got places to go, I got people to see,The penitentiary, ain"t the place for me,I"m warnin you do, not tempt me,I"ll run up and squeezeAnd put a hole in you, hole in youyou mistaken me for somebody that you should be testing,MAC 101"s in session and lace the track that I"m blessin,smith and western"s, the weapon, in case you just guessing, (God Damh (Echo))these straight busters kept-in, kept-in my benz, hop-in the end"s,watch the 22 spin , my hoe"s a perfect 10I got shot up but I got up and i"m back at it again,at first you fail, try, try, try, try again,i"m the best don"t you get it, forget it, when I spit it, its crazy,you love it, admit it, you like it, I live it, its shady,When it"s dumped, trash it, so I got it mastered,stop and get your ass kicked, bastered, your misses get drastic,glock made out of plastic, cock-it and get blasted, run nigga and stash it...I got places to go, I got people to see,The penitentiary, ain"t the place for me,I"m warnin you do, not tempt me,I"ll run up and squeezeAnd put a hole in you, hole in youI got places to go, I got people to see,The penitentiary, ain"t the place for me,I"m warnin you do, not tempt me,I"ll run up and squeezeAnd put a hole in you, hole in youThere is a genie in that bottle of that don-pari"on,Introduce me to the booth they gonna listen to my words,In the hood they feel my shit...(break-it down...)Picture a perfect picture, picture me in the paperPicture me starting shit, picture me busting my gat,picture police man Dan gotta picture of that,picture me being broke, picture me smokin a sack,picture me comin up, picture me rich from rap,picture me blowin up, now picture me going back,to my momma basement to live, shit, picture that,where I"m from its a fact, you gotta watch your back,you wear a vest without a deck, use a target jack,hastle hard, money stack, sell that dope, sell that crack,sell that pack, sell that gat, sell that pussy, crew are back,50 Cent, too much spent?, man I"m bent, I"m out"ta hereI got places to go, I got people to see,The penitentiary, ain"t the place for me,I"m warnin you do, not tempt me,I"ll run up and squeezeAnd put a hole in you, hole in youI got places to go, I got people to see,The penitentiary, ain"t the place for me,I"m warnin you do, not tempt me,I"ll run up and squeezeAnd put a hole in you, hole in youHa haMan I aint going to jailNot even to visit a niggaYou want to holla at me you wright me,Matter a fact, you gotta send it to Sunset Boulevard,In Montreal,Ha hariding around in one of Dre"s Farrari"s nigga,or matter a fact I might be in Detroit,riding down 8 Mile road,you know for one of them en-joints and shit,Ha haya heard, I got place to go man,you know, shady aftermath,we finished our print money,Ha ha ha ha ha,aint seem to be doing much...
2023-07-15 01:43:261


 alway  [ar:big bang]  [ti:big bang]  [al:for the world]  [by:活在当下]  big bang - big bang  b to the i to the g  b to the a-n-g... let"s do it  so get them hands up high  we gon" get"cha funkdafied  c"mon everybody let"s all get down it"s the t-o-p  i be the baddest around "n  suckas don"t wanna come test my poundin  i see"em holin" they chest fall on the ground "n  drownin" see they weren"t original  i got it like that and everybody know  that when i rock the mic my super duper flows  come hittin" left to right whatever way it goes it"s whoa  freezin yall like zero below i be"zin total control fa sheez  i"m more than you know yo  i hits that 123 and 4 ya best believe it"s comin" straight outta seoul  yo yo yo they sayin this "n that so pitiful  i bring a fist and a smack that"s real lethal and oh no  you be runnin for your dear life man  how ya like me now i"m livin real tight man  don"chu wish you had the honeys like mine man  i saw you peepin steady creepin it was triflin  i grab the mic "n, and now you frighten  gd gon" get it till the day there aint no life "n  b to the i to the g  b to the a-n-g... let"s do it  so get them hands up high  we gon" get"cha funkdafied  b to the i to the g  b to the a-n-g... let"s do it  so get them hands up high  we gon" get this party started right  yo, my baby, she told me,  that i was her one and only  she"s no phony, she"s my roni,  and she would always like to ride my pony  (are you all in love?) that"s right no balony  (are you pushin up?) that"s right no balony  word homie, she"s all for me  that"s how we kick it that"s the end of story  my baby told me it gets real tonight  "n i"m so excited gonna do it right what i wanna do  what i"m gonna do - aint no thang, to my game  we"ll be doin the do it"s just me and my baby  *repeat  yo we got"em on throw  putin" they hands up in the air and sayin ho  fillin the club back to back like oh, my, god oh my oh  these honeys lookin flya than i ever did know  they all know, the big to the bang do they thang it"s all pro  and everythang aint a thang we rock yo  so just let it go and get into our swang baby  make love  written by kush daniel im steve-i  produced by kush  guitar lee seong ryeol  bass choi hoon  i never knew i"d find a love so true |  this one right here, is just for you |  remember that one day |  i held your hands then i kissed your lips then i told you |  our love was meant to be and always will forever |  give me that happiness i get from you just being there |  i always see you when i close my eyes, you"re on my mind |  so can"t you see, i need you right here wit me, close by my side |  this time for sure, gonna let you know, my love is straight from the heart |  forever you"re my girl forever be my world | you are the only one |  the only one i"ll ever need, my life is you and me |  forever you"re my girl forever be my world |  you are the only one |  i"ll never break your heart "no", so baby don"t let go |  even through the hard times |  we made it through just fine |  when it hurt we put in the work |  to show that i"m yours |  and that your mine |  that"s how we got this far |  let"s never be apart |  girl, you"re my queen |  i"m here for you |  "cuz you"re my everything |  you always make me feel like everyhing"s gonna be alright |  wit the things you do, becuz it"s you the real true love of my life |  this time fo sho, gonna let you know, my love is straight from the heart |  forever you my girl forever be my world |  you are the only one |  the only one i"ll ever need, my life is you me |  forever you my girl forever be my world |  you are the only one |  i"ll never break your heart "no", so baby don"t let go |  uh… baby!|  you know i"d walk them miles |  climb mountains swith up styles |  all i wanna do, is be with you |  ain"t no matter what, where and how |  [right here and now] we can both get down [straight work it out] yeah |  like that sound bump "n grindin" perfect timin"|  let"s dine and both be proud | yeah yeah yeah |  gonna take you on a joyride today |  me and you stay true never hesitate |  to make love — sho nuff |  you"re the only one i"m ever thinkin" of |  just to hold you baby i can hardly wait |  as we go through the motions damn it"s great |  to make love — sho "nuff |  we"re gonna take it to the end and that"s what"s up |  you are the only one i want to spend my whole life with i know |  anywhere you are, that"s where i will call home |  so just take my hand and say that you will never let it go |  two hearts always beating as one forever more |  forever you"re my girl forever be my world |  you are the only one |  the only one i"ll ever need, my life is you me  forever you my girl forever be my world  you are the only one |  i"ll never break your heart "no", so baby don"t let go |  i"m nothing without you i"m nothing without you girl  la la la  i, i , i, i like the real shit  you, you, you, you like the real shit?  i, i , i, i like the real shit  me and my crew can only bust with the real shit  we, we, we, we like the real shit  you, you, you, you like the real shit  all my peeps they like the real shit  me and my crew can only bust with the real shit  rock many styles and never foulin"  all together we are one no doubt and  if your feelin" uncomfortable  you can exit where you entered baby that"s for sure  so many wild so many browsin"  there"s no better baby that"s no doubt and  if you wanna come and rock a show  you can meet me in the center yo  lalala, everybody get"em high  it"s the big to the bang that"s why  and we won"t stop-movin" movin" lalala  everybody get"em high  it"s the big to the bang on the rise  and we won"t stop- movin" movin" movin"  closely, baby was doin" her thang to me  and i was feelin" really quite lovely  i can"t let anyone get in the way  she told me i was all the man she  Big Bang - Come Be My Lady  Been together for a while now  Gettin" closer everyday I  Weak-up in the morning and smile  Happy to be your side  Don"t you get me wrong now  Before we go on I  Got a thing I need to know  Think it through, baby be sure  The life we live (livin")  The way we lie (lyin")  IT"S ALL ABOUT THE G"s (Baby)  The way we think (Thinkin")  The choice you make (Makin")  IT"S ALL ABOUT THE G"s (Baby)  come be my lady  i can show you what you"ve always dreamed  don"t be so shady  you can live a life of luxury  maybe i"m crazy  i"m just tryna think of you and me  this world is so cold  so so cold  but that"s how it goes  I don"t wanna doubt you  Your love is really true  But you see money talks  Can easy come an flip your thoughts  Wanna know if you love me more  than the Gucci"s and Dior  Losin" you I can"t afford  You"re the one I adore  The life we live (livin")  The way we lie (lyin")  IT"S ALL ABOUT THE G"s (Baby)  The way we think (Thinkin")  The choice you make (Makin")  IT"S ALL ABOUT THE G"s (Baby)  come be my lady  i can show you what you"ve always dreamed  don"t be so shady  you can live a life of luxury  maybe i"m crazy  i"m just tryna think of you and me  this world is so cold  so so cold  but that"s how it goes  i can show you what you"ve always dreamed  don"t be so shady  you can live a life of luxury  maybe i"m crazy  i"m just tryna think of you and me  this world is so cold  so so cold  but that"s how it goes  To many play it dirty  The rocks can make crazy  I need your honesty  (its all about the G"s)  To many play it dirty  The rocks can make crazy  I need your honesty  (its all about the G"s)  come be my lady  let me show you - i can love you  don"t be so shady  from the depths of my heart  maybe i"m crazy  i won"t ignore you - i"ll adore you  this world is so cold  this world--is so cold  but that"s how it goes  i can show you what you"ve always dreamed  don"t be so shady  and you can live a life of luxury  maybe i"m crazy  i"m only thinkin" about you and me  this world is so cold  so so cold  but that"s how it goes
2023-07-15 01:43:341

Lloyd Cole的《Pay For It》 歌词

歌曲名:Pay For It歌手:Lloyd Cole专辑:Live At The BbcMindless Self Indulgence - Pay For ItI know I"ll feel this way foreverI know no one will beg to differGoodbye, so long, it"s been a pleasureRepeat this when I say thatI don"t want you to hate meOh noI want you to want to hate meI don"t want you to date meOh noI want you to want to date meI wanna pay for itAll of this shitI wanna pay for itLike a goddamn son of a bitchI wanna pay for itAll of this shitI wanna pay for itLike a goddamn son of a bitchNever gonna be perfectNo never gonna beNever good enoughNot for meI know I"ll feel this way foreverNo never gonna beNever good enoughNot for meI know no one will beg to differRepeat this when I say thatI don"t want you to hate meOh noI want you to want to hate meI don"t want you to date meOh noI want you to want to date meI wanna pay for itAll of this shitI wanna pay for itLike a goddamn son of a bitchI wanna pay for itAll of this shitI wanna pay for itLike a goddamn son of a bitchNever gonna be perfect noNever gonna be perfect no@#$@#$@$$%^$%#Too much of nothing never hurt me babyIt is aggressive that the message reads:@#$@#$@$$%^$%#Too much of nothing never hurt me babyIt is aggressive that the message reads:I don"t want you to hate meOh noI want you to want to hate meI don"t want you to date meOh noI want you to want to date meI wanna pay for itAll of this shitI wanna pay for itLike a goddamn son of a bitchI wanna pay for itAll of this shitI wanna pay for itLike a goddamn son of a bitchKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!
2023-07-15 01:43:421

请问什么歌?高潮第一句是i dont know……女的唱的,节奏感很强

是不是Ntasha thomas唱的??我也在寻找,你找到了没?
2023-07-15 01:43:515


Still D.R.E.播放歌手:Dr. DreYea niggaStill fuckin wichyaStill waters run deepStill Snoop Dogg and D-R-E "99 NiggaStill still doing that shit huh DreOh for sho" check me outIt"s still Dre Day nigga A K niggaThough I"ve grown a lot can"t keep it home a lotCause when I frequent the spots that I"m known to rockYou hear the bass from the trunk when I"m on the blockLadies they pay homage but haters say Dre fell offHow nigga My last album was The ChronicThey want to know if he still got itThey say rap"s changed they want to know how I feel about itIf you ain"t up on paceDr Dre is the name I"m ahead of my gameStill puffing my leafs still fuck with the beatsStill not loving policeStill rock my khakis with a cuff and a creaseStill got love for the streets repping 213Still the beats bang still doing my thangSince I left ain"t too much changed stillI"m representing for them gangstas all across the worldHitting them corners in them low low"s girlStill taking my time to perfect the beatAnd I still got love for the streets it"s the D-R-EI"m representing for them gangstas all across the worldHitting them corners in them low low"s girlStill taking my time to perfect the beatAnd I still got love for the streets it"s the D-R-ESince the last time you heard from me I lost some friendsWell hell me and Snoop we dipping againKept my ear to the streets signed EminemHe"s triple platinum doing 50 a weekStill stay close to the heatAnd even when I was close to defeat I rose to my feetMy life is like a soundtrack I wrote to the beatTreat my rap like Cali weed I smoke til I sleepWake up in the A M compose a beatI bring the fire til you"re soaking in your seatIt"s not a fluke it"s been tried I"m the troopIt"s Turn Out the Lights from the World Class Wreckin" CruI"m still at it After-mathematicIn the home of drivebys and ak-maticsSwap meets sticky green and bad trafficI dip through then I get skin D-R-EI"m representing for them gangstas all across the worldHitting them corners in them low low"s girlStill taking my time to perfect the beatAnd I still got love for the streets it"s the D-R-EHitting them corners in them low low"s girlStill taking my time to perfect the beatAnd I still got love for the streets it"s the D-R-EIt ain"t nothing but more hot shitAnother classic CD for y"all to vibe withWhether you"re cooling on a corner with your fly bitch (beyotch)Laid back in the shack play this trackI"m representing for the gangstas all across the worldStill (Hitting them corners in them low low"s girl)I"ll break your neck damn near put your face in your lapNiggas try to be the king but the ace is backSo if you ain"t up on thangsDr Dre be the name still running the gameStill got it wrapped like a mummyStill ain"t tripping love to see young blacks get moneySpend time out the hood take they moms out the hoodHit my boys off with jobs no more living hardBarbeques every day driving fancy carsStill gon" get mine regardlessI"m representing for them gangstas all across the worldHitting them corners in them low low"s girlStill taking my time to perfect the beatAnd I still got love for the streets it"s the D-R-EI"m representing for them gangstas all across the worldHitting them corners in them low low"s girlStill taking my time to perfect the beatAnd I still got love for the streets it"s the D-R-EI"m representing for them gangstas all across the worldHitting them corners in them low low"s girlStill taking my time to perfect the beatAnd I still got love for the streets it"s the D-R-ELike that right back up in ya motherfucking ass"95 plus four pennies!Add that shit up D-R-E right back up on top of thangsSmoke some with your dogNo stress no seeds no stems no sticks!Some of that real sticky icky ickyOooh wee! Put it in the airOh you"s a fool D R
2023-07-15 01:44:131

R.O.O.O.M的《Mastermind》 歌词

歌曲名:Mastermind歌手:R.O.O.O.M专辑:First ChapterArtist: NasAlbum: God"s SonSong: MastermindUh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh...A Mastermind - Sees it coming before it comesA Mastermind - Before he go to war he counts his oneA Mastermind - Everything planned out perfect, in case y"all niggaz got to get murderedA Mastermind - Sleeps at night, real easyA Mastermind - Cause everything he does is by the bookA Mastermind - Never do a thing irrational, lives forever, these tales are classicalVelvet bowties, bulletproofs in the tux, when I roll byIn car similar to a suanas, in my diamondsAnd my principal is to study dramaLook what happened in ManhattanA couple of years ago when guns started clappin"Two of my dogs fell, two of my niggaz ranThey was amatures in beef with a grown manIt taught me the lessons of how the strong standAnd how the weak, end up in a coffinPlay it cool, that"s the old school rule, manKeep your ears to the street, y"all never lose manMake your enemies believe there"s love thereCause in war, belief is all fairRock them to sleep, shots in your jeepAnd you ain"t never know the plot was from meIt"s from my MastermindsA Mastermind - Sees it coming before it comesA Mastermind - Before he go to war he counts his oneA Mastermind - Everything planned out perfect, in case y"all niggaz got to get murderedA Mastermind - Sleeps at night, real easyA Mastermind - Cause everything he does is by the bookA Mastermind - Never do a thing irrational, lives forever, these tales are classicalIt ain"t a game it"s the lifeThink it"s a game, you layinAnd I"m nice on that black stone merloToast to my hero Nat TurnerWhether below zero, gave the keys to KelisWhispered in her earlobe, drive onCause she the wife and they the freaksThe underneath my girl caliberThey smiled at her and said "Goodbye"With niggaz who thug or die, they wild as usMy bodyguards are my Denali trucksKnownin" that I"m surrounded by OG"s that I don"t really get down withThey got a seperate table for their freaks bought them drinksSo we could talk man-to-man so real niggaz could linkI knew, they kill hos too like Rae CarruthThey used to spray troops, now they managing groupsThe main nigga sunny had big money since "82Had two of my dogs whacked, nothing I could doThat was back when I had no crew, I switch thatNow I"m strong with niggaz who felt Sonny was wrongMy money"s long his money is weak, he"s losing sleepTrying to feel me out, to see what it"s gonna beBut I"m a MastermindA Mastermind - Sees it coming before it comesA Mastermind - Before he go to war he counts his oneA Mastermind - Everything planned out perfect, in case y"all niggaz got to get murderedA Mastermind - Sleeps at night, real easyA Mastermind - Cause everything he does is by the bookA Mastermind - Never do a thing irrational, lives forever, these tales are classicalI live a clean life, I don"t even steal cableI speak for myslef, my niggaz will slay youLucky us, this rap done worked out fineFEDs, check me out, it"s no dirt y"all findThis King Of New York shit only last 15 minutesEvery nigga get burned, but it"s what you did with itNiggas who brillant, came in and killed itMade millions ever three months, new juryI"m low, smoking blueberry, with a hoWho know a few scary individuals eerie as she gets into itSquares they into voodooShe says a Hail Mary and she says she knew whoWould come and try to kill you tooA Mastermind - Sees it coming before it comesA Mastermind - Before he go to war he counts his oneA Mastermind - Everything planned out perfect, in case y"all niggaz got to get murderedA Mastermind - Sleeps at night, real easyA Mastermind - Cause everything he does is by the bookA Mastermind - Never do a thing irrational, lives forever, these tales are classical
2023-07-15 01:44:311

I love 天国的嫁衣

2023-07-15 01:44:382

Sarah Connor的《Change》 歌词

歌曲名:Change歌手:Sarah Connor专辑:Naughty But NiceChangesarah connorI just wanna give you something you can talk aboutAlthough it"s kind of controversial bet you think aboutYou"re looking fine it"s kind of strangeSometimes you really dream of a changeAll the talk about a perfect look just brings you downCause you believe who"s got an inner beauty wears the crownMake up your mind and break those chainsSometimes you gotta go for a changeIf your baby"s gone with somebody elseCh ch changeIf your suga"s gotcha foolin" yourselfCh ch changeIf your life is kind of strange get up and rearrangeMake a change change change make a changeNow you see you gotta do something to get it onOnly nothing comes from nothing this is going onWake up and move, don"t be ashamedThere"ll be no better time for a changeDon"t you care if other people tell you what to doThe only one who knows about you will be always youStop to complain, don"t stay the sameI bet nobody helps you to changeIf your baby"s gone with somebody elseCh ch changeIf your suga"s gotcha foolin" yourselfCh ch changeIf your life is kind of strange get up and rearrangeMake a chang change change make a changeDon"t give a shit what they say Ch ch changeIf you"re slavin" for a dollar a dayCh ch changeIf you"re loosin" every game that you playCh ch changeIf your life is kind of strange, get up and rearrangeMake a change change change make a changeYou look like a beauty queen yesJust trust in yourselfDon"t be no one elseCause I believe that nobody can keep fromJust making a changeIf your baby"s gone with somebody elseCh ch changeIf your suga"s gotcha foolin" yourselfCh ch changeIf your life is kind of strange get up and rearrangeMake a change change change make a changeIf you"re slavin" for a dollar a dayCh ch changeIf you"re loosin" every game that you playCh ch changeIf your life is kind of strange, get up and rearrangeMake a change change change make a changeCh ch changeCh ch changeCh ch changeDon"t be no one else
2023-07-15 01:44:472


Last weekend was an exciting one for me. I had a lot of fun and did many activities that I enjoyed. It was a great way to forget all about my busy work week and relax.On Friday evening, I met up with some friends at a restaurant. We spent hours there chatting, laughing, and catching up over a delicious meal. It was so nice to spend some quality time with my buddies outside of work.On Saturday morning, I woke up early to go for a hike. I drove to a nearby park and spent the entire morning hiking and taking in the beautiful scenery. The fresh air and exercise made me feel invigorated and alive. It was such a great way to start off my weekend!In the afternoon, I joined a group of friends for a game of volleyball at the beach. We had so much fun playing in the sand and enjoying the sunshine. I haven"t played volleyball in years, so it was great to get some exercise while doing something I love.On Sunday, I decided to spend the day relaxing at home. I caught up on some reading and watched a few of my favorite movies. It was the perfect way to end a busy weekend and prepare for the upcoming work week.Overall, my weekend was filled with fun, laughter, and relaxation. I feel refreshed and ready to take on whatever challenges come my way. I am already looking forward to the next weekend and all the exciting things that it will bring!
2023-07-15 01:44:573

关于一首日语歌曲的 ?

2023-07-15 01:45:178

以practice makes perfect写作文

There is an old saying itl China: Practice makes perfect. Practice is a means and perfect is a goal. Only when you do more practice can you make things perfect. This is true not only in our learning but also in other walks of life. Take the study of English for example. Practice enables us to spell words correctly and master the rules of grammar quickly and practice also makes us hecome fluent in speaking and writing. It is ahnost impossible for a person to speak English fluently and accurately without a lot of practice. Another case in point is cooking. A good cook can prepare a delicious meah But you will not be surprised at his performance if you know how much time he has spent practising. Through practice, he then becomes an expert at cooking. It goes without saying that practice makes perfect. Only through practice can one be good at doing things. Since we have realized the importance of practice, why not put it into practice?
2023-07-15 01:45:451


noboby is perfect.没有人是完美的。
2023-07-15 01:45:537

more perfect than is convenient

你很仔细 这里确实是一个语法上的省略现象,than后面省略了主语what 在新概念英语第三册里的LESSON 29 funny or not 一课里面就有一句很类似的话 He drank more than was good for him 这句话也是省略了主语what 本来应该是He is often advised not to drink more wine than (what)is good for his health 第二个问题 present在这里作的成分是定语,修饰people 定语,通俗的讲就是修饰名词成分(主语,宾语...)的一个成分 也可以理解为一个定语从句的省略形式,省略了who are There must have been several hundred people who are present.
2023-07-15 01:46:091

present perfect and past tense 的用英文回答他门的用法和定义,要求是自己理解的,不需要从网上抄习得。

1.the present perfect is basically used to denote a relation between the past and the present,i.e. to refer to a past occurrence as conceived to be relate with the present.the present perfect may refer to a continous state or repeated habit that started in the past and extends up to the present or to one or more events that have occured in a period leading up to the present.现在完成时用来表示过去和现在一个关系,即过去发生的事情的结果与现在有关。现在完成时,可指一个状态或反复不断的习惯,或者在一段时间到现在为止发生过的一个或多个事件。2.the simple past tense is primarily associated with reference to the past time ,which is to denote a definite point or period of time before the present.一般过去时主要是参照过去的时间,表示现在之前的某个时间点或时间段。用法:1.simple past can refer to the past,present and futrue.一般过去时可以表示过去现在和将来。 is also used to express hypothesis and special attitudes.过去时态也可用于虚拟语气和表达
2023-07-15 01:46:162

Practice makes perfect 什么意思

Practice makes perfect熟能生巧
2023-07-15 01:46:242

一首英文歌 歌词是she is perfect ,but she is worthy

Trey Songz – Simply Amazing
2023-07-15 01:46:333