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2023-07-15 09:42:16
TAG: 英语 造句


What colour is the river?

The river is grey and silver.

Is the river grey and silver?

Yes, it is.


Are there any ships near tower bridge?

Yes, there is.

How many ships are near tower bridge?

There is one ship near tower bridge.



1,Is the river grey and silver?Yes,it is.

What colour is the river?It is grey and silver.

2,Are there any ships near the tower bridge?Yes,there are.

How many ships are there near the tower bridge? There is one.



Is the river grey and silver?yes,it is

What colour is the river? It"s grey and silver.


Are there any ships near tower bridge? yes,there are.

How many ships are there near tower bridge?there is only one.



1. are the river"s colour grey and silver? yes, the river"s colour are grey and silver

what colours of the river are? the river"s colour is grey and silver

2. Is there any ships near tower bridge? Yes, there is one ship.

how many ships near tower bridge? one


1.Is the river grey and silver? Yes,it is.

What color is it? It is grey and silver.

2.Are there any ships near tower bridge? Yes,there is.

How many ships are there near tower bridge? There is one.


Whai do they eat?

2023-07-15 00:09:125

whai i have learned from my college study and life 的英文作文

How time flies! In a wink I am on a threshold of graduation. It is a good time to look back to my campus life and have a reflection on my most previous years in my whole life. During the four years, there are sorrows and happiness, ups and downs, and it is full of color and achievements. I gained a lot, psychologically and physically.To begin with, study at university equipped me with knowledge. Most people firmly believe that university is an ivory tower where we enrich our knowledge, improve our observation and learn methods. It is well known that it is an ideal place for learning, because there are numerous excellent professors and experts, both academically and practically. In addition, reading and study shape my inclination and associating with different people makes me grow mature.Besides, I learned that love alone can awake love. In the years of study, our dear professors have set good examples for us, their responsibilities, their carefulness and their detailed preparation of class, all of there rolled into one thing: that is their deep love to the course and us purples. Illness and bad weather can never easily wither their passion and enthusiasm. From them I for the first time have a clear understanding of our parents" life and their greatness. This makes me think a lot about the meaning of life, and it lets me know that it is the contribution not demanding that values.What"s more, I learn from our classmates to be considerate and thoughtful. They never le......t any details of others students" unhappiness and troubles slip from their fingers. When you are in a tight corner, they will give you their hands and help you out, which give you warmness and happiness. It is in college that I know the sense of true friendship. It is the place where I learn how to deal and share with my friends; a place where I learn to be more grateful to my parents" hardworking. I tried my best to be nice to my friends and tried to know more about them. It is evident that if you want to be treated nicely by other students, try to be nice to others first. A pure friendship is previous; friends can share happiness and sadness with each other with true heart. Life is full of ups and downs. In my later life, I will help those who are in great need to avoid pitfalls and give a hand to people in plight on the road of life.In a word, campus life offers us greatly. The campus years are considered as the most important period in our lives which will set out future. It matures our thought and broadens our horizon, and it lets make me know what are valuable to our life.
2023-07-15 00:09:261

whai time can you get there

what 你什么时间能到?
2023-07-15 00:09:332

whai time do you get up? 着句什么意思,还有帮我回答着问句,拜托各位大虾哥哥或姐姐

what time do you get up?你什么时候起床?7 o"clock 七点钟whai"s your favourite food?你最喜欢什么食物?Vegetables 蔬菜what do you do on the weekends?你周末干什么?Playing basketball 打篮球
2023-07-15 00:09:423

whai qualities do you think a concierge should possess?

2023-07-15 00:09:493


What is your hobby?(你的爱好是什么?)Whai is his/her hobby?(他/她的爱好是什么?)What are you interested in? 询问一般兴趣爱好。What are your hobbies? 询问业余爱好。What are you fond of? 询问热衷的事/特别喜爱的事What are you into? 询问很着迷的事。
2023-07-15 00:09:571

whai time does your best friend go to school的回答

My best friend go to school at about 7o"clock.我最好的朋友大概七点钟上学。望采纳,谢谢啦。
2023-07-15 00:10:042

Whai is Mike going to do in the supermarket问,怎么回答?

-What is Mike going to do in the supermarket?迈克在超市里打算做什么?-He is going to be a cashier there.他打算在那做收银员。
2023-07-15 00:10:123


1。深圳的距离是多少,广州吗? 2。什么"sthe价格的电脑吗? 3。我们不应该依赖于别人。 4。你的意见Whai对这部电影吗? 5。有一个计算机在你的电视机。 6。现在,电脑似乎无处不在。 7。肯恩不乘公共汽车去上学他骑自行车去上学的每一天。 8。这条项链有不同的设计耳环。 9。珍妮否认偷了钱包
2023-07-15 00:10:453


链接: 提取码:whai小说名称:枭宠狂后作者:朕有病类型:言情连载状态:已完结字数:227万字简介:该小说讲述了皇叔你不要靠的我太近,王爷在看着咱们呢无眼之人,如何看你?话落,只见靠在她身上的年轻帝王,干净的衣袖内,陡然挥出一道凛然掌风。跪地的绝色男子痛苦的趴在地上,捂着双眼哀嚎不止。
2023-07-15 00:10:511

Whai did you do last weekend?怎么回答?

2023-07-15 00:11:089

Whai does Peter like doing?

peter喜欢做什么?很简单的阿,答案也很多 比如说 he like singing他喜欢唱歌 he like to sing like+动词的ing形式 like to+动词原形
2023-07-15 00:11:241

英语的问题 ~~~

1 He is swimming.2 does would for did your sour and has3 cousin cousin(这个词的意思很广) aunt(有婶婶的意思) uncle(有姑父的意思)祝你成功
2023-07-15 00:11:473


李贤24号 约翰戴维斯路罗斯基尔山奥克兰 1041号新西兰
2023-07-15 00:11:542


火龙果 ,又名青龙果、红龙果。我吃过,很好吃,就是太贵了,也难怪,谁让人家火龙果是珍贵物种了
2023-07-15 00:12:044

求一个日本动漫 是那种战斗机变机器人 和外星巨人

2023-07-15 00:12:138


2023-07-15 00:12:363

Do you have any pets?

2023-07-15 00:12:586

who is it designed for

ONLY STRICTER TRAFFIC LAWS CAN PREVENT ACCIDENTS Though the possibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before,every day we cites the incredible slaughter of men,women and children on the roads.Man versus the motor-car!It is a never-ending battle which man is losing. Thousands of people the world over are killed or horribly mutilated each year and we are quietly sitting back and letting it happen. It is high time that world codes were created to reduce this senseless waste of human life.With regard to driving,laws of some countries are notoriously lax and even the strictest are not strict enough.A code which is universally accepted could only have dramatically beneficial effect on the accident rate.So let"s work it out!
2023-07-15 00:13:131


2023-07-15 00:13:202


1. can 2. climb 3. dance 4. wash 5.can
2023-07-15 00:13:283

() on the sofa ?there are two hats.a what b whai's c what are 选哪个

2023-07-15 00:13:351


问题一:你穿多大尺寸的鞋子用英语怎么说 大家请注意,楼主要的是用英语怎么说,不是怎么写!应该是喔特赛子书子都哟为儿? 问题二:你想要多大码鞋子?用英语怎么说 What size of shoes do you want? 问题三:多大尺寸的鞋 用英语怎么说 what size of the shoes ? 问题四:你需要多少号的鞋子用英语怎么说啊? How many yards you need shoes 问题五:“你要多大码的鞋子”英文怎么读 What size do you wear? 你的鞋子几码?Sorry, there"s no your size. 对不起,你的码数没有了。A moment, please. / Please wait a momet./ Hold on, please.(这个仅用于打电话时请对方稍等) 请稍等。 问题六:你穿多大尺码的鞋 用英语怎么说》 whai size of shoes do you wear 问题七:你穿多大尺码的鞋用英语怎么说 英语是:What size shoes do you wear? 句子解释: size 英[sa?z] 美[sa?z] n. 规模; 大小,尺寸; 胶料,浆糊; 巨大,大量; vt. 按大小排列; 改变…的大小; 上胶料,上浆; 上涂料; adj. 一定尺寸的; [例句]Scientists have found the bones of a hoofed grazing animal about the size of a *** all 恭orse 科学家们已经发现了一种约有马驹般大小的有蹄草食性动物的骨骼。 shoes 英["?u:z] 美["?u:z] n. 鞋子; 鞋状物; 蹄铁; (轮胎的) 外胎; 鞋( shoe的名词复数 ); 蹄铁; 煞车; 金属箍; v. 为…钉蹄铁( shoe的第三人称单数 ); [例句]The heels of my shoes have ( been) worn down. 我的鞋跟给磨损了。 wear 英[we?(r)] 美[wer] vt. 磨损; 穿着,戴着; 面露; 留着(胡须等); vi. 耐用; 保持不变; 磨损,耗损; 逐渐或枯燥地通过; n. 穿着; 穿戴物,衣物; 磨损,穿旧; 耐用性; [例句]He was wearing a brown uniform 他当时穿着褐色的制服。 问题八:英语的鞋码怎么说“我的鞋子尺码为41码”咋翻译 The size of my shoes is 41. My shoes are Size 41. 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2023-07-15 00:13:411

What do you think he is doing还是Whai do you think is he doing?

What do you think he is doing
2023-07-15 00:13:506


你这套配置整体还是比较不错的,6代ii5处理器加上AMD R5显卡整体性能还是比较可观的,一般的网络游戏都可以完美运行,whairemainsofedithfinch这款游戏也是可以玩的,只要不开高特效,高画质还是可以完美运行的。
2023-07-15 00:14:041

花环夫人主题曲 相爱永远歌词音译

我一直坚守着 自己的命运如同花环全身心的付出 不管别人怎么看我只做 我心中的花环夫人不管世事纷扰 依旧保持我的高洁我的高洁 却换来卑微和蔑视高洁依旧 不奢望别人的仁慈前途渺茫 我心永恒我定要战胜 来自任何人的轻蔑决不屈服 哪怕苍天暂时阴霾我始终都要 坚持自己的尊严决不认输 相信上苍自有公断只要坚持为善 我定能最终胜利虽然心是那么疲惫 只要一息尚存虽然天空阴霾 可总有云开见日之时只求等到那一天 洗净所有罪孽这花环 能够高洁亮丽于世人前只求等到那一天 洗净所有罪孽这花环 能够高洁亮丽于世人前Malai Sam Chai(花环夫人)Shun Yunk Yued Munh Chee-wit Shun Muen Shor Malai Tanohm Guy Jai Mai Wah Krai Tree Traa Waah RayHai Rao Pben Dung Malai Sam ChaiRoy Riang Woon Wai Pook Whai Doy Saneh HaRuk Borisuth Glub Took Yham Hai Kwarm Thoi ThumRuk Mee Ter Shm Mai Art Whung Hai Krai Meth-thaHon Tang Yunk Glai Jai PauwanaShun Thong Fhun Fha Mai Wah Krai Kao Ma Yum YeeMai Yom Mua Mhong Mer Fah Mua MonhShun Yunk Mun Kong Sue Trong Thanong SukseeMai Yom Per Pai Dum Rong Whai Hai Pun RakeyKhor Yued Mhun Kwarm Dee Par Chee-wit Gao Parn Pon PbaiMher Jai Ja Neur Gub Lom Fon Tee Yunk KranumMher Seang Tawun Yunk Mai Tor Long Ma Sia TeeWhung Piang Suk Wun Sin Gum Tee MeeMalai Shor Nee Jaa Dai Borisuth Ngod NgarmWhung Piang Suk Wun Sin Gum Tee MeeMalai Shor Nee Jaa Dai Borisuth Ngod Ngarm
2023-07-15 00:14:221


I have a robot, my father bought me from the United States. It"s called Dr. IQ , it is an intelligent robot and about 1 meter high. It has a round head, the body is silver-gray.  He is a magical robot, he can chat with me, but also play many songs that I like to listen . But his most special is that he can paint a picture, and the paintings are particularly good. Because I also learn to draw, so this was especially pleased.  Sometimes, when I can not draw the human body and landscape, he would teach me how to draw this shape, how to use color, how to draw eyes and mouth, and so on. He solved many problems for me.For that,My painting levels increased a lot .  Therefore, I would like to thank my robot, affectionately thanks!  我有一个机器人,是爸爸从美国给我买来的。它叫IQ博士,是一个智能机器人,约有1米高。它有一个圆圆的脑袋,身体是银灰色的。  他是一个神奇的机器人,他可以和我聊天,还能放我喜欢听的歌曲。但他最特别的是他会画画,而且画的特别好。因为我也在学画画,所以为此感到特别高兴。  有时候,当我不会画这个人体和风景的时候,他会跑过来教我如何画这个形状,如何使用色彩,如何画眼睛和嘴巴,等等。他为我解决了许多问题,我的绘画水平也提高了许多。  因而,我要感谢我的机器人,深情地感谢!
2023-07-15 00:14:322


<wait a minute> <it"s alright> <心跳节奏》《tut jai mai whai>[也叫放心不下》《深爱着你》[这首歌是我的手机铃声,超好听!,里面有13国语言说我爱你】《想被叫老公》<i need somebody>,<用呼吸说爱你》《someone> <hug>【好听,这首歌女主角是《爱在路上》里的女主角】,还有好多。。。。。。。。。。。。。他真的非常厉害!!!!!你上电脑上看一下他的演唱会《爱无限》!!!!真的超好看的!!!!!!bie在泰国非常红的!!!!!!上搜狗音乐里也有好多bie的歌!!!!!!
2023-07-15 00:14:403

我怀念的 英文翻译

what I think of
2023-07-15 00:14:508

when和what time的区别是什么?具体怎么用

when 是问什么时候,
2023-07-15 00:15:074


2023-07-15 00:15:265


土著文化毛利人是白云之乡(Aotearoa)新西兰的土著居民,早在1000多年前,他们乘坐远航独木舟(waka hourua)离开自己的家乡哈瓦基(Hawaiki)来到此地繁衍生息。现在,毛利人虽然只占新西兰总人口的14% ,但其语言和文化却对新西兰的生活有着重要的影响。绚丽多彩的文化毛利人的文化绚丽多彩,体现在他们对传统艺术和当代艺术的追求之中。传统艺术包括:雕刻、编织、组舞(kapa haka)、讲演(whaikorero)和纹身术等在全国各地历久不衰。艺师们不仅继承了祖先沿用数百年的技艺,更发展创造出了新的技和形式。毛利人的当代文化包括:艺术、电影、电视、诗歌、戏剧和嘻哈乐等。 专题介绍 体验波华里(Powhiri)。 体验新西兰土著居民毛利人的欢迎仪式-波华里(Powhiri)。 更多信息 u203a[in English] 泰里欧毛利――毛利语来到新西兰的游客立刻就会注意到许多地名来自于毛利语。最初,游客可能感到毛利语如同天书一样,简直不知道如何发音。事实上, 毛利语很有逻辑,发音方式很规则,这点与英语不同。应该如何拼读Onehunga、Whangamomona、Kahikatea和Nguru这几个词呢?毛利语有5个元音: a、e、i、o、u (a音如car里的a、e音如egg里的e、i音如tee里的ee、u音如to里的o)。毛利语有8个与英语几乎相同的辅音――h、k、m、n、p、r、t和w。还有2个与英语不同的辅音――wh和ng。许多毛利人会把wh念得像英语的f。而ng的音与英语song里的ng发音相似,但是在毛利语中,这个辅音可以放在字首。Kia ora――您好!如果游客使用这句问候语向新西兰人打招呼,无论是毛利人还是白人, 都会愉快地回应。Kia ora――您好Kia ora tatou――大家好Tena koe――向您问好(问候一个人)Tena koutou――向大家问好Haere mai――欢迎Nau mai――欢迎Kei te pehea koe――近来可好?Kei te pai――好Tino pai――很好Haere ra――再见Ka kite ano――下次再见(再见)Hei konei ra――回头见Video FeatureMAORI CULTURE The Maori are the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand, and have a rich and varied culture. Open Movie 北部地区的毛利儿童为游客做传统节目表演,向游客展示他们的文化。 图片的详细内容电邮此图片 毛利人的礼仪毛利人是玻利尼亚人的一支,有着自己独特的礼仪。欣赏毛利人礼仪的最佳场所是毛利人会场(marae)。新西兰的很多旅行社都会组织游客到毛利人会场一睹风采。欢迎仪式(Powhiri)欢迎仪式(powhiri)以挑战(wero)为序幕。由主人(tangata whenua)一方的勇士向客人(manuhiri)提出挑战。这名勇士通常手持长矛(taiaha),会将一个象征性的东西(通常是一段小树枝)放到地上,客人应将树枝捡起,以示自己为和平而来,不抱任何敌意。然后,主人一方的女士们(kuia)会为远道而来的客人表演节目(karanga),通常是高声呼唤或吟唱。来客中的女宾们在经男宾前方步入会场时应做出回应。欢迎词(Whaikorero)进入毛利会场里的聚会厅(wharenui)后,迎接客人的将是友好的问候(mihimihi)和热情洋溢的欢迎词(whaikorero)。为了充分表达自己的真诚和友好,毛利人可能会演唱些迎宾歌曲(waiata)。通常,客人在向主人行以碰鼻礼仪(hongi)后,客人可以向主人(tangata whenua)赠送礼品(koha)。欢迎仪式结束后,主客一起入席进餐(kai)。故事与传说毛利文化是一种充满故事和传说的口头文化。根据毛利文化的创世说,原为一天的天父(Ranginui)和地母(Papatuanuku)被子女们活生生地分开之后,才有了天地之分。很多毛利人的雕刻与艺术作品都形象地描述了这场争斗过程。钓上一座岛毛伊(Maui)神话传说中提到了新西兰的诞生。传说上帝十分喜欢恶作剧。他掌管着太阳,使白日变得越来越长。然而,上帝最大的沽名钓誉之举是声称自己钓上了北岛,并称之为毛伊之鱼(Te Ika a Maui)。如果您在航空地图上看一下北岛的形状,不难发现,北岛的确很像一条鱼。毛利人认为北岛的最北端是鱼尾,而威灵顿港(Wellington Harbour)是鱼嘴。在传说故事中,毛利人将南岛称作是毛伊的独木舟(Maui"s waka),斯图尔特岛(Rakiura)则是毛伊的锚(punga)。"洪伊"(Hongi)是毛利人的见面问候礼 图片的详细内容电邮此图片
2023-07-15 00:15:455

9年级英语6单元grammar focus翻译

我喜欢我 能跟着一起唱的歌曲ROSA喜欢安静轻柔的音乐我喜欢自己写歌的歌手谁更喜欢有很棒的歌词的音乐你喜欢什么类型的音乐
2023-07-15 00:16:254

Whai about play footballthis afternoon?中哪处错了

2023-07-15 00:16:541

whai can you do in the library?什么意思

楼主你好. 句子应该是:What can you do in the library? 中文意思:你在图书馆里可以干什么? 满意请采纳,谢谢.
2023-07-15 00:17:011

WALT DISNEY 沃尔特-迪斯尼阅读题

The life story of Walt Disney.The history of Disney.
2023-07-15 00:17:211


问题一:英语的鞋码怎么说“我的鞋子尺码为41码”咋翻译 The size of my shoes is 41. My shoes are Size 41. 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck! 问题二:英语的鞋码怎么说 我的鞋子尺码为41码。 My shoes are size 41. I swear size 41 shoes. 41 ~ Forty-one ~ ? 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,敬请采纳、 问题三:鞋码10.5码用英文怎么说 ten point five size 问题四:你鞋子穿几码的呀?英语怎么说 我只知道 , _“你用英文念you 问题五:你需要多少号的鞋子用英语怎么说啊? How many yards you need shoes 问题六:鞋子的码差用英语怎么说 Shoe size difference 问题七:你穿多大尺码的鞋 用英语怎么说》 whai size of shoes do you wear 问题八:你想要多大码鞋子?用英语怎么说 What size of shoes do you want? 问题九:各种尺码的鞋用英语怎么写 shoes of different sizes 如不明白请追问,如果满意请【采纳】 祝学习进步 问题十:鞋子尺码用英文如何描述 36Yards,有这么长的脚吗? 正确表述应为 Size 36
2023-07-15 00:17:281


妖精种植手册的片头曲是《妖精的悲歌》妖精的悲歌 - 东方慕思词:贾甲曲:郭川编曲:彭重远Whai zenva ciel wonHarra hymme murfanare sik hiegWas touwaka ra yor oz infel eterneNa reveris sallogna noesFrawrle lirle ptrapile quivaleLasye scrivere storiaRrha ki ra sasye vit dauan fino nuihNa cyurio sphaela oz zashAiph sphaela zodal whai yorr scegliereAiph zodal vero whai yorr scegliereAiph walaen idesy whai yorr scegliereAiph iem endia whai yorr scegliereAiph sphaela zodal whai yorr scegliereAiph zodal vero whai yorr scegliereAiph walaen idesy whai yorr scegliereAiph iem endia whai yorr scegliere
2023-07-15 00:17:351

whoare you going to meet there

你和谁一起去 你怎么去(乘坐什么交通工具) 你将要去干什么 你将要带着什么去
2023-07-15 00:17:421

and we visit bigbang and the london c

B 一般过去时
2023-07-15 00:17:491


  同意楼上的,酷狗上有这首歌,歌词也有的  片头曲 - 花环夫人  演唱者:Earn The Star   我必坚信 此生若花环   心存善意 面对奸邪不改   背负三嫁之名   我于逆境 以真心修复创伤   我爱纯洁 亦难免亵渎   痛不欲生 不期待垂怜   生命漫长 真爱难寻   人若欺我 誓不再沉默隐忍   天空污秽 我亦美德不亏   挺直身躯 尊严不容损毁   永不放弃 无视爱之渴望   纳真善美与我心 生活向前   风雨连绵 我心忧之   阳光亦吝于普照大地   祈祷我之罪业了却   那花环必将纯洁无垢 风华绝代   天空污秽 我亦美德不亏   挺直身躯 尊严不容损毁   永不放弃 无视爱之渴望   纳真善美与我心 让生活向前   风雨连绵 我心忧之   阳光亦吝于普照大地   祈祷我之罪业了却   那花环必将纯洁无垢 风华绝代   祈祷我之罪业了却   那花环必将纯洁无垢 风华绝代  片尾曲 - 仅一个字  演唱者:Kam The Star 4      你能预知这里会是谁?   在一个秘密角落 它默默凝视你 我的爱人   我真的很爱你 我曾经那么的想你   我却唯有把爱深埋于心 我无可奈何   我没有说爱你的权利 我的一生注定浮沉   爱就一个字 多少次想吐露对你的爱 而我却唯有埋藏   直到生命结束的那一刻   只为唯一的爱   却不得不极力躲避   眼神里泄露出我的爱   请回答我 你是否知晓这个人有多爱你   爱就一个字 多少次想吐露对你的爱 而我却唯有埋藏   直到生命结束的那一刻   只为唯一的爱   却不得不极力躲避   眼神里泄露出我的爱   请回答我 你是否知晓这个人有多爱你   爱就一个字 多少次想吐露对你的爱 而我却唯有埋藏   直到生命结束的那一刻   只为唯一的爱   却不得不极力躲避   眼神里泄露出我的爱   请回答我 你是否知晓这个人有多爱你   眼神里泄露出我的爱   请回答我 你是否知晓这个人有多爱你
2023-07-15 00:17:562

do/does/be 在疑问句中如何使用

do/does是助动词,而be是动词.这里首先要明确概念.BE动词分为:am,is,are.在特殊疑问句中,be动词和助动词都是突出语序的,作为谓语动词使用.例如:Whai is your name?(你叫什么名字)在这里,be动词就是突出语序的.当...
2023-07-15 00:18:231


It was fine but a little cold esterday. The little boy lost his wa home.I helped him find his mother.We decide to swim all the afterday.Whai did ou do yesterday?Nothing.
2023-07-15 00:18:333


中文名:素格力·威塞哥   国籍:泰国   出生地:泰国 清迈   出生日期:1985年9月4日   身高:174cm   昵称:毕(BIE)   星座:处女座 体重:64kg 个人档案  素格力·威塞哥出生在泰国北方美丽的山城、著名的旅游胜地清迈,他的父亲是林业局的公务员,母亲是一所技术学校的英语老师,他还有一个姐姐。素格力毕业时学的是电子工程专业。因为成绩优异、组织能力强、身材健美、能歌善舞,曾经被推选担任学生会主席,多次作为学校的形象大使出席各种社会活动。素格力既不是科班出身,也没有耳濡目染的家庭环境,然而学工科的他近几年在歌坛和舞台的成绩令人瞩目。演艺经历  2006年,年仅21岁的他在参加 第三届歌星秀场节目中一炮走红。他以一首英文歌曲《我需要一个人》顺利进入八分之一决赛,之后又连连闯关并摘得最佳歌星银奖,被称为歌坛秀场上的“小壁虎”。他昵称“毕”(BIE),此后以 “大歌星”誉满歌坛,并先后发行了7张个人专辑,于2009年当选泰国文艺界最有影响力的人物之一。2006年首张专辑《Love Scenes》 2007年《Nud Pised》 2008年《Love Attack Concert -爱攻击音乐会》精选歌曲 2008年特别专辑《特殊画面》 2008年《I Love You Too》 2009年《Hug》【戏剧作品】  舞剧 《云中宝座》 歌剧 《画中情思》 【电视作品】   2006年 伤痕我心   2007年 路边的爱情花   2008年 铁石心肠   2009年 七彩月光个人生活  迅速走红的素格力,很快成为广告商的新宠,先后为相机、摩托车、口香糖、果汁等代言,其中他代言的手机创造了销售量超过百万的最高纪录。2008年的民意调查显示,素格力已经成为泰国五大品牌代言人之一。而更让人们津津乐道的是,素格力对公益事业十分热衷。他先后在“禁止对儿童和妇女使用暴力”、“远离毒品”、“锻炼身体,增强全民体质”等公益活动中担任形象大使,并多次受到政府部门的表彰。2009年的母亲节,素格力获得泰国社会福利院评选的“孝子”荣誉称号,还获得国家社会发展人类安全部颁发的“全国优秀青年” 荣誉称号。奖项及荣誉  2006 泰国第三届歌星秀场节目 亚军   2008 泰国五大品牌代言人   2009 泰国社会福利院评选的“孝子”荣誉称号   2009 “全国优秀青年” 荣誉称号   其他小花絮   1985年9 月4 日Sukrit Wisetkaew 在泰国南边的一家医院 ( Maharaj Nakorn Chiangmai Hospital ) 出生,他的妈妈叫他Bie << Gum Bie>> 被人们称为一只来自北方的蜻蜓.父亲是个护林员,母亲是英文老师 . 小学和高中在< Mongfort College> 上学,高中毕业以后在< King Mongkut"s University of Technology Thonbury > 学工程。   2006年BIE参加歌唱比赛 < The star >进入前八名,在比赛过程中评委对他一直很挑剔,曾说他唱歌不好跳舞像壁虎等等一些犀利的言语。但是因为观众的支持选票一直很高所以进入前两名,在 Impact Arena Muang Thong Thanee 经过角逐获得亚军.   后来Exact 制作公司决定启用他在电视剧《曾经的爱》就是<伤痕我心>中出演男主角。这是他的处女作品。当记者问到他出演男主角的感想时,他说这部电视剧很难,自己发挥的也不太好,导演也非常严厉。不过,电视剧的播出得到了广大观众朋友喜爱。随后他又获得了一个演唱电视剧主题曲的机会。主题曲的名字叫作《不能停止爱她的心跳》,片尾曲《来不及的爱》同样由他演唱。当听完这两首歌以后,Exact下决心全力为他打造一张个人专辑《Love scenes 》,主打歌《I need somebody》获得了惊人的反响,到 2006 年10 月份Exact 公司开始宣传、出售他的专辑,终于Bie 这个名字红遍了泰国南北。   到2007 年出演电视剧 << Heart of Stone>> (铁石心肠), 但他的表现仍然没有得到导演的太多认同 ,于是 Bie 决定进行深造 , 走上了向 M.L.Phandhevanop Dhevakool(Mom.Noi)求学的道路. 在 M.L. Phandhevanop Dhevakool(Mom.Noi) 的精心教导和Bie自身的不断努力下, 他的演技终于有所提高.接着 Scenario 决定选他作为 “Pakorn” 的男主角.   2008 年Bie开始准备第二张个人专辑<< I love you too >> , 主打歌叫作《心的旋律》 《Someone 》但首先他必须跳出熟练的舞步. 2008 年5月份GMM Grammy 和Exact 决定合作为Bie举行演唱会.音乐会一开始预的场地没有成功,决定换到泰国最大的舞台演出.无疑这提高了门票的价格,起初公司担心门票会卖不完,结果恰恰相反,门票一出市就被抢购一空.于是公司决定举办第二场演唱会.   不久,Bie 就被看中出演话剧 < Behind The Painting The Musical> 在剧中Bie与被称为泰国话剧女王的 ( Pat-Suthasinee Buddhinan ) 合作.一开始人们对为何给新人Bie 如此荣幸并不理解.不过只要听过《心的旋律》《Some one》人们就深深的明白了   优酷和土豆上可以找到Bie2009爱无限高清演唱会,看过已经你就会明白他为什么会在泰国那么红了.他是靠自己实力一步一步走过来的,对粉丝和同行都非常亲切.在泰国深受欢迎,去看他演唱会的上至7.80岁的老人,下至3.4岁的孩子都有,是泰国的全民偶像.
2023-07-15 00:18:401

英语作文:the most meaningful thing in my life

This Friday afternoon , I went Boya Primary School as avolunteer teaching some little boys and girls to do some hand work . Because we should get on the bus before 12:30 ,many of us did not have lunch . We just prepared ourselvessome bread on the bus . 15 minutes later , we arrived atthe destination . Then we received warmly welcome . The boysand girls were so happy to see us that as soon as wegot off the bus , all of them came around us asking a lotof questions such as "Did you have lunch ? Whai will youteach us? " and so on. Half an hour later , we began toteach them some hand work . They learned very carefully .They were so clever that they knew how to do cleary onlyin a short time . At last , we divided the students into sixgroups and held a competition to see which group would win . All of them were very active to take part in . At last,though the fourth group was the winner , I thought everyonedid a good job and all of them were the best . At 4:30,we were reluctan to leave . When we got on the bus , allof them waved their hands and said:"Welcome to our schoolagain." I think it is one of the most meaningful things I have ever done . Though a bit hard , we all had a good time with the lovely students.
2023-07-15 00:18:501

kon jai ngai歌词的中文音译,能拼出来的

Tit jai tur jon dai倾心你想尽一切办法thoog jai tur jon dai讨你欢心想尽一切办法meua tur ma thum hai jid jai kong chun ten rua当你让我的心颤动ying jer go ying chob,ying chob go ying glue越是碰上越是喜欢,越喜欢就越害怕roo mai kon dee知否,甜心?bang tee tur go chai,bang tee go mai chai有时你就是,有时却不是doo tur mee jai hai,tae bang tee muean mai mee看你是有心意,但有时却象是没有go dow jai tur yarg也猜想你想mai roo wa tee jing nun kid yang ngai不知你心中真正怎样想。yah tum hai ruk deaw mun lhong deaw mun ruk别使得爱唱独角戏(独迷独爱)chun tung ruk mai thun我的爱将赶不上deaw ja rung wai mai whai孤掌将无法换留住(爱)ruk mun puk hua jai tum ngai?爱怎样插进内心?ja deung ork pai go deung mai ork将拉也拉不出去?yah tum hai kit tha mai ruk chun suk nit不要让我想若你一点也不爱我kow jai phit keun ma明白错误会产生chun mai rup pit chob我不受错爱ma tum hai klerm ta-lod来使得我始终昏愦萎糜tha plur pai got如果惘忘了拥抱laew tur ja wah young ngai?而你将怎么样说?JAT DA LA LA LA。。。go kon mun jai ngaai也就一个易轻信的人go leoy chob kon ngaai因此容易喜欢上别人yah leoy tur chun wai你别这样说我有办法yah tum hai chun jai sun不要使得我心颤bork wa kae sun sun说话只短短Tha ruk chun muean gun若爱我也这样go wa gun pai就说出来
2023-07-15 00:18:571


2023-07-15 00:19:075


乘车去上班 go to work by bus做作业 do one"s homework整夜 all the night睡觉 go to bad听英语 listen to English几点钟 what time你几点钟起床? what time do you get up?我的爸爸通常在6:00跑步 My father usually runs at 6 o"clock.他的妹妹几点钟回家? What time does your sister go home?我通常在晚饭后写作业 I usually do my homework after supper.他5点钟起床然后做运动 He gets up at 5 and then does sports.我爱听音乐 I like listening music.他乘1路车去上班 He goes to work by No 1 bus.刷牙之后我吃了早餐然后去上学 After brusging teeth, I have breakfast and then go to school.
2023-07-15 00:19:419

呃,我要准备几个英语的回答。 能请各位朋友帮帮忙,先谢谢了。

1. I"m 23 (years old).2. Yes I do. I like my classmates, school environment and my teachers.3. It"s on March 6th.4. Yes I do. I love delicious food, and I like to celebrate my birthday with my friends.5. Yes, English can make me communicate with more friends and read a lot of books.6. our English is at the same level. My English is the best. My deskmate"s English is the best.7. Yes I do. I like running, swimming and playing football.8. I like running, because I like sweating. I like swimming, because I like soaking in water. I like playing football, because I like playing sports with friends.9. Yes I did. I had Soya-bean milk, egg and bun.10. I usually have rice, vegetables and meat for lunch.11. My favorite foods are chicken, potatoes and finish.12. Yes, I do. I almost have them every day. No, I seldom eat these food.
2023-07-15 00:20:344


1 To tell her the results of the tests .2 beside the telephone 3she found her husband waiting for her. 4He buyed all the things on the list for his wife.
2023-07-15 00:20:412