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King Nothing 歌词

2023-05-19 16:51:40
TAG: ki thin 歌词
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歌曲名:King Nothing

Wish I may
Wish I might
Have this wish tonight
Are you satisfied?
Dig for gold
Dig for fame
You dig to make your name
Are you pacified?
All the wants you waste
All the things youve chased
And it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But theres no one around
Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle crumbled
And youve left with just a name
Wheres your crown King nothing
Wheres your crown
Hard and cold
Bought and sold
A heart hard as gold
Are you satisfied
Wish I may
Wish I might
You wish your life away
Are you pacified
All the wants you waste
All the things youve chased
And it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But theres no one around
Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle crumbled
And youve left with just a name
Wheres your crown King nothing
Wheres win your crown
I wish I may
I wish I might
Have this wish I wish tonight
I want the star
I want it now
I want it all and i dont care how
Careful what you wish
Careful what you say
Careful what you wish
You may regret it
Careful what you wish
You just might get it
Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But theres no one around
Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle crumbled
And youve left with just a name
Wheres your crown King Nothing
(Were off to never never land)




crashes的英语读音:[kræʃ],v.撞击;坠毁;发出巨响;崩溃;破产;<俚>宿夜;n.轰隆声;猛撞;崩溃;暴跌;垮台;粗布;adj.速成的。1. N-COUNT A crash is an accident in which a moving vehicle hits something and is damaged or destroyed. 撞车; 坠机,例:His elder son was killed in a car crash a few years ago.他大儿子几年前死于一次车祸。2. N-COUNT A crash is a sudden, loud noise. 突然的巨响例:Two people recalled hearing a loud crash about 1:30 a.m.两人回忆说大约凌晨1:30时听到一声巨响。3. V-T/V-I If a moving vehicle crashes or if the driver crashes it, it hits something and is damaged or destroyed. 使…撞毁; 撞毁例:The plane crashed mysteriously near the island of Ustica.飞机在乌斯蒂卡岛附近神秘地坠毁了。例:Her car crashed into the rear of a van.她的汽车撞毁了一辆面包车的尾部。4. V-I If something crashes somewhere, it moves and hits something else violently, making a loud noise. (发出巨响的) 猛撞例:The door swung inwards to crash against a chest of drawers behind it.门摆向里面,砰的一声猛力撞上了门后的五斗橱。
2023-01-03 11:57:261


crashes的英语读音:[kræʃ]。造句:1、The stock market crash did not at once utterly destroy but it did severely shake the confidence of the business community.证券市场的崩溃,虽未立即彻底摧毁,但却严重动摇企业界的信心。2、There was a crash of breaking glass inches away from her face. She jumped.突然,呯的一声巨响,眼前玻璃打碎了,把她吓了一跳。3、Malkin said the yacht"s captain crash and the driver violated safety regulations may be the main cause of the accident.马尔金说,失事游艇的艇长兼驾驶员违反安全规范可能是导致事故发生的主要原因。4、The flash-crash report provides some vindication for high-frequency trading firms, which had been widely blamed for the mayhem that day.闪电崩盘报告为从事高频交易的交易公司做了一些澄清,由于那天发生的大混乱,这些公司受到了广泛指责。
2023-01-03 11:57:371


crash[英]v.碰撞; 使发出巨响; 暴跌; 睡觉; n.碰撞; 碰撞声; 暴跌; 崩溃; adj.应急的; 速成的; 第三人称单数:crashes过去分词:crashed复数:crashes现在进行时:crashing过去式:crashe1. 撞击,砸碎;坠毁smashstrikeshatterbreak其他释义crack-upthunderbreaktragedyjanglefailureexplosionshattersmashhurtlestrikecollapsen.碰撞,坠落,坠毁,撞击声,爆裂声v.碰撞,坠落,坠毁,(指商业公司,政府等)破产,垮台Then comes the crash of 2008.然后是2008年的经济崩溃。1、Crash,英语单词,动词、名词、形容词,作名词时的意思是“(交通工具)坠毁;碰撞声;暴跌;(机器、系统的)崩溃;睡觉;粗棉布”,作动词时的意思是“碰撞;(使)坠毁;(使)摔碎;使发出巨响;(金融企业等)破产.(机器、系统等)崩溃;(比赛中)惨败;(在临时安排的地方)入睡;心脏停止跳动;擅自闯入”,作形容词时的意思是“应急的,速成的”。2、crash的读音:英[kræʃ]美[kræʃ]
2023-01-03 11:57:531


crash n.撞车;碰撞;相撞;(倒下、破碎等突然的)碰撞声,破裂声,碎裂声;暴跌;倒闭;破产;失败; v.碰撞;撞击;(使)猛撞;使发出巨响; adj.应急的;速成的; 第三人称单数: crashes; 复数: crashes; 现在分词: crashing; 过去式: crashed; 过去分词: crashed 扩展资料   Files can be lost if the system suddenly crashes.   要是计算机系统突然崩溃,文件就可能丢失。   Viruses tend to be good at surviving when a computer system crashes.   计算机病毒在系统崩溃后往往依然存在。   The cause of the crash was given as engine failure.   撞车事故的原因被认定是发动机故障。
2023-01-03 11:58:031


坠毁;碰撞声等等。详细释义:v.碰撞;(使)坠毁;(使)摔碎;使发出巨响;(金融企业等)破产;(机器、系统等)崩溃;(比赛中)惨败;(在临时安排的地方)入睡;心脏停止跳动;擅自闯入n.(交通工具)坠毁;碰撞声;暴跌;(机器、系统的)崩溃;睡觉;粗棉布adj.应急的,速成的变形:复数crashes、第三人称单数crashes、现在分词crashing、过去式crashed、过去分词crashedcrash词语辨析:crack, crashcrack (使)破裂,砸开。如:I can crack it, but I can"t break it. (我能把它弄裂,但不能把它弄破。)crash 摔坏,坠毁。如:The plane crashed shortly after the take-off.(飞机起飞不久就坠毁了。)
2023-01-03 11:58:091


crash[英][kræʃ][美][kræʃ]v.碰撞; 使发出巨响; 暴跌; 睡觉; n.碰撞; 碰撞声; 暴跌; 崩溃; adj.应急的; 速成的; 第三人称单数:crashes复数:crashes现在进行时:crashing过去式:crashed过去分词:crashed相关单词:CRASHCrash
2023-01-03 11:58:182


  crash做动词有撞击;坠毁;发出巨响;崩溃等意思,那么你知道crash的第三人称单数是什么吗?下面我为大家带来crash的第三人称单数和用法例句,欢迎大家学习!   crash的第三人称单数:   crashes   crash的用法:   crash的用法1:crash的基本意思是“撞碎,坠毁”,表示猛跌或猛撞并发出突然猛烈而又宏大的声音,引申可表示商业或金融机构突然破产或垮掉”。   crash的用法2:crash可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语。   crash的用法3:crash后常接介词to〔into〕表示“撞毁”,接down表示“摔下”,接out表示“冲出”等。   crash第三人称单数例句:   1. Viruses tend to be good at surviving when a computer system crashes.   计算机病毒在系统崩溃后往往依然存在。   2. Cars are tested to see how much damage they suffer in simulated crashes.   已经对车辆进行了测试以确定其在模拟撞车试验中会遭受多大的损坏。   3. Many people died in these crashes, and this has puzzled investigators.   许多人死于这样的事故, 这问题始终为调查人员迷惑不解.   4. The car crashes into a pine tree, bursting into flames.   汽车撞在一株松树上, 起火了.   5. The many crashes on the icy roads told their own tale.   路上结冰发生多起撞车事故,路面情况已不言而喻.   6. In many crashes, the passenger cabin remained intact and the plane did not catch on fire.   许多失事的飞机客舱并未受损,飞机也未着火.   7. Repairs PC configurations by eliminating system bottlenecks and preventing crashes.   维修电脑的配置,消除系统瓶颈,并防止崩溃.   8. Crashes killed 238 women drivers in 2002, compared with 907 men.   2002年,有238名女性死于撞车事故, 而男性高达907人.   9. It"should be noted that most airplane crashes occur during takeoffs and landings.   值得注意的是绝大多数的飞机失事均发生在飞机起飞和降落的时候.   10. If you experience crashes, you should lower the battle size.   如果你出现了崩溃, 那么你就该减小战场规模.   11. There have been a series of airplane crashes lately.   最近有一连串的飞机坠毁.   12. Ice can also create maneuverability problems that could lead to crashes.   结冰还会引起操作失灵,导致空难.   13. While distracted, Mickey loses control of the plane and crashes.   在两人分道扬镳后, 米奇的飞机失控并坠毁.   14. The loud crashes brought Carlo in from the bedroom.   卡罗来到厨房.   15. Chuck survives the crashes and lands on a deserted island.   在这次坠毁事故中,查克幸免于难,掉到在一个荒岛上.
2023-01-03 11:58:261


crashed速成的;失事的英 [kræʃt]美 [kræʃt]v.崩溃;发出巨响;破产;(crash的过去式和过去分词)原形: crashThe bus was travelling with an undetermined number of passengers when it crashed.撞毁时,公交车内旅客人数不明。He could have crashed the car and taken them both to eternity.他本可以把车撞毁,带着两人一起去见阎王。What was it you said just before I crashed out?我睡着前你说什么了?
2023-01-03 11:58:342

Crash 是什么意思?

crashKK: []DJ: []vi.1. (发出猛烈声音地)碰撞,倒下,坠落The motorcycle crashed into the fence.摩托车猛地撞在围栏上。2. (飞机等)坠毁,撞坏An airliner crashed west of Denver last night.昨夜一架客机在丹佛西边坠毁。3. (发出很响声音地)冲,闯[Q]4. 发出撞击声,发出爆裂声Listen to the thunder crash.听劈雷发出的巨响。5. 失败;垮台;破产His company crashed last year.他的公司去年破产了。6. 【俚】(免费)宿夜;睡I"d crashed Friday afternoon -- I hadn"t completely recovered from the infection.我星期五下午昏睡过去了,我发炎还没完全恢复过来。7. 【电脑】死机The PC just crashed.那部个人电脑刚死机了。vt.1. (发出猛烈声音地)撞击,砸碎2. 使(飞机等)坠毁,使(飞机等)撞坏3. (发出很响声音地)冲,闯[O]They crashed their tanks through the railings.他们开着坦克哗啦一声冲过围栏。4. 【口】无票进入(会场等),闯入5. 【电脑】死机X crashed the system.X把那个系统搞得死机了。n.[C]1. 相撞(事故);(飞机的)坠毁,迫降A lot of passengers were killed in the train crash.许多旅客在火车车祸中丧生了。2. 撞击声,爆裂声3. 失败;垮台;破产4. 【俚】睡5. 【电脑】死机a.1. 应急的,速成的[B]以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供
2023-01-03 11:58:436


crash    英[kræʃ]    美[kræʃ]    v.    碰撞; 使发出巨响; 暴跌; 睡觉;    n.    崩溃; 碰撞; 碰撞声; 暴跌;    adj.    应急的; 速成的;    [例句]His elder son was killed in a car crash a few years ago.他的长子几年前死于车祸。[其他]    第三人称单数:crashes 复数:crashes 现在分词:crashing过去式:crashed 过去分词:crashed    
2023-01-03 11:59:042


2023-01-03 11:59:233


在调试程序的时候,总是碰到crash的bug,而且一追踪就是一些汇编的代码,让人特别疑惑。一般情况下可以通过增加两天断点来解决此问题,方法介绍如下:基本上有错误分为以下几种类型:signal(SIGABRT, MySignalHandler);signal(SIGILL, MySignalHandler);signal(SIGSEGV, MySignalHandler);signal(SIGFPE, MySignalHandler);signal(SIGBUS, MySignalHandler);signal(SIGPIPE, MySignalHandler);SIGABRT和EXC_BAD_ACCESS较为特殊,算是比较好跟进。SIGABRT是系统报错,在memery warning之后,系统会把程序强制退出,报的就是这个错误。EXC_BAD_ACCESS 大多数时候是内存提前释放而引起的问题,或者访问的方法不存在引起的。追踪程序的调用stacktrace的方法,跟踪问题:一般出错了之后出现的常见界面,再熟悉不过了。。切换到breakpoint界面,拖动底端的slider按钮,显示调用堆栈虽然调用堆栈已经出来了,但是都是一堆的汇编代码,无法给予明确的信息。。剩下的就是今天要讲的问题:添加Symbol breakpoint Exception breakpointException breakpoint添加 的添加步骤一、Exception breakpoint 的添加。1、切换到breakpoint 视图界面2、点击最底端的"+"按钮,添加Add Exception BreakPoint,这个就是捕获所有的exception, 貌似stackoverflow上说,bad_access那种错误无法捕获的,这个用于捕获那些SIGSEGV 的错误。3、添加完成之后的界面。二、Symbolic breakpoint的添加前两步和一 基本是一样的,不截图了,只是在第二步选择的时候选 Add Symbolic BreakPoint 第三步截图;添加完成之后添加上objc_exception_throw完成,添加完成只两个断点之后,程序中很多异常也可以捕获了,直接定位到出问题的位置。当然程序中最好也加上异常处理的代码,可以参考这个处理,一般都是这个方式处理的
2023-01-03 11:59:411


SIGABRT:异常终止条件,例如abort()所发动者 SIGSEGV:非法内存访问(段错误) SIGTERM: 发送给程序的终止请求 SIGINT: 外部中断,通常为用户所发动 SIGILL: 非法程序映像,例如非法指令 SIGFPE: 错误的算术运算,例如除以零 0x8badf00d 表示app在一定时间内无响应被watchdog杀掉,对此类crash,应该审查app在初始化时的操作是否正确,是否在主线程请求了网络调用或者其他耗时的操作方法卡住了正常初始化流程。简单来说就是看门狗超时,在iOSapp上,经常出现在执行一个同步网络请求调用而阻塞主线程的情况 0xdeadfa11 表示app被用户强制退出 0xc00010ff 表示app因运行温度过高而被杀掉 用户手机上 设置 -> 隐私 -> 分析 里面的,可以连接电脑 Xcode 导出。 在 Xcode -> Window -> Organizer -> Crashes 里面可以查看 优点: 理论上捕获类型最全,因为是 launchd 进程捕获的日志。 缺点:不是全量日志,因为需要用户隐私授权才会上报,没有数据化支撑。 接入一些 APM 产品, 如 EMAS、mPaaS、phabricator 等。 接入 PLCrashReporter 、 KSCrash 等 SDK 进行收集,上报到自建平台统计 优点:可以自建数据化支撑,获取 Crash 率等指标。 缺点:存在无法捕获的 Crash 的类型。 苹果收集的日志,Xcode会自动帮我们符号化,如果你没有发布包,比如是别人电脑打包的发布包,或者是一些平台上打的包,只需要你把 xcarchive 拷贝到 $HOME/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives 目录下之后,Xcode 就可以自动帮你符号化了。 “.app”, “.dSYM”和 ".crash"文件放到同一个目录下 设置环境变量路径 终端下执行命令: 在审核时或线上版本中经常会出现各种离奇的崩溃,本文以命令行分析崩溃定位: 准备: 参考&引用&拓展阅读
2023-01-03 11:59:471

crash at data是什么意思

crash at data的意思:事故数据。crash 英[kræʃ] 美[kræʃ] v. 碰撞; 使发出巨响; 暴跌; 睡觉; n. 崩溃; 碰撞; 碰撞声; 暴跌; adj. 应急的; 速成的; [例句]His elder son was killed in a car crash a few years ago.他的长子几年前死于车祸。at 英[ət] 美[æt,ət] prep. (表示位置) 在; 在(某时间或时刻); 以,达; 向,朝; n. 阿特(老挝辅币单位,100 阿特 = 1 基普); [例句]We had dinner at a restaurant in Attleborough.我们在阿特尔伯勒的一家餐厅里吃的饭。data 英[ˈdeɪtə] 美[ˈdetə, ˈdætə, ˈdɑtə] n. 资料,材料; datum的复数; [计算机] 数据,资料; 从科学实验中提取的价值; [例句]The study was based on data from 2,100 women.这项研究基于从2,100名女性那里收集来的资料。
2023-01-03 11:59:526

阿桑car Crashes中英文对照歌词。

Carcrashes by Suzanne Mosson Car crashes , TV shows车毁人亡,是电视节目么? A drunkard on the side of the road一个酒鬼醉倒在路边 People running (running)人们纷纷的躲避 Fantasy or reality想象还是真实的? Analysis and theories分析和理论一下 What does matter really?真的是什么事情呀? Chorus副歌 Tell me what to believe告诉我怎么去相信 Won"t you bring me order你会给我带来什么? Tell me what to achieve告诉我,我该得到什么? Baby, so I can move forward宝贝,这样我才有前进的动力 Tell me what to be告诉我未来是怎样的 Car crashes, TV shows车毁人亡,是电视节目么? A drunkard on the side of the road一个酒鬼倒在路边 People runnin", run人们纷纷的躲避 Credit cards in place of distress信用卡快透支了 Go live your life on the Internet你继续在虚拟的网络上生活吧 That"s what this is这个就是为什么这样 Conspiracies and mysteries阴谋和奥秘 Science-fiction make-believe相信科学的小说·诡异的化妆 My kind"s misery我内心的苦难 Chorus x2副歌*2 Car crashes, TV shows车毁人亡,是电视节目么? A drunkard on the side of the road一个醉汉倒在路边 People runnin" (running)人们纷纷的躲避 (All these car crashes in my head)(在我的脑海里所有的汽车都在相撞) Fantasy or reality想象中或是真实的? Analysis and theories理论分析一下 (All these car crashes)(所有的车都在相撞) What does matter really?真的是什么事情呀? (All these car crashes) (所有的车都在相撞) 请采纳
2023-01-03 12:00:261

right cymbal就是crash么

当然不是right cymbal右铜钹crash 英[kræʃ] 美[kræʃ] v. 碰撞; 使发出巨响; 暴跌; 睡觉; n. 崩溃; 碰撞; 碰撞声; 暴跌; adj. 应急的; 速成的; [例句]His elder son was killed in a car crash a few years ago.他的长子几年前死于车祸。[其他] 第三人称单数:crashes 复数:crashes 现在分词:crashing过去式:crashed 过去分词:crashed
2023-01-03 12:00:311

crash strike smash 这三个单词都有敲打、打击与罢工的意思,请问应该如何区分他们的用法?请大神指教!

crash 指两个或两个以上物体激烈地强力接触 The plane crashed near the island.  那架飞机在岛屿的附近坠毁了。His car crashed into the rear of a van. 他的车与一辆货车追尾。He crashed his motorcycle on a bridge. 他骑摩托车撞在了桥上。 Strike 通过有力的接触破坏或急速而突然一次猛击 She struck her knee against the desk. 她用膝盖撞桌子They struck a heavy blow at the aggressors 他们给了侵略者一次沉重的打击The thought struck me from out of the blue. 我突然有了这想法 Smash 突然而猛烈地重击,强调打击的力量,指完全的摧毁或分裂成碎片。 They smashed all resistance. 他们摧毁所有的抵抗。My glasses slipped from my hand and smashed on the floor. 我的眼镜从手中滑下去,在地板上摔得粉碎。The boat was smashed on the rocks. 那艘船在岩石上摔得粉碎。
2023-01-03 12:00:432


2023-01-03 12:00:562

事故造成死亡。。。 翻译

1.The accident/ car crash caused the death of 15 people.2.15 people died, 5 got badly injured and 3 were lightly wounded in this accident/explosion.3.How many people were dead /injured in this accident?4.The kitchen was on fire,but no injuries, fortunately.5.Two accidents/crashes/traffic accidents... Crash表示大车祸, accident表示一般车祸,都是可数。
2023-01-03 12:01:042

traffic crashes 造一句子

Driver drowsiness /fatigue is an important cause of combination-unit traffic crashes . 疲劳驾驶是发生严重交通事故的重要原因。 Traffic Crashes are the No. 1 killer of teens and one -third of teen traffic deaths are alcohol -related . 交通事故是年轻人的第一杀杀手,在青年人的交通死亡里,有三分之一与酒精有关。
2023-01-03 12:01:121


大意:你得到一个应用的源码,该应用每次启动都会出现程序崩溃。再你调试了10次后发现,在一个相同的条件下,该程序从不崩溃。The question largely depends on the type of application being diagnosed. However, we cangive some general causes of random crashes.1.Random variable: The application uses some random number or variable componentwhich may not be fixed for every execution of the program. Examples include: userinput, a random number generated by the program, or the time of day.2.Memory Leak: The program may have run out of memory. Other culprits are totallyrandom for each run since it depends on the number of processes running at thatparticular time. This also includes heap overflow or corruption of data on the stack.It is also possible that the program depends on another application / external module thatcould lead to the crash. If our application, for example, depends on some system attributesand they are modified by another program, then this interference may lead to a crash. Pro-grams which interact with hardware are more prone to these errors.In an interview, we should ask about which kind of application is being run. This informationmay give you some idea about the kind of error the interviewer is looking for. For example,a web server is more prone to memory leakage, whereas a program that runs close to thesystem level is more prone to crashes due to system dependencies.答案:该问题很大程度上取决于对该应用的诊断。但我们可以总结一下一些随机常见的崩溃原因:1. 不确定的变量:程序使用了随机的数字或变量组件,在程序执行时没有被很好的确定范围。如:用户输入,随机数,或时间。2.内存泄漏:程序每次执行时都内存溢出。每次运行程序崩溃的罪魁祸首是随机的,因为它依赖于在特定时间运行的进程数。包括堆溢出或者是栈异常。程序依赖于其它外部应用也可能导致崩溃。如果我们的应用依赖于一个系统某些系统属性,他们被另一个程序修改,那么这个干扰可能会导致系统崩溃。与硬件交互的程序更容易出现这些错误。
2023-01-03 12:01:201


2023-01-03 12:01:262

解释单词ankle、crash、entry、flat、fill out并把解释的意思译中文

anklen.[解]踝crash(1)n.碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, 撞击声, 爆裂声(2)v.碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, (指商业公司, 政府等)破产, 垮台entryn.登录, 条目, 进入, 入口, [商]报关手续, [律]对土地的侵占, 对房屋的侵入flat(1)adj.平坦的, 扁平的, 单调的, 倒下的, 浅的, 干脆的, 无聊的, 无力的(2)adv.平直地, 仰卧地, 恰恰, 正好, 断然地(3)n.平面, 平地, 一层, 公寓(4)v.(使)变平, (使)降半音fill outv.填写, 使长大, 变大
2023-01-03 12:01:404


您好!请您启动火狐,在地址栏输入 about:crashes 根据崩溃时间选择崩溃报告,然后打开,将崩溃报告的网页地址发到火狐社区: 工程师会帮您解答,谢谢。
2023-01-03 12:01:543

i saw you walking in the rain 谁唱的

《I Saw You Walking In The Rain》是美国歌手Oran "Juice" Jones演唱的。《I Saw You Walking In The Rain》演唱:Oran "Juice" Jones词曲:伏名歌词:i saw you (and her) walking in the rain我看见你(和她)在雨中行走you were holding hands and i will never be the same你牵着我的手,我永远不会变老tossing and turning another sleepless night辗转反侧又一个不眠的夜晚the rain crashes against my window pane雨打在我的窗玻璃上jumped into my car didn"t drive too far跳上我的车没开太远that moment i know i would never be the same那一刻我知道我永远都不会是同一个人now here you are begging to me现在你在这里求我to give our love another try再给我们的爱一次尝试boy i love you and i always will孩子,我爱你,我永远爱你。but darling right now i"ve got to say goodbye但是亲爱的,现在我要说再见了w代表(woman) m代表(man)W代表(woman)M代表(man)w: hi baby how was your day today?W:嗨,宝贝,今天过得怎么样?m: i love you,i want you, baby.M:我爱你,我想要你,宝贝。w: you miss me? well , i missed you tooW:你想我吗?嗯,我也很想你m: hey, come on babyM:嘿,来吧,宝贝w: i missed you so much that i followed you todayW:我太想你了,今天我跟着你。m: what? you followed me?M:什么?你跟着我?w: yeah, that"s right. i saw you with that girl.W:是的,没错。我看见你和那个女孩在一起。m: what girl?什么女孩?w: walking on the street,kissing her,holding her hand and now you come back to me ?W:走在街上,吻她,握着她的手,现在你又回到我身边了?no ,baby, forget you but i love you ,and i can"t see you no more不,宝贝,忘记你,但我爱你,我再也看不见你了扩展资料:《I Saw You Walking In The Rain》该歌曲名实为《The Rain》,原唱为80年代美国R&B歌手Oran “Juice” Jones 红极一时的作品。《The Rain》在1986年Billboard Hot 100单曲榜单排位#9。之后,该歌曲被Samira翻唱,并加入电子曲风,混合着爵士乐的慵懒回转,令人耳目一新,最终荣登2005年十大慢摇歌曲,至今广为流传。
2023-01-03 12:02:046


2023-01-03 12:02:361

This can lead to engine corruption and weird crashes.这种crash 提示怎么解决,求指教?

this can lead to engine corruption and weird crashes._有道翻译翻译结果:这可能导致引擎腐败和奇怪的崩溃this application is modifying the autolayout engine from a background thread af_有道翻译翻译结果:此应用程序修改后台线程af的自动布局引擎
2023-01-03 12:02:441


一个重要的异常与合并在汽车安全电器政府失灵这又不信又悖谬的影响——甚至,防锁死刹车系统(ABS),特别是通过测量一起致命的车祸参与。分析了在美国的保险索赔(公路损失数据研究所,1994、1995、)并没有表现出在要求的频率变化后一套通用汽车采用1992年尽管防抱死系统工程研究表明,防锁死煞车导致好多了制动性能,特别是在湿滑的路面上。使用一组通用汽车,农民丁晓萍。(1997年)发现采用ABS导致更多1993 -1995坠毁导致死亡的ABS的车辆乘员。另一组的车辆采取防锁死制动器早在1985年被发现了涉及到更多的交通事故导致的死亡的车辆乘员和ABS除名整体。这些这又不信又悖谬的效果最为显著在single-vehicle事故。 更新了早些时候1996至1998年间的数据在同一两组车辆,农民(2001)发现ABS-equipped车辆不再有更糟糕的致命事故的参与率。
2023-01-03 12:02:492


稳定性测试的概念有2种,一, 稳定性测试,对应于异常性测试,即发生异常情况时,系统如何反应的测试。包含:  1 交互性测试,被打扰的情况,如来电,短信,低电量等。这些其实在上章的功能测试中有提到。  2 异常性测试,断网,断电,服务器异常等情况二,稳定性测试指的是性能测试,压力测试  1 基准性能测试,通过压服务器端口及客户端在不同网络环境下响应速度  2 大数据测试,在特定环境下,客户端一次性更新大量数据及人员列表另有其它文章,提到性能测试,为评估APP的时间和空间特性(真是高深啊,时间和空间,再来个4维,5维?),包括:  1 极限测试:在各种边界压力情况下,如电池,存储,网速等,验证app是否能正确响应  --内存满时安装app  --运行app手机断电  --运行app时断掉网络  这几点倒是与第一条的内容重复  2 响应能力测试:测试app中的各类操作是否满足用户响应时间要求  --app安装 ,卸载的响应时间  --app各类功能性操作的影响时间  3 压力测试:反复、长期操作下,系统资源是否占用异常  --app反复进行安装卸载,查看系统资源是否正常(弄个几次就行吧,正常人,谁反复安装卸载啊)  --其它功能反复进行操作,查看系统资源是否正常(这倒是应该的)  4 性能评估:评估典型用户应用场景下,系统资源的使用情况  这里要定义,什么是典型用户应用场景  5 benchmark测试(基线测试),应该不是基准性能测试:与竞争产品的benchmarking,产品演变对比测试等(没有多大意义)。简要步骤:adb devices---了解包名--adb shell monkey -p 包名 -v 运行次数(多个参数的组合形成不同的用例以求最大的覆盖)--当崩溃或无响应时分析monkey日志常规monkey命令(可直接在项目里使用):adb shell monkey -p com.jiochat.jiochatapp --throttle 100 --ignore-crashes --ignore-timeouts --ignore-security-exceptions --ignore-native-crashes --monitor-native-crashes -v -v -v 1000000>d:.log重现bug:monkey日志搜索关键词ANR exception,将之前的事件重新操作,尤其是seed值要一模一样,如monkey -p 包名 -v seed 0 500日志分析:查看是否有crash等关键字,找上下文,进行简单分析将你所能定位的错误信息发给开发。该工具用于进行压力测试。 开发人员结合monkey 打印的日志 和系统打印的日志,修改测试中出现的问题。Monkey 是SDK中附带的一个工具,所有的事件都是随机产生的,不带任何人的主观性。
2023-01-03 12:02:571


crash碰撞双语对照词典结果:crash[英][kræʃ][美][kræʃ]v.碰撞; 使发出巨响; 暴跌; 睡觉; n.碰撞; 碰撞声; 暴跌; 崩溃; adj.应急的; 速成的; 第三人称单数:crashes过去分词:crashed复数:crashes现在进行时:crashing过去式:crashed以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Then comes the crash of 2008. 然后是2008年的经济崩溃。
2023-01-03 12:03:103


释义:v.碰撞;(使)坠毁;(使)摔碎;使发出巨响;(金融企业等)破产;(机器、系统等)崩溃;(比赛中)惨败;(在临时安排的地方)入睡;心脏停止跳动;擅自闯入n.(交通工具)坠毁;碰撞声;暴跌;(机器、系统的)崩溃;睡觉;粗棉布adj.应急的,速成的变形:复数crashes、第三人称单数crashes、现在分词crashing、过去式crashed、过去分词crashed词语辨析:crack, crashcrack (使)破裂,砸开。如:I can crack it, but I can"t break it. (我能把它弄裂,但不能把它弄破。)crash 摔坏,坠毁。如:The plane crashed shortly after the take-off.(飞机起飞不久就坠毁了。)
2023-01-03 12:03:231


2023-01-03 12:03:352


crash[英][kræʃ][美][kræʃ]v.碰撞; 使发出巨响; 暴跌; 睡觉; n.碰撞; 碰撞声; 暴跌; 崩溃; adj.应急的; 速成的; 第三人称单数:crashes过去分词:crashed复数:crashes现在进行时:crashing过去式:crashed例句:1.Then comes the crash of 2008. 然后是2008年的经济崩溃。
2023-01-03 12:03:441


2023-01-03 12:03:503


crash;英 [kræʃ];美 [kræʃ];n.崩溃;碰撞;撞车;相撞;(倒下、破碎等突然的)碰撞声,破裂声,碎裂声;暴跌;倒闭;破产;失败;v.碰撞;撞击;(使)猛撞;使发出巨响;(突然)贬值,倒闭,失败;崩溃;(比赛中)溃败,惨败;入睡;心脏停止跳动。双语例句:1、He said it"d be like a computer system crash. 他说那就象是电脑系统崩溃。2、Analyses of Energy Management System "Crash" Failure.能量管理系统崩溃故障分析。3、The cause of the crash was given as engine failure. 撞车事故的原因被认定是发动机故障。4、Three people were killed and five injured in the crash. 撞车事故中有三人死亡,五人受伤。5、My computer crashes every time I disconnect from the Internet. 我每次断网,计算机都会突然死机。6、At least ten people were killed in the crash. 至少有十人在撞车事故中丧生。7、Three people were killed in the crash. 三人在此次撞车事故中丧生。
2023-01-03 12:04:021


crash的意思是崩溃。例句:1、He said it"d be like a computer system crash.他说那就象是电脑系统崩溃。2、Analyses of Energy Management System "Crash" Failure.能量管理系统崩溃故障分析。3、The cause of the crash was given as engine failure.撞车事故的原因被认定是发动机故障。4、Three people were killed and five injured in the crash.撞车事故中有三人死亡,五人受伤。5、My computer crashes every time I disconnect from the Internet.我每次断网,计算机都会突然死机。6、At least ten people were killed in the crash.至少有十人在撞车事故中丧生。
2023-01-03 12:04:121

in crashes 中间用什么词

2023-01-03 12:04:371


crash[英][kræʃ][美][kræʃ]v.碰撞; 使发出巨响; 暴跌; 睡觉; n.碰撞; 碰撞声; 暴跌; 崩溃; adj.应急的; 速成的; 第三人称单数:crashes过去分词:crashed复数:crashes现在进行时:crashing过去式:crashed以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Then comes the crash of 2008. 然后是2008年的经济崩溃
2023-01-03 12:04:431

the game crashed

the game crashed意思就是:游戏崩溃了
2023-01-03 12:04:492

crash clash collision的区别

意思不同crash [kræʃ] n. 碰撞;崩溃;坠落vt. 坠落;破碎;撞碎vi. 碰撞;坠毁;闯;突然倒台adj. 速成的[ 第三人称单数crashes 过去式crashed 过去分词crashed 现在分词crashing clash [klæʃ] n. 冲突,不协调;碰撞声,铿锵声vi. 冲突,抵触;砰地相碰撞,发出铿锵声vt. 使碰撞作声collisionn. (意见,看法)的抵触,冲突
2023-01-03 12:05:031

live--lightning crashes歌词翻译

唱片:Throwing Copper题目:Lightning Crashes明亮的一瞬间,一个刚成为妈妈的人哭了她的胎盘掉在地上天使睁开了她的眼睛在医生甚至关上门之前,混乱就开始了明亮的一瞬间,一个老妈妈死去了她的理想掉在了地上(她的理想泯灭了)天使闭上了她的眼睛混乱就是她的现在,因为孩子出生大厅中Oh 现在感到事情再一次重新出现就像一个滚动的雷追逐着风强大的来自世界的中心的力量再一次推动我可以感觉到明亮的一瞬间,一个刚成为妈妈的人哭了这是她一直等的天使睁开了她的眼睛被苍白的蓝色染了的蝴蝶花(彩虹)代表着轮回把荣耀隐藏,隐藏歌词非常有意境美和抽象,翻的时候很痛苦。翻了一半又不好停下你将就着看吧
2023-01-03 12:05:101

sugar crush 的中文是什么?

是谁的sugar rush.ak的吗?
2023-01-03 12:05:177

翻译 关于空难

Guilin crash was aroused shock and strong response at home and abroad, because of unusual signs. The reasons for its crash, say, today.According to a survey published material, basically ruled out the crash caused by Guilin 4 possibilities: First, because weather; Second, airport navigation errors; third fault plane itself; fourth pilot technical problems.The exclusion of these four possible factors causing the crash after the show in front of us, it is not clear 3 doubts explain: (1) black box destruction. Black box flight data recorder is, it is usually only understand the causes of crash clues. Therefore, its requirements are very demanding and must withstand high temperature and pressure, explosion, shock without damage, the firmness can be imagined. However, after the people in the plane crash black box found serious damage, inside and outside the two were forced open. In spite of the experts trying to decipher and record the content is still not complete, an important basis for the cause of lack of crash.(2) Aircraft tail missing. According to the general case, plane crashes, most of its tail intact. However, the crash of the Boeing aircraft tail is not found, but did see other large aircraft wreckage. (3) all occupants to pieces. The plane"s 133 passengers and 8 crew members all to pieces, and even a full body did not find. Such an extent that is unprecedented in the crash. For these questions, there is no scientific explanation.
2023-01-03 12:05:492


blue screened
2023-01-03 12:05:599


请问您是不是要问crash?英 [kraʃ] 美 [kræʃ]回答完毕over over
2023-01-03 12:06:323


1.抑扬顿挫 、苦尽甘来、摸爬滚打2.野心勃勃、雄心勃勃、兴致勃勃3.不可理喻、不可思议、不可饶恕、不可多得、不可逾越
2023-01-03 12:06:453

keep crashing是什么意思

keep crashing不断地碰撞(暴跌)crash[英][kræʃ][美][kræʃ]v.碰撞; 使发出巨响; 暴跌; 睡觉; n.碰撞; 碰撞声; 暴跌; 崩溃; adj.应急的; 速成的; 第三人称单数:crashes过去分词:crashed复数:crashes现在进行时:crashing过去式:crashed易混淆单词:CRASHCrash例句:1.The financial crash has exposed the failures and fragilities of globalisation. 金融危机已经暴露出了全球化的失败和脆弱。
2023-01-03 12:06:571

car crashes歌词翻译

车祸, 电视展示 一个醉汉在路的边 人赛跑(跑) 幻想或现实 分析和理论 什么真正地事关? 告诉我什么相信 Won"t 您带来我命令 告诉我什么达到 婴孩, 因此我能搬走今后 告诉我什么是 车祸, 电视展示 一个醉汉在路的边 人们runnin", 奔跑 信用卡在困厄位置 现场您的生活在互联网 That"s 是什么这 阴谋和奥秘 科学小说make-believe 我的kind"s 苦难 告诉我什么相信 Won"t 您带来我命令 告诉我什么达到 婴孩, 因此我能搬走今后 告诉我什么是 车祸, 电视展示 一个醉汉在路的边 人们runnin", 奔跑 告诉我什么对believe(Tell 我什么对) Won"t 您带来我命令 告诉我什么对achieve(Tell 我什么对achie) 婴孩, 因此我能搬走今后 告诉我什么是 车祸... 车祸, 电视展示 一个醉汉在路的边 人们runnin" (跑) (所有这些车祸在我的头里) 幻想或现实 分析和理论 (所有这些车祸) 什么真正地事关? (所有这些车祸)
2023-01-03 12:07:042


中间该打空格·car crashes车毁人亡 呵呵 Car crashes, TV shows车毁人亡,是电视节目么? A drunkard on the side of the road一个酒鬼醉倒在路边 People running (running)人们纷纷的躲避 Fantasy or reality想象还是真实的? Analysis and theories分析和理论一下 What does matter really?真的是什么事情呀? Chorus副歌 Tell me what to believe告诉我怎么去相信 Won"t you bring me order你会给我带来什么? Tell me what to achieve告诉我,我该得到什么? Baby, so I can move forward宝贝,这样我才有前进的动力 Tell me what to be告诉我未来是怎样的 Car crashes, TV shows车毁人亡,是电视节目么? A drunkard on the side of the road一个酒鬼倒在路边 People runnin", run人们纷纷的躲避 Credit cards in place of distress信用卡快透支了 Go live your life on the Internet你继续在虚拟的网络上生活吧 That"s what this is这个就是为什么这样 Conspiracies and mysteries阴谋和奥秘 Science-fiction make-believe相信科学的小说·诡异的化妆 My kind"s misery我内心的苦难 Chorus x2副歌*2 Car crashes, TV shows车毁人亡,是电视节目么? A drunkard on the side of the road一个醉汉倒在路边 People runnin" (running)人们纷纷的躲避 (All these car crashes in my head)(在我的脑海里所有的汽车都在相撞) Fantasy or reality想象中或是真实的? Analysis and theories理论分析一下 (All these car crashes)(所有的车都在相撞) What does matter really?真的是什么事情呀? (All these car crashes) (所有的车都在相撞)
2023-01-03 12:07:172


standfast超快感-carcrashesCarcrashes TV shows A drunkard on the side of the roadPeople running Fantasy or realityAnalysie and theories What does matter reallyTell me what to believe Won"t you bring me orderTell me what to achieve baby So I can move forwardTell me what to believe yeah (Carcrashes TV shows a drunkard on the side of the road)People running aroundCreditards simplicity stressGo live your life on the internet That"s what Bill saysConspiracies and mysteries Science fiction make-believeMankind"s misery Tell me what to believe Won"t you bring me orderTell me what to achieve baby So I can move forwardTell me what to believe yeah (Carcrashes TV shows a drunkard on the side of the road)People running aroundThe sun goes up while I go downMy values all turned inside outBut I shall seek and I will findA sun behind those misty cloudsWe weren"t meant to give upTell me what to believe Won"t you bring me orderTell me what to achieve baby So I can move forwardTell me what to believe yeah (Carcrashes TV shows a drunkard on the side of the road)People running aroundTell me what to believe Won"t you bring me orderTell me what to achieve baby So I can move forwardTell me what to believe yeah (Carcrashes TV shows a drunkard on the side of the road)People running around(Carcrashes TV shows a drunkard on the side of the roadPeople running around...)Tell me what to believe Won"t you bring me orderTell me what to achieve baby So I can move forwardTell me what to believe yeah (Carcrashes TV shows a drunkard on the side of the road)People running aroundTell me what to believe Won"t you bring me orderTell me what to achieve baby So I can move forwardTell me what to believe yeah (Carcrashes TV shows a drunkard on the side of the road)People running around
2023-01-03 12:07:272