barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-14 23:12:52

mule n.骡子; 顽固的人; 杂交种动物;[mju:l ]






2023-07-14 22:08:524

mule怎么读 mule的意思

1、mule的读音:英[mjuu02d0l],美[mjuu02d0l]。 2、n.骡子;越境运毒者;(室内使用的)拖鞋。 3、[例句]A mule is a hybrid of a male donkey and a female horse.骡子是公驴和母马交配而生的杂种动物。 4、复数:mules
2023-07-14 22:09:051


英 [mju:l]美 [mjul]正在使用发音骡子牛津/柯林斯词典,尽在百度翻译APP详细释义双语例句英英释义词典释义n.骡子;顽固的人;杂交种动物TEM8变形名词复数:mules 数据来源:金山词霸双语例句全部骡子1.The mule"s back was hollowed by the weight of its burden.骡背被重负压得塌下了。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2.He is a pigheaded [ bullheaded] person.; He is a stubborn as a mule.这人真拧。《汉英大词典》3.He is a pigheaded [ bullheaded] person.; He is as stubborn as a mule.这人真犟。《汉英大词典》
2023-07-14 22:09:383


mule mule[mjul; mju:l]可数名词1 ‘动物"骡(雄驴与雌马交配所生之杂种)2 (口语)倔强之人,顽固之人3 一种纺织机(as) obstinate [stubborn] as a mule非常顽固的mule[mjul; mju:l]可数名词[常 ~s]无后跟拖鞋
2023-07-14 22:09:462


2023-07-14 22:09:565


2023-07-14 22:10:442

skate , mule的读音和意思

skate 英[skeu026at] 美[sket] vt.& vi. 溜冰,滑冰 n. 溜冰鞋 第三人称单数:skates;过去分词:skated;名词复数:skates;现在分词:s... [例句]As a professor , " adds cummings , " you can skate around things in a regular classroom.“作为一名教授,”康明斯补充说。mule 英[mju:l] 美[mjul] n. 骡子;顽固的人;杂交种动物 名词复数:mules [例句]Juan valdez names his mule after you.胡安巴尔德斯用你的名字命名他的骡子.
2023-07-14 22:11:122


2023-07-14 22:11:219


2023-07-14 22:11:491


虽然知道需求曲线自然产生于消费者选择理论得到了证实,但需求曲线的推导本身并不是提出消费者行为的理论。仅仅确定人们对价格变动的反应并不需要一个严格的分析框架。但是,消费者选择理论是极其有用的。正如我们在下一节要说明的,我们可以用这种理论更深人地探讨决定家庭行为的因素。即问即答 画出百事可乐和比萨饼的预算约束线和无差异曲线。说明当比萨饼价格上升时,预算约束线与消费者最优会发生什么变动。用你的图形把这种变动分为收入效应与替代效应。四种应用我们已经建立了消费者选择的基本理论,现在可以用它说明四个关于经济如何运行的问题。但是,由于每个问题都涉及家庭决策,所以,我们可以用我们刚刚提出的消费者行为模式解决这些问题。所有的需求曲线都向右下方倾斜吗?一般来说,当一种物品价格上升时,人们购买量减少。第四章把这种正常行为称为需求规律。这个规律表现为需求曲线向右下方倾斜。但是,就经济理论而言,需求曲线有时也会向右上方倾斜。换句话说,消费者有时会违背需求规律,并在一种物品价格上升时购买更多。为了说明这种情况可以发生,请看图21-12。在这个例子中,消费者购买两种物品——肉和土豆。最初消费者预算约束线是从A到B的直线。最优点是C。当土豆价格上升时,预算约束线向内移动,现在是从A到D的一条直线。现在最优点是E。要注意的是,土豆价格上升使消费者购买了更多的土豆。
2023-07-14 22:11:575


2023-07-14 22:12:282


tube英:[tjuːb]美:[tuːb]n.(金属、塑料、橡胶等制成的)管,管子; 管状物; (由软金属或塑料制成的带盖的、盛膏状物的)软管;v.给…装上管子; 插管(以助呼吸); 用管道运输;例句:I work in the extruded tube business.我做挤压管生意。复数:tubesmule英:[mjuːl]美:[mjuːl]n.骡子; 越境运毒者; (室内使用的)拖鞋;例句:He is as stubborn as a mule.他像骡子一样倔。复数:mules
2023-07-14 22:12:372


2023-07-14 22:12:463


2023-07-14 22:13:143


2023-07-14 22:13:332


From Wikipedia "Developement mule":A development mule or a test mule in the automotive industry is a vehicle equipped with experimental or prototype components for testing. Automakers evaluate aspects of vehicles before a full pre-production car is built to find problems. Mule cars are drivable, often years ahead of actual production.[1] They may come after concept cars that sometimes lack critical mechanical components. They may also have advanced chassis and powertrain designs from a future vehicle that need to be tested, but "clothed with the body and interior of some other car about the same size.[2]Mules are often heavily altered and the exteriors may be disguised as current production vehicles or as completely different models.[3] Some noticeable alterations include simple cylindric shapes for the lamps in the taillights, different rims on the front and back without centrecaps, and a severe amount of added plastic and tape to hide the actual shape and design of the vehicle.[4]Development mules are most often used very heavily during testing[5] and are scrapped. In unusual cases, test mules were acquired by members of the automaker"s engineering team.请自己翻译一下吧。
2023-07-14 22:14:014


  引入动态http代理的主要目的是在加入新的http代理而不需要重启Mule代理服务。注意,要真正的动态代理,需要注入实现了路径与服务器地址映射的检索服务的Spring的Bean,在enricher位置通过groovy获得Bean的实例进行调用。    实例程序的限制:  这个例子程序缺乏生产环境中使用处理:  错误处理  从数据库检索路径的映射配置信息  这个例子将HTTP相对路径和目标服务器之间的映射写在XML配置文件里。这当然不能允许动态修改代理配置。  支持更多的HTTP方法  只支持HTTP get和post方法  处理的HTTP参数。  实例程序没考虑HTTP参数但这些都被认为是在HTTP相对路径的一部分。  支持HTTPS。    为了能够有一个服务代理,一个简单的SOAP问候服务使用一个Mule配置文件和一个Java类实现。  Mule配置包含以下配置:  01.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  02.<mule  03.xmlns:cxf=""  04.xmlns=""  05.xmlns:doc=""  06.xmlns:spring=""  07.xmlns:test=""  08.xmlns:xsi=""  09.xsi:schemaLocation="  10.  11.  12.  13."  14.  15.<spring:beans>  16.<spring:bean id="helloService" class="com.ivan.mule.dynamichttpproxy.HelloService"/>  17.</spring:beans>  18.  19.<flow name="GreetingFlow">  20.<inbound-endpoint address="http://localhost:8182/services/GreetingService""request-response"/>  22.  23.<cxf:jaxws-service serviceClass="com.ivan.mule.dynamichttpproxy.HelloService"/>  24.<component>  25.<spring-object bean="helloService"/>  26.</component>  27.</flow>  28.</mule>    服务类:  01.package com.ivan.mule.dynamichttpproxy;  02.  03.import java.util.Date;  04.import javax.jws.WebParam;  05.import javax.jws.WebResult;  06.import javax.jws.WebService;  07.  08./**  09.* SOAP web service endpoint implementation class that implements  10.* a service that extends greetings.  11.*  12.* @author Ivan Krizsan  13.*/  14.@WebService  15.public class HelloService {  16./**  17.* Greets the person with the supplied name.  18.*  19.* @param inName Name of person to greet.  20.* @return Greeting.  21.*/  22.@WebResult(name = "greeting")  23.public String greet(@WebParam(name = "inName") final String inName) {  24.return "Hello " + inName + ", the time is now " + new Date();  25.}  26.}      服务器信息Bean,用于存储原始HTTP请求路径与对应目标服务器ip端口的映射信息:  01.package com.ivan.mule.dynamichttpproxy;  02.  03./**  04.* Holds information about a server which to forward requests to.  05.*  06.* @author Ivan Krizsan  07.*/  08.public class ServerInformationBean {  09.private String serverAddress;  10.private String serverPort;  11.private String serverName;  12.  13./**  14.* Creates an instance holding information about a server with supplied  15.* address, port and name.  16.*  17.* @param inServerAddress  18.* @param inServerPort  19.* @param inServerName  20.*/  21.public ServerInformationBean(final String inServerAddress, String inServerPort, final String inServerName) {  23.serverAddress = inServerAddress;  24.serverPort = inServerPort;  25.serverName = inServerName;  26.}  27.  28.public String getServerAddress() {  29.return serverAddress;  30.}  31.  32.public String getServerPort() {  33.return serverPort;  34.}  35.  36.public String getServerName() {  37.return serverName;  38.}  39.}
2023-07-14 22:14:101


mule 英[mju:l] 美[mjul 骡子nut 英[nu028ct] 美[nu028ct] 螺母,两个词中"u“的发音不同
2023-07-14 22:14:172


mule和fun,中的u读音不同mule中字母u发音[ju:] fun中字母u发音 [ʌ]
2023-07-14 22:14:251


2023-07-14 22:14:352


2023-07-14 22:14:422


是不一样的。扩展资料:这两个词中,母音字母u的发音是不一样的。发这个音的时候,舌的后部一定要抬高,双唇收得小而圆,但气流通过双唇的时候是不能发生摩擦的,和韵母u的发音是不一样的,韵母u的发音,双唇略扁。Mum和cute和run中的u发音一样吗? - ...... Cute,这个单词当中的又u和mum,以及run中的u发音是不一样的.这个里面的u相当于英语里面的you,但是另外两个单词面的u有点像"阿"又短又快的那个音cute的U,和under的U,和cut的U,发音相同吗 - ...... cute和其他两个发音不同,cute是ju:,under是u028c,cut是u028c,under和cut发音一样 满意请采纳,谢谢cute和pupil的u读音一样吗?...... 一样.fun和mum中的u发音一样吗? - ...... fun /fu028cn/ mum /mu028cm/ fun和mum中的u发音一样.希望能帮到你,如果还有不明白的地方,欢迎追问,望采纳.
2023-07-14 22:14:501


「牛精」--- 很地道的广东话 有几个比较接近的英文同义词: bullheaded 顽固的、任性的、令人感觉蛮不讲理的 (这形容词来自 bull 一字 bull 是‘公牛" 公牛的脾气可以很大 蛮起来令人退避三舍 因而用 bullheaded 形容有牛样脾气的人 ) pigheaded (和 bullheaded 相同 形容一个人横蛮无理 任你怎样向他讲道理 他也只执著己见) mulish 固执的、执拗的、不肯和别人妥协的 (这形容词亦是出自一种动物 mule mule 是‘骡子" 骡子是出名脾气大 如果它不肯移动 任你如何推拉也没法移它一步 因此我们亦形容顽固拗颈的人为 as stubborn as a mule) (你可以说:He has a mulish temper) stiff-necked 倔强 即广东话的‘硬颈" 还有些大家比较熟识的形容词 例如 obstinate、stubborn、unyielding 等 都有固执的意思。 请问一声「牛精」这形容词的英文翻译是什么?想要地道一点的翻译。 Unreasonable 孟不讲理. John is being unreasonable. (John 十分牛精) 参考: Self 牛精 is Bull sperm Bull 公牛 sperm *** 参考: me
2023-07-14 22:14:571


一般所说的骡子是由公驴和母马所生,又称为马骡,由公马和母驴所生则称为驴骡。不过现在常见的是马骡。因为马骡力大且寿命长于马或驴,而驴骡则善跑。公驴和母马所产后代称为马骡(英文:mule) 是马生的叫马骡,长的像马,它的特点是:食量较大,力量很大,耐力还很强。性情急躁了点却很聪明,还很能善解人意,不过只可惜仅仅能使用20年左右。 具有杂种优势,体型若马。身体较大,耳朵较小,尾部的毛蓬松。力大且寿命长于马或驴。
2023-07-14 22:15:041


是的,因为它们都不发音knife 英[naɪf]美[naɪf] 刀(拿一福)mule 英[mjuːl] 美[mjuːl] 骡(米哦)
2023-07-14 22:15:242


骡子 Mule驴 Ass
2023-07-14 22:15:313


  1 (农场主来到马厩,马厩里一匹马都没有了,农场主大惊失色。)   农场主:哎呀!我的名马去哪儿了呀?    farmer:Alas! Where"s my fa-mous horse?   famous   (形容词,有名的。)   horse   (名词,马。)   2 (农场里站了三四个人,威特站在一个年轻人面前,年轻人正在和威特说话。)   年轻人:昨天晚上我家的母骡子要生产了,我忙活了整整一个晚上,哪儿也没去,累死我了。    younger:My mule gave birth last night. I was busy the whole night. I went nowhere. I was so tired.   mule(名词,骡子。)   whole(形容词,整个的。)   tired(形容词,累的。)   3 (威特、可卡和农场主都哈哈大笑,只有那个年轻人很莫名其妙的样子。)   农场主:我经营了这么多年农场了,还从来没听说过骡子要生仔的事呢!    farmer:I operate a farm for so many years, but I" ve never heard the mule can give birth!   威特:你还是跟我到警局走一趟吧!   Wit:You" d better follow me to the police station!   operate(动词,经营。)   farm(名词,农场。)   follow   (动词,跟随。)   4 (那个年轻人低着头跟在威特的后面,可卡在后面捂着嘴偷笑。)   年轻人:骡子原来不会生仔呀!我都不知道。    younger:The mule can" t give birth. I didn" t know it before. birth(名词,分娩。)before(副词,以前。)      (责任编辑:周巧娟)
2023-07-14 22:15:391


驴用代理肯定连接会很少影响,因为必然是lowid。所以还是建议你修改电驴的默认端口。我用的是em,就在 选项->连接里改就行了。如果你装了天网防火墙,或者你是用windows自带的防火墙,那你设定的端口号不要小于1000基本上都差不多,不过你要是没用防火墙的话,最好不要开1000以下的端口~~~ 一般我都设在10000-20000,而且给个忠告,最好半个月之内换一次端口好,为了安全考虑~~~~~ 是瑞星防火墙的话,你尽管设定端口就好了,它的一个功能是"允许以授权程序开放的端口"所以你设定在10000-20000就行了
2023-07-14 22:15:473

mule 部署在aix上启动报错

2023-07-14 22:15:551


有趣的英语短文赞美主   一天,一个农夫买了一头听见“Praise the Lord(赞美主)”就会走得很快的驴。下面是我分享的英语文章赞美主,欢迎大家阅读!   Praise the Lord 赞美主   A farmer is driving down the road and spots a sign that reads "Mule1 For Sale" 。   He decides to at least look at the mule to see if it is of good quality. He talks to the owner which tells him that the mule is the faster mule alive, and that it is very different from other mules2.   The owner explains to the farmer that the mule will only proceed to walk when the phrase "Praise The LORD" is spoken and the more you say it the faster he will go, to stop the mule, the owner explains you got to say "Hallelujah". The farmer decides to ride the mule to see if the owner is telling the truth. He gets on the mule and screams out ... "Praise the LORD!" the mule takes off the farmer then Yells "Hallelujah!" To which the mule stops. The farmer, seeing that he is a pretty good distance from the owner, decides to see just how fast the mule will go, so he yells out "Praise the LORD" and the mule takes off he repeats the phrase over and over until he is really moving it along.   The farmer looks up and sees he is coming up on a very high cliff that drops off to a deep canyon3 below, and decides he had better stop the mule, when he realized he forgotten what the word was to stop the mule...hoping to hit the right word, he starts rambling4 and spouting5 out words... "AMEN!"... "GLORY!"... "SWEET JESUS!"... "AMAZING GRACE!" He sees getting closer and closer to the cliff when right at the edge of the cliff he yells ... "HALLELUJAH!!!" To which the mule stops dead in his tracks. The farmer, out of breath and shaking from the fright wipes the sweat from his brow looks up to heaven and says "Whew! Praise the LORD!"   一天,一个农夫在路上行走,看见一则卖驴广告。   农夫决定去看看驴怎么样。通过同卖主交谈,农夫得知那驴跑的很快,十分活泼,而且与众不同。   卖主告诉农夫那头驴只有在听到“赞美主”才会走,而且说的次数越多,那驴就走的越快。卖主说要想让驴停下来就要喊“哈利路亚”。农夫见他离卖主有一段距离,他决定试试看那头驴能跑多快。于是,农夫喊道:“赞美主!” ,那头驴就带着农夫跑了起来,农夫一遍又一遍的重复着那句话,直到他走了很远。   农夫抬起头看见他已经走进一处悬崖,知道自己该让驴停下来了。这时,他突然意识到自己不记得让驴停下来的那句话了。他就开始胡乱的喊“阿门” ,“亲爱的主” ,“奇迹”,眼看着就要到悬崖边上了,农夫喊道“哈利路亚” 。于是,驴停了下来。农夫屏住呼吸,浑身颤抖,眉头稍微舒展了,他看看天说道:“喔,赞美主!”   词汇积累   1 mule   n.骡子,杂种,执拗的人   参考例句:   A mule is a cross between a mare and a donkey.骡子是母马和公驴的杂交后代。   He is an old mule.他是个老顽固。   2 mules   骡( mule的名词复数 ); 拖鞋; 顽固的人; 越境运毒者   参考例句:   The cart was pulled by two mules. 两匹骡子拉这辆大车。   She wore tight trousers and high-heeled mules. 她穿紧身裤和拖鞋式高跟鞋。   3 canyon   n.峡谷,溪谷   参考例句:   The Grand Canyon in the USA is 1900 metres deep.美国的大峡谷1900米深。   The canyon is famous for producing echoes.这个峡谷以回声而闻名。   4 rambling   adj.[建]凌乱的`,杂乱的   参考例句:   We spent the summer rambling in Ireland. 我们花了一个夏天漫游爱尔兰。   It was easy to get lost in the rambling house. 在布局凌乱的大房子里容易迷路。   5 spouting   n.水落管系统v.(指液体)喷出( spout的现在分词 );滔滔不绝地讲;喋喋不休地说;喷水   参考例句:   He"s always spouting off about the behaviour of young people today. 他总是没完没了地数落如今年轻人的行为。 来自《简明英汉词典》   Blood was spouting from the deep cut in his arm. 血从他胳膊上深深的伤口里涌出来。 来自《简明英汉词典》 ;
2023-07-14 22:16:011

骡子英语怎么读 骡子英语如何读

1、骡子用英语读是mule。 2、她可以倔得像头骡子。She can be as stubborn as a mule. 3、骡子是公驴和母马交配而生的杂种动物。A mule is a hybrid of a male donkey and a female horse. 4、他像骡子一样倔。Hes as stubborn as a mule.
2023-07-14 22:16:151


英 [mju:l]美 [mjul]正在使用发音骡子牛津/柯林斯词典,尽在百度翻译APP详细释义双语例句英英释义词典释义n.骡子;顽固的人;杂交种动物TEM8变形名词复数:mules 数据来源:金山词霸双语例句全部骡子1.The mule"s back was hollowed by the weight of its burden.骡背被重负压得塌下了。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2.He is a pigheaded [ bullheaded] person.; He is a stubborn as a mule.这人真拧。《汉英大词典》3.He is a pigheaded [ bullheaded] person.; He is as stubborn as a mule.这人真犟。《汉英大词典》
2023-07-14 22:16:241

mule 怎么获取一个payload对象的属性值

通过muleEven对象 event来获取 .String ss = event.getMessage().getPayloadAsString(String.class);就可以获取了
2023-07-14 22:16:311

mule英语怎么读 mule的意思

1、mule的读音:英[mjuu02d0l],美[mjuu02d0l]。 2、n.骡子; 越境运毒者; (室内使用的)拖鞋; 3、[例句]A mule is a hybrid of a male donkey and a female horse.骡子是公驴和母马交配而生的杂种动物。 4、复数:mules
2023-07-14 22:17:051

mule是什么意思 mule的意思

1、mule的意思:n.骡子; 越境运毒者; (室内使用的)拖鞋; 2、mule的读音:英[mjuu02d0l]美[mjuu02d0l] 3、[例句]A mule is a hybrid of a male donkey and a female horse.骡子是公驴和母马交配而生的杂种动物。 4、复数:mules
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1、mum 英[mu028cm] 美[mu028cm] 2、n. 妈妈,沉默,菊花,烈性啤酒;adj. 沉默的,无言的;vi. 演哑剧;vt. 闭口,不讲话,演哑剧。 3、例句:A lot of mums and dads have the same worries.许多父母都有同样的担忧。
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它看起来像头骡子用英语说It looks like a mule.1、看起来:it seems/appears;it looks as if.2、骡子:mule.它看起来像头骡子的其他翻译:1、He looks like a mule.2、She looks like a mule.3、This looks like a mule.参考例句:1、A mule is a hybrid of a donkey and a horse.骡子是公驴和母马交配而生的杂种。2、He couldn"t sit his mule.他不会骑骡子。3、A mule that strained at the lead.极不情愿地牵着的骡子。4、He is as stubborn as a mule.他像骡子一般执拗。5、Panel on the mule"s back.在骡子背上设鞍垫。6、As stubborn as a mule象骡子一样顽固;非常固执的。7、A mule is a cross between a mare and a donkey.骡子是母马和公驴的杂交后代。看起来像的双语例句:1、电梯可能看起来像一个鸡蛋。The elevator might look like an egg.2、一个典型的饼图看起来像一个圆形饼。A typical pie graph looks like a circular pie.3、我们看起来像双胞胎,但我们完全不同。We look like twins,but we are completely different.4、一天,丽莎看到一朵云,看起来像一条站立的龙。One day,Lisa saw a cloud that looked like a standing dragon.5、它看起来像一个小钥匙标签,可以放在你的物品上。It"ll look like a small key tag that can be put on your objects.6、这个机器人身高1米,看起来像一个有手臂的集装箱。This robot stands at 1m tall and looks like a container with arms.
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所谓mule car,是属于试制样车的一种,一般是在全新平台的车型开发中实施。在整车开发的早期阶段,完成了动力总成、底盘等机械部件的基本开发之后,为了测试其性能而制作的一辆可以行驶的整车样车。mule car可以是在某一辆参考车型上修改,将新开发部分的待测试样件安装上去;也可以是基于已开发的车身结构做部分样件,将待测试样件安装上去,并借用部分参考车型上的零件拼装而成。总体上mule car有这么几个特点:是一辆可行驶的汽车;应用在整车开发的早期阶段,是开发过程中的第一辆验证样车;3.主要是针对整车平台,为了验证操控,部件运行等机械性能;对于非验证部分,可以借用其他车上的一些零件拼装,尤其是车身件(此阶段车身尚未开发完成)。此阶段的样车不代表未来产品的外观,并且拼凑了不同车型上的零件,因此在汽车开发领域被称为“骡子车”。 制作该车的目的主要是,在完成一个结构平台的研究后,需要对多辆样车进行系列分析、试验和验证,从而确保下一阶段开发的顺利进展。
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它看起来像一头骡子英文翻译如下It looks like a mule.
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mule esb独立服务器怎么搭建

解决方法:修改 mule standalone 配置文件,指定运行的JVM 为JDK1.7的JVM修改文件文件名为:launcher.bat 和 wrapper.conf launcher.bat位置如下:修改内容:重新指定了FOUND的值: set FOUND = C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_75injava.exe 代表我的JVM ps:可以使用 echo进行调试wrapper.conf位置如下:修改内容为: FilesJavajdk1.7.0_75injava心得体会:一切皆可调试
2023-07-14 22:19:291


全部都是短的,不确定的时候可以查单词看音标,比如store [stu0254:]音标中有“:”符号的才是长音,只要没有都是短的
2023-07-14 22:19:373

mule 怎么获取一个payload对象的属性值

做这个例子只是想说明一下mule的组件之间传消息时候,最原始进来的消息是被存放在了message的payload里面.1.打开mule studio 3.32.新建一个项目test,主流程明为main.flow3.切换到flow的创建流程4.拖入一个http endpoint,默认的成为了inbound endpoint5.拖入第二个http endpoint,连接到先前那个http endpoint上面,这次默认成了http outbound endpoint6.在两个http endpoint 之间拖入一个java transformer这时,流程如下图(左边是http inbound endpoint,中间是一个java类型的transformer,右边是一个http outbound endpoint):
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mule client id配置 可以给多个api用吗

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edonkey(电驴,英文donkey是驴)是米国人于2000年开发的项目,创立了ed2k协议,后来由于edonkey官方太过嚣张地搞盗版商业化,被国际版权组织搞掉了。emule(电骡,英文mule是骡)是德国人于2002年开发的项目,延续了edonkey的ed2k精华,官方网站emule-project只提供程序以及相关论坛、技术支持。因为开源,人人都可以有自己的修改版,于是世界上就出现了大量的修改版,目前官方认可的修改版网站是这里:,国内某某CD公司改编的那两个(emule 某某CD build和easymule)都是修改版,但由于商业化,并不被官方认可。至于某某CD公司非要把它们的emule叫做电驴,用他们老板黄某某的话来说,就是纯粹为了叫着顺口。
2023-07-14 22:20:051

One-Eyed Mule的《Brother》 歌词

歌曲名:Brother歌手:One-Eyed Mule专辑:Hobo In The Land Of LoveBrotherThe OrganThe L Wordby:街童here we gothey"re back againlook alive , warn your friendswe are warm and we are safeenjoy it while you can before things changewe have got to take cover,brotherwe have got to take cover,brotherlie down in a field if you canlook at the night skyoh, where does it end?sometimes it hurts when youcare about mebut it"s going to hurt more whenthey take you away from mewe have go to take cover, brotherwe have got to take cover, brotherhere we go againoh midnight knocks!oh explosions!maybe it"s all made up in our headsthis happens to me when i"m bored or depressedhere is the best part of the songwhere i admit that i might be wrongbecause if they are good and if they are rightthen they"ll have their rapture one of these nightswe have go to take cover, brotherwe have got to take cover, brotherwe have got to take cover, brotherwe have got to take cover, brotherhere is the best part of the songwhere i admit that i might be wrongbecause if they are goodand if they are rightthen they"ll have their rapture one of these nightsbut if they are wrong……
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