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2023-07-14 22:28:06
TAG: 英文 翻译

lean toward one side

*** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real。American。English。】



lean toward one side

The tree leaned toward the house.




tip to one side


The boat tipped to one side.



(it is) tilted to one side


tilting to one side



tilted 英[tu026altu026ad] 美[tu026altu026ad] adj. 倾斜的,翘起的; v. (使) 倾斜( tilt的过去式和过去分词 ); [例句]The boat instantly tilted, filled and sank.船立即倾斜,进了水,然后沉没了。
2023-07-14 20:09:222


tilted[英][tu026altu026ad][美][tu026altu026ad]adj.倾斜的,翘起的; v.(使)倾斜( tilt的过去式和过去分词 ); 例句She tilted the mirror and began to comb her hair...她斜过镜子开始梳理头发。He opened the rear door for me with an apologetic tilt of his head.他抱歉地歪着头为我打开后车门。.calculations based on our understanding of the tilt of the earth"s axis...基于我们对地轴倾斜度的了解的计算The chairman also criticised the plan for its tilt towards higher taxes rather than lower spending.主席也批评该计划倾向于主张高税收而不是低消费。
2023-07-14 20:09:291


2023-07-14 20:09:385


及物/不及物动词 tilt/incline形容词 tilted名词 lean
2023-07-14 20:10:083


tilt可用作名词与动词,作名词时意为:倾斜; 倾侧; (意欲赢得某物或战胜某人的)企图,尝试。作动词时意为:(使)倾斜,倾侧; 使倾向于; 使向;倾斜; 偏向。 扩展资料   一、词性转换   第三人称单数:tilts   复数:tilts   现在分词:tilting   过去式:tilted   过去分词:tilted   二、短语搭配   tilt table 倾斜台   at full tilt 全速地;全力以赴地   tilt angle 倾斜角   三、双语例句   1.She tilted her face to kiss me quickly on the chin.   她侧过脸飞快地在我下巴上亲了一下。   2.He answered with a tilt of his head.   他歪着头回答。   3.She tilted her head back and looked up at me with a smile.   她仰起头含笑看着我。   4.The boat instantly tilted, filled and sank.   船立即倾斜,进了水,然后沉没了。   5.She aims to have a tilt at the world championship next year.   她的目标是明年问鼎世界冠军。   6.To generate lift, a bird has merely to tilt its wings, adjusting the flow of air below and above them.   为了产生抬升力,鸟儿们只要倾斜翅膀,对从身体上方和下方通过的气流稍作调整。
2023-07-14 20:10:151

一首外语歌曲 mv里女歌手戴着圆墨镜和丝巾?

可能是Madonna的《Hung Up》。在MV中,Madonna戴着圆形墨镜和丝巾,在一个闪耀的迪斯科舞池中跳舞。这首歌曲于2005年发布,是Madonna的经典单曲之一。
2023-07-14 20:10:383

英雄联盟里 tilted 是什么意思

2023-07-14 20:10:472


问题一:我为之倾倒 用英语怎么说? I am attracted by it 问题二:倾倒,倒出 用英语怎么说 pour 问题三:为你倾倒 英语怎么说 呵呵,英语就是 fall for you 或者是 be possessed by you. 问题四:英语u30fbu30fbu30fb倾倒u30fbu30fb垃圾倾倒u30fbu30fb怎么说来着???peposal??忘了u30fbu30fb怎么拼?? disposal 问题五:"我为大家的热情所倾倒了"这句话英语怎么翻译? i was blown away by your enthusia *** 问题六:什么软件可以给vcd添加字幕,就如同电视剧结束时演员表那种? 5分 还有 Ulead VideoStudio 等 问题七:倾斜的英语怎么说 1. lean 标签:英语学习...倚、靠;倾斜 lean...平静;平衡 balance 2. tilt tier [ti4] n.列, 行, 层...tilt [tilt] n.倾斜...tilted ["tiltid] adj.倾斜的 3. inclination 【记法】in+augur(argue 争论)+ate→在开始就争论→开耿,开创...7.inclination n.倾斜;爱好,倾向...【记法】in(=towords)+clin(cline=to turn 转)+ation→转向一边→倾斜 4. slope shine 照耀,口号...slope 倾斜,腼腆的...sick 患病的,个人简历空白表格万一,完全,严重的,炮弹 问题八:它向一边倾斜用英语怎么说! It leans to one side 问题九:“向下倾斜”用英语怎么说? “向下倾斜” Downward sloping 问题十:"倾斜"的英文是什么 lean bevel cant careen declension declination declivity dip heeling incline leaning atilt fall lurch obliquity pitch sag shelve slant slope steeve sway 骇ilt tip tipsiness
2023-07-14 20:11:051

把这两句话连成一句The old man hunched forward. His head was tilted at an angle.

  The old man hunched forward and his head was tilted at an angle.  The head of the old man was tilted at an angle when he hunched forward.  The old man hunched forward,his head tilted at an angle,后面补充说明前句,过去分词tilted作状态补语,修饰主句
2023-07-14 20:11:142


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2023-07-14 20:11:361

把这两句话连成一句The old man hunched forward. His head was tilted at an angle.

2023-07-14 20:11:452


2023-07-14 20:11:521


1. 文言文中“斜”的意思 有此一说是 :根据古今音变 ,文言文和旧体诗词中的“斜”、“衰”、“回”、“胜”等字,应统统按照普通话的读音去读,方为正确。 此说差也。 在统编中学教材高一册《诵读的要领》知识短文中如是说:“一般说来,读音要以现代字典上的普通话标音为准,不是有特定要求的,不要再读古音。至于一些异读字,则要根据具体情况处理。” 根据这一原则,我们应该这样理解:只要是不影响文字的表达和含义的情况下,我们是可以按照普通话的读音去读的,但是,如果影响了其文字的意义和表达,那就应该“根据具体情况处理”了。 如像上面提及的诗词中的那些字词 ,就应当 “根据具体情况处理”,也就是说应该照顾和考虑到古诗词的音韵和平仄的“具体情况”来确定其读音。 高中教材里面,苏轼的《念奴娇.赤壁怀古》、柳永的《雨霖霖.寒蝉凄切》两词中,就有此情况。 《念奴娇.赤壁怀古》中的“早生华发”的“华”,柳永的《雨霖霖.寒蝉凄切》中“执手相看泪眼”的“看”和“更与何人说”的“说”,就应当按古音分别读作“华(hua)”、“看(kan)”、“说(yue)”,而不应读作“华(hua)”、“看(kan)”、“说(shuo)”。 “早生华发”句 ,根据 《念奴娇》 的平仄, 此处应是“仄仄平平”,“华”在此应是平声,这方才合乎词牌格律。如读为上声,就不合格律了。 同样,《雨霖霖》中“执手相看泪眼”句,其平仄为“仄仄平平仄”,“更与何人说”处 ,应为“仄仄平平仄” 。根据词牌格律,“相看” 处的 “看”、“何人说” 处的 “说”,自然应念 “ 看kan)”和“说(yue)”。 确定相应诗词中的字音读法,关键问题是,一定要考虑这些字在诗词中的位置和作用。如果仅片面地理解按照现代规范的普通话去确定读音,那么这些诗词就既不合辙又不押韵了,而我们在阅读这些诗词的时候,就不会享受到原来诗词中音韵的曲折回环铿锵之美,这样,势必影响了我们对这些作品的认识与理解,也影响了我们对作品的欣赏、领悟,作品的审美价值也就大大地打了折扣。 怎样根据普通话的读音来确定其古诗文中的一些异读字呢?很简单,那就是在不影响文词的表达和文意的时候,就可以按照普通话的读音去念。 如在《敕勒川》中,“天苍苍,野茫茫”句,照古音“野”应读作“ya”,在此如果按照今音读作“ye”,并不影响其表达及意义,故完全可以从今音。 如 《阿房宫赋》 中的“阿房”二字, 就可以不再按照古音读作“e pang ”,而取今天读音读作“a fang ”,因为在这里不论读作何音,既不影响其意义,也不影响音韵平仄。 又如“互文见义”中的“文”、“见”,本应读作“wei ”和“xian”,随着时间的推移,人们都读作了“wen”和“jian”, 约定俗成,大家都能理解,所以现在就都读为了“互文(wen)见(jian)义”。 我们在根据有关的规定对文言和古诗词进行阅读的时候 , 应该“根据具体情况处理”,而不是一味地生搬硬套。宁信度,而不信脚,不亦惑乎! 2. 文言文中的斜字是何意思 敲侧)。不正当,不正之气) 同“邪”;斜气(邪气,不正派 [evil]。如:斜局(指行止心态不正常):斜酒(舀酒) 侧着移动,向偏离正中或正前方的方向移动 [edge] 门子才斜签着坐下。——《葫芦僧判断葫芦案》 飞腾暮景斜。——《杜位宅守岁》 又如:斜签(侧着身子)。——清· 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》 斜风细雨。——唐· 张志和《渔歌子》 青山郭外斜;斜径(歪斜的小路) 同“邪”〈动〉 (形声。从斗,余声:“师父万一心斜;斜柯(倾侧。不专诚 [heretical] 又想,抒也。——《说文》 又如,歪斜 [oblique。——唐· 孟浩然《过故人庄》 烟斜雾横。——唐· 杜牧《阿房宫赋》 又如:斜月三星(心字的隐喻);斜射路(抄近路在田中踩踏出来的斜道);斜刺(斜刺里);tilted] 明月斜挂;slanting;inclined;斜躺(斜着下垂) 〈形〉 不正。本义:用斗倒出) 舀出 [ladle out] 斜,走到西方,亦无用处 3. 文言文中“斜”的意思 有此一说是 :根据古今音变 ,文言文和旧体诗词中的“斜”、“衰”、“回”、“胜”等字,应统统按照普通话的读音去读,方为正确。 此说差也。 在统编中学教材高一册《诵读的要领》知识短文中如是说:“一般说来,读音要以现代字典上的普通话标音为准,不是有特定要求的,不要再读古音。 至于一些异读字,则要根据具体情况处理。” 根据这一原则,我们应该这样理解:只要是不影响文字的表达和含义的情况下,我们是可以按照普通话的读音去读的,但是,如果影响了其文字的意义和表达,那就应该“根据具体情况处理”了。 如像上面提及的诗词中的那些字词 ,就应当 “根据具体情况处理”,也就是说应该照顾和考虑到古诗词的音韵和平仄的“具体情况”来确定其读音。 高中教材里面,苏轼的《念奴娇.赤壁怀古》、柳永的《雨霖霖.寒蝉凄切》两词中,就有此情况。 《念奴娇.赤壁怀古》中的“早生华发”的“华”,柳永的《雨霖霖.寒蝉凄切》中“执手相看泪眼”的“看”和“更与何人说”的“说”,就应当按古音分别读作“华(hua)”、“看(kan)”、“说(yue)”,而不应读作“华(hua)”、“看(kan)”、“说(shuo)”。 “早生华发”句 ,根据 《念奴娇》 的平仄, 此处应是“仄仄平平”,“华”在此应是平声,这方才合乎词牌格律。 如读为上声,就不合格律了。 同样,《雨霖霖》中“执手相看泪眼”句,其平仄为“仄仄平平仄”,“更与何人说”处 ,应为“仄仄平平仄” 。 根据词牌格律,“相看” 处的 “看”、“何人说” 处的 “说”,自然应念 “ 看kan)”和“说(yue)”。 确定相应诗词中的字音读法,关键问题是,一定要考虑这些字在诗词中的位置和作用。 如果仅片面地理解按照现代规范的普通话去确定读音,那么这些诗词就既不合辙又不押韵了,而我们在阅读这些诗词的时候,就不会享受到原来诗词中音韵的曲折回环铿锵之美,这样,势必影响了我们对这些作品的认识与理解,也影响了我们对作品的欣赏、领悟,作品的审美价值也就大大地打了折扣。 怎样根据普通话的读音来确定其古诗文中的一些异读字呢?很简单,那就是在不影响文词的表达和文意的时候,就可以按照普通话的读音去念。 如在《敕勒川》中,“天苍苍,野茫茫”句,照古音“野”应读作“ya”,在此如果按照今音读作“ye”,并不影响其表达及意义,故完全可以从今音。 如 《阿房宫赋》 中的“阿房”二字, 就可以不再按照古音读作“e pang ”,而取今天读音读作“a fang ”,因为在这里不论读作何音,既不影响其意义,也不影响音韵平仄。 又如“互文见义”中的“文”、“见”,本应读作“wei ”和“xian”,随着时间的推移,人们都读作了“wen”和“jian”, 约定俗成,大家都能理解,所以现在就都读为了“互文(wen)见(jian)义”。 我们在根据有关的规定对文言和古诗词进行阅读的时候 , 应该“根据具体情况处理”,而不是一味地生搬硬套。 宁信度,而不信脚,不亦惑乎。 4. 人生五境 文言文翻译 《人生五境》 天下不堪回首之境有五:哀逝过旧游处,悯乱说太平事,垂老忆新婚时,花发(发读一声)向陌头长别,觉(二声)来觅梦中奇遇。 未免有情感均顽艳矣。然以情之最恶者言之:不若遗老吊故国山河,商妇话当年车马,尤为悲悯可怜。 天下让人无法忍受的境界有五种:1悼念逝去的日子,却经过了以前曾经游玩过的地方,2为动乱而担心。遇到动乱时想起太平的生活。 3临近老年的时候回忆新婚之时。4春天百花盛开却和心爱的人长久分别。 5一觉醒来,寻觅梦中离奇经历。然而要从感情最糟糕的方面来说,哪种都比不上前朝旧臣凭吊失去的祖国山河。 年华不在的歌女,说起当年车水马龙的经历,尤其让人悲伤,让人怜悯。回答人地址:群英街“首脑国际造型设计”斜对面。 教师:小东东。 5. 文言文翻译 当初刘表对韩嵩说:“现在天下大乱,不知道什么时候才能安定,曹操在许都拥天子而令天下诸侯,你去许都一探虚实。”韩嵩说:“圣人能够洞悉通达节操 ,甚至可以超越它的束缚而不受拘泥。贤者只能坚守节操。我韩嵩,只是能够坚守节操的人。如果此去许都,天子要委我以官职,君臣的名分确定下来,我会以死相守(而不再是你的部下);现在我还是你的部下,只会听从你的命令,就是赴汤蹈火也在所不辞。据我的观察,曹操非常睿智英明,一定能造福天下苍生。将军如能顺应天子,并归顺曹公(当时是合法 *** 的代表),一定能享受很长时间的利益,荆州也会因此受到保护,如果是这样,可以派我去许都完成这项任务;如果你还犹豫不定,派我去许都,加入天子要委我以官职,我就成为天子的臣子,而只是你过去的部下 ,成为天子的臣子就要为天子着想,遵从天子的命令,再也不会为你卖命了。请你三思,不要到时候又后悔。"刘表叫他出使京师(其实就是同意了韩嵩的说法),结果果然是韩嵩说的那样,天子授予韩嵩侍中和零陵太守之职,回来后不断称道朝廷、曹操之德。刘表却以为其怀贰心,召集了数百名幕僚下属(杀鸡儆猴,以儆效尤),摆下军士,非常愤怒,拿出节杖(韩嵩已是天子之臣,所以要拿尚方宝剑一类的东西才能斩)要斩韩嵩。属僚们大惊,都要韩嵩谢罪。韩嵩不为所动对刘表说:“是将军违背了当初的诺言,我并没有背叛将军!” (二)韩嵩是一个有智慧而狡猾的人。刘表以前和袁绍通好,而曹操才控制了天子称雄诸侯,袁绍抵不过曹操,是所有人都知道的,所以杜袭、繁钦、王粲这些人,整天都想着归顺曹操以博取功名。韩嵩也是,韩嵩劝刘表归顺曹操,明确告诉刘表袁绍和曹操之间谁将胜、谁将败,而评论的人都说是这是韩嵩拥戴汉天子,这样评价韩嵩有些过高了。 韩嵩自己非常急迫的想去许都,而故意迟迟不肯去,他和刘表约定说:“会坚守天子的命令,不再为将军出生入死。”先为自己想好了退路,把刘表玩弄与股掌之上。(装作)很坚决的推辞,不肯去许都,就等着刘表强迫他去,达到自己的目的而回来,当面挫辱刘表而刘表不能杀他,这也是陈珪用过的伎俩,而韩嵩玩得更好。 刘表愚钝士人纷纷离他而去,曹操奸巧士人都来归附。用两千石的俸禄和广陵太守遂了陈珪的欲求,用侍中和零陵太守的官职满足了韩嵩的要求;陈珪和韩嵩的计策得以实现,而吕布和刘表的灭亡也是因为这样啊。这两个人,阴险狡诈的可以了,怎么能将他们算作汉室的忠臣啊!
2023-07-14 20:12:111


用“天”有两个含义。当我们谈论的天数在一年内,我们使用的是“天”是指24小时。但是,当我们谈论白天与黑夜,我们使用的是“天”的意思之间的时间日出和日落。由于地球看起来像一个球,太阳可以照只有一半的时间。总是有一半的地球是有一天,另一半晚上。一个地方从一天到晚上,从昨晚到今天,多了纺纱(旋转)的地球。在赤道(赤道)白天和黑夜,有时同样的长度(长度) 。他们是每12小时。太阳升起在6点钟在早上和套在6点钟在傍晚。六个月北极倾斜(倾斜)走向阳光。在这几个月北半球(半球)越来越多小时的阳光南半球。天长于夜。赤道以南夜长于天。其他6个月的北极倾斜远离太阳。然后南半球获得了更多的阳光。天长于夜。赤道以北夜长于天。冬季是本赛季的漫长的夜晚。夏季是本赛季的长期天。我翻译的好辛苦啊!!
2023-07-14 20:12:283


【recline】VERB 靠;躺;斜倚If you recline on something, you sit or lie on it with the upper part of your body supported at an angle.She proceeded to recline on a chaise longue... 她接着躺在了一个躺椅上。Move to a reclining position on the mattress and rest for 15 minutes. 靠在垫子上休息15分钟。【tilt】VERB (略微)倾侧(身体部位),仰(头),把(头)歪向一边If you tilt part of your body, usually your head, you move it slightly upwards or to one side.Mari tilted her head back so that she could look at him... 玛丽把头向后仰,以便能看到他。His wife tilted his head to the side and inspected the wound... 妻子把他的头侧过去检查他的伤口。
2023-07-14 20:12:361


专业术语是相对日常用语而言的,一般指的某一行业的专有名称简介。大多数情况为该领域的专业人士所熟知,而专业术语在国际惯例中是通用的,主要是起到减少行业中交流成本的作用。每一行都有自己的专业术语,相当于行业里面的黑话。 下面我会为大家简单介绍一些跟电影跟剧本创作乃至影视行业的一些简单的专业术语。希望对刚入行的朋友或者已经进入这个行业的人但是不熟悉的人也有点帮助(其实大多数是半路出家的编剧)。也许还能在你需要你装逼的特定场合助你一“逼”之力,毕竟你也不想你在谈论剧作的时候让人单从一些措辞就知道你是个门外汉吧?此外,中英对照的意义是为了方便一些需要去翻查英文资料的朋友,能够准确搜寻到关键词。专栏首篇,不足或者有错漏之处,希望多多指教。 A.剧作过程常见基础术语: 剧本(Script / Screenplay) : 一剧之本。无须赘述。 编剧(Screen /Script Writer): 编写剧本的人,剧本的作者。 角色(Character) :故事中的人物。 主角(Protagonist) :故事的核心人物,驱动故事,在故事中做出关键戏剧决定的人物。 配角(Minor Character ):故事中主角以外,推动剧情的人物。 对手(Antagonist) :故事中阻碍主角前进的人物。可以是一个人,一个组织、一种自然力、或者是主角内心的某个层面。 故事主题(Theme): 想要通过故事传达的价值观念或者道德主张。 故事类型(Genre) :含有某种元素或者有固定套路的故事类别。有多中分类方式,常见的有喜剧,悲剧,荒诞剧,纪录片等等 事件(Event): 因某个原因而触发,有一个特定的发展过程,并导致了某个结果的一系列有逻辑因果关系的事实。是剧本中使得人物鲜活并相互联系起来的故事讲述单位。 情节(Plot) :指剧本中表现人物之间相互关系的一系列生活事件的发展过程。 情节点(Plot point) :指故事中的转折点,是故事情理之中,又出乎意料地转向另一个方向的节点。情节点戏剧张力的来源。 场景(Scene): 故事事件发生的时间和空间。一般一个时间、一个地点发生的一种行动称之为一个场景,也叫一场戏。 场景标题(Scene Heading) :每一场戏都用左对齐的格式并列写出:内景或外景、地点、时间这三个要素。 外景与内景(Exterior & Interior) :用于标记在每场戏开头的场景标题。 台词(Lines) :指故事中人物说的话。 潜台词(Subtext) :指存在并隐藏在事件表面或对白下的潜在意义,是观众根据语境感受到的人物潜在意图。 对白(Dialogue) :故事中人物说的话与情态,是表达角色情绪跟性格的方式。除了台词,还包括人物的情绪与表达停顿。 视点(Point of View ,POV) :就是故事讲述的人称,一般分主观跟客观视点。 背景故事(Backstory) :指在剧情开始之前的历史,通常是塑造人物的事件和情感的往事。 故事结构(Structure) : 相当于剧本的骨架与蓝图,是按照时间、因果、空间来架构的故事讲述基础,是安排情节与时间的基本支撑。常见的基础结构是三幕式结构与三幕式结构的变体。 三幕式结构(Three-Act-Structure) :故事分为开头,中间,结尾这三幕的传统戏剧结构。 戏剧张力(Dramatic Tension) :是编剧在剧本中意图让观众感受到的性以及对戏剧的预期的故事矛盾的设计。 人物角色开发(Developing the Characters) :意味着给每个你创造的角色提供特殊的背景、性格、行动、品味和动作时间表。 人物原型(Characters Archetype): 结合神话故事由荣格心理学总结出来的人类类型,每种原型代表着某种人类天性,这些天性是人类普遍存在的无意识特性。一般用来做人物设定的大造型基础。 立体人物(Round Character) :指心理上完全有自我意识的人物,故事中有主动性有目标的人物。 扁平人物(Flat Character) :指精神上缺乏深度,为某个说教式目的而存在的人物。 高概念(High Concept): 指营销策略决定并引导创意的电影。这类通常故事结构、故事节奏简单,有固定的套路应和大众观影习惯,故事核心简单到一句话可以概括。 B.故事创作的方式: 人物驱动(Character-Based Drama): 故事的矛盾与张力由人物制造,主角不断克服前进道路上的限制与障碍,这样的故事叫做人物驱动故事。例如《雨人》。 情节驱动(Plot-Based Drama) :人物受到的挑战主要来自外部的压力,主角被迫卷入事件,这样的故事叫做情节驱动故事。例如《釜山行》。 平行叙事(Parallel Storytelling) :指在讲述故事的时候,通过对故事的压缩,在几条情节线之间进行却换,激发观众的判断跟想象预测能力参与到故事当中,有多重视点的讲述方式。 C.剧作中常见的工具: 节奏表(Beat Sheet): 指高概念电影创作中因应观影习惯总结出来的情节节奏列表。比如多少分钟或者剧本的第几页一样出现怎样的情节。是合理剧情详略跟转折科学有效的套路。专业编剧用起来让主创间的交流事半功倍。 弧线(ARC) :用曲线图的方式来分析情节的走向或人物间的成长轨迹与交集。方法论的编剧会因应曲线再对剧本做调整。 场景卡(Scene Card) :给场景编号,把每场戏的概要简明扼要的书写到索引卡片上。 情节板(The Board ) :铺排场景卡的面板,用来调整跟切换事件与场景的工具。善用情节板能让每一个场景跟事件成为更灵活的零部件。 D.剧作基本流程的术语: step1: 故事前提(Logline) : 也作one-line,用行话来讲叫做“一句话剧情概要”。这句话会暗示剧情矛盾故事主线还有受众群体乃至主题。是创意的出发点也是整个剧本最浓缩的精华。很多有经验的编剧会从故事前提入手。而也是大多数公司检测编剧水平的基准。 step 2: 梗概/脚本(Treatment): 在最早严格意义上是指没有对白的剧本,但是现在:行业中通常指围绕logline展开的故事概要。用剪短概括的故事概括故事主要内容。需要注意的是梗概没有再分短梗概跟简梗概这样外行的说法。 Step 3: 解构故事(Breaking A Story) :在详写大纲前,找到故事中的重大转折,通常是幕与幕之间的转折。一般可以运用到节奏表(Beat Sheet)。 Step 4: 人物设定(Character Setting) :人物的背景故事跟性格特点已经在故事中的走向的计划。(这一步按照故事是人物驱动还是情节驱动可以灵活调整) 一般到了这里可以进入简报/提案阶段。 Step 5: 简报/提案(Pitch) :向意向买家讲述故事,销售创意,展示计划。 Step 6: 大纲(Outline) :将会出现在剧本的中的每一场戏剧的列表。其实就是在节奏表上的再完善。每一场戏都具体到有起止的故事线。大纲一般是剧本开发过程中的第一个付费环节。在完成故事大纲后紧接着就会进入分场大纲(scene outline)。 Step7: 剧本第一稿(First Draft) :依据已经做好的故事解构跟大纲码出来的第一版剧本。 Step 8: 改写(Rewrite) :剧本的重要修改,包括从新塑造人物以及创造新的人物或戏剧。 Step 9: 剧本第二稿(Second Draft) :在收到制片人的反馈后修改好的第二版剧本。 Step 10: 定稿(Locked): 制作人审核通过大纲或者剧本的最终稿。(肯定没有那么好命,可能要无数次改写跟第N稿,而且项目不黄的情况下可以走到这步。) Step 11: 润色(Polish) :剧本的细致修改,通常是校勘还有调整让各场戏更紧凑和完善对白,或调整为拍摄用的拍摄本。 Step 12: 拍摄本(Shooting Script) :把剧本调整成拍摄用的终版剧本。 后续就是拍摄中的因应实际情况的调整与修改了。还有催款什么的就不说了…… E.电影制作与预算的专业术语 电影制作的三个阶段: 前制(Pre-production ): 开拍之前的所有活动,包括编列预算(budgeting),敲定卡斯(casting ),修订脚本(script revision ),勘查外景(location scouting ),搭建场景(set construction ),编写制片企划表(production board ,每场戏要在那个时间在哪里拍摄)和 雇佣工作人员。前制阶段可能费时数个月,甚至需要好几年才有办法把一切安排就绪,让电影开拍。 制作(Production ); 从摄影机开始运转到主要拍摄工作完成位置。持续时间从四个礼拜到二十个礼拜或者更久;大型制片厂的电影平均制作期约80天。 后制(post-production ); 制作阶段完成后进入后制阶段。当所有场次全部拍摄完毕,剪接师就开始制作毛片。接着加入视觉特效,并执行音效剪接与配乐。如果某个演员的台词听不清楚或者口气不对,就得另外录制对白替换。【后制】(post )会持续好几个月,一般到杀青之后约十个礼拜。导演才能进行粗剪(first cut)。 电影预算可以分成“线上支出”和“线下支出” 线上支出(Above-the-line cost ):关乎电影能否制作的“大笔”项目,包括曲本的权利金,以及导演,制片,编剧和演员的酬劳。 线下支出(Below-the-line cost ):和实际制作有关的费用。厂棚租金,搭景和服务费用(家具和道具),购买和租用器材的费用,外景场地费,卡车费用,工作人员的酬劳,远地外景生活费,饮食费,追加法律费用,音乐和剪接费。 F.常见拍摄的镜头基本术语及作用: 变换焦距(Change of Focus): 在锐聚焦(sharp focus )下的角色走进一群模糊的群众当中,可以透露出对未来的不确定心理。如果让角色从模糊的背景中走到锐聚焦的前景,则可以让他的价值或优先性“变清晰”。 仰角镜头(Low Angle Camera ) :以仰望的角度呈现角色,会让他/她看起来强大有力。这也叫“英雄镜头”(hero shot) 俯角镜头(High Angle Camera ) :俯视角色可以传达出他/她无能为力,无足轻重。 斜角镜头(Tilted 【Dutch 】angle ) :让水平线倾斜,意味事情出了差错,或者是生理心理失去了平衡。 过肩镜头(Over-the-shoulder) :意味着角色处于很容易遭受攻击的脆弱状态。 手持镜头(Jitter/hand-held shot ) :可以投射出置身风暴中心,快被淹没的感觉,例如在忙乱的急诊室或犯罪现场。 未完待续……
2023-07-14 20:12:431

极品飞车9的in a hood near you歌词

2023-07-14 20:12:514


问题一:“向下倾斜”用英语怎么说? “向下倾斜” Downward sloping 问题二:"倾斜"的英文是什么 lean bevel cant careen declension declination declivity dip heeling incline leaning atilt fall lurch obliquity pitch sag shelve slant slope steeve sway 骇ilt tip tipsiness 问题三:它向一边倾斜用英语怎么说! It leans to one side 问题四:在……斜上方和在……斜下方用英文怎么说? 在……斜上方 in the... Inclined top 在……斜定方 in the... oblique below 问题五:倾斜的竖线 用英语怎么说 The tilted vertical lines希望帮到你,觉得好就采纳吧?? 问题六:斜线用英语怎么说? slant line这个可以表示符号/ 还有一个较专业的数学用词: oblique line 与直线相对,可用于画图的场景。 你应该把问题说全面,具体的语言环境要告诉哦~ 问题七:怎样用英语说 朝右边倾斜 朝左边倾斜 lean to the rightlean to the left 手译,求采纳~
2023-07-14 20:12:582

Sometimes when you think the sky is about to fall down, you might be standing tilted!.什么意思?

2023-07-14 20:13:083


2023-07-14 20:13:195


9歌手 / 歌曲Avenged Sevenfold / Blinded In ChainsBullet For My Valentine / Hand of BloodCelldweller feat. Styles of Beyond / ShapeshifterCelldweller / One Good ReasonDieselboy + Kaos / Barrier BreakDisturbed / DecadenceDJ Spooky and Dave Lombardo feat. Chuck D / B-Side Wins AgainEvol Intent, Mayhem & Thinktank / Broken SwordHush / Fired UpHyper / We ControlIls / Feed The AddictionJamiroquai / Feels Just Like It Should (Timo Maas Remix)Juvenile / Sets Go UpLupe Fiasco / TiltedMastodon / Blood And ThunderRock / I Am RockStatic-X / SkinnymanStratus / You Must Follow (Evol Intent VIP)Styles of Beyond / Nine Thou (Superstars Remix)Suni Clay / In A Hood Near YouThe P$C / Do Ya ThangThe Perceptionists / Let"s MoveThe Prodigy / You"ll Be Under My WheelsThe Roots and BT / Tao of The Machine (Scott Humphrey"s Remix)10专辑介绍:EA Trax为《极品飞车10卡本峡谷》制作了新一代的音乐原声带,共有30首曲子,分别反映了新游戏中的三类赛车:超级跑车、肌肉车和改装车。游戏音乐原声带已经成为EA游戏文化的重要组成部分之一。2001年,EA成立了一个新组织EA Trax,专门负责与各唱片公司进行交涉,然后向EA各部门(特别是EA SPORTS)提供由这些唱片公司的制作的音乐、歌曲,由此打造游戏原声带。这是30首的完全版本,不同于之前别人发布的21首版本。专辑曲目:1.After Party2.Bounce3.Don"t Speak4.Hard Drivers5.Signs Of Life6.Are "Friends" Electric7.Ride A White Horse (Serge Santiago Remix)8.Scorpio9.Hurricane10.Luv Me Or Hate Me11.Fighting In Built Up Areas12.Sugar (Jagz Kooner Remix)13.FEEL THE RUSH (Junkie XL Remix)14.Thee Small Faces15.One Of Dem Days (Remix)16.Skateboard P Presents Show You How To Hustle17.I Am The Night, Colour Me Black18.No Love19.What It Look Like20.Hype Boys21.Around the Horn22.Steamworks23.I"m No Good24.Good as Gold25.Girl Fight (Mr. D Hyphy Mix)26.Washing Up (Tiga Remix)27.Heatseeker28.My Friend Dario29.joker and the thief30.people always talk about the weather (Junkie XL Remix)1101 Airbourne - Blackjack02 Avenged Sevenfold - Almost Easy03 Bloc Party - Prayer04 Chromeo - Fancy Footwork (Guns "n Bombs Remix)05 Clutch - Power Player06 CSS - Odio Odio Odio Sorry C07 Datarock - I Used to Dance With My Daddy (Karma Harvest Mix)08 Digitalism - Pogo09 Dude "n Nem - Watch My Feet10 DUNE - A Blast Beat11 The Faint - Dropkick The Punks12 Foreign Islands - We Know You Know It13 The Horrors - Draw Japan14 Junkie XL feat Lauren Rocket - More15 Junkie XL feat Lauren Rocket - More (Junk O Flamenco Remix)16 Junkie XL feat Lauren Rocket - More (Junk O Rock Remix)17 Klaxons - Atlantis To Interzone18 MSTRKRFT - Neon Knights19 Neon Plastix20 Peaches-Boys Wanna Be Her (Tommie Sunshine"s Brooklyn Fire Retouch)21 Plan B-More Is Enough feat. Epic Man22 Plan B-No Good (Chase & Status and Benni G Remix)23 Smallwhitelight-Spite24 The Faint-Dropkick The Punks25 The Horrors-Draw Japan26 The Rapture-The Sound27 The Toxic Avenger-Escape (Bloody Beetroots Remix)28 TV On The Radio-Wolf Like Me29 UNKLE-Restless feat. Josh Homme30 We Are Wolves-Fight And Kiss31 Wiley-Bow E332 Yeah Yeah Yeahs-Kiss Kiss33 Year Long Disaster-Leda Atomica
2023-07-14 20:14:032

落红不是无情物 化作春泥更护花全诗翻译成英文

Never say the drop doesn"t have merce,She just want to be the new earth.
2023-07-14 20:14:427

米兰科维奇循环的Axial tilt (obliquity)

The angle of the Earth"s axial tilt (obliquity) varies with respect to the plane of the Earth"s orbit. These slow 2.4° obliquity variations are roughly periodic, taking approximately 41,000 years to shift between a tilt of 22.1° and 24.5° and back again. When the obliquity increases, the amplitude of the seasonal cycle in insolation (INcident SOLar radiATION) increases, with summers in both hemispheres receiving more radiative flux from the Sun, and the winters less radiative flux. As a result, it is assumed that the winters become colder and summers warmer.But these changes of opposite sign in the summer and winter are not of the same magnitude. The annual mean insolation increases in high latitudes with increasing obliquity, while lower latitudes experience a reduction in insolation. Cooler summers are suspected of encouraging the start of an ice age by melting less of the previous winter"s ice and snow. So it can be argued that lower obliquity favors ice ages both because of the mean insolation reduction in high latitudes as well as the additional reduction in summer insolation.Currently the Earth is tilted at 23.44 degrees from its orbital plane, roughly half way between its extreme values. The tilt is in the decreasing phase of its cycle, and will reach its minimum value around the year 10,000 AD.
2023-07-14 20:14:581


词典结果:tilt[英][tu026alt][美][tu026alt]vt.使倾斜; (在马上)拿枪扎; 抨击,攻击; vi.倾斜; 〈美〉有倾向性,偏袒; 抨击; n.倾斜,歪斜; 斜坡,坡度; 马上刺枪比赛; 跳动锤,落锤; 第三人称单数:tilts过去分词:tilted复数:tilts现在进行时:tilting过去式:tilted以上结果来自金山词霸
2023-07-14 20:15:241


2023-07-14 20:16:041


货物倾斜的翻译是:The goods are tilted
2023-07-14 20:16:122


lean 一般指整个身体的动作,比如lean against the wall 靠在墙上. tilt 一般是局部的动作,比如she tilted her head 她把头一歪. 另外,lean 通常指形容人体,形容物体的倾斜一般用tilt.
2023-07-14 20:17:101


boat英 [bəʊt] 美 [boʊt] n.小船,小艇;轮船vi.乘船,划船vt.用船运输;用船装运The boat instantly tilted, filled and sank. 船立即倾斜,进了水,然后沉没了
2023-07-14 20:17:191


围绕太阳转一年 Moves around the sun for a year
2023-07-14 20:17:273

翻译 一段 哈克费恩历险记

2023-07-14 20:17:351


多伦多的手工焊接填充金属熔池techniqui在图1所示,10.First弧电极之间和工作使用高频电弧starting.Touch盯着不recommended.The成立火炬在一个小圈子动议建立一个倾斜的火炬在大约75 °角,搬回轻微上升,而充足的钎料是入池浸回pool.Then
2023-07-14 20:18:372

4.4.3 EPI伪影:模拟Nyquist ghost(matlab)

平面回波成像序列: Echo Planar Imaging EPI序列是在一次射频脉冲激励后,利用正反相位连续切换采集信号。严格意义上来讲,EPI不属于序列分类,算是一种信号采集技术,是一种信号读出模式。 磁共振弥散加权成像(Diffusion Weighted Imaging, DWI),是唯一能够活体检测水分子扩散情况的无创影像检查技术,而且也是临床应用最多的一个磁共振功能监测技术。 单激发是一次射频脉冲激励以后,通过读出信号的方式采集完一副图像所需要的所有K空间相位编码线。最大的有点是快,可以冻结宏观的运动伪影。目前临床EPI序列应用最多的是做DWI弥散,采用的大部分是单激发。所以腹部弥散,可以完全自由呼吸做而运动伪影却不大,因为单激发对运动伪影不敏感。 EPI factor :确定每次激励时收集的Ky线的数量 EPI因子越大,SNR越低,同时还会影响磁化率伪影和图像变形,扫描仪产生的噪音 而EPI序列,如果回波链多了 EPI factor 也会导致EPI伪影和变形加大;另外,EPI序列没有采用多个180°重聚脉冲聚集信号,对磁化率敏感,容易产生磁化率伪影。 由于磁场的不均匀性,以及EPI通过正反梯度切换快速的读出信号,产生的涡流和化学位移等因素,使得K空间的奇、偶回波之间容易积累相位差,在相位编码方向上产生Ghost伪影。导致图像的变形(distortion)。 奇偶回波产生的K空间偏移方向不同,从而出现相位编码方向得相位震荡,产生Ghost伪影 在 Single-shot 的情况下,图像产生1/2 Nyquist ghosts 在 Multi-shot 的情况下,图像可能会产生1/4 Nyquist ghosts,1/8 Nyquist ghosts,由采集方式决定 three types of Nyquist ghosts in single-shot EPI: 1) constant-phase ghost :与空间位置无关的相位误差引起的伪影,比如零阶的涡流梯度场和偏离中心视野成像的频率失配 2) linear-phase ghost :频率编码方向上的线性相位误差引起的伪影,比如频率编码方向上的线性涡流场,梯度群时延和梯度放大器的延迟 3) oblique-phase ghost :相位编码方向上的线性相位误差引起的伪影,通常发生在EPI斜采时,产生的原因可能有各方向梯度不一致的涡流特性、群时延以及交叉涡流项 k-space data are shifted (spatially constant) k-space data are shifted (频率编码方向) 我们可以把K空间,沿着 频率编码 方向,奇数行向前平移一个点,偶数行向后平移一个点,来达到这种伪影效果。 k-space data are shifted (相位编码方向) 我们可以把K空间,沿着 相位编码 方向,奇数行向前平移一个点,偶数行向后平移一个点,来达到这种伪影效果。 Because this ghost is typically observed in oblique EPI scans , it has been called the oblique Nyquist ghost . Common sources for the oblique Nyquist ghosts include inconsistent eddy current characteristics and group delays among the physical gradient axes (also known as gradient anisotropy; Aldefeld and Bornert 1998) and cross-term eddy currents. The combination of a constant-phase ghost and a linear-phase ghost will shift the vertical nodal line away from the image center. The combination of a linear-phase ghost and an oblique Nyquist ghost can produce a tilted nodal line. 定义Read、Phase方向点数 生成头部模拟图,尺寸为128*128 重新构建图像尺寸,填零至256*256 生成K空间 从K空间恢复到原图
2023-07-14 20:18:441


2.asleep--sleeping3,that--which4"was--being5.look改为looks7.everybody 前加so
2023-07-14 20:18:554


1.he-who 2.had -did3.that was 加 the是对的 6.looking-looks7.over-8.that-which
2023-07-14 20:19:043


2023-07-14 20:19:144

Sometimes when you think the sky is about to fall down, you might be standing tilted! 怎么翻译?

2023-07-14 20:19:233


lean 倾斜 tilt 倾转 两者在这个意思上的区别在于:以一个圆形的水平面来说,倾斜可以表示这个面以任何方式偏离水平状态;而倾转特指以这个圆平面的某一直径为固定转轴,使其左右两边的面分别上下同时移动,造成平面偏离水平状态。
2023-07-14 20:19:313

头发打薄 斜刘海 拉直 英文怎么说

. thin one"s hair 把头发打薄2. straighten one"s hair using boards 把头发用夹板拉直3. trim one"s hair 修边4. 剪刀打薄 thinning 乱发 shock 修剪 trim 平顶头 crop 分发 part hair 做发型 cutting&styling 电烫 permanent wave 点烫药水 setting lotion 女子做发 hairdo 点烫发机 electric hair curler 压发 hair fixer 束发结 snood 发网 hairnet 假辫子 coronet braid weitch 前刘海 bang 髭,小胡子 moustache 鬓角 temple 5.使头发柔顺 Make hair gentle and agreeable 6.伏贴 Cosy 7.定型 Get into form 8.斜刘海 Tilted frisette 9.把上面的头发打碎 Hair above is broken into pieces
2023-07-14 20:20:311


希望对你有帮助 In recent years,China"s rapid development is the building of bridges.Quality of the bridge will have a direct bearing on the country and the people"s lives and property.As a result, in a bridge construction project, quality is the key.This article discusses the common quality of the bridge construction accident analysis and treatment. Introduced a combination of pre-stressed concrete box beam construction, the prefabricated, installation, pre-stressed tension and grouting, the top box-leveling layer of common quality defects and treatment.Cast-in-place beam construction, introduced in the construction of the common quality defects, the causes and treatment, as well as the template, engineering support, engineering and steel mass concrete project quality control points.In the pile and pier construction, mainly in the bored piles easy problems and solutions;Construction of Piers Pier tilt, slide or slow, and other measures to solve the problem.The final chapter on the bridge deck in the quality of the accident-prone approach is also discussed, and examples of engineering quality for specific incidents in detail. Construction of the bridge is a permanent quality control of the technical issues, is also building a bridge to sustainable development and an important part of one of the key technologies, the paper study and practice is closely related to quality control on a bridge with a reference value.
2023-07-14 20:20:543


We can see the downtown,but can not touch the memories。我们看得到繁华,却摸不到回忆。下面是为我为大家整理的ins超火短句英文希望大家喜欢。 1、 Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.执子之手,与子偕老。 2、 Brief is life, but love is long.生命虽短,爱却绵长。 3、 I don"t want to be the first one。I want to be the only one。我不想做第一个,我只想做唯一。 4、 Wonders are many,and nothing is more wonderful then man。天下奇迹无数,却无一比人更奇妙。 5、 Trust always can not stand test,appear so vulnerable。信任,总是经不起考验,显得如此不堪一击。6、 youu2002willu2002haveu2002itu2002ifu2002itu2002belongsu2002tou2002you,u2002whereasu2002youu2002dontu2002kvetchu2002foru2002itu2002ifu2002itu2002doesntu2002appearu2002inu2002youru2002life.u2002命里有时钟需有命里无时莫强求 7、 You are my sweet-heart.你是我的宝贝。 8、 Between friends all is common。朋友之间不分彼此。 9、 Sometimes when you think the sky is about to fall down,you might be standing tilted!有时候你以为天要塌下来了,其实是自己站歪了。 10、 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won"t make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人bai不会让你哭泣。11、 Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.www.yulumi.**纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 12、 nou2002oneu2002indebtedu2002foru2002others,u2002whileu2002manyu2002peopleu2002dontu2002knowu2002howu2002tou2002cherishu2002others.没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。 13、 We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time. The most urgent is to take the most beautiful scenery; the deepest wound was the most real emotions.我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开。 走的最急的是最美的景色,伤的最深的是最真的感情。 14、 loveu2002,promisedu2002betweenu2002theu2002fingersu2002fingeru2002rift,u2002twistedu2002inu2002theu2002loveu2002.爱情u201e在指缝间承诺指缝u201e。在爱情下交缠。 15、 When love is not madness, it is not love. 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。
2023-07-14 20:21:011


Beijing (Beijing, formerly Peking). Beijing short. The capital of People"s Republic of China, the munist Party of China Central mittee resident, one of China"s four municipalities, China"s political, economic, scientific and cultural center, one of the domestic and international exchanges, the country"s second largest city, the largest city in northern China. Beijing is a 3,000 years of history of the founding of the city, the Capital 850 years of history and culture, history and the ancient capital city of Beijing the economy developed, and it is China"s largest air traffic hub. In 2005 the State Council approved the "Beijing overall urban planning (2004 to 2020)", Beijing was defined as "the national capital, international city, and cultural relics, livable city." By 2007, Beijing household registration population has reached 12.03 million, it is the city"s total population 17.43 million. Beijing municipal tree for Sophora japonica and oriental arborvitae,"s floral emblem for Rose and chrysanthemums. Phone Number: 010; Zip code: 100000. Beijing centre is located at 39 degrees 54 minutes north latitude, 116 degrees 23 minutes east longitude. At the northwest edge of the North China Plain. Beijing and neighboring Tianjin, and Hebei Province and Tianjin to be around. Beijing West, North and Northeast, the mountains around, the South East is tilted slowly to the plain of the Bohai Sea. Beijing Plain in the altitude of 20 to 60 meters, mountain general elevation of 1000 to 1500 meters, and the junction of East Mountain Hebei 2,309 meters above sea level, the peak for Beijing. River runs through the territory of five, mainly the eastern part of the Chaobai River, North C *** , west of the Yongding River and Jumahe. Beijing is the topography of the northwest, southeast low. Tumo Taihang Mountains west is the Xishan, is the Yanshan mountain range north of the military Hill, the two-ditch clearance in the south of the intersection, forming a semicircle to the southeast mountains start bending, known as "Beijing bends," it around the *** all plains namely Beijing *** all plains. Looking at Beijing terrain, the mountains lapel, and the situation magnificent. As the ancients said: "You Zhou of the left ring sea, and the right to Yong Tai, North pillow Jiyong, South lapel River Jeju,-Land of Abundance." Beijing city"s land area 16,400 square kilometers. Plain area of 6,339 square kilometers, accounting for 38.6 percent. Mountain area of 10,072 square kilometers, accounting for 61.4 percent. City of 87.1 square kilometers. Beijing is the world"s historical and cultural city and one of the ancient capital. Back in Qishimonian ago, the Beijing Zhoukoudian area will appear primitive tribal groups, "the city." City and Beijing also has built more than 2,000 years of history, and first seen at records for the names of "thistle."公元前1045年北京成为蓟、燕等诸侯国的都城;公元前221年秦始皇统一中国以来,北京一直是中国北方重镇和地方中心;自公元888年以来,北京又先后成为辽陪都、金上都, Yuandadu, Ming and Qing States. October 1, 1949 officially designated as the capital of People"s Republic of China
2023-07-14 20:21:081


中文翻译“你知道吗?我一直喜欢仰望星空,从记事起就这样。你知道最让我惊喜的是什么吗,并不是遇见他们,而是遇见你。”英文原文:You know,I"ve had my head tilted up to the stars for as long as I can remember. You know what surprised me the most ? It wasn"t meeting them. It was meeting you. 汉英对照:你知道吗?我一直喜欢仰望星空,从记事起就这样。You know,I"ve had my head tilted up to the stars for as long as I can remember. 你知道最让我惊喜的是什么吗You know what surprised me the most ? 并不是遇见他们It wasn"t meeting them. 而是遇见你。It was meeting you.
2023-07-14 20:21:281


目前,研究最广泛的各向异性介质是横向各向同性(transverse isotropy,简称TI)介质,属于六边形对称各向异性介质中的一类。按照对称轴与地面的关系,可将TI介质分为VTI、HTI和TTI三种类型[61~63],如图2.1.1所示。在实际地球介质中,大约有70%的沉积岩展现出类似TI介质的各向异性特征。图2.1.1 三种典型的TI介质示意图(1)VTI介质VTI介质是具有垂直对称轴的横向各向同性(transverse isotropy with a vertical axis of symmetry,即VTI)介质的简称。周期性薄互层(periodic thin layers,即PTL)介质就具有此类各向异性特征。在地壳中,特别是在沉积盆地中,层状岩石将展现出PTL各向异性特征。VTI介质的独立弹性参数只有5个,即c11,c13,c33,c44,c66。因此,VTI介质的弹性参数矩阵为三维三分量地震勘探VTI介质是地学中研究最早的一类介质,也称为极化各向异性介质。在极化各向异性介质中传播的多波多分量地震资料(无论是PP波、SS波、PS波),其旅行时已经不满足基于各向同性介质导出的双曲线型的时距曲线公式。因此,在资料处理时要重新建立时距曲线公式,增加描述这类介质的参数,以修正常规双曲线时距公式所产生的误差(第4章将作详细介绍)。VTI介质是一类非常重要的各向异性介质,常用来描述由周期性的薄互层、岩石内部结构和平行排列的微裂隙引起的各向异性。当VTI介质的对称轴在观测坐标系中具有倾角时就会形成TTI介质。(2)HTI介质HTI介质是具有水平对称轴的横向各向同性(transverse isotropy with a horizont alaxis of symmetry,简称HTI)介质的简称。在地壳中,HTI介质一般是由平行排列的垂直裂隙、裂缝而产生的。地壳中普遍存在平行排列的流体充填的垂直裂隙、微裂隙或优势定向排列的孔隙空间,Crampin(1984)将这类介质称为广泛扩容各向异性(extensive dilatancy ani- sotropy,简称EDA)介质。HTI介质独立的弹性参数也只有5个,即c11,c13,c33,c44,c66,因此组成HTI介质的弹性张量可以表示为三维三分量地震勘探VTI和HTI介质可以认为是正交各向异性(orthogonality anisotropy,简称OA)介质的特例。HTI介质还可以视为VTI介质的垂直对称轴旋转90°后得到的。HTI介质也称为方位各向异性介质。基于HTI介质可以研究裂缝在地下的发育情况。众所周知,裂缝对于油气而言,既是良好的储存空间,又是重要的运移通道。尤其是在裂缝性油气藏中,检测裂缝的发育区域、裂缝的空间走向以及裂缝的发育密度等参数十分重要,这些参数对油气田开发中的钻井位置部署、井轨迹设计等具有重要的指导作用。弄清楚裂缝的空间展布情况能够降低钻井风险,提高油气的采收率。因此,在油气勘探、开发领域,研究HTI介质具有十分重要的意义。(3)TTI介质TTI介质是具有倾斜对称轴的横向各向同性(transverse isotropy with a tilted axis of sym-metry,即TTI)介质的简称。倾斜裂缝介质属于此类介质。由于TTI介质本身的复杂性,目前涉及TTI介质研究的方法不多,但这种介质在实际地质体中广泛存在,对TTI介质的研究正逐渐被重视。(4)TI介质各向异性表征参数各向异性介质的弹性特征是由弹性参数矩阵C决定的。但是,弹性参数矩阵C反映的是应力与应变之间的本构关系,隐含了地震波传播的相速度,使其物理意义不直观明了,也显得很复杂。为了便于理论研究和实际应用,Thomsen(1986)提出了一套表征TI介质的弹性特征的参数:三维三分量地震勘探TI介质的Thomsen参数分别为vP0、vS0、ε、γ和δ,共5个参数。vP0、vS0分别为准纵波(简称qP波)和准横波(简称qS波)沿TI介质对称轴方向传播的相速度;δ、ε和γ是表示TI介质各向异性强度的3个无量纲因子;ε是度量qP波各向异性强度的参数;当ε越大时,纵波的各向异性越大,当ε=0时,纵波无各向异性;δ是连接vP0和vS0之间的一种过渡性参数;γ可以看成是度量qS波各向异性强度或横波分裂强度的参数,当γ越大时,横波的各向异性越大;当γ=0时,横波无各向异性。一般情况下,ε和γ的单调性是一致的,即同时增减或为0。利用Thomsen参数表征TI介质时,弹性参数C的物理意义更加明显。Thomsen参数可以利用弹性参数表示;相反,TI介质的弹性参数也可以采用Thomsen参数表征。例如,利用Thomsen参数可以将VTI介质的弹性参数表征如下:三维三分量地震勘探式中:f=1-v2S0/v2P0=1-c55/c33[61,67]。
2023-07-14 20:21:371

酒店英语 中式摆台等用英语怎么说啊? 刚刚任职两天,做的是灯具,可是老板说要我翻译下.感人指点一二!

楼上的翻译是正确的,应该是自己翻译 的此人高水平丫
2023-07-14 20:22:172

英国大本钟的英文介绍拜托了各位 谢谢

Big Ben, "the banks of the River Thames is located in the north of the parliament building, stands a tall clock tower, inlaid with large bell," Wallace. "Every one hour, 10 minutes under a heavy GMT issued and sonorous beep , A few miles away can hear the bell reverberated. 1859, the bell by the then King of the Public Works Minister Sir Jieminghuoer producer, the bell with a total weight of 21 tons, casting at a cost of 27,000 pounds. "Big The "bell as a symbol of London, where the tourists to London, think of the clock tower all around, from the Parliament in London this bridge to enjoy a unique architecture.
2023-07-14 20:22:241


1.斜顶- lifter2.卡钩- tongs 3.水口-water gap4.BOSS柱- BOSS Pole
2023-07-14 20:22:384

Funeral For A Friend/Love Lies Bleeding 歌词

歌曲名:Funeral For A Friend/Love Lies Bleeding歌手:Elton John专辑:Elton 60 - Live At Madison Square GardenFuneral For a Friend / Love Lies BleedingDream TheaterA Change of SeasonsOriginally recorded by Elton JohnWritten by Elton John/Bernie TaupinFrom the album "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" - 1973The roses in the window boxHave tilted to one sideEverything about this houseIs gonna grow and dieOh it doesn"t seem a year ago to this very dayYou said I"m sorry honeyIf I don"t change the paceI can"t face another dayAnd love lies bleeding in my handOh it kills me to think of you with another manI was playing rock and roll and you were just a fanBut my guitar couldn"t hold you so I split the bandLove lies bleeding in my handsI wonder if those changesHave left a scar on youLike all the burning hoops of fireThat you and I passed throughYou"re a bluebird on a telegraph lineI hope you"re happy nowWhile if the wind of change comes down your way girlYou"ll make it back somehowAnd love lies bleeding in my handOh it kills me to think of you with another manI was playing rock and roll and you were just a fanBut my guitar couldn"t hold you so I split the bandLove lies bleeding in my handsAnd love lies bleeding in my handOh it kills me to think of you with another manI was playing rock and roll and you were just a fanBut my guitar couldn"t hold you so I split the bandLove lies bleeding in my handsOooooh ooohOoooohOh oh oh oh oohLove lies bleeding in my handsOoohOooh ooh
2023-07-14 20:23:081


中文: 1、当铁皮人走路的时候,他觉得他的心在胸腔的四周,发出辘辘的声音来;并且他告诉多萝茜,他已经发现,这颗心和他在肉身的时候所有的一颗心相比较,是更加善良,而且更加慈爱的了。 2、这时候,天空非常黑暗,风在她的四周可怕地怒吼着。但是多萝茜乘坐得十分舒服。在第一次稍微旋转以后,当那屋子剧烈地倾斜时,她似乎觉得自己被徐缓地摇荡着,像一个婴儿躺在一只摇篮里。 3、于是稻草人领她穿过树林,一直走到那小茅屋旁,多萝茜走了进去,并且在角落里找到了一张铺着干叶子的床。她立刻躺下去,托托在她的旁边,她很快地熟睡了。可是稻草人永远不会疲倦的,他站在另外一个角落里,耐性地等待着天亮。 4、但是做一个木筏要费不少的时间,即使像铁皮人那样地勤劳,不知疲倦,当黑夜来临时候,工作还是没有完成。所以他们只能在树下面寻到一个安适的地方,就在那里一直睡到第二天早晨;多萝茜梦见了翡翠城,还有好心肠的魔术家奥芝,要立刻把她送回到她自己的家里去。 5、那南方的和北方的风,在屋子的地方会合着,形成了旋风的中心。在旋风的中央,那空气通常是平静的,但是四周的强大风力压迫着这屋子,使它更高更高地上升起来,直升到旋风的最高顶;屋子在空中好几里好几里地被带走,轻易得像你带走一根羽毛。 6、多萝茜跑到女巫的碗橱旁,把食物放满在她的篮子里,预备在走路的时候吃,她在那里,看见了金冠。她试试戴在她自己的头上,觉得恰好合适。她并不知道关于这顶金冠的魔力,但是她看见它很美丽,就决意戴着它,脱下她无边的"遮阳帽,放进了篮子里。 7、引得多萝茜好笑的是托托,在周围的一切事物都同样地逐渐变成灰色的环境中,托托不是灰色的;它是一只小黑狗,有着柔软滑润的长毛,一双黑的小眼睛,在它那有趣的极小的鼻子两边,快乐地眨着。托托整天地玩着,多萝茜跟它在一块儿玩着,并且十分喜欢它。 8、将近黄昏了,多萝茜走了长长的路,已经疲倦了,才急于要知道她应当在什么地方过夜,她跑到一所比其余的大一点儿的屋子。在前面的绿草地上,有许多男人和女人在跳舞。五个小提琴手,尽力地拉得响,大家笑着,唱着,这时,近旁边的一张大桌子上,摆着精美的果子和硬壳果,包子和糕饼,还有其他好多好吃的东西。 9、在几小时以后,路开始变得坏了,很不平坦。逐渐逐渐地难走起来,稻草人时常跌倒在黄砖铺砌的路上,真的,有的地方黄砖完全破碎了,或者不见了,留下许多洞穴,托托跳了过去,多萝茜绕了过去。轮到稻草人,他没有脑子,笔直地向前走,所以跌到洞里去了,全身掉在坚硬的砖头上。可是他永远不会受伤,多萝茜提了他起来,再把他站直了,当他赶上了她,对自己不幸的事,却快活地大笑着。 10、于是铁皮人用他的斧头,砍倒了一些小树,做成一个木筏。当他正在忙碌地劳动时,稻草人发现靠在河边的一株树上,满生着佳果。这就使得多萝茜很快活,她成天除了硬壳果以外,没有旁的东西吃,便把成熟的水果做了一顿滋养的食品。 11、那天夜里,他们不得不露宿在森林中的一株大树底下,因为附近没有一间屋子。那株大树长得很高很茂盛,在下露的夜里,保护了他们。铁皮人用他的斧头,斫下一大堆木柴,多萝茜燃起了一股美丽的火来,使她温暖着,并且不觉得寂寞。她和托托吃着最后剩下的面包,现在她不知道明天拿什么东西来当早餐。 12、他们从老玩的北方那里,听到一种风的低低的哀叫声,亨利叔叔和多萝茜在风暴到来之前,看见那里的草,作着波浪形的起伏。现在,从南方的高空中,也传来了一种尖锐的啸声。他们的眼睛转向那里,只见在那个方向的草也掀起了波浪。 13、靠近这个地方,有好几条路,不久她找到一条用黄砖铺砌的路。她立刻活泼地向翡翠城走去,她的银鞋走在硬的黄色的路面上,叮当地发出好听的声音。太阳照得亮亮地,鸟儿唱得很好听,多萝茜似乎并不像你们所想像的,一个小女孩子,突然从她自己的故乡,被吹落在一个陌生的地方,那样地感到不幸。 14、当她向前走过去时,她很惊奇地看见四周都是十分美丽的地方。路旁边有整齐的短墙,漆着文雅的蓝色,隔墙满是谷类和蔬菜的田地,很明显,芒奇金人都是好农民,能够得到丰收。有时候,她经过一所屋子,大家跑出来看她,当她走过去时,他们低低地向她鞠着躬,因为每一个人都知道她就是杀死恶女巫的那个人,她把他们从奴隶中解放出来。芒奇金人的屋子,都是样式奇怪的建筑物,每一幢是圆的,盖着一个大的圆屋顶,完全漆着蓝色,因为在这东方的国度里,蓝色是大家喜爱的色彩。 15、现在稻草人领导着翡翠城,虽然他不是一个魔术家,但是百姓都尊敬他。他们说:“因为在这整个的世界上,再没有其他的城市,是给一个塞满稻草的人所领导的。”就他们所知道的来说,这话是十分对的。 16、他们发觉在这一边的森林,十分深密,望进去模糊而且黑暗。狮子休息好了以后,他们沿着黄砖铺砌的路出发,寂静无声,他们每一个都在心上想,能不能够跑出这森林,再跑到有明亮的太阳的地方去。不久,他们在树林深处,听到有一种奇异的声音,加深了他们的不愉快。狮子低声地对他们说,这部分的国土,是开力大住的地方。 17、这一天是旅行者们多事的日子。他们辛苦地走了一个钟头,看见前面有一条极大的壕沟,横在道路上,并且把森林划分开来,阔得使他们只能望见对岸的侧边,那真是一条十分宽阔的大壕沟。当他们爬到沟边望下去时,也可以看见这沟是十分深的,在那沟底下面有许多巨大的锯齿形的石块。这侧边多么陡峭,使得他们没法爬下去,在这一刻,他们的旅程似乎必须终止了。 18、第一片是淡绿色的,第二片是深绿色的,第三片是翡翠绿的;因为奥芝有一个有趣的想法,他想用颜色不同的绸片来做成这个轻气球。费了三天工夫,把所有的铜片缝合在一起了,当它完成的时候,他们就有了一个比二十尺还长的一个巨大的绿绸袋。 19、当爱姆婶婶初到这里来的时候,是一个年轻的美丽的妻子。太阳和风也把她的样儿改变了。它们从她的服睛里,拿走了光辉,留下了一种沉重的灰色;从她的面颊上和嘴唇上,拿走了红润,也只剩灰色了。如今她消瘦而且憔悴,不再微笑。 20、奥芝命令把轻气球带出到宫殿的前面去,百姓们十分好奇地抬头望着它。铁皮人斫下了一大堆的木柴,把它们烧了起来,奥芝在火上面张着轻气球的底,使得热气上升,进入绸袋里面。渐渐地,那轻气球膨胀起来,同时在空中升起,一直升到等那只篮子完全离开地面为止。 英文: 1. As the Tin Woodman walked, he felt his heart rumbling around his chest; and he told Dorothy that he had found this heart and all the hearts he had when he was in the flesh. In comparison, it is kinder and more loving. 2. At this time, the sky was very dark, and the wind roared terribly all around her. But Dorothy rode very comfortably. After the first slight spin, as the room tilted violently, she seemed to feel herself being rocked slowly, like a baby lying in a cradle. 3. So the Scarecrow led her through the woods until she came to the little hut, and Dorothy went in and found a bed with dry leaves in the corner. She lay down immediately, with Toto beside her, and she fell fast asleep. But the Scarecrow never tires, and he stands in another corner, patiently waiting for the morning. 4. But it takes a lot of time to make a raft. Even if you are as industrious and tireless as the Tin Woodman, when the night comes, the work is still not completed. So they could only find a safe place under the tree, and slept there until the next morning; Dorothy had dreamed of the Emerald City, and Oz the good-natured magician, and wanted to send her back at once to her own home. 5. The winds from the south and the north meet at the place of the house and form the center of the whirlwind. In the middle of the cyclone, the air was usually calm, but the strong winds around it pressed the house up higher and higher, to the top of the cyclone; the house was carried away for miles and miles in the air , as easily as you take away a feather. 6. Dorothy ran to the witch"s cupboard and filled her basket with food to eat as she walked. There she saw the golden crown. She tried it on her own head and found it just right. She didn"t know anything about the magic of the golden crown, but she saw how beautiful it was and decided to wear it, took off her rimless visor, and put it in the basket. 7. It was Toto who made Dorothy laugh. In an environment where everything around him was turning gray in the same way, Toto was not gray; The little black eyes, flanking its amusingly tiny nose, winked happily. Toto played all day, and Dorothy played with it and liked it very much. 8. It was nearly dusk, and Dorothy, tired of the long walk, was anxious to know where she should spend the night, and she ran to a house a little bigger than the rest. On the green grass ahead, many men and women were dancing. Five violinists tried their best to play loudly. Everyone laughed and sang. At this time, on a large table nearby, there were exquisite fruits and hard shells, buns and cakes, and many other delicious foods. thing. 9. After a few hours, the road started to become bad and uneven. Gradually it became difficult to walk, the scarecrow often fell on the yellow brick road, really, in some places the yellow brick was completely broken, or disappeared, leaving many caves, Toto jumped over, Dorothy went around . It was the scarecrow"s turn, and he had no brains and walked straight ahead, so he fell into the hole and fell on the hard brick. But he would never be hurt, and Dorothy lifted him up and straightened him again, laughing cheerfully at her own misfortune when he caught up with her. 10. So the Tin Woodman cut down some small trees with his axe and made a raft. While he was busy working, the Scarecrow found a tree leaning against the river, full of fruit. This made Dorothy very happy, and she had nothing to eat but hard-shelled fruit all day long, so she made a nourishing meal of ripe fruit. 11. That night, they had to sleep under a big tree in the forest because there was no house nearby. The big tree grew tall and lush, and protected them in the dewy night. With his axe, the Tin Woodman chopped down a great pile of wood, and Dorothy ignited a beautiful fire that kept her warm and not lonely. She and Toto ate the last of the bread, and now she didn"t know what to get for breakfast tomorrow. 12. They heard a low whimper of the wind from the old north, where Uncle Henry and Dorothy saw the grass undulating in waves before the storm. Now, from the high sky in the south, there was also a sharp whistling sound. Their eyes turned there, and the grass in that direction also made waves. 13. There were several roads near this place, and soon she found a road paved with yellow bricks. She walked towards the Emerald City in a lively manner at once, her silver shoes clanking on the hard yellow pavement, making a nice sound. The sun was shining brightly, and the birds were singing beautifully, and Dorothy didn"t seem as unfortunate as you might imagine, a little girl who was suddenly blown from her own homeland and landed in an unfamiliar place. . 14. As she walked forward, she was amazed to see all around very beautiful places. Along the road were neat short walls painted an elegant blue, and the partition walls were filled with fields of grain and vegetables, and it was clear that the Munchkins were good farmers and had good harvests. Sometimes she passed a house and people came out to see her, and when she went by they bowed low to her, because everyone knew she was the one who killed the Wicked Witch, and she took them from freed from slaves. The houses of the Munchkins were all oddly shaped buildings, each one round and covered with a large dome, completely painted blue, because in this eastern country, blue is everyone"s favorite. color. 15. Now the scarecrow leads the Emerald City. Although he is not a magician, the people respect him. They said, "Because there is no other city in the whole world headed by a man full of straw." As far as they knew, it was quite true. 16. They found that the forest on this side was very dense, and it was vague and dark when they looked in. After the lions had rested, they set off along the road paved with yellow bricks, silently, each of them thinking in their hearts whether they could run out of the forest and run to a place where the sun was bright. Before long they were deep in the woods when they heard a strange sound that deepened their unhappiness. The lion said to them in a low voice that this part of the country was where Kaili lived. 17. This day is an eventful day for travelers. After an hour of laborious walking, they saw a huge ditch ahead, across the road, and divided the forest so wide that they could only see the other side of the bank, a very wide ditch indeed . When they climbed to the edge of the ditch and looked down, they could also see that the ditch was very deep, and there were many huge jagged stones under the bottom of the ditch. How steep the side was for them to climb down, and at this moment it seemed their journey had to come to an end. 18. The first piece is light green, the second dark green, and the third emerald green; because Oz had an interesting idea, he wanted to make this light balloon out of silk pieces of different colors. It took three days to sew all the copper pieces together, and when it was done they had a huge green silk bag over twenty feet long. 19. When Aunt Em first came here, it was a young and beautiful wife. The sun and the wind also changed her appearance. They took the brilliance from her eyes, and left a heavy grey; from her cheeks and lips, they took the rosy, and there was only grey. Now she is thin and haggard, and no longer smiles. 20. Oz ordered the light balloon to be brought out to the front of the palace, and the people looked up at it with great curiosity. The Tin Woodman chopped down a large pile of wood and set it on fire, and Oz held the bottom of a light balloon over the fire, so that the heat rose and entered the silk bag. Gradually the light balloon inflated and rose in the air until the basket was completely off the ground.
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改正下面的十个英语病句1.Our host entertained us with many interesting s?

逗号改为分号 news和the之间加逗号 逗号改为分号 question和even之间逗号改为分号 Li和however之间逗号改为分号 closed后逗号改为分号,he looked(不太确定) everybody前加and,thus前逗号改为分号 Mark Twain was a well-known American author; his... that they would去掉 前三个and去掉(...),3,改正下面的十个英语病句 1.Our host entertained us with many interesting stories of adventure,he had been a member of an exploration team working in the Arctic. 2.To tell my friend the good news the letter was posted at once. 3.Liu always did his work a little better than his fellow workers,that was why he got higher pay than others. 4.No student could answer that question,even Yao,who was usually quick in answering questions,was silent. 5.Lin looks like Li,however,they are not related. 6.The old man hunched forward,his head tilted at an angle,his eyes half closed,looking very sleepy. 7.Their work was well planned,everybody worked with great enthusia *** ,thus,they over-fulfilled their quota. 8.Mark Twain,a well-known American writer,whose experience as a pilot on a steamboat was no doubt an important factor that helped him to bee a famous writer. 9.The children promised to be careful and that they would return home early. 10.We entered the shop,and a saleswoman greeted us,and all kinds of shoes were on the shelves,and the prices were quite reasonable,and a lot of customers were
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