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2023-07-14 22:26:22
TAG: 英文
The history of basketball began with its invention in 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts by Canadian physical education instructor James Naismith as a less injury-prone sport than football. The game became established fairly quickly and grew very popular as the 20th century progressed, first in America and then throughout the world. After basketball became established in American colleges, the professional game followed. The American National Basketball Association (NBA), established in 1946, grew to a multibillion-dollar enterprise by the end of the century, and basketball became an integral part of American culture.

The history of basketball began with its invention in 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts by Canadian physical education instructor James Naismith as a less injury-prone sport than football. The game became established fairly quickly and grew very popular as the 20th century progressed, first in America and then throughout the world. After basketball became established in American colleges, the professional game followed. The American National Basketball Association (NBA), established in 1946, grew to a multibillion-dollar enterprise by the end of the century, and basketball became an integral part of American culture


The history of basketball began with its invention in 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts by Canadian physical education instructor James Naismith as a less injury-prone sport than football. The game became established fairly quickly and grew very popular as the 20th century progressed, first in America and then throughout the world. After basketball became established in American colleges, the professional game followed. The American National Basketball Association (NBA), established in 1946, grew to a multibillion-dollar enterprise by the end of the century, and basketball became an integral part of American culture.



企业文化用英语表达为 “corporate culture”。单词读音:英音: /u02c8ku0254u02d0r.pu0259r.u0259t u02c8ku028cl.tu0283u0259r/美音: /u02c8ku0254u02d0r.pu0259r.u0259t u02c8ku028cl.tu0283u0259r/词组翻译:Company culture:公司文化Organizational culture:组织文化Workplace culture:职场文化Corporate values:企业价值观Employer brand:雇主品牌含义解释:指企业内部的价值观、工作风格、员工关系、领导力等方面的行为准则和行事规则,标志企业的独特性和差异性。语法详解: “corporate culture” 是一个动词和名词结合的组合形式,文化作为名词,可以加上不同形容词或修饰词来表达不同种类的文化情况。具体用法:可以在口语和书面语中使用,用以描述企业的风貌或者形象。用法举例句子:The corporate culture of the company emphasizes teamwork and collaboration.(这家公司的企业文化强调团队合作。)The organizational culture in some companies can be highly bureaucratic and resistant to change.(有些公司的组织文化可以极度官僚,抵制变革。)The workplace culture at this organization is very supportive and encourages employee growth.(这个组织的职场文化非常支持,鼓励员工成长。)The corporate values of our company include honesty, responsibility, and innovation.(我们公司的企业价值观包括诚实、责任和创新。)Our employer brand focuses on cultivating a positive corporate culture and investing in employee development.(我们的雇主品牌注重培养积极的企业文化和投资员工发展。)
2023-07-14 20:05:283

求一篇英语作文,120字左右,talk about company culture

The carrier of culture is the staff, positive enterprise culture, will give the staff set up a wider development platform.Therefore, the enterprise culture is one of the important strength, cohesion and motivation worker is every enterprise has become the motivation and source.Have the culture of an enterprise, an enterprise of different enterprises, because of the historical background, working environment, the production of the nature of differences and different, an enterprise can reflect culture subtleties, big to philosophy spirit, strategy, corporate logo, staff dress.Enterprise culture characteristic inevitably internalized to each employee"s heart of hearts, and through their actions, including language, movement, expression, etiquette, etc.译文:文化的载体是员工,积极向上的企业文化,会给员工搭建了一个更为广阔的发展平台。因此,企业文化是凝聚和激励职工的重要力量,是每个企业长盛不衰的动力和源泉。一个企业有一个企业的文化,不同的企业,因历史背景、工作环境、生产性质的差别而不同,一个企业细微之处都能体现出文化,大到理念精神、战略方针,小到企业标识、员工着装。企业的文化特点必然内化到每一个员工的内心深处,并通过他们的行为表现出来,包括语言、动作、表情、礼节等。
2023-07-14 20:05:431


Corporate culture, or organizational culture, is an organization by its values, beliefs, rituals, symbols, and manner of its unique cultural image.Unique enterprise culture is famous companies such as general motors, and IBM, 3 m, one of the root cause of the success and the enterprise culture as the spirit and soul of the enterprise. Around the world and in many cases, the failure of the enterprise first performance for the failure of corporate culture, cultural lost customer"s identity, culture has lost the role of enterprise employees. Therefore, the enterprise culture and its construction for enterprise"s survival and development has the extremely important significance.Enterprise culture is the result of social ideological trend, to explore the characteristics of Chinese enterprise culture, first have to understand the changes of the social ideological trend in China. Enterprise culture of China today is still in a state of chaos dim without settling into their own characteristics, some even didn"t understand what is the corporate culture to the rapid graft substitute stealthily without human genes of western culture in China. So how to set up with the Chinese culture that meet the needs of enterprise culture is a difficult problem in today"s Chinese local enterprises management.This article is about how to build good corporate culture, in order to adapt to China"s national conditions and combining with the Chinese culture.
2023-07-14 20:05:521

甜品时间的企业文化 Enterprise Culture

2023-07-14 20:05:591

企业文化专员 英文怎么说

这一职位好应聘吗? 1.必须熟知企业职工文化结构 2.必须熟知企业发展史 3.必须了解企业商标内涵及企业精神
2023-07-14 20:06:153


7 tea break area 8 Culture Exhibition Hall 9 Investment Promotion Department
2023-07-14 20:06:254


2023-07-14 20:06:343


  在英语教学中,英语作文的写作是教学的重点和难点。加强对学生作文的批改,并且对该作文进行多次评价在提升英语教学质量方面有积极的意义。我精心收集了关于大学英语作文,供大家欣赏学习!  关于大学英语作文篇1   美国足球   American people are crazy about sports, basketball, baseball and football are very popular there. Most of them take exercise everyday, there is no doubt that sports have been part of their lives. But soccer as the most popular sport around the world, meets the awkward situation in the United States.   美国人都喜欢运动,篮球、棒球和足球很受欢迎。大多数人每天锻炼,毫无疑问,体育是他们生活的一部分。但足球是世界上最流行的体育运动,却在美国遭遇了尴尬的局面。   When people talking about basketball, everybody will think about NBA in America, which is the biggest basketball match in the world. It attracts fans from all around the world. But people barely connect soccer with America, because American people show little interest in it. For the old generation, they even donu2019t know how the game is played.   当人们谈论篮球时,每个人都会想到美国的NBA,这是世界上最大的篮球比赛。它吸引了来自世界各地的球迷。但是人们很少会把足球与美国连接在一起,因为美国人对此不感兴趣。对老一代来说,他们甚至不知道如何踢足球。   American football is different from soccer, it needs the unique sets to protect the football players, because the rule allows the player to grab the ball and then hit other player to win the match. American football is not favored by the coutries that outside the United States. But more young people in America like to play soccer and they make some breakthroughs in the World Cup matches.   美式足球是不同于英式足球,它需要独特的装备来保护球员,因为规则允许球员拿球,然后碰撞其他球员去赢得了比赛。美式足球在美国以外的国家不受欢迎。但在美国越来越多的年轻人喜欢踢足球,美国队在世界杯比赛中也取得了一些突破。   Soccer will be favored by more people, because the world is talking about it.   足球会受到更多的人喜爱,因为全世界都在谈论它。   关于大学英语作文篇2   第一次当老师   Being a teacher is always believed to be one of the greatest occupations in the world, because they educate the students to be the better person and make a contribution to the world. My ideal job is to work as a teacher, last week, I had the chance to experience teaching students.   成为一名老师总是被认为是世界上最伟大的职业之一,因为他们教育学生成为更好的人,对世界做出贡献。我理想的工作是作为一名教师,上周,我有机会体验了一回当老师。   Our school asked some volunteers to teach some kids who lived in the countryside the English. I cherished this chance so much and joined the team. As I loved English so much and I studied it well so I had the confidence to be the volunteer. When I saw these kids, they were so happy to see us and listened to us carefully. I gave them my lesson and played the game with them, they gave me the warm response. I enjoyed being a teacher so much.   我们学校邀请一些志愿者去教一些住在农村的孩子英语。我很珍惜这个机会,加入了队伍。由于我很喜欢英语,我学得很好,所以我有信心去成为志愿者。当我看到这些孩子们时,他们很高兴看到我们,仔细听我们讲课。我给他们传授了我的课,跟他们玩耍,他们给了我温暖的回应。我喜欢当一名教师。   When I back to school, I missed my students so much, they liked me a lot and some of them kept in touch with me. I felt so proud of being a teacher. This precious experience made me make up mind to realize my dream.   当我回到学校,我非常想念我的学生,他们都很喜欢我,他们中的一些人与我保持联系。成为一名我感到如此自豪。这宝贵的经验使我下定决心去实现我的梦想。   关于大学英语作文篇3   首份工作的期望   The month of June means the end of a semester for most students, while for college students, they are busy in the job market, they will graduate and need to find the first job in their lives. According to the research, college studentsu2019 expectations on first job have changed during these years.   对大部分学生来说,6月结束意味着一个学期的结束,而对于大学生,他们忙于在就业市场求职,他们即将毕业,需要找到生命中的第一份工作。调查显示,大学生对第一份工作的期望这些年来已经有所改变。   The report showed that the salary is no longer considered in the first place. Nowadays, college students expect to earn more than 5,000 RMB every month. This overweighs average companies can offer. But if the enterprise culture attracts them, they are willing to accept this job. Enterprise culture has been the most important factor for students to think about.   该报告显示,工资不再被认为是放在第一位。如今,大学生希望每个月收入超过5000元。这个超过了公司能给的平均水平。但是如果企业文化吸引他们,他们愿意接受这份工作。企业文化是学生考虑的最重要因素。   The second factor is the prospect of the company. College students pay special attention to the prospect of the job, if it matches their major and can give them the chance to show their talents, they would like to choose this job even though the income is little. They believe that they can make a difference some day.   第二个因素是公司的前景。大学生特别注意工作的前景,如果工作对得上他们的专业,可以给他们展示才华的机会,他们会选择这份工作,虽然收入少。他们相信总有一天他们能有所作为。   The changes of expectation of first job show students are more likely to focus on their interest, which can bring them passion.   对第一份工作的期望变化表明,学生们更倾向于关注他们的兴趣,从而带给他们激情去工作。
2023-07-14 20:06:541


以前文化建设的内容当然是,文化建设内容: 建立稳定可靠、标准规范的安全物质文化 安全文化需要依靠技术进步和技术改造来不断提高本质安全文化的程度。
2023-07-14 20:07:048


In the era of knowledge economy, the enterprise culture is very big, can enhance the enterprise the competitive ability. Enterprise culture becomes the key factors in the process of company, it is undisputable fact. Enterprise culture and culture exists in existing in strength, good enterprise culture is the enterprise survival and the development of the source. Enterprise culture is invisible and active, always on the business activity and behavior influences and function. This kind of influence and effect of one can make the enterprise produces great cohesion, and makes the
2023-07-14 20:07:383


英语面试口语情景对话范文   随着国际化贸易的发展,越来越多企业对应聘者的英语口语能力非常重视,在情景面试的时候,如何与考官流畅的进行英语对话交流呢?不妨提前做好面试准备,了解以下英语面试口语情景对话大全内容。   英语面试口语情景对话 篇1   通常在面试时,英语面试对话如下:   A(求职者) B(面试官)   A:Excuse me.May I see Mr. John Watt,the manager?   劳驾。请问我能见经理约翰瓦特先生吗?   B:It is me.What can I do for you?   本人就是。你有什么事?   B:May I help you?   你有什么事吗?   A:I have come at your invitation for an interview.  Nice to meet you,Mr. Watt.   我是应你之邀来参加面试的。见到你真高兴,瓦特先生。   B:Please sit down.  请坐。   A:Thank you,sir.  谢谢,先生。   I have come to apply for the position as office clerk.   我是来应聘办公室文员一职的。   B:I have invited several candidates to come today.  You are the first one to have arrived.   今天我邀了几位面试者,你是第一个到的。   B:You probably know that this interview is mostly to test your oral English,so just relax,and let is have a chat,shall we?   你可能已经知道这次面谈主要想测试一下你的英语口语能力,所以让我们放松地谈谈,好吗?   A:I am very happy that I am qualified for this interview.   我非常高兴能获得这个面谈机会。   B:What is important to you in a job?   对于一个工作,你最看重哪一点?   A:For assistant position, I must first completes the labor of duty, and I also value development prospect of the job, as well as the company is enterprise culture.   对于文员岗位来说,我首先要做好本职工作,另外我同样看重职位的"发展前景,以及公司的企业文化。   Why should we employ you? 我们为什么要雇佣你?   A:I work well with others. I tend to drive myself too hard and love civilian class work.   我和他人容易共事,对自己要求严格,并喜欢文职类岗位。   B:The result of the interview here, specific we will inform you later.   面试就到这里,具体的结果我们会稍后通知你。   A:Thank you , I am looking forward to the next interview.   谢谢您,我期待着下一次面试的通知。   英语面试口语情景对话 篇2   Todd: OK, Kerri, I"m going to ask you about the news. Do you follow the news every day?   托德:嗯,凯里,我将要问你有关新闻的问题。你每天都看新闻吗?   Kerri: Sometimes.   凯里:有时候。   Todd: How do you follow the news?   托德:你怎么看新闻呢?   Kerri: Well, in Japan mostly the radio or the internet.   凯里:嗯,在日本,大多数都是通过广播或是上网。   Todd: Oh, really. OK. What radio station?   托德:哦,真的吗?嗯,哪个电台呢?   Kerri: NPR, but on the military station.   凯里:美国国家公共电台,但是是军事电台。   Todd: OK. And what internet websites do you listen to?   托德:好的。你在哪个网站上收听呢?   Kerri: Well, usually it is just AP news or whatever.   凯里:嗯,通常是美联社新闻或是其他的。   Todd: OK. How much of the news do you think is true?   托德:好的。你认为多数新闻都是真的吗?   Kerri: I don"t know. That"s a tough question. I think that because there"re so many journalists that often what makes into the papers is fairly accurate, but unfortunately some people leak information that is untrue to sway public opinion, so you have to kind of weed through things and consider why that news story is made public.   凯里:我不知道。这不好回答。我认为那是因为有很多记者经常据实报道,但是不幸的是,有一些人造谣了一些虚假信息,动摇了社会舆论,所以你必须剔除有些事情,并考虑新闻事件公布于众的原因。   Todd: Yeah. How do most people in your country get the news?   托德:是啊。你所在国家的人们是如何获取新闻的呢?   Kerri: I think most people in the states get the news from TV and from the main broadcasting stations. The evening news sort of thing.   凯里:我觉得多数人多数人是通过电视和收听主要的电台来获取信息的,晚间新闻什么的。   Todd: OK. Thanks Kerri.   托德:好的。谢谢凯里。 ;
2023-07-14 20:07:481


Hengdian Movieland becomes a dream cityThirty years ago, Hengdian was a tiny and remove town in Dongyang of central Zhejiang Province. Today Hengdian has become a world-renowned base for making films and television series in China. Famous American film director, John Mctiernan, once praised Hengdian Movieland, "it looks like the Hollywood in the past!" As the worldwide financial crisis badly affecting the global tourism industry and the approaching of world famous brands such as Disneyland and Universal Studios, Hengdian Movieland is facing new challenges. However, its development path is unique. The Movieland was founded in 1996. The first movie shooting base was Streets of Guangzhou and Hong Kong, where the entrepreneurs would like also to develop tourism, but they failed. In 2001, new tourism products had been designed by the newly established Hengdian Movieland Company Limited. The epic film "Hero" by Chinese famous director Zhang Yimou was shot in Hengdian at that time. Some magnificent martial art scenes in that film were copied as the Movieland"s attractions. But they were still too dull for the audiences. Later Hengdian produced more live performances of some classic martial art film scenes, which could draw more and more tourists. Great French novelist Victor Hugo said that art means two principles, one is idea and another is dream. Nowadays many of China"s theme parks are having their own tourism ideas, but they are without "dream" elements. So, the Dream Valley was the idea appeared in the minds of Hengdian"s entrepreneurs. The Dream Valley comprises the fearful volcano, heavy rainstorm and mountain torrent scenes of the Mother Nature. It is very exciting to be in the scenery while you will be safe and sound. Additionally, you still can tour around the remake of the old street of China and water villages of lower reaches of Yangtze River. Taiji Dream is a 45-minute performance that uses a man-made "volcano" as the eye-catching background. Its ideas are the Chinese ancient philosophical elements to depict the scenes of the four seasons and the happiness of early springtime. Multimedia techniques, delicate choreography, stunning acrobats and surprising magic are to feast your eyes on. Guided by the dreams and led by excellence of enterprise culture, Hengdian Movieland will strive to be among one of the top theme parks in the world in the next ten years.这是一篇新闻报道稿,改改应该能用吧。
2023-07-14 20:08:292


[Abstract] With the acceleration of the process of economic globalization, Chinese and Western cultural differences in corporate human resources management has been a wider range and higher-level exchanges and integration. Multi-cultural context of coexistence to resolve the cultural differences and cultural conflicts arising from the enterprise human resources management, enterprise development. This article mainly from the cultural differences on the impact of human resources management and cultural differences in human resources management applications to discuss the proposal.
2023-07-14 20:08:363


2023-07-14 20:08:514

international youth culture 翻译?

2023-07-14 20:08:592

事业 的英语怎么说

2023-07-14 20:09:177

以What does love mean to you?为题 写一篇300字的英语作文

What is love?Love has been experienced as a life of living poetry.Love has been experienced as being the very notes of song.Love has been experienced as choosing to give new life to another.So,what do you do with the love granted to you each day?And have you ever spoken out your love?How many times do we deny its expression because we fear or shy?If so,now I will tell you “speak out your love !”Our parents who give us life are the most important people in our lives and they are the greatest peaple in the world.To give a good education,they need to pay study fees for us so they get up esrly and go to bed late to make more money.In fact,they are very tired,however,they never complain because they love us and they believe that it"s worth doing it.In breif,parents" love never changes.Ask your heart,do you love them?Of course,the answer is “yes”.But have you ever spoken “love ”to your parents?I think the most answer is “no”.If you no,do it right now!I believe it will make your parents pleased.Actually,the most time who stay with us are our teachers.To take lessons for us,they even leave their kids home alone.In the Wenchuan Earthquake,when earthquake came,they never thought about themselves but thought their students first and they even contribeted their lives.Our teachers are the same great.Although we love them,have you ever speak out your love?If you no,please speak out your love!Frienda are important for us.When we are in trouble,friends are the first to help us and when we need help,friends are also the first to head towards us.Friendship is like water in the desert.Friendship is like fire in the winter.Did you speak love to your friends.If not,do it!Don"t fear,don"t shy.Speak out your love!
2023-07-14 20:09:362


日前给研究生讲授微观经济学,题目是“经济学的概念和理论体系”,其中讲到如下内容:要弄清什么是经济学,首先需要明确什么是经济?在中国长期以来占正统地位的经济学理论是马克思主义政治经济学(Marxism political economics),各种版本的政治经济学教科书曾长期引用苏联无产阶级革命家、政治家斯大林(Иосиф Виссарионович Сталин,1879-1953)的有关论述给“经济”下定义:经济就是社会生产关系的总和,它包括三个方面:“(1)生产资料的所有制形式;(2)由此产生的各种不同社会集团在生产中的地位以及他们的相互关系;(3)完全以它们为转移的产品分配形式。”这一段话乍看起来,似乎很明确,但仔细一推敲,就有疑问了。例如,资本家(Capitalist)是企业的所有者(Owner of enterprise,Entrepreneur,Enterpriser),通常在企业生产经营中处于管理者的地位,工人(Worker)则处于被管理者的地位,他们之间存在管理与被管理的关系。试问:这种管理与被管理的关系是否属于生产关系(Production relastions)?按照上述斯大林定义,答案应该是肯定的;如果是这样,马上就又产生了新的问题:“经济”与“管理”(Management)的区别在哪里?其次,资本家由于处在管理者的地位,有权有势,这就使他们有条件在追逐利润的本性驱使下,对工人实行压迫,这种现象是否也属于经济?如果是的话,那么,经济与政治(Politics)的区别又在哪里?再如,工人和资本家由于其所处社会经济地位不同,相应地也就形成了各不相同的待人处世等一整套社会生活理念,人与人之间的相互关系形成具有一定特色的某种模式,这是否也属于经济?如果是的话,经济与文化的区别又在哪里?……诸如此类的问题,只要稍微多动动脑筋,就会想到一大串。这时就会发现,原来人们其实并没有真正了解“什么是经济”。事实上,在许多经济学教科书中,都很难找到一个明确的“经济”定义。另外,在经济学界流行的还有另外一种“经济”定义:“经济就是物质资料的生产、分配、交换或消费的活动。”这是把现实生活中人们从事的各种经济活动罗列了一通,就好象问什么是人?回答说:人就是张三、李四、王王等等。这种定义在现实生活中,也有其一定的意义,其优点是抓住事物的外部特征进行描述,操作性强,便于日常应用。但是,从理论研究的角度来讲,这种定义未免太肤浅了一些。一般来讲,理论家的任务应该是透过事物的表面现象揭示事物的本质与规律。从这个角度来讲,这样定义是不合格的。此外,如果进一步深究:什么是生产?什么是分配?什么是交换?什么是消费?就会发现这样定义的出来“经济”,其含义仍然是非常模糊的。例如,农民种地,仔细地考虑什么时候耕地,什么时候播种,什么时候灌溉,什么时候施肥,什么时候间苗,什么时候中耕除草,什么时候喷洒农药,什么时候收获等等,当农民做这些农活的时候,他们无疑是在从事农业生产,但这些问题属于经济范畴吗?再比如,张三将自己心爱的宝物赠送给一个朋友作为礼物,应该说这也是一种分配,但这种分配也属于经济范畴吗?当张三赠送给朋友礼物时候,朋友也回赠他一件礼物,这无疑应该是一种交换了,但这种交换属于经济范畴吗?最后什么是消费也颇费思量,一个买了一个菜爆竹玩,无疑是消费,但如果他用这个爆竹扔到别人家里去害人,还是不是消费?如果说这不是消费,那么怎样才算消费?如果说这是消费,那么这种害人的行为也是经济行为吗?讲到这里,给人的感觉很象钻牛角尖。有人可能会不耐烦,何必如此麻烦!对此,应该明确一条,科学研究就是要刨根究底,每事问,问到底。如果害怕麻烦,不愿意这样钻牛角尖,那就不可能成为一个真正的学者。在科学史上象这样因钻牛角尖而推动学术发展的例子很多。例如:在物理学上有人就问了:夜晚为什么是黑的?他这样想,天空中有那么多的恒星,虽然每颗恒星由于距离地球十分遥远,到达地球的光线十分微弱,但由于恒星数量数以亿计,加在一起,应该能够将地球照得象白天一样明亮,这是现代物理学研究中一个非常有名的悖论,极大地推动了现代物理学、天文学和宇宙学的发展。类似的例子,在中国古代也有,如著名的“杞人忧天”就是一例。据《列子•天瑞》记载:杞国有人忧天地崩坠,身亡所寄,废寝食者;又有忧彼之所忧者,因往晓之曰:“天积气耳,亡处亡气,若屈伸呼吸,终日在天中行止,奈何忧崩坠乎?”其人曰:“天果积气,日月星宿,不当坠乎?”晓之者曰:“日月星宿,亦积气中之有光耀者;只使坠,亦不能有所中伤。”其人曰:“奈地坏何?”晓者曰:“地积块耳,充塞四虚,亡处亡块。若躇步跐蹈,终日在地上行止,奈何忧其坏?”其人舍然大喜,晓之者亦舍然大喜。长庐子闻而笑之曰:“虹霓也,云雾也,风雨也,四时也,此积气之成乎天者也。山岳也,河海也,金石也,火木也,此积形之成乎地者也。知积气也,知积块也,奚谓不坏?夫天地,空中之一细物,有中之最巨者。难终难穷,此固然矣;难测难识,此固然矣。忧其坏者,诚为大远;言其不坏者,亦为未是。天地不得不坏,则会归于坏。遇其坏时,奚为不忧哉?”子列子闻而笑曰:“言天地坏者亦谬,言天地不坏者亦谬。坏与不坏,吾所不能知也。虽然,此一也,彼一也。故生不知死,死不知生,来不知去,去不知来。坏与不坏,吾何容心哉!”这段话翻译过来,大概就是:古代杞国有人担心天会塌下来,地会陷下去,无处躲避,愁得吃不下饭,睡不好觉。另外有一个人看他这个样子,担心他忧愁过度,就去给他解释开道,说:天就是一些气,积聚在一起,我们周围上下左右到处都是气,你天天呼吸活动,整天就在天里活动,哪里用得着担心天会塌下来呢?于是,这个人又问了:如果天就是气的话,那日月星辰不是就要掉下来了吗?那个人解释说:日月星辰也是些气,是一些发光的气,即使掉下来,也不会伤人的。天的问题就这样解决了,地的问题怎么办?这个人又问:那地要是坏了怎么办?那个人说:地是堆积起来的一个整块,到处都塞得满满的,没有一处没有地,你天天在地上走,还担心什么呢?说到这里,这个人终于放心了,两个人都很高兴。后来长庐子听说了这件事,感到很好笑,说;云啊,雾啊,风雨啊,一年四季等等,就是这些东西积聚形成了天,山啊,河流啊,金石啊,火木啊等等,就是这些东西堆积在一起形成了地。既然如此,凭什么说它们就一定不会坏呢?那担心它们会坏的人,实在想得长远啊,说它们不会坏,恐怕不一定对。天地既然不一定不会坏,那么等到坏了时怎么办,这怎么能不让人担心呢?再后来列子听说了这件事,也笑着评论说:说天地会坏也错了,说天地不会坏也错了,天地到底会不会坏?我哪里能知道呢?二者各有各的道理,谁也说不清。这就好比,生不知死,死不知生,来不知去,去不知来。天地坏也好,不坏也好,管它那么多干什么!故事就这样结束了。可惜啊,一个很好的题目,就这样中断了,再没有人肯继续深入探讨下去,不但如此,而且还留下了一个成语:“杞人忧天”,就是自作聪明地嘲笑人家不必要的忧虑。这可以从一个侧面解释为什么近代科学没有在中国崛起的原因。所以,应该提醒大家注意,做学问首先要学会钻角尖。至于西方经济学,笔者查阅了许多流行的经济学教科书,都没有一个明确的“经济”定义,通常都是把“经济”作为一个不言自明的词来直接使用。我们可以间接地从它们对“经济学”的一词的定义中猜想到西方经济学家们心目中“经济”一词的含义就是稀缺资源的配置和利用,但西方经济学本身并没有直接明确地定义。于是我们只好自己开动脑筋,解决这个问题了。为了明确经济的定义,我们首先来探讨一下一般定义的基本要求。(1)科学定义的基本要求是揭示事物的本质。(2)事物的本质就是该事物所具有的将该事物与其它事物区别开来、并与该事物共命运相始终的那一种属性,它在事物所具有的各种特征中居于主导地位。(3)事物的本质只有从事物的历史发展中才能揭示出来。(4)作为一个定义,要有理论预见性和稳定性,要考虑今后相当一段时期内仍然适用。不能跟在紧跟在实践后边,三天一变,五日一改。这是因为事物尽管一直保持不断地发展变化,但事物的本质终其一生是保持不变的。一旦事物的本质发生变化,事物本身也就完结了。(5)作为一个定义,语言用词一定要严谨、精炼,合乎逻辑。根据上述指导思想,笔者认为:经济的本质是人类对各种自然资源和社会资源进行配置和利用,以获得生活消费资料的社会实践活动。简单来讲,经济就是资源配置(Allocation of resources)。举例来说,人要活着,就要吃饭,于是就把土地、耕牛、铁犁、种籽、化肥等农业生产资料交给农民(Farmer),生产小麦、稻谷、土豆、茄子、西红柿等农产品,最后再把这些农产品分配给消费者(Consumer),这就是一个经济过程,其中包括了生产资料(Production means)的分配(Distribution)与产品(Product)的分配。注意:经济与技术(Technology)不同。例如,农民种植小麦,要考虑选择什么品种、种在哪一块地里、何时下种、何时浇水、何时施肥、施用什么肥料、施多少肥料等等,诸如此类的问题,就是技术问题,属于农学家(Agronomist)研究的课题。经济与管理不同。还以农民种小麦来说,要考虑怎样将人、财、物等各种可供利用的资源合理地组织在一起,最大限度地发挥其效能,这就是一个管理问题,属于管理学研究的范围。经济与政治(Politics)不同。经济只是将生产资料和劳动产品分配给不同的人,但每个人到底分配多少?分配权掌握在谁手里?分配规则如何确定、如何维护?等等,就超出了经济的范围,属于政治家们(广义的政治,包括法律在内)关心的问题了。经济与文化(Culture)不同。经济只是将生产资料和劳动产品分配给不同的人,而文化则是人们在一定社会经济环境中长期从事各种社会经济生活活动,显示某种模式化倾向,包括在衣食住行、待人接物等方面体现各自与众不同的某种特色。以上所述,是就经济的本质来讲,是经济学理论上的抽象,至于现实生活中的经济,内容就复杂多了,如一个企业的经营,就包含了技术、管理、经济、政治、伦理道德、文化艺术等多种因素,更不必说一个国家,以至整个世界经济,有多复杂了。这一点,在一开始接触经济学的时候,就应该有一个清醒的认识,即:经济学理论是从经济现实中抽象出来的模型,是将现实经济活动中非经济、非本质属性抽象掉以后,将经济活动中本质的经济属性概括而成的理论模型,因此,经济学理论与经济现实二者之间必然存在某种差距,绝不能将二者划等号。长期以来,人们广泛批评经济学理论与实际脱节,这实际上是完全外行的不科学的说法。
2023-07-14 20:09:451

浅谈如何调动下属的积极性 详细03

这听起来好像是一个老生常谈的问题。作为企业领导,就要善于发挥调动下属积极性的领导艺术。要调动下属积极性首先就得摸清下属“家底”,率先垂范,形成独特的企业文化。其次就是具体从赏和罚两发面总体细论如何调动下属积极性,并重点强调赏罚要得当,做到公平,公正,公开。最后指出实施上述的具体措施时,必须根据实事求是的原则,及时与下属沟通,具体时期侧重点不同,灵活运用,最终达到最大程度的调动下属的积极性。 关键词:企业 率先垂范 文化 赏罚得当 物质激励 非物质激励 On how to mobilize the enthusiasm of subordinates Abstract: This article discusses how to mobilize the enthusiasm of subordinates , pointed out that as a leader can mobilize subordinates enthusiasm will enterprises have an important impact . Then elaborated to mobilize under the positive we must first find out under the " family property " , set an example , the formation of a unique corporate culture . The second is the specific reward and penalty two baking overall fine on how to mobilize under the positive , and focused emphasis on reward and punishment properly, to be fair , just and open . Finally, the above-mentioned specific measures must be in accordance with the principles of seeking truth from facts , and timely communication with subordinates , the specified time period, different emphases , flexible use , and ultimately achieve the greatest degree of mobility under the enthusiasm . Keyword: Enterprise setting an example Culture Reward and punishment properly Material incentives Non-material incentives 目录 一 .引言·················································3 二. 以人为本的管理方式来调动员工的积极性····················6 三.灵活运用调动员工积极性的前提和方法····················6 2.1、摸清“家底”··········································3 2.2 率先垂范····················································3 2.3、用企业文化的教育方式································8 2.4 调动企业员工的积极性的方法·························3 2.4.1 赏罚得当···········································4 2.4.2 物质激励·······································4 什么是物质奖励······················ 物质奖励的方法 ······················ 2.4.3 非物质激励··································· 什么是非物质奖励······················ 非物质奖励的方法······················ 2 3.结论································11 前言 在现实生活中,企业下属员工的积极性不高,将对企业造成巨大影响。企业要发展社会要进步,就必须把人的因素放在首位,让员工发挥其才能,释放其潜能,最大限度地、自觉地发挥积极性和创造性,在工作中做出更大的成绩。是促进企业和谐健康发展的有力保障。成功的管理者必须知道用什么样的方式有效调动下属的工作积极性和创造力。如何提高下属员工的工作积极性?这里我谈一点自己的看法。 一 以人为本的管理方式来调动员工的积极性 人本原理是指在管理过程中要树立以人为中心的观念,有效地调动人的积极性、智慧和创造力,为管理系统的高效运作和功能的优化提供动力基础和保证。人本原理是关于企业管理核心的原理。企业是以人为主体组成的,企业、竞争的活力和发展的潜力来自于人,企业是为满足人的需要而开展生产经营活动的。因此,以人为本,以人为中心,是一切管理活动的出发点和落脚点。 以人为本,以人为核心的管理观念。企业是为满足自身需要与市场需要以人为主体构成的组织。企业管理是挖掘人的创造潜力以实现企业预定目标的过程。高素质的人才是企业各种资源中最重要和最宝贵的资源。市场经济条件下,企业与企业竞争归根结底是人才的竞争。企业全体劳动者的积极性、智慧和创造力是企业活动的根本源泉。因此,企业管理必以人为本,以人作为全部管理体制工作的核心。 二 灵活运用调动员工积极性的前提和方法 2.1、 摸清“家底” 激励理论揭示,有效激励的前提:摸清每个员工的现实需求、对未来的期望和效价、对公平现状的评价。 2.2、 率先垂范,即率先、带头、垂范、示范,带头做好表率。欲激励别人,先激励自己;要求员工争先创优,领导者必须先有争先创优的决心和信心。这样,领导者就可以一种无形的人格魅力感染大家,激励大家。 2.3、形成一种企业文化。 组织文化强调以人为中心的管理方法,核心是要创造出共同的价值观念,和人人受重受尊重的文化氛围。良好的文化氛围能产生一种激励机制,使每个成员所作出的贡献都会及时得到其它员工及领导的赞赏和奖励,由此激励员工为实现自我价值和组织发展而勇于献身、不断进取。建立良好的、积极的、富有个性和具有特色的组织文化。一个好的组织文化将会起到五个方面的作用: 1) 组织生存和发展的基础与动力。因此,一个组织从创业之日起,它的创业者必须自学地有意识地倡导的培育与本组织相适应的组织文化。 2) 企业久盛不衰的重要条件。由于组织文化具有相对稳定性和持续性,不会因人事变动而衰落,因此能持久地发挥作用。 3) 是管理的灵魂的最高目标。它从价值观信念武装职工,使职工为实现组织目标而自觉行动。 4) 是思想政治工作、精神文明建设和科学管理三者相结合的新路子。 5) 是决定企业经济效益和社会效益的一个主要因素。 2.4、调动下属积极性的方法 2.4.1、赏罚得当 在奖励激励的过程中,领导者要善于把物质奖励与精神奖励结合起来; 奖励要及时,过时的奖励,不仅削弱奖励的激励作用,而且可能导致员工对奖励产生漠然视之的态度;奖励的方式要考虑到下属的需要,做到因人而异;奖励的程度要同下属的贡献相当,领导者要根据员工贡献的大小拉开奖励档次;奖励的方式要富于变化。 惩罚的方式也是多种多样的,领导者要做到惩罚合理,达到化消极因素为积极因素的目的。惩罚要和帮教结合。实施惩罚时,一定要辅以耐心的帮助教育,使受惩罚者知错改过。掌握好惩罚的时机,查明真相时,要及时进行处理。惩罚时要考虑其行为的原因和动机。对行为不当或过失但动机尚好者,或主要因客观原因所致者,宜从轻惩罚;对一般性错误,惩罚宜轻不宜重。在对过失者进行惩罚时,应考虑到错误的性质和过失者本人的个性特征,有针对性地进行惩罚。 2.4.2、物质激励 什么是物质奖励 物质激励是指运用物质的手段使受激励者得到物质上的满足,从而进一步调动其积极性、主动性和创造性。物质激励有资金、奖品等,通过满足要求,激发其努力生产、工作的动机。它的出发点是关心群众的切身利益,不断满足人们日益增长的物质文化生活的需要。 物质奖励的方法: 1.是用拉开档次的方法,这一点在集团公司的工资改革中已经体现了出来。 2.是对合理化建议和技术革新者提供报酬(使这一部分的收入占员工收入的相当比例。 3.是可实行薪酬沉淀制度,留住人才。可以对所属二级单位的领导及关键技术人员实行年薪制,实行年薪沉淀制度,其年薪当年只能拿走一小部分,其余在未来几年之后兑付。如果有人提前离开或工作上出现问题,他的沉淀工资是不能全部拿走的。这样可以留着人才,也可以使他们安心工作,尽心工作。 4.是完善多种分配机制。对不同类型人员,不同工作性质的单位或部门应该制定不同的薪酬方案,使之能发挥激励作用。比如机关与基层单位的管理和技术人员,供应、销售与其他部门的人员,高级与一般管理和技术人员,技术工人与普通工人,等等,他们的薪酬方案应该有所不同,我们可以结合绩效考核情况,完善薪酬分配方案,使之适应不同类型人员的需求,发挥薪酬激励作用。 5.是管理阶层应把握住企业创新的原动力,采取国际上通行的技术入股、利润提成等措施,通过公平的分配体制,实现个人利益与企业利益的高度一致,使员工感觉到:有创造力就有回报。只有分配关系理顺了,员工才会把精力集中在工作上,发挥创造性和主动性,真正实现个人与企业的共同发展 2.4.3 非物质激励 什么是非物质激励 是指企业采取货币以外的方式激励员工。 非物质激励方法 一些调查研究成果证明非物质激励的有效性。在一项的调查中,中国员工 按对其激励的重要度排序前三项是: (1)工作中的成就;(2)同事间人际关系的和谐;(3)心情舒畅。 赫茨伯格的激励要素排序前三项依次为: (1) 成就;(2)认可;(3)挑战性。 可以看出两者基本是一致的。 因此,企业首先应给予非物质激励以高度的关注,在企业内部构建系统的多元化回报与激励体系;其次,在对员工的内在需求现状调查研究的基础上,设计与实施有针对性的非物质激励措施;再次,通过企业文化和组织氛围建设,在企业内部构建长效的激励动力源泉。调动下属积极性的非物质激励方法主要有以下几种: 1.认可和称赞 当员工完成了某项工作时,最需要得到的是上司对其工作的肯定和赞美。企管顾问史密斯指出,每名员工再小的好表现,若能得到认可,都能产生激励的作用。诸如发一封邮件给员工,或是经理打一个私人电话祝贺员工取得的成绩或在公众面前跟他握手并表达对他/她的赏识。 当面的赞扬会取得更好的效果,关键在于及时性。当有理由来表扬一个人时,不要因为任何原因推迟!要记住,反应快捷等于有效,当成绩在员工们头脑中还很新奇的时候表扬员工会起到非常奇特的效果。不要让时间悄悄流逝,而要抓住任何一个立即传达的赞扬能带来积极影响的机会。 2.工作头衔和荣誉 员工感觉自己在公司里是否被注重是工作态度和员工士气的关键因素。组织在使用各种工作头衔时,要有创意一些。可以考虑让员工提出建议,让他们接受这些头衔并融入其中。最基本地讲,这是在成就一种荣誉感,荣誉产生积极的态度,而积极的态度则是成功的关键。 3.领导和授权 给员工领导角色以酬劳其表现,不仅可以有效地激励员工,还有助于识别未来的备选人才。让员工主持短的会议;通过组织培训会议发挥员工的力量及技能,并让其中的一名员工领导这个培训;当某位员工参加外面的研究会或考察后指派其担任培训会议的领导,让他简短地对其他员工说明与研究会相关的内容及重点等都是不错的方式,还可考虑让员工领导一个方案小组来改善内部程序。 总结 调动企业员工的积极性应以人为本,有良好的领导团队,理想的企业发展前景,采用公平竞争、平等对待和相应的激励机制为手段,使之贯穿于企业员工管理的各个方面,从而形成企业独特的员工管理机制,避免人才流失,极大的调动员工长期在企业工作的积极性,企业人心稳定,才能促进企业持续发展。进入二十一世纪,世界经济的一体化格局给现代企业腾飞插上了翅膀,一些有远见卓识的企业家更是把人才竞争看成企业竞争的核心。人才作为企业主体,发挥人才的主动性积极性是夯实企业基础所在,也是使企业健康快速发展的活力源泉。 致 谢 在查阅众多文献,经过不断的思考和反复的修改之后,这篇文章终于完稿了。在这里,我要特别地感谢【***** 】老师导师的细心指导,从论文的选题、材料收集到最终的定稿她都给予了极大的帮助,也感谢其他老师的指导,还有周围同学对我的论文格式的修改提供的帮助,最后感谢学校能给我们提供这样的一个提高理论水平的机会。
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① 技术经济及管理的英语是什么 是指经济学里的专业课程吗? Technical Economics and Management 技术经济及管理是以技术的生产、流通和应回用为基本对象,为技术与答经济管理结合的新兴学科。技术经济及管理为适应国家生产力布局、投资方向、各部门的发展比例和速度、能源政策、技术政策、技术引进与出口、物资流通与调运、金融机构和咨询机构论证与管理、企业项目及新办企业的经济效果研究等提供理论支持。作为工商管理学科的重要组成部分,技术经济及管理与企业管理学联系特别密切。 ② 英语翻译:技术经济及管理专业 Technical economics and management. ③ 技术经济与管理专业英文翻译 Technical economy and management specialty 最正确.最简洁明了, ④ 英语达人来,关于经济类的英语翻译。 汉译英 1 international trade is the modern economic exchanges beeen nations, as an important part, it allows countries from closer economic ties gain benefits, but also requires countries to pay a price accordingly. The price will make its economic exposure in the international economic fluctuation, under the impact of international trade but also as a financial crisis abundant to conction channels. 2. Trade channels conction embodied in the following four aspects 3. To European and American countries implement trade protection, affect China"s economy and trade. By financial crisis impact most direct euramerican and other developed countries, because of its economic protection, may implement trade protection, antimping, anti-subsidy etc trade barriers restrictions and will give China"s trade enterprise to bring new challenges 4. By international financial crisis, the United States, the European Union, Japan and other countries constantly adjust interest rates, making major currency exchange rate fluctuations intensifies, eventually leading to the material price fluctuations of proction enterprise caused severe shock. China enterprise mostly in instrial chain, the energy and upper-middle primary proct price fluctuations influences of difficulty in proction and management, enterprise, especially many *** all and medium-sized enterprises lack the ability to deal with crises, face greater survival pressure 5. The traditional "popular major" students and "employment disadvantaged groups" of the impact on particularly remarkable, employment presents serious buyer"s market characteristics 6. Economic crisis has college graates in the employment market petition unprecedented fierce, this makes some family conditions are very urgently need employment or their learning research ability strong students postpone employment plan, consider further study, so as to enhance their petitive power and temporarily miss workplace storm rush hour. 7.. Second-hand rable-goods market may wele, such as some expensive rable necessities, automobiles, home appliance and so on, these procts, if in the secondary market with low price sale, may be very popular, for many after 80, 90 after the younger group speaking, if this stage just need these procts, they will choose second-hand procts as consumption of transition 8. There will be many consumers in unemployment es before, for his own career began to plan and prepare, so there would be some consumers spend money on charging, school, training, or choose to return to the campus, evaded financial crisis, while improving workplace petitiveness, think the future for preparation 9. The international financial crisis in China"s economic hardship, but also for our country accelerate the adjustment of instrial structure, promote the coordinate development of the economic society provides a good opportunity. 10. Rural market potential is tremendous development lags behind, the exploring rural market will make the domestic market space greatly expansion. One is the large market volume. The rural population accounts for about 80% of the total population, is posed of main body, visible in the main body of rural residents" consumption. With the development of the rural economy, the rural market capacity will widening. 2 it is the growth in demand space is large. 11. Increase the central government to the local basis constructive investment, this aspect is mainly used for rural and agricultural infrastructure rebuilding and rural people"s livelihood engineering construction, and purposefully for remote areas and underdeveloped areas of ecation and basic medical and health of the social public enterprise"s construction and renovation, such not only can fundamentally change people"s lives, improve the overall recessive ine level, and also encourage consumer confidence for stimulating domestic demand and expand consumer laid a prerequisite. 12. In vigorously promote modern agriculture development and at the same time, execute beneficial to our scientific innovation and technological progress of relevant fiscal policy, and promote the enterprise speeding up the technical renovation and technical progress, accelerate independent research and high-tech procts, early from foreign technology monopoly, then forms the independent brand. Meanwhile guide bank for such enterprises preferential loans, thus making instry adjust upgraded to achieve a new standards 13. Strengthen the support to the development of *** all and medium-sized enterprises, contact the regional finance department in financial support level set up special funds for the development of *** all and medium-sized enterprises, and contact each district the state development bank actively financing services, the integrated use discount and preferential tax policies tools, and strive for enterprises to solve the difficulty in financing. Increase transfer payments to scale, accelerate regional can coordinate development 14. Quickening enterprise mergers, acquisitions and technology of innovation. Take the initiative to seize the petitors withdraw from the opportune time, increase marketing efforts, and expand the market share. Seize foreign technology pany, brand enterprise management difficult favorable opportunity, accelerating technological enterprise and brand enterprise merger speed, positive active integrate enterprise merger boom. Small and medium-sized enterprises should strengthen financial support, and increase enterprise technical transformation investment, vigorously introce scientific and technological personnel, improve the technology innovation and internationalized management level 15. Increasing international market development dynamics, cultivating new export growth points. ⑤ 东京大学g30战略技术经济专业英文和日文授课有何不同 G30项目优势: (1)大学对托福成绩的要求低于美国一流大学,并且绝大部分研究生课程都不要求GRE或GMAT成绩。学生可以省去准备这些考试的时间。高中生不需要考SAT,但需要高考成绩。 (2)对想去日本留学但现阶段日语没有过1级或2级的学生而言,可以直接申请本科或大学院,然后入学后再继续学习日语。这样省去了上语言学校或研究生的1-2年时间。强化英语的同时并不放弃日语的学习,毕业时可以流利运用3门语言。 (3)G30学校均为日本知名院校,其中国立大学有东北大学、东京大学、筑波大学、名古屋大学、京都大学、大阪大学、九州大学;私立大学有早稻田大学、庆应义塾大学、上智大学、明治大学、同志社大学、立命馆大学(13所大学的简介见下文)。 (4)G30学校很重视英语教学,有英语论文写作、口头发表等相关课程,并且跟欧美大学的联系紧密,有交换留学项目。另外如果有日本国立大学的本科学历,进一步申请美国大学的研究生也相对有优势。 (5)相对于美国留学而言,日本G30计划不仅学费低廉,而且获取奖学金的机会很大,额度丰厚。 (6)高中生申请大学学部无需参加留学生考试,本科生申请大学院修士无需参加修士考试,录取率相当高。东京大学g30战略技术经济专业英文和日文授课有何不同? 一个是英文 一个日文 语言不同教师不同,教学风格应该也有差异⑥ 技术经济学的英文怎么说 技术经济抄学 [经] technological economics [网络短语] 技术经济学 Technological Economics,Technical Economics,Technology Economics 信息技术经济学 information technological economics,Economics of Information Technology 海洋技术经济学 marine technological economics,hnological economics ⑦ 技术经济,管理科学与工程区别 你说的这三个学科分类都是硕士的专业分法吧,首先要区分你要考普硕还是专硕 如果是考普通硕士的话,对于女生不管哪个专业都不推荐,因为混学术圈不适合女生,就算以后混上大学老师每年有论文压力也不适合女生 如果是专硕 技术经济学 最对口的是mpm项目管理硕士,管理学最对口的是mba,工程方面比较多的是ee之类的,如果你是女孩而且只考虑这三个专业方向的话,比较尴尬mpm和工程类的硕士 都是需要一定数学基础的,而且都是属于半创造性学科,不适合女生读,而mba之类的管理类都是给那些有工作经验的老总们镀金用的,一般应届生较少(并且费用很高) 就业的话,管理学科就是去企业当管理层,一般都是本来就是管理层的人读了回去做原来的职务或者晋升,没有工作经验的话就算你读出管理类硕士 也不会有人让你做管理层的除非这个公司是你家开的。。。mpm一般以后出来是做项目进度管理,项目评估,已经资产估值专卖等专业工作,一般和你的能力直接挂钩,学的好的就业还不错,实在混不下去就考继续考公务员往 *** 统靠拢也是条道理, *** 目前很缺这种mpm人才(我一个产业经济学老师说的),工程类出路我不是特别了解,但是女生做这个真的。。。。。 如果你硬要在这三个里面选的话,我觉得综合来说学技术经济比较靠谱,如果你家有资本给你搞个管理职务的话mba也不错。。。 如果从一般女生(指不太喜欢数学和逻辑学)的角度考虑,其实做英语方面(翻译之类),教育类,以及财会类比较好,这是我结合我们立信会计周围众多女生聊天得出的结论。。。 有其他问题请继续问~~~ ⑧ 跪求课程名称 标准英文翻译 体育(4): Physical Ecation (4) 军事训练: Military Training 土地资源管理专业概论: Introction to Land Resouce Management Major 思想道德修养与法律基础: Cultivation of Ideology and Ethics and Fundamentals of Law 大学英语(1): College English (1) 健康教育: Health Ecation 体育(2): Physical Ecation (2) 公益劳动: Volunteering for Public Interest 舞蹈鉴赏: Appreciation of Dancing 高级程序设计语言C: Advanced Programming Language C 高级程序设计语言C课程设计: Course Design of Advanced Programming Language C 电子电工学实验B: Experiment in Electronic and Electrical Engineering B 体育(3): Physical Ecation (3) 线性代数: Linear Algebra 大学英语(3): College English (3) 电工电子学B: Electronic and Electrical Engineering B 数据库技术及应用: Techniques and Applications of Database 地籍测量实习B: Cadastration Practice B 高等数学A(2): Advanced Mathematics A (2) 大学英语(4): College English (4) 会计学原理: Principles of Accounting 应用统计学课程设计: Course Design of Applied Accounting 大学生就业指导: Employment Guidance for College Students 系统工程与运筹学: System Engineering and Operations Research 系统工程与运筹学课程设计: Course Design of System Engineering and Operations Research 土地资源学: Land Resource 土地法规与政策: Land Laws, Regulations and Policies 管理信息系统: Management Information System 技术经济学A: Technological Economics A 专业外语(2)Professional Foreign Language (2) 土地定级与房地产估价: Land Rating and Real Estate Appraisal GIS基础及软件应用: Fundamentals of GIS and Sofare Application 土地定级与房地产估价课程设计: Course Design of Land Rating and Real Estate Appraisal 体育(1): Physical Ecation (1) 高等数学A(1): Advanced Mathematics A (1) 工程制图: Graphing of Engineering 大学化学: College Chemistry 大学计算机基础: Fundamentals of College Computer Science 管理学原理: Principles of Management 大学物理B: College Physics B 大学物理实验B: Experiment of College Physics B 大学英语(2): College English (2) 经济学B: Economics B 马克思主义基本原理: Basic Principles of Marxi *** 概率论: Probability Theory 房屋建筑学A: Building Construction A 当代中国外交: Contemporary Chinese Diplomacy 合同法: Contracts Law 摄影技术: Techniques of Photography *** 思想和中国特色社会主义: Mao Zedong Thought and Sociali *** with Chinese Characteristics 土地经济学: Land Economics 应用统计学: Applied Statistics 地图学与地图设计: Cartology and Map Design 地籍测量A: Cadastration A 房地产开发与经营课程设计: Course Design of Real Estate Development and Management 技术经济学课程设计: Course Design of Technological Economics 创业管理: Entrepreneurial Management 美国社会与文化: American Society and Culture 专业外语(1): Professional Foreign Language (1) 房地产开发与经营A: Real Estate Development and Management A GPS基础及应用综合实验: Comprehensive Experiment of Fundamentals and Applications of GPS GPS基础及应用: Fundamentals and Applications of GPS 遥感技术及应用: Techniques and Applications of Remote Sensing 遥感技术及应用综合实验: Comprehensive Experiment of Techniques and Applications of Remote Sensing 文献检索: Document Indexing GIS基础及软件应用综合实验: Comprehensive Experiment of Fundamentals of GIS and Sofare Application 大部分参考一个论坛帖子“2440门大学课程中英文对照大汇集”: // 少部分参考iciba在线词典: //iciba/ 极少部分措辞作了变动 ⑨ 工业技术经济学的英文怎么说 对外经贸大学的英语全国排行应该还第三,除过北外,上外,就是对外经贸。 而对外经贸商务比其它两所学校好,商务英语自然也厉害。所以这个专业是可以和上外,北外媲美的。 ⑩ 考研:技术经济及管理专业 的专业课考试考什么 技术经济及管理考研考试内容:研究生入学考试分为初试和复试。 考试科目版需要查看招生专业目录,权根据报考的学院与专业了解初试科目,如重庆大学技术经济及管理专业的初试科目为: 初试科目: ①101 思想政治理论 ②201英语一 ③303数学三 ④810 建筑技术经济学 复试科目: ①外语听力、口语; ②经济管理与工程管理基础知识。 加试科目: ①管理学; ②西方经济学(微观部分)
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Marketing Planning Department"s responsibilities1, is responsible for the company"s image promotion, image promotion, image monitoring.Second, is responsible for on-site advertising tablets, light box design, layout, publishing and management.Third, is responsible for the design of various types of promotions, planning, release.4, responsible for running the daily vendor promotions management.5, is responsible for the design of store atmosphere, and create.6, is responsible for the mounting of store windows and management.7, is responsible for advertising the release of body floor and management.8, is responsible for internal publications editor of distribution.9, responsible for events and activities to record, collate, archive.10, responsible for the company"s image VI design, planning, application, promotion and standardized management.11, is responsible for the establishment and promotion of corporate culture.12, is responsible for the seasonal uniform shopping malls, public holidays, business anniversary and other large-scale promotional activities in the planning, organization, coordination, implementation. 13, is responsible for the consumer market survey research.14, responsible for business strategy, marketing strategy and competitive strategy in the planning, implementation.15, is responsible for the ritual services, shopping malls, front desk reception, consulting, shopping guide services.16, in charge of broadcasting propaganda piece shopping malls.17, the group is responsible for store purchase, the distribution of VIP cards.18, responsible for enterprise and cultural activities, sorting activities, social activities, planning, organization and implementation.19, responsible for corporate public relations handling of the crisis and response.
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额 这个可以上相关的论坛上搜集一下信息的吧
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to integrate into the enterprise culture.
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1、实施成效要展现,持之以恒是关键。 The implementation of the effectiveness of the show, perseverance is the key. 2、只有跑在前面我们的理念是。 Only running ahead, our philosophy is... 3、诚实守信灵活应变不屈不挠勇于创新。 Honesty and trustworthiness, flexibility, strain, perseverance, innovation. 4、行动是成功的开始,等待是失败的源头。 Action is the beginning of success, and waiting is the source of failure. 5、今天工作不努力,明天努力找工作。 If you don"t work hard today, it will be hard to find a work in future. 6、就没有竞争力要想不被淘汰。 There is no competition, not to be eliminated. 7、创建南电网络,追求美好生活。 Create Nandian network, the pursuit of a better life. 8、向质量要市场,向管理要效益。 To the quality of the market, to management to benefit. 9、走进质量天地,带来无限商机。 Into the quality of the world, bringing unlimited business opportunities. 10、创造更新更全更强高速的电信网络。 Create newer, more complete, stronger, high speed telecommunications networks. 11、勿以小恶而为之,勿以小善而不为之。 Do not do it with little evil, not by small good. 12、如果你知道怎样去控制,你就能控制一切。 If you know how to control, you can control everything. 13、群策群力,相融共生。 Together, symbiotic. 14、团结奋进开拓创新拼搏向上。 Unite in advance, pioneering and innovative, hard work upward. 15、构建质量诚信体系,建设安全健康环境。 Building quality integrity system and building a safe and healthy environment. 16、你增我增大家增,团队发展舞春风。 You increase me, increase family growth, team development, dance spring breeze. 17、贯标出质量,认证树形象。 Mark up the quality, certification tree image. 18、多创优质产品,提高企业形象。 Multi invasive high-quality products to enhance corporate image. 19、该说说到,说到做到,做到有效。 It should be said that when it comes to doing it, it is effective. 20、居安思危,自强不息。 Stay Ppared in peace and always make unremitting efforts. 21、凡真心尝试助人者,没有不帮到自己的。 Those who really try to help others do not help themselves. 22、留意多一点,问题少一点。 Pay more attention to the problem, but less. 23、事故不难防,重在守规章。 The accident is not difficult, mainly to the rules. 24、遵章是安全的保证,违章是事故的祸根。 Compliance is the guarantee of safety, and violation is the bane of the accident. 25、一人把关一处安,众人把关稳如山。 One gatekeeper, one security, people keep steady as a mountain. 26、倾力赢得市场。 Exert oneself to win the market. 27、培育礼仪员工,创造团队精神。 Cultivate etiquette employees and create team spirit. 28、不怕增员难,就怕不增员。 Fear not increase, but fear not increase. 29、以质量求生存,以信誉促发展。 To the quality of survival, reputation to promote development. 30、和—心地平和,万物自在。 And the heart and the earth, and all things at ease. 31、我们的理念是—没有最好,只有更好。 Our philosophy is that there is no best, only better. 32、精益求精,铸造品质典范。 Excellence, casting quality model. 33、也不要为低目标而驼背没有执行力。 And don"t stoop to low goals without execution. 34、社会企业的发展,离不开你我。 The development of social enterprises is inseparable from you and me. 35、市场是企业的方向,质量是企业的生命。 Market is the direction of enterprise, quality is the life of enterprise. 36、没有比脚更长的路,没有比人更高的山。 There is no road that is longer than the foot, and there is no mountain higher than the man. 37、与时俱进开拓创新心系南电中部崛起。 The heart of South Central China with an innovative and pioneering spirit. 38、品质一马当先,业绩遥遥领先。 The quality of the lead, the performance way ahead. 39、不昧己心,民生为本。 Don"t be ignorant of yourself, people"s livelihood is the foundation. 40、以厂为校以厂为家互相学习互相关怀。 Take factory as a school, factory as home, learn from each other and care for each other. 41、重回旧战场,再度创辉煌。 Return to the old battlefield, once again brilliant. 42、和谐创新开拓市场团结拼搏共创未来。 Harmonious innovation, market development, unity and struggle, and create the future. 43、遵守厂规厂纪。 Abide by the rules and regulations. 44、爱岗敬业开拓进取创新服务放眼未来。 Dedication, pioneering spirit, innovative services, looking forward to the future. 45、贯标九千,飞越二千。 Mark nine thousand, fly over two thousand. 46、全民讲质量,质量利全民。 The whole nation stresses quality, quality and benefit the whole people. 47、质量是企业的形象和声誉。 Quality is the image and reputation of an enterprise. 48、细心精心用心,品质永保称心。 Careful, careful and careful, the quality is always satisfactory. 49、转变观念转变作风,让企业文化生生不息。 Change ideas, change style, let enterprise culture endless. 50、成功看得见,行动是关键。 Success can be seen, action is the key. 51、安全第一,预防为主。 Safety first, Pvention first. 52、商场如战场,品质打先锋。 Shopping malls, such as battlefield, quality pioneer. 53、百尺竿头,更进一步。 Make still further progress further. 54、对工程负责,让用户满意。 Be responsible for the project and satisfy the users. 55、爱岗敬业求实创新用心服务勇争一流。 Love, dedication, truth-seeking, innovation, heart service, Yong contend for first-class. 56、人之所以能,是相信自己能。 A man can do so by believing in himself. 57、顾客信誉是企业发展的源泉。 Customer reputation is the source of enterprise development. 58、众人拾柴火焰高,众手划桨开大船。 All the firewood gathered, the flame high, and all hands paddled the great ship. 59、理直气壮抓发展,旗帜鲜明反腐败。 Confidently grasp the development, clear-cut stand against corruption. 60、安全责任重于泰山,人民利益高于一切。 Safety responsibility weightier than Mount Tai people"s interests above everything else. 61、品质,企业未来的决战场和永恒的主题。 Quality, enterprise"s future decisive battle field and eternal theme. 62、产品质量无缺陷,顾客服务无抱怨。 The quality of products is free of defects and customer service is free of complaint. 63、追求客户满意,是你我的责任。 It is your duty to pursue customer satisfaction. 64、质量提高一点点,工作少很多风险。 Quality improves little, work much less risk. 65、爱企业就是爱自己。 Love the enterprise is love yourself. 66、从源头抓好质量,实现可持续发展。 Grasp the quality from the source and realize the sustainable development. 67、成本连着你和我。 The cost is connected to you and me. 68、树立科学发展观,提升公司竞争力。 Set up Scientific Outlook on Development and enhance the competitiveness of the company. 69、每项操作求质量,产品质量有保障。 Each operation is of quality, and the product quality is guaranteed. 70、急用户所急,想用户所想。 Urgent user anxious, want what the user thinks. 71、永不停滞的沟通。 Never stop communication. 72、抱怨事件速处理,客户满意又欢喜。 Complain about the incident, speed up, customer satisfaction and joy. 73、诚实做人,精心做事。 Honest man, careful work. 74、贵族化的品质大众话的生活。 Aristocratic quality; the life of public speaking. 75、没有艰辛的汗水,就不会有成功的泪水。 Without hard sweat, there will be no tears of success. 76、制造须靠低成本,竞争依赖高品质。 Manufacturing depends on low costs and competition depends on quality. 77、你增员我增员,人人增员天地宽。 You have added me, and we have added men, and we have added men and women to heaven and earth. 78、人生百年,只争朝夕。 One hundred years of life, seize the day. 79、自主检验做的好,生产顺畅不得了。 Independent inspection done well, production smoothly. 80、石头变成金。 Stone turns into gold.
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  英语失物感谢信应该怎么写?下面我为大家精心整理了,希望能给你带来帮助。   篇一:   Respect for the agricultural bank of xx - x branch   Zhang Hangchang:   hello!   Give you a very happy heart to write this letter, because I lost phone was recovered in the counter.   Yesterday afternoon, I went to xx - x branch into account issues, accidentally left the phone in the counter outside, I left when you finish. To the unit after the paper"s call center rmed me that there is a call for agricultural bank, should I go back to the past, I dialed several times in the past, the line is busy. At the end of the work, I found that can"t find the mobile phone, how also can"t remember which lost. Worried about this bad, the estimate is lost, I"m lucky with a landline in my cell phone number, even now, someone answer, me hear the voice of longtan branch miss xx. She said already call center to give me a message through newspaper, know that is my mobile phone. A side I am glad that mobile phones have the landing, wonder, how did she know that is my cell phone, she explained that because see pictures of my son on the phone, looks like with me, a see will know that is me. I heard that, my heart a hot, was very grateful.   I don"t know if xx first found my lost cell phones, if there are other people, I hereby express the most sincere appreciation. In the materialistic era, living lei feng has been rare, however I see in agricultural bank.   Here I want to praise the xx. Smile on her face, warm manners, business skilled, efficient, she can understand and help clients to handle the business, from her notice I phone can also see that she can remember the customer, this undoubtedly of great help to maintain good customer relations.   At the same time, I also want to thank the ABC leadership, is your careful cultivation, a few years later, with the excellent employees. I"m proud of you have such good employees.   Once again, thank you!   篇二:   Southern airlines nanning airport:   I e from Shanxi Province, on July 4, 2014, to take your flight XXXX to changsha, accidentally lost the camera on the plane, found that after I contact your pany in changsha airport, learned that changsha airport did not find a lost items during cleaning, and the plane flew to nanning now. Thanks to changsha airport to assist in nanning airport to find the contact rmation, and get the csa nanning airport rmation desk and pick up the staff on duty at the support, in the first time to help me find the camera.   One thing to feel the enthusia *** of the two airport services, although camera value is not high, but it can make me feel high southern airlines brand service and all the services for passengers, dedicated service concept of society.   Thank you for your pany to cabin crew credit, for the sake of passengers, for passengers in need of good moral character, especially in nanning airport pick up staff on duty, rm my camera had been found in the first time, and tell me the related procedure, told me in shanxi, and inquiries in a can"t go to nanning after the relevant formalities in person, and told me to deal with concrete matters. Finally in the shortest possible time, I have received your pany to send the camera. Call again and again, again and again the answer they never tired, never plain, make me feel China southern airlines staff "civilized manners, honest and trustworthy, the brand service, contributing to society" concept. Make me feel from beyond the most sincere warm.   Unknown, seeking nothing in return, this is China southern noble moral character. Is China southern airlines will have such a quality service, the outstanding staff, in this I sincerely to the southern airlines said the most sincere thanks and wish China southern airlines pany business progresses day by day, at the same time also wish China southern nanning airport staff healthy body, all the best!   Finally, please remember me to pick up, for rmation on 4 July at 4:30 p.m. to around 6:30 the two unnamed officials said deep appreciation!   篇三:   Dear every leader: "* * * *"   I to your pany with a grateful heart to this letter as a token of his appreciation, in the middle of September, 2011, due to personal negligence, I accidentally lost handbag from your pany will take a layer of the ladies" room. Because is in a hurry when they leave did not notice the handbag has lost, the second day when shopping for only to find that lost handbag. Was extremely anxious, because there is id and cash and other items, lost and inconvenience to daily life, so I immediately return to your pany to find lost things, but in the case of multiple about nothing returned to the residence of xianyang in shaanxi province.   The unexpected is, at the beginning of October I received from your pany staff liu sent by registered mail, the claim to your pany an employee finds himself lost handbag, will items returned to him and your pany is responsible for processing. See the letter I feel very excited, when is an understatement! Suddenly feel the share of the sincere and enthusia *** from the capital Beijing, was four word roaming in the heart. But because I am not in Beijing, then trust friend to receive and repeatedly replacement must represent me to your pany and the staff said the most sincere thanks to the credit. And friends signaled in cash to thank for credit, but were liu declined.   I am touched by the spirit, what kind of pany, what kind of enterprise culture, how the construction concept and humanistic idea, cultivate such employees. To this, I express heartfelt gratitude, I with the most sincere thanks to converge into words, send you this letter to your pany, thanks to man of noble character, thanks to the good people!
2023-07-14 20:11:471


一学生,性情鲁莽,给家里写信提笔就来,从不检查,于是信件就这样寄出了: 爸爸,奶奶(妈妈)你们老俩口好吧: 家里的粮食狗(够)吃了吧?家里还有钱没有?我的钱花完了,我这里下雨,同学要命(伞),我没有,急需你们寄钱给我买命(伞)。完了。
2023-07-14 20:11:551


本科毕业生英文简历范文   Name:Li xiao gao English Name :max bot   Personal Data:1986-10-1   Sex:male Age:23 Height: 183 cm Weight: 75kg Blood Type: B   Arital Status :Single Native Place: Xingtai city of Hebei province , China   Email:**** Mobil Tel:13736xxxx   Educational Background   Major: Business Administration   Graduate school: Hebei University   Degree: Bachelor   Education:   2002.9--2004.6 HEBEI QIHUANGDAO EDUCATION COLLEGE Learning english   20010.9—2005.09 , Hebei University . Learning company adminstration knowledge by myself mainly.   Academic Main Courses:   Management of Human Resources/Production andBusiness Administration Operation Management/Strategic Management/Quality Management/Marketing/International Trade/Principles of Management/Groundwork of Accounting/Economic Law and so on   English Skills:   Have a good command of both spoken and written English.   Computer Abilities:   Skilled in use of Windows / Office2000   Self Assessment:   a energetic, adaptable and able man, is cooperative . and honest to others   Employment Experience :   Employment Experience :   2004/6--2004/10 sale car accessories kits to abroad in WENZHOU QISHIJIAYIN CAR ACCESSORIES CO.,LTD   2004/10--2005/3 General Manager Assistant   assist the manager to open a good market to sale car accessories in Southeast Asia ,2 million RMB per month now,and it will be added month by month.   Position Wanted:   To obtain a challenging position as an assistant for a manage,especially in Human Resource Management/ Sale Part.    本科毕业生英文简历范文   RESUME   Basic information:   Name: oushaomei   Sex :Female   Date of birth :1992.05   Nationality through: Jiangsu Xuzhou   Political affiliation :probationary member of the party   Major: metallic materials(anti corrosion field)   Contact address: Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Mengxi road zip code: 5482515   Contact telephone: 18928112822   Electronic mailbox   Certificate of honor:   English level six;   The national computer grade two ( VC++ ), Jiangsu province computer grade two ( outstanding );   2011~2012 Jiangsu University of Science and Technology two scholarships;   2010 ~2011 Jiangsu University of Science and Technology three scholarships;   2009 ~2010 Jiangsu University of Science and Technology three scholarships   From 2011 to 2012, Jiangsu University of Science & Technology "three good" student ;   2011 ~2012 Jiangsu University of Science and Technology excellent League member;   2011 river of fifth welding competition three prize 2011 Jiangsu University of Science and Technology advanced individual in social practice   Personal experience:   The purpose of the winter vacation of 2010 as a college student volunteers in Zhenjiang intercity high-speed rail station served as a conductor, by Zhenjiang railway station, and passengers.   The purpose of the 2011 December in the world"s largest retail chain enterprise Wal-Mart Store as a student staff, adhere to the corporate culture of " Our people make the difference ".   The purpose of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology in 2011 and practice base of metalworking practice, on a lathe, milling machine, planer, casting, CNC, fitter and other basic skills.   The purpose of the 2012 August ~ September in Shanghai professional visit practice, learning enterprise in the flag of Shanghai Waigaoqiao shipyard, Hudong Zhonghua shipyard and Chinese iron and steel enterprises in Shanghai Baosteel Group, in-depth understanding of ship outfitting and painting and shipbuilding process, recognize domestic shipbuilding market.   The purpose of 2011~2012 as the Jiangsu science and Technology University Psychological Association vice president, planning organizations involved in psychological knowledge contest, psychological film festivals and other activities.   The purpose of 2011~2012 served as class vice monitor, positive for the class service, striving for the good style of class.   The purpose of the 2012 as " deep sea wind turbine structure design of the floating platform " a representative to attend the sixth session of China ( Shanghai) International Wind Energy Exhibition and conference and learning.   Professional skills:   The purpose of major in painting process, chemical coatings, metal materials, electrochemical corrosion, corrosion resistant metal materials, material protection, polymer design master course, corrosion monitoring, detection of coating and coating film and basic method.   Familiar with basic computer operation, and skilled use of Word, Excl and other Office series of office software.   Familiar with PS, CAD, MS Modeling, Samtech cartography software use.   Personal characteristics:   The purpose of work hard, do not be afraid of bear hardships, be good at cooperation, strong team spirit;   The purpose of distress when they are good put forward solutions, " do what you can do today ".   Hobbies;   Long table tennis, badminton, jogging. ;
2023-07-14 20:12:011


2023-07-14 20:12:267


The 21st century world economy into the information age, the folk custom products meet the diverse needs of people lives, be understand local characteristics of culture medium, also show the important tool of local characteristics.In general, the regional population, folk product market demand is very big. The traditional folk products still has certain development space, have contemporary feeling international folk products will be rapid growth, product categories and varied, will travel to the local economy, a new generation of products with the direction of development of folklore.China is a multi-ethnic country, different nationalities have oneself of folk culture, have their own characteristics, has its own characteristics of product characteristic of clothing, religious sacrificial, have their own characteristics, music entertainment activities, many national and their own wine culture.Mongolian have their own history, have their own words, music, singing and dancing, clothing, their own wine culture.In the digital age, design and diversified development need to seek inspiration is undoubtedly a natural interest and infinite originality, the path of sustainable development, natural things never go out of style, the nature of simple beauty never pass, let people in that process and technology requirements for design, the design style of the design provides some diversification, enrich your product the quantity, provides consumers with more choice.Anyhow, art itself requires individuation, in this era of massive national culture mining, on the basis of inheriting traditions in search of modern significance, has the individuality, can be nationalization packaging wine packaging design career add vitality.关键词:民俗产品;蒙古韵味;设计感觉;视觉冲击力;多次利用Keywords: folk products, Mongolia, Design feeling, Visual wallop, Many use
2023-07-14 20:13:244


    三、都柏林大学的教研情况    1 Teaching and Learning   UCD is Ireland"s University of first choice, leading in first-preference applications in Ireland year after year; as well as being the university of first choice for international students coming to Ireland. The University attracts top students: some 1,525 of the 1st year entrants in 2014 achieved 500 Leaving Certificate points – just 10% of all Leaving Cert students attain these results. The first year retention rate is 98% and over half of UCD undergraduates progress to graduate studies.   UCD is globally recognised for its excellence in teaching and learning – 9 subjects are ranked in the top 100 in the world out of 30 subjects (QS World University Ranking by Subject 2015) and the University is first in Ireland in 12 subjects. This quality of teaching is complemented by a high standard of support. Every incoming first year is assigned a peer mentor and there are student advisers for every programme.   UCD is Ireland"s leader in graduate education with over 8,000 graduate students, almost a quarter of whom are graduate research students; 1,580 PhD students benefit from a structured PhD programme, as well as the research-led education culture at UCD.   The UCD Horizons scheme of modern, modularised education based on learning outcomes, sees 50% of students take modules outside their subject areas. UCD is the only Irish university to provide the EU Supplement Label to students for international recognition of qualifications and is also number one in Ireland in QS Employer Reputation Survey – 129th in the world.   The role of UCD within Irish higher education is underscored by the fact that UCD alone accounts for over 30% of international students, over 25% of all graduate students and almost 28% of all doctoral enrolments across the seven Irish universities.    1.教学和学习   都柏林大学是爱尔兰的第一大学,每年都是学生们的首选。留学生去爱尔兰大学留学,首先选的也是都柏林大学。都柏林大学吸引了许多顶尖的学生。在其2014年的新生中,有1525名学生的毕业证书成绩达到了500——在所有拿到毕业证书的学生中,只有10%的学生可以获得这样高的分数。其第一年保留率为98%,超过半数的本科生选择读研深造。   都柏林大学优质的教学和学习得到全球的认可。在QS2015年世界大学学科排名中,都柏林大学有9门学科排进世界前100,有12门学科在爱尔兰排名第一(QS世界大学学科排名列出了30门学科)。高质量的教学有高标准的支持作为补充。每个新的学年,学校都会为学生安排一名朋辈导师,每个学位计划都安排有学生顾问。   都柏林大学是爱尔兰研究生教育的引领者,有8千多名研究生。其中,四分之一的研究生属于研究型学生。结构化的博士计划和校园内的研究导向型教学文化让1580名博士生受益。   都柏林大学的现代模块教育以学习成果为基础,吸引了半数的学生在学科领域之外参加模块教学学习。都柏林大学是爱尔兰唯一一所处于国际资格认可为学生提供“欧盟补充标签”的大学,其毕业生就业力在QS同指标排名中在爱尔兰排名第1,在世界排名第129。   都柏林大学在爱尔兰高等教育中的关键角色由以下数据得到证明:其留学生在爱尔兰留学生中占到了30%以上,其研究生占到25%以上,博士生占到28%以上(在爱尔兰的七所大学中)。    2. Research & Innovation   Research and innovation are essential drivers of a dynamic economy, an informed society and a vibrant culture. The spectrum of research and innovation at UCD encompasses individual scholars, small, medium and large research groups, start-up companies and large-scale collaborations with industry and other partners. Research is conducted within each of the University"s extensive range of disciplines, and in multidisciplinary research programmes addressing challenges of global scale.   In 2013/14 UCD researchers secured u20ac114 million in research grants from national and international funding agencies, companies and foundations. Since 2004 UCD researchers have secured over u20ac1 billion in such grants. Their research underpins national research and technology institutes and centres, including the u20ac75 million Insight Centre for Data Analytics, the largest research grant in the history of the Irish state.   UCD has had nationally-leading success in many of the most prestigious European awards, including the European Research Council and Marie Sklodowska-Curie schemes.   Over the last decade UCD researchers have doubled their annual number of papers in the international literature and have co-authored publications with more than 7,000 international researchers from more than 130 countries. These papers are cited by other researchers at a rate that is 59% above the world average.   As Ireland"s leader in innovation, technology transfer and commercialisation, UCD"s commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship recognises the importance of actively participating, contributing and collaborating to exploit leading-edge research and development outputs. In 2014 UCD was ranked 5th among European universitiesfor its track record in educating successful entrepreneurs.   UCD offers the biggest start-up incubator centre and support in Ireland. Supports for innovation include NovaUCD, the centre for New Ventures and Entrepreneurs; NexusUCD, the Industry Partnership Centre; and the UCD Enterprise Gateway. To date 30 UCD spin-out companies and 242 start-ups have been supported by NovaUCD and over u20ac100 million in equity funding has been raised for spin-outs.   2.研究和创新   研究和创新是动态经济、开明社会和活力文化的核心推动力。都柏林大学研究和创新的范围涵盖了学者个人、小型中型和大型研究团队,新兴企业、大规模企业合作和其他合作伙伴。研究在单门学科内展开,也在跨学科研究计划中展开。跨学科研究计划主要应对全球范围得到挑战。   在2013-2014年度,都柏林大学从国内外机构、企业和基金会获得了1.14亿欧元资金。自2004年以来,都柏林大学的研究员已获得了10亿欧元以上的此类资金。他们的研究为爱尔兰国内研究与技术机构以及中心奠定了基础。这其中包括7500万欧元的用于数据分析研究中心的资金(这也是爱尔兰联州史上数额最大的研究资金)。   都柏林大学在欧洲许多著名的奖项中引领了爱尔兰的成功,包括欧洲研究委员会和新居礼夫人人才培育计划。   在过去的十年里,都柏林大学的研究员们成倍地增加了他们每年在国际文献中的论文数量,同来自130多个国家的7千多名国际研究员合著了许多作品。这些论文经常被其他研究员引用,引用率超出世界论文平均引用率的59%。   作为爱尔兰在创新、技术转化和商业化领域的引领者,都柏林大学对创新创业的专注体现了积极参与、贡献和合作探索尖端研究与发展产出的重要性。2014年,都柏林大学的成功企业家教育指标在欧洲大学中排名第五。     四、都柏林大学知名校友   UCD has been a major contributor to the making of modern Ireland. Many UCD students and staff participated in the struggle for Irish independence and the university has produced numerous Irish Presidents and Taoisigh (Prime Ministers) in addition to generations of Irish business, professional, cultural and sporting leaders. Among UCD"s well-known graduates are authors (Maeve Binchy, Roddy Doyle, Flann O"Brien), actors (Gabriel Byrne, Brendan Gleeson), directors (Neil Jordan, Jim Sheridan) and sports stars such as Irish rugby captain Brian O"Driscoll and former Manchester United and Ireland captain Kevin Moran. Perhaps the best known of all its graduates is the writer James Joyce, who completed his Bachelor of Arts at the university in 1902.   都柏林大学对爱尔兰的现代化做出了主要贡献。都柏林大学的许多学生和教师都曾参与了爱尔兰独立斗争。都柏林大学也培养出了许多爱尔兰总统和总理,以及好几代的爱尔兰商业、学术、文化和体育精英。都柏林大学的著名校友中有作家( 梅芙·宾奇、罗迪·道伊尔和弗兰布莱)、演员(加布里埃尔·伯恩和布莱丹·格里森)、导演(尼尔·乔丹和吉姆·谢里丹)、体育明星(Brian O"Driscoll 和 凯文·莫兰)。都柏林大学最著名的校友很可能就是作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯了。詹姆斯·乔伊斯于1902年完成都柏林大学文学学士学位。    特别校友:孙大文   孙大文(Da-Wen Sun)是都柏林大学唯一一位华人终身教授,也是爱尔兰有史以来的第一位华人终身教授。他是欧洲人文和自然科学院(Academia Europaea)院士,爱尔兰皇家科学院(Royal Irish Academy)院士,国际著名的生物系统工程和食品科学与工程方面的学术权威,国际上该领域最活跃、最具创造力、最有影响的学术带头人之一,在国际同行中享有极高的知名度。他的主要研究包括制冷、冷冻及干燥过程和系统、食品质量与安全、生物过程模拟和优化以及计算机视觉识别技术等。
2023-07-14 20:13:321


I love my motherlandThere is a beatiful country standing in the east of the world .She has red soil , big mountains,long rivers and hardworking people ,she is just like a diamond ,shinning all the time ,and she is my dearest country -------China !I love my motherland !Because I love the different races of my country !Each race has its own culture and customs.Some people are kindhearted,some people are ggenerous,some people are humourous...anyway ,I can"t display evry race of my country ,but what I want to tell you is that the Chinese people are great.Because of them ,our motherland is developing day by day .Our country is becoming much stronger tham before .My country has so many great places of interest ,which is known not only to every citizen ,but also to the world .When the foreigners talk about China ,they all extend their thums and sayEn...China is a famous and fantastic country !Yes,that"s ture ! We have the Great Wall ,the world"s second longest river ,the oldest history and the most glorious culture .As wa all know ,China is one of the largest countries in the world ,when it is snowing in the north ,the flowers have come out in the south ,when the people in the south are enjoying the sunshine on the beach ,the people in the north are skiing on the ice .How marvelous it is !So now I can speak to the world loudly My country is really great !My country is really beautiful ! 再送你一篇,自己整合一下,谢谢。I love China! each time I see the national flag, sees the party flag, I am out of control hot tears filling the eyes. in today, various trades and occupations" working people"s close unity around the Central Party Committee, diligent, has made the huge progress. although before has not developed, has missed some development opportunity, but since the reform and open policy, China"s achievement has attracted worldwide attention. we the country progresses in winding, in difficulty enterprising. Although has had many mistakes, but after each time mistake, we may see that the central committee has the firm determination to complete the matter. did from the east to the west, except the individual extreme destitute place, where not have the earth-shaking change! The regional common people had their land, this is wants not to dare in the pre-liberation to think. The farmer farms enthusiastic extreme high. Specially countryside middle-aged person and old person. They may under the village cadre"s initiative, attempt unceasingly, plant each industrial crop, the crop are good. The young people may exit hiring out for working, goes north or goes south, one month may also make several hundred dollars. In transferor"s child goes to the elementary school and the middle school sufficiently. And in future several years, will cancel the agricultural tax, farmer"s burden will not have, compares old society"s oppressive taxes, present"s day is much better. the working class also managed a household has taken responsibility, they might choose the human who from the candidate oneself most trusted to lead their enterprise. In state enterprise reform"s tide, the worker who comes off sentry duty temporarily mostly can obtain the suitable subsidy, safeguards their life. The party and the country cares about all people. The reform labor pain will always have. Must believe the future. These public servants are devoted to the public, is the people wholeheartedly. Many cadre have many year work experiences, because specialized, therefore remarkable, their leadership is outstanding. Is leading the people, makes one"s own way together. the social convention is good, the judicature is fair, the inspector general is efficient, the evil persons and evil deeds always may to prompt solution. the society"s swift development, has everywhere demonstrated the socialism superiority. Although capitalism and so on US are more developed, but the British France Germany and so on is develops through plundering, the US is also through makes the war wealth to send. But we, are develop depending on our nation working people"s perspiration and the blood! We believed that one day, we will surpass them. Demonstrates the socialism to the world people the superiority. what reason does have not to refuel does? What reason has not to have the confidence? lets us unite together in Central Party Committee"s periphery, to realize Chinese nation"s great rejuvenation to struggle!
2023-07-14 20:13:421


这是我们老师给我们总结的短语,应该没问题,呵呵,希望对你有所帮助1. at the thought of一想到…  2. as a whole (=in general) 就整体而论  3. at will 随心所欲  4. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有   5. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解  6. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地,  7. of one"s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地  8. in accord with 与…一致 . out of one"s accord with 同….不一致  9. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地  10. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据  11. on one"s own account   1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益  2) (=at one"s own risk) 自行负责  3) (=by oneself)依靠自己  12. take…into account(=consider)把...考虑进去  13. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释 (理由)   14. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明.  15. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为.  16. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)  17. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告  18. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于.   19. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉  20. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理  21. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于  22. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)  23. in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之  24. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外  25. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循  26. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的  27. adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应;  28. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的可能,留有…的余地.  29. in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先.  30. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地.  31. have an advantage over 胜过.  have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件  have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事  32. take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用.  33. agree with 赞同(某人意见) agree to 同意  34. in agreement (with) 同意, 一致  35. ahead of 在…之前, 超过…;……………. ahead of time 提前.  36. in the air 1)不肯定, 不具体. 2)在谣传中.  37. above all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是, 最重要的.  38. in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether) 总共, 总计  39. after all 毕竟,到底; (not) at all 一点也不;all at once(=suddenly)突然; once and for all 只此一次; above all 最重要的; first of all 首先; all in all 大体上说; be all in 累极了; all but 几乎.  40. allow for (=take into consideration, take into account) 考虑到, 估计到.  41. amount to (=to be equal to) 总计, 等于.  42. answer for (undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for) 对…负责.  43. answer to (=conform to) 适合,符合.  44. be anxious about 为…焦急不安; 或anxious for  45. apologize to sb. for sth. 为…向…道歉  46. appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁. appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力  47. apply to sb. for sth. 为…向…申请; apply for申请; apply to 适用.  48. apply to 与…有关;适用  49. approve of (=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good, right) 赞成, approve vt. 批准 50. arise from(=be caused by) 由…引起.  51. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. 安排…做…  52. arrive on 到达; arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出; arrive in 到达某地(大地方);  53. be ashamed of (=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of sth. done) 以…为羞耻  54. assure sb. of sth. (=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.) 向…保证, 使…确信.  55. attach(to) (=to fix, fasten; join) 缚, 系 ,结  56. make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth.) 试图做…  57. attend to (=give one"s attention, care and thought)注意,照顾;attend on(upon)(=wait upon, serve, look after) 侍候,照料  58. attitude to/ toward …对…的态度.看法  59. attribute…to…(=to believe sth. to be the result of…)把..归因于.., 认为..是..的结果  60. on the average (=on average, on an average) 平均  61. (be) aware of (=be conscious of , having knowledge or consciousness)意识到,知道.  62. at the back of (=behind) 在…后面  63. in the back of 在…后部(里面); on the back of 在…后部(外面); be on one"s back(=be ill in bed) 卧病不起.  64. at one"s back(=supporting or favoring sb.) 支持,维护; have sb. at one"s back 有…支持, 有…作后台  65. turn one"s back on sb. (=turn away from sb. in an impolite way) 不理睬(某人),背弃,抛弃  66. behind one"s back 背着某人(说坏话)  67. be based on / upon 基于  68. on the basis of 根据…, 在…基础上  69. beat…at 在…运动项目上打赢  70. begin with 以…开始. to begin with (=first of all) 首先, 第一(经常用于开始语)  71. on behalf of (=as the representative of) 以…名义  72. believe in(=have faith or trust in; consider sth./sb. to be true) 相信,依赖,信仰.  73. benefit (from) 受益,得到好处.  74. for the benefit of 为了…的利益(好处)  75. for the better 好转  76. get the better of (=defeat sb.) 打败, 胜过.  77. by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统 at birth 在出生时; give birth to 出生  78. blame sb. for sth. 因…责备某人 . blame sth. on sb. 把…推在某人身上  79. in blossom开花(指树木) be in blossom开花(强调状态) come into blossom开花(强调动作)  80. on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机   81. boast of (or about) 吹嘘  82. out of breath 喘不过气来  83. in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之  84. in bulk 成批地,不散装的  85. take the floor 起立发言  86. on business 出差办事.  87. be busy with sth.于某事。 be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事  88. last but one 倒数第二.  89. but for (=without) 要不是. 表示假设  90. buy sth. for…money 用多少钱买  91. be capable of 能够, 有能力   be capable of being +过去分词:是能够被…的  92. in any case(=for love or money, at any rate, at any price, at any cost, whatever happens; anyhow)无论如何   93. in case (=for fear that) 万一;   94. in case of (=in the event of)如果发生…万一,in the case of 至于…, 就…而言  95. in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)  96. be cautious of 谨防  97. center one"s attention on(=focus one"s attention on) 把某人的注意力集中在…上  98. be certain of (=be sure of) 有把握, 一定.  99. for certain of (=for sure )肯定地,有把握地  100. by chance(=accidentally, by accident)偶然
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沃尔夫冈·泡利 美籍奥地利科学家沃尔夫冈·泡利(Wolfgang E.Pauli,1900~1958),是迎着20世纪一同来到世界的,父亲是维也纳大学的物理化学教授,教父是奥地利的物理学家兼哲学家。命运给了泡利良好的生活、学习环境,他也自我证明了自己并未被命运宠坏。 上中学时,泡利就对当时鲜为人知的爱因斯坦的广义相对论产生了浓厚的兴趣,经常埋首研读。1918年中学毕业后就成为慕尼黑大学索末菲教授的研究生。他的物理老师——著名的索末菲教授请他为德国正准备出版的百科全书写一篇关于相对论的文章,泡利居然完成了一部250页的专题论著,使教授大为惊讶。1921年,泡利获慕尼黑大学博士学位。后来,爱因斯坦看过泡利的论著后说:“任何一个人看到这样成熟和富于想象力的著作,都不能相信作者只是个21岁的学生。”泡利在学生时代就已展露了他的不同凡响的科学才华,引起了一些著名物理学家的注意。 大学毕业后,泡利先后给马克斯·玻恩和尼尔斯·玻尔当助手。这两位当时站在世界物理学前沿尔后又都获得诺贝尔奖的科学家后来说到泡利时,都对他那寻根求源一丝不苟的钻研精神和他那闪现灵敏的思想火花记忆犹新。泡利总是有与众不同的见解而且绝不轻易为别人说服,他好争论但绝不唯我独尊。当他验证了一个学术观点并得出正确结论后,不管这个观点是他自己的还是别人的,他都兴奋异常,如获至宝,而把争论时的面红耳赤忘得一干二净。正是他这种远世俗重真理的科学态度,赢得了索末菲、玻恩和玻尔的厚爱。他也从这些名师那里学到了富有教益的思维方法和实验技巧,为他后来的科研攀登打下了坚实的基础,终于以发现量子的不相容原理而迈入世界著名物理学家的行列。 1925年春,从汉堡大学传出一个令世界物理学界瞩目的消息:一个新的物理学原理——不相容原理诞生了。它的提出者正是当时在这个大学任教的、尚名不见经传的年轻学者——25岁的泡利。泡利的不相容原理可以这样表述:一个原子中,任何两个轨道电子的4个量子数不能完全相同。 不相容原理并没有立刻呈现出它的价值,可是泡利的才华却因此而得到社会的承认。1928年,他被任命为苏黎世联邦工学院教授;1935年,他应邀前往美国讲学。1940年在美国普林斯顿高级研究所工作。此间,他还以科学的预见预言了中微子的存在,获得普朗克奖章。直到泡利提出不相容理论20年后的1945年,这个理论的正确性和它产生的广泛深远的影响才得以确认。不相容原理被称为量子力学的主要支柱之一,是自然界的基本定律,它使得当时所知的许多有关原子结构的知识变得条理化。人们可以利用泡利引入的第四个、表示电子自旋的量子数,把各种元素的电子按壳层和支壳层排列起来,并根据元素性质主要取决于最外层的电子数(价电子数)这一理论,对门捷列夫元素周期律给以科学的解释。 泡利于1946年加入美国国籍,是美国科学发展协会的创始人之一。 泡利的主要成就是在量子力学、量子场论和基本粒子理论方面,特别是泡利不相容原理的建立和β衰变中的中微子假说等,对理论物理学的发展做出了重要贡献。1945年,泡利因他在1925年即25岁时的“发现不相容原理”,获诺贝尔物理学奖。他把一生投入了科学研究,34岁才结婚。1958年,不幸病逝。
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sometimes naive谁说的

莎士比亚说的。全句为too young, too simple, sometimes naive。意思为太年轻了,太简单,有时太天真。莎士比亚:威廉·莎士比亚(英语:William Shakespeare,1564年4月23日—1616年4月23日),英国文艺复兴时期剧作家、诗人。1564年4月23日,出生于英国沃里克郡斯特拉福镇。1571年—1579年,进入斯特拉福文法学校读书。1587年,开始演员生涯,并开始尝试写剧本。1591年,创作的戏剧《亨利六世中篇》《亨利六世下篇》首演。1592年,创作的戏剧《理查三世》首演。1595年,创作的戏剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《仲夏夜之梦》首演。1596年,创作的戏剧《威尼斯商人》首演。 1601年,创作的戏剧《哈姆雷特》首演,引起文坛关注。1603年,创作的戏剧《奥赛罗》首演。1605年,创作的戏剧《李尔王》首演。1606年,创作的戏剧《麦克白》首演。1614年,离开伦敦,返回故乡。1616年4月23日,在故乡去世。
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用“天”有两个含义。当我们谈论的天数在一年内,我们使用的是“天”是指24小时。但是,当我们谈论白天与黑夜,我们使用的是“天”的意思之间的时间日出和日落。由于地球看起来像一个球,太阳可以照只有一半的时间。总是有一半的地球是有一天,另一半晚上。一个地方从一天到晚上,从昨晚到今天,多了纺纱(旋转)的地球。在赤道(赤道)白天和黑夜,有时同样的长度(长度) 。他们是每12小时。太阳升起在6点钟在早上和套在6点钟在傍晚。六个月北极倾斜(倾斜)走向阳光。在这几个月北半球(半球)越来越多小时的阳光南半球。天长于夜。赤道以南夜长于天。其他6个月的北极倾斜远离太阳。然后南半球获得了更多的阳光。天长于夜。赤道以北夜长于天。冬季是本赛季的漫长的夜晚。夏季是本赛季的长期天。我翻译的好辛苦啊!!
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1945年诺贝尔物理学奖泡利 ——泡利不相容原理泡利1945年诺贝尔物理学奖授予美国新泽西州普林斯顿大学的奥地利物理学家泡利(Wolfgang Pauli,1900-1958),以表彰他发现所谓泡利不相容原理。不相容原理是原子理论中重要的原理,是1925年1月由泡利提出的。这一原理可以表述为:对于完全确定的量子态来说,每一量子态不可能存在多于一个粒子。泡利后来用量子力学理论处理了h/4p自旋问题,引入了二分量波函数的概念和所谓的泡利自旋矩阵。通过泡利等人对量子场的研究,人们认识到只有自旋为半径整数的 粒子(即费米子)才受不相容原理的限制,从而确立了自旋统计关系。
2023-07-14 20:12:281


DNF安全模式如何解除、、、 有个小方法,只要你不是整天出省,就绝对好用。 登陆游戏后,什么也不要点,如果有二级密码,就先解除密码,解除以后就不要动,城镇里面转转也可以,就是不要点东西。等1分钟,然后去刷图。 单刷,如果你不嫌浪费疲劳可以刷洛兰,刷图过程不要捡东西,刷完图,让系统自己翻牌,然后点返回城镇。然后回到赛利亚的小屋,随便卖件白装。 你就会发现,安全模式没了。千万要注意的是,如果在一台电脑已经安全模式了,那么你用这个方法是没用的。这种方法适用于你在省内临时变换登陆地点时使用,成功率在99%以上,不会可以再PM我。回答完毕。 请问下DNF如何解除 安全模式 要详细点的 谢谢~(≥▽≤)/~啦啦啦! 这个我最懂 有三种方式1.QQ令牌(花人民币买,哪有卖的我还不知道) 2.手机令牌(有品牌、有型号的好手机才能下载手机令牌,我没有) 3.短信解除安全模式(强烈推荐) 进QQ安全中心官网aq.qq 用手机绑定好你地下城的QQ 登陆游戏再出那个框时,你就点解除安全模式,点发送短信解除安全模式,再根据提示发送一条短信就OK 只要你不解绑手机就不会出现那个烦人的框了! QQ密保问题忘记就不好办了 只有申诉了 步步高什么型号,我估计不行 你上网好好查查支持手机令牌的手机型号吧 实在没法,你就先别上游戏,过一段时间再上游戏,那个框有时候出来有时候不出来,等不出来你再玩游戏吧(不过很麻烦 没准过一会就出来那个框) DNF怎样解除安全模式? 方法1、修改成常用电脑的MAC 和 IP 方法2、先异地登陆发现安全后,同时登QQ,并挂2小时以上。而DNF等12小时后再登。如果12小时后还是安全,那就打客服狂骂。 方法3、弄个手机令,反正是免费的,有手机就OK。 方法4、第1步:进入1次游戏退出再上游戏 第2步:选择10线随便卖1样东西会提示安全模式! 第3步:从新选择11线随便卖1样东西看看能不能解除, 能就当然好。不能的进行第4步! 第4步:从新选择06线随便卖1样东西,这样就能解除了! 方法5、第一步。要这个号没有出现过安全模式。 就是你没有上过 然后你就进号。像平常一样进号。 进到角色那赶快返回。 返回了赶快进角色 这样来回个3-4遍就可以 DNF安全模式特点: 玩家无需手动进入安全模式,当系统检测到您的帐号存在被盗风险时,会自动使帐号进入安全模式。 在安全模式下,您的游戏功能不会受到影响,且安全模式是在服务器实现,不占用客户端资源,所以不会影响用户客户端的游戏速度,但交易、丢弃、销毁等敏感操作将会受到限制,最大程度上保障您的道具、装备的安全! 什么情况下会进入DNF安全模式? 当您的帐号在非常用登录地点进行登录时; 当您在有木马或病毒的电脑上登录过帐号,可能会造成您的帐号丢失时。 安全模式下的操作规定 进入安全模式的用户在安全模式解除之前只能进行:登录、移动、打怪、聊天、切换地图、复活等非敏感操作。 不能进行的操作包括:交易、丢弃、销毁等所有涉及虚拟物品的操作。 DNF安全模式解除流程图文版: 进入游戏界面后: 触发敏感操作后提示,点击确定解除按钮: 点确认解除后进入安全模式页面: 帐号登陆(必须为进入安全模式的帐号): 选择解除方式: a)点击QQ令牌,弹出QQ令牌验证框: b)点击手机令牌,弹出手机令牌验证框: c)点击密保手机,弹出密保手机验证框: 验证成功,验证框自动关闭,游戏中出现以下界面。(验证失败,验证框会给出相应的错误提示): dnf怎样解除安全模式啊 随便绑定一个密保 然后设置绑定就可以了! 如何解除安全模式? 1. 您可以通过点击“解除安全模式”按钮,在跳转到的页面上验证密保手机、QQ令牌、手机令牌中的任意一种来解除安全模式。 2. 如果您没有密保手机、QQ令牌或手机令牌,请您登录腾讯安全中心官方网页 绑定以上三种密保手段至少一种, 并设置DNF登录保护,操作完成后,请您重新登录游戏,正常情况下,安全模式会自动解除。 注:一代保用户进行以上操作可能涉及先升级二代密保操作。 3. 如果您做了以上操作后,依然解除不了安全模式,请您核实: 您在游戏是否使用了代理、加速、外挂等软件,如果有请关闭此类软件后重试。 4. 除此之外,您进入安全模式后,所有的游戏内行为都会被系统实时监控并进行分析,如果系统判断您的行为没有异常, 一段时间(根据具体情况,时长不定)后会自动帮您解除安全模式。 dnf安全模式怎样解除 方法1、修改成常用电脑的MAC 和 IP 方法2、先异地登陆发现安全后,同时登QQ,并挂2小时以上。 而DNF等12小时后再登。如果12小时后还是安全,那就打客服狂骂。 方法3、弄个手机令,反正是免费的,有手机就OK。 方法4、第1步:进入1次游戏退出再上游戏 第2步:选择10线随便卖1样东西会提示安全模式! 第3步:从新选择11线随便卖1样东西看看能不能解除, 能就当然好。 不能的进行第4步! 第4步:从新选择06线随便卖1样东西,这样就能解除了! 方法5、第一步。要这个号没有出现过安全模式。 就是你没有上过 然后你就进号。像平常一样进号。 进到角色那赶快返回。 返回了赶快进角色 这样来回个3-4遍就可以 DNF安全模式特点: 玩家无需手动进入安全模式,当系统检测到您的帐号存在被盗风险时,会自动使帐号进入安全模式。 在安全模式下,您的游戏功能不会受到影响,且安全模式是在服务器实现,不占用客户端资源,所以不会影响用户客户端的游戏速度,但交易、丢弃、销毁等敏感操作将会受到限制,最大程度上保障您的道具、装备的安全! 什么情况下会进入DNF安全模式? 当您的帐号在非常用登录地点进行登录时; 当您在有木马或病毒的电脑上登录过帐号,可能会造成您的帐号丢失时。 安全模式下的操作规定 进入安全模式的用户在安全模式解除之前只能进行:登录、移动、打怪、聊天、切换地图、复活等非敏感操作。 不能进行的操作包括:交易、丢弃、销毁等所有涉及虚拟物品的操作。 DNF安全模式解除流程图文版: 进入游戏界面后: 触发敏感操作后提示,点击确定解除按钮: 点确认解除后进入安全模式页面: 帐号登陆(必须为进入安全模式的帐号): 选择解除方式: a)点击QQ令牌,弹出QQ令牌验证框: b)点击手机令牌,弹出手机令牌验证框: c)点击密保手机,弹出密保手机验证框: 验证成功,验证框自动关闭,游戏中出现以下界面。 (验证失败,验证框会给出相应的错误提示):。 2017年dnf安全模式到底怎么解除 2017年 第一步:点击确定接触按钮 进入游戏界面,在游戏中触发了敏感操作,会自动进入安全模式,会出现如图所示的提示框,点击“确定解除”。 第二步:登录游戏账号 点击确定解除后,进入安全模式界面,按照要求请先登录自己的游戏账号。 第三步:选择解除方式 登录账号后,要选择接触方式,接触方式有以下几种: 1、QQ令牌验证 点击QQ令牌,弹出QQ令牌验证框,手机绑定了QQ令牌的,输入动态密码,点击确定即可。 2、密保手机验证 如果没有绑定QQ令牌的,但是QQ号绑定了手机,可以选择密保手机解除。点击密保手机,弹出密保手机验证框,按要求发送验证短信,输入验证码,点击“确定”即可。 3、手机令牌验证 如果绑定了手机令牌,直接点击手机令牌,弹出手机令牌验证框,在手机令牌上可以看到动态密码,输入动态密码,点击确定即可。 4 第四步:验证成功 通过以上任何一种验证方式验证后,再次回到游戏画面,就可以看到游戏提示“您的账户已经成功退出安全模式”,可以在游戏中正常的运用交易、丢弃、销毁等操作了。 dnf安全模式怎么解 相比腾讯贵公司也听说了关于很多安全模式的负面影响,为什么玩家会自动进入安全模式,大家都明白安全模式是为了帐号安全,但是如果在游戏里打个装备连商店都卖不了,还让玩家怎么玩,解除还要必须购买实体密保卡,不然手机一次一毛钱。这叫什么事,这难道也是腾讯一种收费的方式吗。 你们知道因为这个安全模式DNF离开了多少人吗,自从安全模式出来之后5173帐号交易量明显大增,代理商腾讯你自己想想,玩个游戏,每次还要花钱解密保,打个破装备还只能扔掉,游戏之间无法交易,你让玩家怎么玩。 最重要的一点,你凭什么自动给玩家安全模式,难道玩家没自主选择权吗,要是玩家不需要还必须花钱解除吗。 最后我指向说一句,腾讯公司,你只是代理商,但是现在你却拿着代理的牌子进行游戏垄断,你很令大部分玩家失望,或许现在还有很多玩家在你代理的游戏里挥霍着钱财,但是相信你这样选择的路不会长久。 dnf安全模式怎么解除? 为了更好的保护广大玩家的虚拟物品安全,我们推出了新的安全策略“DNF安全模式”!当您的帐号处于高风险状态时,将会自动进入安全模式。在此模式下,您的账号不可进行交易、丢弃、销毁等可能导致您的虚拟物品减少或消失的操作,除非您验证可信的高级密保手段哦。 DNF安全模式是腾讯公司推出的一种游戏虚拟物品安全保护策略。当帐号处于安全模式时,该账号在游戏内进行交易、丢弃、销毁等敏感操作将会受到限制。 自动检测防风险帐号安全有保障 “安全模式”为高风险帐号提供专门的保护。当盗号者通过非法手段取得玩家账号、密码后,往往会登录玩家账号,将有价值的物品转移到到其他账号上。如果系统发现玩家帐号具有被盗特征,比如最近曾在中了木马或病毒的电脑上登录过,并且本次登录不是玩家的常用登录地点,则系统默认该帐号为高风险帐号,使之进入安全模式。在安全模式下,账号的交易、丢弃、销毁物品等敏感操作将受到限制,从而最大程度减轻盗号对玩家造成的损失,起到保护玩家虚拟物品的作用。与此同时,在安全模式下,玩家的游戏功能不会受到影响,且安全模式是在服务器端实现,不占用客户端资源,所以不会影响玩家客户端的游戏速度,只针对交易、丢弃、销毁等敏感操作进行限制,保障您的道具、装备的安全! DNF安全模式怎么解除,dnf取消安全模式 DNF安全模式是腾讯公司推出的一种游戏虚拟物品安全保护策略。当帐号处于安全模式时,该账号在游戏内进行交易、丢弃、销毁等敏感操作将会受到限制。DNF安全模式解除流程: 进入游戏界面后: 触发敏感操作后提示,点击确定解除按钮: 点确认解除后进入安全模式页面: 帐号登陆(必须为进入安全模式的帐号): 选择解除方式: a)点击QQ令牌,弹出QQ令牌验证框: b)点击手机令牌,弹出手机令牌验证框: c)点击密保手机,弹出密保手机验证框: 验证成功,验证框自动关闭,游戏中出现以下界面。(验证失败,验证框会给出相应的错误提示): 地下城安全模式怎么解啊 帐号发生异常,并被系统保护处于安全模式后,需要解除安全模式时,您可以: 1、您可以通过点击“解除安全模式”按钮,在跳转到的页面上验证密保手机、QQ令牌、手机令牌中的任意一种来解除安全模式; 2、如果您没有密保手机、QQ令牌或手机令牌,请您登录腾讯安全中心官方网页绑定以上三种密保手段至少一种,并设置DNF登录保护,操作完成后,请您重新登录游戏,正常情况下,安全模式会自动解除; 温馨提示:一代密保用户进行以上操作可能涉及先升级二代密保的操作。 3、如果您做了以上操作后,依然解除不了安全模式,请您核实:您在游戏是否使用了代理、加速、外挂等软件,如果有请关闭此类软件后重试; 4、除此之外,您进入安全模式后,所有的游戏内行为都会被系统实时监控并进行分析,如果系统判断您的行为没有异常,一段时间(根据具体情况,时长不定)后会自动帮您解除安全模式。 DNF出安全模式怎么解除? 给楼主说个很简单的方法。我的两个号都是这样解除的! "进游戏之前去改下QQ密码,然后进入游戏,系统会提示说你的QQ密码刚被改过出于安全需要,要你从新登陆。然后就把你T了出来。接着再次进入就可以了。如果第一次不行,就过半个小时再来一次。 说说我吧。用这个方法我1次就解除了一个账号。第二个账号我试了好几次都没成功(估计是我失败后没有=半个小时再试吧)。然后我第二天又试了一次,结果就成功了。 我不会为了分就骗你说用了我的方法很简单就可以解除。我觉得这方法也需要一些运气。但是我保证我的确是用这种方法解除安全模式的。 如果楼主解除成功的话,就请采纳吧!
2023-07-14 20:12:291


amazing .i beleive i can play
2023-07-14 20:12:3215

哪种句式中加more than不是比较级?

more...than... 在这种句型里,more + 形容词或副词并不构成形容词或副词的比较级,这个结构有一个很突出的特点,就是不能以形容词或副词的比较级后缀形式出现. 在这种结构中,more...than...不仅可以跟形容词并用,也可以跟名词、代词、动词、介词短语等并用. He is more a teacher than a student. 如其说他是学生,倒不如说他是老师. He is more good than bad 如其说他坏,倒不如说他好。 It is more a poem than a picture. 如其说这是一幅画,倒不如说是一首诗. I was more angry than frightened. 如其说我害怕,不如说我生气了.
2023-07-14 20:12:171

想要修改在agoda app上预订的酒店信息怎么操作?

2023-07-14 20:12:131

跪求rocket man的吉他谱~!

2023-07-14 20:12:122


1. 文言文中“斜”的意思 有此一说是 :根据古今音变 ,文言文和旧体诗词中的“斜”、“衰”、“回”、“胜”等字,应统统按照普通话的读音去读,方为正确。 此说差也。 在统编中学教材高一册《诵读的要领》知识短文中如是说:“一般说来,读音要以现代字典上的普通话标音为准,不是有特定要求的,不要再读古音。至于一些异读字,则要根据具体情况处理。” 根据这一原则,我们应该这样理解:只要是不影响文字的表达和含义的情况下,我们是可以按照普通话的读音去读的,但是,如果影响了其文字的意义和表达,那就应该“根据具体情况处理”了。 如像上面提及的诗词中的那些字词 ,就应当 “根据具体情况处理”,也就是说应该照顾和考虑到古诗词的音韵和平仄的“具体情况”来确定其读音。 高中教材里面,苏轼的《念奴娇.赤壁怀古》、柳永的《雨霖霖.寒蝉凄切》两词中,就有此情况。 《念奴娇.赤壁怀古》中的“早生华发”的“华”,柳永的《雨霖霖.寒蝉凄切》中“执手相看泪眼”的“看”和“更与何人说”的“说”,就应当按古音分别读作“华(hua)”、“看(kan)”、“说(yue)”,而不应读作“华(hua)”、“看(kan)”、“说(shuo)”。 “早生华发”句 ,根据 《念奴娇》 的平仄, 此处应是“仄仄平平”,“华”在此应是平声,这方才合乎词牌格律。如读为上声,就不合格律了。 同样,《雨霖霖》中“执手相看泪眼”句,其平仄为“仄仄平平仄”,“更与何人说”处 ,应为“仄仄平平仄” 。根据词牌格律,“相看” 处的 “看”、“何人说” 处的 “说”,自然应念 “ 看kan)”和“说(yue)”。 确定相应诗词中的字音读法,关键问题是,一定要考虑这些字在诗词中的位置和作用。如果仅片面地理解按照现代规范的普通话去确定读音,那么这些诗词就既不合辙又不押韵了,而我们在阅读这些诗词的时候,就不会享受到原来诗词中音韵的曲折回环铿锵之美,这样,势必影响了我们对这些作品的认识与理解,也影响了我们对作品的欣赏、领悟,作品的审美价值也就大大地打了折扣。 怎样根据普通话的读音来确定其古诗文中的一些异读字呢?很简单,那就是在不影响文词的表达和文意的时候,就可以按照普通话的读音去念。 如在《敕勒川》中,“天苍苍,野茫茫”句,照古音“野”应读作“ya”,在此如果按照今音读作“ye”,并不影响其表达及意义,故完全可以从今音。 如 《阿房宫赋》 中的“阿房”二字, 就可以不再按照古音读作“e pang ”,而取今天读音读作“a fang ”,因为在这里不论读作何音,既不影响其意义,也不影响音韵平仄。 又如“互文见义”中的“文”、“见”,本应读作“wei ”和“xian”,随着时间的推移,人们都读作了“wen”和“jian”, 约定俗成,大家都能理解,所以现在就都读为了“互文(wen)见(jian)义”。 我们在根据有关的规定对文言和古诗词进行阅读的时候 , 应该“根据具体情况处理”,而不是一味地生搬硬套。宁信度,而不信脚,不亦惑乎! 2. 文言文中的斜字是何意思 敲侧)。不正当,不正之气) 同“邪”;斜气(邪气,不正派 [evil]。如:斜局(指行止心态不正常):斜酒(舀酒) 侧着移动,向偏离正中或正前方的方向移动 [edge] 门子才斜签着坐下。——《葫芦僧判断葫芦案》 飞腾暮景斜。——《杜位宅守岁》 又如:斜签(侧着身子)。——清· 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》 斜风细雨。——唐· 张志和《渔歌子》 青山郭外斜;斜径(歪斜的小路) 同“邪”〈动〉 (形声。从斗,余声:“师父万一心斜;斜柯(倾侧。不专诚 [heretical] 又想,抒也。——《说文》 又如,歪斜 [oblique。——唐· 孟浩然《过故人庄》 烟斜雾横。——唐· 杜牧《阿房宫赋》 又如:斜月三星(心字的隐喻);斜射路(抄近路在田中踩踏出来的斜道);斜刺(斜刺里);tilted] 明月斜挂;slanting;inclined;斜躺(斜着下垂) 〈形〉 不正。本义:用斗倒出) 舀出 [ladle out] 斜,走到西方,亦无用处 3. 文言文中“斜”的意思 有此一说是 :根据古今音变 ,文言文和旧体诗词中的“斜”、“衰”、“回”、“胜”等字,应统统按照普通话的读音去读,方为正确。 此说差也。 在统编中学教材高一册《诵读的要领》知识短文中如是说:“一般说来,读音要以现代字典上的普通话标音为准,不是有特定要求的,不要再读古音。 至于一些异读字,则要根据具体情况处理。” 根据这一原则,我们应该这样理解:只要是不影响文字的表达和含义的情况下,我们是可以按照普通话的读音去读的,但是,如果影响了其文字的意义和表达,那就应该“根据具体情况处理”了。 如像上面提及的诗词中的那些字词 ,就应当 “根据具体情况处理”,也就是说应该照顾和考虑到古诗词的音韵和平仄的“具体情况”来确定其读音。 高中教材里面,苏轼的《念奴娇.赤壁怀古》、柳永的《雨霖霖.寒蝉凄切》两词中,就有此情况。 《念奴娇.赤壁怀古》中的“早生华发”的“华”,柳永的《雨霖霖.寒蝉凄切》中“执手相看泪眼”的“看”和“更与何人说”的“说”,就应当按古音分别读作“华(hua)”、“看(kan)”、“说(yue)”,而不应读作“华(hua)”、“看(kan)”、“说(shuo)”。 “早生华发”句 ,根据 《念奴娇》 的平仄, 此处应是“仄仄平平”,“华”在此应是平声,这方才合乎词牌格律。 如读为上声,就不合格律了。 同样,《雨霖霖》中“执手相看泪眼”句,其平仄为“仄仄平平仄”,“更与何人说”处 ,应为“仄仄平平仄” 。 根据词牌格律,“相看” 处的 “看”、“何人说” 处的 “说”,自然应念 “ 看kan)”和“说(yue)”。 确定相应诗词中的字音读法,关键问题是,一定要考虑这些字在诗词中的位置和作用。 如果仅片面地理解按照现代规范的普通话去确定读音,那么这些诗词就既不合辙又不押韵了,而我们在阅读这些诗词的时候,就不会享受到原来诗词中音韵的曲折回环铿锵之美,这样,势必影响了我们对这些作品的认识与理解,也影响了我们对作品的欣赏、领悟,作品的审美价值也就大大地打了折扣。 怎样根据普通话的读音来确定其古诗文中的一些异读字呢?很简单,那就是在不影响文词的表达和文意的时候,就可以按照普通话的读音去念。 如在《敕勒川》中,“天苍苍,野茫茫”句,照古音“野”应读作“ya”,在此如果按照今音读作“ye”,并不影响其表达及意义,故完全可以从今音。 如 《阿房宫赋》 中的“阿房”二字, 就可以不再按照古音读作“e pang ”,而取今天读音读作“a fang ”,因为在这里不论读作何音,既不影响其意义,也不影响音韵平仄。 又如“互文见义”中的“文”、“见”,本应读作“wei ”和“xian”,随着时间的推移,人们都读作了“wen”和“jian”, 约定俗成,大家都能理解,所以现在就都读为了“互文(wen)见(jian)义”。 我们在根据有关的规定对文言和古诗词进行阅读的时候 , 应该“根据具体情况处理”,而不是一味地生搬硬套。 宁信度,而不信脚,不亦惑乎。 4. 人生五境 文言文翻译 《人生五境》 天下不堪回首之境有五:哀逝过旧游处,悯乱说太平事,垂老忆新婚时,花发(发读一声)向陌头长别,觉(二声)来觅梦中奇遇。 未免有情感均顽艳矣。然以情之最恶者言之:不若遗老吊故国山河,商妇话当年车马,尤为悲悯可怜。 天下让人无法忍受的境界有五种:1悼念逝去的日子,却经过了以前曾经游玩过的地方,2为动乱而担心。遇到动乱时想起太平的生活。 3临近老年的时候回忆新婚之时。4春天百花盛开却和心爱的人长久分别。 5一觉醒来,寻觅梦中离奇经历。然而要从感情最糟糕的方面来说,哪种都比不上前朝旧臣凭吊失去的祖国山河。 年华不在的歌女,说起当年车水马龙的经历,尤其让人悲伤,让人怜悯。回答人地址:群英街“首脑国际造型设计”斜对面。 教师:小东东。 5. 文言文翻译 当初刘表对韩嵩说:“现在天下大乱,不知道什么时候才能安定,曹操在许都拥天子而令天下诸侯,你去许都一探虚实。”韩嵩说:“圣人能够洞悉通达节操 ,甚至可以超越它的束缚而不受拘泥。贤者只能坚守节操。我韩嵩,只是能够坚守节操的人。如果此去许都,天子要委我以官职,君臣的名分确定下来,我会以死相守(而不再是你的部下);现在我还是你的部下,只会听从你的命令,就是赴汤蹈火也在所不辞。据我的观察,曹操非常睿智英明,一定能造福天下苍生。将军如能顺应天子,并归顺曹公(当时是合法 *** 的代表),一定能享受很长时间的利益,荆州也会因此受到保护,如果是这样,可以派我去许都完成这项任务;如果你还犹豫不定,派我去许都,加入天子要委我以官职,我就成为天子的臣子,而只是你过去的部下 ,成为天子的臣子就要为天子着想,遵从天子的命令,再也不会为你卖命了。请你三思,不要到时候又后悔。"刘表叫他出使京师(其实就是同意了韩嵩的说法),结果果然是韩嵩说的那样,天子授予韩嵩侍中和零陵太守之职,回来后不断称道朝廷、曹操之德。刘表却以为其怀贰心,召集了数百名幕僚下属(杀鸡儆猴,以儆效尤),摆下军士,非常愤怒,拿出节杖(韩嵩已是天子之臣,所以要拿尚方宝剑一类的东西才能斩)要斩韩嵩。属僚们大惊,都要韩嵩谢罪。韩嵩不为所动对刘表说:“是将军违背了当初的诺言,我并没有背叛将军!” (二)韩嵩是一个有智慧而狡猾的人。刘表以前和袁绍通好,而曹操才控制了天子称雄诸侯,袁绍抵不过曹操,是所有人都知道的,所以杜袭、繁钦、王粲这些人,整天都想着归顺曹操以博取功名。韩嵩也是,韩嵩劝刘表归顺曹操,明确告诉刘表袁绍和曹操之间谁将胜、谁将败,而评论的人都说是这是韩嵩拥戴汉天子,这样评价韩嵩有些过高了。 韩嵩自己非常急迫的想去许都,而故意迟迟不肯去,他和刘表约定说:“会坚守天子的命令,不再为将军出生入死。”先为自己想好了退路,把刘表玩弄与股掌之上。(装作)很坚决的推辞,不肯去许都,就等着刘表强迫他去,达到自己的目的而回来,当面挫辱刘表而刘表不能杀他,这也是陈珪用过的伎俩,而韩嵩玩得更好。 刘表愚钝士人纷纷离他而去,曹操奸巧士人都来归附。用两千石的俸禄和广陵太守遂了陈珪的欲求,用侍中和零陵太守的官职满足了韩嵩的要求;陈珪和韩嵩的计策得以实现,而吕布和刘表的灭亡也是因为这样啊。这两个人,阴险狡诈的可以了,怎么能将他们算作汉室的忠臣啊!
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泡利最重要的成就是泡利原理   泡利不相容原理(Pauli"s exclusion principle 又称泡利原理、不相容原理):指在原子中不能容纳运动状态完全相同的电子。一个原子中不可能有电子层、电子亚层、电子云伸展方向和自旋方向完全相同的两个电子。如氦原子的两个电子,都在第一层(K层),电子云形状是球形对称、只有一种完全相同伸展的方向,自旋方向必然相反。每一轨道中只能容纳自旋相反的两个电子,每个电子层中可能容纳轨道数是n个、每层最多容纳电子数是2n个。
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boyfriend的意思:男朋友。boyfriend,英语词汇,意思是男朋友,情郎。随着恋爱的发展,男朋友在人们心中的概念从单一的男性朋友发展到了情侣中男性一方。如今人们对“男朋友”的理解:“他是和你有恋爱关系的男性”。它指的是恋爱中男性一方,可以用于异性恋、男同性恋或双性恋者上,而相对用于女性的名词则为女朋友。男朋友通常指情侣中男性一方,男性朋友通常指男女之间的友谊关系,男朋友与男性朋友,相差一字即为不同情感。My boyfriend used to call me a fat slob.我男朋友过去常常叫我“邋遢的懒小胖”。While waiting for the Boston Marathon to start, my boyfriend and I pondered why we run these races.在等待波士顿马拉松比赛开始时,我和男友正反思我们为什么要跑这些比赛。
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