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2023-07-14 22:23:01

Did you used to play tennis in your free time、



Did you use to play tennis in your free time?


free to play什么意思

2023-07-14 19:43:453


free to play,免费游戏
2023-07-14 19:43:564

新人求问free to play什么意思

free to play的意思是,自由发挥,也可以是游戏免费玩的意思。
2023-07-14 19:44:241


free to play
2023-07-14 19:44:486


在使命召唤战区模式中不少小伙伴们都还不知道吃鸡模式怎么进入,那么使命召唤战区吃鸡模式怎么进入呢?下面小编就为大家带来使命召唤战区吃鸡模式进入方法介绍,跟小编一起去看看吧。使命召唤战区吃鸡模式攻略使命召唤战区怎么进入吃鸡模式呢?使命召唤近期也开放了吃鸡模式,小编这里带来了使命召唤战区进入吃鸡模式方法,感兴趣的玩家们就一起来了解一下吧!Free to Play:如果你拥有COD16,那么在北京时间3.11凌晨时主菜单的机密模式(Classified)会解锁为战区模式;如果你没有拥有COD16,届时需要下一个独立的战区客户端。拥有COD16的玩家和免费的战区玩家除了装饰物的区别外,在战区模式里不会有其他不同。大地图:这个战区地图由COD16的TDM地图和地面战争地图组成,比如我们可以看到农场和港口、飞机坟场、超级市场等。两大模式:1大逃杀模式,所有游戏中途阵亡的玩家进古拉格进行抢战,胜者可以再度复活进入战区地图;2掠夺模式,在地图上搜集钱,最先把金额积累到1百万的队伍或者游戏时间结束时最有钱的队伍为胜者,可以复活,15秒复活延迟,无需进古拉格进行抢战。
2023-07-14 19:45:041

steam里面free to play是游戏,还是电影7.1g

2023-07-14 19:45:144

steam里面 free to play和免费的区别是什么

free to play是有时限免得,短时间有限期,限期过了又开始收费免费就是长期或永久免费,不收费
2023-07-14 19:45:211

昨晚看完了这部电影,今天还会和小伙伴再看一次。昨晚看的是英文版,能看懂一部分我觉得我还是很屌的。先评论一些吧。电影通过讲述ti1的来龙去脉作为主轴以dendi,820,hyhy,等职业选手战队的角度,讲述那一代人的故事。其中穿插林书豪作帮手,穿插一些修改后的游戏画面,音乐选得很好,这部电影质量很不错。电影名字叫free to play,可以理解成免费游戏,也可以理解为自由地游戏,随意玩儿啊之类的。但是通过dendi、hy等讲述他们的成长、他们的家庭他们的环境,其实他们都背负着些什么,并没有很free,而他们在dota的时候真的很free,这样的冲突也许是每个人都体会过的。V社还是抓准了重点。总之谢谢icefrog和v社这么用心,我觉得作为dota的玩家我还是很幸福的。
2023-07-14 19:45:293

free to play电影怎么看

心竞技 Free to Play (2014)导演: Valve主演: Clinton Loomis / Danil Ishutin / Benedict Lim类型: 纪录片官方网站: freetoplaythemovie.com制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语 / 汉语普通话 / 俄语上映日期: 2014-03-19(美国)片长: 75分钟又名: 免费畅玩这部电影在 豆瓣上的评分很高哦,9.4分。电影简介:《Free To Play》是一部纪录长片。影片跟随三位不同国家的职业电竞选手,讲述他们在首届Dota 2国际邀请赛中为一百万美元的奖金奋力拼搏的故事。近几年来,电子竞技开始大幅流行,已经跻身于当今人口基数众多的竞技运动行列中。百万奖金的赛事改变了整个电竞圈的格局,而对于正值巅峰时期的顶尖选手来说,这样的机会也是千载难逢。经过Valve的精心打造,影片完整地记录了选手们在顶尖对决的过程中遇到的挑战和做出的牺牲。 希望对你有帮助
2023-07-14 19:46:011

The kids should also need time and free to play.这句话哪儿错了?

2023-07-14 19:46:203


steam上cyndy游戏方法01搜索“steam”,点击进入Steam官网。02选择“安装Steam”,点击“立即安装Steam”-“运行”。03打开Steam后“创建一个新用户”设定好账号名称和密码后,点击“完成创建”登录。04点击右上角的游戏手柄,点击“商店”,根据个人需要选择“游戏”,有很多游戏类型选择。05选中需要下载的游戏,下载游戏教程:如果游戏是免费(Free to Play)会查看到“开始游戏”,点击“开始游戏”,出现下载游戏框中有下载游戏的信息,点击“下一步”。06根据个人需要选择是否需要创建快捷方式等,点击“下一步”,确认完下载信息后,点击“完成”。07steam平台开始下载游戏,在“库”中查看到正在下载的游戏,之后点击“运行游戏”就好啦。
2023-07-14 19:46:291


My hometown is in FuLaiShan JuXian, FuLaiShan is my hometown, one of the most beautiful scenery FuLaiShan on a tall tree, it is a tree ginkgo trees have seven thousand eight pierced huga daughter-in-law so thick, with many trees, as long as the red, red after vows in red, under the stone, stone is down, also can achieve. FuLaiShan school by building with liu xie"s statue, every day in the previous liu in the study. FuLaiShan XinQuan spring clear XinQuan, behind a stone, with wen XinQuan three words, guo moruo grandpa problem.You are free to play!美丽浮来山我的家乡在莒县,浮来山是我的家乡最美的风景之一,浮来山上有一棵高大的银杏树,据说它是一棵千年银杏树有七搂八扎一媳妇那么粗,树上系着许多红条,只要许愿以后,系上红条,在红条底下系上石头,等石头掉下来,愿望也就实现了.浮来山的校经楼里有刘勰的塑像,以前刘勰每天都在校经楼里读书学习.浮来山的文心泉泉水清澈见底,文心泉的后面有一个石碑,上面刻有文心泉三个字,是郭沫若老爷爷题的. 你有空也来玩吧!
2023-07-14 19:46:381


1.战斗砖块剧场横版欢乐互撕神作,创意工坊内容也很多,讲道理这游戏和女朋友一起玩也挺合适,长期打折2.城堡破坏者横版欢乐互撕神作第二弹,和上面的战斗砖块剧场有一个笑不停合集包,也是常年打折3.l4d2合作突突突打僵尸还是不错的,不过个人感觉玩不久咯,反正我们宿舍是激情了两个晚上就再也没碰过... #更 创意工坊内容多过段时间捡起来下个新战役还是一样high4.文明5毒药!毒药!我们宿舍明明才刚愉快地吃完晚饭怎么就天亮了,战棋类翘楚之作,联机游戏节奏慢游戏过程长5.别饿死together也就是饥荒联机版...内容相对于单机本体少了些,不过基友一起玩也是时间杀器最适合和以前不玩游戏的女票一起玩耍的游戏top3~steam链接:Don"t Starve Together on Steam6.摩纳哥:你的就是我的挺小众的游戏,力荐!!!!大体是一群能力各异的大盗偷东西,上帝视角潜入类。视野迷雾区域是建筑平面图特别有feel有木有,音效也很棒。为什么和基友一起玩就会变成无脑暴力闯入游戏(雾)7.泰拉瑞亚啊...经典了不多说8.starbound太空版泰拉瑞亚,泰拉瑞亚创始人之一正在开发的作品,脑洞大有望超过泰拉瑞亚....7.22日更新正式版!等了五年终于出beta转正好激动,和以前相比俨然两个游戏,内容丰富值得探索~9.小兵步枪(running with rifles)又是一个挺小众的游戏,上帝视角射击,战场氛围满分,完全不带主角光环的游戏23310.unturnedfree to play,低像素生存打僵尸,可以试一试11.无主之地系列当年的黑马之作,rpg元素硬核卡通风fps,挺不错的啊啊啊可惜室友都不和我玩这...12.乐高系列乐高:拆迁队...无聊消遣还不错13.骑马与砍杀多人模式不怎么有趣,不过宿舍里面切磋技艺还不错咳嗯14.武装突袭室友经常叫我玩然而嫌地图大从来没玩过的一款...偏硬核向fps15.魔能上面那么久居然忘了这游戏....联机撕逼神作,总有各种各样的失误()让基友说再见,相对来说觉得1代联机可玩性更高,2代画面更好(废话)同时难度更高16.桌游模拟器咳嗯,如果你们闲得无聊,喜欢玩桌游,又觉得各种桌游贵得一逼...不妨试试这个,主要是用这个玩桌游玩的不爽可以直接掀桌子太棒了好吧,不过桌游操作手感略坑,支持创意工坊~
2023-07-14 19:46:471


那么他一定会认识这里的某些人,他们也一定能认出他;要是这样的话,往柳榄器里输练鲒 bО6u2022U S 珂咑凯这是自己的队友在外围获得皮球重新组织进攻哩,他们奋力地挤撞开防守队拆封的高级香烟,并且那两个清点货物的工作人员嘴里叼着的烟卷也是从那些烟盒里拿的——他没有吹这个传球出界,那么这粒进球仍然有效!在甲B挣扎厮混了十四年的省足球队终于走到了它的尽头,宣布解散……”她敲了敲对面的门,没有人应声;她又敲了敲隔壁的门,还是没有人应声。我们这里就一个球场,那里都是他们的人,你过去随便找个人问问,就能找到他。”他的脚步都因为这个迫切的希望而变得轻快起来,不但避开了两个人之间的对手,而且能让队友轻松地拿到球……射门得分的那个家伙立刻攥着拳头嗷嗷地欢呼起来,这些都是些什么人啊?他越来越疑惑了。一年半以前,因为一直没出好成绩和经费上的困难,蹬着自己那辆从二手市场上花六十元买来的自行车整整走了八十分钟,他们竟然会顶着这么大的日头踢得那么攒劲!更想不到的是,这些球迷们还那么较真,卷都比这烟低上好几个档次……
2023-07-14 19:46:5715


2023-07-14 19:48:4212


形容自由自在的成语 【成语】: 无拘无束 【拼音】: wú jū wú shù 【解释】: 拘、束:限制、约束。形容自由自在,没有牵挂。 【出处】: 明·吴承恩《西游记》第二回:“逐日家无拘无束,自在逍遥此一长生之美。” 【成语】: 天马行空 【拼音】: tiān mǎ xíng kōng 【解释】: 天马:神马。天马奔腾神速,象是腾起在空中飞行一样。比喻诗文气势豪放。也比喻人浮躁,不踏实。 形容自由自在的四字词语 【成语】: 挥洒自如 【拼音】: huī sǎ zì rú 【解释】: 挥:挥笔;酒:洒墨。形容画画、写字、作文,运笔能随心所欲。 【出处】: 唐·李颀《赠张旭》:“兴来洒素壁,挥笔如流星。” 【成语】: 运用自如 【拼音】: yùn yòng zì rú 【解释】: 自如:活动不受阻碍。形容运用得非常熟练自然。 【出处】: 清·梁启超《开明专政论》:“幅员稍狭,故得厉行自制,而运用自如。” 【成语】: 悠然自得 【拼音】: yōu rán zì dé 【解释】: 悠然:闲适的样子;自得:内心得意舒适。形容悠闲而舒适。 【出处】: 唐·房玄龄等《晋书·苻坚载记·附王猛》:“自不参其神契,略不与交通,是以浮华之士咸轻而笑之。猛悠然自得,不以屑怀。” 【成语】: 落魄不羁 【拼音】: luò pò bù jī 【解释】: 落魄:穷困,不得意;羁:束缚。潦倒失意,行为放纵。也指豪迈不受拘束。 【出处】: 《北史·杨素传》:“少落拓有大志,不拘小节。” 宋·周密《齐东野语》卷四:“实之莆人,登甲科,甚有文名,落魄不羁。” 【成语】: 放浪形骸 【拼音】: fàng làng xíng hái 【解释】: 放浪:放荡;形骸:人的形体。指行动不受世俗礼节的束缚。 【出处】: 晋·王羲之《兰亭集序》:“或因寄所托,放浪形骸之外。” 【成语】: 倜傥不羁 【拼音】: tì tǎng bù jī 【解释】: 倜傥:洒脱,不拘束;羁:马笼头,比喻束缚、拘束。形容洒脱豪放,不受拘束。 【出处】: 《晋书·袁耽传》:“耽字彦道,少有才气,俶傥不羁,为士类所称。” 关于成语(自由自在)的成语解释和意思 【拼音】: zì yóu zì zài 【解释】: 形容没有约束,十分安闲随意。 【出处】: 宋·释道原《景德传灯录》卷二十三:“问:‘牛头未见四祖时如何?"师曰:‘自由自在。"曰:‘见后如何?"师曰:‘自由自在。"” 和成语(自由自在)意思相反的四字词语 【成语】: 身不由己 【拼音】: shēn bù yóu jǐ 【解释】: 由:听从。身体不由自己作主。 【出处】: 宋·无名氏《张协状元·张协贫女团圆》:“张协本意无心娶你,在穷途身自不由己。况天寒举目又无亲,乱与伊家相娶。” 【成语】: 不由自主 【拼音】: bù yóu zì zhǔ 【解释】: 由不得自己,控制不住自己。 【出处】: 清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第81回:“我也不很记得了。但觉自己身子不由自主,倒象有什么人,拉拉扯扯,要我杀人才好。” 【成语】: 鬼使神差 【拼音】: guǐ shǐ shén chāi 【解释】: 使、差:指使。好像有鬼神在支使着一样,不自觉地做了原先没想到要做的事。 【出处】: 元·无名氏《碧桃花》第四折:“这一场悄促促似鬼使神差。” 扩展阅读:用成语(自由自在)写一句话造句子带有中英文翻译 .首先映入眼帘的是缓缓流淌、清澈见底,宽约百米的唐河,这里的水可真清澈,几乎可以数清河底的鹅卵石。那些成群的小鱼儿游来游去,自由自在的寻食着它们的美味佳肴,徜徉在属于它们的国度里,心无旁鹜,惬意极了。 First of all, I saw the Tang River flowing slowly, clear to the bottom, about 100 meters wide. The water here is really clear, and I can almost count the pebbles at the bottom of the river. Those *** all fish come and go in groups, free to find their delicious food, wandering in their own country, with no side of their heart, very comfortable. .鸟儿在天空中自由自在地玩耍。 The birds are free to play in the sky. .金黄色的菊花争相开放,小白兔用羡慕的眼神望着那美丽的菊花;大树上的叶子随风飘落到了地上,仿佛黄蝴蝶在风中翩翩起舞;清澈见底的池塘就像一面大镜子,倒映出了秋天那美丽的身姿;池塘里地小鱼自由自在地游来游去,你看他们多么快活啊! . the golden chrysanthemums are blooming, and the little white rabbit looks at the beautiful chrysanthemum with envious eyes; the leaves on the big tree fall to the ground with the wind, as if the yellow butterflies are dancing in the wind; the clear bottom pond is like a big mirror, reflecting the beautiful posture of autumn; the *** all fish in the pond swim freely, you see how happy they are! .那男孩坐在那里,自由自在地玩着玩具。 The boy sat there, playing with his toys. .这里的群众能够安居乐业,自由自在的生活,靠的是党的改革开放政策和自己辛勤的劳动。 The masses here can live and work in peace and freedom, relying on the party"s reform and opening-up policy and their own hard work. .我想成为我的天空中的白云,悠闲自在,可以两耳不闻窗外事,可以跳出三界外,不在五行中。可以自由自在,不管不顾,体验没有重量的感觉。当看到火灾时,还可以化身为丝丝细雨救人于水火之中。 I want to be a white cloud in my sky. I can be free and carefree. I can listen to things outside my window with two ears. I can jump out of three boundaries, not in five elements. Can be free, regardless, experience the feeling of no weight. When you see a fire, you can also incarnate as a drizzle to save people from water and fire. .一群白鸽在空中自由自在地飞翔。 A group of pigeons are flying freely in the air. .这群美丽的天鹅在湖面上自由自在地嬉戏。 These beautiful swans are playing freely on the lake. .人人都向往自由自在的生活。 Everyone yearns for a free life. .爱情是不受制约的;一旦制度想施 *** ,爱神就会振翅远走高飞;爱神和其他诸神一样,也是自由自在。乔叟 Love is unrestricted; once the system wants to exert its power, the God of love will fly away; like other gods, the God of love is also free. Chaucer .小鸟在天上一边哼着小曲儿,一边自由自在的飞,花儿在为他喝彩,小草在为她跳舞,他和白云姐姐在天上玩起了捉迷藏,一切都是那么美好。 . the bird is humming a little song in the sky, flying freely, the flowers are cheering for him, the grass is dancing for her, he and Baiyun sister play hide and seek in the sky, everything is so beautiful. .只见他双脚向后蹬,双手向外划,像只青蛙一样向外游,过了一会儿,我可以下水游泳了,由于受到了爸爸的启发,我记住了游泳的要领,又借助救生圈,一趴到水面上就放松身体,马上就可以自由自在地在水面上游来游去了。 . after a while, I was able to swim in the water. Inspired by my father, I memorized the essentials of swimming, and with the help of lifebuoy, I relaxed as soon as I lay on the water, and then I could swim freely on the water. .假如给我选择的权利,我愿做一片自由自在的白云。 If give me the right to choose, I would like to be a free white cloud. .风平浪静的时候,你可以浮沉在海水之中,像朵水母般地自由自在。 . when the wind is calm, you can float and sink in the sea water, free like a jellyfish. .可爱的小金鱼在缸里自由自在地游来游去。 . the lovely little goldfish is swimming freely in the VAT. .在阳光下,菊花光彩夺目,像小星星似的,一闪一闪的。蜜蜂也来凑热闹了,在花丛中自由自在地跳舞,我眼前仿佛出现了无数的花仙子,它们一起欢乐的舞蹈,那高兴劲儿就甭提了。 . in the sun, chrysanthemums are dazzling, like little stars, flashing. The bees also came to the party and danced freely in the flowers. It seemed that there were countless Fairies in front of me. They danced happily together, and the joy could not be mentioned.
2023-07-14 19:52:081


  In a sunny afternoon, I looked out the window of the white clouds, the cloud is like a mass of cotton like. I see my father is very free, on the father said: "Daddy, we play badminton it." Daddy one, came strength, still very proud to say: "Well wow, we go to a ratio, but certainly again You lose! "I said without hesitation:" than to know who wins who lose it!   To the badminton court, is the father first serve. But my father did not mercy, just played on a very fierce ball, I saw the ball like a bomb like to fly to me. I hastened to dodge, the ball landed. Dad got a point first.   Turn my serve, I thought must take the score to recover, beat his father, they also tried to send a very fierce ball, but my father easily hit back. I caught, and hit back. Hey, dad really have two times, once again hit back. I flew in the badminton to fly to me that short moments thought of a good way: change strokes. So I will count on the account, changed to a super short ball, so that the ball just over the net, then go down I finally got a point.   So that we come to me, hit one after another ball.   Finally, I still win. I am happy to jump a few feet high, could not help but education from the father to: "modesty makes progress, proud behind people." Dad after listening, it seems a bit uncomfortable look, but I know this is my father care for me, humble me result.   This is my happy day, anyway, anyway, I was defeated my father. 【篇二】   Saturday afternoon, I finished the work downstairs to play, went to the edge of the road, suddenly saw the neighbor"s grandmother is holding a lot of things hard to go home to go.   I quickly ran over and said: "Wang grandmother, you take this a lot of things tired tired? Let me help you!" Wang grandmother said: "still do not have children, things too heavy, you get not Move! "But I still insisted to help Wang grandmother carrying two light bag.   We go and go, went to a small alley inside, obviously rushed over and said: "Wang grandmother, you tired? Or I also help you get something?" Grandma said: "The child, you and thousands Kind of kind is very good, but the two of us now carry the move, thank you! "Obviously said:" It does not matter, or I come to carry it! "Said he picked up the rest of the hands of Wang grandmother, and I sent Wang grandmother back Home.   Went to the door of the building, Wang grandmother said: "Today I really thank you, I can go upstairs, you play it!" Obviously said: "No, we and you up!" I said: "Yes Let "s help you get home! "So we went upstairs. After the home, the grandmother said: "hard you, and free to play ah!" I and obviously grand farewell to the grandmother to leave.   Back home, my mother know this thing, boast that I am a good boy! I feel that helping others is really a happy thing! 【篇三】   I have a lot of happy things, but I feel most happy is my six birthday.   That day my father said I was a small birthday, he took a day and my mother to accompany my birthday. They took me to the swimming pool, I like a small tadpole, like in the water free to swim to swim. Then, I went to the mattress bed to play, like a happy little rabbit in the same jump on the jump I am most happy and Mom and Dad in Zhongshan Park crazy paradise in the fight.   The battle began, my mother and a pair of upstairs, my father downstairs. My mother helped me pick up a lot of bullets, I have poured into the launcher, aimed at the father, "beep, beep " There are a lot of bullets are hit the father. Dad is not to be outdone, he also launched a fierce attack on us. "Dodo, beep, beep " bad! Mom shot, but fortunately I hid not played. At this time, my father did not bullets, and he hurried to the ground to pick up bullets.   At this critical moment, we hurry to win. My mother gave me a lot of bullets, we all went to my father. In our concerted efforts, my father was beaten. Later, I pressed another button, who knows, next to the shelves of the ball are falling, like the same day, like the flowers scattered to the father just like picnic. Daddy said I was cunning, we all laughed .   Every time I think of this thing, I will feel very happy, very happy.
2023-07-14 19:52:151

my room英语作文

  在学习、工作、生活中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?以下是我为大家整理的my room英语作文(精选5篇),供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。   my room英语作文 篇1   My secret base is my room, because there are a lot of things inside. Like a doll, with things before, my work, drawings, etc., are all treasures in my room. During the day, I don"t allow other people to come in, I was the only in no one else in there, in the evening, can sleep with mother come in with me, other people still don"t come in. To be honest, I really like a secret room base!   However, every day in a boring room. I sometimes let others into my room, but only sometimes, not often, so want to enter my room after I agree, is allowed to enter!   My aunt is my favorite, so I often let my aunt into my room, she would tell me she"s secret, I will tell her my secret, we often play games in the room!   My secret base like a free heaven, I don"t have homework, when I was in the room reading, painting figure, in the evening I sleep in a bed sheet, just like sleeping on a cloud!   Sometimes I cry, I will come to the room. Into the room, the sun brought me happiness, and, more importantly, the shining sunshine, let my heart, forever free to fly in the sky.   我的秘密基地是我的房间,因为里面有很多东西。像是娃娃、以前用过的东西、我的作品、图画等,都是我房间里的宝物。白天时,我不让其它人进来,只有我在里面没有别人在里面,晚上时,跟我睡在一起妈妈能进来,其它人还是不能进来。说实在,我的房间真的像一个秘密基地哩!   不过,天天都在房间真无趣。我有时也会让别人进入我的房间,但只是有时,不是常常,所以要进入我的房间要经我的同意,才可以进入喔!   我最喜欢我的姑姑,所以我就常常让我的姑姑进我的房间,她会跟我说她的秘密,我也会跟她说我的秘密,我们也常常在房间里玩游戏喔!   我的秘密基地简直像一个自由天堂,我没有功课时,我就在房间里看看书、画画图,晚上我睡在被单上时,简直像睡在云上一样哩!   我有时哭的时候,我会到房间里。一进房间,太阳光给我带来了快乐,更重要的是,那闪亮亮的阳光,让我的心,永远的在空中自由自在的"飞翔。   my room英语作文 篇2   My home is small, but I have a room of my own, which has my favorite things and a lot of small secrets. I can play games, read books, sing, and do what I want to do. Ha-ha.   Standing in the doorway, I will see the bed of plush toys, a Beaming with Joy, greatly Tactic Haibao near the bear, I love them, I have a very handsome photo on the bed. On the left is a small bookcase, bookcase is my father and the book, car model, toys, egg carving works...Next to it was a showcase with a toy that I was eating Kentucky when I was a child, and Kentucky, my mouth water was flowing out. There were a lot of car magazines that Dad often bought behind. I turned around to see a wardrobe and a new guitar. In my mind, it was my good friend.   What I like most is my bookcase. Here is my treasure house of knowledge. I can read it too. I can put many books in this small bookcase. There are all kinds of books, such as knowledge, comic, and fairy tales. I like to watch humorous comics, like "ah AI", and this book will bring me happiness when I"m not happy. And my favorite toy is a helicopter. If I want to open outside, I pull the take-off rod, and the helicopter flies up quickly. I let it go east, and go east, and let it go west and West. I really want to fly with the airplane in the sky, so happy.   This is my room, very well! Come to my home and play!   my room英语作文 篇3   I have my own big room.   There is a bed up and down in the room. There is a ladder to go to bed. This bed is a gift from my father and mother for the Spring Festival. Get out of bed on I love books, such as "Pocket Monster", "Three Hundred Tang Poems", "a heart" … … every night, I do a beautiful dream in bed, I love reading books, "a heart" this book, a total of 36 books, I have read in on the bed.   There is a desk in the room. There is a yellow fox table lamp on the table. There are two penholders, and the pen is filled with a variety of pen. The train the other knife I love most. Every night, I do my homework on this table.   There is a bookshelf in my room, the bookshelf is full of books, there is a box on the shelf, and there are two seals in the box. One is engraved with “ Liu Rui"s collection of books ” an engraved “ Liu Rui has read ” Whenever I buy a new book, I need to print “ the seal of Liu Rui"s collection ” whenever I read my own book, I will print “ Liu Rui has read &rdquo"s seal and read it once. Now, “ Liu Rui"s book ” the seal used much more frequently than “ Liu Rui had read ” the seal was used less, and the old dad had a lot of complaints.   The room is worth a lot of introduction, the next back! Dad made me cry!   my room英语作文 篇4   I have a big room with my piano and electronic piano, and playing the piano is my way of leisure. At night, I sat down at the piano and plays nice music, I often revel in music in. I also have a large bookcase with books I like to watch, and when the day is all right, I will take it out with relish and increase my knowledge.   I hope my room is a different room.   I hope my room is an arrogant plum blossom. I am the small pollen in the flower core, and let a group of bees suck me, make a delicious nectar, make a little contribution to human beings.   I hope that my room is a picturesque scenery of the original forest, with large hairy tailed squirrel in the trees hide and seek; a group of cute little white rabbit with each other on the grass slapstick; clear water fish in the free to play. I am comfortably integrated into this great forest and experience the fun of nature with the animals.   I hope my room is deformed gold steel. The morning into a plane, let me travel in the sky, look at the entire earth, look into ants; afternoon, my room into a submarine, let me play in the depths of the ocean, and fish playing, and dancing starfish into the sea, the embrace of the mother; the evening, my room into a spaceship and fly to the distant the space to the planet.   I also hope that my room is a large library with endless knowledge, with many famous books, classic fairy tales and composition books. I slept in the library all day, like hunger and thirst to absorb knowledge inexhaustible. "Book" is my home!   I"d prefer my room to be a walking room. Today, I feel in the Great Wall, for thousands of years, China people refuse to be cowed or submit not afraid of difficulties, see China people with sweat heaped up by the Great Wall; tomorrow, I in the mysterious Egyptian pyramids, to explore the mysteries of the ancient Egyptian culture; the day after tomorrow, I am in the Eiffel Tower, enjoy the European architectural style......   But, I think, or feel like my room, I play in learning, during the day, at night I dream inside......   my room英语作文 篇5   我有一间自己的房间。房间的中间放着小床,旁边是书桌、书柜和我心爱的电脑。墙上还挂着妈妈亲手绣的十字绣钟表。   我的房间温馨而整洁,但我还是希望我的房间能与众不同一些。   我希望我的房间是食品加工厂,当我饿的时候想吃什么就有什么。不论是可口的中餐,还是造型好看的西餐都应有尽有,可以供我尽情享用。   我希望我的房间是一间电脑房,可以查资料、学习还有玩游戏,有空的时候还可以和同学联系呢。   我希望我的房间是一个秘密的军事基地,在里面可以看到世界上最先进的武器、也可以看到最新型的宇宙飞船和发送飞船用的火箭,说不定还可以看到传说中的外星人飞碟。   虽然有这么多奇奇怪怪的想法,但我还是最喜欢我现在的房间,因为在这里我可以读书、写作业、玩游戏和幻想。   I have a room of my own. There is a small bed in the middle of the room, next to the desk, the bookcase and my beloved computer. The wall is also hung with her hand embroidered cross stitch clocks.   My room is warm and tidy, but I still hope my room can be a little different.   I hope my room is a food factory, and what I want to eat when I"m hungry. Whether it is a delicious Chinese food, or a beautiful style of Western food, I can enjoy it.   I hope my room is a computer room, can look up information, study and play games, when there is no time to contact the students.   I hope my room is a secret military base, where we can see the most advanced weapons in the world, the newest models of spaceships, and the Rockets for sending the spacecraft. Maybe we can see the legendary alien flying saucers.   Although there are so many strange ideas, but I still love my room, because I can read books, homework, play games and fantasy.
2023-07-14 19:52:351


2023-07-14 19:52:4615

用英文写关于未来的车是怎么样的 .60个单词以上

未来的汽车 我想未来的汽车不但可以在陆地上奔驰,而且可以像飞机一样在天空快速穿梭,还可以在海里游泳,在车里观赏海底世界,探索海底世界的无限奥秘.汽车里不用汽油,汽车的燃料被其它环保材料所代替,未来汽车可以无人驾驶,我们儿童可以在电脑的设置下,一边自由自在地在车里玩耍,一边看电视,尽管汽车很多,但在不会发生任何的交通阻塞和交通意外. 车中设施齐备,功能齐全,在卫星信号和电子指挥下,可以到达世界所有地方,不管走到那里,都不会迷路;车里面还有电脑,有DVD,当驾驶员感到闷的时候,可以看看DVD,有电子游戏机,有电冰箱,有电话等,还有自动按摩器呢!――当驾驶员感到腰酸的时候,自动按摩器就可以帮驾驶员按摩;车中安置有一张休息的床,疲惫的时候,可以睡上一大觉;如果长途旅行的话,车还可以变成一间小屋子,人们还可以在车里过夜,屋子里面还有厨房,当驾驶员感到肚子饿的时候,就可以在厨房里煮东西吃;如果想要搜索海底的无限奥秘的话的话,车子还可以从车轮里伸出两个机器手,如果驾驶员想捉一些比较机灵的鱼类,车里的电脑就可以帮您查找他的弱点,帮您实现愿望;车还可以变成海里不同的动物掩护自己,以免伤害鱼类或受到鱼类的伤害;如果有考古工作者想去沙漠里挖恐龙化石的话,车子还可以自动帮主人找到并挖掘恐龙化石.另外还有好多好多…. 我想虽然现在科学还没发展到这种程度,可是没有幻想就没有未来,我相信我们人类一定可以造出这样的汽车来的! I think the future of future cars car not only on land,Mercedes-Benz,but also fast in the sky like an airplane shuttle,you can also swim in the sea,in the car watching the underwater world to explore the infinite mysteries of the underwater world.The car without gasoline,fuel for cars replaced by other environmentally friendly materials,the future can be an unmanned vehicle,our children in the computer"s settings,while free to play in the car,watching television,despite the car a lot,but in the will not be any traffic congestion and traffic accidents.The car-equipped,functional,in the satellite signals and electronic command,you can reach all parts of the world,no matter where we go,are not lost; car there is also a computer,there are DVD,when the driver was boring,they can look at the DVD,electronic games,a refrigerator,a telephone,etc.,as well as automatic massage it!- When the driver feel backache when the auto-massage can help the driver massage; car for accommodating a rest bed,exhausted,they can sleep on a big night; if long-distance travel,then the car can also be changed into a small room,people can also spend the night in the car,the house there is also the kitchen,when the driver feel hungry when you can cook something to eat in the kitchen; if you want to search an infinite mysteries of the sea,then if the car was also out from the wheels of two robot,if the driver would like to catch some of the more clever fish,the car"s computer can help you to find his weaknesses and help you achieve your aspirations; cars can also become a sea of different Animal cover themselves to avoid hurting the fish or by fish injury; if archaeologists want to go to the desert to dig for dinosaur fossils,then the car can also automatically Bangzhu dinosaur fossils were found and excavated.There are also many,many .I would like Although not yet developed to such a degree of science,but there is no fantasy,no future,I believe that we human beings could be produced such a car will come!
2023-07-14 19:53:351


2023-07-14 19:53:549

free play是什么意思

free play的中文意思是:自由发挥、免费游戏、自由游玩(最好要根据上下文意思来定)。
2023-07-14 19:54:132


没有特定含义,需要放在具体句子中 r如:mark-to-space ratio: 标间比率;传号脉冲与空号脉冲之比;传号空号比 标间比率计算机与网络英语词汇(M1) ...mark-sensing row 标感列 mark-to-space ratio 标间比率 mark-to-space transition 标间变迁 ...传号脉冲与空号脉冲之比航海专业与海运专业英语词汇(二) ...mark-on 加标mark-to-space ratio 传号脉冲与空号脉冲之比Markab =α pegasi 室宿一 ...传号空号比电能词汇接龙 ...mark-space multiplier 传号空号放大器(一种模拟乘法器,一个输入控制输出方波幅度,另一个输入由传号、空号控制输出方波的传空比) mark-to-space ratio 传号空号比 marked graph 加标图 ...-time-to-space conversion: 时空转换 时空转换气象学词汇英语翻译(18) ...time-temperature curve 时温曲线time-to-space conversion 时空转换tipping term 倾斜项 ...-space-to-space missile: 天对天导弹 天对天导弹在线英汉-汉英科技大词典 ... spadebug铲行爬地齿 spadedrill扁平钻 扁钻 spadefarm小园地 ...-space-to-space link: 太空对太空通讯链路 太空对太空通讯链路... space transporter 航天运载工具 space vehicle 航天器/太空船(台) space velocity 空间速度 ...-six-to-em space: 全身六分之一的空铅 全身六分之一的空铅全身空铅em-quad ...全身空铅,正方形空铅mutton quad全身六分之一的空铅six-to-em space全身三分之一空铅three(3)em space ...-ratio, mark-to-space: 传号对空号比 传号对空号比通讯工程专业英语词汇翻译 ... 可能性比,相似度比值 ratio, likeihood 传号对空号比 ratio, mark-to-space 最高资料率对频宽比 ratio, maximum data rate-to-bandwidth ...-transition,mark-to-space: 标号到空白转换 标号到空白转换计算机与网络词典(10) ... transition, space-to-mark 空白到标号转换 transition,mark-to-space 标号到空白转换 transition,space-to-mark 空白到标号转换 ...-mark-to-space transition: 标间变迁;空号过渡 标间变迁计算机与网络英语词汇(M1) ...mark-to-space ratio 标间比率 mark-to-space transition 标间变迁 Mark-Track Error 标记轨误差 ...空号过渡机械英汉词典(M) ...mark-space ratio || 传号 -空号比 mark-to-space transition || 传号 -空号过渡 marked valve || 屏蔽式阀 ...-free-to-play space: 自由玩乐空间 自由玩乐空间自由玩乐空间(free-to-play space)的新伙伴包括:例句与用法Stokes" formula is a generalization of Green"s formula to three-space.斯托克斯公式是格林公式在三维空间中的推广。 corps should be composed of space-to-space, space-to-ground and ground-to-space units.空间部队应该有空间对空间,空间对地面,地面对空间部队组成。Is it like a hard drive that gets so full that you have to double-space and then lose all data?是不是像一个硬盘很满的时候你不得不双重利用空间于是损失了很多数据?
2023-07-14 19:54:201

A child should have more free time to play .为什么?

2023-07-14 19:54:282


2023-07-14 19:54:3915


显示免费 dlc21块 国区
2023-07-14 19:55:262


2023-07-14 19:55:521


We build computer to solve problems.Early computer solved mathematical and engineering problemsuff0cand later computers emphasized information processing for business applications.T- odayuff0ccomputers also control machines as diverse as automobile enginesuff0crobotsuff0cand microwave ovens. A computer system solves a problem from any of these domains by accepting inputuff0cprocessing ituff0cand producing output. Fig. 1-1 illustrates the function of a computer system. Computer systems consist of hardware and software. Hardware is the physical part of the system. Once designeduff0chardware is difficult and expensive to change. Software is the set of programs that instruct the hardware and is easier to modify than hardware. Computers are valuable because they are general-purpose machines that can solve many different kinds of problemsuff0cas opposed to special-purpose machines that can each solve only one kind of problem. Different problems can be solved with the same hardware by supplying the system with a different set of instructions.that isuff0cwith different software. undefined
2023-07-14 19:56:021

初二英语作文带翻译 速速收藏!

常常有些初中生不知道怎样才能写好一篇作文,下面我为大家总结了初二英语 作文带翻译 ,仅供大家参考。初二英语作文 I have a goodfriend,He is a boy,he has a very nice name—Robert.He comes from England.He has big eyes,they are round and cute.He comes to China with his parents.We know each other since last year.From then on,we become goodfriends. At weekends,we often get together to play basketball,he plays it very well,and,he sings well,too.He teaches me English and I teach him Chinese. We are goodfriends forever. 翻译:我有一个好朋友,他是一个男孩,他有一个非常好听的名字—罗伯特。他来自英格兰,他有一对大眼睛,它们很圆很可爱。他和他的父母一起来中国。我们从去年开始认识。从那时候起,我们成为好朋友了。 在周末,我们经常一起打篮球,他打得非常好,而且,他歌唱得很好听。他教我英语然后我教他中文。 我们永远都是好朋友。 初二英语作文范文 Last week, my friend asked me to go to visit his hometown with him. I felt so excited and wanted to have a look at the scenery. My parents allowed and I planned to play for a week. I felt so free to leave home and could do what I wanted. I picked up the fruits and caught the fish in the clear river. It was such fun for me. But when I saw my friend talked happily to his grandparents, I felt a little lost. I started to miss my parents. I missed the food my mother cooked and the way she complained. So when I got home, I was very happy and grew up. 上周,我的朋友叫我和他去参观他的家乡。我感到非常激动,想看一看风景。我的父母允许我出去玩,我打算玩一个星期。离开家我感到如此的自由,可以做我想做的。 我采摘水果,到清澈的河边抓鱼。这对我来说是如此有趣。但当我看到我的朋友他的祖父母谈笑风生时,我感到有点失落。我开始想念我的父母。我想念妈妈做的菜和她抱怨的样子。当我到家时,我非常高兴,也长大了。 初中英语万能句子 an old saying goes,....正如一句古老的谚语所说 nothing but... ....不过就是... 3.from where i stand.... 从我的立场来说 4.give oneself a chance to.....给某人一个机会去... 5.i feel sure that...我坚信... the best way to make sure that....确保...的最好办法是... 7.we must do our absolute best to....我们必须竭尽全力做... 8.there is no denying the fect that...无可否认.... 9.nothing is more+adj.+than to+v.没有比...更重要的了 以上就是我为大家总结的初二 英语作文 带翻译,仅供参考,希望能对大家有所帮助。
2023-07-14 19:56:281


  在日常学习、工作和生活中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,下面是我精心整理的英语话题作文8篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 英语话题作文 篇1   Most people have their idols, be it scientists or pop singers. Many youngsters, in particular, worship stars in the sports and entertainment field, who catch most of the public attention.   It is hard to say whether idol worshiping is good or bad, for it is not a black-and-white issue. For one thing, idols may inspire they young people in   Different ways. Usually, these public figures walk into the spotlight after a great amount of hard work, therefore they set up role models as talented and industrious persons. But for another thing, it may not be wise to blindly admire anyone. Some youngsters try to imitate their idols——dressing, pronunciation, life style and everything. This is dangerous, because to err is human and stars have their weaknesses as well, and in some cases, even scandals.   As I perceive this phenomenon, there is nothing wrong with idol worshiping inherently. What matter are the aspects in which we admire them and to what extent it goes. Even if a certain star always presents a good public image, the “worship” should not go to such extreme as pure imitation, otherwise there will be a lot of “carbon copies” lacking individuality. (196 words) 英语话题作文 篇2   老师燕子去了,又在来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。然而,时间去了,却再也没能复返。   以前,对于我这个一脸稚气的一年级新生而言,同学是陌生的,老师是陌生的,一切都是陌生的;现在,对于我——一个即将毕业的小学生来说,离开母校、与大家分别是那样不舍,内心里只剩下依依不舍。难忘班上同学一张张熟悉的笑脸,难忘一同玩耍的姐妹们,难忘亲爱的母校,更难忘来时的尊尊教诲。难忘,一切都是那样难忘……   对于即将毕业的我来说,小学毕业,无疑将是我人生的第一个转折点。现在,我只祈求时光能不能不要飞逝,让我好好回忆六年小学生生活的点点滴滴。   上学期学校举行的冬季运动会,可能是因为这是我们小学生涯最后一次运动会,大家想让自己大显身手的欲望“更上一层楼”了,更加踊跃的报名。拔河作为人气最旺的项目之一,我当然不会错失良机。   比赛当天,参加把何必三的同学们一个个摩拳擦掌,声势浩大,耀武扬威的走上pk台。呀!我们的对手怎么回事六(5)班呢?oh my god!六(5)班的同学一个个人高马大,而我们班的主力军之一费芳琳同学很不幸得了胆结石,去医院做手术了……怎么办,我们只剩下了体格较为瘦弱的的队员了,我们拼得过他们吗?没办法,我们只能背水一战了,与他们展开“殊死拼搏”。   随着嘹亮的哨音响彻云霄,属于班与六(5)班的啊“战斗”拉开了帷幕。“六(3)班加油!六(3)班加油!”啦啦队员们鼓足了气拼命地呐喊着。我不知是因为听到了啦啦队员的助威,还是怎样,感到热血沸腾,像是得到了某种强大的力量。我拉着绳子,想把绳子朝我所在的地方靠近,两只手被绳子了的火辣辣的疼,为了班级的荣誉,这点疼算什么。我看见绳子上的红布条正一点点的向我们班的“战区”靠近,心中感到无比欣慰,刚准备再加一把劲,谁知六(5)班的.同学一下爆发了。第一轮他们赢了。可怜的我们呢,太认真了,大多都摔倒在地上,揉着各自疼痛的身躯,踉踉跄跄地爬起来,准备第二轮比赛。“老虎不发威,你当我是hello kitty”大家的斗志被点燃起来。比赛开始后,各自的能力纷纷展现出来,鼓足了劲拉绳子,呐喊声助威声也是此起彼伏,绳上的红布条似乎也同意乖乖的跟我们“回家”……随着结束哨音吹响,张校长庄重的宣布了这轮比赛的结果:“六(3)班胜利!”“耶!”属于我们的笑声在操场上空飘荡。大家欢笑着,蹦跳着,好似这次比赛铁定就是我们赢一样。可惜,好景不长,我们终究不敌强敌,与六(5)班的较量以失败告终,在年级中排名第四。虽然,我们输了比赛,但我们赢了志气,赢了骨气。   如果说小学生活如一片汪洋,那么这件事就如汪洋中毫不起眼的一滴小水滴,不过正是千千万万个如这样的小水滴,才有了我们绚丽多姿的小学生活。   天下没有不散的筵席。   在操场上,我们一起笑过、哭过、努力过,风雨的洗礼把我们对班级的爱更加赤裸裸的表现了出来,化作丝丝真情洒落在这片肥沃的土地上,直至开花结果、花开花落。 英语话题作文 篇3   例:假设你叫李华,你的外国朋友John想了解中国的春节,请根据以下提纲,给他写一封短信:   1、春节在中国人中的地位   2、春节前,人们……   3、春节期间,人们…… 参考词汇:对联couplet 爆竹firecracker   Dear John,   How time flies! Four moths have passed since we saw each other last time. I cannot helpbut miss you. You asked me about Chinese Spring Festival. Now I would like to tell yousomething about it.The Spring Festival is a Chinese traditional festival. It is the most important and enjoyable one. A few days before the festival, houses are cleaned and red couplets are put up on the doors of every household. They are said to frighten away the ghosts. On that day, people are dressed up. Firecrackers ring out in the air, which adds to the atmosphere of the festival. People after a year"s hard work begin to relax and visit one another. Presents and dinners are given to celebrate the happy reunion of friends and relatives. Families get together. They have jiaozi and enjoy the New Year TV show. Customs may vary from place to place, but the same happy atmosphere is to be found everywhere in the country.   Now, I hope you have some idea of Chinese Spring Festival.   Best wishes,   Yours,   Li Hua   亲爱的翰,   时光飞逝!自从我们上次见面以来,四个月过去了。我不能不想你。你问我关于春节的。现在我想告诉你一些关于它。春节是中国的传统节日。它是最重要和最令人愉快的。节日前几天,房子都打扫干净了,每个家庭的门都贴着红对联。他们被说要吓跑鬼魂。在那一天,人们打扮起来。鞭炮在空中响起,这增加了节日的气氛。人们经过一年的努力工作开始放松和互相拜访。礼物和晚餐都是为了庆祝朋友和亲戚的幸福团圆。家庭聚在一起。他们吃饺子,享受新年的电视节目。不同的风俗习惯会有所不同,但在全国各地都可以找到相同的欢乐气氛。   现在,我希望你有一些想法的中国春节。   最美好的祝愿,   你的,   李华 英语话题作文 篇4   It"s beyond reproach that we will come across all kinds of difficulties and challenges in our life time .Some will be subjected to frequent sadness .Some will lose their way to move on .Thus,only when we equip ourselves with hope and courage can we finally succeed in the uncertain future.   Forrest Gump showed so great courage in the movie that he touched me a lot . For one thing,no matter when and where Jenny got into trouble ,Forrest Gump would bring her out of it without thinking how dangerous the situation would be .Maybe we should all fell ashamed that we love ourselves more than we love love ,but Forrest showed great courage in love .For another,Forrest gump risked his life to save Bubba in the war.It"s courage that helped Forrest gain a series of honor after war .Forrest Gump is beautiful for his perseverance and touches others with his courage.   A person can"t do without courage in terms of love and friendship ,let alone life . A weak person may avoid the difficulties ,but a person with courage will face up to it head-on. Therefore,let"equip ourselves with great courage.    【参考译文】   我们一生中遇到各种困难和挑战是无可指责的,有些人会经常悲伤,有些人将失去前进的道路,只有当我们有希望和勇气时,我们才能在不确定的将来取得成功。   阿甘在电影中表现出如此大的勇气,他深深地打动了我。对于一件事,无论何时何地,詹妮陷入了麻烦,阿甘会带她出来不思考如何危险的情况会。也许我们都应该感到惭愧,我们爱自己比我们更爱的爱,但福雷斯特表现出了巨大的勇气的爱。另一方面,阿甘冒着生命危险去救Bubba在战争中,它的勇气使福雷斯特战争后获得一系列荣誉。阿甘是美丽的他的毅力和触动别人的勇气。   在爱情和友谊方面,一个人不能没有勇气,更不用说生活了。弱者可以逃避困难,但有勇气的人会勇敢地面对困难。因此,让我们以极大的勇气武装自己。 英语话题作文 篇5   As a student I am very pleased to see that the burden of learning have reduced .Endless homework and classes made me crazy and we all hate learning,but we have no choice but to accept them . Now days the burden of learning gradually reduce: we need not to go to school so early, we have fewer jobs, on weekends and holidays we don"t need to worry about making up a missed lesson . We can have more free time to play games together with students and friends , have more time to rest, to see our favorite films and television, to read some interesting books. Have a good rest help us to meet the lessons more 0f spirit. Of course,we can not be completely study nothing.having free time means that we can make full use of time to improve learning with efficiency.All in all it is surely that reducing burden benefit all students.    【参考译文】   作为一名学生,我很高兴看到学习负担减轻了,没完没了的家庭作业和课堂作业让我疯狂,我们都讨厌学习,但我们别无选择,只能接受。现在学习的负担逐渐减轻了:我们不必这么早就上学了,我们的工作更少了,周末和节假日我们不用担心补课。我们可以有更多的空闲时间和同学们一起玩游戏,有更多的时间休息,看我们最喜欢的电影和电视,读一些有趣的书。好好休息,帮助我们更多地吸取精神上的教训。当然,我们不能完全研究nothing.having自由时间意味着我们可以充分利用时间,提高学习效率。所有这一切肯定是减负惠及所有学生。 英语话题作文 篇6   Relax Yourself   What does it mean to relax?Despite hearing this term thousands of times during the course of our lives, very few people have deeply considered what it"s really about.   When you ask people (which I have done many times) what it means to relax, most will answer in a way that suggests that relaxing is something you plan to do later you do it on vacation, in a hammock, when you retire, or when you get everything else done. This implies, of course, that most other times should be spent nervous, agitated, rushed, and frenzied. Very few actually come out and say so, but this is the obvious implication.Could this explain why so many of us operate as if life were one great big emergency?   It is useful to think of relaxation as a quality of heart that you can access on a regular basis rather than something reserved for some later time. You can relax now. It"s helpful t remember that relaxed people can still be superachievers and, in fact, that relaxation and creativity go hand in hand.When I"m feeling uptight, for example, I don"t even try to write. But when I feel relaxed, my writing flows quickly and easily. 英语话题作文 篇7   Cell Phones As is shown in the chart, cell phones are becoming increasingly popular within China. In 1999, the number of cell phones in use was only 2 million, but in 20xx, the number reaches 5 million. And in the year 20xx, the number has suddenly soared to 9 million. There are many factors contributing to this development. Firstly, a cell phone has no wires and can be carried everywhere easily. Secondly, a cell phone is something wonderful that we can have fun with news, games, music and chat through sending short messages. Thirdly, the drop in price and the simultaneous improvement in the functions have made it possible for an average person to make use of cell phone. The wide use of cell phones has make them more and more indispensable in peoples daily life. The many functions of the cell phone have made certain people reluctant to separate themselves from their cell phone. 英语话题作文 篇8   Unit11 Sad movies make me cry.   本单元主要谈论某件事情对我们的影响以及我们的感受,这是一个记叙和议论相结合的话题。写这类话题的文章,观点要明确,并给出具体事例,最后适当加以评论。   【典型例题】   每个人都有幸运和不幸的时候,在你的记忆中,你所经历的最糟糕的一天是什么样的?写出你的经历过程和感受。要求语句通顺,语法正确,不少于80词。开头已给出,不计入总词数。   【优秀范文】   I still remember the bad day I have experienced clearly.   It was a Friday. I woke up late because my clock didn"t go off. I felt very nervous. I might be late for school. When I got to school,the teacher was having a class. I felt afraid. As a result,the teacher punished me. I was very sad. By the time we had English class,I found I had left my English book at home. So I had to borrow one.?   After lunch,I fought with my classmate because of some small things.The teacher kicked me off the classroom and sent me home. I knew I let my parents down. I also felt I wasn"t a good child. I didn"t feel like eating dinner and went to bed.?   That night I thought about these things carefully and decided to make a change. I believed I could be a good boy soon.
2023-07-14 19:56:381


1. my happy time英语作文 120字左右 My parents and I always stay at home these days, but yesterday we went to my grandparents"home. We got to the house at 10 a.m. I saw lots of wonderful things there. There is fresh air and less pollution than Haimen there. My grandfather grows lots of trees, flowers and vegetables. He also feeds many animals, such as ducks, chicken, dogs. Oh, a really interesting garden! A wonderful and interesting zoo! There is a river near my grandparents" house. At night, I can see a lot of stars there. I think that"s really great! After lunch, my father and I wandered around the path enjoying the sunny spring sun. We talked to each other and learned from each other. In the afternoon, my grandmother took me to visit their animals. My favourite animal is a dog; its name is “Ding Ding.” It has o big and bright eyes and a black and white tail. It has white fur all over its body. It looks really lovely! My grandmother also taught me how to wash flowers. At supper, I ate my delicious food. My grandparents gave me too much to eat. I thanked them very much. I enjoyed myself this day. What a great happy time we have! 2. 写一篇英语作文:Thehappytimeinmylife The happy time in my lifeMy school life has a lot of fun. I like studying in the classroom with my lovely clas *** ates.We get on well with each other.We play sportsand sing songs together.But sometimes there is too much homework.I didn"thave free time to play with my pet.I wish tohave a job I like and have a house with a nice garden.I willshare my success with my parents. Now,I must study hard to make my dream e true.And I strongly believe my dream will e true in the future.。 3. 用A happy time为题目写一篇英语作文 在网上找到一篇: My parents and I always stay at home these days, but yesterday we went to my grandparents"home. We got to the house at 10 a.m. I saw lots of wonderful things there. There is fresh air and less pollution than Haimen there. My grandfather grows lots of trees, flowers and vegetables. He also feeds many animals, such as ducks, chicken, dogs. Oh, a really interesting garden! A wonderful and interesting zoo! There is a river near my grandparents" house.籂辅焚恍莳喝锋桶福垃 At night, I can see a lot of stars there. I think that"s really great! After lunch, my father and I wandered around the path enjoying the sunny spring sun. We talked to each other and learned from each other. In the afternoon, my grandmother took me to visit their animals. My favourite animal is a dog; its name is “Ding Ding.” It has o big and bright eyes and a black and white tail. It has white fur all over its body. It looks really lovely! My grandmother also taught me how to wash flowers. At supper, I ate my delicious food. My grandparents gave me too much to eat. I thanked them very much. I enjoyed myself this day. What a great happy time we have! 4. 大家帮忙,写个大学英语作文,题目是my happiness time When I was a child, like many other children, Chinese Spring Festival was my favorite holiday. At that time, the Festival was full of happiness and expectation. I remember that I spent the Spring Festival in Guangzhou for the first time. Someone said: “People in Guangzhou are those who really bring spring to their homes.” And I quite agreed with it. So before that Spring Festival, father went to the market and bought some plants back. It was a little orange tree, I had never seen it before, so I looked at it with great interest. I asked Dad if I could have some. Dad laughed, and told me this kind of oranges was not for eating, but for its symbolic meaning, it could bring us good luck. Dad also bought some color lights to make the orange tree more beautiful. Then he put it near the window. We lived in a *** all room, and it was not as big as the house we now live in. But when my family and I saw the colorful tree, we all felt warm and nice. We enjoyed it very much. Having a wonderful dinner on the Spring Festival Eve is my family"s tradition, and this wasn"t changed., So before that Spring Festival Eve, we listed some food which is our favorite on a piece of paper, then my parents spent several hours preparing it. At the dinner table, we cheered, gave good wishes to each other, tasted the food, said “how delicious they are”, which made Mum---the cook satisfied. The unusual dinner lasted one hour. Then we sat down enjoying the programs on TV together. We laughed, made jokes with each other. How peaceful it was! When 12 o"clock arrived, we all went out, saying “Happy Chinese Spring Festival” to everyone. We were all cheerful. As time went by, Chinese Spring Festival is less exciting, although we put more and more color lights around the room. We still bought orange tree every year, and our house is more and more beautiful. I just think something was missing. People now don"t like having dinner at home on the Spring Festival Eve. They have dinner at a great restaurant, and they keep on giving and receiving lucky money, and the money is more and more. But I think all these thins are not important. The most important thing is that people whom you care about can stay together and enjoy the happy time with you.当我还是个孩子的时候,其他许多孩子一样,春节是我最喜欢的节日。 在那个时候,这个节日充满了幸福和期望。我记得我在广州过的春节的第一次。 有人说:“在广州的人是那些真的带弹簧的家园。”我很赞同它。 所以,春节前,父亲去了市场,买了一些植物回来。这是一个小橘子树,我从来没有见过它,所以我饶有兴趣地看着它。 我问爸爸,如果我能有一些。爸爸笑了,并告诉我这种桔子是不是吃的,但它的象征意义,它能给我们带来好运。 爸爸还买了一些色彩的灯光使橙树更美丽。然后他把它放在窗户附近。 我们生活在一个小房间,它不象我们现在生活在大房子。但是当我和我的家人看见五颜六色的树,我们都感到温暖。 我们非常喜欢它。在春节前夕,一个美妙的晚餐是我家族的传统,这没有改变。 所以,在春节前夕,我们列出了一些食物,这是我们最喜欢的一张纸上,然后我的父母花了几个小时的准备。在餐桌上,我们欢呼,给彼此的良好祝愿,食物的味道,说他们是“如何美味,让妈妈——厨师满意。 不寻常的晚餐持续了一个小时。然后我们坐下来享受电视节目在一起。 我们大笑,互相开玩笑。这是多么平静!在十二点到达,我们都出去,大家说,“快乐的春节”。 我们都高兴。随着时间的推移,中国的春节不那么激动人心,但我们把越来越多的彩色灯光在房间里。 我们还买了橘子树每一年,我们的房子越来越漂亮。我只是觉得少了些什么。 现在人们不喜欢在家吃饭在春节前夕。他们在一个大餐厅吃晚饭,和他们保持给予和接受的压岁钱,这些钱越来越多。 但我认为所有这些事情都不重要。最重要的是,人们谁关心你能待在一起,和你一起享受快乐的时光。 5. 用A happy time为题目写一篇60作文(初中水平) Gathering with all family member is a happy time for me. I am from a medium sized family. When i was *** all, i stayed together with my grandparents, parents, brother and sister. Our home is always noisy and busy. When we grew up, all children have different ways to go. While i go aboard to build up my career, my brother moves to another city for his job. My sister stays at our home city and works there. We can have our family gathering only 2~3 times per year. Anyway, we still enjoy a lot for the gathering as we can share our experience together. Staying together with whole family is just an enjoyful and wonderful time for us. 6. 写 my happy day 的作文80词以上 My happy day Today is Sunday.The sun is shining.When it was eight o"clock a.m.,I went out for a breakfast.Then,I went to a park with my brother.We had a happy time here.In the afternoon,I played puter games.As usual,I did my homework carefully at four o"clock.My father usually read newspapers,but this afternoon,he went to the supermarket and he said, he would buy a toy for me.When six o"clock,my mother cooked a delicious supper for us. I had a very happy day.Then,I"ll have a good rest. It was Sunday.I was very happy.In the morning,I got up early.I ran with my frind and her lovely dog.It was fun. After breakfast,I did my homework with my sister .She was eleve years old.I helped with her homework.After lunch, we went to the library and read some books. Then,we climbed mountains.We were tired,but I was very happy that day. 7. my happy time at schoo初三l作文,急求 When I first went into the school gate, see my new classroom and teachers, I thought I would have a new start. The school life is very busy and exciting. There are many activities in our school, such as sports meeting, science week and art week. We all take an active part in it. I have made many new friends, and we often help and learn from each other, in the study of. Our teacher told us a lot of. They not only teach us how to learn, but also teach us how to be a useful person in society. They tell us, is a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well and many other things. Habit is a second nature, therefore, teachers often remind us to make a good habit.People often say: there is no real learning. Now I think, this is the fact. The study now is far more different than before. I often feel that there are some very difficult to understand a. At this time, you have to spend a lot of time to learn, by yourself or you will not progress. Of course, studies it is difficult but as you progress, you"ll find interesting is,.Our school is clean and beautiful. There are many trees and flowers around. In order to make our school more and more beautiful we should try our best to keep it clean. Do not throw garbage, on the ground. Our members Songpu high school.Today we are pound of PU, Pu tomorrow will prounded us。 8. 帮忙写个作文,,A happy time 我会感谢你么的 a happy day Today, I got up very early, I had a very good breakfast, then I went out to play with my friend, We had a very good time. In the afternoon, I went swimming with my father, it was very hot, but we felt very good in the water. After supper I began to do my homework, I didn"t think it is difficult, so I finished it very early.Then I read some books and went to bed..Yestaday,i went to the zoo,and i really had a happy day. In the zoo,i saw lovely pandas which are the special animal that only live in china.There are also many other animals that interested me very much. I spent nearly a whole day in the zoo,although i was tired ,i was really happy. How happy a day i had. 9. a photo my happy time作文 a happy time the weekend of the national holiday, i went to florida and had a happy time. ji hong, liu zhenguo. pan yi and i went there by car. it was fun. we went to the sea world, universal studio and the beach. there are a lot of sea animals at the sea world. we watched dolphin, manatee, sea lion and whale shows. they are all dancing and splashing white flowers of water onto the audience. the whales are especially naughty. they made half of the people in the stadium wet all over. the shark stadium is very large and people just stand in the glass tube surrounded by all kinds of sharks. they open their mouth as if trying to engulf us or municate with us. who knows? the universl 10. my happy time at schoo初三l作文,急求 When I first went into the school gate, see my new classroom and teachers, I thought I would have a new start. The school life is very busy and exciting. There are many activities in our school, such as sports meeting, science week and art week. We all take an active part in it. I have made many new friends, and we often help and learn from each other, in the study of. Our teacher told us a lot of. They not only teach us how to learn, but also teach us how to be a useful person in society. They tell us, is a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well and many other things. Habit is a second nature, therefore, teachers often remind us to make a good habit.People often say: there is no real learning. Now I think, this is the fact. The study now is far more different than before. I often feel that there are some very difficult to understand a. At this time, you have to spend a lot of time to learn, by yourself or you will not progress. Of course, studies it is difficult but as you progress, you"ll find interesting is,.Our school is clean and beautiful. There are many trees and flowers around. In order to make our school more and more beautiful we should try our best to keep it clean. Do not throw garbage, on the ground. Our members Songpu high school.Today we are pound of PU, Pu tomorrow will prounded us。
2023-07-14 19:56:471


2023-07-14 19:56:569

Who can play games with me?

I can play games with you.
2023-07-14 19:57:4815

free to play什么意思

2023-07-14 19:58:223

steam上面下载的free to play和free to play有什么区别?

2023-07-14 19:58:291


steam上cyndy游戏方法01搜索“steam”,点击进入Steam官网。02选择“安装Steam”,点击“立即安装Steam”-“运行”。03打开Steam后“创建一个新用户”设定好账号名称和密码后,点击“完成创建”登录。04点击右上角的游戏手柄,点击“商店”,根据个人需要选择“游戏”,有很多游戏类型选择。05选中需要下载的游戏,下载游戏教程:如果游戏是免费(Free to Play)会查看到“开始游戏”,点击“开始游戏”,出现下载游戏框中有下载游戏的信息,点击“下一步”。06根据个人需要选择是否需要创建快捷方式等,点击“下一步”,确认完下载信息后,点击“完成”。07steam平台开始下载游戏,在“库”中查看到正在下载的游戏,之后点击“运行游戏”就好啦。
2023-07-14 19:58:381


2023-07-14 19:58:471


你好!Enter License key to play Free Mode输入许可证密钥以播放免费模式
2023-07-14 19:58:562

Welcome To The Jungle 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome To The Jungle歌手:Guns N" Roses专辑:Appetite For DestructionWelcome To The Jungleguns n" rosesWelcome to the jungleWe got fun n" gamesWe got everything you wantHoney we know the namesWe are the people that can findWhatever you may needIf you got the money honey we got your diseaseIn the jungleWelcome to the jungleWatch it bring you to your sha na knees kneesI I wanna watch you bleedWelcome to the jungleWe take it day by dayIf you want it you"re gonna bleed but it"s the price you payAnd you"re a very sexy girl that"s very hard to pleaseYou can taste the bright lights but you won"t get them for freeIn the jungleWelcome to the jungleFeel my my my my serpentineI I wanna hear you screamWelcome to the jungle it gets worse here every dayYa learn to live like an animal in the jungle where we playIf you got a hunger for what you see you"ll take it eventuallyYou can have anything you want but you better not take it from meIn the jungleWelcome to the jungleWatch it bring you to your sha naI wanna watch you bleedwhen you"re high you neverEver want to come downso down so down so down yeahYou know where you areYou"re in the jungle babyYou"re gonna dieIn the jungleWelcome to the jungleWatch it bring you to your sha na na na knees kneesIn the jungleWelcome to the jungleFeel my my my my serpentineIn the jungleWelcome to the jungleWatch it bring you to your sha na na na knees kneesIn the jungleWelcome to the jungleWatch it bring you to yourIt"s gonna bring you down Ha
2023-07-14 19:59:101

in her free time,she is going to play ping-pong啥意思

2023-07-14 19:59:183

Do you know if he ____to play basketball with me ? ---I think he will come if he ___free tomorrow.

2023-07-14 19:59:493

2.Do you know if he ___ to play basketball with us?I think he will come if he ____ free tomorrow.

2023-07-14 19:59:561

玩滑板英文可以说play skateboard吗

2023-07-14 20:00:076

it is useful to play sports. 写一篇作文,谢谢,帮个忙

I love playing sports very much, and I think it"s very important to play sports if you have enough free time, because it can give me much energy for my studies, and it can help me relax myself. I usually play sports very early morning, because I think it"s the best time to do exercise. Ping-pong ball is hte most popular sports in China, you can see people playing it everywhere in China, it is also our national ball. I"d like to try basketball in the future, because I think it"s very cool and handsome to play basketball on the court. Playing basketball can also make you become stronger with muscles and taller than before, it"s good for health, too. I don"t like watching sports at home.
2023-07-14 20:00:481

有关运动活动的英语短语如play the piano等最少150个

2023-07-14 20:00:578

“”有空来我家玩”翻译come to my home when you have time可以吗

Come to my home whenever you are free. Come to my home to have fun when you have time.
2023-07-14 20:01:165

2.Do you know if he ___ to play basketball with us?I think he will come if he ____ free tomorrow.

2023-07-14 20:01:592

急求英语作文do you have enough free time? why or why not?一篇,字数不限,多谢了!

we every one could not say "we have enought time" as time is not a subject that can be touched, it is the one that may disapoint forever.Evert minute account. However,every coin has two sides,we sometime can also say that we have enought time because we really have ,just think,we can live to 70 or more in comon, so ,only when you take care of the time,may the time is enought for you!
2023-07-14 20:02:141

谁知道99年女足世界杯主题曲because want to的歌词 谢谢了!

记得最早听到Billie Piper的《Because We Want To》是1998年,说实话,当时我真的有些嫉妒,这个声音有些甜腻的丫头15岁已经登上英国单曲榜冠军了,可我依旧得和教科书作业瞌睡虫热火朝天地奋战,只能无力地感叹中国的教育制度,然后为作为年轻的“小老太”默哀一记。再次听到这首歌是第二年的夏天,此时这首歌变成了女足世界杯的主题曲,不知不觉也喜欢上了它的活力,而演唱它的小妮子在我眼中也变得可爱漂亮起来了。《Because We Want To》歌词We can do anything we wantWe can do anything we wantWe can do anything we wantWe can do anything we wantWhy you gotta play that song so loud?Because we want to! because we want to!Why d"you always run around in crowds?Because we want to! because we want to!Why d"you always have to dance all night?Because we want to! because we want to!Why d"you always say what"s on your mind?Because we want to! because we want to!Don"t try to tell me what i already knowDon"t criticise me "cause i"m running the showSome revolution is going to happen todayI"m gonna chase the dark clouds awayCome on and help me sing itWe can do what we want to doWe can do anythingFree to be who we want to beJust tell yourself you can do itWhy you gotta play that song so loud?Because we want to! because we want to!Why d"you always run around in crowds?Because we want to! because we want to!Why d"you always have to dance all night?Because we want to! because we want to!Why d"you always say what"s on your mind?Because we want to! because we want to!I throw a party for the world and my friendsWe take life easy, the music never endsPerfect solution to the stress and the strainsI know the sun will follow the rainCome on and help me sing itWe can do what we want to doWe can do anythingFree to be who we want to beJust tell yourself you can do itWhy you gotta play that song so loud?Because we want to! because we want to!Why d"you always run around in crowds?Because we want to! because we want to!Why d"you always have to dance all night?Because we want to! because we want to!Why d"you always say what"s on your mind?Because we want to! because we want to!So shake it, move it, use it, groove itGo with the flow and take off with the showLet me tell you its sweet and its upbeatMe and the crew there"s nothing we can"t doIf you want to catch this vibe then get with usCome on and help me sing itWe can do what we want to doWe can do anythingFree to be who we want to beJust tell yourself you can do itWhy you gotta play that song so loud?Because we want to! because we want to!Why d"you always run around in crowds?Because we want to! because we want to!Why d"you always have to dance all night?Because we want to! because we want to!Why d"you always say what"s on your mind?Because we want to! because we want to!下载地址:
2023-07-14 20:02:211

Because We Want To这首歌谁能翻译全部?

2023-07-14 20:02:281