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Is it any good?翻译,以及good的用法

2023-07-14 18:45:19





用法:1) be good at “擅长……”,后接名词、Ving形式。

I"m good at playing chess.


2)be good with“灵巧的;与……相处得好”。

She is good with her hands. 她手很巧。

He is very good with the children.


3)be good to意为“对……友好”。

My friend was good to me when I was ill.


4)be good for意为 “对……有好处”。

Eating more vegetables is good for your health.



special effects是什么意思

special effects特殊效果双语对照词典结果:special effects[英][u02c8speu0283u0259l u026au02c8fekts][美][u02c8spu025bu0283u0259l u026au02c8fu025bkts]n.特殊效果( special effect的名词复数 ); 特技; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Not surprisingly, indian special effects, animation and video gaming firmshave been growing. 理所当然的,印度特效、动画和视频游戏行业也已开始取得长足发展。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-14 16:46:091

special effects是什么意思?

2023-07-14 16:46:163


问题一:英文“ 电影特效 ”怎么说 “ 电影特效 ” Movie special effects “ 电影特效 ” Movie special effects 问题二:画面特效很好用英语怎么说 The wonderful pictures with special effects. The excellent frames with special effects. 问题三:特效的英文是什么 Effects 问题四:影视特效用英语怎么说 你好! 影视特效 special effect 问题五:这部影片的特效做的非常棒 用英语怎么说 The special effects of the film are excellent. 问题六:游戏特效的英语怎么说 如果你指的是游戏中诸如闪电、爆炸等的特效,相应的英文是:in-game special effect,或者就直接称为:special effect。 问题七:特效药用英语怎么说 特效药 specific,specific medicine,miracle drug新特效药 EUND 风湿特效药 The Extra-Strengtj Pin Reliever 望采纳 问题八:"电脑特效"英语怎么说? puter special effects 电脑特效 Special effects=Special FX (电影制作中的特技效果) 问题九:电影中的"特技","特效" 英文该怎么说 特技, 特效 Stunts & Effects ◆电影大亨:特技与特效--The Movies Stunts and Effects ◆超级特技赛车--Super Stunt Spectacular
2023-07-14 16:46:321


2023-07-14 16:46:412

VFX 英文全称是什么

VFX是视觉特效处理的缩写。 CG。它既包括技术也包括艺术,几乎囊括了当今电脑时代中所有的视觉艺术创作活动,如平面印刷品的设计、网页设计、三维动画、影视特效、多媒体技术、以计算机辅助设计为主的建筑设计及工业造型设计等。 而它的创作工具现在也是越来越多,比较普遍的是photoshop.painter.用于平面设计的CG还有AI、CD(CorelDraw),而OC(OpenCanvas)既小巧有操作方便,已经被越来越多的人所认同,至于漫画长篇创作,则CS(ComicStudio)比较适合。
2023-07-14 16:46:492


2023-07-14 16:47:003

Exciting as its special effects are___,there is too much violence in the film. watch be w

Exciting as its special effects are to watch ,there is too much violence in the film.这是个倒装句。意思是“尽管特技效果看起来很刺激,但是这部电影中有太多暴力镜头。”as意思是“尽管,虽然”,引导让步状语从句时要求倒装,在这句话中把表语exciting提前,如果还原一下就是: its special effects are exciting to watch ,..这样就可以看出这是固定词组:be +adj.+to do在这个句式中不定式用主动表被动。希望能帮到你~
2023-07-14 16:47:092

the special effects make the film seem really cheesy 这里的SEEM是不是应该加个S ,,THE FILM 是单数啊

seem 应该改为 see 因为make sb do 或者make sb to do sth
2023-07-14 16:47:172

死亡之屋2里的Sound Test Special Effects 意思

"特殊音效影响"测试 吧.....
2023-07-14 16:47:242

后街男孩有一首歌的第一句歌词是 everybody go to the music ,是什么歌?

We"ve got it goin"on
2023-07-14 16:47:464


1、It's all true.It's all real.Nothing here is fake.Nothing you see on this show is fake.It's merely controlled.内容真真实实,原原本本。各位所见的,绝无虚假。有的只是调控。2、 I want to get away.See some of the world.我想出去走走,见见世面,闯出新天地。3、Maybe I'm being set up for something.Like your whole life has been building towards something.我可能受到别人的操纵,好像一生都身不由己。4、No scripts; no cue cards. It isn't always Shakespeare, but it's genuine. It's a life.这节目没有剧本、没有提示卡。未必是杰作,但如假包换。是一个人一生的真实记录。5、You don't have to leave home to discover what the world is about.we learn that no one is poor who has friends.不必出门就能知天下事,有朋友相伴便不寂寞。
2023-07-14 16:47:572


  1、我给了Truman过正常生活的机会。而你所生活的世界,是一个病态的世界。   I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life. The world, the place you live in, is the sick place.   2、早上好,以防我见不着你,所以下午好,晚上好,晚安!   Good morning, and in case I don"t see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!   3、他就是出生在直播现场。   He was born in front of a live audience.   4、有什么是真实的么?   Was anything real?   5、你是真实的",所以大家才这么爱你……   You were real. That"s what made you so good to watch…   6、我们看厌了花哨的特技。   We"re tired of pyrotechnics and special effects.   7、但是楚门的世界可以说是假的。楚门本人却半点不假。   While the world he inhabits… is in some respects, counterfeit. There"s nothing fake about Truman himself.   8、这节目没有剧本、没有提示卡。未必是杰作,但如假包换。是一个人一生的真实记录。   No scripts; no cue cards. It isn"t always Shakespeare, but it"s genuine. It"s a life.   9、时不与我,你无法面对现实,于是……你要去别处寻求出路,但重要的是,我愿意为你这朋友两肋插刀。   When it"s like everything"s slipping away… You don"t want to believe it, so you look for answers somewhere else, but… well… the point is, I would gladly step in front of traffic for you.   10、楚门:你是谁?   TRUMAN:Who are you?   创造者:我是创造者,创造了一个受万众欢迎的电视节目。   CHRISTOF:I am the creatorof a television show that gives hope and joy and inspiration to millions.   楚门:那么,我是谁?   TRUMAN:And who am I?   创造者:你就是那个节目的明星。   CHRISTOF: You"re the star.   楚门:什么都是假的?   TRUMAN:Was nothing real?   创造者:你是真的,所以才有那么多人看你。……听我的忠告,外面的世界跟我给你的世界一样的虚假,有一样的谎言,一样的欺诈。但在我的世界你什么也不用怕,我比你更清楚你自己。   CHRISTOF:YOU were real. That"s what made you so good to watch. Listen to me, Truman. There"s no more truth out there than there is in the world I created for you. Same lies. The same deceit. But in my world, you have nothing to fear. I know you better than you know yourself.   楚门:你无法在我的脑子里装摄影机。   TRUMAN:You never had a camera in my head!   创造者:你害怕,所以你不能走,楚门不要紧,我明白。我看了你的一生,你出生时我在看你;你学走路时,我在看你;你入学,我在看你;还有你掉第一颗牙齿那一幕。你不能离开,楚门你属于这里,跟我一起吧。……回答我,说句话。……说话!你上了电视,正在向全世界转播。   CHRISTOF:You"re afraid. That"s why you can"t leave. It"s okay, Truman. I understand. I have been watching you your whole life. I was watching when you were born. I was watching when you took your first step. I watched you on your first day of school. heh heh. The episode when you lost your first tooth. heh heh heh. You can"t leave, Truman. You belong here…With me. Talk to me. Say something. "ell, say something, goddamnit! You"re on television! You"re live to the whole world!   楚门:假如再也碰不到你……祝你早安、午安、晚安……   TRUMAN:In case I don"t see ya", good afternoon, good evening and goodnight. Hahaha! Yeah!
2023-07-14 16:48:201


篇一:奥运会英语作文   中国所举办的是一届流光四溢的盛事,是全人类的盛大pitty。   风在吹,吹来了中国人民百年的企盼。早在百年前,中国就充满了对奥运精神的向往。中国人也希望将全人类都渴望的精神遍布亚洲,遍布中国。在近代的中国因为种种原因,使中国遭到列强的侵略,中国也无可奈何的画上这屈辱的一笔。   可现在的中国不一样了。中国开始强大了,我们也渴望有一种和平自由的精神将我们升华。这一刻终于到了,我们沐浴在奥运精神下。   风在吹,吹来了一个个坚强不屈的“灵魂”,在赛场上,有42岁仍然站在乒坛上的佩尔森,他在与王励勤决战的第二局,肌肉拉伤。但他仍然坚持自己的梦想,坚持打到最后。他——范德韦登。曾换上白血病,但他完成了他的奥运梦。只因为他心中最初的梦想……   风在吹,吹来了游子的炽国之心。时隔那么多年,年已过半百的她,仍站在了奥运的赛场上,全都是源于他对祖国的爱与眷恋。她打完比赛后,在手上举起一个横幅:“祖国好”,这是多么亲切质朴的字眼啊!她——栾菊霞,我为她的赤子之心感动。   风在吹,吹来了一场场精彩的赛事。我不得不说中国的乒乓赛事,在男单与女单的赛场上,都庄严的升起了三面五星红旗,在那一刻,我激动不已,我们不再是那个任人宰割的羔羊了,我们强大了,我们的体育水平上升了,我们并不比别人差。   风在吹,吹来了和谐的音律。那精彩纷呈的开幕式,无不向世界展示了成长中的中国,中国古时的文明繁盛。我忘不了你的那一幕,三千名孔子的弟子在吟诵《论语》。那“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”是我们对世界发出的请柬……   风在吹,吹来了那奥林匹克风。我惊异于运动员们的毅力与坚强,也惊异于全世界人民向往的奥运精神,更惊异于了中国的发展。是奥运,让中国流光溢彩,让水立方鸟巢展现辉煌。   China is held by a streamer event, is the grand pound of all mankind.   The wind blowing, blowing the Chinese people a hundred years of hope. As early as a hundred years ago, China is full of longing for the Olympic spirit. The Chinese also hope that all the human beings are eager to spread all over Asia, all over China. In modern China because of various reasons, so that China has been the aggression of the powers, China has no alternative to this humiliation of the painting.   But now China is not the same. China is beginning to be strong, and we are eager to have a spirit of peace and freedom that will sublimate us. This moment finally arrived, we bathed in the spirit of the Olympic Games.   The wind blowing, blowing a strong and unyielding "soul", in the game, there are 42-year-old standing on the table tennis Pellson, he and Wang Liqin decisive battle in the second game, muscle strain. But he still insists on his dream, stick to the last. He - van der Wieden. Had put on leukemia, but he finished his Olympic dream. Just because of his initial dream ...   The wind blowing, blowing the wandering of the heart of the country. After so many years, the year has been over half of her, still standing in the Olympic arena, all from his love of the motherland and love. After she finished the game, raised a banner in his hand: "Motherland is good", this is how cordial simple words ah! She - Luan Juxia, I moved for her pure heart.   The wind blowing, blowing a wonderful event. I have to say that China"s ping-pong tournament, in the men"s singles and women"s singles stadium, are solemnly raised three red star flag, at that moment, I am excited, we are no longer that slaughtered lamb, and we Strong, our sports level has risen, we are not worse than others.   The wind blowing, blowing a harmonious temperament. That colorful opening ceremony, all to the world to show the growth of China, China"s ancient civilization flourishing. I can not forget your scene, three thousand Confucius disciples recite the "Analects of Confucius". That "there is friends from afar, enjoying themselves" is our invitations to the world ... ...   The wind blows and blows the Olympic wind. I am amazed at the perseverance and strength of the athletes, but also amazed at the spirit of the people of the world aspire to the Olympic Games, more amazed at the development of China. Is the Olympic Games, so that China Ambilight, so that water cube nest show brilliant. 篇二:奥运会英语作文   一场喧嚣、欢乐,又不失温情,以及历史厚重感的奥运会开幕式就这样呈现在了世人面前。   毫无疑问,这是一场能让每个人的情绪都被调动起来的大聚会,充满了激情与欢愉。   百年奥运历史上首次移师南美洲,面对外界的质疑与吐槽,巴西人用一场充满南美、桑巴风情的盛会让全世界为之陶醉,“欢乐”应是现场最直观的感受。   当地时间8月5日晚8时,北京时间8月6日早7时,20XX里约奥运会开幕式在里约热内卢马拉卡纳体育场举行。整场文艺演出将巴西的历史、现在与未来集中呈现在世人面前,而热带雨林等元素的出场,体现出这个南美最大国家与自然、环保的密切联系。   事实上,巴西人不光拥有匠心独运的文艺表演,他们还有无比细致的一面,从而让世界看到他们办好一届世界性运动盛会的决心和信心,这似乎与人们对巴西人自由,又略带散漫的印象大相径庭。   作为开幕式最大亮点,不同肤色、不同性别的引导员脚踏用植物点缀的三轮车引导各国运动员入场,让人犹如置身在狂欢节的氛围之中,同时也感受到这个多种族国家独有的热情。   环保奥运,没有奢华的排场,没有炫目的特效,五环是全绿色的,火焰也是这么些年来最小的,但是里约奥运会开幕式真的超过了想象,低调却美丽,祝福所有运动员,期待奥运顺利举行。   “我对里约奥运会有充足信心,”正如国际奥委会主席巴赫所说,多一分对巴西人的理解,奥运会在人们眼中就会多一分美好,多一分和谐,有理由相信,里约奥运会,将是一届成功,又充满南美风情和欢乐元素的体育盛会,对此我深信不疑。   A hustle and bustle, joy, without losing the warmth, and the history of the heavy sense of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games so presented in front of the world.   There is no doubt that this is a let everyone"s emotions have been mobilized together a big party, full of passion and joy.   For the first time in the history of the Olympic Games moved to South America, the face of the outside world questioned and Tucao, Brazilians with a full of South America, Samba style of the event so that the world intoxicated, "happy" should be the most intuitive feeling.   Local time on August 5 evening 8 pm, Beijing time on August 6 as early as 7 pm, 20XX Rio Olympic opening ceremony held in Rio de Janeiro Maracana Stadium. The whole of theatrical performances will be Brazil"s history, present and future focus on the world in front of the tropical rain forest and other elements of the appearance, reflecting the largest country in South America and nature, environmental protection and close contact.   In fact, the Brazilians not only have the artistic performances of ingenuity, they have a very meticulous side, so that the world see them run a world event and determination of confidence, it seems that people with the Brazilian freedom, And slightly loose impression very different.   As the opening ceremony of the biggest bright spot, different color, different sex guide pedal pedal with turtles to guide the national athletes admission, people like being in the atmosphere of the carnival, but also feel the multi-ethnic country unique enthusiasm.   Environmental protection Olympics, no luxury pomp, no dazzling special effects, the five rings are all green, the flame is the smallest of so many years, but the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympic Games really more than imagined, low-key is beautiful, bless all athletes, look forward to the Olympic Games Successfully held.   "I have enough confidence in the Rio Olympics," as the International Olympic Committee President Bach said, one more understanding of the Brazilian people, the Olympic Games in the eyes of people will be more beautiful, more harmonious, there is reason to believe, Rio Olympic Games, will be a success, but also full of South American style and fun elements of the sports event, which I am convinced. 篇三:奥运会英语作文   女子400米混合泳成为我最喜欢的奥运项目,是因为叶诗文。奥运女子400米混合泳决赛,中国选手叶诗文后程发力夺金!中国游泳队在奥运第一天为中国带来第二枚金牌,而且是各种破纪录!叶诗文也成为了中国游泳军团最年轻的奥运会冠军。最让我感动的是她才16岁!在和我们一样的年龄里,却绽放着这样耀眼的光芒,让我很受鼓舞!   我喜欢女子400米混合泳的另外一个原因是,尽管可能在一件事情中,我们并不擅长每一个部分,但是在我们擅长的部分和领域,我们发挥出了最好水平,意味着,我们就可能离成功越来越近。   所以,从我最喜欢的奥运项目,我感悟到,我们身上有优势和劣势,只要努力发挥优势,将劣势发挥到正常水平,那么我们就是成功的。   The women"s 400m medley became my favorite Olympic project because of the leaf poem. Olympic women"s 400 meters medley finals, the Chinese players Ye poetry after the process of force gold! Chinese swimming team in the first day of the Olympic Games for China to bring the second gold medal, and is a variety of record! Ye Shiwen has also become the youngest Olympic champion of the Chinese swimming corps. I was most touched by her only 16 years old! In the same age as us, but blooming with such a bright light, so I am very encouraged!   Another reason I like a woman"s 400m medley is that although we may not be good at everything in one thing, but in the parts and areas we are good at, we play the best level, meaning that we It may be closer to success.   So, from my favorite Olympic project, I realized that we have strengths and weaknesses, as long as we strive to play the advantages, the disadvantage to play to normal levels, then we are successful. 篇四:奥运会英语作文   今天,我在家观看了伦敦奥运会开幕式。一口欧洲最大的钟被敲响了,钟声通过电视传遍世界各地,奥运会开幕式正式开始了。首先是一些表演,给我印象最深是五环在空中慢慢合拢,就在那一瞬间,五环朝下洒出火光,我感到自己好像正站在里面,四周被耀眼的火光包围,真有点飘飘欲仙的感觉。   到了运动员入场的时刻,我盼啊盼,由易建联引领的中国代表团终于上场了,396名运动员都穿着红色的运动服,我心中也被这一片红色火焰给点燃了,大声地欢呼、跳跃,简直无法用语言来描绘我心中的狂热,一个尽地高呼:“中国队,加油!”   最让我难忘的是点燃奥运圣火的环节,7名年轻人点燃了象征送给每个参赛国的200个铜花瓣,这些花瓣最终慢慢升起,合拢在一起成为伦敦奥运会的主火炬,那一刻,奥运把世界各个国家和地区和平地团结在了一起。   开幕式结束了,但那点燃圣火的时刻依然留在我心中。我多么希望世界各国永远象此时一样紧密团结,永远不要听到战火的消息。   Today, I watched the opening ceremony of the London Olympics. One of Europe"s biggest bells was sounded, and the bells spread all over the world through television, and the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games began. First of all, some of the performance, give me the deepest impression is the five rings in the air slowly close together, in that moment, the five rings down spilled fire, I feel like they are standing inside, surrounded by dazzling fire surrounded, really Flirtatious feeling.   To the athletes admission time, I hope hope, led by Yi Jianlian Chinese delegation finally played, 396 athletes are wearing red sportswear, my heart was also a red flame to ignite, loud cheering, jumping , Simply can not use language to describe my heart of the fanaticism, a shouting: "Chinese team, Come on!"   The most unforgettable is the light of the Olympic flame, seven young people lit a symbol of each participating countries to the 200 copper petals, these petals eventually slowly rise, together to become the main torch of the London Olympic Games, that For a moment, the Olympics united the countries and regions of the world peacefully.   The opening ceremony was over, but the moment of the flame was still in my heart. How much hope I hope that the nations of the world will be as closely as possible and never hear the news of war. 篇五:奥运会英语作文   我心中的奥运英雄是王楠、张怡宁和瑞典的瓦尔德内尔。   张怡宁有着十足的拼劲和耐性,她有着不服输的精神。因为她的自信和勇气,使她在比赛时很放松,也很轻松,所以才打出了这么好的成绩。王楠是张怡宁的好搭挡,因为她们俩默契的配合,所以才拿到了奥运会乒乓球女子双打的冠军。王楠虽然输掉了女子单打的比赛。可她那种顽强拼搏的精神让人感动。她输掉了女子单打的比赛,可是她却微笑着走出了奥运会场。她良好的心理素质,值得所有奥运参赛者学习。   而瑞典名将瓦尔德内尔被韩国选手柳承敏以4:1击败了,此时他也无力再现几年前巴塞罗那夺冠的辉煌。但他那打球的智慧和风格以及坚韧不拔的毅力,仍然值得发扬广大。虽然老瓦输了,可他为乒乓球事业做出了巨大的贡献,他几乎把自己的上半生嫁给了乒乓球。虽然老瓦不是中国人。但是我还要对他说:“老瓦好样的你是所有中国人心目中的英雄,也是全世界人民的英雄。”   I am the hero of the Olympic Games is Wang Nan, Zhang Yining and Sweden"s Waldner.   Zhang Yining has full strength and patience, she has the spirit of unyielding. Because of her self-confidence and courage to make her very relaxed in the game, but also very easy, so it played such a good result. Wang Nan is Zhang Yining good take the block, because they both understand the tie, so get the Olympic table tennis women doubles champion. Wang Nan, although lost the women"s singles game. But her kind of tenacious fighting spirit touched. She lost the women"s singles game, but she was smiling out of the Olympic venue. Her good psychological quality, it is worth all Olympic participants to learn.   While the Swedish star Waldner was South Korean player Liu Chengmin to 4: 1 defeat, this time he was unable to reproduce a few years ago, Barcelona won the glory. But his play the wisdom and style as well as the perseverance of perseverance, is still worthy of the broad masses. Although the old tile lost, but he made a great contribution to the cause of table tennis, he almost married his first half of the table tennis. Although the old tile is not Chinese people. But I will say to him, "You are the hero of all the Chinese people and the hero of the people of the whole world.
2023-07-14 16:48:281


good Excellent
2023-07-14 16:48:3613


冷山 应该算是乱世佳人 不知道是不是
2023-07-14 16:49:158


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2023-07-14 16:49:301


Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die,
2023-07-14 16:49:542


2023-07-14 16:50:011


2023-07-14 16:50:205

求助,英文歌识曲,歌词大概是we got it indeed,aha~,一首挺热的歌吧,影视短视频经常配这个音乐

《Right Here》演唱:Pharoahe Monch相关歌词:Raw, if you want itRaw, yeah we got it indeedYo actually I"m just tryin" to eatFor sure, if you need it on tour
2023-07-14 16:50:532


《楚门的世界》最经典台词 楚门:你是谁? 创造者:我是创造者,创造了一个受万众欢迎的电视节目。 楚门:那么,我是谁? 创造者:你就是那个节目的明星。 楚门:什么都是假的? 创造者:你是真的,所以才有那么多人看你。听我的忠告,外面的世界跟我给你的世界一样的虚假,有一样的谎言,一样的欺诈。但在我的世界你什么也不用怕,我比你更清楚你自己。 楚门:你无法在我的脑子里装摄影机。 创造者:你害怕,所以你不能走,楚门不要紧,我明白。我看了你的一生,你出生时我在看你;你学走路时,我在看你;你入学,我在看你;还有你掉第一颗牙齿那一幕。你不能离开,楚门你属于这里 ,跟我一起吧。回答我,说句话。说话!你上了电视,正在向全世界转播。 楚门:假如再也碰不到你祝你早安、午安、晚安 TRUMAN:Who are you? CHRISTOF:I am the creator..of a television show that gives hope and joy and inspiration to millions. TRUMAN:And who am I? CHRISTOF: Youre the star. TRUMAN:Was nothing real? CHRISTOF:YOU were real. Thats what made you so good to watch. Listen to me, Truman. Theres no more truth out there than there is in the world I created for you. Same lies. The same deceit. But in my world, you have nothing to fear. I know you better than you know yourself. TRUMAN:You never had a camera in my head! CHRISTOF:Youre afraid. Thats why you cant leave. Its okay, Truman. I understand. I have been watching you your whole life. I was watching when you were born. I was watching when you took your first step. I watched you on your first day of school. heh heh. The episode when you lost your first tooth. heh heh heh. You cant leave, Truman. You belong here...With me. Talk to me. Say something. ell, say something, goddamnit! Youre on television! Youre live to the whole world! TRUMAN:In case I dont see ya, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight. Hahaha! Yeah! 1、他就是出生在直播现场。 He was born in front of a live audience. 2、有什么是真实的么? Was anything real? 3、你是真实的,所以大家才这么爱你 You were real. Thats what made you so good to watch 4、我们看厌了花哨的特技。 Were tired of pyrotechnics and special effects. 5、The world stood still for that stolen kiss. 他的初吻受到全球瞩目。 6、please, dont listen to him. Hes gonna lie to you. 不要听他,他是骗你的。 7、You were real. Thats what made you so good to watch 你是真实的,所以大家才这么爱你 8、We accept the reality of the world with which were presented. 每个人都会接受眼前的现实。 9、但是楚门的世界可以说是假的。楚门本人却半点不假。 While the world he inhabits is in some respects, counterfeit. Theres nothing fake about Truman himself. 10、这节目没有剧本、没有提示卡。未必是杰作,但如假包换。是一个人一生的真实记录。 No scripts; no cue cards. It isnt always Shakespeare, but its genuine. Its a life. 11、时不与我,你无法面对现实,于是你要去别处寻求出路,但重要的是,我愿意为你这朋友两肋插刀。 When its like everythings slipping away You dont want to believe it, so you look for answers somewhere else, but well the point is, I would gladly step in front of traffic for you. 11、What right do you have to turn a babys life into a mockery. 你无权把一个生命 当成一场秀。 12、lf his was more than a vague ambition, if he was determined,to discover the truth, theres no way we could prevent him. 他如果决心要查出真相,谁也阻止不了他。 13、All right. promise me one thing, though.lf l die before the summit, use me as an alternative source of food. 答应我一件事,我如果在半途不幸身亡,你要把我当作粮食。 冰雪奇缘经典台词中英文对白 1.我们需要爱莎把夏天带过来 2.好可爱!就像个婴儿的独角兽 3.乱扔雪人可不礼貌 4.我们先要挺过这场暴风雪 5.我不会离开你的,爱莎 6.好可爱!就像个婴儿的独角兽 7.乱扔雪人可不礼貌 8.我们先要挺过这场暴风雪 9.那不是暴风雪,那是我姐姐! 10有生以来第一次,我的梦想变成现实 11.如果我们不行动起来,我们会被冻死 12.让我们把夏天带回来 13.没错,我觉得她是最善良的人,不是吗?你好,你可真是恐怖 14.大家好,我叫雪宝。你是爱莎堆出来的吗? 15.那不是暴风雪,那是我姐姐! 16有生以来第一次,我的梦想变成现实 17.如果我们不行动起来,我们会被冻死 18.让我们把夏天带回来 19.你在融化,宝雪 有些人值得我融化,但好像现在不是时候 20.解开冰封吧,拜托了! 你不明白吗?我做不到 21.我不会离开你的,爱莎 冰雪奇缘经典英文台词 1、We can head down this mountain dont have to live in fear.Cause for rhe first time in foreve... 2、I will be right here 3、Do you wanna build a snowman 4、It doesnt have to be a snowman 5、Olaf!Youre melting 6、Some people are worth melting for 7、Just not maybe in this second 8、Winters a good time stay in and cuddle but put me in summer and ill be a... 9、Happy snowmanl 10、Do you know where she is 11、Do you think you can shou us the way? 12、Dont know if imelated or gassy 13、but im somewhere in that zone! 14、I cant feel my legs 15、Those ate my legs 16/Dont be the monster they fear you are 阿甘正传的经典台词中英文 阿甘正传的经典台词中英文 1、Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you"re gonna get、(生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料) 2、Stupid is as stupid does、(蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福)阿甘看似傻人,然而往往是那些自以为是自恃甚高的人做了傻事,所以看一个人是看他的行动而非外表。这是典型的阿甘用语。 3、Miracles happen every day、(奇迹每天都在发生)美国人的宗教信仰。阿甘受的时非常典型的美国教育。 4、Jenny and I was like peas and carrots、(我和珍妮形影不离) 豌豆和胡萝卜丁,一个圆的,一个方的;一个红的,一个绿的。它们的共同点虽然没有太大的味道但营养非常高。故但在美国烹饪时做为主食的点缀,而且它俩都是同时出现。故引申为形影不离。 5、Have you given any thought to your future?(你有没有为将来打算过呢) 6、You just stay away from me please、(求你离开我) 7、If you are ever in trouble, don"t try to be brave, just run, just run away、(你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开) 8、It made me look like a duck in water、(它让我如鱼得水) 9、Death is just a part of life, something we"re all destined to do、(死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事) 10、I was messed up for a long time、(这些年我一塌糊涂) 11、I don"t know if we each have a destiny, or if we"re all just floating around accidental—like on a breeze、(我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡) 12、His back is as crooked as a politician、 形容GUMp的后背的弯曲。(象政客的不正直,双关讽刺政客。) 13、There is an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes、Where they"re going、Where they"ve been、 通过人家的鞋可以了解别人很多的东西。(比如要去哪里或去过哪里、) 14、You are no different than anybody else is、 你和别人没有任何的不同,阿甘的妈妈从小就给阿甘一种自信。(就象她说如果世界上每个人都一样的话那么全世界的人都是残疾人。) 15、There must be someing can be done、 不同的与其可以传递不同的信息,在电影里阿甘妈妈侧身,眼神里充满的诱惑,对校长暧昧的说了这句话。校长没有领会错她的意思~~女孩子甚用!! 16、Son-of-bitch、 狗娘养的、狗崽。骂起人来过瘾!(但是片中有用在教练夸GUMp。) 17、Sure as hell was、 绝对可信,铁板定钉了,敢以人格担保的可信,就是这种感觉。(象地狱那么真实?呵呵 WHO KNOWS!) 18、Ain"t I going to be me? 我不能做我自己么?(JENY问他长大要做什么Have you given any thought to your future?(你有没有为将来打算过呢) 他很奇怪就问了这句。GUMp真的是白痴么?他的智商太高了!) 19、Nobody gives a horse"s shit who you are,puss ball、 没人在乎你是谁,女里女气的男人,明显的骂人的话。 20Get your maggoty ass on the bus、 滚到车上来! 21、That is the outstanding answer I"ve ever heard、 夸奖别人一定要把这句话挂在嘴上。(GUMp在军队里的确如鸭子在水里,呵呵!) 22、Just like that ,she was gone、 就这样,她走了。阿甘一生最爱的人走了,不知该说什么,一切仅在不言之中,阿甘有一点点的心酸,有一点点的无奈。但是更多的一种感觉是:上帝的存在。 23、I do not know much about it ,but I think some of America"s best young men served in this war、 阿甘对战争不了解,但他知道美国的新鲜血液都战死在越南的战场了。 24、A little of stinging rain,and big old fat rain、 牛毛细雨,和瓢泊大雨。(记得我的巨型希腊婚礼么?也是这种表达。) 25、There ain"t something you can find just around the corner、 形容很不容易找到的东西。(万能系动词否定) 26、The secret to this game is ,no matter what happens ,never ,ever take your eye off the ball、 为了表达“永远”的口气,口语中要每句说得很清楚(这是打乒乓的秘诀?呵呵!为什么GUMp总能遇到那种能让他理解并成功的表达方式) 27、Nothing just happens,it"s all part of a plan、 没有事情随随便便发生,都是计划的一部分。宿命论!(destiny!) 28、army"s value=loyalt,duty, respect,selfless service,honor,ivtegrity,pessonal courage 、 每个单词的首个字母连起来就是LDRSHIp=leadship、美国军人的七项素质。(全部做到了你就具有leadship了) 29、There is one small step for a man,a giant leap for mankind、 某人的一小步就是人类的一大步。(美国登月宇航员) 30、A promise is a promise、(made a promise and keep a promise)、 信守承诺。阿甘信守了承诺,最后也得到了最好的回报。(It"s forrest"s) 31、I am a man of my word、 我是信守我承诺的人。 32、Where the hell is this God of yours? 你的上帝他妈的在哪里? 33、There is only so much of fortune a man really neads and the rest is just for showing off、 一个人真正需要财富的就那么一点点,其余的都是用来炫耀的,正应了中国的古话:纵有广厦千间,夜眠三尺之地。 34、You got to go when you got to go、 不得不去洗手间的时候,不得不去。(让我想起一首歌《whatever will be,will be、》又可以叫que sera, sera、) 35、Shit happens! 不好的事情发生了。(片中GUMp跑步时给那个保险杠商的创意) 36、You have got to put the past behinde you before you can move on、 放下包袱,才能继续前进。 37、It was like just before the sun goes to bed down on the bayou、There was a million sparkles on the river、、 就像太阳在落山前映射在河口上,有无数的亮点在闪闪发光。(GUMp是如此浪漫、唯美,他的心底是怎样的完美,因为他眼睛里看到的是如此完美) 38、If there is anything you need I will not be far away、 用情至专!(是他在JENY坟前说的) 39、It"s my time、It"s just my time、Oh, now, don"t you be afraid sweetheart、Death is just a part of life, something we"re all destined to do、I didn"t know it、But I was destined to be your momma、I did the best I could、 母亲:别害怕,死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要去做的一件事。我不知道怎么回事,但我注定是你的妈妈,并且我尽我的全力去做好了。 40、Sometimes we all do things that, just don"t make no sense、是啊! 速度与激情7经典台词中英文 (1) Roman: [at Hans funeral] promise me something, Brian. I dont wanna go to any more funerals. [韩的葬礼上]布莱恩,你答应我,我不想再参加任何葬礼了。 Brian OConner: Only one more. 还有一场。 Brian OConner: His. 他的(戴克肖)。 2、Drag racing or death. 飙车或者死亡。 3、You are standing in the wrong on, bitch. 你站错队了,婊子! 4、Because Ill be there to kick your ass if you aint. 如果你不好好表现,我就弄死你。 5.want to catch the big fish, deep water to get. 想钓大鱼,得到深水去。 6.if you want to use violence, we can try. 如果你想使用暴力,咱们可以试试。 7.I with Shaw cooperation, material, weapons, money, woman What are the. 我跟肖合作,物质,武器,金钱,女人什么都有。 8.she survived. Shes in hell for a walk, stronger. 她活了下来。 她在地狱走一遭,变得更坚强了。 the amnesty and amnesty, the day we were born, these words will disappea. 就如同大赦和特赦 ,我们出生的那天,这些词就消失了。 10.something we carry together, he went to have a look two people together are better than one. 有事大家一起扛,他去也有个照应 两个人在一起总比一个人强。 11.Guys. Do something, my butt sitting below the tank! 伙计们!做点什么,我屁股下面坐的是坦克啊! 12.I couldnt believe it, they steal the tank is to grab a 85 gramchips. 我简直不敢相信,他们偷坦克只是为了抢一个85克的芯片。 13、And we got it cooking like a one-eyed stove. 我们的热火瞬间点燃黑夜。 14、Couldnt slow down so we had to crash it. 绝不放慢速度,宁愿粉身碎骨。 15、We the family and loyalty never change up. 我们亲如一家,彼此永远忠诚。 16、You can catch me kiss in my girl with both eye closed. 亲吻姑娘的时候,我才会闭眼。 17、I see some people ahead that we go pass. 前面的对手我们都要超越。 18、I never feared death or dying,I only fear never trying. 我从不害怕死亡,只害怕无疾而终。 (19) Deckard Shaw: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. 敌人的敌人,就是朋友。 (20) Dominic Toretto: I dont have friends. Ive got family. 我没有朋友,我们是家人。 21、还以为就那样了,原来还有更牛的。 22、无论你身处何方,无论是4分之1英里的赛道还是饶了大半个地球的距离,我们生命中最重要的东西就是这屋檐下的人就在此时就在此地。你永远在我身边也永远是我的兄弟。 23、多米尼克托雷多,你不认识我。不过很快会认识了。 杰森斯坦森 24、开始干活吧。 25、人生中最重要的永远是此刻此地的家人。范迪塞尔的旁白开始 26、这还有点意思。 27、你们做自己该做的,但不要放过他。 28、我们从起点走来历经漫漫长路;每一次飙车就像走过一次人生。 29、你死了,我也不会活。 30、你们的游戏规则这边不管用。 31、我这辈子最不后悔的事就是走进你家的店买下了第一块三明治。 32、在伦敦结下的梁子,人家找上门了。 范迪赛尔 33、终极一战。 34、记得欧文 肖吧?这是他的大坏蛋哥哥! (35) Brian OConner: [Etihad towers scene] Cars cant fly, Dom, cars cant fly! 汽车不能飞,汽车不能飞。 (36) Letty: Would you believe I knocked him out with my charm? 你相不相信他是为我的魅力所倾倒? Kara: Youre not that charming, bitch. 你才没那么有魅力,贱人。 (37) Dominic Toretto: You thought this was gonna be a street fight? 你认为这次是街头争霸么? Dominic Toretto: Youre goddamn right it is. 你居然猜对了。 (38) No matter where you are, whether its a quarter mile away or half way across the world. The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room, right here, right now. Youll always be with me. And youll always be my brother. 无论你身处何方,无论是4分之1英里的赛道,还是绕了大半个地球的距离。我们生命中最重要的东西就是这屋檐下的人,就在此时,就在此地,你永远在我身边,也永远是我的兄弟!
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如果时光可以倒流,你将会去哪 英语作文

If I go back in time"If I go back in time, that I have is not what it is today." "If we can turn back time, I will do better." People are always in the face of disappointing result of the big things, such a sigh, "back in time" seems to be a dose of special effects, "regret medicine" can treat all today"s pain, make up for all regret now. I think, if one can really put back the clock, what that will mean?People want to go back, because they saw today the modern unpleasant consequences and wanted from the beginning, in order to achieve success, to achieve perfection. If I go back in time, before doing one thing, people will no longer worry about consequences, because even if the first ?假如时光可以倒流 “假如时光可以倒流,那我一定不会是今天这个样子。”“假如时光可以倒流,我一定会做的更好。”人们总是在面对不尽如人意大事情的结果时,发出这样的感叹,似乎“时光倒流”是一剂特效“后悔药”,可以治疗今天的所有伤痛,弥补现在地所有遗憾。我思索,假如时光真的可以倒流,那将意味着什么呢? 人们希望时光倒流,就是因为他们看到了今天出现代不如意后果而想要从头来过,以达到成功,实现尽善尽美。假如时光可以倒流,人们在做一件事情之前,将不再顾虑后果,因为即使第一次做错了,还可以重新回到原时原地去做第二次,第三次……直到得到满意大结果。可是这样一来,人生中将不会有“成功”与“失败”的滋味。在这样的世界里,人因为没有失败的烦恼,也就不会尝到成功的喜悦,没有酸甜苦辣的人生,还有什么意义可言? 人生本就充满了无数失败,本就夹杂着许多的烦恼。可其中的乐趣就在于:为失败而烦恼,为取得成功而思索和努力,一次次地改正,一次次地成功,从而一步步走向成熟。假如时光可以倒流,人生将变为静止,人将生活在一个毫无波澜、为了成功一味重复的世界里。这样的人生又有何光彩、有何乐趣可言?这还是我们原来意义上的“人生”吗? 其实,生命的不可逆转性,正是它的魅力所在,它使每一个生命个体面对的每一天都是新鲜的,这无疑激励着生命个体必须发挥最大潜能才能适应变幻莫测而又不可知的未来。 在这个过程中,生命个体得到了最大限度的发展,生命群体也因此得以前进。可以说,生命的不可逆转性是人类前进与发展的巨大动力。可是如果生命一味地重复,人类将逐步演变成为心理上与行动上的懒惰者,生命的潜能得不到挖掘,那么总有一天人类将会在逃避的循环中失去前进的动力,从而使社会在不断的退化中走向衰亡。 由此看来,“时光倒流”其实并不像人们想象的那样美好,也许“时光倒流”只能作为一个美丽的词语存放在记忆中,在人们受伤之后寻求心理安慰时作为一个小小的驿站。社会终究是要不断向前发展的,人们也必然要从“时光倒流”的梦想中走出来,在可以掌握的现在和将来的时光中生活。还是珍惜现有的时光吧,因为时光毕竟不可以倒流
2023-07-14 16:51:591

有一部电影里面主人公名字叫1990小时候在一个船上被黑人捡到 这个电影叫什么名字

海上钢琴师 是1900 很好的片子 楼主要看原声的
2023-07-14 16:52:087

have an effect on doing还是do

2023-07-14 16:52:291


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获得奖项:奥斯卡(美国电影学院奖) 2006   Best Achievement in Sound Mixing Hammond Peek   最佳音效剪辑 Ethan Van der Ryn   最佳视觉效果 理查德-泰勒   Best Achievement in Sound Mixing Christopher Boyes   最佳视觉效果 Christian Rivers   Best Achievement in Sound Mixing Michael Semanick   最佳视觉效果 Brian Van"t Hul   最佳视觉效果 Joe Letteri   Best Achievement in Sound Mixing Michael Hedges   最佳音效剪辑 Mike Hopkins   英国电影学院奖(BAFTA Film Award) 2006   Best Achievement in Special Visual Effects Christian Rivers   Best Achievement in Special Visual Effects Joe Letteri   Best Achievement in Special Visual Effects Brian Van"t Hul   Best Achievement in Special Visual Effects 理查德-泰勒   美国国家评论协会奖(Special Achievement Award) 2005   For the special effects.   多伦多影评人协会奖 2005   Special Citation 安迪·塞基斯   土星奖(Saturn Award) 2006   Best Special Effects Joe Letteri   Best Special Effects Christian Rivers   Best Special Effects Brian Van"t Hul   Best Special Effects 理查德-泰勒   最佳女演员 娜奥米·沃茨   最佳导演 彼得·杰克逊   Visual Effects Society Awards(VES Award) 2006   Outstanding Animated Character in a Live Action Motion Picture Guy Williams   Outstanding Created Environment in a Live Action Motion Picture Dan Lemmon   Outstanding Created Environment in a Live Action Motion Picture Matt Aitken   Outstanding Animated Character in a Live Action Motion Picture Atsushi Sato   Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual Effects Driven Motion Picture Eileen Moran   Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual Effects Driven Motion Picture Christian Rivers   Outstanding Created Environment in a Live Action Motion Picture R. Christopher White   Outstanding Animated Character in a Live Action Motion Picture Christian Rivers   Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual Effects Driven Motion Picture Joe Letteri   Visual Effects Society Awards 2006   Outstanding Created Environment in a Live Action Motion Picture Charles Tait   Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual Effects Driven Motion Picture Eric Saindon   Outstanding Animated Character in a Live Action Motion Picture 安迪·塞基斯   San Diego Film Critics Society Awards(SDFCS Award) 2005   最佳影片   London Critics Circle Film Awards 2006   Actress of the Year 娜奥米·沃茨   Las Vegas Film Critics Society Awards(Sierra Award) 2005   最佳艺术指导 Simon Bright   最佳艺术指导 Dan Hennah   最佳摄影 Andrew Lesnie   最佳服装设计 Terry Ryan   Best DVD   最佳剪辑 Jamie Selkirk   最佳视觉效果   Empire Awards, UK(Empire Award) 2006   最佳影片   ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards 2006   Top Box Office Films 詹姆斯·纽顿·霍华德
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肖申克的救赎 Andy Dufresne,一个永垂电影史册的名字。      1      关于《The Shawshank Redemption》的评论,太多,该说的差不多都已说了千万遍。对于这样一个热门的话题,再想要抒发一些个人的喜爱之情,不免有拾人牙慧之嫌。为了避免这样没新意的事情发生,许多单词我就不再提了,譬如“希望”,譬如“自由”。当然,这些都是很好很好的,也是可以第一时间从电影里感受到的。      那么,我先说说我曾经感受到过的另一个单词,“理性”。安迪的胜利是理性的胜利,安迪的成功是理性的成功。无论面临怎样的局面,顺境也好,逆境也罢,他都不动声色,默默地审时度势,做他能做的努力,以达成自己的目标。      这是一种伟大的才华!      人类是感性的动物,时常受到情绪的支配,这是人之常情。面对残酷的环境,人本能的反应便是奋力抗争,而当这个环境恶劣到一定的程度时,人的抗争之心就会慢慢被消磨殆尽,成为行尸走肉。这两种情况,都是在许多文学影视作品中可以看到的。      肖申克的囚犯也大都如此。在入狱之前,他们想必大都是目无法纪为非作歹的凶徒,人性中叛逆抗争的一面应该比常人要猛烈得多。但是长期被囚禁的生活,对权威的恐惧,对未来的绝望,对体制的顺应,使他们逐渐成为了去掉獠牙的狼。但冲动的血性并没有消失,囚犯之间时不时地争斗,“三姐妹”的恃强凌弱,都是证明。但,这一切都臣服于肖申克的石墙之内。就像驯服的狼被一起圈禁在铁栅栏中,也会彼此斗殴撕咬。这是动物的本性,也是人类的本性。      安迪的伟大之处,便在于他超越了这种本性,在它上方数万英里高空的地方,用人类的理性俯视着这一切。典狱长的冷酷,狱警的残暴,“三姐妹”的兽欲,他当然从心底里反抗。他的抗争看起来如此虚弱无力,但却如此又坚定持久。他在用他的智慧和理性反抗这一切。有的时候,他看似已经忍气吞声,但很快我又欣喜地发现,他始终不曾屈服。当“三姐妹”强迫他口交的时候,他一番心平气和的叙述让对方无计可施;同样的,当狱警头子恶狠狠的要将他推下屋顶之时,他仍是面不改色地说出一番话来,立刻说服了对方。面目狰狞穷凶极恶的是他们,但真正咄咄逼人的,却是他。      老瑞德曾经看错了安迪,以为他只是一个普通的知识分子,没有霸气,没有血性,是个软弱的人。没错,安迪没有张扬的锋芒,人性中野蛮与粗暴的一面,在他体内都已凝炼成了理性,从而爆发出更加巨大的能量。      我想,瑞德一定庆幸他输掉了那两包烟。      2      接着我想说的是,“毅力”。这个力量或许和前面所说的“理性”有些关联。      人都有一时冲动的时候,那一刻会爆发出平常所没有的力量,叫做爆发力。对短跑运动员来说,爆发力很重要。然而那一刻爆发的力量是有限的,它会被一种叫做时间的东西消磨。这个力量来自于人的本能,像顽石一样不经琢磨。      而“毅力”却是琢磨而出的。时间不断的腐蚀它,而理性不断的加固它。这是一场艰苦卓绝的拉锯战。      安迪可以坚持每天挖掘石洞,挖了近二十年;可以每周写一封信,后来每周写两封信,直到州政府给了回应,资助他建立起图书馆;可以穿越长达五百米的恶臭肮脏的下水道,逃离肖申克。这样的毅力不只是可敬可佩,简直是可怖。      我没有毅力。我只会被时间消磨成一堆灰,一堆沙,而安迪却被琢磨成了钻石。他让我激动,是因为他身上的“理性”和“毅力”是我所没有的。      我推想安迪从哪一天开始生起了挖洞逃生的念头。也许是他刻下名字的那一刻,他发现石墙的质地松动,可能使他成功,于是他开始奋斗。但我想,这个念头一定在那之前就有,一定是这种想要摆脱困境的念头,与他百折不挠的精神,使他成为一个出色的银行家。而后,使他成为一个出色的逃犯。接着,在电影结束之后,他必将成为一个出色的开拓者。      3      瑞德说,你不是罪犯,也许,不是个好丈夫。安迪却不这么认为,他痛心疾首,认为是他的性格害了他的妻子。他很爱她,但是不善于表达,她说他就像一本阖上的书,永远不知道他在想什么。      其实从电影一开始,我就明白了为什么安迪的妻子会红杏出墙。当然,他很出色,他不只是有才华,还有一种奇妙的人格魅力。但是这不是爱情的基础,起码,他的妻子并不因此而爱他。      有人说这是部“男人必看”的电影,我想除了因为这部电影宣扬了理性、希望、奋斗之外,还因为其中有一种男人之间的友情。安迪的魅力没有吸引到他的妻子,却深深吸引了他身边的囚犯兄弟,特别是瑞德。      瑞德是个老大哥般的人物,慷慨任侠,老成世故,颇有头脑。他在监狱里法力无边,若不是最初他帮助安迪搞到了许多工具,安迪也无法完成越狱的奇迹。      安迪心中明白“体制化”对瑞德的影响,他们曾在一次谈话中提到希望,于是引出了这部电影最经典的两句台词:“希望,是好事,甚至也许是人间至善。而美好的事永不消失。”“要么赶着去生活,要么赶着去死。”然而在监狱里生活了三十年的瑞德,怎么可能仅仅被这两句话而挽救呢?他可能会走Brook的老路。      于是安迪为瑞德安排了一件事,或者说,为他打造了一个梦想。当瑞德从绝望和恐惧中走出来,走向那棵巨大的橡树,走向碧海蓝天的时候,我彻底被安迪折服了。他用智慧拯救了他自己,又用智慧拯救了他的朋友。说得好听点,他给了瑞德一个叫做“希望”的东西,通俗点说,他让瑞德有点事情做做,让他“赶着去生活”。要做到这点,光有美好的愿望和深厚的友情是不够的,还有智慧,对人性的洞察。      安迪的这一招,非常像程灵素,她也是以她的感情与智慧,救了胡斐的命,最关键是,给了他活下去的理由。不能怪胡斐不爱她,就好像不能怪安迪的妻子不爱她一样,他们的智慧和人格魅力,也许只有站在朋友的立场才能够欣赏。许多男读者爱程灵素,应该也只是把她引为一位异性知己吧。      5      Andy Dufresne,他的智慧战胜了漏洞百出的制度;他的理性战胜了野蛮狂暴的本能;他的意志战胜了冷酷无情的时间;他战胜了肖申克的石墙;他战胜了他自己;他战胜了一切。      他战胜了一切,却输给了,Forrest Gump。
2023-07-14 16:53:521


1:黑彩木制成刀柄,有着不凡外表并蕴涵耐用、防水、防腐蚀的特殊效果 2:特种不锈钢制成刀背,耐腐蚀性持久耐用 3:微弧雪白锃亮的刀身展现一种力的美感,刀刃处锋锐无可比,4:锋芒毕露刀尖绝对不平凡译文:1: the black color wood is made of a hilt, with a unique appearance and special effects of durability, waterproofing and corrosion protection 2. Special stainless steel to make the back of the blade, durable and durable 3: the small arc white shiny blade shows a force of beauty, the blade of the blade can"t compare, 4: the edge of the edge is absolutely remarkable
2023-07-14 16:54:011

Exciting as its special effects are ____,there is too much violence in the film.? watch..

A? 本题中as引导一个让步状语从句,as引导让步状语从句时,采用部分倒装,即将从句的表语、状语或动词原形提到as前面。
2023-07-14 16:54:202

Exciting as its special effects are___,there is too much violence in the film. watch be w

2023-07-14 16:54:272


useful的用法1:useful的基本意思是“有用的,有益的,有帮助的”,也可表示“令人满意的”。2:useful在句中可用作定语,也可用表语,作定语时,后面可跟介词for, for的宾语通常是人。作表语时,后面可接介词at, for, to, in。表示对于人有益时,用be useful to; 表示“对于某目的有益”时,用be useful for; 表示“对某事精通”时,用be useful at; 当表示“在…方面有益”时,用be useful in。useful 的常用短语:useful as可用作…的 can be used asKurt hinted that she might be useful as a distributor of funds. 库尔特暗示,她也许可以当资金调配员。This medicine is useful as a cure for colds. 这种药可用来治感冒。useful的用法例句:1. In business a poker face can be very useful.生意场上,不动声色会非常有用。2. "For heaven"s sake!" Dot expostulated. "They"re cheap and they"re useful."“拜托!”多特反驳道,“它们又便宜又管用。”3. HDTV is especially useful if there are a lot of special effects.有很多特效的时候,高清电视就格外有用了。4. The hinged seat lifts up to reveal a useful storage space.把用铰链连接的座位抬起来后,就会发现下面有一个实用的储物空间。5. Pain-killers are very useful in small amounts to bring your temperature down.小剂量的止痛药对于降低体温非常有用。6. From this chastening experience he learnt some useful lessons.从这次惨痛的经历中他得到了一些有益的教训。7. Once our services cease to be useful to them, we"re expendable.一旦我们的服务对他们不再有用,我们就可能被抛弃。8. If you"re converting your loft, these addresses will be useful.你要是打算改造阁楼,这些地址会派上用场。9. A tripod will be useful to align and steady the camera.三脚架有助于调准和稳定相机。10. Brick rubble is useful as the base for paths and patios.碎砖石可以用来铺路基和庭院地基。
2023-07-14 16:54:351


Dinosaurs (恐龙) from the distant past! Space battles from the distant future! There has been a revolution in special effects, and it has transformed the movies we see. The revolution began in the mid-1970s with George Lucas s Star Wars, a film that stunned(使震惊) audiences. That revolution continues to the present with dramatic changes in special effects technology. The company behind these changes is Lucass Industrial Light & Magic (ILM).And the man behind the company is Dennis Muren, who has worked with Lucas since Star Wars. Murens interest in special effects began very early. At the age of 6, he was photographing toy dinosaurs and spaceships. At 10, he had an 8-millimeter movie camera and was making these things move through stop-motion. (Stop-motion is a process in which objects are shot with a camera, moved slightly, shot again, and so on. When the shots are put together, the objects appear tomove. ) Talk to Muren and you 1t understand what ILM is all about; taking on new challenges. By 1989, Muren decided he had pushed the old technology as far as it would go. He saw computer graphics(图像) (CG) technology as the wave of the future and took a year off the master it. With CG technology, images can be scanned into a computer for processing, for example, and many separate shots can be combined into a single image. CD technology has now reached the point, Muren says, where special effects can be used to do just about anything so that movies can tell stories better than ever before. The huge success of Jurassic park and its sequel (续集), The Lost World, the stars of which were computer-generated dinosaurs, suggests that this may very well be true 唔知啱啱
2023-07-14 16:54:561


Lather, rinse, repeat. Longtime readers may recall that I was not a fan of Spider-Man 2, a movie whose obsessive adherence to formula made it play more like a half-hearted remake of the original than a sequel. I"m happy to report that Spider-Man 3 has added some new ingredients to the recipe, though somewhat less pleased to note that it"s added several too many: another crisis of identity for Peter Parker; a roller coaster of affection and enmity with his best friend Harry; new revelations about his Uncle Ben"s death; multiple interlocking love triangles; another calamity involving heavy machinery; and not one, not two, but three new supervillains dedicated to squashing Spider-Man.This, evidently, is what happens when your star, Tobey Maguire, has expressed doubts about making any further sequels. (As he put it a while ago, "It feels like a trilogy to me, and it feels like the end.") Early on, there was reportedly some discussion of dividing the developments in Spider-Man 3 into two films; instead, Director Sam Raimi has crammed everything into one $250-plus million, two-and-a-half-hour behemoth, the most exhausting mass entertainment since Peter Jackson"s King Kong. Every plot thread is tied up, every character completes his assigned arc, and every special effects technician on the planet will be able to put food on the table for months to come. Even viewers who enjoy the movie--and for fans of the franchise there"s plenty to enjoy--may be relieved that this could be the last we see of the webcrawler for a while.When we first drop back in on Peter Parker (Maguire), he"s facing a novel dilemma: happiness. He"s won the love not only of sweetheart Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) but, more improbably, of New York City. Even the newspapers are explaining "Why NY ?s Spidey." Peter is so giddy at his good fortune that we"re soon begging for a super-baddie to come along and knock the insipid grin off his face.It doesn"t take long. Peter and M.J. are lounging away a sultry evening in a decidedly uncomfortable-looking web hammock when a small meteor crashes mere feet away--what are the odds?--and releases what appears to be an inky, ambulatory booger. This bit of villainous snot follows Peter home and soon takes the form of a rubbery, black Spider-Man costume. A professor friend of Peter explains to him that it"s a dangerous symbiotic life form that he should avoid at all costs, but he takes to wearing the suit anyway: It seems to enhance his superpowers and, besides, it goes with everything.In the meantime (expect this phrase to come up often in any discussion of the film), a thief and murderer named Flint Marko (Thomas Haden Church) escapes from prison and, while fleeing pursuit, falls into a pit in which a nuclear experiment is taking place. His body is quickly disintegrated and then, rather more slowly, re-integrated from granules of sand. Dubbed "Sandman" by the ever-literal press, he finds he has the ability to take any shape he chooses, from towering golem to dust in the wind. In keeping with the immutable law that any Spidey villain must have a connection to Peter"s personal life, Marko/Sandman is soon revealed to have been ... well, you can find out for yourself. It will come as no surprise, though, to report that Peter"s old friend Harry (James Franco) has also decided at last to follow his supervillain dad, the first movie"s "Green Goblin," into the family business.The challenges facing Peter are not solely of the superpowered variety, however. His relationship with M.J. has become, well, a relationship, and as such requires tending. And while things are going fabulously for Peter, M.J. is struggling. Fired from a Broadway play for her weak singing voice (it"s hard to differ), she is in need of a little attention. But Peter, in his cheery self-absorption, is oblivious to her unhappiness. He is wearing success rather poorly, in part because he"s also wearing that extraterrestrial body suit, which has the side effect of making him not a terribly nice person. The slithery symbiote will eventually leave Peter for another host, who will as a result become the villain "Venom" (Spidey nemesis number three, for those counting at home). Before then, however, it will force Peter to exhibit all the behaviors familiar to those of us who"ve ever watched a good man go bad: flirting with another woman (Bryce Dallas Howard); crushing a professional rival at his day job (Topher Grace); jive walking down the streets of Manhattan to a funkadelic soundtrack; and restyling his hair in the angry, diagonal wash of bangs that has consistently denoted madness, from Hitler to Crispin Glover.
2023-07-14 16:55:041


I like cartoon. Watching cartoon is relaxing. The cartoon chacractors never die, they just get flattened, crushed or break into pieces and then they are alive again. So you will never cry like a baby like you are watching some sad movie of lovers going to die and all the bullshit.
2023-07-14 16:55:123


Pure MagicThis movie is a delight for those of all ages.I have seen it several times and each time I am enchanted by the characters and magic.The cast is outstanding, the special effects delightful, everything most believable.You have young Harry, a mistreated youth who is "Just Harry" to himself. And then, he embarks on a most beautiful adventure to the Hogwarts school.He meets Ron and Hermione, one an adorable mischief maker, the other a very tense and studious young lady.Together, the trio try to set things right in the school.It"s the ultimate fantasy for young and old.
2023-07-14 16:55:303

science 后面可以加什么????????

2023-07-14 16:56:143


Complete credited cast: Henry Thomas .... Elliott Dee Wallace .... Mary Robert MacNaughton .... Michael (as Robert Macnaughton) Drew Barrymore .... Gertie Peter Coyote .... Keys K.C. Martel .... Greg Sean Frye .... Steve C. Thomas Howell .... Tyler (as Tom Howell) David M. O"Dell .... Schoolboy (as David O"Dell) Richard Swingler .... Science Teacher Frank Toth .... Policeman Robert Barton .... Ultrasound Man Michael Darrell .... Van Man rest of cast listed alphabetically: David Berkson .... Medic Susan Cameron .... Medic David Carlberg .... Medic Erika Eleniak .... Pretty Young Girl Will Fowler Jr. .... Medic Barbara Hartnett .... Medic Milt Kogan .... Medic Alexander Lampone .... Medic Diane Lampone .... Medic Rhoda Makoff .... Medic Robert Murphy .... Medic Richard Pesavento .... Medic Tom Sherry .... Medic Mary Stein .... Medic Mitchell Suskin .... Medic (more) Also Known As: A Boy"s Life (USA) (working title) E.T. (USA) (short title) E.T. and Me (USA) (working title) E.T. the Extra- Terrestrial: The 20th Anniversary (USA) (longer version) Night Skies (USA) (working title) MPAA: Rated PG for language and mild thematic elements. (2002 edited version) Runtime: 115 min / USA:120 min (extended version) Country: USA Language: English Color: Color Sound Mix: 70 mm 6-Track (70 mm prints) / DTS (re-release) / Dolby Digital EX (re-release) / Dolby (35 mm prints) (original release) / SDDS (re-release) Certification: Spain:T / Malaysia:U / Canada:PG (Ontario) (original rating) / Canada:PG (Nova Scotia) (re-rating) (2002) / Canada:PG (Manitoba) / Canada:PG (Alberta) (2002) / Canada:G (Nova Scotia) (original rating) / Canada:G (British Columbia) (2002) / Canada:F (Ontario) (video rating) (1996) (2002) / Portugal:M/6 / Iceland:LH / Argentina:Atp / Australia:G / Australia:PG (20th anniversary edition) / Brazil:Livre / Chile:TE / Finland:K-7 (20th anniversary special edition) / France:U / Hong Kong:I / Netherlands:AL / Norway:12 / Norway:7 (20th anniversary special edition) / Peru:14 / Philippines:G / Singapore:G (20th anniversary edition) / Singapore:PG (original rating) / Sweden:11 / Sweden:7 (2001) / Switzerland:7 (canton of Geneva) (20th anniversary edition) / Switzerland:7 (canton of Vaud) (20th anniversary edition) / Switzerland:8 (canton of the Grisons) (20th anniversary edition) / UK:U / USA:PG (certificate #26717) (original rating) / USA:PG (certificate #38656) (20th anniversary edition) / West Germany:6 Trivia: Ranked #6 on the American Film Institute"s 100 Most Inspiring Movies of All Time (2006). (more) Goofs: Revealing mistakes: When "Keys" goes Inside the Clean room created for ET and Elliot, he and others wear a "Clean Suit" , but the tubes coming out of the helmet go nowhere, not even a filter, meaning they are breathing contaminated air and that the suit is useless (more) Quotes: [first lines] Steve: [reading dice] Five. Michael: Oh, great. Steve: So you got an arrow right in your chest. (more) Awards: Won 4 Oscars. Another 37 wins & 27 nominations (more) E.T. THE EXTRA... Memorabilia Books | All Products -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- User Comments: 29 out of 42 people found the following comment useful:- Still Blows Me Away to this Day, 7 May 2004 Author: squeezebox from United States E.T. is one of my all time favorite movies. This movie blew me out of my seat as a kid, and still kills me every time I watch it. Only four or five movies have made me cry, much less sob uncontrollably. When I returned from seeing E.T. for the first time, I couldn"t talk for the rest of the day. I laid in my bed and cried for about five hours. The movie still makes tears well up in my eyes and gives me a lump in my throat. I still find it profoundly moving. It"s heart-breakingly sad, yet phenomenally uplifting at the same time. I had no idea a movie could be so powerful when I saw this in the movies for the first time when I was eleven. There are a few movies that actually changed the course of my life. THE GODFATHER PART I and II, TOMMY, NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and ERASERHEAD all pushed me in the direction of becoming a filmmaker, but it was E.T., at that impressionable age, that made me want to create. Man, if I could some day make something that extraordinary, I would be complete. What I think makes E.T. so powerful for me know, is the heart-wrenching way it has of making me long to be a kid again. I refuse to ever completely grow up, and my memories are my own, but man does this movie make me wish I was eleven again, when riding my bike was a pleasure, Matchbox cars were the greatest thing in the world, Halloween was a night of mystery and creepy fun I looked forward to all year, going to the movies was an adventure, and looking up at the stars could be a mind-blowing experience. E.T. keeps those feeling alive for me. So do a lot of other things, but E.T. is the champ. As much as my cynical adult side may want to slap Steven Spielberg around sometimes, I would happily give him a hug for his timeless gift to the world, E.T. THE EXTRA TERRESTRIAL. If you can find it check out the now out of print DVD. Just DON"T watch the "restored" version, unless you want the movie to be ruined. Those technical rapists known as CGI artists have mauled the movie with completely unnecessary special effects and completely destroyed the illusion that E.T. is alive, ironically, by trying to make him look more realistic. They fail miserably. Apparently, Spielberg and company thought E.T. looked better with a phony cartoon face and exaggerated facial expressions. The scene at the beginning when E.T. flees in terror from the UFO investigators is also ruined. In the original version, E.T. glides along the ground in an eerily otherworldy manner, and it looked great. Now, he actually runs as though he"s leaping over little hurtles, and it looks absurd. Oh, well. They can do what they want. I feel that some things are sacred. STAR WARS, for example. But E.T. was perfect...PERFECT... the way it was. Why can"t people leave well enough alone? Regardless, I love E.T. I love Spielberg for making it. So much so, that I even forgive him for ruining it.
2023-07-14 16:56:212


1 because the story is adapted from Andersen (full name: Hans Christian Andersen English) works "the snow queen", so the three protagonists name in the film, Hans, Christopher and Anna, is a homage to the animation master. 2 Disney animation company since early twenty-first Century is going to put "the snow queen" adapted into animation works, but due to various reasons, the project has been shelved, midway through several hands, chief also experienced a big shake up. 3 the animation team Ceng Yuanfu Wyoming, Canada and Norway, to observe the details, in the real snow and ice environment for inspiration, this is the final presentation of the realistic and magnificent; ornate; fascinating texture. In addition, this might eventually lead to the kingdom of the Arai Dale building looks somewhat Norway style. 4 of the film"s special effects team has created a "snow machine", is a random form 2000 different shapes of snowflakes computer program. So if a lens of a randomly selected films, the picture zoom in to a snowflake, it must be one of these 2000. 5 cast members had a real reindeer to Disney animation studio for your observation and creation. 6 Norway language Rosemaling (rosemaling), a Scandinavia folk decorative art style is the piece of large-scale use, from the princess clothing to the horse accessories, even snow queen magic. In the 7 film the talking snowman Olaf said a word, "some people worthy of me as she melts" (Some people are worth melting for) become a hot word in following the release of the film.
2023-07-14 16:56:401

高1英语作文 :以第一人称描述一场现场的个人音乐会

  My experience of a fantastic concert  As a frenetic music fans,I always longing to take part in a solo concert ,stand among the excited crowd and cheer for my favourite singers.Finally,my dream come ture on 9th,October 2010.  It was so lucky for me to acquire the ticket of Liu Ruoying"s concert at Zuchang Stadium.With an intense emotion,she sang the songs from her award winning album perfectly.I was deeply impressed by the song <Afterward> which discribed a sincere affection recalled by a girl with a boy.Although it was so cold that day,the stadium was full of people.The spectators were so excited that they almost sang all the songs with the singer.What"s more,the audio system was splendid and the stage devise was extraordinary.However,as the saying goes"Never a rose without the prick(金无足赤,人无完人)",so did this concert.The lighting was pretty awful and the special-effects was disappointed due to the bad weather. Despite those few shortages above,I enjoy this concert so much on the whole and I can"t wait to join another one.
2023-07-14 16:56:471


我也要知道歌名我的qq是652250 加我 告诉我啊啊啊
2023-07-14 16:56:552


2023-07-14 16:57:034


2023-07-14 16:57:1215


2023-07-14 16:57:382


2023-07-14 16:57:471

找一部以前看过的电影 ??

2023-07-14 16:57:564


I think Spiderman is great.When I first watched the movie ‘Spiderman", I was so attract with special effects. Spiderman"s name is Peter Parker. He lost his parents when he was very young and lived with his aunt and uncle.One day ,during his trip with his classmates .He got bit by a spider and then his gen changed. When he got up, he found that he didn"t need glasses anymore,he can jump high ,climb the walls and so on. After days,he can make some money to buy a car.After the competition,he found his uncle is killed by a robber.He is very angry and use his abilities to catch the robber.After then ,he remember his uncle had said,‘The more power you have, the more responbilities you should take." He do it so and become a guardian of the city.只有这自己拿翻译器去翻译吧只有英语老师让我们写了
2023-07-14 16:58:243


2023-07-14 16:58:333

英语The place was wired to go up怎么翻译?

The place was wired to go up这个地方被有线上升
2023-07-14 16:58:416


2023-07-14 16:59:145