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除湿机 英语怎么说?

2023-07-14 18:24:22
TAG: 英语

dehumidifier [,di:hju:"midi,faiu0259]


dehumidifier 或者 dehumidity unit


我猜是air dryer





2023-07-14 16:07:451


2023-07-14 16:07:552


2023-07-14 16:08:263


"湿润"在英语中通常用"moist"或"wet"来表达。这两个词语在不同的语境下有不同的含义和用法。拓展:"Moist"通常用来形容物体表面或内部含有适量的水分,但不至于湿透。例如,蛋糕的质地应该是"moist"而不是干燥的。另外,"moist"也可以用来形容气候或环境,表示有一定的湿度。例如,"It"s been very moist lately, we should turn on the dehumidifier.""Wet"则通常用来形容物体表面或内部充满水分,甚至有可能湿透。例如,"My shoes got wet in the rain." 另外,"wet"也可以用来形容气候或环境,表示非常潮湿或下雨。例如,"It"s so wet outside, we should stay indoors."除了这两个词语,还有一些相关的表达可以拓展我们的知识。"Hydrated"表示身体充足的水分,是一个健康的状态。例如,"It"s important to stay hydrated during exercise.""Damp"表示物体表面轻微的湿润,通常是由于环境湿度高导致的。例如,"The towel feels damp.""Soggy"表示物体表面或内部过于湿润,甚至有可能失去原有的质地和形状。例如,"The sandwich was left out for too long and became soggy."
2023-07-14 16:08:341


2023-07-14 16:08:573


2023-07-14 16:09:067


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2023-07-14 16:09:543


2023-07-14 16:10:052

干燥机 英文

2023-07-14 16:10:227


uf0b7 Wash your bedding once a week with hot water.While this is not energy efficient, cold water will not kill dust mites.1每周用热水(55度以上)洗一次床上用品(床单,被罩,枕套, 被子心,褥子心,枕头心)。这种方法虽然浪费能源,但是常温的水无法杀死螨虫。Eucalyptus essential oils kill dust mites. Combine2 cups of distilled water, 5 drops of organic liquid soap and 30 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, and spray it on your bed daily to keep the dust mites at bay.2 尤加利树(又名:桉树)提取的精油可以杀死螨虫。调配比例:1×杯水,5×滴洗手液,30×滴尤加利树(桉树)提取的精油。把他们完全混合,然后每天用他们喷你的床上用品让螨虫陷入绝境。 (各大商场都有,牌子没所谓,可以去网上淘大瓶的外国货,比国产的便宜)Purchase a dehumidifier.This will help regulate humidity which will make it less inhabitable for dust mites.除湿器,这会降低正常的室内湿度,有利于减少螨虫(螨虫喜欢阴凉潮湿的环境,这个普通空调也可除湿)。Purchase an organic, natural latex mattress.These mattresses fight dust mites andare free of fire retardants and synthetic chemicals, which are sprayed on most traditional mattresses. These are about double the cost, butwell worth it.橡胶床垫。这种床垫是在普通的床垫上喷上一种特殊的化学合成物,这种床垫抗螨虫并且防火。 虽然价钱是普通床垫的两倍,但是这钱花的值得。Purchase all-natural, untreated organic dust mite pillow and mattress covers. They are a small investment, and can help eliminate dust mites from your bedding.使用抗满的枕头套和床垫套(因为老外不用褥子,所以中国小伙伴要记得把褥子和床垫一起套在里边哦)。小的花销却可以使螨虫远离你的床上用品。Purchase an air mattress. Dust mites can"t inhabit this inexpensive bedding alternative.或者使用充气床垫。螨虫也没法在这种床垫里生长,便宜但是可以凑合用。Carpet is a breeding ground for dust mites, and the best option is to eliminate it from your home altogether. If you can"t do this, vacuum with a HEPA filter.地毯是螨虫最爱之一。 最好是整个家里一起清理。如果不能实现,可以用HEPA过滤网的吸尘器Dust with a damp cloth so it actually collects the dust mites instead of spreading them. Add a few drops of organic eucalyptus and wintergreen essential oils to the damp clothto kill the dust mites while you collect them.用拧干的抹布擦拭(半湿半干的那种),不要用鸡毛掸子掸灰。在抹布里加几滴尤加利的精油(桉树油)和冬青精油,用来杀死螨虫。Put items such as blankets, sheets, pillows andcurtains in a plastic bag in the freezer for 48 hours. This will kill the dust mites. Make sure you wash these items after they have been in the freezer to ensure the residue from the mites is gone.把所有的东西都用塑料袋打包放冰箱里冷冻48小时(毯子,床单,枕头,窗帘)。这样会杀死螨虫。 要注意,冷冻后也要清洗一遍,这样会除掉螨虫的残留物(螨虫粪便,螨虫尸体等过敏源)Dry your bedding in a hot dryer. This will kill any dust mites that lived through the washing cycle.使用衣物烘干机烘干床上用品。这能杀死洗衣后仍没杀死的螨虫(主要针对冷水洗涤杀不死的螨虫)Consider throwing away pillows that are 6 months to 2 years old. Down pillows and comforters attract the most dust mites, and they cannot be cleaned conventionally to get rid of dust mites. After 2 years, your pillows" weight may be 10 to 15 percent dust mite waste.Replace pillows and comforters with those that can be cleaned in a conventional washer and dried in a dryer.考虑扔掉旧的枕头(6个月-2年)。 羽毛枕头被子和毛绒玩具不容易用水洗,又特别爱招螨虫。对于一个枕了2年的枕头,其重量的10%-15%都是螨虫的排泄物(过敏源)。把枕头和被子换成容易经常用水清洗,并且可以用衣物烘干机烘干的材质。Cover your mattress, mattress pad and pillows with allergenic covers. If possible, use the plastic options, since dust mites cannot live in plastic, like they do in fabric.用防过敏的床垫套,枕头套(国外床品防过敏就是指床上的螨虫过敏)。建议选择塑料制品,尘螨无法在塑料里生存。(国外的防螨床上用品大多是里层是塑胶的,不透气,不透水,但外层是防螨的透气材质)。Consider replacing old carpet with linoleum. Carpet is a breeding ground for dust mites, especially if you have pets.Regularly steam clean your carpets. If possible, use water that is over 130 degrees Fahrenheit (54 degrees Celsius).移除地毯。不要地毯最好了,如果蒸地毯,最少要55度以上。对于有宠物的人Brush your pets daily while you are outdoors. Use a stroke that is with the hair and also against the hair, to get rid of more pet dander.:每天在室外给宠物梳毛。每天用毛刷子在户外给狗梳毛,省得在家里掉毛。Wipe your pets" fur with a damp washcloth when they come in from outside. This will also remove pet dander that lands on carpets, bedding and furniture.宠物从户外回来的时候都用拧干的抹布擦它们全身。可以防止头皮屑和到处掉毛。Vacuum in areas that your pets like to frequent every day, if the dust mite problem is bad宠物最喜欢呆的地方要每天吸尘Replace pet bedding regularly.经常更换布艺的狗窝,猫窝Keep your pets outside of your bedrooms. They will add to dust mite problems, since the number of people and animals that use a room will correlate with how big the dust mite population is.别让宠物进卧室,招螨虫Schedule a dust mite removal cleaning of mattresses every 3 to 6 months. Places that are humid and above 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius) on average will benefit the most.找专业的清理床垫螨虫的公司清理。70度以上蒸汽。Make sure that carpet cleaning includes an anti-dust mite chemical. These can be more expensive than regular carpet cleaning solutions, but they can kill large populations of dust mites in the carpet.用杀室内螨虫的专业清洁液清洁地毯。(这个可以去网上找找,国外这种东西很普遍,一般200人民币左右的粉末或喷雾可以用很长时间。)A simple way to prevent dust mites in your bedding is to place a waterproof, breathable protector on your mattress and pillows. These type of covers are machine washable. Wash them as often as you wash your sheets, which is best every weekend. Dust mites need food and water to survive. Keeping the protectors washed will keep them free of food for dust mites and the waterproof material keeps moisture out of the bed and pillows. These simple steps will prevent dust mites from congregating in your mattress.最简单的方法:把你的床上用品(枕头套,被套,床垫套三者一起效果最好)换成防水,透气的材料。这种材料的床垫套可以直接用洗衣机洗,就像洗其他床单被罩一样,每周扔洗衣机里洗一下。螨虫需要水和食物。你对这种材料的洗涤可以让螨虫没吃的,而这种材料可以阻止你的汗液渗入,让它们没吃没喝。这样你就胜利了。
2023-07-14 16:10:401


电视=television set 电饭煲=rice cooker 灯=lamp 电脑=puter 吸尘器=vacuum cleaner 列印机=printer 风筒=hair-dryer 录影机=video recorder 打字机=typewriter 抽湿机=Dehumidifier 焗炉=oven 扫瞄器=scanner 风扇=fan 电冰箱=fridge 收音机=radio 洗衣机=washing machine 传真机=Facsimile machine 电动搅拌器=electric mixer 放湿机=humidifier 洗碗机=dish washer 冷气机=air-conditioner 电烫斗=iron 影印机=photocopier 在信件上盖上邮资已付戳印机=franking machine 空调/冷气机 Air-Condition 洗衣机 Washing Machine 电饭煲 Cooker 微波炉 Micowave 咖啡壶 Coffee Pot 抽气机 Air-Pump 风扇 Fan 电视机 Television 录影机 Recorder *** 机 Massage Machine 暖炉 Stove 电视 television 收音机 radio 电脑 puter 雪柜 refrigerator 洗衣机 washing machine 影印机 photocopier 碎纸机 shredder 电风扇 electric fan 风筒 hair dryer 电熨斗 electric iron 电须刨 electric shaver 洗衣机 washer machine 电饭 rice cooker 雪柜 refrigerator
2023-07-14 16:10:531


Under cabinet Indoor machine Outdoor machine Window machine Mobile machine Dehumidifier Pedestal crane 一个一个对应下来
2023-07-14 16:11:011


2023-07-14 16:11:113


家电英语翻译大全   冰箱、烤箱、吸尘器、搅拌机、电视盒子、蓝牙音响,这些家电的`英文翻译你都知道吗?下面我为你整理了最齐全的家电英语翻译,希望对你考试有所帮助!   Living room electronics  客厅家电   HDTV: 高清电视   High definition, high def: 高清   Ultra HDTV: 超清电视   TV box: 电视盒子   Speakers: 音响   Bluetooth speakers:蓝牙音响   Hi-Fi speakers: 高保真音响   High fidelity: 高保真音质   Surround sound system: 环绕立体声   VR headsets: 虚拟现实头戴设备   Kitchen appliances  厨房家电   Microwave: 微波炉   动词:   To microwave:微波炉加热   To zap, to nuke:同上,但更口语   Toaster: 烤面包机   Toaster oven: 小烤箱   Oven: 烤箱   Grill: 烧烤机   Coffee maker: 咖啡机   Espresso maker: 意式浓缩咖啡机   Capsule machine: 胶囊咖啡机   Soy milk maker: 豆浆机   Kettle: 烧水壶   Water filter: 过滤壶   Stove: 煤气灶   Blender, mixer: 搅拌机   Juicer: 榨汁机   Rice cooker: 电饭煲   Pressure cooker: 压力锅   Slow cooker (Crock Pot): 慢煮锅   Fridge/refridgerator: 冰箱   Dish washer: 洗碗机   Household appliances   日用家电  Vacuum cleaner: 吸尘器   Cordless vacuum cleaner: 无线吸尘器   Robotic vacuum cleaner: 机器人吸尘器   *动词:to vacuum*   Iron: 电熨斗   *动词:to iron*   Fan: 电扇   Heater: 暖气、暖汀   Air-con: 空调   Humidifier: 加湿器   Dehumidifier: 除湿器   Air purifier: 空气净化器   Health & beauty appliances   美发美容家电  Hair dryer: 电吹风   Curling iron: 卷发棒   Flat iron: 拉直板   Shaver: 剃须刀   Electronic toothbrush: 电动牙刷   Scale, bathroom scale: 秤 ;
2023-07-14 16:11:231


2023-07-14 16:11:585


flashlight 手电筒 fluorescent lamp 日光灯 electric calculator 计算器 tube 真空管 electric fan 电风扇 dictaphone, dictating machine 录音机 tape recorder 磁带 television 电视机 electric iron 电熨斗 electric foot warmer 暖脚器 electric shaver 电动剃须刀 electric cooker 电饭锅 electric heater 电暖气 electric vacuum cleaner 吸尘器 bulb 电灯泡 electronic oven 电烤箱 radio 收音机 microphone 麦克风 loud-speaker 扩音机 refrigerator 冰箱 air conditioning 空调 microwave oven 微波炉 dry cell 干电池 tap 电线搭接处 above are from 数码相机 digital camare 笔记本电脑 laptop 电饭煲 rice cooker 洗碗机 dishwasher 加湿器 humidifier 除湿器 dehumidifier 吹风机 hairdryer 烘干机 washer dryer 电暖气 electric radiator/electric heater 数码摄像机 digital video camera 料理机 food processer 面包机(制作) breadmaker 烤面包机 toaster 电热水壶 electric kettle 榨汁机 juicer 咖啡机 coffee maker 搅拌机 blender
2023-07-14 16:12:163


2023-07-14 16:12:253


多雨雪天气长江中下游地区有明显降水 受活动频繁的弱冷空气影响,未来三天,北方大部地区气温起伏明显。内蒙古东部、东北、云南、贵州西部等地将以晴或多云天气 More rainy and snowy weather in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River have significantly frequent precipitation events by weak cold air, the next three days, temperatures in most areas north obvious ups and downs. Eastern Inner Mongolia and northeast China, Yunnan, Guizhou and the western region, such as weather will be sunny or cloudy Hunan Weather Hunan"s climate is typified by warm summers, mild winters, and moderate rainfall spread across the year. The proximity to the ocean results in less extreme weather conditions than places more inland. Sydney is generally a comfortable place to visit all year around, although the summer period from December to February is the hottest time of year and can be quite humid at times with the occasional heavy rainfall. Sydney"s summer temperature is usually pleasant, although on occasions can get severely hot with temperatures over 40°C not unheard of. The winter in Sydney is mild, with temperatures very occasionally dropping below 5°C. Spring and autumn are both popular times of year to visit, with some rainfall possible, but usually the rain clears quite quickly. Sydney"s climate is a big attraction for many people and with over 300 sunny days a year, but no really extreme conditions, it"s not hard to see why.望采纳!
2023-07-14 16:12:353


The snake is a reptile Squamata Serpentes. Slender body, reduced limbs, without foot, no movable eyelids, no ears, no limbs, with no forelimbs, body covered with scales. Some of the toxic, but the most innocuous. Another twelve Chinese zodiac snake. 蛇是爬行纲有鳞目蛇亚目的总称。身体细长,四肢退化,无足、无可活动的眼睑,无耳孔,无四肢,无前肢带,身体表面覆盖有鳞。部分有毒,但大多数无毒。另有十二生肖中有蛇。
2023-07-14 16:12:444


第物品描述奥德。外。价值06 07 08 1 。 Paretti钻石首饰收藏关闭 2 。 Cruisinart食物处理器等待 3 。胡佛吸尘器直立关闭 4 。索尼摄像机关闭 5 。惠而浦洗衣机和烘干机关闭 6 。 DingQing郭$ 2,741.88 7 。 Seimens除湿机收 8 。布莱克和德克尔,烤炉之前 9 。索尼看守待 10 。袖珍彩电之前 11 。佳能35mm照相机之前 12 。夏普微波炉之前 13 。布劳恩咖啡关闭 14 。 Ruby和蛋白石能24K金项链待 15 。博世洗碗机关闭 16 。康柏个人电脑公开 17 。 Grunding世界无线电频段公开 18 。三洋光盘播放器公开 19 。纯银茶具公开 20 。 61 “索尼大屏幕电视紧迫的 21 。夏普微波炉公开 22 。银行出纳检查美元2,741.88公开收货人的建议,包裹本文所述内容是预先确定的具体标准;收货人可确定包裹的内容事先咨询列出的信息在条款及条件核定执行。 这是广告发送给您来自: 皇冠进口580南方国际研究中心艾斯利普地方,纽约11722 ,美国若要退订得到进一步从我们的电子邮件,请点击这里:取消订阅请阅读隐私权政策按一下隐私政策点击这里查看条款及条件这是一个付费广告。 PlasmaNet / FreeLotto不作任何陈述或保证任何性质的任何产品或服务的广告在任何促销活动。任何赔偿责任的索赔或损害赔偿方面的任何产品或服务的广告在此应承担全部责任的广告客户。 如果您希望退订接受赞助的广告邮件FreeLotto ,请点击这里。 id54257378 PlasmaNet公司邮政信箱4562 ,大中央车站,纽约市10163
2023-07-14 16:12:531


2023-07-14 16:13:035


2023-07-14 16:13:267


2023-07-14 16:14:115

what is fashion?

2023-07-14 16:14:315


Dehumidifier in less closed
2023-07-14 16:14:502

可不可以说the weather is rainy 为什么

我个人认为不可以! 要说IT IS RAINY,
2023-07-14 16:14:584


2023-07-14 16:15:071


1) We would notify you at once when there are any ___ sized rooms available. 2) We would like to confirm with you your visit to our place at __ today. Is there anything to change? 3) May I know how many months your previous rent was paid for? 4) I am so sorry that our dehumidifier is out of stock now. We can make an order to our head office if you want it though. But we cannot tell you the exact delivery time. (It could be as short as o weeks but one to o months is sometimes the case.) You could choose to rent our dehumidifier on a monthly basis or simply purchase it. Which way do you prefer? However I would suggest you buy outside instead because ours are relatively expensive. 5) It would be nice if you could be quick since we would close at six. 6) I wonder if it you can arrive ""half an hour earlier"" / ""at __"" because we have not had our meal yet. out of stock = 无存货 不是"这里没售" 和总公司订才有 = and we have to order one FROM our head office 我会建议你到出面买 = I would suggest you buy elsewhere 请你尽快 = Please hurry up 1)当有___size既房间空出我们会第一时间通知你 Whenever there will be room of ___sizes available then we will inform you promptly. 认一下你今日是不是会在_点钟上来参观? About the visit at ___o"clock we would like you to confirm that. 3)你之前是付了几多个月租? Did you remember how many months" rents had been paid by you? 4)我们这里没售抽湿机 要和总公司订才有 不过运货时间不定 (快的2星期 慢的1-2个月) As we have no dehumidifier available for sale here but could order for you via our head office as for the time of delivery that is uncertain (at leaast 2 weeks from now or otherwise required 1 to 2 months) 我们抽湿机可以用月租或买断形式 你想要怎买? 不过我会建议你到出面买 因为我们公司的比较贵 What are you going to do with the dehumidifier on monthly rental or buying? As for buying it is my suggestion to buy that machinery anywhere else as the prices.being more expensive in my pany. 2014-04-01 08:59:14 补充: 5)请你尽快 因为我们6点收工。 Please hurry up because our office will be closed at 6 o"clock. 6)不好意思 如果可以的 能早半小时/能在__点钟到吗? 因为我们都未吃饭 As it is our lunch time would it be better for you to e here half hour earlier or at ____o"clock. 参考: Partly according to ” The Advanced Learner"s Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Trlation ” published by Hong Kong Oxford University Press in 1975 1) When there is only room vacated ___size first time we will notify you 2) We would like to confirm with you today is not what you would e to visit at _ o"clock? 3) before you are paid a monthly rent of more than a few? 4) We do not sell here dehumidifiers and the head office to order only but the freight time uncertain (Fast o weeks slow 1-2 months) We can use a dehumidifier or buyout in the form of monthly rent how you want to buy? But I would suggest you to e forward to buy the pany"s more expensive because we 5) Do you as soon as possible because we knock off 6:00. 6) I"m sorry if I may to a half-hour early / able to do at __ o"clock? Because none of us eat 参考: google
2023-07-14 16:15:141


2023-07-14 16:15:256

电脑一开机出现asrock dehumidifier

你好!asrock dehumidifier华擎科技除湿机
2023-07-14 16:16:391


2023-07-14 16:16:482

卷轮除湿机 英语怎么说

Roll wheel dehumidifier
2023-07-14 16:16:561


前截的挑选里面年轮的密度、直度、和平均度都是重点。 至于Sugar Deposits的部份,一般也称做Sugar Lines,就是指我们在前截上常常会看到的一条细细地咖啡色条纹,这是因为枫木本身就是含糖份高的树木(像是枫浆),在夏季水份及含糖量高时砍伐下来的枫木,往往就会比较不那么白而且会有Sugar Lines,所以很多制杆师傅喜欢到处找冬季砍伐下来的枫木,因为这样做出来的前截品相会比较佳。一般来讲,密度愈高的枫木材,代表其生长地的气候冬季较长,所以生长期短而使得年轮间距很近,近年来,许多人工种植的枫木都会选在比较温热的气候来栽培,就是为了加速枫木的成长以达到缩短砍伐时间的目的,可是这样也造成市面上很多枫木往往都只有四到八个年轮线,木质相对地就比较没那么紧致。 回到正题,年轮线多往往Sugar Lines也多,有一种说法说那是因为树龄愈大的枫木,经年累月累积下来的糖份愈多,所以做成前截时也就愈容易出现Sugar Lines了。大部份的制杆师傅都承认Sugar Lines的多寡和前截的好坏是没有关系地。现在市场流行又白又没有Sugar Lines的前截主要是因为廿年前Meucci搞出来的营销手法造成的遗毒。更有甚者,许多供货商干脆把枫木漂白。 漂白过的枫木通常会影响到木材的结构。 目前枫木前截的干燥处理多是用真空干燥的方法(Vacuum Kiln),某方面而言,这种方法会强力压缩木料,造成某种程度上对木质的破坏,市面上百分之九十的前截木大概都是以这种处理方法来干燥地。也许你要问,既然知道这样会破坏木质,为什么还要采需这种作法咧?主要原因还是回到之前谈的,利用真空干燥法能够在极短的时间内达到快速干燥的目的,而干燥处理过程的时间愈短,前截枫木料的颜色就能够保持得愈白。 另一种干燥方法是"去湿法" (Dehumidifier Kiln),这种做法可以达到和真空干燥法一样的白度,可是不会伤到木质,缺点是这种方法需要一次一大批木料一次处理,才能达到规模产量。 摘自斯诺克之星官方网站
2023-07-14 16:17:041


你好:1. A machine (named Water Mill) which makes water out of air could become the greatest household invention since the microwave. 2. Using the same technology as a dehumidifier, the Water Mill is able to create a ready supply of drinking water by getting it from an unlimited source – the air. 3. The company behind the machine says not only does it offer another choice to bottled water in developed countries, but it is a solution for the millions who face a daily water shortage.1.一台机器 (命名为水磨坊) 这使得从空气中的水可能成为最伟大的家庭发明以来微波。2.使用相同的技术,为除湿机,水磨坊是能够通过获取它无限的来源 — — 空气从创建准备好供应的饮用水。3.公司在机器后面说不仅它还提供对在发达国家,瓶装水的另一个选择,但它是一个解决方案的数百万人面对日常的水资源短缺。4. The machine takes in wet air and condenses it into water. It can produce up to 12 liters a day. The Water Mill will also help get more water when storms pass over, as the humidity in the air increases. In keeping with its eco-development, the machine uses the same amount of electricity as three light bulbs. Meanwhile, it is likely to cost only £800 when it goes on sale here in the spring. Its maker, Canadian firm Element Four, figures out that a liter of water will cost around 20 pence to produce.4.机器在潮湿的空气中,和它凝结成水。它可以产生一天达 12 升。水磨坊也将有助于获得更多的水,当暴风雨过去了,传递作为增加空气中的湿度。根据其生态发展,机器使用相同数量的电作为三个灯泡。与此同时,它很可能成本只有 800,当它在春天走向这里出售。其制造商,加拿大坚定元素四,计算出一升的水的成本约 20 便士生产。5. It is suggested by the reports from environmentalists that half the world"s population will face water shortages because of climate change by 2080. One in five humans is said to face the situation of lacking drinking water.6.The Water Mill is not effective in areas with below about 30 percent relative humidity, but with average humidity in Britain of more than 70 percent that won"t be much of a problem here.5.建议从环保主义者世界上一半的人口将面临缺水,因为气候变化由 2080年的报告。据说是五分之一人类面临缺乏饮用水的情况。6.水磨坊与约 30%以下的地区不是有效相对湿度,但与平均湿度在 70%以上,不会是大问题在这里的英国。打字不易,如满意,望采纳。
2023-07-14 16:17:111


2023-07-14 16:17:321


.2.3.网络释义日立金属 没有谁把爱情看得比他生命更重要, 有句话叫做一行爱一行,日立金 属(NEOMAX),就可以知道他是否 真心的。我更羡慕那些幸福的人。 基于13个网页- 相关网页美斯牌 3D家电中心--产品介绍--美的 NFA20 ... Philco 飞歌牌 NEOMAX 美斯牌 Oasis 绿洲 ... 基于2个网页- 相关网页美斯 Dehumidifier 抽湿机 - 空调 - 家... ... Mitsubishi Electric 三菱电机 Neomax 美斯 Oasis 绿洲 ... 基于2个网页- 相关网页
2023-07-14 16:17:391


分别是Dehumidifier, air supply, high winds, stroke, low wind, facing the wind, regular open, regular clearance, several significant, strong,
2023-07-14 16:17:493


2023-07-14 16:17:562


1。机器(命名为水磨),使水从空气可以成为最伟大的发明以来,家用微波炉。2。使用同样的技术作为一种除湿机,水能够创造一个现成的供应的饮用水的获取从一个无限的–空气。3。该公司背后的机器说,它不仅提供了另一种选择,瓶装水在发达国家,但它是一个解决方案,上百万人每天面对水短缺。4。该机在湿空气和凝结(冷凝)成水。它可以产生12升的一天。水也会得到更多的水时,风暴过去,随空气中湿度的增加。在保持其发展(经济-生态均衡发展),该机采用相同数量的电灯泡的三。同时,它可能成本只有800£上市,这里的春天。它的制造者,加拿大公司四元,数字(计算出),一公升水大约要花费20便士5产生。这是建议的报告,从环保,一半的世界人口将面临水资源短缺问题,因为气候变化2080。其中五人被认为面临缺饮用water.6.the水磨是不能有效地区低于约百分之30的相对湿度(相对湿度),但平均湿度在英国超过百分之70,不会有太大的问题在这里。 不知道能帮到你吗?
2023-07-14 16:18:042


Humidity in many places may become a potential safety problems, will cause people to the various discomfort. The dehumidifier of the design, can Quchu humid environment of moisture, thereby adding to the people a sense of comfort to create better working and living space. With the realization of modernization, it is difficult to find an unrelated and humidity to the area. The survival of humankind and various social activities and humidity are closely linked. Various different applications, the humidity sensor the technical requirements are also different. From the manufacturing point of view, with a humidity sensor, materials, different structures, process different from its performance and technical indicators are very different. In this paper, based on comparison with the AD acquisition, as well as gas sensors MQ135 the basic principles, detailed comparison through the use of simulation methods to AD sensor signals from analog to digital conversion of a simple and practical digital process and achieve A series of Microchip"s PIC16f MCU control of the gas detection devices, when the air humidity level higher than the value when setting the alarm to remind users to take corresponding measures.
2023-07-14 16:18:132


矿机运行环境,对 YM 矿机的寿命和产出影响非常大,适当降低运行环境温度(比如 20 摄氏度)能有效提升算力。 而雨季临近,千万注重 YM 矿机运行环境湿度要低于 45 度,过湿的环境容易让电路板短 路,烧毁板卡和芯片。 如果您发现矿机环境已经过湿,请在场地购买除湿机(推荐配图),并马上关闭门窗,让 矿机运行温度提升 2-3 小时,蒸发湿气,然后开窗排湿。 Pay Attention to the Humidity of the Operating Environment as the Rainy Season Approaching The operating environment is closely related to the life and productivity of the YM mining machine. Appropriately reducing the operating environment temperature (such as 20 degrees Celsius) can effectively improve the hashrate. Also, since the rainy season is on its way, please do make sure that the operating environment of the YM mining machine has a humidity lower than 45 degrees Celsius. An excessively humid environment can easily cause short circuits on the circuit boards and burn out the motherboard and chip. If you find that the environment of the mining machine is exceedingly wet, you are advised to prepare one dehumidifier and close the doors and windows promptly, let the operating temperature of the mining machine increase for 2-3 hours, evaporate the moisture, and then open the windows to remove the moisture further。
2023-07-14 16:18:341


"Continents" xin feng 除湿 the machine is my company special 除湿 in a series of, is my firm set of more than forty years the air conditioning equipment 除湿 professional design and manufacturing experience, 系列化 the development of the new frozen 除湿 equipment, apply to national defense construction and engineering and civil air-defence stone industries, spaceflight, purify the project, the laboratory, and animal laboratory and storage of toxic 有害物
2023-07-14 16:18:442


2023-07-14 16:18:511


In a steam turbine in thermal power plant, the reliability and economy depends mainly on the steam flow in the dehumidifying effect. Water in the flow path decreases, can reduce the moving vane and stator component of erosion damage, and reduce the steam turbine in load rejection load changes lead to components of the surface water film flash caused by speeding effect. Water reduction can lower the water film is formed, thereby reducing water film and water boundary layer friction loss and phase friction loss. Moisture reduction, but also reduce the water droplets collision energy consumption, increase the effective power flow, thereby enhancing the economy and reliability of the unit. In fact, steam turbine flow section can only go out of diffuse large droplets, but their total water content and only a small proportion of. However, such measures are very effective, because it is this water droplets and the aqueous film caused by the blade and flow path of other components of the etching, and become the humidity caused by mechanical loss cause.The purpose of this study is to discuss the formation of wet steam, flow characteristics and water influence on turbine, the desiccant method, system composition, working process of dehumidification, dehumidification technology and level of internal steam humidity monitoring and analysis, and then for the actual engineering practice to provide some guidance. In order to better understand the above contents, this paper studied by static blade cavity water membrane suction flow region, to the stator cavity of the introduction of heat, hollow stationary blade trailing edge slot opening blowing steam blowing and heating combination method, rotor dehumidifying technology, dynamic, static cascade spacing plate device of dehumidifier technology measures to wet. At the same time, introduced steam turbine exhaust steam moisture on-line monitoring method and Application Research of steam humidity measurement method research status, and the steam turbine exhaust steam moisture on-line monitoring method was compared with the choice.
2023-07-14 16:18:593


威尔胜、摩腾和斯伯丁篮球哪个好?威尔胜篮球什么型号最值得入手?这个对于喜欢打篮球的小伙伴在选择的时候还是很纠结的话题之一吧,其实就目前知名度和销售量来说的话威尔胜还是排在第一的哈,废话不多说,下面就一起来看看相关的测评吧。威尔胜篮球哪个型号好 威尔胜WTB0730XDEF,价格:169RMB。这款篮球的话采用跟 Solution 同样的技术,并且针对水泥地用了更加厚实和耐磨的 PU 材料,相对于同等价位的水泥地篮球来说,要更加耐磨。威尔胜 WTB0730,表皮采用的是粗颗粒的设计,它也不容易沾灰。同时采用的是吸湿PU材质,手上出汗也不会影响球的手感,它的耐磨防滑不容易沾灰这三大优点很适合室外场地。威尔胜街头涂鸦系列 价格:139RMB,这个系列的话分为7个主题,都是不同的设计,大家可以根据自己的喜欢好选择适合的,都是外场水泥地的篮球哈。威尔胜篮球真伪怎么看威尔胜的篮球买到手,上面都会有防伪码,百度搜索威尔胜的官网,自己找到查询真伪的页面,输入防伪码点击确定,上面都会显示真伪。一般经常打球的人上手打几下就能知道真伪。选择的话威尔胜淘宝上假货还是很多的,建议大家入手的还是还是正规的渠道买哈。威尔胜、摩腾和斯伯丁篮球对比测评我们从几个方面来对比一下哈:销量上是:斯伯丁>威尔胜>摩腾历史上:斯伯丁(Spalding),1876年创立于美国,威尔胜(Wilson),1913年创立的美国品牌,摩腾(Molten)1958年创立的日本品牌,历史上来说dehumidifier啊,斯伯丁胜出;最后小编想说的是选择哪款的话还是要看场地,不同场地之间,对篮球的要求不一样,所以选择也不一样。如果经常打水泥地的话,选择威尔胜和斯伯丁都不错,摩腾就不太合适了。
2023-07-14 16:19:091


1) falling film tower 降膜塔例句>> 2) falling film absorbing tower 降膜吸收塔3) falling film type absorber 湿壁降膜吸收塔4) double-dish slump film separator 双盘式降膜分离塔5) falling film 降膜1.Numerical study on dehumidifying process in falling film dehumidifier; 逆流降膜除湿器除湿过程的数值研究2.Performance of plate falling film regenerator with film-inverting configuration; 膜反转板式降膜再生器的性能3.Theoretical study of plate falling film absorber with film-inverting configuration; 膜反转板式降膜吸收过程的理论研究更多例句>> 6) falling liquid film 降膜1.Thermal imaging study of falling liquid films; 红外热像法研究降膜流动2.Influence of Marangoni effect on the liquid distribution of falling liquid films; Marangoni效应对降膜过程液体分布的影响3.A new wet flue gas desulfurization method by reaction across the falling liquid film on the outside surface of axial finned-tube bundle and its principles of removal of SO 2 are presented in this paper. 哈尔滨工业大学针对烟气脱硫系统存在的尾部腐蚀问题 ,结合降膜吸收原理 ,提出了一种烟气横向冲刷轴向翅片管束外表面下降液膜的湿法烟气脱硫新方法[3 ] 。更多例句>> 补充资料:注射用降纤酶, 降纤酶, 龙津注射用降纤酶药物名称:注射用降纤酶英文名:Defibrase别名:注射用降纤酶, 降纤酶, 龙津注射用降纤酶外文名:Defibrase for Injection, Defibrase性状:本品为白色或类白色冻干块状物或粉末,有引湿性,易溶于水。药理毒理:蛋白水解酶。能溶解血栓,抑制血栓形成,改善微循环。适应症:(1)急性脑梗死,包括脑血栓、脑栓塞,短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA),以及脑梗死再复发的预防。(2)心肌梗死,不稳定性心绞痛以及心肌梗死再复发的预防。(3)四肢血管病,包括股动脉栓塞,血栓闭塞性脉管炎,雷诺氏病。(4)血液呈高粘状态、高凝状态、血栓前状态。(5)突发性耳聋。(6)肺栓塞。用法用量:临用前,用注射用水或生理盐水适量使之溶解,加入至无菌生理盐水100ml-250ml中,静脉点滴1小时以上。急性发作期:一次10单位,一日1次,连用3~4日。非急性发作期:首次10单位,维持量5~10单位,一日或隔日1次,二周为一疗程。不良反应:个别病人用药后可能出现少量淤斑、鼻血或牙龈出血、或有一过性GOT或GPT轻度上升,停药后自行消失。禁忌:有内源性出血倾向、过敏体质患者慎用。严重肝、肾功能不全患者禁用。(1)下列患者禁用①具有出血疾病史者。②手术后不久者。③有出血倾向者。④正在使用具有抗凝作用及抑制血小板功能药物(如:阿司匹林)者。⑤正在使用具有抗纤溶作用制剂者。⑥重度肝或肾功能障碍及其它如乳头肌断裂、心室中隔穿孔、心源性休克,多脏器功能衰竭症者。⑦ 对本制剂有过敏史者。(2)下列患者慎用① 有药物过敏史者。② 有消化道溃疡病史者。③ 患有脑血栓后遗症者。④ 70岁以上高龄患者。注意事项:(1)按专业医生处方购买和使用。(2)本品如有外观异常或瓶子破裂、过期失效等情况不可使用。(3)本品必须用足够量的输液稀释,并立即使用。(4)注意静脉点滴速度(点滴速度过快时,患者易有胸痛、心悸等不适症状)。(5)本制剂具有降低纤维蛋白原(fibrinogen)的作用,用药后可能有出血或止血延缓现象。因此,治疗前及给药期间应对患者进行血纤维蛋白原和其它出血及凝血功能的检查,并密切注意临床症状。给药治疗期间一旦出现出血和可疑出血时,应中止给药,并采取输血或其它措施。(6)如患者动脉或深部静脉损伤时,该药有可能引起血肿。因此,使用本制剂后,临床应避免进行如星状神经节封闭、动脉或深部静脉等的穿刺检查或治疗。对于浅表静脉穿刺部位有止血延缓现象发生时,应采用压迫止血法。孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药:妊娠期或有妊娠可能性的妇女,使用本药时,应在治疗上有益性大于危险才能使用;哺乳期一般应避免使用本制剂,如果必须使用本制剂时应停止哺乳。儿童用药:本制剂对儿童用药后的安全性尚未进行实验研究。药物相互作用:使用本品应避免与水杨酸类药物(如阿司匹林)合用。抗凝血药可加强本品作用,引起意外出血;抗纤溶药可抵消本品作用,禁止联用。规格:5单位;10单位类别:抗凝血药和溶血栓药说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。
2023-07-14 16:19:301

热石式抽湿机和压缩式抽湿机的运作的工作原理有什么区别?那个形式的比较好?大神们帮帮忙 压缩式较节能,热石式相对高,不过保养好D求采纳
2023-07-14 16:19:401


Break 4, Zhilengzhire also dehumidification Environmental aiding sleep super high-tech automatic guidance system, heating system and top of cold air-conditioning "back" technology, heating than conventional heating means 150% of heating technology to improve efficiency, speed up heating freely, be free to adjust the temperature remotely, so you do not again for the winter "cold" and summer "hot" and worry. In working condition can be set dehumidification function, can effectively eliminate the sheets wet, humid air can not solve the difficulties of drying time. This product is no vibration, no noise, no pollution. Hot summer, open the mattress cooling function, can open windows, ventilation and sleep in the natural environment and enjoy natural fresh air, comfortable sleep, while the total lifting of the night prolonged use of air conditioning or fan-induced headache, chest tightness , aching pain, limb weakness and discomfort; cold winter, opening mattress heating function, joint pain, low back pain, stomach pain, such as the effect of a hot solution. This product is hot and cold adjustable, good protection of the human body"s physiological function, really to sleep to health.
2023-07-14 16:19:492


2023-07-14 16:19:573