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a nice day 的歌或诗 急呀

2023-07-14 17:54:55
TAG: ce nice da ay Ic ni nic

以下为歌曲Have a nice day 的歌词,不知道楼主是要这种含有a nice day的歌么

Why you wanna tell me how to live my life?

Who are you to tell me if it"s black or white?

Mama" can you help me try to understand

Is innocence the difference between a boy and a man

My daddy lived a lie

Its just the price that he paid

Sacrificed his life" just slaving away

Ohhh" if there"s one thing I hang onto

That gets me through the night

I ain"t gonna do what I don"t want to

I"m gonna live my life

Shining like a diamond

Rolling with the dice

Standing on the ledge

Just show the wind how to fly

When the world gets in my face

I say" have a nice day

Have a nice day

Take a look around you" nothings what it seems

We"re living in a broken home of hopes and dreams

Let me be the first to shake your helping hand

Everybody" brave enough to take a stand

I knocked on every door" on every dead end street

Looking for forgiveness

What"s left to believe?

Ohhh" if there"s one thing I hang onto

That gets me through the night

I ain"t gonna do what I don"t want to

I"m gonna live my life

Shining like a diamond

Rolling with the dice

Standing on the ledge

Just show the wind how to fly

When the world gets in my face

I say" have a nice day

Have a nice day


Ohhh" if there"s one thing I hang onto

That gets me through the night

I ain"t gonna do what I don"t want to

I"m gonna live my life

Shining like a diamond

Rolling with the dice

Standing on the ledge

Just show the wind how to fly

When the world gets in my face

I say" have a nice day

Have a nice day

Have a nice day

Now when this world keeps trying" to drag me down

I"ve gotta raise my hands

Gonna stand my ground

I say" hey" have a nice day

Have a nice day

Have a nice day


英语nice try的中文是什么意思

nice try 英[nais trai] 美[nau026as trau026a] [释义] 得了吧; 做的不错 [例句]1、That"s a nice try, but you can go now.不错的尝试,不过你现在要走了。2、Nice try, but do you think I would believe that?得了吧,你觉得我会相信吗?
2023-07-14 14:40:311


想得美nice tryyou wish是啊,你想得美! Phoebe: Yeah, you wish!
2023-07-14 14:40:402

口语里,“Nice try” 什么意思?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 以前看电影,听到一句“nice try”,里面字幕好像翻译的是:“想的美”,请问到底是不是这个意思呢? 解析: 我们较常用Nice try. 这样的说法来表示“你想得美”。大家不要光看字面上的Nice try. 好像在说别人“做得好”,实际上Nice try. 最常用来讽刺别人“你想得美”若有人想唬你去做一件很笨的事,你就可以说声Nice try.
2023-07-14 14:40:551


2023-07-14 14:41:022

awesome welldone nicetry 哪个最好

awesome well done nice try之中表示程度最好是awesome,awesome还不止用来形容做的好,也可形容某事、某物、某人非常好。表示做的好是well done,程度没有awesome强,主要指好的让人欣慰,并且不能形容某事、某物、某人非常好。至于nice try通常是贬义的用法,一般都是经过尝试但是却没成功,用来安慰有时也是调侃人的。比如别人偷袭你,却被你识破而躲开,这个时候你就可以说nice try,类似与中文的“想的挺美啊”
2023-07-14 14:41:161


2023-07-14 14:41:241


脑瘫 脑残
2023-07-14 14:41:332

初中英语常见口语短语像go ahead,nice try这种

Come on, you can do are the best.never let me down.
2023-07-14 14:41:463


表达悲伤情绪常用的英语口语   悲伤是一种很消极的情绪,包含沮丧、失望、气馁、意志消沉、孤独和孤立等情绪体验。下面是我整理的表达悲伤情绪的英语口语,希望能帮到大家!   ●失望   I didn"t get a raise.   What a disappointment!真让人失望.   That"s too bad.   What a let down!   I"m disappointed with it.   This is disappointing.   I couldn"t go. 我没去成   What a pity. 太遗憾了。   What a shame! 多倒霉!   Isn"t it though? 就是呀!   What a bummer! /Bummer! 真失望   I failed the exam.   Too bad. /That"s too bad!   It was a waste of effort. 白费力了.   It was a waste of my effort.   My effort was wasted.   All my effort went down the drain.   Did you find him.   No, he led me on a wild-goose chase. 没有,白费了半天劲   All that for nothing. *前功尽弃   It was all a waste.   It was all for nothing.   I"m sorry I didn"t come to your wedding.   Yeah, you let me down. 是啊,你真让我很失望   You disappointed me.   I blew it. I lost the customer. 我真失策u2026   Make sure it doesn"t happen again.   I screwed up. / I messed up. 我给搞砸了   It"s all my fault. 全都是我的错。   It can"t be helped. 毫无办法   There"s nothing you can do about it.   How was it?   It was a waste of time talking to him.   纯属浪费时间.   Almost! 差不多了!   Nice try. 干得不错   What"s wrong?   I feel sad. /I"m sad. /"m unhappy. 我感到悲伤.   I feel really sad. /I"m really sad.   I"m really unhappy. 我感到非常痛苦.   My dog died. --Oh, dear! /Oh, my!天哪!   Boohoo. *呜呜!   My heart broke.我的"心都碎了. /I felt heart broken.   My heart has been filled with grief.充满..(我的内心充满了悲伤.)   The sad story depressed me.   那悲惨的故事使我心情阴郁.   The sad story really brought me down.   She stole my customer. 抢走..   How ruthless! 真残忍!、真无情!   How uncaring! /How cruel!   Please talk to me.   No one can understand how I really feel.没人能知道我的感受.   No one can relate to me.   Nobody understands my feelings.   ●寂寞   I feel lonely.我感到很寂寞   I feel lonely without my husband.   He"ll be back next week.   I"m lonely. /I feel all alone.   I hate being alone. 我感到孤独.   I don"t mind being alone. 我不在乎孤独.   I miss you. *含有I want to see you和I want to be with you这两种心情。   I miss you, too. I"ll be home soon.   I feel lonely without you.   I feel helpless without you.   My son died, now I feel empty. 我很空虚.   I"m sorry to hear that.   I feel incomplete. 我很空虚   My life is empty.我的生活很空虚.   My life is meaningless.   I"m all alone in this world.   I don"t feel satisfied with my life.   Alone at last.最终只生下了我一个人.   I"m finally alone.   ●郁闷、忧郁   I"m depressed.我很沮丧 I lost my job.   Cheer up! You"ll get a new job.   I feel blue./I feel low./I feel really down.   I"ve got the blues today.我今天感到很忧郁.   I feel down in the dumps today.   No one understands me.   It"s depressing.真沮丧   Don"t talk like that! I understand you.   It"s sad. 真可悲   It makes me feel depressed.   Rainy days get me down.雨天让我感到消沉.   Rainy days make me sad.   I feel blue on rainy days.   I don"t feel like doing anything today.   今天我提不起精神来做事.   Come on! Let"s get moving. 好了,快点儿   I don"t have any enthusiasm for life.   He looks melancholy. 他满脸忧愁.   He has a melancholy look.   He looks gloomy today. 今天他看上去很郁闷.   ●断念、绝望   Let"s play another game.   You"re too good for me.   I give up.放弃了/投降了   I raise you $20.再加20美元   I fold. 我不玩了 /I give in.   You should stop smoking.   I can"t help it. 没法子、没辙.   There"s nothing I can do about it.   Would you lend me ¥5,000?   Not a chance! *没戏、没可能   No chance at all. /Fat chance.   No way. 根本不可能   The game is canceled because of the rain.   That"s the way it goes. 没办法 .   Do you know who stole it?   I have no clue. 毫无线索   I don"t have any idea.   I don"t have a clue. /I haven"t a clue.   I"ll never win. I"m throwing in the towel. 我赢不了你,我认输了   Don"t give up so early.   I"m giving up.   It"s hopeless.绝望了 --Don"t give up yet.   It"s impossible.   Better than nothing. 总比没有强.   I only have five dollars.   Well, it"s better than nothing.   How did you meet?   It was fate. 这就是命呀!   It was meant to be. /It"s my destiny.   I thought you loved him.   We broke up.   It"s history. 都已经过去了.   It"s all over. /It"s in the past./It"s done with.   What"s the answer?   It beats me. 可难倒我了/不知道   I have no idea. /I don"t know.   Why are you doing it?   I have no other choice but to do so.   除此之外我别无选择.   I have no other choice.   It"s my only choice. /I have to.   I no longer feel devoted to this company. 我已经不再留恋这个公司了.   I no longer feel attached to this company.   I don"t feel loyal to this company any longer   We have to work overtime again.   That figures. 果不其然。   That makes sense.   No wonder. 不足为奇。   That explains it.   That"s why. 怪不得。   What do you think?   It is just as I imagined. 正如我想象的那样.   It"s just like I dreamed.   It"s exactly the way I thought it would be.   I shouldn"t have done that.   See, didn"t I tell you so?瞧.我早跟你说过吧?   See, I told you!   I told you, didn"t I?   See, I"m right.   You should have listened to me.   Good for you. 这是当然的   I got a speeding ticket. 我超速挨罚了   Serves you right. 活该!/报应!   Well, you got what you deserved.   Well, that"ll teach you a lesson.   That serves you right.   You deserve it.   You asked for it.   You were asking for it.   You got what was coming to you.   I"ll never win the lottery.   You never know. 很难说/世事难料   Anything could happen.   You can"t be too sure. 什么事都可能发生   That makes sense.   It makes sense.理所当然   Ah, I get it. 啊,知道。   No wonder. 不足为奇   That"s why... 难怪u2026   She"s very busy.   That"s why she"s so tired.   ●后悔   Oh, no! I shouldn"t have done it.   (我真不该那样.)   *shouldnu2019t have done不该,要是没..就好了   What did you do?   That was a mistake.   I blew it. 我失败了。   I wish I hadn"t done that.   I really screwed up this time. 弄糟了   I really messed up.   I should have known better.我早该弄清楚一些 * should have done早该   I shouldn"t have said that.   我要是不该说那话就好了.   It"s too late now.   I wish I wouldn"t have said that.   He"s married.   I should have known. 我早该知道了   I acted like a fool.   It was careless of me to do so.   做那种事我也太不小心了.   It was thoughtless of me to do such a thing.   It was hasty of me to do so.   I was careless.   I regret doing that.我后悔做那事.   I know what you mean.   I regret my actions.   I repent my actions.   I am sorry for what I have done.   Why did you drive my car?   I had no choice. 我别无选择.   I couldn"t help it.   I had no other choice.   I had no choice in the matter.   There was nothing else I couldn"t have done.   It was my only choice.   You shouldn"t have done that.   I know,   I went too far. 我做得太过分了.   I overdid it.   Did you ask her out?   No, I was too nervous.   I was too uptight. 我太紧张了.   I wish I had studied harder. 我要是再用功点就好了*..wish..had done要是..就好了   I regret not studying harder.   I should have studied harder.   I should have asked him.我要再问他一下就好了.   Why didn"t you?   I wish I had asked him.   It would have been better to have asked him.   Did you remember to tell her?   Sorry,   it slipped my mind.不小心给忘了   I just forgot.   I forgot all about it. ;
2023-07-14 14:41:531


2023-07-14 14:42:173


问题一:漂亮的英文怎么写 1)是想知道意思吗? beautiful - 美丽 pretty - 漂亮 handsome - 英俊 畅orgeous - 华丽 brilliant- 杰出 good-looking - 好看 2)还是想问要怎么写出好看的英文字体? 只有一个诀窍,多写多练习! 问题二:非常漂亮用英语怎么说 非常漂亮 1.very beautiful *** art as a new pin 问题三:漂亮用英文怎么说 要看漂亮具体含义 形容美丽的 beautiful, attra盯tive, beauteous, ely, fair, good-looking, gorgeous, handsome, lovely, pretty, pulchritudinous, ravishing, sightly, stunning, bonny. 形容精彩的,比如:漂亮的进球 great, ace, banner, blue-ribbon, brag, capital, champion, excellent, fine, first-class, first-rate, prime, quality, splendid, superb, superior, terrific, tiptop, top, A-one, bully, dandy, swell, topflight, topnotch, boss, tophole, divine, fabulous, fantastic, fantastical, glorious, marvelous, sensational, splendid, superb, terrific, wonderful, dandy, dreamy, ripping, super, swell, tremendous, cool, groovy, hot, keen, neat, nifty. 问题四:非常漂亮英语怎么写? 1 very beautiful 2 very nice 问题五:漂亮 用英语怎么写 漂亮的 1. pretty 2. *** art 3. beautiful 4. good looking 5. handsome 6.nice 7.excellent 例句 u30fb 1.她向那位漂亮的男演员暗送秋波。 She made eyes at the handsome actor. u30fb 2.工人把丝线织成漂亮的衬衫。 Workers weave silk thread into beautiful shirts. u30fb 3.他送她一件漂亮的礼物。 He gave her a beautiful present. u30fb 1. 干得漂亮: Well done u30fb 2. 你干得漂亮: You did a good job u30fb 1.你有种,干得漂亮,但是你没有把我吓倒,我知道你就躲在那个门的后面。 Nice try.You didn"t scare me.I knew you were hiding behind that door. u30fb 2.如果大家祝贺你某项工作干得漂亮,让你的上司知道谁帮助了你。 If you"re congratulated for a job well done, let your supervisors know who helped you do it. 【verbal】漂亮! Handsome! Excellent! Terrific! Wonderful! Wunderbar! 问题六:你很漂亮!用英语怎么说? 你很漂亮!用英语表示为:you are very beautiful. 例句: Hi, you very beautiful, Can bee friends? 你好,你很漂亮,能交个朋友吗? 问题七:美丽的用英语怎么写 1、Beautiful漂亮的,美丽的。用来形容女人、物品,漂亮、美丽。 2、handsome用来形容男人,英後萧洒。 3、perfect完美的,常用来形容物品、文章等等。 4、pretty可爱的,不一定很漂亮,同义词lovely可爱的,形容女人、小孩的可爱。 5、cool 酷,很通用词。例如How cool.对男人说:好帅!多么潇洒/英俊! 对女人说这话:多么漂亮呀! 对物品称赞:多么漂亮/好看!How cool here it is.这儿多么凉爽! 6、Nice也是通用词,好、漂亮、美丽、 7、Fine好,常用于:身体好,物品精制,天气好 8、Excellent优秀的,卓越的。用形容工作成绩优秀、卓越。 问题八:漂亮用英文怎么说? beautiful 是最普通用词, 可用于人、物、景色等, 指“形式或颜色的美”, 或“给人以愉快或美感事物”, 侧重 “阴柔的优美”, 一般用于形容女人和儿童;handsome 一般指男人, 指“相貌英俊、温文尔雅”; 用于女性时, 指“身材匀称, 仪表端正”; 用于儿童时, 指“外貌俊秀”; 用于其他事物时, 指“悦目或大方”;lovely 往往用于女性、儿童、景色、物品等, 指“在外貌上能使人感到美好动人、漂亮可爱”, 带有“亲切”之意;pretty 语气较beautifal 弱, 侧重“娇小的”, 一般用于小孩或青年女子, 指女性“适度的美”, 含有“温柔、纤巧, 从而使人产生美感”之意; 用于小孩时, 指“漂亮可爱的”; 用于事物时, 指“精致美好的”;good-looking 指“外貌美的”; 问题九:你们俩都很漂亮。用英语怎么写? You are both beautiful 问题十:漂亮的英文怎么写 1)是想知道意思吗? beautiful - 美丽 pretty - 漂亮 handsome - 英俊 畅orgeous - 华丽 brilliant- 杰出 good-looking - 好看 2)还是想问要怎么写出好看的英文字体? 只有一个诀窍,多写多练习!
2023-07-14 14:42:311


  你说的好含糊啊,我帮你搜了一下,是这个吗?  I wake up with blood-shot eyes  我起来的时候双眼布满血丝  Struggled to memorize  努力去记忆  The way it felt between your thighs  你双腿间的感觉  Pleasure that made you cry  快感让你哭了  Feels so good to be bad  感觉很好  Not worth the aftermath, after that  但后来却不值得了  After that  Try to get you back  尝试着让你回来  I still don"t have the reason  我仍旧没有理由  And you don"t have the time  你也没有时间  And it really makes me wonder  这一直让我遐想  If I ever gave a f**k about you  我是否在乎你  Give me something to believe in  给我一些我可以信任的东西  Cause I don"t believe in you Anymore, Anymore  因为我不再相信你  I wonder if it even makes a difference to try  我一直在想是否可以尝试改变  (Yeah)  So this is goodbye  所以这就是再见  [Verse]  God damn, my spinning head  天,我眩晕的头  Decisions that made my bed  我的床做出了决定  Now I must lay in it  现在我必须实践  And deal with things I left unsaid  解决那些我没说过的事情  I want to dive into you  Forget what you"re going through  忘记你经历过的一切  I get behind, make your move  我落后了,让你走了  Forget about the truth  忘记事实吧  【Bridge]  I still don"t have the reason  我仍旧没有理由  And you don"t have the time  而你也没有时间  And it really makes me wonder  这一直让我遐想  If I ever gave a f**k about you  我是否在乎你  [Chorus 1 + 2]  Give me something to believe in  给我一些我可以信任的东西  Cause I don"t believe in you Anymore, Anymore  因为我不再相信你  I wonder if it even makes a difference,  It even makes a difference to try (yeah)  我一直在想是否可以尝试改变  And you told me how you"re feeling  你告诉你的感受  But I don"t believe it"s true Anymore, Anymore  但是我不再相信事实  I wonder if it even makes a difference to cry  我一直在想是否可以尝试改变  (Oh no)  哦,不  So this is goodbye  所以这就是再见  [Breakdown]  I"ve been here before  我曾经来过这里  One day a week  每个星期的一天  And it won"t hurt anymore  不再感到伤痛了  You caught me in a lie  你捉住了我的谎言  I have no alibi  我却没有旁证  The words you say don"t have a meaning  Cause..  你说的话没什么含义  因为...........  [Chorus 1 + 2]  Give me something to believe in  给我一些我可以信任的东西  Cause I don"t believe in you,Anymore, Anymore  因为我不再相信你  I wonder if it even makes a difference,  It even makes a difference to try  我一直在想是否可以尝试改变  And you told me how you"re feeling  But I don"t believe it"s true  Anymore Anymore  但是我不再相信事实  I wonder if it even makes a difference to cry  (Oh no)  So this is goodbye  所以这就是再见  So this is goodbye, yeah (x 3)  (Oh no)  所以这就是再见  (可能有些词语不到位,请见谅)  2008-1-30 11:25 回复  blindddd  0位粉丝  3楼  Maroon 5 - Won"t Go Home Without You  I asked her to stay but she wouldn"t listen  我让她留下来,但是她却没有听  She left before I had the chance to say  她在我说一些能够改变事情的时候就离开了  Oh  The words that would mend the things that were broken  But now it"s far too late, she"s gone away  但是现在太迟了,她已经离开了  Every night you cry yourself to sleep  每天晚上你都哭着进入梦乡  Thinking: "Why does this happen to me?  想着:为什么这些都发生在我身上?  Why does every moment have to be so hard?"  为何每时每刻都这么难熬  Hard to believe it  很难相信  It"s not over tonight  今晚还没有结束  Just give me one more chance to make it right  再给我一次机会让我把事情做对  I may not make it through the night  我可能晚上都熬不过去了  I won"t go home without you  没有你我不会回家  The taste of her breath, I"ll never get over  她呼吸的味道我永远不会忘记  The noises that she made kept me awake  她发出的声音让我一直清醒  Oh  The weight of things that remain unspoken  一直没说出口的事情的重量  Built up so much it crushed us everyday  积累到每天都能把我们压垮  Every night you cry yourself to sleep  每天晚上你都哭着进入梦乡  Thinking: "Why does this happen to me?  想着:为什么这些都发生在我身上  Why does every moment have to be so hard?"  为何每时每刻都这么难熬  Hard to believe it  很难相信  It"s not over tonight  今晚还没有结束  Just give me one more chance to make it right  再给我一次机会让我把事情做对  I may not make it through the night  我可能晚上都熬不过去了  I won"t go home without you  没有你我不会回家  It"s not over tonight  Just give me one more chance to make it right  I may not make it through the night  I won"t go home without you  Of all the things I felt but never really shown  所有我感到却没表现出来的事情  Perhaps the worst is that I ever let you go  或许最糟糕的就是我让你走了  I should not ever let you go, oh oh oh  我绝不应该让你走  It"s not over tonight  Just give me one more chance to make it right  I may not make it through the night  I won"t go home without you  It"s not over tonight  今晚还没有结束  Just give me one more chance to make it right  再给我一次机会让我把事情做对  I may not make it through the night  I won"t go home without you  没有你我不回家x3  And I won"t go home without you  And I won"t go home without you  And I won"t go home without you  2008-1-30 11:27 回复  blindddd  0位粉丝  4楼  Maroon 5 - Wake Up Call  I didn"t hear what you were saying  我没听见你说什么  I live on raw emotion baby  宝贝,我心情不好  I answer questions never maybe  我从不用或许回答问题  And I"m not kind if you betray me  如果你背叛了我,我就不会手软  So who the hell are you to say we  Never would have made it babe  宝贝儿,凭什么认定你我不会长久?  If you needed love  如果你需要爱  Well then ask for love  就去找寻爱  Could have given love  Now I"m taking love  现在我有爱了  And it"s not my fault  不是我的错  Cause you both deserve  因为你们都值得这份爱  What is coming now  So don"t say a word  所以无需言语  Wake up call  Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed  清晨我抓到你和另一个人在我的床上  Don"t you care about me anymore?  你不再关心我了吗?  Care about me?  不关心我?  I don"t think so.  我不这么认为  Six foot tall  6英尺高  Came without a warning so I had to shoot him dead  没有任何先兆的情况下就来了,所以我不得不枪杀他  Would have bled to make you happy  流血会让你开心吗  You didn"t need to treat me badly  你不需要如此折磨我  And now you beat me at my own game  让我自己难堪  And now I find you sleeping soundly  我发现你和情人睡的非常香甜  And your lovers screaming loudly  Hear a sound and hit the ground  你们的尖叫让我跌到了谷地  [Bridge]  If you needed love  如果你需要爱  Well then ask for love  就去找寻爱  Could have given love  Now I"m taking love  现在我有爱了  And it"s not my fault  不是我的错  Cause you both deserve  因为你们都值得这份爱  What"s coming now  即将到来的东西  So don"t say a word  所以什么都别说了  [Chorus]  Wake up call  Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed  清晨我抓到你和另一个人在我的床上  Don"t you care about me anymore?  你不再关心我了吗?  Don"t you care about me? I don"t think so.  我不这么认为  Six foot tall  6英尺高  Came without a warning so I had to shoot him dead  没有任何先兆的情况下就来了,所以我不得不枪杀他  He won"t come around here anymore  他不会来这里了  Come around here?  还会来这里  I don"t feel so bad, I don"t feel so bad, I don"t feel so bad  [Breakdown]  I"m so sorry darling  我很抱歉  Did I do the wrong thing?  难到我错了?  Oh, what was I thinking?  噢,我在搞什么东西  Is his heart still beating?  他的心是否驿动依然?  Woah oh ohh  [Chorus]  Wake up call  Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed  清晨我抓到你和另一个人在我的床上  Don"t you care about me anymore?  你不再关心我了吗?  Don"t you care about me? I don"t think so.  我不这么想  Six foot tall  六英尺高  Came without a warning so I had to shoot him dead  没有任何先兆的情况下就来了,所以我不得不枪杀他  He won"t come around here anymore  他不会再来了  Come around here? I don"t feel so bad  还会再来?我不这么想  Wake up call  Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed  清晨我抓到你和另一个人在我的床上  Don"t you care about me anymore?  你不再关心我了吗?  Don"t you care about me? I don"t think so.  我不这么想  Six foot tall  六英尺高  Came without a warning so I had to shoot him dead  没有任何先兆的情况下就来了,所以我不得不枪杀他  He won"t come around here anymore  他不会再来了  No, he won"t come around here. I don"t feel so bad  不,他不会再来这里了,我感觉不那么遭  I don"t feel so bad (Wake up call)x3  Care about me? I don"t feel so bad.  Wake up call  Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed  Don"t you care about me anymore?  2008-1-30 11:28 回复  blindddd  0位粉丝  5楼  Maroon 5 - Little of Your Time  I"m sick of picking the pieces  听到那声响,让我跌到了谷低  And second-guessing  第二猜测  My reasons why you don"t trust me  我的理由,你为什么不相信我  Why must we do this to one another?  为什么我们必须彼此伤害  We are just passionate lovers  我们不过是爱得沉醉  With trouble under the covers  爱的面纱下是那苦涩的困境  Nothing worse than when  没有什么更糟的  You know that it"s over  你已知道那些都结束了  I just need a little of your time  我只是需要你一点时间  A little of your time  一点的时间  To say the words I never said  向你倾诉我没说过的  Just need a little of your time  我只是需要你一点时间  A little of your time  一点的时间  To show you that I am not dead  你会看到,我呼吸尚在。  Please don"t leave, stay in bed  床上稍作停留,不要离去  Touch my body instead  触摸我的身体  Gonna make you feel it  你会感到  Can you still feel it?  你还能感觉到吗??  Gonna make you feel it  Can you still feel it?  Well I"ve got nothing to hide  唉,我无需掩饰什么  Dip down and come for a ride  上车吧,去兜一下风也好  Embrace a devil so sly  拥抱这个阴险的魔鬼  You cannot hear"em coming  你信步而来  Cause my defenses are weak  我却不得而知  I have no breath left to speak  想开口,已无气息  So take the evidence And bury it somewhere  那就在某个地方,将这些印记掩埋。  I just need a little of your time  我只是需要你一点的时间  A little of your time  一点就行  To say the words I never said  向你倾诉我从没说过的  Just need a little of your time  只是需要你一点时间  A little of your time  一点就行  To show you that I am not dead  你会看到,我呼吸尚在。  Please don"t leave, stay in bed  床上稍作停留,不要离去  Touch my body instead  触摸我的身体  Gonna make you feel it  你会感到  Can you still feel it?  你还能感觉到吗?  Gonna make you feel it  Can you still feel it?  Oh my, I don"t mind  哦,我,我不介意  Being the other guy  化作他人  Nice try, for these games I do not have the time  不错,可我没工夫玩这种把戏  If you want me, call me Come and take a risk  如果你想我,给我打个电话,来点刺激  Kiss me somewhere deep below the surface  轻吻那虚饰之下的自我  I just need a little of your time  我只需要你一点的时间  A little of your time  一点时间  To say the words I never said  向你倾诉我从没说过  Just need a little of your time  我只需要你一点的时间  A little of your time  一点时间  To show you that I am not dead  你会看到,我呼吸尚在。  Please don"t leave, stay in bed  床上稍作停留,不要离去  Touch my body instead  触摸我的身体  Gonna make you feel it  你会感到..  Can you still feel it?  你还能感觉到吗?  Gonna make you feel it  Can you still feel it?  Gonna make you feel it  Can you still feel it?  Gonna make you feel it  Can you still feel it?
2023-07-14 14:42:381


剩余价值,日谈公园,迟早更新。展开讲讲。After Hours,这些都是实用率比较高的播客软件。
2023-07-14 14:42:454


Windows NT是美国微软公司的全32位操作系统,分为两个版本,一个用于服务器(for Server),一个用于工作站(for Workstation)。Windows NT for Server是面向服务器的操作系统,它的集中式的安全管理和强有力的容错功能,使其成为网络服务器的理想操作系统之一。Windows NT for Work station是面向工作站的操作系统,适用于多种硬件平台并提供强大的网络管理功能,是高档台式机理想的工作平台。Windows NT Server作为局域网操作系统时,为用户提供了一个功能强大、易使用、高效率、全中文信息、集中管理、保密措施完善、可自动修复、便于连接使用和管理Internet的理想的网络操作系统环境。它支持运行Windows 95/98/2000/Me/XP等微软公司PC操作系统的计算机入网。Windows NT具有以下特点。1.高性能Windows NT的高性能来自其32位的地址空间和抢先式多任务处理,32位地址可以为用户应用提供更大的内存空间。Windows NT for Server采用的虚拟内存技术,可用外部存储器模拟内存。Windows NT服务器将4 GB地址空间的2 GB供系统使用,另外2 GB供应用程序使用。由于采用抢先式多任务处理技术,所以用户可以同时运行多个程序,克服了Windows系统中由于一个进程的阻塞而使整个系统停滞的问题。Windows NT支持多种文件系统,例如FAT、HPFS(Hihg Performance File System)、 CD-ROM,以及本身的NTFS。NTFS是Windows NT自己的文件系统,支持多种文件属性,理论上可以支持长度达到16 EB字节的文件(1 EB=1,152,921,504,606,846,976 B)。客户/服务器(Clients/Server)模式是Windows NT固有的服务方式,在软件支持方面提供了目前几乎所有通用、开放和符合国际工业标准的进程间通信机制,允许用户开发大型的功能强大的分布式软件,如事务处理数据库、通信软件及企业MIS系统等。Windows NT支持多种硬件结构,如Intel公司的X86结构和Pentium结构等产品,以及RISC结构产品,Alpha系列产品,Motorola的PowerPC等。Windows NT还支持多种工作站系统,从Windows 95/98/2000/Me/XP到Windows NT for Work station、OS/2、UNIX和 Macintosh等。2.高可靠性Windows NT的高可靠性来自它系统内部的安全管理机制和容错机制。由于提供了友好的操作界面,用户很容易掌握系统的安全操作方法。从一个用户登录时起,Windows NT系统的安全机制就跟踪该用户所有的动作,保证操作的合法性。Windows NT为系统中的每种资源都设立了专门的存取控制表ACU(Access Control List),控制着各类用户对该资源所拥有的权限。系统管理员可以在本地或远程查阅用户登录情况记录、系统故障记录或用户应用程序出错记录等系统事件,监视系统运行隋况,远程监视与本地监视的效果相同。ACL定义了各个用户对某一资源的存取权限,该资源拥有者可以自行设定资源的存取控制权限,可以赋予、收回或修改其他用户对该资源的权限。 ACL表由若干存取控制单元ACE(Access Control Element)构成,每个存取控制单元包含一个用户标识SID及一系列存取权限。具有相应用户标识(SID)的进程或用户,具有该控制单元所列出的存取权限。在Windows NT系统中,SID是一个惟一识别一个用户的标识,每个用户的SID是惟一的。当在Windows NT中为用户建立用户名和登录密码时,系统将自动为其指定一个SID。在Windows NT网络内部,只使用这个SID惟一标识一个用户,而不是使用用户名及密码惟一认定一个用户。如果系统管理员删除一个用户,然后用相同的用户名和密码建一个新的账号,则新、旧两个账号尽管有相同的用户名,但其SID不同,也就是说该用户拥有两个SID。Windows NT在容错设计方面支持磁盘阵列RAID的使用,提供磁盘镜像功能。容错的另一措施是保护子系统,保护子系统各自运行自己的应用程序,如DOS子系统运行DOS程序、16位Windows子系统运行Windows程序等。子系统之间互不侵扰,即使出错也局限在本子系统内,从而保证系统最大限度的可用性和安全性。Windows NT Server还提供集成到系统内的UPS服务程序,一旦电源中断,它能立即检查出来并禁止从其他机器发来的连接请求,同时通知对方电源故障。然后运行预先定义的命令文件,进行如停机等紧急事务处理操作。在网络管理上,Windows NT提供了一套图形化的实用程序。这些实用程序可以在本地服务器上运行,也可以在同时支持多个域的网络中任何一台客户机上运行,以保证对该网络所有服务器的监控。这些实用程序包括“域用户管理器”、“服务器管理器”、“性能监视器”和“磁盘管理器”等。通过它们,网络管理员可以查看的信息包括服务器正在共享哪些资源、某一服务器拥有的用户和这些用户打开哪些文件等。网络管理员还可以查看登录报错记录,并定义当何种事件发生时应该为管理员发出的警告等。Windows NT把所有的参数设置放在一个称为Register(注册表)的数据库中。Windows NT安全性达到美国政府 C2级标准。
2023-07-14 14:44:204

英语学习外语学习问题。中文翻译英语:每个人都try to be nice、be 绅士、be 礼貌,但为什么你却那么毒...

Every one try to be nice ,generous and polite ,why do you so rude?
2023-07-14 14:44:366


过去式和过去分词是:tried重点词汇:tried英[trau026ad]释义:adj.经过检验的,经证明有效或可靠的v.试,尝试,试图,努力;试验;审理,审讯;用刨子刨平;加热以提取(脂肪)(try的过去式和过去分词)短语:you tried hard你尽力了;你努力了;你很努力;你死力了扩展资料:词语辨析:attempt,try,endeavour,strive这些动词均含有“试图,努力,力图”之意。1、attempt较正式用词,侧重已经开始,且希望完成,但常隐含着不一定有预期的结果。2、try普通用词,可与attempt换用,但强调努力或尝试,后跟不定式表示努力或争取;后跟动名词表示尝试。3、endeavour正式用词,指尽最大努力、认真地克服困难去做某事。4、strive和endeavour一样,表示付出巨大努力,但strive侧重劳累与紧张,而不强调努力的结果。
2023-07-14 14:45:021

the shoes are nice.can i try

B 分 析: 句意:这些鞋子们很好看。我能试穿一下吗?因为前面是shoes,故用them代替,又因为them是人称代词的宾格,故放中间,根据句意,故选B。 考点: 考查动词短语。
2023-07-14 14:45:401


2023-07-14 14:45:483

the trousers look nice can i try

答案:B. trousers是复数,所以用代词代替的话,应该用them,try on试穿,代词作宾语的话,应该放在两词中间.故选B.
2023-07-14 14:45:541

the glasses are nice can i try it on

答案:A try on试穿,试戴,是动词和副词组成的词组,这样的词组代词应该放中间.this pair of glasses这副眼镜,是一个整体,是单数,所以应该用it,故选:A.
2023-07-14 14:46:011

yes.these shoes are nice.can i try them on是什么意思

2023-07-14 14:46:095

yes,this dress is nice.can i try it on ?是什么意思

答案:D 考查动词短语.根据题干:-This dress looks nice.Can I _________?-Yes,here you are.从句中的looks可知主语是第三人称单数,故回答用it代替,排除A、B.try on词代词要用放在中间,故选择D.
2023-07-14 14:46:221

the shoes are very nice.can i try---on?

2023-07-14 14:46:291

The skirt is very nice.Can I try on it?

Can I try it on?
2023-07-14 14:46:373


2023-07-14 14:47:1013

the soes are very nice.can i try them on.

2023-07-14 14:47:334

This pair of shoes is nice,I want to try ___ on.该怎么填?

2023-07-14 14:47:411

this pair of glasses looks very nice.May i try ________?A:try them on B:try it on C:try on them

2023-07-14 14:47:494

选择题:1 this coat is nice, can i____? A: try it on B: try on it C: try on them

A. try.....on
2023-07-14 14:47:574

Be nice to是什么意思?

be nice to的用法 nice to sb对某人友好Try to be nice to my father when he visits.我父亲到这里来时尽量对他好些。You can be nice to him. I don"t like him. 你可以对他好。我不喜欢他。 nice to do sth. 很高兴做某事I know it would be nice to see those shows, but there"s plenty to do here athome.我知道那些表演会很不错,但是家里还有很多事情要做。
2023-07-14 14:48:041

老外打nice try什么意思

我们较常用Nice try.这样的说法来表示“你想得美”.大家不要光看字面上的Nice try.好像在说别人“做得好”,实际上Nice try.最常用来讽刺别人“你想得美”若有人想唬你去做一件很笨的事,你就可以说声Nice try
2023-07-14 14:48:323

口语里,“Nice try” 什么意思?

2023-07-14 14:48:407

nice try ! 什么意思 在什么语境下使用 给些例子谢谢啊

2023-07-14 14:48:553


2023-07-14 14:49:021

nice try bitch什么意思

nice try不错的尝试/得了吧bitchn.母狗;淫妇;牢骚事;坏女人vi.埋怨;发牢骚;挖苦;(背后)说坏话vt.把…搞糟;弄坏;抱怨;埋怨
2023-07-14 14:49:092

翻译 想得美

You Wishuff01
2023-07-14 14:49:183

Never Gonna Leave This Bed -maroon5 歌词翻译

。。这是never gonna leave this bed?!这词都不对啊!词是这样的……You push me,你催促着我I don"t have the strength toResist or control you我没有力量来抵抗,也没办法控制So take me down, take me down放轻松吧,请轻松下来You hurt me,你伤害了我But do I deserve this但是我罪有应得You make me so nervous你让我如此紧张Calm me down, calm me down请给我足够的时间,让我冷静Wake you up in the middle of the night to say,在半夜唤醒你,对你说I will never walk away again我决不会再次走开I"m never gonna leave this bed我决不会离开这张床So come here and never leave this place 既然来到这里就请不要离去Perfection of your face你完美的面颊Slows me down, slows me down慢下我的步伐So fall down坠落吧I need you to trust me我需要你相信我Go easy, don"t rush me放轻松,不要逼迫我Help me out,why won"t you help me out?帮助我解脱吧,为什么不呢?Wake you up in the middle of the night to say,在半夜唤醒你,对你说I will never walk away again我决不会再次走开I"m never gonna leave this bed我决不会离开这张床So you say go你说离开It isn"t worth it这份爱不值得我们的努力And I say no但我拒绝了It isn"t perfect它只是不那么完美So I stay and still所以我依然在这I"m never gonna leave this bed我决不会离开我们的家Take it, take it all拿走吧Take all that I have拿走我的一切I"d give it all away just to get you back只要你能回来,我可以丢下整个世界And fake it, fake it即使你是伪装I"ll take what I can get我也不那么在乎了Knocking so loud在你的心门前敲打Can you hear me yet?你现在是否能听到我的呼喊Try to stay awake你努力想保持清醒But you can"t forget但却不能忘怀Wake you up in the middle of the night to say,在半夜唤醒你,对你说I will never walk away again我决不会再次走开I"m never gonna leave this bed我决不会离开这张床So you say go你说离开It isn"t worth it这份爱不值得我们的努力And I say no但我拒绝了It isn"t perfect它只是不那么完美So I stay and still所以我依然在这I"m never gonna leave this bed我决不会离开我们的家Take it, take it all拿走,全部拿走Take all that I have把我所拥有的一切全部拿走Take it, take it all拿走,全部拿走Take all that I have把我所拥有的一切全部拿走Take it, take it all拿走,全部拿走Take all that I have把我所拥有的一切全部拿走Take it, take it all拿走,全部拿走Take all that I have把我所拥有的一切全部拿走
2023-07-14 14:49:251

求一首英文歌曲 歌词 try try try 然后是什么 nice nice nice

我觉得你可以去听一下贾斯丁的Eenie meenie
2023-07-14 14:49:333

nice easy try difficult哪个是不同类的

nice easy try difficult中try 是动词,是不同类的,其他是形容词
2023-07-14 14:49:531


2023-07-14 14:50:001

try nice size哪个不同类?

nice 是形容词 不同try size 都有动词和名词的用法,
2023-07-14 14:50:071

外研版八年级下册英语倍速课时学练B面Module 1 Unit 1课时1答案

【答案】: 作业设计 一、1、feeling 2、tastes 3、Cookies 4、try 5、lovely 二、1、C 2、C 3、D 4、D 5、A 6、C 三、1、There is 2、am making ;pie 3、tastes sweet 4、feels soft 5、Have a try 四、1、How nice 2、Would ;like 3、How do 4、am making 五、1、shake 2、look 3、straight 4、beautiful 5、sweater 6、comfortable 7、taller 8、glasses 9、fresh 10、delicious
2023-07-14 14:50:141

the gloves are nice can t try them on是什么意思

二、1. B
2023-07-14 14:50:221

This pair of shoes is nice.后面用May I try it on.还是May I try them on.

May I try them on因为你要try的还是shoes,不是pair
2023-07-14 14:50:291

the glasses are nice can i try it on

答案:Atry on试穿,试戴,是动词和副词组成的词组,这样的词组代词应该放中间.this pair of glasses这副眼镜,是一个整体,是单数,所以应该用it,故选:A.
2023-07-14 14:50:362

try try try 中文歌词

-R-Yhey yooh baby we can fight like dogs we can fight like cats 噢,宝贝 我们可以像狗狗一样吵闹 也可以像猫咪一样嬉戏a dirty laundry needs a laundry man 衣服脏了就洗干净maybe the king and the queen should lay off the caffeine 也许那国王和皇后应该摆脱咖啡因(像我们这 样快活地过)baby breathe before you react 宝贝,在你反应之前,先大口呼吸sometimes we do forget to behave and we regret what we say 我们都有两样武器,如果我们不小心选择cause we have two weapons if we don"t choose"em carefully 有时候我们确实会忘记了如何举止ladies and gentlemen this is instrumental 然后才后悔if life"s to be a bed of roses 我们说过的话i know i gave you everything you like 我知道我会给你你喜欢的一切because you still give me butterflies 因为你总是让我心花怒放if we just try try try 如果我们能不断尝试just to be ni-ni-nice 试着变得友好then the world would be a better place for you and I 那世界对于你我都将变得更加美丽if we just live our lives 如果我们能平等地生活putting our differences aside 把歧视都抛开oh that would be so beautiful to me 噢~ 那对我来说该是多么美好的事啊are we just dangling in the middle of a galaxy 我们是不是只是在银河中间游荡着well i"m stoked on gravity 我的重心依然向下to be stuck with you like flowers on the dew drops 就像凋谢飘落的花儿一样,只为和你紧紧相连now let it in my direction 现在把它引向我的方向my direction is up when everybody"s down 我的方向是往上,即使所有人都往下cause i don"t mind being anybody"s clown 因为我不介意当大家的小丑i love a little lift cause i"m an optimistic 我享受小小的快乐 我是个乐天派in an altruistic way 用一种极度现实的方式cause basically this place is needing instruments of harmony 因为这里需要和谐的旋律spreading my philosophy of love and inspiration 散播我爱与灵感的哲学oh these words i speak i committ to like a crime 噢 那些我所说的话就像犯罪一样with a rythme i deliver i"m giving"em a picture of the reasons why 伴随着旋律我在传达我想告诉人们为什么...we should just try try try 我们该不断尝试just to be ni-ni-nice 试着变得友好so the world could be a better place for you and i 这样世界对于你我都将变得更加美丽if we just live our lives 如果我们能平等地生活putting our differences aside 把歧视都抛开oh that would be so beautiful to me 噢~ 那对我来说该是多么美好的事啊well it wouldn"t cost a penny but could save so many lonely lives 它不花你一分钱 却可以把许多孤独的生命拯救出来from teary eyes 从泪水中if we just try try try 只要我们不断尝试to open up a can of understanding open up your heart 打开理解的窗口,打开你的心i"m just planting seeds 我只是在规划着cause i believe 因为我相信...we could just try try try 我们可以不断尝试just to be ni-ni-nice 试着变得友好so the world would be a better place for you and i 这样世界对于你我都将变得更加美丽if we just live our lives 如果我们能平等地生活putting our differences aside 把歧视都抛开oh that would be so beautiful to me 噢~ 那对我来说该是多么美好的事啊if we could try~~~ry 如果我们可以不断尝试just to be ni~~~ce 试着变得友好that could be so beautiful to me噢 那对我来说该是多么美好的事啊I believe 我相信 that could be so beautiful to me 那对我来说会是多么的美好啊
2023-07-14 14:50:431

This pair of shoes looks nice.Can I ___?A. try th

应该填try them.
2023-07-14 14:50:511

I try to make ( )party a nice one 。 A . a B. an C. the D. /

【答案】C【理由】the 表特指。意思是:我想让这次聚会举办成功
2023-07-14 14:51:091

the shoes look nice

B 分 析: 句意:——这双鞋看起来漂亮。我能试穿一下吗?——当然可以。代替the shoes用代词them。当them作为动词+副词的短语的宾语时,位于动词和副词之间。故选B。 考点: 考查代词的用法。
2023-07-14 14:51:241

开头是“be nice to you,i only want be nice to you”的英文是什么歌

歌曲:pretend to be nice歌手:josie and the pussy ===pretend to be nice===well he looks at me with those inoccent eyes,and says it looks like we"re wearing some kind of diguise,because your hair sticks up and your shoes are untied,and i hope you got that shirt at half price,and every word i say falls flat on the floor,i try to tell a joke but he"s heard it before,and i don"t think i can take it no more,cause he"s driving me right out of my front door,why do you do what you do to me baby,you"re shaking my confidence you"re driving me crazy,you know if i could i"d do anything for you,please don"t ignore me cause you know i adore you,can"t you just pretend to be nice,can you at least pretend to be nice,if you could just pretend to be nice,everything in my life would be alright,oooh wee....oooh wee....and i try so hard just to figure him out,but he won"t tell me what he"s thinking about,and then he falls asleep on the living room couch,with his sunglesses on and his tongue hanging out,and then he disapperas for a week at a time,and then he just shows up just like everything"s fine,and i don"t get what goes on in his mind,but i"m tired of hearing the same stupid line,why do you do what you do to me baby,you"re shaking my confidence making me crazy,you know if i could i"d do anything for you,i don"t mean to bore you cause you know i adore you,but can"t you just pretend to be nice,can you at least pretend to be nice,if you could just pretend to be nice,everything in my life would be alright,
2023-07-14 14:51:321