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2023-07-14 17:42:08
TAG: 西汉



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emperor怎么读:英/u02c8empu0259ru0259(r)/美/u02c8empu0259ru0259r/知识拓展:一、释义:1、皇帝;2、君主。二、短语搭配:Qianlong Emperor:乾隆帝;乾隆皇帝;乾隆;清高宗Yongzheng Emperor:雍正帝;雍正皇帝Emperor Seimu:成务天皇;成天皇Emperor Kōshō:孝昭天皇Emperor Kōan:孝安天皇The Emperor:皇帝;比如皇帝;皇家驿栈酒店;皇家驿栈emperor scorpion:帝王蝎Emperor Kammu:桓武天皇三、双语例句1、The emperor was actually a political eunuch.那个皇帝实际上没有政治实权。2、The emperor conferred a title on the brave soldier.皇上授予这勇敢的士兵一头衔。3、He knelt in front of the emperor with a look of entreaty.他面带恳求的神态跪在皇帝面前。4、The general overthrew the last emperor of that country and established a public.将军推翻了那个国家的最后一个皇帝,建立了共和国。5、Napoleon called himself Emperor of the French.拿破仑自称为法国皇帝。6、He wants to be a great emporer.他想要成为一名明君。
2023-07-14 14:04:421


【单词】emperor【音标】英 [u02c8empu0259ru0259(r)] 美 [u02c8u025bmpu0259u025a]【意思】n.皇帝,君主【例句】1. The Emperor must realize that he has us at his mercy. 皇帝必须意识到我们任由他处置。2. He had implicit faith in the noble intentions of the Emperor.他对皇帝陛下高尚的动机深信不疑。
2023-07-14 14:05:201

皇帝英语怎么说 皇帝英语怎样读

1、皇帝英语:emperor,英 [u02c8empu0259ru0259(r)] 美 [u02c8empu0259ru0259r]。 2、这个皇帝对人民漠不关心。The Emperor kept himself aloof from the people. 3、他自封为皇帝。He proclaimed himself emperor. 4、皇帝驾崩标志着该国历史上一个时代的结束。The death of the emperor marked the end of an epoch in the countrys history.
2023-07-14 14:05:261

Emperor 这个单词怎么读。 求中文。

Emperor 这个单词怎么读 : 汉语发音 :“ 安姆-普若”
2023-07-14 14:05:353


2023-07-14 14:05:568

chart ; ultra ;extra ;emperor这英语用谐音怎么读?.

普瑞威儿斯谐音[xié yīn] 谐音是一个汉语词汇,读音为xié yīn,就是利用汉字同音的条件,用同音或近音字来代替本字,产生辞趣的修辞格。 中文名 谐音 所属学科 文学 所属领域 词语 词性 名词
2023-07-14 14:06:244


2023-07-14 14:06:331

install ;ultra ;extra ;emperor 这英语用谐音怎么读?

隐思动儿 欧出啊 诶渴死假 按碰儿
2023-07-14 14:06:414


I Me就是“我”。
2023-07-14 14:06:494

mature;ultra ;extra ;emperor 这英语用谐音怎么读?

2023-07-14 14:06:573

the emperor怎么读?

The emperor。谐音读作rei 安木p rue 意思是皇帝古代的皇帝。
2023-07-14 14:07:041


2023-07-14 14:07:265

"french emperor".怎么读

fu三声 run四声(润) qi三声(起) e m p re
2023-07-14 14:08:182

Emperor Napoleon I 怎么读

Emperor Napoleon The First/u02c8emp(u0259)ru0259r/ /nu0259u02c8pōlēu0259n/ /Tu035fHē/ /fu0259rst/
2023-07-14 14:08:261

The Dragon Emperor 怎么读

bAll things are difficult before they are easy
2023-07-14 14:08:332


2023-07-14 14:08:424

求英语好的大哥大姐帮个忙 驸马爷怎么写 怎么读音 谢谢你了

husband of a princess发音
2023-07-14 14:09:001

滚字右边偏旁怎么读 ,怎么解释,有什么典故吗?

2023-07-14 14:09:093


2023-07-14 14:09:181


king"s new clothes
2023-07-14 14:09:294

emperor怎么读 英语发音教学?

2. 发音练习- /ə/表示中央元音schwa,是英语中最常见的元音之一,发音时嘴巴放松,舌头放平;- /r/表示卷舌音r,发音时舌头要卷起来,让声音从舌头和嘴唇中发出。- /p/表示塞音p,发音时要紧闭嘴唇,然后突然松开;- /ɛ/表示短元音e,发音时口型要比普通的e更开;Emperor的音标为/ˈɛmpərər/,其中:
2023-07-14 14:10:291

emperor怎么读 英语发音教学?

- 发音时要注意口型和舌位,否则会发出错误的音。总之,正确地发音需要不断地练习和注意细节。希望本篇文章能够对大家有所帮助。2. 发音练习Emperor是一个英语单词,表示皇帝的意思。在英语中,它的发音为/ˈɛmpərər/。下面将为大家介绍如何正确地发音。- 口型练习:练习发/ɛ/和/ə/这两个音,可以说“eh-uh”来模仿这个音的发音。Emperor的音标为/ˈɛmpərər/,其中:
2023-07-14 14:10:361

ultra ;extra ;emperor 这英语用谐音怎么读?

Don"t be so foolish to stick to斜.音!
2023-07-14 14:10:442


企鹅的英文单词是:penguin,读音为:英 ["peu014bɡwu026an],美 ["peu014bɡwu026an] 。企鹅的更多解释如下:1、释义:n. 企鹅。2、复数:penguins。3、词汇搭配:penguin egg 企鹅蛋。4、相关词:Little penguin——小蓝企鹅,学名:Eudyptula minor。Chinstrap penguin——南极企鹅,学名:Pygoscelis antarcticus。Yellow-eyed Penguin——黄眼企鹅,学名:Megadyptes antipodes。King penguin——国王企鹅。African penguin——黑脚企鹅,学名:Spheniscus demersus。5、例句:The coldest continent in the world is ruled by the funniest and warmest species on the planet-the emperor penguin.——地球最冷的洲被最亲切可爱的物种帝企鹅统治着。
2023-07-14 14:12:081


2023-07-14 14:13:038


朝 [zhāo]1、早晨:~阳。~晖。~暮。~霞。~气。~思暮想。~令夕改。~秦暮楚(喻反复无常)。2、日,天:今~。明~。朝 [cháo]1、向着,对着:~向。~前。~阳。坐北~南。2、封建时代臣见君;亦指宗教徒的参拜:~见。~拜。~圣。~香。~仪。3、封建时代帝王接见官吏,发号施令的地方,与“野”相对:~廷。上~。退~。~野。~政。~臣。~议。~房。4、称一姓帝王世代相继的统治时代;亦称某一个皇帝统治的时期:~代。唐~。
2023-07-14 14:13:503


能量天使Energyangel用中文谐音读作:安呢据 安就
2023-07-14 14:14:032

penguins 英语怎么读

penguins的读音:英[ " pengwInz]美[ "pengwenz]2、n.企鹅。1、【词典】penguin的复数。2、【例句】There are all sorts of animals, including bears, pigs, kangaroos, and penguins.有各种各样的动物,包括熊、猪、袋鼠和企鹅。3、原型: penguin。4、双语例句1.There are all sorts of animals, including bears, pigs, kangaroos, and penguins .有各种各样的动物,包括熊、猪、袋鼠和企鹅。2.Penguins are not afraid of people. 企鹅不怕人。3.Emperor penguins huddled together against the cold are using coordinated waves of movement to stay tightly packed together. 帝企鹅们挤在一起,通过用协调的摇摆动作紧挨在一块来抵抗寒冷的环境。
2023-07-14 14:14:111


2023-07-14 14:14:326

睿 在姓里面怎么读?

2023-07-14 14:14:563


  东京(为日本国首都,位于日本本州岛关东平原南端。你知道东京的英文怎么读吗?一起来学习一下吧!   东京的英文读法1:   Tokyo英 ["tu0259u028akju0259u028a] 美 ["tokjo]   词组习语:   Tokyo Jihen   1.东京事变   Tokyo Disneyland   1.东京迪士尼乐园   Tokyo Tower   1.东京铁塔   东京的英文例句:   1. In early trading in Tokyo, the dollar fell sharply against the yen.   在东京市场早市开盘时,美元对日元的比价急剧下跌。   2. Venerable dailies such as the Tokyo Times have shut down.   像《东京时报》之类的一些有名望的日报已经停刊了。   3. The US dollar continued its strong performance in Tokyo today.   美元今天在东京继续保持强劲的走势。   4. Businessmen stream into one of Tokyo"s main train stations.   商人不断涌进东京的一个主要火车站。   5. Share prices continued to tumble today on the Tokyo stock market.   东京股市的股价今天继续暴跌。   6. Emperor Akihito of Japan has been enthroned in Tokyo.   日本的明仁天皇已在东京登基。   7. He was born in Yamagata prefecture, north of Tokyo.   他出生在东京以北的山形县。   8. The book"s strength lay in its depiction of present-day Tokyo.   该书的精彩之处在于其对现今东京的描写。   9. In Tokyo share prices have plummeted for the sixth successive day.   东京股价已连续第6天猛跌。   10. The US dollar closed higher in Tokyo today.   东京今天美元收高。   11. Fish was unobtainable in certain sections of Tokyo.   在东京的某些地方是买不到鱼的。   12. She grew up in Tokyo.   她在东京长大。   13. The Tokyo stock market see-sawed up and down.   东京股市涨落不定。   14. Cities such as Tokyo are spreading out.   东京等城市正在不断扩展。   15. Share prices on the Tokyo Exchange declined moderately.   东京股票交易所的股价小幅下跌。
2023-07-14 14:15:031


不知潮州音咋拼,我用拼音好了 jing 第四声的 望采纳,谢谢
2023-07-14 14:15:181

Emperor Mei ji是谁

Emperor Meiji是日本 明治天皇也称 明治大帝明治天皇(めいじてんのう,1852—1912) 日本天皇(1867—1912)。名睦仁(むつひと)。出生于嘉永五年(1852年)11月3日,是孝明天皇的第二皇子。详细信息可以点击链接查读
2023-07-14 14:15:251


penguin 英[u02c8peu014bɡwu026an] 美[u02c8peu014bɡwu026an] n. 企鹅; [例句]Now he"s gone with the penguin.现在他带着企鹅跑了。[其他] 复数:penguins
2023-07-14 14:15:462


Qin Shihuang"s Terra cotta Warriors and Horses
2023-07-14 14:16:112


问题一:糯米鸡 用英文怎么说呢? sticky rice and chicken 问题二:我要个好听的微博名。而且中文带英文的。我的花名叫糯米鸡 40分 Naomi丶鸡 。namoi是糯米的谐音,也是国外一个很出名的小女孩的英文名字,也有“我的欣喜”的意思,具体你可以去百度下。如果不要求有中文,可以把“鸡”化成CK 。CK可以理解为chicken(鸡)的缩写。不知道你是男生还是女生,自己选吧。有什么疑问的可以继续提问。 naomi_百度词典 Naomi ["ne?,ma?] [词典释义] n. 1. 内奥米(女子名,涵义:我的欣喜) 2. 拿俄米(圣经人物,路得的婆母) [网络释义] 1.女子名 问题三:糯米的韩文和英文怎么写,怎么读 韩文?? 英文 sticky rice 问题四:麻烦英语高手帮忙翻译下列点心的英文名,谢谢! 10分 Buns, type, durian, egg whip, ShaoMai, prawns, spring rolls, meatball, steamed pork spareribs, bowel and glutinous rice powder, chicken, horse-drawn cakes, 1000 cakes, twisted dough-strips, soya-bean milk, bean curd flower, milk, porridge, emperor, Fried rice dumplings, salt and water chestnut pudding, of *** all steamed bun, dumplings, fry NiuHe, turnip pudding, taro, powder, pudding, yellow JinGao 叉烧包、L爪、榴莲酥、蛋挞、烧卖、虾饺、春卷、肉丸、蒸排骨、肠粉、牛杂、糯米鸡、马拉糕、千层糕、油条、豆浆、豆腐花、奶皇包、粥、粽子、咸水角、煎堆、马蹄糕、小笼包、饺子、炒牛河、萝卜糕、芋角、粉果、布丁、黄金糕
2023-07-14 14:16:191


<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
2023-07-14 14:16:304


   The Elf of the Rose 玫瑰小精灵   There once was a rose bush in full bloom in a big garden. An elf was living in the most beautiful rose in the garden, and she was so small that people could not see her. She had long blond hair to her toes and beautiful wings.   One day, it got dark before she got home. She had been dancing and flying around so she didn"t have time to get back to the rose bush. Suddenly, the weather got cold, evening dew started to fall, and a strong wind began to blow. She could not stay in the other flowers because they were all closed up.   "What am I going to do now? It"s too cold." She got scared because she had never stayed outside at night. There was a twinkling light from the other side of the garden. "It"s too cold, and I am scared. Maybe I should spend tonight there."   The elf flew to a pavilion on the other side of the garden in a hurry. But there were already two people in the pavilion. A beautiful young lady and a handsome man were praying that they would never be apart from each other. They were in love.   "But we must go far away from each other soon." "Your brother is sending me away because he does not like our marriage. Oh my bride, please wait for me until I come back to you!" She sobbed and nodded her head.   She pulled off a rose from the bush which was aside her and kissed it. Then she gave him the rose as a token of her love. At that moment, the rose opened up. The elf went into the rose secretly.   At that moment, a horrible looking man entered the pavillion. He was the brother of the young lady. "What? You want to marry my sister?" He drew his sword and cut the young man and buried him under a linden-tree.   "He is gone forever now, and he will forget my sister. How dare the poor little boy want to marry my sister? It is common to die during a trip, so nobody will suspect me of murdering him." The brother brushed up his clothes and disappeared.   The elf woke up and found she was in the middle of a dark forest. "Oh my! The forest is moving!" But it was not a forest. It was the hair of the young lady"s brother. She shivered with fear and anger.   When they got in the house, the young lady from the garden was crying. The man looked at his sister and gave her a chilly smile, and went to bed. "Oh my lover, my dear fiance, please come back safely." She sobbed sadly and fell asleep.   The elf sat down quietly spreading her wings and told the young lady what she saw that day. "What I am trying to say now is not a dream. If you dig under the linden-tree in the garden, you will find your fiance. It is your brother who killed him."   The beautiful young lady woke up. She secretly went out of her room and dug under the linden-tree as the elf had said.   Her lover was lying in the ground, cold dead. She cried out sadly and killed herself right next to her fiance. After some time passed, a flower called, "Jasmine" came into bloom at the place where the two lovers had died. The Jasmine had big white flowers on the branch and had a sweet smell.   Incidentally, the young lady"s brother was walking down the road and he pulled off a branch of the jasmine and put it near his bedside. When night fell, two bees with poison stingers came out of the jasmine flowers and bit the brother"s ears and mouth, and then they vanished. The Ugly Duckling 丑小鸭   A mother duck was brooding on her eggs near the margin of a pond. A flock of lovely baby ducks was soon born, making sweet peeping sounds when the eggs were broken. But one egg remained unbroken. "It is strange. Why has this egg not broken?"   The mother duck continued her brooding. At last, the egg was broken and a baby duck was born. However that baby duck was very ugly compared to the other baby ducks.   The mother duck was worried, but still she took the baby ducks near the water and taught them how to swim. The ugly duckling also swam with his brothers and sisters, moving his legs eagerly. "It is lucky though. That baby swims well." Still his brothers pecked at the ugly duckling with their bills.   "How hideous this baby duck is. We don"t want to see you. Go to a cat." His brothers gave a very hard time to the poor duckling. "Stop it, don"t do that!" The mother duck sighed and said, "Ah! I wish that this baby could live happily at another place."   The baby duck heard what his mother said and dropped tears of sorrow saying, "Mom, I will leave. Good-bye." The ugly duckling left his nest beyond the pond.   When he entered the forest, other birds were frightened by the baby duck and ran away. "Why do they run away? Is it because I am so awful?" The baby duck became sadder and plodded along the field.   Near the water beside the field, two wild ducks were playing around. "Yah, what is that ugly duck? Let"s make fun of him." The two wild ducks flew up in the air and threw stones at the baby duck.   "Bang! Bang!" At that time, a hunter shot his gun. The two wild ducks fell down dead to the ground. "Uh? What is this small bird?" The hunter took home the awkward little baby duck along with the two wild ducks.   "Dad, what is this poor-looking bird?" "I took it with me in order to give it to you, my son. It was trembling with fear in the water." The children gave a hard time to the baby duck by pulling its wings and tail.   "That hurts! Ow!" The baby duck spilled a jug of milk while running away from the cruel hands of the children. The dishes on the table were also broken. The angry hunter sent out the baby duck with a flourish of his broomstick. And so the after being cast out from the house of the hunter, the ugly duckling spent a long and cold winter alone.   Finally spring came. The baby duck had a good stretch and flew up in the air vigorously. "Uh! I am flying!"   Upon the lake, a flock of white and pretty swans were playing around while swimming. "They are indeed pretty birds." The baby duck became sad. "Those birds may not like me as I am so ugly."   The baby duck tried to run away from the group of beautiful swans. "Hi! Where are you going? Come and play around with us!" The baby duck approached the swans hesitatingly. At that moment, the baby duck saw his own appearance reflected to the lake. There was one more beautiful swan gliding gracefully across the water.   The ugly duckling who overcame all suffering had finally become a beautiful swan. And so he lived happily ever after. Nightingale 夜莺   A long time ago in China there lived an emperor. The emperor loved to read books. One day, in the book he was reading, it wrote, "The most beautiful precious treasure is the bird nightingale."   The emperor had never seen or heard of nightingale. "What is nightingale?" No one has ever seen or heard of it.   The emperor was very curious as to what nightingale was. "Bring nightingale to me at once". The servants were worried by the emperor"s command. They looked here and there.   One day a little girl said that she knew of nightingale. She said that the bird she had was nightingale. It was a small cute bird. At once nightingale was brought to the emperor.   The emperor was very happy. "Ah ~ is this bird called nightingale?" For the first time in his life, he heard the beautiful voice and was impressed and deeply moved.   "Please give me nightingale and I will reward you handsomely." So nightingale came to live in the palace. Everyday Nightingale sang for the emperor.   Emperor was happy every time he heard Nightingale sing. He was so proud of Nightingale that he allowed the servants to hear it too. However, Nightingale was not happy. Nightingale felt trapped and had no freedom.   One day the neighboring country sent a gift to the emperor. It was a nightingale doll made of jewels and gold. Every time the doll was wound up it sang beautifully. Furthermore, the emperor if wanted could hear it everyday.   "It"s really amazing. It"s beauty is the finest in the world." The real Nightingale was sad. The real Nightingale decided to leave. It flew off into the forest of freedom.   The Nightingale doll kept on singing. One day the doll broke. No body was able to fix it. The emperor was heart broken.   The emperor became ill. He just laid there waiting to die. Just then, from the window, a beautiful song came flowing in. Everyone looked.   Sitting by the window, Nightingale began singing. Shortly after, the emperor became better. Nightingale was happy. Soon, the emperor"s face was filled with happiness once again.
2023-07-14 14:17:101


2023-07-14 14:17:216


2023-07-14 14:17:494


2023-07-14 14:18:182


2023-07-14 14:18:282


喾 K ù 繁体字的写法——喾 字义:传说中的上古帝王名。 传说中的古代帝王名,即五帝之一的高辛氏 [Ku,a name of legendary emperor] 与黄帝、颛顼、尧、舜,一起相传为五帝 帝喾高辛者,黄帝之曾孙也。——《史记·五帝本纪》
2023-07-14 14:19:045


2023-07-14 14:19:222


2023-07-14 14:19:446

麻烦你代我找一下阅读理解答案A long time ago,there was an empero

A long time ago, there was an emperor. He had a beautiful garden. In the garden, there was a little nightingale ( 夜莺) singing very beautifully.  One day, the emperor heard about this little bird"s beautiful voice. He asked his guards to bring her to him. As soon as the emperor heard the nightingale"s voice, he said, "   Put her in a golden cage, so she can stay and sing for me whenever I want to hear her."   The little bird was so unhappy about being kept in the cage that she stopped singing one day. The emperor was very angry. He ordered the scientists in his palace to make a robot bird for him. The bird could sing very beautifully,too.   The emperor was pleased.   Soon the robot bird became old. It no longer sang beautiful songs. Just at that time,the emperor became very weak. One morning, while lying in bed, the emperor wanted it to sing once again. But the robot bird couldn"t sing any more. Suddenly, the nightingale landed on the window. She began to sing her most beautiful song. The emperor was very happy! He became better and better each day.   After the emperor was well, he changed a lot and became kind to his people. From then on, all his people cherished(爱戴)him for his love and kindness.   56. Both the nightingale and the robot bird had a beautiful voice.   57. The emperor kept the nightingale in a golden cage in order to hear her sing at any time.   58. The nightingale was very happy after she was kept in the golden cage.   59. The emperor was not satisfied with the robot bird at first.   60. The emperor learnt from the nightingale what love and kindness was.   【主旨大意】本文讲述了一位国王在一只夜莺”无心的帮助”之下完成自我救赎,最终赢得百姓爱戴的故事。 3. 【解析】答案为T。细节理解题。由第一段的In the garden, there was a little nightingale ( 夜莺) singing very beautifully.和第三段的最后一句The bird could sing very beautifully,too.可知夜莺和机器人夜莺都唱得很好。 4. 【解析】答案为T。细节理解题。由第二段国王的话"Put her in a golden cage, so she can stay and sing for me whenever I want to hear her." 国王把鸟放进笼子的目的是为随时听到鸟儿歌唱。 58. 【解析】答案F。细节理解题。由第三段的The little bird was so unhappy about being kept in the cage that she stopped singing one day. 可知鸟儿不开心,以至于不再歌唱。 59. 【解析】答案F。细节理解题。由第四段的The emperor was pleased.可知国王对于机器人夜莺很满意。 60. 【解析】答案T。推理判断题。由最后一段可知国王改变了他以往的作风,以仁爱和爱治国,故推知国王从这只鸟儿身上学得了仁和爱。
2023-07-14 14:20:071

terracotta army怎么读

Terracotta Armyn.(秦始皇) 兵马俑; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The museum"s pacific week has, of course, been dominated by the first emperorexhibition, featuring china"s terracotta army. 当然,博物馆的“亚太周”是以《秦始皇》(the first emperor)展览为主打的,以中国的兵马俑为特色。
2023-07-14 14:20:141

collect nuts 怎么读

肯赖克特 那次
2023-07-14 14:20:343


张家界的英文是什么 ZhangJiajie 张家界英文简介 Zhangjiajie National Forest Park Located in the northwest of Wulingyuan, it is in the neighborhood of Suoxiyu Valley and Tianzi Mountain. It has an area of 72,000 acres, an average rainfall of 1200-1600mm, an average temperature of 16oC and a frost-free period of 240-300 days. 97 percent of the park is covered with plants which have 98 families, 517 species, over twice the total in Europe. Its gymnosperm species take up half of the total in the world. Zhangjiajie opens to the outside at the beginning of the 1980s and is the earliest tourist zone exploited in Zhangjiajie. It is noted for its queer peaks, tranquil water and beautiful forests. It is the first National Forest Park approved by the State Council in 1982. Its main scenic spots include Golden Whip Stream, Huangshi Fort and so on. Numerous pinnacles rise abruptly from the level ground in the shape of huge bamboo shoots pointing to the sky. Both sides of Golden Whip Stream stand grotesque peaks and are covered with old trees and vines. The stream, like colorful ribbons, flows through valleys. Watching mountains on Huangshi Fort, one can"t help acclaiming as the acme of perfection. Huangshi Fort Huangshi Fort, named after a hermit Huangshi, is 1080m above sea level. It is higher on the south and elevated by stiff cliffs, covering an area of 16.5 hectors. It provides the largest collection of marvelous spectacles and also provides the larges sightseeing terrace above sea level in Zhangjiajie. The chief scenic s......>> 我是张家界的人用英文怎么读? I am a local dweller form Zhang JIajie. 英文介绍我的家乡张家界 My hometown, Zhang Jiajie, is a beautiful city.哪位高手能用英语介绍张家界?字数不限 Zhangjiajie is a famous city in Hubei Provice.There is a well-known park in Wulingyuan named Zhangjiajie National Forest Park .There are some culture here such as Haozi Festival.People here ate papa and have a big party that day.Some people may ask how this city so popular in travel these years.One of the main reasons is there is a beautiful story with the park called Wulingyuan. All in all,this is the best place in China in my mind. 湖南·张家界/英语咋写?有谁知道? 就是汉语拼音! 国家有规定:中国的人名、地名翻译成外国文字时,一律书写成汉语拼音。 所以楼主询问的张家界的英语译文,就是:Zhangjiajie 关于给美国朋友TOM介绍张家界旅游景点的英语作文加翻译 Zhangjiajie touri *** build because the city is the major tourist cities. Wulingyuan scenic area has the world"s rare quartz sandstone peaks canyon landscape by China"s first national forest park - Zhangjiajie National Forest Park and tianzishan nature reserve, Suoxiyu Reserve, consisting of four scenic Yang Jiajie, scenic resort area of 264.6 square kilometers, is China"s first batch of selected World Natural Heritage, the world"s first geological park, the first national 5A class tourist attractions. "Wuling Soul" Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park, "the world"s rare species gene pool" Badagongshan National Nature Reserve, Taoist shrines "South Wudang" Wu Lei Shan, "Barry Gallery" Maoyan, Wanfu hot springs resort also beautiful scenery, unique scenery. Long House, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan and Guizhou Provincial Party revolutionary base is the site of the national cultural heritage, Puguang Temple, Jade Emperor hole caves, old courtyard cultural monuments and other eight provincial key cultural relics protection units.
2023-07-14 14:20:411

睿 闽南语怎么读 睿 闽南语怎么读

2023-07-14 14:21:063