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2023-07-14 17:22:22
TAG: 翻译

Along with the rapid economic development, as a symbol of the city high-rise building more and more high building fire hazard, also more and more serious. High-rise building once fire, it can be hard to save that causes heavy casualties and economic loss. Therefore, high building fire control safety design problem is particularly important.

This paper is about the protection and building bonanza hotel fire water system design, according to the related standard and that the main design including building materials, fire prevention and fire water system design of the system. In building fire protection design, it introduces the construction of all aspects of decorate, dangerous levels of division, the hotel fireproof grade, fire zoning, the width of the safe evacuation export quantity and safe evacuation, distance, personnel evacuation route, fire elevator safety the layout of the internal decoration and construction of fire prevention design; In the fire water system, mainly introduced the fire hydrant system (including indoor fire hydrant system and outdoor fire hydrant system) of the design calculation, automatic sprinkler system design and calculation, and the building of the fire extinguisher. Configuration



a fire hydrant消防栓, 消防龙头
2023-07-14 13:28:171

a fire hydrant什么意思中文

2023-07-14 13:28:262


问题一:消防栓用英语怎么拼 hydrant hydrant 消防龙头 hydrant 消防栓 hydrargyrum 汞 问题二:消火栓 英文怎么翻译 FIRE HYDRANT 问题三:消火栓英文怎么说? 更准确是 Fire hydrant 问题四:消火栓用英语怎么翻译 楼主的说法没错, 我见过两种写法. 1. Fire Hosereel2. Fire Hydrant 在国外看见写 hosereel 的比较多, 在中国我见过 hydrant的写法. 问题五:消防队用英语怎么说啊 fire department salvage corps firehouse firebrigade fire brigade firefighting crew 上面的都可以,你挑个喜欢的用吧。 问题六:消防系统英语怎么表达 Fire-fighting system Fire耽protection system, 都可以 问题七:消防器材用英语怎么说 消防器材 ―― Fire Equipment 灭火器 ―― Fire Extinguisher 问题八:消防局用英语怎么说 楼主,您好 Fire protection bureau 谢谢采纳! 问题九:消防员用英语怎么说 fireman消防队员
2023-07-14 13:29:021

拖地 英文

mop the floor 谢谢采纳
2023-07-14 13:29:162


罚单: 1.traffic ticket 例句与用法: 1.那个司机因把车停在消防栓前而接到交通违规罚单. The driver was ticketed for parking in front of a fire hydrant.
2023-07-14 13:29:301


2023-07-14 13:29:403


消防安全fire safety[网络短语]消防安全 fire safety,Fire Protection,fire control safety消防安全标志 fire protection safety sign,Fire safety signs消防安全检查员 fire runner
2023-07-14 13:29:542

fire extinguisher和fire hydrant的区别

fire extinguisher - usually a hand-held cylindrical unit containing chemical dry powder under pressure for small hydrant - a unit usually made of metal stands on a street corner. Serve as a water source designed for fire fighters to attach water hose to it.
2023-07-14 13:30:261


2023-07-14 13:30:376

为啥牛津词典有部分单词没有汉语释义 如hydrant消防栓 只写了名词 =fire hydrant

唉,有好多词都是这么写的,就是要你去查fire hydrant,在那个词条里,你会发现: fire hydrant (also hydrant): 消防栓;消防龙头。
2023-07-14 13:30:541


ticket英音:["tikit]名词 n. [C]1. 票,券;车票;入场券Admission by ticket only. 凭票入场。 2. (货物上的)标签The ticket tells you the price of this dress. 标签告诉你这件衣服的价钱。 3. 证明书,许可证;(商船船长或飞行员的)执照 4. (政党的)公认候选人名单 5. (政党的)纲领,政见 6. (事业等的)计划,规划 7. 【口】(给违反交通规则者等的)传票,罚单Harris got a ticket for speeding. 哈里斯拿到一张超速驾驶罚款单。 8. 【口】恰好的事情;所需的东西[the S]It"s stuffy in this room. An electric fan would be just the ticket for me. 房间里很闷热,电扇正是我所需要的。 及物动词 vt. 1. 加标签于;表明 2. 指定,指派[(+for)] 3. 【口】对...开出交通违规罚单(或传票)[(+for)]The driver was ticketed for parking in front of a fire hydrant. 那个司机因把车停在消防栓前而接到交通违规罚单。 4. 给...门票
2023-07-14 13:31:091


问题一:用湿毛巾捂住鼻子用英文怎么说。 Use a wet towel to cover your nose。用湿毛巾捂住鼻子 Cover your nose with a wet towel用湿毛巾捂住鼻子 例句: 1.用湿毛巾捂住嘴巴和鼻子。 Use a wet towel to cover your mouth and nose. 2.用湿毛巾捂住鼻子和嘴!卧倒,向紧急出口处爬行。 Cover your nose and mouth with a wet towel. Lie down and crawl to the emergency exit! 问题二:湿纸巾英文怎么说 WET TISSUE 发音的话不会 这是两个单词组合 问题三:跪求消防知识!!!(如何预防、应急措施等)【英文的,有翻译】 Fire cause person casualti工s"s two main aspects: one is the *** oke gas suffocation, 2 is a flame burns and powerful radiation. As long as it can avoid or reduce the two harm, can protect their safety and limit the damage. Therefore, grasp the gist, save some fire dilemma maybe could acquire second life. 1. Fire self-help, always keep your eyes open for escape road Each person to oneself work, study or living building structure and escapes the path to do to understand somewhat, must be familiar with the structures within the fire control facilities and self-rescue escape method. So, when the fire broke out, won"t back"s against the wall. When you are in unfamiliar environment, be sure to watch the evacuation passageway and safety exports and stair azimuth, etc. To key time away from the scene as soon as possible. 2. Extinguish fire *** all, benefit others and themselves When when there is a fire, if the fire is not big, and who had yet to cause great threat, should make full use of the surrounding fire equipment, such as fire extinguisher, fire hydrant facilities will be *** all fire control and extermination. Don"t panic to yell, or buy others scurrying about in disregard and self-centered glide path, or buy *** all fire had inflicted on lead. 3. Caught fire, keep calm speed evacuated Suddenly faced with *** oke and fire, must keep calm, rapid judgment dangerous place and safe place to escape, decided to evacuate XianDe as soon as possible. ......>> 问题四:擦干手 (手湿) 英语怎么说 dry your hands 问题五:肺结核如何治疗? 到户口所在地的疾病预防控制机构或结核病防治所等机构,现在国家有政策可以免费治疗的
2023-07-14 13:31:461


在ArcGIS中,如果要对"hydrant"对象子类定义标注格式,可以按照以下步骤操作:1. 打开ArcMap,选择要素类所在的数据框,并选择"添加标注"工具。2. 在弹出的"标注属性"对话框中,选择"Labels"选项卡,选择"Expression"方式。3. 在表达式框中输入以下代码:[hydrant_type] & "Hydrant #" & [hydrant_id]这个表达式会将子类中的"hydrant_type"和"hydrant_id"字段合并在一起作为标注文本,并在它们之间添加"Hydrant #"字符串。4. 选择适合的字体、大小、颜色等设置,并用箭头按钮调整标注的位置。5. 点击"应用",即可生成定义好的标注文本格式。当你保存了标注设置后,标注格式就会一直应用于该子类,无论在何种缩放级别下都会始终显示。
2023-07-14 13:32:302


Fire cause person casualties"s two main aspects: one is the smoke gas suffocation, 2 is a flame burns and powerful radiation. As long as it can avoid or reduce the two harm, can protect their safety and limit the damage. Therefore, grasp the gist, save some fire dilemma maybe could acquire second life.1. Fire self-help, always keep your eyes open for escape roadEach person to oneself work, study or living building structure and escapes the path to do to understand somewhat, must be familiar with the structures within the fire control facilities and self-rescue escape method. So, when the fire broke out, won"t back"s against the wall. When you are in unfamiliar environment, be sure to watch the evacuation passageway and safety exports and stair azimuth, etc. To key time away from the scene as soon as possible.2. Extinguish fire small, benefit others and themselvesWhen when there is a fire, if the fire is not big, and who had yet to cause great threat, should make full use of the surrounding fire equipment, such as fire extinguisher, fire hydrant facilities will be small fire control and extermination. Don"t panic to yell, or buy others scurrying about in disregard and self-centered "glide path", or buy small fire had inflicted on lead.3. Caught fire, keep calm speed evacuatedSuddenly faced with smoke and fire, must keep calm, rapid judgment dangerous place and safe place to escape, decided to evacuate XianDe as soon as possible. Don"t blindly follow crowds and mutual crowded, disorderly ran rampant. Only cool, can a good idea.4. The danger, cherish life as soon as possible, mozambican themselvesAt the site, life expensive than money. The danger, escape is heavy, must race against time, remember not money.5. Leave quickly, crawl mo standingIn from the site, when the smoke and sight is not clear, was choking you are suffocatively come, don"t stand walking, should quickly climbed on the ground or squat down, in order to seek escape route.6. Use channel, mo into the elevator go blind alleyWhen there is a fire, besides can use stair safety export outside, still can use the balcony, windowsill buildings, skylight etc climbed the security site, or around BiLeiXian etc..., along the building structure that in my slide protruding.7. Fireworks besieged, hedge adherence to wiselyWhen escape routes cut and a short time when no rescue, can adopt find or create shelter, adherence to the kind of way. First should meet the doors and Windows, fire securing the doors and Windows, fire open back with wet towel, wet cloth soaked with water chink or blockage covered Windows, then quilt keep water drenching room, prevent fireworks infiltration, adherence to aid.8. Jump to leading cunning, no harm to the bodyHas many people choose to jump off a building fire escape. Jumped to also want to speak skills, jump into lifesaving should as far as possible when jumping or choose to have central air cushion pool, soft rain canopy, meadow direction jump; If possible, try to embrace some quilts, sofa cushion loose items or open big umbrella jumped off the to slow down wallop.9. Fire and oneself, on-site stampedes roll moThe fire fall his clothes on fire, should hurriedly try to take off clothes or on-site roll around, pressure fire-extinguishing seedlings; Can promptly jumped into the water or let a person to water, spray fire-extinguishing agent on more effective.10. The danger, self-help mo forget save othersAnyone find a fire, should call 119 "phone as soon as possible in time to cry for help, fire brigade newspaper. The children and LaoRuoBingCanZhe fire, they I do not have or lost self-help ability, the other people present except self-rescue outside, still should actively salvage they escaped as soon as possible. 火灾致人伤亡的两个主要方面:一是浓烟毒气窒息,二是火焰的烧伤和强大的热辐射。只要能避开或降低这两种危害,就可以保护自身安全,减轻伤害。因此,多掌握一些火场自救的要诀,困境中也许就能获得第二次生命。1.火灾自救,时刻留意逃生路每个人对自己工作、学习或居住的建筑物的结构及逃生路径要做到有所了解,要熟悉建筑物内的消防设施及自救逃生的方法。这样,火灾发生时,就不会走投无路了。当你处于陌生的环境时,务必留心疏散通道、安全出口及楼梯方位等,以便关键时候能尽快逃离现场。2.扑灭小火,惠及他人利自身当发生火灾时,如果火势不大,且尚未对人造成很大威胁时,应充分利用周围的消防器材,如灭火器、消防栓等设施将小火控制、扑灭。千万不要惊慌失措地乱叫乱窜,或置他人于不顾而只顾自己“开溜”,或置小火于不顾而酿成大灾。3.突遇火灾,保持镇静速撤离突然面对浓烟和烈火,一定要保持镇静,迅速判断危险地点和安全地点,决定逃生的办法,尽快撤离险地。千万不要盲目地跟从人流和相互拥挤、乱冲乱窜。只有沉着镇静,才能想出好办法。4.尽快脱离险境,珍惜生命莫恋财在火场中,生命贵于金钱。身处险境,逃生为重,必须争分夺秒,切记不可贪财。5.迅速撤离,匍匐前进莫站立在撤离火灾现场时,当浓烟滚滚、视线不清、呛得你喘不过气来时,不要站立行走,应该迅速地爬在地面上或蹲着,以便寻找逃生之路。6.善用通道,莫入电梯走绝路发生火灾时,除可以利用楼梯等安全出口外,还可以利用建筑物的阳台、窗台、天窗等攀到周围的安全地点,或沿着落水管、避雷线等建筑结构中凸出物滑下楼。7.烟火围困,避险固守要得法当逃生通道被切断且短时间内无人救援时,可采取寻找或创造避难场所、固守待援的办法。首先应关紧迎火的门窗,打开背火的门窗,用湿毛巾、湿布堵塞门缝或用水浸湿棉被蒙上门窗,然后不停用水淋透房间,防止烟火渗入,固守待援。8.跳楼有术,保命力求不损身火灾时有不少人选择跳楼逃生。跳楼也要讲技巧,跳楼时应尽量往救生气垫中部跳或选择有水池、软雨篷、草地等方向跳;如有可能,要尽量抱些棉被、沙发垫等松软物品或打开大雨伞跳下,以减缓冲击力。9.火及己身,就地打滚莫惊跑火场上当自己的衣服着火时,应赶紧设法脱掉衣服或就地打滚,压灭火苗;能及时跳进水中或让人向身上浇水、喷灭火剂就更有效了。10.身处险境,自救莫忘救他人任何人发现火灾,都应尽快拨打“119”电话呼救,及时向消防队报火警。火场中的儿童和老弱病残者,他们本人不具备或者丧失了自救能力,在场的其他人除自救外,还应当积极救助他们尽快逃离险境
2023-07-14 13:32:551


  我们在公共场所经常会见到双语标识,但是这些标识的英译不规范现象比比皆是。下面整理了一些常见公共场合英文标识,希望对大家有所帮助!   1、开水间:Potable Water Room/Water Heater Room   2、茶水间:Tea room/Pantry   3、千手观音:Thousand-hand Bodhisattva   4、对公业务:Corporate Banking Services   5、禁止打手机:No Cellphone   6、总台:Information Desk/ Reception Desk   7、请勿入内:No Admittance   8、请勿摄像:No Filming   9、入口:Entrance   10、紧急出口:Emergency Exit   11、来宾登记:Registration   12、禁止吸烟:No Smoking   13、营业时间:Business Hours   14、游人止步:No Visitors   15、办公时间:Office Hours   16、禁止入内:No Entry   17、咖啡馆、小餐馆:Cafe   18、此路不通:Shut   19、此面向上:This Side Up   20、易碎:Fragile   21、小心烫伤:Caution Hot   22、小心地滑:Caution Slippery/Caution Wet Floor   23、小心玻璃:Caution Glass   24、小心台阶:Mind the Step   25、非公莫入:Staff Only   26、谢绝参观:No Admittance   27、严谨明火:No Open Flame   28、禁止拍照:No Photography   29、谨防扒窃:Beware of Pickpockets   30、排队等候:Please Line Up   31、随手关门:Keep Door Closed   32、节约用纸:Please Save Paper   33、儿童禁入:No Admittance For Children/Adults Only   34、贵宾通道:Vip Only   35、贵重物品,随身保管:Please Don"t Leave Your Valuables Unattended   36、自动门:Automatic Door   37、电源:Power Supply   38、结账稍后:Temporarily Closed   39、推:Push   40、拉:Pull   41、请勿乱扔杂物:No Littering   42、请勿触摸:Don"t Touch   43、保持肃静:Quiet Please   44、节约用水:Please Save Water   45、请勿坐靠:Please Stand Clear   46、小心碰头: Watch Your Head   47、敲击报警:Push For Alarm   48、熄灭烟头:Put Out Your Cigarettes   49、高压危险:Danger High Voltage   50、禁止堆放易燃物品:No Flammable Materials   51、通讯工具调至静音:Please Mute Cellphones   52、灭火器:Fire Extinguisher   53、消防栓:Fire Hydrant   54、紧急情况,敲碎玻璃:Break Glass in Emergency   55、阅览室:Reading Room   56、服务台:Service Desk   57、失物招领处:Lost and Found   58、禁止黄、赌、毒:Pornography   59、收款台:Cashier   60、洗手间:Toilet   61、爱护公共设施:Please Protect Public Facilities   62、欢迎光临:Welcome   63、油漆未干:Wet Paint   64、加油站:Filling Station   65、停车场:Parking   66、请勿践踏草坪:Please Keep off the Grass   67、安全疏散示意图:Evacuation Chart   68、留言栏:Suggestions   69、残疾人专用:Disabled Only   70、伸手出水:Automatic Tap   71、正在维修:Repairs in Progress   72、请勿随地吐痰:No Spitting   73、严禁携带易燃易爆等危险品:Dangerous Articles Prohibited   74、公共区:Public Area   75、贵宾区:VIP Area   76、观众席:Audience Area   77、老年人、残疾人优先:Priority for Seniors and Disabled   78、消防通道:Fire Engine Access   79、医务室:Clinic   80、自动扶梯:Escalator   81、疏散通道:Escape Route   82、补票处:Fare Adjustment   83、物品寄存:Luggage Deposit   84、始发站:Departure Station   85、终点站:Terminus   86、淡季时间:Low Season   87、旺季:High Season   88、故居:Former Residence   89、农家乐:Farm Stay/Agritainment   90、旅游纪念品:Souvenirs   91、桑拿:Sauna   92、新闻发布厅:Press Conference Hall   93、警务室:Guard Room   94、隔离门诊:Isolation Clinic   95、等候区:Waiting Room   96、易燃物品:Inflammable Materials   97、进口:Imported   98、吸烟区:Smoking Area   99、小心辐射:Caution Radiation   100、办公区:Administrative Area
2023-07-14 13:33:051

Who can give me customer lists for fire extinguisher and accessory

2023-07-14 13:33:432


3、按下压把喷射灭火,注意死角,以免复燃Press the handle and extinguish forward,please pay attention to dead corner to avoid reburning消防器材严禁挪用、移动、遮挡Fire-Fingting Hydrant Equipment ,No use for other,No move,No cover.
2023-07-14 13:33:531


Design Abstract : The design for the construction of a high-rise residential building in a large underground garage. Under the graduated design the content and outcome of the design requirements, the existing "Tall Buildings design of fire safety regulations," "Building Water Design Standards," "Automatic Sprinkler System Design Standards" "Building fire extinguishers Configuration Design Standards," "gas fire extinguishing system design specifications," "Garage, the repair garage, carpark design of fire safety regulations, "the national standard based on the large underground garage for a fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system, gas fire safety systems, fire extinguishers configuration design. Indoor Fire Hydrant systems and automatic sprinkler system using high-pressure water, Fire gas used heptafluoropropane gas fire extinguishing system, using portable fire extinguishers powder-ammonium phosphate. Design results include a graduate design brochures and 12 design drawings. Keywords : hydrant sprinkler gas fire extinguishers design topics : Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Kamura the residential areas of economy-B, C basement fire water supply project design
2023-07-14 13:34:001


美国高中作文比喻集锦,典型的后工业时代冷幽默,:She walked into my office like a centipede with 98 missing legs. -Jonathan Paul, Garrett Park ——她走进我的办公室,样子好像一条少了98条腿的蜈蚣。The plan was simple, like my brother-in-law Phil. But unlike Phil, this plan just might work. -Malcolm Fleschner, Arlington——计划很好懂,就像我的小叔一样好懂。但和小叔不同的是,这计划或许行得通。Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever. -Unknown——她的词汇量很差,差得就像,那什么似的。Even in his last years, Grandpappy had a mind like a steel trap, only one that had been left out so long it had rusted shut. -Sandra Hull, Arlington——就算到了晚年,祖父的思维仍然像捕兽夹一样(注:“像捕兽夹一般敏锐的思维”是常用比喻),只不过那个捕兽夹被放在外面太久了,已经锈死了。The ballerina rose gracefully en pointe and extended one slender leg behind her, like a dog at a fire hydrant. -Jennifer Hart, Arlington ——芭蕾舞演员优雅地在身后轻轻抬起一条细长的腿,就像消防栓边的一条狗。
2023-07-14 13:34:081


我方确认已接收到贵方有关贵厂的人工消防设备升级项目图纸。根据送件,庭院消防栓及内部水带卷盘将通过一根150毫米的地下干线在整个厂区提供,内部水带卷盘直径为100毫米。现有消防栓泵浦及300立方米容量的水箱将用于该投标之消防栓及水带卷盘系统的水源供应。关于该泵浦的信息及泵浦房图纸目前为止尚无法提供。 基于上述信息,我方推荐下列解决方案: 1. 人工消防系统应当可以在最远端消防栓的剩余压力为1.4巴(20psi)的前提下达到1,900升/分(500 gpm)的输送能力的要求,该泵浦的图纸将被交予审核。 2. 庭院消防栓之间的间距不应超过90米左右;其与最近的大楼的距离不应大于10米左右。 3. 每根水带接头的设计应当符合可覆盖一片最大半径为30米左右的区域的规格。
2023-07-14 13:34:161


问题一:消防栓用英语怎么拼 hydrant hydrant 消防龙头 hydrant 消防栓 hydrargyrum 汞 问题二:消火栓 英文怎么翻译 FIRE HYDRANT 问题三:消火栓英文怎么说? 更准确是 Fire hydrant 问题四:消火栓用英语怎么翻译 楼主的说法没错, 我见过两种写法. 1. Fire Hosereel2. Fire Hydrant 在国外看见写 hosereel 的比较多, 在中国我见过 hydrant的写法. 问题五:消防队用英语怎么说啊 fire department salvage corps firehouse firebrigade fire brigade firefighting crew 上面的都可以,你挑个喜欢的用吧。 问题六:消防系统英语怎么表达 Fire-fighting system Fire耽protection system, 都可以 问题七:消防器材用英语怎么说 消防器材 ―― Fire Equipment 灭火器 ―― Fire Extinguisher 问题八:消防局用英语怎么说 楼主,您好 Fire protection bureau 谢谢采纳! 问题九:消防员用英语怎么说 fireman消防队员
2023-07-14 13:34:341


2023-07-14 13:34:443


消防栓Fire Hydrant
2023-07-14 13:34:532

防火知识的英语短文? 英语短文

When we think of fires,we think of it being very scary,perhaps even a disaster.Fires can become disasters,and they are indeed quite scary.But if one knows what to do when there really is a fire in a house or outside,it does not seem as dangerous.Campfires,if not carefully put out,can incite a raging forest fire,which is life-threatening to humans,animals,and plants alike.Smothering or using water is a great way to put out a regular fire.Of course,if you have a fire hydrant nearby,that is even more effective.If by accident some fire sparks fall upon your clothes,you should "stop,drop,and roll".Though we might hear it often and not think much of this saying,it is actually the most effective way to get rid of the fire.Many people will think regular fires are catastrophes,but grease fires that start in kitchens are equally if not more dangerous.The main reason grease fires can turn out worse than normal fires is because many people do not know the proper way to put out a grease fire.Since grease is oil,a liquid,water,also a liquid,CANNOT be used to put out this kind of fire.Doing that will only make the situation harder to clean up.Using the lid of a cooking pot to smother it,or using a fire hydrant are both great ways to put out grease fires. When cooking,one needs to know how to prevent creating a fire.That is easily accomplished by abiding by a few simple rules.Never put any flammable material by the stove,for it is liable to catch fire at all times.Do not wear baggy clothes when cooking,because doing that cause your clothes to catch on fire.Remembering these few tips can make your life a lot easier!
2023-07-14 13:35:001


When we think of fires, we think of it being very scary, perhaps even a disaster. Fires can become disasters, and they are indeed quite scary. But if one knows what to do when there really is a fire in a house or outside, it does not seem as dangerous. Campfires, if not carefully put out, can incite a raging forest fire, which is life-threatening to humans, animals, and plants alike. Smothering or using water is a great way to put out a regular fire. Of course, if you have a fire hydrant nearby, that is even more effective. If by accident some fire sparks fall upon your clothes, you should "stop, drop, and roll". Though we might hear it often and not think much of this saying, it is actually the most effective way to get rid of the fire. Many people will think regular fires are catastrophes, but grease fires that start in kitchens are equally if not more dangerous. The main reason grease fires can turn out worse than normal fires is because many people do not know the proper way to put out a grease fire. Since grease is oil, a liquid, water,also a liquid,CANNOT be used to put out this kind of fire. Doing that will only make the situation harder to clean up. Using the lid of a cooking pot to smother it, or using a fire hydrant are both great ways to put out grease fires. When cooking, one needs to know how to prevent creating a fire. That is easily accomplished by abiding by a few simple rules. Never put any flammable material by the stove, for it is liable to catch fire at all times. Do not wear baggy clothes when cooking, because doing that cause your clothes to catch on fire.Remembering these few tips can make your life a lot easier!
2023-07-14 13:35:081

on a fire hydrant box,you may read something like this

A. in case 万一在消火栓箱上,你可以看到这样的文字:一旦发生火灾,打碎玻璃。in case of与in case意思相同,不过要接名词或名词性短语unless是除非的意思,意思不符合whenever是无论何时,表示让步,也不恰当
2023-07-14 13:35:151


When we think of fires, we think of it being very scary, perhaps even a disaster. Fires can become disasters, and they are indeed quite scary. But if one knows what to do when there really is a fire in a house or outside, it does not seem as dangerous. Campfires, if not carefully put out, can incite a raging forest fire, which is life-threatening to humans, animals, and plants alike. Smothering or using water is a great way to put out a regular fire. Of course, if you have a fire hydrant nearby, that is even more effective. If by accident some fire sparks fall upon your clothes, you should "stop, drop, and roll". Though we might hear it often and not think much of this saying, it is actually the most effective way to get rid of the fire. Many people will think regular fires are catastrophes, but grease fires that start in kitchens are equally if not more dangerous. The main reason grease fires can turn out worse than normal fires is because many people do not know the proper way to put out a grease fire. Since grease is oil, a liquid, water,also a liquid,CANNOT be used to put out this kind of fire. Doing that will only make the situation harder to clean up. Using the lid of a cooking pot to smother it, or using a fire hydrant are both great ways to put out grease fires. When cooking, one needs to know how to prevent creating a fire. That is easily accomplished by abiding by a few simple rules. Never put any flammable material by the stove, for it is liable to catch fire at all times. Do not wear baggy clothes when cooking, because doing that cause your clothes to catch on fire.Remembering these few tips can make your life a lot easier!
2023-07-14 13:35:231


fire hydrant 中文一般叫消防栓,不叫灭火栓。
2023-07-14 13:35:301


2023-07-14 13:35:372


Hydrant通常 fire hydrant 一起出现
2023-07-14 13:35:463


AI绘画火灾类关键词分享.Flames —— 火焰Smoke —— 烟雾Firefighter —— 消防员Fire alarm —— 火灾报警器Fire extinguisher —— 灭火器Fire hydrant —— 消防栓Fire escape —— 避难逃生通道Evacuation —— 疏散Fire safety —— 火灾安全Burn —— 烧伤Fire drill —— 火灾演习Fireproof —— 防火的Fire investigation —— 火灾调查Fire brigade —— 消防队Fire truck —— 消防车Fire station —— 消防站Fire prevention —— 预防火灾Fire-resistant —— 防火的Fire hazard —— 火灾危险Fire marshal —— 消防队长Fireproof safe —— 防火保险箱Fire alarm system —— 火灾报警系统Fire blanket —— 灭火毯Fire code —— 消防法规Fire risk assessment —— 火灾风险评估Fire-sprinkler system —— 自动喷水灭火系统Fire investigation report —— 火灾调查报告Fire-resistant clothing —— 防火服装Fire safety inspection —— 火灾安全检查Fire evacuation plan —— 火灾疏散计划Fire safety training —— 火灾安全培训Fire damage assessment —— 火灾损失评估Fire safety regulations —— 火灾安全法规Fire emergency response —— 火灾应急响应Fire safety awareness —— 火灾安全意识Fire evacuation drill —— 火灾疏散演习Fire prevention measures —— 火灾预防措施Fire investigation unit —— 火灾调查单位Fire risk management —— 火灾风险管理Fire safety equipment —— 火灾安全设备Fire safety guidelines —— 火灾安全指南Fire-related injuries —— 火灾相关伤害Fire suppression system —— 灭火系统Fire safety regulations —— 火灾安全规定Fire safety standards —— 火灾安全标准Fire investigation techniques —— 火灾调查技术Fire emergency evacuation —— 火灾紧急疏散Fire safety education —— 火灾安全教育Fire risk assessment report —— 火灾风险评估报告
2023-07-14 13:36:041


1.开水间: Potable Water Room/Water Heater Room 2.茶水间: Tea room/Pantry 3.干手观音: Thousand-hand Bodhisattva 4.对公业务: Corporate Banking Services 5.禁止打手机: No Cellphone 6.总台: Information Desk/Reception Desk; 7.请勿入内: No Admittance 8.请勿摄像: No Filming 9.入口: Entrance 10.紧急出口: Emergency Exit 11来宾登记: Registration 12.禁止吸烟: No Smoking 13.营业时间: Business Hours 14.游人止步: No Visitors 15.办公时间: Office Hours 16.禁止入内: No Entry 17.咖啡馆、小餐馆: Cafe 18.此路不通: Shut 19.此面向上: This Side Up 20.易碎: Fragile 21.小心烫伤: Caution Hot 22.小心地滑: Caution Slippery/Caution Wet Floor 23.小心玻璃: Caution Glass 24.小心台阶: Mind the Step 25.非公莫入: Staff Only 26.谢绝参观: No Admittance 27.严禁明火: No Open Flame 28.禁止拍照: No Photography 29.谨防扒窃: Beware of Pickpockets 30.排队等候: Please Line Up 31.随手关门: Keep Door Closed 32.节约用纸: Please Save Paper 33.儿童禁入: No Admittance for Children/Adults Only 34.贵宾通道: VIP Only 35.贵重物品,随身保管: Please Don" t Leave Your Valuables Unattended 36.自动门: Automatic Door 37.电源: Power Supply 38.结账稍后: Temporarily Closed 39.推: Push 40.拉: Pull 41.请勿乱扔杂物: No Littering 42.请勿触摸: Don" t Touch 43.保持肃静: Quiet Please 44.节约用水: Please Save Water 45.请勿坐靠: Please Stand Clear 46.小心碰头: Watch Your Head 47.敲击报警: Push for Alarm 48.熄灭烟头: Put Out Your Cigarettes 49.高压危险: Danger High Voltage 50.禁止堆放易燃物品: No Flammable Materials 51.通讯工具调至静音: Please Mute Cellphones 52.灭火器: Fire Extinguisher 53.消防栓: Fire Hydrant 54.紧急情况,敲碎玻璃: Break Glass in Emergency 55.阅览室: Reading Room 56.服务台: Service Desk 57.失物招领处: Lost and Found 58.禁止黄、赌、毒: Pornography, Gambling and Drugs Prohibited 59.收款台: Cashier 60.洗手间: Toilet 61.爱护公共设施: Please Protect Public Facilities 62.欢迎光临: Welcome 63.油漆未干: Wet Paint 64.加油站: Filling Station 65.停车场: Parking 66.请勿践踏草坪: Please Keep Off the Grass 67.安全疏散示意图: Evacuation Chart 68.留言栏: Suggestions 69.残疾人专用: Disabled Only 70.伸手出水: Automatic Tap 71.正在维修: Repairs in Progress 72.请勿随地吐痰: No Spitting 73.严禁携带易燃易爆等危险品: Dangerous Articles Prohibited 74.公众区: Public Area 75.贵宾区: VIP Area 76.观众席: Audience Seats 77.老年人、残疾人优先: Priority for Seniors and Disabled 78.消防通道: Fire Engine Access 79.医务室: Clinic 80.自动扶梯: Escalator 81.疏散通道: Escape Route 82.补票处: Fare Adjustment 83.物品寄存: Luggage Deposit 84.始发站: Departure Station 85.终点站: Terminus 86.淡季时间: Low Season 87.旺季: High Season 88.故居: Former Residence 89.农家乐: Farm StaylAgritainment 90.旅游纪念品: Souvenirs 91.桑拿: Sauna 92.新闻发布厅: Press Conference Hall 93.警卫室: Guard Room 94.隔离门诊: Isolation Clinic 95.等候区: Waiting Area 96.易燃物品: Inflammable Materials 97.进口: Imported 98.吸烟区: Smoking Area 99.小心辐射: Caution Radiation 100.办公区: Administrative Area
2023-07-14 13:37:171

iam not married to rhe fire hydrant意思是撒

i am not married to the fire hydrant我没有和消防栓结婚
2023-07-14 13:37:251

消防箱英语怎么说?是fire protection box么?

Fire me
2023-07-14 13:37:342


allybaby Once two hunters went hunting in the forest. One of them suddenly fell down by accident. He showed the whites of his eyes and seemed to have ceased breathing. The other hunter soon took out his mobile phone to call the emergency center for help. The operator said calmly:"First, you should make sure that he is already dead." Then the operator heard a gunshot from the other end of the phone and next he heard the hunter asking:"What should I do next?" A Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered. "You"re a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?" "She is the one who sells the candy." Hospitality The hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple-pie without any cheese. The little boy of the family left the room quietly for a moment and returned with a piece of cheese which he laid on the guest"s plate. The visitor smiled, put the cheese into his mouth and then said: "You must have better eyes than your mother, sonny. Where did you find the cheese?" "In the rat-trap, sir," replied the boy. Hospitality The hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple-pie without any cheese. The little boy of the family left the room quietly for a moment and returned with a piece of cheese which he laid on the guest"s plate. The visitor smiled, put the cheese into his mouth and then said: "You must have better eyes than your mother, sonny. Where did you find the cheese?" "In the rat-trap, sir," replied the boy.
2023-07-14 13:37:592


  大家做好准备迎接一级消防工程师考试了吗?诚意整理“2018一级消防工程师:消防装备专业术语”,只要付出了辛勤的劳动,总会有丰硕的收获!欢迎广大考生前来学习。    2018一级消防工程师:消防装备专业术语   各类消防车、消防泵、消防枪炮、消火栓以及其他消防器材消防专业术语。    1 消防车 Fire vehicles   供消防部门用于灭火、辅助灭火或消防救援的机动消防技术装备,根据需要,设计制造成适宜消防队员乘用、装备各类消防器材或灭火剂的车辆。   1.1 灭火消防车 Fire fighting vehicle   可喷射灭火剂并能独立扑救火灾的消防车。   1.1.1 泵浦消防车 Pumper   主要装备消防泵、消防水枪和水炮的灭火消防车。   1.1.2 水罐消防车 Tanker   主要装备消防泵、水罐、消防水枪和水炮的灭火消防车。   1.1.3 泡沫消防车 Foam fire truck、   主要装备消防泵、水罐、泡沫液罐和成套泡沫设备的灭火消防车。   1.1.4 高倍泡沫消防车   High expansion foam fire truck   主要装备消防泵、水罐、泡沫液罐和高倍泡沫发生装置的灭火消防车 。   1.1.5 干粉消防车 Powder fire truck   主要装备干粉灭火剂罐和成套干粉喷射装置的灭火消防车。   1.1.6 二氧化碳消防车 Carbon dioxide fire vehicle   主要装备二氧化碳灭火剂罐或高压贮瓶及成套二氧化碳喷射装置的灭火消防车   1.1.7 联用消防车 Universal fire truck   主要装备消防泵、两种或两种以上灭火剂(除水以外)及其相应喷射装置的灭火消防车,具有同时或先后喷射不同类灭火剂进行联合灭火的功能。   1.1.8 泡沫-干粉联用消防车 Foam powder universal fire truck   可喷射泡沫、干粉灭火剂的联用消防车。   1.2 机场消防车 Airport crash fire vehicle   专用于处理飞机火灾和事故,可在行驶中喷射灭火剂的灭火消防车。   1.3 专勤消防车 Special erratnd fire vehicle   担负除灭火之外的某专项消防技术作业的消防车。   1.3.1 通讯指挥消防车   Command and communication fire vehicle   用于火场指挥和通讯联络的专勤消防车。   1.3.2 照明消防车   Lighting tower fire vehicle   主要装备发电设备和照明设备的专勤消防车。   1.3.3 抢险救援消防车   Emergency rescue fire vchicle   主要装备各种消防救援器材、消防员特种防护装备、消防破拆工具及火源探测器的专勤消防车。   1.3.4 勘察消防车   Recconnaissance fire vehicle 。   主要装备火场勘察与分析仪器、录像相设备及必要的消防破拆工具的专勤消防车   1.3.5 宣传消防车   Propaganda fire vchicle   主要装备影视、录放、音响和发电设备的专勤消防车。   1.4 举高消防车 Elevating fire truck   装备举高和灭火装置,可进行登高灭火或消防救援的消防车。   1.4.1 登高平台消防车 Elevating platform fire truck   装备折叠式或折叠、伸缩组合式臂架、载人平台、转台及灭火装置的举高消防车。   1.4.2 举高喷射消防车 Water tower fire truck   装备折叠式或折叠、伸缩组合式臂架、转台及灭火装置的举高消防车。消防员可在地面遥控臂顶的灭火装置进行空中灭火。   1.4.3 云梯消防车 Aerial ladder fire truck   装备伸缩式云梯(可带有升降斗)、转台及灭火装置的举高消防车。   1.5 后援消防车 Auxiliary fire vehicle   向火场补给各类灭火剂或消防器材的消防车。   1.5.1 供水消防车 Water tanker   主要装备大容量水罐,向火场供水的后援消防车。   1.5.2 器材消防车 Appliance carrying fire vehicle   主要装载各类消防器材及配件的后援消防车。    2 消防泵 Fire pumps   安装于消防车、固定灭火系统或其他消防设施上,用作输送水或泡沫溶液等液体灭火剂的专用泵。   2.1 车用消防泵 Fire vehicle pump   安装在消防车底盘上的消防泵。   2.2 农用消防泵 Agricultural fire pump   与拖拉机等农业机械配套 主要用于农村灭火的消防泵。   2.3手抬机动消防泵 Portable fire pump with engine   可用人力搬运并与轻型发动机组装的消防泵。   2.4 牵引消防泵 Trailed fire pump   可用人力或机动车辆牵引的消防泵。   2.5 引水消防泵 Fire priming pump   排出消防泵及消防吸水管中的空气,达到设定真空度,使消防泵开始正常供水的专用泵。    3 消防枪炮 Fire branches and monitors   3.1 消防枪 Fire branch   由单人或双人携带和操作的灭火剂喷射管枪。   3.1.1 消防水枪 Fire water branch   喷射水的消防枪。   3.1.2 空气泡沫枪 Air-foam fire branch   产生和喷射空气泡沫的消防枪。   3.1.3 干粉枪 Powdef fire branch   喷射干粉灭火剂的消防枪。   3.2 消防炮 Fire monitor   设置在消防车顶、地面及其他消防设施上的灭火剂喷射炮。   3.2.1 消防水炮   Fire water monitor   喷射水的消防炮。   3.2.2 空气泡沫炮   Air-foam fire monitor   产生和喷射空气泡沫的消防炮。   3.2.3 干粉炮 Powder fire monitor   喷射干粉灭火剂的消防炮。    4 消火栓 Fire hydrant   与供水管路连接,由阀、出水口和壳体等组成的消防供水(或泡沫溶液)的装置。   4.1 室内消火栓 Indoor fire hydrant   设于建筑物内部的消火栓。   4.2 室外消火栓 Outdoor fire hydrant   露天设置的消火栓。   4.3 地上消火栓 Post fire hydrant   阀、出水口以及部分壳体露出地面的室外消火栓。   4.4 地下消火栓   Flush fire hydrant   安装于地下的室外消火栓。    5 其他消防器材 Other fire appliance   5.1 消防水带 Fire hose   两端均带有消防接口,用于输送灭火剂的软管。   5.2 消防吸水管 Fire suction hose   一端带有消防接口,另一端带有消防滤水器,或两端均带有消防接口,供消防泵从天然水源或消火栓吸水的管   5.3 消防接口 Fire coupling   供消防水带、消防吸水管、消火栓、消防泵或消防枪炮等连接用的附件。   5.4 消防梯 Fire ladder   用于火场登高或翻越障碍的轻便梯。   5.5 消防破拆工具 Fire forcible entry tool   用于开启门窗、破拆建筑结构和清理火场的各种器具。   5.6 消防员常规防护装备 Fire man general Protection equipment   消防员在一般场合进行消防作业时均必须佩戴的个体防护装备。包括消防头盔、消防战斗服、消防靴、消防手套及消防安全带等。   5.7 消防员特种防护装备 Fire man special protection equipment   消防员在高热、高寒、有毒或有放射性等特殊场合进行消防救援作业时所须佩戴的个体防护装备。包括避火服、隔热服、防化服、耐寒战斗服及消防空气呼吸器等。
2023-07-14 13:38:261


The factory water supply system is divided into the water in the tap water supply system and water supply system,Tap water supply system using water rationing by the frequency control of motor speed pump water supply pump room on the second floor.Water in the water supply system using zoning of water supply pump room by underground pump pressurized water supply。Sewage, waste water confluence system, indoor layer and above the dirt gravity gravity wastewater discharged into sewer outdoor, the basement sewage wastewater by outdoor sewage submersible pump up to the well.Wastewater after treated by septic tank, into the municipal sewage pipe. This building rainwater use rainwater system, roofing rainwater by the rainwater hopper and indoor storm sewer line to outdoor rain check well. This project fire hydrant water supply system water supply by the underground fire water pump room. Fire pool effective volume of 799 m3, and sprinkler system. This project of fire protection system for the wet system. In the construction of three layer roof water tank for the fire hydrant system in the early fire water, share with spraying systems. Two road, water supply, fire hydrant system adopts horizontal tube and vertical tube constitute a ring. The project each layer of the earth all has the automatic sprinkler system, water system by the underground fire water pump room supplies, and indoor fire hydrant system and operable. Fire pump room with two sets of spraying pump, one with a case. Directly controlled by wet alarm valve spray pump start-up.求采纳!
2023-07-14 13:38:371


2023-07-14 13:38:473


消火栓前严禁堵塞翻译如下:The blockage in front of the fire hydrant is strictly prohibited.重点词汇:消火栓 hydrant; fire hydrant; fire cock严禁 strictly forbid [prohabit]
2023-07-14 13:38:561


消火栓的英文简称1. Fire Hosereel 2. Fire Hydrant 国外写hosereel 的比较多, 中国的写法.:hydrant ,通常fire hydrant 一起出现
2023-07-14 13:39:061

消防栓 英语怎么说, 什么意思?

fire hydrant
2023-07-14 13:39:263


hydrant hydrant 消防龙头 hydrant 消防栓 hydrargyrum 汞
2023-07-14 13:39:401


A nursery school teacher was delivering a school bus full of kids home one day when a fire truck zoomed past。 Sitting in the front seat of the fire truck was a Dalmatian dog。 The children started discussing what the dog‘s duties might be。“They use him to keep crowds back,” said one youngster。“No,” said another, “he‘s just for good luck。”A third child concluded。 “No silly, they use the dogs to find the fire hydrant!”有一天,一位护理学校的老师老师正驾驶着坐满孩子的校车,送他们回家,这时候,一辆消防车呼啸而过。在消防车的前座上有一只达尔马提亚犬。于是孩子们开始讨论这只狗的职责可能是什么。“他们用它来让人们离得远一点,”一个小孩说到。“不,”另一个说,“它是用来求好运的。”这时候第三个小孩说。“别傻了,其实他们是想用用这狗来找消防栓的。”zoom past:呼啸而过fire hydrant:消防栓那为什么会有只小狗坐在消防车上呢?这是因为远在十八世纪时代,马车用作消防车,投入灭火战斗。狗是马的天然朋友,当时的消防队员相信,马有时看到火灾会惊慌失措,而往往是狗能使它们安静下来。因此,消防协会把狗作为自己吉祥物的标记就不无道理了。
2023-07-14 13:39:491

英语作文 救火60词 带翻译

It was a cold winter day.Three students were reading books in the library. When they left the reading room ,one of them threw away the magazine and it fell into the hall. The heater was on and it was hot.Soon the magazine started to smoke.Then it started to burn.The flames grew quickly.Outside a passer-by saw the horrible scense and called 119.In a few minutes ,came several fire-engines and firemen jumped out to put out the fire.Worse still ,a little girl was trapped on the fifth floor of the library .Dangerous as it was, a brave fireman climbed the ladder , broken the fifth floor"s window and saved the girl. Luckily ,both of them didn"t get hurt.Finally,with the help of the fire hose attached to hydrant ,the terrible fire was put off.However, the library was badly damaged. Nowhere was in good condition.The student was sad for what he did.
2023-07-14 13:40:292

1. Which of the following is NOT the reason of the stress? [ ] ...

1-4. CBAA
2023-07-14 13:33:301


英文:diameter 音标:[dai0403mit05] 中文:直径英文:radius 音标: ["reidj05s] 中文: 半径
2023-07-14 13:33:331


2023-07-14 13:33:334

求东方神起的you are my melody?

歌词翻译闭上眼睛 聆听的声音你的心 你的那微小的想法因为我的心里有太多的杂音都无法听见 对不起 对不起流泪的时间已成history请不要担心becauseyou"re my melody为你演奏on & on (and on & on & on)你是我的歌儿 我生活的sound track照亮我人生舞台的你 我爱你不断歌颂 你是我的歌儿i"m sorry讨厌这句话自尊心强之余其实心理是贫瘠的我的灵魂干枯的时候一切都瓦解的时候 可以来到我的身边吗悲伤的时间 也会像歌儿一样有句点becauseIt"s your love, your love聆听我的爱(and on & on & on)你是我的旋律 我生活中的礼物总是在我身边创造美丽的梦再次歌颂 你是我的歌儿就算无法sad love songs就像在歌颂我们一样此刻在我身边守护我的你比什么都更重要闭上眼睛 聆听的声音现在就呼叫你的心You"re my melody为你演奏on & on (and on & on & on)你是我的歌儿 我生活的sound track照亮我人生舞台的你 我爱你不断歌颂 你是我的歌儿it"s your love your love聆听我的(and on & on & on)你是我的旋律 我生活中的礼物总是在我身边创造美丽的梦再次歌颂 你是我的歌儿it"s your love your love聆听我的爱(and on & on & on)你是我的旋律 我生活中的礼物总是在我身边创造美丽的梦再次歌颂你是我的歌儿 [2]
2023-07-14 13:33:251


你问的是淘宝买了平板电脑什么时候发货是吗?如果是白天下单当天就会发货,晚上的话一般是第二天才发货,下单的时候会显示有预计发货时间的。华为公司的最新平板电脑“MediaPad”面世,该平板可能成为华为IDEOS系列产品线的一部分,而华为公司选择在2011年的亚洲通讯展(CommunicAsia 2011)上来进行发布。据了解,2011年亚洲通讯展于6月21日-24日在新加坡举行。国内在10月上市。关于MediaPad,可实现“云通话”的双核高清平板,全球首款Android 3.2(Honeycomb) 7寸旗舰平板电脑。华为公司称MediaPad是该公司至今为止“最智能、最小、最轻便的平板电脑”,并表示他们认为这款平板“一定能够改变消费者的娱乐体验”。
2023-07-14 13:33:251


2023-07-14 13:33:251