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2023-07-14 16:48:01






























the fortune teller是什么意思

fortuneteller 英 [fu0254u02d0tu0283uu02d0n"telu0259]     美 [fu0254u02d0tu0283uu02d0n"telu0259]    n.算命者;占卜者释义常用度分布图海词统计算命者占卜者形容词: fortunetellingfortuneteller是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:英英释义Noun:a person who foretells your personal futurefortuneteller的用法和样例:例句用作名词 (n.)The fortuneteller told Jane that there was an adventure for her just around the corner.算命者告诉简她的一次历险就要来临。
2023-07-14 12:00:501

魔力红乐队《fortune teller》中英歌词

Fortune Teller -Maroon 5 算命家- 魔力红乐队I"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家、I won"t be bringing 我不会带来未来的消息news of what tomorrow bringsI"ll leave that up to you 我要把这个告诉你I"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家Don"t have crystal ball 没有魔力的预言水晶球I can"t predict the future 我没办法预言未来Can"t see nothing at all 未来的东西 我一点都不知道It doesn"t mean i"m afraid 但这并不意味着我害怕of all the things that you say 你说的一切But I just think we should stay 不过 我只觉得我们应该Stuck in the moment today 坠入爱河 一天的时间And as the seasons roll back 纵使季节更替No matter how hard I try 无论我怎样尝试Some of it will end and 有些东西终将结束the leaves will turn again 而分离会卷土重来I don"t know why you"re acting like this 我不知道为何你装作这样I don"t know why you have to do it again 我不知道为何你要重蹈覆辙Why you have to go, and ruin the night 为什么你要走 令这个夜晚如此难耐Don"t worry about tomorrow"s miss 一点也不在乎(我)第二天的思念牵挂I never know how the future will go 我从未知晓未来之事I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你(未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家I never change, but I want you to stay 我从未改变 仅仅是想要你回来 I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你 (未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家I don"t like watching TV 我不喜欢看电视I don"t know what that all means 我不清楚那些东西有什么意义And your american dream, 以及你那些自由的梦想baby it just stays in me 宝贝啊 他们都停留在我心中I know what i"m thinking, 我不知道我在想什么may not be in your mind 也许不能触及你内心I know the song i"m singing, 我明白我唱的这首歌it"s not your favorite kind 不是你最爱的类型It doesn"t mean i"m afraid of 但这并不意味着我害怕all the things that you say 你说的一切But I just think we should stay 不过 我只觉得我们应该Stuck in the moment today 坠入爱河 一天的时间And as the seasons roll back 纵使季节更替No matter how hard I try 无论我怎样尝试Some of it will end and 有些东西终将结束the leaves will turn again 而分离会卷土重来I don"t know why you"re acting like this 我不知道为何你装作这样I don"t know why you have to do it again 我不知道为何你要重蹈覆辙Why you have to go, and ruin the night 为什么你要走 令这个夜晚如此难耐 Don"t worry about tomorrow"s miss 一点也不在乎(我)第二天的思念牵挂I never know how the future will go 我从未知晓未来之事I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你(未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家I never change, but I want you to stay 我从未改变 仅仅是想要你回来I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你 (未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家This feeling, keeps growing, 这种感受 一直翻滚着these rivers keep flowing 我的脑海 思绪万千How can I have answers 怎样我才能回答when you drive me in questions 那些让我不知所措的问题I never know how the future will go 我从未知晓未来之事I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你(未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家I never change, but I want you to stay[1] 我从未改变 仅仅是想要你回来I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你 (未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家I never know how the future will go 我从未知晓未来之事I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你 (未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我从未改变 仅仅是想要你回来I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你 (未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家```````````````````````````望采纳.
2023-07-14 12:00:581

阿姨给我出的英语翻译,求帮忙:The fortune teller said I was looking for someone to eat imperial?

算命先生说我在找吃帝国的人。Fortune teller 的意思是算命先生。
2023-07-14 12:01:433

求英语阅读新视野的一篇文章是看手相的开头是 “even for people who don‘t believe in fortune teller”

2023-07-14 12:01:544


What"s the meaning of the fortune teller saying I"m an orphan There are four relationships between children and their parents的中文翻译为:算命先生说我是孤儿是什么意思孩子和父母之间有四种关系meaning 的意思是:意思fortune teller的意思是:算命先生saying 的意思是:说话
2023-07-14 12:02:073


fate < fortune
2023-07-14 12:02:142

the fortuneteller 歌词

歌曲名:the fortuneteller歌手:Doro专辑:true at heartI never got into magic, but the magic got into me.I"d been tangled up in love, but afraid of being free.Men... i don"t understand them.They take you for all you gotAnd leave you howling at the moonAnd thinking of... i don"t know what...Yeah, i do. thinking of that man.Is he alone? is he thinking of me?Does he still love me?I needed some answers. deep answers ...So there i was on the side of town where the beggars sleep.It was late. real late ...But i knew she"d be open. gypsies love the night.I heard that from a friend who once knew one.DoroSure enough her light was on and her door was cracked.The smell of incense made the night air cry out in desperation.But i didn"t care. i was looking for revelation.So i walked in and made my way through a curtain of beads.I put some money on the tableAnd she reached for a deck of cards and said: "sit."She told me to look in her eyes.I did... but i also kept my eye on that deck.She gazed at a card and then she said ...I can see that you don"t really want to knowWhat your future holds as you travel down the roadYou"d rather believe that dreams do come trueThan to find out they can lie to youI said, "wait a minute ... i was expecting a little bit more than that."She said, "what do you want me to do? turn myself into a cat?I could you know. and i believed here.Everything got deadly quiet.Man, i was scared, but i didn"t show it.Then she broke the silence. "why are your palms sweating, child?"God, this woman was good.I asked her to read my palm. she said,"all right, but it"ll cost you another fifty,And then i"m going to bed. gypsies hate the night...Gimme your hand. i"m gonna read between the lines."I can see that you don"t really want to knowWhat your future holds, as you travel down the roadYou"d rather believe that dreams do come trueThan to find he might be leaving youShe said ... i can see that you don"t really want to knowWhat your future holds as you travel down the roadYou"d rather believe that dreams do come trueSo does the man who"s followed you.
2023-07-14 12:02:371


Account for myself in advance! I am a man of fortunetelling,and I also sold acerbic chinese date and groundnut before.
2023-07-14 12:02:494


山人的解释(1) [hermit]∶指隐士 山人 墨客 野客思茅宇,山人爱竹林。——唐· 王勃《赠李十四》 (2) [fortune-teller]∶旧称以卜卦、算命为 职业 的人;方士 也不索唤师婆 擂鼓 邀神,请山人占卦揲蓍。——元· 罗国宾《罗李郎》 详细解释 (1).即山虞。古代掌管山林的官。 《 左传 ·昭公四年》 :“自命夫命妇至於老疾,无不受冰。山人取之,县人传之,舆人纳之,隶人藏之。” 杜预 注:“山人,虞官也。” (2).住在山区的人。 《管子·轻重己》 :“趣山人断伐,具械器……三月之后,皆以其所有,易其所无。” 《荀子·王制》 :“故泽人足乎木,山人足乎鱼。” (3).隐居在山中 的士 人。 南朝 齐 孔稚珪 《北山移文》 :“蕙帐空兮夜鹤怨,山人去兮晓猿惊。” 唐 王勃 《赠李十四》 诗 之一 :“野客思茅宇,山人爱竹林。” 元 萨都剌 《题刘涣中司空山隐居图》 诗:“放光峯下结茅庐,光照山人夜读书。” 明 黄溥 《闲中今古录》 :“ 丹山 之南有白石,山人隐遁松林间。” (4).指仙家、道士之流。 北周 庾信 《道士步虚词》 诗之五:“移黎付苑吏,种杏乞山人。” 倪璠 注引 《述异记》 :“ 杏园 在南海洲中,多杏,海 上人 云仙人种杏处。” 宋 苏轼 《於潜令刁同年野翁亭》 诗:“山人醉后铁冠落,溪女笑时银栉低。”自注:“ 天目山 唐 道士 常冠铁冠。” 金 元好问 《李 道人 崧阳归隐篇》 诗:“ 可笑 李山人 , 嗜好 世所稀。” (5).卜卦、算命等江湖术士的统称。 宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》 卷一:“予去国二 十七 年复来,自 周 丞相 子 充 一人外,皆无复旧人,虽吏胥亦无矣,惟卖卜 洞微山人 亡恙,亦不甚老,话旧怆然。” 元 黄溍 《赠谈星者》 诗:“山人久客江湖间,水风潇潇月满船, 相逢 问我所生年, 忽然 袖出 天星 盘。” 清 李渔 《 风筝 误·媒争》 :“谁信做媒须学做山人,书引大胆来说状元亲。” (6).古代学者士人的雅号。 金 元好问 《雪后招邻舍王赞子襄饮》 诗:“ 遗山山人 伎俩拙,食贫口众留他乡。” 《明史·戴良传》 :“ 良 世居 金华 九灵山 下,自号 九灵山人 。”如: 清 王士禛 自号 渔洋山人 。 词语分解 山的解释 山 ā 地面形成的高耸的部分:土山。山崖。 山峦 。 山川 。山路。山头。山明水秀。山雨欲来风满楼(喻冲突或战争爆发之前的 紧张 气氛 )。 形状像山的:山墙(人字形房屋两侧的墙壁。亦称“房山”)。 形容 大声:山响 人的解释 人 é 由类人猿进化而成的能制造和使用工具进行 劳动 、并能运用语言进行交际的 动物 :人类。 别人 ,他人:“人为刀俎,我为鱼肉”。待人热诚。 人的 品质 、 性情 、名誉: 丢人 ,文如其人。 己我
2023-07-14 12:02:571

飒漫乐画 乐绘馆的歌词

2023-07-14 12:03:103

攻先苦恋别人,受陪在攻身边付出很多,最后下决心离开攻,攻醒悟的。HE 要类似橙子雨的fortune teller更好

2023-07-14 12:03:222


许多小伙伴们反映,虽然通关了,但是完全不知道方块逃脱锈湖根源讲的是什么,所以小编今天特地带来了逃离方块锈湖根源剧情详解,希望看过之后,小伙伴们能够理解锈湖根源这部游戏讲述的。点此查看:逃离方块绣湖根源通关攻略逃离方块锈湖根源剧情1.The Tree 树1860年春年,James的叔叔离奇死亡,他作为唯一的继承人来到锈湖继承叔叔的所有遗产房子和一枚非常特殊的种子。他把种子种了下去。2.The House 房子叔叔房子的门需要用三个不同颜色的钻石打开。在敲击窗户玻璃拿宝石的时候,里面闪现了一个神秘乌鸦人的身影。3.The Uncle 叔叔James进入了叔叔的房子,房间里挂着叔叔兄弟俩的照片,后面隐藏了跟树和各种人体器官有关的图片。他用藏在壁炉里的钥匙打开窗户上的木门,赫然发现上面四个血手印,而柜子里有一个怀表,时间静止在8点25分。更惊悚的事情发生了,叔叔的尸体就隐藏在房间的大钟里!叔叔的心藏被放进了罐子储存。The Staircase 楼梯间James就这样在叔叔的房子里生活下来。房子对面有一个旅馆,里面还招待过一群可以直立行走、谈笑风生的动物。十年后的有一天,他在笔记本里发现了叔叔的秘密。原来叔叔兄弟俩一直在研制永生药,而且在1859春天,这个研究进展到了最后的阶段。在房间的书柜后面,有一个暗门,暗门下是长长的曲折的楼梯,最后通向一个神秘的房间。The Elixir 长生药James按之前神秘房间留下的配方进行长生药的制作。根据记载,长生药会让人突然死亡,然后得以永生。他把调配好的药给狗来了一滴,狗似乎没反应。他自己喝下一杯以后就挂了。The Wake 唤醒James躺在棺材里。他的舌头被取下,放进罐子里。Finding Love 找到真爱时间回到1865年,也就是James继承叔叔遗产的后五年,饮下长生药的前五年。James有一个心爱的姑娘,叫作Mary。Mary似乎很喜欢James,她收到James送的玫瑰,鼻血都下来了。James用血写下来求婚的纸条,并且把断手上的戒指送给Mary来求婚。Mary不出意料地答应了。Childbirth 生孩子1867年4月26日,Mary接受James求婚后的第二年,他们有了爱情的结晶,还是三胞胎。分别式女孩Emma,男孩Samuel和Albert。三个孩子的饮食不同,Emma喝水,Samuel喝奶,Albert竟然喝酒的。James和Mary两人孩子的诞生卡片也预示了三个孩子的未来,Emma和花有关,Samuel和钟表有关,而Albert和面具有关。Childs Play 孩童嬉戏1876年,三个孩子都九岁了。Emma在和Albert争抢蝴蝶的时候把他推地摔坐在树下,而Samuel还落井下石地用弹弓击落马蜂窝。马蜂窝掉在Albert的头上,把他的脑袋砸出了血,Emma没心没肺地发出了银铃般的笑声。Albert的心里埋下了仇恨的种子,他希望Emma和Samuel去死。这是乌鸦人出现了,他喃喃地说道:可怜的孩子,他们的一生将充满不幸,但是他们所继承的东西却充满价值。Fertility 繁殖这年Emma17岁,她种了四朵花,这四朵花合为了一朵白色的发光的花,然后花散开成亮光进入了Emma的身体,她就瞬间怀孕了。Swing 秋千Emma怀孕后生下了儿子Frank。她的兄弟Albert再次出场了,可以看出他被马蜂窝砸到以后毁容了,喜欢戴恐怖的面具。这天Albert展开了他的复仇计划,作为小Frank的舅舅,他故意大力推秋千又用泰迪熊引诱,亲手让年仅七岁左右的Frank掉入井中。12. The Search 寻找Emma在儿子失踪的这一年里一直寻找他,她看不到希望,认为孩子已经死了,并给他献上了蜡烛和花。她给孩子写了一封信:我已经寻找你太久了。如果你发现这封信,在天上的星星中寻找我。把这封信绑在了鹦鹉身上。The Panting 画在儿子失踪五年以后,Emma终于忍受不住痛苦,上吊自杀了。死前,她绘制了一副画,上面有太阳、树、草地、房子和两个人。其中一个是吊死的女人,也就是她自己,那么女人旁边的那个身影是谁呢?Emma的眼泪被收集了下来。14. The Well Part 1 井(第一部分)时光飞逝到1920年,当年掉入井中的Frank竟然没有死,而且已经三十多岁了。他头发和胡子都很长,瘦骨嶙峋,因为长期在井里坐着或者因为摔下时受了伤,他甚至不能行走。他的舅舅时常来戏弄他,并给他投放勉强维持生命食物。一天,终于有一个好心人来帮助Frank了。他们通过符号和铁桶来传递信息。好心人给了他喝的和吃的,还放下来一个棍子。Frank最终用棍子支撑着瘦弱的身子,坐在铁桶中被吊出了深井。15. The Bathroom 浴室Frank被就上来后,在浴室里洗澡、取暖、理发。减去头发和胡子的他还蛮帅气的。他的头发被放到了罐子里。The Stars 星星Frank被拯救后的10年后,他已经是一个衣着体面的绅士了。他终于在鹦鹉身上得到了妈妈的来信。原来妈妈的来信不只是临终遗言(这封信在她死前几年就写好也说得通了),信里的文字其实隐藏了打开宝物盒的密码。Frank在星星上看到了妈妈的脸,她让儿子去看信,可能也是暗示密码在信上。同样用星星来传递留言的人还有戴帽子的老爷爷,根据前面的信息来推断,他就是乌鸦人?而且他是James叔叔的兄弟,所以他是James的爸爸?Emma他们是他的三个孙子和孙女?他留言给自己的兄弟(James的叔叔),让他确保孙子孙女(Emma、Samuel和Albert)拿到时间碎片(像手表的东西)。Frank果然在宝物盒子里发现了时间碎片,密码是LOVE。17. The Clock 钟剧情从Emma和儿子Frank转到另一个孩子Samuel。他成为了专门制作钟表的工匠。他和红发美女占卜师Ida恋爱,Ida三点的时候给他送烟斗来。The Fortune Teller 占卜师占卜师Ida能算出人们的命运,她算出了恶魔Albert(戴着面具的)隐士(失踪的人) Frank上吊的人 Emma女皇 还没出场的Rose星星 看星星的人 Frank死亡 是Samuel瞎了眼睛的样子?我脸盲最后她看到自己和Samuel婚礼拍照的时候,戴鹿骨头面具的人施巫蛊的和Samuel瞎了眼睛惨叫的样子。还看到了乌鸦人。最后似乎还有个画面一闪,我没看清。19. The Wedding Photo 婚礼合照照片婚礼主角Ida和Samuel,老了的Mary,戴面具的Albert,以及Ida和Samuel的儿子Leonard。在结婚照上新娘Ida并没有笑。Samuel和Albert看起来也并不高兴。仔细看结婚照上还有Emma,然而游戏开始时右上方的成员名单却没有Emma。往前查看,Emma是1896年自杀的,这个婚礼照片是1900年,所以来参加婚礼的Emma是鬼魂?如果家庭成员看不到Emma的话,那Albert是故意和新人之间空出了距离?20. The Family Band 家庭乐队四年后,婚礼上的几个人在聚会,夫妻Samuel和Ida、儿子Leonard和Albert组成家庭乐队,祖母Mary在旁边的摇椅上聆听。本来其乐融融,突然画面一闪,墙上都是鲜血,有用血写下的There will be blood。一对巫蛊娃娃被钉在墙上,可怜的Leonard吓得瘫坐在了地上,他不知道自己的父母有没有被杀害。祖母Mary已经在椅子上去世了,她的牙齿被收集起来。The War Hero 战地英雄Leonard长大了,一战爆发。他乘着自制的小车去参加战斗。The Trenches 战壕四年后,Leonard在站岗,在他想家的时候,一个手榴弹在战壕里爆炸,炸断了他的一条腿。在昏迷中,他看到各种人,事故发生的那段时间被一遍遍重演。终于乌鸦人出现了,他说:兄弟,救救Leonard,我们需要他来找到宝藏。(所以这边兄弟是之前的兄弟指的是同一个人?叔叔已经死了,他们还有其他兄弟?)Leonard在爆炸前得到了防毒面具。他活了下来,还是失去了脚,这只脚被装进罐子。23. The Treasure 宝藏Leonard没有死在战场上,大约十年后,他在通过藏宝图挖到了宝藏,也就是时间碎片。Masks 面具 (官方的walkthrough列表里好像把24和25弄反了)Emma和Samuel的线讲得差不多了,转到Albert。Albert当年是争抢蝴蝶被推倒的,可能因此他对蝴蝶有着深深的怨念。他一刀刺死了蝴蝶。自此以后他还将让更多人流血和痛苦。这集月亮上的人让我想起了SEASONS,生怕出现恐怖的像割喉那样的恐怖镜头,而换面具让我想到了SAMSARA ROOM。25. The Lying Game 说谎游戏这是1896年,一家四个人在玩说谎游戏。四个人扮演不同的角色TheHigh Princess,Devil, Chariot和Empress,根据角色他们分别总是说真话,总是说假话,只说一次假话,只说一次真话。Samuel:我姐姐死了(真)锁密码开头37(真)画的右下角有钥匙(真)Mary:照片所上角有卡片(真)密码锁结尾94(真)现在是夏天(假)Ida:报纸下面有钥匙(假)devil的口袋里有我的照片(真)密码锁结尾是46 (假)Albert:我不爱Ida (假)我的哥哥没结婚 (假)画的右边有卡片(假)每个人的角色被猜到以后,乌鸦人出现在窗外,送来了鹿骨头套,Albert戴上头套。这关我超喜欢的。还知道了Albert爱Ida的秘密。26. Voodoo 巫毒在家庭乐队一集中的Samuel夫妇被抓走后,戴着鹿骨头套的Albert对他们使用了巫术,他对自己爱的Ida也下了毒手,两人的眼睛被挖出,成为祭品。The Brood 孵化Albert在Frank摔下的井旁边有个密室,Frank这时候已经被困很久长大了。Albert用神秘的古老方法和Ida的卵子为自己造了一个孩子。Communication 通灵之前Albert造出的是一个女孩,女孩起名为Rose。在Rose十岁的时候,她和去世的祖先William Vanderboom(James的叔叔,所以是她的太叔叔?)通过通灵板进行了交流。Rose得知William想要复活,而复活需要祭品,时间碎片则是用来打开大门的。Rose答应了要帮助William。29. The Well Part 2 井(第二部分)原来之前救出Frank的就是他的表妹Rose,而Frank喝到的水是.Rose通过纸飞机知道Frank的要求,然后给他提供了需要的物品,最终把他从井里救出。30. Checkmate 将军Frank和Albert下了两盘象棋,都是Frank被Albert将军,而现实中,Frank却把害自己被困井底、虐待自己的Albert将了军,掐死了他。Albert的脑子成为祭品。这边时间是1926,之前1920年从井里出来不是剪头了吗?这头发乱的。The Last Dance 最后的共舞10个家人,10个祭品终于只剩一个了。Rose和Frank最后共舞,还跳了家族乐队的作品。Rose更是难得地穿上了鲜艳的立方体裙子(和Case23里金发女子一样的裙子)。她贡献了最后一个祭品:鲜血。32. The Graveyard 墓地可以看到Ida和Samuel夫妇确实在巫毒那集中确实遇害身亡了。但是其他人墓碑上的时间都扑朔迷离。Emma墓碑上是1899?她之前应该是1986死的呀?James的年代是1842?故事开始是1860,所以只有他的是出生日期?Mary日期是1902,但是她是1904年家庭乐队的时候死的。总之她把家人的墓挖了个遍,从每个里面取出一块骨头,最后把旁边的一具没有墓碑的骸骨补全,从骸骨口中得到第三枚时间碎片。(骸骨估计是William)33. Roots 根1935年,Leonard、Frank和Rose终于带着各自的时间碎片集合在大树的根部。时间碎片启动后,他们三人都被树根包裹住,Frank和Leonard似乎会献身?而Emma被关闭在钟里,她会抚育孩子。树根开始吸取10个家庭成员身体部分的祭品,树的深处其实是William的在吸取各个部分,包括他自己的心脏。过了很长时间,Emma用裙子包裹住重生的孩子破土而出。更多逃离方块系列:逃离方块系列游戏专辑逃离方块/锈湖系列下载地址及通关攻略通关攻略游戏下载锈湖天堂岛攻略锈湖天堂岛下载锈湖根源攻略锈湖根源下载逃离方块洞穴攻略逃离方块磨坊攻略逃离方块磨坊下载逃离方块剧院攻略逃离方块剧院下载逃离方块案件23攻略逃离方块案件23下载逃离方块哈维的盒子攻略逃离方块哈维的盒子下载逃离方块锈色湖畔攻略逃离方块锈色湖畔下载逃离方块四季攻略逃离方块四季下载逃离方块生日攻略逃离方块生日下载逃离方块锈湖旅馆攻略锈湖旅馆下载逃离方块阿尔勒攻略逃离方块阿尔勒下载逃离方块系列顺序逃离方块系列下载
2023-07-14 12:03:361

英语翻译 三书六礼中的“聘书” “礼书” “迎亲书” 怎么翻译

聘书:Letter of appointment礼书:Book of Rites迎亲书:The wedding book
2023-07-14 12:03:503


用VBS脚本设置本地安全策略就是用VBS脚本操作注册表信息用到VBS脚本WshShell对象的RegWrite,RegDelete,RegRead方法举个列子下面的代码创建一个项和两个值,读取它们,然后删除它们。Dim WshShell, bKeySet WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")WshShell.RegWrite "HKCUSoftwareACMEFortuneTeller", 1, "REG_BINARY"WshShell.RegWrite "HKCUSoftwareACMEFortuneTellerMindReader", "Goocher!", "REG_SZ"bKey = WshShell.RegRead("HKCUSoftwareACMEFortuneTeller")WScript.Echo WshShell.RegRead("HKCUSoftwareACMEFortuneTellerMindReader")WshShell.RegDelete "HKCUSoftwareACMEFortuneTellerMindReader"WshShell.RegDelete "HKCUSoftwareACMEFortuneTeller"WshShell.RegDelete "HKCUSoftwareACME"
2023-07-14 12:04:161


2023-07-14 12:04:251


有两种方法:第一个是API,楼上说过了,不说了第二个是用wscript.shell对象,方法如下:Dim WshShell, bKeySet WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")"写注册表WshShell.RegWrite "HKCUSoftwareACMEFortuneTeller", 1, "REG_BINARY"WshShell.RegWrite "HKCUSoftwareACMEFortuneTellerMindReader", "Goocher!", "REG_SZ""读注册表bKey = WshShell.RegRead("HKCUSoftwareACMEFortuneTeller")MsgBox bKey"删除注册表WshShell.RegDelete "HKCUSoftwareACMEFortuneTeller" 另外还可以用shell执行dos命令,但是麻烦,所以用不到了
2023-07-14 12:04:431


1.英语短句对话,300个对话 Are you by yourself? 你一个人来吗? Are you kidding me? 跟我开玩笑啊? Back in a moment! 马上回来! Boys will be boys! 本性难移! Come to the point! 有话直说! Do I have to? 我一定要做吗? Don"t count on me! 别指望我! Don"t fall for it! 别上当! Don"t get me wrong! 你搞错了! Don"t give me that! 少来这套! Don"t let me down! 别让我失望! Don"t over do it! 别做过头了! Drop me a line!要写信给我! Easy come easy go! 来得容易去也快! Get a move on! 快点吧! Give me a break! 饶了我吧! Glad you like it! 很高兴你喜欢! Great minds think alike! 英雄所见略同! He always talks big! 他老是吹牛! He"s a double crosser! 他是个骗子! I cross my heart! 我发誓是真的! I just made it! 我做到了! I watch my money! 视财如命! I"ll be right back! 我马上回来! I"ll check it out! 我去查查看! I"ll see to it! 我会留意的! I"m down and out! 我穷困潦倒! I"m in a hurry! 我赶时间! I"m not that bad! 我没那么差吧? I"m short on cash! 我缺钱! I"ve got the blues! 我很郁闷! If I were you…=if I were in your shoes如果我是你… It kills my eyes! 太好看了! It"s Greek to me! 我完全不懂! It"s no big deal! 没什么大不了的! It"s worth a try! 值得一试! Just wait and see! 等着瞧! Know what I mean? 明白我的意思吧? Let"s change the subject! 换个话题吧! My mouth is watering! 我要流口水了! No pain no gain! 吃一堑长一智! None of your business! 没你事! She"s under the weather! 她今天很忧郁! So far, so good! 还过得去! Speaking of the devil! 说曹操,曹操到! Stay away from me! 离我远点! That makes no difference! 不都一样吗? The walls have ears! 隔墙有耳! We better get going! 最好马上就走! We"re all for it! 我们都赞成! What"s on your mind? 你在想什么? You are the boss! 你是老大! You asked for it! 你自讨苦吃! You have my word! 我保证! You want a bet? 你敢打赌吗? You"re pulling my leg! 你开玩笑吧? You"re really killing me! 真是笑死我了! 2.简单的5句英语对话 A:Hello,What are you doing please? 嗨,你在干什么呀? B:I am doing my homework,what is up?我正在做功课,有事吗? A:Nothing else,I just want to know are you free this afternoon.没什么,我只是想知道你下午有空吗? B: Yes,So。应该有空,怎么啦? A: What about playing football at 4:30PM? 下午4:30分去踢足球,怎样? B: It is a good idea.好主意! 3.来个搞笑的英语对话 Jack:Tom,who do you think the man with a yellow straw hat on the stool in front of the palm trees? Tom:I guess he must be a fortune teller。 Jack:Are you sure? Tom:Yes,without a doubt。 You see he is looking forward to talking to someone。 Jack:Maybe you are right。 But Tom, can you read the palm? Tom:Yes, I have read a lot of books about reading the palm。 May I read your palm? Jack: Yes,I"d love to。 But I want to make fun of him。 It is very funny。 4.求:20条常用口语(英文版) How embarrassing! 多难为情啊! Mmm! 嘿嘿! Wow, it"s itchy! 哗,好坏! Wow, what a stink! 哗,好臭! I"m heart-broken. 我失恋了。 He"s absorbed in his book. 他全神贯注地读书。 Good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。 It"s too sour. 太酸了。 I"m exhausted. 我疲倦不堪。 Whew! It"s hot! 哇!好热! I have a toothache. 我牙好痛。 You make me feel terrible. 你别吓我了。 I"m thirsty. It"s too hot and dry. 我口渴了。天气太热太干燥了。 Ouch, that hurts! 哎呦,好痛呀! God! It"s a hard stuff. 唔!这家伙是个硬骨头。 Watch out, it"s dangerous. 注意,危险啊! Stop it. 停住,住手! He sweats with fear. 他在冒着冷汗。 I feel like vomiting. 我想呕吐。(这句话大家一定要记牢呀,很常用的) Gee, that"s bitter. 噢,好苦! I expected it to be sweet. 我原以为是甜的。 They are hot tempered. 他们肝火太盛。(还是少惹为妙) You can say that again. 我完全赞同。 5.一篇英文简短对话急求适用于初三或高一学生,总共大约8到十句得英 SummerPlansPeterandMaryaretalkingabouttheirplansforthesummer。 Maryisgoingtoworkinthecity,butPeterisgoingtogotocamp。MarythinksthattheirfriendJohnisgoingtothemountainswithhisfamily。 :I"mgoingtostayinthecity。 :I"mgoingtoworkwithmyfatheratthestore。 Intheevening,I"llreadbooks。Onweekends,I"llgotothebeachwithmyfamily。 :No,butIcanlearn。Whatareyougoingtodothissummer? "mgoingtocamp。 I"vegonetocampforfoursummers。 "venevergonetocamp。 Whatdoyoudothere? ,wegoswimmingandboating。 Intheafternoon,weplaybasketballorten ories。 :Itiswonderful。What"sJohngoingtodothissummer? "sgoingtothemountainswithhisparents。 ,solong,Mary。Havefun。 ,Peter。GivemyregardstoJohn。 "8I"llseeyouinSeptember。
2023-07-14 12:05:201


2023-07-14 12:05:321


棕榈读书 不告诉的人的Even,它可以是得知的乐趣什么时运--出纳看人的棕榈 To读了人的未来,时运--出纳看两个人的手。人为文字使用显示的手人在生活中做了的事和选择他或她做了。人的其他手将显示他们是出生与的能力和他们的命运。 In棕榈读书,多数人民知道在手的不同的线代表关于人的生活的事。例如,有在大家的三条主要线递叫头行、heartline和救生线。 The头行代表智力--而那些与一短一个是非常聪明的,有长的头行的人们说有优秀记忆。救生线代表健康,并且越长的它是,健康某人是。 心脏线代表情感和关系--概括来说,越长的它是,更加重要关系是给那个人。 There也是六条较小线,但是相当多人没有一个或更多较小线。较小线代表事例如人的命运、财富、健康、婚姻生活和孩子。时运--出纳通过看读这些线多么深深,并且每条线多久是。 另外,时运--出纳相信他们可以读从手的手指的信息。每个手指有有些技巧或时运与它有关。拇指isrelated爱,食指到命运,无名指到艺术和imaginating和最小的手指到通信。时运--出纳将看每个手指的长度,手指怎么弯曲,联接的大小和手指的末端的形状。但是各种各样运气预告是无根的,并且人们谈论他们乐趣的。
2023-07-14 12:05:441


使用API中的RegQueryValueEx函数PrivateDeclareFunctionRegQueryValueExLib"advapi32.dll"Alias"RegQueryValueExA"(ByValhKeyAsLong,ByVallpValueNameAsString,ByVallpReservedAsLong,lpTypeAsLong,lpDataAsAny,lpcbDataAsLong)AsLong 其中hKey 为打开的句柄 lpValueName 为数据名称 lpReserved 这个直接写0就好了lpType 这个是数据类型lpData 为返回数据 lpcbData 数据的字节数
2023-07-14 12:05:512

求【占卜师们】韩片字幕Fortune.Teller.2012.720p.HDRip.H264-KTH 求再造战士4字幕avi格式的。

2023-07-14 12:06:111


■年度专辑  2001 <Философия чуда>  思考之哲学/The Philosophy of Wonder  1. Мечты / 幻想_Dreams   2. 7 элемент / 第7元素_The Seventh Element  3. Опера 2 Прелюдия / 歌剧2_Opera # 2  4. Прелюдия/序曲_Prelude  5. Карлсон / 卡尔松_Karlsson  6. Опера 1 (asian vers.) / 歌剧1_Opera # 1(Asian version)  7. День рождения моей смерти / 我的死亡的生日_The Birthday of My Death  8. Душа / 灵魂_Soul  9. Тело / 身体_Body  10. Старый граммофон / 老唱机_Old gramophone  11. Цирк / 马戏团_Circus  2002 <Улыбнись!>   微笑吧!/Smile!  1. Улыбнись! / 微笑吧!_Smile!  2. Блаженный гуру / 圣徒_The blissful guru   3. Восковые фигуры / 蜡像_Wax Figures  4. Плачет чужая тоска / 别人的忧愁在哭泣_Someone Else"s Melancholy Is Crying  5. Аве Мария! / 万福玛丽亚_Ave Maria  6. Холодный мир / 寒冷的世界_The Cold World  7. Остров затонувших кораблей / 沉船岛_The Island of Sunken Ships  8. Фантастические сны / 幻想的梦_Fantastic Dreams  9. Goodbye / 再见_Good-bye  10. Счастье / 幸福_Happiness  11. Отцвели хризантемы / 菊花谢了_he Chrysanthemums Have Faded  12. Дождь в Тбилиси / 第比利斯的雨_The rain in Tbilisi  13. Слепой художник / 盲眼的艺术家_Blind Artist  14. Милая музыка / 亲爱的(温柔的)音乐_My Dear Music   15. Белоруссия / 白俄罗斯_Belorussia  16. До свидания / 再见_See You Later  2003 <Мама>  妈妈/Mama  1. Звезда / 星星   2. Мама / 妈妈  3. Лист осенний / 秋天的叶子_An autumn Leaf  4. Через годы / 多年以后_Through the years   5. Птицы улетели / 鸟儿飞走了_ The Birds Have Flown Away   6. Посвящение / 奉献_Dedication (vitas最高音歌曲到达e4)  7. Звездная река / 星河_Starry River   8. Боже, как я люблю /天啊,我多么地爱_My God, How Much I Love Her!  9. Косички / 小发辫_Pigtails   10. Даже звезды покажутся письмами (Бессонница) / 甚至星星也显出了书信的样子Even stars show letters(失眠)  11. Инопланетный друг / 外星朋友_Extraterrestrial Friend   Bonus tracks:  13. Подожди немного / 稍候_Wait Just for a While   2003 <Песни моей мамы>  我母亲的歌/ Songs of My Mother   1. Птица счастья / 幸福之鸟_The Bird of Happiness  2. Любите пока любится / 还在爱的时候就爱吧_Love While You Can Do It  3. В краю магнолий / 在木兰花的边疆_In the Land of Magnolias  4. Все могут короли / 国王万能_The Kings Can Do Everything  5. Зима / 冬天_Winter   6. Гадалка / 女占卜者_Fortune-Teller  7. Букет / 花束_Bouquet  8. Морская песенка / 海的歌谣_A Sea Song  9. Говорящая кукла / 会说话的玩偶_Speaking Doll  10. Отцвели хризантемы / 菊花谢了_The Chrysanthemums Have Faded  11. Горький мед / 苦蜜_Bitter Honey   12. А цыган идет / 一个吉普赛人在行进_The Gipsy Goes On Walking  13. Одесса / 敖德萨_Odessa   2004 <Поцелуй длиною в вечность>  永恒的吻/A kiss As Long As Eternity  1、永恒的吻/A kiss as long as eternity  2、你去哪里,我去哪里/Where you go, I go too  3、不要安静的如此响亮/Don"t be silent so loudly  4、不幸的/Unlucky   5、黑夜一半,白天一半/Night in half, day in half  6、心跳/Heartbeat   7、汗衫短裤/In a top and shorts  8、咒语/Mantra  9、首都街/Streets of the capital  10、我相信爱/I believe in love  11、因特网心情/Internet-mood   2007 <Возвращение домой>   回家/ Return Home   01 Lucia Di Lammermoor/拉美莫尔的露西亚   02 Оперная/歌剧_Opera   03 Лебедь мой/我的天鹅_My Swan   04 Я прошу всех святых/我问诸圣_I Ask All Saints   05 Где эти зимы?/ 冬天哪里去了?_Where Are These Winters?   06 Берега России/俄罗斯岸边_Shores of Russia    07 Здравствуй, Родина любимая моя/ 你好,我亲爱的祖国!_Hello, My Dear Native Land!   08 Прости, Господь!/请原谅,上帝!_Forgive Me, Lord!   09 Вишневый сад/樱桃园_Cherry Orchard   10 Милостыня/施舍_Alms   11 Инопланетный друг/外星朋友_Extraterrestrial Friend   12 Дружба/友谊_Friendship  回家2/ Return Home2  01 Криком журавлиным/鹤之泣_Crane"s Crying  02 Ямайка/牙买加_Jamaica  03 Ангел без крыла/无翼天使_Angel Without Wing  04 Маленький принц/小王子_Little Prince  05 Принцесса/公主_Princess  06 Мудрец/智者_Sage  07 Тополь/白杨_Poplar  08 Старый календарь/旧日历_Old Calendar  09 Я твое повторяю имя/我呢喃你的名字_I Repeat Your Name  10 Колыбельная/摇篮曲_Lullaby  11 Лист осенний/秋天的叶子_An Autumn Leaf  单曲:《三匹白马》  2008 世纪精典  01- In the District of Magnolies 木兰花边疆  02- The Doll 玩偶  03- Love While You Can 能爱的时候去爱吧  04- Forgive, God! 祈主宽恕  05- Leaves Have Flown From Poplars 白杨叶飘零  06- In The Chamber 我的房间温馨明亮(小船儿)  07- Strange Feeling 奇异的感觉(风在呜咽)   08- The Moon 月亮  09- The Birdie 小鸟  10- The Rare Bird 天堂鸟  11- Potemkin Staircase 波将金阶梯  12- The Scarlet Dawn 红霞  2008 Light Of A New Day   01- Light Of A New Day 新世纪的曙光   未正式发行  Опера #2 - 歌剧2/ Opera No.2  1. Опера #2   2. Opera #2 [Mix]  3. Opera #2 [acoustic ver.]  4. Opera #2 [Analog Orchestra by That Black]  5. Opera #2 [FM remix]  6. 我的死亡生日/The birthday of my death  Opera No.2 MTV  Good Bye  1. Good Bye (original version)  2. Good Bye (без обработки вокала)  3. Good Bye (на арабо-французском сленге)  4. Ave Maria  5. 白俄罗斯/Belorussia  6. Good Bye (la track gangsta pumping mix)  7. Good Bye (la track gangsta club mix)  MV:Опера #1 (mpeg video)  单曲:《不再回来》  中文EP:《青藏高原》  单曲:《女人善变》意大利文  单曲:《我的太阳》意大利文  单曲:《mommy and son》  单曲:《Besame mucho》  电影作品《花木兰》(2009)  《两个罗密欧与七个朱丽叶》  《疯狂的一天》  2009< Say You Love >说你爱着  01 Say You Love 说你爱着  02 Love Me!爱我吧!  03 I Thank You!感激  04 Old Residents Of Love 爱情前辈  05 An Autumn Leaf (remix) 秋天的叶子(remix)  06 Forever With You 与你永相依  07 A Kiss(remix) 永恒的吻(remix)  08 Doves - Swans 鸽子与天鹅  09 Ladies And Knights 夫人与骑士  10 I Have Never Loved You 我从未爱过你  11 Cry In A Whisper 悄声呐喊  12 Inaccessible 难以接近  13 Poplar白杨树
2023-07-14 12:06:191

does what madam said come ture?(中译英, 大家帮我看看哪有错??)

when I gone out 换成 i went out 其他正确 这一刻 让我想起我童年时候学英语的时候了 谢谢你
2023-07-14 12:06:284


思考之哲学/The Philosophy of Wonder 1. Мечты / 幻想_Dreams 2. 7 элемент / 第7元素_The Seventh Element 3. Опера 2 Прелюдия / 歌剧2_Opera # 2 4. Прелюдия/序曲_Prelude 5. Карлсон / 卡尔松_Karlsson 6. Опера 1 (asian vers.) / 歌剧1_Opera # 1(Asian version) 7. День рождения моей смерти / 我的死亡的生日_The Birthday of My Death 8. Душа / 灵魂_Soul 9. Тело / 身体_Body 10. Старый граммофон / 老唱机_Old gramophone 11. Цирк / 马戏团_Circus 12. Опера #1 (euro version) / 歌剧1_Opera # 1(Euro version) 13. День рождения моей смерти (remix) / 我的死亡的生日_The Birthday of My Death (remix) 1. Улыбнись! / 微笑吧!_Smile! 2. Блаженный гуру / 圣徒_The blissful guru 3. Восковые фигуры / 蜡像_Wax Figures 4. Плачет чужая тоска / 别人的忧愁在哭泣_Someone Else"s Melancholy Is Crying 5. Аве Мария! / 万福玛丽亚_Ave Maria 6. Холодный мир / 寒冷的世界_The Cold World 7. Остров затонувших кораблей / 沉船岛_The Island of Sunken Ships 8. Фантастические сны / 幻想的梦_Fantastic Dreams 9. Goodbye / 再见_Good-bye 10. Счастье / 幸福_Happiness 11. Отцвели хризантемы / 菊花谢了_he Chrysanthemums Have Faded 12. Дождь в Тбилиси / 第比利斯的雨_The rain in Tbilisi 13. Слепой художник / 盲眼的艺术家_Blind Artist 14. Милая музыка / 亲爱的(温柔的)音乐_My Dear Music 15. Белоруссия / 白俄罗斯_Belorussia 16. До свидания / 再见_See You Later 1. Звезда / 星星_Star 2. Мама / 妈妈_Mama 3. Лист осенний / 秋天的叶子_An autumn Leaf 4. Через годы / 多年以后_Through the years 5. Птицы улетели / 鸟儿飞走了_ The Birds Have Flown Away 6. Посвящение / 奉献_Dedication 7. Звездная река / 星河_Starry River 8. Боже, как я люблю /天啊,我多么地爱_My God, How Much I Love Her! 9. Косички / 小发辫_Pigtails 10. Даже звезды покажутся письмами (Бессонница) / 甚至星星也显出了书信的样子Even stars show letters(失眠) 11. Инопланетный друг / 外星朋友_Extraterrestrial Friend Bonus tracks: 12. Лист осенний (remix) / 秋天的叶子_ An Autumn Leaf(remix) 13. Подожди немного / 稍候_Wait Just for a While 1. Птица счастья / 幸福之鸟_The Bird of Happiness 2. Любите пока любится / 还在爱的时候就爱吧_Love While You Can Do It 3. В краю магнолий / 在木兰花的边疆_In the Land of Magnolias 4. Все могут короли / 国王万能_The Kings Can Do Everything 5. Зима / 冬天_Winter 6. Гадалка / 女占卜者_Fortune-Teller 7. Букет / 花束_Bouquet 8. Морская песенка / 海的歌谣_A Sea Song 9. Говорящая кукла / 会说话的玩偶_Speaking Doll 10. Отцвели хризантемы / 菊花谢了_The Chrysanthemums Have Faded 11. Горький мед / 苦蜜_Bitter Honey 12. А цыган идет / 一个吉普赛人在行进_The Gipsy Goes On Walking 13. Одесса / 敖德萨_Odessa 1、永恒的吻/A kiss as long as eternity 2、你去哪里,我去哪里/Where you go, I go too 3、不要安静的如此响亮/Don"t be silent so loudly 4、不幸的/Unlucky 5、黑夜一半,白天一半/Night in half, day in half 6、心跳/Heartbeat 7、汗衫短裤/In a top and shorts 8、咒语/Mantra 9、首都街/Streets of the capital 10、我相信爱/I believe in love 11、因特网心情/Internet-mood01 Lucia Di Lammermoor/拉美莫尔的露西亚 02 Оперная/歌剧_Opera 03 Лебедь мой/我的天鹅_My Swan 04 Я прошу всех святых/我问诸圣_I Ask All Saints 05 Где эти зимы?/ 冬天哪里去了?_Where Are These Winters? 06 Берега России/俄罗斯岸边_Shores of Russia 07 Здравствуй, Родина любимая моя/ 你好,我亲爱的祖国!_Hello, My Dear Native Land! 08 Прости, Господь!/请原谅,上帝!_Forgive Me, Lord! 09 Вишневый сад/樱桃园_Cherry Orchard 10 Милостыня/施舍_Alms 11 Инопланетный друг/外星朋友_Extraterrestrial Friend 12 Дружба/友谊_Friendship 01 Криком журавлиным/鹤唳_Crane"s Crying 02 Ямайка/牙买加_Jamaica 03 Ангел без крыла/无翼天使_Angel Without Wing 04 Маленький принц/小王子_Little Prince 05 Принцесса/公主_Princess 06 Мудрец/贤者_Sage 07 Тополь/白杨_Poplar 08 Старый календарь/旧日历_Old Calendar 09 Я твое повторяю имя/我呢喃你的名字_I Repeat Your Name 10 Колыбельная/摇篮曲_Lullaby 11 Лист осенний/秋天的叶子_An Autumn Leaf
2023-07-14 12:06:361

you are my life什么意思

2023-07-14 12:06:473

Fortuneteller 歌词

歌曲名:Fortuneteller歌手:Deep Purple专辑:Original Album ClassicsWent to the fortune tellerTo have my fortune readI didn"t know what to tell herI had a dizzy feeling in my headTook a look at my palmShe said "Son do you feel kind of warm?"And she looked into her crystal ballShe said "You"re in love."How could that be soI thought of the girls who I know.Said when the next one arrivesYou"ll be looking into her eyes.I left there in a hurryAnd looking forward to my big surpriseThe next thing I discoveredThat the fortune teller told me liesI hurried back to that womanAs mad as I could beI said I didn"t see nobodyWhy she had made a fool out of meThen something sruke meAs if it came down from aboveWell,looking at the fortune tellerAnd I fell in loveAh~~Ah~~
2023-07-14 12:07:371

do you believe fortune-tellers 求英文短文,口语的.随便说几句就行.

A fortune teller is a person who foretells your personal future. Someone may thinks that the fortune teller could tell the truth,but i don"t believe that there are persons with supernatural power. Fortune tellers" power is against the science. But some fortune tellers tell the truth on the basis of your condition without having no factual basis on the other hand. So i think the statement depends on different definitions of "fortune teller". 自己随便写了点,凑合用吧
2023-07-14 12:07:441

i decided to visit a fortune teller 句子结构

I 是主语 decided是谓语 to visit 是不定式做非谓语,非谓语有三种形式:原型、-ing、和这里的不定式 a fortune-teller 是宾语 called是a fortune-teller 的后置定语,是(who is called)的简写,全写出来就是宾语从句啦 这里整句话的意思是:我决定去拜访一个叫做 Bellinsky女士的算命者 满意请及时采纳~祝你愉快~
2023-07-14 12:07:511

Crystal Ball 歌词

歌曲名:Crystal Ball歌手:Utopia专辑:Deface The MusicPink - Crystal BallDrinking wine and thinking bliss, is on the other side of thisI just need a compass and a willing accompliceAll my doubts that fill my head are skidding up and down againUp and down and round again, down and up and round again.Oh, I"ve had my chances and I"ve taken them all.Just to end up right back here on the floor.To end up right back here in on the floor.Pennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.Fortune teller that says maybe you will go to hell.But I"m not scared at all...hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmThe cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball.Sometimes you think everything is wrapped inside a diamond ringLove just needs a witness and a little forgivnessAnd a halo of patience and a less sporadic pace andI"m learning to be brave in my beautiful mistakes.Oh I"ve felt that fire and I"ve been burnedBut I wouldn"t trade the pain for what I"ve learnedI wouldn"t trade the pain for what I"ve learned.Pennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.Fortune teller that says maybe you will go to hell.But I"m not scared at all...hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmOf the cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball.Irony, irony, this hate and love, hate and loveWhat it does to me, what it"s done to me.What is done...donePennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.Broken mirrors and a black cats cold stare,Walk under ladders on my way to hell, I"ll meet you there.But I"m not scared at all, hmm...I"m not scared at all.Bout the cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball.
2023-07-14 12:07:571

VB 读取出注册表二进制键的值内容

Dim WshShell, bKeySet WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")WshShell.RegWrite "HKCUSoftwareACMEFortuneTeller", 1, "REG_BINARY"bKey = WshShell.RegRead("HKCUSoftwareACMEFortuneTeller")WshShell.RegDelete "HKCUSoftwareACMEFortuneTeller"WshShell.RegDelete "HKCUSoftwareACME"
2023-07-14 12:08:331


torn(中英对照)歌手:natalie imbruglianatalie imbruglia - torni thought i saw a man brought 2 life.我以为找到了生命中的男人。he was warm.他是如此的温煦he came around like he was dignified.他在我身边时是如此有品位。he showed me what it was 2 cry.他使我了解到什么是哭泣。well u couldn"t b that man i adored.于是你就不配当我仰慕的对象。u don"t seem 2 know,你不明白seem 2 care what ur heart is 4.也不在乎,你的心到底在想什么。but i don"t know him anymore.可我不再了解他。there"s nothing where he used 2 lie.他连谎言都没机会说。my conversation has run dry.我已无话可说。that"s what"s going on.这就是现在的情况。nothing"s fine,i"m torn.没有好心情,我的心被伤透了。i"m all out of faith,this is how i feel.我感到信心全无。i"m cold i"m shamed.我又冷又被愚弄。lying naked on the floor.屈辱的躺在冰冷的地板上。illusion never changed into something real.梦想并没有变成现实。i"m wide awake.清晨迷茫的醒来。and i can c the perfect sky is torn.只看到明亮天空被撕碎。u"re a little late,i"m already torn.你来迟了一点,我已伤透了心。so i guess the fortune teller"s right.所以我想先知是对的。should have seen just.现在的情况就是这样。what was there not some holy light.没有几个好夜晚。to crawl beneath my veins now.我心里只有你,但现在。i don"t care,i have no luck.我不在乎,算我倒霉。i don"t miss it all that much.不再想那么多。there"s just so many things.有太多事情。that i can"t touch,i"m torn.我无能为力,我伤透了心。i"m all out of faith,this is how i feel.我感到信心全无。i"m cold i am shamed.我又冷又被愚弄。lying naked on the floor.屈辱的躺在冰冷的地板上。illusion never changed into something real.梦想并没有变成现实。i"m wide awake.清晨迷茫的醒来。and i can c the perfect sky is torn.只看到明亮天空被撕碎。u"re a little late,i"m already torn.torn.你来迟了,我已伤透了心。there"s nothing where he used 2 lie.他连谎言都没机会说。my inspiration has run dry.我已无话可说。that"s what"s going on.现在就是这样。nothings right,i"m torn.什么都不对,我伤透了心。i"m all out of faith,this is how i feel.我感到信心全无。i"m cold i am shamed.我又冷又被愚弄。lying naked on the floor.屈辱的躺在冰冷的地板上。illusion never changed into something real.梦想并没有变成现实。i"m wide awake.清晨迷茫的醒来。and i can c the perfect sky is torn.只看到明亮天空被撕碎。i"m all out of faith,this is how i feel.我感到信心全无。i"m cold i"m ashamed.我又冷又惭愧。bound and broken on the floor.在地板上翻来滚去。u"re a little late,i"m already torn.你来迟了一点,我已伤透了心。
2023-07-14 12:08:401

At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Bellinsky

2023-07-14 12:08:551


ouKon Matrimelee 02 - Mijikon Rock 03 - Hey! 04 - Its a Verus! 05 - Battle Game of Youth 06 - Lets Go! Yin Yang Fortune Teller 07 - A Little Happiness 08 - Overclock of Palpitation 09 - Hyakkan 10 - Our secrets 11 - The Poor Kanenaijah 12 - Wonderful Internet 13 - secret Love Gouketsuji 14 - Rakugao! (Result) 15 - Punch The Door! 16 - Pleasure! (Mr. Jones) 17 - Anger! (Jimmy) 18 - Sorrow! (Lynn) 19 - Heavy! (Elias) 20 - Here Comes The Sissy 21 - Matrimelee March 22 - Each Matrimelee (Ending) 23 - Toukon Unpluged Medley 24 - Gonna Knock You Down 25 - Are You Gonna Continue 26 - It"s Over! (Game Over) 27 - Everything"s Over! (All Clear) 28 - Player Select (Void Version) 29 - A Little Happiness (Void Version) 30 - Voice Maniacs (Staff Roll Overseas) 31 - Our secrets (Full Chorus Version)
2023-07-14 12:09:141


Torn《Torn》歌词LeToya Luckett Torn LyricsA part of me wants to leave you alone.A part of me wants for you to come home.A part of me says I"m living a lie.(And I"m better off without you.A part of me says to think it through.A part of me says I"m over you.A part of me wants to say goodbye.A part of me is asking why...A part of me wants to leave.But a part of me wants to be here with you.And everytime I think we"re over and done you do something to get me back loving you.And you got me just torn.Torn in between the two. (Oh yeah)Cuz I really wanna be with you.But something"s telling me I should leave you alone. (I really want to be with you)Leave you alone.Leave you alone.And you got me just torn in between the two. (In between the two)Cuz I really wanna be with you. (Be with you)But something"s telling me I should leave you alone. (You alone)Leave you alone. Leave you alone. There were no issues when we started out.It was cool.It was everything that love"s about.But something happened.Plus I feel it"s over now.(Cuz I can"t understand you now.) Now ohI just can"t understand you now.)A part of me says it"s all my fault.A part of me says he ain"t what you want.A part of me says to get my bags.A part of me says I can"t do that.A part of me wants to leave.But a part of me wants to be here with you.And everytime I think that it"s over and done you make me fall back in love.You got me just torn.Torn in between the two. (Between the two)Cuz I really wanna be with you. (Be with you)But something"s telling me I should leave you alone.(You alone)Leave you alone.Leave you alone.And you got me just torn in between the two. (Torn in between the two)Cuz I really wanna be with you. (Really wanna be with you)But something"s telling me I should leave you alone. (Telling me I should leave)Leave you alone. (Alone)Leave you alone. (Alone)So many times I... (I was ready to go)So many times I... (Had my foot out the door)So many times I... (I thought to give him a chance, thought he"d be a better man) Now I"m sitting here and I"m so confused.Cuz I keep fighting myself for you. (I don"t know how much more I can take but I can"t feel this way)(You got me so torn)Torn in between the two. (Oh yeah)Cuz I really wanna be with you. (I really wanna be with you)But something"s telling me I should leave you alone.Leave you alone.Leave you alone. (But I don"t know)And you got me just torn in between the two. (Should I stay or should I go)Cuz I really wanna be with you. (I don"t know)But something"s telling me I should leave you alone. (You alone)Leave you alone. Leave you alone. (You alone)And you got me just torn in between the two. (I"m torn in between the two)Cuz I really wanna be with you. (I really wanna be with you)But something"s telling me I should leave you alone. (But I don"t know)Leave you alone.Leave you alone. And you got me just torn in between the two. Cuz I really wanna be with you.But something"s telling me I should leave you alone.Leave you alone.Leave you alone.
2023-07-14 12:09:222

Bob Dylan的《Idiot Wind》 歌词

歌曲名:Idiot Wind歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Blood On The TracksSomeone"s got it in for me, they"re planting stories in the pressWhoever it is I wish they"d cut it out but when they will I can only guess.They say I shot a man named Gray and took his wife to Italy,She inherited a million bucks and when she died it came to me.I can"t help it if I"m lucky.People see me all the time and they just can"t remember how to actTheir minds are filled with big ideas, images and distorted facts.Even you, yesterday you had to ask me where it was at,I couldn"t believe after all these years, you didn"t know me better than thatSweet lady.Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your mouth,Blowing down the backroads headin" south.Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth,You"re an idiot, babe. It"s a wonder that you still know how to breathe.Idiot WindBob DylanI ran into the fortune-teller, who said beware of lightning that might strikeI haven"t known peace and quiet for so long I can"t remember what it"s like.There"s a lone soldier on the cross, smoke pourin" out of a boxcar door,You didn"t know it, you didn"t think it could be done, in the final end he won the warsAfter losin" every battle.I woke up on the roadside, daydreamin" "bout the way things sometimes areVisions of your chestnut mare shoot through my head and are makin" me see stars.You hurt the ones that I love best and cover up the truth with lies.One day you"ll be in the ditch, flies buzzin" around your eyes,Blood on your saddle.Idiot wind, blowing through the flowers on your tomb,Blowing through the curtains in your room.Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth,You"re an idiot, babe.It"s a wonder that you still know how to breathe.It was gravity which pulled us down and destiny which broke us apartYou tamed the lion in my cage but it just wasn"t enough to change my heart.Now everything"s a little upside down, as a matter of fact the wheels have stopped,What"s good is bad, what"s bad is good, you"ll find out when you reach the topYou"re on the bottom.I noticed at the ceremony, your corrupt ways had finally made you blindI can"t remember your face anymore, your mouth has changed, your eyes don"t look into mine.burned.I waited for you on the running boards, near the cypress trees, while the springtime turnedSlowly into autumn.Idiot wind, blowing like a circle around my skull,From the Grand Coulee Dam to the Capitol.Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth,You"re an idiot, babe. It"s a wonder that you still know how to breathe.I can"t feel you anymore, I can"t even touch the books you"ve readEvery time I crawl past your door, I been wishin" I was somebody else instead.Down the highway, down the tracks, down the road to ecstasy,I followed you beneath the stars, hounded by your memoryAnd all your ragin" glory.I been double-crossed now for the very last time and now I"m finally free,I kissed goodbye the howling beast on the borderline which separated you from me.You"ll never know the hurt I suffered nor the pain I rise above,And I"ll never know the same about you, your holiness or your kind of love,And it makes me feel so sorry.Idiot wind, blowing through the buttons of our coats,Blowing through the letters that we wrote.Idiot wind, blowing through the dust upon our shelves,We"re idiots, babe. It"s a wonder we can even feed ourselves.End
2023-07-14 12:09:291

good luck和 fortune的不同?

2023-07-14 12:09:392


2023-07-14 12:09:474


2023-07-14 12:10:371


共24张牌,包括: 4张狼人(Werewolves) 13张普通村民(Ordinary Townsfolk/villager) 1张预言家(Fortune Teller/Seer) 1张盗贼(Thief) 1张猎人(Hunter) 1张丘比特(Cupido) 1张女巫(Witch) 1张小女孩(Little Girl) 1张警长标志牌(Sheriff) 村民的目标:杀死所有的狼人 狼人的目标:杀死所有的村民 各种人物的能力: 狼人:天黑时睁眼,杀一个人。 村民:没有任何特殊能力,天黑时始终闭着眼睛。 预言家:天黑时睁眼,一晚可以查看一名玩家的身份。 猎人:如果猎人死掉,临死前可以进行射击,指定任意一个活着的玩家,该玩家立即死掉(出局)。 丘比特:在游戏的第一个晚上,指定两名玩家,这两人成为两名情侣。丘比特可以指定自己为两名情侣之一。两名情侣中的一个死去时,另一名也立即死去。投票 时,一名情侣不得把票投给另一名情侣。如果两名情侣,一个是狼人,另一个是村人,这两名玩家游戏的目标就改变了,他们要把其余所有玩家都杀死(包括狼人和 村人)。 女巫:有两种药剂,一种是解药,可以救人,让天黑时被狼人杀死的人活过来;另一种是毒药,在天黑时可以杀死一个人。在整个游戏过程中,每一种药剂只能使用一次。(女巫自己被杀不能自己救自己,但女巫可以自杀) 小女孩:在夜晚,狼人睁眼的时候,小女孩可以悄悄睁眼,看谁是狼人。如果在夜晚,狼人发现了小女孩,小女孩立即死亡,那个晚上,狼人就不能杀其他人,只把小女孩杀死。当然狼人也可以选择不杀死小女孩,那样会很危险。 警长:警长的身份不是通过发牌得到的,而是第一个白天大家各自发表意见之后由村人投票选举出来的。白天投票时,警长的一票以2票来计算。如果警长被杀,则 警长临死时可以指定一名活着的玩家作为他的继任者,担任警长。被选作警长的玩家有2张身份牌,一张牌面向下放在自己面前(游戏一开始发的),另一张是警长 牌。 盗贼:如果使用盗贼,则在游戏开始时,多加入两张普通村民卡。这样玩家拿取身份牌后,会多出两张牌,牌面向下放在桌子中央。在第一个晚上,盗贼观看这两张 牌,可以把自己的身份牌和其中一张交换,此后盗贼就扮演交换过来的身份,当然也可以不交换,不交换的话,接下来小偷就和普通村民没区别。但是,如果这两张 牌都是狼人,则小偷必须把自己的身份牌和其中一张交换,也就是小偷必须扮演狼人。 游戏中,狼人、预言家、村民是必须要使用的,其余角色根据游戏人数可适当加入(增加其余角色,下表中村民数量相应减少)。 游戏进程: 玩家选出一名法官(随机、投票或者以其它方式选出),法官必须熟悉游戏规则。法官只负责游戏的进行,并不参与游戏,亦不属于狼人或村人。 法官根据玩家人数以及使用的身份牌的情况,拿出一定数量的身份牌,牌面向下,分发给各个玩家,每人一张。每个玩家看了自己的身份牌后,将身份牌牌面向下置于自己面前。 0 法官宣布“天黑请闭眼”,此时所有玩家都闭眼,进入天黑(夜晚)阶段。 1 法官宣布“盗贼请睁眼”,盗贼可以交换身份或者不交换。结束后,法官宣布“盗贼请闭眼”。 2 法官宣“丘比特请睁眼”,丘比特睁眼并指定两名玩家成为情侣。随后法官宣布“丘比特请闭眼”,丘比特闭上眼睛。法官绕场一周,悄悄拍两名情侣的头。 3 法官宣布“情侣请睁眼”,此时两名情侣睁眼,互相认识,但并不知道对方身份。接着法官宣布“情侣请闭眼”。 以上1-3步只有在第一个夜晚才会出现。即使没人抽到盗贼或丘比特,也要假装进行上面相应的步骤。 4 法官宣布“预言家请睁眼”,预言家睁眼指定一名玩家,法官把该玩家的身份牌给预言家看,看完后身份牌放回原处,牌面向下。随后法官宣布“预言家闭眼”。 5 法官宣布“狼人睁眼”,狼人睁眼相互确认,法官宣布“狼人开始杀人”,狼人一起指定一名玩家,该玩家在天亮时会死去。此时小女孩可以偷看。随后法官宣布“狼人闭眼”。 6 法官宣布“女巫睁眼”,法官用手势告诉女巫刚才狼人杀死的是谁。女巫可以使用药剂,也可以不使用。如果女巫要使用药剂,则拇指向上表示用解药,救刚才被狼 人杀死的人;拇指向下表示使用毒药,并且用手势告诉法官,要在哪位玩家身上使用毒药。被使用了毒药的玩家,天亮时死去。随后法官宣布“女巫闭眼”。 7 法官宣布“天亮了,所有人睁眼”。此时进入白天阶段。玩家睁眼后,法官宣布昨晚死去的人是谁(也可能没有人死去)。 如果猎人被杀,则猎人立即进行报复,指定一名玩家,该玩家立即死去。如果爱人中的一个被杀,则另一名爱人立即死去。死去的玩家,都要将身份牌翻开,然后出 局,退出游戏,此后不得与其他玩家有任何交流。 8 场上活着的玩家进行讨论,决定白天要处死谁。(变体规则:刚才天黑时被杀的玩家左手边的玩家开始,按照顺时针方向,轮流发言,玩家之间不得对话,一名玩家发言时,其余玩家不得说话。) 9 讨论结束,开始投票。所有玩家都伸出手,法官一声令下,玩家同时把手指向自己心目中要处死的目标,被指得最多的玩家(警长的1票算作2票)被投票出局。出局玩家翻开自己的身份牌,退出游戏,此后不得与其他玩家有任何交流。如果投票出现平局,则没有人出局。(变体规则:平局时,得票数相同的玩家要再次发言, 轮流发言一次,随后便再次投票,直至有人出局。) 10 法官宣布“天黑请闭眼”,所有人闭上眼睛。接着游戏跳回到前面的第4步(先知睁眼阶段),并按照这个顺序循环往复进行,直到游戏结束。 游戏结束: A 村人杀死所有狼人,村人获胜。 B 狼人杀死所有村人,狼人获胜。 C 如果两名爱人,一个是狼人,一个是村人,则当他们成为最后活着的两名玩家,其余玩家都死去时,爱人获胜。
2023-07-14 12:11:432


游戏人数:8-184张狼人(Werewolves)13张普通村民(Ordinary Townsfolk/villager)1张预言家(Fortune Teller/Seer)1张盗贼(Thief) 1张猎人(Hunter)1张丘比特(Cupido)1张女巫(Witch)1张守卫(Guard)1张小女孩(Little Girl)1张警长标志牌(Sheriff)
2023-07-14 12:11:561


中国汉字博大精深不同用法也有不同的用法的。 行 háng 【名】 (象形。本义:道路) 同本义〖road〗 行,道也。——《说文》 行有死人。——《诗·小雅·小弁》 遵彼微行。——《诗·豳风·七月》 又如:行苇(路旁芦苇);行阡(道路);行神(路神);行程(路程);行街(大路) 直排为行,横排为列〖line;row〗 左右陈行,戒我师旅。——《诗·大雅·常武》 凌余阵兮躐余行。——《楚辞·九歌·国殇》 奉读书,五行并下。——《后汉书·应奉传》 军队编制,二十五人为一行〖theranks〗 郑伯使卒出貑,行出犬鸡。——《左传·隐公十一年》 队伍,军队〖army〗 陈胜、吴广皆次当行。——《史记·陈涉世家》 必能使行阵和睦。——诸葛亮《出师表》 又如:行阵(军队行列);行阵和睦(指军队协调团结);行首(军队的行列);行阵(行伍。旧指军队) 行业。原指工商业中的类别,后亦泛指职业〖trade;profession;lineofbusiness〗 皆次当行。——《史记·陈涉世家》 又如:干装修水管这一行;你干哪一行?;行计(行业);行户(行业,妓院;商户) 营业机构;商行〖businessfirm〗。如:行铺(商行店铺);行货(货物;特指坏货,劣货;隐语指男性生殖器);行户(宋以后称加入商行的商户) 排行〖seniorityamongbrothersandsisters〗。如:你行几,我行二;行第(排行的次序) 辈分〖generation〗 丈人行也。——《汉书·李广苏建传》 又如:行次 引申表示多数〖-s;-es〗。如:和尚行;僧尼行 行 háng 【动】 连续贯穿〖runthrough〗 以次贯行,固执无违。——《汉书》 用长的针脚将棉衣等活计连缀起来为行。也作“绗”〖quilt〗。如:行棉袄;行棉被 行 háng 【代】 这里〖here〗——表示处所 这小贱人不来我行回话。——《西厢记》 那里〖there〗——表示处所 最苦梦魂,今宵不到伊行。——周邦彦《风流子》 另见hàng;héng;xíng 行帮 hángbāng 〖tradeassociation〗旧时城市商人、小手工业者或其他劳动者就行业或地域关系结成的小团体 行辈 hángbèi 〖sequenceofseniorityinclan〗辈分 行当 hángdang 〖trade;profession〗∶行业。指百工技艺所做的职业 每个行当都有杰出人物 〖typeofrole〗∶戏曲演员专业分工的类别,主要根据角色类型来划分,如京剧的生、旦、净、丑 行道 hángdào 〖trade;profession〗[方言]∶行业 行规 hángguī 〖guildregulations〗行会制定的各种规章、制度,同行的人应一同遵行 行行出状元 hánghángchūzhuàngyuán 〖everytradehasitsmaster〗∶每种职业都有杰出的人才 〖onemaydistinguishhimselfinanytrade〗∶在哪一种职业都能成为杰出人才 行话 hánghuà 〖jargon;cant〗各行各业的专门用语 行会 hánghuì 〖guild〗一种手工业的同业团体,由同一行业的工人组成,订有行规,调解会内纠纷,对外办交涉 行几 hángjǐ 〖whichbrotherareyou?〗排行第几 行家 hángjia 〖expert;connoisseur〗∶对某种事务非常内行或精通的人 〖broker"s〗∶俗称介绍买卖货品的商行 行距 hángjù 〖rowspacing〗邻近两行植株间的差距 行列 hángliè 〖line;row〗人物排列的次序,直的称行,横的称列 行列式 hánglièshì 〖determinant〗若干数字组成的一个方阵,它的值是按下述方式可能求得的所有不同的积的代数和,求每一个积时依次从每一行取一个元因子,而这每一个元因子又需取自不同的列,作为乘数,积的符号是正是负决定于要使各个乘数的列的指标顺序恢复到自然顺序所需的换位次数是偶数还是奇数 行情 hángqíng 〖quotationsonthemarket;prices〗市价。亦指金融市场上利率或汇水的一般情况 行商 hángshāng 〖badger〗昔时获准贩卖粮食的商人 行市 hángshi 〖quotation〗证券或商品的现时的出价、发价或价格 行伍 hángwǔ 〖theranks〗泛指军队。古时兵制,五人为伍,二十五人为行 蹑足行伍之间。——《史记·陈涉世家》 结部曲,整行伍。——张衡《西京赋》 行伍出身 行业 hángyè 〖trade〗∶工业、商业的类别 出租行业 〖profession〗∶泛指职业 同我的行业毫不相干 行阵 hángzhèn 〖rank〗军队行列 行阵和睦。——诸葛亮《出师表》 行子 hángzi 〖dislikedpersonorthing〗[方言]∶指不喜欢的人或物 快把那行子扔了 行 hàng 【形】 刚强〖bold〗 行,行行,刚强的样子。——《集韵》 另见háng;héng;xíng 行 héng ——“道行”(dàohéng):僧道修行的功夫,比喻技能本领 另见háng;hàng;xíng 行 xíng 【动】 (会意。从彳,从亍。本义:走路,行走) 同本义〖walk;go〗 行,人之步趋也。——《说文》 行,往也。——《广雅》 中行独复。——《易·复》 我独南行。——《诗·邶风·击鼓》 行彼周行。——《诗·小雅·大东》 行李之往来。——《左传·僖公三十年》 天子以四海为家,故谓所居为行在所。——蔡邕《独断》 三人行,必有我师焉。——《论语·述而》 此虽免乎行,犹有所待者也。——《庄子·逍遥游》 羊子尝行路。——《后汉书·列女传》 行数十里。——《世说新语·自新》 与偕行。——明·魏禧《大铁椎传》 又如:出行(到外地去);远行(出远方);行三坐五(前呼后拥,行坐都有人在旁伺候);行学(上学);行行(走动不停);行次(行走;走到) 出游;出行;出动〖goonatour〗 坐席行衣,分为七覆,烟火鱼鸟,置作五衡。——唐·李商隐《谢何南公和诗启》 又如:行脚僧(行脚僧人,行脚头陀僧。云游四方的和尚);行踏(游逛);行幕(宿处的别称);行粮(兵士的口粮);行厨(随军厨师);行童(佛寺里的童仆) 〖车船〗行驶〖sail;drive〗 汤汤川流,中有行舟。——三国魏·曹丕《善哉行》 又如:行帆(航行中的船帆);行舟(航行中的船);行轮(行进的车轮。亦代称行进中的车子);行箱(指行进的车子) 运行〖operate〗 天行有常。——《荀子·天论》 日月之行。——《吕氏春秋·察今》 又如:行行(指情况进展或时序运行);行律(运行的规律);行度(运行的度数);行疾(运行迅速);行健(运行壮健) 言围棋下子〖playchess〗。如:行门(围棋法,隔一路下子叫行门);行棋(下棋) 流动,流通〖flow〗 背夏首以窘逝兮,沂行川而永叹。——晋·陆云《九愍·修身》 又如:行川(流水);行光(水中闪烁的光影);行杯(流觞,流杯。古代风俗,每逢三月上旬巳日,于环曲的水渠边高会,置酒杯于水的上流,杯流行停于谁前,谁便取饮) 流行;流传〖becurrent;bepopular;beinvogue〗 残贼公行。——汉·贾谊《论积贮疏》 迄今盛行。——蔡元培《图画》 又如:行病(传播疾病);行时道(走运);行贝(通行贝币);行术(通行的方法);行钞(发行纸币);行贿(流通财物) 斟酒〖pour〗。如:行酒(依次斟酒);行壶(谓依次斟酒);行斟(行酒);行酬(谓依次敬酒酬答);行觞(行爵。犹行酒。谓依次敬酒) 做;从事某种活动〖do〗 行劫缚者(干掳人抢东西的)。——唐·柳宗元《童区寄传》 自行搜觅。——《聊斋志异·促织》 又如:行所无事(泰然自若;行若无事);行不去(做不出);行意(动静;行动的意思) 实施〖carryout〗 行刑不疚。——《国语·晋语》 所行者忠信。——欧阳修《朋党论》 说秦王书十上而说不行。——《战国策·秦策一》 又如:行权(临时变通;权宜行事);行化(消化);行财(管理钱财的伙计);行究(查究;追究);行遣(处置,治罪);行不去(行不通);行吊(进行吊唁) 使用;行使〖apply;use〗。如:行缠(裹腿布);行仪(礼仪活动);行持(施行;使用);行利(利息);行唐(怠慢) 巡视〖perambulate〗。如:行驾(赴外巡行);行幸(皇帝出行);行山(巡视山岳);行川(巡视河川);行木(巡察树木);行屯(巡查驻军);行田(巡视农田) 赏赐;给予〖reward〗。如:行田(赋田,授田);行爵(赐爵);行糜(赐糜粥。谓行仁政);行恩(施与恩德) 将,将要〖would〗。如:行危(处在危险境地);行至(等到);行且(将要);行年(指将到的年龄);行休(谓生命将到尽头);行看(且看);行几(将近);行当(即将;将要) 向下签发公文、命令〖sign〗。如:行下(行文下达);行文书(行文。发布公文);行召(行文征召);行知(公文术语。行文通知;亦指通知事项的文书) 离开〖leave〗 为吾子之将行也。——《左传·僖公三十三年》 递送〖transfer〗。如:行歌(对歌;对唱);行炙(传送烤肉。亦泛指宴会时上菜);行庖(指所传送的食品);行茶(递送茶水;亦指旧时婚约决定后男方送定礼);行菜(端送菜肴;亦指端送菜肴的人) 行 xíng 【名】 路程〖distance〗 千里之行,始于足下。——《老子》 又如:行纪(犹行程) 道理,事物的发展规律〖reason〗 下有直言,臣之行也。——《国语》 天之行也。——汉·贾谊《论积贮疏》 行书〖runningscript〗。如:行分(分书而稍带行书体势的书体);行押(行书的别称);行法(言书法中行书的字法笔势);行草(介于行书和草书之间的一种书法字体;亦指行书与草书的并称);行楷(近似行书的楷书) 佛教语。戒行,指学佛学道的人遵守戒律刻苦修道的行为〖religiousactivities〗。如:行持(持戒修行);行心(修养心性);行门(佛教语。修道境界);行婆(居家事佛的老妇);行禅(佛教语。打坐静修) 指五行〖fiveelements〗。如:行次(五行的位次。封建统治者迷信阴阳家言,以为王者受命于天,以五行之德为运,水火木金土各有定位,并以五行生克来附会历代王朝的兴衰) 行为〖behavior〗 行为迟。——《庄子·养生主》 此行所负之责。——孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略·序》 行拂乱其所为(做事就使他做的事不顺,让他做的事情没秩序,颠倒错乱。)——《孟子·告子下》 又如:行踏(行为);行景(行为;模样);行短(行为不大方);行作动步(举动);行持(行为);行处(行为;动作) 品行〖conduct〗 宣其德行。——《国语·晋语》 改桓之行。 吾子行厚。——唐·柳宗元《柳河东集》 行为士先者。——明·张溥《五人墓碑记》 辱人贱行。 又如:德行(道德和品行);行同能偶(品行相同,才能相等);行高(品性高洁);行能(品行与才能);行义(品行,道义);行谊(品行,道义) 行踪,事迹〖trace〗。如:行述(谓生平概略、履历;亦指行状);行迹(事迹);行义(履历,事迹) 行装〖outfitforajourney〗。如:行李(白银的隐语);行程(行李;行装);行仗(演武用的器械等物);行旅(即行李);行头(戏曲演员演出时用的服装道具) 临时〖temporary〗。如:行帐(高级将领在外的驻所);行窝(可以小住的安适之所);行衙(官员外出的临时住处);行城(临时建成的城垣) 姓 行 xíng 【副】 又,也,再〖again〗。如:行看(复看,又看);行复(且又) 正;方〖just〗。如:行当(正应);行说(方言。刚说) 即将…〖soon〗 行略定秦地。——《史记·项羽本纪》 行与卿等诀别。——《新编五代史平话》 又如:行见天下太平 另见háng;hàng;héng 行板 xíngbǎn 〖andante〗速度处于小广板与小快板之间的乐曲或乐章 行卜 xíngbǔ 〖consultfortunetellers〗问卜,算卦 乃问行卜。——《史记·陈涉世家》 行步 xíngbù 〖walkabout〗走动 行步如常。——清·方苞《狱中杂记》 行部 xíngbù 〖placebeinspected〗巡行所视察的地方 鄢懋卿行部过。——清·张廷玉《明史》 行藏 xíngcáng 〖one"sexpressionandmorement〗指出处或行止。常用以说明人物行止、踪迹和底细等 数问其行藏。——《元史·杨奂传》 行车 xíngchē 〖driveavehicle〗驱车向前 这是沼泽地带,不能行车 行成 xíngchéng 〖sueforpeace〗商议求和 卑词厚礼去请行成,吴王依允。——《平妖传》 行成于思 xíngchéngyúsī 〖successdependsonforethought;Adeedisaccomplishedthroughtakingthought〗成功之道在于深思熟虑 业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。——唐·韩愈《进学解》 行程 xíngchéng 〖routeordistanceoftravel〗路程;旅程 行船 xíngchuán 〖drive;navigate;sailaboat〗通行船只;驾驶船只 行刺 xíngcì 〖assassinate〗用武器暗杀 行动 xíngdòng 〖moveabout;getabout〗∶走动;行走 〖act;takeaction〗∶为达到某种目的而进行的活动;亦指活动 〖action;operation〗∶举动;动作;举止 劭见房中书囊衣冠,都是应举的行动。——《喻世明言》 〖easily〗∶动不动 爷近来气大的很,行动就给脸子瞧。——《红楼梦》 行都 xíngdū 〖temporarycapital〗在首都之外另设的一个都城,以备必要时政府暂驻 行房 xíngfáng 〖sexualintercourseofhusbandandwife〗指夫妻过性生活 行歌 xínggē 〖walkandsnivelatthesametime〗歌,吟,抽咽的哭。行,走动着。行歌意为一边走着一边抽抽咽咽地哭。是孩子的哭状 儿闻之亡去入山林行歌。——晋·干宝《搜神记》 行宫 xínggōng 〖imperialpalaceforshortstaysawayfromthecapital;temporarydwellingplaceofanemporor〗古代京城以外供帝王出行时居住的宫室 行宫在碧霞元君祠东。——《登泰山记》 行贾 xínggǔ 〖itineranttrader〗∶经商 〖gotootherprovincestodobusiness〗∶到外省、外市经商 行好 xínghǎo 〖bemerciful;actcharitably〗发善心,做善事 行贿 xínghuì 〖bribe〗∶给或答应给…贿赂;通过贿赂而唆使 〖payoutgraft〗∶作为报酬给予从事于某种勾当的人的财物 为了避免警察找麻烦,不得不向当地的政客们行贿 行将 xíngjiāng 〖aboutto〗不久就要;将要 行将为人所并。——宋·司马光《资治通鉴》 行将就道 行将就木 xíngjiāng-jiùmù 〖haveonefootinthegrave;begettingnearerandnearertocoffin〗寿命不长,就要进棺材了 但老夫行将就木,只求晚年残喘。——清·吴趼人《痛史》 行劫 xíngjié 〖commitrobbery〗进行劫掠 行经 xíngjīng 〖goby〗∶行进途中经过 火车行经天津时,已经半夜了 〖situation〗∶情形;情景 怎见得灭赵行经?——《秦并六国平话》 行径 xíngjìng 〖act;action〗行为,举动 行军 xíngjūn 〖(oftroops)march〗军队徒步或乘车沿指定路线进行的有组织的移动。古代泛指用兵 行军用兵之道。——汉·贾谊《过秦论》 行乐 xínglè 〖indulgeinpleasures;seekamusement〗一般以为是“寻欢作乐”、“享乐”的同义词,只是感情色彩略有不同 老年人常多忧虑。少年人常好行乐(把“行乐”讲成“持乐观态度”比较更接近作者原意)。——清·梁启超《饮冰室合集·文集》 世间行乐亦如此。——唐·李白《梦游天姥吟留别》 行礼 xínglǐ 〖salute〗旧谓行婚嫁之礼。现指按一定的仪式或姿势致敬 行李 xíngli 〖baggage;luggage〗行旅。亦指行旅的人;出行所带的东西 从楼顶拿下衣箱、旅行袋,准备收拾行李 行猎 xíngliè 〖hunt;gohunting〗游猎;打猎 行令 xínglìng 〖playdrinkers"swagergame〗∶行酒令 猜拳行令 〖order〗∶发布命令 行路 xínglù 〖passerby〗路人,在路上行走的人 骨肉为行路。——唐·魏征《谏太宗十思疏》 行旅 xínglǚ 〖traveller〗远行的人;往来的旅客 远近开通行旅,士农工商照旧生业。——《石点头》 行旅皆欲出于王之涂。——《孟子·梁惠王上》 行牧且荛 xíngmùqiěráo 〖collectinggrassandbancheswhilecowherding〗一边放牛,一边打柴。行,从事,做。且,连接同时做的两个动作 童区寄者,郴州荛牧儿也。行牧且荛。——唐·柳宗元《童区寄传》 行囊 xíngnáng 〖wallet;travellingbag〗出行时所带的钱袋 行骗 xíngpiàn 〖roguery;cheat;practisedeception〗进行欺骗 行聘 xíngpìn 〖givebetrothalgifts〗旧俗订婚时,男家向女家下定礼 这里李氏便忙着叫人买酒,预备后天行聘。——《劫余灰》 行期 xíngqī 〖dateofdeparture〗出行日期 行期已近 行乞 xíngqǐ 〖beg〗乞讨;又佛教语。谓僧人托钵以求布施 行腔 xíngqiāng 〖(ofanactor)usethetunesaccordingtoone"sownunderstanding〗戏曲演员按个人对剧情、曲谱的体会来运用腔调 行腔咬字 行窃 xíngqiè 〖steal;committheft〗偷盗 行取 xíngqǔ 〖sendanofficialcommunicationtotransferalocalofficialtothecentralgovernment〗明清时,地方官经推荐保举后调任京职 蒯知县为官清正,行取到京,钦授礼科给事中之职。——《警世通言》 行人 xíngrén 〖pedestrian〗步行的人。古指出行的人;出征的人;又作使者的通称 会其行人发露,瓒亦枭夷,故使锋芒错缩,厥图不果。——《三国演义》 行人驻足听。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》 行人弓箭各在腰。——唐·杜甫《兵车行》 过者问行人 行人但云点行频 行若无事 xíngruòwúshì 〖behaveasifnothinghadhappened〗行:行动、举止。指在紧急关头上能够举止镇静,毫不慌乱。也形容对事情听之任之,无动于衷 行色 xíngsè 〖circumstancesorstyleofdeparture〗行意。行旅出发前后的情状、气派;犹指行旅 即赐御酒三杯,以壮行色。——《说岳全传》 行色匆匆 xíngsè-cōngcōng 〖inahurrytogoonatrip〗行色:外出时的神情、形态等。形容出行时神态匆忙 则我这行色匆匆去意紧,饮过这饯祖香醪杯数巡。——《元曲选外编·圮桥进履》 行善 xíngshàn 〖dogoodworks;becharitable〗做慈善的事 行商 xíngshāng 〖dustyfoot;pedlar;itineranttrader〗外出经营的流动商人 行尸走肉 xíngshī-zǒuròu 〖awalkingcorpse——onewhovegetates〗行尸:会走动的尸体。走肉:会走动而没有灵魂的肉体。活死人。比喻庸碌无能,无所作为的人 不学者,虽存,谓之行尸走肉耳。——晋·王嘉《拾遗记》 行时 xíngshí 〖beinvogueorbeintheascendent;bemuchinfashion〗时行。谓见重于当时 行使 xíngshǐ 〖exercise;perform〗使用;履行 行驶 xíngshǐ 〖go;travel〗车船行进 顺风行驶 行事 xíngshì 〖act;handlematters〗∶办事;做事 〖behavior;conduct〗∶行为 行市 xíngshì 〖paradsb.throughthestreetstoexposehimbeforethepublic〗在集市上游行,游街示众 行市毕即归老父。——明·高启《书博鸡者事》 行书 xíngshū 〖runninghand(inChinesecalligraphy);cursivesuript〗汉字字体,形体和笔势介于草书和楷书之间 行署 xíngshǔ 〖administrativeoffice〗行政公署的简称 行头 xíngtou 〖actor"scostumesandparapheralis〗 演员在演出时所用的道具及所穿的服装 也戏称一般服装 〖title〗∶头衔 考了一个知府行头,在京守候。——《平山冷燕》 行为 xíngwéi 〖action;behavior;conduct〗行伪。谓举止行动;指受思想支配而表现出来的外表活动 行为不端 xíngwéibùduān 〖disorder;departfromcorrectconduct〗行为不符合道德或法律规范 她从少年时期就是个罪人…甚至直到高年依然行为不端 行文 xíngwén 〖styleormannerofwriting〗∶组织文字,表达意思 〖(ofagovernmentoffice)sendanofficialcommunicationtootherorganizations〗∶给某处发公文 行星 xíngxīng 〖planet〗太阳系中除了彗星、流星或卫星以外绕太阳转动的天体 行刑 xíngxíng 〖carryoutadeathsentence〗执行刑罚,特指执行死刑 行刑者先俟于门外。——清·方苞《狱中杂记》 又 行刑人先俟于门外 行刑队 xíngxíngduì 〖firingsquad,firingparty〗派往对判处死刑者执行枪决的小分队 行凶 xíngxiōng 〖doviolence;commitphysicalassaultormurder〗指做出凶暴的、伤害人的事 行凶作恶 行医 xíngyī 〖practisemedicine(usu.onone"sown)〗从事医务工作(多指个人主持经营的) 行吟 xíngyín 〖singingwhilewalking〗边行走边吟唱 屈原至江滨,被发行吟泽畔,颜色憔悴。形容枯槁。——《史记·屈原贾生列传》 行营 xíngyíng 〖fieldheadquarters〗出征时的军营。亦指军事长官的驻地办事处;也作移营,指行军 行远自迩 xíngyuǎn-zì"ěr 〖togofar,onemuststartfromnear〗走远路从最近的一步开始。比喻做事要踏踏实实,循序渐进 君子之道,辟如行远必自迩,辟如登高必自卑。——《礼记·中庸》 行御史台 xíngyùshǐtái 〖anofficialwhoadministersgoodorevilofotherofficialsinYuanDynasty〗元朝中央设御史台,掌纠查百官善恶、政治得失。各重要地区设行御史台,以监察诸省 走诉行御史台。——明·高启《书博鸡者事》 行云 xíngyún 〖rack〗流动的云;亦用以比喻女子头发 行云流水 xíngyún-liúshuǐ 〖(ofwritingstyle)likefloatingcloudsandflowingwater——naturalandsmooth〗像天上的流云,江河中的流水。比喻文章洒脱自然,不做作 大略如行云流水,初无定质,但常行于所当行,常止于不可不止。——宋·苏轼《答谢民师书》 行灶 xíngzào 〖mobilecookingstove〗可移动的炉灶 行者 xíngzhě 〖pedestrian〗出行的人 不有行者,无以图将来。——清·梁启超《谭嗣同传》 〖untonsuredmonk;itenerantmonk〗(1)∶佛教语。即“头陀”。行脚乞食的苦行僧人;又指方丈的侍者及在寺院服杂役尚未剃发的出家者(2)∶泛指修行佛道之人(3)∶《西游记》中孙悟空的别名 行政 xíngzhèng 〖administration〗指企事业、各种社会团体等的内部管理 行之有效 xíngzhīyǒuxiào 〖effective(inpractice)〗实行起来有成效。多指已经实施过的方法或措施 行止 xíngzhǐ 〖whereabouts〗∶行动的踪迹 行止难测 〖act;move〗∶行动;活动 〖behaviour;conduct〗∶犹言一举一动 故大英雄见得定,识得破,不偷一时之欢娱,坏自己与他的行止。——《三刻拍案惊奇》 行志 xíngzhì 〖actwildlyindefianceofthelaworpublicopinion;commitallkindsofoutrages〗任意行事,胡作非为 略则行志。——《国语·晋语》 行舟 xíngzhōu 〖sailaboat〗驾驶船只 行舟在长江中 行装 xíngzhuāng 〖outfitforajourney;luggage〗外出时携带的衣物、被褥等 整理行装 今其行装盛。——清·张廷玉《明史》 行状 xíngzhuàng 〖briefbiographicalsketchofadeceasedperson〗即行述 行踪 xíngzōng 〖whereabouts;vestiges;traces〗行动所留的痕迹 行踪难测 行走 xíngzǒu 〖walk;goonfoot〗行路;走动 行走 xíngzǒu 〖Xingzou,officialpost〗清代把不设专官的机构或非专任的官职称为行走(如章京上行走,军机处上行走),北洋军阀统治时期,把额外派遣的官职称为行走,不属正式编制
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2023-07-14 12:12:377


My dream is to become an artist, but difficult, often fail. One day when I succeed in many paper cups into a beautiful pencil box, I also have some confidence. A fortune-teller village fair hand holding a crystal ball, intends to give a relative of his fortune.
2023-07-14 12:12:542

postcard from paris的中文歌词

The Band PerryPostcard From Paris I remember when my heart caught the feverYou were standing all alone in the summer heatI was with my boyfriend, new boyfriendHe was as sweet as he could beOne look at you and I was throughMy heart switched up on meLike a postcard from ParisWhen I"ve seen the real thingIt"s like finding out your diamondIs from an old promise ringComing back from your fortune tellerShe read your cards upside downThe meanest thing you ever did is come aroundAnd now I"m ruined[I"m ruined]In the evening you can catch me daydreamingDid that moment send you reeling just like meI should"ve gone over, right overI should"ve never let you leaveBut it"s the never knowing that keeps this goingAnd drives me crazyLike a postcard from ParisWhen I"ve seen the real thingIt"s like finding out your diamondIs from an old promise ringComing back from your fortune tellerShe read your cards upside downThe meanest thing you ever did is come aroundJust when I thought things were alrightMy eyes played tricks on my mindWill I ever be satisfied"Cause all I ever seem to findIs a postcard from ParisWhen I need the real thingIt"s like finding out your diamondIs from an old promise ringComing back from your fortune tellerShe read your cards upside downThe meanest thing you ever didThe cruelest thing you ever didThe meanest thing you ever did is come aroundI am ruinedI"m ruinedI am ruinedI am ruinedYeah, yeah
2023-07-14 12:13:012


The AlchemistThe Alchemist follows the journey of an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago. Believing arecurring dream to be prophetic, he decides to travel to a Romani fortune-teller in a nearby town to discover its meaning. The woman interprets the dream as a prophecy telling the boy that there is a treasure in the pyramids in Egypt.Early into his journey, he meets an old king, who tells him to sell his sheep to travel to Egypt and introduces the idea of a Personal Legend. Along the way, the boy meets an Englishman who has come in search of an Alchemist and continues his travels with him, a beautiful Arabian woman who agrees to marry him after he completes his personal legend and an alchemist who also teaches him about Personal Legends. The main theme recurs all through the novel, "When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream."
2023-07-14 12:13:081

Georges Moustaki的《Tom》 歌词

歌曲名:Tom歌手:Georges Moustaki专辑:VagabondTomNatalie ImbrugliaModern LoveLuciferwongI thought I saw a man brought to lifeHe was warmHe came around like he was dignifiedHe showed me what it was to cryWell you couldn"t be that man I adoredYou don"t seem to knowSeem to care what your heart is forBut I don"t know him anymoreThere"s nothing where he used to lieMy conversation has run dryThat"s what"s going onNothing"s fine I"m tornI"m all out of faithThis is how I feelI"m cold and I am shamedLying naked on the floorIllusion never changedInto something realI"m wide awakeAnd I can seeThe perfect sky is tornYou"re a little lateI"m already tornSo I guess the fortune teller"s rightShould have seen just what was thereAnd not some holy lightWhich crawled beneath my veinsAnd now I don"t careI had no luckI don"t miss it all that muchThere"s just so many thingsThat I can touch I"m tornTornMy inspiration has run dryNothing"s right I"m tornI"m cold and I"m ashamedBound and broken on the floorTorn...
2023-07-14 12:13:151

Natalie Imbruglia的《Torn》 歌词

歌曲名:Torn歌手:Natalie Imbruglia专辑:Pure... PopTornNatalie ImbrugliaI thought I saw a man brought to lifeHe was warm, he came around like he was dignifiedHe showed me what it was to cryWell you couldn"t be that man I adoredYou don"t seem to know, don"t seem to care what your heart is forBut I don"t know him anymoreThere"s nothing where he used to lieMy conversation has run dryThat"s whats going on, nothing"s fine I"m tornI"m all out of faith, this is how I feelI"m cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floorIllusion never changed into something realI"m wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is tornYou"re a little late, I"m already tornSo I guess the fortune teller"s rightShould have seen just what was there and not some holy lightTo crawl beneath my veins and nowI don"t care, I have no luck, I don"t miss it all that muchThere"s just so many things that I can"t touch, I"m tornI"m all out of faith, this is how I feelI"m cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floorIllusion never changed into something realI"m wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is tornYou"re a little late, I"m already torn. Torn.There"s nothing where he used to lieMy inspiration has run dryThat"s what"s going on, nothings right, I"m tornI"m all out of faith, this is how I feelI"m cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floorIllusion never changed into something realI"m wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is tornI"m all out of faith, this is how I feelI"m cold and I"m ashamed bound and broken on the floorYou"re a little late, I"m already torn.torn,torn
2023-07-14 12:13:221


人物:Tom,Jack 和 forune teller! 镜头一: Jack:Tom,who do you think the man with a yellow straw hat on the stool in front of the palm trees? Tom:I guess he must be a fortune teller. Jack:Are you sure? Tom:Yes,without a doubt. You see he is looking forward to talking to someone. Jack:Maybe you are right. But Tom, can you read the palm? Tom:Yes, I have read a lot of books about reading the palm.May I read your palm? Jack: Yes,I"d love to. But I want to make fun of him.It is very funny. 镜头二: (They pass through the sidewalk and walk to the fortune teller) 这个时候,Tom马上变换角色,去扮演算命师傅.对白精彩在这了. Jack: Hi, my name is Jacke? Would you please read my palm? Fortune teller: Yes,welcome to here. Sit down please. Give me your left hand. Jack:But.I had a bad car accident last year.I lost my left arm. Nowadays , I do everything with my right hand. Life with one arm is very difficult. Fortune teller: Are you kidding me? Jack: No. I am serious. I hope you guess what I want to know. Fortune teller: Now,please give your right hand. Let me see…..You must be between jobs. Your wish is to become a millionaire. But You do not know what to do.Let me tell you. Jack:You are wrong. I am not poor. Though I am not a million, I have a company, a flat,a car and 80,000 dollars. Fortune teller: Oh, I know. Your girlfriend must have left you. You have lots of shortcomings. Maybe you don"t make the bed. Maybe you don"t clean the dishes. Maybe you are always in a bad mood. You must be as stubborn as a mule. If I were you, I would make a apology to her at first. Jack: No,many girls like me. I have you guess the last chance.If you are wrong again, I won"t pay you money. Fortune teller:You are up to monkey business.If I knew it, I would not read your palm. Jack: You are right. You guess the answer is right.But it was too late.I hope you guess if I can pay you money. 2--Do you know much about computers? --Not a great deal. --I"ve just been reading an article about them. They are used for all sorts of things now. --For accounting systems and things you mean? --Yes, but they"re used for other things too. Do you remember when we went to buy our tickets for the flight to Greece? --Yes. --The man asked where we wanted to go, then he typed out the information on a form and waited for a reply. A few moments later he gave us our tickets. --Of course. His machine must have been connected to a computer. --That"s right. 3关于不同爱好的对话. Michael: hi, Charles, how are you? Charles: fine. Thanks. You look great. Michael: thank you. You know what? I took tennis classes recently and I find myself so crazy about it. I feel so energetic after playing tennis. Do you play tennis? Charles: No. I don"t. I play football. Tennis is not as exciting as football. Michael: Charlie, I am afraid I can"t agree with you at this point. It is much easier to find one tennis partner rather than finding a whole bunch of people to play football. Charlie: well, don"t you think more people are more exciting? Playing tennis is like playing a ping pong game. Just playing back and forth. It"s a kind of boring. Michael: Noooooooo! When you play tennis, you can keep fit and you don"t get hurt. There is too much body contact in playing football. I don"t want to be pushed, be stepped, be knocked down or…… Charles: that"s the best part of the game. Michael: Sorry. I can"t talk to you now. I have to go to my tennis club now. My partner is waiting for me there. Charles: ok. I have to call my buddies about our football match this afternoon. Bye! Michael: bye! 4纯属原创,大家都是过来人,知道你的难处。还望笑纳。 (最后有点搞笑的成分) 人物:Rose, I(named Jack). Rose: Hi, Jack. Jack: Hi, Rose. Rose: Long time no see, how are you doing? Jack: I"m doing terribly bad. And how about you? Rose: I"m fine, thank you. But you, what"s up? Jack: I just cannot find a agreeable job. The salary offered by those companies are really too low. I"ve had interview several companies, and they all felt satified to my performance, but when hearing my salary request, they all could not offer. Rose: Almost the same with my situation. The current job market is so stagnant. I"d have to adapt myself to the reality. Jack: I cannot agree with you more. But you know, the salary they offered could even hardly afford my daily consumption.I just feel that"s gotdamn crazy. Rose: Hey, Jack, come on. Do you know the current situation of job market? There will be nearly 5 million college graduates nationwide, inclusive of a lot of masters. For my own sake, I gave up my baseline at last. Today, I"ve just signed a job contract with XX(公司名). Jack: You"re really appreciated to remind me. I gotta find a job as soon as possible even with a pretty low salary. Rose: Cheer up, Jack. I don"t think it matters to start with a low salary. You know, gold will shine everywhere. I believe you can get a decent job within 3 years as long as you"re hard enough. Jack: Thank you very much for your encouragement. Let us make a brilliant future hand in hand...
2023-07-14 12:13:411


Fortune-tellingFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchFor prophecy in the context of revealed religions, see Prophet."Fortune teller" redirects here. For other uses, see Fortune teller (disambiguation).Fortune-telling is the practice of predicting the future, usually of an individual, through mystical or supernatural means and often for commercial gain. It often conflates with the religious practice known as divination.Contents[hide] * 1 European and Euro-American fortune telling o 1.1 Methods o 1.2 Sociology * 2 Asian fortune telling o 2.1 Methods o 2.2 Sociology * 3 African fortune telling o 3.1 Methods o 3.2 Sociology * 4 Opposing theories * 5 Legality * 6 See also * 7 References[edit] European and Euro-American fortune tellingGypsies fortune-telling. Facsimile of a woodcut in the "Cosmographie Universelle" of Sebastian Münster: in folio, Basel, 1552Gypsies fortune-telling. Facsimile of a woodcut in the "Cosmographie Universelle" of Sebastian Münster: in folio, Basel, 1552In Europe and the Americas fortune-telling has not been well-respected for the past several centuries. There have been religious proscriptions against it, as well as civil laws passed that forbid the practice. For these reasons, many mainstream urban Europeans and Americans are unaware of how popular fortune-telling remains with the public and are surpised when they learn of a celebrity or politician who consults a fortune-teller for the purpose of making decisions.[edit] MethodsCommon methods used for fortune telling in Europe and the Americas include astromancy, horary astrology, pendulum reading, spirit board reading, tasseography (reading tea leaves in a cup), cartomancy (fortune telling with cards), tarot card reading, crystallomancy (reading of a crystal sphere), and cheiromancy (palmistry, reading of the palms). The latter three have traditional associations in the popular mind with the Roma and Sinti people (often called "gypsies").Another form of fortune-telling, sometimes called "reading" or "spiritual consultation" does not rely on the use of specific devices or methods, but consists of the practitioner transmitting to the client advice and predictions which are said to have come from spirits or in visions. This form of fortune-telling is particularly popular in the African-American community.Typical topics that Western fortune-tellers make predictions on include future romantic, financial, and childbearing prospects. They may also be called upon to aid in decision-making regarding job opportunities, the outcome of illnesses, and plans for marriage or divorce.In addition to divining the future, many fortune-tellers will also give "character readings." These are short analyses of the character of a person and do not necessarily involve specific preditions about future events. Methods used in character analysis readings include numerology, graphology, palmistry (if the subject is present), and astrology. The subject of a character reading may be the client, who seeks self-knowledge, but it is quite common for the fortune-teller to perform a character reading on the client"s prospective mate. In the latter case, when a third party is being assessed for marital compatibility with the client, an element of fore-telling does occur, as the practitioner explores the future of the relationship based on the characters of the two parties.[edit] SociologyIn contemporary Western culture, it appears that women consult fortune-tellers more than men: some indication of this comes from the profusion of advertisements for commercial fortune-telling services in magazines aimed at women, while such advertisements appear virtually unknown in magazines aimed specifically at men. Likewise, more women than men practice fortune-telling as a vocation.It is quite common for young women to seek out fortune tellers as they embark on adulthood, and many women maintain decades-long relationships with their personal readers or fortune-tellers. Telephone consultations with psychics (charged to the caller"s telephone account at very high rates) grew in popularity through the 1990s but they have not replaced - and may never replace - the traditional card readers, tea leaf readers, palmists, and spiritual readers who see their clients in small storefronts or occult shops.[edit] Asian fortune tellingStreet fortune teller consults with client in Taichung, TaiwanStreet fortune teller consults with client in Taichung, TaiwanChinese Fortune Telling better known as (Chinese: 算命, suan ming) has utilized many varying divination techniques throughout the dynastic periods. There are four major methods still in practice in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong today, and they remain in use due to their accuracy and popularity. Over time, some of these concepts have moved into Korean and Japanese culture under other names. For example "Saju" in Korea is the same as the Chinese four pillar method.[edit] Methods 1. Face reading - This is the interpretation of facial features of the nose, eyes, mouth and other criteria within one"s face and the conversion of those criteria into predictions for the future. This usually covers one phase of the client"s life, and reveals the type of luck associated with a certain age range. 2. Palm reading - This analyzes the positioning of palm lines for love, personality, and other traits. It somewhat resembles Western palmistry in technique. 3. Kau Cim - This requires the shaking of a bamboo cylinder, which results in at least one modified incense stick leaving the cylinder. The Chinese characters inscribed on the stick are analyzed by an interpreter. The prediction is short range, as it covers one Chinese calendar year. In the West, this method has been popularized under the trade-name "Chi-Chi sticks." 4. Zi wei dou shu - This procedure, sometimes loosely called (Chinese: 劈命, pik meng), involves the client seeking an advisor with a mastery of the Chinese calendar. Astrology is used in combination with the Chinese constellation, four pillars of destiny and the five elements methods of divination. The end result is a translation of one"s destiny path, an interpretation of a pre-determined fate. The result of the details vary depending on the accuracy of the original four pillars information the client provides to the fortune-teller. This method can also verify unique events that have already happened in one"s life.[edit] SociologyIn Chinese society, fortune telling is a respected and important part of social and business culture. Thus, fortune tellers often take on a role which is equivalent to management consultants and psychotherapists in Western society. As management consultants, they advise business people on business and investment decisions. Many major business decisions involve the input of fortune tellers. Their social role allows decision risks to be placed outside of the organization and provides a mechanism of quickly randomly deciding between several equally useful options. As psychotherapists, they help people discuss and resolve personal issues without the stigma of illness.[edit] African fortune telling[edit] MethodsOne of the most traditional methods of telling fortunes in Africa is called casting (or throwing) the bones. Because Africa is a large continent with many tribes and cultures, there is no one single technique. Not all of the "bones" are actually bones, small objects may include cowrie shells, stones, strips of leather, or flat pieces of wood. In general, most casting or throwing methods are performed on the ground (often within a circle) and they fall into one of two categories: * Casting marked bones, flat pieces of wood, shells, or leather strips and numerically counting up how they fall -- either according to their markings or whether they do or do not touch one another -- with mathematically-based readings delivered as memorized results based on the chosen criteria. * Casting a special set of symbolic bones or an array of selected symbolic articles -- as, for instance, using a bird"s wing bone to symbolize travel, a round stone to symbolize a pregnant womb, and a bird foot to symbolize feeling.[edit] SociologyIn African society, many people seek out diviners on a regular basis. There are no prohibitions against the practice. Those who tell fortunes for a living are also sought out for their wisdom as counselors and for their knowledge of herbal medicine.[edit] Opposing theoriesThose who believe that it is possible for a practitioner to tell fortunes or predict the future for cleints may have religious objections to the practice. For instance, there are Christians who believe that fortune telling is forbidden in the Bible. [1]Those who do not believe that fortune tellers can actually read the future may believe that several other factors explain the popularity and anecdotal accuracy of fortune-telling: 1. Fortune-telling in the context of an individual"s belief system has a good chance of being believed. 2. A person who performs a divination for himself or herself may be using his or her reactions to the arbitrary stimuli (such as tarot cards or a pendulum) as a way of mentally organizing his or her own thoughts. 3. The predictions themselves can cause the subject to alter his or her behaviour in a way that makes the predictions become true, see self-fulfilling prophecy. 4. Predictions can be a source of amusement and diversion. 5. Predictions can reduce anxiety about the uncertain future. 6. When making a decision based on incomplete information, the fortune teller or oracle can reduce the anxiety associated with guessing. 7. The fotune-teller can be an external source of authority to invoke in support of a decision to be made, or in defense of a decision that was made. 8. Fortune-tellers usually exhibit skills at reading people and telling them what they wish to hear (and they may heighten this effect using the technique of "cold reading"). 9. Predictions almost always use vague terms and do not lend themselves to falsification. Therefore, the prediction is never wrong, but a person"s interpretation of it can always be wrong. 10. Confirmation bias predisposes people to look for cases where predictions can be interpreted as accurate more than they look to find inaccurate ones. 11. Clients of fortune-telling services may fail to realise that statements made about them might reflect reality, but would equally apply to most other people (for instance, the statement "you fought with your parents sometimes as a teenager" applies to a large majority of people). This is the Forer effect.[edit] LegalityIn the United States, a variety of local and state laws restrict fortune-telling, require the licensing or bonding of fortune-tellers, or make necessary the use of terminology that avoids the term "fortune-teller" in favour of terms such as "spiritual advisor" or "psychic consultant." There are also laws that forbid the practice ouright in certain districts.For instance, fortune telling is a class B misdemeanor in the state of New York. Under New York State law, S 165.35: A person is guilty of fortune telling when, for a fee or compensation which he directly or indirectly solicits or receives, he claims or pretends to tell fortunes, or holds himself out as being able, by claimed or pretended use of occult powers, to answer questions or give advice on personal matters or to exorcise, influence or affect evil spirits or curses; except that this section does not apply to a person who engages in the aforedescribed conduct as part of a show or exhibition solely for the purpose of entertainment or amusement. However one should use his intelligence and wisdom while visiting fortune tellers.[2]By mentioning that "one should use his intelligence and wisdom while visiting fortune tellers," the law-makers who wrote this statute acknowledged that fortune-tellers do not restrict themselves to "a show or exhibition solely for the purpose of entertainment or amusement" and that people will continue to seek out fortune-tellers even though fortune-tellers operate in violation of the law.
2023-07-14 12:13:522


A 代表发奖人 B 代表领奖人 A:Now ,it"s the time to award the first prize of The college English Speech Competition,let"s congratulate to Lucy,she is the champion. B:Thank you.I am so happy to own the prize. A:Lucy,do you want to say something to all the people? B:Yes,first I want to thanks my teachers, my parents ,my classmates and many other people who helped me a lot during the time I prepared for the speech competition,they gave me a lot of advices,and encouraged me ,I couldn"t win the competition without their help. A:Lucy,you did a very good job in the competition ,can you give all of us some advices how to learn English well? B:Oh, I think it is not very hard to learn English well, as somebody says,"Interest is the best teacher",I think ,if you are interesting in English,and you often read ,write and speak in English ,you can improve your English quickly.Of course,you may make many mistakes during the time you learn English,but don"t afraid to make mistakes ,when you don"t know how to solve the question,you can ask your English teacher for help and remember "Never give up". A:Thank you for giving the advices to us,and congratulate to you again!
2023-07-14 12:14:012