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2023-07-14 16:39:27



要有道具,材料有幕布,小人舞的服装(提示:自己做的或买童装),还要有音乐(提示:自己合成),俩人表演一个小人舞(提示:想多人的就长的幕布再剪洞),前面一个人要穿自己做的裤子和帆布鞋,头的位置穿衣服(提示:童鞋是帆布鞋或其他鞋),后面一个人穿剪的洞把手拿出来(提示:方便把后面的人穿的快)幕布剪一竖成了一个小洞(提示:幕布是黑色的),就是两个人从一个幕布后面钻出来(提示:俩人要有默契),唱歌(提示:跟着音乐口型唱)、跳舞跟着音乐。还要排练(提示:排练一定要成熟)就可表演了~!开场音乐是:《新闻联播》、《high歌》、《穷开心》、《甩葱歌》、《神话》、迈克杰克逊的歌 、《泰坦尼克号主题曲》、《健康歌》、《nobody》,或开场舞 Mambo Number 5选用中间那段旋律、机械舞 Rockit 、 摇滚 God Save The Queen 、 芭蕾舞 四小天鹅~!



2023-07-14 11:41:172


英文歌词God save our gracious Queen,Long live our noble Queen,God save the Queen:Send her victorious,Happy and glorious,Long to reign over us:God save the Queen. O Lord, our God, arise,Scatter thine her enemies,And make them fall:Confound their politics,Frustrate their knavish tricks,On thee our hopes we fix:God save us all. Thy choicest gifts in store,On her be pleased to pour;Long may she reign:May she defend our laws,And ever give us causeTo sing with heart and voiceGod save the Queen. (当男性国王在位时, 除了相应的性的变化之外(如her->his, Queen->King等), 上面两行应换为: With heart and voice to sing / God save the King.) Not in this land alone,But be God"s mercies known,From shore to shore!Lord make the nations see,That men should brothers be,And form one family,The wide world over. From every latent foe,From the assassins blow,God save the Queen!O"er her thine arm extend,For Britain"s sake defend,Our mother, prince, and friend,God save the Queen!Lord grant that Marshal WadeMay by thy mighty aidVictory bring.May he sedition hush,And like a torrent rush,Rebellious Scots to crush.God save the Queen!* * 最后一段(以及除了第一段以外的其他段落)几乎不演唱. 中文歌词上帝保佑女王,祝她万寿无疆,天佑女王。常胜利,沐荣光;孚民望,心欢畅;治国家,王运长;天佑女王!  扬神威,张天网,保王室,歼敌人,一鼓涤荡。破阴谋,灭奸党,把乱萌一扫光;让我们齐仰望,天佑女王!  愿上帝恩泽长,选精品,倾宝囊,万岁女王!愿她保护法律,使民心齐归向,一致衷心歌唱,天佑女王!
2023-07-14 11:41:302


God save the queen上帝拯救我们的女王
2023-07-14 11:41:433


2023-07-14 11:41:512


God save our gracious Queen!Long live our noble Queen!God save the Queen!Send her victorious,Happy and glorious,Long to reign over us,God save the Queen.天佑女王,祝她万寿无疆,上帝保佑女王!常胜利,沐荣光;孚民望,心欢畅;治国家,王运长;上帝保佑女王!O Lord, our God, arise,Scatter thine (her) enemies,And make them fall:Confound their politics,Frustrate their knavish tricks,On thee our hopes we fix:God save us all.扬神威,张天网,保王室,歼敌人,一鼓涤荡。破阴谋,灭奸党,把乱盟一扫光;让我们齐仰望,上帝保佑女王!Thy choicest gifts in storeOn her be pleased to pour,Long may she reign.May she defend our laws,And ever give us cause,To sing with heart and voice,God save the Queen.(当男性国王在位时,上面两行应换为:With heart and voice to sing,God save the King.)愿上帝恩泽长,选精品,倾宝囊,万岁国王!愿她捍卫国法,使民心齐归向,一致衷心歌唱,上帝保佑国王!Not in this land alone,But be God"s mercies known,From shore to shore!Lord make the nations see,That men should brothers be,And form one family,The wide world over.汝非无人所帮,但主恩所众详,从此岸到彼岸!主恩非止此地,兄弟就是吾尔,温馨家庭望祈,广阔之地!From every latent foe,From the assassins blow,God save the Queen!O"er her thine arm extend,For Britain"s sake defend,Our mother, prince, and friend,God save the Queen!歼灭潜在之敌,打到阴险刺客,天佑女王!其管治大无畏,不列颠需捍卫,吾母、君主、汝友天佑女王!Lord grant that Marshal WadeMay by thy mighty aidVictory bring.May he sedition hush,And like a torrent rush,Rebellious Scots to crush.God save the Queen!上帝赐予魏帅(魏帅,即乔治·韦德,英国著名军事家),常胜利,沐荣光祈魏帅煽静肃,尤如恐撃以欲,叛苏人(叛变的苏格兰人)必前仆,天佑女王! 除了第一段以外,其他段落几乎不演唱,极少数情况会演唱第二段,2012伦敦奥运会开幕式上演唱了三段。   加拿大法语歌词这首歌在加拿大有法语版本,为加拿大的皇室颂歌:Dieu protège la reineDe sa main souveraine!Vive la reine!Qu"un règne glorieux,Long et victorieuxRende son peuple heureux.Vive la reine!上帝保佑国王,上帝保佑国王,权势无上!万寿吾王!君临荣光,凯旋无疆,孚民欢畅。万寿吾王!加拿大英文版的附加段落在作为加拿大的皇室颂歌的时候,这首歌有附加的一段,一般在第一段或第二段后面演唱:Our loved Dominion blessWith peace and happinessFrom shore to shore;And let our Empire (country) beLoyal, united, freeTrue to herself and TheeGod save the Queen (Forever more).福佑吾土,安逸欢腾,满布海际;祈使帝国,忠耿结聚无束,诚笃于汝上帝保佑国王(永存)
2023-07-14 11:41:581


2023-07-14 11:42:136


God Save the Queen [God Save the Queen(God Save the King)英国国歌] God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen: Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us: God save the Queen. Thy choicest gifts in store On her be pleased to pour Long may she reign May she defend our laws And give us ever cause To sing with heart and voice God save the Queen 翻译: 上帝保佑女王, 祝她万寿无疆, 神佑女王。 常胜利,沐荣光; 孚民望,心欢畅; 治国家,王运长; 神佑女王! 扬神威,张天网,保王室, 歼敌人,一鼓涤荡。 破阴谋,灭奸党, 把乱萌一扫光; 让我们齐仰望,神佑女王! 愿上帝恩泽长, 选精品,倾宝囊, 万岁女王! 愿她保护法律, 使民心齐归向, 一致衷心歌唱, 神佑女王!
2023-07-14 11:42:261


国歌名为《God save the queen》意思是上帝保佑女王,
2023-07-14 11:42:343


2023-07-14 11:42:422


英联邦王国国歌 《天佑女王》(英语:God Save the Queen)God save our gracious Queen!Long live our noble Queen!God save the Queen!Send her victorious,Happy and glorious,Long to reign over us,God save the Queen. 上帝保佑女王,祝她万寿无疆,天佑吾王!常胜利,沐荣光;孚民望,心欢畅;治国家,王运长;天佑女王!O Lord, our God, arise,Scatter thine (her) enemies,And make them fall:Confound their politics,Frustrate their knavish tricks,On thee our hopes we fix:God save us all.扬神威,张天网,保王室,歼敌方,一鼓涤荡。破阴谋,灭奸党,把乱盟一扫光;让我们齐仰望,天佑女王!Thy choicest gifts in storeOn her be pleased to pour,Long may she reign.May she defend our laws,And ever give us cause,To sing with heart and voice,God save the Queen.愿上帝恩泽长,选精品,倾宝囊,万岁女王!愿她捍卫国法,使民心齐归向,一致衷心歌唱,天佑女王!Not in this land alone,But be God"s mercies known,From shore to shore!Lord make the nations see,That men should brothers be,And form one family,The wide world over.汝非无人所帮,但主恩所众详,从岸到岸!主恩非止此地,兄弟就是吾尔,温馨家庭望祈,广阔之地!From every latent foe,From the assassins blow,God save the Queen!O"er her thine arm extend,For Britain"s sake defend,Our mother, prince, and friend,God save the Queen!从潜在的敌人,打倒刺客直奔,天佑女王!其管治大无畏,不列颠需捍卫,吾母、君主、汝友天佑女王!Lord grant that Marshal WadeMay by thy mighty aidVictory bring.May he sedition hush,And like a torrent rush,Rebellious Scots to crush.God save the Queen!上帝赐予魏帅,战胜每月每日,胜利天赐!祈魏帅煽静肃,尤如恐击以欲,叛苏人必前仆,天佑女王!
2023-07-14 11:42:491

皇后乐队的god save the queen 歌词

好吧 那应该是楼下的那个了,不过不是皇后乐队的是 Sex Pistols 的
2023-07-14 11:43:073


英国国歌: 《天佑女王》《天佑女王》(God Save the Queen)是英国的国歌、英联邦的皇室颂歌。
2023-07-14 11:43:142

谁知道Sex Pistols God Save The Queen 的中文歌词啊?

God save the queen 上帝拯救女王 the fascist regime 法西斯政权 they made you a moron 他们把你变成一个笨蛋 a potential H-bomb ! 一颗潜在的氢弹! God save the queen 上帝拯救女王 She ain"t no human being 她不是人类 there is no future in England"s dreaming 在英格兰的梦想里没有未来 Don"t be told what you want 不要说你想要什么 don"t be told what you need 不要说你需要什么 there"s no future no future 没有未来 没有未来 no future for you 你没有未来 God save the queen 上帝拯救女王 we mean it man 我们是说真的 we love our queen 我们爱我们的女王 god saves 老天保佑 God save the queen 上帝拯救女王 "cos tourists are money 因为游客是金主 and our figurehead is not what she seems 我们的领袖不是她看上去那个样子 Oh god save history 噢 上帝拯救历史 god save your mad parade 上帝保佑你疯狂的阅兵 Oh lord god have mercy 噢 阁下 上帝充满仁慈 all crimes are paid 所有的罪恶都赎清 When there"s no future 当没有了未来 how can there be sin 如何还会有罪 we"re the flowers in the dustbin 我们是垃圾箱里的花儿 we"re the poison in your human machine 我们是你人类机器中的毒药 we"re the future 我们是未来 your future 你的未来 God save the queen 上帝拯救女王 we mean it man 我们是认真的 there is no future in England"s dreaming 在英格兰的梦想中没有未来 No future no future 没有未来 没有未来 No future no future 没有未来 没有未来 No future for you 你没有未来 No future for me 我没有未来 No future no future for you 没有未来 你没有未来
2023-07-14 11:43:221


2023-07-14 11:43:292

god save the queen

上帝(GOD)是专有名词当中具有特殊地位的专有名词,英语用词的习惯就是绝对不加S,而且前面也不能有冠词the的。此类的还有angel ,等等。我们老师讲的时候就这样说,一般被认为是神仙的,后面的用法就很特殊。至于你说为什么不加ED,就因为这是一般现在时。不强调过去发生,不用一般过去时的。英国的国歌啊。。。你也拿出来问,咱们学就是学英语呢,人家怎么用就怎么对,不要太纠结于语法。你看国外的原声电影,他们犯了多少咱们小学生才会犯的低级错误呢~~~
2023-07-14 11:43:361

God Save The Queen 歌词

歌曲名:God Save The Queen歌手:Sex Pistols专辑:Never Mind The Bollocks, Here"s The Sex PistolsGod Save The QueenGod save the queenThe fascist regimeThey made you a moronPotential H-bombGod save the queenShe ain""t no human beingThere is no futureIn England""s dreamingDon""t be told what you wantDon""t be told what you needThere""s no future, no future,No future for youGod save the queenWe mean it manWe love our queenGod savesGod save the queen""Cause tourists are moneyAnd our figureheadIs not what she seemsOh God save historyGod save your mad paradeOh Lord God have mercyAll crimes are paidWhen there""s no futureHow can there be sinWe""re the flowers in the dustbinWe""re the poison in your human machineWe""re the future, your futureGod save the queenWe mean it manWe love our queenGod savesGod save the queenWe mean it manAnd there is no futureIn England""s dreamingNo future, no future,No future for youNo future, no future,No future for meNo future, no future,No future for youNo future, no futureFor you
2023-07-14 11:43:421

God Save The Queen 歌词

歌曲名:God Save The Queen歌手:Sex Pistols专辑:Never Mind The Bollocks, Here"s The Sex PistolsGod Save The QueenGod save the queenThe fascist regimeThey made you a moronPotential H-bombGod save the queenShe ain""t no human beingThere is no futureIn England""s dreamingDon""t be told what you wantDon""t be told what you needThere""s no future, no future,No future for youGod save the queenWe mean it manWe love our queenGod savesGod save the queen""Cause tourists are moneyAnd our figureheadIs not what she seemsOh God save historyGod save your mad paradeOh Lord God have mercyAll crimes are paidWhen there""s no futureHow can there be sinWe""re the flowers in the dustbinWe""re the poison in your human machineWe""re the future, your futureGod save the queenWe mean it manWe love our queenGod savesGod save the queenWe mean it manAnd there is no futureIn England""s dreamingNo future, no future,No future for youNo future, no future,No future for meNo future, no future,No future for youNo future, no futureFor you
2023-07-14 11:43:491


需要用三单 God表示上帝,属于第三人称
2023-07-14 11:43:561


天佑女王 英国国歌产生于18世纪40年代,原名《天佑国王》,1837年至1901年维多利亚女王在位时和1952年伊丽莎白二世登基后改称《天佑女王》,它是称颂英国国王的歌曲。当英国处在殖民帝国的高峰期时,《天佑女王》不仅是英国本土的国歌,也是它所有殖民地和附属国的国歌。如1788年到1974年,澳大利亚一直用《天佑女王》作为国歌,在英国女王或联邦总督出现的场合,要演奏《天佑女王》。美国曾采用《天佑女王》的曲调填词,作为本国国歌或第二国歌。列支敦士登的国歌,至今还唱着《天佑女王》的曲调。现在,世界上至少还有十几个国家的国歌采用的是《天佑女王》的曲调 歌词: God Save the Queen [God Save the Queen(God Save the King)英国国歌] [合唱] MUSIC God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen: Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us: God save the Queen. Thy choicest gifts in store On her be pleased to pour Long may she reign May she defend our laws And give us ever cause To sing with heart and voice God save the Queen 翻译: 上帝保佑女王,祝她万寿无疆,神佑女王。常胜利,沐荣光;孚民望,心欢畅;治国家,王运长;神佑女王! 扬神威,张天网,保王室,歼敌人,一鼓涤荡。破阴谋,灭奸党,把乱萌一扫光;让我们齐仰望,神佑女王! 愿上帝恩泽长,选精品,倾宝囊,万岁女王!愿她保护法律,使民心齐归向,一致衷心歌唱,神佑女王!
2023-07-14 11:44:041


2023-07-14 11:44:111


英国国歌《天佑女王》来历 产生于18世纪40年代,原名《天佑国王》(也有翻译成《上帝佑及吾君》),1837年至1901年维多利亚女王在位时和1952年伊丽莎白二世登基后改称《天佑女王》,它是称颂英国国王的歌曲。当英国处在殖民帝国的高峰期时,《天佑女王》不仅是英国本土的国歌,也是它所有殖民地和附属国的国歌。如1788年到1974年,澳大利亚一直用《天佑女王》作为国歌,在英国女王或联邦总督出现的场合,要演奏《天佑女王》。
2023-07-14 11:44:301


God bless Her Majesty the Queen
2023-07-14 11:44:373


the top of the world
2023-07-14 11:44:457


从前冬天冷夏天雨呀水呀 秋天传来你声音暖呀暖你说那时屋后面有白茫茫茫雪 山谷里有金黄旗子在风里飘给你一张过去的CD 聆听那时我们的爱情有时会突然忘了 依然爱着你 听了歌曲都会红着脸躲避po po po po po po po poker face nobo nobo nobo nobody鸡鸡鸡鸡基基基基基 gay gay gay 北鼻 北鼻 北鼻 吼骚瑞骚瑞骚瑞骚瑞吼我和我最后骄傲的倔强 不理会别人看好或看坏这是一首简单的小情歌 瞬间改变天空的颜色,屎黄色不管你爱或者与不爱 全他妈是历史的尘埃听见冬天的离开 我在某年某月醒过来我送你离开在千里之外 wuha 要要要要 要他妈的什么爱where did you sleep last night wake me up when september end sno woman no woman no woman no cry don"t you cry at nightdeath to all but metal suck my ass I have lost the will to livesimply nothing more to give there is nothing more for meneed the end to set me free punk punk is not deadwe are carrying on our flag God God God save the queenim gonna be your fucking god我的宝贝宝贝碾碾你小脸 人民路有我的好心情哒零哒零哒零谁的爸死了 王小姐你什么时候嫁啊坐上了火车踏上了绿草地 扛着大旗玩命往前挤青春青春青你妈个逼 才活了几天就开始回忆我听见你心中那动人的天籁 就忽如一夜春风袭来吃土补补钙 我忍不住去采我忍不住去摘 我劈开大腿为你等待假如生活还没有欺骗你 就炖个皮鞋吃一点驴逼泡一杯提拉米苏放一点蒜泥 痛痛快快蹲下拉泡稀如果有一天我老无所依 在秋天走进你房间里踹门进去就唱最炫民族风 静静看你哗哗尿一地
2023-07-14 11:45:006


英联邦王国国歌 《天佑女王》(英语:God Save the Queen)God save our gracious Queen!Long live our noble Queen!God save the Queen!Send her victorious,Happy and glorious,Long to reign over us,God save the Queen. 上帝保佑女王,祝她万寿无疆,天佑吾王!常胜利,沐荣光;孚民望,心欢畅;治国家,王运长;天佑女王!O Lord, our God, arise,Scatter thine (her) enemies,And make them fall:Confound their politics,Frustrate their knavish tricks,On thee our hopes we fix:God save us all.扬神威,张天网,保王室,歼敌方,一鼓涤荡。破阴谋,灭奸党,把乱盟一扫光;让我们齐仰望,天佑女王!Thy choicest gifts in storeOn her be pleased to pour,Long may she reign.May she defend our laws,And ever give us cause,To sing with heart and voice,God save the Queen.愿上帝恩泽长,选精品,倾宝囊,万岁女王!愿她捍卫国法,使民心齐归向,一致衷心歌唱,天佑女王!Not in this land alone,But be God"s mercies known,From shore to shore!Lord make the nations see,That men should brothers be,And form one family,The wide world over.汝非无人所帮,但主恩所众详,从岸到岸!主恩非止此地,兄弟就是吾尔,温馨家庭望祈,广阔之地!From every latent foe,From the assassins blow,God save the Queen!O"er her thine arm extend,For Britain"s sake defend,Our mother, prince, and friend,God save the Queen!从潜在的敌人,打倒刺客直奔,天佑女王!其管治大无畏,不列颠需捍卫,吾母、君主、汝友天佑女王!Lord grant that Marshal WadeMay by thy mighty aidVictory bring.May he sedition hush,And like a torrent rush,Rebellious Scots to crush.God save the Queen!上帝赐予魏帅,战胜每月每日,胜利天赐!祈魏帅煽静肃,尤如恐击以欲,叛苏人必前仆,天佑女王!
2023-07-14 11:45:301


2023-07-14 11:45:383


我知道罗大佑的 绿色恐怖分子
2023-07-14 11:45:486

杀死比尔2里的那首About Her

演唱about her的Malcolm McLaren介绍有“英国朋克之父”之称的Malcolm McLaren1971年,一间名为「In the Back of Paradise Garage」的服饰店在伦敦雀西区国王路开幕,店主Malcolm McLaren的理念是要贩售反社会、反文化的摇滚态度。这间店尔后数度更名,从In the Back of Paradise Garage、Let It Rock、Too Fast To Live Too Young To Die,到最后1974年定名为「Sex」;店内的服饰风格也从初期的复古风、中期的异色拼贴颓废风,转变至最后只贩卖黑色皮革所制成的衣服。在这间墙壁上布满了色情涂鸦的Sex商店里面,Malcolm McLaren找来几名常来店内光顾的失业青年跟店员合组成一个乐团,毛遂自荐担任他们的经纪人,并用店内贩卖的一件T恤上头的标语为他们命名——Sex Pistols!事实上,Malcolm McLaren与其一起经营Sex商店的同居女友,亦即日后被尊称为「庞克之母」的设计师Vivienne Westwood,正是英国庞克运动的幕后推手。Malcolm McLaren在求学期间曾深受1968年法国五月风暴的学生罢课运动影响,在那场80万名学生、教师、工人联合对抗警察的激烈冲突中,他学习到了如何紧攫民众心中的愤怒。Malcolm McLaren师法国际情势主义,以反文化、反社会的主张结合音乐,将自己的政治理念透过旗下的乐团来传达。时尚与音乐、电影文化相互结合的例子并不少见,普普艺术大师Andy Warhol即是原型庞克先驱乐团Velvet Underground的经纪人及唱片制作人。Malcolm McLaren与Vivienne Westwood於1972年一场纽约的时装展上结识了当地的庞克团New York Dolls,并於1974年正式担任该团的经纪人,这也是Malcolm McLaren旗下第一个经营的乐团。这对情侣档联手为New York Dolls打造雌雄同体的华丽造型,让男团员们穿上黑色连身裙、豹纹过膝高跟长靴,涂上眼影与口红,完全一色女装打扮。身为毛泽东信徒的Malcolm McLaren丝毫不掩饰其左倾思想,在New York Dolls最后几场演出,让他们穿上Vivienne Westwood设计的全红皮革装,舞台后方更挂上了大红的共产党旗,将流行时尚、庞克音乐与政治符码全部融冶於一炉。浓妆艳抹的New York Dolls然而因为New York Dolls因为酗酒与毒品滥用问题而造成内部分裂,使得Malcolm McLaren初次的跨界尝试终告失败。这一次他把目光放在Sex Pistols身上。虽然Sex Pistols的初次登台可说是出师不利,却逐渐地吸引了大众的目光。在每一场的表演中,主唱Johnny Rotten砸毁麦克风的暴烈性表演风格,及台下观众争奇斗艳的特异发型、身上垂挂的各式破碎布料与金属制品,得到了媒体界封给他们「有始以来最粗鄙无文的乐团」称号。Sex Pistols在1976年11月发行了首张单曲《Anarchy in the UK》,封面是将撕破的英国国旗重新用别针补缀而成的图案,象徵了无政府的意念。此举激怒了社会大众,不仅被电台禁播,甚至造成印刷工人拒绝印制该单曲而罢工的现象。即便如此,Sex Pistols的首波单曲还是因为负面新闻而升至排行榜第38名。不到一周内,Sex Pistols又因在一场电视访谈中大骂粗口而引起轩然大波。数百名观众打电话至电视台表达抗议。隔年一月,Sex Pistols所属唱片公司EMI因为再也无法忍受纷至沓来的负面新闻,包括主唱因持有安非他命被捕、破坏旅馆房间等,宣布与Sex Pistols解约。两个月后,Sex Pistols又被新东家A&M踢了出去。虽然两次解约为Sex Pistols带来为数不少的解约金进帐,但Malcolm McLaren已为乐团的形象直线下坠感到惊心。即使负面新闻层出不穷,Sex Pistols於英国女皇登基周年庆典同一时期推出的第二张单曲《God Save the Queen》却得到了空前的成功。该曲歌词对英国皇室极其挑衅嘲弄之能事,换来了全部禁播禁售的下场,第三间东家维京唱片只好以传单邮购的方式来销售该单曲。即便如此,《God Save the Queen》还是登上排行榜亚军,显示出Sex Pistols已成为年轻人宣泄对政府及体制不满的发声者。
2023-07-14 11:46:091

god save us是什么意思

神灵 拯救我们这些吊丝吧!
2023-07-14 11:46:284


Captain Algernon Drummond/William Johnson Cory - "Eton Boating Song"Elgar/AC Benson - "Land of Hope and Glory"The Jam - "Going Underground"Muse - "Map of the Problematique"Big Ben ChimesSex Pistols - "God Save the Queen"The Clash - "London Calling"Mike Oldfield - "Tubular Bells"Mike Oldfield - "In Dulci Jubilo"Vangelis - "Chariots of Fire"BBC News 1954Arthur Wood - The Archers ThemeWinifred Atwell - "Black and White Rag"Sugababes - "Push the Button"OMD - "Enola Gay"David Rose - "The Stripper"Lionel Bart - "Food Glorious Food"Irwin Kostal, Richard Sherman, Robert Sherman - "Bedknobs and Broomsticks"Rizzle Kicks - "When I Was a Youngster"Eric Clapton - "Wonderful Tonight"Colin Tully - Gregory"s Girl ThemeWilliam Pitt - "City Lights"The Who - "My Generation"The Rolling Stones - "Satisfaction"Millie Small - "My Boy Lollipop"The Kinks - "All Day and All of the Night"The Beatles - "She Loves You"Mud - "Tiger Feet"Led Zeppelin - "Trampled Under Foot"The Specials - "A Message to You Rudy"David Bowie - "Starman"Simon May - EastEnders ThemeThe Shipping ForecastSir Hubert Parry/William Blake - "Jerusalem"Elgar - "Nimrod"Handel - "Arrival of the Queen of Sheba"Eric Coates - "Dambusters March"Handel - "Music for the Royal Fireworks"Monty Norman - James Bond ThemeQueen - "Bohemian Rhapsody"Sex Pistols - "Pretty Vacant"Duran Duran - "The Reflex"New Order - "Blue Monday"Frankie Goes to Hollywood - "Relax"Soul II Soul - "Back To Life"Happy Mondays - "Step On"Eurythmics - "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)The Verve - "Bittersweet Symphony"Prodigy - "Firestarter"Underworld - "Born Slippy"Jaan Kenbrovin, John William Kellette - "I"m Forever Blowing Bubbles"Muse - "Uprising"Kano & Mikey J - "Random Antics"Tinie Tempah - "Pass Out"MIA - "Paper Planes"Coldplay - "Viva La Vida"The Chemical Brothers - "Galvanize"Franz Ferdinand - "Take Me Out"Kaiser Chiefs - "I Predict a Riot"Roll Deep - "Shake a Leg"Adele - "Rolling in the Deep"Oasis - "The Hindu Times"Oasis - "Wonderwall"Emeli Sande - "Heaven"William Monk/Henry Francis - "Abide With Me"Pink Floyd - "Eclipse"The Beatles - "The End"The Beatles - "Hey Jude"David Bowie - "Heroes"Eric Spear - Coronation Street ThemeRon Grainer - Doctor Who ThemeJohn Philip Sousa - Monty Python Theme/"The Liberty Bell"David Bowie - "Absolute Beginners"Blur - "Song 2"Dizzee Rascal - "Bonkers"Tigerstyle - "Nacnha Onda Nei" (contains Michael Jackson - "Billie Jean", Queen & David Bowie - "Under Pressure" and Ilaiyaraaja - "Naanthaan Ungappanda")Arctic Monkeys - "I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor"Mark Ronson & Amy Winehouse - "Valerie"Radiohead - "Creep"
2023-07-14 11:46:432


急求小人舞歌曲。。。谢谢了! 有的发至
2023-07-14 11:46:518

语言的力量:丘吉尔的二战演讲阅读答案 快啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOD save the Queen
2023-07-14 11:47:081


PUNK, 是兴起於1970年代的一种反摇滚的音乐力量。 PUNK在中国大陆译作"朋克"; 在台湾译作"庞克", 香港则叫作"崩"。 在西方, PUNK在字典是解(俚语)小流氓、废物、妓女、娈童、低劣的等意思 (虽然现在它的意思有了一定的改变)。 从最早由Leg McNeil於1975年创立《PUNK》杂志,之后由Sex Pistols将此音乐形成潮流距今已有25年历史了。要了解PUNK对世界及对室内空间的影响, 必先了解PUNK的意义及发展。 概述朋克(Punk),是最原始的摇滚乐—-由一个简单悦耳的主旋律和三个和弦组成。诞生于七十年代中期,一种源于六十年代车库摇滚和前朋克摇滚的简单摇滚乐。朋克乐队朋克音乐不太讲究音乐技巧,更加倾向于思想解放和反主流的尖锐立场,这种初衷在当时特定的历史背景下在英美两国都得到了积极效仿,最终形成了朋克运动。尽管朋克乐队大多惊人地相似,作品也过于单调,但许多著名的朋克乐队都有自己的显著个性特点,比如theRamones的泡泡糖流行乐、theSexPistols的Face(面容)式的强力和弦、Buzzcocks(嗡嗡鸡的)流行感觉、theClash(冲撞)的雷鬼元素、Wire(电线)的艺术试验特色等。此后朋克逐渐过渡成后朋克、新浪潮、硬核等风格,在八十年代中期,朋克运动整体陷入低潮。硬核朋克、前朋克、NewWave(新浪潮)、PostPunk(后朋克)、Synth-Pop(合成器流行乐)、Synth-Pop、PowerPop(强力流行乐)、NoWave(无浪潮)、PunkRevival(朋克复兴)等等。英国评论家Jon Savage写道,历史是由那些说“不”的人的创造的,而在1976年再没比朋克摇滚音乐的“不”更大的声音了。从开始,朋克就愤怒地站在了这种现象的的对立面。而且,象所有的摇滚种类 及其子类一样,朋克也很难说是一个完全新生的运动。Punk这个词的定义似乎不清晰,但它无所不在的重金属似的威力,无拒无束的自我表现、快乐完全的、清晰的并且总是不用经过审查的。打翻甚至包括打翻自己---朋克的精髓。朋克用简陋的音乐把他们露骨的叛逆行为提升到了哲学层次,在主观能动性和否定之否定的理论下创造了一种扭曲的责任感和边缘文化现象。嬉皮士们带着"乌托邦"式温和美好的理想主义走到了尽头,而随后的新一代则走向了截然相反的极端与其祈祷上帝,不如让上帝屈服。今天人们提到更多的是朋克摇滚的内在思想,于是他们说,"焦点访谈是朋克、尼采是朋克、鲁迅是朋克、频频死机的电脑是朋克......"扯远了,但是无论如何,朋克一直生活我们的世界里,就像我们的影子,永远如影随形。摇滚乐是在自我利用的错误意识压迫下的腐化情感,而朋克是美学上可以被认可但政治上注定失败的自相矛盾。 它独特的尝试革命性地影响了美式音乐和英式音乐的风格。朋克音乐在美国一直低调地存在,最终在80年代孕育了硬核摇滚和独立摇滚概念。而在英国,朋克摇滚则成为大众的宠儿。英国不是朋克摇滚的诞生地,它依旧是朋克音乐盛行和产生文化碰撞的地方,紧紧把持住其与美国在表达愤怒和叛逆上的不同思想。朋克被誉为“英国朋克革命急先锋”的“性枪手”乐队。紧随其后的还有:碰撞、诅咒、洛克西、亵渎神灵等等。他们的音乐风格可能不大一样,但音乐的特点却同出一辙,那就是:反叛、反叛、再反叛!反叛传统、反叛制度、反叛日渐枯燥毫无激情和意义的生活。他们的每一个人身上都带有一种强烈的革命意识,事实上,他们的目的就是要在七、八十年代平庸的欧洲大陆掀起一场深入生活的各个角落的大革命,以便在人类通向未来的旅途上添上些色彩。 朋克音乐家们的创作往往直指人类的苟且,以挑战一切既成的规则。他们用简单的和弦,表达简单的情感,用粗俗明了的语言,诉说人性的美丑。他们歌颂大麻,也歌颂上帝;他们崇尚乱交,也呼喊着要社会关注那些单亲的孩子;他们诅咒战争,却在生活中滥用暴力;他们生活靡乱,但对未来充满向往,他们在颠覆旧有的糜费文化同时也创造新的糜费。总之,同文学上的“垮掉的一代”、美术上的“ 达达主义”一样,他们代表着人类发展方向的一种可能性和多种可选择性,是人类多重矛盾集于一身的直接反映。 继而,朋克文化从舞台走向生活,他们开始在表演以外的各个层面表现他们彻底革命的决心:穿上磨出窟窿、画满骷髅和美女的牛仔装;男人们梳起酷毙了的鸡冠头,女人则把头发统统剃光,露出青色的头皮;鼻子上穿洞挂环;身上涂满靛蓝的荧光粉,似乎非得让你对他们侧目而视才满意,其实他们什么也不为,只是要以此表现他们的与众不同,表现他们的叛逆,表现他们对这个现实社会的不满罢了。如果你以为他们是为了表现自己是朋克而如此装扮,那就错了,用朋克的话来说:“我朋克所以我朋克,如果是为了让人认识到我是朋克,而把自己装扮得像朋克的话,那就一定不是真的朋克。”如今这个社会似乎什么都有假的,假冒名牌商品的;假冒警察罚款的;假冒瞎子要饭的,当然也有假冒朋克的。这些假的朋克们不断的自我标榜为朋克、自诩为斗士,“我只会三个和弦!”天知道是不是第四个和弦苦练未遂才这么说的,其实,他们骨子里不过是比俗人更加虚伪的俗人。 有假装朋克的俗人就有假装俗人的朋克,前者为满足欲望和虚荣而后者却为了满足内心和精神需要。
2023-07-14 11:47:177


God Save the Queen 楼主是不是叛国了?要去宣誓?
2023-07-14 11:47:5810


2023-07-14 11:48:263


2023-07-14 11:48:344

God Save The Queen 歌词

歌曲:God Save The Queen(中英对照)歌手:Sex PistolsGod save the queen上帝拯救女王the fascist regime法西斯政权they made you a moron他们把你变成一个笨蛋a potential H-bomb !一颗潜在的氢弹!God save the queen上帝拯救女王She ain"t no human being她不是人类there is no future in England"s dreaming在英格兰的梦想里没有未来Don"t be told what you want不要说你想要什么don"t be told what you need不要说你需要什么there"s no future no future没有未来 没有未来no future for you你没有未来God save the queen上帝拯救女王we mean it man我们是说真的we love our queen我们爱我们的女王god saves老天保佑God save the queen上帝拯救女王"cos tourists are money因为游客是金主and our figurehead is not what she seems我们的领袖不是她看上去那个样子Oh god save history噢 上帝拯救历史god save your mad parade上帝保佑你疯狂的阅兵Oh lord god have mercy噢 阁下 上帝充满仁慈all crimes are paid所有的罪恶都赎清When there"s no future当没有了未来how can there be sin如何还会有罪we"re the flowers in the dustbin我们是垃圾箱里的花儿we"re the poison in your human machine我们是你人类机器中的毒药we"re the future我们是未来your future你的未来God save the queen上帝拯救女王we mean it man我们是说真的we love our queen我们爱我们的女王god saves老天保佑God save the queen上帝拯救女王we mean it man我们是说真的there is no future in England"s dreaming在英格兰的梦想里没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来No future for you你没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来No future for me我没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来No future no future for you没有未来 你没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来
2023-07-14 11:48:421

God Save The Queen 歌词

歌曲:God Save The Queen(中英对照)歌手:Sex PistolsGod save the queen上帝拯救女王the fascist regime法西斯政权they made you a moron他们把你变成一个笨蛋a potential H-bomb !一颗潜在的氢弹!God save the queen上帝拯救女王She ain"t no human being她不是人类there is no future in England"s dreaming在英格兰的梦想里没有未来Don"t be told what you want不要说你想要什么don"t be told what you need不要说你需要什么there"s no future no future没有未来 没有未来no future for you你没有未来God save the queen上帝拯救女王we mean it man我们是说真的we love our queen我们爱我们的女王god saves老天保佑God save the queen上帝拯救女王"cos tourists are money因为游客是金主and our figurehead is not what she seems我们的领袖不是她看上去那个样子Oh god save history噢 上帝拯救历史god save your mad parade上帝保佑你疯狂的阅兵Oh lord god have mercy噢 阁下 上帝充满仁慈all crimes are paid所有的罪恶都赎清When there"s no future当没有了未来how can there be sin如何还会有罪we"re the flowers in the dustbin我们是垃圾箱里的花儿we"re the poison in your human machine我们是你人类机器中的毒药we"re the future我们是未来your future你的未来God save the queen上帝拯救女王we mean it man我们是说真的we love our queen我们爱我们的女王god saves老天保佑God save the queen上帝拯救女王we mean it man我们是说真的there is no future in England"s dreaming在英格兰的梦想里没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来No future for you你没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来No future for me我没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来No future no future for you没有未来 你没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来
2023-07-14 11:48:501

2023-07-14 11:48:573

God Save The Queen 歌词

歌曲名:God Save The Queen歌手:Paul Rodgers&Queen专辑:Return Of The ChampionsBritish National AnthemGod Save the QueenGod save our gracious Queen!Long live our noble Queen!God save the Queen!Send her victorious,Happy and glorious,Long to reign over us,God save the Queen.O Lord, our God, arise,Scatter thine (her) enemies,And make them fall:Confound their politics,Frustrate their knavish tricks,On thee our hopes we fix:God save us all.Thy choicest gifts in storeOn her be pleased to pour,Long may she reign.May she defend our laws,And ever give us cause,To sing with heart and voice,God save the Queen.
2023-07-14 11:49:051

God Save The Queen 歌词

歌曲名:God Save The Queen歌手:Sex Pistols专辑:Never Mind The Bollocks, Here Comes The Sex Pistols/SpunkGod Save The QueenGod save the queenThe fascist regimeThey made you a moronPotential H-bombGod save the queenShe ain""t no human beingThere is no futureIn England""s dreamingDon""t be told what you wantDon""t be told what you needThere""s no future, no future,No future for youGod save the queenWe mean it manWe love our queenGod savesGod save the queen""Cause tourists are moneyAnd our figureheadIs not what she seemsOh God save historyGod save your mad paradeOh Lord God have mercyAll crimes are paidWhen there""s no futureHow can there be sinWe""re the flowers in the dustbinWe""re the poison in your human machineWe""re the future, your futureGod save the queenWe mean it manWe love our queenGod savesGod save the queenWe mean it manAnd there is no futureIn England""s dreamingNo future, no future,No future for youNo future, no future,No future for meNo future, no future,No future for youNo future, no futureFor you
2023-07-14 11:49:121


GOD 上帝SAVE 拯救THE 冠词 (无意思!)如果是 The God Save 上帝拯救 就OK了
2023-07-14 11:49:204

God Save The Queen 歌词

歌曲名:God Save The Queen歌手:Sex Pistols专辑:God Save The QueenGod Save The QueenSex PistolsGod save the queenthe fascist regimethey made you a morona potential H-bomb !God save the queenShe ain"t no human beingthere is no future in England"s dreamingDon"t be told what you wantdon"t be told what you needthere"s no future no futureno future for youGod save the queenwe mean it manwe love our queengod savesGod save the queencos tourists are moneyand our figurehead is not what she seemsOh god save historygod save your mad paradeOh lord god have mercyall crimes are paidWhen there"s no futurehow can there be sinwe"re the flowers in the dustbinwe"re the poison in your human machinewe"re the futureyour futureGod save the queenwe mean it manwe love our queengod savesGod save the queenwe mean it manthere is no future in England"s dreamingNo future no futureNo future for youNo future no futureNo future for meNo future no futureNo future for youNo future no future for you
2023-07-14 11:49:271

god save the queen性手枪歌词求译

God save the Queenthe fascist regime,they made you a morona potential H-bomb.God save the Queenshe ain"t no human being.There is no futurein England"s dreamingDon"t be told what you wantDon"t be told what you need.There"s no futurethere"s no futurethere"s no future for youGod save the Queenwe mean it manwe love our queenGod savesGod save the Queen"cos tourists are moneyand our figureheadis not what she seemsOh God save historyGod save your mad paradeOh Lord God have mercyall crimes are paid.When there"s no futurehow can there be sinwe"re the flowersin the dustbinwe"re the poisonin your human machinewe"re the futureyou"re futureGod save the Queenwe mean it manwe love our queenGod savesGod save the Queenwe mean it manthere is no futurein England"s dreamingNo futureno future for youno fufure for me上帝保佑女王法西斯政权,他们让你白痴一个潜在的氢弹。上帝保佑女王她不是人类。没有未来在英格兰的梦想不要告诉你想要的不要告诉你所需要的东西。没有未来的没有未来的没有未来的你上帝保佑女王我们的意思是人我们爱我们的女王上帝救了上帝保佑女王因为游客的钱和我们的傀儡不是她似乎什么哦,上帝拯救的历史上帝拯救你的疯狂的游行哦上帝可怜所有犯罪的收入。没有未来怎么能有罪过吗我们是花朵在垃圾箱里我们是毒药在人类的机器我们的未来你的未来上帝保佑女王我们的意思是人我们爱我们的女王上帝救了上帝保佑女王我们的意思是人没有未来在英格兰的梦想没有未来为你没有未来对我来说没有fufure
2023-07-14 11:49:461

god save the queen 歌词

歌曲名:god save the queen歌手:Queen专辑:Live At Wembley 86God save our gracious Queen,Long live our noble Queen,God save the Queen:Send her victorious,Happy and glorious,Long to reign over us:God save the Queen.
2023-07-14 11:49:521

求god save the queen歌词(sex pistol的那首)

2023-07-14 11:49:592

GOD save the queen:为何不用saves?如题 谢谢了

This is called the subjunctive mood.Another example of the subjunctive mood is "God bless you!" instead of "God blesses you!" 查看原帖>>
2023-07-14 11:50:092


"Off The Boat"Garbage Kills"
2023-07-14 11:50:162


All person who have anything further to do before my lady the Queen"s Justice of Oyer and Terminer and geneal gaol delivery for the jurisdiction of the Central Criminal Court draw near and give your attendance. God Save the Queen.
2023-07-14 11:50:231


2023-07-14 11:50:301