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2023-07-14 16:31:49
TAG: 英文

要快呀!!! 我明天交了!!!!

1.沙律酱 mayonnaise 2.千岛酱 thousdand island sauce 3.花生酱 peanut butter 4.辣椒酱 chili sauce 5.蠔油 oyster sauce 6.酱油 soy sauce 7.棉花糖 marsh mallow 8.虾 shrimp 9.蟹 crab 10.叉烧 roasted pork or BBQ pork 11东星班 = Leopard coral grouper 12青班 = Green Grouper 13红鲔 = Mangrove snapper 14苏眉 = Ikan Napoleon 15龙利 = Soles 16乌头 = Grey Mullet 17西冷牛扒=Sirloin 18羊仔骨= lamb chop 19烧牛肉=roast beef 20牛扒=steak 21猪扒=pork chop 22猪肉=pork 23鸡=chicken 24鸡翼=chicken wing 25鸡腿=chicken leg 26火腿=ham 27lamp 羊 28T bone steak T骨牛扒 29sirloin beef 西冷牛扒 30sukiyaki 牛肉火锅 31sashimi 刺身 32sushi 寿司 33codfish 鳕鱼 34tuna 吞拿鱼/金枪鱼 35salmon 鲑鱼/三文鱼 36tempura 天妇罗 37eel 鳗鱼 38shrimp 小虾 39prawn 长须虾

/斑节虾 40abalone 鲍鱼 42lobster 龙虾 43turkey 火鸡 44foiegras 鹅肝 45chicken feet 凤爪 46mushroom 菇类 47lettuce 生菜 48cabbage 椰菜 49tomato 蕃茄 50eggplant 茄子/矮瓜 51egg 鸡蛋 52celery 芹菜 53onion 洋葸 54carrot 萝卜 55crab 蟹 56rosemary 迷迭香 57thyme 百里香 58parsley 芫茜 59salami 沙乐美肠 60pizza 薄饼 61 cornflakes 62 congee 63 noodles 64 burger 65 salad 66 bacon 67 omelette 68 toast 69 sandwich 70 fruit juice/coffee/tea 71 ham 7 2sausage 73 macaroni 74 bun/bread 人参果 Ciku 大树菠萝 Jack fruit 山竹 Mangosteen 木瓜 Papaya 火龙果 Pitaya 可煮食的苹果 Bramleys 西瓜 Watermelon 杏/黄梅 Apricot 杜古 Duke 芒果 Mango 奇异果/奇伟果 Kiwi fruit 油桃 Nectarine 油梨/牛油果 Avocado 芭乐 Guava 哈蜜瓜/皱皮瓜 Cantaloupe 柿子 Persimmon 柑桔 Kumquat/ citrus fruit 柑橘 Citrus/ Tangerine 柚子 Citron 红毛丹 Orangutan 红果 Crabapple 香瓜/甜瓜/洋香瓜/哈密瓜 Melon


cantaloupe 香蕉 Banana 桃子 Peach 荔枝 Leeched 草莓 Strawberry 贡梨 Chinese royal pear 梅子 Plum 梨子 Pear 枣子 Date 无花果 Fig 菠萝/凤梨 Pineapple 黄绿苹果 Golden apple 椰子 Coconut 椰果 Natal de Coco 杨桃 Star fruit 葡萄 Grape 葡萄柚/西柚 Grapefruit 榴梿 Durian 绿苹果 Granny *** ith 蜜瓜 Honeydew melon 莲雾 Jambu air 橙 Orange 龙眼 Longan 柠檬 Lemon 蓝莓 Blueberry 苹果 Apple 樱桃 Cherry

参考: 我我我

beef / bread / chicken / barley / oatmeal / rice / meet / fish / potato / tomato / egg / eggplant / peanut / almond / chestnut / crab / prawn / berry / blueberry cheese / butter / milk / cookies / cake / ice-cream / cola / juice / water / pepper / pork / motton / tea / lemon / orange / banana / apple / watermelon / mango / soybean

人参果 Ciku 大树菠萝 Jack fruit 山竹 Mangosteen 木瓜 Papaya 火龙果 Pitaya 可煮食的苹果 Bramleys 西瓜 Watermelon 杏/黄梅 Apricot 杜古 Duku 芒果 Mango 奇异果/奇伟果 Kiwi fruit 油桃 Nectarine 油梨/牛油果 Avocado 芭乐 Guava 哈蜜瓜/皱皮瓜 Cantaloupe 柿子 Persimmon 柑桔 Kumguat/ citrus fruit 柑橘 Citrus/ Tangerine 柚子 Citron 红毛丹 Ranbutan 红果 Crabapple 香瓜/甜瓜/洋香瓜/哈密瓜 Melon


cantaloupe 香蕉 Banana 桃子 Peach 荔枝 Lychee 草莓 Strawberry 贡梨 Chinese royal pear 梅子 Plum 梨子 Pear 枣子 Date 无花果 Fig 菠萝/凤梨 Pineapple 黄绿苹果 Golden apple 椰子 Coconut 椰果 Nata de Coco 杨桃 Starfruit 葡萄 Grape 葡萄柚/西柚 Grapefruit 榴梿 Durian 绿苹果 Granny *** ith 蜜瓜 Honeydew melon 莲雾 Jambu air 橙 Orange 龙眼 Longan 柠檬 Lemon 蓝莓 Blueberry 苹果 Apple 樱桃 Cherry 得咁少咋- - 揾唔到啦



2023-07-14 11:13:413


cornflakes [u02c8ku0254:nfleu026aks] n. 干玉米片, (和牛奶一起吃的) 干玉米片, 一种早点用的谷类加工食品
2023-07-14 11:14:101


cornflakes 英[u02c8ku0254:nfleu026aks] 美["ku0254rnfleks] n.脆玉米片 [例句]You go into the kitchen and pour yourself a large bowl of cornflakes. 你走进厨房,并给自己盛了一大碗玉米片.
2023-07-14 11:14:181

玉米片的单词 玉米片的单词是什么

玉米片的单词有:cornflakes。 玉米片的单词有:cornflakes。 拼音是:yù mǐ piàn。 结构是:玉(独体结构)米(独体结构)片(独体结构)。 词性是:名词。 注音是:ㄩ_ㄇ一ˇㄆ一ㄢ_。玉米片的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】玉米片yùmǐpiàn。(1)一种早餐粮谷,以去苞皮的玉米粗粉为原料,通过加水湿润,加热和辊轧将其制成片状,后来经过干燥,通常也经过烘烤。二、网络解释玉米片玉米片是一种新型快餐食品,保存时间长、便于携带,既可直接食用,又可加工成其它食品。可以与冷牛奶和酸奶混合食用,作为早餐。关于玉米片的成语昆山片玉水米无交八米卢郎数米量柴米盐博辩斗米尺布等米下锅零珠片玉关于玉米片的词语数米量柴鱼米乡水米无交桂枝片玉简丝数米八米卢郎灌米汤等米下锅山川米聚米盐博辩关于玉米片的造句1、我早餐有牛奶和糖的玉米片。2、好的,让我看一下,我要半个柚子、脆玉米片、一个煎蛋、两片吐司面包。3、例如,它可能会软化谷类作物,并导致玉米片失去咀嚼时那种令人满足的嗄吱嗄吱的声音。4、食品公司表示,一种新型玉米可能使玉米片和其他流行食品失去咀嚼时那种嗄吱嗄吱的声音。5、说"应该加强我们以的农业基础的地位人们已经不记得玉米片是由玉米做的"。点此查看更多关于玉米片的详细信息
2023-07-14 11:14:251


2023-07-14 11:14:321


ice cream 冰淇凌
2023-07-14 11:14:414

求英语作文 我最难忘的一天 带翻译的

I went to Hangzhou with my classmates and teachers last month. We took a bus to Hangzhou .Hangzhou is a beauiltful p alace.We arrived there at 10:00 on Wedn esday morning.I ate some food ,I took lo ts of pictures.We walked for a long time. We had lunch here.We watched a magic show.Yangyang fed some monkeys wit h bananas.We saw a film.And then we c ame back to school when it was 3:00.W e were a little tired ,but we were very ha ppy.We had an unforgettable holiday.
2023-07-14 11:15:423

作为早餐 英语怎么说?

for breakfast
2023-07-14 11:15:524


我的一天(My Day)Today is Sunday. It is sunny. I don"t go to school. I want go shopping. I get up at 6:30 in the morning.I have some cereal and an egg for breakfast. I go out at 8:00. The shop is near . I go there on foot. Many people are in the shop. I buy a pencil . At 12:00 I go home for lunch. I have some vegetable and meat for lunch. I read a book in the afternoon. I eat some noodles and fruit for supper. After supper, I do my homework. then I watch TV. Later, I play on the computer. I lie on my bed. I listen to the radio. I have a happy day.
2023-07-14 11:16:1112


五一劳动节英文介绍(通用8篇)   五一劳动节到了,送你五个一,愿你生活上,衣食无忧;爱情上,浓情依依;事业上,一飞冲天;健康上,身体一级棒。 以下是为大家分享的五一劳动节英文介绍,供大家参考借鉴,欢迎浏览!   五一劳动节英文介绍 篇1   51 international Labor Days call 51 sections, May 1 in every year.It is the whole world labor common festival of the people.   五一国际劳动节简称五一节,在每年的5月1日。它是全世界劳动人民的共同节日。   As for"51 causes of the section"s are such:   关于“五一节的由来”是这样的.:   This stanza comes from the worker"s big strike of American Chicago.On May 1 in 1886, Chicago of 20 in order to fight for practicing eight hours to work to make but hold the big strike, many ten thousand workerses pass by hard of bloodshed conflict, acquired the victory finally.For memorial this time the socialist that the worker"s one who exercise, July 14 in 1889, from all countries Marxist call represents the conference, Parisian solemn and impressive open in France.On the conference, attend meeting to represent the consistent approval:Common festival that May 1 settles for the international proletariat.This resolution gets the international community, the worker responds to actively.On May 1 in 1890, the working class of Euro-American all countries leads off to go into the street, holding the grand demonstration and holding a meeting, fighting for the legal rights.From now on, every time round this international community labors the people to all want the catcall, parade, to show to celebrate.   此节源于美国芝加哥的工人大罢工。1886年5月1日,芝加哥的20 多万工人为争取实行八小时工作制而举行大罢工,经过艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利。为纪念这次工人运动,1889年7月14日,由各国马克思主义者召集的社会主义者代表大会,在法国巴黎隆重开幕。大会上,与会代表一致同意:把5月1日定为国际无产阶级的共同节日。这一决议得到世界各国工人的积极响应。1890年5月1日,欧美各国的工人阶级率先走上街头,举行盛大的示威游行与集会,争取合法权益。从此,每逢这一天世界各国的劳动人民都要集会、游行,以示庆祝。   The Chinese people celebrate the activity of the Labor Day and can trace back to to 1918.Is a year, etc. of some knowledge members of revolution at Shanghai, Suzhou ground sends forth to introduce toward crowd"51" of handbill.On May 1 in 1920, worker"s crowd of etc. of Peking, Shanghai, Guangzhou city goes into the street to hold the huge parade of threatening force and hold a meeting.After new China establish, our country in December of 1949 will"51" settle for the legal Labor Day.   中国人民庆祝劳动节的活动可追溯至1918 年。是年,一些革命的知识分子在上海、苏州等地向群众散发介绍“五一”的传单。1920年5月1日,北京、上海、广州等城市的工人群众走上街头举行了声势浩大的游行、集会。新中国成立后,我国于1949 年12月将“五一”定为法定的劳动节。   "51" night before lasts of 1921, the long and hot store labor extension school that summer waits for someone to establish in the communism group of Peking member 邓 in, the workers learn to sing 《 51 memorial songs 》 .Its lyrics is: "The beautiful freedom, the star of world, puts together me red-blooded, sacrifice for him, want to sweep away the force system everything clean, remember the beautiful day of May first.The red flag dance in the wind, walk bright road, each exhausted ability, each take need, don"t divide the rich and poor high or low, responsibility only mutual aid, wish hard everyone is together enterprising." This stalwart and emollient song, from grow the teacher of the hot store labor practice school and University of Peking to progress the student to create the plait but become together.   1921年“五一”前夕,在北京的共产主义小组成员邓中夏等人创办的长辛店劳动补习学校里,工人们学唱《五一纪念歌》。其歌词是:“美哉自由,世界明星,拼吾热血,为他牺牲,要把强权制度一切扫除净,记取五月一日之良辰。红旗飞舞,走光明路,各尽所能,各取所需,不分贫富贵贱,责任唯互助,愿大家努力齐进取。”这首雄壮有力的歌,是由长辛店劳动实习学校的教员和北京大学的进步学生共同创编而成的。   五一劳动节英文介绍 篇2   More than 100 years after the first Labor Day observance, there is still some doubt as to who first proposed the holiday for workers.   Some records show that Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a cofounder of the American Federation of Labor, was first in suggesting a day to honor those "who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold."   But Peter McGuire"s place in Labor Day history has not gone unchallenged. Many believe that Matthew Maguire, a machinist, not Peter McGuire, founded the holiday. Recent research seems to support the contention that Matthew Maguire, later the secretary of Local 344 of the International Association of Machinists in Paterson, N.J., proposed the holiday in 1882 while serving as secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York. What is clear is that the Central Labor Union adopted a Labor Day proposal and appointed a committee to plan a demonstration and picnic.   The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, in accordance with the plans of the Central Labor Union. The Central Labor Union held its second Labor Day holiday just a year later, on September 5,1883.   In 1884 the first Monday in September was selected as the holiday, as originally proposed, and the Central Labor Union urged similar organizations in other cities to follow the example of New York and celebrate a "workingmen"s holiday" on that date. The idea spread with the growth of labor organizations, and in 1885 Labor Day was celebrated in many industrial centers of the country.   Labor"s Day is on May 1st. Labor"s Day is an international day for workers. Working is glorious, and we should respect workers. The Labor"s Day is workers" holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart"s content. Many people choose to travel. And some others will go to the cinema. Some will go to parks. And others will stay at home.   五一劳动节英文介绍 篇3   Hello, today is May Day. Our family went shopping. We bought, lollipops, ice creams, cornflakes, toasts, butter, orange, milk and rolls. And my mother bought toys for me. Such as: train, ball, balloon, car, doll, plane and skateboard. After that we went to zoo. I saw rabbit, tigers, snails, and lions, hamsters, budgies and zebras. My sister asked me “what do your like?” I answered “I like skipping rope. That"s very nice.” She said “Here is you prize, Sunny!” “Oh, thank you! I love it!” I shouted. We sat under a tree. After lunch we drank some milk.   Today I was very happy!   五一劳动节英文介绍 篇4   I had a great time throughout my May Day Holiday.   On Monday, I went BBQ with my classmates who threw a celebration party at our middle school principle"s flat. Our parents were invited to the party. Everybody was excited about the holiday. I ate lots of delicious food at that time.   On Tuesday, I went visiting my uncle"s family with my parents. We went to celebrate our good time at a fancy restaurant in Shanghai. Later that day, we sang karaoke in my uncle"s house. We stayed for the night.   On Wednesday, I went shopping with my cousins. We bought some brand name t-shirts and pants. In the afternoon, my cousins gave me a fun ride on the city highway. They also taught me how to drive their fancy car, so I tried to do some turning and parking. It was not easy first. But I learnt quick.   五一劳动节英文介绍 篇5   Today is May Day. My mother father and me went to park to have picnic, and visited my grandma and grandpa.   In the morning at nine o"clock, we went to park for picnic, we took juice, cornflakes, apples, oranges, lollipops, bananas, ice creams, mangoes , and so on. I also took toys, such as doll, ball, balloon, skateboard and a kite.   In the afternoon at two o"clock, we went to visit my grandma and grandpa. I helped grandpa to do some house work. My sister and me played skateboard and doll. At eight o"clock we went home, and played computer games for two hours and then went to bed.   Today I am very happy!   五一劳动节英文介绍 篇6   The expectant Labor Day arrived at finally,we cantake a break finally. The seldom several days holidays, I want to play a fully enjoy.   The first day, I am going to Yiwu. I by train, Setout from Shanghai, by way of Jiaxing and Hangzhou. The scenery in the journey is very beautiful, There is many hills, But not how many waters, My happpy mood did not therefore suffer the influence, Because I am not to like the water very much, Especially big river.   Keep in mind the strange and pleased mood, I arrived Yiwu. The many people says, Yiwu become famous because of small merchandise, I approve very much now, However the night that I like it. I live the neighborhood in hills, Air is very good, But there is a lot of insectual. The sunlight is very strong there sevral days, Usually in the daytime of time, I sleeping in house, The nightfall go to play. Very quick a week passde by.   The holidays be over, I felt not how happy, But I hope that I can to breathe the air on the hills again. Expect the labor day of the next year.   五一劳动节英文介绍 篇7   Today is May Day. My mother father and me went to park to have a picnic, and then visited my grandma and grandpa.   In the morning at nine o"clock, we went to park for picnic, we took juice, cornflakes, apples, oranges, lollipops, bananas, ice creams, mangoes, and so on. I also took toys, such as doll, ball, balloon, skateboard and a kite.   In the afternoon at two o"clock, we went to visit grandma and grandpa. I helped grandpa to do some house work. My sister and me played skateboard and doll. At eight o"clock we went home, and played computer games for two hours and then went to bed.   五一劳动节英文介绍 篇8   A wind and the calendar of the afternoon, me and my mother, cousin and the cousin yo dog to clean air, scenic Geleshan play. Small colorful flowers to welcome our arrival with a smile; Xiaocaohu their small head out and waved to us. We enjoy the beautiful scenery while hiking.   Along the way, yo dog to hop to hop from time to time naughty and jumped into the water hole, the others have a muddy splash. We came to a rock and saw the beautiful, fragrant honeysuckle fill the fields. Cousin cousin and I could not wait to pick up the pick pocket honeysuckle. Pick a pick, and I was honeysuckle mixed with a bit of rattan, the foot-slip, fall down on. If my hand tightly grasped the honeysuckle vines and perhaps on to pieces of it. End mining flowers, the mother asked us: "Do you know what the benefits of honeysuckle it?" Cousin said: "Honeysuckle is Shannon." Cousin said: "Honeysuckle Qingre, Reduce Pathogenic Fire." I said : "Honeysuckle can also be down summer heat." her mother said: "You are right, but the best place honeysuckle is native, does not appreciate other people"s live."   After the play, I not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also to understand the truth in life. Ah really gain a lot. ;
2023-07-14 11:16:381


2023-07-14 11:16:5111


关于五一劳动节的英语日记(精选11篇)   有趣的一天又要结束了,想必大家都学习了不少新知识,立即行动起来写一篇日记吧。怎样写日记才更能吸引眼球呢?下面是我为大家收集的关于五一劳动节的英语日记(精选11篇),欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。   五一劳动节的英语日记1   today is labor day i wanted sleepy of the problems may depend on how in bed together after a while do not want to mother and father ran hastily from which my father said he shan and i want your mother to buy a big market guangcai furniture at home idle you nothing you do for a long time on the work you did not clean your room on ah finished cleaning your room left.   fathers work, then how can pyronaridine i do not sound lazy to climb up to wash clothes brush it started cleaning the garbage i have to say about a good clean-up to blame the sorry though i am a girl but the room was indeed a public in fact, the landfill vice table i put things out of the room to have a short while into the living room sofa table are filled with things i used then i put the cloth to clean the table a second time to i have lived for half a table wiping the sweat as well as silk, such as rain fell like a short while, after all, summer is coming so hot on my hand wiped sweat not continue to the table that i am now seriously discredited it so the every corner of the floor had become dirty clean call me a bum sitting on the bed followed by breathing only clean up the garbage on the line out of the room worked hard in my finally clean.   although i am very tired but neat room, i watched very happy!   五一劳动节的英语日记2   At once, the "May Day" is to be reached. At last, we can relax a lot, and pick up the disorderly mood after the failure of the mid-term examination, and meet the coming "May 1" with a full posture.   In the face of the upcoming May Day holiday, I have many plans in my mind, for example, I intend to read books in the bookstore in this "May Day" holiday, or watch the TV for a day at home. However, when the "may" is really about to come, there is no serious plan in the heart how to pass this "may one" small long holiday, unwittingly feeling a little anxiety, a little confused, always feel that it should do something meaningful.   High school life, tension and excitement, the competition was so fierce, "one careless loser". I really hope to borrow this "may one" long holiday to relax my nerve, but the teacher said: "the first is an important stage, the relationship with the second division, this final event can not relax." Alas, tangled... I dont know what to do.   I really hope that "May 1" will come quickly so that I can go home early and get together with my family earlier. Anyway, in the "May Day" holiday, I will not have a trace of relaxation and slack on school. After all, as a student, learning is the most important thing, and only after learning, I can have a mood to play.   "May 1" I love and fear you!   五一劳动节的英语日记3   We are happy to welcome the five long vacation, in this small holiday, my schedule is full of activities, every day.   May 1: I went to guanqian street with my mother, what are you doing in the front street? Is, of course, pick up from the mothers colleagues, aunt South Korea South Korea snacks, although I also went to South Korea, but there is no play completely, Korea snacks to eat, so into the aunt help me to take this opportunity to get from South Korea bring something to eat, Im really very grateful to the aunt!   May 2: on the evening of May 1, our family returned to the west hill. My brother and I played very happy, and he was very happy to play. I also saw the baby sister, who was just over five months old, so cute! Face powder tender, cant help to touch a hand, unfortunately only played a day to go back to suzhou, because still have homework.   On May 3: review your lessons at home, and my sister together to write papers, two people together to write a lot of homework, usually someone who didnt write so much homework, but my sister came, sometimes also want to "show off" yourself, so he wrote many papers.   During this long holiday, I had to live every day as if it was time.   五一劳动节的英语日记4   今天是五一劳动节,爸爸妈妈和我准备来一次大扫除。   Today is may day. Mom and dad and I are going to have a big cleaning.   我们准备好清洁用具,有畚箕、扫帚、抹布等。开始大扫除了,第一项任务就是整理房间和杂物,我们把书柜里的书全拿出来,把它们归好类,依次放入书柜,呵,书柜比原来整洁多了。   We have prepared cleaning tools, such as dustpan, broom, duster, etc. The first task is to clean up the room and sundries. We take out all the books in the bookcase, classify them and put them in the bookcase in turn. Oh, the bookcase is much cleaner than before.   第二项任务是扫地和拖地。我拿起扫帚,认认真真地扫起来,再小心翼翼地扫进畚箕里。干活不能半途而废,我立刻拿起拖把,将地板拖得干干净净。   The second task is sweeping and mopping the floor. I picked up the broom, swept it conscientiously, and then carefully swept it into the dustpan. I cant stop working. Ill pick up the mop and mop the floor clean.   干完活,我们都已满头大汗,可家里却一干二净了。   After finishing the work, we were all sweating, but our family was clean.   五一劳动节的英语日记5   Finally, I hope for the May 1 International Labor Day, because dad said he would take me to the botanical garden.   But in the morning I just woke up and heard outside the "patter" rains. It does not rain, as early as late or not, and specifically against me, I was very annoyed, sitting on the bed sulking.   My father worked outside and usually went home only on weekends, so he always kept me. He knew I was a kitten and said, "I havent smell fish for a long time, dont want to eat fish?" I said, "good fish, good taste, only Tianyuan restaurant is good."   My father and I were walking in the street. My face was like a heaving, heavy rain. It hit my arm, and it was chilly and trembling from time to time. Dad saw it, and hurriedly put his suit on my body. I felt a little warmer. Dad laughed at me. I grudgingly rushed to my dad and laughed. My face began to clear up from the shade.   Tianyuan restaurant finally arrived, and dad asked how much the fish cost. The waiter said, "45 yuan", though it was very expensive, dad didnt hesitate to pay the bill. When Dad had a chance to talk to the boss, "business is good! Even my kids know your name here!" the boss laughed and said, "doing business is a real price." Its such a heavy rain that you can also buy fish, which means that you really have a heart. The boss said to the busy chef, "do the fish well" may be the boss is happy, the last boss only takes us forty yuan. We walked back happily, and dad kept shaking all the way, but he kept laughing at me.   Back home, my mother was ready for the battle. I ate the fish in the wind, the rain, and the hard to buy. I felt it was more beautiful than any time. Finally, the fish soup was eliminated by our family. We spent a wonderful and memorable "May 1 International Labor Day".   五一劳动节的英语日记6   I spent this holiday very quick, on the 1st may, we went to the zoo, there were crowded there, so many travelers coming from all over the country to have some fun during the holidays.   On 2nd may, i visited my relatives with my parents, we had a great lunch together, the resturant were crowded as well.on 3rd may, we went to shopping in the mall, after the shopping we went to watch a new movie.   All the other days lefti didnt go anywhere, no only becasue i still have some homework,but also there were almost all crowded in everywhere!   我很快度过了这个假期,5月1日,我们去了动物园,那里很拥挤,有那么多来自全国各地的游客在假期里玩得很开心。   5月2日,我和父母去探望亲戚,一起吃了顿丰盛的午餐,餐厅也很拥挤。5月3日,我们去购物中心购物,购物后去看一部新电影。剩下的日子我哪儿也没去,不仅因为我还有一些作业,而且几乎到处都是人!   五一劳动节的英语日记7   今天是五一劳动节,我和爸爸、妈妈一起去看望外公、外婆。   Today is may day. My father and mother went to see my grandparents.   一路上,爸爸开车,妈妈给我讲故事、猜谜语,有时又和妈妈一起看看车外美丽的风景,心情特别舒畅。一眨眼就到了外婆家,看见外婆在家门口笑盈盈地迎接我们,外公正在家门前的菜园里忙碌着。我大声叫着:“外公!今天是五一劳动节,我给您评个劳模吧!”外公听了乐呵呵!   Along the way, my father drove, and my mother told me stories and riddles. Sometimes I saw the beautiful scenery outside the car with my mother. I was very happy. In the twinkling of an eye, I arrived at my grandmothers house and saw my grandmother greeting us with a smile. My grandfather was busy in the garden in front of my house. I called out, "grandfather! Today is may day. Let me give you a model worker My grandfather was very happy!   外公退休后还是很勤劳,菜园里种着各种各样的`蔬菜。蔬菜饿了外公就给它们施肥,渴了就给他们浇水,长虫了就给它们捉虫,它们长得十分可爱。外公家一年四季都有吃不完的.新鲜可口的蔬菜,都是绿色食。   My grandfather is still very hard-working after his retirement. There are all kinds of vegetables in the garden. When the vegetables are hungry, my grandfather will fertilize them, when they are thirsty, they will be watered, and if the insects grow, they will catch them. They are very lovely. My grandfathers house has endless fresh and delicious vegetables all year round, all of which are green food.   吃中饭的时候,我们高兴地和外公一起唱起了《劳动最光荣》。我也要向外公学习,从小做个爱劳动的好孩子。   When we had lunch, we happily sang the most glorious work with my grandfather. I also want to learn from my grandfather and be a good child who loves labor.   五一劳动节的英语日记8   On May 1, labor day, mom and dad went to work overtime. I lay in my bed and thought, "Labor Day is labor day," well, clean up.   Make up your mind and get up to work! I washed the rag, moved a stool and walked along, and cleaned all the wardrobes in the house from top to bottom. In a moment, my forehead had exuded a fine sweat, and the wardrobe was shining, and they seemed to be laughing.   That strange to feel shy, I am a girl, I was always absent-minded, I learn to go out of order. Usually my mother helps me to clean up. Today I will show my skills. I put the books on the desk first on the bookshelf, then put other things on the tea table, then I cleaned the desk with a rag, and arranged the learning items like the pen and the pencil sharpener. At this time, clean learning seemed to be smiling at me.   I started to drag the floor. The appearance of the floor makes me heartache. Its weird that I dont pay attention to every time I move on the bench, it will be scarred. I carefully gently wipe it with a broom, "face" on the floor originally Cang a more glorious. I picked up the mop, a first and a swiftly sweep away the millions of enemy troops! Hey, the floor looked at me, too.   The room was finally clean and bright under my struggling efforts. I am very tired but very happy. This is the magic of labor. I laughed happily.   五一劳动节的英语日记9   Today is really a sunny day,I have been planing to make an excursion in the afternoon since yesterday evening. Hiking are too tiresome,so my sister said,she want to take us to Zhuhai City,that precise place maybe called Central Valley.   Furthermore,we talked about tonights movie, we will see the movie spiderman,a very famous American thriller in Hollywood.   Moreover,I will take my girlfriend to buy some bait for the holidays fishing day, I remember it should be on 3rd or 4th,   I am so sorry to tell you ,I could not tell what I have promised to my friends in the laboursday, I am really a forgettable guy,maybe two more three days later, some of my friends will visit me or they will give me a buzz for a badminton game.   For memorizing all the happy hour, I write this article for a happy note for today, 1st,May.   Send all my best wishes to my friends.   Sincerely yours!   五一劳动节的英语日记10   Today is labor day, I decide to do some housework.   When I eat, I say, "Mom, Ill do some housework for you after dinner." Mother nodded. After dinner, I asked my mother: what do I have to do? Mom said, "sweep the floor first and then sweep the floor clean." So I looked for a broom to start cleaning the room seriously. I soon to sweep over, picked up a mop, mop wrung water first began to mop the floor. I dragged a, tired sweating, or reluctant to rest, continue to work hard. At last, the room was clean and shiny. Mother boasts that I am a labor - loving child.   I watched my work and smiled happily. I want to do more housework for adults. Be a good boy who loves to work.   五一劳动节的英语日记11   May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor"s Day. My mother said to me :“Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let"s go to park,” So my mother, my classmate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. It"s colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful.   In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on.   May Day is my favorite day! ;
2023-07-14 11:17:531


2023-07-14 11:18:596


我的每一天都过得很精彩,给你用英语描写一下我的其中的一天吧。下面我整理了我的一天英语作文,供你参考! 我的一天英语作文 I always get up early in the morning.I usually have my breakfast at half past six.I leave home half an hour later.I"m never late for school.There are many classes in the morning.At a quarter past twelveI have lunch.SometimesI"m not so busy in the afternoon.After school I have dinner with my family.After I finish my homework I often play some games with my family.Only then will I to relax. Although this is a busy day but I feel full and satisfied. 我总是在早晨早起。我通常六点半吃早餐。我半小时后离开家里。我上学从来不迟到。早上有很多类。在过去十二个四分之一我吃午饭。有时候下午我不太忙。放学后我和我的家人一起吃晚饭。我完成我的作业后我经常和我的家人玩一些游戏。只有这样我放松。 尽管这是一个忙碌的一天但我感到完整和满足。 我的一天 Today is Sunday. It is sunny. I don"t go to school. I want to go shopping. I get up at 6:30 in the morning.I have some cereal and an egg for breakfast. I go out at 8:00. The shop is nearly . I go there on foot. Many people are in the shop. I buy a pencil . At 12:00 I go home for lunch. I have some vegetable and meat for lunch. I read a book in the afternoon. I eat some noodles and fruit for supper. After supper, I do my homework. then I watch TV. Later, I play on the computer. I lie on my bed. I listen to the radio. I have a happy day. 今天是星期天,阳光普照。我没有去上学,我想去购物。我早上6:30起床,我早餐喝了一碗粥和一个鸡蛋。我8:00步行出发 。商店就在附近。有许多人都在店内。我买了一支铅笔。12:00我回家吃午饭。午餐我吃了一些蔬菜和肉类的。下午我读了一本书。我晚饭吃的是面条,附加一些水果。晚饭后,我做功课,然后去看电视。后来,我又上网一阵。上床后,我听着收音机,不知不觉就睡着了。好快乐的一天呀。 作文我的一天 May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor"s Day. My mother said to me :“Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let"s go to park,” So my mother, my classmate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. It"s colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful. In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on. May Day is my favorite day!
2023-07-14 11:19:161


2023-07-14 11:19:242


egg 鸡蛋 banana 香蕉 orange 橙子 strawberry 草莓 tofu 豆腐 beef 牛肉 peanut 花生 cherry 樱桃 chestnut 栗子 ice-cream 冰淇淋 sugar 糖 sweet 甜食 sour 酸食 bitter 苦食 snack 点心 steak 牛排 apple 苹果 beans 豆子 jam 果酱 juice 果汁 chocolate 巧克力 sandwich 三明治 hamburger 汉堡 broth (肉,鱼或蔬菜)汤 pasta 意大利面 garlic 大蒜 red sauce 红色调味汁 milk 牛奶 celery 芹菜 apple 苹果 raisins 葡萄干 beer 啤酒 whitefish 白鲑鱼 herring 青鱼,鲱鱼 wine 酒 foil 锡 redfish 红鲑鱼 shrimps虾 scallops 扇贝 crab 螃蟹 bananas 香蕉 cognac 法国白兰地 sorrel 酸模(从字典上查的) sage 鼠尾草 mussels 贻贝(其实就是海虹啦) artichoke 朝鲜蓟,洋蓟 squid 鱿鱼 canned corn 罐装玉米粒 rice garnish 米饭 horseradish 辣根 asparagus 芦笋 cabbage 卷心菜 rice 大米 zucchini 西葫芦,茭瓜 broccoli 西兰花 ginger root 生姜 yogurt 酸奶 squash 长型南瓜 feta 羊乳酪 eggplants 茄子 spinach 菠菜 white sauce 白调味汁 pumpkin 圆型南瓜 seaweed 海藻 tofu豆腐 wrappers 面皮 bok choy 小白菜 soy sauce 酱油 coconut milk 椰子奶 mango芒果 avocado 鳄梨 6 LEON"S PARISIAN PALACE red caviar 红鱼子酱 anchovies 凤尾鱼 snails 蜗牛 parsley 西芹 cauliflower 菜花 green chilis 绿辣椒
2023-07-14 11:19:311


2023-07-14 11:19:412

Corn Flakes的几种吃法?

2023-07-14 11:19:481


Itu2019s nine ou2019clock in the evening. The family are at home. Jimu2019s father is sitting in a chair. Heu2019s watching TV. His mother is standing near the window. Sheu2019s giving some food to Polly. Polly says, “Thanks! Thanks!” Whereu2019s Jim? Oh, heu2019s behind the door. Kate is looking for him. They are playing games. Because they have no homework on Sunday evening.
2023-07-14 11:20:163


cornflakes_百度翻译cornflakes [英]u02c8ku0254:nfleu026aks [美]u02c8ku0254:rnfleu026aks n. 脆玉米片 [例句]Alarmingly for , say , kellogg "s or heinz , lots have discovered that tesco "s cornflakes and wal-mart "s baked beans taste no worse.比方说,凯洛格和亨氏的情况令人担忧,人们还发现乐购的玉米片和沃尔玛的烤豆味道差不多。Alarmingly for, say, kellogg"s or heinz, lots have discovered that tesco"s cornflakes and wal-mart"s baked beans taste no worse. 比方说,凯洛格和亨氏的情况令人担忧,人们还发现乐购的玉米片和沃尔玛的烤豆味道差不多。2.At the other end of the scale are most fruits and vegetables, as well as vegetable soups, low-fat yoghurt, baked beans, baked potatoes and cornflakes. 膳食表最低端有很多水果和蔬菜,如蔬菜汤,低脂酸奶,烤豆,烤土豆和玉米片。3.Professor rennie said "we studied our subjects first-before breakfast-and then after givingthem a small amount of insulin to raise the hormone to what they would be if they had eatenbreakfast, of a bowl of cornflakes or a croissant." 兰尼教授表示:“我们首先在测试者吃早饭之前搜集了数据,然后给他们注入少量胰岛素以提升激素水平,达到吃一碗玉米片或者一个牛角面包的效果。”
2023-07-14 11:20:342


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2023-07-14 11:21:0912


cornflakes["ku0254:nfleiks】 n.脆玉米片 名词cornflake的复数形式
2023-07-14 11:22:071

玉米片的意思 玉米片的意思是什么

玉米片的词语解释是:玉米片yùmǐpiàn。(1)一种早餐粮谷,以去苞皮的玉米粗粉为原料,通过加水湿润,加热和辊轧将其制成片状,后来经过干燥,通常也经过烘烤。 玉米片的词语解释是:玉米片yùmǐpiàn。(1)一种早餐粮谷,以去苞皮的玉米粗粉为原料,通过加水湿润,加热和辊轧将其制成片状,后来经过干燥,通常也经过烘烤。 词性是:名词。 结构是:玉(独体结构)米(独体结构)片(独体结构)。 拼音是:yù mǐ piàn。 注音是:ㄩ_ㄇ一ˇㄆ一ㄢ_。玉米片的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、网络解释【点此查看计划详细内容】玉米片玉米片是一种新型快餐食品,保存时间长、便于携带,既可直接食用,又可加工成其它食品。可以与冷牛奶和酸奶混合食用,作为早餐。关于玉米片的单词cornflakes关于玉米片的成语斗米尺布数米量柴八米卢郎水米无交米盐博辩零珠片玉昆山片玉等米下锅关于玉米片的词语山川米聚灌米汤简丝数米数米量柴水米无交零珠片玉桂枝片玉米盐博辩等米下锅昆山片玉关于玉米片的造句1、好的,让我看一下,我要半个柚子、脆玉米片、一个煎蛋、两片吐司面包。2、例如,它可能会软化谷类作物,并导致玉米片失去咀嚼时那种令人满足的嗄吱嗄吱的声音。3、我早餐有牛奶和糖的玉米片。4、食品公司表示,一种新型玉米可能使玉米片和其他流行食品失去咀嚼时那种嗄吱嗄吱的声音。5、四岁的时候未经母亲许可把玉米片倒到碗里面。点此查看更多关于玉米片的详细信息
2023-07-14 11:22:151


2023-07-14 11:22:381


Today is MayDay.Mymother,myfatherandIwenttoaparktohaveapicnic,At9o"clockinthemorning,wewenttotheparkforpicnic,wetookjuice,cornflakes,apples,oranges,lollipops,bananas,icecreams,mangoes,andsoon.Ialsotooktoys,suchasdoll,ball,balloon,skateboardandakite.At2o"clockintheafternoon,wewenttovisitmygrandmaandgrandpa.Ihelpedthemdosomehousework.Mysisterplayedskateboardanddollwithme.Ateightou2019clockwewenthome,andplayedcomputergamesfortwohoursandthenwenttobed.TodayIu2019mveryhappy!
2023-07-14 11:22:471


真正想了解 去买本历史书看看吧。。
2023-07-14 11:22:574


Today is May Day. My mother father and me went to park to have a picnic, and then visited my grandma and grandpa.We got up at 6:00 and had our breakfast at 6:30 in the morning. At 9:00, we went to park for picnic, we took juice, cornflakes, apples, oranges, lollipops, bananas, ice creams, mangoes, and so on. I also took toys, such as doll, ball, balloon, skateboard and a kite. In the afternoon at 14:00, we went to visit my grandma and grandpa. I helped grandpa to do some house work. My sister and me played skateboard and doll. At 20:00 we went home, and played computer games for two hours and then went to bed.Today Iu2019m very happy!
2023-07-14 11:23:061


 May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor"s Day. My mother said to me:"Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let"s go to park,"So my mother, my classmate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. It"s colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful.  In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on.  May Day is my favorite day!
2023-07-14 11:23:131

玉米的诗句 玉米的诗句是什么

玉米的诗句有:桂薪玉米转煎熬,可爱的侧面像玉米和群星的珠串不在闪耀有些人疲倦了。 玉米的诗句有:桂薪玉米转煎熬,可爱的侧面像玉米和群星的珠串不在闪耀有些人疲倦了。 注音是:ㄩ_ㄇ一ˇ。 拼音是:yù mǐ。 词性是:名词。 结构是:玉(独体结构)米(独体结构)。玉米的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】玉米yùmǐ。(1)玉蜀黍的俗名。二、引证解释⒈玉蜀黍的俗名。引孙锦标《通俗常言疏证·植物》:“《海门物志》米之有甲者,一名蜀黍。蜀粟音近,《本草》谓之玉蜀黍,今俗称玉米。”郭沫若《洪波曲》第十章五:“午后政工大队送来煮玉米,大喜过望,分享之。”三、国语词典玉蜀黍的别名。参见「玉蜀黍」条。词语翻译英语corn,maize,CL:德语Mais(S)_法语ma_s四、网络解释玉米(禾本科玉米属植物)玉米(拉丁学名:ZeamaysL.)是禾本科玉蜀黍属一年生草本植物。别名:玉蜀黍、棒子、包谷、包米、包粟、玉茭、苞米、珍珠米、苞芦、大芦粟,东北辽宁话称珍珠粒,潮州话称薏米仁,粤语称为粟米,闽南语称作番麦。玉米是一年生雌雄同株异花授粉植物,植株高大,茎强壮,是重要的粮食作物和饲料作物,也是全世界总产量最高的农作物,其种植面积和总产量仅次于水稻和小麦。玉米一直都被誉为长寿食品,含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、维生素、微量元素、纤维素等,具有开发高营养、高生物学功能食品的巨大潜力。但由于其遗传性较为复杂,变异种类丰富,在常规的育种过程中存在着周期过长、变异系数过大、影响子代生长发育的缺点,而现代生物育种技术不但克服了上述缺点和不足,同时也提高了育种速度和质量。玉米味道香甜,可做各式菜肴,如玉米烙、玉米汁等,它也是工业酒精和烧酒的主要原料。2018年8月,财政部、农业农村部、银保监会印发通知,将玉米作物制种纳入中央财政农业保险保险费补贴目录。关于玉米的近义词苞米关于玉米的诗词《感怀·桂薪玉米转煎熬》《玉米》《红玉米》关于玉米的单词silkmaizeChinese cornmayscornflakescorn oilmealiecorn关于玉米的成语数米量柴米珠薪桂粒米狼戾八米卢郎十米九糠水米无交吹糠见米等米下锅凌杂米盐米盐博辩关于玉米的词语米珠薪桂水米无交等米下锅灌米汤八米卢郎数米量柴斗米尺布吹糠见米简丝数米米盐博辩关于玉米的造句1、这儿的玉米常年亩产千斤,遇到丰年还要增产。2、盛夏,妈妈在玉米地里锄草,汗水顺着她的脖子直往下淌。3、他把那些玉米秆子捆扎在一起。4、随着噼啪的爆裂声,金黄色的玉米粒变成了雪白的米花。5、房顶上黄澄澄的玉米棒子,在阳光、白雪映衬下闪闪发着金光。点此查看更多关于玉米的详细信息
2023-07-14 11:23:391

典范英语6 12玉米片硬币 梗概

2023-07-14 11:23:451


In Britain, the traditional "English breakfast" often includes bacon, fried eggs, fried sausages, fried mushrooms, fried tomatoes, fried bread (or perhaps toast) and even baked beans. Some British people eat porridge for breakfast, but while the English make it with milk and put sugar or honey on it, in Scotland they traditionally make it with water and a pinch of salt. Modern Brits tend to eat cereals -- cornflakes, for example -- and maybe toast and orange marmelade.But go just across the English Channel to France, and there they start their day with a bowl of coffee (hot chocolate for the children) and fresh croissants. Over the border in Germany, it"s bread rolls with a selection of cheeses and cold meats -- at least, that"s the way it is in the country: in the city it"s just as likely to be cornflakes. Some city-dwelling Germans have what they call "a French breakfast", which is a cup of coffee and a cigarette (not a very healthy start to the day). What do the Chinese eat for breakfast? This isn"t a question that"s likely to arise in the average cooking class. Like dessert, we don"t tend to think of breakfast in connection with Chinese cooking. And the truth is that many westerners would be reluctant to try it. While we think of rice as belonging at the dinner table, in many parts of China this nutritious staple is consumed three times daily, including for breakfast.Nonetheless, there"s more similarity between a Chinese and western breakfast than it would first appear. Many Chinese begin their day with a warm bowl of congee, a watery rice gruel that bears a marked resemblance to porridge. But while even the most devoted fan of porridge would probably balk at being forced to consume the white stuff day after day, the variety of seasonings used to make congee ensure that it need not ever become boring. Congee can be sweet or savory; seasoned with everything from chicken to mushrooms. Often, the meat is marinated before being added to the rice.The word congee (also known as jook in Canton) comes from the Indian "kanji", which refers to the water in which the rice has been boiled. (In parts of India today the word congee still refers both to the boiled water and the rice dish itself). In Chinese Food, Kenneth Lo notes that congee serves two purposes - besides warming the body, it takes the place of a beverage, as the Chinese don"t normally serve cold drinks.
2023-07-14 11:23:541

玉米的造句 玉米的造句是什么

玉米的造句有:盛夏,妈妈在玉米地里锄草,汗水顺着她的脖子直往下淌。随着噼啪的爆裂声,金黄色的玉米粒变成了雪白的米花。 玉米的造句有:由于施用了肥田粉,玉米产量大幅度提高。随着噼啪的爆裂声,金黄色的玉米粒变成了雪白的米花。 拼音是:yù mǐ。 结构是:玉(独体结构)米(独体结构)。 注音是:ㄩ_ㄇ一ˇ。 词性是:名词。玉米的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】玉米yùmǐ。(1)玉蜀黍的俗名。二、引证解释⒈玉蜀黍的俗名。引孙锦标《通俗常言疏证·植物》:“《海门物志》米之有甲者,一名蜀黍。蜀粟音近,《本草》谓之玉蜀黍,今俗称玉米。”郭沫若《洪波曲》第十章五:“午后政工大队送来煮玉米,大喜过望,分享之。”三、国语词典玉蜀黍的别名。参见「玉蜀黍」条。词语翻译英语corn,maize,CL:德语Mais(S)_法语ma_s四、网络解释玉米(禾本科玉米属植物)玉米(拉丁学名:ZeamaysL.)是禾本科玉蜀黍属一年生草本植物。别名:玉蜀黍、棒子、包谷、包米、包粟、玉茭、苞米、珍珠米、苞芦、大芦粟,东北辽宁话称珍珠粒,潮州话称薏米仁,粤语称为粟米,闽南语称作番麦。玉米是一年生雌雄同株异花授粉植物,植株高大,茎强壮,是重要的粮食作物和饲料作物,也是全世界总产量最高的农作物,其种植面积和总产量仅次于水稻和小麦。玉米一直都被誉为长寿食品,含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、维生素、微量元素、纤维素等,具有开发高营养、高生物学功能食品的巨大潜力。但由于其遗传性较为复杂,变异种类丰富,在常规的育种过程中存在着周期过长、变异系数过大、影响子代生长发育的缺点,而现代生物育种技术不但克服了上述缺点和不足,同时也提高了育种速度和质量。玉米味道香甜,可做各式菜肴,如玉米烙、玉米汁等,它也是工业酒精和烧酒的主要原料。2018年8月,财政部、农业农村部、银保监会印发通知,将玉米作物制种纳入中央财政农业保险保险费补贴目录。关于玉米的近义词苞米关于玉米的诗词《感怀·桂薪玉米转煎熬》《玉米》《红玉米》关于玉米的诗句长与乔松燕玉米面房可爱的侧面像玉米和群星的珠串不在闪耀有些人疲倦了绿的透明我相信歌声在最新鲜的玉米地里种子关于玉米的单词mealiemaizecorn oilmayssilkcornChinese corncornflakes关于玉米的成语水米无交米珠薪桂斗米尺布八米卢郎粒米狼戾十米九糠数米量柴米盐博辩凌杂米盐吹糠见米关于玉米的词语等米下锅山川米聚灌米汤凌杂米盐水米无交米盐博辩十米九糠米珠薪桂鱼米乡数米量柴点此查看更多关于玉米的详细信息
2023-07-14 11:24:011


2023-07-14 11:24:092


Today is May Day. My grand-mother, grand-father, uncle, aunt, sister and brother came to my home, we enjoyed the festival together. We ate hot-dogs, hamburgers, cornflakes and rolls……we drank tea and orange juice. In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. We looked at monkeys, ra its, elephants, zebras and so on.My brother is wearing T-shirt, it is blue. My sister"s sweater is red, and my shoes are pink. Those are all my favorite colures. We held a fashion show.In the evening we watched TV together and then they went home ha ily.
2023-07-14 11:24:191


1.小学五年级英语作文   Hi ! Im a student of Grade Six in SIP No.2 Experimental Primary School . I have a round face and wear a pair of glasses . At school I always study hard , but Sometimes Im a naughty boy . I like playing football very much . I usually play football with my friends after school . Im also a football fans . I like watching football matches . How exciting ! David Beckham is my favourite football star .   At school , my Chinese teacher is Mr Liu , my maths teacher is Miss Huan and my English teacher is Ella . They work hard . they help me a lot with our studies . They are all nice teachers . We love them very much . 2.小学五年级英语作文   Although winter means cold weather, I love it all the same. I think winter is a beautiful season, especially when it snows. Snowflakes fall down naughtily. They fall on branches of trees, on roofs of houses and on wheat fields. Soon the whole earth will be dressed in white. Everything is shining in the sun. Every time it snows, I will remember an old saying, Winter has come, can spring be far away? 3.小学五年级英语作文   My favourite festival is Spring Festival. It"s in January or February. People in China celebrate it, and there are many things to do. We often celebrate Spring Festival by having a big dinner, visiting relatives and friends, getting some red packets and letting off fireworks. We often have a big dinner from the first day of Spring Festival to the last day. We often go to our relatives" home and have a big dinner and also we have a big dinner at home. We often have many things to talk and we are very happy. After dinner, we watch the TV programs of CCTV. There are many plays, and we often laugh at them. At midnight, we don"t go to bed but wait for the new day. We always let off fireworks. It"s very exciting and interesting! At Spring Festival, we always visit our relatives and friends too. We go shopping with them, and children are very excited to visit their relatives because they can get some red packets from their relatives. There is some money in it and children can use it to buy toys, books or some snacks. Spring Festival is very interesting, isn"t it? 4.小学五年级英语作文   OK, let me tell you something about my weekend.   I am going to do many things and be very busy on the weekend. So I do my homework on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, I am going to do housework with my mother. Because I am a good girl, I am helpful at home. On Sunday morning, I am going to visit my grandparents with my parents. In the afternoon, we are going to the park together. Because there is a kite show. And my grandparents likes making kites. I think, we can see many beautiful kites there. And we are going to buy some beautiful kites, too. Then, we are going to fly the new kites, thats fun. In the evening, we are going to have a big dinner. We are going to have fish for dinner. Because my grandparents likes eating fish. And my grandma cooks fish well. After dinner, we are going to watch TV together. We are going to be very happy.   This is my happy weekend. I like my weekend very much. What about your weekend? Can you tell me?  5.小学五年级英语作文   May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labors Day. My mother said to me :Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Lets go to park, So my mother, my classmate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. Its colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful.   In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on.   May Day is my favorite day!  6.小学五年级英语作文   I had a cat six years ago . It was black . So I called him Old Black . It liked catching mice .When it caught the mice, it was so brave ! It also liked eating fish . When it ate something, it always shook its head , how lovely !   Every time when I went home, Old Black alaways came to the door to welcome me . It always lop my feet gently , and it made me very comfortable .   Now Old Black isnt with me . It was sent to one of my relatives by my parents . I was very sad . But I always miss him . Old Black is my best friend and I like him forever .
2023-07-14 11:24:261

玉米片的网络解释 玉米片的网络解释是什么

玉米片的网络解释是:玉米片玉米片是一种新型快餐食品,保存时间长、便于携带,既可直接食用,又可加工成其它食品。可以与冷牛奶和酸奶混合食用,作为早餐。 玉米片的网络解释是:玉米片玉米片是一种新型快餐食品,保存时间长、便于携带,既可直接食用,又可加工成其它食品。可以与冷牛奶和酸奶混合食用,作为早餐。 结构是:玉(独体结构)米(独体结构)片(独体结构)。 拼音是:yù mǐ piàn。 注音是:ㄩ_ㄇ一ˇㄆ一ㄢ_。 词性是:名词。玉米片的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】玉米片yùmǐpiàn。(1)一种早餐粮谷,以去苞皮的玉米粗粉为原料,通过加水湿润,加热和辊轧将其制成片状,后来经过干燥,通常也经过烘烤。关于玉米片的单词cornflakes关于玉米片的成语等米下锅斗米尺布水米无交八米卢郎数米量柴米盐博辩昆山片玉零珠片玉关于玉米片的词语米盐博辩零珠片玉八米卢郎昆山片玉山川米聚水米无交斗米尺布等米下锅桂枝片玉数米量柴关于玉米片的造句1、食品公司表示,一种新型玉米可能使玉米片和其他流行食品失去咀嚼时那种嗄吱嗄吱的声音。2、例如,它可能会软化谷类作物,并导致玉米片失去咀嚼时那种令人满足的嗄吱嗄吱的声音。3、四岁的时候未经母亲许可把玉米片倒到碗里面。4、蒂姆布朗坐下来享用早餐,伴着咀嚼一碗玉米片,咕噜咕噜喝下了一份不同以往的奶:他亲生女儿的母乳。5、这个戴着帽子的小男孩正一心一意地吃着他的凯洛格玉米片。点此查看更多关于玉米片的详细信息
2023-07-14 11:24:441

玉米片的成语 玉米片的成语是什么

玉米片的成语有:水米无交,米盐博辩,数米量柴。 玉米片的成语有:昆山片玉,零珠片玉,水米无交。2:注音是、ㄩ_ㄇ一ˇㄆ一ㄢ_。3:结构是、玉(独体结构)米(独体结构)片(独体结构)。4:拼音是、yù mǐ piàn。5:词性是、名词。玉米片的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】玉米片yùmǐpiàn。(1)一种早餐粮谷,以去苞皮的玉米粗粉为原料,通过加水湿润,加热和辊轧将其制成片状,后来经过干燥,通常也经过烘烤。二、网络解释玉米片玉米片是一种新型快餐食品,保存时间长、便于携带,既可直接食用,又可加工成其它食品。可以与冷牛奶和酸奶混合食用,作为早餐。关于玉米片的单词cornflakes关于玉米片的词语昆山片玉简丝数米水米无交鱼米乡斗米尺布米盐博辩零珠片玉等米下锅八米卢郎桂枝片玉关于玉米片的造句1、四岁的时候未经母亲许可把玉米片倒到碗里面。2、这个戴着帽子的小男孩正一心一意地吃着他的凯洛格玉米片。3、第二份玉米片对救你一命是有帮助的。4、早上吃的是玉米片和荞麦片煮的糊糊。5、食品公司表示,一种新型玉米可能使玉米片和其他流行食品失去咀嚼时那种嗄吱嗄吱的声音。点此查看更多关于玉米片的详细信息
2023-07-14 11:24:511

Corn Flakes的几种吃法?

2023-07-14 11:24:591

玉米片的结构 玉米片的结构是什么

玉米片的结构是:玉(独体结构)米(独体结构)片(独体结构)。 玉米片的结构是:玉(独体结构)米(独体结构)片(独体结构)。 注音是:ㄩ_ㄇ一ˇㄆ一ㄢ_。 词性是:名词。 拼音是:yù mǐ piàn。玉米片的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】玉米片yùmǐpiàn。(1)一种早餐粮谷,以去苞皮的玉米粗粉为原料,通过加水湿润,加热和辊轧将其制成片状,后来经过干燥,通常也经过烘烤。二、网络解释玉米片玉米片是一种新型快餐食品,保存时间长、便于携带,既可直接食用,又可加工成其它食品。可以与冷牛奶和酸奶混合食用,作为早餐。关于玉米片的单词cornflakes关于玉米片的成语昆山片玉八米卢郎等米下锅零珠片玉米盐博辩水米无交数米量柴斗米尺布关于玉米片的词语桂枝片玉山川米聚灌米汤鱼米乡数米量柴米盐博辩零珠片玉八米卢郎昆山片玉水米无交关于玉米片的造句1、早上吃的是玉米片和荞麦片煮的糊糊。2、食品公司表示,一种新型玉米可能使玉米片和其他流行食品失去咀嚼时那种嗄吱嗄吱的声音。3、好的,让我看一下,我要半个柚子、脆玉米片、一个煎蛋、两片吐司面包。4、第二份玉米片对救你一命是有帮助的。5、这个戴着帽子的小男孩正一心一意地吃着他的凯洛格玉米片。点此查看更多关于玉米片的详细信息
2023-07-14 11:25:061

玉米的网络解释 玉米的网络解释是什么

玉米的网络解释是:玉米(禾本科玉米属植物)玉米(拉丁学名:ZeamaysL.)是禾本科玉蜀黍属一年生草本植物。别名:玉蜀黍、棒子、包谷、包米、包粟、玉茭、苞米、珍珠米、苞芦、大芦粟,东北辽宁话称珍珠粒,潮州话称薏米仁,粤语称为粟米,闽南语称作番麦。玉米是一年生雌雄同株异花授粉植物,植株高大,茎强壮,是重要的粮食作物和饲料作物,也是全世界总产量最高的农作物,其种植面积和总产量仅次于水稻和小麦。玉米一直都被誉为长寿食品,含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、维生素、微量元素、纤维素等,具有开发高营养、高生物学功能食品的巨大潜力。但由于其遗传性较为复杂,变异种类丰富,在常规的育种过程中存在着周期过长、变异系数过大、影响子代生长发育的缺点,而现代生物育种技术不但克服了上述缺点和不足,同时也提高了育种速度和质量。玉米味道香甜,可做各式菜肴,如玉米烙、玉米汁等,它也是工业酒精和烧酒的主要原料。2018年8月,财政部、农业农村部、银保监会印发通知,将玉米作物制种纳入中央财政农业保险保险费补贴目录。 玉米的网络解释是:玉米(禾本科玉米属植物)玉米(拉丁学名:ZeamaysL.)是禾本科玉蜀黍属一年生草本植物。别名:玉蜀黍、棒子、包谷、包米、包粟、玉茭、苞米、珍珠米、苞芦、大芦粟,东北辽宁话称珍珠粒,潮州话称薏米仁,粤语称为粟米,闽南语称作番麦。玉米是一年生雌雄同株异花授粉植物,植株高大,茎强壮,是重要的粮食作物和饲料作物,也是全世界总产量最高的农作物,其种植面积和总产量仅次于水稻和小麦。玉米一直都被誉为长寿食品,含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、维生素、微量元素、纤维素等,具有开发高营养、高生物学功能食品的巨大潜力。但由于其遗传性较为复杂,变异种类丰富,在常规的育种过程中存在着周期过长、变异系数过大、影响子代生长发育的缺点,而现代生物育种技术不但克服了上述缺点和不足,同时也提高了育种速度和质量。玉米味道香甜,可做各式菜肴,如玉米烙、玉米汁等,它也是工业酒精和烧酒的主要原料。2018年8月,财政部、农业农村部、银保监会印发通知,将玉米作物制种纳入中央财政农业保险保险费补贴目录。 结构是:玉(独体结构)米(独体结构)。 注音是:ㄩ_ㄇ一ˇ。 词性是:名词。 拼音是:yù mǐ。玉米的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】玉米yùmǐ。(1)玉蜀黍的俗名。二、引证解释⒈玉蜀黍的俗名。引孙锦标《通俗常言疏证·植物》:“《海门物志》米之有甲者,一名蜀黍。蜀粟音近,《本草》谓之玉蜀黍,今俗称玉米。”郭沫若《洪波曲》第十章五:“午后政工大队送来煮玉米,大喜过望,分享之。”三、国语词典玉蜀黍的别名。参见「玉蜀黍」条。词语翻译英语corn,maize,CL:德语Mais(S)_法语ma_s关于玉米的近义词苞米关于玉米的诗词《玉米》《红玉米》《感怀·桂薪玉米转煎熬》关于玉米的诗句请跨金鸟玉米面兔来其下桂薪玉米转煎熬桂薪玉米转煎熬关于玉米的单词corn oilmaizemayscornsilkmealiecornflakesChinese corn关于玉米的成语吹糠见米十米九糠斗米尺布八米卢郎米盐博辩凌杂米盐粒米狼戾等米下锅米珠薪桂水米无交关于玉米的词语山川米聚水米无交凌杂米盐八米卢郎简丝数米数米量柴吹糠见米斗米尺布米盐博辩十米九糠关于玉米的造句1、盛夏,妈妈在玉米地里锄草,汗水顺着她的脖子直往下淌。2、随着噼啪的爆裂声,金黄色的玉米粒变成了雪白的米花。3、面包牛奶包围下的我,仍然钟情妈妈熬的玉米粥。4、由于施用了肥田粉,玉米产量大幅度提高。5、今年玉米的长势很好,风调雨顺的。点此查看更多关于玉米的详细信息
2023-07-14 11:25:131


2023-07-14 11:25:222


日,贵族? 大都是过的跟孔乙己一样的日子。有钱人的日子才叫日子啊。自己开飞机到爱尔兰打高尔夫,开游艇出海钓鱼,顺便带俩小明星。晚上搞个gang bang party。
2023-07-14 11:25:312


酒酿圆子 BRANDIED Mariko糖芋头 Sugar taro春卷 Rolls酱排骨 Rib Sauce
2023-07-14 11:25:413

玉米片的拼音狐 玉米片的拼音是什么

玉米片的读音是:yù mǐ piàn。 玉米片的拼音是:yù mǐ piàn。 注音是:ㄩ_ㄇ一ˇㄆ一ㄢ_。 词性是:名词。 结构是:玉(独体结构)米(独体结构)片(独体结构)。玉米片的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】玉米片yùmǐpiàn。(1)一种早餐粮谷,以去苞皮的玉米粗粉为原料,通过加水湿润,加热和辊轧将其制成片状,后来经过干燥,通常也经过烘烤。二、网络解释玉米片玉米片是一种新型快餐食品,保存时间长、便于携带,既可直接食用,又可加工成其它食品。可以与冷牛奶和酸奶混合食用,作为早餐。关于玉米片的单词cornflakes关于玉米片的成语零珠片玉米盐博辩水米无交昆山片玉数米量柴斗米尺布等米下锅八米卢郎关于玉米片的词语等米下锅昆山片玉八米卢郎斗米尺布水米无交灌米汤数米量柴鱼米乡零珠片玉桂枝片玉关于玉米片的造句1、好的,让我看一下,我要半个柚子、脆玉米片、一个煎蛋、两片吐司面包。2、蒂姆布朗坐下来享用早餐,伴着咀嚼一碗玉米片,咕噜咕噜喝下了一份不同以往的奶:他亲生女儿的母乳。3、我早餐有牛奶和糖的玉米片。4、第二份玉米片对救你一命是有帮助的。5、四岁的时候未经母亲许可把玉米片倒到碗里面。点此查看更多关于玉米片的详细信息
2023-07-14 11:25:481


呆板 虔诚
2023-07-14 11:25:592

Zapp Roger - i can make you dance的歌词;麻烦各位大大来帮忙吧!

I can make you dance if you want me toI can make you dance-dance-dance-dance-dance-dance...All around the world in a real bad way (???)I can make you dance if you want me toBut I can make you better let me show you what takes, babyI can make you dance if you want me toNow I"ve got a bet to show I bet you"re gonna move (???)I can make you dance if you want me toIt"s controlled by Roger and it"s right here in this tube (???)I can make you dance if you want me toNow I can set you free from your troubled troubled mind, babyI can make you dance if you want me toJust lend me your ears and let your feet keep time, babyI can make you dance if you want me toAnd here"s what you"ll find about this music of mine, babyI can make you dance if you want me toOh yaaaaGonna make you dance (x3)Make you dance (x2)Gonna make you danceOuuuu Make you danceI can make you dance (x4)Ouuuu BabyI can make you dance (x5)Cha Cha Cha, Cha Cha ChaMake you dance (x5)I can make you dance if you want me toI think you raised the price of the cool and the rich (???)I can make you dance if you want me toSlip butter over you or mother don"t know, see (???)I can make you dance if you want me toYou can dance in the morning when you eat your cornflakesI can make you dance if you want me toDon"t start, baby rhythme, and that"s really all it takes (???)I can make you dance if you want me toI can make you danceYou know I can make you danceI can make you danceForget about some other time (???)I can make you danceI can make you danceI can make you danceBaby, babyI can make you danceYes I doI can make you danceMake you dance, make you dance, make you danceI can make you danceGonna make you dance, dance, dance, danceI can make you danceMake you dance
2023-07-14 11:26:181

谁能帮我找下20世纪或21世纪的发明什么的 用英语叙述

这里又从1900年开始到1999年 整个20世纪的全部重大发明 自己去看一下吧~ Twentieth Century Inventions 1900 - 1925 I900 The zeppelin invented by Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin. Charles Seeberger redesigned Jesse Reno"s escalator and invented the modern escalator. 1901 King Camp Gillette invents the double-edged safety razor. The first radio receiver,successfully received a radio tran *** ission. Hubert Booth invents a pact and modern vacuum cleaner. 1902 Willis Carrier invents the air conditioner. French physicist George Claude invents neon light. The lie detector or polygraph machine is invented by James Mackenzie. The birth of the Teddy Bear. George Claude invented neon light. 1903 Edward Binney and Harold Smith co-invent crayons. Bottle-making machinery invented by Michael J.Owens. The Wright brothers invent the first gas motored and manned airplane. Mary Anderson invents windshield wipers. William Coolidge invents ductile tungsten used in lightbulbs. 1904 Teabags invented by Thomas Suillivan. Benjamin Holt invents a tractor. John A Fleming invents a vacuum diode or Fleming valve. 1905 Albert Einstein published the Theory of Relativity and made famous the equation,E = mc2. Mary Anderson receives a patent for windshield wipers. 1906 William Kellogg invents Cornflakes. Lewis Nixon invents the first sonar like device. Lee Deforest invents electronic amplifying tube (triode). 1907 Leo Baekeland invents the first synthetic plastic called Bakelite. Color photography invented by Auguste and Louis Lumiere. The very first piloted helicopter was invented by Paul Cornu. 1908 The gyropass invented by Elmer A.Sperry. Cellophane invented by Jacques E.Brandenberger. Model T first sold. J W Geiger and W Müller invent the geiger counter. Fritz Haber invents the Haber Process for making artificial nitrates. 1909 Instant coffee invented by G.Washington. 1910 Thomas Edison demonstrated the first talking motion picture. Georges Claude displayed the first neon lamp to the public on December 11,1910,in Paris. 1911 Charles Franklin Kettering invents the first automobile electrical ignition system. 1912 Motorized movie cameras invented,replaced hand-cranked cameras. The first tank patented by Australian inventor De La Mole. Clarence Crane created Life Savers candy in 1912. 1913 The crossword puzzle invented by Arthur Wynne. The Merck Chemical Company patented,what is now know as,ecstasy. Mary Phelps Jacob invents the bra. Gideon Sundback invented the modern zipper. 1914 Garrett A.Morgan invents the Morgan gas mask. 1915 Eugene Sullivan and William Taylor co-invented Pyrex in New York City. 1916 Radios tuners invented,that received different stations. Stainless steel invented by Henry Brearly. 1917 Gideon Sundback patented the modern zipper (not the first zipper). 1918 The superheterodyne radio circuit invented by Edwin Howard Armstrong.Today,every radio or television set uses this invention. Charles Jung invented fortune cookies. 1919 The pop-up toaster invented by Charles Strite. Short-wave radio invented. The flip-flop circuit invented. The arc welder invented. 1920 The tommy gun patented by John T Thompson. The Band-Aid (pronounced "ban-"dade) invented by Earle Dickson. 1921 Artificial life begins -- the first robot built. John Larson invented the lie detector. 1922 Insulin invented by Sir Frederick Grant Banting. The first 3-D movie (spectacles with one red and one green lens) is released. 1923 Garrett A.Morgan invents a traffic signal. The television or iconoscope (cathode-ray tube) invented by Vladimir Ko *** a Zworykin. John Harwood invented the self-windingwatch in 1923. Clarence Birdseye invents frozen food. 1924 The dynamic loudspeaker invented by Rice and Kellogg. Notebooks with spiral bindings invented. 1925 The mechanical television a precursor to the modern television,invented by John Logie Baird.
2023-07-14 11:27:201

玉米的结构 玉米的结构是什么

玉米的结构是:玉(独体结构)米(独体结构)。 玉米的结构是:玉(独体结构)米(独体结构)。 拼音是:yù mǐ。 词性是:名词。 注音是:ㄩ_ㄇ一ˇ。玉米的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】玉米yùmǐ。(1)玉蜀黍的俗名。二、引证解释⒈玉蜀黍的俗名。引孙锦标《通俗常言疏证·植物》:“《海门物志》米之有甲者,一名蜀黍。蜀粟音近,《本草》谓之玉蜀黍,今俗称玉米。”郭沫若《洪波曲》第十章五:“午后政工大队送来煮玉米,大喜过望,分享之。”三、国语词典玉蜀黍的别名。参见「玉蜀黍」条。词语翻译英语corn,maize,CL:德语Mais(S)_法语ma_s四、网络解释玉米(禾本科玉米属植物)玉米(拉丁学名:ZeamaysL.)是禾本科玉蜀黍属一年生草本植物。别名:玉蜀黍、棒子、包谷、包米、包粟、玉茭、苞米、珍珠米、苞芦、大芦粟,东北辽宁话称珍珠粒,潮州话称薏米仁,粤语称为粟米,闽南语称作番麦。玉米是一年生雌雄同株异花授粉植物,植株高大,茎强壮,是重要的粮食作物和饲料作物,也是全世界总产量最高的农作物,其种植面积和总产量仅次于水稻和小麦。玉米一直都被誉为长寿食品,含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、维生素、微量元素、纤维素等,具有开发高营养、高生物学功能食品的巨大潜力。但由于其遗传性较为复杂,变异种类丰富,在常规的育种过程中存在着周期过长、变异系数过大、影响子代生长发育的缺点,而现代生物育种技术不但克服了上述缺点和不足,同时也提高了育种速度和质量。玉米味道香甜,可做各式菜肴,如玉米烙、玉米汁等,它也是工业酒精和烧酒的主要原料。2018年8月,财政部、农业农村部、银保监会印发通知,将玉米作物制种纳入中央财政农业保险保险费补贴目录。关于玉米的近义词苞米关于玉米的诗词《红玉米》《感怀·桂薪玉米转煎熬》《玉米》关于玉米的诗句可爱的侧面像玉米和群星的珠串不在闪耀有些人疲倦了长与乔松燕玉米面房桂薪玉米转煎熬关于玉米的单词mayscornChinese cornsilkmealiemaizecorn oilcornflakes关于玉米的成语米盐博辩十米九糠水米无交斗米尺布八米卢郎凌杂米盐数米量柴吹糠见米粒米狼戾等米下锅关于玉米的词语灌米汤米盐博辩等米下锅十米九糠鱼米乡简丝数米凌杂米盐水米无交八米卢郎山川米聚关于玉米的造句1、面包牛奶包围下的我,仍然钟情妈妈熬的玉米粥。2、随着噼啪的爆裂声,金黄色的玉米粒变成了雪白的米花。3、由于施用了肥田粉,玉米产量大幅度提高。4、今年玉米的长势很好,风调雨顺的。5、这儿的玉米常年亩产千斤,遇到丰年还要增产。点此查看更多关于玉米的详细信息
2023-07-14 11:27:301


英国人生性保守,相当尊重传统,因而保留著相当多的古迹、传统文物与各式各样的博物馆,其中不免有传统的包袱,譬如现仍存在的皇室与贵族,以及无法翻新改建、维修却昂贵的传统建筑。与同为英语系的国家相比,英国的社会和民族性与美国便有极大的差异,以一般生活水准而言,其现代化与舒适化的程度赶不上美国;在一般日常办事的效率上亦难与美国相比。一般英国人不若美国人那般开朗率直,不会主动与陌生人搭讪,出发点则是著重不探人隐私。英国人若是与陌生人攀谈,也会相当保留,而且话题常围绕在天气打转,因为这是最不会触及个人隐私的题材。一般而言,英国人不若美国人那麼容易交上朋友,但一旦交上了一位英国朋友,可能就是一辈子的朋友。英国人一般颇以自己的传统文化为荣,重视具有艺术与文化内涵的休闲生活。英国人一点都不自大。英国人只是比较尊重个人生活与思想空间,所以感觉起来好像比较冷漠而已。而且英国的种族岐视问题比美国少太多了。英国人早就知道自己已不是这世界的老大,但美国人现在是以自己为老大自尊。撇开英美两国政府的态度姑且不谈,只以人民的态度而言,英国人(英格兰人/威尔斯人)是很有礼貌且谦卑严谨的民族,其实跟中国古代文人社会或儒家思想很像。蘇格兰人则性情比较刚烈一点,一般北方民族大都如此。英国人崇尚“绅士风度”和“淑女风范”,讲究“女士优先”。在日常生活中,英国人注意仪表,讲究穿著,男士每天都要刮脸,凡外出进行社交活动,都要穿深色的西服,但忌戴条纹的领带;女士则应著西式套裙或连衣裙。英国人的见面礼是握手礼,戴著帽子的男士在与英国人握手时,最好先摘下帽子再向对方示敬。但切勿与英国人交叉握手,因为那样会构成晦气的十字形,也要避免交叉乾杯。与英国人交谈时,应注视著对方的头部,并不时与之交换眼神。与人交往时,注重用敬语“请”、“谢谢”“对不起”等。奉行“不问他人是非”的信条,也不愿接纳别人进入自己的私人生活领域,把家当成“私人城堡”,不经邀请谁也不能进入,甚至邻里之间也绝少往来。非工作时间即为“私人时间”,一般不进行公事活动,若在就餐时谈及公事更是犯大忌而使人生厌。日常生活绝对按事先安排的日程进行,时间观念极强。在公关谈判中,英国人说话、办事,都喜欢讲传统、重程式,对於谈判对手的身份、风度和修养,他们看得很重。通常英国客商不太重视谈判的准备工作,但他们能随机应变,能攻善守英国人交际活动,对以下特殊礼俗和禁忌应加以注意:①不要随便闯入别人的家。但若受到对方的邀请,则应欣然而往。这无疑可理解为对方在发出商务合作可能顺利实现的信号。但在访问时,最好不要涉及商务,不要忘记给女士带上一束鲜花或巧克力。②给英国女士送鲜花时,宜送单数,不要送双数和13枝 不要送英国人认为象徵死亡的菊花和百合花。③不要以英国皇室的隐私作为谈资。英女王被视为其国家的象徵。④忌用人像作为商品的装潢。喜欢蔷蔽花,忌白象、猫头鹰、孔雀商标图案。⑤忌随便将任何英国人都称英国人,一般将英人称“不列颠人”或具体称为“英格兰人”、“ 格兰人”等。⑥英国人最忌讳打喷嚏,他们一向将流感视为一种大病。英国式传统早餐(通常在B&B中就可以享用得到)和下午茶了。英国式早餐包括了熏肉、香肠、荷包蛋、蕃茄、果酱土司、各式玉米片(Cornflakes)和牛奶调成的可口麦片粥。至於英国四面环海,并以畜养业为主,因此海鲜与烧烤也有一定的水准。生蠔与熏鲑鱼、烧烤牛肉、羊肉料理都相当地具有英国特色。至於在各地都可以吃到的炸鱼薯条(Fish & Chips),可说是英国食物的道地代表作。 下午茶则为严肃的英国人生活增添些许浪漫色彩。通常一到下午三点到四点之间,可以看到英国人陆续放下手边的工作,喝杯咖啡或道地英国奶茶,顺便藉此联络同事间的感情,当然更是谈八卦的好时机。至於正统的英式下午茶,除了有讲究的茶具、茶叶外,精致的糕点更是不可或缺。在阴凉舒适的美景外,来份优闲的下午茶,正是人生一大乐趣也!英 国 人 的 饮 食 习 惯 早餐  传统的英式早餐有煎培根、香肠和煎土司。这叫做「煎食」。但现在多数人都很忙,没办法每天都吃这种丰盛的早餐,所以现在最流行的早餐种类有:﹒一碗玉米片加牛奶﹔﹒一些优格加新鲜水果﹔﹒土司涂果酱,通常在早餐时喝茶、咖啡、或果汁。英国人仍在周未享用传统的英式早餐。各个旅馆或饭店,尤其是大家所熟知的家庭式旅馆(B&B"s)皆有供应传统的英式早餐。午餐  英国人的中餐很快就解决,不像义大利人。通常午餐只需三十到四十分钟,许多英国人吃三明治,或许是因为三明治是英国发明的。通常人们早上在家做好三明治,然後在午餐时间食用,三明治是英国人的便当。同样受欢迎的午餐为烤马铃薯。点心在英国相当普遍,特别是巧克力,且特别在早上约十一点和下午三点。英国儿童是世界上吃甜食最甚者,这使得英国牙医非常忙碌。晚餐  晚餐是一天中的主餐,且通常有两道菜-肉或鱼加蔬菜,之候有甜点(也就是布丁)。英国小孩都知道在吃布丁前要把肉和蔬菜吃光光。冷冻熟食在英国相当普遍,几乎每个家庭都有微波炉,且通常英国人(尤其是学生会买一份冷冻熟食,放进微波炉,边看电视边吃-这叫做吃「电视晚餐」。)外国食物也相当受英国欢迎。超市里摆满了琳琅满目的印式、中式、意式、希腊式和日式食物-事实上是来自世界各地的食品。晚餐後通常要来上一杯茶(当然要加牛奶!)▲英国的进餐习俗可以归纳为「早餐吃饱,午餐潦草,晚餐吃好。」其重大宴请均在夜间举行。除了一日三餐外,还有一次「下午茶」,通常是下午三到四点的时候,喝杯咖啡或道地英国奶茶,也顺便藉此连络彼此的感情。▲英国的海鲜与烧烤如:生蠔与熏鲑鱼、烧烤牛肉、羊肉料理都相当具有其特色。而正统家乡菜,从冷盤的「松软洋芋沙拉」、「豆蔻奶油腌鲜鲑」,及家常菜「英式肉肠卷」、和英国小吃「炸鲜鱼与薯条」,一直到熟食「羊肉薯泥雪柏派」、「碳烤明虾佐香蒜」等,都是英国饮食文化的传统烹调及料理。最具代表性的如:烧烤、炖、煮、清、浓汤、素菜面包、饼乾及各式蛋糕、派类,典型的「牧羊人派」、「烤牛肉」、「樱桃璀芙」及「巧克力海绵布丁」,还有像是英式烤饼、三明治、温冷点心、奶油?果酱跟不可或缺的红茶。▲酒馆文化是英国风情之一,在pubs里最重要的饮料当然是啤酒(beers)。众多的酒精饮料中,beer的主要几个大类依其苦味不同而分为:淡啤酒(lager),苦啤酒(bitter),黑啤酒(stout),及英国啤酒(ale)。另一种则是由苹果所酿造的苹果酒(cider) 。英国是个历史悠久的国家,英国很讲究绅士风度,这一点在吃英国菜时也能体会到。有个说法,是说人生不得意事常八九,其一就是吃英国菜。英国的农业不发达,粮食每年都要进口,也不像法国人那样崇高美食,因此英国菜相对来说比较简单,英国人也常自嘲自己不擅烹调。 英式菜选料的局限性比较大,英国虽是岛国,但渔场不太好,所以英国人不讲究吃海鲜,反倒比较偏爱牛肉、羊肉、禽类、蔬菜等。英式菜的制作大都比较简单,肉类、禽类等大都整只或大块烹制。另外,调味也较简单,口味清淡,油少不腻,但餐桌上的调味品种类却很多,由客人根据自己的爱好调味。 英式菜的早餐却很丰盛,一般有各种蛋品、麦片粥、咸肉、火腿、香肠、黄油、果酱、面包、牛奶、果汁、咖啡等,受到西方各国普遍的欢迎。 另外,英国人喜欢喝茶,有在下午3点左右吃茶点的习惯,一般是一杯红茶或咖啡再加一份点心。英国人把喝茶当作一种享受,也当作一种社交。 英式菜的代表菜肴有土豆烩羊肉、烤鹅填栗子馅、牛尾浓汤等。 英国的“烤牛肉加约克郡布丁”被称为是国菜。这是用牛腰部位的肉,再把鸡蛋加牛奶和面,与牛肉、土豆一起在烤箱中烤制的菜肴。上桌时,还要另配些单煮的青菜,即为“烤牛肉加约克郡布丁”。普通家庭一日三餐(即早餐、午餐、晚餐)。他们是以午餐为正餐。阔绰人家则一日四餐(即:早餐、午餐、茶点和晚餐)。 不愿意吃带粘汁的菜肴;忌用味精调味;也不吃狗肉。口味不喜欢太咸,爱甜、酸、微辣味,对烧、煮、蒸、烙、焗和烘烤等烹调方法制作的菜肴偏爱。喜欢中国的京菜、川菜、粤菜。 他们普遍喜爱喝茶,尤为妇女嗜茶成癖。“下午茶”几乎成为英国人的一种必不可少的生活习惯,即使遇上开会,有的也要暂时休会而饮“下午茶”。不喝清茶,要在杯里倒上冷牛奶或鲜柠檬,加点糖、再倒茶制成奶茶或柠檬茶。如果先倒茶后倒牛奶会被认为缺乏教养。他们还喜欢喝威士忌、苏打水,喝葡萄酒和香槟酒,有时还喝啤酒和烈性酒,彼此间不劝酒。
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