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2023-07-14 16:22:19

《Show Me The Money 11》是韩国Mnet电视台制作的一档发掘有实力的Hip-Hop歌手的淘汰制节目,由殷志源主持,于2022年8月5日播出。你可以前往哔哩哔哩网站或哔哩哔哩客户端进行观看。


show me the money是什么意思

show me the money是“把钱给我看看”的意思。
2023-07-14 11:05:052

show me the money什么意思

2023-07-14 11:05:132

Show me the money第六季冠军是谁?

组合RhythmPower 的成员 ud589uc8fc(Hangzoo)
2023-07-14 11:05:242


2023-07-14 11:05:372

show me the money是什么意思

2023-07-14 11:05:563


2023-07-14 11:06:031


每周五晚上11点更新。 《ShowMe_TheMoney》11季2022年10月21日周五晚开播。
2023-07-14 11:06:103

第一句是show me the money韩语的,是什么歌啊?歌名是什么?最好是有中文音译的?

Brave Guys-I don" care
2023-07-14 11:06:192

show me the money歌词的中文翻译

show off that body you got 炫耀你得到的那部分you got this dance floor so hot 你使这个舞台变得如此热辣you workin that, you twerkin that 你使他运转,你使他变得无用you checkin that, like a clock. 你像调节钟表一样的核对他can"t no body do it like i do it 没有人像我这样对待它when i do it, dog i do it (break it down) 当我做的时候,我会尾随着他(把他摧毁)break it down, put your back into it. 把他摧毁,把你带回man, y"all ain"t ready for this shit im doin. (Get up) man我做了这些狗屁事情,而你没有准备Get up, put your drinks down, 起来,把你的酒放下dont want ya"ll saucy 不要妄想你会变得漂亮your drinks out all over that, 你醉了your cheap blouse, aint nothing but a smaller in it anyhow. (still) 你便宜的上衣无论如何都不会变得更小(一直)still me i just changed the sound, to the other one i had 我只是变成了我的另一种声音and just swapped it out (switch) 只是把它换出去(转换)kept something in the background 把有些东西放在幕后cause you love the song, but you in love with the background (Yup) 应为我喜欢这支歌,但你却背着我爱上其他的人come on let a mamma work, for me 来吧 来给我母爱make a playa wanna spend some money 你想花钱就行动吧I don"t really like spending money 我真的不喜欢花钱but you can do what you do and do it well imma 去做你可以做好的事情show off that body you got you got this dance floor so hot you workin that, you twerkin that you checkin that, like a clock.
2023-07-14 11:06:261

show me the money歌词

Lyrics: Petey Pablo - Show Me The Money lyricsAlbum: Unknown Show off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clockCant nobody do it like I do it,when I do it, dog I do it(Break it down) Break it down putcho back into itMain Yall aint ready for the **** im doing(Get up) Get up Putcho drinks downDont want yall sausy your drinks outAll over that your cheap blouse aint nothin but a small any anyhow(Still me) Still me I just changed the sound to the other one I had and just swapped it out(Switch) Kept somethin in the backround, cuz you in love with the song but you in love with the backroundCome on let a momma work for meMake a playa wanna spend some money(Come on) I dont really like to spend a moneyBut you can do what you do and do it well ImmaShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clock(Show up) Show up, emptyNothin in um, Her..herNo Silicone, no lipo, no botox no dumpy dump (No)All Natural, let the day spoil when another brother in this world[ Show Me The Money lyrics found on ]Good lookin mommaThat good and hot to death make an athelete lose his breathAnd had to move that *** when you bump southYou gonna need a couple skirts keep fallin out(For Real) a 10.5 on a rhictor scale a high number you can go to 12shorty shaking like hellWe ought be shamed ourselves, creator couldnt rock the bed that well(Look Out) Breakin it down, ridin this beat like (WOW)Papa jail man I gun her downShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clockThis is defiantly the wickedest thing I hear of my life!OK! I"ve been sippin on that patron(Get Up, Get up)I"m ready, Give you what you wantOK! (Get Up, Get Up)Might not feel the same way tomorrow (Ok)But I"ll deal with that tomorrow(Get up, Get up)Cuz tonight you got me feeling like I wanna take you homeShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clock
2023-07-14 11:06:341


2023-07-14 11:06:411

求电影《step up》片头show me the money歌词翻译

炫耀身体,你你记得舞池等热点你不同工作,你认为twerkin 你入住,像时钟斜面无人做,我想这样做, 当我这样做,我的狗不(分解)分解putcho放回它男子主要是没有准备,为****做即时(起床)起床putcho饮品下跌一部高质量男子sausy你喝出(还是我)还是我,只是改变了声音,另一位我曾和刚换出(转)一直在从一些大背景, cuz你喜爱的歌曲,但你爱上了背景来,让妈妈为我要保持低调,想花点钱(来)的自传真的想花的钱但你可以做什么,你做的好未成熟炫耀身体,你你记得舞池等热点你不同工作,你认为twerkin 你入住,像时钟炫耀身体,你你记得舞池等热点你不同工作,你认为twerkin 你入住,像时钟(显示)显示,空洞nothin在啊,她,她.. 没有硅,没有荔波,没有任何肉毒矮胖转储(无) 所有自然,让天宠时,另一位兄弟在这个世界好lookin消瘦好热死作出残奥会失去他的呼吸并动议***当你碰南你这就需要一裙保持fallin出(真实) 10.5 rhictor一个规模相当大数量,你可以去12 小品摇晃像地狱我们应该感到惭愧的是自己,造物主couldnt岩床好(看) ,它的断裂下来,这ridin击败像(约合420万美元) 爸爸坐牢男子枪,我不眨眼炫耀身体,你你记得舞池等热点你不同工作,你认为twerkin 你入住,像时钟炫耀身体,你你记得舞池等热点你不同工作,你认为twerkin 你入住,像时钟这是斩钉截铁的wickedest事,我听到我的生命! 得!我一直stn就靠山(起床,起床) 我准备好给你,你要什么; 得! (起床,起床) 可能觉得不一样,明天(完) 我觉得回去明天(起床,起床) cuz今晚,你我的感觉一样,我想带您回家炫耀身体,你你记得舞池等热点你不同工作,你认为twerkin 你入住,像时钟炫耀身体,你你记得舞池等热点你不同工作,你认为twerkin 你入住,像时钟
2023-07-14 11:06:592

show me the money中国小孩在第几期

show me the money中国小孩在七期。Show Me The Money韩国说唱节目中,有一位说着中韩英3国语言的15岁天才少年Rapper惊艳全场,他便是来自中国朝鲜族的DArk,D.Ark是Show Me The Money,第7季中年龄最小的参赛选手。并且,这位来自中国小孩,面对韩网建议丢掉中文,的评论,霸气回复,我自己国家的语言,我为什么要丢掉。相关介绍show me the money,也是中国有嘻哈这档节目的原型,翻译过来就叫给我钱,这档综艺节目在韩国是很有人气的,是一档发掘有实力的。ShowMeThe Money是由传统hiphop本祖MC Meta带领的Meta Crew,和天才制作人李贤道带领的D.O Crew根据观众给予的奖金,额度进行末位淘汰的方式比赛。
2023-07-14 11:07:061

bobby 在show me the money里唱的《连接环节 hiphop》中文歌词 不要音译歌词

Bobby - 连接环节#Hip-HopYeah It"s that remix right hereMy name is BobbyIf you didn"t know now You know Homeboi leggoHoldu holdu let"s go你和我的连系纽带这是我们心灵之声每天每夜Hustle年纪轻轻 离乡背井一直赚取实力 野心永无止尽你和我的连接Money Hip-hop Endof the storycan"t nobody spendit like meCan"t nobody spend it like me我就是Hip-hop Mansur woah哗哗踩着的节拍中 被称为意气和霸气的石油满地一上我的车 你们会烧伤你们口中显摆money 在我耳中就像麻瓜给你们几副眼镜 看看清楚除了你 还有谁在舞台上没钱没房的外国人劳动者为什么狠毒 为什么刻苦除了B.I ZICO MINO P.O都滚开我来让你们得以恢复 持续不断撕裂着主题money前来乞讨的音痴们说着rap 摧残着这个世界要是还觉得不够刺激 现在立即咀嚼BOBBY你和我的连系纽带这是我们心灵之声i"m back on the microphone现在这种氛围 请换上这一首track放大所有音量高举双手Say Hip-hop Hey-随便你怎么叫嚣 我无时无刻都是Hip-hop不相信什么underground的自负意气风发 朝气向上 除了我还有谁拥有说我是idol 真是骂得鸡犬不宁对于Hater们的逼迫 我毫无关心对我的担忧 抛之脑后吧然后好好品尝现在这个I don"t give a thing about your 出生年月和名字拿汽油来 踩着燃烧的节奏将你的实力全都压倒让你爬行来我的跟前乞讨着的你们发出悲鸣我克服了没有未来的现实用汗水让头脑更清醒注视着我那赚钱的模样吧你们一定会丧气或是嫉妒只会越来越鼓的我的钱袋子在所有人面前用我的声音这样实现我的梦想我堂堂正正赚取Rap money你们还望尘莫及男子组合的rapper们走上舞台 跳着钟表舞若是音痴就多多练习Yo hold up DJ hold up 我不需要什么金钱反正要展现的就是实力翘起腿搁桌上脖子上挂起idol的招牌堂堂正正地赚钱因为这样可以看到妈妈三番五次因为钱而困难的我的家庭就像我的名字一样现在可是BOB-BY*BOB-BY取谐音 BYE BYEI started from the bottom 现在可以盖个新房淘汰也没关系就这样Show me the moneyHey DJ Kick that **itLet"s goI"m back on the microphone 现在这种氛围请换上这一首track放大所有音量高举双手Say Hip-hop Hey-
2023-07-14 11:07:291

Show Me The Money Petey Pablo的歌词,哪有?

Show Me The Money -Petey Pablo[Chorus:]Show off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou"re working that, you twerkin thatYou"re checking that, like a clock[Verse (Petey Pablo)]Can"t nobody do it like I do it,when I do it, dog I do it(break it down) Break it down put you back into itMain you all ain"t ready for the **** I"m doing(get up) Get up put your drinks downDon"t want you all saucy your drinks outAll over that your cheap blouse ain"t nothing but a small any anyhow(still me) Still me I just changed the sound to the other one I had and just swapped it out(switch) Kept something in the background, "cause you in love with the song but you"re in love with the backgroundCome on let a momma work for meMake a player wanna spend some money(come on) I don"t really like to spend a moneyBut you can do what you do and do it well I"m gonna[Chorus x2][Verse](show up) Show up, emptyNothing in um, her..herNo Silicone, no lipo, no botox, no dumpy dump (no)All natural, let the day spoil when another brother in this worldGood looking mommaThat good and hot to death make an athlete lose his breathAnd had to move that *** when you bump southYou"re gonna need a couple squirt keep falling out(for real) a 10.5 on a Rhictor scale a high number you can go to 12shorty shaking like hellWe ought to be shamed ourselves, creator couldn"t rock the bed that well(look out) Breaking it down, riding this beat like (WOW)Papa jail man I gun her down[Chorus x2][Bridge]This is defiantly the wickedest thing I hear of my life!OK! I"ve been sipping on that patron(get up, get up)I"m ready, give you what you wantOK! (get up, get up)Might not feel the same way tomorrow (OK)But I"ll deal with that tomorrow(get up, get up)"cause tonight you got me feeling like I wanna take you home[Chorus x2]
2023-07-14 11:07:361

show me the money什么意思

2023-07-14 11:07:432


哔哩哔哩。观看showmethemoney11,可前往哔哩哔哩软件进行观看中文版,该软件拥有播放版权。《Show Me The Money》是韩国Mnet电视台制作的一档发掘有实力的Hip-Hop歌手的淘汰制节目,本季第11季集结了朴宰范、GroovyRoom等实力导师和大热选手李英智作为节目看点。
2023-07-14 11:07:501

show me the money 经常出现的一首歌 歌词有bring up the heat 这是什么歌

歌曲名:bring the heat歌手:Disciple专辑:this might sting a littleGive me releaseI need a peace (John 16:33)stop the diseasethe Spirit seesI need a touch hurts so muchgive me a handhit me Lord now (Acts 2:2-4)I don"t want speak a wordwithout your anointing (1 John 2:20)I don"t want to take a stepwithout you in front (2 Chronicles 20:17)I don"t want to hear a voiceunless it belongs to you (1 John 2:27)I don "t want to make a choicethat you don"t want me to (Deuteronomy 30:19)Bring it to me bring the heatbring it to me, bring the heat (Matthew 3:11)Open my eyes (Psalm 146:8)see my disguiseI realizeit"s what I despise (Romans 7:15)give it to youmy will is throughI"m gonna dowhat you want me to now (Matthew 26:39, Romans 12:2)
2023-07-14 11:07:571

Show Me The Money 3的介绍

《Show Me The Money 3》是自2000-2004年《Hiphop The Vibe》之后,Mnet电视台在2012年开始制作的一档发掘有实力的Hip-Hop歌手的淘汰制节目《Show Me The Money》第3季。首播时间为2014年07月03日。第3季的制作人共分为4组,分别由Dok2 & The Quiett、Masta Wu & Tablo、杨东根、Swings & San E共8名制作人。由金振彪担任MC从3000名选手中进行淘汰赛选出冠军。节目冠军可获得1亿韩元奖金、发行个人专辑和参加SHOW ME THE MONEY演唱会。《Show Me The Money 3》的冠军为2014年还未正式出道的YG旗下男子组合iKON成员Bobby。
2023-07-14 11:08:051


2023-07-14 11:08:181

show me the money哪一季最好看

2023-07-14 11:08:411


2023-07-14 11:08:481

朴宰范jay park参加了show me the money 第几季?不是说第五季嘛但没有消息啊 而且好像有说第四季有他 急

第四季是评委,和loco一起去的,代表自己公司aomg。第五季有出演,但不是评委,第五季的aomg代表是Simon D和Gray,他只是帮Bewhy的歌DAYDAY友情出演并fea了。
2023-07-14 11:08:552

最近偶然听到了一首韩国歌 是女生唱的 歌词 带有 show me the money make me the money

不是韩国的吧 the show ?
2023-07-14 11:09:122


showmethemoney4最后basick赢了。  28日播出的showmethemoney4中,决赛结束了,basick在投票中战胜宋闵浩,赢得第四季冠军。奶爸歌曲超赞,赢得无可非议。宋闵浩顶着无数怀疑的目光和非议走到现在,也堪称无冕之王
2023-07-14 11:09:191


2023-07-14 11:09:261


2023-07-14 11:09:331


showmethemoneydark是第七季。播出套路什么的大家已经很熟悉了,在每年节目正式播出之前,都会逐个公开制作人导师,每一组制作人公布都会引起大众讨论。今年也不例外,制作人导师名单的公布依然引发了不小的争议。showmethemoneydark综艺的特点从2012年开始播出的Rapper生存赛节目《Show Me The Money》已经迎来了第七季,也在本季进行改版。该比赛中具有代表性的数千名rapper申请者在一个空间聚集并进行大规模的第一轮预赛形式被废止,在第一轮预赛中可能出现的现场支援也不存在了。所谓戏精云集即为片方力邀了JP主持人李星和,宋旻浩,金海率,Slom,YumDDa,TOIL,尹松,Code,Kunst等豪华完整的阵容为此片飚戏,历经数月磋磨演练终成大片并在韩国上映,随着此片播出热度愈加,小编左手摸着右奶扪心的说这是一部相当不错的综艺秀。
2023-07-14 11:09:401

show me the money bewhy forever音译歌词 最好是汉字读的那种

comfortable-simon&gray&oneif somebody loves me兰枯过楼满足克呢空囧安呢都对兰款恰那okay罗木诶丝季阿那都对 兰囧诶呼悔哦给yeah阿珠间细拉都兰 乱危海蛮弄给一届蛮票粒票粒票粒 拉都蛮票粒票粒票粒挪都蛮票粒票粒票粒 木都蛮票粒票粒票粒im gonna be be comfortable~~~jio聊几没怒朵花gi哈冷蹦哦妈诶不姐中囧那two冬吧喽锅嘎哈大嘎 大细勒撩搂冷手哦冷gi部你中骂你额说准逼嘎朵对朵切 搂波呦租朵呢摸丝里呼悔对么jio给说哭呢大呢塔细呢秒鸟姐都嘎得都im gonna be a man怒嘎么呢都会尚诶说呢中姐挪木假嘎cant see me当沙浪没送功嗯季ko本德宽心古盘妈满bae嘎对 杠哦你额嘎他得过阴中汉地那塔细准逼海嘎呢一届呦不喜你那诶home sweet home马拉诶rap秋啊嗨珠冷过去手术引过哦姐那哦季都么搂冷药手吗弟儿塔丝高拉说呀呢妈咪中票拉季if somebody loves me...comfortable(重复开头)live my life枯jio满票粒哦恰皮冷给嘎冷过当药粒肯德哦妈阿爸哇给细干里哦妈拉拉妈啦哈冷死喷生嘎妈拉命 手咪嘎吧哇爸粒兰票粒海珠冷秋冷呦佳诶男票粒对高细几满阿几根呢满哈啦都谋姐给冷e啊eqia门一冷斑马大妈xio朵 手里八里给呀海呼拉拉哇嘎起杀怒古嘎兰多哦粒得多给沙jio给固兰 拉诶嘎几冷朵哦粒给红加摸冷帮bae高sweet手喽来一夫特细丝丝哈妹懵妹说安吧几冷说喽来一夫苏没妙张妙得冷嘎古喂搂嗯手给说喂搂给洪喽没珠哈冷悉尼马大波里阿呢bae嘎bae楼克兰happy ending冷对高呢永万可ready够兰沙朗嗨觉得木都诶一冷咪jio给手一给海jio i want i want i want it alli want i want iwant it allAyo one说都呢几马stay focused挪可凉海李一冷jio喽oneday oneverse马佳呦哼银gi冷呢过丝特哦不jio为诶rapper都挂嗯姐嘎冷say whats up三弟用姐过中呦家怒古嘎呦休冷那诶术马细几马高可凉扑佳呦okay生嘎中可满哈加冷生嘎都可满那都哦冷满空阿木挪一由哦几good night~~一届满票粒票粒票粒 拉都满票粒票粒票粒挪都满票粒票粒票粒 木都满票粒票粒票粒I"m gonna be comfortable.(不是所有的韩文发音都能用中文音译,尽量翻得接近原音了。)
2023-07-14 11:09:561

show me the money 4谁是冠军

Mnet综艺节目《Show Me The Money4》制作组对于16强名单流出做出了回应。刚刚播出两期节目的《Show Me The Money4》获得了高人气,但网上留言板和SNS却流出了有关节目16强的名单。Like Us on Weibo 在公开的名单中Tablo-Jinusean、ZICO-Paloalto、VerbalJint-San E、朴宰范- Loco队里所属的Rapper每个4名,都很详细地公布。其中包括人气歌手Winner宋闵浩、1PUNCH的One,Phantom的韩海、Geeks的Lil Boi、Rhythm Power的地球人等。而多名的歌谣界相关人士也表示:"这确实是16强名单,现在节目正在进行中,却被公开了16强的名单,真的让人感觉非常尴尬。"对此,《Show Me The Money4》制作组回应表示:"网上流传着关于《Show Me The Money4》的不实传闻,大家好像都很关心的样子,对于散布谣言者我们会强硬对应。"另外,在众多实力者中再次成功脱颖而出自然也避免不了专业制作人们的尖锐点评。本季《Show Me The Money4》特定上选手出局将不会有机会再回到节目中,所以这将是一场极其残忍的生存比赛,并于每周五晚11时(韩国时间)播出。还是自己去看吧,还没出呢
2023-07-14 11:10:151

show me the money是什么意思

2023-07-14 11:10:324

Show me the money第六季冠军是谁?

《Show me the money》第六季冠军是组合RhythmPower 的成员ud589uc8fc(Hangzoo)。在最后一期的决赛中,ud589uc8fc以一首《毒气》的舞台风成为《Show me the money》第六季的冠军,总决赛,由优胜组选择对手PK,两两对决,最后胜出者再次PK,最后胜出者优胜。在所有比赛中,一旦失误,即使你再出色,也会面临被淘汰的危险,尤其是忘词直接淘汰。扩展资料:《Show Me_The Money》是自2000~2004年< Hiphop the vibe >之后,时隔十多年Mnet电视台在2012年开始制作的一档发掘有实力的Hip-Hop歌手的淘汰制节目,因被称为rap版<我是歌手>受到关注。制作组方面表示“他不是单纯最强rap者们的比赛,选拔出的新人与rap者们每 周一起展现在舞台上","不仅听音乐很有意思,而且看的也很有意思"。节目PD表示"殷志源对于Hiphop音乐有着很深的理解,也有出演综艺节目的经验,所以决定他作为MC"。从第3季开始由金振彪担任MC。《Show Me_The Money》是由传统hiphop本祖MC Meta带领的Meta Crew, 和天才制作人李贤道带领的D.O Crew根据观众给予的奖金额度进行末位淘汰的方式比赛。
2023-07-14 11:10:421

《show me the money》冠军是谁?

综述1、第一季 LOCO,第二季 Swings,这个是我个人感觉名声比较大,实力比较强,所以认为是冠军,第三季 bobby,第四季 Basick,第五季 Bewhy。2、《show me the money》>是自2000~2004年< Hiphop the vibe >之后,时隔十多年Mnet展示的Hiphop节目。因被称为rap版<我是歌手>受到关注。3、制作组方面表示"他不是单纯最强rap者们的比赛,选拔出的新人与rap者们每周一起展现在舞台上","不仅听音乐很有意思,而且看的也很有意思"。4、节目PD表示"殷志源对于Hiphop音乐有着很深的理解,也有出演综艺节目的经验,所以决定他作为MC"。5、《show me the money》是由传统hiphop本祖MC Meta带领的Meta Crew, 和天才制作人李贤道带领的D.O Crew根据观众给予的奖金额度进行末位淘汰的方式比赛。
2023-07-14 11:10:551


show mr the money出自游戏:星际争霸 的金钱密码.意思是,展现我的钱财,玩家打出之后给予玩家10000水晶10000石油
2023-07-14 11:11:261

Show Me The Money 歌词

歌曲名:Show Me The Money歌手:The Juliana Theory专辑:Understand This Is A DreamShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clockCant nobody do it like i do it,when i do it, dog i do it(Break it down) Break it down putcho back into it(Get up) Get up Putcho drinks downDont want yall sausy your drinks out(Still me) Still me I just changed the sound to the other one i had and just swapped it out(Switch) Kept somethin in the backround, cuz you in love with the song but you in love with the backroundCome on let a momma work for meMake a playa wanna spend some money(Come on) I dont really like to spend a moneyBut you can do what you do and do it well ImmaShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clockShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clock(Show up) Show up, emptyNothin in um, Her..herNo Silicone, no libo, no botox no dumpy dump (No)All Natural, let the day spoil when another brother in this worldGood lookin mommaThat good and hot to death make an athelete lose his breathYou gonna need a couple skirts keep fallin out(For Real) a 10.5 on a rhictor scale a high number you can go to 12shorty shaking like hellWe ought be shamed ourselves, creator couldnt rock the bed that well(Look Out) Breakin it down, ridin this beat like (WOW)Papa jail man i gun her downShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clockShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clockThis is defiantly the wickedest thing i hear of my life!OK! I"ve been sippin on that patron(Get Up, Get up)I"m ready, Give you what you wantOK! (Get Up, Get Up)Might not feel the same way tomorrow (Ok)What i feel went back tomorrow(Get up, Get up)Cuz tonight you got me feeling like i wanna take you homeShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clockShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clock
2023-07-14 11:11:581

show me the money11有消息么

2023-07-14 11:12:041

Show Me The Money 歌词

歌曲名:Show Me The Money歌手:Buddy Guy专辑:Skin DeepShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clockCant nobody do it like i do it,when i do it, dog i do it(Break it down) Break it down putcho back into it(Get up) Get up Putcho drinks downDont want yall sausy your drinks out(Still me) Still me I just changed the sound to the other one i had and just swapped it out(Switch) Kept somethin in the backround, cuz you in love with the song but you in love with the backroundCome on let a momma work for meMake a playa wanna spend some money(Come on) I dont really like to spend a moneyBut you can do what you do and do it well ImmaShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clockShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clock(Show up) Show up, emptyNothin in um, Her..herNo Silicone, no libo, no botox no dumpy dump (No)All Natural, let the day spoil when another brother in this worldGood lookin mommaThat good and hot to death make an athelete lose his breathYou gonna need a couple skirts keep fallin out(For Real) a 10.5 on a rhictor scale a high number you can go to 12shorty shaking like hellWe ought be shamed ourselves, creator couldnt rock the bed that well(Look Out) Breakin it down, ridin this beat like (WOW)Papa jail man i gun her downShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clockShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clockThis is defiantly the wickedest thing i hear of my life!OK! I"ve been sippin on that patron(Get Up, Get up)I"m ready, Give you what you wantOK! (Get Up, Get Up)Might not feel the same way tomorrow (Ok)What i feel went back tomorrow(Get up, Get up)Cuz tonight you got me feeling like i wanna take you homeShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clockShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clock
2023-07-14 11:12:121


2023-07-14 11:12:272

跪求show me the money的歌词。

show me the money [petey pablo] 歌手:various artists 专辑:step up [soundtrack] show off that body you got you got this dance floor so hot you workin that, you twerkin that you checkin that, like a clock. Verse 1can"t no body do it like i do it when i do it, dog i do it (break it down) break it down, put your back into it. man, y"all ain"t ready for this shit im doin. (Get up) Get up, put your drinks down, dont want ya"ll saucy your drinks out all over that, your cheap blouse, aint nothing but a smaller in it anyhow. (still) still me i just changed the sound, to the other one i had and just swapped it out (switch) kept something in the background cause you love the song, but you in love with the background (Yup) come on let a mamma work, for me make a playa wanna spend some money I don"t really like spending money but you can do what you do and do it well imma Chorus: 2X show off that body you got you got this dance floor so hot you workin that, you twerkin that you checkin that, like a clock. [Verse 2] (She look good) She look good (And thick) And thick Nothin in um, Her.her No Silicone, no lipo, no botox, no tummy tuck (No) Her hair natural, let the day spoil when another brother in this world Good lookin momma That good and hot to death make an athelete lose his breath And hell if youve got athsma then you look bump south You gonna need a couple skirts keep fallin out (For Real) a 10.5 on a rhictor scale a high number you can go to 12 shorty shaking like hell We ought be shamed ourselves, creator couldnt rock the bed that well (Look Out) Breakin it down, ridin this beat like (wow) Papa jail man i gun her down Chorus: 2X show off that body you got you got this dance floor so hot you workin that, you twerkin that you checkin that, like a clock. This is defiantly the wickedest thing i hear of my life! OK! I"ve been sippin on that patron (Get Up, Get up) I"m ready, Give you what you want OK! (Get Up, Get Up) Might not feel the same way tomorrow (Ok) But I"ll deal with that tomorrow (Get up, Get up) Cuz tonight you got me feeling like i wanna take you home Show off that body you got You got that dance floor so hot You workin that, You twerkin that You checkin that, like a clock
2023-07-14 11:12:341


2023-07-14 11:12:412


2023-07-14 11:13:091


在2022年的10月。根据官方发布的消息显示,showmethemoney11决赛时间在2022年10月21日的周五晚上8点开始。Show Me The Money是由传统hiphop本祖MC Meta带领的Meta Crew,和天才制作人李贤道带领的D.O Crew根据观众给予的奖金额度进行末位淘汰的方式比赛。
2023-07-14 11:13:271

为什么权志龙在2014mama 即兴rap里提到show me the money?他和show

权志龙和SMTM没有事,那是为了响应他的歌词主旨:show me the money?Don"t even know i much i have
2023-07-14 11:13:351

我来告诉你 答案是show me the money 可以一次加10000 怎漠用啊?

进入游戏后,按enter键 ,然后输入show me the money 100000,然后就搞定
2023-07-14 11:13:422

show me the money4制作人有哪些

show me the money4的制作人分成了四组分别由YG队(Jinusean、Tablo)、朴宰范(朴宰范、Loco)、Brand New Music队(VerbalJint、San E)、Zico队(Zico、Paloalto)
2023-07-14 11:13:511


2023-07-14 11:14:141

想知道Show Me The Money哪一季好看?

2023-07-14 11:14:351


2023-07-14 11:14:421


showmethemoney10在百度影音、西瓜影音、qvod资源、百度网盘看,提供了国语、英语、粤语、720p、1080p、mp4原版、超清、中英双字幕等各类视频资源,并提供手机在线播放。 演示机型:Iphone 13&&华为P50&&小米11 系统版本:iOS 15.2&&HarmonyOS 2&&MIUI 12.5 APP版本:西瓜影音3.0.0&&百度网盘11.20.0&&百度影音v5.6.2.47&&qvod资源v5.20.234 showmethemoney10在百度影音、西瓜影音、qvod资源、百度网盘看,提供了国语、英语、粤语、720p、1080p、mp4原版、超清、中英双字幕等各类视频资源,并提供手机在线播放。
2023-07-14 11:14:481

show me the money 5冠军是谁

2023-07-14 11:15:132