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2023-05-19 16:47:08
TAG: 怎么读

turtle[英]["tɜ:tl] [美][ˈtɜ:rtl]







以下结果由 金山词霸 提供

柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 短语词组

1.N-COUNT海龟;玳瑁A turtle is a large reptile which has a thick shell covering its body and which lives in the sea most of the time.

in AM, use 美国英语用 sea turtle

2.N-COUNT龟A turtle is any reptile that has a thick shell around its body, for example a tortoise or terrapin.

3.PHRASE(船)倾覆,翻身If a boat turns turtle, it turns upside down when it is in the water.


turtle 英["tɜ:tl]


n. [动]龟;[动]海龟

vi. 捕海龟,捕鳖;(船等)翻没,倾覆


[例句]I have hard shell ---- turtle.


1. A turtle in a jar is certainly caught within the



2. The turtle hibernates in a shallow burrow for six

months of the year.


3. If you turn over a

turtle on its back, it will become helpless.


4. It looked like a

flat stone but it was a turtle.




turtle ["tɜ:tl]n. [动]龟;[动]海龟vi. 捕海龟,捕鳖;(船等)翻没,倾覆第三人称单数:turtles;过去分词:turtled;名词复数:turtles;现在分...[例句]I have hard shell ---- turtle.我有坚硬的壳----海龟。
2023-01-03 10:38:256


2023-01-03 10:38:471


turtle读音:英[ˈtɜːtl]、美[ˈtɜːrtl]。词典:海龟释义:n. 龟,甲鱼;海龟vi. 翻到背面或顶部;翻覆;(尤指在水中)捕捉海龟n. (Turtle)(英)特特尔(人名)变形:复数 turtles。turtle造句如下:1、It is said that turtle soup tonifies the body.据说甲鱼汤补身子。2、This island is home to at least five species of wild turtles.这个海岛上栖息着至少五种野生海龟。3、Turtles tuck their heads into their shells whenever they are in danger.乌龟一遇到危险就会把头缩进壳里。4、We saw a giant sea turtle on the beach.我们在沙滩上看到一只巨大的海龟。5、Experts say if the island is not protected, the spill could wipe out the gulf"s turtle population.专家们说如果那座小岛得不到保护,此次泄露有可能使该海湾地区的海龟灭绝。
2023-01-03 10:38:531


turtle 英["tɜ:tl] 美[ˈtɜ:rtl] n. [动]龟;[动]海龟 vi. 捕海龟,捕鳖;(船等)翻没,倾覆 第三人称单数:turtles;过去分词:turtled;名词复数:turtles;现在分... [例句]I have hard shell ---- turtle.我有坚硬的壳----海龟。
2023-01-03 10:39:051


turtle的读音:[ˈtɜ:tl]。中元音/ɜː/的发音方法:1、半张开嘴巴,双唇略扁平,向嘴角两边略拉开。2、舌身平放,舌中部伸向硬颚,但不要接触到硬颚,舌部肌肉紧张。3、震动声带,发出/ɜː/音。turtle英 [ˈtɜ:tl]   美 [ˈtɜ:rtl]  n.[动]龟;[动]海龟vi.捕海龟,捕鳖;(船等)翻没,倾覆。Rabbit and Turtle: Let"s pull up the turnip. 兔子和乌龟:让我们来拔萝卜。扩展资料:turtle的近义词:tortoise英 [ˈtɔ:təs]   美 [ˈtɔ:rtəs]  n.乌龟;行动迟缓的人(或物)。One morning, a hare and a tortoise meet in a forest, so they begin to talk. 一天早上,一只兔子和一只乌龟在森林里相遇,于是他们开始了谈话。turtle的词汇搭配:1、turn turtle 倾覆。2、turtle dove 斑鸠。3、sea turtle 海龟。4、snapping turtle 叩头龟。5、turtle meat 鳖肉。6、mud turtle (美国产的)淡水龟...。
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2023-01-03 10:40:102

TURTLES 的翻译是:是什么意思

Turtles:n.乌龟(turtle的复数。turtle /ˈtɜːtəl/ 释义:1)N-COUNT A turtle is the same as a . 同sea turtle。2)N-COUNT A turtle is any reptile that has a thick shell around its body, for example a tortoise or terrapin, and can pull its whole body into its shell. 龟...a pet turtle.…一只宠物龟。...the giant sea turtle.…那只巨大的海龟。
2023-01-03 10:40:241


urtle 英["tɜ:tl]美[ˈtɜ:rtl]n. [动]龟;[动]海龟vi. 捕海龟,捕鳖;(船等)翻没,倾覆第三人称单数:turtles;过去分词:turtled;名词复数:turtles;现在分...[例句]I have hard shell ---- turtle.我有坚硬的壳----海龟。
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2023-01-03 10:41:097


turtle[英]["tɜ:tl] [美][ˈtɜ:rtl] 生词本简明释义n.[动]龟;[动]海龟vi.捕海龟,捕鳖;(船等)翻没,倾覆复数:turtles第三人称单数:turtles过去式:turtled过去分词:turtled现在分词:turtling易混淆的单词:Turtle以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 短语词组1.N-COUNT海龟;玳瑁A turtle is a large reptile which has a thick shell covering its body and which lives in the sea most of the time. in AM, use 美国英语用 sea turtle2.N-COUNT龟A turtle is any reptile that has a thick shell around
2023-01-03 10:41:381

Turtles 这词什么意思

嗔怒chēn nù意思:恼怒,生气. 桀骜不驯拼音 jié ào bù xùn 同义词 横冲直撞、无法无天 、桀骜不逊 反义词 安分守己、俯首帖耳 释义 桀:
2023-01-03 10:41:443

谁知道Turtles 这个组合的资料呢???

肥肥 姓名: Turtle man 原名: 林成勋 生日: 1975.9.3 身高: 169cm 体重:100kg 血型:O 家庭:父母,一个哥哥 爱好: 养宠物狗 金菲(原名:孙延玉)1982年生 智奕(原名:李智喜)1980年生
2023-01-03 10:41:562


2023-01-03 10:42:053

Turtles所有专辑歌曲 最全 的!

1辑 - Go! Boogie! 1. Turtles Free 1 2. Let"s 3. 舍戒律(Hiphop Version) 4. 爱的你 5. 和善的爱 6. 散发香气的回忆 7. 没有你 8. Turtles Free 2 9. You Can Do It 10. 我怎么 11. Real Love 12. 下雨的日子 13. 舍戒律(House Version) 2辑 - Turtles 21. Turtles Free 1 2. 我 3. 虽然已过十年 4. Come On 5. 为何这样 6. 守护天使 7. Turtles Free 2 8. 别惊慌 9. 龟步 10. 龟 11. 表面与里面 12. 献给将军 13. 我 (Remix) 14. 为何这样 (Remix) 3辑 - Turtles3 1.Turtles Free 3-1 2.How many 3.From now 4.Bingo 5.End it didn 6.It is grateful 7.Turtles Free 3-2 8.Oh Ji and sheep 9.Me your ramyon 10.It isn 11.It is inconvenient but 12.One person knows Oh! 13.Turtles Free 3-3 4辑- Turtles History 1.Turtles Free 4-1 2.Right Grade End 3.Airplane 4.Again 5.Oh! 6.In Half 7.Travel Oh! 8.Before 10 9.Remember Me 10.Director 11.Certainly 12.Turtles Free 4-2 5辑- Christmas Mix [Digital 1.Inside You It Listen 2.The Blood Green Onion Mote To Do 3.Maul Green Onion Mote 6辑-放轻松的乌龟 1.放轻松 2.不要忘记我 - 张英录/The Ray 3.暂时离开 4.现实 5.回忆的香气 6.去解释 7.不要忘记我(MR) 7辑-奔向五方 1.奔向五方 2.10点.4分 3.Singlala 4.闪烁 5.My name 6.已经第五了 7.请剪切 8.一个Y 9.再见 10.将成为人类 11.我希望如此 12.Logo Song collection Turtleman、虽然你不在了、但是你的音乐依然会流传很广很远、如果非要划定一个界限的话。我希望是全世界、敬仰、怀念、惋惜、都不足以表达我们乌龟迷的情感。但是我们还是要感谢你带给我们的欢乐、 希望对你有帮助、
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2023-01-03 10:42:412

用turtles 造句

They caught some large turtles on the shore. 他们在海滩上捉到许多只大海龟。
2023-01-03 10:42:501

哪位大神有turtles(乌龟组合)的的歌词中文翻译 感激不尽

真是闲的你 没事找什么歌词 听听歌就好了 听不懂的魅力 多好 采纳我
2023-01-03 10:42:592

Turtles的《COME ON》里面的歌词

歌曲名:Come On 歌手: Turtles如果有麻烦你马上落跑先闪那你今后就别指望哥儿们帮忙睁著眼说谎是绝对不会有好下场一样的土壤一样的豾阳在街道在车站年轻正在炫耀力量这样的一个地方懦弱被晒伤痛快淋漓的流汗我们放肆的成长hey~ come onenergy在释放你太慢有话就直讲hey~ come on像一个男子汉你太慢直接了当~music~在镜子前对自己欣赏还算自信满满反正那山不转路转没命中耙心的子弹当练习无妨试试看没那黱困难坚定的信仰坚定的主张都不管都去闯是与生俱来的力量超越了想像谁能拿我们怎样痛快淋漓的流汗我们放肆的成长年轻的故事都一样真正精彩都写在最后一行对失败认真的欣赏房子要盖得漂亮就狠狠的打下木桩alright hey~ come on (hey~ come on)放下你的高傲姿态(energy在释放)这一次我不是随便(你太慢)说一说玩一玩(有话就直讲)alright hey~ come on (hey~ come on)就是要你学会如何承担(像一个男子汉)(能不能做到能不能办到)(这一次就看你表现)
2023-01-03 10:43:081


2023-01-03 10:43:1413

turtles怎么读 英语turtles怎么读

1、turtles英[ˈtɜːtlz]美[ˈtɜrtəlz],n.海龟; (任何种类的)龟; 陆龟; 水龟; 鳖;turtle的第三人称单数和复数。 2、[例句]The sea turtle is an endangered species.海龟是濒危物种。
2023-01-03 10:45:371


turtle读音:英[ˈtɜːtl]、美[ˈtɜːrtl]。词典:海龟释义:n. 龟,甲鱼;海龟vi. 翻到背面或顶部;翻覆;(尤指在水中)捕捉海龟n. (Turtle)(英)特特尔(人名)变形:复数 turtles。turtle造句如下:1、It is said that turtle soup tonifies the body.据说甲鱼汤补身子。2、This island is home to at least five species of wild turtles.这个海岛上栖息着至少五种野生海龟。3、Turtles tuck their heads into their shells whenever they are in danger.乌龟一遇到危险就会把头缩进壳里。4、We saw a giant sea turtle on the beach.我们在沙滩上看到一只巨大的海龟。5、Experts say if the island is not protected, the spill could wipe out the gulf"s turtle population.专家们说如果那座小岛得不到保护,此次泄露有可能使该海湾地区的海龟灭绝。
2023-01-03 10:45:431


英 ["tɜ:tl] 美 [ˈtɜ:rtl] n. [动]龟;[动]海龟 vi. 捕海龟,捕鳖;(船等)翻没,倾覆 网 络 龟牌; 龟; 海龟; 乌龟 复数:turtles 过去式:turtled 过去分词:turtled 现在分词:turtling 第三人称单数:turtles 词条标签:CET6 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 1. N-COUNT 可数名词海龟;玳瑁 A turtle is a large reptile which has a thick shell covering its body and which lives in the sea most of the time. 【语域标签】:BRIT 英in AM, use 美国英语用 sea turtle2. N-COUNT 可数名词龟 A turtle is any reptile that has a thick shell around its body, for example a tortoise or terrapin. 【语域标签】:AM 美3. PHRASE 短语(船)倾覆,翻身 If a boat turns turtle, it turns upside down when it is in the water. 【搭配模式】:V inflectsThe tug nearly turned turtle twice, but I managed to keep her upright. 拖船两次都差点翻个儿,但我设法稳住了船身。
2023-01-03 10:45:552


turtles ["tə:tlz] n.乌龟(turtle的复数) 短语 Sea Turtles海龟 Turtles Run奔跑的乌龟 Turtles Forever永远的忍者神龟
2023-01-03 10:46:041


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2023-01-03 10:46:244


turtle的读音发音是美/ˈtɜːrtl/;英/ˈtɜːtl/。turtle的意思是龟;甲鱼;海龟;翻覆。turtle的读音发音是美/ˈtɜːrtl/;英/ˈtɜːtl/。海龟的英文是turtle。turtle造句1、It is said that turtle soup tonifies the body.据说甲鱼汤补身子。2、This island is home to at least five species of wild turtles.这个海岛上栖息着至少五种野生海龟。3、Turtles tuck their heads into their shells whenever they are in danger.乌龟一遇到危险就会把头缩进壳里。4、We saw a giant sea turtle on the beach.我们在沙滩上看到一只巨大的海龟。5、Experts say if the island is not protected, the spill could wipe out the gulf"s turtle population.专家们说如果那座小岛得不到保护,此次泄露有可能使该海湾地区的海龟灭绝。
2023-01-03 10:46:391


海龟Turtles Turtles由两女一男的成员组成,於2002年出道。거북이 曾推出专辑: 1st:《Go! Boogie!》 2nd:《Turtle2》 3rd:《Turtle3》 智奕 지이(原名:李智喜) Z-E 姓名:Z-E Z-E 出生日期:1980年7月27日 身高:165cm 体重:49kg 血型:O 型 家庭成员:父母、一个哥哥、一个姐姐 Turtle Man/Patrol(原名:林成勋) 1975年9月3日生 姓名: Turtle man 原名: 林成勋( 임성훈) 터틀맨 生日: 1975.9.3 身高: 169cm 体重:100kg 血型:O 家庭:父母,一个哥哥 爱好: 养宠物狗 Position:Rap/作词/作曲/Producing 金菲 금비(原名:孙延玉) MAID 姓名:Kumbi 금비 出生日期:1983年2月23日 身高:173cm 体重:50kg 血型:AB型 家庭成员:父母、一个哥哥
2023-01-03 10:46:472

turtle怎么读 turtle怎么造句

1、turtle,英[?t??tl]美[?t??rtl]。2、n.海龟; (任何种类的)龟; 陆龟; 水龟; 鳖;vi.捕海龟; 捕鳖; (船等)翻没; 倾覆;3、[例句]The sea turtle is an endangered species.海龟是濒危物种。4、[其他]第三人称单数:turtles 复数:turtles 现在分词:turtling 过去式:turtled 过去分词:turtled。
2023-01-03 10:46:561


名词1. 海龟[C]2. 龟;甲鱼;玳瑁[C]3. 龟肉[U]
2023-01-03 10:47:053


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  明星名称:乌龟组合 TURTLES 거북이  国家:韩国  出道时间:2001年  成员:林成勋(Turtle Man) 智奕(Z-E) 金菲(Geumbi)  音乐风格:Dance POP&Hip Hop  专辑:《Go!Boogie!》《Turtles2》《Turtles:3》  《Turtles4-买龟吧!!》《Turtles5-奔向五方》  获奖经历:2006第16次首尔歌谣大奖 《飞机》  精典歌曲:《四季》《COME ON》《BINGO》《多少》《飞机》  :听到他们的歌会令人心情变得很愉快,因此人们都会用"相当有意思"来形容Turtles的歌.正由于他们的歌曲能给大众带来共鸣,所以不论男女老少都非常喜爱他们的歌曲.2001年发行的第一张专辑是由Turtle Man亲自作词作曲甚至编曲录音的,作为新人来说是相当出色的,这之后他们还在乐坛掀起了一股"Turtles旋风".在他们的人气曲目中,有一首名为"四季"的歌曲,他们保留了原曲所要表达的意义,同时在歌曲里加入了Rap及Hip Hop元素,并且还融入了哲学的意味.Turtles出道后曾经更换过成员,并在2006年发行了第四张专辑.继"Come On"(快乐崇拜原版),"为什么这样"以及"Bingo"之后,他们又以第四张专辑的主打曲"飞机"展示了不同的魅力.且不管Turtles的歌曲是否有着深刻的音乐内涵,但是不可否认的是他们的歌曲非常简单,十分大众化,并且有着能让人们变得快乐轻松的魔法.备受合约问题困扰的Turtles,终于在队长Turtle Man成立自己的娱乐公司后,再次展开音乐活动。Turtles的最新第五张大碟收入12歌曲。主打歌「Sing Lala」(Track 3)是一首Euro风的舞曲,旋律简单却节拍强劲。另一首舞曲「My Name」(Track 5)则是与他们队名有关的几个小故事,Turtle Man的rap也令人印象难忘。而「请便宜些」(Track 7)则表演出他们的幽默感。  터틀맨  Turtleman (乌龟人)  본명 : 임성훈  本名:林成勋  직업 : 가수  职业:歌手  출생일 : 1970년 9월 3일  出生日:1970年9月3日(已更正)  소속 : 거북이  所属:乌龟  데뷔곡 : 사계 (2001년)  出道曲:《四季》(2001年)  신체 : 169cm, 100kg  身材:169cm,100kg  별명 : 왕거북이  外号:乌龟王  혈액형 : O형  血液型:O型  취미 : 애견육성 (강아지 키우기)  嗜好:爱犬育成(养小狗狗)  특기 : 잠 오래자기  特技:睡觉、长时间地睡觉  성격 : 명랑, 우직  性格:明朗、愚直  좌우명 : 모두가 나의 스승!  座右铭:万物皆吾师!  좋아하는 음식 : 커피, 밥  喜欢的食物:咖啡、饭  가족 : 2남 중 막내  家族:二男中的小儿子  家庭成员:妈妈 哥哥 我  兴趣:养爱犬 开车兜风,电脑游戏  特长:睡觉时间长 料理  外号:王乌龟  喜欢的东西:咖啡,饭,小狗  讨厌的东西:酒,生拌鱼,夏天,装酷  喜欢唱的歌:Solid 的“天生因缘”  喜欢的歌手:Wu-tang,Clan,曹德培  尊敬的人:爸爸  组合里的角色:Rapper  座右铭:所有人都是我的老师!  지이  Z-E(智奕)  本名:李智奕  生日:1980/7/27  生肖:猴  血型:O型  身高/体重:165cm / 49kg  家庭成员:父母 姐姐 哥哥  兴趣:十字绣,料理,家务活  特长:指甲艺术 十字绣,料理  外号:小乌龟  喜欢的东西:蘑菇,世上所有美丽的东西  讨厌的东西:酒,肉,生拌菜  喜欢唱的歌:紫雨林的歌  喜欢的歌手:朴其英,Lil Kim,徐文卓  尊敬的人:父母  组合里的角色:Rapper  座右铭:功夫不负有心人!  금비  Geumbi (金菲)  本名:孙延玉  생년월일(生日):1982. 11. 13  신체(身体情况):165cm / 45kg  취미(爱好):독서,포셀린아트,제빵(读书,收集香水,做面包),与小狗一起散步  组合中的角色:Vocal  姓名:SU BIN(秀彬)-已退出  生日:1983/2/23  血型:AB型  身高/体重:171cm / 50kg  家庭成员:父母 哥哥  兴趣:收集杂志  特长:模仿唱歌  外号:白乌龟  喜欢的东西:购物,做东西(不管什么),做辣白菜汤,酱牛肉  讨厌的东西:撒谎  喜欢唱的歌:朴火耀碧(这种事情)  喜欢的歌手:Christina Aguillere ,Mariah carey  尊敬的人:父母  组合里的角色:Vocal  座右铭:只有努力,就有好结果!  附表: 专辑发售日期: 专辑名称 发行公司  2001.12.20 《Turtles1-Go!Boogie!》 Enterone  2003.11.14 《Turtles2》 EMI(Korea)  2004.11.12 《Turtles3》 EMI(Korea)  2006.07.20 《Turtles4-거북이 사요!!》 발 매 사 만월당  2006.09.19 《The Land of Turtles》 비타민 엔터테인먼트  2006.11.29 《Christmas Mix (Digital Single)》 만인에미디어  2007.04.20 《Turtles-Single - 몸풀기: Remake Album》 발 매 사 만월당  2008.01.10 《Turtles5-오방간다》 발 매 사 만월당  2008.08.21 《Turtles:Special Album: 未完的故事》 발 매 사 만월당  三人混声组合乌龟组合的灵魂队员,今年38岁的TURTLE MAN不幸于2008-04-02凌晨2点在自己家中去世。TURTLE MAN死于心脏麻痹。早在2005年4月,当时TURTLE MAN就由于身体不适曾经发生过脑血栓病倒并接受了手术,一年之后恢复健康重返歌坛。乌龟组合从2002年出道,他们发表的多首经典作品都是出于TURTLE MAN的笔下,现在第五张专辑的SINGLALA也深受广大歌迷喜爱。中国朋友们熟悉的《快乐崇拜》也是他创作的乌龟组合曾经在韩国唱红的歌曲。  2008年9月4日,乌龟组合召开记者招待会宣布解散.......  2009年1月,旧成员秀彬复出并发行EP《爱像春天一样》  2010年3月,成员金菲复出并发行专辑《扑通 扑通》
2023-01-03 10:47:221


2023-01-03 10:47:281

忍者神龟那首主题曲叫什麼歌词有:one two three four

2023-01-03 10:47:331

忍者神龟那首主题曲叫什麼歌词有:one two three four

2023-01-03 10:47:392

忍者神龟那首主题曲叫什麼歌词有:one two three four

2023-01-03 10:47:481


忍者神龟:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Michelangelo (米开郎基罗) 橙色 双节棍 Donatello (多纳泰罗) 紫色 长棍 Leonardo (来昂那多) 蓝色 双刀 Raphael (拉菲尔) 红色 双叉以上~XD
2023-01-03 10:47:532

it"s turtles all the way down 是什么意思

it"s turtles all the way down一路上都是乌龟重点词汇turtles海龟( turtle的名词复数 ); 龟; 陆龟; 水龟all the way一路上,一直,完全down向下; 下; 下至; 在…的下方; 沿着…向下; 自…以来; 向下的; 沮丧的
2023-01-03 10:48:121

it"s turtles all the way down 是什么意思

这句话的意思是:沿路都是海龟。turtle是海龟的意思。这句话中的句子成分分析如下:It是人称代词,用作主语。is是联系动词,作谓语。turtles是海龟,是名词,用作表语。all the way down是一副词短语,用作状语。
2023-01-03 10:48:182


忍者神龟!Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Turtles count it off! One, Two, Three, Four! (Turtles!) Mutant chain reaction. (Turtles!) Livin" underground. (Turtles!) Ninjitsu action. (Turtles!) It"s a shell of a town! Turtles count it off! (One!) Live by the code of the martial arts. (Two!) Never fight unless someone else starts. (Three!) Always stick together no matter what. (Four!) If all else fails then it"s time to KICK BUTT! I love bein" (I love bein") I love bein" (I love bein") I love being a Turtle! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Turtles count it off! One, Two, Three, Four! (Turtles!) There"s no one better. (Turtles!) "Watch out for Shredder!" (Turtles!) They"re like no others. (Turtles!) Those teenage brothers. One, Two, Three, Four! One, Two, Three, Four! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
2023-01-03 10:48:301


  电 影 版      忍 者 神 龟        在 线 观 看  秋雨一场比一场  寒凉了此刻我才不  得不接受秋真的降临  身边再回不去夏日的和  暖了心中那一丝温暖的期  盼悄悄隐入了秋心等来年的  春风来开启秋雨那滴答滴答的  声音叫醒茶靡之期的花开夹着季  节的微凉轻叹着花事近了的忧伤秋  雨奏响呢喃着时光深处最动听的言语  一曲秋的轻柔私语使得万物沉寂凝心倾  听秋雨不喧哗不张扬轻轻地挥洒静静地飘  落执着而委婉地奔赴尘世中秋水长天的一场  邀约秋雨迷蒙烟雾轻绕隽永飘渺若一天诗情画  意舒展思绪迂缓地在飘飘雨中曼妙几多留恋深情
2023-01-03 10:49:183


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage 青少年Mutant 突变的(变异)Ninja 忍者Turtles 海龟(龟)那意思就是青少年变异忍者龟 — —....就这样了
2023-01-03 10:49:302

海龟的《Elenore》 歌词

歌曲名:Elenore歌手:海龟专辑:20 Greatest HitsElenoreThe TurtlesThe Turtles - ElenoreYou got a thing about youI just can"t live without youI really want you, Elenore, near meYour looks intoxicate meEven though your folks hate meThere"s no one like you, Elenore, reallyChorus:Elenore, gee I think you"re swellAnd you really do me wellYou"re my pride and joy, et ceteraElenore, can I take the timeTo ask you to speak your mindTell me that you love me betterVerse 2:I really think you"re groovyLet"s go out to a movieWhat do you say, now, Elenore, can we?They"ll turn the lights way down lowMaybe we won"t watch the showI think I love you, Elenore, love meElenore, gee I think you"re swellAnd you really do me wellYou"re my pride and joy, et ceteraElenore, can I take the timeTo ask you to speak your mindTell me that you love me betterElenore, gee I think you"re swellElenore, gee I think you"re swell
2023-01-03 10:49:381


  1987版:忍者神龟美国TV版开头歌词 (一代)  Teenage mutant ninja turtles  Teenage mutant ninja turtles  Teenage mutant ninja turtles  Heroes in a half—shell  Turtlt Power!  They"re the world"s most fearsome fighting team (We"re really hip!)  They"re heroes in a half—shell and they"re green (Hey—get a grip!)  When the evil shredder attacks  These turtle boys don"t cut him no slack!  Teenage mutant ninja turtles  Teenage mutant ninja turtles  Splinter taught them to be ninja teens(He"s a radical rat!)  Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines(That"s a fact,Jack!)  Rapheal is cool but curde(Gimme a break!)  Michaelangelo is a party dude  重复  2003版(TMNT2的游戏就是采用这个):  2003年版动画歌词  (2003"s New TMNT Toons Lyrics)  990KB)  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!  Turtles count it off!  One, Two, Three, Four!  Turtles!  Mutant chain reaction  Turtles!  Livin" underground  Turtles!  Ninjitsu action  Turtles!  It"s a shell of a town!  Turtles count it off!  One! Live by the code of the martial arts  Two! Never fight unless someone else starts  Three! Always stick together no matter what  Four! If all else fails then it"s time to KICK BUTT!  I love bein" (I love bein")  I love bein" a Turtle!  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!  Turtles count it off!  One, Two, Three, Four!  Turtles!  There"s no one better  Turtles!  (Shredder) "Watch out for Shredder!"  Turtles!  They"re like no others  Turtles!  Those teenage brothers  One, Two, Three, Four!  One, Two, Three, Four!  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!  2005版:  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!  Turtles count it off!  One, Two, Three, Four!  Turtles!  Mutant chain reaction  Turtles!  Livin" underground  Turtles!  Ninjitsu action  Turtles!  It"s a shell of a town!  Turtles count it off!  One! Leonardo"s always in control  Two! The wise guy is Michelangelochelangelo  Three! Donatello he"s the brains of the bunch  Four! Count on Raphael to throw the first punch!  I love bein" (I love bein")  I love bein" a Turtle! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!  Turtles count it off!  One, Two, Three, Four!  Turtles!  There"s no one better  Turtles!  (Mikey) "We shredded Shredder!"  Turtles!  They"re like no others  Turtles!  Those teenage brothers  One, Two, Three, Four!  One, Two, Three, Four!  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!  fast forward最新季:  Fast Forward 歌词  (TMNT Fast Forward Lyrics)  1.3MB)  It"s Ninja Time!  Four Teenage Turtles Surf, did it all the way from the past  Though the future"s a party that these brother"s just crash  Don"t know when to go home, how long the good times will last but  just stick around to see these turtles go  Fast Forward!  Leonardoeonardo, Donatelloonatello  Fast Forward!  Raphaelphael, Michelangeloichelangelo  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!  Fast Forward!  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!  It"s Ninja Time!  These Street"s have gotten so Strange, time to get rearange  but the four things change before they ever stay the Same  Still kicking butt, Playing Video games  Driving everyone nut"s in the street, this is really insane  Fast Forward!  (Raph) Get out of My way!  Fast Forward!  (Don) It"s so not yesterday!  Fast Forward!  (Mikey) It"s the Only way to play!  Fast Forward!  (Leo) Guess we"re here to stay!  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!  Fast Forward!  Teenage Mutant ninja Turtles!  Fast Forward!  资料出自:忍者神龟官方网站(The infomation from The TMNT Offical Site)  PS:你也喜欢杰西?
2023-01-03 10:49:441

忍者神龟那首主题曲叫什麼歌词有:one two three four

2023-01-03 10:49:492


Sea turtleFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSea turtles (Superfamily Chelonioidea) are turtles found in all the world"s oceans except the Arctic Ocean. There are seven living species of sea turtles: flatback, green, hawksbill, Kemp"s Ridley, leatherback, loggerhead and olive ridley. The East Pacific subpopulation of the green turtle has been classified as a separate species in the past as the black turtle. However, DNA evidence indicates that it is not evolutionarily distinct from the green turtle.[1]All but the leatherback are in the family Cheloniidae; the leatherback belongs to the family Dermochelyidae and is its only member.The Flatback turtle is found solely on the northern coast of Australia.参考资料:Wikipedia
2023-01-03 10:50:011

it"s turtles all the way down 是什么意思

it"s turtles all the way down[译]这是海龟一路往下走it"s turtles all the way down[译]这是海龟一路往下走
2023-01-03 10:50:301