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2023-07-14 15:51:00
TAG: 英文

问题一:洗澡英文 5分 take a shower(淋浴)

take a bath(不一定是淋浴还是泡澡)

wash body (不常用)

问题二:洗澡用英语怎么说4种 Take a showerbathe; take a bath; have a bath; have a shower

问题三:洗澡怎么说英语 Take a bath 洗澡(盆浴)

Showering 淋浴

问题四:洗澡的英语怎么写? bath或者take a shower/bath

问题五:洗澡.英语怎么讲??? have a bath/shower


问题六:洗澡 英文翻译 take a bath


have a shower

问题七:我洗澡去了用英语怎么说 I"m going to take a shower now.



问题一:洗澡用英语怎么说4种 Take a showerbathe; take a bath; have a bath; have a shower 问题二:沐浴的英文 take a shower have a bath 问题三:洗澡 英文怎么说 take a bath 问题四:洗澡怎么说英语 Take a bath 洗澡(盆浴) Showering 淋浴 问题五:“洗浴中心”用英语怎么说 绝对可爱 Q 劳舒平常被她们欺负惯了,也不敢顶嘴,其实他不止是为石天担心,也为三个蛮女担心,这新来的石天好象天不怕地不怕,而且又会武术,觉得项娇他们这几十个人不见得能奈何石天,而他心里把这三位蛮女还是当成朋友的,虽然受她们欺负,但外人欺负他的时候,这三位蛮女也帮他,一时间着急的不知道如何是好。 问题六:简单英语问题,沐浴露的英文怎么说? body lotion是润肤露吧,洗澡以后擦的。shampoo的却是洗发水,香波嘛。 沐浴露就是Bath/shower Wash 或 Bath&憨47;shower Gel,后者是喱类的。肯定没错,我刚才在BODY SHOP买的冬冬上面就是这么写的,这个牌子应该只有英国有的卖。 问题七:洗澡 英文翻译 take a bath bath have a shower 问题八:沐浴露英文怎么说 show hel bath cream body wah 有道 问题九:“沐浴露”这个词用英文怎么说,要地道的英文表达。body shampoo 是沐浴露的意思吗? Shower Gel, Bath Gel, Bath Cream, Body Wash都指沐浴露, shampoo是洗发用的。 问题十:洗澡.英语怎么讲??? have a bath/shower shower是淋浴,和bath有点区别
2023-07-14 09:40:301


take a shower 或 have a bath
2023-07-14 09:40:414

i am showering 这句话对么? 我在洗澡 shower是动词啊

听我的!这句话错了!应该是I"m taking a shower.take a shower是一个词组 take是这个词组的动词
2023-07-14 09:41:173


2023-07-14 09:41:241

after you are done showering是什么结构?

2023-07-14 09:41:323

We only have one shower这句话什么意思?

We only have one shower.我们仅仅有一个淋浴头。
2023-07-14 09:41:407

after you are done showering是什么结构?

2023-07-14 09:41:551

浴球的英语是什么 是Bath ball吗

可以说bath ballmesh ball也对loofah 或者 Sponge 是海绵 不是浴球
2023-07-14 09:42:035


2023-07-14 09:43:211


1201 Lesson Twelve Weather 天气 How do you like the weather today? 你觉得今天天气如何? What do you think of the weather today? 1202 Lesson Twelve Weather 天气 How was it yesterday? 昨天天气如何? How was the weather like yesterday? How was it yesterday? 1203 Lesson Twelve Weather 天气 What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气如何? How do you like the weather tomorrow? How about tomorrow? How will it be tomorrow? What will the weather be like tomorrow? (The weather will be like what tomorrow.) What is the weather like today? What was the weather like yesterday? 1204 Lesson Twelve Weather 天气 Nice day, isn‘t it? 天真好,不是吗? 1205 Lesson Twelve Weather 天气 What a lousy day! 天气真糟糕呀! What a difficult day, isn‘t it? What a chilly day, isn‘t it? What a cold day, isn"t it? What a hot day, isn"t it? What a muggy day, isn"t it? 1206 Lesson Twelve Weather 天气 It is muggy and hot. 又闷又热。 1207 Lesson Twelve Weather 天气 It has been cloudy all morning and now it is raining cats and dogs. 整个上午天气阴沉沉的,现在下起了大雨。 windy sunny muggy breezy foggy mist It‘s foggy. It"s misty. pour pour tea coffee It‘s pouring. shower It‘s cloudy. It"s sunny. It"s clear. It‘s raining. It‘s showering. rain pour shower storm thunder lightning thunder storm hail 1208 Lesson Twelve Weather 天气 It has been cloudy all morning and now it is raining cats and dogs. 整个上午天气阴沉沉的,现在下起了大雨。 breeze wind northern wind northly wind western wind gale sand-storm There is a gale these days. There is a thunder storm these days. typhoon hurricane tornado Tornado Jack is coming. snow snowy sleet blizzard A blizzard is hitting us next month. The storm is hitting us. 1209 Lesson Twelve Weather 天气 It was blowing hard. 风很大。 It‘s blowing hard. It"s blowing heavily. 1210 Lesson Twelve Weather 天气 It will probably clear up tomorrow. 明天可能天就晴了。 It is clear up today. 1211 Lesson Twelve Weather 天气 What‘s the temperature today? 今天多少度? What was the temperature yesterday? What will be the temperature tomorrow? What is going to be the temperature tomorrow? body temperature thermometer degree Celsius Fahrenheit (华氏度-32)×5/9 = 摄氏度 The temperature is 7°C. °C °F 1212 Lesson Twelve Weather 天气 The lowest temperature can drop to 30°C below zero. 最低温度能达到零下三十度。 The temperature rises. The temperature drops. Increase decrease increase to decrease to increase by decrease by global warming The lowest temperature these days increased by 2 degrees these years.
2023-07-14 09:43:311


I‘m about to take a about to 表示即刻,很快就将做某事。其他比如be going to/will也可以望采纳~
2023-07-14 09:43:413


Invigorating-Shower-Gel沐浴露invigorating[英][u026an"vu026aɡu0259reu026atu026au014b][美][u026an"vu026aɡu0259reu026atu026au014b]adj.爽快的; 精神充沛的,爽快的; v.使生机勃勃( invigorate的现在分词); shower[英][u02c8u0283au028au0259(r)][美][u02c8u0283au028au025a]n.阵雨; 淋浴; 淋浴器; 一大批; vi.下阵雨; 似阵雨般降落; 洒落; 纷纷降落; vt.大量地给予; 抛洒,使纷纷降落; 第三人称单数:showers复数:showers现在进行时:showering过去式:showered过去分词:showered相关单词:Showergel[英][du0292el][美][du0292u025bl]n.凝胶,冻胶; 定型发胶; vi.形成胶体; 胶化; 第三人称单数:gels复数:gels现在进行时:gelling过去式:gelled过去分词:gelled
2023-07-14 09:43:491


2023-07-14 09:43:572


who is cleaning the window?I am doing my swimmingNumber is taking a shower.
2023-07-14 09:44:056


Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you"re gonna get. forget that there are u2026 place u2026 in the world that are not made out of stone, there is something u2026 inside u2026 that they can not get to u2026 that is hope .
2023-07-14 09:44:202


Last week, a shopping receipt made me cry. The ink was faded, but I could make out the groceries my father used to buy for himself. German biscuits. Ham. Cherry tomatoes. The particular kind of1)apricot juice I always thought was too sweet. It"s a 2)banal list, but one that made me catch my breath—for my father can"t do ordinary things such as going to the supermarket any more, and this unexpected reminder of the man he used to be, the decisions he used to make, 3)drove that home. He has 4)vascular dementia—5)Alzheimer"s less famous twin. A series of tiny strokes, 6)cloudbursts in his brain, are destroying him. Every week, he gets a little worse. Once a proud 7)Cornishman, who strode the cliffs and built granite walls with ease, he now 8)shuffles, and trembles as he eats. The reason I came across the receipt, tucked into the middle of an old chequebook, is because I look after his finances. I live more than 300 miles away, and managing his affairs has become my way of loving this new version of him. But this 9)“dadmin”, as I call it, is difficult, although not as hard as showering and dressing him, or weathering his thunderous moods. That role falls to his fantastic carers, who have made a difficult situation bearable. Yet it"s extremely hard, all the same. I have gone from having a single bank account and a joint mortgage, to managing four properties and nine tenants, employing three people and juggling various ISAs (individual savings account)and investments. From not thinking about money beyond whether I could afford a 10)splurge at 11)Topshop, I have had to acquaint myself with paying his employees" 12)national insurance, getting the best deal on building insurance, and reinvesting bonds.
2023-07-14 09:44:302

翻译作品 身影 The Silhouette 双语对照

我们家人同住一个屋檐下近10年间,不止一次遇到过超自然或令人毛骨悚然的事情。可能因为我们自己建造了这所房子,能确保没有尸体被埋在地底,所以我们不必担心在这里住的人家有怎样黑暗的历史。也没有人死在这栋房子里。这也就是我难以来理解一些奇怪的事情总在下午发生在我的身上的原因。 My family have been living in the same house for almost 10 years, but not once did we ever encounter anything supernatural or creepy. Probably because we built this house ourselves and made sure no dead bodies were buried in the soil, so we didn"t have to worry about previous families having dark histories or such. Nobody has died in the house either. Which is why when something disturbing finally happened to me on a certain afternoon, I couldn"t come up with an explanation why it happened. 那是暑期,你知道,当你有没有学校的课业负担,可以躺在屋子里一整天一动不动。但多数时候下,房子里只有我、我的弟弟和奶奶,因为妈妈要上班,而哥哥有一份暑期工作。玩了几个小时电脑,因为那天下午感觉很潮热,我感到烦闷就去冲凉了。你看,我们的浴室门有这种彩色玻璃之类的设计 (我很难分辨清楚不同类型的玻璃) 所以你可以看到路过门口的人的身影,但如眼睛、 鼻子、嘴的一些细枝末节还看不清楚。当我老妈安装它的时候,我极力反对,因为我是个女孩,我不喜欢别人看得到我里面的一举一动,尽管只是个身影。因为如果你越是接近玻璃,另一边看得越清楚。我有两个兄弟,所以我真的不明白为什么我妈炸了安装那该死的玩意。 It was summer break, you know, those times when you have no school stuff to worry about and you can lay around the house all day. Most of the time, the only people in the house were me, my younger brother, and my grandma, since my mom was working and my older brother had a summer job. After spending hours on the computer, I finally got bored and decided to take a quick bath since that afternoon felt so humid and hot. You see, our bathroom door has this stained glass design or something (I"m not good at describing different types of glass) so you can see the silhouette of people passing by the door, but the other details like eyes, nose or mouth are not clear. When my mom got it installed, I hated it because I was a girl and I don"t like the idea of people seeing me while inside there even if it"s just my silhouette, because if you come close enough to the glass, the better the person on the other side will see you. I had two brothers, so I don"t really understand why the hell my mom installed that thing. 不管怎么说,我洗澡正自我陶醉的时候,突然一转头,发现一个高大的身影站在门口。这肯定不是我的奶奶,因为她是一个身材矮小的人,所以我得出结论这是我的兄弟,因为那家伙比我年纪小却奇高无比高。 Anyway, my bath was going fine, until I turned my head and realized a tall figure was standing right outside the door. It surely wasn"t my grandma since she"s a short person, so I concluded it was my brother because that guy is freaking tall even if he"s younger than me. "嘿,我正在洗澡。快走开!我高声叫喊,但他甚至没有移动一英寸。他可能就是故意想要惹毛我,于是我把洗发水瓶子摔到门上。"滚!" “Hey, I"m showering. Go away!” I yelled, but he didn"t even move an inch. He"s probably just trying to annoy me again so decided to throw a shampoo bottle against the door. “Go away!” 值得庆幸的是,他虽然没走,但我完成了我的淋浴,感觉有点生气。我穿好衣服,去他的房间找他。他正忙着玩电脑。 Thankfully, he did go away, and I just finished my shower while feeling a bit pissed. As soon as I got dressed, I went to confront him in his room. He was busy playing in his PC. “你在做什么站在浴室门口像个跟屁虫看我洗澡?” “What were you doing standing in front of the bathroom like a creep while I was showering?” “我没有跟着你。”他只是说没有盯着我看罢了。但我还只是翻了一个白眼,没有进一步追问因为天知道他因不擅于撒谎而做出什么奇怪举动,况且他也不会认错。我只是耸耸肩,因为他一整天没有再跟踪我,所以,也许他只是无聊找点乐子。然而第二天,我又在中午洗澡,当我看着门口时,他又在那里。他只站在那里,大概在看我洗澡的身影。 “I wasn"t creeping on you,” He simply said without even looking at me. I just rolled my eyes and didn"t press any further, since he tends to lie when caught doing some crap and it won"t be easy to make him admit to it anyway. I decided to just shrug it off because he didn"t do it again the rest of the day, so maybe he was just bored that moment. The very next day, I was taking a noon shower again and when I looked at the door, there he was again. Just standing there and probably watching my silhouette move as I showered. "丹!!!滚开!"我尖叫了一声,感觉他烦人的同时因他的举动感到受宠若惊。我开始想他可能在浏览一些色情网站,然后现在开始幻想这些东西。它是简直令人汗毛倒立。"走开,否则我叫妈妈!!!" “DAN!!!! GO AWAY!!!” I screamed, feeling annoyed but partly creeped out by my brother"s actions. I was starting to think that he probably discovered some porn online and is now starting to fantasize about stuff. It was downright creepy. “GO AWAY OR I"LL CALL MOM!!!” 最后,他开始慢慢地转身走开,然后消失在了走廊的尽头。我正要松一口气,但随即另一个不同的人物身影从对面的走廊跑过来,就在门前停了下来。当我意识到他才真的是我的弟弟时,我的血都凉了。我可以清楚地看清他深棕的肤色,和他黄色的海绵宝宝衬衣。那另一个身影,似乎也同样高但是纯黑的,好像只是一个影子。 Finally, he started to slowly turn around and walk away, then disappeared into the left hallway. I was about to let out a relieved sigh, but then a different silhouette came running from the opposite hallway and stopped right in front of the door. My blood ran cold when I realized that this person is SURELY my brother. I can clearly see his brown skin and even the yellow tint of his spongebob shirt. The other silhouette, however, was equally tall but pure black as if just a shadow. “你说什么?”他叫道,好像他真的没听见我刚刚一直在尖叫一样。我无法回答,因为我被刚刚发生的事情彻底地震惊了。我的脑子一片空白。 “What did you say?” He called out, like he really didn"t hear what I have been screaming. I wasn"t able to answer because I was still completely shocked about what just happened. It was like my mind just went blank. “嘿?你没事吧?"我弟弟的声音把我从思索中拽出来,让我赶紧穿好衣服。我推开门时,我撞上了他满是困惑的脸。因为我能感觉到自己的麻木和所有痛苦可能显得如此苍白。我把弟弟拉到客厅里,开始向他解释一切。他没有戏弄或嘲笑我,因为即使我们多数时间互相嬉闹,但当我们中的一个是彻底被震惊,我们知道肯定有什么事不对了。他解释说,他没听到别人溜进屋子,甚至我们的有五个狗看在上帝的份上没有叫过一次。我们不得不得出这样的结论:这是超自然的事情,就像我之前所说,尽管住在这很久了,我们从未经历过这样的事情。而且令人恐怖的是它发生在光天化日之下。难道超自然物体不都是在夜晚出现吗? “Hey? You okay?” My brother"s voice snapped me out of it, and I hurriedly got dressed. When I got out, I was greeted by his confused face. I probably looked so pale because I could still feel myself numb from all that shock. I pulled my brother to the living room and started to explain everything to him. He didn"t tease or laugh at me because even though we piss off each other most of the time, when one of us is totally shaken up, we know something is surely wrong. He explained that he didn"t hear anybody else sneak into the house, and we even have five dogs outside for Christ"s sake, and none of them barked even once. We didn"t want to conclude that it was something paranormal since, just like I said earlier, we never experienced such things in the house after living here for a very long time. And it happened in broad daylight. Don"t paranormal entities prefer to haunt people at night? 我们决定要问一问我们的奶奶,因为她在年轻的时候也经历了很多奇怪的事情。她告诉我们的就是灵魂经常到人家里拜访,即使他们不认识那里所居住的人。她甚至开玩笑说,也许那一定灵魂爱上了我,但我觉得她真的吓到我了。我们三个人同意不告诉我的母亲,因为她是一个完全的怀疑论者,她会在我面前唠叨,说我阅读了太多恐怖的东西。这对我来说已经足够安抚了,还有两人相信我的故事。 We decided to approach our grandma since she"s the one that has experienced odd things during her younger days. All she told us was that spirits tend to visit homes once in a while even if they don"t know the people living in there. She even joked that maybe that certain spirit just fancied me, but that idea only scared me more. The three of us agreed to keep the matters from my mother, since she"s a full blown skeptic and would probably just nag me, saying that I"m reading too much horror stuff. It was already comforting enough for me that two people sincerely believed my story. 最后那次遭遇之后,我总是祈祷后再进入卫生间,祈祷保护我安全,无论那个东西是什么。据我所知,它可能是一个恶魔,但我肯定不希望恶魔着跟踪我。它几天没有出现,让我渐渐安心,但是,又一次出现了,似乎是一个最后的告别。 Since that last encounter, I don"t enter that bathroom without praying and praying to be kept safe from whatever that thing was. For all I know, it could be a demon, and I sure as hell don"t want a demon stalking me. It didn"t happen again for a few days as if to give me a break, but then, it visited me again as if for one final goodbye. 非常不幸的是,它出现在深夜,大多数的灯已经关掉,尽管我们没人睡着。我是最后一个洗澡的,但把电话放进浴室怕它出现跟踪我。我把眼睛盯在彩色玻璃上,试着尽快洗完澡。我在把洗发水洗掉的同时,我看到同样的黑色身影慢慢走靠近门口。我真的他妈的看到它从黑暗的走廊里出现却像是一直在那儿。心跳加速,我慢慢地伸手去拿电话,让淋浴继续流淌因为我希望它不会知道我已经注意到它。我呼吸急促,给我弟弟播通了电话。当我按下电话,我弟弟的电话响了,就这时,它突然伸手抓住门把手,开始试着打开它。门把手摇晃得很厉害,我认为它会把门打开。 Being the very unfortunate me, it was late at night, and most of the lights were already off although none of us were asleep yet. I was the last to take a shower, but I made sure I had my phone inside the bathroom with me since the fear was still crawling around my system. I kept my eyes glued to the stained glass as I tried to shower as quickly as I can. I was only halfway done washing away the shampoo, when I saw the same black figure slowly walk closer the door. I actually fucking saw how it appeared from the dark hallway like it has always been there all the time. Heart racing, I slowly reached for my phone, letting the shower stay on so that thing hopefully wouldn"t know that I already noticed it. I was already letting out shaky breaths as I went to my brother"s contact number. As soon as I pressed call and my brother"s phone started ringing from somewhere in the house, the figure suddenly reached for the doorknob and started to try and open it. The knob was shaking so violently that I thought it would actually break. 我怕极了,我真的被它吓到了。我尖叫起来。我发出一生中最响亮的尖叫,希望有人听到救救我。我他妈的感到很无助,这是我经历过最恐怖的事情。我觉得无论怎样,它似乎都想要伤害我。 At that point, I just lost it. I screamed. I let out the loudest scream I ever made in my whole life, hoping that everyone would hear it and come to my rescue. I just felt so fucking helpless, and it was the most horrifying thing I have ever experienced. I felt like whatever that thing was, it wanted to hurt me. 响亮的脚步声回荡在走廊上,它迅速撤退了,立即消失回黑暗中仿佛从未存在过。当我听到了我的兄弟和我妈妈要求我出来时,我摸索着,用一条毛巾包裹住自己,开了门。我拥抱着靠我最近的人,我忘了是谁,哭了。乱七八糟的话从我嘴里冒出来,我只是希望他们能理解我。值得庆幸的是,我妈妈并不唠叨我,只是呆在我身边,整晚向我保证,我会没事的。 When loud footsteps echoed in the hallway, the figure quickly stepped back and immediately disappeared back into the darkness as if it was never even there. When I could hear my brothers and my mom calling for me outside, I fumbled to wrap myself with a towel and opened the door. I hugged whoever was nearest to me and cried. Jumbled words of explanation came out of my mouth and I just hoped that they understood me. Thankfully, my mom didn"t nag me, and stayed beside me the whole night to assure me that I"ll be okay. 后立即,我妈妈换掉那扇门了,取而代之的是一个正常的门,不透明的固体。之后,我再也没见过它,虽然我不能否认仍有这一天,它将突然出现撞在我的脸上,又一次吓到了我。我从来不知道它到底是什么,它想要什么。 Immediately after that, my mom had that door removed and replaced it with a normal, solid one. Since then, I haven"t seen that thing again, though I couldn"t deny that I still have this constant fear that one day, it will pop in my face and finally get me. I never knew what exactly it was, and what it wanted from me. 而且我知道,它实际上只站在那坚实的门后面,盯着纯白色的表面,似乎它仍能看到我。 Or for all I know, it"s actually just standing behind that solid door, staring at the plain white surface like it could still see me.
2023-07-14 09:44:491


1、珍惜资源永续利用,绿化环境净化心灵。Cherish resources sustainable use,greening the environment to purify the mind.2、加强用水设备管理,堵塞水的跑冒滴漏!To strengthen equipment management, water plugging water PaoMaoDiLou!3、节约用水保护水资源,是全社会共同责任。Save water protection of water resources, is a common responsibility society as a whole.4、别再让它伤心流泪——请自觉关好水龙头。Don"t let it tears -- please close the tap.5、世界缺水中国缺水城市缺水,请节约用水。The world water shortage of China urban water shortage, water shortage, please save water.6、为了人类和您自身的生命,请珍惜每一滴水!For humans and your own life, please cherish every drop of water!7、水是生命的源泉、工业的血液、城市的命脉。Water is the source of life, industrialblood, city"s lifeblood.8、世界缺水、中国缺水、城市缺水,请节约用水。World water shortage, China"s water shortages, urban water shortage, please save water.9、节约用水不是口号,而是一种实实在在的行动。Saving water is not a slogan,but a real action.10、当你让水白白流掉时,我们离干旱又近了一步。When you let water flow for nothing, weare a step closer to the drought.
2023-07-14 09:44:561


2023-07-14 09:45:106

英语作文 住在家里的优点与缺点 200到300子 要有文采

In my point of view, whether living around your parents or living independently depends on your personal will and your family situation. Different situations interacting with families and adults results in different consequence.! |. t( k8 W. w# t4 u5 |What kind of group of adults is suggested to live on their own?5 g1 ]; u% m0 u) BSome young adults want independence from their parents as soon as possible. Other young adults prefer to live with their families for a longer time. Which of these situations do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.% k& I4 S8 S, F0 m9 g$ x7 Y% BFor those who are suitable to live out of family and raise themselves should have a strong personal plan as how to do something and what you want to do in your future. I have witnessed many examples of successfully seeking self independent behavior. Benjamin Franklin, who was forced to go hunting for himself when the printing factory could not satisfy his plan, is a worldwide known fact that encouraged young people in getting out of the home and fighting for themselves. However, in order to be like Franklin you must have a deep strong personal plan and outstanding skill or special trait that can make you different once you are out of the support of the family. If you do not have the advantages you will suffer from the irrational situation a lot. Another thing about living independently as a young adult is that you will have a high percentage of failure compared with the family living adults.4 i" E5 S, M* B/ D- IWhat kind of adults should live with their family as long as they can?3 s1 `; M b) S) x" nI think living with the family can benefit you a lot for those who feel there is no contradiction between their personal prospective future and the family issues. As a result, you can get advantages when living with your parents. For example, you want to go to a good college and need a huge amount of money, and what you can do is to ask for help from your parents; you also want to get a internship at a top company, then you can ask your dad or relatives related to the family for information; if you want to establish your own business you can even loan money from your parents. But, you should also remember living dependently will make you afraid to face more challenges comparing with the independent adults.
2023-07-14 09:45:284


1 it"s very important to understand the local customs when you go to different parts of the world!2-where will you move to ?-Beijing 3 I plan to find a part-time job next year!4 I begin to learn English when I am a kid!5 I want to make a famous violinist when I grow up!6 His grandpa is alive ,and he is a doctor.7 Tony plans to find a part time job as to earn more money!8 He joined the political party when he was 22.9 How often do you clean up your house?10 I don"t like to wash clothes since it"s boring.11 Thank you for looking after my dog .12 I"d also like some drink and snack.13 Can you help me feed my gold fish ?14 Which restautants" service is the worst ?15 This cinema"s chairs are more comfortable than that one !16 The best performance award is belonged to Stennen17 The price for house from that hotel is very low.18 The quality of the clothes is the best19 Can you fold up your clothes?20 -How far is it from school ?-10 mintues by bus21 Different people from different parts of the world have different opinions about the good dinning manners !22 Livan ,who is really very funny ,is more good at social functions .23 -what do you plan to do ?-I will take care of my little sister for temporary.
2023-07-14 09:45:367


He often sings while taking a shower.
2023-07-14 09:45:527


2023-07-14 09:46:081


淋浴的英文是:shower有关词组:take a shower
2023-07-14 09:47:231


问题一:洗个淋浴,英语怎么说 洗个淋浴_有道翻译 翻译结果: Took a shower shower_有道词典 shower 英 ["?a??] 美 ["?a?u025a] n. 淋浴;(倾泻般出现的)一阵,一大批;阵雨 vt. 大量地给予;把……弄湿 vi. 淋浴;下阵雨 更多释义>> [网络短语] Shower 阵雨,淋浴,淋浴 shower nozzle 喷头,淋浴莲蓬头,莲蓬头 Autumn Shower 秋日骤雨,秋天的骤雨,秋天的骤雨专辑 问题二:洗澡怎么说英语 Take a bath 洗澡(盆浴) Showering 淋浴 问题三:我每晚十点一刻洗淋浴,用英语怎么说? 我每晚十点一刻洗淋浴 I take a shower at a quarter past ten every night 问题四:洗澡.英语怎么讲??? have a bath/shower shower是淋浴,和bath有点区别 问题五:你洗澡洗完了吗 英语怎么说 Have you finished bathing? 问题六:玛丽在5点50洗淋浴 英语怎么说呀? 你好! 玛丽在5点50洗淋浴 Mary take a shower in 5:50 问题七:洗个淋浴,英语怎么说 洗个淋浴_有道翻译 翻译结果: Took a shower shower_有道词典 shower 英 ["?a??] 美 ["?a?u025a] n. 淋浴;(倾泻般出现的)一阵,一大批;阵雨 vt. 大量地给予;把……弄湿 vi. 淋浴;下阵雨 更多释义>> [网络短语] Shower 阵雨,淋浴,淋浴 shower nozzle 喷头,淋浴莲蓬头,莲蓬头 Autumn Shower 秋日骤雨,秋天的骤雨,秋天的骤雨专辑 问题八:洗澡用英语怎么说4种 Take a showerbathe; take a bath; have a bath; have a shower 问题九:洗澡 英文怎么说 take a bath 问题十:洗澡用英语怎么说? have a bath/ take a bath
2023-07-14 09:48:581


问题一:洗澡英文 5分 take a shower(淋浴) take a bath(不一定是淋浴还是泡澡) wash body (不常用) 问题二:洗澡用英语怎么说4种 Take a showerbathe; take a bath; have a bath; have a shower 问题三:洗澡怎么说英语 Take a bath 洗澡(盆浴) Showering 淋浴 问题四:洗澡的英语怎么写? bath或者take a shower/bath 问题五:洗澡.英语怎么讲??? have a bath/shower shower是淋浴,和bath有点区别 问题六:洗澡 英文翻译 take a bath bath have a shower 问题七:我洗澡去了用英语怎么说 I"m going to take a shower now.
2023-07-14 09:49:051


问题一:淋浴器用英语怎么说 Shower Faucet 淋浴龙头shower fittings 淋浴器.Shower Nozzle 淋浴喷头 问题二:洗个淋浴,英语怎么说 洗个淋浴_有道翻译 翻译结果: Took a shower shower_有道词典 shower 英 ["?a??] 美 ["?a?u025a] n. 淋浴;(倾泻般出现的)一阵,一大批;阵雨 vt. 大量地给予;把……弄湿 vi. 淋浴;下阵雨 更多释义>> [网络短语] Shower 阵雨,淋浴,淋浴 shower nozzle 喷头,淋浴莲蓬头,莲蓬头 Autumn Shower 秋日骤雨,秋天的骤雨,秋天的骤雨专辑 问题三:淋浴喷头怎么翻译 showerhead 问题四:洗澡怎么说英语 Take a bath 洗澡(盆浴) Showering 淋浴 问题五:洗澡用英语怎么说4种 Take a showerbathe; take a bath; have a bath; have a shower
2023-07-14 09:49:121


问题一:我们应该沐浴而不是盆浴的英文 我们应该沐浴而不是盆浴 We should not bath tub 我们应该沐浴而不是盆浴 We should not bath tub 问题二:英语翻译洗盆浴和洗淋浴两个,翻译结果一样吗 不一样啊, 洗盆浴是 take a bath 洗淋浴是 take a shower 问题三:洗澡 用英语 淋浴:take a shower 或 have a shower 盆浴,泡澡:take a bath 或 have a bath 问题四:洗澡怎么说英语 Take a bath 洗澡(盆浴) Showering 淋浴 问题五:洗澡 用英语怎么说 take a shower take a bath 望采纳
2023-07-14 09:50:171

shower on是什么意思及反义词

shower on 淋浴器shower 英[u02c8u0283au028au0259(r)] 美[u02c8u0283au028au025a] n. 淋浴; 阵雨; 淋浴器; 一大批; vi. 下阵雨; 似阵雨般降落; 洒落; 纷纷降落; vt. 大量地给予; 抛洒,使纷纷降落; [例句]She heard him turn on the shower.她听见他打开了淋浴喷头。[其他] 第三人称单数:showers 复数:showers 现在分词:showering过去式:showered 过去分词:showered
2023-07-14 09:50:251

take a warm shower是什么意思

2023-07-14 09:50:586

below shower中ow发音是否相同

不同below 英[bɪˈləʊ] 美[bɪˈloʊ] adv. 在下面,到下面; prep. 低于; (表示位置) 在…下面; (表示状态) 在…掩饰之下; (表示比较) 不及; [网络] 以下; 下方; 底下; [例句]He dropped his cigarette butt into the street below.他把烟头扔到下面的街道上。[其他] 形近词: allow ablow aglow shower 英[ˈʃaʊə(r)] 美[ˈʃaʊɚ] n. 淋浴; 阵雨; 淋浴器; 一大批; vi. 下阵雨; 似阵雨般降落; 洒落; 纷纷降落; vt. 大量地给予; 抛洒,使纷纷降落; [例句]The shower that we put in a few years back has broken and we cannot afford to replace it.我们几年前安装的淋浴器坏了,但买不起新的来换。[其他] 第三人称单数:showers 复数:showers 现在分词:showering过去式:showered 过去分词:showered 形近词: stower slower showed
2023-07-14 09:51:121

大学英语作文:The Virtues of Being College Students

During my time as an undergrad I always embraced being a student but there were moments when I couldn"t wait to graduate and get a jump start on my career and start making money. My older peers always told me to stay in school as long as you can. Now that I am out on my own, I realized what they meant. I am truly starting to appreciate things I took for granted while I was in school. Therefore, it has inspired me to jot down a few things I miss about college since I"ve entered the real world.First, being a student equals free things and discounts. My first few weeks out of college I realized how often I took advantage of my student status. I am no longer eligible for discounts at local food markets, on electronics, etc. Not to mention having to pay for things like a gym-membership.In addition to freebies I never knew the student health center was the cheapest hospital I"d ever visit. Although it is just a doctor"s office, it was nice to have a place to go when I was feeling a little under the weather... and for free. Now if I want to have a doctor check me for a sinus infection or cold, it will cost me. I also didn"t realize how much I took my parent"s health insurance for granted. Searching for my health insurance has been a true eye-opener. I"ve learned a lot about how things work and what terms like "deductible" and "co-pay" mean as well as how expensive things can get.Yes, health insurance from the parents is something I didn"t calculate into my cost of college, as well as parent"s money in general. Even if some students don"t get an allowance, parents often pay for car insurance, cell phone bills, taxes and things like that. These are things I never even thought about... until I had to start paying for them.Health insurance, taxes, bills etc. will become more manageable once I get comfortable financially. But one thing that I simply can"t put a price tag on are winter, spring and fall break. Besides a day or two off for Christmas, these glorious weeks don"t exist in the real world. I never realized how precious these days were until I didn"t have them anymore.Although I could ramble on about a few other luxuries I miss about being a student, all in all, my transition from student to a young professional as been an appreciative one. No one could convince me how great being in college was; I only truly valued it after I was no longer there. And since I am not in a full-time position yet, I know how incredible things like paid-vacation time and health insurance are when it comes to accepting a job; it isn"t all about the salary. Thus, my journey from college to real-world has been a necessary step into what will be a successful and grateful career.2llege students are a special brand of species. You can pick college students out of a crowd by the way they look, what they are wearing, how they walk around in the morning, what they eat and the amount of hygiene they deem acceptable. The weirdest experience I can remember was coming home from college after my freshman year and taking a shower without wearing flip flops, without the fear of getting some kind of fungus on my feet. Yes, college students are another type of species where even the lowest attempt at maintaining hygiene is tolerated. Everyone who is a student understands that people wear sweats to class. They?re comfortable to sit in for long periods of time and easy to put on in the morning. However, wearing sweats does not replace showering. Yes, in most cases sweats will cover up your two-days-without-showering smell, and a hoodie, to some, has become the best invention ever to hide your scary bed head. But sweats are not a substitute for showering at least once a day. There is also the issue of wearing the same sweat suit day after day after day. Sweats are miraculous inventions, but even they can?t withstand the smell of a college student for more than two days without being washed. To all of you who do wear the same sweats day after day, you?re not fooling anyone, we can smell you, but something tells me that if you?re doing it, you don?t really care what anyone thinks in the first place. Just don?t expect to get any phone numbers in class. Worse than wearing the same sweats day after day, is getting decked out in nice clothing to go to class when you haven?t showered. Unless you?re of a special smell-less, sweat-less class, there is no reason why you are an exception to the showering rule. What I don?t get is why you would waste a perfectly good outfit you could wear over the weekend, to throw on your un-showered bodies in order to sit in class all day. God gave college students sweats for a reason; it is a shame that some of you still wear short skirts and high heels to class. When I see people decked out in class, squirming around uncomfortably in their seats for an hour and 45 minutes, it makes me want to throw a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie at them.Another thing that some students who are above and beyond hygiene think is that they can get away without brushing their teeth, and that gum, Listerine and Tic Tacs are right up there with the invention of the sweatsuit. But once again, I?m going to have to give you all some bad news: gum doesn?t cover up the yellow stains on your teeth. Even the longest lasting gum, which lasts about four minutes before you?re chewing on what tastes like your own breath, won?t hide your morning breath. I?m not sure whether these people just don?t care that when they speak, others always stand a couple of feet away from them or turn their head, or if they really just don?t have three extra minutes in the morning and night to get the job done. The last hygiene cover-up attempt, and probably the easiest to pick out is the cologne shower. Guys think that if they just give themselves one spray?or 10?of cologne it will substitute for a shower. As a girl, I can understand a girl waking up late and has to get to class in 15 minutes has no time for a shower. She would have to wash her hair, dry her hair, etc., etc., etc., but all a guy has to do is jump in the shower, lather up, some even wash their hair with a bar of soap I hear, and jump out in five minutes or less. There is no excuse other than laziness for a guy not showering in the morning, and the cologne showers do not count. When a guy who has taken a cologne shower walks by, you will know, and a certain disgusted expression will appear on your face; guys, it?s not an expression to be proud of. So to conclude, college students get away with enough stuff as it is: waking up at noon, skipping classes, not having jobs and eating pizza for breakfast. If you add not showering, not brushing your teeth and wearing the same clothing more than a day at a time, you?ve gone too far.
2023-07-14 09:51:221


An old man taking a shower
2023-07-14 09:51:404

shower oil是什么意思

shower oil沐浴油
2023-07-14 09:51:482


您好,shower sb with sth 中的 shower 为动词,通常有两种意思:1)(许多小东西)雨点般落下(或扔下)2)使如阵雨般落下3)大量给予;倾注4)沐浴而 shower sb with sth 这个短语通常译为【倾注/大量的给予……给……】的含义,既可以是褒义使用,也可以是贬义使用。比如:1).... shower the thief with rotten eggs(朝小偷扔臭鸡蛋)2).... shower her with kisses(热吻她)3).... shower her with gifts(送她大量礼物)4)The bride and groom were showered with rice as they left the church.(新娘新郎离开教堂时大家向他们身上撒大米。)5)The roof collapsed, showering us with dust and debris.(房顶塌了,灰尘和瓦砾洒落在我们身上。)
2023-07-14 09:51:551

After showering, hit the roots with your blow dryer

shower淋浴roots发根blow dryer吹风机淋雨之后,用吹风机吹干发根
2023-07-14 09:52:032

求 有大段女生独白的英文电影

2023-07-14 09:52:127

whois cleaning the window

whoiscleaningthewindow? Iamdoingmyhomework isswimming Number5isshowering. 祝您进步咯
2023-07-14 09:52:361

用averse to造句

He was averse to any change.
2023-07-14 09:52:431

返老还童台词 在影片的后半段 挺复杂的逻辑关系

Sometimes we are on a collision course and we just don"t know it... Whether it"s by accident or by design, there"s not a thing we can do about it...A woman in Paris was on her way to go shopping...But she had forgotten her coat...and went back to get it... And when she had gotten her coat the phone had rung... and so she had stopped to answer it... and talked for a couple of minutes...And while the woman was on the phone; Daisy was rehearsing for that evening"s performance at the Paris Opera House... And we See Daisy, in her late twenties now, at the peak of her abilities, rehearsing for that evening"s performance...And while she was rehearsing... the woman, off the phone now... had gone outside... to get a taxi... The Woman standing in the street, hand raised, looking for a taxi. A Cab comes to a stop....she moves to get it... but somebody gets there first...the cab driving off... and as she waits for the next cab...Now a taxi driver... had dropped off a fare earlier... and had stopped to get a cup of coffee... A Taxi parked... Its Driver finishing a cup of coffee...had picked up the lady, who was going shopping... who had missed getting the earlier cab... We see the Woman riding in the taxi of the now familiar cab driver... the taxi, has to stop for a man running across the Street.The taxi had to stop for a man crossing the street who had left for work five minutes later than he normally did... because he forgot to set his alarm...We see the man sleeping... The silent alarm clock on the bedstand......While the man, late for work, was crossing the street... making the cab wait... Daisy, finished rehearsing, was taking a shower. And we see...Daisy showering,.. BENJAMIN BUTTON"S (V.O.) (CONT"D) ...While Daisy was showering; the taxi was waiting outside a Boutique for the woman to pick up a package... which hadn"t been wrapped yet because the girl who was supposed to wrap it... had broken up with her boyfriend the night before and forgot to... The Girl standing outside the back of the Boutique, crying, brokenhearted... BENJAMIN BUTTON"S (V.0.) (CONT"D) When the package was done being wrapped... The woman, who was back in the cab... the taxi was blocked by a delivery truck... We see the Taxi blocked by a delivery truck... the cab driver honking... BENJAMIN BUTTON"S (V.O.) (CONT"D) All the while Daisy was getting dressed... Daisy getting dressed...The Delivery truck pulled off and the taxi was able to go... The taxi, moving off... BENJAMIN BUTTON"S (V.0,) (CONT"D) While Daisy, the first to be dressed, waited for one of her friends who had broken a shoelace... We see her friend breaking her shoelace while tying it... BENJAMIN BUTT0N"S (V.0.) While the taxi was stopped, waiting for a traffic light... We see just that, the taxi stopped for a light. BENJAMIN BUTTON"S (V.O.) Daisy and her friend came out of the theater... Daisy and her friend, carrying their dance bags, coming down the steps out of the theater, coming along the street to the corner... They start to cross the street... Daisy, showing her friend a tight pirouette, when we see the Taxi, rounding the corner...从这里开始if BENJAMIN BUTTON"S (V.0.) (CONT"D) And if only one thing had happened differently... if only the shoelace hadn"t broken... And we see the shoelace not breaking... BENJAMIN BUTTON"S (V.0.) (CONT"D) ...Or the delivery truck had moved moments earlier... The delivery truck leaving earlier... BENJAMIN BUTTON"S (V.0.) (CONT"D) ...Or the package had been wrapped and ready... because the girl hadn"t broken up with her boyfriend... The girl and boy happily kissing... ...Or the man had set his alarm and got up five minutes earlier. The man"s alarm going off, waking him up... BENJAMIN BUTTON"S (V.O.) (CONT"D) ...Or the taxi driver hadn"t stopped for a cup of coffee... The Driver passing by the cafe... BENJAMIN BUTTON"S (V.O.) (CONT"D) ...Or the woman had remembered her coat... The woman remembering to take her coat... BENJAMIN BUTTON"S (V.O.) (CONT"D) ...And had gotten into an earlier cab... The woman getting into the other cab... she beats somebody for... BENJAMIN BUTTON"S (V.O.) (CONT"D) Daisy and her friend would have crossed the street... Daisy and her friend crossing the street... Daisy, showing her friend her dance move, doing a pirouette... BENJAMIN BUTTON"S (V.O.) (CONT"D) ...and the taxi would have driven by them... And we see the taxi turning the corner, driving safely by them... and becoming a ghost... of what might have been... BENJAMIN BUTTON"S (V.0.) (CONT"D) But life being what it is... a series of intersecting lives and incidents... Out of anyone"s control... the taxi did not go by... and the driver momentarily was distracted... The Driver wipes cigarette ash from his shirt front momentarily looking down...And he didn"t see Daisy crossing the street... Daisy and her friend crossing the Street, Daisy doing the Pirouette... BENJAMIN BUTTON"S (V.O.) (CONT"D) ...and that taxi hit Daisy... And we see just that... Daisy being slammed into by the taxi... thrown a distance... lying crumpled in the Street...
2023-07-14 09:53:032


电影返老还童又名本杰明巴顿奇事Benjamin Button: Sometimes we"re on a collision course, and we just don"t know it. Whether it"s by accident or by design, there"s not a thing we can do about it. A woman in Paris was on her way to go shopping, but she had forgotten her coat - went back to get it. When she had gotten her coat, the phone had rung, so she"d stopped to answer it; talked for a couple of minutes. While the woman was on the phone, Daisy was rehearsing for a performance at the Paris Opera House. And while she was rehearsing, the woman, off the phone now, had gone outside to get a taxi. Now a taxi driver had dropped off a fare earlier and had stopped to get a cup of coffee. And all the while, Daisy was rehearsing. And this cab driver, who dropped off the earlier fare; who"d stopped to get the cup of coffee, had picked up the lady who was going to shopping, and had missed getting an earlier cab. The taxi had to stop for a man crossing the street, who had left for work five minutes later than he normally did, because he forgot to set off his alarm. While that man, late for work, was crossing the street, Daisy had finished rehearsing, and was taking a shower. And while Daisy was showering, the taxi was waiting outside a boutique for the woman to pick up a package, which hadn"t been wrapped yet, because the girl who was supposed to wrap it had broken up with her boyfriend the night before, and forgot. When the package was wrapped, the woman, who was back in the cab, was blocked by a delivery truck, all the while Daisy was getting dressed. The delivery truck pulled away and the taxi was able to move, while Daisy, the last to be dressed, waited for one of her friends, who had broken a shoelace. While the taxi was stopped, waiting for a traffic light, Daisy and her friend came out the back of the theater. 本杰明·巴顿:有些时候我们就活在即将发生冲撞的轨道上,浑然不知。无论它是意外发生的还是蓄谋已久的,对此我们都无能为力。一个住在巴黎的女人正在去购物的路上,但是她忘记拿她的大衣,便回去取了。当她去拿衣服时,电话铃响了,所以她停下来去接电话,并聊了几分钟。就在那个女人打电话的时候,黛西就在为巴黎大剧院的演出而排练。就在她排练时,那个女人打完了电话,离开了屋子去叫一辆出租车(但错过了一班)。现在一个出租车司机由于这班工作完的比较早,便停下来去喝杯咖啡,与此同时黛西还在排练。这个提前完成了这趟工作喝了杯咖啡的出租车司机,接了那个错过一班出租车的去购物的女人。出租车被迫因为一个横穿道路的人急停了一下,因为一个男人比原来上班的时间晚起了五分钟,由于他忘记了上好闹钟。而就在那个晚起的,忘记上闹钟的男人过马路时,黛西也完成了排练,正在冲澡。而就在黛西洗澡的时候,那个出租车司机在精品店外,等那个女人去拿她的商品。那个商品还没有被服务员提前包装好,因为昨天晚上那个服务员刚刚和男朋友分手,把这件事情忘的一干二净。当商品被包好后,那个女人回到车上,车租车又被一辆运货车挡了一下,此时此刻黛西也梳妆完毕。在运货车离开后,出租车终于可以行驶了。当黛西最后一个打扮完后,便等待她其中一个鞋带断了的朋友。就在出租车停着等候红绿灯时,黛西和她朋友从剧院出来了。 Benjamin Button: And if only one thing had happened differently: if that shoelace hadn"t broken; or that delivery truck had moved moments earlier; or that package had been wrapped and ready, because the girl hadn"t broken up with her boyfriend; or that man had set his alarm and got up five minutes earlier; or that taxi driver hadn"t stopped for a cup of coffee; or that woman had remembered her coat, and got into an earlier cab, Daisy and her friend would"ve crossed the street, and the taxi would"ve driven by. But life being what it is - a series of intersecting lives and incidents, out of anyone"s control - that taxi did not go by, and that driver was momentarily distracted, and that taxi hit Daisy, and her leg was crushed. 本杰明·巴顿:如果只有那么一件事情,并没有按原来发生的话,如果那个鞋带没有断掉;或者如果那辆货车提前几分钟开走;如果那个商品早早就被包装好,因为她没有和他的男朋友分手;如果那个男人的闹钟提前上了五分钟;如果那个司机没有停下来去喝杯咖啡;如果那个女人没有忘记她的大衣,而坐上了早一班的出租车,黛西和她的朋友就将穿过马路,出租车也只会擦肩而过。但是生活就是这么不可预测,在一系列的交错层叠的人与事中,没有谁能掌控它们,而出租车没有碰巧开过去,那个司机也有些精力不集中,那个出租车还是撞到了黛西,她的腿被撞伤了。希望能帮到你哦~~
2023-07-14 09:53:121

有什么很经典的电影片段 ,和很经典的电影片段台词,一个两人对话的 ,一个单人独白的 。急!!!谢谢

2023-07-14 09:53:223

假如你的邻居太吵,你怎们办?写一段英语对话。 快快快快快!Help me!

2023-07-14 09:53:583


 1. There will be occasional showers in southeast England, some of them perhaps heavy.  英格兰东南部有短时阵雨,部分地区会转成大雨。  2. Elsewhere is largely dry with sunny spells and just a scattering of light showers, but becoming cloudier in Northern Ireland towards evening.  其余大部分地区为干燥晴朗的天气,局部地区有小阵雨,夜间,北爱尔兰地区云量会有所增加。  3. Tonight has any showers dying away to leave a dry evening with some clear periods.  今天夜间没有降雨,将保持干燥晴朗。  4. Thicker cloud with occasional rain or drizzle will spread into some western areas during the night.  夜间,西部地区云量增加会导致短时小雨出现。  5. Saturday will be a cloudier day with outbreaks of mainly light rain in western areas, spreading slowly eastwards, though many central and eastern areas should remain dry.  本周六是多云的天气,西部地区将有小雨,而且降雨会缓慢东移,不过中部大部分地区和东部部分地区仍将保持干燥天气。  6. From Sunday to Tuesday, it will be cloudy with occasional drizzle in western and northwestern areas, especially around coasts and hills.  本周日到下周二将会是多云的天气,西部和西北部地区有短时小雨,沿海和山区的降雨会比较明显。  7. Elsewhere is mainly dry with some sunshine, but heavy showers possible central and southeast England on Tuesday.  其余地区主要为干燥和晴朗的天气,不过下周二的时候,英格兰中部和东南部可能会降大雨转自互联网
2023-07-14 09:54:073


sorry i want to take a shawer
2023-07-14 09:54:166


Where does your mom take a shower?She takes a shower in the bathroom.
2023-07-14 09:54:383


Showering in the pleasant wind and bright sunshine in June, we welcome the Children"s Day when flowers are blooming and perfumes can be smelt all around.
2023-07-14 09:54:453


Common soft cloth or cars with wax impregnated cloth regular cleaning water outlet filter can not brush can not use detergent or polishing powder shower do not force stretching the hose using tap is not excessive force can not use acidic detergent use underground water can affect the dragon head life
2023-07-14 09:54:535


关于节约用水的英语作文可以这样写:Water is a precious resource that is essential for life. However, water scarcity has become a major concern in many parts of the world. It is important that we all do our part in conserving water. Here are some ways to save water:Fix leaks - Even a small leak can waste a significant amount of water over time. Regularly check for leaks and repair them promptly.Use a low-flow showerhead - Showering accounts for a significant amount of indoor water use. By installing a low-flow showerhead, you can conserve water without sacrificing your shower experience.Turn off the tap - When you brush your teeth, shave, or wash your hands, turn off the tap when you don"t need it. This can save up to 8 liters of water per minute.By making small changes to our daily habits, we can all contribute to saving water and ensuring a sustainable future.以上就是关于节约用水的英语小作文,希望对你有帮助。
2023-07-14 09:55:181


Hold the shower head, rinse your body. 拿着淋浴头, 冲洗你的身子。Please call again. Jim is having a bath just now. 请等一会儿再打电话来, 吉姆现在正洗澡。Feel water before bathing or showering. 在浴缸浸泡或淋浴之前先用手感觉一下水温是否合适。I check to see how hot the bathwater is. 我查看洗澡水热不热。The bath is too hot. 洗澡水太烫了。Don"t slosh too much water on the floor when you‘re having a bath. 洗澡时别把太多水溅到地板上。Sponge down, and then take a shower. 先用海绵擦洗一下, 再冲淋浴。When you want a bath, you turn on the tap. 当你要洗澡时, 打开水龙头。Wash your hair with shampoo and the rest of your body with soap. 用香波洗头并用肥皂洗身体其它部分。Take care not to get shampoo in your eyes. 小心别让洗发水进入眼睛。
2023-07-14 09:55:351