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prescription, recipe, formula 有什么区别?

2023-07-14 15:31:56

recipe在做"处方"解时比较口语一点, 比如你去cvs买药, 那个药剂师会问你"你有没有prescription", 因为用这种牛词显得他专业, 但你可以直接说,"yep, i have the recipe...", 因为你没必要跟他抢饭碗;

另外, recipe有"照处方配成的药"的意思.所以得小心著用, 容易有歧异. 至於fomula, 英国不知道,你跑美国丢这个,人家直接给你婴儿奶粉.

---个人经验, 不同地区用法可能有不同.希望能帮到你









prescription:药方:Go get the medichine on the prescriptioin.

recipe:食谱:Follow the recipe and get the cooking done.

formular:公式:Use the formulars to solve the problems.



2023-07-14 08:47:492


  formulations英 [fu0254:mju028a"leu026au0283nz] 美 [fu0254:mju028a"leu026au0283nz]  n.公式化(的表述)( formulation的名词复数 ); 规划,构想;  [网络]配方; 制剂; 剂型;  [例句]Both formulations have been developed and stability tests have been completed.  两种配方都进行了研制,并完成了稳定性测试。
2023-07-14 08:47:571


formulation [,fu0254:mju"leiu0283u0259n]n.1.公式化;公式化的表述2.构想,规划3.系统地(或确切地)阐述短语1.Strategy formulation战略形成 ; 战略制定 ; 策略形成 ; 战略制订2.proprietary formulation有产权的配制方法 ; 有产权的配方 ; 有产权的方子 ; 有产权的配方;有产权的配制方法3.variational formulation变分公式化 ; 变分的定式 ; 变分表述 ; 变分公式
2023-07-14 08:48:051


公式化的单词有:formulation。公式化的单词有:formulation。拼音是:gōngshìhuà。词性是:动词。注音是:ㄍㄨㄥㄕ_ㄏㄨㄚ_。结构是:公(上下结构)式(半包围结构)化(左右结构)。公式化的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】公式化gōngshìhuà。1. 指文艺创作中套用某种固定格式来描写现实生活和人物性格的不良倾向。2. 指不针对具体情况而死板地根据某种固定方式处理问题。二、引证解释⒈文艺创作上的一种不良现象。作品在表现人物、艺术结构和故事情节安排等方面形成一定的公式,千篇一律,不能反映丰富多采、错综复杂的现实生活。它是“概念化”的一种表现。引洪深《电影戏剧表演术》第二章三:“那仿效人生的表情,不能和那公式化、简单化的表情方法相提并论。”孙犁《秀露集·文学和生活的路》:“公式化、概念化和艺术性是对立的。”⒉指不针对具体情况而死板地根据某种固定方式处理问题。三、国语词典文艺创作时,在表现人物、架构、情节等方面套用固定格式。如:「这部小说陈腔滥调,情节公式化,人物刻板,对白乏味。」词语翻译英语toformalize,formalisminart(esp.asproscribedinUSSRandPRC)_德语Formulierung(S)_,schematisch(Adj)_法语formulisme(enlittératureetarts)_四、网络解释公式化公式化是文艺创作中的不良倾向之一。不从丰富多彩的现实生活出发,不发挥创作主体的主观能动性和创造性,而是依照固定的模式去选择题材、表现主题、安排情节结构、塑造形象、运用技巧等。致使文艺作品千篇一律,丧失独创性,缺乏艺术感染力。公式化的作品,从本质上歪曲了现实生活,背离了文艺的创作规律。其宣传效果和社会影响往往很小,而且有害,艺术生命也很短暂。关于公式化的成语公买公卖抱一为式关于公式化的词语恪守成式日渐式微千式百样一依旧式怒蛙可式式遏之功形式主义关于公式化的造句1、现在要紧的是人,旗袍的作用不外乎烘云托月忠实地将人体轮廓曲曲勾出。革命前的装束却反之,人属次要,单只注意诗意的线条,于是女人的体格公式化,不脱衣服,不知道她与她有什么不同。2、特别地公式化从草本萃取物和蛋白质、?用途迷迭香,辛可宁和核桃果壳,柔和地放置颜色,达到一个自然,充满活力的结果为您的头发。3、本套指南并不意味着是一种公式化的规则,因为适当检测部分地取决于那些所需求的问题和正在使用的系统。4、秦九韶规定高次方程“实恒为负”,彻底完成了这一方法的公式化。5、但同时电影里继续出现公式化的角色和宣扬各种偏见。点此查看更多关于公式化的详细信息
2023-07-14 08:48:121


一。formula名词:准则原则公式1. His father is acting on his formula. 他的父亲总是按他的原则办事2. I do not remember all these formula. 这些公式我并不全都记得二.formulation公式化规划1.the formulation of clear objectives规划清晰的目标三.formal形容词:正式的1.A formal claim. 正式的请求2. a formal dance 正式的舞会3. A formal introduction. 正式的介绍,引进四.formality名词:拘谨 . 遵守礼节1.. I wish we could treat each other without formality. 我真希望我们彼此之间不要太拘谨2.We should observe the proprieties. 我们应该遵守礼节。
2023-07-14 08:48:192


配方 [词典] formula; recipe; make up a prescription; fill a prescription; [例句]可以买一种含蜂王浆、花粉和维生素C的配方产品。You can buy a formulation containing royal jelly, pollen and vitamin C.
2023-07-14 08:48:271


表述的解释(1) [formulation]∶叙述,说明 (2) 口述个人对某 实际 特征 的 观察 结果 一位外科医生表述了现在称之为阑尾炎的情况 (3) 传达一种 观念 、印象或对某些无形事物之 性质 及特色的了解 现代艺术画是无法解释, 甚至 是无法表述的 (4) 详细说明 曾旅游过世界上各主要 国家 ,并表述了各个国家的情况 (5) [enunciate]∶确切地或有系统地阐明 有系统地表述了一种唯物主义的宇宙学说 详细解释 叙述,说明。 宋 范仲淹 《天骥呈才赋》 :“契瑞图之表述,昭神化之感通。” 《花城》 1981年第6期:“可惜我不象 心心 ,不能过目成诵,只能用我的压缩饼干式的干巴语来表述个大意。” 词语分解 表的解释 表 (⑤表) ǎ 外部,外面,外貌:表面。外表。仪表。表象。表层。表皮。 显示:表示。表态。表征。表达。表露。表演。表情。略表 心意 。 中医指用药物把感受的风寒发散出来:表汗。 分类分项记录事物的文件: 述的解释 述 ù 讲话,陈说,叙述。述评。描述。论述。综述。述职。述而不作。 修纂:著述。 循,顺行:“报我不述”。 部首 :辶。
2023-07-14 08:48:411

dosage 和 formulation 有什么区别

dosage dos.age[`dosIdu0292; ˋdousidu0292]名词1 (C)a. 一次服用的药量,剂量[of]b. (X光等的) 放射线量[of]2 (U)(罕)下药,配药formulation[u02ccfu0252rmju0259`lu0454u0283u0259n; u02ccfu0252:mjuˋlu0454iu0283n]《formulate 的名词》名词1 (U)公式 [固定格式] 化,组织化2 (C)有系统 [明确] 的陈述[说明]
2023-07-14 08:48:481

weak formulation是什么意思

weak formulation 英[wi:k u02ccfu0254:mju028au02c8leu026au0283u0259n] 美[wik u02ccfu0254rmju0259u02c8leu0283u0259n] 弱公式化; 弱形式
2023-07-14 08:49:072

problem formulation是什么意思

problem formulation问题的提法双语对照词典结果:problem formulation[英][u02c8pru0254blu0259m u02ccfu0254:mju028au02c8leu026au0283u0259n][美][u02c8prɑblu0259m u02ccfu0254rmju0259u02c8leu0283u0259n]问题定式化; 以上结果来自金山词霸网络释义1. 界定问题2. 问题定式化3. 问题公式化4. 问题形成
2023-07-14 08:49:172


2023-07-14 08:49:254

problem formulation是什么意思

problem formulation英[u02c8pru0254blu0259m u02ccfu0254:mju028au02c8leu026au0283u0259n]美[u02c8prɑblu0259m u02ccfu0254rmju0259u02c8leu0283u0259n]问题定式化[例句]Explain why problem formulation must follow goal formulation.解释问题公式化必须遵循目标公式化?
2023-07-14 08:49:402

product formulation是什么意思

product formulation译为:产品配方您好!您提出的问题,我的答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍!有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!希望我的答案对您有所帮助!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮若是客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳!是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值O(∩_∩)O谢谢您!!!
2023-07-14 08:49:481


巴康明记忆配方(BakMem Formulation)是一种独特的记忆技巧,由巴康·明(Bakhtiar Ming)于2002年提出。它结合了图像、文字和声音的记忆技术,可以帮助你更快地记住和复述所学的内容,有效的提升你的记忆力和学习能力。
2023-07-14 08:49:583

论文中Problem formulation是什么意思

文中Problem formulation是什么意思 知道更多额
2023-07-14 08:50:085


问题一:法律法规 英语怎么说 law: 普通用词,泛指由最高当局所制订、立法机构所通过的任何成文或不成文的法规或条例。 constitution: 指治理国家或国家在处理内外政务时所遵循的基本法律和原则;也指规章规则的汇集。 regulation: 普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。 code: 指某一阶层或社会所遵守的一整套法典、法规或法则;也可指与某一特殊活动或主题有关的规则。 rule: 通常指机关、团体的规章、条例或比赛规则;也指对人行为、方法等所作的规定,还可指习俗所承认的规定。 act: 指经立法机构通过并由行政管理签署的法案。 问题二:制定法律,用英语怎么说 make law 制定法律 问题三:根据应该适用的法律英文怎么写 根据应该适用的法律 [词典] According to applicable law 英 [??plik?bl] 美 [??pl?k?b?l, ??pl?k?-] adj. 适当的; 可应用的; 问题四:法律规定的英语翻译 法律规定用英语怎么说 答案: improve relevant laws and regulations 例句: 中国将保持外资政策的连续性和稳定性,完善相关法律法规,为外商创造良好的投资环境。 China will maintain the continuity and stability of its FDI policy, improve relevant laws and regulations and create a sound investment climate for foreign businesses 问题五:制定和实施相关法律 英语怎么说 Formulation and implementation related law 问题六:我是法律专业英语怎么说 I am the legal profession 问题七:法律人 用英语怎么说 Legal person 法律人 网络释义 Jurist 台湾民法专家王择鉴是这定义法律人的:作为法律人(Jurist)应具备的三种能力:一为法律智识,即明了现行法制的体系、基本法律的内容、各种权利义务关系,及救济程序。 基于7个网页-相关网页 Juristen ...于无缴纳 意愿之当事人强力督促其缴纳 罚锾之强制手段;然而本法之 此等见解,却明显悖离了国民 的法律感情与法律人(Juristen) 之理性思考。 基于5个网页-相关网页 Law man 而法官是法律人(Law man),未必是经济人,于是便可能出现依其公平观补充的合同条款不能带来最佳经济效益。 基于5个网页-相关网页 academic lawyers 法学硕士制度设置的初衷是为福学教育和科研机构培养学术型人才,它所预期的毕业生是学术型法律人(academic lawyers),而非实务型法律人(practicing lawyers)。 基于3个网页-相关网页 短语 实务法律人 practicing lawyers ; practicing lawywes 法律人的法律 lawyer"s law 法律人的思维 Thinking of the legal job person 公法法律人 public lawyers 法律人伦理 legal ethics 法律人之治 rule of lawyer 迷失的法律人 The Lost Lawyer 国际法律人委员会 International mission of Jurists 法律人的基本立场 Legal mind like balance 更多收起网络短语 问题八:颁布,实施法律 英语怎么说 to enact a law, to promulgate a law常颁布法律 to enforce the law 实施法律 问题九:怎么翻译啊!用法律英语……………… “本报告的中英文版本具有同等的法律效力,当中英文版本发生冲突时,以中文版本的释意为最终的解释。” The report"s Chinese version shares identical legal effect with its English one, where they give rise to mutual inpatibility, the Chinese version shall be interpreted as conclusive in legal effect. 问题十:法律法规 英语怎么说 law: 普通用词,泛指由最高当局所制订、立法机构所通过的任何成文或不成文的法规或条例。 constitution: 指治理国家或国家在处理内外政务时所遵循的基本法律和原则;也指规章规则的汇集。 regulation: 普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。 code: 指某一阶层或社会所遵守的一整套法典、法规或法则;也可指与某一特殊活动或主题有关的规则。 rule: 通常指机关、团体的规章、条例或比赛规则;也指对人行为、方法等所作的规定,还可指习俗所承认的规定。 act: 指经立法机构通过并由行政管理签署的法案。
2023-07-14 08:50:241


药物动力学名词英中文对照   药物动力学是一门较年轻的新兴药学与数学间的边缘科学,是近20年来才获得的"迅速发展的药学新领域。药物动力学是研究药物在动物体内的含量随时间变化规律的科学,是药理学的一种。下面个大家推荐药物动力学名词英中文对照如下:   blood brain-barrier 血脑屏障   blood-to-plasma concentration ratio 血液-血浆浓度比   central compartment 中央室   chiral drug 手性药物   clearance 清除   clearance rate 清除率   clinical pharmacokinetics 临床药物动力学   compartment 房室,隔室   competitive inhibition 竞争性抑制   conjugation 结合   dissolution 溶解   distribution 分布   dosage regimen 给药方案   drug interactions 药物之间相互作用   elimination 消除   elimination rate constant 消除速率常数   enantiomer 对映体   enteric-coated tablets 肠溶片   enterohepatic cycle 肝肠循环   enzyme 酶   equilibrium 平衡   excretion 排泄   extensive metabolizers 快代谢型   fecal excretion 粪排泄   first-pass effect 首过效应,首关效应   formulation 剂型   gastric emptying 胃排空   genetic polymorphism 遗传多态性   glomerular filtration rate 肾小球滤过率   half-life 半衰期   hepatic clearance 肝清除率   hepatocytes 肝细胞   high throughput screening 高通量药物筛选   hydrolysis 水解   in silico modeling 计算机模拟   in vitro 体外   in vivo 体内   individualized therapy 个体化给药,个体化治疗   inducer 诱导剂   induction 诱导   infusion 注射   inhibitor 抑制剂   inhibition 抑制   interactions 相互作用   intramuscular administration 肌肉注射   intestinal transit time 肠道通过时间,经肠时间   intravenous administration 静脉注射   intrinsic clearance 内在清除率   ionization 离子化   liver microsomes 肝微粒体   liver slices 肝切片   mechanism-based inhibition 机理性抑制   Michaelis constant 米氏常数   Michaelis-Menten equation 米氏方程   metabolism 代谢   noncompetitive inhibition 非竞争性抑制   oral administration 口服给药   oxidation 氧化   P-glycoprotein P-糖蛋白   partition coefficint 分配系数   passive diffusion 被动扩散   perfusion rate 灌注速率   peripheral compartment 外周室   permeability 通透性系数   pharmacodynatics 药效学   pharmacogenetics 遗传药理学   pharmacogenomics 药物基因组学   pharmacokinetics 药物动力学   physiology 生理   placental barrier 胎盘屏障   plasma 血浆   plasma protein binding 血浆蛋白结合度   polymorphism 多态性   poor metabolizers 慢代谢型   population pharmacokinetics, POPPK 群体药物动力学   racemate 外消旋体   recombinant enzymes 重组酶   reduction 还原   renal clearance 肾清除率   renal function 肾功能   sampling 样品,样本   scaling factor 比放系数   solubility 溶解度   steady state 稳态   substrate 底物   toxicology 毒理学   transporter 载体   uncompetitive inhibition 反竞争性抑制   variability 个体差异   virtual screening 虚拟筛选   volume of distribution 分布容积   xenobiotics 外源物   药物动力学相关的生理学名词   adipose 脂肪   bile 胆汁   cecum 盲肠   colon 结肠   duodenum 十二指肠   gallbladder 胆囊   gastrointestinal tract 胃肠道   ileum 回肠   jejunum 空肠   large intestine 大肠   liver 肝   pancreas 胰腺   rectum 直肠   small intestine 小肠   spleen 脾   stomach 胃   urine 尿液 ;
2023-07-14 08:50:431

哪位大侠知道fluent中用欧拉模型模拟固液两相流时,interaction中的drag coefficient怎么设置?

2023-07-14 08:51:472


2023-07-14 08:52:232


公式化的词语有:式遏之功,一依旧式,形式主义。公式化的词语有:怒蛙可式,日渐式微,形式主义。2:词性是、动词。3:拼音是、gōngshìhuà。4:结构是、公(上下结构)式(半包围结构)化(左右结构)。5:注音是、ㄍㄨㄥㄕ_ㄏㄨㄚ_。公式化的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】公式化gōngshìhuà。1. 指文艺创作中套用某种固定格式来描写现实生活和人物性格的不良倾向。2. 指不针对具体情况而死板地根据某种固定方式处理问题。二、引证解释⒈文艺创作上的一种不良现象。作品在表现人物、艺术结构和故事情节安排等方面形成一定的公式,千篇一律,不能反映丰富多采、错综复杂的现实生活。它是“概念化”的一种表现。引洪深《电影戏剧表演术》第二章三:“那仿效人生的表情,不能和那公式化、简单化的表情方法相提并论。”孙犁《秀露集·文学和生活的路》:“公式化、概念化和艺术性是对立的。”⒉指不针对具体情况而死板地根据某种固定方式处理问题。三、国语词典文艺创作时,在表现人物、架构、情节等方面套用固定格式。如:「这部小说陈腔滥调,情节公式化,人物刻板,对白乏味。」词语翻译英语toformalize,formalisminart(esp.asproscribedinUSSRandPRC)_德语Formulierung(S)_,schematisch(Adj)_法语formulisme(enlittératureetarts)_四、网络解释公式化公式化是文艺创作中的不良倾向之一。不从丰富多彩的现实生活出发,不发挥创作主体的主观能动性和创造性,而是依照固定的模式去选择题材、表现主题、安排情节结构、塑造形象、运用技巧等。致使文艺作品千篇一律,丧失独创性,缺乏艺术感染力。公式化的作品,从本质上歪曲了现实生活,背离了文艺的创作规律。其宣传效果和社会影响往往很小,而且有害,艺术生命也很短暂。关于公式化的单词formulation关于公式化的成语抱一为式公买公卖关于公式化的造句1、秦九韶规定高次方程“实恒为负”,彻底完成了这一方法的公式化。2、谈到一再成为替补的舍瓦时,兰帕德表达了乌克兰人的支持,他的话语超越了那些公式化的表态。3、但同时电影里继续出现公式化的角色和宣扬各种偏见。4、本套指南并不意味着是一种公式化的规则,因为适当检测部分地取决于那些所需求的问题和正在使用的系统。5、无声的哼了哼,小影随意的找了个位置坐下来,还公式化的冲旁边的魑魅魍魉笑了笑。点此查看更多关于公式化的详细信息
2023-07-14 08:52:301

数学公式的英语翻译 数学公式用英语怎么说

数学公式mathematical formulation (equation)
2023-07-14 08:52:452

FLUENT16.0中的formulation和gradient option在哪?

点击 Slove——Methods 即可出现,如下图
2023-07-14 08:52:591

formulation bulk是什么意思

formulation bulk制剂体积双语例句1Study of the Formulation of Organic Glass from Bulk Polymerization of MMA atRoom-TemperatureMMA室温本体聚合法制有机玻璃的配方研究
2023-07-14 08:53:121

medication delivery formulation什么意思

medication delivery formulation药物递送配方
2023-07-14 08:53:202


问题一:行政文员 用英语怎么说 行政文员 耿dmin executive/Administrative Clerk 行政助理 administrative assistant administration assistant executive assistant 问题二:行政这个职位的英文怎么说啊 行政 administration 行政经理 Administration Manager 行政主管 Administrative Director 问题三:行政人员的英语翻译 administrator 直接指某个行政人员比如Robbie is a administrator in our pany. 而administration staff是对行政人员的总成,比如The pay for administration staff in our pany is relatively high 我这N说你能理解吗 问题四:我是做行政工作的英文怎么说,请指导 我是做行政工作 I was doing administrative work 问题五:我在秘书行政部门工作这个英语怎么说 I am working in the department of administration secrecy. 问题六:急求行政助理工作描述的英语翻译 郁闷 这么多 多给几分就好了 1,Is responsible for the pany administration work and the department interior everyday concerns work , assists manager the standard, the formulation and the renewal pany related rules and regulations; 2, assists the manager to personnel"s employment advertise work 3, is responsible for in office staff"s management, includes: Enters the duty, to leave job the management, the checking attendance management, the staff records management, formulation training plans and organizes to implement 4, the organization have built pany"s human resources construction, including human resources management information system, post management system management system, pilation position instruction booklet and so on related content; 5, carries on to each kind of material receives and signs for, reorganizes and classifies the filing-up. 6, the responsible pany all staff"s logistics support work, including the purchase, the provide office supplies, the print name card, subscribes business and so on water, photocopying, mail; 7, is responsible to receive the guest, answering or switches over the exterior telephone, is responsible for the conference affair arrangement, after before preparing for the meeting, the council book and the meeting, content crabbing regular meeting"s and so on council book 8, export products" quarantine services 9, the finance data collection, the receipt management and draws up 10, the o......>> 问题七:求助:把行政助理的工作职责翻译成英文 50分 1 Assist admin manager in handling administrative affairs and the routine work within the department. 2 Make regular return visits by telephone, maintain the existing customer relationships and developing new customers. 3 Manage the website background, update sellers, menus, announcements and service details timely. 4 Establish and improve the staff personnel files, save, sort, file and store working data. 5 plete the collection of material, the management of files, drafting ducuments, making official documents, sending and receiving, etc. 6 Contact and receive external relevant departments, answer internal calls, receive visitors and keep the *** ooth conveying of information. 7 Take part in the management of admin and purchase affairs in the pany, be responsible for recording and distributing office supplies of deparments in the pany. 8 plete other affairs given by the pany and department, follow the results and report timely. 9 Assist admin manager in the coordination between departments in the pany. 问题八:行政主管的英文怎么说 人力资源部经理:Human Resource Manager,简写HR Manager 行政部经理:Administration Manager 人力资源及行政经理:也可以是Human Resources Manager 问题九:行政管理人员的英语怎么说? 行政管理人员: [ administrative staff ] 问题十:行政,行政部门 英文怎么说? 行政:Administration 或者 Admin 行政部门:Administration Department. 简称 Admin Dept.
2023-07-14 08:53:271


2023-07-14 08:53:461

在康德哲学中hypothetical 和categorical imperatives的区别

又是康德的道德论...1.在康德哲学中hypothetical 和categorical imperatives的区别?"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law." 这句话是康德对categorical imperative的定义.简单来说,就是在所有可能发生的情形下的绝对的,无条件的行为规范.与hypothetical imperatives的区别:hypothetical imperative是在一种情形下的必须行为.比如“如果我想解渴,就必须喝点东西”.虽然categorical imperative是对其的绝对化结果.但是它们都是end in itself的概念.2.为什么moral command 需要有hypothetical imperative?hypothetical imperative是对绝对道德规则之外的行为准则划定的界限,是对“应该”而不是“必须”做的事的定义.这种行为准则与categorical imperative一样,必须来自自我理性意愿,也就是实用理性主义的结果.3.在康德哲学中moral law的“ground”是什么?就是categorical imperative...= =4.康德的第二formulation of the categorical imperative是什么?用的是哪四个例子?你是不是懒得看书啊...Second formulation:"Act in such a way that you treat humanity,whether in your own person or in the person of any other,always at the same time as an end and never merely as a means to an end."例子自己去看书...
2023-07-14 08:53:551

配料间 用英语怎么翻译?是用Formulation Room呢还是 Weighing Area?在线等

配料间weighing roomweighing area
2023-07-14 08:54:141


2023-07-14 08:54:221

配料间 用英语怎么翻译?是用Formulation Room呢还是 Weighing Area?

配料间 weighing room weighing area
2023-07-14 08:54:281

furnish of the power

你这么断句,看能不能理解,what it is/ in the power of each/ to accomplish for himself. 也就是说,what it is 是直接接后面那个to accomplish for himself.
2023-07-14 08:54:351

认知心理学当中经常看到一个专业名词“amodal model”是什么意思啊?google翻译没有解释~~~求指导!

2023-07-14 08:54:4712


2023-07-14 08:55:312


A. Scientific health-building programs and methods, private programs, formular and adjustment.B. Fitness Palace(Beijing)Sports Technology Ltd.Address:No.4 Building 1909 Guangqu Residence of Dongcheng District, Beijing, China.
2023-07-14 08:55:405

transient formulation怎么设置

设置里边设置仿真结果就是这样的。颜色较浅的两条线是差分输入信号,蓝色的线是ideal opamp的输出。
2023-07-14 08:55:541

OF 是什么的缩写

OF=Old French 古法语
2023-07-14 08:56:032


2023-07-14 08:56:102

电脑带个光盘,里面有三个文件夹win7、xp、user manual是干嘛的?

2023-07-14 08:56:283


2023-07-14 08:56:421


2023-07-14 08:56:502


1. As provided by the supplier, this ratio changes in the types of ink. (failure) of the causes of these components ink shedding 2. Provisional not amended only spent3. Ink has been used for milk production standards 4. former Secretary of raw materials into the future. technical side first test after passing before depositing
2023-07-14 08:57:323

一页翻译 谢谢帮忙

1. Objective through the factory manager and the highest quality of the distribution of factory management to implement, quality management system to ensure effective operation and continuous improvement. Companies determined to achieve the quality objectives and targets. 2. responsibilities. Managing Director of the principal responsible for the activities described in this chapter. Deputy General Manager to assist. authorized representative in charge of the management requirements of centralized management and coordination departments to implement the requirements and responsibilities according to the corresponding requirements. 3. content operations. 3.1 organizational structure. Factories quality system in accordance with the quality management system required for the operation of the corresponding organizations. 3.2 The duties and powers. Companies of all functional departments and the quality of staff functions and authority of the paper must be devoted to specific provisions. only part of this section, briefly departments. 3.2.1 : -- Managing Director of principles and objectives for quality standards issued and ensure the implementation. --- responsible for establishing quality control system suited to the organization structure and clear responsibilities. competence. --- responsible for the establishment and effective operation of the quality system. Management Review Conference Chair. --- factory for the final product quality and service quality. --- responsible for the decisions of major companies : (to the appointment of senior management, the administrative structure review, reform and development, market development, important meeting chaired). 3.3 Quality Policy Managing Director of the company operating under the purpose, customers and the relevant requirements, and continual improvement of quality management system compatible with the commitments documented quality guidelines, provide a framework for the formulation and evaluation of the quality objectives, quality manual approval declared, through conferences, training, Publicizing such form to be affixed to the principle of quality companies within the organization to communicate and understand and implement. Through the principles of quality management and continuous assessment adaptive assessment
2023-07-14 08:57:426

求翻译~~!!这里的 as a function of 怎么解释啊?

要检查验证研究的能力检测泄漏HVLD控制功能和检测灵敏度电压等级的设置,HVLD探头定位、包装和壁厚几何、产品配方的变化。as a function of :功能
2023-07-14 08:57:562

matlab 程序解释 急需

2023-07-14 08:58:063


英语八级翻译:This manual applies to 1.7 internal quality management and external quality assurance. This manual briefly describes the quality management system in the document structure is used, the quality management system in the process of interaction between.Review cycle:A. when in evaluation. B. significant content change review. C. without special case review once every two yearsVersion: A.B.C.D... For type, 0.1.2... For modification.Change: after many years later, after the modification can be changed, and for review and approval.7.3 design and controlDesign and development planning. 7.3.11) engineering department is responsible for product design and development planning, project goal, project planning, equipped with personnel, organization, responsibilities and authorities.2) the top manager is responsible for providing the necessary resources.3) as the design and development progresses, the department responsible for approval, review and update ceaselessly.7.3.2 design input1) production is responsible for providing customer requirements and the similar product information.2) department is responsible for receiving information, and consider the products intended purpose, laws and regulations, etc.3) team responsible for design input, the evaluation report project manager for approval.7.4.3 design output.Responsible for project design, and the output files by project manager for approval.Output content:1) meet design requirements of the input.2) project sourcing schedule.3) production process control and process.4) accept principle, corresponding standard.5) to the normal use of the product characteristics of relevant provisions.Sections 7.3.4 design reviews1) judges: chief engineer or engineering department manager responsible for the design and development stages, and the function of the representative shall be relevant in, when necessary, customers also can attend.2) evaluation content: the design and development stages of the ability to meet the requirements of existence, avoid early unqualified and defects.3) review: different forms, such as: a meeting-based evaluation, evaluation expert, customer review, gradually.4) review: forming a complete team is responsible for the written records.Design and development validation 7.4.51) verification department is responsible for validation: quality related personnel,.2) proof design for validation content: output satisfies the design input provide objective evidence that the output files, design drawings, samples.Methods: the methods validation 3), such as: analogy method, test method and calculation method.4) certification records: project for certification records and take the necessary steps to record7.4.6 design and development1) personnel: total engineer is responsible for sales center, with production, quality, when necessary, customers also can attend.2) to confirm that the contents: provide sample meet anticipated usage.3) method: try method and simulation method, contrast method, when necessary for clinical evaluation or performance evaluation4) confirmation record: project for the confirmation, and take the necessary measures.7.3.7 design change1) design, development, change the range: output file design products, such as drawing and design, the design plan descriptions, etc.2) group identification, and design change to change to mark.3) to design change review, validation, confirmed by project manager according to the specific circumstances, Review of finished product to include and delivery of products.4) project is responsible for save changes recorded, change review and any necessary measures for the record.7.3.8 design history documentsOur engineering department is responsible for every type of product design and development process of establishing and maintaining the design history documents.
2023-07-14 08:58:293


2023-07-14 08:58:3913

ansys中出现error in element formulation 怎么回事

2023-07-14 08:59:051

be fit with是什么意思

be fit with---与--相适应双语例句1the security level must be fit with the economy level.养老保障的保障水平要与当地的经济发展水平相适应。population scale"s forecast should be fit with the changeover of the ideaof planning formulation.人口规模的预测要适应规划编制思路的转变。
2023-07-14 08:59:232

symmetric equation是什么意思

2023-07-14 08:59:325

什么是 cultural formulation interview

你好!cultural formulation interview文化制定面试
2023-07-14 08:59:581