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2023-07-14 15:18:57
TAG: 中文 mp

No escape 逃脱不了

One by one 一个接一个

Die running 死亡正在进行

They fear me 他们害怕我

Fear the Void 恐惧虚空

From the dark 来自黑暗

Ah...delicious 噢~美味~

Endless hunger 不能停止的饥饿

In the shadows 在阴影中

Limb from limb 肢体分离

Death from afar 从远方来的死亡

A different view 不同的视野

Blood in the air 血液飞散在空中

Clever creatures 聪明的生物

Slice them apart 把他们分开

Consume and adapt 消耗和适应

Pierce and skewer 刺破然后刺穿

Strike from above 从上面撞击

Devour their bones 吞噬他们的骨头

I am living change 我的生存在改变

Isolate and devour 孤立和吞噬

They can"t keep up 他们跟不上

Evolve and overcome 进化和克服

I sense worthy prey 我感觉有价值的猎物

Position for ambush 埋伏的位置

Sharpening my claws 磨我的爪子

They"ll never see me 他们永远不会看见我

I will soar over them 我将翱翔在他们上面

My wings are restless 我的翅膀不停煽动

This world is delicious! 这个世界是美味的!

They will not expect this! 他们不会想到这个!

They won"t know what hit them 他们不知道发生了什么

(laughs) You"re barely worth eating! (大笑)你不值得被吃掉!

If I eat you, will I learn how to die 如果我吃了你,我要学习怎么死的

I ate an optimist once, but I couldn"t keep him down 我曾经吃过一个乐观主义者,但我不能让他失望

Do not fear death. The best part of you will live on! 不要害怕死亡。最重要的是你将继续存在!

To truly know someone, eat them and walk a mile in their feet要真正了解一个人,吃掉他们,用他们的脚走一英里

My purpose is eating deadly creatures. My hobby is eating yordles



Change is good 改变就是好事

No escape 无处可逃

One by one 挨个吃掉

Die running 死亡正在进行

They fear me 他们害怕我

Fear the Void 畏惧虚空吧

From the dark 从暗处发起攻击

Ah...delicious 哦 美味

Endless hunger 无尽的饥饿

In the shadows 阴影中

Limb from limb 肢解

Death from afar 远道而来的死亡

A different view 不同的视角

Blood in the air 鲜血的气息

Clever creatures 聪明的生物

Slice them apart 把他们撕成碎片

Consume and adapt 消化然后进化

Pierce and skewer 刺成一串

Strike from above 从上方发起攻击

Devour their bones 吃掉他们的骨头

I am living change 我一直在改变

Isolate and devour 孤立然后吃掉

They can"t keep up 他们无法跟上

Evolve and overcome 进化然后克服

I sense worthy prey 我感觉有价值的猎物

Position for ambush 可以设伏的位置

Sharpening my claws 正在磨我的爪子呢

They"ll never see me 他们看不到我

I will soar over them 我将掠过他们

My wings are restless 我的翅膀躁动不安

This world is delicious! 这个世界美味无穷!

They will not expect this! 他们绝对想不到会是这样!

They won"t know what hit them 他们不知道是什么攻击了他

(laughs) You"re barely worth eating!(笑)你没有什么值得吃掉的!

If I eat you, will I learn how to die 如果我吃掉你,我会懂得如何去死么?



1畏惧虚空吧 2消化然后进化 3开始收割了 4这个世界美味无穷 5正在磨我的爪子呢 6我的翅膀焦躁不安 7改变就是好事 .8改变就是好事 望采纳!!



* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
http://w*.cnw*.com/thread-153797-1-1.html 倒数第七个,如果是给个采纳




国外绘本推荐《The void》:如果你的内心感到空洞,你应该看看这本书

你们生活中一定有这样的时刻—— 觉得所做的一切都没有意义; 内心空荡荡,无论走到哪里、和谁在一起、吃什么都只是无聊和乏味; 无论做什么事,都不能使我们发自内心地快乐…… 这种感觉让我想到一个流行词——“空心病”。 虽然我并不赞成那是一种病,却注意到有很多孩子也正在经历这样的阶段。 他们情绪低落、很难有兴高采烈的时候; 兴趣减退,玩什么都提不起劲…… 还会说出 “生活没意思”“我很无聊”“上学真没劲” 这样的话来。 如果你也曾有过这样的状态,或者你的孩子正处于这个阶段,那么我推荐你和孩子一起看这本书。 封面上的这个洞采用镂空设计,一开始就悄咪咪告诉你小女孩有一个大空洞。 在书中,作者用孩子的方式和我们探讨了一系列关于空洞的感受,以及如何和这个我们注定摆脱不掉的空洞感友好相处…… 看到最后,你会发现,其实内心的空洞藏有巨大的精神力量,找到它你就可以脱胎换骨。 出于对作者智慧的感叹,我们先来介绍一下作者Anna。 Anna Llenas,著名插画家,艺术治疗学硕士,儿童作家。代表作有《The Color Monster》《If I Were a Cat》《The void》等。Anna的作品真心不多,但每一本都艳压群书,并身怀治愈功能。 《The Void》一经出版就成了国外妈妈和老师们的心头爱。 光看这些图你就知道这本书在国外有多么火了。 Anna的创作过程和创作环境也非常有趣,她喜欢收集各种各样的纸张和自然物,任何小物件都可以成为她的创作灵感与素材。 这个手工娃娃是安娜自己亲手缝制的,手巧的妈妈也可以自己做。 接下来,我们来介绍一下这本书,The void,一个大空洞。碎纸板拼贴的山丘、红顶房,交代了故事的背景 有一天,茱莉突然觉得,自己拥有的一切,莫名其妙地消失了,只留下一个空洞,巨大无比。 这个空洞有多大? 孩子会发现画面的对比,告诉你,那个空洞比我们住的两栋楼房还大。 生活中想让孩子认知实物的特征不难,如高矮胖瘦;但是如果让孩子去认识一些更加抽象的词汇,如消极、无趣、冷漠、空虚等等,就很困难了。 而Anna很天才地在《The Void》中,用一个空洞,把人的负面情绪典型化、夸张化,让人一目了然。 当内心有一个大空洞之后,会有什么样的感觉? 我们对一切毫无热情。 我们总是害怕、担忧。 我们慌张、焦虑、不满足。 心里空荡荡的人,不但感受不到旁人,也感知不到自己,不知道自己是谁,也不知道自己想成为什么样的人,所以冷漠、恐惧、焦虑。 这时候,我们会做什么? 吃甜食、暴饮暴食…… 要蛋糕、饮料、手机、电视、花……物质欲望被放大。 如果有一只猫咪,嗯,可能会让我们的感觉愉快起来。 至于为什么,可以参考Anna的另一本书《If I Were a Cat》。 如果得了第一名,能塞满内心的空洞吗? 好多糖果、玩具、堆满屋子的礼物,能填满空洞吗? 越多的物质满足,却是越多的失控。 大哭之后,茱莉开始看向内心的空洞。 当孩子一个人开始独处,开始注意到内心,自我的力量就开始觉醒。 茱莉发现了美妙的对话、美丽的颜色、悦耳的音乐…… 也许对于大多数大人来说,让孩子接触音乐美术,只因为它们看起来很优雅高档,却不知道它们本身对于孩子的内心作用,并无功利,而是让他们专注于眼、耳、心——将散轶于外部事物的眼光引回内心世界。 茱莉终于发现了内心能量的奇幻世界,她改变了对待他人的态度,也发现了别人的不一样。 她重新与世界联系在一起了。 当我们习惯关注自己的内心时,所有复杂会变得简单,所有空虚会变得充实,所有焦虑会变为平静,所有脆弱会变为强大。 茱莉内心的空洞终于越变越小。 那么,这个空洞会消失吗? Anna告诉我们,不会。 因为有了这个空洞,我们才可以自得其乐地独处,才可以自我完整,让我们找到——我们正在寻找的一切。 Anna的绘本并不适合过多的文字解释,只能用心意会, 孩子会学会听取内心的声音,大人也能学会如何更好地陪伴孩子。 看完这本书,我们内心的空洞也会被填上。 Anna作品最为标志性的,就是剪贴画风。这本书同样适合和孩子一起进行二次创作,去寻找、发现我们的内心世界。 可以问问孩子,如果他有一个洞,他想用什么去填满呢? 最后,所有花哨的推荐词汇,在这本书的内容面前都是逊色的,它值得每一个大人和孩子亲自去感受、去判断。 每个人的童年都有一本影响他至深的书。 这一本《The Void》毋庸置疑会成为孩子童年里温暖的存在。 点击购买英文原版正品图书《The void》
2023-07-14 08:23:501


2023-07-14 08:23:594

metric的《The Void》 歌词

歌曲名:The Void歌手:metric专辑:SyntheticaMetric - The VoidAll night, like a childI stayed up to proveI can keep upAll night, like a foolI stayed up to proveI can keep up with youAll nightMade a plan, it was grand, but you""re still in the voidAll nightSing along with the band, you""re losing your voiceAll nightMade a plan, it was grand, but you""re bored by choiceAll nightSing along with the band, but you""re still in the voidWhat can I say?I stayed up to proveI can keep upI stayed up to proveI can keep up with youAll nightMade a plan, it was grand, but you""re still in the voidAll nightSing along with the band, you""re losing your voiceAll nightMade a plan, it was grand, but you""re bored by choiceAll nightSing along with the band, but you""re still in the void(All night, all night)What can I say?I stayed up to proveI can keep up with youAll nightMade a plan, it was grand, but you""re still in the voidAll nightSing along with the band, you""re losing your voiceAll nightMade a plan, it was grand, but you""re bored by choiceAll nightSing along with the band, but you""re still in the voidAll nightSing along with the band, but you""re still in the void
2023-07-14 08:24:391


有可能把刷怪关了吧,这个指令是开/gamerule doMobSpawning true
2023-07-14 08:24:482

英语in the Void怎么翻译?

void是空虚的意思。相当于null。变体型变量能够存储所有系统定义的数据类型,如果把它们赋予变体型变量,则不必在这些数据类型间进行转换,Visual Basic会自动完成任何必要的转换。 进行操作时,不必过多关注变体型变量中数据的类型,但需要注意下面的问题:如果对变体型变量进行数学运算或函数运算,则变体变量必须包含某个数。如果正在连接两个字符串,则用&操作符,而不能用+操作符。除了可以像其它标准数据类型一样操作外,变体型数据类型还包含三种特定值:Empty、Null和Error。 有时需要知道是否已把一个值赋予所创建的变量。在赋值之前,变体型变量具有值Empty。值Empty是不同于零、零长度字符串或Null值的特定值。 当变体型变量包含Empty值时,可以在表达式中使用它,把它作为零或零长度字符串来处理,这要根据表达式而定。只要把任何值赋予变体型变量,Empty值就会消失,如果把关键字Empty赋予变体型变量,可以把变体型变量恢复为Empty。希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。
2023-07-14 08:24:566

请问: 这句英文怎么确切翻译? in some way as forbidding and remote as the void of outer space

in some way:某些方面;在某种程度上这里void是名词:空虚;空间;空隙,而不是取它形容词的意思the void of outer space这里要翻译为:太空的虚无,浩瀚的意思,联系前面意思是说太空的环境很恶劣 意译in some way as forbidding and remote as the void of outer space:在某种程度上如浩瀚虚无的太空一般(环境)严峻,遥远(偏僻)希望能帮到你,祝你开心,进步,^_^有问题给我留言哦
2023-07-14 08:25:231

meat puppets的《in love》 歌词

歌曲名:in love歌手:meat puppets专辑:monstersSand man walks the islandsOver corals bayWishes balanced captivePushing time awayIn love...Disappearing picturesFalling from the skySandman in the shallows askingHow"d I ever get so muchIn love...Meat PuppetsIn love...Sometimes always capturesAlways slips aroundLove is linen shroudedAnd floats like lion downIn love...THE VOIDTOUCHDOWN KINGYou almost see those little wing shoesLike a light, almost shining through the airHe"s a touchdown kingThe air is energy whenever he"s aroundWith bolts of lightning from the groundLike the wind, almost flying through the airHe"s a touchdown kingHe"s had some hard breaks on the wrong side of the lineTime and time again he"s out of timeLike the wind, almost flying through the airHe"s a touchdown kingThe air is energy whenever he"s aroundWith bolts of lightning from the groundLike a light almost shining through the airHe"s a touchdown king
2023-07-14 08:25:301

with what shall I fill the void 这句有语病吗

这个句子没有毛病,完全正确。这里是"fill...with..."结构,“用......装满......”。上句的意思是“我用什么来填满空白?”如果不这样说,就得写成这样:“What shall I fill the void with ?",从语法上来说是没毛病的,但是,疑问词作with 的宾语,尤其是waht, 更习惯于把with等介词提前。再如:In what country were you born ? 不说”What country were you born in ?"
2023-07-14 08:25:371

曾想画下天空完美复制宇宙的流动 看看永恒矗立的背后是什么歌

近日听到一首歌曲很是好听,这首歌有一句歌词是曾想画下天空完美复制宇宙的流动 看看永恒矗立的背后,那么这首歌是什么歌呢?下面就让我来给大家介绍一下曾想画下天空完美复制宇宙的流动 看看永恒矗立的背后是什么歌吧。 曾想画下天空完美复制宇宙的流动 看看永恒矗立的背后是什么歌? 这首歌是 周笔畅 演唱的 《Leap into the void》 ,以下是歌词: Leap into the void - 周笔畅 词:DBZ (Dabozz) 曲:周笔畅 制作人:DBZ (Dabozz) 混音:林梦洋 My days Can"t just be taken as my breath Can"t just be taken I"ll find my way Can"t just be real as my face I"ll find my way At the end of story I"ll find my way Home Give me another lover Build me another sculpture Get down from the ladder Into the void into the void Show me another idea I stayed too too long Babe we all suffer Leap into the void Into the void Into the void Into the void It made me love It made me cry It made me love It made me cry Can"t hide from myself Into the void Into the void Into the void All I saw was blue For my soul drowned in the pool Come lie to the moon Lie to the space And I lied to myself Gon" keep it all clean Hiding mechanic screams What do I mean or how do I change We know that everything"s changing 曾想画下天空 完美复制宇宙的流动 看看永恒矗立的背后 掂量海天交汇的错落 如果冲动是艺术 对生命的捕捉和记录 多依赖进化的进度 才看到肉眼无法观测的深度 So 自愿短路 自愿止步 考验结束 自愿短路 自愿止步 回到最初 自愿短路 自愿止步 回到最初 自愿短路 自愿止步 考验结束 Waited what comes next to me I"m right here waiting the circle after me whole enough yeah yeah yeah yeah Free enough yeah yeah yeah yeah Another phrase another episode A happy ending When we celebrate the birth And leap into the void
2023-07-14 08:25:551


2023-07-14 08:26:021

shout into the void翻译

我爱上你了,我知道这爱情就是空虚日子里的呐喊,而且这爱情的消逝是不可避免的,我们被命运主宰着,终有一天我们的付出回归于尘土,太阳会吞噬我们永远的唯一的地球。 但是,Gus,我的爱。我不能言语我有多么感激因为我们的小永恒。你用寥寥几天给了我永远,因为如此,我充满了感激。我如此爱你。
2023-07-14 08:26:111


JoJo的奇妙冒险系列中的“世界塔罗牌”是在第三部《星尘斗士》中出现的,它是由反派角色迪奥使用的强大能力,可以控制时间。世界塔罗牌的出现时间是在《星尘斗士》的第47话(动画版第23话)中,名为“强制停止的时刻(The Miasma of the Void, Cool Ice, Part 3)”。在这一话中,主角空条承太郎与反派迪奥之间的最终决战拉开帷幕,迪奥使用世界塔罗牌的能力让时间停滞了数秒钟,从而获得了短暂的优势。
2023-07-14 08:26:171

求Adam Tyler 的like a Drug的中文歌词

Boy, ya, You got it got it(男孩, 耶, 就是你是你)You got Me feelin" crazy "bout my body(你让我为我的身体感到疯狂)I, I cannot cannot stop it(我, 我无法无法停止它)You got Me movin", got Me rockin" rockin"(你让我摇摆, 让我摇滚摇滚)Make Me feel like I can make it real(让我感到像是我能够让它变成真的那样)You got Me hooked, gettin" Me on the floor(你让我上了瘾, 让我站在这舞池上)If I"m a tease and You"re the one to please, I want more(如果我是挑逗者, 而你是被愉悦的对象, 那我要更多)Make Me feel like I can make it real(让我感到像是我能够让它成真)You got Me hooked, gettin" Me on the floor(你让我上钩, 让我站在舞台上)If I"m a tease and You"re the one to please, I want more(如果我是挑逗者, 而你是被愉悦的对象, 那我要更多)Dance like I"m the only, only(就像我是唯一唯一的舞者那样的跳著舞)Like I"m the only lady, like You want Me(就像我是唯一的女性, 像你要我那样)Damn right, I have My radar on You(没错, 我的雷达已经锁定住你)So let"s get physical, I want to, want to(所以咱们舞动吧, 我就是要, 就是要)Make Me feel like I can make it real(让我感到像是我能够让它成真)You got Me hooked, gettin" Me on the floor(你让我上钩, 让我站在舞台上)If I"m a tease and You"re the one to please, I want more(如果我是挑逗者, 而你是被愉悦的对象, 那我要更多)I never had a ride, as delicate and fine(我从未曾那样的疯狂, 如此的精致和完美)You really blow My mind(你真的让我感到意外的惊喜)When we rock, when we rock(当我们摇滚, 当我们摇滚)I really wanna do, everything with you(我真的想要, 跟你一起做所有的事情)The things you make Me do, like a drug(那些你要我做的事, 如同吃了迷药)Like a drug, like a drug(如同吃了迷药, 如同吃了迷药)Like a drug, like a drug(如同吃了迷药, 如同吃了迷药)Make Me feel like I can make it real(让我感到像是我能够让它成真)You got Me hooked, gettin" Me on the floor(你让我上钩, 让我站在舞台上)If I"m a tease and You"re the one to please, I want more(如果我是挑逗者, 而你是被愉悦的对象, 那我要更多)Make Me feel like I can make it real(让我感到像是我能够让它成真)You got Me hooked, gettin" Me on the floor(你让我上钩, 让我站在舞台上)If I"m a tease and You"re the one to please, I want more(如果我是挑逗者, 而你是被愉悦的对象, 那我要更多)
2023-07-14 08:26:522

求《冰峰168小时/触及巅峰(touch the void)》

2023-07-14 08:27:002


I take form, consumer of worlds.我,世界的吞噬者。From void and shadow, I assemble.我由虚空与暗影聚合而成。Control is mine.掌控之力,是我的。Serve the void.为虚空效劳。If light cannot escape me, what hope have you?光都无法逃脱我,何况是你?Stare into the abyss.试试用你的眼睛看穿这个深渊吧。Who escapes a black hole?居然有人从黑洞里逃出来了?Released from your corporeal prison.我将你从你的肉体禁锢中解放。Welcome to the abyss.欢迎来到深渊。。。Meteor shower.流星雨!Nothing is safe once it crosses my horizon.任何出现在我视野里的生物,你们要注意安全了。I sense an emptiness inside you. Let me fill it with death.我感知到了你心中的空虚,让我用死亡帮你把那空虚填满吧。
2023-07-14 08:27:261


游戏王MD大师决斗源数是游戏中的主流卡组之一,源数自爆卡组如何构筑?下面给大家分享一个游戏王MD大师决斗源数自爆卡组攻略对手:这源数为什么抢先手,等等这是个什么怪怎么没见过,我草他怎么就自爆了!combo效果是在对手准阶前自爆/投降,对手没法做任务,但你自爆成功了就能做自己的任务非常爽快的自爆,成功率非常高,同时做3魔法5特招2陷阱,有缘刷其他的核心卡介绍源数网络:一卡锁龙蛇抽4回3,高效滤抽(搜索关键词numeron,UR场地魔法)锁龙蛇:限一的含金量,配合源数网络滤抽(link4限1)源数之门1、2、3、4(源数网络相关卡)源数直系(源数网络相关卡,R卡魔法,numeron calling)源数之壁:检索源数网络(源数网络相关卡1星SR)惑星探查车:检索源数网络(4星地属性机械族R卡,关键词planet)星球改造:检索源数网络巨大平庸鬼:通召炸2500可致死(n卡4星恶魔族暗属性攻击力2500,是4星恶魔族最高攻击力)娱乐宝贝弹出:滤抽,同时可致死自残(R卡通常魔法,关键词1000)电子融合支援:支付一半LP无事发生不可致死(n卡速攻魔法,电子龙核相关卡)小蓝陷阱版:盲堆3张,每有一张魔陷自残1000,可致死(n卡通常陷阱,destruction of destiny,关键词1000)妖精风:破坏其他表侧魔陷,每破坏一张自残300,可致死(r卡通常陷阱,fairy wind,关键词300)幸运拳:表侧表示被破坏,自残6000可致死(n卡永续陷阱,lucky punch,关键词6000)总之是一个炸魔陷的陷阱怪:取对象炸魔陷,在墓地可以连锁陷阱跳上来(关键词1200,通常陷阱,n卡)破坏轮:一般来说轮不到它出场,你有成金哥布林/其他过牌更好万宝槌:回n抽n,滤抽用(R卡通常魔法,magical mallet,关键词draw)无之炼狱:抽1,回合结束把手牌丢光(SR通常魔法,into the void,关键词draw)上千主上的契约:抽1,自残1000,自肃发动后不能通召(SR永续魔法,Contract with Don Thousand,关键词1000)我之前不知道这张卡所以没有
2023-07-14 08:27:501


Lamento -BEYOND THE VOID-个人路线没有限制。初期全员共通,莱伊和巴尔德中期共通。---初期全员共通部分---观察被选作活祭品的猫不断涌现出喜悦的冲动不断涌现出快乐的冲动不断涌现出悲哀的冲动不断涌现出愤怒的冲动以下分歧* 莱伊 * 阿萨多 * 巴尔德 *角色3人的TRUE END和最后分歧选项的BAD END+_魔END走遍后可收全CG和回想。莱伊不由自主地看呆了「那你怎么办」莫名地愉快起来那么,就这么定了怪异的喜悦的感觉非常强烈一言不发地瞪着他总之先听他要说些什么感觉到了莱伊的气息爱欲喜悦祈祷篝火/烈火拉泽尔END---到这里为止和巴尔德共通---看着莱伊的脸买不由得将嘴唇凑了过去制止吧推开伸出的手/牵起伸出的手弗劳德END倾听那声音/无视那声音莱伊BAD ENDTRUE END阿萨多什么也不想只是呆然地注视着「那你怎么办」心情变得非常悲伤那么,就这么定了悲哀的感觉不断涌现你给我适可而止一些吧摆出一副厌恶至极的表情感觉到了阿萨多的气息爱欲喜悦祈祷篝火/烈火拉泽尔END追上他即使如此,依旧不愿放弃/已经无法挽回了阿萨多BAD END(触手)TRUE END巴尔德不由自主地看呆了「那你怎么办」莫名地愉快起来那么,就这么定了怪异的喜悦的感觉非常强烈一言不发地瞪着他总之先听他要说些什么感觉到了莱伊的气息爱欲喜悦祈祷篝火/烈火拉泽尔END---到这里为止和莱伊共通---看着巴尔德的脸果然还是很在意巴尔德把画收进怀里※选择让他看画睁开眼睛则进入TRUEEND但会少回收1张CG不睁开眼睛不相信贝尔古/相信贝尔古贝尔古END既便如此,还是不要/这样应该会比较好巴尔德BAD ENDTRUE END补充Memo☆ 路线限制应该没有什么特别的限制。咱按照莱伊(TRUE)巴尔德(TRUE)阿萨多(TRUE)的顺序来攻略。之后再开始别的CG回收。☆ 系统攻略完一个人的TRUE END可看到主选单追加的EXTRA选项。开启CG、回想 、音乐的观赏内容。在主选单的左下角追加「LINER NOTES」网页内容(※需要网络)☆ 其它CG:143张音乐:32首 回想:共计10内如如下(上行从左至右)「魅惑之花」(阿萨多柯诺尔)「**馆内」(莱伊柯诺尔)「厨房的嬉戏」(巴尔德柯诺尔)「心意相通·阿萨多」「心意相通·莱伊」(下行从左至右)「心意相通·巴尔德」「快乐的俘虏」(贝尔古柯诺尔)「喜悦的奴隶」(弗劳德柯诺尔)「愤怒的转化」(拉泽尔柯诺尔)「悲哀的终结」(触手END)占用:约1.90G
2023-07-14 08:27:571


In June 1985, two British mountaineers Joe Simpson and Simon Yates made the first-ever climb of the West Face of the 21,000 foot snow-covered Siula Grande mountain in Peru. It was an exceptionally tough assault - but nothing compared to what was to come. Early in the descent, Simpson fell and smashed his right knee. Yates could have abandoned him but managed to find a way of lowering him down the mountain in a series of difficult drops blinded by snow and cold. Then Simpson fell into a crevasse and Yates eventually had no choice but to cut the rope, utterly convinced that his friend was now dead. In his subsequent book on the climb entitled "Touching The Void", Joe Simpson wrote: "As I gazed at the distant moraines, I knew that I must at least try. I would probably die out there amid those boulders. The thought didn"t alarm me. It seemed reasonable, matter-of-fact. That was how it was. I could aim for something. If I died, well, that wasn"t so surprising, but I wouldn"t have just waited for it to happen. The horror of dying no longer affected me as it had in the crevasse. I now had the chance to confront it and struggle against it. It wasn"t a bleak dark terror any more, just fact, like my broken leg and frostbitten fingers, and I couldn"t be afraid of things like that. My leg would hurt when I fell and when I couldn"t get up I would die." The survival of Yates himself was extraordinary. That Simpson somehow found a way of climbing out of the crevasse after 12 hours and then literally crawled and dragged himself six miles back to camp, going three days and nights without food or drink, losing three stone, and contracting ketoacidosis in the process, would be the stuff of heroic fiction if it was not so true. Indeed, six operations and two years later, he was even back climbing. All because, against all the odds, he tried ...******1985年,英国登山运动家耶茨(Simon Yates)和辛普森(Joe Simpson)前往南美秘鲁征服高达2万多英尺的安第斯山某峰。在成功登顶后下撤途中,Joe不慎跌下陡坡,摔断右腿。Simon用救生绳拉住他,在暴风雪中一起下降。但下降到3千英尺时,Joe不幸又坠空在一个冰崖动弹不得,无法将自己的重心转移开救生绳。经一段时间的努力,悬系两人生命的绳子不堪重负,随时都有同时跌下山谷的危险,温度已经降至-70℃,严寒已把两人冻僵。Simon已随绳索下降,不得以只好割断绳索,自己攀出陡壁,回到营地。Joe随着割断的绳索跌进深渊,但怀著坚强的生存意志,拖著折断的双腿爬出深渊,历经三天千辛万苦,就在Simon准备撤离时,Joe拖著伤腿出现在他的眼前…… 这是一个真实的故事。根据1988年辛普森的同名回忆录改编,采用真人采访与再现场面结合的手法,由登山亲历者Joe Simpson和Simon Yates讲述,并由演员重现当时情景。本片的情节是极其震撼人心的。这震撼不止是在耶茨割断绳索的那一刻,更在于辛普森绝地求生的毅力。这两位登山者在挑战自然极限的同时,也在挑战着自身的极限,不管是心理上还是生理上。人在绝境下究竟会爆发出多少能量?我想,这是个永远不可能被量化的东西。1985年六月,两个英国登山者Joe Simpson和Simon Yates来到秘鲁,第一次攀登海拨21,000英尺白雪覆盖的Siula Grande山西坡。上山是一趟非常艰难的旅程,但比起后来遇到的困难就只是小儿科了。在下山途中,Simpson摔断了右腿。Yates本来可以扔下Simpson,可是他没有。风雪和寒冷使他们看不清前面的路,Yates想方设法把Simpson带下山去。他们轮流把对方往下放。后来Simpson掉进了一个裂缝里,Yates没有办法,只好割断了绳子。他相信他的朋友是九死一生了。Simpson在他的书《冰峰168小时》里写道:我看着那遥远的冰碛石,我知道我必须至少要试一试。我很可能会在那些巨石中丢了性命。但是这个念头没有让我惊慌,因为它看起来很有道理并切合实际。这就是事实。我可以计划一下,如果我死了,那不足为奇,但我不能在这里等待死亡降临。对死亡的恐惧对我的影响不像在裂缝里时那么大了。我现在能面对它并努力击倒它。死亡不再是无望的阴暗的恐惧,它只是一个事实,就像我的断腿、我冻僵的手指一样的事实。我不能害怕这样的事实。如果我摔倒,我的腿会断,但是如果我不站起来,我会死。Yates自己能活下来也令人难以置信。12个小时后Simpson不知怎么想办法爬出了裂缝,拖着他自己慢慢地爬了六公里回到营地。他爬了三天三夜,没有食物没有水,体重轻了42磅,途中还感染了酮症酸中毒。如果这不是事实的话,那就是英雄式虚构小说的情节了。事实上,经过六场手术,两年后Simpson甚至又开始爬山了。一切只因为,对于种种可能发生的事,他选择了去尝试。
2023-07-14 08:28:191


楼上正解,你分多?浪费分。。官网上都有详细解释,你自己不去看,在这提问,既耗时间又得不到答案,何必呢。 建议楼主直接去官网看就可以了,找不到右上角直接输入关键字搜索即可不懂的欢迎追问
2023-07-14 08:28:306

魔兽中SS召唤的虚空行者的 所有台词 最好中英都有 国F的

召唤出来的家伙还能说话? 没见过..
2023-07-14 08:28:593


小众旅行目的地有:奥地利的穆尔塔、法国的阿尔卑斯山、克里米亚的Ai-Petri等等。1、奥地利的穆尔塔这座瞭望塔矗立在森林中,拥有朝向穆尔河岸的广阔视野。塔身是优美的双螺旋结构,灵感来自于十六世纪Graz城堡中古老的双螺旋楼梯。环绕着步行而上,体验不同层次的树林生态景观,经过168步来到相当于九层楼高的观景平台。看着云雾漫起,身体被大自然温柔笼罩。2、法国的阿尔卑斯山法国阿尔卑斯山的南针峰(Aiguille du Midi)新增了这处惊人景点:Step Into the Void(步入虚空)。顾名思义,你的脚下看起来什么都没有,除了万丈深空。3、克里米亚的Ai-PetriAi-Petri是克里米亚山脉中的高峰,这里风起云涌,一年中125天都有速度超过每小时100英里的大风在吹。而恰恰在这危险又神秘的1200米高空处,雾和尖石之间,他们建了一座看起来摇摇欲坠的绳桥。花费很多功夫,再搭载一座看起来像苏联时期的破旧缆车才可以到达山顶。让你得以在一个难以置信的地方散步,最好再偶遇一场惊人的日落。
2023-07-14 08:29:201


彩虹猫听着很卡通,实际上确实一种木马病毒。当年运行它之后,你的电脑将会非常的卡通——很多人为了尝试彩虹猫的洒脱,专门下载了这种病毒,来感受!实际上,它会有两种明显的表现:破坏硬盘mbr,这样开机后,第一眼就会看到这只彩虹猫在你屏幕中奔跑,同时你的机箱会传来熟悉的蜂鸣节奏无限占用显卡资源,导致操作系统越来越卡顿,而且造成的画面无法操作(反色/窗口无限缩小/弹出图片...)面对这种情况,真的无能为了吗?第一步:一定记住安装杀毒软件第二步:如果你有360安全助手的话,搜索急救箱,下载安装第三步:选择修复mbr,并且备份第四步:以后就有这种彩虹猫的时候,直接运行360加速球如果已经中病毒了,我们需要进入主板loop,把第四页第二项调到最高 ,并且通过使用重装装系统界面 ,打开Disk Genius ,并且你需要扫描丢失的分区 ,通过点击“恢复” ,来解决。如果是Win10的话,可以下载MBR专杀the_void ,通过点开并且查杀geometry task ,不要理会任何错误,提示成功后点击“修复MBR” ,不同点其他内容,直接点重启。注意,MBR损失,无法开机,有人可能以为要低格、重装。其实不用低格,u盘引导,修复mbr即可。
2023-07-14 08:29:531


  ~Marina And The Diamonds 的Primadonna  歌词  Primadonna Girl, Yeah   自负的女孩,呵呵  All I Ever Wanted Was The World  我曾想要这个世界    I Can"t Help That I Need It All  无法抑制的想占有一切    The Primadonna Life, The Rise And Fall    自负的生活,大起大落    You Say That I"m Kinda Difficult  你说我有点难相处     But It"s Always Someone Else"s Fault    但这不是我的错    Got You Wrapped Around My Finger, Babe    亲爱你握着我的手    You Can Count On Me To Misbehave    你可以肆意地依赖   Primadonna Girl    自负的女孩    Would You Do Anything For Me?  你会为我覆汤蹈火么?    Buy A Big Diamond Ring For Me?  会为我买个大钻戒么?     Would You Get Down On Your Knees For Me?  你愿意现在向我跪下    Pop That Pretty Question Right Now Baby  求婚吗宝贝?  Beauty Queen On A Silver Screen    银幕上漂亮的女王     Living Life Like I"m In A Dream  就像我梦中的一样    ‘ I Know I"ve Got A Big Ego    我知道是我太自我了    I Really Don"t Know Why It"s Such A Big Deal, Though    尽管这个问题是个问题,但我也不知道为什么  And I"m Sad To The Core, Core, Core    我害怕地球毁灭    Everyday Is A Chore, Chore, Chore  却每天都只是一些琐碎的事    When You Give I Want More More    我想要你给的一切    I Wanna Be Adored, Cus I"m A  我想要被崇拜,因为我是  Primadonna Girl, Yeah    自负的女孩,呵呵     All I Ever Wanted Was The World  我曾一心想要这个世界  I Can"t Help That I Need It All    我不能自已的想占有一切  The Primadonna Life,  The Rise And Fall    yousay That I"m Kinda Difficult  But It"s Always Someone Else"s Fault  Got You Wrapped Around My Finger, Babe  You Can Count On Me To Misbehave    Primadonna Girl  Fill The Void Up With Celluloid    有空就玩电影  Take A Picture, I"m With The Boys  来一张我和男孩的合影     Get What I Want Cause I Ask For It    想要什么就有什么     Not Because I"m Really That Deserving Of It  并不是因为我真的值得拥有  Living Life Like I"m In A Plane    In The Limelight I Want To Stay    我想在众人焦点里翱翔的生活    I Know I"ve Got A Big Ego    我知道我很自负    I Really Don"t Get Why It"s Such A Big Deal, Though    尽管是个大问题,但我也不知道为什么  Going Up, Going Down, Down, Down  起起浮浮    Anything, For The Crown, Crown, Crown    一切都是为了王冠冠冠冠    When The Lights Going Down, Down, Down  当灯光缓缓暗下来  I Spin Around    我会团团转    Cause I"m A Primadonna Girl, Yeah    All I Ever Wanted Was The World    I Can"t Help That I Need It All     The Primadonna Life, The Rise And Fall    You Say That I"m Kinda Difficult  But It"s Always Someone Else"s Fault  Got You Wrapped Around My Finger, Babe    You Can Count On Me To Misbehave    Primadonna Girl, Yeah    All I Ever Wanted Was The  I Can"t Help That I Need It All  The Primadonna Life, The Rise And Fall  You Say That I"m Kinda Difficult    But It"s Always Someone Else"s Fault    Got You Wrapped Around My Finger, Babe  You Can Count On Me To Misbehave
2023-07-14 08:30:001


2023-07-14 08:30:103


2023-07-14 08:30:331

泰戈尔 园丁集 赏析

2023-07-14 08:30:435


My DocumentsStarCraft IISaves
2023-07-14 08:31:017


2023-07-14 08:31:288

with the void full powers什么意思

with the void full powers 拥有全部权力; 重点词汇: void 空间 ; 空白 ; 真空 ; 空虚 ; 缺乏 ; 没有 ; full powers 全权书,全权代表书; powers n.控制力;影响力;操纵力;统治;政权;能力;机会 v.驱动,推动(机器或车辆);(使)迅猛移动,快速前进 扩展资料   Below him was nothing but a black void.   他下面只是一片漆黑。   The sky was void of stars.   天空没有一颗星星。   The agreement was declared void.   该协议已宣布无效。   The agreement was declared void ab initio.   此协议自一开始就被宣布无效。   The drug may affect your powers of concentration.   这种药可能会影响你的注意力集中。
2023-07-14 08:32:231

I Am The Void 歌词

歌曲名:I Am The Void歌手:Dark Tranquillity专辑:We Are the VoidI am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.Im crying.Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob.Mister City Policeman sittingPretty little policemen in a row.See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, see how they run.Im crying, Im crying.Im crying, Im crying.Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dogs eye.Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob.Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun.If the sun dont come, you get a tanFrom standing in the English rain.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob ggoo goo gjoob.Expert textpert choking smokers,Dont you thing the joker laughs at you?See how they smile like pigs in a sty,See how they snied.Im crying.Semolina pilchard, climbing up the Eiffel Tower.Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Alan Poe.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob ggoo goo gjoob.
2023-07-14 08:32:301

Into The Void 歌词

歌曲名:Into The Void歌手:Kiss专辑:Alive: The Millennium Concert (2000)「この雨が病んだら」不眠症の神父 仕込まれた猿失った记忆と 干涸びちまった天使らの声连れてってくれないか 生温い君の宇宙の中へ引き裂いてくれないか 不完全なままの2人はinto the voidいま揺れてるんだ こうやってただ揺れてるんだ 彷徨って完全になんてなれなくてそれ以外何も无いなんて「into the void」作词∶木下理树作曲∶木下理树歌∶ART-SCHOOL伤口を缝ったんだ 防波堤 近くで 拾った针で完全に憧れた 不完全なままの2人はinto the voidいま手を繋いでいるだけただ手を繋いでいるなんて完全になんてなれなくてそれ以外何も无いなんて【 おわり 】
2023-07-14 08:32:361

In Memoriam 歌词

歌曲名:In Memoriam歌手:Petras Vysniauskas&Ketsutis Lusas Duo专辑:Document - New Music From Russia (The "80s) CD4Alfred, Lord TennysonOh yet we trust that somehow goodWill be the final goal of ill,at last, far off, at last, to all,and every winter turn to spring.That nothing walks with aimless feet;that not one life shall be destroy,or cast as rubbish to the void.when god hath made the world completeohThat not a worm is cloven in vain;That not a moth with vain desireIs shrivelled in a fruitless fire,Or but subserves another"s gain.??????Behold, we know not anything;I can but trust that good shall fallAt last—far off—at last, to all,And every winter change to spring.So runs my dream: but what am I?An infant crying in the night:An infant crying for the light:And with no language but a cry.oh
2023-07-14 08:32:431

Abyss Of The Void 歌词

歌曲名:Abyss Of The Void歌手:gamma ray专辑:Land Of The FreeNow I must goI"ll wait for you to followNo turning backBut there"s a lightI"ve seen it allRiding through never fallWhen all is doneWe must be oneI will returnThe saviour is callingHe"s riding through the nightThe only, the holyReturning from the lightWe fall to the ground and we pray"Cause he"s the only oneNo demons left in this worldGamma RaySince he has wonOh hear what I say...All men comeTo see the king of the worldThe time has come for everyoneThe saviour stands for all of usNow praise the one who"ll destroyThe evil abyss of the voidHis armourStill shiningThough it"s torn from fightThe brave man, redeemerHe brought us back to lifeOh yes he didNow fall to the ground and pray"Cause he will comeNo demons left in this worldSince he has wonNow, listen to what I say...All men comeTo see the land of the freeThe time has come for everyoneThe saviour stands for all of usNow praise the one who"ll destroyThe evil abyss of the voidHis armour, still shiningThough it"s torn from fightThe brave man, he battledOn through the nightHis eyes they were gleaming like fireAnd he"s prepared he"s the oneThe young manHe raises his headUp to the landIn the sunWherever my spirit may flyUp to this heavenly fightI knowThat I will return from a missionBeyond our skies - nowSolo Dirk / KaiBridge / Chorus
2023-07-14 08:32:511

The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning 歌词

歌曲名:The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rarities & B-SidesThe Beginning Is The End Is The BeginningThe Smashing Pumpkins(translated by momo) :PSend a heartbeat toThe void that cries through youRelive the pictures that have come to passFor now we stand aloneThe world is lost and blownAnd we are flesh and blood disintegrateWith no more to hateIs it bright where you areNow the people changedDoes it make you happy you"re so strangeAnd in your darkest hourNow all secrets fadeWe can watch the world devoured in its painDelivered from the blastThe last of a line of lastsThe pale princess of a palace crackedAnd now the kingdom comesCrashing down undoneAnd I am a master of a nothing placeOf recoil and graceIs it bright where you areNow the people changedDoes it make you happy you"re so strangeAnd in your darkest hourNow all secrets fadeWe can watch the world devoured in its painTime has stopped before usThe sky cannot ignore usNo one can separate usFor we are all that is leftThe echo bounces off meThe shadow lost beside meThere"s no more need to pretendCause now I can begin againIs it bright where you areNow the people changedDoes it make you happy you"re so strangeAnd in your darkest hourNow all secrets fadeWe can watch the world devoured in its painStrangeStrangeStrange(strange)(strange)
2023-07-14 08:32:581


2023-07-14 08:33:076

the atheist christmas carol 歌词

歌名:The Atheist Christmas Carol歌手:史逸欣It"s the season of grace coming out of the voidWhere a man is saved by a voice in the distanceIt"s the season of possible miracle curesWhere hope is currency and death is not the last unknownWhere time begins to fadeAnd age is welcome homeIt"s the season of eyes meeting over the noiseAnd holding fast with sharp realizationIt"s the season of cold making warmth a divine interventionYou are safe here you know nowDon"t forget Don"t forget I loveI love I love youIt"s the season of scars and of wounds in the heartOf feeling the full weight of our burdensIt"s the season of bowing our heads in the windAnd knowing we are not alone in fearNot alone in the dark
2023-07-14 08:33:201

paradise---bruce springsteen歌词翻译

是这首吗?Bruce Springsteen - ParadiseWhere the river runs blackI take the schoolbooks from your packPlastics, wire and your kissThe breath of eternity on your lipsIn the crowded marketplaceI drift from face to faceI hold my breath and close my eyesI hold my breath and close my eyesAnd I wait for paradiseAnd I wait for paradiseThe Virginia hills have gone to brownAnother day another sun going downI visit you in another dreamI visit you in another dreamI reach and feel your hairYour small fingers in the airI brush your cheek with my fingertipsI taste the void upon your lipsAnd I wait for paradiseAnd I wait for paradiseI search for you on the other sideWhere the river runs clean and wideUp to my heart the waters riseUp to my heart the waters riseI sink `neath the water cool and clearDrifting down, I disappearI see you on the other sideI search for the peace in your eyesBut they"re as empty as paradiseThey"re as empty as paradiseI break above the wavesI feel the sun upon my face
2023-07-14 08:33:293

英文版 戴望舒 雨巷

Alone holding an oil-aperumbrellaI wander along a longSolitary lane in the rainHoping to encounterA girl like a bouquet oflilacsA girlThe color of lilacsThe fragrance of lilacsWith the worries of lilacsFeeling melancholy in the rainPlaintive and hesitatingShe wanders along the solitarylane in the rainHolding an oil-paper umbrellaJust as I doJust like me
2023-07-14 08:33:372

Arabian Nights 歌词

歌曲名:Arabian Nights歌手:Sadiq Jaafar专辑:Arabian Oud Nights Musical Voyage Across Baghdad, Istanbul & DubaiSarah Brightman - Arabian NightsPart 1: Scimatar moonMusic: Kristian DraudeDon"t you forget the echoes of timeWon"t you regret the losing of mindsIn my dreams I"m searchingAcross the desert sands for youScimatar moon is guiding me close to your sidePart 2: VoyageMusic: Carsten Heussmann, Sarah Brightman, Frank PetersonVoyage, voyageVoyage, voyageWilderness to wildernessI traveled from afarOn the soft wind of the NadqCame fragrance of AraarSplendor of a thousand suns shone glory in my pathNo love more pure and rage more fierceCould still my beating heartVoyage, voyageVoyage, voyagePart 3: PromiseMusic: Frank PetersonSoShould I return to trace the shadows of my chasesMy steps will echo there from sand to stoneI will never let my eyelids close on empty spacesMy dreams will fill the void with tales unknownKnow the mighty infinite obscures the far horizonThe whispered road I take will never bendAloneAnd will the wind return my story to its promiseOr will my story chase me to my endPart 4: HameshaMusic: Sarah Brightman, Frank Peterson... Arabic lyrics, sung by Sarah ...Part 5: AloneMusic: Peter Murray, Rachel Shaw, Frank PetersonMelodies unspokenFlowing from the lotus of my heartEnding where we startPromises unbrokenPromising a never-ending fireOf love beyond desireEnding where we start
2023-07-14 08:34:001


2023-07-14 08:34:082


2023-07-14 08:34:185


drama分别有①Lamento DRAMA VOL1~3 ②ラブラブ ラメント学园③LAMENTO BEYOND THE VOID- Rhapsody to the past *另有lamentoPVC手办的附赠mini Drama与情人节特典、女儿节特典
2023-07-14 08:34:341


  Shakespeare said: swindlers successful, no longer make a living by telling lies, because they have been cheated people has become an advocate for him, I say anything else is wasted.  Shakespeare said: to be or not to be, that"s a question.  Shakespeare said: people can dispose of their own destiny, if we are controlled by others, and that mistake is not destiny, and in our own  Shakespeare said: good love, so that fighters relax tense mood  Shakespeare said: jealous of the hand, foot and is a lie!  Shakespeare said: God is fair, hands the fate of people always stand at the two ends of the scales, the fate of people only understand that God has given him only destiny!  Shakespeare said: strong-willed and not to argue, because they can change the truth  Shakespeare said: When the hearts were injured when honor, friendship are good medicine to cure it  Shakespeare said: You, dead.  Shakespeare said: jealous of the hand, foot and is simply a lie.  Shakespeare said: sympathy with the love, the biggest difference is that at?  King Arthur: perfect love, sad伤身Also, as the corners of their children, not that闲工夫  King Arthur: there is doubt there is truth, because truth is a shadow of doubt.  King Arthur: Woman skin deep, as Circle wearing nose up at Pig, hey ~ sorry  King Arthur: This is indeed not common people do, have, please call me Arthur  King Arthur: ah woman woman, a man"s stage, Forever you are standing outside the aperture and applause  King Arthur: I fainted when there is not very difficult to watch posture, POSE pendulum is also OK  King Arthur: a woman ah woman, looks OR choose your knowledge, both are too, both are missing, is a tragedy  King Arthur: the people are ambushed at night in the most terrible opponent  King Arthur: dazzling when to rotate, their pain of grief to other people"s grief, it can heal!  King Arthur: the truth ah truth, the closer we get to the truth more difficult to win the trust of the people are!  King Arthur: mobile phone, watches, necklaces, rings as a whole, was not accustomed to the empty chaos. What is a Friend? Friend Forever are you committed an unforgivable error at the time, still standing over there you fool!  King Arthur: really poor of the people there must be hateful, you finally succeeded in angering me.  King Arthur: Here are guavas advanced middle school, ... ... Unfortunately, I hate this ... ... low-level educators at school where guavas?  King Arthur: a group of monkeys early Teacher will Say, I can be regarded as an eye-opener.  King Arthur: This is indeed not common people do, have, please call me Arthur!  King Arthur: the people are lying in ambush at night the most horrible killers  King Arthur: a real fighter, always willing to admit their own failure  King Arthur: The wise are Forever Lonely  King Arthur: the strong are always the last to leave the battlefield  King Arthur: No! Light rain recognize me. ... ... So you know it. (Shakespeare: dressed this way, anyone know them.) ... ... No! I have such a bad disguise true吗? Look at backs are actually recognize them. (Aristotle: Yes, your poor, posing as true ... ...)  King Arthur: megalomaniac, Do you know your crying so true I find it difficult to sympathize with you, King Solomon said: "Void the Void, Void the Void, all things are void. "Wang Dadong, you Kuba! Anyway, all is vanity  King Arthur: ignorant people"s mouth, do occasionally spit out words of wisdom  King Arthur: Prince with the crime of breaking the law and the common people.  King Arthur: our family is to pay the salaries of his bodyguards, and was the way you spoil, not now.  King Arthur: the desire to bring any food to become food. Yes, This is my most praise of pizza eaten.  King Arthur: the more perfect Integrity, the more people will be facing a very affordable disaster.  King Arthur:断肠people, the recent rate increase you a lot of exposure, not afraid of the audience will look greasy吗?  King Arthur: We must pay attention to ignorant people say, because words will be useless occasionally holding treasures.  King Arthur: great love, often happened at the beginning of trivial details. This killed me, I will not agree with it.  King Arthur: the perfect love, people are weak, non-perfection of love, hurt people.  King Arthur: Revenge of things to hide behind, is usually more frightening than revenge.  King Arthur: Hide nothing has not been disclosed.  Aristotle said: mental violence, bloodshed that can not take human life.  Aristotle said: to cover up the truth of the concessions, it will only make people far away from the truth!  King Solomon said: one to blame if the smart people, strong责打ignorance such as one hundred people, the corruption of the first, proud people, Zunrong before there must be humility.  King Solomon said: At the heart Which, in which treasure.  Rabindranath Tagore: "may" ask "impossible": what place you live in? "Impossible" replied: In that dream where powerless.  Rabindranath Tagore: Juvenile bear with the situation and to avoid old bullied  Churchill said: never lost hold of now than in the hands of many  King Solomon said: The Void Void Void Void of all things are void. No nothing new under the sun, everything is catching the wind, everything is catching video.  Churchill said: would rather fight the enemy on the battlefield alone, nor alone in the face of unreasonable people.  Churchill said: the quiet before the storm is brewing at what happened next.  Mark. Twain said: the truth of late, just as suddenly hit on the head of the horseshoe, hey,痛啊!  Mark. Twain: There is no emotional kiss, just like at the pro-pork die.  Alexander the Great said: When the lead at just the sword.哭嚎heard the perpetrators are inevitable!  Bernard Shaw said: prefer to live alone the wild, and not to the foolish and obstinate people the same room.  Faust said: to betray one"s soul, you have to find the people to afford the costs.  Bible, Proverbs: You make the parents happy, so happy with you.  The Bible says: is more blessed to give than to love.  King Arthur: "Cai 10, a male voice called the name of Health has been very sad, and why also so take things too hard, people everywhere are looking for a fight ... ... clearly are boys, the drop of a hat is also stamped, looking very disgusting Ye. I do not man does not beat woman, men and women are not people, can you! ... ... hey, Miss 10, Bernard Shaw said: "would rather live alone the wild, and not to the foolish and obstinate people the same room." It makes sense, Miss 10 , I believe you do not understand, because I believe you are not reading the virtues of peace. "  Shakespeare said: to be or not to be, that"s a question.  King Arthur: The wise are Forever Lonely  Bible: Fu more than to receive  Bible, Proverbs: You make the parents happy, so happy with you.  Is that your brother Pikachu skin itch at?  120 days of Sodom, author of Prince Sade said that the lack of evil virtues of elegance, is it not more noble, not have a high quality, frankly, it is better than the virtues of soft, monotonous charm, evil is always so desirable than the United States and Germany !  Wanted to take such a thing is to stop the more you will care about more out of control.  Juvenile warrior who had to die to stop it? They can not hear. . . . . .  "Well you were the Buddha and demons inside plus ONE PIECE clown Bucky and grunt and Habib people simply paradise inside your magic fairy consort 50 charter darkness dare to deceive us both good classes guided look impatient you are to live "  Beauty riot are the best weapons  . Musashi Miyamoto: Who can stop the juvenile warrior of them die? They can not hear ~!
2023-07-14 08:34:421


2023-07-14 08:34:501


Primadonna girl" yeahAll I ever wanted was the worldI can"t help that I need it allThe primadonna lifeThe rise and fallYou say that I"m kind of difficultBut it"s always someone else"s faultGot you wrapped around my finger" babeYou can count on me to misbehavePrimadonna girlWould you do anything for me?Buy a big diamond ring for me?Would you get down on your knees for me?Pop that pretty question right now" babyBeauty queen on the silver screenLiving life like I"m in a dreamI know I"ve got a big egoI really don"t know why it"s such a big deal though(Oh!)I"m sad to the core core core(Yeah!)Everyday is a chore chore chore(Wow!)When you give" I want more more moreI wanna be adoredCause I"m a -Primadonna girl" yeahAll I ever wanted was the worldI can"t help that I need it allThe primadonna lifeThe rise and fallYou say that I"m kind of difficultBut it"s always someone else"s faultGot you wrapped around my finger" babeYou can count on me to misbehavePrimadonna girlFill the void up with celluloidTake a picture" I"m with the boysGet what I want ‘cause I ask for itNot because I"m really that deserving of itLiving life like I"m in a playIn the limelight" I want to stayYeah" I know I"ve got a big egoI really don"t know why it"s such a big deal though(Oh!)Going up" going down down down(Yeah!)Anything for the crown crown crown(Wow!)When the lights beat down down downI spin aroundCause I"m a -Primadonna girl" yeahAll I ever wanted was the worldI can"t help that I need it allThe primadonna lifeThe rise and fallYou say that I"m kind of difficultBut it"s always someone else"s faultGot you wrapped around my finger" babeYou can count on me to misbehavePrimadonna girl" yeahAll I ever wanted was the worldI can"t help that I need it allThe primadonna lifeThe rise and fallYou say that I"m kind of difficultBut it"s always someone else"s faultGot you wrapped around my finger" babeYou can count on me to misbehavePrimadonna girl
2023-07-14 08:34:571

When the Lights Are Down 歌词

歌曲:when the lights are down乐队:Kamelot风格:Power Metal年代:2005Rules without exceptions last eternallyEvery move you make creates your destinyI"ve come to soak my sorrow in halo blackAs black as the seal on my soul"cause When the lights are downThere"s no more to sayLove is the real painAn internal revolution in our mindsAnd when the lights are downYou"re so far awayTell me your real nameIn the silence of the darkness we unite[Rules without exceptions last eternallyEvery move you make creates your destiny]What can protect me from the pastAnd all the things that I have doneShe told me and then she was goneBut when the lights are downThere"s no more to sayDeep in the shadowsWhere the last of my delusions made a stand"cause When the lights are downShe"ll take me awayTell me her real nameAnd in death we"ll live the love we never hadOh come all ye faithful beneath the moon, beneath the moonInto the void as oneMarching on"cause When the lights are downThere"s no more to sayLove is the real painAn internal revolution in our minds"cause When the lights are downShe"ll take me awayTell me her real nameAnd in death we"ll live the love we never had
2023-07-14 08:35:051


2023-07-14 08:35:131

Eluveitie的《The Siege》 歌词

歌曲名:The Siege歌手:Eluveitie专辑:Helvetios群66032164:木偶Scorched earth we leftA barren land of ashOur fatherland laid wasteBe the void our fucking monumentAt a leaden dawnAt this ominous mornPila loomed on the horizonTalons of the wolverineExanimate legions formedAt the very gates of AvaricumBelieved invulnerableThis calling wallBut straight out of nowhereBefore our eyes this godsdawn bane aroseThus Avaricum burnsUnder a dead skyAvaricum drownsIn blood and demise, and demiseSiege towers emergedProtruding from the groundStanding out against the threatening skyAs if to mock all valiantnessFace to face with an eye-levelled enemySerried roman ranksEmbattled upon our holdCut off and trapped insideAs the carnage was at handAs the creak of the winches extolled our doomThe slaughter befell AvaricumDead suffused the oppidumLeft to pillage, sack and rapeAvaricum the brave became Avaricum the graveThus Avaricum burnsUnder a dead skyAvaricum drownsIn blood and demise, and demise珞珈山梦境联盟
2023-07-14 08:35:311

加勒比海盗 用英语的评价

Elizabeth, Will and the crew of the Pearl sail off the edge of the map (literally) with the help of mysterious Tia Dalma and the late Captain Barbossa who has been raised by the dead to save Captain Jack Sparrow . He has been condemned to the terrible fate of remaining in the void of Davey Jones" locker for eternity. But rescuing Jack isn"t the real meat of this movie - Lord Cutler Beckett has control of the heart of Davey Jones, and with that he controls the sea. The nine pirate lords of the world must unite for a final stand against Beckett, Jones and the East India Trade company. A dilapidated galleon heads into Port Royal, and atop it stands the proudly scurvy Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp). As it glides shoreward, the ship is taking on water and has nearly sunk by the time it reaches land — allowing Jack to step lithely, blithely and with Astaire timing from the crow"s nest onto the Port Royal dock. This little scene, reminiscent of a visual gag in a Buster Keaton silent comedy, comes at the start of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, cuing audiences to the suspense, grace and fun of the next two hours.The very notion that a fluffy summer action movie should be headed by America"s most beautiful serious actor (or seriously beautiful one) paints a flummoxed smile on the faces of Depp"s admirers. This is, after all, a film based on a Disney theme-park attraction — not a cool thrill machine like the Tower of Terror or a camp classic like Mr. Toad"s Wild Ride but the staid Pirates of the Caribbean. For this project, Depp put aside the nutsy-greatsy auteurs of his past (Tim Burton, John Waters, Terry Gilliam, Jim Jarmusch) to team up with Gore Verbinski, a director whose prime artistic achievement is the masterminding of the Budweiser frog commercials.Maybe Verbinski"s talent takes to water. Maybe he took inspiration from the cunning script by Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio; their credits include The Mask of Zorro and a lot of bright, clever animated hits (Aladdin, Antz, Shrek). But, honestly, who cares to parse the authorship? Buy a ticket, take a seat, have a ball.On the island where Jack has landed, the Governor (Jonathan Pryce) wishes his spirited daughter Elizabeth (Keira Knightley) to marry the local commodore (Jack Davenport). She has eyes for her childhood friend Will Turner (Orlando Bloom). But the island is attacked by pirates more fearsome than the larcenous Jack. The notorious Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) kidnaps Elizabeth to help break a curse on his ship, the Black Pearl. So Jack and Will forge a wary alliance. One wants the ship; the other wants the girl.You"ll notice nods to old Hollywood tales of the sea and a few jovial citations to the ride. But Pirates uses its sources more as guidelines than as actual rules. This is an original work in an antique mood. The actors and authors all have fun with the genre without making fun of it. Rather, they revive it.Each aspect of Pirates shows care and brio. An early sword fight, full of seesaws and somersaults, displays a burly, balletic grace. There"s a fine cast of supporting scoundrels, including a pirate parrot and a monkey with vampire teeth. Barbossa"s ship has a haunted grandeur and, under moonlight, a timber-shivering secret to reveal.Rush and Depp offer a congenial collision of acting styles: the one purring with assured menace, the other weirder, more daring. In a role that requires him to be both the lead and the comic relief, Depp plays the roguish coquette, sporting another of his odd British accents (as in Sleepy Hollow and From Hell). Only he could make this spiked cocktail of quirks so potent and piquant. Now Pirates could give Depp what he may never have wanted: a movie franchise. One more amazement: the movie offers a big, savory role to a woman. Elizabeth is not the plot"s pawn; she is a queen in the making. Knightley, just 19 when the film was shot, radiates a mature fire through her fresh, patrician beauty. This is one babe of summer who is allowed into the dark center of her film and knows how to illuminate it. The picture moves so swiftly in its first hour that one wonders if the energy can be sustained. But the crew has more surprises in store. The biggest one is that a theme-park movie with modest buzz turns out to be the summer"s niftiest, most buoyant action adventure.
2023-07-14 08:35:401

In The Beginning 歌词

歌曲名:In The Beginning歌手:Mike Oldfield专辑:The Songs Of Distant EarthK"naan - In the Beginning第一次制作请见谅!YEOW!!!!SO!In the beginningthere was a humfrom a poet whose pulse fellDRUM DRUM DRUM!He would perform prayers and alltill one day he heard a voice callCOME COME COME!Sus"pi"cious he movedwith vicious cautionDismisses,he thinks is a little oftenPeople get held backby the void inside "em.YO!The void said,I"m poised to speak inside you..."Rejoice then ...please let me invite you...To evil, greed and lies too."YEAH!Confused and dazedhe moved in wayshe soon became "Hakuna"BOOM BOOM BOOMA knock on his door, his heart is no moreA knock on his door, his soul is no moreYeah...That was in the beginnin"As the story goes on...So -The poet"s got a proposalhe would always hope but never knowwhat it feelsto be freeHe would be the frozenimposed as the chosen,all laws oppose himBut it would be greedThat"s got him therehe"s power-hungry,and proud tooPeople don"t care, he will just careEvil don"t care, he will just prayer...YeahThat was In the beginning..there was a hum...then things changedYeahThey say-it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkin the eyes of the youththere are question markslike freedomfreedom for the mind and soul,we don"t see themsee them for their worth at all,that"s why we lead emlead em to these warsand what is it we feed emfeed em our impuritiesand who it is we treat emtreat em like the enemyhumanity will need emneed em like the blood we spilland we"re freedomfreedom for the hearts we fillwe mislead emthey hunger for the love we givebut we cheat emthe guys beat him and all he wantsis his freedom,so they defeat him,whatever spirit he"s got"beat him"and they teach himthe rest of the world don"t need himand he believesin the disease that he"s heathenPut up your fists if all you want is freedomPut up your fists if all you want is -That was in the beginning...then things changed..yeahand we keep holdin" on,and we keep bein" strong...and we keep goin" onand on and on and on...and we keep holdin" on,and we keep bein" strong...and we keep goin" onand on and on and on...and we keep holdin" on,and we keep bein" strong...and we keep goin" onand on and on and on...and we keep holdin" on,and we keep bein" strong...and we keep goin" onand on and on and on...
2023-07-14 08:35:471